Antihistamines formula. Tablets from allergies. List of effective preparations of different generations. Full review. Contraindications for use and side effects

Many of us have come across allergic reactions or your child. In order to facilitate symptoms, a variety of antiallergenic drugs are used. Along with already known drugs, many new ones appear.

Antihistamines: What is it?

Antihistamines are used to remove manifestations of allergic reactions, which may be accompanied by itching, edema and redness. The substances that are contained in the composition of antiallergenic drugs suppress the effect of free histamine.

How do antiallergic pills act?

The main action of antihistamine drugs is that they are associated with H1 - histamine receptors, subsequently they are blocked, due to the fact that histamine does not get to the receptors.

The first antiallergic drugs appeared back in 1930. Science and medicine should not be in place, so today there are several generations of drugs. Pay attention to the fact that every year the list of drugs from allergies of the new generation is replenished.

What are the indications for the use of antihistamine drugs for children?

Appoint the reception of antihistamine drugs, only a doctor should be appropriate, since only it can put an accurate diagnosis and choose the most effective drugs.

Reception of antiallergenic drugs will be appropriate when the following clinical situations:

  • early atopic syndrome;
  • seasonal aggravation of rhinitis;
  • negative reaction to dust or pollen bacteria;
  • allergies to certain food products;
  • the presence of atopic dermatitis;
  • development of conjunctivitis;
  • urticaria in acute or chorionic form;
  • the presence of allergic dermatitis.

Varieties of antiallergic drugs

Classification of antihistamine for purpose:

Medicine generations

  • preparations of a new generation;
  • medicinal products 3 generations;
  • tablets 2 generations;
  • preparations of 1 generation.

New generation

These are the most modern and efficient drugs that are distinguished by quick and prolonged action. Their main advantage is that such drugs do not affect the work of the heart, therefore they are considered one of the safest.

Medicines 3 generations

Third-generation antiallergic tablets have minimal amount Contraindications, as well as gentling belonging to the heart.

Tablets 2 generation

Such drugs do not have sedative influence on the human body. Give a small load on the heart, and also have a small list of contraindications. Often, such pills are prescribed to remove the rash or itching.

Preparations of 1 generation

Preparations of this dosage group have a sedative effect, and a small amount of time. Despite the fact that they are well removing the symptoms of allergies, they have more contraindications and side Effects.

What new drugs differ from the old?

The main difference lies in the fact that the drugs of the new generation are prodrugs. Finding into the body, they are metabolized and activated in the liver. Modern drugs do not have a sedative effect on the body and do not have a negative impact on the work of the heart.

Modern antiallergic means are designed to withdraw symptoms different types Allergic reactions, as well as dermatitis in children. With the right dosage, they do not affect mental abilities and clarity of thinking.

Pay attention to the fact that almost all means for removing the symptoms of the new generation allergies are made in Switzerland, the Czech Republic, Italy, or the UK.

Preparations from allergies of a new generation: list


This medicine against a new generation allergy has such analogs as Altiva, Kestin and Allegr. The action of the tablets is expressed in the locking of histamine receptors. The main advantages of this medication are that it acts quickly and efficiently. This drug is produced in the form of tablets and suspensions. Please note that this medicine is prescribed to children over 6 years old. This drug is incompatible with antibiotics.


The medicine has an antihistamine effect, and also reduces vessel permeability. In the advantage of this medication, it is that it has a contagon and anti-acuditive effect. Contraindications exist not so much. The effect of tablets appears 15 minutes after reception. The main minus is that Levocetyriazine has many side effects.


The medicine has antihistamine, anti-edematous and anti-face effect. It helps well with a cold, rash, and also reduces the hyperactivity of the bronchi. The advantage of the Disloratina is that it quickly absorbs and removes all the symptoms of allergies literally per day. At the same time, the medicine does not have a negative central action. nervous system, Heart work and reaction rate. Please note that Disloratadine and its analogues are contraindicated to children under 12, as well as pregnant women and those who feed the child with breasts.

What antihistamines are suitable for children?

Most of the drugs that remove the symptoms of allergies have contraindications by age. Often for the treatment of the child are used drugs that are produced in the form of droplets and suspensions. For the treatment of small children, pills are extremely rarely used.

For the treatment of infants and children under 12 years old, the following drugs are used:

  • Phenistil - produced in the form of drops and is excellent for the treatment of infants after the first month of life;
  • Peritol, Supratine is worth the removal of allergic symptoms among babies;
  • Cletadin, Zetrin - used to treat newborns;
  • Zoda, Erius, Claritin - Allowed from birth.

What side effects have antiallergic drugs?

Like any other medicines, this group has its own side effects. It should be paid to the fact that side effects depend on the generation of tablets. The most common side effects can be attributed to the following:

  • reduction of muscle tone;
  • confused;
  • frequent headaches;
  • problems with concentration of attention;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • periodic abdominal pain;
  • frequent dizziness;
  • dry mouth.

Before starting receiving medication, carefully examine the instructions and all contraindications, since otherwise you can aggravate the situation.

What are there any contraindications?

Each drug has its own list of contraindications, which is specified in the instructions. Almost all such drugs are prohibited by pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding. Attention should also be paid to individual intolerance to one or more drugs. The most common contraindications include the following:

  • glaucoma;
  • impassability of the bladder;
  • adenoma;
  • diseases of respiratory tract.

As a result, it should be noted that today there are a lot of various medicinesthat help remove the symptoms of an allergic reaction. Please note that antihistamines cannot be written out or your child yourself, since only the doctor can put an accurate diagnosis and selects effective treatment.

Remember that during the reception of antihistamine funds, the specified dosage should be thoroughly followed, and all the recommendations of the doctor. Be sure to learn the instructions, otherwise the allergic reaction can only increase.

There are three (according to some authors - four) generation of antihistamine drugs. The first includes drugs that, in addition to anti-allergic, have a sedative / scene effect. The second includes drugs with a minimally pronounced sedation effect and a powerful antiallergic effect, but in some cases causing serious, threatening life, arrhythmias. Antihistamine drugs of the new - third - generation are the products of the exchange (metabolites) of second-generation drugs, and the effectiveness of them is 2-4 times higher than their predecessors. They have a number of unique positive properties and do not cause such side effects as drowsiness and negative impact on the heart. It is about the preparations of the third generation and will be discussed in this article.

Antihistamines of the new (third) generation: mechanism of action and effects

The drugs of this group are influenced exclusively on H 1 -Gistamine receptors, that is, they have the selectivity of the action. The anti-allergic effects are also ensured by the following mechanisms of action. So, these drugs:

  • the synthesis of mediators of systemic allergic inflammation is inhibited, including chemokines and cytokines;
  • reduce the amount and disrupt the functions of adhesion molecules;
  • pecked chemotaxis (the process of leukocytes from the vascular bed into a damaged tissue);
  • depress the activation of allergy cells, eosinophils;
  • depress the formation of a superoxide radical;
  • reduce increased reactivity (hyperreactivity) of bronchi.

All the above-described mechanisms of action provide a powerful antiallergic and to a certain extent anti-inflammatory effects: eliminate itching, reduce the permeability of the wall of capillaries, swelling and hyperemia of tissues. Do not cause drowsiness, do not have toxic impact on the heart. Do not bind to cholinoreceptors, therefore, do not cause such side effects as a blurredness of vision and. Have a high security profile. It is thanks to these properties that antihistamines of the new generation can be recommended for long-term treatment of a number.

Side effects

As a rule, these drugs are transferred to patients well. However, occasionally against the background of their reception may develop the following unwanted effects:

  • fatigue;
  • dry mouth (extremely rare);
  • hallucinations;
  • drowsiness, insomnia, excitation;
  • , heartbeat;
  • nausea, vomiting, discomfort in epigastria, in isolated cases -;
  • pain in muscles;
  • allergic reactions: rash on the skin, accompanied by or without it, shortness of breath, swelling of quinque, anaphylactic reactions.

Indications and contraindications to the use of third-generation antihistamine

Food can cause food allergies and cause disease.

Indications for the use of drugs of this group are:

  • allergic rhinitis (both year-round and seasonal);
  • (also, seasonal, and year-round);
  • chronic;
  • allergic;

Antihistamines of the new generation are contraindicated only in the case of the individual elevated sensitivity of the body of the patient.

Representatives of antihistamine new generation

This group of drugs belong:

  • Fexophenadine;
  • Cetirizine;
  • Levocetyriazine;
  • Desloratadin.

Consider each of them in more detail.

Fexofenadine (Altiva, Telefast, Tigofast, Fexophast, Fexofen Sanovel)

Release form: Tablets coated with film shell at 120 and 180 mg.

Pharmacologically active metabolite for the second generation drug, thermal thermal.

After the intake, inside is quickly absorbed in the digestive tract, reaching the maximum of the concentration in the blood after 1-3 hours. Almost does not bind to blood proteins, does not penetrate the hematorecephalic barrier. The half-life is 11-15 hours. Available mainly with bile.

The antiallergic effect of the drug develops already 60 minutes after its reception, for 6 hours, the effect is growing and persisted during the day.

Adults and children under 12 years old are recommended to take 120-180 mg (1 tablet) once a day, before meals. The tablet should be swallowed, not chewing, drinking 200 ml of water. The course of treatment is determined individually depending on the characteristics of the course of the disease. Even after the regular use of Fexophenadin, during 28 days, there were no signs of intolerance.

For patients suffering from severe or, apply the drug should be careful.

During pregnancy, it should not be applied, since the clinical studies in this category of patients were not conducted.

The drug penetrates breast milk, so the nursing mothers take it should not be taken.

Cetirizin (Allertek, Rollin, Zetrin, Amerch, Zodak, Zodinal)

At the time of taking antihistamine drugs, alcohol should be abandoned.

Release form: Tablets coated with film shell, solution and drops for oral administration, syrup.

Metabolite hydroxyzine. The strongest H1-histamine receptor antagonist.

The use of this drug in medium-sized therapeutic doses significantly improves the quality of life of patients suffering from seasonal and chronic allergic rhinitis.

After intake, the effect appears after 2 hours and continues during the day or more.

In patients with a disturbed kidney function, a dose of cetirizine should be adjusted depending on the value of creatinine clearance: 10 mg of the antihistamine drug is prescribed, 10 mg of antihistamine drug is prescribed 1 time per day, which is a complete dose; moderate degree - 5 mg 1 time per day (half dose); If the cryatinine clearance indicator corresponds to the severe degree of deficiency of the kidney function, it is recommended to take 5 mg of cetirizin in a day, and patients on hemodialysis, with terminal renal failure, drug intake is completely contraindicated.

Contraindications for the use of cetirizin are also individual hypersensitivity to it and congenital pathology of carbohydrate metabolism (syndrome of the absorption of glucose-galactose and others).

Cetirizin, taken in ordinary doses, can cause such temporary unwanted reactions such as fatigue, drowsiness, excitation of the central nervous system, dizziness and headache. In some cases, against the background of its reception, dry mouth, disruption of the accommodation of the eye, difficult to urinate and increase the activity of hepatic enzymes is noted. As a rule, after canceling the drug, these symptoms disappear independently.

During the treatment period, refuse to receive.

Persons suffering from convulsive syndrome and epilepsy should be taken extremely careful due to the increased risk of occurrence.

During pregnancy, apply in case of extreme necessity. During the lactation, it is not taken as it stands out with breast milk.

Levocetyriazine (L-Tzet, Alezin, Aleline, Zille, Zetrielev, Aleon Neo, Glenzet, Ksizal)

Release form: Tablets covered with shell, drops for oral administration, syrup (dosage form for children).

Cetirizin derivative. The affinity for H1-histamine receptors for this drug is several times higher than that of its predecessor.
When taking inside quickly and completely absorbed, with the degree of suction does not depend on food intake, but its speed in the presence of food in the stomach decreases. Part of the patients with the effect of the drug begins after 12-15 minutes after the reception, but most develops still later, after 30-60 minutes. The maximum concentration in the blood is determined after 50 minutes and is preserved for 48 hours. The half-life is from 6 to 10 hours. Excreted by the kidneys.

In persons suffering from severe renal failure, the half-life of the drug is extended.

Stands out with breast milk.

Adults and children over 6 are recommended to use the tablet form of the drug. 1 tablet (5 mg) take inside, not chewing, drinking sufficient number water. Multiplicity of reception - 1 time per day. If levocetyriazine is appointed in the form of droplets, its dose for adult patients and 6 years old and older is 20 drops 1 time per day. Children under 6 years old are prescribed in the form of a syrup or drops, the dose of which depends on the age of the child.

Persons with severe deficiency of the kidney function should be calculated to calculate the cryatinine clearance indicator. If this value indicates a violation of the renal function of the first degree, then the antihistamine dose recommended for receiving is 5 mg per day, that is, complete. In the case of a moderate impairment of the kidney function, it is 5 mg 1 time in 48 hours, that is, every other day. With severe breach of the kidney function, the drug should be taken at 5 mg 1 time in 3 days.

The duration of the course of treatment is widely varied and selected individually depending on the disease and the severity of its flow. Thus, when polynomotia, the course of treatment, as a rule, is 3-6 months, in chronic allergic diseases - up to 1 year, in the case of potentially possible contact with the allergen - 1 week.

Contraindications to the use of left-bezhetirizin, in addition to individual intolerance and chronic renal failure, are congenital (galactose intolerance, lactase deficiency and others), as well as pregnancy and breastfeeding period.

Side effects are similar to those of other drugs of this group.

Taking left-ocetyriazine, is categorically contraindicated to use alcoholic beverages.

Disloratadine (Alersis, Lobe, Trejsil Neo, Erius, Eden, Aleragomax, Allergostop, DS-ENT, Frebris, Eridez)

Release form: Tablets coated with film shell, 5 mg and a solution for oral administration, containing 0.5 mg of the active substance per ml (dosage form for children). Some drugs, in particular, allergomax, are also produced in the form of nasal spray.

People who face manifestations of allergies regularly buy antihistamines and know what it is.

Timely accepted tablets save from the grueling cough, swelling, rash, itching and redness of the skin. Similar medicines pharmaceutical industry produces for many years, and each new party is drawn up as a separate generation.

Today we will talk about antihistamine funds of the last generation and consider the most effective of them.

The general concept of antihistamine drugs

Everyone willing to dwell into the question of everything - antihistamines, doctors explain that these drugs are created to confront the histamine - an allergic mediator.

When the human body comes into contact with the stimulus, specific substances are produced, increased activity among which exhibits histamine. In a healthy person, it is located in obese cells and remains inactive. Under the influence of allergen, histamine enters the active phase and provokes the symptoms of allergies.

To relieve negative reactions at different times, medications were invented, capable of lowering the number of histamine and neutralize it bad influence per person. Thus, antihistamine drugs are the general definition of all drugs that have the indicated efficiency. To date, their classification has 4 generations.

The advantages of the drugs under consideration are gentle effect on the body, in particular, cardiovascular system, rapid relief symptoms and prolonged effect.

Review of the antihistamine drugs of the new generation

Antihistamine preparations are also called H1 receptor blockers. They are quite safe for the body, but still have some contraindications. For example, during pregnancy and in childhood The doctor is entitled not to prescribe a tablet against allergies if these states are specified in their instructions.

All antihistamines of the new generation - a list of new drugs:

  • Erius.
  • Ksizal.
  • Bampine.
  • Cetirizin.
  • Ebastin.
  • Fenspirid.
  • Levocetyriazine.
  • Fexophenadin.
  • Disloratadine.

Allocate the most effective antihistamine drugs of 4 generations from this list is difficult, since some of them appeared relatively recently and have not yet managed to establish themselves at 100%. A phenoxofenadine is considered in demand for allergic treatment. The reception of tablets with the content of this substance does not at the patient of a sleeping pills and cardiotoxic effect.

Medications with cetirizin well remove the skin manifestations of allergies. One tablet brings a significant relief after 2 hours from the moment of use. The result is preserved for a long time.

The ERIUS medicine is an improved analogue of Loratadine. But its effectiveness is higher than about 2.5 times. Erius is suitable for children by age from 1 year, which are prone to allergies. It is given by the drug in a liquid dosage of 2.5 ml 1 time per day. From 5 years, the erys dosage increases to 5 ml. From 12 years old, a child is given 10 ml of medication per day.

Increased demand today enjoys the medicine xizal. It does not allow the release of inflammation mediators. Performance is determined by reliable elimination of allergic reactions.

Fexadine (Allegra, Telfast)

The preparation with fexofenadine reduces the production of histamine and completely blocks histamine receptors. Suitable for the treatment of seasonal allergies and chronic urctaria. The tool is not addictive. It affects the body 24 hours.

Fexadine can not be taken with pregnancy, GW and children under 12 years old.

Zoda (Zirtek, Cetirizine)

The effectiveness of the accepted tablet is felt after 20 minutes, and after the discharge of the drug is saved for another 72 hours. The zoda and its synonyms are used to treat and prevent allergose. Long-term use is allowed. The form of release is not only a pill, but also syrup, and drops.

In pediatrics, the zoda zoda is used from 6 months. After 1 year prescribe syrup. Tablets children can take from 6 years. Dosages for each type of medication are selected individually.

Cetirizine can not be taken pregnant. If there is a need to treat allergies during lactation, the baby temporarily take off his chest.

Ksizal (Suprastineex, Levocetyriazine)

Drops and tablets Ksyzal are triggered 40 minutes after reception.

The medication is shown for the treatment of urticaria, allergies, skin itching. Children antihistamine preparations of the fourth generation from allergies called Ksisal are prescribed from 2 years and 6 (drops and tablets, respectively). The pediatrician calculates the dosage by age and the weight of the child.

When pregnancy, Xizal is prohibited. But it can be taken in the process breastfeeding.

Suprastinex helps well with seasonal allergies when the body reacts to pollen flowering plants. As the main drug is used in the therapy of conjunctivitis and rhinitis of allergic nature. Take suprastines with food.

Desloratadine (Erius, Lordestin, disable)

Disloratadine and its synonyms have antihistamine and anti-inflammatory properties.

They quickly treat seasonal allergies and recurrent urticule, but sometimes cause such side effects as headache and dry mouth. For sale disloratadine in the form of tablets and syrup.

Children 2 - 6 years old doctors prescribe syrup. Tablets are allowed to apply only from 6 years. Pregnant and nursing women are dislochratadine completely contraindicated. But with a quinque and bronchospasm, a specialist may choose a gentle application of this medication.

Antihistamines for the smallest

Newborn children take antihistamines not recommended. But sometimes there are situations when it does not work without drugs, for example, if the kid was horrid insect. From 1 month of life, a child can give phenyatil in drops.

DiMedrol, who used to be given in children different cases, Pediatricians are prescribed today only from the 7th month of life.

Suprastin is considered the most gentle option for the smallest. He is quickly manifested medical properties without causing the slightest harm to the body. Also kids are prescribed Fencarol and Tueguil. With urticaria, medicinal dermatosis and food allergies, the child is better to give Tueguil. Tablets remove the ethnicity, restore the skin color and work as a contagon.

The analogues of the Taveli are donormil, Dimedrol, Bravel and Clemastine. Their child takes in the presence of contraindications to the use of Tuevela.

From 2 to 5 years, the children's body is gradually strengthened and can normally carry stronger medications. With itching the skin name of antihistamine drugs for this age group of patients, the specialist will consider the following:

About Erius mentioned above, now we will focus on Zetrin. These tablets can be used to prevent allergies in children prone to negative reactions. In the individual intolerance to the components, zetrin is replaced with analogs - letizen, ceticarinx, zoda, zetrinal. After 2 years, the child can take asthemisol.

From 6 years, the list of antihistamine preparations expand, since such children are suitable for drugs of different generations - from 1 to 4. Younger students can drink Tablets Zirtek, Terfenadine, Clemastin, Glezet, Suprastines, Cesser.

What Komarovsky says

Famous pediatrician E.O. Komarovsky does not advise parents to give small children antihistamines without extreme need and medical appointments. If a pediatrician or an allergist found it necessary to prescribe an antiallergic child to a child, you can take it no more than 7 days.

Evgeny Olegovich also prohibits combining antihistamines with antibiotics and suggests that it is not necessary to give a child an antihistamine tablet on the eve of vaccinations or after vaccination.

Some parents, based on their own considerations, before DC, try to send Chado Supratin, but Komarovsky does not see any sense in this. Children's doctor explains that the reaction of the body on the vaccine has nothing to do with the manifestations of allergies.

Women allergic, planning to acquire offspring, are always interested in which antihistamines can be taken during pregnancy and preferably during lactation, or it is worth the inconvenience associated with polynosis, rash and swelling. Doctors say that during the period of gestation, women are better not to take any medicines, since they are potentially dangerous for mother and fetus.

The drug Parliament is an antihistamine used for removal ...
  • Side Effects of Antihistamines ... Choosing from all drugs designed to combat allergies, it is best to stop ...
  • Application of antihistamines ... Antihistamine preparations are considered to consider medicines used to treat certain allergic ...
  • Modern antihistamines ... Per last years There is a significant increase of not only frequency, but also the severity of allergic ...
  • Telfast Telfast is a medicine that is used to treat allergies and eliminates practically ...
  • Allergic therapy ... Allergy - High susceptibility human organism To proteins and haptenam, this is a special protective ...
  • Year-round therapy ... Every day, each person contacts various allergens that can cause development ...
  • Phenistil Phenolic is a drug intended for the treatment of allergy symptoms. According to the mechanism ...
  • Zetrin Medicinal Zetrin is an antihistamine tool that is intended for ...
  • Cinnarizin Cinnarizin is a vasodilator and antihistamine drug. It expands small artery and improves ...
  • Due to the expansion of the lumen of small vessels, blood flow on them is facilitated, which, in turn, leads to a significant improvement in the microcirculation and blood supply to the peripheral tissues with oxygen and nutrients. It is due to the expansion of the lumen of small vessels of cinnarizin improves blood supply to the brain, kidney and limbs. Also, the drug reduces blood viscosity and increases elasticity of erythrocyte membranes, which also contributes to the improvement of the blood supply to the peripheral tissues in which numerous minor vessels pass.

    The effect of relaxation of blood vessels resulting from cinnarizine is not eliminated by biologically active substances, usually with a pronounced vasoconstrictor action, such as adrenaline, norepinephrine, dopamine, angiotensin and vasopressin.

    In addition, cinnarizine has moderate antihistamine activity, due to which he reduces the excitability of the vestibular apparatus and the tone of the sympathetic nervous system. Also, the drug enhances the stability of tissues to oxygen starvation (hypoxia).

    Summarizing the foregoing, it can be concluded that cinnarizine improves brain and peripheral blood circulation, reduces the excitability of the vestibular apparatus and increases the stability of tissues to oxygen starvation. That is why cinnarizin is effective in the treatment of brainwater deficiency, atherosclerosis of the brain vessels, focal post-stroke changes, as well as to improve peripheral blood circulation in various diseases, including endarterity, Reyno syndrome, diabetic angiopathy, IBS, etc.

    Cinnarizin - Indications for use

    Cinnarizin is shown for use in the following states and diseases:
    1. Chronic cerebrovascular failure (dizziness, noise in ears, headache, memory violation and low concentration of attention).

    2. Brain circulation disorders:

    • Postsential focal violations;
    • Atherosclerosis of the vessels of the brain;
    • Period of rehabilitation after the cranial injury;
    • Encephalopathy;
    • Street vascular dementia (dementia).
    3. Violations of the vestibular apparatus (Menietor's disease, noise in ears, nystagm, nausea and vomiting).

    4. Prevention of kinetosis (marine and airborne).

    5. Prevention of migraine attacks.

    6. Disorders of peripheral blood circulation (prevention and treatment):

    • "Intermittent" chromotype;
    • Reino disease;
    • Diabetic angiopathy;
    • Trophic or varicose ulcers;
    • Obliterating endarteritic;
    • Supporting thrombangiit;
    • Nonspecific Aorto Arteritis;
    • Lerish syndrome;
    • Paresthesia (feeling of running goosebumps, tingling, numbness, etc.);
    • Night spasms of hands and feet;
    • Cooling limbs;
    • Akricyanosis.

    Therapeutic effect, indications for use - video

    Cinnarizin - Instructions for use

    How to use?


    Increased sensitivity, pregnancy, feeding period, age up to two years.


    Symptoms : Headache, hypersmia, rapid heartbeat. With the weight of the body less than 30 kg, when used in an amount of more than 0.01 g, disorders of the extrapiramid system, tachycardia are possible.
    Treatment : Antidotes are unknown. Provocation of vomiting by the syrup of the rifle root (the use of drugs of the rifle root is necessary even in the case of spontaneous vomiting); washing the stomach, the use of active coal and large volumes of water; Symptomatic and general fascinating treatment. Dialysis is ineffective.

    Special instructions and precautions

    The use of the drug must be canceled at least 8 days before the exercise of the skin allergic. The use of Loratadine pregnant and in the period of breastfeeding is permissible only if the alleged positive effect For the mother exceeds the possible risk for the child. It should be carefully taken to the concomitant use of liver enzyme inhibitors (guanidine, prozak), because There are no necessary clinical trials confirming the admissibility of such combinations.
    Care must be taken when driving a car, or when working that requires high concentration.

    Medicinal interaction

    The inhibitors of the system cytochrome P450-dependent monooxygenase increase the level of the Loratadine and Deskabeetoksylratina in the plasma. Loratadine reduces the concentration of erythromycin in the blood (by 14-16%). Given the probability of developing a dose-dependent sedative effect, care must be taken with the concomitant use of the drug with other anti-allergens, barbiturates, benzodiazepines, agonists of opiate receptors, antipsychotic drugs, antidepressants, tranquilizers, sedative and sleeping drugs, as well as using alcohol.

    Storage conditions

    Store in the dry, protected from direct sunlight location, at a temperature of 15-25 degrees. The shelf life is indicated on the package. The drug is sold in without a recipe.

    Choosing from all drugs designed to combat allergies, it is best to stop their choice on one-component medications, which include one single antihistamine. Antihistamines are truly effective in the fight against allergic reactions of any origin.
    Why is one-component means of this category are used by experts most often?
    This fact is very easy to explain: the fact is that it is precisely such medicines to be transferred to patients much easier, as they cause certain side effects only in very rare cases.

    The most frequent side effect that may occur against the background of using pharmaceutical data data is considered drowsiness. If this effect has developed, then the patient should be abstained from working with hazardous mechanisms, as well as driving a car. Even if the patient does not experience drowsiness, this kind medications In any case, slow down its reaction. Plus, do not forget that the use of this kind of medicines along with sedatives or alcoholic beverages will only increase the action of the first.

    The force of manifestation of drowsiness against the background of the course of therapy by one or another antihistamine drug is defined as used by medicine and the individual characteristics of the patient's body. To the number of this kind of medicines that less often cause this side effect and can be purchased in a pharmacy without a recipe, you can rank as clemastine, so I. chloropheniramine Maleat, Pheniramin Maleat, as well as bromufeniramine Maleat. But such medicines like doxilamin Sukcinate and diphenhydramina hydrochloride On the contrary, the development of this side effect is very often caused.

    Against the background of using certain antihistamine drugs, some other side effects can be given about themselves, namely dry throat, nose and oral cavity. There are such cases when people develop dizziness, migraine and nausea. Others have blurred vision, coordination loss, decrease in blood pressure, lowering appetite, stomach disorder. When using medication data by older people suffering from hypertrophied prostate gland, it is quite possible to develop and difficult urination. Sometimes these drugs also cause anxiety, nervousness and insomnia. By the way, insomnia is very often developing in children.

    Choosing a particular antihistamine drug in the fight against allergic pathologies, to begin with, use the help of its minimum dose and make sure that it is normally transferred by your body. To warn the development of certain side effects will also help reliable information regarding contraindications, as well as special guidelines for the use of a certain antihistamine drug. It is important in this case Not deviated from prescribed dosages, since certain adverse reactions against the background of using this kind of medicine can develop as a result of overdose.

    Allergic conjunctivitis especially often makes itself felt in the spring. The man seems to be completely healthy, with all the same time his eyes will constantly get drunk, swell and itch.
    What is the matter?
    Correctly, on the face of allergic conjunctivitis. Hearing such a diagnosis, the first thing that comes to mind is antihistamines. Indeed, it is these pharmaceutical funds that are used in the fight against this ailment.

    What happens to eyes with allergic conjunctivitis?
    At about the late spring, people can watch how the leaves begin to bloom on the trees, the fluff flies around, flowers bloom. As a result, people prone to allergic reactions begin to blush and swell their eyes. In addition, these symptoms are also accompanied by their burning and itching. Sometimes people begin to be afraid of daylight. In general, all people have allergic conjunctivitis manifests itself in different ways. It should also be noted that this pathology may be caused by the reaction not only on the fluff or floral pollen, but also on animal wool, dust, perfumers, household chemicals and so on.

    Is it possible to get rid of this ailment without the help of drugs?
    In fact, it is impossible to leave this pathology without attention, as it is characterized by symptoms that significantly worsen not only the mood, but also exterior appearance The patient, while changing the usual way of life. It should also be noted that this pathology "takes holds" immediately two eyes.

    In what cases without the help of antihistamine drugs can no longer do?
    First of all, it is worth noting that antihistamines in the form of eye drops are applied in the fight against this ailment. Their use is extremely necessary in cases where the development of allergic conjunctivitis has already begun. With the help of antihistamine eye drops, it is possible to prevent the release of histamine to prevent the release of histamine. As a result, histamine fails to penetrate the space between the cells, and, therefore, and begin its destructive impact.

    In principle, this kind of drugs are recommended to use not so much for treatment, as for the prevention of allergic conjunctivitis. This is explained by the fact that their use in prevention goals gives a stronger therapeutic effect. We draw the attention of readers to the fact that antihistamine drugs in the form of eye drops in the fight against allergic conjunctivitis cannot be used by patients who wear lenses. If their use in such cases is really necessary, then the lenses are recommended to wear about fifteen minutes after the instillation.

    How is the prevention of allergic conjunctivitis?
    In order to prevent the development of this allergic pathology, it is recommended to use special antiallergic agents in the form of eye drops. Agree, it is better to apply these medicines and do not feel the symptoms of this ailment, rather than experience all signs of allergic conjunctivitis and fight them through other more serious pharmaceuticals.

    Antihistamine preparations are considered to consider medicines used to treat certain allergic pathologies or reactions. These pharmaceutical agents belong to the category of the most frequently used drugs among all histaminenergic medicines. If we talk about their use during pregnancy, then in this case it is possible to pay attention to all future moms to the fact that their use is possible only after consulting the allergist, as well as under its strict control. To enormous regret, all medicines of this group are strictly prohibited in the first trimester of pregnancy. Starting from the second trimester, they can only be used if, if they really do not do without their help. Immediately, we note that there is not a single medicine in the list of antihistamine drugs that could be called fully safe.

    Right now the attention of pregnant women will be provided information regarding some antihistamine drugs, as well as their influence on the course of pregnancy. Let's start with Dimedrol. This medication is categorically contraindicated throughout the entire pregnancy, as it is tended to cause premature childbirth. The same applies to betadrin. If we talk about diprage, it can be assigned during pregnancy only in emergency cases. As precisely, this antihistamine remedy affects the course of pregnancy, nothing is still known. Suprastin is allowed to apply only in the second trimester of pregnancy and then only on the prescription of the doctor.

    As for Tavagil, it is categorically prohibited to apply only in the first trimester of pregnancy. During clinical studies on animals, scientists managed to establish that the use of this medication in the second and third trimester can cause the development of some congenital vices. Tsiprogeptadin and bicopena In no case cannot be applied during pregnancy. Flonidan It can be appointed a future mommy only in extremely severe cases. But as for ZIREK, this medication is allowed during pregnancy, but only in strictly indicated dosages, since only in this case it does not tend to provide teratogenic action. Phoeniramin can be registered with a pregnant woman only from the second trimester of pregnancy.

    Ditete It is produced by the Aerosol form, despite this, this medication is unsafe for all pregnant women, despite the fact that during numerous clinical studies failed to establish its direct impact on the growth and development of the fetus. Extremely undesirable to use in this period and such antihistamines as ketotifen, hystaglobulin, Zafirlukast, Cromolin sodium and some others.

    Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that almost all antihistamines are dangerous not only for a pregnant woman, but also for the fetus. That is why it is not worth risking again. The use of any pharmaceutical agent must necessarily be coordinated with a specialist.

    Antihistamines Currently received so widespread that there are practically in each family in a home first aid kit. They take them as children and adults often without even thinking about what this name means.

    Nevertheless, at least a little understand the mechanism of the data of drugs, it is necessary to every person using them if he cares about his health. For the same to better understand, the principle of action of antihistamine drugs, it is necessary to know how an allergy is developing.

    The mechanism of development of allergies

    At the first hit in the human body of Allergen (for each person, he is his own), no clinical manifestations are usually evolving, but the synthesis of special antibodies begins to this compound that received the name of Immunoglobulin E.

    Gradually, it accumulates in the body, and when repeated contact with an allergen interacts with it, forming the so-called "angigen antibody" complexes, which are joined by the membranes of fat cells, thereby causing their degranulation (the destruction of the cell shell).

    At the same time, many are released. active substances, Including histamine. When connecting with its receptors in various organs, this substance causes the occurrence of such biological effects as an increase in the permeability of cell membranes (tissue edema), redness of the skin, itching. In some people develop bronchospasm, which becomes the cause of the attack of suffocation at bronchial asthma, from others - rhinitis.

    The form of allergic manifestations depends on the path of admission of allergen and individual features organism.

    The effect of antihistamine drugs

    Antihistamines are connected to H1 receptors to histamine in various tissues of the body. Therefore, Histamine itself can no longer contact them and provoke the development of adverse effects for humans.

    The opinions of experts differ in the question of whether these medicinal products of Histamine are supplanted from the already incurred interactions with H1 receptors. Most scientists are inclined to believe that no. The preparation used is "free" receptors. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce it as early as possible.

    There are several classifications of antihistamine drugs. The most common of them is the division of them for funds I, II and III of generation.

    Effects of antihistamine preparations I generation

    The first generation includes Dimedrol (diphenylhydramine), Clemastine (Tuese), Chloropiramine (Supratin), KviFenadine (phencarol), diazoline and a number of other medicines. They have not a very pronounced affinity for H1-histamine receptors. Therefore, with a high concentration of histamine, it can exhibit these drugs from receptor compounds and cause continued the development of an allergic reaction.

    That is why the doses of the drug needed to achieve the clinical effect are high enough. In addition, the multiplicity of the introduction of most of them should be at least 2-3 times a day.

    Almost all drugs of this group besides histamine receptors, there are still cholinergic and muscarinic, as well as penetrate the hematostephalic barrier, thereby acting on the central nervous system (sedative, in some case), reducing the secretion of exocrine glands and increase the viscosity of their secretion ( For example, sputum). Therefore, for the treatment of bronchial asthma, this group of drugs is not recommended.

    In addition, the I generation of antihistamine funds has a local substrate effect, and such drugs as ketotifented by the membrane-stabilizing effect (preventing the destruction of the shell of fat cells and the release of histamine).

    In people with heart disease, these funds should be used with caution, since due to the quinido-like effect, they can provoke the occurrence of such formidable arrhythmia as ventricular tachycardia.

    Effects of antihistamine drugs II generation

    To the second generation of antihistamine drugs include Loratadine (Claritin), Asthemisol (Gismanal), Diminen (phenyatil). They are characterized by a more pronounced affinity for H1-histamine receptors and the absence of blockade of other types of receptors, as well as the impact on the central nervous system.

    Therefore, they do not increase the viscosity of sputum and can be used in the complex treatment of bronchial asthma. The use of these drugs from drivers and other persons, the profession of which is associated with the need to concentrate attention, is also quite possible, because they do not possess the sedative effect and do not cause drowsiness.

    Multiplicity of reception in most cases is 1 time per day. Episodes of the occurrence of ventricular tachycardia In response to the introduction of this group of drugs, it is not described in the case of instructions on their use. However, with a joint appointment with psychotropic agents and some antiarrhythmic drugs (County, Sothageksal), the appearance of arrhythmogenic effect is quite possible.

    Effects of antihistamine preparations III generation

    It should be noted that most of the generation II preparations are prodrugs. This means that the molecule introduced into the body cannot have therapeutic effectBut under the influence of the internal environment factors, it is rapidly transformed into an active metabolite.

    In some cases, this process may violate, leading to the accumulation of an increased amount of compound in the body, capable of causing the appearance of side effects (during its normal concentration, they can practically do not manifest itself).

    Therefore, antihistamines III 3rd generations were synthesized, which are inherently active metabolites of drugs of generation. The most famous of them are Cetirizin (Zirtek) and Fexofenadine (Telefast). It should be noted that a number of specialists include cetirizine to the means of generation II, since it is a product of changes in the hydroxyzine molecule (I generation).

    These drugs have a high affinity for H1-histamine receptors, therefore Histamine itself can no longer displace them from this interaction. In addition, they are characterized by a sufficiently long effect and do not provoke the development of arrhythmias.

    The histamine receptors in the CNS of the generation III drugs do not affect, since they are not lipophilic and cannot go through the hematorecephalic barrier. This means that those who host them to manage vehicle and engage in other types of work, requiring a high concentration of attention, possibly without fear.

    A distinctive feature of the drugs of the 3rd generation is also their ability to coal the allocation of a number of other allergic response factors, such as, for example, interleukin -8. In addition, these tools contribute to the decrease in the severity of bronchospasm.

    Antihistamines for allergies

    For the first time, reading the expression "Antihistamine Prepares for Allergies" for the first time, a number of people can think about where these drugs can still be used.

    The fact is that there are several types of histamine receptors. About H1 was mentioned above. Blockers of H2 receptors, such as Famotidin, Ranitidine, are widely used to treat the diseases of the stomach.

    BLOCKATORS H1-receptors I generations are sometimes used as sleeping pills, as well as for the symptomatic treatment of edema and itching with ORVI.

    Thus, antihistamines are an extensive group of funds for the treatment of various manifestations of allergic diseases. The main mechanism of their action is a compound with histamine receptors that impede the interaction with them of histamine.