Stretch ceiling with plasterboard in the hallway photos. Plasterboard ceiling in the hallway. Preparing the ceiling before installation

The corridor is the face of the house; it is by its appearance that the first impression of the house and its owners is formed. Having made a plasterboard ceiling in the corridor, we get an original one in the room appearance. In addition, it allows you to hide all defects and hide the necessary communications behind its design.

Ideas for decorating the ceiling in the corridor with plasterboard

Having decided to finish the ceiling with plasterboard, first of all you need to decide on the design and shape of the ceiling structure. To do this, you can use online resources or construction magazines, which will give you an idea for its design.

Using various lighting solutions you can visually increase the size of your hallway.

Types of structures:

  • single-level plain;
  • single-level with decorative inserts;
  • two- and multi-level structures.

Criteria for choosing the type of design and possible color solutions

  • With a small area and height of the room, it is better to use single-level structures that practically do not reduce the height of the room.
  • For very narrow corridors, a single-level ceiling technique with shaped inserts in the form of a circle or rectangle is used. They visually expand the space and give an original stylish look.
  • To visually expand the ceiling area, plasterboard should be covered with light-colored materials.
  • For more spacious hallways you can use more original designs, consisting of several levels.
  • Large rooms allow you to play with the color background of the structure. For example, use several colors or shades at once.
  • Drywall has a good combination with tension materials. Pulling glossy ceiling, you can decorate it with a plasterboard cornice, in which it is possible to install spotlights using rotating lamps. When turning them in different directions, the impression of a ceiling flooded with light is created. The combination of tension films with plasterboard also allows the use different colors. Selecting the most suitable option to the overall interior of the room, you can create your own original and unusual style.
  • The simplest and most classic option for finishing the ceiling surface with plasterboard is a single-level design without unnecessary finishing and decorative elements. This style is characterized by the presence of straight and strict lines. The advantage of this style is that it can be combined with any interior design.
  • Designs with smooth curves significantly expand and brighten the room. When using this technology in large corridors, you can experiment with color contrasts;
  • In the creation of multi-level structures, the texture of the material plays an important role. So, interesting option The ceiling finish is a combination of a glossy base with a matte edging.
  • It is possible to design plasterboard panels with photo printing or painting.
  • For small hallways an unusual option The surface will be decorated with mirror panels. With this approach, the corridor not only visually expands, but also creates an infinity effect.

Features of plasterboard ceiling design in the corridor

The plasterboard ceiling in the corridor has the following features:

  • The smooth surface of the material allows you to create a perfectly flat ceiling, hiding all the irregularities and possible defects.
  • The ability to carry out installation yourself, without the involvement of specialists.
  • Fastening technology plasterboard sheets does not require preparation of the ceiling surface, thereby reducing the time for installation process. Cleaning the ceiling base is only necessary if the wallpaper or other finishing material is in poor condition.
  • The frame method of attaching plasterboard sheets allows you to hide possible communications.
  • When using plasterboard structures, you can install any type of lighting: spot, with open and closed lamps, and so on. It all depends on the owner’s imagination.
  • With help design ideas plasterboard structures can visually expand and enlarge the corridor.

Technology and stages of finishing the ceiling with plasterboard

You can finish the ceiling in the corridor with plasterboard yourself; it will be enough to study the technology of the installation process and arm yourself with the necessary tools. And also purchase the necessary material.

The entire installation process can be divided into four main stages.

Planning stage

At this stage, marking and cutting of the material is carried out.

To do this you need:

  • Take measurements of the hallway.
  • According to the obtained parameters, draw up a diagram of the arrangement of metal profiles to create a frame.
  • Based on the received drawing, make markings for attaching metal profiles to the ceiling.
  • Using the measurement data, prepare the plasterboard panels and cut them if necessary.
  • Calculate the number of profiles and hangers used. During their preparation, strips of a certain size are immediately cut.
  • Having prepared all the materials, assemble the entire set of tools necessary for the work.

The second stage is assembling the frame

  • The wall profile is fixed according to the previously planned markings. The size of its indentation depends on the chosen type of structure and the location of the lamps.
  • Longitudinal profiles are attached to the ceiling base. The distance between them is approximately 50 – 60 cm.
  • Suspensions are installed above the ceiling profile and secured with anchors.
  • Guide metal profiles are attached.

For the plasterboard ceiling frame in the hallway, you can use two materials: metal profiles, as well as wooden beams

The frame is the basis of the entire ceiling, and the durability of the entire plasterboard structure depends on how well and responsibly the work is done.

Installation of plasterboard panels

  • Having finished with the frame, all kinds of communications are laid inside it.
  • To ensure good waterproofing of the material, it is primed using special solution. The primer will also ensure neat joints.
  • When laying plasterboard sheets, it is necessary to leave a small gap between them and the wall, since under the influence of heat, expansion of the sheet can occur and, in the absence of gaps, their deformation.
  • Before attaching the sheets, you need to make holes in advance in which the lighting elements will be located.
  • The fastening of drywall sheets must be done in a checkerboard pattern.
  • Using self-tapping screws, the sheets are attached to the frame. The pitch between the screws depends on the area of ​​the plasterboard panels: the larger and heavier it is, the more often the screws need to be tightened.

Before covering the frame with plasterboard, it is necessary to consider the location of all the lighting and conduct the wiring.

Ceiling finishing

The corridor ceiling paneling and plasterboard must be trimmed and veneered.

  • A special tape is glued at the joints of plasterboard sheets.
  • Places of joints and screws are puttied.
  • After complete drying, the surface is sanded and leveled.
  • The plasterboard is faced using the method chosen for this purpose.

To summarize, we come to the conclusion that finishing the ceiling in the corridor with plasterboard has many advantages, one of which is the creation of a unique and unusual design that will decorate the room and create its own style. All installation work You can do it yourself, without the involvement of specialists.

The times when whitewashing was the only way to restore the appearance of a ceiling are long gone. There are now many options, each of which has both pros and cons - the latter mainly being complexity self-installation and unavailability of some materials. Arrangement of the ceiling in the corridor made of plasterboard can be called the most popular solution, which can be inspired by photos of beautiful interiors made using this material.

Benefits of drywall

For those who prefer to do repairs on their own, gypsum board is an excellent material that does not limit freedom of choice in matters of design. In addition, plasterboard is relatively inexpensive and easy to use: if you have an assistant, installing such a ceiling is not difficult.

The main advantages of the material include the following:

  • Nice appearance. A smooth, even sheet of gypsum board is quite attractive even without additional painting.
  • Good sound and heat insulation properties.
  • Safety of use. The gypsum sheet is made from a mixture of building gypsum, PVA glue and starch, placed between cardboard sheets: if it is made in accordance with GOST, it can be used in any room.
  • Breathability. This property determines both the ability to absorb moisture and release it: thus, the room will never be too wet or dry.

It should also be noted that plasterboard sheets do not weigh too much and are convenient for installation of both suspended and false ceilings.

The peculiarity of gypsum board, thanks to which it has gained such popularity, is its flexibility. Sheet transformation can be done either wet or dry, creating a huge variety of designs of any shape.

An important point: despite its elasticity, drywall is a fairly fragile material, so care must be taken when working with it. When making curved elements, you need to carefully study the technology so that the products do not break during the creation process.

To the listed advantages of the material one can add its relatively low cost. Compared to many other methods of finishing ceilings, installing plasterboard is more profitable financially, including because it does not require the involvement of large quantity people to carry out the work.

Plasterboard ceiling in the corridor: advantages

Narrow corridors are often a continuation of the hallway. Here you need to visually expand the space, which is easy to achieve using multi-level light structures made of gypsum board. In addition, the walls in the corridor cannot always be used to create a unique design, so it is appropriate to make the ceiling the main interior feature here.

Lighting plays an important role in the design: it can also be used to visually increase the volume of the room if you install not a massive chandelier, but small spotlights, which are most popular when installing plasterboard ceilings.

An interesting option is when fancy curved elements are mounted on the ceiling, additionally illuminated with LED strip. When installing such equipment, it is advisable to take the advice of a designer who will help turn the room into a real art space.

Note: low ceiling heights are not an obstacle to installing drywall. In this case, preference should be given to the hemming method of fastening rather than the more familiar hanging one. In this case, the height will decrease only by the thickness of the sheathing mounted to the rough surface.

The advantages of a gypsum ceiling in terms of decorative possibilities are obvious. As for practicality, drywall requires some care in operation: it must be protected from dirt, dust and grease. However, this problem can be easily solved if you paint the ceiling with a suitable paint: enamel, water-based, acrylic.

How to install a gypsum ceiling: preparatory stage

The first thing to do is make a list the right tools and materials. To construct a plasterboard ceiling of any type, the following is required:

  • gypsum boards;
  • metallic profile(wall and guide);
  • straight hangers;
  • fasteners (screws and dowel-nails);
  • putty for sealing joints, screws and small irregularities.

If you plan to decorate the ceiling, it is advisable to purchase “liquid nails” or gypsum glue in advance - depending on the material from which the decorative elements are made.

Next you need to check if all the tools are available. A hammer drill is a necessary thing if the rough ceiling to which the profile will be attached is concrete. In other cases, you can get by with a screwdriver. In addition, you will need:

  • level;
  • plumber's scissors for cutting profiles;
  • cutter for connecting profiles;
  • a knife for cutting gypsum board and an edge plane.

It is convenient to use for cutting holes in a plasterboard sheet for lamps, sockets or a chandelier. special tool- knife-saw. A hole saw is used for the same purposes.

After acquisition and preparation necessary materials and tools, you can begin the first stage of creating the ceiling - marking. Determining the lowest point is a key point; its position determines whether it is possible to install a false ceiling in the corridor or whether a suspended ceiling will have to be installed.

TIP: before proceeding with marking and actual installation, you should make sure that the rough surface is well prepared. If there is crumbling plaster or any other unreliable coating on it, you need to get rid of it.

After determining the bottom (zero) point, horizontal lines are drawn on the opposite walls, along which the sheathing or guide profile is then mounted.

false ceiling

In a narrow corridor it is not always advisable to create complex structures: a simple single-level ceiling may be sufficient. If the difference between the lowest and highest points that determine the height of the ceiling does not exceed 2 cm, a suspended ceiling can be constructed. This method requires less time and financial costs.

To create a structure, you need to make a wooden or metal sheathing, which is mounted on the base ceiling and walls. Plasterboard sheets are attached directly to it. If you plan to install electrical wiring under it, a sketch of its location must be made in advance.

Place spotlights or any optional equipment With this method of creating a plasterboard ceiling it will not work - there will not be enough height of the gap between the draft and the ceiling to be mounted. This distance can be increased by installing inserts on the base surface the right size, and attach the supporting frame to them. However, it is more advisable in such a situation to install a full-fledged suspended ceiling.

On a note. Sheets of plasterboard must be laid staggered, and the joints of the panels must coincide with the load-bearing parts of the frame and be attached to them. To avoid cutting and adjusting solid sheets of gypsum board, it is recommended to pre-set the optimal distance between the parts of the sheathing.

A false ceiling can only be one-level and does not provide wide possibilities for interior design, but this option is quite simple and fast. In addition, with this installation method, the ceiling height is reduced slightly.

Suspended ceiling

Multi-level ceilings can only be suspended - fastening using lathing is not suitable for them. However, for those who want to implement any creative idea, this option is much more interesting. In addition, in this case, you can build a ceiling with shaped elements: the metal profile and plasterboard sheets can easily be deformed in accordance with the chosen shape.

Single-level suspended ceilings are convenient if you need to hide communications or install spotlights, the length of the base of which requires a certain amount of gap between the rough surface and the drywall.

With this type of construction, preliminary markings are also used - not only on the walls, but also on the ceiling, to place hangers. The guide profile is mounted along the perimeter of the corridor according to the markings, and U-shaped suspensions are attached to the ceiling. These are the standard parts that are most commonly used, but in some cases spokes may be needed. These are longer hangers needed to lower the ceiling to a lower height.

An important point: if the width of the corridor allows, and solid sheets of plasterboard are used for repairs, then the supporting profile must be placed on the guide every 60 cm. Since the size of standard plasterboard is 120 cm, the position of the supporting profile will correspond to each side of the sheet and its middle - this will help ensure maximum rigidity and the strength of the entire structure.

The construction of the frame does not end there: in order for the ceiling to be level, the profile must be leveled. This can be done using a construction rule or thread. After the profile has been adjusted over the entire plane, it can be screwed to the hangers.

The next stage is laying plasterboard sheets, the process is quite fast if all the work before it was carried out carefully and correctly. The gypsum board rises to the ceiling and is fixed with several screws, after which the sheet can be released and finally secured. It is recommended to constantly measure the distance from the laid drywall to the wall, trimming any protruding edges as necessary.

Note: With this installation option, gypsum board sheets should be laid in a checkerboard pattern, avoiding complete coincidence along the seam. This will provide greater rigidity to the ceiling and prevent cracks in the putty and paint.

In this way, the ceiling of the entire corridor is mounted, after which you can begin roughing and finishing. Here you can bring to life many design ideas: paints fit perfectly on drywall, decorative plaster, wallpaper. An excellent decoration is stucco molding made from gypsum or polyurethane, which can also be painted in a suitable color.

Just as a theater begins with a coat rack, so any house or apartment begins with a hallway. Its style and interior should not only make a good impression, but also be in harmony with the rest of the premises. In small rooms, every detail of the interior is important, including the ceiling. The ceilings can be decorated in a classic white design, or contain several levels with various types backlight. You can entrust the development of the style and installation of the ceiling using plasterboard in the hallway to specialists or handle this work yourself.

What can the ceiling in the hallway be made from?

The modern construction industry offers many solutions and environmentally friendly materials for interior decoration houses or apartments. In the recent past, the ceiling could only be whitewashed, painted or wallpapered. Nowadays, these traditional and inexpensive methods have been supplemented by hanging and ceiling tiles from modern materials, decorative elements. There are design options using stained glass, mirrors and metallized plates.

Ceilings for hallways made of plasterboard are especially in demand. They are practical, reliable, durable and will allow you to bring to life any designer’s ideas with minimal costs strength and means. A plasterboard ceiling in a hallway will cost more than painting or wallpapering, but it has many advantages over them. This suspended structure will help hide uneven ceilings in the hallway and hide electrical wiring and other communications from sight. There is no need to do anything to the old ceiling; it is completely covered by a suspended structure. This saves your repair costs. In addition, plasterboard ceilings are easy to install yourself, both in the hallway and throughout the apartment.

It must be remembered that renovations in the hallway are best done last. Firstly, all the garbage will already be removed after the apartment is renovated. Secondly, the design of the hallway can be “linked” with the design of the rest of the premises.

Plasterboard ceiling in the hallway as a work of art

The ceiling in the hallway is most often small, but it can also look like a plus. Correctly selected ceiling decoration will visually expand the boundaries of the hallway, making it lighter and more original. A single-level ceiling in a hallway made of plasterboard with scattered ceilings will look impressive in combination with dark furniture or a mirrored wardrobe.

And if the ceiling height allows it, then your hallway will look very stylish and beautiful. Ceilings with clear, straight lines are suitable for narrow corridors. A square or rectangle, painted in a contrasting color with respect to the base, will visually expand the boundaries of the ceiling and the entire hallway. And lighting between levels will add aesthetics and mystery.

The final finishing of the ceiling is:

  • matte;
  • mirror;
  • painted;
  • smooth;
  • wavy.

The design of the ceiling in the hallway should be done in the spirit of the style of the main rooms. It is best to draw up a sketch of the future ceiling, make a drawing based on it, measure and put down dimensions.

Beautiful ideas for plasterboard ceilings in the photo

Unlike suspended ceilings, a suspended ceiling made of plasterboard is not difficult to make with your own hands. Drywall has a number of tangible advantages over other materials:

  • individual design;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • reduction of energy costs;
  • increased sound insulation;
  • good breathability;
  • moisture resistance;
  • possibility of installation various types built-in lamps and hidden lighting.

In addition, strips of plasterboard can be given a wavy surface, which will allow the use of various design solutions. Lightweight and resistant to external influences, this material is very convenient for finishing ceilings. It’s not difficult to make a single-level ceiling in a hallway from plasterboard if you have a minimum of knowledge about technology, a partner and necessary tool. It is better to entrust a multi-level ceiling to specialists.

Required materials and tools

A suspended ceiling consists of a frame (sheathing) and sheathing. Galvanized steel profiles are used for the frame, or it is allowed wooden beam. For a flat ceiling in the hallway, both options are suitable. But there are several features that need to be taken into account. The timber for the sheathing must be chamber dried with a relative humidity of no more than 15%. Before installation, it is impregnated with a special fire bioprotection and let it dry. But even if all standards for wood are observed, it is possible that over time the timber will begin to move and cracks will appear on the ceiling. Therefore, most professionals prefer steel ones.

In order to make a ceiling in the hallway from plasterboard with your own hands, you need to purchase the materials and tools necessary for the work. There are several types of drywall sheets. Perfect for a hallway standard sheet(GKL) thickness 9.5 mm. You will also need 2 types of profiles - guides(PN) measuring 28x27 millimeters and ceiling(PP) – 60x27 millimeters. The guide profile is attached to the wall on 6 mm. To increase sound insulation, you need to purchase sealing tape with adhesive backing. To fasten the main shelf profile use direct suspension,anchor wedges, single-level connector (crab), PSh self-tapping screws to connect the entire structure into a monolithic frame. If the length of the hallway more than three meters will be required metal profile extensions. To cover the frame, gypsum boards are required black 25-35 mm with fine pitch, (serpyanka), .

It is equally important to have a complete set of tools necessary for work:

  • hydraulic level or laser level;
  • bubble building level (1-1.5 m);
  • painting cord (painting);
  • aluminum rule, 2-2.5 m long;
  • hammer;
  • knife for cutting plasterboard (a stationery knife with replaceable blades is suitable);
  • tape measure 5 m;
  • metal scissors or a grinder with a metal circle;
  • hammer drill or drill with hammer function;
  • screwdriver;
  • finishing spatulas.

Once everything you need has been purchased, you can begin transforming the hallway ceiling.

Correctly installing the ceiling frame under plasterboard

In order for the ceiling in the hallway to be smooth, beautiful, meet your expectations and serve for many years, you need to carefully mark and correctly install the ceiling frame under the plasterboard. First, guide profiles are marked and installed. Since they are located along the perimeter of the room, their total length should slightly exceed the length of the perimeter. We divide the resulting value by 3 and get the number of guides (profile length 3 meters). The minimum distance from the old ceiling should be 5-6 cm. If the future ceiling is equipped with spotlights, this distance increases by another 5-6 cm.

Place the first mark on the wall with a marker or pencil. Using a laser or hydro level, we transfer this height to the remaining walls of the corridor. Then, using a paint cord, we connect these points into a continuous line. To do this, press the cord to two marks on the wall, pull it in the middle part towards you parallel to the ceiling, and then release it. The cord hits the wall and leaves a clear, even line. This is the boundary along which the guide profile is installed; holes are pre-drilled in it for dowel-nails at a distance of 40-50 cm from each other. A sealing tape is glued to the profile on the back side.

All that remains is to attach it to the line and mark the holes for mounting on the wall. Holes in the wall are drilled with a hammer drill equipped with a concrete drill. The profile is secured with dowel nails. Now you can start more serious work.

Ceiling profiles are conventionally divided into longitudinal(long) and transverse(cut into pieces of a certain length). For a more precise location of the profiles, the ceiling is marked into rectangles of 60x50 cm, the distance between the centers of the longitudinal profiles is 60 cm, the distance between the transverse ones is 50 cm. If there is a drawing of the ceiling with such markings, then it is easy to calculate the total length of all ceiling profiles and their number.

How best to arrange the longitudinal profiles depends on the size of the hallway. If the width of the room is 3 m or slightly less, it makes sense to save material by arranging them along the width rather than along the length.

Longitudinal profiles are attached to the ceiling using direct hangers. They are placed along the markings at a distance of 45-50 cm from each other. The suspension is applied to the ceiling, the marking line should pass through its center. Places for fastening are marked, after which holes are drilled. The suspension is attached to the ceiling using anchor wedges.

When installing longitudinal profiles, one end is inserted into the guide profile. To ensure that the ceiling level is the same everywhere, the installation of longitudinal strips is carefully controlled. To do this, you can use an aluminum rule, pressing its ends to the lower edges of the guide profiles. In this case, the longitudinal profile rests on the rule and is attached along the entire length to the suspensions with PSh screws. Often, instead of a rule, tensioned threads are used to level the horizon. Another option is to use a laser level.

The ends of straight hangers protruding below the profile level are bent upward or cut off with metal scissors. Crabs are inserted into the profile from above at the intersection of the transverse lines. A transverse profile will be attached to them.

Covering the ceiling frame with plasterboard

Before you begin installing drywall, you should install the electrical wiring. All wires are placed in special corrugated pipes. Wires should not lie on the metal frame.

GKL sheets are attached to the frame with fine-pitch screws. The distance between the screws is 15-20 cm, and to the edge of the sheet - at least 2 cm. The heads of the screws are slightly recessed into the sheet. It is necessary to ensure that all sheet joints fall in the middle of the profiles. If the sheet covers the entire profile, the excess part of the sheet must be cut off. The drywall is not attached tightly, but with a gap of 3-4 mm. After the entire ceiling is sewn up, both the sheets and the gaps between them are impregnated with a special acrylic primer.

Then the seams are rubbed with a quick-drying gypsum mixture using a narrow spatula. Reinforcing tape is embedded in the wet putty. All recesses from self-tapping screws in the middle of the sheets are also sealed. When everything is dry, they begin to make plasterboard in the hallway. Finishing putty is applied, and unevenness and roughness are removed with special meshes. Finally, holes are cut for or decorated with.

And in conclusion

Plasterboard ceilings for the hallway can be made by anyone who knows how and loves to work with their own hands. True, you can’t do this without an assistant. And it is better to entrust the arrangement of multi-level ceilings to specialists. After all, in every business there are many nuances and secrets unknown to a beginner.

In an apartment, the first place you enter is the hallway. It should make a good impression, and not only furniture and accessories are important here, but also the interior as a whole. It has always been believed that ceilings should be white and perfectly smooth, but increasingly their design is moving away from the classic look.

The main advantage of suspended systems is that there is no need to level the existing ceiling.

Drywall has many positive characteristics:

  • Eco-friendly;
  • Energy saving;
  • Soundproofing;
  • Flexible (if handled correctly);
  • Breathable;
  • Moisture resistant.

Apart from the above, it is easy to operate. Anyone can install a plasterboard ceiling, even without experience working with it. And also, such panels easily hide uneven walls.

Negative aspects are fragility, reduction of the room and, unlike concrete slab Do not hang heavy objects.

The height of the room is reduced to 5 cm, so owners of apartments in houses with an old layout need to carefully consider the design.

There are two types of suspended ceilings:

  • Single level;
  • Multi-level.

A single-level ceiling is the simplest version of a suspended system, and it can also serve as the basis for a multi-level one. This ceiling looks like a perfectly flat ceiling. Multi-level ceiling - allows you to create absolutely any pattern. The lighting of such a ceiling can be spot lighting, when small bulbs with LEDs are installed, or you can add lighting between levels, which looks very impressive.

Wires and cables are easily hidden under suspended ceilings.

Design of a plasterboard ceiling in the hallway

Depending on the size of the hallway, you need to select a ceiling design.

In the hallway, the ceiling decor must be thought out based on the characteristics of the hallway:

  • Color spectrum;
  • Complexity;
  • Type of drawing.

In small hallways, you need to think through a design in detail that will not be burdensome. When the room is narrow and long, the complexity of the pattern should be simple. Can be done two-level ceiling with lighting between levels, such decor will visually enlarge the space.

Recessed geometric shapes are also suitable, for example one large or several small rectangles with backlight will look impressive.

The color scheme for such rooms should be chosen in light colors. Lighting in the hallway is no less important, since hallways usually do not have natural light. Therefore, well-distributed spotlights will create a feeling of lightness in the room. In spacious hallways, it is better to combine the ceiling with other rooms, for example, if the pattern flows smoothly into the room. The best way to highlight them is with multi-level plasterboard ceilings. There may be the most different shapes, for example, waves, ovals and others. The color scheme can be varied, the main thing is that it matches the overall interior. The style and appearance of ceilings are different: matte, glossy and with glass inserts. Combination different types look great. Sometimes they even use a mirrored ceiling surface, which creates a feeling of vastness.

Making a ceiling in the hallway from plasterboard with your own hands

Using plasterboard is easy to use, so building a ceiling with your own hands is quite possible. But due to the fact that the sheets of drywall will still require an assistant.

To work you will need:

  • Drywall;
  • Wall profile;
  • Guide profile;
  • Direct suspension;
  • Dowel-nails;
  • "Bug";
  • Self-tapping screws;
  • Gypsum putty.

Tools you will need:

  • Hammer;
  • Metal scissors;
  • Planes (edging and roughening);
  • Cutter;
  • Needle roller;
  • Hacksaw for drywall;
  • Building level.

Before installation, it is necessary to carefully prepare the ceiling, that is, clean it of old finishing material and make markings, the rest of the work will depend on it. If the ceiling is not level, then find the lowest point; from it you will need to draw a horizon line along the remaining walls.

Then you need to install the profiles at a distance of 60 cm, with the first and last suspension being attached 30 cm from the wall. The length of the slats should be equal to the width of the room.

And their number is calculated by dividing the width of the room by the distance between the slats. The number of hangers is calculated using the formula: the width of the room is divided by the distance between the slats and their number, which was obtained in the previous calculation, is multiplied.

Sometimes suspended ceilings are insulated, this is done by laying insulation into the frame. 4. After installing the frame, the plasterboard sheets are fastened with self-tapping screws. The distance between the screws is 25cm. When all the sheets of drywall are installed, the seams are sealed with a primer and you need to wait until it dries. Then putty is applied to the screws and seams between the sheets, and after complete drying they are glued with joint tape, which is also treated with putty.

After the rough layer has completely dried, the final coating (paint, plaster) is applied. The last step is to install lighting fixtures.

Beautiful plasterboard ceiling: hallway design

The overall interior of the hallway is important and the design of the ceiling, furniture and accessories should be in harmony.

Ceiling decoration can be varied:

  • Matte;
  • Reflective, mirror;
  • Painted;
  • Smooth
  • Corrugated.

If the hallway is small, then you should not overload the ceiling with multi-colors; it is better to make it white and dilute the overall interior, for example, with various accessories or furniture in darker colors, or beautiful lamps. If the hall smoothly transitions into the living room, then great solution will divide the room into zones using the ceiling or make a pattern smoothly transitioning into the next room, which will be a continuation of the interior.

To separate, you can make columns on the walls, which will be a continuation of the ceiling; they will help divide the room and visually increase the height of the ceilings.

Installation of a plasterboard ceiling in the hallway (video)

In conclusion, we would like to add that lighting in the hallway is very important; the room needs to be light and cozy. Beautiful lamps on the walls or spotlights, or maybe lighting between the ceiling levels will add elegance to the interior.

The corridor is always a kind of stumbling block in repairs. This is especially true for the design of ceilings and the material from which they are made. There is usually not much space in the hallway, and if the house was built a long time ago, then the height here is usually small.


Despite the fact that suspended structures here “eat up” the already small height of the room, plasterboard is still one of the most good options for decorating the ceiling in the corridor.

  • All defects of the old coating will be perfectly hidden behind the suspended structure.
  • You can make such a design quickly and, most importantly, simply.
  • By cost hanging option It will obviously be cheaper than a well-leveled one. concrete, and you can do all the installation and finishing work yourself.
  • The originality of the design is also very important - after all, the corridor is the first thing your guests will see. And drywall will make the hallway exclusive.

There is no need to talk about other positive aspects - there are a lot of possibilities for such solutions. If you decide to make a plasterboard ceiling in your hallway, it would be useful to look at a few photos that give an idea of ​​how everything can be decorated.

Design ideas

It would seem that something special can be invented in such an ordinary place as a corridor? But it turns out that there are a lot of interesting solutions, each of which can serve as the basis for creating your own exclusive design.

In order to choose something suitable for you, of course, you will have to work hard, sifting through thousands of options, but the result is worth the time and effort.

The plasterboard ceiling in the corridor, shown in the photo below, is presented in a classic form. There are no unnecessary decorative elements, all lines are straight and strict.

But this style of decoration fits perfectly with the others. decorative elements on the walls and wallpaper. The main lighting is made in the form of a hidden light source, which also complements the rest of the design well.

Most people prefer to decorate their corridors in a classic way. Even though this look may seem somewhat boring, the classics are always in fashion and it is quite difficult to “miss” with decoration in this case.

But you should always stick to familiar and uninteresting options. As many examples show, plasterboard ceilings can be much more interesting, as, for example, demonstrated by the hallway shown in the following photo.

Of course, creating such a composition is not easy, but you can do it yourself. It will take a little more time and diligence, but nevertheless, it is possible.

The presence of backlight allows you not to use bright general light unless necessary, and the rest of the time, it complements the main lighting.

For small corridors and hallways there are several useful solutions, using which you can give them a completely different look:

  • Use only light colors in decoration. And this applies not only to ceilings. This way you can visually give the room the feeling of more space than it already has.
  • By decorating the ceiling with several regular geometric shapes, like rectangles or squares, you can “expand” the boundaries of a small corridor.
  • Install as many as possible lighting fixtures in the ceiling surface. You shouldn’t go to extremes, but the abundance of light makes the room visually larger.

It would seem that these are simple and simple techniques, but they turn out to be very effective when used correctly. The plasterboard ceilings in the hallway, shown in the next photo, demonstrate practical use all these tricks.

A successful combination of bright light and several tiers in the design of the ceiling gives the effect of visually enlarging a small room.

Large areas allow you not to restrain your imagination. Here it is possible to use many more techniques in the design of the ceiling surface. But the most common here will be designs with several levels.

Moreover, you can make ceilings in a large hallway not only from plasterboard, but combine them with tension ones, which will give it an even more beautiful look, like the one shown in the photo.

But this is a rare rather than a common solution. It is much easier to use only drywall and create a simple multi-level composition.

Plasterboard ceilings, as in the next few photos, completely changed what had recently been a fairly ordinary corridor, and gave it a much more attractive look.

The correct geometric lines on the ceiling, complemented by lamps that match the style, successfully echo the rest of the decor of this corridor.

Here, several waves used on the ceiling structure slightly hide the overall “squareness” of the hallway. With this design, it looks more elongated.

Several levels of the ceiling give the room a feeling of greater height than it actually is.

Well-placed built-in lamps will help you see what is in the depths of a large wardrobe and illuminate the area near the front door.

The main lighting is provided by a beautiful chandelier.

Oddly enough, the use of multi-tiered compositions not only does not reduce the space, but, quite the opposite, visually expands its boundaries.

There are, of course, cases in which the use of several levels will not be the most the best way design, but here single-level solutions will come to the rescue. They are no less popular, as they help solve the problem of uneven floor slabs and place several built-in ceiling lights.


As you can see, even a small hallway can be seriously transformed through proper design. And the ceiling will play an important role here.

Everyone, of course, will choose the design of their corridor themselves, but using small tricks mentioned in this article, you can achieve better results.

To be afraid that the suspended structure, built in an already small space the hallway will “eat up” the height and reduce the area visually, it’s not worth it. On the contrary, a well-thought-out multi-tiered composition will visually “add” space to a cramped room.

In general, there are so many options for design that it is not possible to present them all here. It is much easier to see this for yourself by searching the Internet for a suitable design idea.