Italian salami. Italian homemade salami Italian sausage with pepper

Is it possible nowadays to make sausage without preservatives? It is most likely impossible without them, since salt is also a preservative. But without all sorts of E-E and similar horror films, quite, if you follow old technologies, which were used by the peasants of the southern Italian Cilento.

Having heard about the Cellito pig farm, which produces excellent sausages, I set out to make a report on their production. Detto fatto!

The sausage shop of the farm was located near the town of Sicili, which is ten kilometers from the place where we spend our summer in southern Italy. They were waiting for us early in the morning somewhere among these forests national park Cilento e Vallo di Diano

At 7 in the morning, work was already in full swing. The July heat dictated their schedules to the Norchians. I hope my readers will remember that this term in Italy defines the profession of a butcher who processes pork.

In the workshop was one of the owners of the farm, Giovanni Cammarano, and his assistant. Knowing about the popularity of Cellito dry-cured sausages, my impressions began with surprise at the small number of staff in the workshop. The explanation for this came to light then by itself.

We left all conversations with questions and presentations for later. a sausage production process called sopressata di Cilento has already been launched.

They explained to me that for this refined sausage, the best meat from the carcass is used: fillet and top part thighs. The meat is cut rather thinly in order to obtain a uniform and dense consistency of the finished product in the cut.

The chopped meat was carefully weighed, and only then transferred to the machine for kneading the minced meat.

The moment of weighing is one of the most important, on which the quality of the future product depends: the mass and consistency of the meat determine the required amount of salt for the minced meat. Gianni determined the consistency of the meat by touch, after which he calculated the required weight of salt. I immediately asked: "How much ?!"

Aha! This was the only secret in sausage technology that was not revealed to me. Otherwise, any more or less good sausage could be served in the showrooms of the Valentino fashion house. (This is already an excerpt from conversations in the smoking room))))))

Sopressata - sausage, practically, dietary. The fat content in the sopressate is only 5%. Lard is cut exclusively by hand to maintain its consistency in the finished product.

The second photo shows how an employee grinds pieces of bacon in order to separate them: otherwise, later in the minced meat, they will clump together in one place.

For the same purpose, the same pieces of bacon were spread over the surface of the minced meat more than once. Simultaneously with a portion of lard, a portion of salt was poured, pre-mixed with black peppercorns.

After each portion of lard and salt, the machine was turned on for half a turn, then the next doses were distributed again.

If you go back to the title photo of the post, you can see the result of this method of adding ingredients: on the large sausage slices, the inclusions of bacon are quite even.

Until the operation of kneading minced meat, there was no mention of the old peasant methods of producing sausages. It was here that the experience of many generations of local peasants began to appear, whose sausages were known even by the ancient Romans.

One does not need to be too educated either in history or in gastronomy to assume the complete absence of mechanization of sausage production among Lucan. The ancient Lucans were the ancestors of the current population of the Cilento.

Lucans kneaded sausage meat exclusively with their hands. Labor-intensive manual mixing had many advantages for obtaining quality product: meat fibers were less destroyed, but at the same time meat juices, actively released in the presence of salt, glued the fibers together well.

Blinding the chopped meat fibers in the minced meat is precisely the ultimate goal of kneading it. Gianni uses the principle of delicate product handling, mixing the minced meat for a very short time.

To speed up the bonding effect of the meat fibers, he simply added a liter mineral water... In the sausage industry, it is used for this powdered milk since minced meat is hardly made from good juicy meat.

When a piece of minced meat stuck to his hand, Janii considered the process of kneading the minced meat completed.

The peasants left the kneaded minced meat to “reach” the whole night in a cool room. We also left ours and went out onto the veranda for a sip of coffee and fresh air. Well, talk, of course.

Now I can tell my readers about Gianni Cammarano and his case what he told me himself.

In Italy there is an expression “dalle stalle alle stelle”, which can be literally translated as “from the barns to the stars”, which in its meaning corresponds to our expression “from rags to riches”. Gianni laughs that this expression applies to him the other way around, i.e. "From the stars to the barns." After graduating from the University of Milan and having worked for 15 years in a five-star Milan hotel in an important position, he once dropped everything and returned to his homeland in Cilento, which is called "to the origins."

The Cammarano family has a long history of raising and feeding pigs. In 1993 in Italy there was a crisis with the sale of pork, so the family was forced to start processing meat on their own. In 1995, a small sausage shop was opened on the farm, where they began to produce dry-cured pork products, traditional for Cilento. Gianni was engaged in the production of products, their commerce.

The sausage shop is located in the national park, which is also designated as WWF Oases. Absolute silence, crystal air, beauty of the surrounding nature, not the slightest hint of haste and stress - all that Gianni probably lacked in his stellar work in Milan. All this is in abundance here.

While we were talking in the fresh air, the minced meat “reached” a condition, which was noticeable by its slightly darkened color.

The animals on the farm are kept free-range, and in the warm season they are driven out to pastures. Sausages made from the meat of such pigs are distinguished by a darker shade.

This feature even played a negative role at the very beginning of the establishment of the sausage production of the economy, because commercial firms were suspicious of the unusual color sausages. It is good that grocery stores were found who appreciated the quality of the products and even made them fashionable not only in the region, but also abroad.

The minced meat was loaded into a filling machine, and ...

... started filling the sausage casing with it.

The natural pork casings used for sausages are purchased from Germany. Half of the equipment in the workshop is also made in Germany.

Interestingly, a small machine that doses and ties sausages has the most impact on the cost of production more than any other device. Now, two people handle all the work in the workshop, and before, up to 8 workers worked only on the dressing of sausages. Now the task of the worker is only to pierce the shell in order to release the air.

Now buyers are already accustomed to both the darker shade of the oppressed and its rounded shapes.

And just a few years ago, in order to be successfully sold, it must have had a flattened shape. Even for non-Italian readers, the very name “sopressata” might suggest that the sausage must have been exposed to the press.

This is exactly what Gianni is telling as I photograph his story.

The packaged sausage was placed under a press so that the sausage mass was compacted.

Machine filling under pressure a priori compacts the sausage mass, so there is no need to put the sausage under the press. But ... they still put the stuff made for the Valentino fashion house and for especially important gastronomic events: traditions dictate their requirements!)))

The sausage is made in the shop once a week, on Friday. This is due to the fact that on Monday, pigs are slaughtered, which have reached a mass of 110-120 kg; the meat is chilled on Tuesday; deboning of meat on Wednesday and Thursday; processed into sausage on Friday.

Each batch of sausage must be certified indicating its number and release date. Thus, it is possible to trace the path of the products and easily remove them from sale if the analyzes of meat, which are done without fail at each slaughter, suddenly turn out to be not entirely satisfactory.

The packaged sausages were moved to the basement of the workshop in the cooling chamber. The sausage will stay in this chamber for 6 days, during which the temperature will gradually be reduced from 24 to 12 degrees.

The humidity in the chamber will also vary: from 92 to 65%. This is approximately how the air humidity changed in winter in peasant houses, above the fireplaces of which such sausages were hung.

After 6 days, the sausages are transported to the ripening chambers, where they are kept for 60 to 180 days. An even coating of the shell with mold indicates that the process is going in the right order. It is easy to see that the shape of the sausages at the beginning of ripening and at the end changes slightly due to the loss of moisture.

Ripe sausages are cleaned of mold and vacuum packed. Such packaging prevents further loss of moisture. The peasants kept, and are now keeping !!! squeeze under a layer of melted bacon.

Once upon a time, sopressata was a great delicacy. From the best pieces of meat from one or two pigs, which the peasant family slaughtered in January, they made such a sausage for the big holidays. The first loaf of sausage was cut in June during the feast of St. Blasius, patron saint of cattle and the town of Sicili, where the Cammarano family is from. Just about 180 days have passed since the slaughter of pigs.

As I hinted above, a sausage called Sopressata antica, i.e. antique, is the most refined product of the workshop. My readers can only imagine the taste of this sausage, which contains only excellent natural ingredients.

It remains for me to note that I conducted a small experiment with sausage, which consisted in the fact that I left the sausage cut in the refrigerator for a long time. I wanted to see if salt crystals would appear on the cut surface. This often happens with similar industrial products that do not spare salt for better preservation of their products.

Neither a week, nor two, nor a month later, the slightest salt deposit did not appear on the surface of the section of the Cellito brand. This suggests that the salt concentration in the product was calculated with sniper accuracy between the harmony of taste and the need to preserve the product. Therefore, this sausage is served by Valentino.

Having finished with sopressata, Gianni took up salsic. This is the name of the most famous sausage in the history of southern Italy. It was this sausage that the ancient Roman gourmets liked, who named it Lucania.

Salsicha is a fatty sausage. It contains up to 25% fat. This sausage tastes more "masculine", because the grinding of meat for her is coarse, more noticeable in the finished product.

For the production of salsich, meat from the carcass is used, which is left from the production of sopressata. Not a large number of the fillet is also left for this type of sausage to make the product more tasty.

Red hot peppers and fennel seeds are essential ingredients in minced sausage. Despite the fact that there is a dime a dozen in the wild fennel area, the seeds for production must be sterilized, which, fortunately, does not deprive them of their aroma.

Fennel seeds and pepper powder are mixed with a weighed dose of salt.

Sausages take pride of place in Italian cuisine. Over the centuries, Italians have created many varieties and recipes that have survived to this day and are the hallmark of many cities and regions, because even by their names one can determine where this or that sausage comes from.

For production Italian sausages High Quality selected pork and beef are used, but meat cuts and spices can vary significantly.

After the ripening period, Italian jerky sausages are eaten as a snack, thinly sliced ​​with a special machine (affettatrice), they are also used in the preparation of hot dishes - sauces for pasta, soups, risotto, stews, etc.

The store or department in the supermarket selling Italian sausage is called "Salumeria" (and.)

I have presented to your attention list the most common Italian sausages with names and photos:

1. Prosciutto Cotto

Prosciutto Cotto is obtained from the thigh of pork. The entire production process lasts about a week, during which time the meat goes through several levels of preparation, and is cooked in special forms at a temperature of 70 ° C. Italian prosciutto cotto tastes very much like regular ham.

2. Capicollo (capicollo, cappocollo or cappicola)

Capicollo is a traditional Italian sausage, its name can change depending on the region, since each of them has its own dialect. This sausage product is a dried neck-brachialis muscle. Capicollo has a very delicate texture, with small layers of fat, has a subtle aroma peculiar only to itself. As a rule, a little more expensive than other sausages. It is dried within 6 months, in a natural casing, pre-pickled in salt, wine and spices.

3. Speck

It is a piece of cured pork meat with skin, which is smoked during production. Before drying it is marinated in salt, herbs and spices (juniper, rosemary, bay leaf). The cake ripens for about half a year.

4. Salsiccia Stagionata

This Italian sausage is ring-shaped in a natural casing. Pig meat, bacon, salt and pepper are used for its manufacture. The drying process takes about 2 months, while the temperature should not exceed +13 ° C.

5. Bresaola

Bresaola is an Italian sausage product made from whole beef muscle. Moreover, it practically does not have fatty streaks. In the process of cooking, it is salted, seasoned with spices (cinnamon, nutmeg, juniper berries), after marinating, bresaola is dried for 1 to 3 months. The final product has an intense maroon color.

6. Prosciutto Crudo

There are several types of Prosciutto Crudo in Italy, it can be with or without bone, smoked or not, spicy (picante) and sweet (dolce). Flavoring qualities may differ depending on the production technology, but it is invariable that it is obtained from a whole pork leg. The most delicious is Prosciutto di Parma (Parma Ham).

7. Guanciale

Guanchiale is a pork cheek. As a rule, it is a small triangular piece of bacon with a vein of meat. The ripening period is 3 - 4 months. Traditionally, guanchiale is marinated with salt, pepper and herbs (sage and rosemary). In Italy, this product is widely used for the preparation of various dishes and sauces (Example:), due to its characteristic aroma.

But those who follow the figure should be careful, there are 600 calories per 100 g of cheeks.

8. Ventricina

The birthplace of this Italian sausage is Abruzzo. It consists of 80% meat and 20% lard, which is cut large enough (2 - 3 cm). Other ingredients are chili, rosemary, black pepper, white pepper and fennel, and of course salt. A feature in its production is that the finished minced meat is stuffed into a processed pork stomach or bladder.

Ripening lasts 4 - 5 months. Modern manufacturers pack Ventricina in artificial casings.

9. Pancetta Tessa

For this type of pancetta, meat from the belly of lean pork is used. Salt and spices are essential ingredients in cooking. On the cut of the ready-made pancetta, the layers of meat and lard should be clearly visible. It is dried in the cold season or in special chambers, the temperature in which should not exceed 13 ° C, this will allow all the spices to be evenly distributed in the pancetta.

Drying period lasts about two months.

10. Pancetta Arrotolata

This type of pancetta is prepared from the abdominal part of pork carcass, which is salted in layers, after 8-10 days, washed well in cold water, and rolled into a roll, tied with twine, and placed in a shell. After that, in this form, it is dried for 6 - 12 months at a temperature of 12 ° C.

11. Pancetta Coppata

It is prepared from the breast part of the pork carcass, while salting it with the addition of herbs and spices (nutmeg, cloves, pepper). After a few days, they are washed and rolled up, tied with twine and placed in a casing. Drying lasts 2 - 4 months, depending on the size.

12. Salsiccia Fresca

Salsiccia Fresca is a sausage in a natural casing filled with raw minced meat with spices, it is not dried, but simply boiled or fried. Pork, lamb, chicken or turkey are used for its filling. The recipe for such sausages can also include lard, salt, coriander, fennel, black and red pepper, sugar, nutmeg, wine.

13. Soppressata

This salami is a typical Calabrian product. In the manufacture, several parts of pork carcasses are used - ham, shoulder and sirloin parts.

Ingredients and recipe for making suppressa:

  • meat cleared of tendons 4 kg
  • lard 600 g
  • red wine 80 ml
  • salt 115 g
  • red pepper or paprika 150 g
  • black pepper not ground
  • prepared guts

Finely chop the meat and lard, add all the ingredients, mix thoroughly, leave for several hours. Then you can start filling the shell. When the shell is filled in it, it is necessary to make holes with a needle and rewind with twine cross to cross. Then wrap the sausage in kitchen towels and leave in a bowl for 24 hours.

Then the coppressa is hung in a well-ventilated room for 5 days. After that, you need to put it under the press, placing it between the boards and press them down with a heavy weight, this is necessary to remove excess air. After 2-3 days, hang up again for 2.5 - 3 months. White mold is the norm; if black mold appears, it must be carefully removed with a damp cloth.

14. Salame Milano

Italian sausage Milano consists of equal parts of pork, beef and lard; salt and spices (pepper, garlic, etc.) must be added. Like salami, Napoli is very popular with buyers all over the country, but in Milano the minced meat is very finely ground. The homeland of origin is the region of Lombardy. This sausage is packaged in a casing of 2.5 - 3 kg, the drying process is 2 months.

Italy was the world leader in meat preservation technology back in the days. Salting, smoking and drying have come down to our days through the centuries. Pork is the most widespread type of meat in the republic. Nevertheless, beef is cooked there, and wild boars and even venison. Great importance in this art it is infused with spices. As a rule, smoked products of the Italian south are more piquant than those of the northern regions of the country. These foods play a prominent role in the world of snacks and are a variant of antipasto, which means "before meals." This is the name of the first course, which consists of cutting meat and vegetables.

Meat products can be divided into two categories: whole meat and cased minced meat (sausages). In Italy, it is classified according to a different criterion: depending on the method of preparation. Distinguish:

  • Prodotti crudi- raw meat products.
  • Prodotti cotti- products undergoing heat treatment.

It is on this principle that we will delimit our article, presented for convenience in alphabetical order.

Raw meat products

Prodotti crudi is prepared by drying in combination with salting. There is no need to worry that they do not go through heat treatment, as all raw materials are subjected to rigorous safety analysis. Many products are included in the product lists due to their quality.

(Bresaola) is the only Italian meat product that is prepared exclusively from beef. A whole piece of thigh meat with garlic, cinnamon, bay leaf and cloves is salted for about 2 weeks. The ripening process lasts from 1 to 3 months at a temperature of 12-18 degrees.

The finished product has a bright red color and a subtle, slightly spicy aroma. The flavor ranges from moderately salty to sweet. The texture is soft and compact. There is practically no fat in such meat, and it contains a large amount of protein. Bresaola della Valtellina, produced in the province of Sondrio, is marked with the IGP category. Bresaola is eaten, cut into thin pieces and sprinkled with olive oil and lemon juice, accompanied by capers.


Ventricina is a typical sausage in the area between Abruzzo and Molise. There are two main varieties of sausage: Ventricina teramana and Ventricina del Vastese.

Ventricina del Vastese has 80% pig meat and 20% lard. The peculiarity of the product is that the raw material is not crushed to a mushy state, as for most sausages. It is cut with knives into 2-4 cm cubes. Prepared meat is rolled in bell pepper, chili, dill and salt. Some varieties add orange zest. The spicy filling is filled in the intestines, stomach or bladder of a pig. Ventricina ripens for about 120 days. The cut of Vasto sausage is red, uneven, coarse. The aroma is spicy. They eat it on their own, cut into slices, combined with bread.

Ventricina teramana has a higher fat content (60-70%). It contains offal. Raw materials for it are twisted several times in meat grinders. Therefore, the cut of the sausage is uniformly pink. Such ventricina is eaten, spread on bread, or used to prepare meat sauces.


Coppa, capocollo or capicollo (Coppa, Capocollo, Capicollo) is a product from the muscular part of the pig's neck, the production of which is partially similar to the preparation of ham and. Its name depends on the region of Italy. Coppa ambassador is carried out in combination with pepper and spices (cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg). After that, the meat, wrapped in the intestines of a pig, matures for a long time for 3-6 months.

The shape of the product is cylindrical, pointed at the ends. The consistency is compact, not elastic. The color is red with white splashes. The aroma is sweet. The taste is delicate, increases with aging. Products with quality marks: Coppa Piacentina DOP, Capocollo di Calabria DOP, Coppa di Parma IGP. Coppa is sliced ​​thinly and eaten with a slice of bread or accompanied by red wine or other light alcoholic beverage.

Culatello is one of the most valuable traditional meat products in Italy. Typical product of the province. Culatello is made from pork meat, which is located around the thigh bone. It is separated from the skin and excess fat. The bone is cut by hand to give the product the characteristic pear shape. This is followed by an ambassador lasting about a week. Then the meat is placed in a natural casing, wrapped in twine and sent to ripening. The last phase lasts an average of 14 months (or at least 10 months) and is carried out at a temperature of 13-17 degrees.

The weight of the finished product is 3-5 kg. The cut color is uniformly red with small white streaks of fat. The aroma is rich, the taste is sweet and delicate. Culatello di Zibello has been awarded the DOP quality seal. Culatello served with bread, accompanied by butter... It goes well with dry sparkling wine. For storage, the cut of the product is greased with olive or butter.


Lardo or simply Italian lard. In the republic it is referred to as meat products... It is very popular in the northern regions of the country. To make lardo, take the fatty part from the back of the pig. In special containers for salting, layers of bacon, salt and spices (pepper, cinnamon, cloves, coriander, sage, etc.) are alternated. In this form, the product is left to ripen for a period of 3 to 12 months.

The finished lardo is moist in appearance, the color is white with a slight shade of pink, the consistency is homogeneous and soft. The taste is delicate, almost sweet. Varieties of particular note: Lardo d'Arnad DOP and Lardo di Colonnata IGP. Eat lard with bread, cut into thin slices. A variety of dishes are prepared with it. In Italian restaurants you can find unusual combination: lardo with seafood.

(Pancetta) is a traditional Italian product, for the preparation of which meat is taken from the belly of pigs. Its shape changes depending on the variety. For example, pancetta tesa is square, like bacon, and pancetta arrotolata is made in the form of a roll. It can also be peeled or peeled, classic or smoked. Even the size of the salt crystals is important for salting pancetta: not too thin, but not too coarse, for optimal penetration depth. As spices, cloves, nutmeg, pepper, and juniper are used. Ripening lasts from 50-60 to 90-120 days, depending on the size.

When cut, the finished pancetta is pinkish-white with wide red veins. The flavor and aroma vary with the spices. Pancetta Piacentina and Pancetta di Calabria are DOP. The pancetta is cut into cubes or slices and eaten as cold appetizer as part of cold cuts. It is added to sauces, soups, casseroles and pizzas.

Prosciutto Crudo

There are soft and crunchy chichioli. The former are ideal for hot porridge, the latter are wonderful as an aperitif or for filling rustic pies. There is a variant of pizza with cracklings - pizza pe ret frittole. In (Napoli) they are eaten with cottage cheese and pepper.

Impossible to imagine, but there was a time when poor Italians had to sail to America to escape from hunger and to eat. Times have changed. And now many of us should visit Italy to fully enjoy the taste of true meat delicacies.

Few countries can boast of such a variety of delicacies and a developed meat industry as Italy. How is sausage from this corner of our planet so different from others? Perhaps the cooking, the spices used, or the animal breeding process. You will find out about this in our article.

World leader

It's hard to imagine, but even during the Roman Empire, this region was considered a recognized leader in a variety of technologies aimed at preserving meat. At the same time, pork was and remains the most used. In addition to it, beef, venison or even wild boar are often used.

Italians themselves can easily say in which region of the country they have prepared this or that sausage, focusing not only on the name, but also on the appearance or aroma. This situation has arisen due to the fact that the inhabitants of the south of Italy prefer more pungent and spicy ingredients, in contrast to their compatriots from the north.

Italian sausage often appears on tables in the form of antipasto, that is, an appetizer before the main course, or as one of the ingredients of a hot dish.

Favorite of millions

The most popular sausage with a marble cut and the smallest pieces of bacon is, of course, called salami. It is Italy that is the birthplace of this world famous smoked meats. Perhaps it is she who is the most recognizable Italian sausage in the world.

Today salami is produced in almost every corner of the planet. But only in Italy you can taste the most traditional recipes its preparation. And it is worth noting that there are several dozen of them in different regions of the country. Various formulations differ both in the color of the finished product, which ranges from bright red to maroon, and in aroma.

The most savory varieties of salami are complemented by cayenne or red peppers. More restrained contain black pepper or simply various aromatic herbs.

No worse than sausage

One cannot ignore such an Italian meat product as prosciutto ham. Its closest relative among delicacies is jamon. Prosciutto is made from a whole pork leg, which is salted for a long period of time.

Many foreigners do not understand what is the difference between this type of meat and ham. The Italians themselves do not understand how they can be confused. Prosciutto has a softer texture and a less pronounced salt flavor. That is why this delicacy can be safely called ham.

You can separately highlight such a variety as prosciutto cotto. This meat is boiled before salting, which gives it a more tender texture.


If you are a fan of bresaola, you have known for a long time what it is. But there are also those who hear this foreign word for the first time. If you do not like pork, but you really love jerky, like delicious Italian sausage, then you should pay attention to bresaola.

Made from the front or back muscles on the legs of cows, this pulp is much less nutritious in any part of the pork carcass. The cooking process consists in long-term salting of meat with various spices inside deep vats. At the same time, the taste and color of the final product directly depend on what spices a particular manufacturer used.

Like many other Italian products, bresaola has various recipes in many parts of Italy. So, somewhere they prefer to cook it from horse meat or venison.

Straight from Bologna

The birthplace of the next Italian sausage is the town of Bologna. It is mortadella that is the hallmark of this settlement... It looks like the familiar boiled sausages interspersed with lard. Sometimes giblets or greaves are added to mortadella.

But the meat industry, which produces this delicacy, has its own prerequisites. For example, if you want to produce goods for real classic recipe, then it is imperative to add myrtle berries to the minced pork, as well as wine and pistachios. Only then will the mortadella sausage meet all the requirements of Italian culinary history.

From the hinterland

There is an Italian sausage that is very similar to homemade sausages from Russia. It is called salsiccha. They are also packed in a natural casing, and then fried whole over an open fire or in a frying pan. But temperamental Italians often add white wine, coriander, caraway seeds or wild fennel seeds to these sausages.

Such spices are less common in Russia or Ukraine. Especially when it comes to villages located far from major cities. But in Italy, aromatic herbs, exotic for us, grow literally on every corner thanks to the warm climate. Therefore, the difference in the manufacture of meat delicacies is striking.

Many Italians have never heard of the famous in their lives because they have a spicy salsiccia, which is no worse than any analogues.

But what about lard?

Not only Italian raw smoked sausages are worthy of close attention. There is also a worthy rival in Italy for spicy Ukrainian bacon. Somewhere this product is called bacon, but in this southern country it changed its name to pancetta.

If you have ever cooked a real Italian carbonara, then you probably know that it is pancetta that is recommended in the recipe. And only in the absence of her, take bacon. This is because a real bouquet is used to make it. fragrant herbs such as oregano, thyme, cumin and others. They rub a part of the pork belly, then roll it into a roll and marinate for several months.

The result is a far from dietetic product with wide layers of lard, which is great for preparing many hot dishes.

Unusual preferences

Another completely typical Italian sausage looks quite extraordinary. This is because when making dzampone, the forelimb of the pig is tightly stuffed with minced pork with lard and spices. According to reviews, this is one of the most original Italian products.

Stuffed leg is often sold raw, and once purchased, it must be soaked in water overnight and then boiled for several hours. But in modern world where people prefer not to spend so much time preparing meals at home, you can find ready-made dzampone. It will only need to be warmed up in the oven or microwave.

Italians especially love to eat dzampone in winter time years, while using white beans, lentils or regular mashed potatoes as a side dish.


Almost any Italian sausage - dry-cured, boiled or uncooked smoked - can be used to prepare various dishes. These can be salads, appetizers, and main courses. We will share with you several recipes for such dishes.

The first will be a salad, where salami is the main ingredient. In addition to her, we need:

  • fresh tomato - 1 pc.;
  • fresh cucumber- 1 PC.;
  • canned corn - 4-5 tbsp. l .;
  • green onions - 1 bunch;
  • half a green apple;
  • Iceberg salad - 70-80 g;
  • salami sausage - 70 g;
  • mayonnaise for dressing;
  • spices to taste.

First you need to finely chop the green onions and iceberg lettuce, put them on a plate in the first layer. Then peeled tomatoes and an apple are cut into small cubes. We put them on a salad and cover them with a fine net of mayonnaise. Each layer can be sprinkled with salt and pepper, but keep in mind that salami itself is quite salty. The topmost layer will be cucumbers and sausages cut into thin strips, which are also covered with a little dressing. And finally, corn and some green onions are laid out on top.

It is best to serve this salad in portions, garnished with parsley or basil leaves.

Main dish

The following recipe can perfectly complement your dinner after salad. The classic carbonara pasta has long been a favorite dish in establishments around the world. But the recipe for its correct preparation, invented in Italy, is not known to everyone.

If you managed to get a piece of real Italian pancetta, then you can safely start cooking. In addition to her, you must prepare the following products:

  • durum wheat spaghetti - 200 g;
  • pancetta - 100 g;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Parmesan cheese - 40 g;
  • olive oil - 40 g;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

First you need to make sure that you have chosen the durum wheat pasta, and set it aside, because first you need to prepare the sauce. By the way, there is no cream in the original carbonara recipe, and if you see it on the restaurant menu, you will get any other paste, but definitely not carbonara.

So, for starters, white onions, cut into small cubes, are fried on olive oil until golden brown. After that, in another frying pan, we fry the pancetta with the addition of salt and pepper, and send the finished onion there.

After the meat component is ready, we set to cook the pasta itself, and at this time we prepare the sabayon sauce. To do this, heat one whole egg, yolk and finely grated Parmesan in a water bath. The sauce is considered ready when a fairly thick foam appears.

We spread the pasta to the fried ham and onions and mix them thoroughly. Then put the pasta on a plate and pour over the sabayon sauce. You can decorate the plate with a little grated Parmesan or fresh basil leaves. Although a duo of these two ingredients will look just fine.

Do not forget that almost all Italian sausages and other meat delicacies are full of exotic spices and herbs that are not always familiar to a person who comes from a more northern country. Therefore, if you know that you have this or that type of food allergy, you should pay more attention to the consumption of meat delicacies when visiting Italy, and not buy prosciutto cotto in the first store, even if the temptation is very, very great.

Sausages take pride of place in Italian cuisine. Over the centuries, Italians have created many varieties and recipes that have survived to this day and are the hallmark of many cities and regions, because even by their names one can determine where this or that sausage comes from.

For the production of high quality Italian sausages, selected pork and beef are used, but the cutting of meat and spices can differ significantly.

After the ripening period, Italian jerky sausages are eaten as a snack, thinly sliced ​​with a special machine (affettatrice), they are also used in the preparation of hot dishes - sauces for pasta, soups, risotto, stews, etc.

The store or department in the supermarket selling Italian sausage is called "Salumeria".

For your attention, I presented a list of the most common Italian sausages with names and photos:

1. Prosciutto Cotto.

Prosciutto Cotto is obtained from the thigh of pork. The entire production process lasts about a week, during which time the meat goes through several levels of preparation, and is cooked in special forms at a temperature of 70 ° C. Italian prosciutto cotto tastes very much like regular ham.

2. Capicollo (capicollo, cappocollo or cappicola).

Capicollo is a traditional Italian sausage, its name can change depending on the region, since each of them has its own dialect. This sausage product is a dried neck-brachialis muscle. Capicollo has a very delicate texture, with small layers of fat, has a subtle aroma peculiar only to itself. As a rule, a little more expensive than other sausages. It is dried within 6 months, in a natural casing, pre-pickled in salt, wine and spices.

3. Speck.

It is a piece of cured pork meat with skin, which is smoked during production. Before drying it is marinated in salt, herbs and spices (juniper, rosemary, bay leaf). The cake ripens for about half a year.

4. Salsiccia Stagionata.

This Italian sausage is ring-shaped in a natural casing. Pig meat, bacon, salt and pepper are used for its manufacture. The drying process takes about 2 months, while the temperature should not exceed +13 ° C.

5. Bresaola.

Bresaola is an Italian sausage product made from whole beef muscle. Moreover, it practically does not have fatty streaks. In the process of cooking, it is salted, seasoned with spices (cinnamon, nutmeg, juniper berries), after marinating, bresaola is dried for 1 to 3 months. The final product has an intense maroon color.

6. Prosciutto Crudo.

There are several types of Prosciutto Crudo in Italy, it can be with or without bone, smoked or not, spicy (picante) and sweet (dolce). Flavoring qualities may differ depending on the production technology, but it is invariable that it is obtained from a whole pork leg. The most delicious is Prosciutto di Parma (Parma Ham).

7. Guanciale.

Guanchiale is a pork cheek. As a rule, it is a small triangular piece of bacon with a vein of meat. The ripening period is 3 - 4 months. Traditionally, guanchiale is marinated with salt, pepper and herbs (sage and rosemary). In Italy, this product is widely used for the preparation of various dishes and sauces, due to its characteristic aroma. But those who follow the figure should be careful, there are 600 calories per 100 g of cheeks.

8. Ventricina (Ventricina).

The birthplace of this Italian sausage is Abruzzo. It consists of 80% meat and 20% lard, which is cut large enough (2 - 3 cm). Other ingredients are chili, rosemary, black pepper, white pepper and fennel, and of course salt. A feature in its production is that the finished minced meat is stuffed into a processed pork stomach or bladder. Ripening lasts 4 - 5 months. Modern manufacturers pack Ventricina in artificial casings.

9. Pancetta Tesa.

For this type of pancetta, meat from the belly of lean pork is used. Salt and spices are essential ingredients in cooking. On the cut of the ready-made pancetta, the layers of meat and lard should be clearly visible. It is dried in the cold season or in special chambers, the temperature in which should not exceed 13 ° C, this will allow all the spices to be evenly distributed in the pancetta. Drying period lasts about two months.

10. Pancetta Arrotolata (Pancetta Arrotolata).

This type of pancetta is prepared from the belly of the pork carcass, which is salted in layers, after 8-10 days, washed well in cold water, and rolled into a roll, tied with twine, and placed in a casing. After that, in this form, it is dried for 6 - 12 months at a temperature of 12 ° C.

11. Pancetta Coppata.

It is prepared from the breast part of the pork carcass, while salting it with the addition of herbs and spices (nutmeg, cloves, pepper). After a few days, they are washed and rolled up, tied with twine and placed in a casing. Drying lasts 2 - 4 months, depending on the size.

12. Salsiccia Fresca.

Salsiccia Fresca is a sausage in a natural casing filled with raw minced meat with spices, it is not dried, but simply boiled or fried. Pork, lamb, chicken or turkey are used for its filling. The recipe for such sausages can also include lard, salt, coriander, fennel, black and red pepper, sugar, nutmeg, wine.

13. Soppressata.

This salami is a typical Calabrian product. In the manufacture, several parts of pork carcasses are used - ham, shoulder and sirloin parts.

Ingredients and recipe for making suppressa:

meat cleared of tendons 4 kg
lard 600 g
red wine 80 ml
salt 115 g
red pepper or paprika 150 g
black pepper not ground
prepared guts

Finely chop the meat and lard, add all the ingredients, mix thoroughly, leave for several hours. Then you can start filling the shell. When the shell is filled in it, it is necessary to make holes with a needle and rewind with twine cross to cross. Then wrap the sausage in kitchen towels and leave in a bowl for 24 hours. Then the coppressa is hung in a well-ventilated room for 5 days. After that, you need to put it under the press, placing it between the boards and press them down with a heavy weight, this is necessary to remove excess air. After 2-3 days, hang up again for 2.5 - 3 months. White mold is the norm; if black mold appears, it must be carefully removed with a damp cloth.

14. Salame Milano.

Italian sausage Milano consists of equal parts of pork, beef and lard, salt and spices (pepper, garlic, etc.) must be added. Like salami, Napoli is very popular with buyers all over the country, but in Milano the minced meat is very finely ground. The homeland of origin is the region of Lombardy. This sausage is packaged in a casing of 2.5 - 3 kg, the drying process is 2 months.

15. Salame Napoli.

One of the most bought Italian sausages. It has a cylindrical shape, about 7 cm in diameter, about 40 cm long, and usually weighs about 1 kg. Distinctive feature- rather coarse grinding of meat. Ideal Salamet Napoli contains 70% meat (pork), 30% lard, 2% salt, spices (unmilled black pepper, wine, cloves, nutmeg, etc.), the drying period is about 2 months, at a temperature not exceeding 12 ° C ...

16. Salame Campagnolo.

The recipe for this sausage includes pork meat and fat, as well as spices and herbs. The ingredients are ground in a meat grinder with a large nozzle, seasoned and stuffed into natural casings 50 cm long. For the first week it is dried at a temperature of 16-23 ° C, the rest of the period at a temperature of 12-14 ° C, in total about 1.5 months.

17. Salame Ungherese.

The main ingredient is pork and lard, which are finely chopped, salted, red pepper and lightly smoked in the process. The ripening period is 4 months. In appearance, this sausage is very similar to Milano's salam, they are often confused.

18. Mortadella.

The only boiled Italian sausage. Mortadella consists of chopped pork (I would even say grated) with the addition of large pieces of bacon. Other Ingredients: Salt, black pepper, pistachios, other spices may be used. Its weight can be from 100 g to several tens of kilograms. The benchmark and quality mark is Mortadella Bologna.

19. Porchetta.

This is one sausage that can be bought in salumeria. Porchetta is a typical dish of the central regions of Italy. Porketa is prepared from a whole pig or pig carcass, at home it can be made from a piece of loin and belly with skin. The porchetta is seasoned with salt and spices, the main of which is rosemary, sage and pepper are also added. A very popular dish in Italy's street eateries is the porchetta bun.

20. Cotechino.

Traditional Italian sausage, which appears on the shelves on the eve of the New Year, and is the main dish on the New Year's table "lentils and cotechino".

21. Spianata.

Spianata's appearance is slightly different from regular Italian salami in that it is flattened and has a characteristic red color. Lean pork and bacon are used for its preparation, everything is carefully chopped into pieces, seasoned with salt and red pepper. Ripening period is about 4 months.

In industrial production, various nutritional supplements and preservatives:

ascorbic acid (E300)
sodium ascorbate (E301)
sodium nitrite (E250)
potassium nitrate (E252)
potassium sorbate (E202)
lemon acid(E330)
sodium citrate (E331)
glucono-delta-lactone (E575)

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