How to treat diabetes in Soviet times. Sugar diabetes - treatment of folk remedies. Other folk remedies that reduce the level of sugar

This disease is not a product of modern civilization, it was known even in ancient times. But we will not turn out and turn to the history of diabetes. At 19 in. During the excavations of the FVAN necropolis (cemetery), papyrus was detected, the date of which is 1500 BC. Transferred and gave an interpretation of the document Georg Ebers (1837-1898), a prominent German Egyptologist; In honor of him, as accepted, and named Papyrus. Ebers was a wonderful personality: at 33 he was already headed by the Department of Egyptology at the University of Leipzig, and later opened the Museum of Egyptian antiquities there later. Its Peru belongs not only to numerous scientific works, but also wonderful historical novels - "Ward" and others. But perhaps, his main work is to decipher the FVANAY papyrus.

In this document, first meets the name of the disease, which this article is devoted from which it is possible to conclude that Egyptian doctors three more than three years ago could distinguish her symptoms. In those distant times, the country was ruled by Tutamos W, who conquered Syria, Palestine and Kush (Sudan now). It is clear that so many victories are impossible without a powerful army, which constantly multiplied and gained strength. Many slaves, gold and jewels became the extraction of Egyptians, but in connection with the theme of our conversation, the other is important: if there are many fights, then inevitable and injured and death.

And the Tutamos sh, and his successors from the subsequent dynasties, Pharaohs were extremely interested in the development of medicine, and especially surgery: they were looking for suitable people throughout the country, they were taught, well, the work of the doctors were abuse: bloody wars were carried out almost constantly.

The cult of the dead, especially developed in ancient Egypt, the body was played with a big role, having, thus, to study the structure of the internal organs. Some doctors were engaged not only by practice, but also the theory, they described their observations, built assumptions, made conclusions. Part of their works reached us (thanks to the archaeologists and translators!), Including papyrus, where the diabetes is mentioned.

Somewhat later, already at the turn of the past and new era, Avl Cornelius Celsius, who lived in the era of the reign of Emperor Tiberius, described this disease in more detail. According to the scientist, the cause of diabetes is the inability of the internal organs to correctly digest food, and the main sign of this ailment he considered abundant urging.

History of diabetes and the contribution of healers

The term, which is called this disease and today, is introduced by the healer of Aretus. It happened from the Greek word "Diabaino", which means "pass through". What did Aretus mean, giving such a strange, at first glance, the name? And the fact that the water drinking with a rapid flow sweeps through the body of the patient, without quenching thirst, it goes out.
Here is an excerpt from the medical document that has reached us, the author of which he is: "Diabetes is suffering, more frequent in women. It dissolves both the flesh and limbs in the urine .... If you abandon the drinking liquid, the patients dries in the mouth, dries the skin, mucous, nausea, vomiting, excitement and ambulance. "

This picture, of course, does not inspire optimism to us modern peopleBut at that time it actually displaced the existing state of affairs: diabetes was considered an incurable disease.

Much attention was paid to this fear of the other antiquity doctor - Galen (130-200ST). He is not only an outstanding practitioner, but also the theorist, from Lekary Gladiatorov, who became a court doctor. Galen is written about a hundred treatises dedicated not only to general issues of medicine, but also to describe specific pathologies. In his opinion, diabetes is nothing more than "urinary diarrhea", and he saw the reason for such a position in poor kidney activities.

In the future, in other countries there were people who studied this disease and tried to explain it - many of the views of that time are very close to modern. An outstanding Arabic healer Avicenna created at 1024. An outstanding "Canon of Medical Science", which now has not lost its meaning. Here is an excerpt from it: "Diabetes is a bad ailment, often leading to a waste and dry shot. He pulls out of the body a large number of Liquids, preventing the necessary amount of moisture from water consumption. The cause of diabetes is a bad kidney state ... "

It is impossible not to note the contribution and paraceteshelce (1493-1541). From his point of view, this is the disease of the whole organism, and not some separate organ. The basis of this disease is a violation of the salt formation process, which is why the kidneys annoy and begin to work in reinforced mode.

As we can see, the history of diabetes is quite fascinating, even in those distant times and in all countries, people suffered from diabetes, and doctors could not only recognize it and distinguish from another ailment, but also to extend the life to such a patient. The main indicators are dry mouth, indomitable thirst and diabetes, weight loss - all this, in accordance with modern views, indicates type 1 diabetes.

Doctors treated diabetes in different ways, depending on the type. Thus, at 2, inherent in people aged, facilitated the state of infusions from saccharinating plants, diet, and medical fasting was also practiced. The last remedy is not welcome with modern doctors, and the first two successfully applies now. Such supportive therapy could extend the life for many years, of course, if the disease is not too late or its current is not serious.

15-20 g Flats pour 1 l of water, boil, insist 2 hours, press, cool to room temperature. Take 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals for 3-4 months. Pestlets of the fields of wilderness, which fashionably add to the okroshka or consu the salad in the salad: 2 cups of pestles finely cut, add 50 g of green onions, 20 g sowing, 40-50 g of dandelion dandelion (to remove bitterness to pre-withstand their 30 minutes in Cold Salt Water), mix, salt, fill vegetable oil or sour cream.

No less useful for patients with dyabiva dyabiva dwarm. From her young leaves prepare soup, infusion: 50 g of leaves pour 0.54 liters of boiling water, insist 2 hours, strain. Drink 1 teaspoon 3 times a day before meals. Healing properties It has nine high, in the roots and roots of which contains insulin, providing a sugar effect. It is used for a long time.

For example, it is known that they were treated by the Russian king Mikhail Fedorovich, who suffered, as evidenced by documents, a disease, called sugar diabetes today.

IN last years He received the spread of Topinambur, from the tubers of which, almost devoid of starch with a small content of glucose, sucrose, prepare salads, dishes similar to potato, and from dried roots - a coffee drink, which also has a healing effect. Plant collection is very effective: alder leaf (0.5 glasses), nettle flowers (1 tablespoon), Lebades leaves (2 tablespoons) for 1 cup of water, mix everything and make it breed 4-5 days into the light, add a pinch of soda. Take a teaspoon 2 times a day in the morning and in the evening 30 minutes before meals, in the evening before bedtime.

Fresh juice strawberries of forestry, 4-7 spoons per day. Infusion of oats grains (100 g of grains on 3 glasses of water), 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day before meals. The infusion of the laurel sheet (10 leaves is poured with 3 glasses of steep boiling water, insist 2-3 hours, 1/2 cup 3 times a day.

Infusions possess the action:

Ginseng root, levery liquid extract. Take 20-30 drops 3 times a day before meals. Lubricants, Eleutherococcus. Take 2 ml 30 minutes before meals.

Decoction of black currant leaves, blueberries, mulberries, walnut, empty bean pods, cherry leaf (50 g of each on 3 liters of boiling water). Take 3 times a day at a glass of a glass 30 minutes before meals for 3 months.

Also knew perfectly well what diabetes was and how to treat him. Although this disease was found earlier quite rarely. Diabetes is a disease of the modern world.

So let's understand first what diabetes is?

Diabetes. A person suffers from this disease, when the pancreas does not cope with the function of isolating a substance called insulin, which contributes to the use of sugar in the body. As a result, an excessive sugar yield with urine occurs. The disease can be monitored, but so far no effective treatment has been found.

(Diabetes may be unsax and sugar. The first is associated with the defeat of the rear lobe of the pituitary gland or the hypothalamus, as a result of which the patient constantly distinguishes a large amount of urine, increase the content of blood sugar and the appearance of sugar in the urine .. The hardness with rapid weight is mostly possible in young people. . Lightweight and moderately occurs in elderly people, in this case the poor condition of the patients is more often associated with complications).

Recipes folk Medicine Applied in diabetes:

1. Aspen, Cora. Starting stage of diabetes. 1 tablespoon of dry crushed aspen bark boil 30 minutes on low heat in 2 glasses of water. Insist, shook for 2-3 hours, strain. Take 1 / 5-1 / 4 glasses 3 times a day before meals. Drink up to 3 months or more. Well helps in the initial stage of diabetes.

2. Blueberry, leaf. 1 tablespoon of dry bilberry leaves on a glass of boiling water. Insist, shutting up for 30-40 minutes, strain. Take one glass of infusion 3 times a day in chilled by small sips. It is used at the initial stage of diabetes.

3. Collection n. 1: sheet of blueberries - 1 part; Dry sash of bean pods - 1 part; Flax seeds - 1 part; Oatmeal straw - 1 part. 3 tablespoons of collecting 3 glasses of water. Boil 20 minutes, insist, shutting for 30-40 minutes, strain. Take 1/4 cup 6-8 times a day.

4. Collection n. 2: Burn roots - 1 part; Dry sash of bean pods - 1 part; Blueberry sheet - 1 part. 60 gr. Gathering insist in liter cold water 12 hours. Then to boil 5 minutes, insist, shook for 1 hour, strain. Take 3/4 glasses 5 times a day, 1 hour after meals.

5. In diabetes, the infusion of the kidneys of lilacs, which are collected in the spring during their swelling, dried in the shade. 1 tbsp. A spoon of kidneys is brewed 1 liters of boiling water. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.

6. The decoction of young shoots and leaf of blueberries: the st. Summary of grass is boiled 10 minutes on weak fire, cooled, filter. Apply with diabetes under Art. spoon 3 times a day.

7.Frees the juice of red beets drink with diabetes 1/4 cup 4 times a day.

8. From diabetes to take 3 times a day on a teaspoon of mustard seed.

10. In diabetes, fruits of barberries, elderberry flowers, rosehip, blueberry leaves. On 1/2 tablespoons on 1/2 liters of boiling water to bring to a boil, remove and leave until the morning, strain take 1 tablespoon per day, can be added to compote.

11. In diabetes, pansies, nettle, kidney birch, blueberry leaves in 20 g, dandelion root 10 g, Hypericum's grass 5 g. Mix, crush and 4 tablespoons of a mixture to brew boiling water, insist for 20 minutes, strain. Drink 3 times 1/3 cup.

12. When diabetes, a sheet of blueberries - 2 parts, the dear, the flowers of the elder, the color of the linden, St. John's wort, the leaves of nettle 1 part of all. 1 tablespoon pour a glass of water, boil 1 minute and 2 hours to insist. Drink 2-3 times a day.

13. In diabetes, mulberry leaves, beans pods, corn sprues, blueberry leaves (all equally). 1 tablespoon of a mixture on a glass of water boil 1 minute, insist 2 hours. Drink 2-3 times a day.

14. When diabetes 1/2 cup, picked up in 1 liter of boiled milk, brew. Drink 1/2 cup before meal.

15. Garlic green and ripe to eat in diabetes daily (green greater).

16. In diabetes, it is necessary to consume a large number of vegetables 3-4 times a day (cabbage, cucumbers, salad, spinach).

17. Diabetes take a concentrated dry Veronica infusion: 1 tablespoon on a glass of boiling water. Drink 1 tablespoon 30 minutes before meals.

18. In diabetes, effectively use the roots of the burdock. Roots dig in autumn or early spring and are used in cheese, fried, boiled form, add instead of potatoes in soups, pellets, cutlets, dough.

19. Cutlery spoon of crushed grass. Pour a glass of boiling water for 2 hours, strain. Take an infusion when diabetes 1 tablespoon 30 minutes before meals 3-4 times a day.

20. The grass (stem, leaves, flowers) clover is collected during flowering period, poured boiling water (1 cup on a 1 teaspoon of grass) and drink for half an hour before the meal of 1/3 cup with diabetes.

21. A good medicinal action from diabetes has chicory.

22. 15 g of beans pole pour 1 l of water and boil 2 hours. Take 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day chilled in diabetes.

23. In diabetes, boil 10 minutes a handful of lingonberries in 1 liter of water. A decoction to drink in the day.

24. 20 pieces of sliced \u200b\u200byoung leaves of walnuts or partitions from 10-12 nuts pour a glass of boiling water, boil 10 minutes, drink during diabetes during the day.

25. 10 laurel leaves pour 3 glasses of boiling water, insist 2-3 hours, take 1/2 cup 3 times a day at diabetes.

Be healthy and happy! From the witheracs with. The link is mandatory, use on health.

FROM Overlime civilization can lose with comfort. Recently, I quit an advertising leaflet in the mailbox. More precisely, a whole booklet. On the front side of young, wildly cheerful young people, holding hands and rapidly, the viewer flew towards the viewer. And the gentle playful wind Treplet is their hospital chlamydes.

This is a happy pair of diabetes patients. The booklet advertises a special devil for diabetics designed to measure blood sugar levels. A satisfied view of the patients says that they really like to sick diabetes with this dirt. The devil is really amazing. It resembles a mobile phone and is also beautiful - the screen on liquid crystals, buttons. It can be seen that external appearance The device seriously worked out the designers (manufacturers in the booklet will especially boast the design). A special, curtain case is attached to the device, it even provides a special compartment for plastic jar Papers with tests - so-called test strips. A drop of blood is applied to the test strip, after which the test strip is inserted into the device. For the extraction of blood, the cosmic view is a fixture resembling a fountain pen. It also provides for a special separation in the case of the device.

The device is indispensable for business people - analysis of the test strip from the printed blood drop takes only five seconds!

The device can contact the computer through the IR port!

The device has a memory for two hundred recent results of analyzes with time and date!

The device itself makes the calculation of the average value of the glucose level over the past two weeks!

The device has an automatic shutdown function!

Do not go, let you buy. We have never hurt with so comfort!

And one more cute detail - in each plastic cylinder with test strips, contains bright orange (for beauty) code chip to be inserted into the device every time you buy a new packaging of test strips, otherwise the devil will lie. This is done so that you buy a test strip just at the firm that is used, providing it with a constant monetary drops. Each drop of blood diabetics brings several cents profit by the company.

In addition to this wonderful device, there is still a bunch of other, similar, dozens of species of all kinds of drugs, syringes and, of course, His Majesty Insulin. Probably there is no illness of the price of diabetes. Well, unless the drugs are just as profitable: there, too, the consumer "sits on the needle" and needs a seller every day. The difference is that if the drug addict without a dose is very bad, then the diabetics without insulin will simply die. Perfect product! Buy yourself a little life!

At the same time, diabetes occurs. Every fifteen years, the number of patients doubles. Under such rates in thirty years, each second family in the world will be their patient diabetes. Not a disease - a dream!

There is nothing more profitable for incurable diseases. In the US, the treatment of diabetes is spent annually three hundred billion dollars. In Russia - a billion. Only on procurement of insulin, we are spent one hundred million dollars. The state in infinite mercy is purchased by this insulin on budget money and distributes diabetics. Each pharmaceutical manufacturer dreams of getting a piece of this guaranteed wholesale cake. Decide, who from manufacturers buy, officials from the Ministry of Health. The most terrible Ministry of Health Corruption sits on insulin. It happened, our officials were purchased from pharmaceutical companies in the insulin party at six (!) Times more expensive than the average market. You can dream about the magnitude of the "rollback" yourself. Money there go scary. Therefore, it happens, and shoot.

No one is needed by a disheveled diabetes - neither insulin manufacturers, nor sellers of miracle devices, nor the Ministry of Health. It is only necessary for the patient (and it is not always, but about it below).

Meanwhile, diabetes curable.

Actually, they knew about it even at the beginning of the last century. It was then that the Russian doctor of Zalmanov cured diabetes with hyperthermia. He put patients in very hot bath And for some time he warmed up. Through a certain number of sessions, diabetes passed. The method was based on the fact that at high temperatures in the tissues, the growth of capillaries begins. And people with a good capillary diabetes system do not happen. And on the contrary, diabetes itself destroys the capillary system.

This is natural, "says Boris Zherlygin, a sports physiologist, the author of one of the effective methods for getting rid of diabetes. - Imagine blood with high sugar content. Syrup flows, jam! In the thinnest vessels such a thickened blood, the untrained heart is not able to push the heart. Capillaries are atrophy, fabrics begin to rot. By the number of amputations of the limbs of diabetics are leading. Therefore, the first thing to do to combat diabetes is to train cardiovascular system. Then you can at least avoid complications, such as non-coming ulcers, amputation. And more - get rid of diabetes.

The big minus of the Dr. Zalmanov system was that some people with a weak cardiovascular system of hyperthermia were not kept - in its hot tubs they received a heart attack and even dying. Needed another method of recovery capillaries. Actually, he was always known to medicine - movement. Another 600 years BC Ancient Indians used physical exercises for treating diabetes.

The capillaries germinate under the influence of a certain muscle load accompanied by proper breathing- continues Gerlygin. - It is known that the load reduces blood sugar content. One hundred years ago, when there were no more drugs for diabetes, doctors recommended the patients to move more. Sick diabetes Shalyapin Colop of firewood before meal. And at the heart of my method of cure lies load. Plus a special breathing system. Plus diet. Plus work S. nervous system patient.

Herlygin himself with diabetes challenge randomly twenty years ago. Then Boris was a simple Soviet athlete. And the simple Soviet athletes loved to give insulin as doping, honestly, however, warning that on insulin doping need to be extremely careful: the overload can lead to a sharp drop of sugar in blood, coma and death. And this is somehow the conversation of Boris with its coach of flowers with insulin to diabetes. "But diabetes in the initial stage can be cured quite easily," the coach said then. - Exercise in anaerobic mode. Runners, marathonies, skiers - people with good carbohydrate exchanges - never suffer diabetes. "

On the young Boris then it made a strong impression. "Why don't you go to the Ministry of Health and do not offer this technique at least as the prevention of diabetes?" - asked Boris Coach. "I want to live not in a mental hospital," he answered.

I was struck by his eyes at that moment, he remembers Gerlygin. - They were like a broken dog.

Boris was not so careful as his coach. He fascinated by this idea, he first became a drink to read books on diabetes, then developed and tried the system exercise For its liquidation, after which he went to the Ministry of Health.

So began in his life the band, full of burdens and adventures. By that time, Zherlygin had already had a lot of cured people - the mountain of the diseases of the diseases confirmed: the system of physical exercises with diabetes can be struggling. There were experience, statistics. There were even students who picked the banner and began to successfully treat. Instead of the recognition of Gerlygin and Ko received a lot of headaches, offended, slander, sweeping letters and even waving a pistol at the nose. From a very sad outcome, they saved good connections in an organization with an impaired sign - "FSB". Even in this terrible office, people are sick with diabetes, and some of them were treated by Zherlygin. After the inclusion of some invisible drive belts, the evil people from Gerlygin and his students were behind, but also his method of treatment and prevention of diabetes did not accept the Ministry of Health. The war ended in a draw. As a result, Boris remained in the same strange niche, in which she practiced before, - the head of the physical cultural club "Farewell, Diabeet". It was allowed to him: they say, you are a physical physiologist, here and do our gymnastics, but do not go to medicine!

Listen, is it possible to cure diabetes just a simple jog run?

Simple running you can cure diabetes! But only in the initial stage. Diabetes after all has two types, two stages of development. The diabetes of the second type is the beginning of the disease. The first type is already insulin-dependent diabetes. But it can be cured! Only this work is an order of magnitude harder.

Is it possible to remove a person from insulin?

Can! Give me any person, and if he becomes cooperating with me, I will rent it from insulin! The trouble is that many of this do not want. For this you need every day for approximately one and a half hours a complex of exercises is individually selected for each person.

You know, it's easier to make an injection.

So many arguing. I had one woman from the province. I gave her a complex. And then she reports: "I am a respected person in my city and can not allow people to see me on the street doing such exercises. This is unallowable. " It is easier for her. But if a person is thinking, it will understand that it is more profitable to recover than to bother! Exercises take one hour and a half hours a day - about one twenty-fourth part of life. That is, about 6%. And diabetes of the first stage reduces life by 30% - this is WHO data. He suffered, you will not only return to yourself this third, taken away with diabetes, but also add ten years to your "laid on the staff" of life, because the exercises generally prolong life.

If a person with the first degree will not even deal with my technique, but simply run, it will reduce the necessary insulin dose of ten times. And our medicine seems to be deliberately bringing a person from the second stage of diabetes to the first - insulin-dependent. The patient is beginning to be pushed with tablets that increase the blood sugar content. Therefore, novice diabetics I forbid there is a pill. Then, depending on the state of a person, I give a load. It is clear that the surviving three infarcts show some loads, and the healthy is other. You can not just take and independently start running from diabetes. You must first consult with your doctor, and then confirm right in the grave.

And why are people in general sick diabetes?

Heat a lot and move little. What do you think, how much more is the modern city dweller oversleep compared to what is really necessary for him?

Three times at least. I somehow thought: I really die from hunger, if I eat three times less than now? No, of course! Well, we will lose weight in the extreme case. It seems to me that even if I am in a fear less, I will not die. Just fat will not.

Here you have one of the ways of preventing and treating diabetes! You know, the marathonist can run three hundred kilometers. Today, the world record of the daily run - three hundred three km. That so much an athlete is enough energy from food. Now we take the usual swim-eyed aunt - how much can it run?

Well, two hundred meters. Then dwells.

That's it. One and a half thousand times less! Do you think she eats a one and a half thousand times less athlete? Yes, almost as much or even a little more! And it is powered by less balanced and high-quality. So where does this whole energie go? In the toilet, in fat, in the destruction of the body. This supercondancy simply spreads the body! It can shoot diabetes, infarction, gout, cancer. All diseases - from non-permanent organism.

Sugar - white poison! Food - solid death! It's time to end with them.

Several groups of doctors are already working according to the method of Gerlygin, healing patients with the second (non-insulin-dependent) type of diabetes. Sometimes they have even removed from insulin patients with the first type of diabetes. True, these doctors work illegally, semi-one.

In addition to the Zherlyginsky in Russia, there are some more similar systemic developments to combat diabetes of different authors. All of them, including the methods of Gerlygin, are most appreciated for the purposes of prevention so that a healthy person does not receive a second type of diabetes, and the second type of diabetes did not move in the patient in the first. However, the Ministry of Health still prefers pills.

Alexander Nikonov

Patient M. sick diabetes 28 years. Dosage insulin 70 - 75 units per day. During the year of treatment, the daily dose of insulin is reduced to 9 - 14 units.

Patient B. 42 years old. The diagnosis is made in March in the Clinic of the Office of the President of the Russian Federation. Insulin is appointed - 14 units per day. Received for treatment to Gerlygin in April. May 18 insulin canceled.

Patient N. 51 year. Weight of 90 kg. Hereditary predisposition to diabetes - Mom hurts, grandmother. Diagnosis: second type diabetes. I began to engage in the method of Gerlygin. Normalized sugar, well-being dramatically improved. Tablets does not accept. Recently, even the beginning there is sweet.

Patient A. Boy 12 years old. Dose insulin 24 units per day. For the month of treatment, Zherlygin (from June 6 to July 10) is removed from insulin. Currently lives without insulin.

The patient is 75 years old - the vision has sharply deteriorated, the kidneys were denied, prepared for amputation, huge pressure. Now she is far in 80, reads without glasses, quits 200 times, kidney normally

25.12.2018 | Admin | No comments yet

How to treat sugar diabetes in ancient

Sugar diabetes is the most common endocrine disease, which is based on a high level of glucose in the blood. Treatment of the disease is imperative, since its symptoms significantly violate the quality of life, and even minor signs of illness with time can grow into serious complications, such as a diabetic coma, for example, jeopardizing the well-being and life of the patient. In this regard, it is important to treat on time diabetes, and this article will help armed folk methodswhich can be used at home.

Basic principles

Folk treatments are not a replacement of traditional methods of therapy used in diabetes, is a key rule that each suffering from illness should be guided. Additional home therapeutic measures are played only a supporting role, help increase the efficiency of pharmacological drugs or carry a conventional nature that for diabetics (and the other) will be very useful.

As with any other therapy, the use of such methods is accompanied by certain risks and with incorrect approach leads to the development of complications. It is especially dangerous to use folk remedies for older people, pregnant women, drugs have features of the impact and to the children's body. The appointment of medicines is within the competence of the attending physician who is trained, how to treat diabetes, select drugs and doses depending on the type and severity of the disease.

It is impossible to fully cure diabetes mellitus. But therapy has a positive effect on the pathogenetic mechanisms of the flow of the rivers, slowing down its development.

People suffering from diabetes may well feel healthy if they receive timely and adequate treatment, supplemented by the means of traditional medicine.

Treatment of diabetes mellitus, including the purpose of folk remedies prepared at home, has two main directions. The first is based on the use of methods whose goal is to reduce blood glucose levels (inefficient for type 1 diabetes). The second direction of events is aimed at the impact of the complications already arisen. High results popular treatment Displays in the presence of trophic ulcers, can be able to cure and prevent their appearance.

Treatment of unacceptable diabetes using for these goals of folk remedies has a fundamental difference, since this is a completely different disease that has other pathogenesis of development. Since there is a strong dehydration of the organism at the same time, the therapy is aimed at the correction of this violation. The blood sugar level is not as important.

Suitable for reducing blood sugar

Experience accumulated over many years allows you to distinguish many ways to effect glucose. Herbs, roots and fruits of plants The people learned to use for good. Properly prepared drugs have a significant effect on the course of the disease, especially in the initial stage. But you should not rely on them, like a magic potion, always need to observe general principles Treatment of diabetes. Focusing on feedback, we made a selection of recipes for the preparation of the most popular herbs and products used in this river.

Lemon and eggs

Treatment of diabetes mellitus made at home, becomes more accessible when simple ingredients are used, accessible to each person, such as lemon and ordinary chicken eggs. Conducted clinical observations showed that the regular use of these products reduces glycemia by 2-4 units, which is quite good. To prepare one portion of the mixture, you will need:

  • Fresh chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • Lemon juice - 50 ml.

Products are mixed immediately before use. Take half an hour before eating once a day. Medical measures to spend within a month, every 3 days arrange breaks for the 3rd day. It is worth noting that one chicken eggs can be replaced with five quail, and people suffering from ulcerative disease can be replaced by Topinamburg.

Any guide describing folk remediesapplicable from diabetes mellitus cannot miss chicory from the type. Its uniqueness in the treatment of this pathology is estimated as high as the composition of the plant includes insulin-like substances. In addition, the grass is favorable on the cardiovascular system and metabolism, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension and obesity, which are frequent hyperglycemia satellites.

The plant includes insulin-like substances

Recipe for cooking chicory against diabetes: 2 tablespoons of dried grass on 500 ml of water, bring to a boil and cook for 10-12 minutes. To give a solution for several hours to laugh, strain, can be taken. Consume 100 ml of rage daily 2-3 times a day.

Pods bean.

These valuable products contain many amino acids and microelements that go to insulin synthesis. Therefore, well-cooked folk remedies necessary for the treatment of diabetes (especially type 1), based on beans will be practically indispensable.

The infusion is prepared very simply: grams of 40-50 dried pods fall asleep into the thermos and flooded with a liter of boiling water. After 6 hours, you can already polish and use. It is enough to drink 100-120 ml of solution before eating (3 times a day).

With a shortage of time, you can make a decoction: on a liter of water - 4 tbsp. Spoons of dry pods, cook for 20-25 minutes, time to defend. The principles of use and dosage are similar to the fact that when receiving a decoction.


In diabetes mellitus, greater efficacy has preparations made with a combination of several plants. Often in the pharmacy you can meet the collection of plants containing in equal amounts of corn springs, lingonberry leaves, horsetails, beial pods. It is best to prepare infusion: in boiling water, a volume of 300 ml, pour the trees spoon, mix and leave an hour for 4, then strain. Drink at once in a volume equal to a third of a glass, 2-3 times a day.

Many people's methods for treating diabetes are based on unique healing qualities of Luke. It is capable not only to eliminate elevated blood sugar, but also saturate the body with nutrients needed for insulin synthesis. The plant in itself is useful, possesses a common action, so the bow helps both get rid of symptoms of diabetes and reduce the risk of developing general and infectious diseases. Diabetics are recommended to use such ways to use:

  • Baked onions - one thing in the morning every day.
  • Long tincture.

Onions Contains the comment necessary for insulin synthesis

4 or 5 medium bulbs are cleaned and finely crushed, flooded with cold-coated water. Such a number of plants is sufficient to prepare 2 liters of tincture (from this water volume calculation). Drink 3 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals. One-time dose - 60-75 milliliters (as the tincture is used, boiled water is poured into the container). The course of therapy from diabetes is 17 days.

  • Broth of onion.

For one liter of the brave, it will take 3 tablespoons of the following ingredients: onion juice, crushed leaves of blueberry bushes and bean pods. Cooking is needed for 20 minutes, after which it is necessary to strain the resulting solution. Use 3 times a day, for one reception 3 tablespoons of the beam.


Folk remedies are well helped with diabetes, which are cooked on the basis of garlic. The product has many nutrients that strengthen the body and reduce sugar in the bloodstream. Even in the integral form, garlic will go to diabetics benefit - doctors recommend to eat several teeth daily. You can also prepare the following drugs.

  • With red wine.

In 400 ml of red wine, approximately 50 g of garlic (average weight of one head) is added, the solution insists 2 weeks. Take on the tablespoon immediately before eating.

A small amount of juice is squeezed out of garlic - drops of 8-12, added to a glass of milk. Use half an hour before meals.

  • With prostrochy.

The head of garlic is cleaned. Such a quantity is enough for one glacking of prokobvashi. A solution should be puzzled 10-12 hours, after which it drinks into several methods.

A perennial plant that has pronounced anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties normalizes glycemia. The popular method of curing herbs is a cuff tea. The recipe for brewing is simple: 1 teaspoon on a mug of a drink (the tea is sorry, naturally, it is impossible).

Extremely efficiently folk remedy from the cuff in the occurrence of trophic disorders on the skin. The leaves of the grass are crushed and boiled for a few minutes, after which the cooled Kashitz laid out on the affected area. The compress is formed to be taken after 8 hours.


This is not only a storehouse of vitamins and trace elements, but also the valuable ingredient from which folk remedies are manufactured for the treatment of endocrine pathology, including diabetes mellitus. Great value represent partitions in nuts, the most that are usually thrown away. Preparing infusion according to the following recipe: a tablespoon of crushed partitions to pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 20-25 minutes, then strain. Always consume before meals across the tablespoon.


The product is rich in vitamins and minerals, which are necessary to maintain biochemical processes in the body during illness, use drugs and for the purpose of prevention. The folk antidiabetic agent is prepared as follows: 20 g of fresh crushed leaves boil in 200 ml of water for 15 minutes. The solution is ready for consumption inside after cooling. Drink 3 tbsp. l. 3 times a day immediately before meals. Prepare brazers and from Celery's roots, they are not inferior in their effectiveness. The principle of preparation and use is the same, with the exception of one point - boiling time to increase by another 15 minutes.

Fighting trophic ulcers with priests

Folk medicine very effectively helps to cope with trophic skin damage caused sugar diabetes. Most of the drugs are intended for local applications and has anti-inflammatory, wound-healing and antiseptic effect. Treatment by folk remedies takes a long time, but with the right approach shows a good outcome. We get rid of trophic ulcers using the selected method of those listed below:

When treating folk remedies, you need to be prepared for long treatment

  • Balsam based on juniper tar and rosehip oil.

The recipe for the preparation and the ratio of the ingredients: tar in 50 g, egg yolk, half of the teaspoon of rose rose oil. Components are mixed, after which you need to add a teaspoon of turpentine and shake. Apply on the affected areas and make an armband for 20 minutes.

  • Powder of alum.

Logging alums have a good healing effect, are especially useful in the treatment of inflated wounds at home. At 100 g, the boiling water will need a pinch of powder, the solution is mixed. Apply on affected covers with a tampon or wool.

  • Birch ash baths.

A kilogram of birch ashes should be thoroughly sifted from large particles, after which it is pouring a bucket of boiling water and stir until the solution reaches such a temperature so as not to cause burns. Bath for affected legs is carried out within 30 minutes 2 times a day. Doctors recommend after the procedure to process ulcers with calendula tincture.

  • Heat-based compress.

To prepare one compression, you will need: 100 g of starch, a quarter of a teaspoon of lemon and 50 g of boiled water. The ingredients are stirred and added in 150 ml of boiling water. Give a mixture cool, then add 2 tablespoons of dryers, another 2 hours add a teaspoon of iodine solution. Impose on the affected area after prepressing Wound surface with antiseptic. Conduct events several times a day for 7 days.

Summing up the foregoing, it can be said that the treatment facilitates the symptoms of the course of the disease, but it is impossible to get rid of diabetes mellitus with it. All tools are available to each inhabitant for cooking at home, budget and do not require high time. But therapy is not recommended to be replaced by the main drugs. Treatment of diabetes by folk methods should be complementary and fully agreed with doctors, then you can really achieve good results and facilitating the ailment. Good luck!
