How to make a rocket at home to fly. What are the rockets and how to make a working model with your own hands. balloon rocket

Good day!

If you like crafts, then you will be interested in this article. In it I will try to show all sorts of ideas on how to make a rocket from all kinds of materials that you have at home. We will mainly make it from paper or cardboard, as well as use other improvised materials.

Basically, such rockets (plus various kinds) are made for all known holidays, for example, on February 23 or Cosmonautics Day. Or give veterans on Victory Day. And moreover, there are flying models, there are flat ones, such as postcards or applications, origami and even something like houses. In general, get ready to be hot behind the wheel).

Take any master class and start creating using step-by-step instructions that will help you with this .. I think it will not be difficult to repeat all the steps.

So, go ahead friends, and I hope that you will like all the presented works and that you will visit my site every year and use new ideas. Come on, let's get down to business, our hands are already itching, to do something like that with our children. Go!

I think that such a craft can be done quickly and easily, because it is made of paper and glue. Nothing superfluous and in half an hour you will have a rocket on the table that will delight schoolchildren or preschoolers. This can be done in labor lessons at school or kindergarten in a creative lesson.

If you were given homework, then you can hit the teacher, and perform a space composition, for example this:

Now let's take a closer look at the steps to make such a spacecraft.

We will need:

  • colored paper
  • PVA glue
  • scissors, pencil, ruler
  • cardboard black


1. First, select a sheet of colored paper for the base. It is advisable to take it bright color scheme, purple or yellow is perfect.

2. Roll the rectangle into a tube and glue.

3. Then make the top. To do this, draw a compass or circle something from yellow colored paper and cut out a circle. And then cut it in half. And from red - a strip.

4. Now the red strip must be connected to the sleeve, which acts as the base.

5. But from the semicircle, you have to twist with your hands a figure resembling a cone and glue the contours.

7. The next step is the porthole from which the astronaut will see the Earth. Cut out a circle of a different color or glue your photo.

8. Well, it remains to decorate the bottom of the rocket. Cut out semicircles from blue paper - 3 pcs.

9. And then twist each semicircle into a cone and fix the edges of each workpiece with glue.

10. Glue three cones along the diameter of the rocket.

11. Well, what did they fly? And where to Mars or to the Moon? That's not all, you need to make a platform. Cut out a black square from cardboard and glue a white or yellow circle onto it.

12. Well, now everything is ready. Have a good flight and landing.

Here is another similar model.

If you want to create a more difficult job, then consider this example.

How to make a flying rocket out of paper and cardboard

Wow, fly to the sky!!! Children play such games and of course they are happy to build spaceships and rockets from all kinds of materials. They put toys or favorite cartoon characters in them. Well, why not. It is not difficult to build such a charm at home, especially when there is step by step instructions actions.

In general, I found on the YouTube channel a model of an air rocket that really flies where you point it. Do not believe me, then get acquainted with the briefing, the entire manufacturing process from A to Z is shown.

But the next option is more suitable for preschoolers. The design is as simple as two and two.

And then launch rockets with pleasure either using a straw or a bottle.

So, how can you make such a small rocket yourself? Consider all stages of work.

We will need:

  • cardboard
  • paper decorated or colored 20.5 cm by 10 cm
  • scissors, pencil, tape


To work, take paper 10 cm wide and 20.5 cm long. Glue tape in the center and place a pencil in the middle.

Then twist the strip along the pencil and secure with tape. In other places, too, use tape to fix.

Important! The pencil inside should “walk”, and it is easy to climb out of the workpiece, that is, do not glue the paper very tightly.

There is also an idea that will help a space rocket fly if you glue a straw to it and stick a thread through it. That is, to make a type of “track” in the room, she will rush along it. First, cut out everything you need from thick cardboard:

Then glue all the parts to the sleeve or roll.

Decorate with decor or paint with paints.

In addition, the rocket can be made on a stick.

Take the drawing and color it on cardboard, cut it out and glue it to the tube.

And lay out the flame from the floss threads.

Or take cardboard as a basis and use plasticine for decoration.

And by the way, there is also the idea of ​​a large rocket from a large cardboard box in which you can put a child. Here is her diagram.

Paper rocket with diagrams and templates for children (can be printed, cut and glued)

We continue to make crafts and this time I propose to make a model from colored paper, which is simple, but very beautiful. Or you can take stencils and use them to create rockets.

We will need:

  • colored paper in different colors
  • PVA glue
  • scissors, pencil


1. Cut out a strip from blue paper.

2. One part of this strip must be pointed, like this, as shown in the picture.

3. Then cut out the nose and wings from red paper. In order not to be mistaken in size, you need to transfer the blue strip to the red sheet.

4. So stick to reverse side blue stripes red details.

5. Then make a porthole from circles.

6. Well, after finishing the work, cut out the flame from three colors, yellow, red and orange.

Advice! If you do not know how to draw such details, then you may well cheat. Attach a white office sheet to a laptop or computer monitor and circle the blanks, and then cut and transfer to colored paper or cardboard.

7. Glue the parts of the flame by laying one part on top of the other, like this:

8. And finally, glue to the base of the rocket. It turned out nice and neat! Good luck.

Well, now, as promised, more schematics and templates, which I hope will only help you in creating such creations.

An origami rocket that flies from home to the moon

Of course, it is impossible to create such a rocket, but many dream of such a toy). Let's try to create one too.

Take a piece of square paper.

Then make bends, first on one side, then on the other. That is, bend on both sides, making a triangle.

After that, unfold the sheet again and fold it simply in half, so the necessary lines are outlined.

Now make a "frog", as this figure is called in origami.

It will come out like a triangle.

Then wrap one of the corners to the middle.

Now expand what you have outlined and collapse in this way.

Get these fold lines.

Go to the next step, draw out the corner.

And then take it down.

Do the same for all other corners. It turned out "4 legs".

And then roll one "leg" to the middle.

Now on the other hand, so all the "legs".

Here's what happens again, raise them a little with your hands.

Now it remains to deploy the rocket, you need to blow into the base or gently smooth it inside with a simple pencil.


You can watch a similar master class in this video if you have any questions.

On, and now consider lighter circuits. Only such rockets will definitely not fly to the moon).

In addition, there is also modular origami, using this technique you can also make crafts in the form of a rocket.

Craft-application Rocket made of paper + templates and patterns for printing and gluing

Up to this point, there have been many voluminous rockets, and now let's look at flat ones. With these you can decorate any stand newspaper or just bring it to the competition.

Take ready-made stencils, circle on colored paper and stick to the workpiece.

But the background can be painted with gouache paint.

As a result, such a rocket will turn out, follow this step-by-step instruction.

As soon as you complete such a craft, stick it to the background.

From geometric figures (triangles, circles and squares) you can also assemble a spacecraft. Catch patterns:

Or use this one.

Here are a few more stencils, choose and create children's masterpieces.

Homemade rocket ideas for kids

Well, we got to the last point, let's look at a bunch of ideas of what else can be done with children from waste material to make a spaceship that will possibly fly).

Turn on your imagination and create for your health. In any case, the children will be satisfied and happy, because they love to bother so much.

Postcard in the form of a rocket for February 23

Unusual and very stylish, this is the motto of a postcard that you can give to dad or grandfather for a men's holiday. From cardboard, draw an image of a rocket on cardboard. And also the stand on which it will stand.

Cut out the details of the spaceship according to the template and make notches where shown in the photo.

Then put the rocket on the stand.

Then cut out blanks from wallpaper or other decorated paper and decorate the craft.

Glue a photo or your picture into the porthole.

Think more about the design, you can alternate the paper.

The result should be such a beautiful product, such a wonderful voluminous postcard in the form of a rocket.

Rocket from an ordinary bottle, paper and cardboard

There are a lot of options for such crafts on the net, I suggest taking this instruction as a basis, and you yourself, using the drawings, can create such a souvenir. You will need a bottle that you need to measure.

And then make a markup on paper for it.

Then develop a design for the site.

And then transfer the details to the cardboard and cut out.

Well, now go ahead, glue it with a glue gun.

And there will be such a masterpiece that needs to be decorated.

Or consider this type of work, if the previous one seemed very difficult to you, this one looks great.

You can hide the bottle, put a regular new sock on it and decorate it with threads and other improvised means.

Master class on making a rocket from a sleeve (roll) of toilet paper

This is probably the most common option, because there is nothing easier than taking a ready-made base, that is, a toilet paper sleeve or roll, and decorating it. All steps for making a rocket from such material will be shown in the pictures below:

Paper rocket for Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten and school

Well, now another interesting and original work, make such rockets with the whole class or with preschool children and design a stand newspaper for Cosmonautics Day. For such crafts, take scissors and paper again.

Fold the sheet in half.

Then expand and bend the right and left corners to the center line.

Then, turn the workpiece over again, bend the sides to the center.

Then flip over to the other side again.

Then follow these step by step photos:

This is how the masterpiece should turn out in the end.

And here is the finished stand newspaper.

Well, in conclusion, catch a rocket from sweets.

Here is such a small article for today, I hope you have learned how to fold rockets not only from paper and cardboard, as these are the simplest models. But you can also do work from bottles or other materials that are always in your home.

Best regards, Ekaterina

The steam engine was surpassed by the powder tubes of the Chinese army, and then by the liquid rockets invented by Konstantin Tsiolkovsky and designed by Robert Goddard. This article describes five ways to build a rocket at home, from simple to more complex; at the end you can find an additional section explaining the basic principles of building rockets.


balloon rocket

    Tie one end of the fishing line or thread to the support. The back of a chair or a doorknob can serve as a support.

    Pass the thread through a plastic drinking straw. The thread and tube will serve as a navigation system with which you can control the trajectory of your rocket from balloon.

    • Rocket model building kits use a similar technology, where a tube of similar length is attached to the body of the rocket. This tube is threaded through a metal tube on the launch pad to keep the rocket upright until launch.
  1. Tie the other end of the thread to the other warp. Be sure to pull the thread taut before doing this.

    Blow up the balloon. Pinch the tip of the balloon to keep air out. You can use your fingers, a paper clip, or a clothespin.

    Glue the ball to the tube with tape.

    Release the air from the balloon. Your rocket will fly along the set trajectory, from one end of the string to the other.

    • You can make this rocket with both long and round balls, and experiment with the length of the tube. You can also change the angle at which the missile's flight path travels to see how this affects the distance your missile travels.
    • Similarly, you can make a jet boat: Cut the milk carton lengthwise. Cut a hole in the bottom and thread the ball through it. Inflate the balloon, then place the boat in a tub of water and deflate the balloon.
  2. Wrap the rectangle tightly around the pencil or dowel. Start rolling the strip of paper from the end of the pencil, not from the center. Part of the strip should hang over the pencil stem or the end of the dowel.

    • Use a pencil or dowel a little thicker than a drinking straw, but not much thicker.
  3. Tape the edge of the paper with tape to keep it from unwinding. Tape the paper along the entire length of the pencil.

    Fold the overhanging edge into a cone. Secure with tape.

    Remove the pencil or dowel.

    Check the rocket for holes. Gently blow into the open end of the rocket. Listen for any sound that indicates air is escaping from the sides or end of the rocket, and gently feel the rocket to feel the air escaping. Tape up any holes in the rocket and test the rocket again until you have fixed all the holes.

    Add tail fins to the open end of the paper rocket. Since this rocket is quite narrow, it will be more convenient to cut and glue two pairs of adjacent fins than three or four separate small fins.

    Put the tube in the open part of the rocket. Make sure the tube protrudes enough from the rocket that you can pinch the end with your fingers.

    Blow sharply into the tube. Your rocket will take off with the force of your breath.

    • Always point the tube and rocket up and not at anyone when you launch the rocket.
    • Build several different rockets to see how different changes affect her flight. Also try launching your rockets with different breath strengths to see how the strength of your breath affects the distance your rocket travels.
    • The toy, which looked like a paper rocket, consisted of a plastic cone on one end and a plastic parachute on the other. The parachute was attached to a stick, which was then inserted into a cardboard tube. When blown into the tube, the plastic cone caught air and flew up. Having reached the maximum height, the stick fell off, after which the parachute opened.

Film can rocket

  1. Decide how long/height you want to build your rocket. The recommended length is 15 cm, but you can make it longer or shorter.

    Get a jar of film. It will serve as a combustion chamber for your rocket. You can find such a jar in photo shops that still work with film.

    • Find a jar that snaps on the inside, not the outside.
    • If you can't find a film jar, you can use an old one. plastic jar from under medicines with a snap-on cover. If you can't find a jar with a snap-top lid, you can find a cork that fits tight in the neck of the jar.
  2. Collect the rocket. The easiest way to make the body of the rocket is the same way as with the paper rocket launched through a straw: just wrap a piece of paper around the film jar. Since this jar will act as a launcher for your rocket, you should stick paper to it so it doesn't fly away.

    Decide where you want to launch your rocket. It is recommended to launch this type of rocket in an open space or outdoors, as the rocket can fly quite high.

    Fill the jar 1/3 full with water. If there is no water source near your launch pad, you can fill the rocket somewhere else and carry it upside down to the pad, or bring water to the platform and fill the rocket there.

    break in half effervescent tablet and dip one half into the water.

    Close the jar and turn the rocket upside down.

    Move to a safe distance. Dissolving in water, the tablet will release carbon dioxide. Pressure builds up inside the jar and rips off the lid, launching your rocket skyward.

match rocket

    Cut out a small triangle of aluminum foil. It should be an isosceles triangle with a base of 2.5 cm and a median of 5 cm.

    Take a match from the matchbox.

    Attach the match to the straight pin in such a way that the sharp tip of the pin reaches the head of the match, but is not longer than it.

    Wrap the aluminum triangle around the match and pin heads, starting at the very top. Wrap the foil as tight as possible around the match without knocking the needle out of position. When you have completed this process, the wrapper should be about 6.25mm below the match head.

    Remember foil nails. This will push the foil closer to the match head and better mark the channel formed by the pin under the foil.

    Pull the needle out carefully so as not to tear the foil.

    Make a launch pad out of a paperclip.

    • Bend the outer fold of the paperclip at a 60 degree angle. This will be the basis of the launch platform.
    • Fold the inside fold of the paperclip up and slightly to the side to form an open triangle. You will attach the match head wrapped in foil to it.
  1. Place the launch pad on the rocket launch site. Again, find open space on the street, since this rocket can fly quite long distance. Avoid dry places as match rocket can start a fire.

    • Make sure there are no people or animals near your spaceport before launching the rocket.
  2. Place the match rocket on the launch pad head up. The rocket must be positioned at least 60 degrees from the base of the launch pad and the ground. If it's a little lower, bend the paperclip even more until you get the right angle.

    Launch a rocket. Light a match and place the fire just under the wrapped head of the match rocket. When the phosphorus in the rocket ignites, the rocket will take off.

    • Keep a bucket of water nearby to extinguish used matches to make sure they are completely extinguished.
    • If a rocket unexpectedly hits you, freeze, fall to the ground and roll on it until you knock out the fire.

water rocket

  1. Have one empty 2 liter bottle ready to serve as a pressure chamber for your rocket. Since a plastic bottle is used in the construction of this rocket, it is sometimes referred to as a bottle rocket. It should not be confused with a type of firecracker, which is also known as bottle rockets because they are often fired from inside the bottle. This form of bottle rocket is banned in many places; water rocket is not prohibited.

    Make fins. Since the rocket's plastic body is quite strong, especially after being reinforced with tape, you'll need equally strong fins. Hard cardboard may work for this, but it will only last a few runs. It is best to use a plastic similar to that used to make plastic folders for papers.

    • The first step is to design your fins and create a paper template to cut out the plastic fins. Whatever your fins, remember that you will need to fold each one in half later on for strength. They should also reach the point where the bottle begins to narrow.
    • Cut out the stencil and use it to cut out three or four identical fins from plastic or cardboard.
    • Bend the fins in half and attach them to the body of the rocket with strong tape.
    • Depending on the design of your rocket, you may need to make the fins longer than the bottle neck/rocket nozzle.
  2. Create a nose cone and payload bay. To do this, you will need a second two-liter bottle.

    • Cut out the bottom of an empty bottle.
    • Place the payload in upper part cut bottle. Anything can be a load, from a lump of plasticine to a ball of elastic bands. Place the cut lower part inside the bottle so that the bottom is directed towards its neck. Fix the structure with tape, and then glue this bottle to the bottom of the bottle, which acts as a pressure chamber.
    • The nose of a rocket can be made from anything, from the cap plastic bottle to a polyvinyl tube or plastic cone. Once you figure out what kind of nose you want for your rocket and put it together, attach it to the top of the rocket.
  3. Test the balance of your rocket. Place the rocket on your index finger. The balance point should be just above the pressure chamber (at the bottom of the first bottle). If the balance point is off, remove the positive weight section and change the weight of the weight.

  4. Choose a spaceport for your rocket. As with the rockets above, you should only launch the water rocket outdoors. Since this missile is larger and stronger than other missiles, you will also need more open space to launch. The spaceport should also be located on a flatter surface. Air has mass, and the denser that mass (especially near the Earth's surface), the more it holds back objects that try to move through the air. Rockets need to be streamlined (have an elongated, elliptical shape) to minimize the friction they need to overcome as they fly through the air, which is why most rockets have a pointed nose cone.

    3. Balance the rocket at its center of mass. Total weight The rocket must be balanced around a certain point inside the rocket to make sure it will fly straight and not tumble. This point can be called the point of balance, the center of mass or the center of gravity.

    • The center of mass is different in every rocket. Typically, the balance point will be just above the fuel or pressure chamber.
    • While the payload helps raise the missile's center of gravity above its pressure chamber, too heavy a payload will make the missile too heavy on top, making it difficult to keep the missile upright prior to launch and steer the missile during it. For this reason, integrated circuits have been incorporated into spacecraft computers to reduce their weight. (This has led to the use of similar integrated circuits (or chips) in calculators, electronic watches, personal computers, and, more recently, tablets and smartphones.)

    4. Stabilize the rocket with the tail fins. The fins allow the missile to fly straight by providing air resistance against a change in direction. Some fins are designed to be longer than the rocket's nozzle, helping to keep the rocket upright before launch.

    • Always wear safety goggles when launching any of the free-flying rockets (except balloon rockets). For larger free-flying rockets such as water rockets, it is also recommended to wear a crash helmet to protect your head if the rocket hits you.
    • Do not fire any of the free-flying missiles at another person.
    • The presence of an adult is highly recommended when operating any of the rockets propelled by anything other than human breath.

Rocket modeling is an activity that captivates not only children, but also quite mature and successful people, as you can see from the composition of the teams of athletes at the World Championship in rocket modeling sports, which will be held in Lviv on August 23-28. Even NASA employees will come to compete on it. With rockets assembled by myself. In order to make the simplest working model of a rocket with your own hands, special knowledge and skills are not needed - there are a large number of detailed instructions. Using them, you can make your own rocket even from paper, even from parts purchased at a hardware store. In this article, we will take a closer look at what rockets are, what they are made of, and how to make a rocket with your own hands. So, in anticipation of the Championship, you can get your own model and even fly it. Who knows, maybe by August you will decide to take part in an extra-class competition in launching rockets with a payload "Save Space Eggs" (to be held as part of the Championship) and compete for a prize fund of 4,000 euros.

What is a rocket made of?

Any rocket model, regardless of class, necessarily consists of the following parts:

  1. Frame. The rest of the elements are attached to it, and the engine and the rescue system are installed inside.
  2. Stabilizers. They are attached to the bottom of the rocket body and give it stability in flight.
  3. Rescue system. Needed to slow down the free fall of a rocket. It can be in the form of a parachute or a brake band.
  4. Head fairing. This is the cone-shaped head of the rocket, which gives it an aerodynamic shape.
  5. Guide rings. They are attached to the body on the same axis, they are needed in order to fix the rocket on the launcher.
  6. Engine. Responsible for the takeoff of the rocket and is even in the most simple models. They are divided into groups according to the total thrust impulse. You can buy a model engine at a tech store or build your own. But in this article we will focus on the fact that you already have a finished engine.

Not part of a rocket, but a must-have launcher. It can be purchased at ready-made or assemble it yourself from a metal rod on which the rocket is attached, and a trigger mechanism. But we will also focus on what launcher you have.

Classes of missiles and their differences

In this section, we will consider the classes of rockets that can be seen with our own eyes at the World Championship in rocket modeling in Lviv. There are nine of them, eight of them are approved by the International Aviation Federation as official for the World Championship, and one - S2 / P - is open not only to athletes, but to everyone who wants to compete.

Rockets for competition or just for yourself can be made from different materials. Paper, plastic, wood, foam, metal. A mandatory requirement is that the materials are not explosive. Those who are seriously involved in rocket modeling use specific materials that have the best performance for missile purposes, but can be quite expensive or exotic.

The S1 class rocket in the competition must demonstrate the best flight altitude. These are one of the simplest and smallest rockets that take part in competitions. S1, like other missiles, are divided into several subclasses, which are indicated by letters. The closer to the beginning of the alphabet, the lower the total thrust of the engine that is used to launch the rocket.

Class S2 rockets are designed to carry payloads, according to the FAI, a "payload" can be something compact and fragile, with a diameter of 45 millimeters and a weight of 65 grams. For example, raw egg. A rocket may have one or more parachutes that will bring the payload and rocket back to earth unharmed. Missiles of class S2 cannot have more than one stage and they must not lose a single part in flight. The athlete needs to launch the model to a height of 300 meters and at the same time land it in 60 seconds. But if the cargo is damaged, then the result will not be counted at all. So it's important to strike a balance. The weight of the model with the engine must not exceed 1500 grams, and the weight of the fuel components in the engine must not exceed 200 grams.

S3 rockets may look exactly like S1 rockets to the uninitiated, but their mission in competition is different. S3 are rockets for the duration of the descent using a parachute. The specifics of the competition in this class is that the athlete needs to carry out three rocket launches, using only two models of rockets. Accordingly, at least one of the models still needs to be found after launch, and they often land several kilometers from the launch zone.

For models of this class, parachute diameters usually reach a diameter of 90-100 centimeters. Common materials are fiberglass, balsa wood, cardboard, the nose is made of lightweight plastic. The fins are made from lightweight cork wood and can be covered in fabric or fiberglass.

The S4 class is represented by gliders, which must be in flight for as long as possible. These are "winged" devices, whose appearance quite seriously different from what can be expected from a rocket. They rise into the sky with the help of an engine. But in gliders it is forbidden to use anything that will give them acceleration or somehow affect soaring, in the sky the device must be kept solely due to its aerodynamic characteristics. The materials for such rockets are usually balsa wood, the wings are made of fiberglass or foam, and balsa wood too, that is, everything that weighs almost nothing.

Class S5 rockets are copy rockets, the purpose of their flight is altitude. The competition takes into account not only the quality of the flight, but also how accurately the participant managed to repeat the body of a real rocket. These are basically two-stage models with a massive launch vehicle and a very narrow nose. They usually go very fast towards the sky.

S6 class rockets are very similar to S3 class rockets, but they eject a brake band (streamer) in flight. In fact, it performs the function of a rescue system. Since rockets of this class also need to stay in the air for as long as possible, the task of the competitor is to create the lightest and yet strong body possible. Models are made of parchment or fiberglass. The nose is made of vacuum plastic, fiberglass, paper, and the stabilizers are made of lightweight balsa wood, which is coated with fiberglass for durability. Ribbons for such missiles are usually made of aluminized lavsna. The tape should intensively "flap" in the wind, resisting falling. Its dimensions usually range from 10x100 centimeters to 13x230 centimeters.

Models of the S7 class require very painstaking work. Like the S5, these models are multi-stage copies of real rockets, but unlike the S5, they are evaluated in flight, among other things, by how plausibly they repeat the launch and flight of a real rocket. Even the colors of the rocket must match the "original". That is, this is the most spectacular and difficult class, do not miss it at the World Championship in rocket modeling! Both juniors and seniors will compete in this class on August 28th. The most popular rocket prototypes are Saturn, Ariane, Zenit 3, and Soyuz. Copies of other missiles also take part in the competition, but as practice shows, they usually show worse results.

The S8 is a cruise gliding radio-controlled rocket. This is one of the most diverse classes, there are significantly different designs and types of materials used. The rocket must take off, make a gliding flight within a certain time. Then it must be planted in the center of a circle with a diameter of 20 meters. The closer the rocket lands to the center, the more bonus points the participant will receive.

Class S9 is rotorcraft aircrafts, and they also compete with each other in the time spent in flight. These are lightweight models made of fiberglass, vacuum plastic and balsa wood. Without an engine, they often weigh about 15 grams. The most intricate part of this class of rockets is the blades, which are usually made from balsa and must be aerodynamically correct. These rockets do not have a rescue system, this effect is achieved due to the autorotation of the blades.

In competitions, rockets of this class, as well as classes S3, S6 and S9, must be at least 40 millimeters in diameter and at least 500 in height. The higher the subclass of the rocket, the larger its dimensions must be. In the case of the most compact S1 rockets, the body diameter should not be less than 18 millimeters, and the length should not be less than 75% of the rocket's length. These are the most compact models. In general, there are limitations for each class. They are set out in the FAI (Federation Aviation Internationale) code. And before the flight, each model is checked for compliance with the requirements of its class.

Of all the rockets taking part in the current Championship, only models of the S4, S8 and S9 classes are required that none of their parts separate during flight, even on the rescue system. For the rest it is acceptable.

How to make a simple and working rocket model from scrap materials

The easiest rockets to make at home are the S1 class, and the S6 class is also considered relatively simple. But in this section, we will still talk about the first. If you have children, you can make a rocket model together or let them build it themselves.

To make a model you will need:

  • two sheets of A4 paper (it is better to choose multi-colored ones so that the rocket looks brighter, the thickness of the paper is about 0.16-0.18 millimeters);
  • glue;
  • polystyrene foam (instead of it, you can use thick cardboard from which the boxes are made);
  • a piece of thin polyethylene, at least 60 cm in diameter;
  • ordinary sewing threads;
  • stationery gum (as for money);
  • a rolling pin or other object of a similar shape, the main thing is to have a smooth surface and a diameter of about 13-14 centimeters;
  • a pencil, pen or other object of similar shape with a diameter of 1 centimeter and another with a diameter of 0.8 centimeters;
  • ruler;
  • compass;
  • engine and launcher if you plan to use the rocket for its intended purpose.

On the drawings, which are very numerous on the Internet, you can find rockets with different ratios of the length and width of the body, the "sharpness" of the head fairing and the size of the stabilizers. The text below gives the dimensions of the parts, but if you want, you can use other proportions, as in one of the drawings in the gallery below. The procedure still remains the same. Look at these drawings (especially the last one) if you decide to assemble the model according to the instructions.


Take one of the saved sheets of paper, measure with a ruler 14 centimeters from the edge (if you don’t get the same volume as ours, just add a couple more millimeters to your figure, they will be needed in order to glue the sheet). Cut off.

Twist the resulting piece of paper around the rolling pin (or whatever you have). The paper must fit perfectly on the object. Glue the sheet directly on the rolling pin so that you get a cylinder. Let the glue dry, in the meantime, take on the manufacture of the head fairing and tail of the rocket.

The head and tail of the rocket

Take the second piece of paper and the compass. Measure 14.5 centimeters with a compass, draw from two diagonally located corners of the circle.

Take a ruler, attach it to the edge of the sheet near the beginning of the circle and measure a point on the circle at a distance of 15 centimeters. Draw a line from the corner to this point and cut out this section. Do the same with the second circle.

Glue the cones from both pieces of paper. At one of the cones, cut off the top by about 3 centimeters. This will be the tail section.

To glue it to the base, make cuts on the bottom of the cone about every centimeter and a depth of 0.5 centimeter. Bend them outward and apply glue to the inside. Then glue it to the rocket body.

To attach the head fairing, you need to make a "ring", thanks to which it will be attached to the base. Take a sheet of the same color you used for the base and cut out a 3x14cm rectangle. Roll it into a cylinder and glue it. The diameter of the ring should be slightly smaller than the diameter of the base of the rocket so that it fits perfectly into it. Glue the ring to the head of the rocket in the same way as you glued the base (just don't cut anything off the cone this time). Insert the second side of the ring into the base of the rocket to check if you have guessed with the diameter.

Let's get back to the tail section. The rocket needs to be stabilized and an engine compartment made. To do this, you need to again take the paper from which you made the base of the rocket, cut out a 4x10 cm rectangle, find an oblong and round object about 1 cm in diameter and wrap a piece of paper around it, after lubricating it with glue over the entire area so that you end up with a dense multilayer cylinder . On one side of the cylinder, make cuts of 4 millimeters, bend them, apply glue to the inside and glue to the tail.

At the bottom of the rocket should be stabilizers. They can be made from thin sheet foam or, if not available, thick cardboard. You need to cut out four rectangles with sides of 5x6 centimeters. From these rectangles - cut out the clamps. You can choose any shape you like.

Please note that the head fairing, tail cone and engine compartment must be set exactly along the longitudinal axis of the hull (they must not be tilted away from the hull).

rescue system

In order for the rocket to smoothly return to the ground, it needs a rescue system. In this model we are talking about a parachute. Ordinary thin polyethylene can act as a parachute. You can take, for example, a 120-liter package. For our rocket, you need to cut a circle with a diameter of 60 centimeters in it and fix it on the body with slings (about 1 meter long). There should be 16 of them. Strong threads are suitable for the role of slings. Attach the lines to the parachute with adhesive tape at an equal distance from each other.

Fold the parachute in half, then in half again, then squeeze.

To secure the parachute, take another thread, the length of which should be twice the length of the body. Glue it to the engine compartment between the two stabilizers. Tie an elastic band to the thread in two places, so that if you pull the thread, the elastic band stretches, and the thread is the stretch limit (recommendations: tie the elastic band to the thread at a distance of 5 centimeters from the upper edge of the body).

Before putting the parachute into the rocket, you need to place a wad. For example, a piece of cotton wool (or soft paper, napkins) can act as a wad. Make a ball out of the material you like and insert it inside the rocket. If you have talcum powder, then sprinkle it with talcum powder to prevent possible ignition due to the charge being triggered. The wad should not be tight, but the amount of cotton wool should be sufficient to push the rescue system out.

Insert it inside the rocket, then put the parachute and lines. Gently, with rings so that they do not get confused.

A streamer can also act as a rescue system, and if you want to make an S6 class rocket, then you can see how to lay and tie it in these photos.

Mounting to the launcher and launch

Cut out two 1.5x3 cm rectangles. Roll them into a cylinder with a diameter of approximately 0.8 centimeters so that the launcher mount passes freely through these cylinders. Glue to the base of the rocket on the same axis at a distance of a few centimeters from the top and bottom of the base.

Install the engine in the engine bay. Ready to launch!

To start, you need a metal rod with a length of at least a meter and a diameter of 4-5 millimeters. It must be strictly vertical to the ground. Regardless of any conditions, the end of the rod must be at least 1.5 meters from the ground to avoid injury to the eyes.

Never try to launch a rocket at home! Even such a seemingly innocent device can cause a lot of trouble indoors. There must be at least 500 meters from the launch site to the nearest houses.

After igniting the engine, move away from the rocket at least 3-5 meters. Spectators, if any, should be at a distance of 10-15 meters. If you plan to entrust the launch to a child under the age of 16, be sure to be near him.


Despite the fact that it is not difficult to make the simplest paper rocket, rocket modeling is a serious and interesting sport that requires a lot of work and a lot of time. And also very spectacular. Against the backdrop of growing interest on the part of private companies in space exploration, the popularization of this topic among the population, especially children, is extremely promising. After all, those who have been attracted to space since childhood are more likely to choose it as a field of activity in adulthood. If the topic of space had not been so popular with children in Ukraine several decades ago, then there would hardly be people and companies like us in our country who invest in such a promising industry as space. An event of the level of the Rocket Modeling World Championship could not have taken place - because there would not have been strong teams and a great desire to stir up interest in the industry among the next generations. We have already written about how interesting the Championship promises to be. There, by the way, it will be possible to assemble the rocket yourself from ready-made parts. Come to Lviv, see everything with your own eyes. Detailed information about the event can be found at


  • 6-inch PVC pipes - 2 pcs.;
  • PVC tee - 1 pc.;
  • threaded PVC fitting - 1 pc.;
  • 2-inch PVC pipe - 1 pc.;
  • valve;
  • cable tie;
  • solenoid start button;
  • tire valve;
  • battery 9V;
  • sandpaper;
  • drill;
  • key;
  • a hammer;
  • cable;
  • primer for PVC pipes;
  • glue for pvc;
  • gloves.

For the rocket itself you will need:

  • cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • masking tape.

Step 2. Creating the rocket itself

From the cardboard you need to twist the tube and cut out the wings of the rocket. All parts will need to be fastened with masking tape. It will be necessary to fasten well, since any flaws will show themselves at the time of launch and flight of the rocket.

How to make cheese at home. From 2 liters of milk we get 1 kg of cheese

From adhesive tape, you need to form the tip of the rocket.

1 step

To get started, let's get acquainted with the instructions How to make a hydropneumatic rocket in my instructions. Gotta find a piece plastic pipe with a diameter of 150-200 mm (which are used in plumbing, these are black thick pipes) a minimum of 0.5 meters is needed, but this is an extremely acceptable minimum. For your own convenience, take about 70-100 cm. Let's start assembling.

2 step

I will not describe in detail the actions that are described in the previous instructions, but without reading that instruction you will not be able to make a rocket launcher. To begin with, we take a plate on which a nipple with a cork is attached (on which a rocket is put on) it is best if you use plexiglass, it will be easier to mount it.

How to make a rocket at home?

At a distance of about 10-15 cm from the rear end of our future rocket launcher, we cut out two opposite holes. We insert our plate into these holes, and fix it in these holes. In order to fix it, it is necessary that its length be greater than the diameter of the pipe, the plexiglass becomes plastic when heated, heat the plate (carefully so as not to burn through the pipe) and bend the edge, do the same on the other side so that it is stretched inside. We try to keep the nipple with the stopper as close as possible to the center of the pipe diameter.

3 step

We pass to the trigger mechanism. It will be similar to the mechanism used in the launcher for the rocket, that is, it will consist of two long pieces of hard wire, electrodes (Of course, pre-hammered). We put the rocket on the plate already inserted into the pipe. And we will drill two holes for our wire on one side at a distance of about 2-3 cm from each other. These holes should be located so that the pieces of wire passing inside the barrel clamp the bottle on both sides just above the rim (which is located immediately after the thread on the neck). On the opposite side, we cut out a long slot directed perpendicular to the pipe so that the pieces of wire can move towards each other. We fix them in the holes.

4 step

Let's move on to shooting. This is the most pleasant and unpleasant moment at the same time. We dress a charged rocket on a cork. With the help of an elastic band, we clamp it with wire as tightly as possible, attach a pump or compressor and pump up the rocket as much as possible, the main thing is to make sure that the elastic band can withstand and the rocket does not fly ahead of time.

After we have pumped up, we take the rocket launcher in one hand, choose for yourself what you will do: put it on your shoulder (which is inconvenient with this design) or rest it in your stomach (but with this option more water will get into you), with the other hand, hold the pieces of wire clamping the rocket . We remove the rubber from them. Now, if the rocket is inflated well enough and everything is done correctly, it is enough to let go of the ends of the wire so that it flies

5 step

Remember, the shooter will be wet from head to toe.

  • NEVER look into the barrel of a loaded rocket launcher
  • NEVER point the rocket launcher at people

When creating the design of a flying rocket, three requirements were initially taken into account - this is the ease of construction, entertainment and ease of assembly of the rockets themselves for children. The most important thing in the whole design is the trigger mechanism. It depends on him whether the rocket will fly or not, and how far it will fly. The design of the rocket itself also has an impact. However, first things first.


  • 6-inch PVC pipes - 2 pcs.;
  • PVC end caps - 2 pcs.;
  • PVC tee - 1 pc.;
  • 1.5- and 2-inch reducer - 1 pc.;
  • threaded PVC fitting - 1 pc.;
  • 2-inch PVC pipe - 1 pc.;
  • valve;
  • bicycle pump with pressure sensor;
  • 0.5 inch PVC pipe with a sharpened end;
  • cable tie;
  • solenoid start button;
  • tire valve;
  • battery 9V;
  • sandpaper;
  • tool for cutting PVC pipes;
  • drill;
  • key;
  • a hammer;
  • cable;
  • primer for PVC pipes;
  • glue for pvc;
  • gloves.

For the rocket itself you will need:

  • cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • masking tape.

Step 1. Construction of the trigger

The video shows in detail all the nuances and the sequence of assembling the trigger mechanism for a flying rocket.

Predictive programming: in the service of the powerful

Having assembled the trigger, you will end up with an installation capable of supplying air at a pressure of 4 atmospheres. This is enough for a cardboard rocket to fly. The second battery may be needed for higher pressure, about 7 atmospheres, but practice has shown that most of the missiles break with such an air supply force.

Step 2. Creating the rocket itself

The rocket is really easy to make. For convenience, you can ask someone to help you.
From the cardboard you need to twist the tube and cut out the wings of the rocket. All parts will need to be fastened with masking tape. It will be necessary to fasten well, since any flaws will show themselves at the time of launch and flight of the rocket. From adhesive tape, you need to form the tip of the rocket.

In the vertical position of the rocket, the wings must be fixed strictly perpendicular to the surface. Otherwise, the rocket, having taken off, will immediately fall.

Wings that are too large or too small will also lead to flight instability. The missile will either lose range or fail to fly high enough.

Tip 1: How to make a rocket at home in 2018

Viktor Donskoy

Home » Science » How to Make » How to Make Homemade Rocket Fuel

How to make fuel for a homemade rocket

The article describes how to make fuel for a small homemade rocket with your own hands at home.

Probably many of you in your childhood dreamed of making a rocket that could take off to great heights. If you have not lost your passion for homemade jet engines, then I will tell you how you can make simple fuel for such a rocket yourself. All the materials for making jet fuel can be easily purchased at the hardware store, or you may even have them right now in your home.

Homemade rocket will fly to space? How to assemble such a rocket (video)?

As practice shows, a rocket on this home-made fuel will be able to take off to a height of about 300-400 meters.

Before you chemise and try to make rocket fuel with my own hands, I want to urge you to be careful. Some of the ingredients in this rocket fuel are harmful to health, so I urge you to follow basic safety rules. Do not make propellant in unventilated enclosed spaces, especially when working with ammonia. In addition, ammonium nitrate can be explosive under certain conditions. All risks for your health lie only with you, and I am not responsible for any consequences. This article is published for informational purposes only.

If, after my calls for caution, the desire to make fuel for a rocket with your own hands has not yet disappeared, then let's get acquainted with the process of making this rocket fuel. For this "alchemical process" you will need a metal bucket, a measuring cup, baking soda, sugar, ammonium nitrate, newspaper, a breathing mask and water. The only possible difficulty is to get ammonium nitrate, but most likely it can be found in a fertilizer store. Ammonium nitrate is commonly used in agriculture as a good fertilizer.


Using a measure, pour 2 cups (200 ml each) of ammonium nitrate and 2 of the same glasses into a bucket baking soda. At this stage, it is important to get the mixture in proportion. 1: 1. The size of the measuring cup may be slightly different, the most important thing in the whole process is to maintain all the indicated proportions. Add 17 measuring cups of water to the resulting mixture, mix everything together.

STEP - 2

Boil everything directly in a bucket over low heat, stirring slightly when cooking. During the cooking process, you will feel a strong smell of ammonia, so this procedure should never be done indoors, and even more so in an apartment. Ammonia is very toxic, so try not to breathe it, even better, put a mask on your face, something like a respirator. The water should not boil away completely, there should still be quite a lot of it left.

STEP - 3

After you boil the water, let it cool for 5-7 minutes, then add one glass of sugar to it and mix everything well. Put the cut pieces of newspaper into the solution and let it soak into the sheets of newspaper for about 3-5 minutes. When the newspaper sheets are completely saturated with the solution, take them out and let them dry completely. As a result, you should get completely dry newspaper sheets, which will be your rocket fuel. This completes the manufacture of rocket fuel with your own hands.

How to correctly place this rocket fuel in a rocket and how to ignite it will be written in another article. Once posted, a link will be posted here.

Topics: how to make, rocket fuel, rocket

DIY flying rocket

Category: "We make toys ourselves"

How to make a working rocket model

Launching model rockets is quite an interesting sight. The rocket, releasing huge puffs of smoke, hissing, takes off to a height of 300-400, or even more meters, then - bang, a small parachute opens and it sways smoothly, falls to the ground.

The shape of the rocket model can be very different, reminiscent, for example, of the well-known Gird, Vostok, Soyuz missiles, the Surface-to-Air anti-aircraft missile, this is domestic production, or foreign ones - Veronica (French), Astrobi ”, “Aerobi-high”, “Saturn” (American), “Meteor” (Polish) and others, possibly of their own design.

For a rocket to take off higher, it must be as light as possible. Therefore, the material for the manufacture of rocket models is paper (drawing paper), balsa, light woods, thin long-staple paper, polystyrene, etc.

Rocket models are made single-, double- and multi-stage, i.e. with one, two or more engines. Let's consider a simpler option, a single-stage one.

The process of manufacturing a rocket model (see figure) must begin with the body. We take a slipway (tube or round rod) with a diameter of 30 mm and wind one layer of drawing paper onto it. We glue the body with silicate glue. Bonding width 10 mm. We roll up the hull on the slipway.

The glued body must be removed for a few minutes so that the glue dries. After this, we plant the hull on the slipway and leave it to dry completely.

At the dried body, we cut off the remnants of its length on the slipway to the right size according to the drawing. We level the place of gluing with the body with fine-grained sandpaper, taking care not to wipe it until brightening or holes, and we cover it with one layer of thin long-staple paper.

Then we cover the body of the rocket model with enamel, when the first layer dries, we cover the body with three more. After the enamel has completely dried, as the body will no longer smell like it, we wrap the upper metal guide ring with threads and remove the model body from the slipway.

We make the upper guide ring from a wire cut to one millimeter or from an ordinary paper clip with a slightly larger section than the guide that will be used to launch this rocket model.

In the lower part of the hull, three stabilizers made of balsa, 3 mm thick, are glued, which we make in a streamlined shape. We glue the stabilizers on both sides with one layer of thin long-staple paper.

They are glued to the body at an angle of 120°. The place of gluing must be strengthened by paper corners 15 × 40 mm in size, glued to the body of the rocket model and stabilizers with thick enamel.

We make the lower guide ring from paper and glue it to one of the stabilizers, and we wind the upper guide ring (metal) over the bottom one. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the centers of the metal and paper rings lie on the same straight line.

The heart of any rocket, of course, is a jet engine, in our case, a solid propellant one. When burning, the fuel emits a large amount of gases, which create jet thrust flying out of the nozzle. Such engines are made in pyrotechnic workshops and used to be on sale, now I don’t know. I would not recommend making them yourself, because. it is not safe, although in some aircraft modeling circles, experienced specialists did this.

To fix a standard factory jet engine in the body of the rocket model, which runs on solid fuel with an impulse of up to 10 n / s, we make a sleeve 25 mm long, with an outer diameter of 30 mm and an inner diameter of 20.5 mm from NHV foam. We glue the sleeve into the lower part of the body with silicate glue.
When working with polystyrene, in no case should you use nitro-glues and nitro-paints, because. they dissolve it and you can ruin the part.

In the upper part of the body of the rocket model, the main part is inserted - a fairing made of PVC foam on lathe. It should enter the body of the model freely so as not to bother the parachute drop. We glue the fairing with long-fiber paper, also smeared with silicate glue. A round rubber shock absorber of an aircraft model is passed through the fairing, one end of which is tied to the upper metal ring, and the other to the stabilizer. Parachute straps tied to the middle of the shock absorber.

We make the parachute dome from thin long-staple paper and is a polyhedron inscribed in a circle with a radius of 750 mm, to which slings of threads No. 10 are glued, which have a length of 1500 mm. We make a wad for pushing out a parachute from PVC foam plastic with a size of 30 × 30 mm in the form of a cylinder and glue it with paper.

In order for the rocket to be stable in flight, it is necessary to pay special attention to the location of the center of gravity (CV) and center of pressure (CP). The CV should be three centimeters above the center of pressure. The correct alignment is achieved by the location of the parachute inside the body of the model, or by additional loading of the bow, for example, with lead or by making it from wood, you can reduce the weight of the engine, but this is more problematic.

It is clear that we can change the CV along the axis of the rocket, but how to find the CV? To do this, cut out, from cardboard, a flat outline in life size rocket model and the balancing method to find the center of weight of the contour. At this point, the center of pressure of the future rocket will be located, it is somewhere in 33% of the bottom. Then transfer this point to the real model. Here is such a primitive method.

For orientation, the flight weight of a single-stage rocket model is approximately 80 grams, a two-stage model is 120 grams.
It is necessary to launch such a rocket on a launch pad, which is equipped with a guide pin on which the rocket is put on, and an electric start (electric ignition) from a distance of at least 10 meters.

As you can see, making such a rocket is not difficult, the main thing is to get an engine for it. You can improvise a little, change, for example, the shape of the fairing, or stabilizers, paint it in your own way, but in order for the rocket to be stable in flight, the above calculations must be observed.

Now a little about the electric ignition of the rocket, you can make it yourself from nichrome or tungsten wire with a diameter of 0.1-0.2 mm. Suitable, for example, from an old soldering iron. We take a piece of such a wire and wind it on a thin needle (up to 1 mm), the resistance should be around 2 ohms. We power such a fuse from 4.5-6 V batteries or accumulators. It is better to use a new fuse for each launch.
That's all, good start.

Viktor Donskoy

A rocket with a height of 2 meters 10 cm and a weight of 20 kg can fly at a speed of 760 m/s and reach a height of 7 km. Since childhood, Anton wanted to be engaged in design related to space or aviation. A few years ago, he came across a forum of American home rocket science enthusiasts and decided that building something big and long-range was expensive and there was no need - in the CIS there are only two groups of designers, in Ukraine and Bulgaria, who launch large 150-kilogram rockets in the mountains . Anton gathered a group of 4 people, found consulting fans in the States and Argentina, and launched the production process in his garage.

** - Who assembled the rocket in the garage?**

I am the founder and coordinator of our project, the second person is an electronics manufacturer from Pavlovsky Posad, and we also have one electronics engineer and a chemical programmer. No one is directly connected with space.

What is the process? What do you do, draw a drawing first?

No, we are all creative. We are not doing anything new: everything has been invented before us. We took programs that allow us to assemble a rocket. We go to the metal warehouse for materials - sheets, epoxy resin - and take them to our base in Solntsevo.

"You can't partisan. If you go out into the field with a rocket, it will not seem enough "

Since the middle of 2009 we have been assembling the rocket, passed more than 40 bench tests to understand the characteristics of the engine. They wanted to use the engine, like ours, on the American shuttle, when they had not yet decided to turn it off. It is safe, works on paraffin and gas mixture. We abandoned oxygen in favor of a gas mixture, because oxygen is cryogenics: it requires completely different premises and safety standards. Actually, to assemble a rocket is a matter of 2 weeks.

All space stories in Russia are closely connected with the military industry - did you have any problems with this?

You can't partisan. If you go out into the field with a rocket, it will not seem enough. But in general, this is wrong: the project is notable, we are the first in the country. So everything must be done according to the law. There are no documents regulating private space activities in Russia. The question arose of what to do: Roskosmos is responsible for space, so we wrote there. Moreover, it is the year of cosmonautics: in honor of the flight, we want to launch a rocket. Two weeks later, the head of the legal department of Roscosmos called, quarreled, of course, said that we were crazy and we needed a license for space activities. And if you persist, he says, other authorities will take care of you.

We agreed to be "engaged", and the chief lawyer sent us a paper, which helped a lot as a result, because it recognized that our activities did not apply to space - a license, therefore, was not required.

“In the States and Canada, seven-meter monsters fly above 100 km easily, so there are organizations that certify engines”

The next stage: where to start and how to start?

To start, you need to block the sky. We called the head of the air traffic department, he said: “Guys, it’s great, go to such and such a head, he will organize everything for you.” That same evening, the boss patted me on the shoulder and really organized everything: go to the restricted area to the training ground in the Moscow region. We arrived on the eve of the New Year, gave the go-ahead, setting a couple of conditions for insurance and technical expertise of the installation. And that's all.

Let me in?

There will be a launch soon. On December 25, our engine shied away, 2 weeks ago we fixed all the errors, now there is still an exhibition of technical achievements, and at the end of April we will start it up.

How do other countries negotiate?

The States and Canada have civilian rocketry associations. Because it's a hobby, they have social control over the business: there are fire regulations and laws governing the production of ammunition. But they have seven-meter monsters flying above 100 km easily, so there are organizations that certify engines and issue technical regulations, as well as organize public events. This is right.

“It took us a little more than a million for the workshop and machines, and no more than 5 thousand rubles for materials with gasoline”

We have already prepared the documents, we will not reach the Ministry of Justice in any way: we will register such an association here. There are two options: either we deal with the legal aspect ourselves, or the state does it for us - and we all know perfectly well how it regulates in our country.

Will this precedent increase interest in space?

By itself, no - we still need spare parts to build rockets, but we don’t sell them. We are slowly opening an online store just for this purpose. With sets. We do not sell engines, otherwise we fall under pyrotechnics.

Why launch a rocket at all? What is the point in it? Will she be able to go into orbit?

DOSAAF specialized laboratories assemble terrestrial satellites weighing 100 kg. In a few years, they will weigh 20 kg, which means that a rocket weighing 2 tons will be able to lift this satellite into orbit. The projected price of such a rocket is $100,000, and the launch cost is $50,000.

This little one will not be able to, she is needed to open a dialogue with the authorities. But if we succeed with a small one, then we will do a big one: there the target is more than 100 km, other engines. The record is already 140 km. To go into orbit, you need to accelerate to 5 km / s, self-made rockets do not have enough energy. So she goes up, then comes back down with a parachute. This is how meteorological rockets do, which collect data and descend to the ground. Now military rockets are used for this purpose in Russia: they have produced so many of them, in Tula up to a million a year since the 60s.

These are regulations and big money. And our rocket costs 4 thousand rubles. That is, it took us a little more than a million for the workshop and machines, and no more than 5 thousand rubles for materials with gasoline. A high-altitude one will cost 40,000 rubles, and it will already be able to perform the functions of a meteorological one.

You can launch amateur telescopes into orbit. If you look at the stars from the Earth, the atmosphere interferes. There are hundreds of thousands of people who are fond of astronomy. They will be able to view new galaxies from their own telescope in vacuum, which will send fresh pictures of the nebulae to the laptop.