Trepang medicinal properties le page 19. Recipe for honey trepang and how to take it. Useful properties of sea cucumbers and their composition

Even the healers of ancient China were aware of the beneficial properties of trepang tincture with honey, which helped in the cure of many diseases. The extract from this inhabitant of the seas was taken by the ancient emperors as an elixir of youth, and how effective remedy to prolong life.

Modern healers are convinced that they can heal the sick who have already lost hope of recovery. In this article we will talk about this amazing animal. You will find out how trepang on honey is useful, for which diseases this remedy can help. Of course, we will talk about how to prepare medicinal formulations.

Trepang: what is it?

An invertebrate animal that lives in the Yellow, South China and Okhotsk Seas, outwardly resembling a thick, slightly flattened caterpillar. Belongs to the genus of echinoderms, the Holothurian family, reaches a length of 50 cm and a weight of up to 1.5 kg. Its body, elongated in shape, is covered with thick skin and soft growths called spicules. They protect the animal from attacks of predators at sea depths.

The trepang feeds with the help of near-mouth tentacles, with which it captures decaying remains of organic origin from the upper layer of the bottom soil. Life expectancy is about 11 years. In the second year of life, by the onset of puberty, the weight of holothurians reaches 1.2 kg, and the length is about 40 cm with a width of not more than 10 cm. Despite their fecundity, the number of trepangs in the Far East is rapidly declining. The natural enemies of these animals are some varieties of predatory fish. However, humans pose the greatest threat to trepang populations. In order to prevent their numbers from falling to a critical level, fishing is either prohibited or significantly limited in many areas.

For a long time, the meat of this invertebrate has been used as a source of nutrition, and is also used in folk medicine in medicinal purposes.

Residents of Japan and China, the islands of New Guinea and Oceania, and some Asian countries are aware of the benefits of the meat of this variety of holothurians and the healing properties of trepang with honey. They are sure that this remedy can prolong life and preserve youth. It should be said that at the end of the last century, scientists confirmed these statements by conducting numerous studies of an exotic underwater inhabitant.

The researchers were able to prove that the trepang tissue extract has biological activity. Due to this, it is used not only in traditional medicine, but also in pharmacology. It is used to produce agents that restore joint tissues, and Japanese scientists managed to isolate a substance that inhibits growth from trepang tissues. cancer cells.


Fabrics contain many useful substances:

  • riboflavin;
  • iron;
  • acids;
  • fats;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • proteins;
  • thiamine;
  • copper and others.

This composition helps to cleanse the blood of harmful impurities, regenerate cells and tissues, normalize glucose levels and blood pressure. In addition, the use of trepang meat slows down aging, promotes rejuvenation, improves performance, relieves irritability, fatigue and insomnia. It is an excellent prophylactic for many gynecological diseases, facilitates the course of tuberculosis, restores vision.

The rich vitamin and mineral composition of this product allows you to use it with reduced immunity and beriberi. It normalizes the work of internal organs, increases the body's resistance. Doctors equate trepang with medicinal properties to ginseng.

Tinctures on honey

It's amazing remedy- trepangs on honey. Reviews of people who used it to treat various diseases indicate that the healing properties of these drugs are due to the harmonious combination of products. Natural honey is known for its healing properties, and in combination with trepang, they are even more pronounced. You can also use ready-made tincture of trepang with honey. According to reviews, it is in no way inferior to the compositions prepared independently. However, traditional healers recommend to be patient and prepare a remedy with your own hands. old recipes. We bring to your attention two recipes for such a tincture from fresh meat and one from dried meat.

Using fresh sea cucumbers: recipe number 1

Cut the carcass into rings about 1 cm wide and place them in a glass or ceramic dish with a tight lid. Fill raw materials with vodka in the following ratio:

  • 1 part of trepangs;
  • 2 parts vodka.

After that, close the composition tightly with a lid and leave to infuse in a dark place for 21 days. Shake the container daily. Three weeks later, natural honey is added to the tincture in a ratio of 1: 1, and the mass is thoroughly mixed. The course of treatment is designed for a month, then it is necessary to interrupt the treatment for 10 days, after which the course can be repeated. Take this tincture once a day before lunch for a teaspoon.

Recipe number 2

Another tincture, which is prepared from fresh produce. To do this, holothurian meat is placed in a glass container and poured with natural honey (1: 1). Then the container is tightly closed and infused for a month in cool place. The composition is filtered, the finished tincture is poured into small bottles. Take a remedy, as in the previous recipe.

This is an amazing product - honey trepang. The recipes for its preparation are simple, take a little time, but, no doubt, these remedies have powerful healing properties.

Use of dry product

In Russia, trepang can be purchased frozen, canned or dried. In the latter case, it is soaked in cold water for a day and a half before use, cleaned and the insides removed.

Dry tincture recipe

Take 100 grams of dry sea ​​cucumber, which corresponds to two kilograms of fresh product, place in a container and fill with chilled boiled water. It should be changed three times a day. Water should cover the raw material. Leave it for a day to soak. Then drain the liquid, and chop the trepang as finely as possible. Add 40% alcohol to the finished raw material at the rate of 1 liter per hundred grams of the product. Place the container in a cool place, shaking it every day. After 20 days, the extract will be ready.

What treats trepang on honey

Traditional healers claim that trepang tincture can cure or improve the condition of many diseases. Here are just a few of them:

  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • diabetes;
  • avitaminosis;
  • some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • lupus erythematosus;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • mastopathy;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • impotence,
  • frigidity;
  • helminth infection;
  • BPH.

Rules for taking tincture

How to take trepang on honey? This folk remedy, prepared according to any of the recipes presented, should always be drunk before meals. It is necessary to check the body for the presence of an allergic reaction before starting treatment. To do this, take ½ teaspoon of the product and observe the reaction. If there are no signs of allergy (redness, shortness of breath, itching), treatment can begin. This applies not only to the internal, but also to the external use of compounds based on trepang.

Use of tincture

We found out what treats trepang on honey. It's time to learn how to use therapeutic compounds for various diseases.

  • Rinse the oral cavity 3-5 times a day with tincture, diluting 10 grams of the drug in 100 ml of water in case of mucosal disease, after undergoing dental operations.
  • The tincture heals purulent wounds, scratches, eliminates fungal skin lesions, and eliminates acne. Lubricate with tincture or make compresses three times a day.
  • Infected burns, psoriasis, bedsores, boils are wiped with a 10% tincture solution twice a day. With advanced skin problems, the concentration of the therapeutic composition is increased: the solution is prepared in a ratio of 1: 1 or the tincture is mixed with sea buckthorn oil in the same ratio. To enhance the effect of treatment, along with compresses, it is necessary to use the tincture inside (a teaspoon in the morning and evening).
  • Tonsillitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis and other diseases of the nasopharynx are treated with a 10% solution, which is instilled into the nose and gargled.
  • In the fight against impotence, you should take two tablespoons (tablespoons) of tincture twice a day for half an hour before meals.
  • Judging by the reviews, honey trepang is an effective remedy for the treatment of many women's diseases. Its use must be agreed with the gynecologist. A cotton swab dipped in a mixture of sea buckthorn oil and trepang tincture (1:1) is inserted into the vagina. The procedures are carried out for 10 days at night.
  • For colds, take one tablespoon (tablespoon) of trepang tincture with honey half an hour before meals twice a day.


For preventive purposes, in order to prevent a cold, to improve the general condition after serious illnesses, operations, with weakened immunity, one should take a teaspoon of tincture for 30 days half an hour before meals. Then the treatment is interrupted for 20 days, after which the course can be repeated.

Is it possible to give tincture to children


It should be borne in mind that trepang tincture with honey is an allergenic product, so its use should be excluded for people with a tendency to allergic reactions and hypersensitivity.

With extreme caution and after a mandatory consultation with a doctor, you can use this method of treatment for pregnant and lactating mothers.

The risk group includes patients with hyperthyroidism, as well as hypotension.


Trepang with honey is a special tincture made from sea molluscs, which helps to cure many diseases. The tradition of using this folk remedy came to us from Eastern medicine. Modern doctors do not deny its beneficial properties, but recommend that you first study the main contraindications.

What is trepang

The Far Eastern trepang is a mollusk belonging to the echinoderm family. Its body reaches up to 45 cm in length and 10 cm in width. On the back are needle-like processes - spicules. In the photo, the animal looks like a sea cucumber, justifying its second name. It lives in Japan, China and Russia. It is considered a valuable commercial seafood. Delicacies, healing tinctures and other medicines are prepared from trepang.

The mollusk has unique property fully recover, after damage to one of the parts. Scientists conducted an experiment by cutting it in half. After a few months, the halves functioned as separate independent organisms. This ability to regenerate explains the fact that after eating trepang, a person gets rid of many ailments.

Useful properties of trepang on honey

According to naturopathic doctors who prefer to treat diseases with natural remedies, this drug works due to its composition. It contains healing substances:

  • copper;
  • calcium;
  • zinc;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • fluorine;
  • vitamins A, C, E;
  • amino acids;
  • fats;
  • proteins.

Such a concentrate of natural biological components acts as vitamin complex. Many useful properties of trepang on honey are known. It affects the body in the following ways:

  • relieves allergic manifestations;
  • helps to strengthen immune system;
  • normalizes blood circulation;
  • restores bone tissue;
  • helps to get rid of inflammatory processes;
  • thins the blood;
  • has an antioxidant effect;
  • contributes to the improvement of vision;
  • produces a sedative effect.

Trepang contraindications on honey

Patients who want to improve their health with the help of the drug should carefully study the contraindications of trepang on honey. Both components are highly allergenic, so a doctor's consultation is required before taking it. You should not take honey with trepang:

  • lactating and pregnant women;
  • children under 15;
  • suffering from low blood pressure;
  • people with overactive thyroid.

What treats trepang on honey

The Chinese gave the name sea ginseng to the mollusc because it helps with serious illnesses. These data are confirmed by researchers who studied the composition of honey tincture and other drugs. In their opinion, trepang on honey treats from:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • allergies;
  • vision problems;
  • alcoholism;
  • beriberi;
  • digestive disorders;
  • disorders of the musculoskeletal system;
  • fractures;
  • chronic respiratory diseases;
  • hypofunction of the thyroid gland;
  • reduced potency in men;
  • malignant tumors;
  • diseases of the reproductive system in women.

In addition to specific diseases, the dosage form of an extract from a mollusk can improve the general condition of the body and act as a preventive measure. Patients note a surge of strength, removal of fatigue, women talk about reducing wrinkles and normalizing sleep. The advantage of this drug over other synthetic vitamin supplements that trepang in honey consists only of natural ingredients.

Instructions for use of trepang extract

  1. Start with a small amount of a few drops to get used to the new remedy. After 3 days, the rate increases.
  2. Drink before meals for 15-20 minutes.
  3. After a course of treatment of 30 days, take a break for a period of 1-2 weeks.
  4. For external procedures, dilute the tincture, according to the recipe, so as not to damage the mucous membrane.

The individual scheme and dosage for internal use depends on the specific disease:

  1. For diseases of the digestive, respiratory system, drink 2 times / day, 1 tablespoon or 15 ml.
  2. For sinusitis and sinusitis, instill into the nose, after diluting with water in a ratio of 1:5.
  3. To strengthen the immune system, treat nervous disorders and hypothyroidism - 2-3 times / day, 1 teaspoon.
  4. In order to restore potency in men - 3 times / day, 1 tablespoon or 15 ml.
  5. For the prevention of oncology - 2 times / day, 1 tablespoon.
  1. For myoma, colpitis and erosion of the cervix, dilute the tincture 1:5, add sea buckthorn oil, make a cotton swab and insert into the vagina for 20 minutes.
  2. For allergic rashes, boils, wounds and ulcers on the skin, a sterile dressing is applied, soaked in the composition for 15-20 minutes.
  3. For diseases of the oral cavity, rinse with tincture 2 times / day.
  4. From early gray hair, rub the tincture in pure, undiluted form 2-3 times / week.

Honey trepang recipe

The tincture is sold in pharmacies and specialized stores, but you can make it yourself at home. It is not recommended to subject the mollusk to heat treatment, it loses all useful properties. Two are known effective prescription cooking trepang with honey. The composition of the first includes dried or fresh trepang and honey. The following actions are performed:

  1. Dried soaked for about a day.
  2. The mollusk is gutted, cut across.
  3. Mixed with honey, keeping the ratio 1:1.
  4. Place in a glass container, close the lid.
  5. Cleaned in a dark cool place for 1.5-2 months.

The second recipe is tincture of trepang with honey. For her, vodka or alcohol diluted to 40 degrees, mollusk and honey are taken. Cook in the following order:

  1. Soak and prepare the sea cucumber, as in the first recipe.
  2. Place in a glass jar, pour vodka 1:2.
  3. Remove for 3-4 weeks dark place by closing the lid.
  4. Add the same amount of honey to the finished tincture.

The price of trepang on honey

In a pharmacy and special catalogs on the Internet, you can buy the drug in the form of an extract, tablets, capsules. The prices of trepang for honey are presented in the table.


Type, quantity

Price, rub)

Trepang dried

Capsules 100 pcs.


Extract 100 ml


Candles for hemorrhoids and prostatitis 10 pcs.


Liquid 1 l

Composition on honey

Thick mixture 0.5 l

How to take trepang on honey, what it heals

How to take and what helps tincture of trepang with honey.

Trepang is a unique marine animal covered with thick skin with spikes. In the people, due to its characteristic shape, it was called the sea cucumber.

It lives in the clear waters of the Yellow and Japan Seas. In their appearance, trepangs are not very attractive, and look more like worms. In oriental medicine, these animals have always been effectively used in the fight against many serious diseases. And the Chinese dynasties used tincture of trepang honey as a kind of elixir to preserve youth.

Trepang on honey is created and used to this day as an effective drug. Healing properties of trepang For medicinal purposes, trepang began to be used in the Far East as early as the 16th century. By their own healing properties it is equated with ginseng. The rejuvenating effect is achieved due to the fact that the tissues of the animal consist of the necessary set of microelements and biologically active substances.

The study of the animal showed that it never gets sick, and microbes and bacteria, getting into its body, die. With the loss of a part of its body (more than half), the trepang actively restores it and after a couple of months reaches its original size. In addition, this animal effectively purifies water.

Therefore, such an unusual representative of the animal world has long been used ethnoscience. Even the healers of ancient China used it to treat many diseases. They argued that such a remedy can bring back to life even seriously ill people who have lost hope of healing. Chinese emperors drank extract to rejuvenate and prolong life.

Medicinal properties

Trepang on honey medicine, useful and dangerous properties how to take and what treats.

Trepang is characterized by a rich composition. It contains riboflavin, amino acids, proteins, fats, minerals, biologically active substances acting at the cellular level and taking part in the synthesis of enzymes and hormones. In terms of mineral content, the sea cucumber exceeds all known living organisms.

Beneficial features trepang are comparable to the healing qualities of ginseng. In combination with honey, they are significantly enhanced.

Trepang on honey has a beneficial effect on the body:

  • improves immunity;
  • increases resistance to pathogenic microflora and adverse environmental factors;
  • activates metabolism;
  • accelerates blood circulation and enriches cells with oxygen;
  • stimulates secretory function;
  • normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • lowers the concentration of glucose and cholesterol in the blood;
  • improves intestinal peristalsis, normalizes digestion;
  • restores cardiac activity, prevents the development of diseases of the circulatory system;
  • improves kidney function and Bladder;
  • cleanses and strengthens blood vessels, restores their elasticity;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • promotes the resorption of atherosclerotic plaques;
  • prevents the occurrence of stroke and heart attack;
  • neutralizes inflammation;
  • activates brain activity and improves cognitive qualities;
  • restores vision;
  • increases energy and eliminates breakdowns in the biofield;
  • provides regeneration of bone marrow tissues;
  • accelerates bone fusion after a fracture and recovery skin after burns and injuries;
  • renews the skin;
  • increases resistance to toxic substances;
  • accelerates the removal of toxins, toxins and radionuclides;
  • treats colds;
  • prevents the formation of malignant tumors and stops their growth, prevents the formation of metastases;
  • increases tone;
  • activates rejuvenation processes;
  • increases lifespan.

For women:

  • cure inflammatory diseases of the reproductive sphere;
  • get rid of neoplasms;
  • help to lose weight;
  • increase the possibility of conception (for problems with the reproductive function);
  • ensure the regeneration of the skin;
  • will give the face freshness and natural color;
  • smoothes wrinkles and scars;
  • make the skin elastic and elastic;
  • slow down the appearance of gray hair and restore hair pigmentation.

For men:

  • increase muscle strength, endurance to physical and mental stress;
  • relieve inflammation in the genitourinary system;
  • restore erectile function;
  • improve sperm quality;
  • increase resistance to stress;
  • accelerate the recovery of the body after hard work;
  • prolong youth.

Honey trepang is desirable to use for people whose professional activity associated with harmful effects, as well as those who live in areas with a high radioactive background.

Trepang tincture on honey is used for:

  • diseases of the respiratory system chronic bronchitis, asthma, tuberculosis, emphysema);
  • malfunctions of cardio-vascular system(varicose veins, thrombosis, atherosclerosis);
  • diseases of ENT organs (rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis);
  • pathologies of the musculoskeletal system (fractures, plexitis, radiculitis, rheumatism, arthritis);
  • endocrine disorders (obesity, diabetes, malfunctions in the functioning of the thyroid gland);
  • diseases of the digestive tract (colitis, gastritis, ulcers, constipation);
  • gynecological diseases (erosion, myoma, endocervicitis, colpitis, candidiasis);
  • male problems (impotence, prostate adenoma);
  • infections (herpes, colds, flu, acute respiratory infections, SARS);
  • visual impairment (nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, color blindness, cataracts);
  • liver pathologies (hepatitis, cirrhosis);
  • diseases of the urinary system (glomerulonephritis);
  • dermatological problems (burns, frostbite, cuts, wounds, purulent and long-term non-healing wounds, trophic ulcers, bedsores, fungal diseases, carbuncles, boils, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, itchy dermatosis, herpes zoster, acne);
  • dental diseases (stomatitis, periodontal disease, periodontitis, gingivitis);
  • nervous disorders (depression, insomnia, increased irritability;
  • systemic diseases (lupus erythematosus);
  • mastitis and mastopathy;
  • beriberi;
  • helminthiasis;
  • chronic alcoholism;
  • premature aging.

Treatment with honey trepang is recommended in the postoperative period. The product will get rid of scars, ensure the resorption of adhesions and accelerate the rehabilitation of the body. With the help of trepang on honey, it is possible to renew all tissues in 2 months, correct the activity of all internal organs and completely restore the body.

What is useful tincture of trepang on honey? If the treatment is carried out in courses at short intervals, then the tincture will be able to significantly increase human immunity and develop the body's resistance to infections and viruses.

How to cook

There are several options for cooking trepang with honey:

    1. Dry trepang (100 grams) is placed in a container and covered with chilled boiled water. Leave for a day to soak. Then the water is drained, and the sea cucumber is crushed and poured with alcohol (1 liter). Put for 2-3 weeks in a dark cool place. Shake periodically. The finished tincture is mixed with honey in equal proportions.
    2. Fresh animals are cut into thin rings, put in a glass container and poured with alcohol (you can replace it with high-quality vodka) in a double volume. The product is placed for 21 days in a dark cool place. Shaken daily. The resulting extract is thoroughly mixed with honey in a ratio of 1:1.
    3. Freshly gutted trepang carcass is washed in running water and placed in a glass jar. Filled with honey. Leave for 2-3 months in a dark cool place. The finished tincture is filtered and poured into smaller containers.

If you do not have the time and desire to make a tincture, then you can purchase a finished product at a pharmacy.

How to make a tincture

Two recipes Trepang medicine in the form of tincture is not easy to find in our country, and its price is quite high. However, you can cook it yourself.

Consider two tincture recipes: with the participation of fresh and dried trepang.

Recipe one . Before cooking trepang with honey, using a living creature, soak it for some time in water, and then get rid of the insides. Rinse the carcass thoroughly and cut into small pieces. Put the ingredients in a glass container and fill to the top with honey. It takes two months to infuse the solution. The place for this should be chosen as dark and cool as possible. After the allotted time, strain the tincture through a fine sieve and pour into jars or other containers.

Second recipe trepang with honey is based on the use of dried sea delicacies. To simplify the process, they must be soaked in water for several hours. The further preparation method is no different from the above. The content of honey in such a tincture should be 50%.

Instructions for the use of tinctures for diseases and various problems

  1. Features of the use of trepang depend on the disease or on the purpose of prevention. If a person has problems with musculoskeletal system, hepatitis, metabolic disorders, tumors, he should be treated for 30 days.
  2. Tincture is consumed at the same time before meals, half an hour (5 g each), twice a day, with a break of twenty days. Then the course can be repeated.
  3. In the case of diseases of the oral cavity, it is supposed to prepare the drug (diluting it in a ratio of 1 to 10). It is enough just once a day to apply a tampon to a sore spot for about 15 minutes.
  4. Various skin lesions, its diseases, including purulent ulcers and boils, are treated with a solution (one to ten). Approximately three times apply a clean napkin pre-moistened in the preparation to the problem areas.
  5. From all kinds of respiratory diseases, as well as problems with gastrointestinal tract useful sea cucumber (or rather its tincture), which is taken twice a day for 30 days.
  6. It is advisable to use it fifteen minutes before meals, then you can take a break of twenty days. All problems associated with the throat are treated with infusion (1:10), treating its cavity (for sore throats, diseases vocal cords and tonsillitis).
  7. For sinusitis and simple inflammations, it is supposed to instill the nasal cavity twice a day (three drops each).
  8. For the treatment of female inflammatory, fungal and infectious diseases, it is recommended to treat the vagina every day (hens are up to 17 days old). Twice a day, in parallel, 5 ml of honey tincture is taken orally 30 minutes before meals.
  9. You can treat fibroids or erosion with the following mixture: combine 5 ml of trepang with water and sea buckthorn oil. Moisten a tampon and place it in the vagina before going to bed. The average course of treatment is 10 days. It is repeated after 30 days.
  10. For men, to improve sexual strength and from insomnia, as well as from nervous breakdown, it is useful to drink sea cucumber tincture with honey for 30 days, twice a day. Definitely before meals, fifteen minutes. The recommended dose is 20-40 ml.
  11. From gray hair, experts advise, in addition to special products, balms and shampoos, to use trepang tincture. It must be rubbed into the scalp, which will be pre-washed.

Application of tincture

Usually, trepang tincture is drunk daily at 5 milliliters throughout the year. After a 10-day break, if necessary, repeat the course of treatment. But, depending on the problem at hand, the method of use may change slightly.

For women. For inflammatory and infectious diseases the female genital area, the tincture is applied to cotton swabs and the walls of the vagina are treated with it. Repeat the procedure every day for 1-2 weeks. It is also recommended to take the drug inside (twice a day, 5 milliliters 30 minutes before meals).

With myoma and erosion, the swab is abundantly moistened in a solution of water, sea buckthorn oil and trepang. At night (within 1-2 weeks) it is inserted into the vagina. After a month break, the course of therapy can be repeated.

For men. With impotence and weakening of erectile function, trepang is taken twice a day for 30 days, 20-40 milliliters a quarter of an hour before meals. After 20 days, the treatment is repeated.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal, respiratory, digestive, endocrine systems, colds. Tincture is drunk twice a day, 20-40 milliliters a quarter of an hour before meals. After a 20-day break, if necessary, the course is repeated.

For rhinitis, sinusitis or sinusitis, they are additionally instilled into the nose 2 times a day (3 drops in each nostril), and for sore throat, laryngitis and tonsillitis, they treat the throat, after diluting the tincture with water in a ratio of 1:10.

Endocrine diseases, liver diseases, chronic alcoholism. Tincture is drunk twice a day for 30-40 milliliters half an hour before a meal. The duration of the course of treatment is a month. After 30 days, therapy is resumed.

Dermatological diseases, mastitis, mastopathy. Sea cucumber tincture is diluted with ten times the volume of water. The solution is used 1-3 times a day for washing and compresses.

For bedsores, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, itchy dermatosis for compresses, the extract is diluted with sea buckthorn oil. It is also recommended to take the product inside 2 times a day.

Exposure to stress, increased irritability, insomnia. The extract is drunk 2 times a day 20 minutes before meals, 20-40 milliliters.

Gray hair. After washing, a healing tincture is rubbed into the scalp. Additionally, it is recommended to use special balms.

Helminthiasis. For a month, children are given 5 milliliters of extract daily for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.


The use of trepang on honey is contraindicated in case of:

  • individual intolerance to honey or seafood;
  • hypotension, as it lowers blood pressure;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • aged less than 15 years.

How to store?

Store the product in the dark at a temperature of -6 to +6 degrees. Optimal location for storage - the lower shelf of the refrigerator. With proper storage, trepang with honey retains its properties throughout the year. But if you open the container and break the tightness, then you must use the tincture within 5 days.

Trepang is an invertebrate animal that lives in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, Yellow and South China and resembles a flattened thick caterpillar in appearance. It comes from the genus Echinoderms, class Holothurians and can reach up to 50 cm in length and up to 1.5 kg in weight.

His body is elongated and covered with thick skin with soft growths called spicules, which protect the animal in case of attack by predators of the deep sea. Trepangs breed in the second year after birth.

Invertebrate meat has long been used for commercial purposes as a source of nutrition and treatment in folk medicine.

Trepang, or in another way holothuria, or "sea cucumber" leads a calm lifestyle and moves along the seabed all his free time. One of the amazing properties of trepang is the ability to regenerate itself.

If the holothurian is cut into several parts, then in a few months, without any food intake, each part will become a separate animal. Apart from appearance, it is also valuable for internal reserves. It contains enough vitamins and minerals to provide healing properties to the human body.

It should be noted that the content of medicinal substances exceeds even sea fish, therefore, eating has a beneficial effect on maintaining health.

Many residents of Russia have not only never eaten trepang, but are not even familiar with this word.

This animal is well known only to residents Far East and if you happen to meet it in a store or on a restaurant menu, you should immediately taste this delicacy, because it is not only tasty, but also extremely healthy.

Useful properties of trepang and for what diseases it is used

Useful properties of trepang are due to the content of magnesium, phosphorus, iodine, copper, manganese, proteins, vitamin B1, B12, B2, etc.

For the human body, the provision of such invaluable support affects the rapid regeneration of cells and tissues, the prevention of cancer, the purification of blood from harmful impurities, the normalization of glucose levels and pressure.

In addition, the use of animal meat slows down the natural aging process and promotes rejuvenation. Beneficial for mental and physical performance relieves insomnia, irritability and fatigue. Helps in preventing inflammation of the female genital organs, restores vision and facilitates the course of tuberculosis.

Due to the high vitamin-mineral complex, it is appropriate to use a marine animal with beriberi and reduced immunity. It increases the body's resistance to harmful bacteria and improves the activity of internal organs. You can enumerate a lot of the advantages of trepang, because in terms of strength therapeutic effect it is comparable to ginseng.

When listing diseases, we can distinguish such pathological disorders in which the use of animal meat will have a healing effect:

  • disorders of the musculoskeletal system;
  • normalization of peristalsis of the stomach and intestines;
  • adhesive processes;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • purulent wounds and boils;
  • burns and frostbite;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • metabolic disease;
  • visual impairment;
  • inflammatory diseases of female and male organs;
  • colitis;
  • avitaminosis;
  • bronchitis
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • chronic constipation;
  • gastritis;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • impotence;
  • tuberculosis;
  • mastopathy;
  • trichomoniasis, etc.

Trepang honey tinctures

Sea cucumber tincture with honey is an amazing combination of products. Honey, due to its healing properties, is very useful and natural product, and in the recipe with trepang it makes the healing effect on the body even more harmonious and beneficial.

Of course, you can use ready-made tincture, which are popular in China or Japan. But in this case it is better to be patient and prepare a healing remedy for folk recipes at home. Two options for preparing such a tincture:

  • From fresh marine animals.
    Stock up for cooking fresh meat trepang. How much to buy it depends only on the financial capacity of the buyer, because the pleasure is not cheap, but it's worth it. Next, you need to take and cut the fish into rings about 1 cm wide and put them in a ceramic or glass dish with the ability to tightly close it with a lid. Next, trepangs are poured with vodka in a ratio of 1: 2, where 1 is trepangs, and 2 is vodka. After these actions, the marine animal is tightly closed with a lid and infused in a dark place protected from light for 3 weeks. In this case, it is necessary to shake the infusion every day. After this time, honey is added to the tincture in a ratio of 1: 1 and everything is mixed well. The treatment course is designed for one month with a break of 10 days, after which it is repeated again. Accept medicinal tincture you need 1 time a day for 1 teaspoon before lunch.
  • Another recipe for trepangs involves the use of fresh produce. To do this, holothurians need to be placed in a glass container and poured with natural honey. Then close tightly with a lid and leave for 2 months in a dark, cool place, then carefully strain and filter. The finished tincture is poured into small jars or bottles and taken as in the previous recipe.

Trepang honey tincture is an amazing product that does not require much time to prepare, but undoubtedly has healing qualities.

As a rule, in Russia, holothuria is found in frozen or canned form. Also, trepang can be sold dried, pre-coated with dust. Before use, it is pre-soaked in cold water for a day and a half, then all the insides of the abdomen are cleaned and removed.

When cooking, it can be stewed, boiled or fried. Ready boiled animal meat can be added to soups or other dishes. A special extract is prepared from fresh trepang, which is used to treat many diseases.

Drink it 30 minutes before meals, 1 teaspoon 2 times a day. In addition, trepang hood can be processed skin rashes, furunculosis, wounds, because it has an excellent antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect.

An extract from a marine animal is also very useful for diseases of the nasopharynx. To use, you just need to bury the extract in the nose. After dental interventions, with the development of periodontal disease or to prevent the development of disorders, this extract can be used. Regular use of it rejuvenates the body and energizes for the whole day.

Trepang honey tincture is prepared from a product of two types - dried and fresh. The number of treatment courses may not be limited.

For women, treatment with trepang tincture can be not only oral, but also as a medicinal product applied to a cotton swab and lubricated with it on the mucous walls of the vagina. This tincture can be pre-mixed with sea buckthorn oil, folk treatment in this case it will be considered as complex.

Contraindications for the use of trepang tinctures

First of all, it must be taken into account that trepang is a highly allergenic product, therefore its use is limited to people with individual hypersensitivity and a tendency to allergic reactions.

Also, pregnant women and during the feeding period should be treated with extreme caution. The risk group includes children under 15 years of age, persons suffering from hyperthyroidism and hypotension.

In any case, before you start using trepang as a treatment and use according to folk recipes, you should consult a doctor in order to avoid harm to health.

Trepang- an unusual for us creature of an unattractive species that lives in the southern seas. Outwardly, it resembles worms up to 0.5 m long with dense skin covered with spikes. It is often referred to as sea cucumber. In oriental medicine, it is often used as an effective cure for many diseases. Trepang on honey is widely used in our time.

What is trepang on honey, composition

Members of the imperial family used the tincture every day in order to maintain youth and health for many years.

It contains a huge amount of useful substances:

  • vitamins A, E, group B;
  • protein;
  • iron, copper, some fluorine and calcium;
  • organic acids;
  • natural antibiotics;
  • ascorbic and folic acid;
  • disaccharides.

In nature, trepang disinfects the water around it, and during the manufacture of tincture, useful antibacterial qualities are not lost, but are fully preserved. High-quality honey only enhances the benefits of the finished marine product.

This drug improves immunity well and develops resistance to various seasonal viral diseases.

In addition, such a tool is capable of:

  • prevent the formation of oncological tumors;
  • normalize the work of the heart, blood vessels, kidneys, bladder, digestive tract;
  • increase visual acuity;
  • activate mental activity;
  • improve the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • remove accumulated harmful substances from the body;
  • have an antidepressant effect;
  • quickly heal wounds and smooth scars.

Proper use of the product heals not only internal organs and cells, but also affects appearance person. He looks younger, feels a surge of strength and vigor.

For women

Even in ancient times, women successfully used the beneficial properties of sea cucumber to treat many female diseases(including erosion of the uterus), inflammation and tumors. Taking this remedy makes it possible to conceive a child even for those who have not been able to do this for a long time.

The use of tincture is well reflected in appearance:

  • the skin becomes elastic, fresh and elastic;
  • small wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • hair and nails are strengthened.

Women who got to know gray hair early also note that the remedy helps to preserve pigmentation and improve the general condition of the curls.

For men

Representatives of the strong half of humanity also need to know about the beneficial properties of trepang. It allows you to maintain full potency for many years. Chinese emperors often used this tincture in order to be able to conceive offspring even in old age.

But the beneficial properties of trepang for men are not limited to this.

  1. Tincture allows you to remove harmful substances from the body.
  2. Relieves stress and increases resistance to it.
  3. Quickly restores strength after physical or mental overload.
  4. Prevents the occurrence and development of cardiovascular diseases, which men over 40 often suffer from.

What treats trepang on honey

The list of diseases for which you can take tincture is quite impressive:

  • hepatitis;
  • oncology;
  • impotence;
  • erosion of the uterus, fibroids;
  • hypertension;
  • colitis, pancreatitis, gastritis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • fungal infections;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • seasonal colds;
  • diabetes;
  • mastopathy;
  • herpes;
  • dental and dermatological diseases;
  • chronic alcoholism.

It is also useful for people to drink such a remedy for alcohol in the postoperative period to restore strength and resume normal functioning of the body. Knowing how to take the right tincture, you can be cured of many diseases and prevent the emergence of new ones.

Tincture is used both for the treatment of various diseases, and as their prevention.

  • It is best to drink the medicine in courses of 1 tbsp. l. 1 - 2 times a day ¼ hour before meals.
  • The duration of the course is 4 weeks, after which it is necessary to take a break for 3 weeks. Then, if necessary, the course can be repeated.

Features of admission depend on the specific disease. The hood can be used both inside and outside.

  1. For example, in the case of diseases of the oral cavity, it is enough to apply a compress from a diluted infusion of trepang to the sore spot once a day. You can simply rinse your mouth with a solution 2-3 times a day.
  2. Various skin diseases, boils, ulcers and abscesses are treated in the same way. The ratio of the solution is 1 part concentrate to 10 parts water.
  3. The use of masks and compresses is indicated for skin aging, acne, frostbite, burns, ulcers, wounds and inflammation of the musculoskeletal system.
  4. Sinusitis is treated by instillation of tincture into the nasal cavity 2 times a day, 2 drops.
  5. For the treatment of female diseases, it is recommended to use tampons soaked in a mixture of tincture with water and sea buckthorn oil.

It is very important to follow the dosage correctly. You should not increase the dose without good reasons - it can only harm, because everything should be in moderation.

Honey trepang recipe

It is not easy to find such a tincture on sale, and the price for it is too high.

But you can cook it yourself:

  1. Option one. Hold a fresh carcass in water for several hours, remove the insides and cut them into small pieces. Transfer to a jar and fill with honey. Infuse for at least 8 weeks in a dark and cool place. Then strain the solution, pour into small containers, cork and take according to the recipe.
  2. Option two. In this case, dried trepang is used. It is also soaked in water for 3-4 hours, then crushed and poured with honey. The amount of honey and sea cucumber should be equal.
  3. Option three. Sea cucumbers are cut into pieces and washed, then they are poured with alcohol in a ratio of 2 to 1. A jar of tincture is placed in a cold place for 3 weeks. Then honey is added to the resulting composition in a ratio of 1 to 1 and mixed well.

You can choose any of the options, each of them has high efficiency. But the use of a fresh carcass for the preparation of tincture still collected more positive feedback. You can store the solution in a sealed container for up to 12 months.

Trepang is a natural product that has practically no contraindications. A wide range of useful properties makes it possible to recommend it to everyone.

But still there is a short list of contraindications to its use:

  • age up to 16 years;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • hypotension;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

A medicine prepared with honey is contraindicated for people who suffer from allergic reactions to bee products. Therefore, before use, be sure to test for allergies.

The benefits of trepang are undeniable, but in order to avoid undesirable consequences, you must first consult with your doctor about the advisability of using this remedy.

Trepangs on your table

The popularity of the trepang was brought by the powerful natural aphrodisiacs contained in its meat. The growth of sexual desire and potency increase attract special attention to trepangs. The use of trepang meat in the menu contributes to the development of special intimate sensuality in partners of both sexes.

Elements and complexes of vitamins included in the composition of trepang meat perfectly protect the human body from the development of cancer, stimulate blood pressure and increase the vital functions of the human body.

Translated from Chinese, trepang is called "sea root", by analogy with the "root of life". Their tonic properties are largely similar. In addition, the meat of this animal has a piquant taste, putting it above many famous seafood delicacies.

Probably not worth considering the process pre-treatment fresh sea cucumbers, this is available only to residents of the Far Eastern southern regions. In real conditions, you can buy frozen trepang meat (gutted), dried and canned (marinated).

Both ice cream and dried trepang meat take time to cook properly.

Trepang ice cream processing

Thawed trepang carcasses are cleaned from the remnants of internal organs, washed and cut along the body. Ready-made pieces are boiled in several waters (from 4 to 5). The time of each cooking should not exceed 10 minutes.

The process ends when the water stops turning black after boiling. The resulting product is ready for further processing or frozen storage.

Processing of dry trepang

Dry trepang can be purchased at the store, but it is processed with coal, so a long soaking of up to 30 hours is required. Water during soaking is changed every 3 hours. After soaking, the cooking process is carried out similarly to the ice cream version.

Dried trepangs are thoroughly washed with cold water until coal dust is removed from the surface and the water becomes clear (before drying, trepangs are sprinkled with coal dust to protect them from sunlight, under the influence of which the trepangs deteriorate).

After that, the dishes with trepangs are put on fire. When the water boils, they are removed from the fire and left in the broth until the next day. The next day, the decoction is drained, the trepangs are washed in cold water, poured again cold water, bring to a boil, after which the broth is drained, and the trepangs are washed with cold water until they are completely cooled. Only after that the trepangs are gutted.

For gutting, the belly of the trepang (in its entire length) is cut with scissors and, prying the thumb along the middle of the back, the insides are removed, and then thoroughly washed in cold water.

After gutting, the trepangs are poured with cold water, put on fire, and when the water boils, they are removed from the fire. Trepangs remain in this decoction until the next day.

The process of boiling sea cucumbers with their subsequent washing is repeated two more times, within two days.

After boiling trepangs five times, rinse with cold water until they are cool and store in cold water with ice or in the refrigerator until use. After the final cooking, the weight of the trepang increases five times.

When boiled trepang is scalded with boiling water, it loses 20% in weight.

When in contact with fats, trepangs quickly deteriorate. This must be taken into account when storing them. The dishes in which trepangs are stored must be very clean.

Canned trepang does not require pre-cooking and can be used for further cooking according to Chinese recipes, or used as additives to various seafood salads.

Pickled trepang will perfectly replace olives in many recipes, the taste of such a replacement will only grow, and the natural aphrodisiacs of the exotic shellfish promise an exciting evening after dinner.

Pea soup with trepang

Trepangi - 100g, peas (peeled) - 30g, carrots - 15g, parsley (root) - 20g, bacon fat - 20g, herbs, salt, spices - to taste.
Trepangs are processed, boiled and cut into cubes. Vegetables and roots are also cut into cubes.

The lard is cut into cubes and sea cucumbers and vegetables are fried on it. Peas are sorted, washed, poured into the broth and boiled until soft. At the end of cooking, vegetables fried with trepangs are added to the soup, seasoned with spices and served, sprinkled with finely chopped herbs.

Solyanka fish with trepangs

Sea perch (fillet) - 100g, sea cucumbers (dried) - 15g, onion - 50g, pickled cucumbers - 40g, capers - 15g, olives - 10g, tomato paste - 15g, melted butter - 15g, sour cream - 20g, lemon - 1/10 pcs. , parsley - to taste, bay leaf - to taste, black peppercorns - to taste, salt.

Rinse the sea bass fillet, cut into slices and boil in a small amount of water with the addition of bay leaf and black peppercorns. Rinse dried sea cucumbers in warm water, pour cold water for 24-30 hours to swell (change the water several times).

Clean the prepared trepangs from the remnants of the insides and cook for 2-3 hours, then cut into slices. In a boiling broth obtained from boiling fish, put fried with fat and tomato paste onion, pickles, peeled and chopped capers, sea cucumbers, salt and cook for 5-10 minutes.

At the end of cooking, season the hodgepodge with sour cream and bring to a boil. When serving, put pieces of boiled fish, olives, a slice of lemon and finely chopped parsley on a plate.

Borscht with trepangs

Trepangi (dried) - 15g, beets - 100g, cabbage - 80g, carrots - 50g, parsley root - 20g, onion - 50g, potatoes - 80g, tomato paste - 25g, melted butter - 20g, sour cream - 20g, sugar - 5g, vinegar 3% - 5g, bay leaf - to taste, black peppercorns - to taste, parsley - to taste, salt.

Rinse dried sea cucumbers in warm water, pour cold water for 24-30 hours to swell (change water 2-3 times). Then cut along the abdomen, clean from the remnants of the insides and cook for 2-3 hours. Boiled trepangs cut into strips.

Cut beets, carrots, parsley root, onions into strips, add tomato paste, melted butter, a little water and simmer until tender. After 20-30 minutes, add white cabbage and continue to simmer.

In the boiling broth left over from cooking the trepangs, put the potatoes cut into cubes, 10-15 minutes before readiness - vegetable stew, bay leaf, black peppercorns. Season the borscht with salt, vinegar and sugar. At the end of cooking, put boiled trepangs into the borscht. When serving, add sour cream and finely chopped parsley to a plate with borscht.

Trepangs in sour cream sauce

80 g dried or 400 g boiled and frozen gutted trepang, 300 g raw pork, 50 g margarine, salt to taste, 250 g sour cream sauce, 500 g garnish.

For cooking, dry or boiled-frozen sea cucumbers are used.

Dried sea cucumber preparation: Rinse the dried sea cucumber thoroughly with cold water until the water becomes clear. Then pour cold water and soak for a day, changing the water 2-3 times.

The next day, drain the water, rinse the sea cucumber, pour cold water again, heat to a boil, remove from the stove and leave in the broth for 20 hours. After that, drain the broth, rinse the sea cucumber with cold water, cut the abdomen along its entire length with scissors and gut, then rinse again.

Preparation of boiled-frozen trepang: thaw the trepang in water (15°C) or in heated (40°C) water, take twice as much water (2 l) per 1 kg of trepang. Defrosting is complete when the sea cucumber can be cut (partial defrosting). Cut the belly of the trepang with scissors, clean it from the insides and sand and rinse.

Before cooking, scald the processed sea cucumbers (1-2 minutes) and cut into cubes.

Cut the prepared pork into a piece, too, into cubes and fry on margarine until tender. Combine fried pork and boiled sea cucumbers, salt, add sour cream sauce and bring to a boil.

Trepangov put on a dish, next - a side dish. Pour the trepangs with the sauce in which they were heated.