Education in the field of sports. Management in team sports. Functions of a sports manager


1 State state-financed organization additional vocational education"Moscow Training and Sports Center" Moskomsport

The need for continuing education and, mainly, continuous professional education is associated both with the ever-accelerating process of accumulation of scientific and technical information by man in the modern technogenic environment, and with the fact that in the humanitarian sphere, in the sphere of human culture, the process of increasing knowledge is underway no less intense. The economic necessity of the state began to put forward new requirements for the level of knowledge. The relevance of developing issues of functional education, organizing various forms of advanced training, mainly in relation to the sector of employment in the student’s field of activity is becoming more and more urgent. The article analyzes the features of the work of specialists physical culture and sports, which indicate that for high-quality personnel reproduction in the system of physical culture and sports it is necessary to raise the level educational process and in particular, to provide for the continuous education of specialists as the basis for their further growth professional activity.

physical education and sports organization.

professional education


continuing education

1. Gulyaev M.Yu. Innovations in the technology of continuous physical education in the region: abstract of thesis. dis. ...cand. ped. Sci. M.: 2002. 24 p.

2. Klyucharev G.A., Didenko D.V., Latov Yu.V., Latova N.V. Continuing education - a stimulus for human development and a factor of socio-economic inequalities / edited by Yu.V. Latova. – M.: TsSPiM, 2014. – 433 p.

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4. Masyagina N.V. Study of factors limiting the quality of learning in continuing education // Modern problems of science and education. – 2015. – No. 1; URL: www..

5. Masyagina N.V. Effective motivation of physical culture and sports personnel // Modern problems of science and education. – 2015. – No. 1; URL: www..

6. Masyagina N.V. Business career management in physical culture and sports organizations // Modern problems of science and education. – 2015. – No. 3; URL: www..

7. Masyagina N.V. Model of personnel reproduction for the physical culture and sports industry in the system of continuing education in the Russian Federation // Modern problems of science and education. – 2015. – No. 3; URL: www..

8. Nachinskaya S.V. Physical culture and sport: continuous education: monograph / S.V. Nachinskaya, N.V. Masyagina. – M., Nat. book center, 2012. – 92 p.

9. Testov V.A. Transition to a new educational paradigm in the network space // Innovations in education. Bulletin of Nizhny Novgorod University named after. N.I. Lobachevsky, 2012, No. 4 (1), p. 50–56.

Bibliographic link

Masyagina N.V. CONTINUOUS EDUCATION IN THE FIELD OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORTS // Modern problems of science and education. – 2015. – No. 6.;
URL: (access date: 06/15/2019). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"
There is plenty of demand, judging by our friend. She hasn’t finished studying yet, but she already knows her future main job - at a sports school with children, she’s already settled there, and she earns extra money by giving individual lessons to the children of wealthy citizens. Of course, some people are worse at settling in. Those who are in fitness, I know, can lead in several clubs at the same time - they run according to the schedule. So there is only one lawyer Good work will find, the other will not find at all. Again, you don’t go to such universities spontaneously, having decided in the 10th grade. There, sports achievements will be required upon admission - just like a creative competition for artists.
When I was finishing school, a boy from a parallel class went to a military sports institute (there was one in a neighboring city). We called it equestrian ballet. So now there is also a Military Institute of Physical Culture in St. Petersburg. So, take note boys.

Graduates of the institute are awarded the military rank of “lieutenant” and are issued a state diploma of higher professional education with the qualification “specialist in physical culture and sports.”
Graduates of the institute are appointed to the positions of physical education teachers at higher military educational institutions and heads of physical training and sports. military units all branches of the military and branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as well as other federal bodies executive power, in which the law provides for military service.

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The Institute trains military-physical training officers for the troops and universities of the Army and Navy, as well as all law enforcement agencies and departments of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. During the 5-year training at the institute, cadets study the fundamentals of philosophy, psychology, pedagogy, anatomy, physiology, tactics, military-technical training, foreign languages, theory and organization of physical training of troops, take courses in martial arts, sports games, swimming, ski training, athletics and accelerated movement, overcoming obstacles, gymnastics, athletics, shooting, participate in numerous competitions for the championship of the institute, LVO, Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Russia and in international competitions.
Here Department of Medical and Biological Disciplines-
anatomy, biochemistry, physiology, medical support and medical control of physical fitness, biomechanics physical exercise allow us to understand the structural features of a person, his individual systems and organs, their functionality. Knowledge of biochemical and physiological reactions, the characteristics of their course in the body of a trained and untrained person, tolerance to physical activity, and the potential capabilities of the body makes it possible to scientifically plan educational and training work, correctly determine the difficulty of tasks and the student’s readiness to perform them. N and at the MBD department, cadets learn the basics of massage and, if desired, receive the appropriate certificate.

Department of Sports Games VIFK -
describes the achievements of the Institute’s athletes and their great leaders in different types sports, from fencing to basketball.

Department of Tactics -
combat science. In tactics classes, cadets study the organizational structure of units, combat properties and methods of using weapons and military equipment in battle, the organization and conduct of combat operations, and acquire skills in leading units in difficult conditions modern combat, get general knowledge on radiation chemical and biological protection in battle. Along with a deep knowledge of tactics, a VIFK graduate must have a good understanding of military history, topography

So they graduate officers responsible for the physical training of troops for this aspect of combat effectiveness. And you can do science there.

Candidates for admission to the institute must have sports titles or sports categories not lower than second in one of the sports. They also accept women for one specialty.

  • Training is conducted on the basis of higher or secondary vocational education.
  • Training time ranges from 250 ac. h.
  • The form of education is distance learning using distance learning technologies.
  • A diploma of the established form is issued, giving the right to conduct professional activities in accordance with the completed professional retraining program.

Professional retraining from 250 ac. h. Professional retraining from 500 ac. h. Professional retraining from 1000 ac. h.

Upon completion of training, control testing.
Carrying out certification work.
A diploma of the established form is issued.
Upon completion of training, control testing.
Carrying out certification work.
A diploma of the established form is issued.

9900 rub.


14900 rub.



Currently, several professional standards have come into force in the field of physical culture and sports, carrying out activities in the field of physical culture and sports. In this regard, the problem of educational qualifications for employees of physical education and sports organizations is becoming urgent. Currently, coaches and methodologists who do not have a basic physical education and sports education successfully work in such organizations. The professional standard provides for solving the problem through additional professional education in the area of ​​activity in the organization. That is, having mastered the professional retraining program, a trainer-teacher or instructor-methodologist receives the right to teach pedagogical activity in a modern sports organization.


Head of a physical culture and sports organization
288 ak. h.
9900 rub.
520 ak. h.
14900 rub.
1040 ak. h.
Head of a physical culture and sports organization
288 ak. h.
9900 rub.
520 ak. h.
Head of a physical culture and sports organization
288 ak. h.
9900 rub.
520 ak. h.
Organizational and methodological support for the activities of the organization of additional education in physical education
1040 ak. h.
Head of a physical culture and sports organization
288 ak. h.
9900 rub.
520 ak. h.
9900 rub.
1040 ak. h.
Head of a physical culture and sports organization
288 ak. h.
9900 rub.
520 ak. h.
Activities of a trainer-teacher in the context of implementing the requirements of the FSSP
1040 ak. h.
Head of a physical culture and sports organization
288 ak. h.
9900 rub.
520 ak. h.
Management in the field of physical culture and sports
1040 ak. h.
Head of a physical culture and sports organization
288 ak. h.
9900 rub.
520 ak. h.
Sports Marketing Sports management Head of an organization operating in the field of sports
1040 ak. h.
Head of a physical culture and sports organization
288 ak. h.
9900 rub.
520 ak. h.
Accompanying disabled people, persons with
1040 ak. h.
Head of a physical culture and sports organization
288 ak. h.
9900 rub.
520 ak. h.
1040 ak. h.
Head of a physical culture and sports organization
288 ak. h.
9900 rub.
520 ak. h.
health and minors
1040 ak. h.
Head of a physical culture and sports organization
288 ak. h.
9900 rub.
520 ak. h.
1040 ak. h.
Head of a physical culture and sports organization
288 ak. h.
9900 rub.
520 ak. h.
Instructor-methodologist for adaptive physical culture
1040 ak. h.
Head of a physical culture and sports organization
288 ak. h.
9900 rub.
520 ak. h.
1040 ak. h.
Head of a physical culture and sports organization
288 ak. h.
9900 rub.
520 ak. h.
Trainer Trainer-teacher in adaptive physical culture and sports Fitness trainer
1040 ak. h.
Head of a physical culture and sports organization
288 ak. h.
9900 rub.
520 ak. h.
Physical culture in educational institutions as part of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard
1040 ak. h.
Head of a physical culture and sports organization
288 ak. h.
9900 rub.
520 ak. h.

Article 28. Physical culture and sports in the education system

1. Educational organizations, taking into account local conditions and interests of students, independently determine the forms of physical education classes, means of physical education, types of sports and motor activity, methods and duration of physical education classes based on federal state educational standards and regulations physical fitness.

2. The organization of physical education and education in educational organizations includes:

(see text in the previous edition)

1) conducting compulsory physical education and sports classes within the framework of basic educational programs, as well as additional (optional) physical education and sports classes within additional general education programs;

(see text in the previous edition)

2) creation of conditions, including the provision of sports equipment and facilities, for carrying out comprehensive activities for physical education and sports training of students;

3) developing physical education skills in students, taking into account individual abilities and health status, creating conditions for involving students in physical education and sports;

4) implementation of physical education activities during training sessions;

5) conducting medical control over the organization of physical education;

6) formation of a responsible attitude of parents (persons replacing them) towards the health of children and their physical education;

7) conducting annual monitoring of students’ physical fitness and physical development;

8) assistance in organizing and conducting sports events with the participation of students;

9) promoting the development and popularization of school sports and university sports;

10) participation of students in international sports events, including the World Universiade and official sports competitions.

3. In order to involve students in physical education and sports, develop and popularize school sports and student sports by educational organizations implementing educational programs primary general, basic general, secondary general education, secondary professional and higher education, and (or) students of such organizations, school sports clubs and student sports clubs (including in the form of public associations) that are not legal entities. The activities of such sports clubs are carried out in the manner established by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation, and are provided for by the charters of the relevant educational organizations.

(see text in the previous edition)

4. Educational organizations of higher education that carry out activities in the field of physical culture and sports, scientific organizations, carrying out research in the field of physical culture and sports, the founder of which is the federal executive body in the field of physical culture and sports, has the right to provide scientific and methodological support to sports teams of the Russian Federation in the manner established in accordance with

Today, there is an interest among students in the sports industry and specialties related to it. This is due to the development of the international market for services in the field of sports business. Interest in sports is also growing among advertisers, investors and journalists. Russia was noted by the international sports community, which entrusted the country with hosting a number of major international sporting events. Herculean work was done to organize them: construction and then management of sports facilities, meeting and accommodating foreign fans, organizing ceremonies and starts at the highest level, training of personnel and coaching staff, development of sports medicine... Analysts predict an increase in the need for professional personnel in this area, since today there is an acute shortage of them. This means that graduates of this specialty should easily find a decently paid job.

The concept, essence and objectives of the profession “sports management”

In order to understand how to become a sports manager, you must first consider the essence of this specialty. It includes the theory and practice of effective management of sports culture enterprises in the modern market. The object of study is sports organizations (many FSO - sports schools, clubs, teams, stadiums, centers, federations, etc.), whose activities are aimed at providing physical education and sports services. Sports management itself is aimed at managing internal and external relations of subjects and objects of the FSO. Its essence is the purposeful influence of the subject of management on the controlled object to achieve a new planned qualitative state of the latter. The general goal is to ensure the effective functioning of the FSO in the modern market, and the task is to understand the patterns of their functioning and social development in society, as well as to develop a mechanism for effectively managing these processes.

Functions of a sports manager

Studying the question of how to become a sports manager, we can conclude that they do not always become one, but definitely people who are interested in sports and engage in it at least at an amateur level. Perhaps a person who could become a successful bank manager became a sports manager, and all because he was partial to sports and participated in the sports section as a child. In general, as a profession, sports management appeared with the approval of the position of head of the FSO. For this specialty, it is important to master the art of scientific management of a sports organization. Certain elements of such activities are inherent in both coaches and physical education teachers.

But the powers of a manager as a manager are much broader. Its functions:

  • making responsible decisions on the direction of the FSO's activities and resource allocation;
  • collecting information about its dissemination in the form of facts and normative guidelines, explaining to personnel the policy, immediate and long-term goals;
  • formation of internal relations, motivation, coordination, representation in external relations with other organizations.

Studying the question of how to become a sports manager, we can conclude that the art of management lies in the ability to use the principles, methods and technologies of management in a particular case. He needs to have specific skills in the production and use of sports equipment, establishing relationships between physical activity, diet, etc. So, traditionally the functions include: planning, organization, motivation, leadership, control and analysis. In addition, working as a sports manager involves wards, physical education and sports work with the population, training highly qualified sports personnel in their types and reserve personnel, holding competitions and entertainment events, scientific and methodological support for physical education, organizing production resources for sporting goods, and international relations.

Principles of Sports Management

When a future student plans to enter a university, he thinks about choosing a profession. Many athletes are looking for a specialty close to sports and come to the thought: “How to become a sports manager, and what is needed for this?” First of all, it is necessary to find out more about the activities of such a specialist. In the field of sports and physical culture management there are its own principles and rules, regulations and regulations, which are necessary for the implementation of the management process. These include the principles:

Management methods

Professional training of sports managers involves studying which are divided into:

  • organizational;
  • administrative;
  • economic;
  • socio-psychological.

To achieve high professionalism, you must be able to form psychological climate, give a positive assessment of the individual achievements of each employee. This is the level of training for sports managers. , since it is important to be a socially and psychologically literate specialist who knows the following methods:

  • holding meetings, training and exercises;
  • persuasion, approval and encouragement, condemnation and punishment (creative and inhibitory methods).

The choice of methods depends on the goals, type of organization and specific situation. The effectiveness of using certain methods requires the sports manager to have art, constant creative search and learning.


It is worth noting that this professional training refers to different specializations with a common name sports manager. Training in accordance with the chosen direction is carried out after general training according to the program of the relevant educational institution. The types of specialization of sports managers are constantly evolving. Along with general management, functional management is distinguished. Here are the main specializations:


Each professional has his own style of work. A sports manager is no exception. Training in professional style is possible theoretically, and its sustainable formation occurs with experience in practice. According to management theory, management relations are divided into democratic and authoritarian. Accordingly, it is formed:

  • authoritarian - excessive centralization of power, strict regulation of activities;
  • democratic - uses motivation and beliefs;
  • liberal.

An authoritarian style usually becomes when, in terms of personal qualities and level of professional preparedness, the manager is lower than his subordinates and when his subordinates have a professional culture, responsibility and discipline.

A manager becomes democratic with trust in the team, respect for the opinions of subordinates, mutual assistance and support.

A manager will be liberal in the absence of perspective and initiative, large-scale thinking and the expectation of instructions “from above.” Such a leader has little control over his subordinates and, as a result, receives low performance.

It happens that the work style can change when changing teams, places of work or deep self-analysis of the manager.

Categories of sports managers

At the end of XX - beginning of XXI century this specialty was called chief sports club or school administrator, etc. Today everything has changed, and now the job title sounds like manager of a sports club or FSO. Each sports organization has its own managers. They different levels and solve different problems. But traditionally there are categories of sports management that divide all managers into three groups:

  1. Those involved in development strategy (for example, the president of a football club).
  2. Those who manage themselves (for example, structural divisions).
  3. Lower level performers (for example, sports school administrators).


Training for the profession of “manager in a sports organization” is carried out in many universities. There are Moscow and regional universities that provide the opportunity to obtain this specialty. Most of all in this area it is known educational institution MESI. Here they study at a special faculty professional athletes and students interested in sports. Their expected future period wage should be 80 thousand rubles. And that's not a bad thing. IN modern world sport is a spectacle. In the summer of 2010, the Federation of Sports Managers of Russia was organized. Sports manager, author of the bestseller “Fitness is Easy”, conducts training to become a sports manager at the RMA business school. At one time, he held the position of fitness director, president of the Olympic Star fitness center in Moscow, manager of the MaxiSport and Reebok fitness club chain, editor of the corresponding section of Men’s Health and Men’s Fitness magazines, and host of sports programs and tournaments. He has been involved in fitness and worked as a trainer for many years.