The influence of hormonal contraception on the psycho-emotional state. Contraception and depression Depression while taking hormonal contraceptives

Regardless of the name and timing of oral contraception, any woman may experience side effects from contraceptive pills, which are both temporary and require immediate discontinuation of the course of treatment. If any adverse reactions occur, a woman should have an idea of ​​the measures that should be taken to minimize the negative impact of hormones on the internal environment. Basic side effects contraceptive drugs, as well as recommendations for canceling and replacing tablet contraceptives, will be discussed below.

Temporary complications of oral contraceptives

Considering the nature of the influence of this group of drugs on the female body, side effects from taking OCs that are temporary in nature are often encountered. Such symptoms characterize the process of adaptation of the female body to the supply of hormones from the outside. As the course of therapy with contraceptive tablets progresses, the woman’s body gets used to the new conditions and ceases to react sharply to this circumstance.

Bloody discharge from the genital tract

While taking this group of medications, intermenstrual periods often appear. bloody issues from the genital tract. The reason for this is the body’s adaptation to the supply of hormonal compounds from the outside. For at least 40% of women who started taking tablet oral contraceptives, the adaptation period ranges from 1.5 to 3 months. In some situations, the adaptation period can last up to six months.

Epigastric pain, vomiting and nausea

This symptom complex refers to the side effects of estrogen hormones on a woman’s body. In most women, dyspepsia disappears spontaneously after finishing the first package of contraceptive tablets. If a woman has daily stomach pain while taking hormonal birth control pills, she may be prescribed a drug with less estrogen.

Breast tenderness and tenderness

This symptom appears within 4-6 months from the start of taking hormonal contraceptives. Usually, this side effect disappears on its own without outside intervention. If such complications after taking tableted hormonal drugs do not disappear on their own, then women are prescribed the use of Progestogel gel, which should be applied to the surface of the breast in accordance with the instructions.

Psycho-emotional lability

The progestin component included in combined oral contraceptives affects the metabolism of the amino acid tryptophan, as a result of which the woman experiences symptoms such as irritability, depression, tearfulness, and apathy. These symptoms manifest themselves especially clearly in women with a delicate nervous constitution.

In 70% of cases, signs of psycho-emotional instability disappear on their own within 3 months. In rare cases, a course of treatment with B vitamins is prescribed to maintain the emotional state.

Skeletal muscle pain

The consequences of taking hormonal contraceptive pills for women can be quite unpredictable. Estrogens contained in combined contraceptives increase the calcium content in the blood plasma, which leads to muscle pain, as well as pain in the area of ​​the joints.

Hair loss

Another equally common side effect of taking oral contraceptives is slight hair loss caused by hormonal changes. If a woman loses hair in an insignificant amount during the first 3 months after starting a course of hormonal therapy, then the situation does not require any intervention, and this process is restored on its own after adaptation is completed. If there is significant hair loss throughout the entire growth zone, the woman is advised to consult her doctor to change the drug.

Weight gain

This side effect after taking contraceptives in tablet form may occur due to hormonal changes, accompanied by endocrine disorders, increased appetite, and retention of excess interstitial fluid in the body.

Side effects requiring a change in contraceptives

Side effects of hormonal contraceptives often occur, requiring an immediate change in the name of the tablet product or adjustment of the dosage of the active components. These side effects include:

  1. Spotting or heavy bloody discharge from the genital tract that bothers a woman for more than 3 months from the start of taking the drug.
  2. Recurrent course of thrush.
  3. Frequent episodes of headaches that negatively affect quality of life and performance.
  4. Severe peripheral edema.
  5. Excessive hair loss.
  6. Dryness of the vaginal mucosa and to a minimum.

When is it necessary to urgently stop taking birth control pills?

Despite the controversial harm of hormonal pill contraceptives, some women may develop conditions that require immediate discontinuation of the contraceptive. These conditions include:

In addition, taking this group of medications must be stopped 3 months before trying to get pregnant, and 6 weeks before major surgery. For diagnosed serious disorders functional state liver, taking hormonal drugs can be postponed indefinitely.

Absolute contraindications to oral contraceptives

The supply of hormones from outside may not always be appropriate for the body. There are such contraindications for taking birth control pills: hormonal pills which are not recommended to be ignored for personal safety reasons:

  1. High risk of developing arterial and venous thrombosis, as well as previous myocardial infarction.
  2. , especially at age, older.
  3. Diabetes which is accompanied by vascular complications.
  4. Severe functional disorders in the liver and kidneys.
  5. Severe pancreatitis.
  6. Previously diagnosed hormone-dependent tumor or suspicion of its formation.
  7. Pregnancy is in question.
  8. Individual intolerance to one of the components of the tablet product.
  9. Migraine with local neurological manifestations.
  10. Attacks of angina.

If one of the contraindications is ignored, a woman may experience side effects of contraceptives.

Selection rules and precautions

The degree of effectiveness, as well as the level of risk of any complications, directly depends on how much the contraceptive pill was taken. When choosing this group of medications, it is recommended to pay attention to the following criteria:

  1. The severity of premenstrual syndrome.
  2. Woman's age.
  3. Previously diagnosed diseases of the reproductive system, including fibroids and cysts.
  4. A history of an infectious-inflammatory process in the organs of the reproductive system.
  5. The presence and number of pregnancies, as well as abortions in the gynecological history.
  6. Intensity of menstrual flow.

In addition, in order to minimize the risk of adverse reactions, when selecting a medication, the patient must undergo a laboratory test for oncocytology, perform an ultrasound examination of the mammary glands and pelvic organs, and also perform a general clinical and biochemical blood test.

In the absence of complaints and any serious changes in the results of the study, patients are prescribed. In all other cases, medications are selected individually by the attending gynecologist. In order to avoid an overdose of oral contraceptives, it is strictly forbidden to independently select the dosage and frequency of taking medications.

Alternative methods of contraception

If it is impossible to use various methods protection for one reason or another, to protect against unplanned conception, women may be offered the following alternative methods of protection:

For each of the listed methods there are separate contraindications, which must be familiarized with before starting to use one of the contraceptives.

Doctors' opinions and reviews

Before you start using tablet methods of protection against unplanned pregnancy, it is recommended to evaluate the ratio of benefits and potential harm, which can be caused by the regular intake of hormones into a woman’s body from the outside. Modern names of birth control pills differ increased level safety, therefore, in 70% of cases, side effects while taking them are associated with a violation of the dosage regimen and frequency of medication administration. In order to avoid negative effects on the body, it is recommended to consult your gynecologist in order to select the necessary contraceptive.

Already 3 weeks after starting to take COCs, I experienced daily headaches and periodic swelling in the legs. These symptoms did not leave me 3 months after the start of treatment, so together with the attending physician, it was decided to stop using tablet contraceptives.

Svetlana, 29 years old.

I heard it very often negative reviews from women I know about birth control pills, but having tried it myself, I did not feel any changes in my general condition. At this point life stage, this method of contraception suits me best.

Natalya, 27 years old.

20 years old, student.

For health reasons, I was forced to take hormonal pills for almost a year. During the appointment, many troubles appeared: anxiety, suspiciousness, excessive nervousness, emotionality. At first I didn’t pay attention to it, chalked it up to possible side effects, and didn’t tell the doctor at first.

It’s been more than two weeks since I stopped taking the pills, but everything continues. IN Lately, about two months, even now, after the cancellation, it’s getting worse every day. I can not stop. I can’t contain myself, I’m crying like a little girl. And over such little things that I would laugh, but I can’t.

The main question: is it worth contacting a specialist or waiting until the effect of the pills wears off completely and the hormonal system is restored? If you contact a specialist in what field?

What was and remains:
I don’t realize where I am and who I am, I don’t understand that it was I who reproduced the actions I performed.

I don't feel time. I don’t realize my own age, the time of year (sometimes to do this I need to look out the window and remember the month), how much time has passed.

I am constantly tense, but at the same time passive. My head is empty and I cannot concentrate on anything. I can’t finish reading a book; lately I’ve only been re-reading it, because otherwise I can’t keep up with the plot. This is especially acute given the fact that previously it was easy to read two or three books at once and read them in a week without getting confused in your head.

My head just doesn't work well. Pik - she couldn’t even read the problem for the second grade; she understood its meaning only after the sixth reading, and what action needed to be performed to solve it - after two more. My head is simply empty, I turn my thoughts over as if it were barely moistened clay.

I constantly want to sleep. More precisely, the only state suitable for me is lying in bed under a blanket. I don't want to do anything. For six months I came home from school, took out a blanket and pillow and simply went to bed, although I slept peacefully during the night. Or I can just lie there without moving.

Nervousness. I have cried more in the last six months than in my entire adult life. Previously, I could barely cry twice a year, I never had hysterics, but now they happen all the time and out of the blue. Recently I burst into tears because I dropped a fork. Previously, she was like an impenetrable armored train, which she was proud of: she went through the most difficult exams calmly, she also took troubles for granted and looked for a way out of the problem, rather than dwelling on it. Now I just sit and do nothing.

I am haunted by thoughts that I am useless, that I do not have enough brains for further education. Just because thoughts are confused or absent. Which especially hurts after my friend and I were the best students on the course in our first years. Now it's a shame to be around her.

And memory problems. Huge. I easily remember huge poems, but it’s hard to remember what happened in the morning or what I need to do, or what I did a minute ago and why I came to this room. It takes a long time to reconstruct the actions from memory. It is almost impossible to remember what I was told yesterday.

I eat a lot. But if before I ate for the taste, just to feel something pleasant, now even the taste has become bland. The most beloved products now only cause bouts of nostalgia, but they just don’t bring the expected taste. But I still eat a lot and constantly, although I don’t feel hungry.

Some of the above existed for some time before, before the pills, but not so much.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, leading researcher at the Institute of Clinical and Experimental Lymphology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, doctor of the highest category, obstetrician-gynecologist medical center"Alone" Tatyana Dergacheva I am sure that oral contraceptives will bring nothing but harm to women’s health.

- In the specialized literature (usually domestic, but with reference to foreign sources ten years ago), reports appear every now and then that oral contraceptives, in addition to their main effect - contraceptive - also have some beneficial properties, says Tatyana Ivanovna. — In particular, according to some gynecologists interested in the spread of oral contraceptives, birth control pills reduce the risk of developing endometrial cancer, ovarian cancer, and benign breast tumors.

However, recent studies conducted in this area by foreign experts clearly show that oral contraceptives can cause significant harm to a woman’s health. It's interesting that those scientists who used to say that hormonal birth control might be useful are now saying the opposite. There are many studies that confirm that estrogens contained in oral contraceptives can activate oncogenes and trigger malignant cell growth. It is noted that the longer a woman uses contraceptives, the higher the risk of developing a malignant tumor.

For example, quite recently, experts from the World Health Organization concluded that taking oral contraceptives can provoke the development of cervical cancer in women infected with the papilloma virus. If you use hormonal contraceptives for more than five years, this risk triples, and if a woman takes the pill for more than ten years, the risk of developing cancer quadruples.

The incidence of breast cancer is currently increasing throughout the world. One of the reasons for the increase is oral contraceptives. There was a whole message about this at the European Conference on Breast Cancer, held recently in Barcelona. The ten-year study involved scientists from Norway, Sweden and France. During this time, they analyzed health data of over 100 thousand women aged 30 to 50 years. As a result, experts came to the conclusion that if a woman has ever used birth control pills, her risk of developing breast cancer increases by almost 30 percent. With long-term use of oral contraceptives, the risk of breast cancer, according to them, increases to 60 percent! Moreover, all these women took pills containing very small doses of hormones.

Read also on the topic:

  • Contraception. Ten myths about hormonal contraception — First Commandment
  • Intrauterine device— Alena Yasulovich
  • Why is ovulation interrupted when taking contraceptive pills?- No abortion!
  • Here are the pills for you!— about the side effects of oral contraceptives — an interview with MD, presenter research fellow Institute of Clinical and Experimental Lymphology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, doctor of the highest category, obstetrician-gynecologist of the Naedine medical center Tatyana Dergacheva
  • Film "Contraceptives. Killer business"— TVC
  • Store or protect?— Sergey Belozersky
  • Contraceptive pill. What is it?- No abortion!
  • Postinor (levonorgestrel) - Postinor: facts— Abortion and its consequences
  • "Good" pills— interview with Associate Professor of the Department of Biochemistry of the Novosibirsk State Medical Academy Marina Nekrasova.
  • Hormone therapy for menopause proves dangerous—
  • Do “contraceptive devices” prevent conception?- monk Theognost Pushkov
  • — Is this the end of the side effects of oral contraceptives?

    — Tatyana Ivanovna, currently gynecologists are actively prescribing oral contraceptives for menstrual irregularities. They claim that as a result of treatment, the cycle is completely normalized.

    “I am categorically against such “treatment.” Before prescribing any medicine, it is necessary to find out the cause of certain disorders and eliminate it. Oral contraceptives only create the appearance of well-being, but in fact they only aggravate the situation and drive the problem deeper. Women who have been prescribed contraceptives are still forced to see a doctor sooner or later, but by this time their health condition is deteriorating even further. And it’s already more difficult to help them.

    In addition, there are many contraindications to the use of oral contraceptives. This is cancer in the family, everyone gynecological diseases, diseases of blood vessels, heart, liver, kidneys, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism disorders, atherosclerosis, gallbladder disease, obesity, mental illness from the closest relatives. I observed a patient who, as a result of the introduction of an injectable contraceptive, developed severe depression. The woman tried to commit suicide. It is unlikely that I would have connected the introduction of hormones and a depressive state then, if not for the message I had read the day before by foreign specialists who proved that some injectable contraceptive drugs can actually cause severe depression.

    - How can women protect themselves?

    — A socially prosperous woman will never take oral contraceptives. Because she respects herself. And her pregnancy will always be planned. If in a family there is a harmonious relationship between a woman and a man, built on mutual respect, then problems do not arise in such a family. As a rule, a woman calculates the time of ovulation and abstains from sexual intercourse with a man during the period of highest risk of becoming pregnant. Many women feel this period physically. Someone's lower abdomen aches, bloating occurs, pain can radiate (give) to the rectum, food addictions may arise - each woman has her own. But if intimacy with a man is inevitable (during this period, some women experience increased sexual arousal), then you can use a condom.

    MS Note. I personally know the testimony of a woman who was prescribed the drug Zoely for hormonal correction of endometriosis. A month before the start of a new cycle, she developed very strong pain in the pelvic area (“as if I’m giving birth”) and migraine. At this point she stopped the “treatment”.

    Let's look directly at the instructions for use of one of the oral hormonal contraceptives (in principle, contraindications and side effects for all hormonal pills are the same). Pay attention to the abundance of possible deteriorations in health and negative effects on a woman’s body. It is clearly clear that this drug is harmful to humans.

    Not to mention that this is one of the most expensive “pleasures” of not having children. The average cost of a monthly course is at least 900 - 1000 rubles.

    Diseases associated with thrombosis (current or past).

    Signs of a myocardial infarction (eg, angina or chest pain) or stroke (eg, transient cerebrovascular accident), currently or in the past.

    Diabetes mellitus with vascular complications.

    Jaundice or severe forms of liver disease.

    Current or past breast or genital cancer.

    Benign or malignant liver tumor currently or in the past.

    Vaginal bleeding, the cause of which is unclear.

    Pregnancy or suspicion of pregnancy.

    During the period of breastfeeding.

    Allergy to any components of the drug.

    When taking combined oral contraceptives, irregular bleeding (spotting or breakthrough bleeding) may occur, especially during the first months of use.

    While taking combined oral contraceptives, women experienced other undesirable effects, the connection of which with taking the drugs has not been confirmed, but has not been refuted.

    From the outside digestive system: often – nausea, abdominal pain; uncommon – vomiting, diarrhea.

    From the side of the central nervous system: often - asthenic syndrome, headache, decreased mood, mood swings, nervousness; infrequently – migraine, decreased libido; rarely – increased libido.

    On the part of the organ of vision: rarely - intolerance to contact lenses (unpleasant sensations when wearing them).

    From the reproductive system: often – pain in the mammary glands, engorgement of the mammary glands, menstrual irregularities, vaginal candidiasis, uterine bleeding; infrequently – hypertrophy of the mammary glands; rarely – vaginal discharge, discharge from the mammary glands.

    From the skin and its appendages: often – acne; uncommon – rash, urticaria; rarely - erythema nodosum, erythema multiforme.

    Other: often - weight gain; uncommon – fluid retention; rarely – weight loss, hypersensitivity reactions.

    As with other combined oral contraceptives, in rare cases the development of thrombosis and thromboembolism is possible.

    In women with hereditary angioedema, estrogen may cause or worsen symptoms.

    Hormonal depression

    IN modern world very common mental disorder is depression. This pathology often develops against the background of hormonal imbalance. Due to the natural characteristics of the body, men are more resistant to hormonal imbalances, so depression develops more often in women.

    Hormonal depression has obvious signs. First of all, a woman’s desire to do anything disappears. With the development of a depressive state, there is a complete loss of vital energy, and mental weakness occurs. The woman withdraws and tries to understand herself, but, unfortunately, all attempts remain unsuccessful.

    Other common emotional symptoms:

    • Tearfulness. Any careless word can hurt a woman and provoke tears.
    • Sentimentality. It manifests itself in the fact that even unremarkable events can touch a woman.
    • Irritability. Despite the lack of vital energy, a woman often provokes causeless quarrels and scandals in her environment.
    • Excessive requirements for comfort. Any discomfort causes a lot of negative uncontrollable emotions.
    • The appearance of a constant feeling of inner loneliness.
    • The desire to blame everyone around for problems and troubles in life arises.
    • The development of household phobias, against the background of the fact that a woman begins to predict dangerous situations.
    • Problems with concentration occur, which often impairs the quality of work performed and reduces performance.
    • Development of chronic fatigue syndrome.
    • Also, due to hormonal imbalance, menstrual irregularities may occur. In some cases, your general health may deteriorate. Emotional symptoms are often accompanied by:

    • Increased blood pressure.
    • Increased body temperature.
    • Violation of the functions of the digestive system.
    • The occurrence of insomnia.
    • The appearance of pain in various parts bodies.
    • Various factors can cause depression. Among the main natural causes are:

    • Hereditary predisposition;
    • Menopause;
    • Infertility;
    • Pregnancy and childbirth.
    • As you know, hormonal balance changes during menstrual periods. But in this case, the depressive state is always short-lived and, if she is very busy, the woman may not even notice it.

      Diseases of the thyroid gland can also provoke a depressive state. It is this organ that produces substances that affect the human psyche. With their deficiency (hypothyroidism) or excess (hyperthyroidism), psycho-emotional disorders are observed.

      Additional signs that suggest hypothyroidism are:

    • Increased dryness of the skin.
    • Hair fragility.
    • Cold intolerance.
    • Overweight.
    • Hyperthyroidism can be recognized by the following signs:
    • Noticeable enlargement of the thyroid gland.
    • Heat intolerance.
    • Muscle weakness and tremors.
    • Insufficient body weight.
    • To connect a depressive state with hormonal disorders, it is necessary to take a blood test for the following hormones:

    • thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), which is produced by the pituitary gland.
    • triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T2), which are produced by the thyroid gland.
    • Symptoms of the disease, which develops against the background of hormonal imbalance, allow specialists to identify the following forms:

    • Monopolar. A person experiences severe mental anguish and a significant decrease in self-esteem. If pronounced clinical manifestations persist long time, then the help of a doctor is required. As a rule, it is not possible to get out of the pathological condition without antidepressants.
    • Psychotic. General depression is accompanied by hallucinations and delusions. This is a very dangerous form, as there is a high probability of suicide.
    • Bipolar. A feature of depression is mood swings. Moreover, negative emotions are manic in nature, that is, during periods of exacerbation, a person can harm himself or others. It is quite difficult to cure this type of pathology due to emotional outbursts.
    • Seasonal. Most often, exacerbations due to hormonal changes occur in spring and autumn. In most cases, a woman manages to cope with depressive symptoms on her own.
    • Postpartum. Depression can manifest itself in unpredictable ways. There is a high likelihood of hallucinations and thoughts of suicide. Sometimes postpartum psychosis can develop. This pathology cannot be neglected; when the first unfavorable signs appear, you should contact a doctor for help.
    • Dystrophic. The disease manifests itself as uncontrollable attacks of irritability and anger for any reason. Moreover, such symptoms have nothing to do with fatigue and can provoke severe aggression.
    • Ironic. Special view pathologies, when ostentatious irony is a defensive reaction. This condition is very dangerous because, while maintaining social activity, a woman develops hidden suicidal thoughts.
    • Adynamic. A depressive state is characterized by increased fatigue and constant weakness. A sign of pathology is an acute desire to be alone.
    • Asthenic. The pathology is characterized by the emergence of indifference to the surrounding world, against the background of dulling of feelings and emotions.
    • Somatized. A depressive state is accompanied by migraines, chest discomfort and other pain, which forces a person to see a doctor. The danger is that if a depressive state is not diagnosed, then treatment for non-existent diseases will be prescribed, which will harm the body as a whole.
    • All of the above forms of depressive conditions can develop against the background of the fact that hormones are produced in insufficient or excessive quantities. But the severity of the disease can be:

      With a mild form of the disease, it is quite possible to do without medications. As a rule, the pathology is chronic in nature, and its symptoms appear blurred, so the disease proceeds unnoticed by others. During exacerbations, specific behavioral characteristics, for example, a woman stops taking care of herself or loses interest in sex life.

      The average severity of the disease is more noticeable to others. A woman is overcome by negative obsessive thoughts that can relate to a wide variety of areas of life. She is unable to distract herself from them, so her work productivity suffers and her relationships with people from her inner circle deteriorate. Insomnia develops against the background of emotional stress.

      A severe degree is characterized by the fact that, simultaneously with psychosomatic manifestations, problems with nutrition and compliance with basic hygiene rules are observed. Against the background of zero activity, thoughts of suicide arise, hallucinations and delusions appear. It is unlikely that you will be able to get out of this condition on your own; moreover, in most cases, treatment is carried out in a hospital.

      Depression in women is a complex problem. Treatment of this pathology requires accurate diagnosis and complex treatment. First of all, measures should be taken to normalize hormonal levels. A specialist will tell you how to do this in each specific case. To relieve unpleasant symptoms, in most cases, mild antidepressants are prescribed. But in severe depressive states, additional psychotherapeutic sessions may be needed.

      Successful treatment requires an integrated approach, which consists of:

    • Reviewing your diet. The menu should include healthy foods and as many vitamins as possible. The diet must include seafood, dried fruits, nuts and chocolate.
    • In organizing an active lifestyle with moderate physical activity. In the process, serotonin is produced, which is considered a hormone of pleasure and can reduce symptoms of depression.
    • Ensuring healthy, full sleep for at least 7-8 hours a day. However, it is recommended to use sleeping pills only in extreme cases, since medications can be addictive. Relaxing baths with soothing herbs or calm music can help you fall asleep.
    • In order to minimize the unpleasant manifestations of a depressive state, it is necessary to be in society as often as possible. You should strive to communicate with other people, even if this means overcoming the desire for solitude. Calms nervous system a change of scenery. Therefore, whenever possible, you need to travel in order to gain a deeper knowledge of the world around you.

      Hormonal contraception for women over 40 years of age

      The most popular contraceptive drugs after 40 years include:

      Issues of contraception for a 40-year-old woman are no less relevant than for women of 20 or 30 years old. Pregnancy can occur at this age, but a woman’s chances of bearing and giving birth to a healthy child are significantly lower. By the age of 37, reproductive function begins to fade.

      Hormonal levels undergo significant changes, and the risk of neoplasms in a woman’s genital organs, including malignant ones, increases. That's why hormonal birth control pills after 40 not only the role of a contraceptive, but also an excellent preventive measure for women's health.

      For about half a century, pharmacologists, gynecologists, and endocrinologists have been developing effective and safe hormonal oral contraceptives. Their reliability has been proven by practice. Selection of contraceptive drugs after 40 years must be carried out very carefully. It is necessary to take into account not only the state of health, but also the woman’s lifestyle.

      Consultation with a gynecologist-endocrinologist when choosing hormonal contraceptives is mandatory.

      Features of hormonal contraception for women after 40

      At 40 years old, a woman is still in full bloom, but irreversible hormonal changes in her body have already been triggered by the biological clock. The main hormones associated with reproductive function are estrogen and progesterone continue to be produced by the ovaries, but in significantly smaller quantities.

      During the period of hormonal changes in female body immune defense decreases, therefore the risk of developing diseases of the genital organs increases. To support the body during this period, gynecologists-endocrinologists have developed special hormonal contraceptive pills for women over 40 years of age.

      Against the background of changes in hormonal levels, women at this age often develop diseases associated with the growth of the uterine mucosa (endometriosis), and a benign tumor (fibroid) forms in the muscular layer of the uterus.

      It is better to give preference to monophasic oral contraceptives; they contain the same daily dose of estrogen and progesterone. They have additional therapeutic and preventive effects. The choice between low-dose and micro-dose hormonal drugs must be made by the doctor.

      To maintain a woman’s reproductive system, the most promising are hormonal agents, which include microdoses of synthetic progesterone analogues (linestrenol and desogestrel); they are called “minimal pills” or mini-pills. They have virtually no effect on metabolic processes in the female body.

      They are best taken after 4 years of age; they are an effective alternative to combined oral contraceptives (COCs) and a salvation for women. These are Levonorgestrel, Charozetta, Exluton, Orgametril, Primolut-Nor and others.

      High from unwanted pregnancy.

      Regularity of the menstrual cycle.

      Reducing the risk of malignant neoplasms by 50%.

      No side effects.

      They soften the symptoms of menopause and replenish hormonal deficiency during this period.

      Normalize intimate relationships, increase libido.

      They are effective in preventing cysts, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, and ectopic pregnancy.

      Risks of pregnancy after 40

      A woman's reproductive system works properly until about 37 years of age, but after 40 years of age, the chances of giving birth to a healthy child decrease. Despite the fact that by the age of 40 the likelihood of conceiving decreases, pregnancy at this age is not uncommon. The decision to have a child after 40 should be made carefully.

      Unfortunately, eggs also “age.” They accumulate genetic abnormalities, so there is a high risk of having a baby with serious pathologies. The most common among them is Down syndrome. Most often, an embryo with chromosomal mutations cannot implant in the uterus, and the pregnancy ends in miscarriage.

      It is worth noting that at this age pregnancy is difficult. A woman may experience serious complications (hypertension, diabetes, etc.). During childbirth, a caesarean section is most often used. Women giving birth after 40 develop serious postpartum depression.

      Prescribing birth control pills after 40

      For women who have given birth and those who have not given birth, the choice of birth control pills is determined by the following factors:

      State of the immune system;

      Presence of cardiovascular diseases;

      Contraindications for the use of estrogen-containing drugs;

      Frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages;

      Contraceptive pills taken after 40 years of age pose a serious danger to women who smoke. We are not talking about reducing the contraceptive effect. The hormone estrogen and cigarette smoke, when present in the body at the same time, significantly increase the risk of blood clots.

      After 40 years, oral contraceptives (OCs) taken can cause heart attacks, strokes and other diseases of the circulatory system. Contraceptives after 40 for smokers are condoms, intrauterine device, and other types of non-hormonal protection.

      If the patient refuses to use non-hormonal contraception, the doctor may recommend hormonal pills for women based on gestagens. They do not contain estrogen.

      The disadvantages of such protection are:

      Spotting at any time of the cycle;

      Constant careful medical monitoring;

      Mandatory blood test once every six months;

      Self-monitoring of blood pressure indicators.

      Drink alcoholic drinks while taking birth control pills is unsafe. If alcohol provokes diarrhea or vomiting 2-4 hours after taking the drug, the effectiveness of the contraceptive is reduced. In such cases, you need to take another tablet.

      The best thing take birth control pills in the morning so that they have time to assimilate. If an evening entertainment event with alcohol consumption caused digestive disorders, this will not affect the contraceptive effect.

      Instructions for the use of hormonal contraceptives are mandatory contain a warning about reduced protective effect when combined with certain medications. This applies primarily to antibiotics. When prescribing antibacterial therapy, you should not stop taking contraceptives, but it is necessary to take additional barrier methods of protection.

      Age after 40 is often associated with uterine fibroids, or more precisely with the active development of this disease against the background of hormonal changes in the body. Prescribing hormonal contraceptive pills for fibroids is not only provision of reliable contraception, but also effective therapy.

      If the disease is present, combined single-phase drugs or mini-pills are used. Synthetic hormones in the pills have the same effect as natural female hormones, plus exhibit additional medicinal properties. This allows you to normalize hormonal levels and significantly reduce the size of fibroid nodes.

      For endometriosis, gynecologists prescribe birth control pills to stabilize and alleviate the woman’s condition. These drugs delay the growth of the uterine mucosa and normalize menstrual cycle. It is impossible to completely cure the disease with oral contraceptives..

      It is believed that taking oral contraceptives makes women gain weight. Modern contraceptives, which are prescribed after 40, contain minimal doses of hormones, so gaining excess weight is not associated with this. Only in the first months there may be a slight increase, but this is a temporary phenomenon. It is associated with fluid retention in tissues and the body’s adaptation to the drug.

      There is an opinion that OCs cause cellulite. Microdosed hormonal drugs do not affect metabolic processes, therefore, the appearance of “orange peel” on a woman’s body is caused by other reasons.

      Contraception and depression

      Hormonal drugs are rightfully considered the most reliable method of preventing pregnancy. Great amount women trust this type of contraception. But at the same time, there is constant debate about whether they are harmful or useful, what their pros and cons are. Many women report that they experience depression from birth control pills. Let's try to understand this in more detail.

      Depression is a pathological condition in which not only a decrease in mood is noted, but also the ability to rejoice is lost. It is characterized by anhedonia, apathy and motor retardation. This is a very serious pathology that requires mandatory treatment.

      Why does depression occur when taking contraceptives?

      Contraceptive drugs contain either one or two hormones. Typically, it is a combination of estrogen and progesterone. However, there are medications that contain only progesterone - mini-pills. It is the latter substance that can provoke the onset of depression in a woman.

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      Usually, depression does not occur from combined contraceptive drugs. However, if a woman already has medicine manifestation of a depressive state was noted, then in the future its course may worsen. However, this side effect is extremely rare.

      Depression from birth control pills - main symptoms

      If you experience mood swings, you can’t control yourself, you don’t want to work and you constantly feel tired - these are all signs of depressive syndrome. Often it is not associated with taking a contraceptive. But still, the possibility that the disorder is caused by progesterone cannot be ruled out. Hormonal drugs can cause a deficiency of vitamin B6, which also negatively affects the psycho-emotional state of a woman.

      What to do if depressive syndrome develops while taking a contraceptive?

      If the symptoms are pronounced, then the help of a psychotherapist is required to correct the woman’s condition. If depression occurs from contraceptives, you should stop taking them. A gynecologist may suggest another way to protect against unwanted pregnancy - insertion of an IUD or a barrier method (condoms, spermicides). If the symptoms are not pronounced and do not cause any particular inconvenience to the woman, then you should stop using contraceptives combined type, in which the progesterone content is much lower.

      To prevent the occurrence of depressive syndrome, it is recommended to take a B complex of vitamins daily.

      Hormone-based contraceptives have completely different effects on the female body. In order to detect all the side effects of such drugs, a mandatory consultation is required twice a year with your doctor.

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      Contraceptives for women after 40 years: pills and other means

      Contraception after 40 years of age is more relevant than for young girls, although adult women often refuse to take hormonal pills and other means of protection against unwanted pregnancy.

      Unwanted conception in women after 40 will cause a lot of problems. An abortion at this age can lead to various complications, and pregnancy and childbirth can lead to a high risk of pathologies in the child. In our article we will look at which contraceptives after 40 years are the safest and most effective.

      The main types of contraception for women after 40 years of age:

  1. condoms - male and female,
  2. hormonal pills,
  3. intrauterine device,
  4. spermicidal agents.
  5. The benefits of hormonal contraceptives after 40 years

    Many women treat hormonal drugs with fear and contempt, primarily due to the fear of gaining excess weight. They believe that it is impossible to take hormones without gaining weight. Of course, weight gain when taking OK is just a myth.

    In the event that products containing hormones are selected individually by a gynecologist, taking into account individual characteristics body, the weight will not change in any way. Let's look at the benefits of birth control pills after 40 years of age:

  6. protection against pregnancy.
  7. Basically, the drugs do not have side effects or they occur very rarely.
  8. the menstrual cycle normalizes.
  9. an invaluable benefit for the skin: it becomes more even and smooth, and nails become stronger.
  10. reduce the risk of developing certain ailments: osteoporosis, tumor formations, ovarian cysts and fibroids.
  11. delaying the onset of menopause.
  12. Which contraceptives to choose after 40 years

    The pharmaceutical market is replenished every day with new names and manufacturers of contraceptives. Let's consider drugs that are suitable for adult women.

    Gynecologists advise older women to give preference to contraceptives that contain minimal amount estrogen - mini-pill. Today they are considered the safest and most effective.

    There is another effective type of medication that inhibits ovulation and reliably protects against unwanted pregnancy - combined oral contraceptives. Compared to the mini-pill, these birth control pills after 40 years of age have a wider range of side effects, but in the absence of contraindications, doctors recommend that women take some of the drugs in this group:

    Thanks to the active substance of the drug, viscous mucus is formed, which prevents fertilization.

    The cost of the drug is from 490 to 560 rubles, depending on the region.

    The drug is available in tablets. It increases the production of sex hormones, as a result of which ovulation becomes impossible.

    Price from 380 to 460 rubles.

    Modern hormonal pills. In addition to 99% protection against unwanted pregnancy. This drug with an androgenic effect improves skin condition and helps get rid of acne.

    Price from 1400 to 1500 rubles.

    Popular new generation contraceptives. In addition to the contraceptive effect, it has medicinal properties. Effective in the treatment of cysts and fibroids.

    Cost from 950 to 1400 rubles.

    It slows down the process of egg maturation and makes fertilization impossible.

    The average price is 400 rubles.

    Is single phase contraceptive, most relevant for nulliparous women. The active substance affects the uterine mucosa, inhibiting sperm.

    Cost from 890 to 940 rubles.

    Emergency contraception

    In addition to pills that must be taken daily, there are so-called “SOS contraceptives”. IN in this case the package contains only one tablet, which must be taken after the act of intimacy.

    Doctors believe that at this age it is better to give preference to hormonal pills. As a rule, women after forty experience a lack of hormones, which is necessary to maintain youth and maintain an active sex life.

    Also, the advantage of hormonal pills compared to the IUD is the minimal number of side effects, which occur very rarely.

    As you know, any medicinal product can cause not only benefit to the body, but also harm. Possible harm for the body manifests itself if a woman has contraindications to taking hormonal drugs.

    List of main contraindications:

  13. Frequent headaches.
  14. Excess weight.
  15. Frequent inflammatory diseases, especially diseases of the larynx.
  16. Chronic depression or constant stress.
  17. Vascular diseases.

Also, when taking hormonal drugs, it is necessary to refrain from drinking alcohol, since alcohol reduces the effectiveness of medications.

Contraceptives for various diseases

As a rule, after 40 years, many women have some diseases and health problems. If there is a particular pathology, the doctor recommends giving preference to a certain type of contraceptive.

When choosing a contraceptive, the doctor gives preference to drugs that have medicinal properties. Hormonal contraceptives are the main treatment for ovarian cysts.

For treatment and protection from unwanted pregnancy, it is recommended to use single-phase or monophasic drugs, which are selected by a gynecologist depending on the size and characteristics of the cyst. In addition to pills, you can use the Evra contraceptive patch.

Hormonal oral tablets are not prohibited in the presence of a disease such as varicose veins. However, the active substance of hormonal drugs can worsen blood clotting, resulting in a deterioration in the condition of blood vessels and veins.

To prevent this disease, when taking OCs, you need to visit a phlebologist more often and monitor your well-being.

  • In this case, it is recommended to take single-phase tablets.
  • In addition to OK, for varicose veins, an intrauterine device can be installed.
  • You can also use contraceptive suppositories - Pharmatex.

    Contraception for smokers

    Based on reviews from women, we can conclude that they mostly use birth control pills. Their choice is due to their high efficiency, as well as the normalization of the menstrual cycle.

    However, popular opinions differed. Some ladies believe that the spiral is much better. They base their opinion on convenience, since the intrauterine device is installed once, replacement is required only after 2-5 years.

    From Dr. Mercola

    Birth control pills are the most popular form of contraception among women. 16 percent of this population are taking them, and just over 7 percent are using long-term reversible contraceptive methods such as hormonal intrauterine devices or implants.

    What these pills, devices, and implants have in common is that they are all forms of hormonal contraception—that is, they contain or release synthetic forms of hormones such as estrogen and progestin (a form of progesterone) that different ways prevent pregnancy.

    The problem is that these sex hormones also affect mood and other biological processes, artificially changing them, which can lead to many unforeseen consequences in the body - from simply inconvenient to quite serious, including changes in your mental health.

    Birth control pills linked to depression

    Researchers from the University of Copenhagen in Denmark analyzed data from more than 1 million women over 14 years. None of the women, who were between 15 and 34 years old, had been diagnosed with diarrhea at the start of the study.

    However, the analysis found that women taking hormonal birth control pills had a 40 percent increased risk of developing depression within six months compared to women who did not use the pill. The risk was greatest among adolescents.

    Use of hormonal contraceptives was also associated with subsequent use of antidepressants. Some types of hormonal contraception carry various risks. In particular, the reception:

    • Pills containing only progesterone increase antidepressant intake by 1.3 times
    • Combined birth control pills lead to a 1.2-fold increase
    • Transdermal patch increases risk by 2 times
    • Vaginal rings increase risk by 1.5 times

    Anecdotal reports indicate that hormonal contraceptives affect mood

    The study's lead author, Dr. Øyvind Lidegaard, a professor at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark, told CNN:

    “We have known for decades that the female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone influence the mood of many women.

    Therefore, it is not surprising that external artificial hormones, acting in the same way and on the same centers as natural hormones, also affect women’s mood and may even be responsible for the development of depression.”

    Despite this knowledge, many health professionals are reluctant to acknowledge that the risks associated with hormonal contraception may be prohibitive for some women, especially those with a history of depression.

    Although scientific testing has led to some conflicting results, a report published in the Oxford Journal of Medical Cases describes two cases of women with a history of depression - after treatment with hormonal contraceptives (combined oral contraceptive pills, progesterone-only pills, and combined contraceptive vaginal ring) they developed symptoms of depression

    Clinical cases describe the development of depressive symptoms after taking hormonal contraceptives

    In one case, a 31-year-old woman noted a gradual improvement in her depression symptoms after she stopped using a vaginal ring. However, "a sudden and dramatic deterioration occurred" shortly after she started taking the combined contraceptive pill.

    About a month later, she again experienced a worsening of symptoms “almost simultaneously with the start of treatment with the combined contraceptive vaginal ring.”
    The researchers note:

    "GK[Hormonal contraception] was interrupted again, with subsequent clear improvement in depressive symptoms. Over the next [six] months, the patient's condition remained stable, without depression."

    In the second case, a 33-year-old woman developed symptoms of depression shortly after starting a progesterone-only pill. A week after stopping the pills, the symptoms completely disappeared. The researchers conclude:

    “Initiation of GC treatment in women diagnosed with depression should be done with caution, as in some cases it can lead to a worsening of depressive symptoms.

    In addition, in women with symptoms of depression, attention should be paid to whether they have previously taken GCs, since discontinuation of GCs may be sufficient to treat depression in some cases.”

    Hormonal contraceptives linked to glaucoma and other health risks

    Women who took oral contraceptives for more than three years were more than twice as likely to be diagnosed with glaucoma, a leading cause of vision loss and blindness, according to one study.

    The results were so striking that the researchers recommended that women who had taken the pill for three years or more be screened for glaucoma and seen by an ophthalmologist.

    It may seem strange that contraceptives can affect vision, but it is important to understand that artificial manipulation of hormones is fraught with consequences for the entire body.

    Most birth control pills, patches, vaginal rings, and implants contain a combination of estrogen and progestin hormone derivatives.

    They work by mimicking these hormones in the body to trick the reproductive system and cause the following effects:

    • Prevent the ovaries from releasing an egg
    • Thicken cervical mucus to prevent sperm from fertilizing an egg
    • Thin the inner lining of the uterus so that the egg (if it can be fertilized) cannot attach to it

    But the reproductive system does not exist in isolation. It is connected to all other body systems and therefore hormonal contraception can change much more than your reproductive status.

    According to one report from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 30 percent of women who took the pill and nearly half of women who used other hormonal contraceptive methods stopped taking them due to “dissatisfaction,” most often caused by their side effects. Potential health risks include:

    Cancer: Women taking birth control pills have an increased risk of cervical and breast cancer, and possibly liver cancer. Thinning bones: Women taking birth control pills have lower bone mineral density (BMD) than women who have never taken oral contraceptives. Cardiovascular diseases: Taking birth control pills for a long time can increase the formation of plaque in the arteries, increasing the risk of heart disease.
    Deadly blood clots: Birth control pills increase the risk of blood clots and subsequent stroke. Impaired muscle growth: Taking oral contraceptives may impair growth muscle mass from resistance exercises in women. Long-term sexual dysfunction: The pill can affect the protein that holds testosterone, leading to long-term sexual dysfunction, including decreased desire and arousal.
    Migraine Weight gain and mood changes Yeast Overgrowth and Infections


    About 15 percent of women taking oral contraceptives report decreased libido, likely due to decreased levels of sex hormones, including testosterone. One study also found that women who took oral contraceptives had levels of libido-killing sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) that were seven times higher than women who had never taken the pill.

    Although SHBG levels decreased after stopping the pill, they were still three to four times higher than in women not taking oral contraceptives. This suggests that oral contraceptives may kill a woman's libido in the long term. The researchers concluded:

    "Long-term consequences for sexual, metabolic and mental health may be due to chronic elevation of SHBG [in women who are taking or have taken oral contraceptives]."

    Synthetic hormones in drinking water may increase cancer rates in men

    Women are not the only ones exposed to risks associated with synthetic hormones contained in hormonal contraceptives. An analysis of data from 100 countries found that oral contraceptive pill use is associated with prostate cancer, which can be caused by exposure to synthetic estrogens from a woman's body, which ultimately comes down to the drinking water supply.

    Although it is claimed that only a small amount of extra estrogen is excreted from the body of women using this type of contraception, this “small amount” is excreted by millions of women, many of whom take the pill for long periods of time.

    In addition, synthetic estrogen and progestin do not degrade quickly and are much more difficult to remove using traditional systems water purification, which leads to greater accumulation in the environment.

    Although this study does not prove cause and effect - that is, it does not prove that estrogen is from environment, associated with women's use of contraceptives, causes prostate cancer in men, a statistically significant association between the two has been established, which deserves further study, especially in light of the established role of estrogen in a wide range of cancers and the prevalence of hormonal contraceptives.

    Non-hormonal methods of contraception

    Women and men who need reversible, non-hormonal contraception may be surprised to learn how many options there are. Doctors of traditional medicine usually refer patients to popular hormonal drugs, but they are far from the only ones.

    Barrier methods, the purpose of which is to prevent sperm from entering a woman's egg, include the diaphragm, cervical cap, sponge, and male and female condoms. None of them are 100% guaranteed, so many couples use them in combination with fertility-based methods.

    Determining your fertile period means knowing when a woman's fertile period occurs each month and not having sex during (and immediately before) that time, or using a barrier method of contraception if sex does occur.

    With consistent and correct use, determining the period of fertility is very effective in preventing pregnancy; With this method, pregnancy is possible in 1-5 women out of 100. A number of methods can be used to track the onset of this period, including monitoring basal body temperature, mucus production, saliva indicators and cervical position.

    Many women combine these methods, and there are ovulation monitors on the market that can also be combined with other methods. Ninety-nine percent of U.S. women of reproductive age use at least one method of contraception at some point in their lives, with 88 percent choosing hormonal options.

    But you may be glad to know that you don't have to expose yourself to the risks of hormonal contraception or learn to live with the side effects to keep your reproductive health under control. An experienced holistic health professional can help you choose the best non-hormonal contraceptive options that are right for you.

    In families where regular sex life- the norm, partners often choose a reliable and convenient option as a means of contraception - taking hormonal oral contraceptives. But birth control pills have more than just benefits. Side effects of oral contraceptives can significantly worsen your health.

    Are you taking COCs? OK or not OK?

    One of the forms of hormonal contraception is combinedoral contraceptives. These drugs are based on the action of two sex hormones at once - estrogen and progestin (gestagen), which control the most important periods in a woman’s life. At a certain concentration there occurs puberty girls undergo ovulation - the body’s preparation for pregnancy and, finally, pregnancy itself. These same hormones can be made to work in reverse, preventing unwanted pregnancies.

    The principle of action of hormonal contraceptives COCs includes a number of effects. Tablets containing estrogen and gestagen, with correct reception and dosage are guaranteed:

    • . The egg does not mature or enters the fallopian tube defective and incapable of conception.
    • Thickening of mucus in the cervical canal of the uterus. This makes it difficult for sperm to reach the egg.
    • Decreased sperm activity, for which an excess of these hormones is harmful.
    • Thinning of the uterine liningin which at normal pregnancy the egg is implanted. An insufficiently thick layer of the endometrium will in any case lead to the death of the egg, even if it is miraculously fertilized.

    If there are no contraindications and the rules described in the manufacturer’s instructions are followed, taking birth control pills protects against unwanted pregnancy by almost 100%. If side effects, violations of intake, or neglect of contraindications occur, the result can be reduced by 50%.

    Why oral contraceptives are not suitable for everyone

    First you need to understand what is going on in the female body, namely hormonal levels. Each woman has her own and depends on many factors. The concentration of hormones is influenced by: age, weight, number of pregnancies, abortions and births, the presence of chronic diseases associated with the thyroid and pancreas, pituitary gland and adrenal glands, regularity of intimate relationships and other factors.

    Therefore, each patient needs its own composition. which is almost impossible to implement in practice. Of course, there are average standards - they are used as the basis for different drugs. Combined contraceptives may contain different hormone components, their weight and concentration vary.

    For example, the mini-pill contains only progestin. The first generations of combined tablets contain large dosages of both types of hormones. If you assign such a “bouquet” to a young, nulliparous, fragile girl, thenside effects of oral contraceptives are guaranteed. And for a 30-year-old lady, this composition can bring great benefit, protecting her from pregnancy and disorders and tumors caused by hormonal imbalances.

    To choose the right hormonal contraceptives, It’s not enough to know the composition of contraceptives. The instructions will only tell youabout contraindications and warns about side effects without giving recommendations for use. Choosing the right contraceptive drug can , and even then, having received the results .

    Side effects when taking a hormonal drug: dangerous and safe contraception

    Many women are afraid to take such medications, having read horror stories about the side effects. But before drawing conclusions, you need to understand what the concept of “side effect” means and what can be expected if any are described in the instructions for the drug.

    The first thing you need to know is that side effects are described for any medicine, but their mention does not mean that such effects occur in absolutely everyone who starts taking the pills. And even if they exist, they are not in the full spectrum. Statistics show that side effects really bother no more than 10% of patients. And again, each person has no more than 1-2 types of violations.

    Side effects of oral contraceptives can again be absolutely safe or, on the contrary, lead to serious changes in the body. All side effects are divided into:

    • Short-term- such problems are inevitable, they are associated with addiction to the hormonal drug. This may include: breast swelling, nausea, etc. In just a couple of weeks, not a trace remains of them.
    • Warning- you need to pay attention to them. These are any, even the mildest, side effects that do not go away within 2 months, bleeding between critical days, abdominal pain, changes in the shape and volume of the abdomen, significant changes in weight and sexual behavior. With such symptoms you need to go to a gynecologist.
    • Dangerous- require the abandonment of this method of contraception. This includes all types of severe complications associated with changes in the composition and properties of the blood, for example, increased sugar, sudden changes in blood pressure, deterioration of vision, feeling unwell etc., affecting a woman’s life.

    Usually, if contraception is prescribed by a doctor, only short-term side effects occur, because the gynecologist takes into account and clarifies all possible contraindications in advance. When you take hormonal medications on your own, you can expect anything, so you need to monitor your health especially carefully.

    Mild side effects of birth control pills due to addiction

    Oral contraceptives may cause mild discomfort:

    • Nausea, abdominal cramping, diarrhea– these symptoms disappear after about a month, with the start of the second cycle of taking birth control pills. If symptoms persist, this indicates that hormone levels are too high and other medications are needed. To easily survive the adaptation period, take a tablet from the blister at night - by the morning everything in the body will settle down.
    • Breast engorgement– mild symptoms may appear and increased sensitivity. A cotton support bra will reduce discomfort. If engorgement manifests itself unevenly, an increase in individual lobes, pellets is palpable, discharge from the nipples is observed, or swelling of the breast lasts the entire cycle, you should urgently consult a gynecologist and have an ultrasound of the mammary glands.
    • . Associated with changing the cycle and bringing it back to normal. Within a couple of months, menstruation should begin every day.
    • between periods– light spotting that quickly disappears is considered normal. Discharge of an unusual color, foamy or lasting more than 3 days is a signal that you should immediately consult a doctor.
    • Mood swings– Oral contraceptives may worsen existing depression. Normally, this process should not exceed the normal period of PMS. If moodiness, depressed mood, etc. last longer than a week, most likely these hormonal medications will have to be replaced.
    • Discomfort from lenses– some women need to pay special attention to this symptom. This is not a reason to change pills, as this will not work. You will either have to get used to it, or replace the lenses with glasses, or give up oral hormones in favor of installing an intrauterine device.
    • Increased skin oiliness, acne. These are temporary troubles; they go away on their own after a couple of months.
    • Libido changes. The effect is also temporary.
    • Vaginal dryness. This disorder can be not only a side effect, but a symptom of thrush, etc. , therefore, it is better to visit a gynecologist and take a smear to check the cleanliness of the vagina.

    If the side effects cause significant discomfort, you should think about to another contraception.

    Side effects that should alert you

    The following side effects should not be ignored in any case:

    • , bleeding, spotting, recurring after 2 cycles of taking the pills.
    • Headache that does not go away on its own without analgesics.
    • Primary or .
    • Swelling of the legs, faces, indicating metabolic and kidney problems.
    • Permanent decrease in libido.
    • Hair loss.

    These symptoms indicate an excess of sex hormones, so these pills need to be replaced.

    When birth control pills are contraindicated

    Upon appointment , the gynecologist must take into account contraindications. Since hormones regulate many processes in the body, taking oral contraceptives may strengthen or weaken some of them.

    In this case, the following may occur:

    • Acute chest pain.
    • Dyspnea.
    • High blood pressure (BP).
    • Blood clots.
    • Depression.
    • Headache - migraine.
    • Itching of the skin, genitals.
    • Hearing and vision impairments.

    At risk are women approaching the age of forty, smokers, and those suffering from chronic diseases of the kidneys, liver, and thyroid gland. Long-term use of COCs without replacement can also cause health problems.

    What can replace oral contraceptives?

    If regular contraception is necessary, the gynecologist will suggest placing an intrauterine device. Before installing it, you will also have to undergo an examination - you will need to and undergo a pelvic ultrasound. performed by a gynecologist also on the basis of tests. This using the most modern radiomethod without pain and complications or undergo other procedures.

    The cost of visiting a gynecologist is 1000 rubles. Comprehensive pelvic ultrasound - 1000 rubles. Appointment based on the results of tests taken at the clinic - 500 rubles.