What does the term somatic indicators include? Indicators of somatic state in psychosis. Physical culture and sports

Physical health(somatic) is the most important component in the complex structure of human health. It is determined by the body’s ability to self-regulate.

Physical health is a state of the human body, characterized by the ability to adapt to various environmental factors, the level physical development, physical and functional readiness of the body to perform physical activity.

Degree physical health a person is reliably identified by medicine using special differential diagnostic techniques.

Mental health indicators presented by a number of domestic authors (Grombakh A.M., 1988; Tkhostov A.Sh., 1993; Lebedinsky V.V., 1994; Karvasarsky B.D., 1982, etc.)

Taking into account complaints about the health of the person himself, there are four groups of people:

ü 1st group - completely healthy people, no complaints;

ü 2nd group - mild functional disorders, episodic complaints of an astheno-neurotic nature associated with specific traumatic events, tension in adaptation mechanisms under the influence of negative microsocial factors;

ü 3rd group - persons with preclinical conditions and clinical forms in the compensation stage, persistent asthenoneurotic complaints outside the scope difficult situations, overstrain of adaptation mechanisms (such individuals have a history of unfavorable pregnancy, childbirth, diathesis, head injuries and chronic infections);

ü 4th group - clinical forms diseases in the subcompensation stage, insufficiency or breakdown of adaptation mechanisms.

The transition from the psychological to the social level is conditional. On mental health influenced by social factors, family, communication with friends and relatives, work, leisure, religious affiliation, etc. Only people with a healthy psyche feel like active participants in the social system, and mental health itself is usually defined as involvement in communication, in social interaction.

Mental health criteria are based on the concepts of “adaptation”, “socialization” and “individualization” (Abramova G.S., Yudchits Yu.A., 1998).

The concept of "adaptation" "includes a person’s ability to consciously relate to the functions of his body (digestion, excretion, etc.), as well as his ability to regulate his mental processes (manage his thoughts, feelings, desires). There are limits to individual adaptation, but an adapted person can live in the usual its geosocial conditions.

Socialization determined by three criteria related to human health.

ü The first is associated with the ability to respond to another person as an equal. "Another is as alive as I am."

ü The second criterion is defined as a reaction to the fact of the existence of certain norms in relations with others and as the desire to follow them.

ü The third criterion is how a person experiences his relative dependence on other people. There is a necessary measure of loneliness for every person, and if a person exceeds this measure, then he feels bad. The measure of loneliness is a kind of correlation between the need for independence, privacy from others and one’s place among one’s environment.

Individualization, according to K.G. Jung, allows us to describe the formation of a person’s attitude towards himself. A person himself creates his own qualities in mental life, he realizes his own uniqueness as a value and does not allow other people to destroy it. The ability to recognize and preserve individuality in oneself and others is one of the most important parameters of mental health.

Every person has the possibilities of adaptation, socialization and individualization, the degree of their implementation depends on the social situation of his development, the ideals of a normative person of this company at this particular moment.

However, one can also notice the insufficiency of these criteria for a complete description internal picture of health . In particular, it is also connected with the fact that any person potentially has the opportunity to look at his life from the outside and evaluate it ( reflection ). Significant feature reflective experiences is that they arise against the will and individual efforts. They are prerequisites for a person’s spiritual life, in which, unlike mental life, the result is the experience of life as a value.

A person’s spiritual health, as many psychologists emphasize (Maslow A., Rogers K., etc.), manifests itself, first of all, in a person’s connection with the whole world. This can manifest itself in various ways - in religiosity, in feelings of beauty and harmony, admiration for life itself, joy from life.

Experiences in which there is a connection with other people, compliance with a specific ideal of a person constitute the content of the internal picture of health as a transcendental, holistic view of life.

Characteristics of healthy people (according to A. Maslow):

1) Highest degree of perception of reality

2) More developed ability accept yourself, others and the world as a whole for who they really are

3) Increased spontaneity, spontaneity

4) Greater ability to focus on a problem

5) More pronounced detachment and a clear desire for solitude

6) More pronounced autonomy and opposition to familiarization with any one culture

7) Greater freshness of perception and richness of emotional reactions

8) More frequent breakthroughs to the peak of experiences

9) Stronger identification with the entire human race

10) Improvement in interpersonal relationships

11) More democratic character structure

12) High creativity

13) Certain changes in the value system

Social health is reflected in the following characteristics: adequate perception of social reality, interest in the world around us, adaptation to the physical and social environment, consumer culture, altruism, empathy, responsibility to others, democratic behavior.

A “healthy society” is a society where the level of “social diseases” is minimal (G.S. Nikiforov, 1999).

Social health includes:

· the social significance of certain diseases due to their prevalence, economic losses caused by them, severity (i.e. threat to the existence of the population or fear of such a threat);

· the influence of the social order on the causes of diseases, the nature of their course and outcomes (i.e., the possibility of recovery or death);

· assessment of the biological state of a certain part or the entire human population based on integrated statistical indicators that make up social statistics.

Thus, promising areas of health psychology are the study of health mechanisms, the development of health diagnostics (determining health levels) and borderline conditions, the attitude of the health care and prevention system towards healthy clients. Practical problem– creation of simple and accessible self-administration tests to determine health and initial stages diseases, on the formation of various preventive programs.

Despite the fact that mental health problems have been actively studied by domestic psychologists, health psychology as a separate field of knowledge is more widespread abroad, where it is being more actively introduced into practice medical institutions. IN modern Russia Health psychology as a new and independent scientific direction is going through the stage of its formation.




The lecture was developed by Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor A.A. Gorelov,

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor O.G. Rumba,

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor V.L. Kondakov


6.1. Types of diagnostics, purpose, tasks

6.2. Indicators of physical development

6.3. Assessment of functional fitness

6.4. Self-control

6.4.1. Subjective indicators of self-control

6.4.2. Objective indicators of self-control

Types of diagnostics, purpose, tasks

DIAGNOSTICS – assessment of the physical condition of those involved.

DIAGNOSIS – a conclusion about the physical condition of those involved.

The main types of diagnostics are:

· medical supervision– comprehensive medical examination of the physical condition of those involved in physical culture and sports;

· pedagogical control– a systematic process of obtaining information about the physical condition of those involved in physical culture and sports;

· self-control– regular observations of those involved in their physical condition and its changes under the influence of activities physical exercise and sports.

Purpose of diagnosis– optimization of the training process based on objective assessment various sides condition of those involved.

Diagnostic tasks:

1) medical control over the health of those involved in physical education and sports;

2) assessment of the effectiveness of the applied means and methods of training;

3) implementation of the plan training sessions;

4) selection of tests to assess preparedness (physical, technical, tactical, moral-volitional, theoretical);

5) forecasting the achievements of athletes;

6) identifying the dynamics of sports results;

7) selection of talented athletes.

Indicators of physical development

PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT is a natural process of age-related changes in the morphological and functional properties of the human body during his life.

The term “physical development” is used in two meanings:

as a process occurring in the human body during natural age development and under the influence of physical culture means;

as a state, i.e. as a complex of signs characterizing the morphofunctional state of the organism, the level of development physical qualities necessary for the functioning of the body.

Features of physical development are determined using anthropometry.

ANTHROPOMETRIC INDICATORS is a complex of morphological and functional data that characterizes age and gender characteristics of physical development.

The following anthropometric indicators are distinguished:

· somatometric– measurement of the body and its parts;

· physiometric– measurement functionality body;

· somatoscopic- external inspection.

Somatometric indicators include :

Height– body length.

Determined in a standing and sitting position using a stadiometer. When measuring height while standing, the subject stands on the stadiometer platform with his back to a vertical stand, straightened up, touching the stand with the back of his head, interscapular area, buttocks and heels. The position of the head should be such that the upper edge of the ear canal (tragus of the ear) and the outer corner of the orbit are on the same horizontal line. When measuring height while sitting, the examinee sits on a bench, touching the vertical stand with the buttocks and interscapular area. The head is in the same position as when measuring height while standing. A sliding horizontal bar is applied to the head without pressure. Leg length can be calculated by subtracting the sitting height from the standing height (Dembo A.G., 1979).

The greatest body length is observed in the morning. In the evening, as well as after intense training, height may decrease by 2 cm or more. After exercises with weights and a barbell, height may decrease by 3-4 cm or more due to compaction of the intervertebral discs.

Weight- "body mass".

Determined using scales. It is an objective indicator of health status. It is advisable to carry out control in the morning on an empty stomach.

To determine normal weight, various weight-height indices are used. Widely used in practice Broca-Brugsch index, Whereby normal weight body is calculated as follows:

for people 155-165 cm tall: optimal weight = body length – 100;

for people 166-175 cm tall: optimal weight = body length – 105;

for people taller than 175 cm: optimal weight = body length – 110.

A well-known method for calculating the optimal weight taking into account the chest circumference is:

A more accurate method for assessing weight-height ratios is considered Quetelet index. There are two formulas for the Quetelet index:

A) I = m/h, where: m – body weight in grams; h – height in centimeters;

b) I = m / h 2, where: m – body weight in kilograms; h – height in meters.

According to option A, the results are interpreted:

(g) more than 450 – obesity – (m) more than 540

(f) 416-450 – excessive body weight – (m) 451-540

(f) 401-415 – good body weight – (m) 401-415

(g) 390 – best mass body – (m) 400

(f) 360-389 – average body weight – (m) 360-389

(f) 320-359 – lack of body weight – (m) 320-359

(f) 300-319 – significant lack of body weight – (m) 300-319

(g) less than 300 – exhaustion – (m) less than 300

According to option B, the results are interpreted:

(f) 16.9 and less – low – (m) 18.9 and less

(f) 17.0-18.6 – below average – (m) 19.0-20.0

(f) 18.7-23.8 – average – (m) 20.1-25.0

(f) 23.9-26.0 – above average – (m) 25.1-28.0

(g) more than 26 – tall – (m) more than 28

Body strength is calculated by Pignier index:

I = L – (m+OGK)

where: L – body length in cm; m – body weight in kg; OGK – chest circumference in cm. The results are interpreted as follows (according to A.I. Pustozerov, A.G. Gostev, 2008):

less than 10 – strong physique

10-20 – good physique

20-25 – average build

26-35 – weak physique

over 36 – very weak physique

Circles– volumes of the body in its various zones.

Usually the circumferences of the chest, waist, forearm, shoulder, hip, neck, etc. are measured. Use a measuring tape.

The chest circumference is measured in three phases: during a deep inhalation, during a deep exhalation, and in the pause between inhalation and exhalation. A measuring tape is applied at the back under the angles of the shoulder blades, at the front along the lower edge of the parapapillary circles in men and children, and above the mammary glands at the place where the fourth rib is attached to the sternum in women. The difference between the sizes of the circles during inhalation and exhalation characterizes chest excursion(EGK). EGC indicators are interpreted as follows (according to E.N. Alekseeva, V.S. Melnikov, 2003):

“excellent” – 10 cm or more

“good” – 7-9 cm

“satisfactory” – 4-6 cm

“unsatisfactory” – below 4 cm

Circumference of waist, hips, shins, etc. are used, as a rule, to control the figure. Waist-hip index(Waist to Hip Ratio) allows you to recognize an increase in abdominal fat mass, which causes the development of cardiovascular diseases.

I = waist circumference / hip circumference

where: waist circumference in cm is measured above the navel without pulling in the stomach; thigh circumference - at its widest part. The value is less than 0.8 conventional units. is the norm for women. More high performance indicate the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

Thigh and calf circumferences are measured in a standing position, feet shoulder-width apart, body weight evenly distributed on both feet. The tape is applied horizontally under the gluteal fold and around the largest volume of the lower leg. When determining the circumference of the neck, a measuring tape is placed horizontally under the thyroid cartilage - the Adam's apple.

Diameters– body width in its various zones.

In practice sports training It is customary to take indicators of shoulder width, anteroposterior and transverse diameter of the chest, and pelvic width. For this, a thick compass is used.

Physiometric indicators include :

Vital capacity of the lungs (VC)- the volume of air obtained during the maximum exhalation made after the maximum inhalation.

Vital vital capacity is measured with a spirometer: after 1-2 maximum inhalations and exhalations, the subject takes a maximum breath and smoothly blows air into the mouthpiece of the spirometer until it fails. The measurement is carried out 2-3 times in a row, the best result is recorded with an accuracy of 0.05 l (50 ml).

Average vital capacity indicators:

for men 3500-4200 ml;

for women 2500-3000 ml;

for athletes 6000-7500 ml.

To determine the optimal vital capacity it is used Ludwig's equation:

men: due vital capacity = (40xL)+(30xP) – 4400

women: due vital capacity = (40xL)+(10xP) – 3800

where L is height in cm, P is weight in kg.

Breathing rate– number of complete respiratory cycles per unit of time(ex., per minute).

The normal respiratory rate of an adult is 14-18 times per minute. Under load it increases 2-2.5 times.

Oxygen consumption– the amount of oxygen used by the body at rest or during exercise in 1 minute.

At rest, a person on average consumes 250-300 ml of oxygen per minute. With physical activity this value increases. Largest quantity oxygen that the body can consume per minute at maximum muscle work, called maximum oxygen consumption (MOC).

Dynamometry– determination of the strength of the wrist flexor muscles.

Defined using special device dynamometer, measured in kg or data (daN). The subject takes the dynamometer in his hand, moves it to the side so that a right angle is formed between the arm and the body, and maximum strength squeezes his fingers. The test is then repeated with the other hand. The measurement is carried out 2-3 times in a row, the best result is recorded. Measurement accuracy ±2 daN (1 daN = 1.02 kg).

The results are interpreted as follows (according to E.N. Alekseeva, V.S. Melnikov, 2003):

When assessing the results of dynamometry, it is also customary to calculate the relative strength, i.e. correlated with body weight. To do this, the result of the arm strength is multiplied by 100 and divided by the body weight.

Average relative strength indicators:

in men 60-70% of body weight;

in women 45-50% of body weight.

Somatoscopic indicators include :

Posture– habitual pose at ease standing man .

Figure 3 – Back shapes:

1 – normal; 2 – round; 3 – flat; 4 – round-concave

At correct posture the head and torso are on the same vertical line, the shoulders are deployed, slightly lowered and at the same level, the shoulder blades are pressed, the physiological curvatures of the spine are expressed normally, the chest is slightly convex, the stomach is retracted, the legs are straightened at the knees and hip joints. At incorrect posture the head is slightly tilted forward, the back is hunched, the chest is flat, the stomach is protruded. The basis for changes in posture is a violation of the correct ratio and severity of the physiological curves of the spine, which is characterized by the formation of a round, flat, round-concave back (Fig. 3). An increase in the curvature of the spine backward relative to the vertical axis by more than 4 cm is called kyphosis, forward - lordosis.

Normally, there should also be no lateral curvature of the spine - scoliosis. Scoliosis is right-, left-sided and S-shaped (Fig. 4).

Figure 4 – Types of scoliosis:

A– right-handed; b– left-handed; c, d– S-shaped

The normal shape of the back has natural curves of the spine in the anteroposterior direction in the lumbar and thoracic parts (within 3-4 cm relative to the vertical axis). One of the main causes of spinal curvature is insufficient physical activity and general functional weakness of the body.

Chest shape

The following forms of the chest are distinguished (Fig. 5): conical (the epigastric angle is greater than the right angle), cylindrical (the epigastric angle is straight), flattened (the epigastric angle is less than the right angle).

The conical shape of the chest is typical for people who do not engage in sports. The cylindrical shape is more common among athletes. A flattened chest is observed in adults who sedentary lifestyle life. Individuals with a flattened chest may have decreased respiratory function.

Physical exercise helps to increase the volume of the chest.

Figure 5 - Shapes of the chest:

A– conical; b– cylindrical; V– flattened; α – epigastric angle

Belly shape

There are the following forms of the abdomen: normal, saggy, retracted. In a normal form, the abdominal wall protrudes slightly, and the muscle relief is clearly visible. The saggy form is usually caused by poor development of the muscles of the abdominal wall, which is accompanied by prolapse of the internal organs (intestines, stomach, etc.). A retracted abdomen occurs in people with well-developed muscles and little fat deposits.

Leg shape

The following leg shapes are distinguished (Fig. 6): normal, X-shaped, O-shaped. The legs are considered straight (of normal shape) if, when standing at attention, without much muscle tension, the hips, knees, shins, and heels close together with a small gap below the knees and above the inner ankles. In the case of an O-shape, the knees do not meet when the heels are closed. In an X-shape, the knees come together, but the heels do not. The degree of O- and X-shape is determined using a special triangle, which is inserted between the inner ankles or knees.

X-shaped and O-shaped legs can be the result of past illnesses, insufficient muscle development, or the result of children or adolescents undergoing heavy physical activity that does not correspond to the degree of development of the bones and muscles of the lower extremities.

Foot shape

There are hollow, normal, flattened, flat feet (Fig. 7). Determined by external examination or by foot prints obtained using cream or easily washed off paint.

Body type – characterized by the width of skeletal bones.

The following body types are distinguished (Fig. 8): asthenic (narrow-boned), normosthenic (normal-boned), hypersthenic (broad-boned).

To determine your body type, it is enough to measure the circumference of the wrist of your dominant hand:

for asthenics:< 14,5 см (ж); <16,0 см (м);

for normosthenics: 14.5-16.5 cm (f); 16.0-18.0 cm (m);

in hypersthenics: >16.5 cm (f); >18.0 cm (m).

Fat deposition

There are: normal, increased, decreased fat deposition. In addition, the uniformity and locality of its deposition are determined.

To assess fat deposition, a caliper is used, which measures the skin-fat fold (Fig. 9). The measurement is taken on the back of the subject at the angle of the scapula and on the stomach at the level of the navel on the right and left. With your fingers, take a 5 cm wide area of ​​skin with subcutaneous tissue into the fold and grab it with a caliper, which allows for measured compression of the fold, which is important for measurement accuracy.

Somatoscopy includes descriptive signs - data from external examination (muscle development, degree of fat deposition, condition of musculoskeletal musculoskeletal system, degree of puberty).

Condition of the musculoskeletal system: Backbone- its development is judged by the general impression of the massive width of the shoulders. There are three types of bone structure: 1/thin or narrow, 2/medium, 3/massive or wide.

Spine - performs the main supporting function. Normally, the spine has physiological curves in the sagittal plane. In pathological conditions of the spine, curvatures are possible both in the anteroposterior direction (kyphosis, lordosis) and lateral (scoliosis). Depending on the degree of curvature, scoliosis, kyphosis and lordosis of I, II, III degrees are distinguished.

I degree - functional impairment, an unfixed defect that disappears with active muscle tension.

II degree - persistent curvature that does not disappear with muscle tension; There are no pronounced deformities of the spine and chest.

III degree - pronounced fixed curvature of the spine and deformation of the chest.

Posture is the habitual pose of a casually standing person. Depends on the shape of the spine, the uniformity of development and tone of the torso muscles. Posture is classified into correct, stooped, kyphotic, lordotic, and straightened. To determine posture, visual observations are made of the position of the shoulder blades, shoulder level, head position, and instrumental studies are also carried out.

With a stooped posture, the depth of the cervical curve increases, but the lumbar curve is smoothed, the head is tilted forward, and the shoulders are lowered.

With lordotic posture, the lumbar curve increases, the cervical curve is smoothed, the abdomen is protruded, top part the body is slightly thrown back.

With kyphotic posture, the magnitude of both the cervical and lumbar curve increases, the back is round, the shoulders are lowered, the head is tilted forward, and the stomach is protruded.

Straightened posture is characterized by smoothing of both curves, the back is straight, the stomach is tucked.

The shape of the chest is determined when viewed in profile and from the front. The chest is cylindrical, flat, and conical. The chest can be of mixed shape; there are pathological forms of the chest (chicken breast, “shoemaker’s chest”, other deformations and asymmetries).

When determining the shape of the legs, the examinee puts his heels together and stands straight. With a normal shape, the legs touch at the knee joints; with an O-shape, the knee joints do not touch; with an X-shape, only one knee-joint comes for another.

The foot is an organ of support and movement. There are normal, flattened and flat feet. To determine the shape of the foot, examine its supporting surface and pay attention to the width of the isthmus connecting the heel area to the forefoot. In addition to the examination, methods of obtaining foot prints (plantography) are used and the degree of flattening of the foot is calculated using the Strieter method. To do this, draw a tangent on the resulting print to the most protruding points of the inner edge of the foot, and from the middle of the tangent, restore a perpendicular to the outer edge of the foot. Then calculate the percentage ratio of the length of that part of the perpendicular that passed through the print (a) to its entire length (a + b). If the isthmus is up to 50% of the perpendicular length, the foot is normal, 5-60% is flattened, 60% is flat.

Muscle development is characterized by the amount of muscle tissue and its elasticity.

The degree of fat deposition is determined using a sliding compass. In addition, it is determined by the severity of the bone relief and the thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer. There are 3 degrees of fat deposition: small, medium, large.

The degree of puberty is an integral part of the characteristics of physical development and is determined by the totality of the development of secondary sexual characteristics. (see question 38).

41.The level and characteristics of physical development can be determined, first of all, using anthropometry.

Anthropometry– a system of measurements and research in anthropology of linear dimensions and other physical characteristics of the body.

Anthropometric measurements are carried out according to generally accepted methods using special, standard instruments. The following are measured: standing and sitting height, body weight, circumference of the neck, chest, waist, abdomen, shoulder, forearm, thigh, lower leg, vital capacity, back strength and hand muscle strength, diameters of the shoulder, chest and pelvis, fat deposition.

The level of physical development is assessed using three methods: anthropometric standards, correlation and indices.

Anthropometric standards– these are the average values ​​of signs of physical development obtained from examining a large contingent of people, homogeneous in composition (age, gender, profession, etc.). Average values ​​(standards) of anthropometric characteristics are determined by the method of mathematical statistics. For each characteristic, the arithmetic mean (M - mediana) and the standard deviation (S - sigma) are calculated, which determines the boundaries of a homogeneous group (norm). So, for example, if the average height of students is 173 (M) ± 6 (S) cm, then the majority of those surveyed (68–75)% have a height ranging from 167 (173-6) cm to 179 (173+6) cm.

For assessment, the difference between the subject’s indicators and similar standard indicators is first determined. For example, the student being examined has a height of 181.5 cm, and the average according to the standards (173 cm with S = ± 6), which means that the height of this student is 8.5 cm more than the average. Then the resulting difference is divided by the S indicator. The score is determined depending on the value of the resulting quotient: less - 2.0 (very low); from - 1.0 to - 2.0 (low); from - 0.6 to - 1.0 (below average); from - 0.5 to +0.5 (average); from + 0.6 to +1.0 (above average); from +1.0 to +2.0 (high), more than +2.0 (very high).

In our example, we get the quotient 8.5: 6.0 = 1.4. Consequently, the height of the examined student corresponds to the “high” rating.

Physical development indices. These are indicators of physical development, representing the ratio of various anthropometric characteristics expressed in a priori mathematical formulas.

The index method makes it possible to make approximate estimates of changes in the proportionality of physical development. Index is the value of the ratio of two or more anthropometric characteristics. The indices are based on the relationship of anthropometric characteristics (weight with height, vital capacity of the lungs, strength, etc.) Different indices include a different number of characteristics: simple (two signs), complex - more. The most common indices.

Broca-Brugsch height index. To obtain the proper weight, subtract 100 from the height data up to 165 cm; with a height from 165 to 175 cm - 105, and with a height of 175 cm and above - 110. The resulting difference is considered the proper weight.

Weight-height index (Quetelet) determined by dividing the weight data (in g) by the height data (in cm). The average figures are 350–400 g for men and 325–375 g for women.

To more accurately determine body weight, it is necessary to take into account your body type and ideal weight.Life index determined by dividing vital capacity (LC) by body weight (kg). The average value for men is 60 (athlete 68–70) ml/kg, for women – 50 (athlete 57–60) ml/kg.

Strength index obtained by dividing the strength indicator by weight and expressing it as a percentage. The following are considered average values: hand strength of men (70–75)% of weight, women – (50–60)%, athletes – (75–81)%, athletes – (60–70)%.

The coefficient of proportionality (CP) can be determined by knowing the length of the body in two positions:

Normally, CP = (87–92)% . CP has a certain significance when playing sports. Persons with a low CP have, other things being equal, a lower center of gravity, which gives them an advantage when performing exercises that require high stability of the body in space (alpine skiing, ski jumping, wrestling, etc.). Persons with a high CP (more than 92%) have an advantage in jumping and running. Women have a slightly lower CP than men.

The build strength indicator expresses the difference between body length and the sum of body weight and chest circumference at exhalation. For example, with a height of 181 cm , weight 80 kg, chest circumference 90 cm, this figure will be 181–(80+90) = 11.

In adults, a difference of less than 10 can be assessed as a strong physique, from 10 to 20 as good, from 21 to 25 as average, from 26 to 35 as weak and more than 36 as a very weak physique.

It should, however, be taken into account that the indicator of physique strength can be misleading if large values ​​of body weight and chest circumference are not associated with muscle development, but are a consequence of obesity.

42.Assessment of the physical development of children and adolescents using a comprehensive scheme.

· Calculation of passport age and determination of age group.

To calculate the passport age, it is necessary to subtract the date of birth from the date of examination of the child. Calculations begin by determining the number of days, then months and years.

Calculation example

Date of examination: 04/10/02.

Date of Birth 18.06.92

To calculate the number of days, we take 1 month - 30 days and subtract 18 from 40 days, we get 22 days; to determine the number of months, we take 1 year-12 months, add to the remaining 3 months and subtract 6 months from 15, we get 9 months; to calculate the number of years, subtract 1992 from 2001 and determine the number of years -9.. Thus, the child is 22 days, 9 months, 9 years.

To determine the age group of children and adolescents from 7 to 18 years old, an interval of 1 year was adopted. 7 year olds include children from 6 years 6 months to 7 years 5 months 29 days, 8 year olds - from 7 years 6 months to 8 years 5 months 29 days, etc. (Manual, p. 59).

The child is 22 days, 9 months, 9 years old and belongs to the 10 year old group.

· Assessment of the child's biological age.

Assessment of biological age is carried out by comparing the physical development indicators of the examined child with average age data.

Assessment of the harmony of the morpho-functional state.

The assessment of the harmony of the morpho-functional state is carried out by comparing the physical development indicators of the examined child with age-sex standards. The assessment results should be presented in tables separately for morphological and functional indicators.

To determine the degree of fat deposition, it is necessary to evaluate the thickness of the skin-fat deposits.

What is the somatic health of an individual? This is the current state of the body and organs.

What is the somatic state of a person? These are certain indicators or elements of health. Here we are talking about the level and harmony of physical development, functional state the body, the level of immune defense and nonspecific resistance, about existing diseases or developmental defects.

This is a kind of energy potential of the body from the point of view of biology and medicine.

Assessment of physical (somatic) health

Professor Apanasenko G. A. believes that the level somatic health can be measured using a simple, reliable and accessible method. The assessment is carried out in points. To do this, you need to determine some indicators:

  • body weight;
  • height;
  • blood pressure;
  • hand strength;
  • heart rate;
  • vital capacity of the lungs;
  • the time it takes for the heart rate to recover after exercise.

This method helps to identify deviations from the norm in a timely manner. Somatic health is also determined by other indicators:

  • experience in physical exercise;
  • general endurance;
  • strength endurance;
  • dexterity;
  • effectiveness of the immune system;
  • maximum oxygen consumption;
  • presence of chronic diseases.

Somatic and mental health: relationship

This dependence has been noticed for a long time. more often susceptible to various somatic diseases. What is child somatic health? More on this later.

Most often, people with mental disorders die from the following pathologies:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • injuries and poisoning.

The more severe the depression, the worse the person’s physical condition. And vice versa, there is a deterioration in the mental state against the background of somatic disorders. Painful sensations in mental illness are less tolerated than in a normal emotional state.


What is a healthy child? It has been noted that children are susceptible to a higher incidence than representatives of other age groups. They suffer from chronic pathologies. For example, this includes high or low blood pressure, chronic inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract, and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Girls are affected more often than boys. Poor sleep and headaches are considered psychosomatic. The stress factor also plays a significant role here.

That is, a healthy child can only be in a healthy family with a normal psychological climate.


It is special in adolescents, and it is determined by two fundamental processes that occur in the latter is characterized by a pubertal restructuring of the regulatory structure, which ensures physical, sexual and psychosexual development, on the one hand, and enters the final stage of psychosocial development, on the other.

Diseases of adolescents in structural characteristics

What diseases are most often of a somatic nature?

  • Diseases that are common to age groups (for example, anemia and pneumonia).
  • Diseases characteristic of puberty (for example, a disorder of bilirubin metabolism called Gilbert's syndrome, osteochondropathy, hypothalamic syndrome during puberty, enlarged thyroid gland).
  • Characteristic of the developmental phase in life are “behavioral diseases” (increased trauma, STDs or diseases transmitted as a result of unprotected sex, use of alcohol, drugs, etc.).
  • On the list rare diseases- hypertension.

This is how the somatic health of a child suffers during adolescence.

Features of teenagers

Growing and developing organs and systems make their contribution to the specifics of adolescent diseases. Understanding the features of anatomy and physiology is necessary to differentiate age norms from deviations. Thus, the picture of hyperkinetic cardiac syndrome can be diagnosed as a congenital heart defect, and an inverted T wave in the third standard setting from electrocardiography can be diagnosed as rheumatic heart disease, and possibly ischemia.

What suffers most often?

In this big system we can identify the basis - this is a disorder endocrine system, pathologies of the central nervous system and the fact of dysplasia (muscle weakness). In this case, it would be reasonable to correct the underlying pathologies rather than treat differentially the disorders.

When analyzing the health status of an individual teenager, it is important to identify and assess the interdependence of different components of health (somatic, reproductive, mental, social components). In this case, prevention and treatment will be optimal and effective. IN in this case A “convex” example would be a diagnosis anorexia nervosa. A symptom such as cessation of menstruation may be a reason to contact a specialist.

The main reason for painful and scanty menstruation (amenorrhea) is body weight below the age norm, as well as somatic changes, a specific dysfunction of the liver. The starting reason is a mental disorder and problematic adaptation to society. It seems possible to regulate the menstrual pattern in young female patients with a complex effect on the reproductive, psycho-emotional and somatic spheres.

Let's look at how somatic and physical health are connected.

Deviations in physical development

The specificity of somatic illness in a teenager with a deviation of biological development is also observed. It has been noted that in girls who matured early and quickly, hyperestrogenism is more often observed, and it is more severe. bronchial asthma, anemia and cerebral vascular dystonia develop more often. Each type of psychosexual development disorder has its own specifics.


Mature people react more adequately to illness. But older people become hypochondriacs and more often suffer from phobias and depression. They listen to their feelings and become scrupulous in matters of health. But this doesn't always happen. It all depends on individual characteristics individual.

We looked at somatic health. It is necessary to carefully monitor him, visit doctors in a timely manner and undergo a comprehensive examination.

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The dissertation work is devoted to the development of scientifically based standards for the costs of transport work performed by tractors and cars in the agricultural conditions of the Latvian SSR, and to the definition of the area of ​​rational use of automobile and tractor transport.

The analysis of technical and economic indicators of the use of tractors and cars, volume and<...>The production indicators of these state farms are significantly higher than the average indicators of state farms of the republic<...>The main technical and economic indicators of the use of cars in 1959-1963 are given in<...>Usage indicators Numerical values ​​1. Fleet technical readiness coefficient 0.78-0.81 2.<...>Indicators of the external energy balance of the MTZ-7MS tractor when working on stubble without additional



The purpose of the dissertation work is to identify reserves for increasing the economic efficiency of intensifying grain production on farms in the Krasnodar Territory and in Senegal.

<...>In "ka; -., as additional (private)" indicators use:_.<...> <...>GUST-Labinsk district > "Indicators" 19G 119 65 1 t 11 1 t 1971 "197 5 G and t o o SS."<...>





Purpose and objectives of the research. The purpose of the dissertation work is to identify reserves for increasing the economic efficiency of intensifying grain production on farms in the Krasnodar Territory and in Senegal

." " can be disclosed by a system of indicators, which subsection; include general, particular, “cost and<...>-attract-. "and such indicators as improvement of varietal -sbetavaggrain-;" -... : ":ch cultures,<...>-Indicator up to" 37.0 37L-47.0 over; 47.1,;. in: average Number of farms: in; group ".<...>GUST-Labinsky district > "Indicators" 19 G1 19 65 1 t 11 1 t 19 71 "1 97 5 G and t o o SS."<...>As a consequence of this, there was a decrease in such indicators as capital productivity and net income.




Conclusions 1. The work traced quantitative changes in the series. phosphorus fractions of blood throughout the factory training of foals of the Oryol trotter breed, data of this order are absent in the literature. The studied indicators can be used to monitor training. 2. We confirm the data on the presence of labile phosphorus (creatine phosphate) in the blood of horses.

As for the shifts in the above indicators as a result of perfect standard work, then distinct<...>The studied indicators can be used to monitor training. 2.<...>The true dynamics of indicators can only be revealed by studying training by periods. 4.





The purpose of our research was to study: 1. Growth and development of the bones of the limbs (using the example of the metacarpal and fetlock bones). 2) Changes in blood composition.

Measurement of dimensional indicators. We took 9 main measurements and weighed the horses. 2.<...>Reliability index =1.4.<...>Reliability indicator. ,. .. 1957 June | September | December 22 -0.39 ± 0 ?<...>Indicators .. Red blood cells million/mm* Hemoglobin units. salt "Leukocytes (thousand/mm?<...>In terms of blood parameters, differences are noted between colts and mares at 2-3 years of age.





The purpose of this work is to study the influence of film coating of ponds on the following indicators: 1) thermals of ponds and their hydrochemical regime;

2) features of the development of the food supply of ponds;<...>3) nutrition, growth and development of juvenile carp.<...>The purpose of this work is to study the effect of film coating of ponds on the following indicators: 1) thermals<...>Table 12 Main results of rearing Indicators 1. Live weight of fry (subspecies 2.<...>Table 13 Economic calculation of efficiency Indicators 1. Costs of film coating2.





Purpose and objectives of the research. The purpose of our research was to theoretically substantiate and experimentally test the possibilities of obtaining planned crop yields good quality with simultaneous systematic regulation of indicators, effective fertility of sod-podzolic soil when using fertilizer systems calculated using balance coefficients, in combination with herbicides and retardants accepted in production.

yields of good quality agricultural crops with simultaneous systematic regulation of indicators<...>40...45 c/ha of grain, 250 c/ha of potatoes, 60 c/ha of annual grass hay with simultaneous improvement of indicators<...>However, fractional application of nitrogen fertilizers to the ropoxo-oat mixture did not provide an advantage in this indicator<...>these indicators "practically:*:,; did not change/1"^*; c ,t imi.i / Drobyshevsky, Moshonkina // Bulletin of Moscow University. Series 16. Biology.- 2016.- No. 3.- P. 5-12.- Access mode: https://site/efd/415666

A comprehensive morphological characteristics of two groups of the modern indigenous population of Indonesia - the Minahans (N = 93) and the Sangirians (N = 76), based on a wide range of somatic indicators (30 signs) - is presented. Detailed description of these ethnic groups from the point of view of physical anthropology has not previously been published in the scientific literature. To collect the data used in the article, the authors organized an expedition to the Indonesian islands of Sulawesi and Sangir. The examination program included assessment of skin pigmentation, iris, determination of hair color and shape, measurement of the body and limbs. It is shown that according to most morphological characteristics and typological features of the physique, the Minahans are larger than the Sangirians. Using multivariate statistical methods, a comparison was made of the body proportions of the Minahans and Sangirians with the corresponding indicators of representatives of other Mongoloid and equatorial populations of Asia, Oceania and Australia. It is concluded that from the studied Mongoloid groups South-East Asia In terms of body features, the Sangir people are closest to the equatorial anthropological type.

indigenous population of Indonesia - Minahans (N = 93) and Sangir (N = 76), based on a wide range of somatic<...>indicators (30 indicators).<...>basis for conducting an anthropological expedition to this region for the purpose of a comprehensive study of somatic<...>The most informative somatic indicators for the ethnic characteristics of groups are proportions<...>When comparing the somatic characteristics of the Minahans and Sangirians with the morphological characteristics of the representatives


The work is devoted to the study of the temporal dynamics of a number of morphophysiological characteristics in the adult rural Chuvash and Bashkir population for more than 60 years, starting from the second decade of the twentieth century. Of key importance is the determination of the starting point of secular changes, their pace, as well as the vectors of variability for different complexes of morphophysiological characteristics in the studied time interval in the two ethnic groups under study. The material was collected in 6 expeditions in 1994, 1998, 1999 and 2002 in rural areas of Chuvashia and Bashkiria. In total, 1540 Chuvash and 363 Bashkirs of both sexes were examined. The age range of the subjects was from 18 to 89 years. Retrospective data on the age of menarche in 640 Chuvash and 133 Bashkir women were developed. Materials were considered according to skeletal dimensions, which undergo transformation in the processes of acceleration and secular trend (body length, torso length, shoulder width). The beginning of the acceleration of the age of puberty is observed in Chuvash and Bashkir women in the cohort born in the first half of the 1930s. The average age at menarche declines by approximately 2.6 years over 40 years and reached 14.2 years in the late 1970s. Additional research has shown that in these populations, sexual development continued to accelerate in girls in the 1980s and 1990s, with menarche reaching 13.5 years in Chuvash women and 13.8 years in Bashkirs. Since the mid-1930s, studied morphological sizes have increased in both sexes. The increase in average body length over the entire period under review in male and female subgroups was 8–9 cm, with the exception of Bashkir men (5.4 cm). They also have weakly expressed temporary changes in body length and shoulder width. The average body length increased most rapidly among Chuvash and Bashkir women in age cohorts born before 1950–1960. In the population born after this time, either stagnation of the trait or its decrease is observed. A similar picture was found for shoulder width. The maximum values ​​of the index: shoulder width/body length occur in the age cohorts of the late 1930s – early 1940s. In subsequent age cohorts with varying degrees of intensity, a decrease in index values ​​is observed, more pronounced in women. A study of long-term changes in morphological characteristics and rates of puberty in women in Chuvash and Bashkir groups showed that transformations have a complex structure at the intragroup level. With the continued acceleration of puberty, an increase in a number of body sizes is replaced by their decrease in absolute value. In women, stabilization or negative growth of these signs begins earlier than in men. Changes in growth gradients may be due to modifications in the relationships between the dynamics of hormonal status and the development of structural and functional characteristics with the acceleration of the rate of ontogenesis during the maturation period. Observing the time dynamics of only the morphological status does not allow us to draw an unambiguous conclusion about the cessation of acceleration processes in the population. Complex studies are required using traits that characterize the pace of individual development based on biological age, taking into account its temporal variability. In the Bashkir population, pronounced sex differences were found in the secular dynamics of the studied morphological characters. Probable Causes observed differentiation are associated not with the biological characteristics of Bashkir men or women, but with social characteristics studied community.

<...>Lomonosov Long-term changes in somatic indicators and age of menarche in rural Chuvash<...>Lomonosov Long-term changes in somatic indicators and age of menarche in rural Chuvash<...>Lomonosov Long-term changes in somatic indicators and age of menarche in rural Chuvash<...>Lomonosov Long-term changes in somatic indicators and age of menarche in rural Chuvash


Due to the tendency to change the physical development of young men towards gracialization (Pulikov A. S. et al., 2011) and the connection anthropometric indicators with the type of human constitution, we made the assumption that indices of sexual dimorphism (SD) can also change depending on the physique of young men. Therefore, for a more correct interpretation of the obtained data, it is necessary to first establish whether there are differences in the determined indices among young men belonging to different somatotypes. It is also possible that there is regional features in indicators of physical development of young men. The purpose of the study was to study the somatic signs of sexual constitution in young men with different types physique, living in the Volgograd region. A somatometric examination of 84 young men not involved in sports revealed differences in their weight, fat and muscle components, the values ​​of which increase in the direction from the asthenic type to the hypersthenic one, which is a characteristic anthropometric sign. Somatic indicators of PD (Tanner index and trochanteric index) did not change depending on the somatotype of the young men. In accordance with the Tanner index, all the examined young men had an andromorphic type of sexual constitution. Thus, the study of somatic indicators of PD in young men living in the Volgograd region did not reveal signs of gracialization in any of the examined somatotypes

<...> <...> <...> <...>


The location of cellular elements in muscle organs determines the contractile function, synchrony and sequence of contractions during the implementation of automatism. Changes in linear parameters and their relationships in the heart and uterus can lead in pathology to arrhythmias or discoordinated labor. Purpose of the study: to compare the contour features of muscle organs that have automaticity.

No signs of sexual dimorphism in the studied parameters were identified.<...>Volgograd, Russia) SOMATIC SIGNS OF SEXUAL DIMORPHISM IN YOUTHS RESIDING IN THE VOLGOGRAD REGION<...>The purpose of the study was to study the somatic signs of sexual constitution in young men with different types<...>Somatic indicators of PD (Tanner index and trochanteric index) did not change depending on the somatotype<...>Thus, the study of somatic indicators of PD in young men living in the Volgograd region is not


On sectional material obtained from the corpses of 35 men aged from 20 to 89 years, divided into 7 age groups with a 10-year interval (5 observations in each group), a topographic study of the pelvic part of the ureters (U) and pelvic organs was carried out

No signs of sexual dimorphism in the studied parameters were identified.<...>Volgograd, Russia) SOMATIC SIGNS OF SEXUAL DIMORPHISM IN YOUTHS RESIDING IN THE VOLGOGRAD REGION<...>The purpose of the study was to study the somatic signs of sexual constitution in young men with different types<...>Somatic indicators of PD (Tanner index and trochanteric index) did not change depending on the somatotype<...>Thus, the study of somatic indicators of PD in young men living in the Volgograd region is not