DIY sewing with patterns for beginners. ✂️ Beautiful, easy and affordable: patchwork sewing in patchwork style with templates and patterns. Step-by-step instructions MK

Many women want to learn how to sew or practice another type of needlework. This requires certain knowledge, attention and a desire to learn. Cutting and sewing is a difficult and painstaking form of creativity. Much will depend on what goals you set for yourself: to sew for yourself and your family or to master sewing professional level. Where to start sewing lessons for beginners and how to acquire skills for a beginner in this business?

In any business, it is impossible for a beginner to do without the first lessons. For those who want to learn how to sew independently and correctly at home, you need to separate two concepts:

  • learn to sew and cut;
  • know how to sew on a sewing machine.

Almost everyone can master a sewing machine at home, if they have one desire to master technology basic sewing skills. In this matter, systematic repetition is important in order to get better at it.

Sewing things is another matter and for this you need to master the basics of cutting and sewing. At the very beginning, you should determine for yourself the direction in needlework:

  • clothing creation;
  • sewing soft toys for children or bags;
  • working with home textiles.

Any of them is associated with a certain sewing technique, purchasing special sets of tools, mastering sewing techniques. The modification of the sewing machine will also depend on this.

To master any trends in sewing art To begin with, you will need a minimum set of devices, without which a beginner will not be able to start sewing:

  • tailor's scissors capable of cutting efficiently different types fabrics;
  • an accessory for correcting incorrect seams, it will rip the fabric without damaging the products;
  • tape measure;
  • chalk for patterns or soap;
  • pins and thread.

It is also necessary to acquire a sewing machine and begin to master the device and how to work with it.

Learning to sew on a sewing machine is easy. The lessons will not take much time and effort. Experienced craftsmen advise taking paper, not fabric, for practice. It is more rigid and will not drape in the stitching. The best option- these are ordinary sheets of paper from a notebook. You won't need threads for the first lesson. The paper should be placed under the folder and you can start scribbling. You need to learn how to make straight seams, especially with turns. The needles in the machine immediately become unusable after using paper and are no longer suitable for further work. The needle should not be thrown away, as it can be used for working with flaps.

To make it easier to master the seam technique, no need to press on the pedal of the machine. This will make it easier to control the stitch evenness. You need to learn how to adjust the device. Both threads - upper and lower should be tensioned equally, evenly and tightly. This will allow them not to tear, but to lie evenly in the stitching, without pulling the fabric together. If the threads are loosely tensioned, they will get tangled, tear, and the seam will end up with an obvious defect.

It is necessary to achieve straight, even seams that follow the markings. Bartacks should be made after each seam to prevent them from coming apart. Training should begin with mastering simple seams and then move on to more advanced ones. complex finishing seams.

Before using the machine, you should carefully read the instructions for using it. You need to understand the settings and be able to thread a needle. As a last resort, you can take a free online course with videos and photos, where the master will tell you step by step all the basics and secrets for beginners with a description of hand and sewing.

Experienced seamstresses advise beginners in the sewing business to start with sewing textiles:

  • pillowcases:
  • bed for a child;
  • apron;
  • potholders.

If such items are not needed in everyday life, then you can try sewing a straight-cut skirt. Nowadays they sell magazines with specially designed models for beginners. Basically, they offer basic things that beginner seamstresses can do. Such products can be sewn in 1 evening. The cut pieces are pinned together and then hand stitched using a basting stitch. If everything fits after trying on, then they should be sewn together by machine.

After choosing a model, you need to buy fabric for it. Most suitable material for the first works - cotton with a dense structure. It will be easier to cut and process with a sewing machine. The fabric is inexpensive, so if it gets damaged, this result will not entail large losses. If the first item turned out to be successful, then you can move on to another type of product or sew a more complex skirt or clothes for your child. Mastery skills come with time and only with experience can you sew complex things, for example, an evening dress.

Basic mistakes made by beginners

Beginning seamstresses often make mistakes, but they can always be corrected and they must strive for this.

You cannot rush in any handicraft and it is very important that haste does not develop into a habit. It occurs not only among beginners, but also among experienced masters.

You cannot stitch without trying it on, because after this it is more difficult to make the necessary changes. Stitching without fitting is acceptable if patterns are used that were previously used to sew clothes, and the size of the figure has not changed.

Very often when sewing clothes magazine patterns are used, which can also be found by visiting the tutorial website of cutting and sewing. However, individual parameters do not always coincide with them. As a result, the product will not fit perfectly. It is necessary to take into account your parameters and adjust them to the basis of the pattern.

To achieve the desired result, you need experience and a desire to learn. It is advisable to buy special literature, study it and consult with experienced specialists. Making your own mistakes will be costly as the fabric may be damaged.

You cannot buy fabric for tailoring items. If a newbie suddenly miscalculates or messes it up, then without a supply of material it is unlikely that anything will be corrected. Before cutting the fabric, it must be ironed. Wet processing of the material will cause natural shrinkage, after which you can draw on it.

Don't stop halfway. Very often, beginners begin to actively learn to sew and, without finishing the work, give up, especially if something doesn’t work out. After this, it’s difficult to force yourself to take on an unfinished item. You need to be persistent and continue, otherwise you won’t be able to learn to sew.

Patchwork is the creation of products from various pieces of material. Various patchwork techniques are discussed here, as well as a small course for beginners and beginners in this business. Any child can do this. You can use any old unnecessary bedspread, cut into small pieces. An experienced craftsman can make a beautiful pattern for a pillow cover or a potholder for a teapot. Any magazine for housewives has a section where they describe various crafts, embroidery ideas and much more.

In fact, patchwork is a very exciting activity. From old unnecessary strips you can organize sewing from scraps.

The concept of "patchwork"

And yet, what is patchwork in sewing? Patchwork is patchwork sewing. That is, a strip of fabric is connected into small blocks, and the block forms the appearance of a geometric figure. What can you sew from scraps of fabric with your own hands? This is the creation of pillows, capes, pincushions, potholders and much, much more. This allows you to give a second life to clothes that were planned to be thrown away.

Patchwork pincushion


Creating things from small scraps of fabric has existed for a long time among many peoples of the world. This became possible due to the fact that when working with fabric, pieces and scraps of materials remain. In Egypt, an ornament was created from pieces of gazelle skin. This was around 980 BC. e. And in 1920, a patchwork quilt was found in the cave.

patchwork quilt

Sewing from rags appeared due to a shortage of material. And in England in 1712 they began to preserve domestic production of patchwork sewing. IN North America the blanket came with settlers in 1620. Also, due to the shortage, the patchwork technique has become popular. At the 1876 World's Fair in Philadelphia, a silk patterned work was exhibited, accompanied by a sign. And it immediately gained enormous popularity. This has always been quite common in Rus'. In the 17th century, patchwork rugs appeared. This type of sewing became popular in the 19th century, when foreign chintz appeared. Russian sewing is characterized by assembly by hand, without any devices.

Patchwork rug


First of all, if you decide to do this permanently and professionally, you need to take it right away good tools and spare no expense. For beginners, you can take inexpensive supplies.

Of course, we should start with the basics. This is a sewing machine. Next, you need to purchase special patchwork feet. They are necessary at work. This foot must have a spring. You will also need a BSR stitching foot.

Sewing machine

For patchwork, you can use regular universal sewing needles.

A patchwork mat is an indispensable tool. You will also need a circular knife for cutting fabric.

Important! The circular knife is available in several basic diameters.

It is worth purchasing a ruler for sewing from scraps. Also scissors, needles for hand sewing, pincushion, safety pins and basting pins. That's basically all you need to get the job done.


A lot depends on the material in any work. And the variety of fabrics is absolutely impressive. But which one should you choose? What's better?

You can buy the material, or you can collect the remains of old unnecessary material.

If used materials are used to give them a second life, they need to be ripped apart, washed and ironed. After this, you can divide them into flaps of suitable size.

Some fabrics need to be glued with non-woven fabric to keep their shape.

Note! In order for everything to fit together, you need to carefully cut and place everything.

Scraps of unnecessary fabric

Chintz is best suited for this type of work. It holds its shape perfectly, is easy to work with, and does not crumble. These are chintz, satin and other cotton materials. Denim is also great for patchwork. There is an incredible amount various colors and shades of blue, from which you can create something interesting. Linen does not cause allergic reactions, and the colors are very diverse. Silk is incredibly beautiful, so products made from this material look rich and expensive. Things made of wool are very practical. The blanket will be stretchy and cozy.

Chintz for patchwork

There are materials that are not suitable. These are those that stain and shrink a lot, such as pleated fabrics, rigid synthetics, real fur, or fabrics with metallic threads.

Types of equipment

There are a huge number of patchwork techniques, thanks to which everyone will find their favorite.


This is the most simple technique. So, you don’t need paper for this sewing, and neither do you need patterns. Cut a square 50 by 60 mm.

The block in this technique is performed strictly in a spiral.

  1. Sew the block clockwise.
  2. Cut out rectangles of other colors.
  3. Place the next one on the left.
  4. Align and measure the long side.
  5. The next rectangle is 100 by 60 mm.
  6. Sew it on and iron it.
  7. Seams are usually pressed to one side. The result is a rectangle 100 by 120 mm. Attach a 60 mm strip to the right, pin and stitch.
  8. Then iron it. Further by analogy.

“Well” technique


This technique is very similar to darning. Various patches are roughly used here. They are sewn by hand using coarse threads. With large stitches, patches are sewn on top of each other in a chaotic manner.


This perfect option sewing from scraps for beginners. The base should be sprinkled with fabric hot melt adhesive powder. And start laying out the rags, starting with the larger ones. You need to fill in all the gaps and iron it through non-stick paper. The glue melts and you're done.

Pizza technique

"Russian Square"

It looks quite impressive, although there is nothing complicated:

  1. Lay strips of 20 millimeters in rows, forming a square.
  2. Next, connect the resulting logs through the tops.
  3. Sew a diamond into the center.


This technique came from England.

  1. Create pentagons.
  2. They need to be sewn so that their edges touch, leaving no gaps. Nothing complicated here, but very beautiful.

"Patchwork Corner"

This technique is used to create beautiful rugs:

  1. Cut the fabric into squares.
  2. Fold them into a triangle, connect with another one and under the foot sewing machine.
  3. Then add in a spiral.

Technique "Patchwork Corner"

"Stripe to Stripe"

Everything is simple here, connect the flaps with strips into blocks, and the blocks into a canvas.


Place a short strip on the left, then another on the right, new ones on the left, turning 180 degrees, then again on the right. Sew in the same order.


There are two types of fabric to choose from, one bright and the other neutral. The bright one is sewn with a pattern, and the plain one is sewn with a background.


Strips of fabric are sewn in rows. Preferably colored stripes. The edges remain, creating volume. This is the whole secret.

Free technique

There is an opportunity to create roses or a crazy quilt. A small square is placed in the middle and a triangle starts from the top, then in a circle so that there is no free space left.

Freestyle patchwork technique

"Log Cabin"

This is similar to the previous technique. Only the base is not triangles, but stripes, which can be narrow or wide. Start sewing them in a circle.

"Grandma's Garden"

This technique is based on the “Honeycomb”. Only here an important role is given to color. There is one core, then a circle of one color, then a circle of one color, from such circles you create a canvas.

"Quick squares"

Squares are created from triangles, and blocks are created from the resulting squares, which are connected into a canvas.

"Jacob's Ladder"

Here everything is created from triangles, which form identical stripes diagonally, and then stitched together to form a solid fabric.


This is completely elementary. Sew different triangles in any order and you get what you get.



It's more complicated. Here you have to suffer a little. Sew strip to strip all the flaps. A pipe should form. Now cut the entire “pipe” into transverse strips. Thickness is about 50 millimeters. You should get a stepped pattern. Sew what you received. Align the edges.

Japanese patchwork.

This complex look art. With its help, real paintings are created. This is a patch based on some sketch.

Patchwork - diagrams, templates and patterns for beginners

You should consider patchworking beautiful things and easy step-by-step instructions for beginners. You can make a wonderful pot holder or blanket.

The blanket is very easy to make. First, choose a technique that you like. The canvas is created required sizes, then sew the second side from the inside out. Do not sew the top, fill it with blanket composition, which must be purchased in advance. It depends on what you want to fill the blanket with. All that's left to do is stitch it up. Nice and simple. And a hand-made blanket will warm you twice as much.

DIY blanket

The rug is best made using one of the circle-based techniques. The rug needs a thick base. An ornament of the required size is created. The edges are processed and sewn with stripes of a different color. All that remains is to attach it to the base using glue. The rug is ready.

You will have to tinker with the potholder. Using the chosen technique, two bases are created, a lining is sewn on so that the product does not rub against the skin. Now, cut-to-size potholders are connected to the wrong side. Turn it inside out and it's done.

Attention! Dense material is suitable for tack. A tack made from lightweight material will be of no use.


The article discusses a large number of technician, but that's not all. There is plenty of room to roam around, so you should choose what you like and create for your health! The incredible variety of techniques, the ability to create stunning patterns and designs make you look at patchwork in a new way, give new life old things. And after practice, you can buy fabric and delight your loved ones with new gifts or attributes for everyday use.

In order for a novice craftswoman to be able to make the simplest clothes with her own hands, it is not necessary to complete cutting and sewing courses. Dress patterns for beginners are simple, like “twice two,” and sewing using such a pattern can be done very easily. The most important thing is to do the following: start cutting and sewing the dress only after carefully studying the pattern.

In contact with

Under no circumstances should you do the opposite: start working, and only then, in the process of cutting the fabric and sewing, check the pattern. Of course, this does not apply to experienced needlewomen who know how to make patterns themselves and do not need tips and instructions. This is only for beginner seamstresses.. Those who are just starting to sew simple clothes with their own hands cannot do without a ready-made pattern, just like without their hands.

Having a ready-made pattern greatly simplifies the process of sewing clothes with your own hands, especially if the novice seamstress has chosen a simple dress style. Using the finished pattern, even a schoolgirl will enjoy sewing with her own hands without much difficulty. A novice seamstress can do it just fine on her own if she is attentive and takes sewing seriously.

Cutting and sewing the simplest clothes: where to start

Before starting to sew the simplest dress with your own hands, the novice craftswoman must pick a pattern. The pattern should be so simple that an inexperienced seamstress can easily cut and sew herself, without the help of more experienced colleagues or professional tailoring workshops. Before sewing the simplest dress with your own hands, you need to prepare everything you need to make the dress. And then it will be easy to sew with your own hands, and the sewing process will bring incomparable pleasure. Those who want to sew simple clothes with their own hands will need:

Having prepared everything you need, you can start cutting the fabric and sewing. Attention: When cutting fabric, you should never forget about the existence of seam allowances. If you miss this one important point, there may be confusion with sizes. Those who are sewing using ready-made patterns for the first time should know that there is nothing complicated about it. The most important step is cutting the fabric. Here, in no case should you make mistakes, so as not to spoil the material. An equally important stage is sewing. You need to be extremely careful while sewing. Particular attention should be paid to the seams on the wrong side of the product. They should look neat and in no case be conspicuous to anyone.

Do-it-yourself cutting and sewing: general description of the work

For that. In order to sew any item of women's, men's or children's wardrobe with her own hands, a novice craftswoman must certainly imagine general outline sequence of work. To sew a new dress yourself, you need:

What else needs to be done before you start sewing

Before sewing the dress on sewing machine, basting is usually done by hand. Basting is done with a simple “forward needle” seam or its variation – a “back needle” seam. These are the simplest stitches that are traditionally used for basting. You can decorate the finished dress with embroidery in the satin stitch style or. This decor will look very impressive, especially if the dress is in an ethnic style.

Sewing clothes yourself has a lot of advantages; in comparison, buying clothes in stores seems boring and uninteresting. Sewing elegant dresses and skirts with your own hands is a great way to master basic cutting and sewing skills. A handmade dress will always be one of a kind. You won’t find anyone else wearing exactly the same dress, so self-production clothes are also a great way to have fun with the whole family. Before you start cutting fabric, you need to carefully study the pattern, examine everything presented on the pattern symbols. Only after this can you begin the main part of the work.

You need to pay attention while sewing so that the machine seam is smooth and there are no rough knots. If the style of the product requires pockets, you need to cut out one or more pockets in advance and sew them on at the very end. The fabric for the dress depends on the season. Summer dresses are usually made from light, airy fabric in bright colors, while a dress for winter and autumn, on the contrary, should be warm. Winter dresses are usually made from thick fabric. As for color, it can be almost anything. The most popular colors this season are various checks, polka dots, herringbone, abstract geometric patterns and floral patterns.

A novice needlewoman is definitely worth it. Before you take on something as serious as a dress, you can practice on children's clothing. This will help you better understand the patterns and the symbols used in them.

Sewing a simple dress yourself is a great way to contribute a significant amount of savings to family budget. Using one pattern, you can make several dresses at once, slightly different from each other in shade, color, style or decor.

Those who are determined to learn how to sew on their own should definitely remember that in this matter, under no circumstances should you rush because mastery comes with experience. In addition, a novice dressmaker must have artistic taste.

The easiest way is to sew a dress with a belt with your own hands. This dress can be worn both at home and on the beach. It is recommended to sew a robe from natural fabrics (chintz or). Both a zipper and buttons can be used as a fastener. The color of the robe dress should be bright and cheerful. Another option for a simple dress is a shirt dress. This dress looks spectacular on young girls, as well as on women of any age who have slim figure. However, it is recommended that those who doubt the merits of their figure and their good health refrain from wearing a shirt dress. physical fitness.

There are a great many simple styles, the main thing is choose yours. To make the right choice, a novice needlewoman must study more than a dozen patterns. But the result will undoubtedly live up to your wildest expectations.

Nowadays, when we have to spend a lot on clothes, self-sewing can significantly replenish the family budget. Having mastered the art of cutting and sewing, a novice craftswoman will soon be able to easily dress herself, her husband, children and relatives in original, stylish, beautiful clothes without special costs. Despite the fact that everything can be bought in a store these days, many beautiful ladies traditionally love to sew their own clothes because it is a great way to show off their creativity.

In order for handicrafts to begin to bring pleasure, you will have to work hard. Starting is never easy. You also need to learn patchwork sewing. Not everything works out right away: your hands don’t obey, your eye fails. This is what the experience of the masters is for. Having mastered video lessons, photo materials and a master class with their tips and secrets, you can safely bring to life any idea - from making a simple pot holder to a new sofa upholstery.

Quilting for Beginners

Patchwork is very popular today - a handicraft in which colored scraps of fabric are assembled into a whole product with a planned pattern based on the principle of a mosaic. The result of such a fascinating process can be a recognizable image of some objects, geometric patterns or fancy patterns. Ideas for patchwork can be taken from photo and video lessons, as well as master classes.

Initially, the patches were sewn together to save material, and the patchwork had very specific tasks. Now the patchwork technique is the desire to create beauty while enjoying this magical action. Quilted bedspreads, decorative panels, blankets and pillows, oven mitts, updated furniture, and clothes are pleasing to the eye.

To understand the basics of patchwork technique, you need to get acquainted with its main types in master classes and videos


  1. AccuracyAndaccuracy. The patchwork technique is not a complicated technology, but realizing the idea, as in MK, is not always easy. The guarantee of success in patchwork is accuracy and precision. Patterns for potholders or blankets must be precise and very neatly sewn. Fabric Requires pre-treatment(decatation). It needs to be soaked or washed, dried and ironed, sorted by color.
  2. JobWithiron. The iron is an important tool in patchwork. During work, the seams must be ironed; when decatching fabrics, they must also be ironed. Ready-made potholders or bags are steamed with front side and always in one direction. The seams also need to be pressed in one direction. Then they will not crumble and will be durable. Seam allowances are smoothed from the inside out so that no marks remain on the front side. In complex blocks where seams meet different directions, the allowances of each next row are ironed in a different direction. On the front side, iron at the intersection points of the seams. If the strips are too long, they should be placed on the ironing board not horizontally, but vertically - they will not wrinkle or stretch. Too much thick fabric moisturize and steam. The fabric is ironed along the grain temperature conditions, corresponding to the type of fabric.
  3. Secretssewing. Carelessly sewn fragments of a future potholder or napkin, uneven seams, even a slight discrepancy in sizes will destroy patchwork sewing for beginners. Therefore, the flaps must be sewn in very precisely. Beginning craftswomen will be helped by templates in the form of a frame, which are made on graph paper with a seam line printed on the fabric. Before starting a huge project, it is recommended to sew a sample block. It will help you check the cutting accuracy and adjust the operation of the sewing machine. It is easy to see all the errors on the sample - this will save both time and effort.

It is much more difficult to correct errors on a finished canvas.

In general, the patchwork technique should be taken seriously, considering everything color combinations even for potholders - after all, they, like sloppy work, can ruin the thing and discourage you from mastering such an exciting handicraft.

Master class: block of squares (video)

Where to start patchwork sewing

To begin with, they collect all the scraps of fabric, sort them by texture and color, and begin to create a pattern. You can do the opposite: come up with a pattern or find it on MK, photos and videos, and then cut blanks from purchased fabrics.

From all the abundance of fabric scraps stored at home, it is important to choose the right combination for the future product

The second step is to create a sketch of an oven mitt, pillow or napkin. It is better for beginning needlewomen to use ready-made patterns from magazines or MKs from the Internet.

The process of joining shreds into a whole canvas:

  • Sewing the parts of a potholder or blanket;
  • Connecting blocks into one whole;
  • Sewing the lining

In addition to sewing, there is also knitted patchwork, where the flaps are connected to each other using crochet and contrasting thread.

In addition to threads, fabric and machines, the patchwork technique uses:

  • Roller cutter or scissors;
  • Pins, needles;
  • Sewing machine;
  • Pencil or chalk;
  • Cardboard or soft plastic;
  • Crochet hook.

In handicraft stores you can find patchwork kits - with pattern diagrams, MK.

Patterns for patchwork can be found in the kit or made yourself

Patchwork kit includes fabrics, necessary tool, templates and block diagrams

Patchwork: patterns, templates

You can create diagrams and templates yourself or take them ready-made patterns from the Internet, books or magazines. Templates are cut along the contour of the part, taking into account seam allowances. The material for production can be cardboard, thick paper, plastic. For accuracy, you can stick graph paper on the cardboard, and then cut out the shape of the intended size. When making curved blanks, longitudinal cuts-notches must be made on the outer contour of the template - it is convenient to mark seams along them when connecting the flaps.

Photo and video tutorials on patchwork sewing offer diagrams, templates and MK

Cutting rules

The most convenient templates are frames. The internal part must correspond to the size of the fragment in finished form, external takes into account seam allowances. The width of such a frame is the size of the allowances. When making a pattern, the frame must be circled twice and cut only along the outer contour. The inner outline will show the seam line. The pattern is transferred to the fabric with chalk or soap; any pen leaves marks on the front side. Cutting is done only along the grain thread, so that subsequently the sewn parts do not stretch or warp. Cut out the flaps with regular scissors or a special cutter. A roller cutter makes the process much easier, cutting long strips that are easy to cut into smaller pieces. You can't do without a cutter when the templates are curved.

Pattern selection

INtechnologypatchworkexists 3 typeproducts:

  • Canvas, stitchedfromscraps, where the parts assemble the seam into a seam. The shape of the patches can be regular, geometric (traditional sewing) or arbitrary (crazy patchwork). Watch video lessons.
  • Quiltedproducts(quilting) are sewn from a whole cloth, the pattern on which is created using stitches.
  • Application– pieces of other fabrics are beautifully placed on the base, sewn and quilted.

“Frame” is the simplest and most convenient template for cutting

Patchwork technique for beginners

The pattern can be created based on one repeating figure, for which paper templates are cut out for each part and a flap is basted to it. The seam allowance is folded over the edge and basted again. This is a traditional English technique.

The block technique is more modern: pieces of triangular or square-shaped fabric are sewn into blocks, creating a geometric pattern. A simple block can be made from a small number of large parts. This kind of work takes less effort and time. It is often used by video lessons and MK.

The strip patchwork technique is also known. It differs from the previous version in that the fragments are collected into strips, then they are combined into a canvas. The block technique is convenient because the flaps are sewn together directly on a machine.

In crazy patchwork, the flaps are sewn on according to the applique type: individual flaps of arbitrary shape are beautifully placed on the canvas and sewn. Potholders, blankets, covers come out in two layers.

Patchwork: video lessons for beginners

Patchwork: master class for beginners

Objects create special comfort in the interior self made, in particular, beautiful and comfortable pillows. Let's try to sew a decorative pillowcase with a voluminous "Rose" application using MK. For work, you can take any scraps, the main thing is that they match well in color. Don't forget to prepare the fabric - wash it, iron it.

Master class “Pillow with applique”

Step by stepinstructions.

  1. It’s convenient to start by preparing squares. Their number and size determine the size of the pillow.
  2. Then you need to cut a circle out of the fabric. In the middle, put a piece of fabric and some filler for volume (cotton wool, padding polyester). Secure in a circle using a machine stitch. The middle is ready.
  3. Fold the squares from the flaps diagonally, as in the photo, sew around the middle piece in a circle - 3-5 pieces.
  4. For the next round you need to prepare large squares of the corresponding color. Continue until the end of the intended flower size.
  5. The sewn petals must be trimmed in a circle.
  6. The finished roses are beautifully distributed on a pillowcase and secured to the product with a zig-zag seam and a wide, dense stitch. The rosette has the appearance of a three-dimensional applique.
  7. If desired, the bouquet can be supplemented with leaves cut from scraps suitable color. Look at the photo for a step-by-step master class. The blanket in MK is made using the “crazy patchwork” technique (you can watch video tutorials), and it consists of 30x30 cm squares. For a single blanket you need 24 pieces, for a double blanket – 36. Let’s say the pattern will be made up of 4 types of fabric.

The complexity of the ornament depends on the experience and skills of patchwork sewing

Master class “Patchwork for beginners - blanket”

Tools and materials:

  • 1 m of fabric of each color (width 220 cm) - 6 or 9 squares 45x45 cm;
  • For the lining - 170 cm or 220 cm (the margin at the bottom goes away after the blanket is quilted);
  • Sintepon of similar sizes;

A blanket or bedspread can be sewn from simple squares or complex pieces

Step-by-step instruction MK:

  1. Cut into squares and stack, alternating colors.
  2. Cut this one layered cake diagonally or randomly. It is convenient to cut with a roller knife.
  3. Take the part from above and move it down under a stack of similar elements. In a cut stack there will be 1 piece of the 1st color on top and 1 piece of the 2nd color.
  4. Machine sew all the squares along the cut line.
  5. On an ironing board, carefully press the seams to one side or press them flat.
  6. Fold the blanks into a neat stack in the same order - squares of the 1st and 2nd tones on top.
  7. Using a ruler and a knife, cut the entire stack again along any line (you can cross the first seam).
  8. Move one of the top fragments down under the stack. Sew and press, remembering to fold in order - now it’s better to match the seams.
  9. The operation is repeated until the last detail. The optimal number of seams is 6-10 horizontally and vertically.
  10. After ironing the seams, you need to trim the squares to get a figure with a side of 32 cm.
  11. You can assemble the blanket in different ways: first assemble the front part, then quilt it with padding polyester and lining. It's difficult on a typewriter. Or quilt each square separately, cutting padding and lining.
  12. Gather the quilted squares together, trim and cover the seams with narrow tape or strips of fabric. It is convenient to assemble according to the scheme: ribbons of 4-6 squares, then sew the strips.
  13. Along the edge of the blanket, you also need to trim it with a piping made of plain fabric or pieces of rags, as in the MK photo.

Congratulations on your new look!

Quilt technique (video)

Having learned basic concepts about this type of needlework, such as patchwork, and having mastered the simplest skills of putting fabric “puzzles” together into a single whole, you can create creative household items or interior decor from different scraps.

Patchwork: beautiful and easy for beginners (photo)

Patchwork – English name patchwork, which was popular back in the old days with our grandmothers. Previously, the pieces were simply sewn together in a chaotic order, but gradually they began to come up with beautiful patterns and patterns, with the help of which novice needlewomen can easily understand basic techniques sewing Today, in our review, the craftswomen from the site’s editorial team will share their experience, tell you how to select materials, and photo tutorials will help bring any idea to life: from decoration to clothing.

Using the sewing technique, you can create real beauty from scraps and scraps of different fabrics: quilts, potholders, the main thing is to choose the right fabric and draw a diagram of the future product.

Fabric selection

In patchwork sewing, the main role is played by the material; it is important to choose beautiful combinations, to be . The huge variety of shades and textures makes choosing quite difficult. The following must be taken into account:

  • For the front side, you should purchase fabric intended for patchwork. It has undergone heat treatment and will not shrink or fade in the finished product;
  • For the reverse side, simple and inexpensive fabrics, such as poplin or calico, are suitable.

Sewing from patchwork should begin, first of all, with your supplies: both new fabrics and used ones, but in good condition, are suitable for patchwork. Almost any material is suitable for needlework:

  • cotton;
  • gabardine;
  • tweed.

If the product will be subject to loads, you can additionally place it on lining fabric and padding polyester.

patchwork fabric

Choosing a template, the basics of drawing up patchwork patterns and patterns

The second important step in patchwork creativity is choosing a pattern; for beginning craftswomen, it’s best to first look for ready-made templates on the Internet with detailed descriptions. To cut blanks of the same shape, you can use special layouts. We must not forget about seam allowances; cut out pieces with a margin.

Important! Dense fabric is not cut out with a margin, since excess fabric will bulge unsightly. The blanks are sewn end to end with the lining, and the pieces are stitched together with a zigzag.

Patchwork sewing techniques

There are several basic techniques for joining patchwork pieces.

Connection technique Description


Blanks of a certain shape are sewn onto a piece of fabric. This technique is often used for blankets and potholders.

A certain pattern or design is laid out from square-shaped blanks.

Here, rectangles are taken as a basis, which can be stitched diagonally, vertically or horizontally.

For this technique, it is better for beginning craftswomen to use isosceles or equilateral figures.

The blanks are laid out on the cut in a chaotic order, organza is laid on top, then again a layer of shreds and organza. All layers must be ironed and stitched.

This is an abstract drawing without a specific shape.

A Japanese technique that imitates darning with colored pieces of fabric and stitching.

Rectangular patches are sewn onto the prepared base.

Patchwork patchwork technique for beginners: basic techniques for performing different patterns

Let's start learning the patchwork technique from the very beginning. simple circuits with step-by-step photo descriptions of all actions. Over time, craftswomen will be able to move on to more complex patterns.

Do-it-yourself patchworking for beginners: the principle of sewing the “Mill” pattern

We suggest sewing a blanket according to the “Mill” pattern using the magic triangle technique.

Step-by-step photo description of patchwork techniques for beginners

The blanket will consist of several blocks; for one block we will need 2 squares of colored and plain fabric.

Illustration Description of action

Place colored and plain squares facing inward and mark diagonally.
Sew the fabric at a distance of 6 mm on each side of the diagonal.

Cut the stitched square diagonally. Sew and cut the second two squares in the same way.
seams, open the squares and iron again.

Cut off any protruding parts and prepare the block for stitching.
Sew squares 1,2 and 3,4 together vertically

Unfold the squares and iron, directing the seams in opposite directions.
Sew two pieces together, the seams should be in the middle and directed in different directions. Then iron.

You can sew a strip between the blocks, thus connecting all the parts into one.

Patchworking master class for beginners: sewing a pattern according to the “Rose” pattern

Using this pattern, you can sew not only a rose flower, but also use the pattern for sewing any item. The work is quite painstaking, but the result will exceed all expectations.

For the pattern, it is necessary to select material whose edges do not fray. Be sure to take into account seam allowances of at least 0.5 cm.

The operating procedure is as follows.

  1. Sewing begins from the middle of the pattern, gradually moving in a spiral.
  2. The scraps need to be taken in pairs, sewn together, then sewn to a common piece. The result should be a square.
  3. After you have sewn a few squares, you can begin the overall assembly. For this purpose, additional strips are used.

Patchworking master classes for beginners: making your own items from old jeans

You can sew unique products from old jeans, durable fabric is suitable for seats, and decorative pillows. Our selection of ideas with diagrams and descriptions will help give a second life to your favorite things.

Model 1 – cosmetic bag

To make it you will need denim and lining fabric.

The operating procedure is as follows.

  1. Cut out a diagram from paper and cut it into elements.
  2. Cut blanks from jeans, not forgetting about seam allowances. It is better to use fabric of different colors.
  3. Sew the parts on a machine.
  4. Sew on the lining fabric; for this you need to use the same pattern.

Model 2 – decorative pillow

To decorate the pillow, you can use thermal appliqué, or cut out and decorate a fragment with a pocket. To work you will need:

  • jeans in two shades;
  • companion fabric;
  • threads for fabric and stitching;
  • braid;
  • lace beads.

Step-by-step instruction.

Illustration Description of action

Cut out a piece of jeans with a pocket, cut a second piece from fabric without a pocket and decorate it with embroidery.
Cut strips of different widths from jeans, fabric and lace.

It is necessary to decorate dark fabrics with lace; the design cannot be disassembled, as it will then be difficult to reproduce the analogue.
You need to sew the parts from the middle, placing them facing each other. Iron all seams immediately.

Braid and lace are stitched on both sides.
All seams must be stitched and ironed. IN in a similar manner sew all the parts from the center to the edge in a spiral. Then repeat all the same steps with the second side of the pillow.

Fold the pieces face inward, measure and cut off the excess.
Sew the halves together, leaving 10 cm for turning, stuff with padding and sew with a hidden seam.

Children will definitely like this pillow.

You can watch the master class in more detail in the video:

Model 3 – skirt

A great idea is to sew a skirt from jeans; an asymmetrical model will look unusual. The operating procedure is as follows.

  1. Cut off the top of the jeans at a distance of 15-18 cm, cut the rest of the jeans in any order.
  2. Draw up a diagram of an a-line skirt according to your personal measurements, and sew the patches according to the template.
  3. Process the scraps for the bottom of the skirt using an overlocker. There is no need to tuck the bottom, this will make the skirt look more interesting.

Step-by-step photo descriptions of sewing patchwork quilts with your own hands in patchwork style

Using various stitching techniques in the patchwork style, it will be easy for beginners to make a blanket from scraps or a bedspread for an adult with their own hands. To add volume between the front and lining fabrics, padding polyester or other filler is additionally used.

Model 1 – master class on patchwork sewing of the “Chaotic squares” pattern

To make a beautiful bright blanket for a child 3-12 years old measuring 110x140 cm, we will need:

  • fabric of different colors;
  • lining fabric;
  • bias binding 4.5 cm wide;
  • padding polyester

The operating procedure is as follows.

Illustration Description of action

Cut 208 squares 10x10 cm

Sew squares in pairs facing inwards different colors, distance from the edge – 0.75 cm.

Open the squares and sew another row of scraps to the right edge. Block of squares – 13×16 patches.

On the wrong side, all seams are in the same direction.

Sew all squares vertically.

Iron all seams from the inside out in the same direction.

Lay the lining fabric, padding polyester on it and a blank of squares on top. The layers must be larger than the main workpiece. Secure all seams vertically with pins.

Sew the pinned vertical seams exactly in the middle, then stitch them in a perpendicular direction.

Sew the workpiece along the edge with an indentation of 0.5 cm, after which you can cut off the protruding parts of the lining and padding polyester.

Sew the bias tape from the wrong side strictly along the side seam, having previously turned the edge 1 cm. You need to stop sewing 0.5 cm before the edge.

Fold the binding into a square at the beginning of the edge and stitch. Turn the workpiece over, turn the binding in 0.5 cm and stitch along the front side.

Using this principle, you can sew a blanket of any size.

A more detailed master class for beginners on how to sew a blanket from scraps can be seen in the video:

Model 2 – blanket “Magic circles”

For such a blanket you will need blanks in the form of squares with a side of at least 21 cm; you need to cut a semicircle inside. In such a scheme, it is important to choose beautiful combinations of fabrics that should not be repeated in one block.

After sewing and ironing the squares for the front side of the blanket, you need to place the blank on the padding polyester and the backing fabric, baste, quilt along the seams and along the edge of the product.

Model 3 – double-sided blanket

To sew a double-sided patchwork quilt with your own hands, beginners need to prepare the fabric and cut out squares of at least 23 cm in size according to the pattern for a finished product of 1.5 × 2.3 m. In addition, you will need padding polyester as insulation.

The operating procedure is as follows.

  1. Place two squares with the right sides facing inward and stitch, not forgetting the 1.5 cm seam allowance.
  2. Sew 7 squares in the same way. You will need 10 such blanks.
  3. Iron all the scraps from the wrong side.
  4. Sew all the strips together and iron everything.
  5. Sew the wrong side in the same way; instead, you can use lining fabric of a suitable color.
  6. Place one blank on the table with the wrong side up, a layer of synthetic padding on it, then another blank face up.
  7. Secure the workpieces with pins and sew exactly along the seams, first vertically, then horizontally.
  8. Sew on bias tape.

Japanese patchwork for beginners: diagrams and step-by-step description of work

Japanese patchwork is considered one of the most difficult. There are patterns whose details are stitched and quilted only by hand. This is a whole philosophy of the culture of an eastern country: not to rush anywhere and do everything very carefully and slowly. We invite you to try your hand at this technique.