Greenhouse from sewer pipes. Construction of a greenhouse from plastic pipes. Lying greenhouse from a double-glazed window or a frame

Today, the market offers a huge number of greenhouse complexes: gable and arched, capital and lighter, mobile, film-lined and glazed, expensive and not very expensive. Among all this variety, of course, you can choose a suitable model, or you can build it yourself. Today we will tell you about how to make a greenhouse from polypropylene pipes with your own hands.

It is difficult to imagine a modern dacha without a reliable and strong greenhouse, because we love early radishes so much, and like children we rejoice at the first tomatoes, and in the fall we want to get a rich harvest of heat-loving crops. All this is possible if there is a covered greenhouse complex with a solid construction and a solid canopy on your site.

Frame from plastic pipes very light and at the same time quite durable

There are many different greenhouses and a lot of materials for their construction, which means that there are also a lot of opinions about what the best greenhouse should be. One of the most important criteria for choosing a particular greenhouse is the durability of the structure, and it is from this that one should proceed when building a greenhouse complex. The most durable and, importantly, inexpensive is considered a greenhouse with a frame made of a profile pipe.

But if your budget is limited or you just don’t want to overpay for installing a greenhouse on the site, then you will definitely be interested in PVC pipe structures. A do-it-yourself greenhouse made of polypropylene pipes, in comparison with more expensive counterparts, has a number of advantages. One of the most bright merits- this is the ability to quickly assemble / disassemble the structure, which allows you not only to choose the dimensions of the greenhouse complex yourself, but also to fold it for the winter for storage in the garage.

Greenhouse made of plastic pipes covered with foil

Another advantage of a PVC greenhouse is its lightness. However, this quality is often taken by experts as the main drawback of such structures.

Other advantages of greenhouses made of polypropylene and PVC pipes include:

Types of greenhouse complexes made of plastic pipes

There are many modifications of greenhouses, we will give only some of the most common of them:

Light greenhouse made of film and plastic pipes
  1. Arch type greenhouses with a durable film coating (can be equipped with a wooden box and arches on steel rods, as well as arches and a plastic frame on tees).
  2. Models with gable roof film coated.
  3. Design arch type covered with polycarbonate.
  4. Products equipped with a gable roof and covering polycarbonate.

Materials for self-construction

To construct a greenhouse with your own hands, you will have to arm yourself with an aluminum profile, polypropylene or metal-plastic pipes, as well as PVC pipes. The status of truly durable and ultra-reliable complexes was deservedly won by products based on profile pipes. Traditionally, pipes with a rectangular or square section (40 x 20, 20 x 20, 40 x 40) are used for construction.

Arched greenhouse frame

The frame of the structure based on profile pipes is the best suited for subsequent glass cladding. Many gardeners prefer greenhouse complexes made of galvanized pipes. Of course, such products have a number of advantages: the frame does not rust and deteriorate from corrosion, successfully withstands any vagaries of the weather, and the service life of such a structure spans decades.

To accurately calculate the amount of materials needed, you must first design the structure. This is done either independently, with the appropriate knowledge and training, or simply downloaded from the Internet.

Attention! Anyone can construct a greenhouse based on plastic pipes: from a professional builder to a beginner who has never held a tool in his life. The main thing is desire, patience and utmost accuracy!

Frame construction

To carry out the work, we need fittings, PVC pipes, 4 beams 10 x 10, bars 50 x 50 in the amount of 10 pieces, plastic clamps, nails, screws, several sheets of polycarbonate, accessories for vents and doors of the future design, as well as some free time and desire.

Installation of the greenhouse frame

Construction work, as usual, preceded by an important stage preparatory activities: the site for the structure is selected and carefully leveled. The beam must be treated with a special antiseptic, which will retain its original quality for a long time and protect it from moisture and soil exposure. Using a beam, the base frame is carefully made.

Attachment to the base of the greenhouse

To give the structure maximum stability, reinforcing bars are used. Special blanks no longer than 80 cm long are cut from them. They are driven in around the entire perimeter of the future greenhouse at a distance of 50 cm from each other and to a depth of 40 cm. On the left side, a PVC pipe is put on the reinforcing bar, carefully bent. The second end is put on the reinforcing bar placed on the right. As a result, arcs are obtained at an equidistant distance from each other (50 cm). The pipes are fixed very simply: they are screwed to the base frame with clamps. We will need bars 50 x 50 for the construction of openings for future doors from the end of the greenhouse.

Greenhouse frame fastening

In order for the finished structure to be really strong and as durable as possible, it is recommended to install stiffeners. To do this, a pipe is attached to the central part of the end bars and is attached to all arcs by means of clamps.

Doors are installed in prepared doorways. The most simple design greenhouses are considered ready.

We select the skin


It is impossible to disagree that film is the most common coating. Yes, at first glance it may seem that the cost of film coating will be minimal. However, looking into the near future, we note that a new film will have to be bought every season, which means that the costs will only grow every year. If this does not scare you, then feel free to buy this inexpensive coating and carefully fasten it along the bottom edge of the structure. Then the film is lifted, carefully stretched, nailed in the middle with the help of rails, stretched again and fixed in the lower plane on the other side of the greenhouse. The whole procedure will take 1-2 hours on the strength. The main thing is to do everything slowly and very carefully. To install the film, choose as calm a weather as possible.

Greenhouse covered with foil

Attention! To prevent drafts and cracks, lightly weight the edges of the film coating. Use stones or fragments of bricks, which can almost always be found on any personal plot.


Despite the many advantages, a glass-coated greenhouse complex is a somewhat costly business. To build a solid and durable greenhouse, it is necessary to prepare the foundation, weld the base from shaped pipes, carefully work out the watering and ventilation of the air, and glaze it. The last stage - glazing - requires special skills and abilities from the performer, because the material is quite fragile and unsafe. Yes, and there are a lot of hooligans: inadvertently they can damage not only the structure itself, but also ruin the entire greenhouse crop.


If you are interested in a really practical, reliable and durable sheathing, then use polycarbonate. This universal material winters excellently, does not need to be dismantled at low temperatures, and in spring the soil thaws in such a greenhouse almost instantly. The coating retains heat, condensation is never visible on it, and the service life of polycarbonate reaches 10 years. No wonder experts consider it the best coverage for modern greenhouse complexes.

Greenhouse made of polycarbonate with a frame made of plastic pipes

Attaching polycarbonate to the frame is a simple procedure that does not take much time.
To cover the structure with polycarbonate, you first need to unfold it (the material is sold in rolls), remove the protective film from the bottom surface and fix the canvas at the bottom with self-tapping screws. Then the sheet gently rises and along the way is screwed to the frame every 70 cm. Having reached the opposite side of the greenhouse, the sheet is again fixed at the bottom. If the greenhouse is installed perfectly evenly, then the coating will be smooth and uniform over the entire surface.

In addition to the above materials for sheathing, you can also use non-woven materials (spunbond, agrospan, agrotex). Bubble film coatings and reinforced ones are very common, capable of withstanding any bad weather, including large hail and storm winds.

As you noticed, to build a greenhouse from pvc pipes, plastic or polyethylene pipes are not only simple, but also affordable even within a limited budget. An inexpensive and properly built PVC greenhouse will last quite a long time and will be an excellent alternative to expensive factory-made greenhouse complexes.

We build a greenhouse from polypropylene pipes: video

In gardening stores you can find any ready-made greenhouse, but it does not always meet the wishes of people. For this reason, many gardeners build such structures on their own.

Often used for greenhouse frames different types plastic pipes. They are strong, do not rust and can take any shape.

Types of pipe greenhouse structures

Due to the practicality of the material, making a greenhouse is easy. On the garden plots meet different forms greenhouse facilities:

  • arched;
  • single-sided (rectangular);
  • gable (rectangular);
  • wall-mounted (they are attached to the walls of buildings).

Varieties of PVC pipes, which are better

There are two types of plastic pipes. They are constantly used by gardeners. Strict and direct structures of greenhouses are erected from rigid pipes. Most often they look like small houses with gable roofs. The second type of material is flexible pipes made of polypropylene and polyvinyl chloride. They are suitable for creating beautiful arched structures.

Any type of these materials is completed with fitting elements. They connect the pipes together. Fittings are similar to tees, reducers and connectors on bends.

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Advantages and disadvantages of the material

Flexible and rigid PVC pipes have the following advantages:

  • resistance to rust and corrosive processes. It is known that the metal profile always rusts, and the tree is unstable to moisture. This makes gardeners prefer plastic;
  • ease of processing. Pipes are easy to cut, they can be bent in any direction;
  • ease of assembly and disassembly;
  • compactness and low weight during transportation;
  • long service life - up to 50 years;
  • resistance to temperature extremes and harsh weather conditions;
  • fire resistance (plastic is not subject to rapid ignition. It ceases to melt after the elimination of the source of ignition).

Among the shortcomings, the high cost of the material and the inconvenience of designs purchased in the store are noted.

The choice of location on the site, the type and size of the greenhouse

The site on which the greenhouse is erected should be light, and the soil should be even. It is necessary to decide in advance what time of the year the greenhouse will be used. If you want to grow plants and vegetables in winter, you should take care of the heating system. The type and size of the greenhouse is determined by paying attention to the shape, foundation and plant species. It is better not to build a large greenhouse: this is associated with high costs. It is not easy to maintain optimal microclimate conditions, including from the point of view of finances.

On a note!

standard height greenhouse or greenhouse is 2 meters.

The width depends on the number of crops that will grow in the greenhouse. It is also determined, taking into account the door and the paths laid between the ridges.

Calculation of materials and tools for work

First of all, determine the shape, length, height and width of the product. Inside the greenhouse there are two beds, between which a path is laid. If you plan the width of the beds from 0.8 to 1.1 m, you can plant plants in two rows, observing the desired interval. When calculating the width of the passage, it is necessary to take into account the size of the gardening equipment. The standard track has a width of 0.6 to 0.8 m, with a total greenhouse width of 2.0 - 2.3 m.

The optimal length of greenhouses is from 3 to 6 m. If you install a large structure, it requires high-strength materials and a different installation technology. The length of the polycarbonate sheet for coating is chosen as a multiple of its width. This will help save material. The height of the greenhouse should be such that freedom of movement is not limited in it. Between the tops of vegetables, plants and flowers, a space of half a meter wide should be left - for effective air circulation.

Low vegetables (eggplants, peppers, certain types tomatoes) grow well at a height of 1.80 cm to 2 m. For tall plants you need to build a high greenhouse - from 2.30 cm to 2.4 m.

The distance between the arches also plays a big role. If the design is collapsible, you should adhere to the norms from 0.8 to 1 meter. If the owner wants to build a collapsible greenhouse, this value should be less: from half a meter to 0.7 m.


A small distance between the arches will save the non-separable greenhouse from the severity of snow and deformation.

Also in the greenhouse are:

  • doors;
  • window vents;
  • longitudinal ties;
  • end walls.

They also need to be taken into account when calculating the material. The length of the ties is the length of the greenhouse, which is multiplied by their number. The structure has five ties: two on the side, two on the bottom and one on the roof ridge. For more durable structures, several additional screeds are installed on the sides.

You will need the following set of tools:

  • drill or screwdriver;
  • grinder (for cutting polycarbonate);
  • self-tapping screws;
  • fasteners;
  • building spirit level (or level);
  • hammer;
  • nails;
  • roulette.

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Assembly steps

Collect the greenhouse in several stages. First, a site is prepared (with or without a foundation), then a foundation is built and a frame is assembled. After the frame is assembled, sheathing is made and the structure is installed on the site.

Preparatory work

First, prepare the construction site. A layer of soil is removed from it. The area freed from the turf should be 1 m larger than the future greenhouse. Such a distance is necessary to deviate from any side by 50 cm. Using a building spirit level, the soil surface is measured and leveled.


For every 2 m of soil, a difference in its height of up to 5 cm is allowed.

Base for frame

After leveling the site, you need to take 4 large boards. Dimensions are calculated in advance. To fasten them, two or three strong galvanized self-tapping screws will be enough. After assembly, the frame is installed on the site. It is fixed with four pieces of reinforcement, hammering them inside the corners. In this case, the length of the rods is from 70 to 80 cm.

Making a frame from plastic pipes

You will need the following set of materials and accessories:

  • polypropylene pipe;
  • fasteners;
  • several tees and corner adapters;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • metal rods for reinforcement (the length of each is 0.8 m).

It is necessary to place a rectangle on the site and drive the rods along each long side of the figure. In this case, the reinforcement bars are at a distance of 0.5 to 0.9 m. The depth of entry of the reinforcing bars into the ground is 40 cm. They should be located opposite each other. This will help avoid distortion.

Now the pipes must be put on the reinforcing bars from the opposite side. So, get a symmetrical arc. At the end of the installation of all arcs, the pipe is laid horizontally - so that it is in contact with the upper points of the arches. Attach the structure with anchor bolts.

  • The protective layer on which the inscriptions are applied must be located on the outside of the greenhouse.
  • To obtain the most durable structure, be sure (!) Pay attention to the location of the "honeycombs" of polycarbonate - they should only go vertically, in inclined structures - parallel to the slope.
  • When creating arches, keep in mind that polycarbonate sheets bend only in one direction - in length, that is, along the line of stiffeners.
  • The joints of the sheets should fall on the center of the frame rack, connect the sheets only in this way.
  • Cut this kind of plastic construction knife, jigsaw , grinder . You can also use a hacksaw or a circular saw.
  • For a strong connection of sheets to each other, special plastic profiles. Manufacturers do not recommend overlapping polycarbonate. In practice, when making a polycarbonate greenhouse with your own hands, it is not always possible to cut and fit sheets perfectly. Some craftsmen generally manage to do without connecting profiles, placing overlapping polycarbonate. The most important thing is that the junction must necessarily fall on the center of the rack, and not sag in the air. Moreover, even with perfect installation under the pressure of snow, the sheet can be squeezed out of the profile. In the case of overlap, this does not happen.
  • It is undesirable to use a powerful drill for screwing in self-tapping screws - it will overtighten fasteners and often slip off during operation. It is better to work with a conventional screwdriver. Polycarbonate is drilled at low speed with little effort. Next, turn off the tool, insert the screws and continue to work.
  • The distance between the screwed screws is 25-70 cm. It all depends on the type of frame and the expected snow and wind load.
  • When assembling polycarbonate structures, riveting is sometimes used instead of self-tapping screws. However, it will be more difficult to dismantle the greenhouse or replace the damaged sheet in this case.
  • When the temperature changes, the plastic is able to change dimensions. When butt-joining between sheets, it is imperative to leave small space a couple of millimeters in size - a technological gap. Otherwise, cracks will form at the junction. For the same reason, the size of the holes for the fasteners is made a little larger. To prevent the plastic from cracking, do not twist them all the way.
  • To compensate for expansion and protection from cold bridges, it is recommended to use special thermal washers for polycarbonate (self-tapping screws are purchased separately). Applicable roofing screws EPDM, equipped with a gasket or standard for metal with a rubber thermal washer, in which the thread has a small pitch.

A self-respecting summer resident should have a greenhouse or greenhouse, at least, because to get good harvest, and even before a neighbor, every gardener dreams. Having decided to build your own greenhouse, it remains to decide on the material from which to light it all. Firstly, it must be accessible, and secondly, the greenhouse must be easy to install. After a short search, such material was found - this is a standard PVC pipe used for water supply. A do-it-yourself greenhouse made of plastic pipes is made in 2-3 days, and its cost is more than affordable.

Types and advantages of PVC greenhouses

A greenhouse made of polypropylene pipes is far from uncommon, and you can find them everywhere. They grow seedlings for garden plants, use them to grow vegetables and herbs. all year round. Sometimes greenhouses can take on bizarre shapes, but three design options are considered the most common:

  • A shed greenhouse is an “economical” option, since most often such structures are adjacent to a house or other buildings. A significant drawback of this design is the need to constantly clean the roof of snow, besides, not enough light gets inside.
  • Gable greenhouse - a design that is very popular. The triangular shape at the top creates additional possibilities by increasing the usable area inside the greenhouse.
  • Arched greenhouse made of PVC pipes can be used all year round, it does not deform under the influence of snow in winter, but the main advantage is more sunlight falling into it, which contributes to an increase in yield.

Today, greenhouses made of plastic pipes are the most affordable, and only wooden structures can compare with them. You can make them yourself, or you can buy already in ready-made mounted on site.

It will be inexpensive, and among the advantages of greenhouses made of polyethylene pipes, one can note the wide possibilities regarding shapes and sizes, the possibility of year-round use, which is associated with good tightness of the structure. In addition, installing a greenhouse from PVC pipes with your own hands is a task that even beginners can handle.

Making a drawing and choosing a material

The construction of a PVC pipe greenhouse requires careful preparation, and the first thing we need to do is prepare a drawing. You can do this yourself, taking into account your wishes, or you can find a ready-made drawing of a PVC pipe greenhouse, since there are no problems with this today. Many, however, prefer to draw up a diagram of a future greenhouse on their own, given characteristics area and other factors. Given the great popularity, we decided to build an arched greenhouse.

Starting installation, we must select the material, on which the strength of the structure and tightness will depend. In our case, this will require:

  • greenhouse pipes;
  • accessories, including tees and oblique tees;
  • board for making the base;
  • reinforcement with a diameter of 12 mm or a steel bar;
  • self-tapping screws and clamps for attaching the frame to a wooden base.

The diameter of PVC pipes in greenhouses may vary, but most often pipes with a diameter of 25 millimeters are used for this - the standard diameter of the pipe used when performing hot and cold water. Pipe length PVC greenhouses is also not a fundamental issue - it depends on its size, some even use waste, but in this case the amount of fittings needed to connect individual fragments increases.

Choosing a place to build a greenhouse

When starting to install a greenhouse or greenhouse, it is important to choose the right place, because we are talking about the harvest, and there are no trifles here. Firstly, a plastic pipe greenhouse must be in the sun, which means that the distance to the nearest buildings must be at least 3 meters.

In addition, try to orient it relative to the cardinal points - the ends should look to the north and south, and the sides to the west and east, respectively. Do not forget also about neighboring trees, the distance to which should be significant.

Site preparation and foundation installation

Sand cushion under the greenhouse

Before answering the question of how to make a greenhouse out of plastic pipes, you must prepare the site for the future construction. The place of the future greenhouse must be carefully planned, removing excess land or filling it.

Marking by pegs

We carry out the markup, in accordance with the previously drawn up scheme. To do this, we drive in metal rods, fittings or wooden pegs in the corners. It is important here that the dimensions are ideal, and special attention should be paid to right angles, for which it is necessary to “break through” all the diagonals, which will avoid skew.

Master's advice. Checking diagonals is very easy using the Pythagorean theorem. Everything is done elementarily: from the corner we measure the same distance in both directions (the twine should already be stretched). We connect the obtained marks with each other, getting right triangle. We take measurements with a tape measure. If the square of the diagonal (hypotenuse) is equal to the sum of the squares of the legs (sides), then we are doing everything right!

Next, we proceed to the device of the base, and for this we need a wooden board, a hammer and nails. Everything is simple here, but if you want the greenhouse to last as long as possible, impregnate the wood with a special compound that can prevent decay processes. After collecting the base, do not be too lazy to check the diagonals one more time in a known way.

Next, we make marks and drive in the reinforcement or steel bars necessary to install the frame to the desired distance. The distance between them should be 50-60 cm. Now it would not hurt to make the greenhouse itself from PVC pipes, which means that it is time to mount the frame.

Greenhouse frame device

The next step in the installation of a greenhouse from pipes with your own hands is the construction of a frame - a task, at first glance, difficult, but completely solvable and within the power of any owner. The frame of the greenhouse is made of PVC pipes, as we have already decided. Main Feature this pipe is the absence of the need to attract a welder, whose services are not cheap. It is enough to have a simple device for soldering plastic pipes, and you can even borrow it from a neighbor or rent it at the bazaar for a couple of days.

We will insert pipes into previously clogged reinforcement or into steel bars, but first we need to weld the pipe in the middle, where a cross will be installed, creating an additional stiffener.

Tees are used at the junctions of pipes. We insert the bent pipes and do this several times, depending on the number of arcs. We connect the arcs to each other with crosses, thereby increasing the strength of the structure. We fix the structure from below by screwing it with self-tapping screws and clamps to a wooden base.

As you can see, there are no particular difficulties yet, but they can arise when arranging doors and windows. To do this, draw vertical lines from the base on both sides and make marks on the arc. For fastening, we use oblique tees, although you can do this with the help of wooden slats, but in this case suffers appearance designs.

Covering the greenhouse (film or polycarbonate)

A do-it-yourself PVC greenhouse will be ready when we cover it, for which there are two common options. It is easier and cheaper to do this using plastic wrap, which is not difficult to buy. You need to fasten the film to the base on one side with nails and wooden planks, stretch it and fasten it in the same way on the opposite side. But there is 1 drawback: this design is not very neat, since it is quite difficult to “stretch” the finishing material.

Some difficulties will arise with polycarbonate - in this case, an additional timber is stuffed onto the base, which will allow the carbonate sheet to be drowned. It is attached using standard screws. Such a greenhouse looks much more beautiful, but it costs much more money and the scale of the problem can only be realized after comparing the price of polycarbonate and film.

This is where the work ends and, as you can see, making a greenhouse out of a plastic pipe is easier than a steamed turnip, right?

Let us give some advice on increasing the strength of the greenhouse structure. So that it lasts for a long time, and if you do not plan to move it from place to place, do not spare the effort and money required to build a concrete foundation that can extend the life of the greenhouse for many years. It will be enough 40 centimeters deep and 20 cm wide.

The use of transparent polycarbonate as a coating can extend the life of a greenhouse and greenhouse, but when choosing a material, you need to determine the density. Thick material costs proportionally more, so you will have to choose between a reasonable cost of construction and its strength.

And now let's see a short video of making a greenhouse from plastic pipes in order to see this simple process with our own eyes:

Almost on every suburban area the owners arrange a greenhouse or greenhouse, and most prefer to do it with their own hands. Previously, various natural materials were used - wood, metal, glass, and today plastic is increasingly being introduced into the yards of private owners. A greenhouse made of plastic pipes is modern, simple, convenient, durable and cheap. Moreover, she is going to, as from a Lego constructor: with her own hands and with virtually no tools.

A greenhouse made of plastic pipes is becoming more and more popular, because it has a number of undeniable advantages. It is easy to make, the assembly itself will take only a few hours, you don’t need to be a professional for this, just decide on the dimensions, make a drawing, buy and bring necessary materials. Since plastic pipes are light in weight, they do not need a large physical strength. Therefore, you do not need to attract many people to work.

Any structures made of PVC (polyvinyl chloride) or HDPE (low pressure polyethylene) pipes are easy to assemble and dismantle, which is very convenient in the country. Often they make greenhouses for seasonal use, covered with plastic wrap: the owners use them all year round, after operation they remove the film, disassemble the frame, clean it for the winter, and collect it again in the spring. Assembling the structure with his own hands, the summer resident wants not only to save money, but also to realize own desires, plastic elements are best suited for this.

Perhaps the most important advantage of plastic pipes compared to other materials used is the absence of their interaction with water, earth, air - PVC and HDPE do not rust, do not mold, do not rot, do not emit any harmful substances either into the air or into earth. This explains the durability of the material - in itself important quality. And environmental friendliness in agriculture, of course, is welcomed.

What are greenhouses made of PVC pipes

Greenhouses most often do:

  • arched;
  • gable;
  • lean-to.

For arched greenhouses made from PVC pipes with their own hands, knock down a box of boards or wooden beams. Pipes are put on metal, less often wooden pins (pegs), which are securely fixed in the ground, 30-40 cm of the pin should remain on top, which freely enters the pipe . If such a greenhouse (greenhouse) is covered with plastic wrap, then the ends are usually covered with plywood, wood board or plastic, in which doors and vents are made for ventilation. If the arched structure is covered with polycarbonate, then the end sides are also made from it.

Single-pitched and double-pitched greenhouses are covered with both film and polycarbonate. Such a heavy, fragile and expensive material as glass is less and less used for greenhouses and greenhouses in our summer cottages, which is not surprising.
Pipe structures are usually installed on a foundation or rigid base to add rigidity and stability to them due to the lightness of the material.

Video "Installing a greenhouse from plastic pipes"

Do-it-yourself step-by-step process of assembling a greenhouse from plastic pipes at a summer cottage

How to build a flexible pipe greenhouse

Arched greenhouses and greenhouses are usually made by hand from flexible pipes with a diameter of at least 20 mm. In order to build such a greenhouse, you need to take:

  • metal pins with a diameter of 10-12 mm and a length of 50-75 cm;
  • plastic pipe with walls 3 mm thick;
  • plastic clamps for connection;
  • aluminum fasteners to attach the arches to the wooden frame;
  • polyethylene film for coating;
  • planks to help secure the film.

The amount of materials must be accurately calculated according to the drawing, which will inevitably have to be done if we want to assemble the structure with our own hands. Still have to buy wooden beam for door frames, vents, hinges for hanging opening doors, nails, locks, screws. At the most convenient place for the greenhouse, you need to mark its position, drive metal rods into the ground with a sledgehammer along the line of long walls, leaving 30-40 cm outside.

Now you need to put the pipe on the opposite pins and attach it to the wooden frame with metal brackets. This is how all arches are performed, and the more often they are located, the more stable the whole structure will be. If the frame is made under polycarbonate, then the step is commensurate with the size of the sheet, polycarbonate will make the greenhouse (greenhouse) heavier, more stable and simply tougher. And if the coating is supposed to be from a film, then the more often the step, the more stable the greenhouse, the less polyethylene will walk, and, therefore, it will be used longer.

Now you need to assemble the end walls, insert doorways, vents, additional fragments of wood for frame rigidity. After that, the upper screed of the arched structure is installed. It runs along the highest points of all arches, is attached to them with polymer clamps.

The finished frame is covered with a film, placing it in such a way that pieces of the same length remain from the ends. They fix it with planks, press the film with them and nail them to a wooden frame on one long side. Moreover, you need to start from the middle, and not from the corners. After the film is fixed on one side, it is evenly straightened and the same is done on the other long side: the planks are nailed, starting from the middle and moving towards the corners.

At the ends, the film is collected in folds and nailed. Doors and vents pre-covered with film are hung. If the ends are also film, then the film under the doors and vents is cut out so that there is enough left to fix it on the beam. This simple circuit do-it-yourself construction of an inexpensive greenhouse (or greenhouse) using plastic pipes. Based on it, you can create something of your own, more aesthetic, artsy or suitable for a particular area.

Some do not use boards to fix polyethylene, instead they take furniture stapler. Some people add ribs at the ends for rigidity, and many make the ends of an opaque but rigid material. That is the beauty of building something with your own hands - you can give free rein to your imagination and choose the most acceptable from the many options. Flexible plastic pipes in this case are the most suitable material.

Use of rigid pipes

Rigid plastic pipes are usually used for the construction of shed, wall and gable greenhouses. Using fittings, you can assemble the frame without gluing, which is convenient for greenhouses used temporarily. Rigid pipes are connected with polymer tees or couplings, covered with plastic wrap or polycarbonate - all options are good. The only thing that cannot be done when using plastic pipes is glazing. It is not advisable to use glass in a frame made of PVC or HDPE pipes.

Video "Description of the assembly of greenhouses and PVC pipes"