Juniper horizontal in landscape design. Junipers in landscape design are an excellent choice for the landscape! Planting and care

Everyone wants to create a real fairy tale on their site. Landscape design is a complex issue in which you need to understand not only how best to combine shapes and shades, but also how certain types of plants will coexist next to each other. When forming their garden, many take compositions as a basis. This is very profitable solution, since it is very picky, retains its appearance even in cold weather and looks great with most other plants. But when planting such a shrub there are pitfalls, and not everyone will benefit from juniper.

The variety of junipers will baffle anyone who decides to decorate their plot with them. Its variations allow you to create all kinds of compositions. covers the soil, common juniper takes on the appearance of a bush, and rock juniper grows meters in height. But for such a plant to please with excellent appearance and lush growth, it needs to be planted in the right place. This must be taken into account when combining it in the future with other shrubs and flowers, since not everyone will enjoy open sunny areas. good decision. Many people plant juniper around the perimeter of the house, decorate the entrances to the yard and house with it, and make it the central plant in flower beds.

Do junipers need neighbors?

When creating live compositions, everyone is limited only by their imagination. When it comes to planting juniper, many gardeners have differing opinions. Some believe that such a plant cannot be planted as an independent figure, that juniper looks very boring without other plantings. Others see such a bush as a ready-made composition that other plants will only spoil. It is impossible to say what is right and what is wrong. Juniper can look good both on its own and with neighbors. It’s better to find a middle ground: don’t leave only juniper on the site, but don’t overdo it with the other elements.

Before deciding what to plant next to junipers, you need to carefully study these plants. Firstly, the type of juniper plays a role. For example, horizontal juniper practically does not grow in height, which means it will not interfere with the growth of other plants. But the columnar juniper will create a shadow, so light-loving flowers and shrubs next to it will not grow luxuriantly. Secondly, it is important to choose the right soil. Each variety of juniper prefers its own set of minerals and useful elements in the soil, and the main thing is that it is also suitable for the neighboring plant. Thirdly, you need to choose something that matches the color of juniper. For example, blue-gray juniper needles look great with pink, yellow and gold.

What to plant next to juniper

Juniper goes well with other conifers. And if you add pebbles or natural cobblestones to the composition, they will look very stylish and harmonious. Expanding the list of what to plant next to juniper, it is worth noting low shrubs (

Flower beds, green lawns, hedges and large single shrubs are the basis of landscape design. But everyone wants that even in winter, when most plants fade and lose their foliage, it is important that the green area remains alive and attractive. This function is performed by coniferous compositions in landscape design and solitary evergreens. But some conifers do not get along next to each other and deciduous trees. To avoid annoying mistakes, professionals share their secrets with those who love gardening.

Flower beds and decorative perennials have long been used by gardeners in landscaping city yards and suburban areas. Abroad, gardens and vegetable gardens have long been abandoned in favor of neat beds of decorative herbs and compact vegetable crops. In the East, for many centuries the Japanese have been practicing a “rock garden” with sakura, red maple, wild grapes and low-growing conifers. The culture of gardening courtyards and thoughtful landscape design is actively taking root in our country.

Central Russia - natural environment many types of pine, larch, cedar and juniper. A little further south, Mediterranean cypresses, thujas and other heat-loving evergreen tree-like conifers are perfectly cultivated. Surprisingly, in addition to blue spruces and some other pyramidal forms of this coniferous tree no other related plants were used. The exception was the resorts of Crimea and the North Caucasus, where still in Soviet times parks and alleys were decorated with rare species of evergreen forms.

Today, decorative forms of coniferous plants are increasingly used in landscape design and gardening of household plots. Asian and Mediterranean forms, through the efforts of domestic and Dutch breeders, are adapted to our climatic conditions. Although evergreen heat-loving plants are increasingly decorating our plots, many conifers native to Italy, Korea and Japan need to be sprinkled with sawdust on the roots and wrapped around the crown for the winter, as in the photo.

It is very convenient to purchase cultivated compact forms for landscape design with coniferous compositions through catalogs and a specialized retail network. Although this is expensive in complex landscaping, it has its advantages:

  • the root system of a seedling in a pot or tub is protected;
  • each plant has a “passport” or brief instructions care;
  • If you follow the recommendations for watering and cultivation, 100% rooting of the young conifer is guaranteed.

Attention! If a retail outlet offers slightly yellowed plants from a number of identical plants, do not buy them - this is the first sign of the seedling dying! Even if planted in fertile soil and intensive watering, it will not be possible to revive it, with rare exceptions. Such material can only be taken for free - in addition to a batch of other plants to be planted somewhere near the edge.

Coniferous composition on a summer cottage

If you are not sure that the acquired garden forms will take root, in the first year you can hire a professional gardener who will care for the “young growth”. When rooted thujas, juniper and ornamental spruces overwinter and in the spring they put out young, slightly colored branches - a signal that the conifers feel great in a new place and do not need careful care.

Advice. Do not forget that any tree-like plant during the period of active growth needs additional watering (especially in dry summers), fertilizing and wrapping the crown during frosts.

Competent care and thoughtful planting of young evergreen seedlings in landscape design using conifers is a guarantee that the site will be beautiful at any time of the year. The main thing is that they do not shade each other and do not oppress less viable forms with their phytoncides. For example, other conifers do not coexist near a single larch or gradually degrade.

Decorating a summer house with coniferous plants

Landscape design with coniferous plants

It is desirable that the basis of the composition be a single tall or medium-sized plant surrounded by 2-3 coniferous forms of contrasting forms. A green lawn or small gravel is an excellent background for such planting. It can be supplemented with compact flowering perennials or ornamental fruit-bearing shrubs, which can be adjusted annually by pruning.

Attention! You should not plant large conifers, fast-growing and spreading forms in the center of the site and under the windows of the building. Otherwise, in 5-6 years they will turn into forest wilds, creating excess shadow near the flowerbed or front garden.

Several identical conifers should not be planted randomly; it is better to place them along an alley or as a hedge. Compact spruce trees or similar plants combine perfectly with weeping deciduous trees near an artificial pond at the edge of the garden, as in the photo.

Landscape design in coniferous composition

Cottage design with coniferous plants

Cottage design with coniferous plants

Variations of coniferous forms

For the majority of people conifers- these are fir trees and pine trees, which are usually decorated for the New Year holidays. They also include Siberian and Lebanese cedars, but the difference is not known to ordinary people. What the branches of larch, thuja, cypress or juniper look like is anyone's guess.

This is interesting. Each variety of conifers has its own subspecies, with large variations in the color of cones or berries, crown shape and needle length. Italian weeping pine trees are the same as pine trees, but the needles can reach 20-30 cm in length. And there are coniferous forms with large purple cones and small red rose-like cones. For landscaping arboretums, juniper with blue edible berries is used, and the variety with bright red fruits is poisonous. Young branches of decorative spruce trees can have a light green, golden or blue hue, examples are in the photo.

Coniferous composition on a summer cottage

Decorating a summer house with coniferous plants

When selecting coniferous compositions in landscape design, it is advisable to get acquainted with species diversity these relict plants. Botanists claim that conifers or gymnosperms reigned during the time of dinosaurs, replacing the era of tree-like horsetails and ferns. But they also find it difficult to answer how many natural varieties and subspecies these representatives of the kingdom of flora and fauna have.

Scientists annually discover new endemics in impenetrable virgin forests, which are used by breeders to breed decorative subspecies.

Landscape design with coniferous plants

Landscape design in coniferous composition

The main classification of conifers in nurseries is based on crown shape:

  • spherical;
  • ovoid,
  • spiral;
  • spreading flat-topped;
  • crying;
  • pyramidal;
  • columnar;
  • oval;
  • creeping (flat);
  • squat;
  • rare crown.

The following forms are also distinguished:

  • tall;
  • medium height;
  • short;
  • creeping.

Attention! Over time, low-growing plants will look like medium-sized ones, while dwarf and compact conifers will take up more space. You should not plant them densely, so as not to spoil the original idea in the landscape design.

Cottage design with coniferous plants

Coniferous composition on a summer cottage

How to compose compositions?

Conifers are quite unique plants in many respects. They rarely get sick and are subject to attacks by pests, and withstand the vagaries of the weather. Most of them do not require special fertile soil, although each species has its own preferences. Some shed their needles like larch, others bloom pink in landscape design, like the Crimean thuja. All these forms are classified as evergreens, and most purify the air, filling it with phytoncides that are destructive to pathogenic microflora. Compact trees, densely covered with needles, are quite impressive both in single plantings and in a general composition with other “neighbors”, as in the photo.

Decorating a summer house with coniferous plants

Landscape design with coniferous plants

The design of the site is usually divided into several zones, where certain types of plants will be in the center of the composition. Depending on the purpose, from a catalog or in a garden supermarket, you can choose or order different conifers. Most often they offer compact, dwarf and low-growing forms.

Attention! To suit your taste, you can choose any variety of pine, spruce, fir, cedar, larch, thuja, cypress or juniper. But there is one condition - they must be adapted and acclimatized to a specific region. Not all of them are organically perceived in the vicinity of decorative and fruit-bearing trees and shrubs.

Most evergreen forest beauties are in harmony with those trees and shrubs with which they usually coexist. wildlife. These are oaks and birches, maples and rowan trees, hawthorn and rose hips.

Attention! You should not plant several conifers from different geographical zones nearby at once; this often looks unnatural.

“Northerners” can suppress stunted and dwarf forms native to the Mediterranean and Far Eastern regions with their phytoncides. And selective and hybrid forms will be oppressed by their natural relatives. Lebanese cedars and Siberian larches are considered the most “quarrelsome”.

Cottage design with coniferous plants

Coniferous composition on a summer cottage

Gardeners have noticed that most evergreens thrive in the shade, so they are planted behind the house on the north side. However, this does not apply to Mediterranean endemics and varieties of Christmas trees with light needles, which fade in the shade.

Cones are a natural dining area for many wild birds, which willingly flock to the site in winter and late autumn, filling the yard with joyful chirping. However, natural fertilizer after treating with seeds can spoil the appearance of a well-groomed coniferous composition in landscape design.

Most cultivated forms lend themselves well to “haircutting”; they can be given the most bizarre shapes - from elephants to precise spirals. But some coniferous plants get sick even if one branch is broken.

Decorating a summer house with coniferous plants

Landscape design with coniferous plants

Landscape design in coniferous composition

If you want to improve personal plot evergreen sculptures, you need to choose the right dense forms with small branches and short needles. You will also have to look for specialists who create real masterpieces. You should not experiment with living plants if you are not sure that such “creations” are within your power.

Take a close look at the examples in our photo gallery. Perhaps these ideas will inspire and suggest a new concept for the design of your site.

Video: How to use conifers in landscape design

Juniper has gained immense popularity in landscape design due to its unpretentiousness, as well as a wide variety of shapes and sizes. This article describes how it can be used to decorate your home plot, as well as park areas.

Why juniper

In general, coniferous crops began to be used for landscaping a site quite a long time ago, because they delight with their beauty at any time of the year. In the last few years, designers have also used juniper to decorate areas, since its unique appearance can significantly change the area being decorated. Its size, combining both dwarf species and specimens reaching the size of full-fledged trees, is capable of combining a large number of decorating styles available to evergreen perennial plant lovers.


What varieties can be used for planting outside?

Cossack juniper, which is dwarf, is perfect for decorating rocky areas. This species is the most common and fastest growing, and therefore has gained great popularity among gardeners and professionals. Cossack juniper Variegata in landscape design differs from other varieties in that it extends along the ground, but at the same time its spreading crown has a stunning blue-green color and has a sharp pine smell.

Another good variety of creeping shrubs is the horizontal juniper, the needles of which have a deep gray-green color with a slight bluish haze. The plant reaches 0.5 m in height and is perfect for decorating the edges of borders. Also suitable for these purposes is the cup-shaped Siberian juniper, which has gray, prickly needles.

Note! One of the tall varieties that goes well with any crop is Chinese juniper, reaching up to 10 m in height. The range of shades ranges from different tones of green to golden yellow.

Juniper virginiana is also suitable, which, as a rule, is represented by tall columnar species.

An interesting option for planting could be the common juniper Hortsmann, the crown of which, as it grows, looks as if drooping, forming a unique plant shape.

Another type of common juniper, which is distinguished by a chaotic pyramidal shape, is Suetsica. This species reaches a size of up to 10 m in height.

Methods of cultivation and planting

Juniperus variegata is one of the most unpretentious and frost-resistant plant species. It can be planted in stony, rocky, acidic, and also oily soil. This juniper is perfect for shady places.

To plant a shoot, you need to dig a hole several times larger than its roots, then add drainage in the form of old loose bricks or small stones to the bottom. If the soil type is acidic, then it is worth adding lime or dolomite flour. You should definitely loosen the soil, then place the shrubs. Before this, it is advisable to treat parts of the plant with a solution of potassium permanganate. It would not be bad if the seedling had a closed root system. It must be placed in the planting hole along with a lump of earth from the pot. After this, the roots are covered with sand. Well, in the end, fill the remaining space with sawdust or tree bark, because this can protect against the appearance of weeds.

For horizontal juniper, loamy or sandy loam soil types are best suited. Otherwise, all planting rules for junipers are the same.

Important! The main thing is to ensure good soil drainage, since shrubs do not like stagnant water. Also, do not plant them in clay soil.

Plant this type should be in a well-lit place in the spring.

Varieties of Chinese juniper are absolutely not shade-tolerant and will certainly die if planted in the wrong place. The ideal time for planting would be April or May, as well as the beginning of September.

In general, all types of shrubs require the same care and planting algorithm, but with the slight difference that some varieties are suitable only for specific soil types. And, despite the fact that most juniper varieties can grow in the shade, you still need to ensure constant sunlight.

For your information! In order for the seedlings to take root better, it is recommended to replace the soil around the roots with a sand-peat mixture.

Water the plant with special care. If it grows in a place where groundwater come close to the surface of the earth, watering must be done so as not to flood the plant with water. In one season, it is worth providing the juniper with about 5 waterings. In the hot season, their number needs to be increased. In addition, the branches should be regularly sprayed with water to maintain the beautiful appearance of the needles.

Juniper in garden design

A summer cottage can be easily decorated using both creeping and upright growing varieties.

Flowerbed with juniper

Note! Coniferous plants are used in almost any landscape design style. The main thing is to take into account their compatibility with other plants, and also that junipers should grow at a distance of 1 to 4 m from each other, depending on the specific species.

When decorating a flower bed, many people wonder what to plant next to the juniper? There are many options. Hydrangea and juniper growing next to each other will perfectly complement each other. But juniper and pear are very dangerous neighborhood, since the fruit tree can easily wither. Ephedra is good place for the propagation of rust fungus, which affects many crops. It is best to plant other plants along with it, for example, tulips, roses, daffodils, other conifers, dogwood, honeysuckle, etc.

In addition, juniper will look advantageous on alpine slides. For the garden in english style you can choose pyramidal and columnar varieties. If you have the proper skill, the edges of the paths can be decorated with junipers on a trunk or placed such a beautiful shrub in the center of any compositions. A flowerbed with hostas and juniper would also be a good option.

Important! Dwarf species should be planted next to tall plants and, vice versa, so that they do not block the sun from each other.

Juniper for hedges

Compositions with juniper bushes are not limited to flower beds. You can also create hedges with your own hands, which will become an amazing variation of a fence. This creation looks good in combination with trees, such as birch, and also beautifully encloses the flowerbed area. Such a fence can also be created against a background of red brick.

To form it, you should pay attention to high-growing varieties of common, Virginia and Chinese junipers. But it’s worth remembering that the latter variety will have to be covered for the winter.

Important! To give the bush the necessary shape, you need to acquire garden shears and hedge trimmers. The sides are cut in May and September, but the top can be cut only after reaching 10 years of age.

Design ideas

There are many examples of how you can design a landscape using juniper.

An example of designing a flower bed in the English style

Cone-shaped juniper goes well with a small hydrangea shrub.

Creeping conifer along with hydrangea, similar to lilac.

By the way, lilac itself goes well with shade-tolerant juniper.

Compositions using hosta

This combination is distinguished by its conciseness and simplicity. Barberry berries will also help to highlight the dark shades of foliage.

Juniper hedges

Any fence can be designed in various options, either as a single wall or in the form of a thinned row of trees, the crowns of which grow upward. Do not forget that in this way you can fence off the area from prying eyes.

The hedge will look very advantageous if you fence it with a decorative fence.

Thus, it is not surprising that ordinary gardeners and designers are giving increasing preference to this culture, because it really amazes with its great diversity unpretentious species, as well as possibilities for decoration.


Junipers are a simple solution to many gardener problems. These plants are unpretentious and hardy, their crown shapes are varied and original. There is a place for it in your garden!

Required Tools

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Junipers are not only decorative, but also useful!

Junipers are very different, there are about 70 species in total; 10-15 species with quite numerous variations of varieties are used in landscape design. These representatives of the cypress family can be found in the most different forms– with needle-like or more often scaly leaves, with a spreading crown or like a candle flame, there are dwarf and groundcover varieties of junipers. The easiest way to identify this plant is by the special aroma that comes from junipers. It is quite difficult to describe it, but anyone who has tried English gin will immediately remember this aroma.

In addition to the pleasant sensations, the phytoncides that juniper secretes are a very strong bactericidal agent. It’s not for nothing that in the past, juniper branches were used to wipe the floor in a sick person’s house, and containers were steamed with an infusion of its pine needles so that nothing in them would turn sour. A hectare of juniper plantings can release up to 30 kg of phytoncides per day, which is enough to cleanse the atmosphere of a rather large city from pathogenic microbes. Therefore, the presence of junipers on the site not only solves a design problem, but also improves the health of people who regularly breathe fragrant air.

Cossack juniper - an invited guest in landscape design

Cossack juniper is the most unpretentious of all types of this plant. It is able to feel comfortable in any conditions, on almost any soil. At the same time, it grows quite slowly, even with active watering. However, it does not really need the latter; only young seedlings should be watered. This juniper tolerates pruning well. It is frost-resistant and does not require insulation for the winter.

In landscape design, Cossack junipers are used both in compositions and as tapeworms, against the backdrop of a lawn or an alpine hill.

Some varieties feel great as ground covers. Cossack juniper in landscape design is planted in a well-lit place - in the shade it will lose its decorative properties. It is undemanding to soil, but overmoistening the soil must be avoided, otherwise the plants may die over time.

Rock juniper is used less frequently in landscape design, but it also deserves attention due to its special crown shape, which in tall varieties has the shape of a skittle, and in low varieties it has the shape of an irregular ball. Rock juniper can reach up to 13 meters in height! It is this representative of the species that is distinguished by its love for regular watering and moist soil. However, provide it with good drainage so that the water does not stagnate. Rock juniper tolerates pruning very well.

Horizontal juniper is often used in landscaping. This low-growing creeping shrub, depending on the variety, is famous for its color from bright green to silver-blue. Due to its strong root system, a plant of this species is used to stabilize soil on slopes, as well as when decorating rocky areas of the landscape. With its help, you can even create a juniper “lawn”; this is especially true for areas in urban areas or in arid zones, when it is not possible to constantly water the plants.

Chinese juniper is another bright representative of these conifers! IN The tree-like plant reaches a height of 20 m, having a rather spreading crown. Its needles can be golden yellow or light blue, depending on the variety. It is great for single plantings and for decorating rock gardens. When planting, keep in mind that this type of juniper grows quite slowly.

If you come across a slender tree in the garden with red-brown bark and dark green needles, it is quite possible that this is juniper virginia. It is from its branches and wood that very fragrant and pleasant cedar essential oil is obtained. . It is undemanding to soils; moreover, on too fertile soils it can lose its decorative crown shape. The species is winter-hardy, but young plants can still freeze.

Scaly juniper is good for planting borders and rockeries, as well as low hedges. It is especially useful in the design of alpine slides - its bushes have spherical shapes that are very convenient for such matters. Juniper needles are bluish or green. When planting these plants on the site, you should know that they cannot tolerate stagnant water and will not take root if planted in clay soils. Otherwise, they are very unpretentious, they require practically no care, except that occasionally you refresh the juniper crown with a splash of water. Its only weakness is its excessive sensitivity to spring rays, so in the spring it requires shelter.

Junipers - planting and care

Junipers practically do not differ in their requirements for planting and care, which makes life much easier for the gardener if several settle in his garden. different types this fragrant plant. All junipers prefer well-lit places, since in the shade their decorative properties noticeably deteriorate. The only exception to this rule is the Chinese juniper, which can tolerate partial shade.

Junipers are mostly frost-resistant and drought-resistant, with the exception of young plants - they just need to be insulated for the winter and watered regularly. To prevent graceful branches from being damaged under the weight of snow in winter, it is recommended to tie the junipers together with twine or rope. These plants do not need cutting, but if you want to give them special kind– you can safely do this, since they easily tolerate this procedure.

Junipers should be planted at a distance of at least half a meter from each other, taking into account the growth of bushes. This cypress representative does not tolerate oppression! Before planting, the juniper roots should be kept in water for about two hours, and only then should planting begin. A hole is dug up to 70 cm, broken stone for drainage and a layer of sand of about 15 cm are laid on its bottom. After planting, the soil under the plant should be well mulched with sawdust or peat, with a layer of at least 8 cm.

Young seedlings should be placed in the hole in such a way that the root collar does not exceed the soil level. Mature plants should be positioned slightly higher. The roots in the hole should feel free to fill the soil; try to compact the soil layer by layer. At the end of the planting process, water the plant and mulch.

Even in dry summers, adult plants should be watered no more than 3 times per season, although in the evening it does not hurt to spray the plant with water that has been warmed up during the day. This procedure will appeal not only to the juniper, but also to you - its phytoncides will be released into the air even more actively when watered, filling it with an incomparable aroma! However, make sure that the soil does not accumulate moisture - junipers do not like this. Junipers take good care of pruning, but even if you are not going to give them a special shape, regularly remove dry branches.

In early spring, when the plant wakes up, such an unpleasant phenomenon as juniper burning is possible. This happens because over the winter the plant has become accustomed to small doses of ultraviolet radiation and from spring doses of the sun the plant’s needles turn brown and die. To protect plants, you should cover them with a light cloth, such as gauze, on sunny days.

Juniper is a very ancient plant of the cypress family. It is widespread on Earth and there are about 70 known species. It most often grows on mountain plains, although some varieties prefer deep, soft soil, others prefer rocky surfaces.

Growing horizontal juniper at home is not so difficult if you provide it the right conditions and choose varieties suitable for your climate. Those that are too heat-loving may freeze in winter, while those that are cold-resistant will feel unwell in the summer heat. Now we will tell you how to choose the right type of plant, variety, and what is best to plant in your dacha.

Varieties of horizontal juniper and description

Creeping low-growing varieties, approximately 0.5 to 1 meter in height. We will talk about them, about the types of horizontal juniper. Horizontal juniper in landscape design is usually used as an element in the design of borders, creating living barriers, and framing rocky embankments in the garden. There are many options for its design use. It all depends on the overall style chosen in the garden design and on the specific variety of plant being planted.

Let's take a closer look at the varieties of horizontal juniper, what are the characteristics and species characteristics of each, as well as how to plant horizontal juniper of one or another variety:

  • Juniper horizontal Blue Chip. One of the most popular and beloved varieties by gardeners. Its beautiful, dense shoots gracefully spread along the ground, creating the appearance of a living “carpet” on the site. Its height usually reaches 20 - 30 centimeters. As the name implies, the color of the needles is silver-blue. It has a pleasant aroma and a soft aesthetic appearance. Perfect for rocky gardens and rock gardens. It is preferable to plant it in a sunny place or in slight shade. The planting depth in the prepared drainage layer is 20 cm.
  • Juniper horizontal Andora Compact. Slow growing shrub with light green needles. In winter it changes color to purple. Low - only about 0.4 m in height and 1 meter in diameter. Loves an abundance of light and warmth. Not recommended for planting on the shady side. But it adapts well to winter. Planted in slightly acidic or neutral soil. Depth drainage pit- about 20 cm. They are good for decorating rocky embankments in the garden, hills, and slopes. They can be used to trim taller bushes.
  • Juniper horizontal Prince of Wales. Small and graceful "European". It has densely growing blue needles, which change color to reddish in winter. Its height is only 0.15 m, and its diameter is approximately 2 m. This variety is quite slow-growing; it will take 10 years for it to complete its cycle. But it is durable and not too picky about the planting site. Can grow on dry rocky soil, and the landing site is chosen to be both a sunny area and a shaded area. When planting, a distance of 0.5 to 2 meters should be maintained between individual plants. Carefully planted at a depth of 70 cm with a drainage layer of sand about 20 cm. Does not tolerate drought well, so you need to ensure regular watering of the plant. Has high frost resistance.
  • Juniperus horizontalis Viltoni. This is a dense creeping bush. It reaches a height of 0.1 - 0.2 m. The diameter is about two meters. It has flexible branches of a bluish-green color, which, when spread across the ground, also create the appearance of a carpet. Thanks to this, it can be planted as a cover layer instead of regular grass. Also suitable for decorating a stone wall or rock garden. It can also be planted in a separate container as one of the central design elements. In general, it all depends on the garden design style chosen by the gardener. It should be planted on the sunny side or in slight shade. The distance between individual plants is maintained (0.5 - 2 m). It is also planted at a depth of 70 cm with a drainage layer of 20 cm. The soil needs to be slightly acidic or neutral. Does not tolerate dryness, so frequent watering is required. Many varieties do not tolerate blight, so they are covered with spruce branches and a layer of peat (at an early stage of growth).
  • Juniper horizontal Golden Carpet. Slow growing, creeping variety. Its needles have a bright golden color. Its height rarely exceeds 0.15 m and its diameter is 1.5 m. The growth rate is 10 cm per year. Creates the effect of a beautiful golden carpet on garden plot. It will decorate a rock garden, a diverse garden composition, or become a beautiful separate element of landscape design when planted in a flower bed. It is not too picky about the soil and tolerates low temperatures well. Often used to decorate city streets. It is better to plant it on the sunny side, since in the shade the brightness of the golden color gradually fades. Planting horizontal juniper Golden Carpet is generally no different from the above varieties. Depth 70 cm, drainage layer 20 cm, maintaining a distance between individual plants - from 05 to 2 m.
  • Juniper horizontala Lime Glow. This is a dwarf decorative shrub. Its maximum height is 0.4 m, and its diameter is 2 m. In summer, its needles have green color, and in winter it takes on a bronze tint. Selective to soil and prefers sand to soft rocks. Juniperus horizontalis Lime Glow is a frost-resistant variety that is resistant to prolonged drought. Can be planted on the sunny side or slightly in the shade. The rules for planting it are still the same: depth 70 cm, drainage layer 20 cm. A distance of 05 - 2 m is maintained between individual plants when planting. Despite its resistance to drought, regular watering must be observed. At an early stage of growth, in winter it is covered with spruce branches and peat.
  • Juniper horizontalis Nana. It can also be called “recumbent juniper”. IN full height reaches 30 cm, with a diameter of 1.5 m. It grows by 15 cm per year. Some varieties later grow up to 40 cm. It has a dense crown and bluish-green needles. It takes root well in any soil with sufficient moisture. Easily tolerates low temperature conditions. You can plant both on the sunny side and in the shade. Landing rules and further care standard: planting depth – 70 cm, drainage layer – 20 cm, distance between bushes from 0.5 to 2 m. It is necessary to ensure timely watering and protect plants at an early stage of growth from winter cold (covering them with spruce branches and peat). Fertilize once a year. Preferably in late spring.

These are the most popular types of horizontal juniper used in landscape design of a garden, vegetable garden or street. Of course, there are more exotic varieties, but, unfortunately, they do very poorly in our climate and are more suitable for collection cultivation in greenhouses than for ordinary yard decoration.

More information about horizontal juniper

This article does not contain all the features of cultivation and planting, and the characteristics of varieties. Therefore, if you are interested in pruning horizontal juniper, the correct creation of greenhouse conditions at an early stage of growth in winter, replanting, propagation and other nuances, then it is better to study the variety you have chosen separately.

Horizontal juniper in landscape design, depending on the chosen garden style, can be planted, pruned and grown in different ways. different types darkening. It is recommended to become more familiar with each individual variety, its characteristics and care recommendations.

We also recommend looking at photos of horizontal juniper in landscape design in advance in order to visually evaluate the benefits of each variety and the appropriateness of planting it in your garden. You can also evaluate the relevance and aesthetics of their combination with. Moreover, it is advisable to look at the plants at their maximum growth so that the results meet your expectations. In any case, this wonderful fragrant plant, unpretentious and not too demanding on the soil, will serve as a good addition or become a highlight in the overall garden design.

Horizontal junipers
Landscape design option