Mediterranean menu recipes. The Mediterranean diet is an ideal nutritional system for beauty, health and weight loss. The main mistakes of losing weight and how to avoid them

On the banks Mediterranean Sea There are a number of countries spread out in which the mortality rate is very low. Reviews of their Mediterranean diet for weight loss are always positive. What's the secret? IN proper nutrition. This is not a diet, but developed correct habits that affect both your health and your figure, which need to be followed not for 1 week, not 2, not a month, but constantly.

The effect of diet on the body

The effect that the Mediterranean diet has on the human body is complex and includes:

  • saturating the body with antioxidants that delay its aging;
  • has a positive effect on the condition of cardio-vascular system, helping to ward off most problems;
  • makes rectal and breast cancer less likely;
  • improves the body's resistance to diabetes;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • helps prevent Alzheimer's disease;
  • improves the condition of the respiratory system, preventing chronic diseases and emphysema;
  • qualitative improvement of the body's condition;
  • the direction of development of the body towards weight loss in cases of excess weight.

Diet principles

The Mediterranean diet itself is about changing the quality of food in your diet. You need to increase the amount of dark green, red and orange fruits and vegetables in your menu. You should also use it as much as possible more fish and seafood every week. For proper weight loss It is necessary to apply the following basic nutritional rules:

  • the menu should include dishes that contain a lot of complex carbohydrates;
  • It is necessary to constantly use olive oil;
  • consume the maximum amount of plant foods as part of the menu (vegetables, fruits, legumes);
  • Drink a glass of red wine during lunch;
  • replace sugar with honey;
  • drink a large number of water per day (from 6 glasses).

The Mediterranean diet pyramid has several tiers. The first, largest tier includes foods that need to be consumed every day.

Residents of every Mediterranean country eat frequently: 4-6 times a day. Every day you need to consume a number of different foods, the composition of which includes protein, starch, fiber and vitamins A and B, a wide range of minerals and phosphorus. Foods consumed seven days a week during the diet include: olive oil, various grains, peas, legumes, lupins, strongly flavored herbs, red wine, milk, cheeses, vegetables and fruits.

For breakfast, the Mediterranean diet suggests grains. The Mediterranean lunch menu consists of noodles, rice, vegetables and pasta. Protein foods and vegetables usually make up dinner. Glass of wine - required element meals per day. What about fruits? They are an essential dessert that is healthy for the Mediterranean diet for weight loss. It is served after meals at least three times a day. Grapes, figs, bananas and fruit juice are not very welcome guests on the Mediterranean table.

In addition to plant-based and dairy products, which should be eaten daily, the Mediterranean diet includes foods rich in protein. This is the second tier. They must be consumed at least 3 times a week. Which ones exactly? protein products? White poultry meat, eggs, fish and seafood are the main diet.

At the very top of the Mediterranean pyramid is meat. They use it on average about once a month.

The Mediterranean diet has not gone unnoticed by specialists in the field of medicine and nutrition. This style of eating was adopted by doctors to develop the Mediterranean diet for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system. Nutritionists have also developed a system for weight loss based on it. In a month, people lose more than one kilogram on it.

Menu development

In order for your Mediterranean diet for weight loss to be effective, you need to develop the right menu not for a day, but for at least a week, or for 5 days. Some people design it a month in advance. Here is a sample Mediterranean diet menu and some recipes for preparing them.

Day 1 of the Mediterranean diet for weight loss will look something like this:

  • Muesli with added pieces of fruit for breakfast.
  • Banana yogurt - second breakfast.
  • Lots of baked vegetables different color(zucchini, peppers, etc.) - for lunch.
  • Fruit salad of grapes and kiwi, seasoned with freshly squeezed lemon juice for an afternoon snack.
  • Tomatoes with mozzarella cheese - for dinner.

Day 2. The menu is slightly different. You can't leave food monotonous. We need variety. And so every week: change everything, both products and recipes, do not let boredom settle on your table. Eg:

  • Tzatziki sauce, consisting of cucumber, garlic, low-fat cottage cheese, onion and mineral water, is served for breakfast with bread and two tomatoes.
  • Mozzarella and a slice of tomato with a crispy, aromatic piece of bread would be appropriate for second breakfast.
  • Tender lamb meat, cooked on skewers and served with vegetables and rice, will be a wonderful lunch.
  • Boil rice and add grapefruit slices to it for an afternoon snack.
  • For dinner, serve papaya stuffed with the pulp of the same fruit and cheese and nuts. Add a slice of fresh white bread.

The menu for day 3 will be as follows:

  • Breakfast can consist of half a papaya, 100 grams of melon and pineapple, as well as fruit tea.
  • For second breakfast, you can take a ham sandwich, 1 slice of crusty bread and 1 tbsp. l. low fat butter.
  • For lunch, make a vegetable stew and top it with mozzarella and nuts.
  • An afternoon snack may consist of a honey drink, including artichoke and carrot juice, a small amount of lemon, a tablespoon of honey and a little olive oil.
  • For dinner, toast and cheese are ideal, as well as shrimp.

On the fourth day of the Mediterranean diet, we suggest preparing other dishes, namely:

  • For breakfast, prepare a ham sandwich and tomato juice. The sandwich should be seasoned with pepper, yogurt (low-fat) and lemon juice.
  • For second breakfast, you can make sweet cheese by adding pineapple slices to it.
  • Fry a small amount of lamb in oil and serve it with pasta. Complete the dish with tomatoes and zucchini.
  • A delicious sandwich with lettuce, sweet pepper and salami is perfect for an afternoon snack.
  • You can have a salad for dinner. To prepare it, use the following products: radishes, Bell pepper, stuffed olives, canned cucumber, tomato, leek.

Bright and delicious dishes, which the Mediterranean diet offers us on the fifth day, are as follows:

  • Breakfast will consist of a sandwich with cheese, 200 grams of melon, a teaspoon of wheat germ and a glass of carrot juice.
  • Second breakfast may consist of a salad made from tomatoes and mozzarella.
  • A piece of juicy salmon served with sour cream sauce, greens and rice, will be a wonderful lunch.
  • A fruit salad of grapes (30 g), kiwi and orange (1 piece each) and lemon juice will replace your afternoon snack.
  • Dinner on this day may consist of tomato soup, accompanied by toasted bread and green onions.

It is necessary to constantly develop a rough list of dishes for the week, alternating and changing them. These dishes should be varied, healthy and tasty.

The Mediterranean diet is a diet for weight loss, as well as recipes for normalizing the functioning of the body and cleansing it. All her dishes are healthy and do not have harmful ingredients. Diet products, when combined, help the body remove harmful substances and also have a beneficial effect on all body systems. That is why reviews about the diet are written not only by those who wanted to change their figure, but also by people who were cured of various chronic diseases in this way. And it only took them a month to do this.

The benefits of the Mediterranean diet have made it popular in many countries around the world. Over more than 65 years of its existence, the concept has gained an entire army of fans. Russia was no exception, where high-calorie foods usually predominate in the diet.

General rules and basic principles

More than 15 countries are located around the Mediterranean Sea. Despite the cultural and ethnic differences, they all have some similarities with each other in terms of the organization of the daily diet.

Many foods in this diet contain fatty acid Omega-3, so necessary for maintaining female beauty, that is, the condition of the skin, hair and nails

  1. Abundance in the diet fresh vegetables, fruits and fruits (including nuts, seeds).
  2. Consumption of pasta and bread based on grain crops - a supplier of B vitamins (B1, B2, B6) and long-breaking carbohydrates.
  3. Fruit for dessert is an unbreakable rule.
  4. Approximately 25–30% necessary for the body fatty acids are provided by vegetable oil, mainly olive oil. Other sources of fat are not excluded.
  5. Cheese, yoghurts and other fermented milk products.
  6. Egg consumption is limited to 3–4 pieces. per week, often the product is excluded altogether.
  7. Poultry and meat are allowed, but in moderate, closer to small, quantities. Alternatives to meat and poultry include seafood and lean fish.
  8. Red wine is welcome on the table during meals (with the exception of Muslims).
  9. During the day you need to eat small portions and often - 5 times, including 3 main meals and 2 snacks.
  10. A healthy diet is supported by an active lifestyle. Light jogging, fitness, evening walks, ball games, swimming and any other sport are welcome.

Goals and Expectations

  1. Cleansing blood vessels from cholesterol.
  2. Protecting the cardiovascular system from stress associated with the formation of cholesterol plaques and blood clots.
  3. Reducing the risk of stroke and heart attack, diabetes.
  4. Getting rid of extra pounds, stabilization normal weight, obesity prevention. The weight loss effect is due to the ratio of proteins/fat/carbohydrates - 10/30/60% or 20/30/50%, respectively.
  5. Normalization of blood pressure.
  6. Strengthening the nervous system.
  7. Normalization of organ function gastrointestinal tract(Gastrointestinal tract).
  8. Reducing the risk of cancer.

An abundance of fresh vegetables and fruits - distinguishing feature this diet

The entire diet of the Mediterranean diet is aimed at prolonging a person’s initial resources as long as possible:

  • supply of oxygen to individual organs and systems;
  • improvement of tissue regeneration;
  • maintaining vigor and energy even in old age.

Pros and cons of the Mediterranean diet

What are the benefits of the Mediterranean diet?

  • fragmented nutrition stimulates the body to fully process food. Metabolism gradually becomes fast and easy;
  • By following a Mediterranean diet, it is quite possible to be a gourmet at the same time. There are no strict restrictions on the range of products, so there is no stress. A person is freed from negative experiences, because different taste sensations are still available to him;
  • Mediterranean cuisine is valued for its balance, the body receives the full spectrum of “ building materials"(proteins, carbohydrates, fats, micro- and macroelements);
  • diet becomes the foundation of healthy eating behavior for many years;
  • In most catering establishments, Mediterranean cuisine is available to visitors, so “going on a diet” does not mean leading a reclusive lifestyle, avoiding parties and corporate events.

Red wine should be dry. Choose a high-quality, expensive product

There are also disadvantages:

  • the absence of strict boundaries for a beginner can become a real difficulty - everything seems to be allowed, which means that it is difficult for a lover of delicious food to control himself;
  • the price level is indeed slightly higher than most diets aimed at eliminating a whole series of products from the diet;
  • Residents of remote regions may have difficulty finding alternatives to exotic products that are common in the Mediterranean.

Expert opinion on the effectiveness of this diet: video

Permitted and prohibited products

The Mediterranean diet is based on the food pyramid.

What products will you have to give up on principle:

  • starchy foods;
  • white baked goods (rich in gluten);
  • butter, lard, fatty meat;
  • candies and other sweets;
  • sausages, sausages, smoked meats;
  • fast food;
  • strong alcohol.

It is preferable to include in the diet (replace prohibited foods with healthy analogues):

  • vegetable fats, among which the leader is olive oil;
  • fresh fruit three times a day as dessert, including as a replacement for eliminated sweets;
  • instead of white bread made from premium flour - bakery and pasta products from whole grain flour;
  • replace sugar with honey or fruit and berry jams and sweet dried fruits such as dates;
  • instead of cocoa and sweet drinks, it is advisable to drink green coffee;
  • unrefined cereals and rice instead of refined cereals;
  • There must be greens (basil, rosemary, parsley, lemon balm, thyme, oregano), garlic and onions;
  • boiled and vegetable stew, but raw ones are also needed - eggplants, peppers, tomatoes, zucchini;
  • Among dairy products, give preference to fermented milk ( low-fat cottage cheese, yoghurts, kefir, curdled milk);
  • legumes are an important part of the Mediterranean menu;
  • red, but lean meat, consumed no more than once a week;
  • At least 4 times a week, high-quality fish is expected on the table, and always lean fish (for example, tuna, white halibut, trout, salmon);
  • drinking wine is not prohibited, although the recommended quantity is 1 glass per day and no more.

For clarity, nutritionists have developed the so-called “Mediterranean diet pyramid”, where the entire diet is schematically divided into foods and the frequency of their consumption. Important element of this nutrition system - daily consumption of clean drinking water in the amount of 1.5–2 liters.

Mediterranean diet menu for a week

To make it convenient for someone losing weight to follow the principles of the diet, there are ready-made menu sets. For example, you can eat like this.

The diet menu is very varied and will not allow you to go hungry


  1. Fresh fruit. Greek salad serving 100 g olive oil cold pressed. Cheese. Boiled chicken. Two slices of bran bread.
  2. Snack - apple and grapes.
  3. Squid, cut into rings and baked with herbs(~150 g). A glass of red wine. Sea salad with fresh carrots and stewed kelp.
  4. Afternoon snack - low-fat cottage cheese.
  5. Weak tea with honey. Egg soft-boiled 1 piece, without salt. Boiled brown rice with oregano. Fresh tomato salad.


  1. Low-fat cottage cheese 2–3 tbsp. l., green coffee. Dates 6–8 pcs.
  2. Snack - yogurt.
  3. Natural juice from fruits. Whole wheat flour pasta. Steamed tuna.
  4. Afternoon snack - weak tea, bran bread, sweet fruit.
  5. Millet porridge. Stewed vegetables.


  1. Muesli with homemade yogurt. Fresh citrus fruit. A piece of cheese.
  2. Snack - banana.
  3. Steamed sea fish. Grilled vegetables. A glass of dry red wine.
  4. Snack - dates, green tea.
  5. Boiled egg. Greek salad with feta. Weak tea with honey. Two slices of bran bread.


The tea must be freshly brewed and not from a bag!

  1. Apple. Two loaves of rye flour. Fresh vegetables or fruits to choose from, or a mix.
  2. Snack - olives, tuna salad. Green tea.
  3. Boiled beef (100 g). Herb tea. Steamed gray rice, serving 75 g.
  4. Afternoon snack - 3 tbsp. l. muesli with kefir.
  5. Grilled fish. Boiled asparagus 100 g. Red wine (glass 125 ml).


  1. Crispbread with jam. Green coffee. Cottage cheese.
  2. Snack - low-fat kefir, avocado.
  3. Stewed beans with vegetables.
  4. Cheese. Coarse bread. Yogurt. Dried almonds (1 handful).
  5. Steamed rice. Stewed fish.


  1. Cheese. Whole grain bread (2 slices). Herb tea. Honey.
  2. Snack - unsweetened yogurt. Dates 5 pcs.
  3. Tuna salad. Olives. Steamed rice.
  4. Afternoon snack - fresh fruit. Muesli 3–4 tbsp. l. A handful of hazelnuts.
  5. Boiled turkey. Red wine. Apple.


  1. Green tea. Cheese 20–30 g. Two slices of bran bread.
  2. Snack - fermented milk product (kefir, yogurt, yogurt). Mango or grapes.
  3. Vegetables with chicken, baked in the oven with spices.
  4. Wholemeal pasta. Fresh. Fresh basil greens.
  5. Salmon baked in wine. Herb tea. A fresh vegetable salad.

Recipes adapted to Russian conditions

In our conditions, certain menu components are not always available. Some of them are difficult to find in supermarkets, some are relatively expensive and not everyone can afford them. It’s good that most overseas wonders can be replaced with everyday products from the diet of the average Russian with an average income.

All products for this dish can be bought at the nearest supermarket or market


  • 1 small eggplant and zucchini;
  • red bell pepper 1–2 pcs.;
  • garlic clove;
  • medium sized onion;
  • chopped herbs - parsley, basil (about 1 tsp of mixture);
  • 250 g boiled unpolished rice;
  • cold pressed olive oil - 50 g;
  • vegetable broth 1.2–1.5 l.


  1. Chop the pepper, zucchini and eggplant into cubes and place on a deep baking sheet (pre-grease it with oil).
  2. Vegetables are cooked in the oven at 190–200 degrees for 20 minutes.
  3. The garlic and onion are stewed separately for a couple of minutes and combined with boiled rice.
  4. Gradually add vegetable broth to the vegetables on the baking sheet or plain water and simmer for another 15 minutes.
  5. Vegetables are removed from the oven, mixed with rice and decorated with herbs.

Baked chicken fillet

Chicken fillet is not particularly popular among residents of the Mediterranean, but in Russian conditions it is one of the staple foods. Its presence on the table during a diet does not contradict the basic principles of the diet


  • raw egg 1 pc.;
  • hard-boiled egg 1 pc.;
  • medium sized onion;
  • cheese 10 g;
  • yogurt 35–40 ml;
  • garlic clove;
  • cherry tomatoes 6 pcs.;
  • chicken fillet 250 g;
  • spices to taste (one-ingredient, without glutamates);
  • lemon for decoration.


  1. Beat the fillet with a chef's hammer.
  2. Add a little salt.
  3. Add spices.
  4. Arrange the chicken meat in layers or portions on a baking sheet; it should be greased with olive oil in advance.
  5. To fill, mix yogurt, grated cheese and raw egg.
  6. Pour the mixture over the meat.
  7. Preheat the oven to 220 degrees, bake the dish for half an hour.
  8. Before serving, garnish with lemon, cherry and boiled egg slices.

Regimen for the 3rd day of the diet: simple recipes for losing weight (video)

Restrictions and contraindications

Despite the apparent universality of the Mediterranean diet, there are also contraindications to it. It is not recommended:

  • in the presence of gastrointestinal ulcers (the abundance of fiber can cause exacerbation of conditions);
  • people with allergies to seafood, since fish occupies one of the most important places in this food system;
  • individual intolerance to several elements of the diet at once - fresh herbs and fruits, fermented milk products or other elements of the diet.

Attention to those who dream of losing weight “quickly and deliciously.” The diet on average helps to get rid of 6–7 kg per week, but with high stages Obesity results will have to wait much longer.

Physical activity will help strengthen it.

Running is contraindicated for people weighing over 100 kg, so you should pay attention to walking or cycling You should also take into account the financial aspect. Benign natural products

are noticeably more expensive, and this cannot be ignored - with low incomes, it is unlikely that it will be possible to fully implement the Mediterranean food system. On the contrary, the baby in the mother’s womb gets used to healthy eating behavior in advance. By default, a newborn develops the correct metabolism. A Mediterranean-type diet reduces the risk of allergies, asthma and other diseases associated with the functioning of the immune system in a child.

Quitting the diet

It is stupid to indulge in forbidden foods while quitting your diet. You will quickly return to your previous weight levels

The Mediterranean diet is as close as possible to the needs of the body. That is, we are not talking about a diet as such, but about a lifestyle. But there are still situations when a person is inclined to return to his previous diet. What to do in such cases?

  1. At the final stage of the diet, eliminate green coffee from your diet, starting to replace it with juices and cocoa-based drinks.
  2. Reduce the amount of olive oil you consume, and increase the amount of butter. Add meat sauces to the menu.
  3. Replace some dairy products with lean chicken and other poultry breeds.
  4. Increase the amount of red meat to 2-3 times a week (instead of the previous once).
  5. About vegetables. They should not be reduced. It is appropriate to start eating potatoes.
  6. If you feel a craving for “regular” sweets in the form of pastries and cakes, abstain from them for a month after finishing the Mediterranean diet.
  7. The same recommendation applies to alcohol, fatty fried meat, smoked meats and pure salt.

Mediterranean diet! The name alone brings to mind the salty sea wind, the silky rustling of olive leaves and the seductive aroma of fresh fish frying on the grill. Good news: the Mediterranean diet can truly be called a truly hedonistic eating style - there are minimal restrictions when following it, and the products can be used to create a menu for a gourmet restaurant.

Is the Mediterranean diet the eighth wonder of the world?

The Mediterranean diet has a unique reputation - it is the only food system recognized as a national cultural heritage by UNESCO in 2010. The honors of its custodians were initially shared by the largest countries in the Mediterranean region, famous for their culinary traditions: Greece, Morocco and Italy. And in December 2013, UNESCO expanded the list of countries National cuisine which also shares the values ​​of the Mediterranean diet, at the expense of Spain, Portugal, Cyprus and Croatia.

Of course, the gastronomic traditions of these countries, which are very different both geographically, socially, and religiously, differ significantly - they all have their own “crown” products and unique specialties.

However, researchers have found that all Mediterranean cuisine is nevertheless based on common values, which formed the basis of the Mediterranean diet as an eating plan that can be followed even far from sea shores and shady groves.

Researchers from the Archieves of Neurology found that a Mediterranean diet reduces the incidence of damage to blood vessels in the brain; their colleagues from the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism proved that the Mediterranean diet causes an increase in the concentration of osteocalcin serum in the body, which strengthens the skeleton; and doctors in the American Journal of Medicine are confident that those who follow a Mediterranean diet have a much lower risk of having a myocardial infarction than those who eat a low-fat diet.

The first popularizers of the Mediterranean diet were American doctors Ancel Keys and Walter Willett. Their efforts overcame the mistrust of typical Westerners who initially could not understand how eating a diet rich in carbohydrates, generously seasoned with olive oil and washed down with red wine could not only help you lose weight, but also protect your health.

However, numerous scientific studies have done their job: the Mediterranean diet won fans, and by the beginning of the 2000s it became, without a doubt, one of the most popular diets worldwide.

The Mediterranean diet has a positive effect on life expectancy and reduces the chances of developing Alzheimer's syndrome, Parkinson's disease and type 2 diabetes. Today, nutritionists also classify it as a diet, which, in general, is not at all surprising, because once you start following the Mediterranean diet, you don’t really want to end it.

Mediterranean diet food pyramid: what and how much to eat?

All types of foods included in the Mediterranean food system are located in this pyramid from bottom to top as the frequency of their consumption decreases. It is based on “slow” carbohydrates, represented by unrefined cereals (bulgur, brown rice, barley, millet), durum wheat pasta, whole grain bread. The Mediterranean diet is based on them - it is assumed that in one form or another you will consume up to 8 servings of various foods of this type per day.

Above slow carbohydrates, supplying the body with evenly supplied energy “fuel” are fruits (up to 3 servings per day) and vegetables (up to 6 servings per day).

The "layer" of olive oil in the pyramid means that it is used as the main source of lipids where needed.

Olive oil, rich in unsaturated fatty acids, helps not only to avoid “clogging” of blood vessels with cholesterol, but also has an aggressive effect on old body fat, so his help in losing weight and getting healthy is invaluable.

The Mediterranean diet is a balanced eating plan. A varied menu and the absence of strict restrictions allow you to follow it as long as you want and your wallet allows.

The bottom of the pyramid, representing the foods that should be eaten daily on a Mediterranean diet, is topped with calcium-rich dairy products (2 servings per day). Preference should be given to fermented milk products without additives and low-fat fresh cheeses.

The higher ones are the permitted foods, which must be consumed regularly, but in moderation. It is recommended to eat sea fish 5-6 times a week, lean poultry - 4 times a week, olives, dried fruits, nuts, seeds - no more than once a day. The consumption of potatoes and other root vegetables (parsnips, turnips) should be limited to 3 servings per week. On the Mediterranean diet, you are also allowed to enjoy 1 to 4 eggs per week and three servings of sweets or chocolate.

At the peak of the pyramid is red meat - its consumption is limited to 4 servings per month (portions should be small, up to 100 grams of the finished product).

For the Mediterranean diet choose best products first freshness. What can be eaten raw is eaten raw, it is advisable to ferment grains before cooking by soaking them for a day, and for vegetables and meat use steaming or grilling.

Five rules of the Mediterranean diet

  • 1 Maximize your intake of plant foods and try to discover all its diversity by adding whole grains, vegetables and fruits, legumes, and nuts to your menu.
  • 2 Avoid red meat: Lean poultry and fish fillets are complete sources of animal protein, but their amounts in the Mediterranean diet are rather moderate.
  • 3 Wherever possible, replace cooking fats, butter, lard with extra virgin olive oil.
  • 4 Replace salt with spices and herbs: sodium is found in sufficient quantities for the body in almost all products of plant origin, in addition salt will be served with brine and whey cheeses recommended on the Mediterranean diet.
  • 5 Don’t forget about the original benefit of the Mediterranean diet - drink high-quality dry red wine with lunch and dinner!

Does the Mediterranean diet work for weight loss?

The Mediterranean diet is characterized by a balanced diet, so there are no actual medical contraindications for it. Despite the diet plan's commitment to food choices, food combinations, and portion sizes, the Mediterranean diet does involve cutting out a number of foods. This is fast food, semi-finished products (including ready-made factory sauces!), refined foods, products containing hydrogenated fats - in a word, everything that we know not from the best side and without an emphasis on Mediterranean nutrition.

However, anyone who has ever tried to get rid of extra pounds understands that in order to lose weight it is necessary to create a deficit of incoming calories: only in this case the body will begin to use up its own fat reserves.

When drawing up a menu for the Mediterranean diet, focusing on the pyramid, which will help present the diet in the correct proportions, it is also necessary to monitor the portion sizes. It is optimal for these purposes to use a measure of volume, known in the USA and Great Britain as a cup (1 cup = 237 ml or 16 tablespoons. For Russians, it will be convenient to measure portions with a familiar glass (1 cup - 1 incomplete glass) or get a special measure.

To lose weight on the Mediterranean diet, nutrition experts recommend judging the size of your meal. In any meal, one product is limited to the following volume:

  • leafy fresh vegetables: 1 cup
  • prepared (steamed or boiled) vegetables - ½ cup
  • pasta and grain side dish - ½ cup
  • cooked legumes - 1 cup
  • yogurt or whole milk- 1 cup
  • potatoes - 1 cup
  • fruit - 1 piece
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • nuts - 30 gr
  • lean meat, fish - 100 g of finished product

This is perhaps the only restriction offered by nutritionists to those who want to lose weight on the Mediterranean diet, and it is rather advisory in nature.

The specific composition of each breakfast, lunch and dinner and the number of ingredients are determined by the person losing weight, focusing on the proportions presented in the pyramid and general recommendations meal plan. In addition, you can use numerous collections of recipes dedicated to losing weight on the Mediterranean diet.

A day on the Mediterranean diet involves 5 meals, of which 3 are full meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner), and 2 are snacks. It is advisable to maintain approximately equal intervals between meals: as you know, the more evenly calories come in, the more evenly they are burned.

And, of course, when adopting such an important part of Mediterranean culture as the approach to dining, it is impossible to ignore the cultural and social aspects nutrition of residents of coastal countries. Diverse and natural physical activity, such as walking and cycling, team sports, swimming, remains an integral part of the answer to the question of how to lose weight on a Mediterranean diet.

Drinking regime on the Mediterranean diet

Sanus per aquam (“health through water”)! The ancient Romans, the ancestors of the Mediterranean people, bequeathed to us this timeless wisdom. The Mediterranean diet does not argue with it: simple, non-carbonated, clean drinking water becomes the main source of liquid, it should be consumed evenly throughout the day (at least 1.5 - 2 liters per day).

Of course, soda, lemonade and any drink containing sugar are prohibited, including compotes, juices and fruit drinks from packages. Freshly squeezed juices should also be treated with caution; they contain large amounts of fructose, which without the presence of fiber does not contribute to weight loss. Fresh juices cannot be perceived as drinks; they are more of a food, or rather even a dessert.

The Mediterranean diet frowns on the consumption of coffee and tea: if you cannot wake up without a cup of espresso, then limit yourself to just one cup in the morning. However, the diet is aimed at providing you with a constant energy boost, and perhaps the need for invigorating caffeine will gradually disappear on its own.

But dry red wine with its most valuable flavonoids is held in high esteem on the Mediterranean diet - men are allowed to drink three and women two glasses a day, fully enjoying the bouquet of the drink and its combination with a delicious dish prepared according to Mediterranean rules.

The Mediterranean diet - the choice of the curviest celebrities

One of the most ardent fans of the Mediterranean diet is the Spanish-born Hollywood star Penelope Cruz. The happy wife of brutal handsome man Javier Bardem, the mother of two charming kids, has repeatedly admitted in interviews that her favorite foods from childhood helped her quickly get back into shape after pregnancy - fish, vegetables, fruits, natural yoghurts and lots and lots of aromatic olive oil.

The benefits of the Mediterranean diet in the fight against signs of premature aging are simply embodied in Penelope - she was born in 1974, however, apparently, she does not think of parting with the role of a sultry beauty, maintaining not only her feminine figure, but also the natural beauty of her hair and skin. The help of the Mediterranean diet in maintaining the health of the cardiovascular system, using the example of the beautiful Spaniard, is also beyond doubt: Penelope Cruz is always in good mood and full of energy. As a physical activity that complements the healthy menu, she chooses ballet, admitting that boring gym classes are disgusting to her temperament.

Another famous follower of the Mediterranean diet is the great Italian actress Sophia Loren. This woman is original in everything, including her interpretation of a healthy nutrition system.

Lauren is famous for saying about herself: “I owe everything you see to spaghetti.”

The actress, who has become a symbol of femininity for several generations, sincerely believes that there is nothing healthier than high-quality Italian pasta made from durum wheat with homemade sauce with vegetables, cheese, and, of course, olive oil. Sophia Loren cooks food for herself and her two sons, walks a lot and enjoys life - this is what, in her opinion, is in the company of basic products Mediterranean diet, preserves her beauty and harmony for many decades.

The Mediterranean diet is based on the formation of a certain correct type of nutrition. Basic diet: vegetables, fruits, herbs, olive oil, nuts, grain bread, fish, meat, poultry, yogurt, cheese, you can even dry wine and sweets, but in limited quantities.

In fact, diet is about the right approach to nutrition. Additionally, active physical exercise. It is important to note that unlike express diets, the abuse of which often negatively affects our health, the Mediterranean diet, on the contrary, is very beneficial for our body. This diet contains all the vitamins and minerals we need. This is a type of nutrition that promotes comprehensive health of the body and reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and even cancer. Next, we will describe the principles of the Mediterranean diet in more detail: which foods you can eat and which are on the list of prohibited foods.

Mediterranean diet: healthy eating menu

Your daily menu should consist of 60% carbohydrates, 30% fats and 10% proteins. Let us remind you that healthy fats Contained in olive oil are the so-called OMEGA fatty acids. Our body receives proteins when we eat meat, fish and legumes. And carbohydrates are, first of all, cereals (porridge, pasta and bread, preferably with bran). Strict dietary restrictions are not encouraged by the Mediterranean diet; on the contrary, a comprehensive, balanced diet is necessary.

The Mediterranean diet menu should be structured as follows:

A hearty breakfast should consist mainly of foods rich in carbohydrates. For lunch, it is advisable to eat vegetables, again carbohydrate foods and, of course, meat and fish rich in proteins. Dinner should be light (vegetables and dairy products). Indicative menu:

  • Mediterranean Diet Breakfast: oatmeal, rice, millet or buckwheat porridge, rich healthy carbohydrates and fiber.
  • Second breakfast of the Mediterranean diet: fruits
  • Mediterranean Diet Lunch: oven-baked cod under a cheese cap with vegetable side dish and a glass of wine.
  • Mediterranean diet afternoon snack: nuts
  • Mediterranean Diet Dinner: salad of avocado, tomatoes, cheese and seafood with a slice of whole grain bread
  • Mediterranean Diet Late Dinner: yogurt with fresh berries and 1-2 pcs. oatmeal cookies.

Approximately according to this scheme, a Mediterranean diet menu for a week is compiled. According to the rules of the Mediterranean diet, you need to eat vegetables every day. Whether they are cooked or raw does not matter. It is important that you eat more than one kilogram of them. It sounds like a lot at first glance, but in reality it turns out to be not much, because the Mediterranean diet recommends eating 5-6 times a day. Those. Between the main meal, there should be light snacks, for example, salads from fresh vegetables. The famous Greek salad is considered a classic option for a healthy and tasty snack in the Mediterranean diet.

A popular Caprese salad recipe for the Mediterranean diet. The basis of the salad: tomatoes and cheese called “Mozzarella”, which are cut into circles and carefully placed one after another on a dish. The salad is decorated with basil leaves. The sauce consists of olive oil, 1-2 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar and your choice of salt and ground black pepper.

As for vegetables allowed in the Mediterranean diet. This is everyone's favorite, potatoes (but not many), carrots and all types of cabbage, bell peppers, zucchini and eggplants, pumpkin, corn, and, of course, tomatoes. An abundance of greenery is also welcome. Let's not forget about our favorite ones Mediterranean coast olives. They can and should be eaten too. The Mediterranean diet menu should include cereals and legumes (beans, peas, beans, etc.)

Bean soup recipe. Meat broth, meat (preferably more), potatoes, a can of canned beans tomato sauce, a little extra tomato paste(if necessary), onions, carrots and greens.

As for the afternoon snack. Between lunch and dinner you can snack on fruit. Make a delicious and light fruit salad with natural yogurt, for example. In every diet and recommendations for proper balanced diet special attention is paid to water. In the Mediterranean diet, you need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water every day. The water is pure drinking water, non-carbonated, no juices, namely water. Water improves metabolic processes and cleanses our body. You need to drink it between meals so as not to stretch your stomach. Let us pay attention to such a product as permitted in the Mediterranean diet, such as wine. In small quantities, wine is even beneficial, because it stimulates metabolic processes in our body. Therefore, one glass of wine with lunch is a completely acceptable pleasure.

Mediterranean diet: foods to avoid

There are a lot of permitted foods in the Mediterranean diet, but there are also a number of prohibited ones. First of all, we exclude foods that contain a lot of sugar. Pastries made from puff pastry, custard, shortbread and yeast dough. We exclude smoked products. We do not drink whole milk; only fermented milk products and cheese are allowed in the Mediterranean diet. We read labels carefully and buy only healthy foods: without palm oil, transgenic saturated fats, preservatives, artificial colors and all kinds of flavors. The Mediterranean diet allows poultry and meat, as mentioned above, but in limited quantities and not too fatty.

Mediterranean diet: food table

Because The Mediterranean diet does not contain a strictly regulated menu; you can use a convenient table that shows the permitted foods in proportion. Roughly estimate your diet and follow it every day. For example, porridge in the morning; during the day vegetable stew, potatoes or spaghetti with fish or poultry, additionally a salad of fresh vegetables, an afternoon snack of fruit, and dinner a vegetable salad (possibly with the addition of cheese or poultry), a late dinner may include yogurt, kefir or fermented baked milk. Follow the table and common sense and you will succeed.

Mediterranean diet: effectiveness for weight loss

The Mediterranean diet, however, like all diets based on ad libitum eating, does not provide quick results for weight loss. Of course, you will lose weight, but gradually. However, the undoubted advantage of the Mediterranean diet is that the effect will be long-term. After all, it is advisable to stick to the Mediterranean diet all your life; it should become a “healthy” habit. Weight loss will occur over a long period of time: from six months to a year. But the effect will last for the rest of your life. Your weight will not fluctuate up and down as with express diets, and the health benefits will be simply invaluable. Olive oil (an essential product of the Mediterranean diet) contains healthy fatty acids, as well as vitamin E. It has been repeatedly proven that they help effectively reduce the level of cholesterol (“bad”), and, therefore, prevent the formation of plaques on the walls of blood vessels, which helps avoid the development of the most serious pathologies of our cardiovascular system.

In addition, the Mediterranean diet menu is rich in fiber, vitamins and all the necessary minerals. We all know from childhood that cereals, vegetables and fruits are healthy. Fermented milk products help cleanse our body and strengthen our immune system. In general, the Mediterranean diet, if assessed on a scale of five, deserves the highest rating. And in order to quickly achieve the desired effect, i.e. fast weight loss, you need to acquire others good habits, namely, frequent walks on fresh air and regular exercise. And then you will be able to improve your body health and lose weight much faster.

If you have stomach ulcers, the Mediterranean diet is not recommended for you. This type of diet and diet rich in fiber is not suitable for you. The diet is also not suitable for nursing mothers and people with an allergic reaction to seafood.

Mediterranean diet: recipes for delicious and healthy dishes

  • Mediterranean salad with avocado and shrimp

You will need the following products: ½ kg of shrimp, a small package of cherry tomatoes, 1-2 ripe avocados, 2 sweet peppers or a can of canned sweet corn, one medium-sized cucumber and herbs. Salad dressing recipe: half a glass of natural (without additives) yogurt, a couple of teaspoons apple cider vinegar, ½ clove of garlic, salt and pepper to your taste.

  • Shrimp pasta for the Mediterranean diet

Great option delicious pasta, which is prepared quickly and easily. Required products: spaghetti (pasta), shrimp or seafood cocktail (1/2 kg), 300 ml of heavy cream, shallots (2 pcs.), 2 cloves of garlic, salt and pepper, nutmeg, fresh basil to decorate the dish, as well as the main product of the Mediterranean diet - olive oil. Preparing pasta is very simple. First, fry finely chopped onions and garlic in oil with spices, then add cream, and lastly seafood, which cooks for only 5 minutes. Secondly, mix the sauce with pre-boiled pasta. Before serving, the dish is decorated with basil leaves.

  • Mediterranean cod

There are many recipes for this dish, but let’s focus on the most interesting. You will need the following products: cod fillet (large piece), zucchini (1 pc.), tomatoes (3 pcs.), red onion (2 pcs.), large pitted olives (15-20 pcs.), of course, olive oil oil, salt and spices. For the sauce: lemon juice (1 tablespoon), olive oil (3 tablespoons), garlic (1 clove), Dijon mustard (1 tablespoon). How to cook? We chop all the vegetables coarsely and hang them with olives and butter. Place on a baking sheet, pre-greased with oil, season with spices. To prevent the dish from burning and to make it convenient to take it out later, you can put foil on a baking sheet. Bake vegetables in the oven for 20-30 minutes. Coat the cod with olive oil and lightly rub with salt and pepper. Place it on the vegetables and place in the oven for another 10 minutes. If the piece is very large, then the time can be increased slightly. Then mix all the ingredients for the sauce (they were listed above). Serving the dish: vegetables come first, which are poured over ½ of the sauce and sprinkled with herbs, then the fish is carefully laid out on top and sprinkled with the rest of the sauce. This dish is perfect for lunch or dinner if you follow a Mediterranean diet.

Knowing the basic list of products, using your imagination and experience, you can easily come up with original Mediterranean diet dishes and menus for the week.

Also good option balanced diet counts .

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