Properties of goji berries: the real benefits of Tibetan barberry. Goji berries and barberry - what is the difference Goji berries Common wolfberry barberry

Only a person living outside the information society does not know about it today. Entire treatises are written about these miracle berries online, and those who have already experienced it for themselves constantly talk about their effect on TV... Taking advantage of this hype, many unscrupulous entrepreneurs, under the guise of real Goji berries, today offer ordinary barberry, which, like you yourself you can guess, it does not carry even a hundredth part of the miraculous properties inherent in the Tibetan berry. Today we will reveal several secrets of how to distinguish real Goji berries from barberries.

You can be 100% sure that you are purchasing real Goji berries if you make a purchase from trusted dealers. You can also go to the Celestial Empire for the healing berry, because it is there that the most useful Tibetan barberry grows. However, you must admit that not everyone has such an opportunity, then you can only rely on the integrity of the sellers and your own knowledge.

Real Goji berry, what is it?

When choosing berries, first of all, carefully examine them.

The dried fruits of wolfberry (another name for Goji berries) are about 1.5 centimeters or a little more in length, with a sharp, dry tip. Common barberry is somewhat smaller.

The wrinkled skin is quite hard, red, or rather coral color(note: not burgundy and certainly not black). There should be no white coating on the fruits. If you are alarmed by the very bright color of the berries, then you can slightly wet them and wait for the reaction. Real berries will not stain the skin; they will only give off their color if you pour boiling water over them, and then only after 15 minutes, not earlier.

If you taste real Goji berries, you will be a little disappointed, since they are not very sweet and are unlikely to remind you of candy. If the Tibetan barberry turns out to be sweet, then this is a sure sign that they were boiled in syrup. Experts say that real Goji berries have a tart sweet-salty-sour taste with a very long aftertaste, while barberry will give a sweet-sour taste with some spice.

Inhale the aroma of the berries; if it reminds you of the barberry lollipops that many people love so much, then what you see is nothing other than barberry. Real Goji berries have a very different smell, but they in no way smell like sulfur matches. If the latter is present, it is safe to say that they have been treated with sulfur dioxide, which can harm your health.

To the touch
The berries do not stick together; if this happens, then most likely they were boiled in syrup, which means that most of them useful properties evaporated from them.

Availability of seeds
Break the berry. In real Tibetan barberry you will find a dozen small, yellow-colored seeds; in ordinary barberry there will be much fewer seeds.

Reaction with water
And one more trick - pour boiling water over the berries. If you see the fruits of Chinese wolfberry, they will definitely float up and color the water yellowish-orange.

Goji is one of the most valuable medicinal plants in the world. Goji berries contain the highest amount of nutrients. They are grown in the fertile valleys of the Tibetan and Mongolian Himalayas. Goji berries are richer in antioxidants than any other food in the world.

Other names: Lycium barbarum, Lycium chinense, Lycium brevipes, wolfberry, Boxthorn, Matrimony Vine, Desert Thorn

Goji berries are rich in minerals of natural origin (zinc, calcium, selenium, phosphorus, copper, iron). It is the only natural product containing Germanium, a known natural element that helps fight cancer.

People who eat Goji berries every day are less likely to suffer from heart disease, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease and many other diseases. The most famous centenarian in Qing history, Li Yong, lived to be 252 years old, receiving awards from the Chinese government three times. He ate Goji daily.
Healing properties
Improves mood, helps fight depression
Promotes weight loss
Helps increase potency in men, increases libido in women
Improve metabolism
Help prevent premature aging and have an anti-aging effect. This is why Hollywood stars love them very much.
Improve skin condition
Improve sleep, help fight insomnia
Helps overcome the negative effects of menopause
Helps improve melatonin levels
Increases endurance and helps restore strength. Athletes use Goji berries to stay in shape.
Lower blood sugar levels

The Australian magazine "Bazar" created a sensation in 2004 by writing about the anti-cellulite properties of goji berries. The American newspaper Los Angeles Times published an article in July 2005 saying that eating these berries in the amount of one tablespoon per day can provide a person with all essential vitamins and protect against cancer.

The Chinese call goji berries of happiness - they drive away blues and melancholy. Goji juice is known in the east as “marriage wine” due to the strong positive effect of the berries on male potency and the body's ability to produce sperm. That is, on top of everything else, goji is a natural Viagra and an antidepressant in one bottle.

The reason for the excitement that has arisen around these seemingly no different berries is the unique set of natural components that make goji truly wonderful. These berries contain 21 minerals (such as iron, zinc, iodine) and 18 amino acids (this is more than in royal bee pollen), eight of which the human body does not produce. They contain vitamins B1, B2, B6 and E. There is 500 times more vitamin C in goji than in an orange, and 15 times more iron than in spinach. Scientists have discovered 4 essential polysaccharides in goji (LBP-1, LBP-2, LBP-3, LBP-4), which are no longer present in any food product. This product is a true miracle given to man by nature, a real storehouse of vitality, health and longevity.

In oriental medicine, goji is recommended for anemia, back pain, weakened vision, diabetes mellitus, as a means of ensuring the normal course of pregnancy (in particular, it is used in case of a woman’s inability to bear a fetus normally), for the treatment of impotence, improving the condition of the spinal cord and brain, lymph nodes, for diseases of the nasopharynx and tonsils, as a sleep enhancer and an anti-stress agent, in order to rejuvenate the entire body. Goji berries burn fat and help control weight and appetite. They lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels, stabilize blood pressure, and regulate the functioning of the heart and brain.

A study by Dr. H. Wu published in 2006 in Japan states that biologically active substances, found in goji juice, are able to restore the damaged structure of DNA molecules. This may be why the Chinese living in the Himalayas live up to 130 years. There is evidence that a certain Lee Kin Yen lived 252 years (1678-1930), eating goji berries daily.

There is no other plant like it on Earth. Thanks to the unique molecular bonds of the substances contained in goji, their total energy increases several times. Cells human body receive “instructions” from polysaccharides, as a result of which the balanced functioning of each individual cell is achieved, and the involvement of all the body’s defense mechanisms in a single work.

Goji berries are characterized by their strong antioxidant effects thanks to special polysaccharides that are found only in these fruits and are key elements for maintaining good skin condition. In addition, the berries are rich in natural antioxidants such as zeaxanthin, carotenoids and others. necessary elements, such as omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, whole oligoelements (manganese, zinc, iron, copper, nickel, chromium, magnesium, calcium, potassium, cobalt, selenium, cadmium, phosphorus, germanium, etc.), beta sitosterol, minerals, sugars and amino acids.

Polysaccharides are complex carbohydrates. They are the main source of energy produced as a result of metabolism. Polysaccharides have enormous biological activity: antibiotic, antiviral, antitumor, antidote. They supply the blood plasma with lipoproteins and protein complexes, thereby improving the condition of blood vessels. Polysaccharides are indispensable in the prevention of many diseases: gastrointestinal tract, diabetes, cholelithiasis and urolithiasis, appendicitis, atherosclerosis, tumor pathology, metabolic disorders, gastric and duodenal ulcers, etc. They stimulate the motor-secretory and evacuation function of the intestine, promote the removal of toxic substances and metabolic products from the body, cholesterol, heavy metals and radionuclides. Due to the fact that polysaccharides are food for the saprophytic microflora of the large intestine, they maintain its optimal composition and viability. Violation of the composition of the intestinal microflora can provoke the development of various diseases, significantly reduce immunity and sharply increase the risk of developing cancer. Goji berries can rejuvenate the intestines without the use of colon therapy, which is harmful to the microflora.

Fans healthy eating in our country we also tried this miracle berry for ourselves. Today you can buy Goji in our country.
Indications for use

Action. They have a general strengthening, antioxidant, tonic effect, normalize blood pressure, and strengthen the immune system. Have a beneficial effect on the hematopoietic and nervous system, normalize kidney and liver function, strengthen the lungs, improve vision, normalize cholesterol and blood sugar levels, and prevent premature aging.

Indications for use. Used for liver and kidney diseases, hypertension, atherosclerosis, headaches, dizziness, decreased vision, chronic fatigue, weakness, cough, impotence, prostatitis, constipation with intestinal atony, as well as for the prevention of tumors and to reduce side effects during chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
Directions for use and doses

Goji berries can be consumed either dry or for making tea, soup, etc. (Recipes). It is recommended to consume 15-45 g. dry berries per day. You can also add berries to smoothies. For more information about recipes, see the recipes section.

Brew 1 tablespoon of fruit in a bowl or thermos, close and leave for 30 minutes. Take the resulting infusion orally 1/2–1/3 cup 2–3 times a day. The berries remaining after decanting can also be eaten.

Contraindications: High body temperature, individual intolerance to berries.

Storage conditions: Store in a dry place, protected from light, the finished infusion - in cool place no more than two days.
Useful properties of goji berries

Goji berry is known as the “fruit of longevity”. Antioxidant power and its polysaccharide molecules protect us from premature aging by neutralizing the damage that free radicals cause throughout the body.
Goji berry ranks first among adaptogens of Asian origin that can increase the body's resistance to harmful influences. It also helps relieve fatigue, especially during recovery from illness.
Goji berries can stimulate the anterior pituitary gland to produce growth hormone, also called the “youth hormone.” This hormone has many benefits: reduced body fat, healthier sleep, improved memory, faster recovery, improved libido and a more youthful appearance.
The results of a study conducted in 1998 show that the increase in blood pressure was largely preventable through the action of Goji berry polysaccharide molecules.
Goji berries are one of the few plants on Earth that contain the anti-cancer mineral germanium. Its unique antioxidants and polysaccharides may inhibit genetic mutations that lead to cancer.
Goji may be a particularly good supplement for preventing liver cancer because it strengthens liver defenses and carcinogenic effects at the same time. This is very important as the liver is the most important detoxifying organ of the human body.
Goji contains beta-sitosterol, which has been shown to be effective in lowering cholesterol levels. Its antioxidants prevent cholesterol oxidation and plaque formation in the arteries. Goji flavonoids help keep arteries open and functioning smoothly.
Goji berries have been used in China for many years to treat early stage diabetes in adults. As a result of observation, it was found that its polysaccharides are able to balance blood sugar and the response to insulin. They also contain betaine, which can prevent fatty liver and vascular damage sometimes observed in diabetics.
The Goji berry is revered as one of the finest herbal sexual tonics in all of Asian medicine and is legendary for its ability to help “ignite the passions.” Indeed, there is an old Chinese proverb that warns men who travel far from their wives and families: “He who travels 1,000 kilometers from the family hearth should not eat Goji.” Recent scientific studies have shown that Goji increases testosterone levels in the blood, thereby enhancing libido in both men and women.
In one Asian research study on obesity, patients were given Goji berries in the morning and evening. The results were excellent: most patients lost weight. In another study, Goji polysaccharides were shown to be effective in reducing weight by improving the conversion of food into energy rather than fat.
In traditional Chinese medicine, migraines and dizziness were often associated with kidney failure of yin (vital energy) and yang (function). Goji is one of the plants most often used in restoring yin-yang balance.
Goji has been used in Asia for a long time in the natural treatment of insomnia. In medical studies conducted with elderly people, almost all patients showed an improvement in sleep quality according to indications.
Since ancient times, Goji berries have been very well known in China for their properties that can improve vision. Modern research by Chinese scientists has demonstrated that Goji can reduce the time it takes for vision to adapt to low-light conditions.
Goji is able to regulate immunity by tidying up and managing many important protective functions of the body. The polysaccharides contained in Goji berries stimulate and balance the activity of immune cells of all kinds, including T cells, T cytotoxic cells, NK cells, lysozymes, tumor necrosis factor alpha and immunoglobulins IgG and IgA.
In patients undergoing drug treatment for cancer using Goji, the response was 250% higher than that found with simple drug treatment. Such patients, with advanced cancer, experienced remarkable regression in the development of malignant melanoma, renal cell carcinoma, colorectal carcinoma, lung cancer, nasopharyngeal carcinoma and malignant hydrothorax. The period of remission in patients treated with Goji lasted significantly longer than in those who did not take Goji.
Goji berry is world famous as a blood strengthening and rejuvenating agent. In one study, the use of Goji caused the blood of older people to become visibly younger again. In another test, goji flavonoids acted as protectors of red blood cells from the harmful effects of free radicals. Goji has also been used in very recent clinical studies to treat bone marrow dysfunction (decreased production of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets).
Lymphocytes are any group of white blood cells that are critical to the adaptive part of the body's immune system. The adaptive part of the immune system mounts defenses as invading bodies penetrate the body's overall defenses. Goji increases the number of lymphocytes and promotes their activation when the body is under attack.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, many menopausal symptoms are attributed to kidney problems. For a very long time, Goji has been considered a tonic, chosen mainly to restore hormonal balance.
Goji fruits long time used by Asian doctors to treat infertility, both male and female. Goji is recognized for its incomparable ability to restore in women (the essence of reproduction). In men, Goji polysaccharides have been shown to strengthen sperm cells and have also been shown to be potent inhibitors of structural degradation and cell death of testicular cells due to stress.
Goji promotes the secretion of human growth hormone, which is responsible for many important functions of maintenance, repair and development. This includes the production of smooth muscle mass and the introduction of calcium into bone and dental tissues.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the kidneys are the most important organ among all the vital organs. The kidneys are believed to control the brain and other organs. Correct renal function is considered the basis for survival. Goji has a well-deserved reputation as a supertonic, affecting both yin and yang.
Goji is the premier "brain tonic" in Asia. Contains betaine, which turns into coline, a substance that enhances memory and retention.
Goji is used by Chinese herbalists alone or in combination with other herbs to relieve dry chronic coughs and colds.
As an adaptogen, Goji helps the body adapt and overcome stress. Provides the necessary energy reserves to maintain self-control in any difficulties.
Constant consumption of Goji is said to bring a joyful mood. Not without reason, Goji is known in Asia as the “berry of happiness.”

IN Lately Unusual goji berries came into fashion. Some say that this is a 100% weight loss product. Others believe that these miraculous berries are a storehouse of useful and vital microelements. In this article we will learn not only about why this plant is so useful and valuable, but also about how to grow goji berries at your dacha.

Mysterious goji berries are called “dereza” in Russian and scientifically. Actually, only the fruits of goji berries can be considered Chinese wolfberry(Lycium chinense), or d. ordinary or barbaric(L. barbarum). People also call wolfberry wolfberry (but this name goes to a number of different plants, including non-poisonous ones like wolfberry), and wolfberry. You can often hear the name “Tibetan barberry”, but wolfberry and barberry (Berberis) are completely different plants from different families - do not confuse them! They may slip you barberry seedlings under the guise of goji. The name “Goji” came to English language from Chinese dialects - this is what dereza is called in China.

The Chinese wolfberry is native to the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region on the eastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau, in northwestern China. It was she who gave rise to so many legends and rumors about long-lived monks.

The common wolfberry is practically not inferior to its commodity in properties, but its distribution area is wider - you can find this berry in the east and center of China, throughout South-East Asia, and here too: in Central Asia, in the Kuban, in Primorye, in the Caucasus, in Ukraine, in middle lane Russia.

Dereza belongs to the nightshade family; it is a deciduous shrub, reaching three meters in height, with drooping, prickly branches and small leaves. The crown can reach up to 6 m in diameter. Root system powerful with deep strong roots forming many root suckers.

The plant, if cultivated, is quite decorative: the branches are a pleasant light yellow color, the leaves are light green on top and bluish below.

It will begin to bloom in June and will be pleasing to the eye until October. Pink, purple, sometimes even brown-violet flowers have a soft, pleasant scent.

The berries are oblong, orange, crimson-red in color, up to 2 cm in length, enveloping the shoot like a scattering. It will begin to bear fruit 3 years after planting, sometimes earlier.

Goji Reproduction

  • Seeds- propagates well by seeds. They are sown in a greenhouse without stratification in the spring and left for the winter. When the seedlings begin to grow, the top of the shoot is pinched to make the bush thicker.

  • Vegetatively- can be propagated by semi-lignified cuttings about 10 cm long, but you should make sure that there is old wood on the shoot. To do this, dip part of the cut in Kornevin and plant it in a greenhouse or under film in July-August. When propagated by lignified cuttings, it takes root faster. You can root in a cool place or a cool but insulated balcony from autumn until the end of winter.

In the Caucasus, dereza often reproduces by self-sowing.

Goji planting

For common wolfberry, the soil reaction can be slightly acidic-strongly alkaline, but in principle it can grow on any soil composition. For planting, preference should be given to sunny places. Dereza does not like stagnant water. Best time for planting - spring. Goji is rarely planted in autumn; it is akin to extreme gardening, because most often it can freeze out in winter. But there are also favorable outcomes for autumn planting in warmer regions. The tests were carried out at breeding grounds in St. Petersburg. With shelter in cold winter froze to the level of the root collar or to the end of the snow cover. Can tolerate cold temperatures down to -15°C. Many sources (German nurseries) say that even down to -25°C, but in the middle zone this is extremely risky. In the south of Russia it can winter without shelter.

We prepare a hole 50-60 cm wide and about 40 cm deep for a goji seedling. We place holes for several plants at a distance of 1.5-2 meters from each other. Add 150-200 g of superphosphate, 8-10 kg of compost (humus, peat), 30-40 g of potassium sulfate or wood ash to the soil for filling and mix thoroughly. The seedlings need to be buried a little. After planting, water thoroughly and mulch with peat or humus.

Goji care

Watering: You can water the wolfberry only after planting and not even more than 2 times a week, depending on the dryness of the summer.

Feeding: Dereza grows even on poor soils, but best quality fruits are observed on soils with average fertility. You can feed young plants during the growing season; they do not need further feeding.

Trimming: Goji tolerates haircuts and pruning well. New shoots will grow from old wood. In ornamental gardening, it tolerates shearing well even with special mechanical devices.

Shelter for the winter: In winter, goji can freeze out, to be sure to protect itself, many gardeners plant the plant in deep containers and store it in basements until spring. But there are also gardeners whose dereza does not freeze and, covered only with spruce branches and snow, overwinters until spring.

Medicinal properties of goji berries

It is believed that goji berries contain vitamin C, many different minerals and polysaccharides, B vitamins, as well as essential fatty acid. In addition, they contain a huge amount of proteins, thereby surpassing even grain crops. A decoction of goji berries tones the body, perhaps due to its tonic properties in combination with proteins, in Chinese folk medicine used as a strong natural aphrodisiac. Scientific studies have indeed confirmed an increase in testosterone in the blood. Because of high content zinc and iron are often used for anemia. In combination with other herbs, they can be used as a remedy for chronic fatigue and improve immunity. Useful as a means of combating hypertension. IN modern medicine The antitumor properties of goji have not been confirmed. But it has been scientifically proven that a special polysaccharide has been isolated from the common wolfberry, which helps with initial stages diabetes

What parts of the plant should you use?

1. Goji berries usually used in dried form. You should not pick berries with your bare hands, as fresh juice from wolfberries can irritate the skin (much like the juice of fresh pineapple, for example). It’s better to spread a cloth under the bush and knock the berries off the branches. The fruits should be harvested when they turn bright red and have reached full ripeness. Unripe fresh berries you can get poisoned. No wonder one of their names is wolfberry.

First you need to dry the berries, then separate them from the stalk. To purchase raw materials medicinal properties, the berries need to be dried until the skin begins to peel off. Drying can only be done naturally, without the use of ovens or preservatives.

2. Goji root bark- used for coughs, fevers, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, and is also used as a diuretic and laxative. To obtain raw materials, you need to dig up the roots, wash them, remove the bark and dry them thoroughly in the sun. Then make decoctions from the bark.

3. From goji leaves They make invigorating teas.

Keep in mind that the Russian body, unlike the Chinese or Tibetans, is not characterized by a large consumption of goji berries. Our body is not able to immediately adapt to high consumption of fruits and other parts of this plant. In this regard, those who are heavily addicted to wolfberry may experience kidney problems and severe dehydration.

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Create lists on various topics. Examples of names can be very different: “My future summer flowerbed”, “For the dacha”, “Apple orchard” and many others. Do you know exactly what fruit and berry seedlings you will order? So call the list “Delicious”, adding your favorite varieties there. And when the time comes, order the entire list in just a few steps.

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Visually, barberry and goji are similar - oblong in shape, reddish in color, approximately the same size. However, these fruits are different from each other, and barberry is sometimes sold under the guise of goji in order to profit from gullible buyers. Therefore, you need to know what fruits look like and be able to distinguish goji berries from barberries in order to avoid deception.

Goji berries and barberries - differences

Unfortunately, it is easy to confuse these fruits for those who do not understand them. The question of whether goji berries are barberries or not is a relatively easy one. Yes, goji is called Chinese and Tibetan barberry, but these berries have little in common with ordinary barberry fruits. For example, both grow on thorny bushes, have the same color and shape, and are used in the confectionery industry, cooking, and the production of teas and seasonings. This is where the similarities end. Let's talk about the differences.

Are barberries and goji berries the same thing? No, the first grows almost everywhere, the second only in China. Goji blooms purple, the shape of the fruit is pear-shaped, barberry is yellow, the fruits are elongated. The color of the fruit itself differs from each other - barberry is crimson, yellow or bright red, goji is red and has a citrus flavor. Therefore, if in a store you are trying to understand what is in front of you, goji berries, barberries or dogwoods, ask the seller to let you try a little of the product on offer. You definitely won’t make a mistake, and at the same time you’ll test your honesty. It is better to buy fruits from trusted places, not to go to dubious retail outlets and markets, and not to order from unknown online stores.

These shrubs belong to different types. Goji has small seeds inside, barberry has one seed. The first fruits are considered a dietary product, the second ones are not. Even the beneficial properties of these species differ. Barberry fruits help relieve pain, inflammation, and have a choleretic and laxative effect. Goji are rich in vitamin C, protein, and are antioxidants, which is why athletes love them.

When you go to the store, remember the differences between dry goji fruits and barberry fruits. The former, after drying, retain a bright red color and an oblong shape, while the latter darken, become smaller, and become rounder.

And, you can read in our other articles.

The value of such a product as goji berries has recently become quite widely known.

But when buying them, you should be wary, as they may sell you a very similar-looking fruit from a barberry bush.

However, barberry is much cheaper and does not have such enormous beneficial properties.

Is barberry the same as goji or not?

Barberry actually looks like goji fruits, bright red and oblong. But these are completely different plants. Barberry grows on almost all continents.

Not at all picky about conditions and care. It is usually bred in the garden. Barberry is also useful, although much less so than goji fruits.

Combines choleretic, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, analgesic, hemostatic, antispasmodic, antipyretic, and antitumor effects.

Despite this, barberry is rarely used in medicinal purposes, but its use in cooking is quite wide (syrups, tinctures, candies).

Barberry is also used to improve a plot of land, as a hedge. Such a fence looks especially beautiful in the fall: multi-colored leaves, and against their background there are bright red fruits.

What is goji?

The goji bush, in turn, requires special conditions for growth. This shrub grows in China, Tibet and the Himalayas, reaching 3.5 meters in height.

It is red in color and oblong in shape. It is distinguished by the presence of a whole storehouse of useful properties.

Decoctions, tinctures and teas of the fruits of this shrub are used for medicinal purposes:

  • unique antioxidant;
  • copes with pressure changes;
  • reduces cholesterol levels;
  • normalizes blood sugar levels;
  • has a beneficial effect on vision;
  • improves the functioning of the liver, heart and kidneys;
  • saturates the body with energy and strength;
  • fights excess weight;
  • normalizes sleep;
  • strengthens muscles and bones.

The easiest way to distinguish barberries from goji berries is to bite them. Inside the barberry there is a seed, and inside the goji fruit there are small seeds. Also, the first fruit tastes sour, and the second tastes sweet and sour.

To avoid purchasing a fake, ask sellers about where the product comes from, how it is packaged, and what expiration date it has. Real berries are packaged in branded packaging with the address written on it. Chinese(sometimes dubbed in English).

Let us summarize the main differences between barberry and goji berries:

  • the presence of seeds in one and seeds in the other;
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Goji Berries– is this barberry? This question very often asked by those who have absolutely no understanding of plants, trees and their fruits. It is also worth noting that they are the ones who are susceptible to deception by the sellers of this product. After all, in pursuit of revenue, careless entrepreneurs pass off the ordinary fruits of the unpretentious barberry as healthy and expensive goji berries. So what information do you need to have to purchase the right product? We'll talk about this below. What is goji? Before telling you how to eat goji berries, you should give general information about the plant on which these fruits grow. As you know, such a shrub is called common wolfberry or Berber wolfberry (from the Latin Lýcium bárbarum). This species is a woody plant of the Solanaceae family. As for the name goji itself, it comes from the Chinese name gǒuqǐ. Surprisingly, most people believe that such berries are poisonous. However, it is not. After all, the fruits of the common wolfberry (from the Latin Lycium barbarum) and Chinese (Lycium chinense) are completely harmless. Moreover, they are considered very useful and are often used in folk medicine.

Beneficial features Goji Berries, the benefits of which are undeniable, are actively used in alternative medicine. It is used to make teas, tinctures, compotes, fruit drinks, etc. So why are such fruits attractive to modern healers? To answer the question posed, we should consider chemical composition ripe berries. So, experts found the following substances in wolfberry fruits: ascorbic acid– 0.5%; betaine – 0.1%; vitamin A, as well as B1 and B2; a nicotinic acid; amino acid GABA; tetraterpenes physalin and zeaxanthin; steroids β-sitosterol and solasodine; polysaccharides; scopoletin, p-coumaric acid, proteins and many other elements. Thanks to this composition, goji berries (the method of application will be presented in detail below) work wonders, namely: they rejuvenate and cleanse the blood, help get rid of back pain and the effects of stress, and ensure rapid recovery from acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections. It is also worth noting that Tibetan wolfberry is quite often used for diabetes (with caution), visual impairment and anemia. The fruits of this bush contain substances that help fight various viruses, strengthen the lungs, kidneys, nervous system and remove toxins from the body.

How to use Goji berries?
It is advisable to start taking herbal medicine based on such fruits with minimal doses. After all, each drug, including natural ones, has its own contraindications and side effects. To understand whether it is right for you or not, you should eat a few berries and wait a couple of days. If during this time you do not experience any allergic reactions, then you can safely use them for treatment.
Healthy people of average and young You are allowed to eat about 15-50 grams of dry berries per day. As for older people, it is recommended that they reduce this dose by exactly half. This is due to the fact that a large number of dry berries at one time can easily cause pressure surges. Before brewing goji berries or consuming them whole, they should be rinsed well under running cold water. By the way, often such fruits are pre-soaked in water for an hour, and then eaten as dried fruit or added to various cocktails, salads, desserts, yoghurts, breakfast cereals, baked goods, etc. How to make tea from wolfberry fruits? Goji berry tea is often used as an antiviral and invigorating drink. Due to the fact that the most accessible form of these fruits, which can be purchased in special shops, are dried products, their most popular method of use is brewing. However, it should be taken into account that during such a procedure this product loses some of its beneficial properties. In this regard, it is not advisable to brew it with boiling water. After all, this is the only way you can preserve all the vitamins and other elements, and with regular use, get sufficient quantity minerals, vegetable protein, polysaccharides, etc. So, before brewing goji berries (contraindications for such tea will be described below), you should wash them well in cold water, and then take a full large spoon of dried fruits, put it in a deep bowl and pour 250 ml of not very hot water(temperature should be approximately 85 degrees). In this state, it is advisable to keep the product under a loose lid for a quarter of an hour. How to drink goji berries, brewed hot water? The finished drink should be cooled room temperature, and then consume in an amount of 1-1.5 liters per day. It is worth noting that this tea has a refreshing effect, as well as a sour taste, which is quite reminiscent of green apple compote. If you urgently need to lose a couple of kilograms, then this drink should be consumed instead of water for several days. By the way, dry goji berries for weight loss are as effective as tea. This is due to the fact that they contain a large amount of nutrients and vitamins that are extremely necessary for the body during strict and strict diets. Of course, few people believe that by drinking tea from such fruits or the berries themselves, you can lose weight. However, the fact remains. Indeed, due to the nutritional value of this product, you begin to eat less fatty and other high-calorie foods, which cannot but affect your figure. If you do not strive for ideal shapes, then you can add additional granulated sugar or a couple of spoons of honey into this drink. One cannot ignore the fact that in alternative medicine, additional ingredients are often added to such tea in the form of mint, ginger, blackcurrant leaves, lemon, etc. It is worth noting that the taste of goji goes quite well with all of the above components.

As for contraindications, this tea is not advisable for pregnant and lactating women, as well as during periods of increased blood pressure, especially for persons over 65 years of age.

Useful tincture - preparation - Goji Berries, the application of which is very extensive, ideal for preparing alcohol tincture. To make such a medicine yourself, you need to wash the dried wolfberry fruits well, and then chop them using a meat grinder or a regular blender with knife attachments. Next, the berry pulp needs to be placed in a glass jar or bottle and immediately filled with forty-proof vodka. Moreover, the alcohol level should be slightly higher than the level of the crushed mass and completely cover it. After both components are in the container, they should be thoroughly mixed, loosely closed with a lid and placed in dark place exactly for a week. After seven days, the fermented mass must be filtered and then placed in refrigerator, where the tincture must be stored until immediate use. It is advisable to take a folk remedy based on goji berries, 1 large spoon twice a day before lunch and dinner. The course of treatment with this tincture should last no more than a month. If urgently necessary, it can be repeated after a couple of weeks.

It is advisable to use this product during the season colds when you need to strengthen your immune system. Due to the fact that this homemade tincture contains alcohol, it is highly not recommended to give it to young children, as well as to pregnant women and mothers during breastfeeding.

As mentioned above, such berries can be consumed in their whole form, without brewing, drying or infusing them with vodka. To do this, the fruits should be collected and then washed thoroughly in warm water. If you use a dried product, you can eat it without first soaking it. However, in this form it is too hard and not very tasty. That is why it is recommended to place dry and clean fruits in a container, add plenty of water and leave in this state for several hours. By the way, it is not advisable to pour out the decoction obtained in this way. You should drink half a glass after each meal. It should be noted that this liquid contains a huge amount of nutrients and health benefits.

Eat Goji berries you can at least every day, but only on the condition that you comply with the above-mentioned dose of 15-50 g. Such fruits are ideal for a low-calorie snack between breakfast, lunch and dinner. In addition, dry berries soaked in water are actively used in the preparation of various dishes. They are added to dairy drinks (kefir, yogurt, katyk, yogurt, etc.), as well as side dishes, goulash, porridge, soups and even sweets. homemade cakes. At the same time, these berries can be placed in liquid dishes without being soaked. As for the dough, it is still worth keeping them in water, otherwise hard inclusions will make the homemade cupcake or pie not as tasty as you would like. Other uses The fruits of the wolfberry bush are often used as a seasoning for sweet and savory dishes.

For what reasons should this product not be used?
Very many healthy foods may negatively affect the human body. So why should goji berries not be consumed in some cases? Their harm may be hidden in the fact that such fruits contain too many acids and vitamins. It is for this reason that a person who has consumed this product excessively may break out in hives after a short period of time. However, it is worth noting that such an allergy can occur not only from goji fruits, but also from other fruits and berries, which are also strong allergens. In addition to rashes on skin, excessive consumption of this product can lead to increased gas formation and even diarrhea. This is especially true for those people who have very weak intestines. Besides, by-effect from goji berries is possible in the form of a change in the effectiveness of certain medications that were taken in parallel with the product. There is no particular evidence for this, but many experts claim that such fruits can both enhance and reduce the effect of medications, in particular if they are used to lower blood pressure or to eliminate pain in the heart muscle. Therefore, you are advised to consult your doctor in advance to determine whether you can use traditional treatment in combination with traditional therapy. Goji berries are a medicinal product that is often used to treat and prevent various diseases.

Berries are strictly prohibited from being consumed in any form by the following groups of people:
- children under three years old; - - people prone to allergic reactions, especially to yellow, red and orange fruits, berries and vegetables (for example, mangoes, apricots, apples, tomatoes, peaches, strawberries, cherries, citrus fruits, etc.);
- people who often experience diarrhea;
- people with cancer.

As for the last contraindication, this point is considered controversial. After all, on the one hand, such fruits contain antioxidants that can suppress growth cancer cells. On the other hand, the use of this product can significantly reduce the effectiveness of medical treatment. This is due to the fact that during therapy a person is prescribed serious drugs that suppress immune system. In turn, the healthy and nutritious fruits of wolfberry will increase immunity more and more. In this regard, it is recommended that patients with cancer use this ingredient extremely carefully and only after consulting a doctor.

There is another contraindication for the use of goji berries. It applies to pregnant women and nursing mothers. In the first case, such fruits can not only saturate the body of the future mother with nutrients and vitamins, but also prevent the absorption of other elements that are no less important for the baby. In the case of nursing mothers, this contraindication is due to the fact that the berries presented are a strong allergen, and this can adversely affect the health and even the life of a newborn child.

In general, goji is a healthy plant product that contains a large amount of valuable substances and has a positive effect on overall health. Even if a drink made from these berries will not help you turn into Thumbelina in a week, it will have a good effect on your metabolism and will raise your vitality, and against this background, losing weight will be more comfortable and enjoyable. If a person drinks chocolate candies with this tea, his idea of ​​finding harmony, of course, will be doomed to failure, but a cup of an invigorating drink, drunk after a diet breakfast or before visiting the gym, will play a role in making your dream come true - even if only something that will improve your mood and give you strength. For someone who is really committed to losing weight, this will be a lot, so do not rush to unequivocally reject goji berries as a component of your menu.

Clinical pharmacologist - Kalyanova O.V.


Common wolfberry (Lycium barbarum), or Ningxia gouqi 寧夏枸杞 (Ningxiang wolfberry), is a thorny shrub up to 3.5 m high of the nightshade family (Solanaceae). It grows wild in China, the Korean Peninsula and the Japanese Islands. Cultivated in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region (central China) and other provinces. Dereza also grows in Russia (in the foothills of Altai), but Russian dereza has black berries, for which it is also called wolfberry (“wolf berry” is a popular name for a number of plants with black berries).

For many centuries, goji berries have been used in traditional Asian medicine as a tonic. It is believed that they improve the functioning of the liver and kidneys, relieve headaches, dizziness and tinnitus, and have a beneficial effect on the circulatory and nervous systems. Goji berries are also used in cooking as a seasoning for vegetables and meat dishes, an alcoholic drink is also made from goji.

However, in last years The popularity of the “berry of longevity” and the “cure for a hundred diseases” went beyond the Celestial Empire and reached a global scale. People have been actively talking about the amazing properties of goji since 2004, when information appeared in the Australian magazine "Bazar" that these berries have anti-cellulite properties. A year later, the American newspaper Los Angeles Times published an article talking about the anti-cancer properties of berries, the presence of a wide range of vitamins and other useful substances. The aggressive marketing campaign attracted close attention from doctors, and denials and revelations began. But despite this, dried wolfberry fruits have firmly taken their place in the diet of healthy food lovers.

The composition of the goji plant includes: betanin, steroid saponins, flavonoids, carotene, rutin, zeaxanthin, lutein, nicotinic acid, vitamins B and C, polysaccharides, daucosterol, amino acids, macroelements, microelements, polyphenols.

Properties of Chinese wolfberry: restorative, antioxidant, tonic, anti-infective, immune-strengthening. With the help of goji, you can improve hematopoietic function, normalize the functioning of cerebral vessels, renal function, blood sugar levels, reduce increased level cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood and liver.

As a general strengthening and medicine Pour 1 tablespoon of berries into a glass of boiling water, cover with a lid and leave for 20-30 minutes (can be brewed in a thermos).

The drink turns out to be transparent, light yellowish-pink in color - delicate, light, sweet, with a taste reminiscent of dried apricot compote, with a slight berry sourness and a subtle fruity aroma. You can drink it on its own or use it as an additive to shu pu-erh or herbal tonic preparations.

There is a special price for this item for wholesale customers!

Goji berries are often called shamballa or Tibetan barberry. However, a well-known seasoning is also called shambhala, and barberry is a common “Caucasian” shrub. This creates global confusion. Most often, people think that the barberry that we grow on garden plots, and there is the mysterious goji berry. In fact, plants are not “relatives”. Chemical properties berries, and their use in Food Industry vary. Goji is called “Barberry”, rather, for its similar appearance.

Why goji and barberry are not relatives

Goji belongs to the nightshade family. If we talk about family ties, these berries are most likely related not to barberries and dogwoods, but to tomatoes, potatoes and eggplants. It is the fact that it belongs to the nightshade family that determines its richness in essential oils and organic acids. There are so many of the latter that Chinese beauties do not take goji with their hands when collecting it. They simply spread a cloth or paper around the plant and beat the trunk with sticks until the berries fall onto the substrate. That’s why it’s quite problematic to buy fresh goji - usually the pragmatic Chinese leave them to “dry” right where the plantation is located.

Goji is called barberry simply due to the similarity of the berries, and it is visible only in dried form. It seems to non-professionals that goji resemble a rose hip in appearance, and almost half a reference book on botany. This leads to a simple thought:

  • buy goji only from trusted suppliers;
  • Don’t chase extreme cheapness, and if you decide to save money, buy rose hips at the market, they are cheap and also contain fiber and vitamin C.

Differences between goji and barberry in taste

All that a person with untrained taste buds feels in both cases is acid. However, if you chew the berries longer, they will taste completely different.

Goji gives the following flavors:

  • a little sweetness;
  • a drop of “salt”, but not like ordinary rock salt, but like, for example, the salinity of natural seaweed;
  • if you chew the berries, they will not be sour like lemon, but will only “give off” a little sourness;
  • Goji berries have a fairly distinct “fibrous” structure. Imagine that you are chewing the pulp of a slightly dried apple, the sensation will be similar.

Caucasian barberry “feels” completely differently:

  • the first note in its taste is sweet and sour and at the same time slightly spicy. The plant due to its essential oils reminiscent of... the Soviet children's soda "Duchess", but with a less pronounced sweet taste;
  • You will feel much less “fiber” and “fiber”;
  • some people do not feel the gentle sweetness of barberry at all, but only feel the acidity. This taste “haunts” those who consume sweeteners, candies and white sugar, just like most modern products.

Barberry berries do not seem salty, even if you chew them for quite a long time. It’s even easier to distinguish the berries by brewing tea based on them. The barberry drink will be lighter and more sour in taste. It will retain the aroma of barberry, and will appeal only to those who, in principle, love spices. Goji tea is more like... a mixture of rosehip infusions and a drop of tea such as pu-erh or “smoked” tea, but it has less of a “bonfire” taste. To some people, goji broth resembles miso soup. The main difference is dark color and a very subtle, almost imperceptible smell.

Additionally, berries vary greatly in how they handle transportation and storage. Many people complain that goji often clumps together in the bag and does not tolerate high temperatures well. This is due to the fact that the berries contain more fiber and are simply not able to dry to a drupe, like, for example, the well-known bird cherry.

If desired, barberry can be dried just until it becomes “oaky”, has a glossy skin and is completely unable to “stick together” into a lump. It will not be soft, and the older the fruit, the drier it will appear.

In addition, natural goji often loses color during drying and transportation and does not look as bright as in pictures on the Internet. If you touch them, they will more likely resemble white or yellow raisins in feel. But barberry is the notorious dried bird cherry.

If you look at the shrubs, the difference will be noticeable with the naked eye, but who will show you exactly that plant when buying?

How not to buy regular barberry instead of goji

The easiest way is to buy goji at a regular offline pharmacy. In such establishments, official organizations monitor the quality, and bags of berries lie quietly on the display window, and you can look at them, touch them and understand what exactly is packed there.

The method, however, does not work for many regions where goji simply is not supplied. In this case, we can recommend juice or liquid extract of berries; it is produced in China and comes under fairly well-known brands. Quality is also guaranteed.

But when buying online, you will have to study the reviews in detail. An indirect sign may be that... some people are disappointed by the taste of goji. Yes, those who like sweet berries and dried fruits usually don’t like goji. In addition, ordering a trial, small batch will give you a complete impression of what and from whom you are purchasing.