Original ideas for giving with their own hands - unique master classes, arrangement tips, fresh photos of new items. Arrangement of the country area (54 photos): Registration of the local area, recreation areas, garden and gardening How to equip the country

So often you want to run away from the city bustle of the quiet situation, closer to nature and immerse yourself in your thoughts. In this desire, many helps to depart in the place where the favorite cottage is located. How to equip such a house for the most comfortable and relaxing pastime, you can learn from this article.

A country house is a cozy, warm and comfortable place, being in which, a person should feel calm and confident.

The chief council of specialists, equipping country houses, is an avoidance of duplication of the designs of the city apartment and cottages. It must be remembered that the house outside the city should not remind of everyday life and is obliged to associate with rest.

Regardless of the number of rooms and the total area of \u200b\u200bthe country house, there must be a strict division of the dwelling on the working and relaxing zones, and of course, do not forget about the place for cooking and eating food.

Especially attentive and thoughtful internal interior requires small cottage. How to equip such a small house to visually expand it to achieve this a few design trips to design interiors will help.


Soft lighting - perfect option For a country house. This type of light is more like pleasant for the eyes. To this end, you can use lamp lamps, chandeliers and lamps.

But for the working area, the type of cabinet or kitchen, the lighting should be bright. Perfect suspended lamps under kitchen cabinets or point lighting.

Registration of walls

The colors of the walls should be blond, natural. It may be wallpapers, natural matter with a print in small flower or polka dot.

For interior design of walls, a small cottage is also suitable wood lining or siding, many love to use coniferous types of wood for this purpose, distinguished by good thermal insulation properties. She also saves from the summer heat, moreover, your home will be filled with a pleasant coniferous aroma.


With accessories and decorative elements at the design of a small summer cottage, it is better not to zealous. Well played in country houses of plants, options for annual colors in pots are an ideal idea for diluting boring light monotony.

You can also dilute the bright dacha atmosphere with bright stains in the form of small accessories and decorative things like pillows, small statuettes, vases and paintings. These elements will add additional comfort and complement the stylistic design. But here the main thing is a sense of measure, too a large number of Small little things create an illusion of littering.


Many of our compatriots have a small cottage in the country site. How to equip such a house so that it is convenient and comfortable, with the help of suitable furniture, we describe below.

Having equipping a small cottage, you should refuse plastic, brilliant metal furniture, which does not cope with the task of adding comfort and expansion of space.

But the wooden and wicker furniture will give extra comfort and bring home interior To nature. But here there are also several nuances: first, the furniture should be practical, and secondly, simple. Examples can serve as a wardrobe, chest or chest. Concerning soft furniture, then the plaid made on it from the natural material will add a home atmosphere. Also, for this purpose, pillows and capes are well coped.

A small house on the plot can be made roomy and practical, but for this you need to try a little and show all your fantasy and creativity.

As for the size of furniture, the standard is usually not suitable for the interior of such premises, as it turns out to be big and occupies a lot of useful space. It is better to make it to order from the Master or to try them yourself.

Bedroom on a small cottage

Depending on the size of the bedroom house may be separate roomplaced on the veranda or on the attic, the option of the connected bedroom with the living room is also possible.

The bed in such a room should be without unnecessary areas, one-bed or half-one will fit perfectly. A good option is a loft bed (at the top - bed, bottom is a chest of drawers, a wardrobe or work area), a transformer bed, a bed-hammock or a bunk bed (especially loved by middle-aged children).

How to equip the cottage to fit there all necessary furnitureYes, and there is also a place for free movement?

A good solution is foldable and retractable furniture, such as tables, beds, chairs, which are a very large variety in retail stores, as well as on Internet sites of furniture factories.

Furniture should be as close as possible to the wall. First of all, it concerns sofas and beds that need to be placed close to the wall, while only one approach to the bedroom is left.

Even the most tiny cottage is possible to make the most accurately compatible, the main thing is to consider everything and correct the furniture.

Multifunction of furniture will also help save the area. For example, one table can serve as a written, dining and working.

The rack can be put at the same time and dishes, and decorative ornaments, and flowers.

In the closet you can store things, and worker equipment.

How to equip the kitchen at the cottage of a small size?

The first rule when placing rooms with a small area is a multifunctionality of furniture and bright shades in the interior.

As for the most kitchen headset, it should be natural, pastel or classic light shades (beige, dairy, blue, coffee, light yellow).

Often, designers are offered to use transparent or mirror facades for mounted kitchen cabinets that act suitable area expansion.

The presence of retractable, roll-out, transformer boxes, which are capable of increasing the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe room are welcomed.

Well, if kitchen table There will be retractable shelves (you can add kitchen cutlery).

The table top can also be retractable or smoothly flowing from the window sill in the table.

Also, as an option saving space, a table in the form of a bar rack, a round or folding table.

Rotary, retractable and sliding mechanisms in angular parts kitchen headset Healthy helps rational use cabinets.

Embedded technique also makes space more free.

Stylistic interior design of a small cottage

Many country real estate owners are asked about how to equip the cottage with their own hands. This can be done, but this process will take a lot of time and effort, however, it will be cheaper than the services of builders and designers.

To help in this case, you can take advantage of free tips of professional masters, view photos and read several useful articles about how to equip the cottage. Photos of such ideas and tips can be seen in this article.

If you set out the goal to equip a small cottage in one of the design styles, then you need to know which ones in the design of the internal situation are not suitable for small-sized premises.

This is primarily classic, oriental and country. These areas in the interior require large areas, and the classic is also considerable material investments.

Most. suitable option Cutting the cottage of small size is Provence style (or French village). It is characterized by muted colors, natural materials, elegant and at the same time with the simple furniture.

Such directions as minimalism or high-tech are also welcome by designers, but the choice of style design of the premises always remains for its owner.

On the river bank, our friends acquired an abandoned area of \u200b\u200bthe land, which is covered with a wilderness and irregularities, overgrown with bushes and weeds.

Arrangement of the territory

Four years of stubborn labor allowed to build a country house with all urban amenities and turn the adjacent territory in the paradise.

Domic project, his internal organization And the landscape design was performed by the hostess of the country area alone. As country cottage area It was created for relaxing in the summer, most of the land plot was reserved under green lawn and flower beds.

Only a small part of the land in the far corner behind the house was used to install greenhouses and beds for growing greenery. The bushes of currant and apple trees with plums were planted.

In order to rainy weather tracks were dry and clean, they were paved paving slabraised above the ground level. As a result, on the territory of the country area, it was possible to walk even in indoor slippers.

For the entire length of the summer cottage from the gate, a wide track is made, which ends with a canopy without walls intended for parking the car. The canopy allows not only to protect the car from precipitation and solar radiation, but also to engage in economic affairs in rainy weather.

The garage canopy of such a design is successful designer decisionSince it does not interfere with the outstand and fits well into the overall design of the country area.

Owners of the country area are very hospitable people. Relatives and friends are often coming to them. Thanks to the wide track from the gateway in the courtyard, they can accommodate up to six cars at once.

Between the fence and the wide track, the strip of the Earth is left, on which flowers are planted and spruce.

Along the opposite side of the track and green lawn, the flower bed is also equipped with flowers.

All tracks are made of sidewalk gray and red. The house from the automotive wide track is narrow.

Before entrance door The country house built a spacious open veranda overlooking the river. It has a table and chairs. After visiting the steaming on the veranda summer evenings in any weather, it is very pleasant to dinner with soft drinks and a kebab in friends.

In the country area, before the start of building a house, an economic building was built, consisting of three separate rooms with doors. Two inputs are equipped with a small overall porch with a visor. One of the rooms has a window overlooking the river. It has a bed with a bedside table for the night guests. The second room without windows and serves as a workshop, and the third thing is stored inventory and tools.

A platform covered with paving slabs for frying kebabs on the grill is provided next to the shopping house in front of the veranda. Nearby there is a place for mobile garden rocking sofa.

Flowers and flower beds

Considering the above published photos, you probably noticed that practically everyone, even on the smallest areas of land between the tracks made flower beds and flower beds. The hostess of the country area fantastically loves flowers, and ready to deal with them without tired from morning to evening, which by the way does all free time.

The pride of the hostess of the country area is a spacious green lawn. Although it has to do it often, but there is where to run barefoot kids, play games with the ball and badminton.

The low fence with the gate in the center, the country area is destructed from public territory. Before the fence, the flower bed is broken, separated from the path with wooden chocks. In addition to flowers, the Christmas trees are planted on the flower, each of which is planted in honor of one of the granddaughters and named after them. Babies will grow and watch how the ate grown with them. It will be very interesting for children.

Along the low fence from the river, the flowers of the velvets are planted. On the left side of it next to the canopy is equipped with a dense lid box for the disposal of food waste and garbage of plant origin.

Almost the entire area not occupied by a green lawn, a greenhouse and a small grill is planted with spruce and flowers.

Beautifully decorated and corners between the paths with paving slabs. Narrosko, but tasteful.

The flower garden in the form of an alpine slide decorates the edge of herbal lawn. Original composition and a harmonious combination of different colors in combination with boulders and pebbles causes admiration. In the photo view from the second floor of a country house.

The flower bed of the alpine slide is not symmetrical, and when looking at it from different sides, a completely different composition of colors opens.

And in this photo on the site of last year's alpine slide, a new, having a larger size and with another design has been created. For detailed acquaintance, I decided to present photos of plants and flowers close-up.

In the photo of a long-term, unpretentious to the soil, sun-haired lappache golden, with beautiful yellow flowers growing on the alpine slide. The plant is not afraid of frosts, and tea from the hospital has medical properties. It is beginning to bloom the laptop golden usually in the second half of summer.

And this is a chamber (thyme creeping), in the people it is called "Bogorodskaya Grav". The chamber is a very beautiful perennial plant with a noble aroma, which has about 400 species. There can be different colors. The chabret is also medicinal plant. Flowers from early June until the end of July. The chamber is great for creating alpine slides.

This flower is called a stone rose, a relative of cacti, who has nothing to do with ordinary roses, except that in form looks like the outlet, and the leaves around the edges are pink colour. Latin name SemPervivum that translated means "always alive." Unpretentious beautiful perennial plant with fleshy leaves, having a smell. Perfect for alpine slide.

Heather is an evergreamed shorter perennial (grows up to 30 years old), a shrub plant and blooms in our latitudes from July-August to deep autumn. Heather light-loving plant, and when sufficient quantity Sun flowers are saturated with color and do not fall out long. Excellent honey and bees never fly past. Flowers small, purple or pink-colored. Buckets grow up to a height of 60 cm. Heather is a national flower of Norway, since the fields of heather occupy more than half of the country area.

Jacobsen dwarf pine pine has a beautiful decorative shape and surprises with her fluffiness. The needles are not prickly and nice to them with your hands. This coniferous plant is unpretentious to the soil and grows in any conditions, loves the sun, not afraid of frosts. The height of the adult plant does not exceed 40 cm, which makes the rocky pine perfect conifer for the alpine slides.

Due to the unusual red color of the leaves, a long-term flower of Geichera is very popular among the gardeners. Garden Geikhera is the fruit of the work of American breeders. Geichera does not like direct sunlight and is better growing in the shade of other plants.

The time of flowering geimer depend on temperature ambient and illumination. Thanks to the bright red color of the leaves and beautiful colors Geichera is great in combination with other plants for creating alpine slides. Plant geihans is better in the shade of conifers or other colors so that the rays of the sun on it only at sunrise or sunset.

This is another kind coniferous plants. Unfortunately, scientific name I do not know this Christmas tree.

Siza Canadian fir Konica (Conica) from Canada. The dwarf grade grows in ten years to the height of just one meter. This is a very beautiful conifer, perfectly like ordinary fir, grows in our latitudes.

Present a lily flower, probably not needed. Lily is an oldest of famous colors, a flower of purity and indispensability. Thousands of legends are folded about lilies. Lily is considered to be a flower of kings. Everyone knows and love this beautiful flower. In the photo Lilia Canadian.

In this photo, too, lily, only bright red.

Roses are perhaps the most popular colors to express the feelings of the donant. Due to the manifold of the shades of roses buds, they are "taught" to transmit an attitude without words. Aluu a rose or a bouquet is given when expressing romantic love and passion, a presented red rose bud expresses confusion, a gentle attitude will emphasize the pale pink bouquet of roses. A dark pink bouquet taken to give as a sign of gratitude.

Astilba is an unpretentious frost-resistant perennial plant with bright red flowers. There are varieties blooming and other colors. Flowers can reach a height of 60 cm and a beautifully tower over short grass and other colors.

Pansies in the people are called a tricolor violet. These cute flowers seem to look at us. Pansies are one of the most unpretentious colors to environmental conditions, bloom from early spring and to late autumn.

The combination of flowers of petals of pansies tends to infinity. This is one of the most favorite colors of gardeners.

Cannes are exotic flowers for our latitudes. Flowers are very beautiful, and in one flower petals can be of different colors. Cannes are excellent colors to decorate the country area.

And this flower of Gotania attracted a bee, and she collects nectar. Gotanya, or Gazania, - South African flower, externally similar to the Russian chamomile. Flowers appear since July and please the eyes until the end of the season. Flower loves abundance sunlight And has an attractive look.

Goting flower has color gamut Sunlight, and therefore it is difficult to take away from it.

The landscape design of the site of the private house of the city go of the country-type - the process is no less labor-intensive, costly and creative, rather than creating the interior of the dwelling. Beautifully decorated spacious landfill or a small back courtyard, fascinating with its originality - in order to embody his ideas about the beauty of improvement outdoor territory All means are good. Even within the framework of urban private households with a small block of land, it is possible to organize not only an attractive externally, but also practical green corner. Well, on the scale of country sites, the implementation of various species landscape design It will be limited to only its own fantasy and budget for landscaping. In our extensive selection of design projects, we have tried to collect examples for every taste, wallet and stylistic preferences. We hope that you can inspire interesting designer ideas And to realize your own ideas on the organization of landscape design at the country site, a nice territory or a private yard.

Detailed Plan - Pledge of Successful Design

Before proceeding to the purchase of the necessary inventory, seedlings and finishing materials, it is important to make a clear and detailed plan for the location of all elements of the landscape design - from large buildings to the smallest bustle. After all, even the creation of the image of the site, which seems to create nature itself, requires the tireless attention of the owners. Than more and more accurately, your layout of the elements and the sequence of their occurrence on your site, the less time, forces and money you will spend on the improvement of the local area. Agree that it will be hurt to spend a lot of effort to create flower beds in the place where it will later have to lay a water supply for an artificial reservoir.

In the detailed layout of the elements of landscape design, the site must be noted:

  • buildings (gazebo, summer kitchen, canopy, veranda, summer shower, playground);
  • reservoirs or water structures (launching drainage and water pipes carried out first);
  • alpine slides, cascading structures from stones;
  • garden tracks;
  • places of planting trees and shrubs;
  • the location of flower beds and flower beds (from the type of flower beds will largely depend on the organization of the design element of the site design);
  • the fence of the local area (in some cases, the zoning of a large area is made using small fences, "living" walls, which also need to be provided in advance);
  • decorative elements;
  • lighting system and illumination of the facade of the house and the plot.

Options for performing landscape design Weight, there are styles for design with their main concepts and motifs, inside which can also be distinguished by some classification. But it can be safely argued that all the foundations of stylistic directions are just the "skeleton" of the design, to which you can add your own ideas and fantasies.

Conditionally, all options for the design of the houses can be divided into those that look like the nature itself created the image of the site, and the person could only fit into the resulting picture. It seems that perennial plants themselves have grown on surprisingly organically selected places, bushes and flowers are located around them, and small reservoirs existed in their places for many years - a person only paved the paths between these harmonious elements of the site and used the lighting system to highlight the most spectacular.

The second option is a qualitative contrast - strict symmetry, verified dimensions and shapes, clarity in the location of all elements indicating the relentless attention of the hosts to the appearance of their local area. If there is a lawn in such a plot, then it is perfectly trimmed, the garden paths are stunned by the clarity of the forms, and in the flower beds, the flowers are located in the time of flowering.

Garden paths - practicality and beauty

Garden paths are not only necessary element Landscaping for moving on the site at any time of the year, but also a way to zoning the territory, its decoration. The competent location of the tracks will help you spend the minimum amount of time and effort on moving around the site, between its main elements. Regarding which style of the design of the territory you choose than fill your household site or a small courtyard - the tracks are needed to move from home to the garage, a gate or gate, buildings (gazebo or canopy) and various elements of the landscape.

The main requirement for a garden path is the smallest distance from one element of the site to another. Sometimes, to reduce the path it is necessary to sacrifice the beauty or originality of the landscape design element of the landscape design. As for the width of the tracks, then there is a tight rule for the main top - 1-1.5 m. For small paths, leading the owners of the site to the most hidden corners of the yard - no less than half a meter.

In addition to the size, some requirements are also presented to the appearance of the tracks. These design elements of the territory should not enter into a resonance with the image of the section. Tracks must match the main selection of landscape design materials. Upon abundance of stone structures (brazing, fence, cladding of the foundation of the building or at all, the facade trim) will be logically used natural material And for the arrangement of the site with garden paths.

Conditionally, all kinds of tracks can be divided into two types - solid and not solid. The name speaks for itself. The choice of this or that type will depend on the size of the site (the length of the paths) and the role of garden tracks in its arrangement (whether they are a key element of design or execute a practical role).

By type of material execution, garden tracks can be divided into:

  • stone (plug, pebbles, blocking and not only);
  • wooden;
  • concrete;
  • brick;
  • tracks from girlfriend and building waste (from glass to used plastic covers).

Before you, an example of a garden track in the popular Steppingstones style. Elements of such a path seem to be places for installing the foot - you move along large stones or spilles logs covered in the ground. One of the practical and in this case of economical ways of designing such a track is the manufacture of concrete tiles of various shapes. Beautiful, modern and practical track can be made on their own.

Original and externally, a very attractive effect can be achieved when combining the material of the execution of garden tracks. For example, concrete plates Strictly square shapes harmoniously look at the complex with a pebble stone. No smaller effect can be achieved when combining wooden solid tracks with fine pebbles or a cloak.

Flowers and flower beds - section decoration

Flower beds and flower beds - the desired element of any landscape design. Even on the most modest in the sizes of the courtyard, you can find a place for organizing flower beds, especially since the types of these elements of landscape design mass. The flower beds differ in shape and size, location in relation to the horizon line and the choice of plants for planting. Each owner of the household plot, a country area or private courtyard will be able to find its optimal option.

Flower beds are divided into the following types:

  • regular - various plants are planted into such flower beds, blooming at a certain period of time, but are located in the form of some drawing;
  • irregular - the most popular type of flower beds that can delight the blossoms of the site and their guests the whole warm period of the year;
  • raised - differ in design features, the construction is a frame of wooden boards, stones or bricks, covered ground and the level of the horizon line level;
  • vertical ("Live" walls) - the best option for small areas of decoration of fences, walls of some buildings
  • rugs - plant landing is made so tight and in a clear order, which allows you to create a imitation of the carpet pattern;
  • monoclumba - by name it is clear that plants of the same type are located in such a flower garden.

Often on panstones And in the courtyards of private houses you can find raised flower beds. Which are not used to decorate the territory, but as an agricultural element - for growing cucumbers and tomatoes. The concept of "country cortics" for many of our compatriots has sunk in the summer, but the ability to rip fresh vegetables and greens to the table, overpowers modern trends in a landscape design.

Artificial reservoirs at the local area

Small reservoirs, fountains, ponds and home waterfalls have always been popular with both landscaped designers and their customers. If you look in the direction of the Japanese design of the gardens and parks, which became an example in many areas of this type of formula for art, then stones, plants and water should be present on the site.

When organizing water structures on the site, first of all, it is necessary to determine how they need them are needed - whether it will be exclusively decorative water or water from it will be used for irrigation, for example.

Plot fence - use the fence as decor

Any plot needs a fence. Of course, the design of the fence, material of execution and color palette You will be selected according to the design of the facade of your home. But the fence of the local area can be used not only as the designation of the boundaries of the plot, protection against unreasonable guests and prying eyes, but also for decorating the landscape design of your yard. Flexing plants planted from a mesh fence or fence with special hooks will create a green image of the boundaries of the site.

Combining the fence S. vertical flower beds You can create a completely unique image of the boundaries of the site and the entire area as a whole. Original "live" inserts from greenery and colors refresh appearance Even the urban in the style of the fence.

Buildings, recreation areas and barbecue facilities

Having even a very modest in the size of the local area, any owner wants to organize places to relax on fresh air, zone for meals, preparation of barbecue, sectors for accommodating guests and holding parties. Depending on the size of the site, your needs and financial capabilities, you can issue recreation areas with different functional background.

From European countries in the landscape design penetrated the motive of organizing places to relax by the type of Spanish patio. A small territory, most often fenced from all sides by buildings, buildings or fence is shutd up in a universal way - here you can simply talk in the fresh air, to have a snack, drink refreshing drinks, take a small group of guests and even arrange a modest party. In Russian realities, such a place for rest must be accompanied by the presence of the mangala - the open-air holiday without cooking the kebab is not considered successful.

In order to organize a place for meals, the terraces or platforms under sheds are perfect, in order to enjoy delicious dishes Freshly air, without fear of rain. Most often for the dining area used garden furniture - Metal, wooden, wicker. Considering that the functional segment is located under the roof, it is possible to use soft pillows to increase the level of comfort and even the organization of a soft recreation area on sofas and in artificial rattan chairs. Here, under the canopy you can place the equipment for the preparation of a barbecue. On the one hand, such an installation is convenient from the point of view of traffic, on the other - safe, because the equipment for the barbecue is not part of the main building.

Lighting site - element of landscape design

Providing the local area of \u200b\u200bthe area with a sufficient level of illumination in the dark - the question is not only safety, but also of beauty. Thoughtful and competent location lighting devices It will make not only moving around the site without a manual flashlight, but also create a completely unique atmosphere of a private yard and the facade of the house. Highlighting parts of buildings, flowerbeds and tracks, steps and decorative sculptures, you can in the end, the unique image of the indental area.

Formally, all lighting of the yard and at home can be divided into functional (utilitarian) and decorative. From the titles it is clear that the first is most necessary for security (it includes the backlight of the entrance to the building, garage, gate or gate, the entrance itself to the site), and the second is responsible for decorating the territory using lighting (backlight the most prominent elements of landscape design, which can be both fountains and bridges through the pond and the most ordinary lilac bush).

For small areas, the rear courtyards of private houses of urban type and just small cottages can be quite evenly distribute the lamps along the garden tracks and hang the lantern on the building at the main entrance. For large territories may be needed different kinds lighting devices - from suspended lamps For buildings to LED flax for large trees and shrubs.

The lighting equipment should be all-season durable and desirable to work on the charge solar energy. When using any type of lighting, it is necessary to make a plan for placing the lamps so that the boundaries of the site can be seen even at night. But at the same time, the lighting should not be too bright - the Garden Wright of the Garden Lightweight in the pitch darkness produces a psychologically difficult impression on a person walking along it.

Another ten years ago, our compatriots were proud of the decoration of their country area or the local area of \u200b\u200ba private yard with various sculptures. But after Europe, where the use of garden dwarf and sculptures of animals began to be considered a bad tone, and the Russian hosts of the yards and the estates stopped deciding their garden tracks in this way. But the use of colors will never come out of fashion. Flowering plants In large garden pots and ads, bizarre vases or monolithic concrete facilities will always be relevant.

The advantage of this type of decoration is that it is possible to use pots with flowers everywhere - on a spacious area for decorating a terrace or zone for trapes under a canopy and on a small backyard, where except a couple comfortable chairs And the table is not placed. But in the realities of the Russian climate, it is necessary to take care that you have a place where to hide flowers for the period of cold weather.

To equip and plan your country area is not as difficult as it seems. In this article we will analyze popular planning, as well as consider ways to decorate the country area with simple and original ways.

Engaged in gloomy - wonderful, but only to turn into an "agricultural slave" for all weekends, probably not the most the best way. This means that the country cottage, first of all, should become a place to rest, that is, to have all the necessary conditions for this.

In a word, this Publication For those who are in the request of the "cottage with their own hands" invests the meaning of the europe of the country site into a cozy corner of recreation and relaxation. If you manage to competently compile and practically embody your own project, it will become proud of the whole family, because, most likely, each of its members will be able to come up with an arrangement of its own corner. Thus, the cottage will be not only and not so much a place where you can grow an environmentally friendly harvest, and the "magnet", which will attract all the thoughts and aspirations of the owners in impatiently waiting for the next weekend.

Video: Interesting ideas for the design of the country area

Zoning and design of the country area is a fairly exciting occupation, affordable to any person with a fantasy. More difficult to implement all the ideas. However, if necessary construction worksAnd then the decoration of the entire territory, the result will not only please the masters, but also to amaze the guests and the neighbors for many years. Especially if periodically replacing some encamorated elements on new, even more original.

Having collected all the advice together, consider how it is better to equip the place for a country rest of the whole family, called the cottage.

General principles of planning house design and adjacent territory

Cottage, as a place to relax, must necessarily include:

  • The house located at a distance is no closer than 3-5 meters from the road (protection against noise and dust);
  • The economic zone with premises (sheds, cellars, etc.), which is as far as possible from the residential premises as far as possible not to disturb the beautiful landscape species;
  • Parking for a car from the northern side of the house;
  • Zones of gardens, beds, flowerbeds, i.e. main decoration of territory and source of crop;
  • Recreation areas with benches, reservoirs, etc. These are the most attractive zones country house. Actually, for the sake of them everything was stood, because the cottage is the place where we should be good at any time of the year and where comfort reigns and beauty.

Planning - the most important step

Deciding with common steps, you need to make a detailed plan for designing the landscape of the territory and think in what style the plot will be equipped - in modern, classical, rustic, etc.

Worth navigate on the design country houseSo that the landscape of the site and the interior of the house harmonized, and did not constitute something contrast. Only so you can achieve harmony in the design of the cottage.

In order to save, much in the design of the site can be made with your own hands. This applies to both planning and direct work.

Registration of the cottage of the cottage with their own hands, photo.

What can be done in the design of the cottage yourself:

So, if you do all of the above, the arrangement and design of the country area will seem to you a completely simple matter. Be patience and hardworking, and you will save a bunch of nerves and money. Arrangement of the country area: photo.

Choose style

The style is very important when the country area is arranged, and not just the houses of the cottage. Cottage is the best place to relax the citizens, because it is usually located within the city and easily reach it. Therefore, many prefer dacha by foreign resorts and come there at any time of the year.

Dachas that are made in a single style (meaning the style of the house and site), look comfortably and very well. But the choice of a certain style is not an easy thing, here you need to focus on personal preferences.

Allocate 2 main styles, on the basis of which the plan for the design of the country area is built, even if it is done with his own hands, namely:

  • Regular. It is characterized by conservatism, classic, strict lines, clear geometric proportions, design conciseness. However, it applies to the decoration of the site, here the fantasy of the owner of the dacha is not limited to and is allowed to break the flower, planting trees and shrubs, seating herbatous plants and so on;
  • Landscape. It assumes the artificial construction of natural elements of the landscape - holmikov, water bodies, ponds, etc. All parts of the area in such a style, as a rule, have an irregular geometry, because Mimic natural elements. This option for the arrangement of the cottage section requires greater attachment of strength and material means than a regular design, so make it with their own hands to make it completely problematic.