Sports energy drinks.

home Experts believe that energetic drinks

came to Europe from China a little over 20 years ago. At least, many of them claim that the recipes for such drinks were imported from Hong Kong. They came to Russia much later. Probably, it is not so important to know who was the first to come up with this remedy that allows you to pace the rhythm of a person’s life; what is more significant is the fact that regular consumption of such drinks has an ambiguous effect on the human body, and many are sure that it is detrimental to health.

“If energy drinks are harmful, then why can you buy them on every corner?” - a thoughtful reader will ask. He is absolutely right about one thing - there is no ban on such drinks in Russia. At the insistence of the energy drink manufacturers themselves, the Federal Center forensics

at the Ministry of Justice recently checked some types of energy drinks and admitted that they do not contain even the slightest traces of narcotic substances or psychotropic additives.

Energy drink producers are happy. Not one of the components included in our drinks can cause harm, they comment on these examination results. - All of them have been known and studied a long time ago. The buyer can drink them absolutely calmly, charging himself with energy. This examination destroyed all plans of the Russian State Drug Control Service to ban the production and import of energy drinks, popularly called “energy drinks.” (For some reason there was confidence that their harmful effects would be equal to amphetamine or ecstasy.) Deputies State Duma

They also tried to ban drinks that, in their opinion, were harmful to health. But they did it somewhat sluggishly, and the bill failed.

The explosion of interest in “energy drinks” occurs against the backdrop of the fact that the price of a can of such a drink is much more expensive than a bottle of beer. Or maybe it’s just that the manufacturer’s profit from selling energy drinks, that is, from a can of soda with caffeine, taurine and sugars, is much higher than from the same portion of beer, and production is much cheaper. However, this is just my guess, and not a proven fact, that there is a powerful lobby supporting energy drink manufacturers.

The main active ingredient in energy drinks is caffeine. There are no complaints against him from doctors. In the same way, doctors cannot prohibit drinking coffee. But there are many lovers who constantly spur themselves with cups of this hot drink.

Meanwhile, there are more and more cases where young people get a dangerous overdose of energy drinks with such drinks, as well as facts that they are simply “addicted” to energy drinks.

Energy and sports

The invigorating effect of energy drinks often awakens a pleasant craving for physical activity or exercise. However, keep in mind that caffeine does more than just help maintain muscle tone and give you a boost of energy.

Of course, it’s good when you have time and opportunity to play sports. Someone who regularly spends time in gym or a fitness center, knows that the body not only actively spends energy during exercise, but also gets rid of water.

Energy drinks help you lose moisture twice as much. The load on the skin increases, the kidneys work more actively. One can of energy drink will not lead to dehydration, but the carbon dioxide and sugar in such a drink only fuel thirst, further increasing the load on the kidneys. Caffeine also increases blood pressure, as does active sports or fitness. Have mercy on your body; it’s better not to drink tonic soda during training. In such cases, clean water or mineral water without gas.

Don’t get carried away with energy drinks even after finishing your classes. sports club. After training, blood pressure is already elevated. You shouldn’t increase it further with energy drinks. In the end, the safety margin of your circulatory system and, especially, arteries is not unlimited.

In general, it will be better if after serious physical exertion or sports activities, you will not spur yourself on with tonic drinks, since the body’s reaction to energy drinks can be unpredictable. And the reaction to energy drinks may also depend on the state of health in this moment, time of day or even psychological state.

The most important thing to remember is that when you drink energy drinks, there is actually no energy in the can. The drink only frees up your hidden reserves, but these reserves are not limitless. Sooner or later the supplies will run out and they will have to be replenished. Without healthy rest, even the most powerful drink will not revive a tired body, even if it is called a “liquid battery in a can.”

see also

The rhythm of the big city dictates its conditions to us. Long hours of vigil at the computer, intense mental activity, intense sports activities as opposed to a sedentary lifestyle - fitness or simply tormenting an exercise bike according to a schedule - all this accumulates as some kind of hopeless fatigue on an exhausted city dweller.

Cups of tea and coffee consumed to maintain tone, a bottle of beer after an intense workout in the gym - we are not the first to think about how harmful this is. But what can change in this vicious circle of encouragement and prodding of an exhausted body?

Energy drinks are what today is persistently offering to the Narzan-weary consumer.

So, let's try to figure out what kind of miracle drinks these are, and how good are they? By definition, this miraculous cocktail should cheer up a tired body. The invigorating element is good

known - mainly caffeine. However, modern energy fashion prefers extracts of exotic plants, such as ginseng or guarana, to caffeine. Unlike caffeine, guarana extract is gentle on the stomach, is released much more slowly and does not cause allergies.

If you have never heard of this category of drinks, then you are clearly in the minority - it is well known to drivers making long journeys, students on sleepless nights before a session, club youth counting on their strength until the morning. And, of course, athletes whose strength after long training is replenished with so-called functional drinks.

By the way, sports drinks also exist - their task is simply to replenish the fluid supply in the body. But during intense physical activity, the body loses not only water, but also a lot of vital substances.

Therefore, one sports drink is not enough; the body needs additional recharging. And precisely, energy drinks instantly awaken activity. True, there is a huge gap between existing energy and sports drinks! Some are designed to have a powerful energetic effect on your body, others are designed to restore moisture loss. We need something in between that would combine best qualities and the functionality of these two categories of drinks.

And there is such a drink it’s a drink “ Tsunami"! It combines the best qualities of both energy and sports drinks. Helps recharge your batteries after exercise and restore lost essential microelements. The drink with a lemony-bitter taste is very refreshing and quenches thirst.

The main feature of the drink is that its main energetic effect on the human body is not caffeine (although it is also present, but much less than in other energy drinks), but the active herbal extracts included in its composition. In addition to the guarana already known to us, in “ Tsunami» also includes herbal components: ginkgo biloba, ginseng and mate.

« Tsunami» contains vitamin C and a number of B vitamins, minerals and natural Orange juice. In general, natural ingredients are always dearer to the heart. Nowadays, this is not just a tribute to fashion - but also a very important component of the diet of a city dweller, completely starved of artificial products.

Drink " Tsunami“not only improves physical well-being, but also stimulates mental activity: helps improve memory, increases the ability to perform monotonous long-term work.

Of course, everything has its own reasonable limit. There is a safe recommended daily dose– no more than 2 cans per day (0.33 ml). After all, everyone reacts differently to caffeine, guarana and other components of the drink. This must be taken into account.

There are also contraindications for persons suffering from increased nervous excitability, hypertension, insomnia, cardiac dysfunction and children under 12 years of age.

But for most of us, those who strive to do and try many things, who need more energy, who like to constantly discover new things, who prefer leisure who wants to achieve more and get the most out of life energy drink " Tsunami" will be a good help.

Mate – Paraguayan tea, contains caffeine, promotes weight loss, eliminates hunger and thirst, contains vitamins A, B, C, riboflavin, biotin, iron, calcium and many trace elements - a total of 24 vitamins and minerals and 15 amino acids, improves mood and enhances libido.

The desire to be vigorous, strong, resilient and tireless has been instilled in Homo sapiens since the time of his appearance. This desire was dictated by the harsh laws of survival. To enhance their physical capabilities, people used herbal remedies. Some plants used only roots, others only leaves or pollen. They also found herbs that used everything. We know from history that Greek and Roman warriors used parsley, thyme and other gifts of nature, richly fortified and rich in microelements, before battles.

In modern conditions, when the need for development and accumulation physical strength For the majority of the planet's population, struggle and survival are no longer necessary; you can become cheerful and playful in a matter of minutes. To achieve the desired state, it is enough to drink a miracle drink or take a pill. The possibilities of organic chemistry saved people from searching in forests and meadows for mood stimulants, sources of vigor and generators of strength.

Young people, due to their self-confidence, do not think much about what will happen tomorrow after consuming energy tonics. The attractive taste of “soda” with activating internal forces body components, often causes serious health problems. Of course, from one jar a day or even less often, for a consumer with normal functioning of the body, there will be no deviations in health.

The question often arises about the impact of energy drinks, including sports drinks, on the functioning of the heart and in general of cardio-vascular system. You can hear a lot of stories, with examples from life, about their actions and consequences, in which facts and fictional stories are mixed. There are very popular opinions that drugs, such as cola, or stimulants that enhance power are added to drinks heart muscle.

According to the information printed on the container with the drink, it can be enhanced with caffeine concentration or its composition can be enriched with carbohydrates, vitamins and amino acids. All of the listed substances are constantly used by residents and are not hazardous to health. Found in natural forms, they are necessary and useful for every person. But, created artificially and combined in a beautiful package, the above components cannot always give the expected effect and not for every person involved in sports.

And since the heart is most susceptible to being “stimulated” by various tonics, and this may be a composition formed by amino acids and carbohydrates, blood pressure will certainly increase and a heart rhythm disturbance may occur. This conclusion was made by cardiologists in 2013 at a meeting in New Orleans. There was also a warning about compliance with measures in the use of energy drinks. Clearly they should be excluded from sports nutrition for persons who have a hereditary predisposition to cardiac abnormalities or who already have signs of disturbances in cardiac activity.

Before using energy “support”, cardiologists advise:
- monitor the amount of drink you drink,
- analyze the manifestation of the effects of various “tonics”,
- pay attention to the occurrence of side signals,
- Be sure to consult a doctor.

The following warnings may serve as warnings about the need to refuse to give yourself strength in the future through “sports energy drinks”:
- arrhythmia of the heart muscle,
- high heart rate in a relaxed state,
- anxiety, worry and nervousness,
- feelings of dizziness and nausea.
And drinks of the second group containing caffeine are completely unacceptable for athletes. Firstly, exceeding its dose will be recognized as doping, and secondly, caffeine quickly loses its effect and instead of excitement comes apathy and muscle weakness.

Like all energy boosters, the action of sports drinks is aimed at achieving noticeable physical results. But not at the expense of the energy of the contents in the jars, but at the expense of the body’s reserves. It is known that excessively “extracting” strength from it ultimately “does not lead to good.” Only moderation and caution in their use will allow the athlete to avoid negative consequences.

During competitions and intense training, the athlete’s body especially needs to restore lost fluid reserves, receive additional portions of electrolytes, vitamins and energy. The standard components of a sports drink are primarily carbohydrates, electrolytes (potassium and sodium), vitamins, and most importantly, water, which is the main chemical element, the replenishment of which is the body's primary task, both during intense exercise and after training.

All modern sports drinks, to one degree or another, contain a proportion of carbohydrates, a complex of amino acids and energy components that stimulate the oxidation of fats in the body, restore the target muscle group and improve overall metabolism during active physical activity.

There are many types of sports drinks, but according to their main distinguishing characteristics they can be divided into 2 large categories:

  1. Isotonic drinks;
  2. Energetic drinks.

Watch the video below about the meaning and types of sports drinks.

Isotonic sports drinks

Isotonics– these are drinks whose main task is to replenish lost fluid during training or physical activity. They contain not only water, but also vitamin complexes, carbohydrates, amino acids and electrolytes. Based on the purpose of the isotonic drink, all of the listed nutrients are presented by the manufacturer in various ratios. Some are aimed at increasing the duration of training due to the greater presence of simple sugars in them, others reduce the concentration of lactic acid, and others have fat-burning properties due to the presence of L-carnitine in them.

In general, most isotonic drinks contain from 5 to 10% simple sugars. It has been proven that carbohydrate supplements within these limits contribute to the fastest absorption of the concentrate into the blood, which is comparable to the rate of absorption of plain water. This fairly high glucose content improves performance and increases the length of time the body is in an active state during prolonged exercise (more than 2 hours). This is explained by the supply of working muscles with carbohydrates, which prevent a decrease in glycogen reserves.

The main ingredients of isotonic drinks shared by global manufacturers Powerade, Gatorade, Lucozade Sport are: water, sugar syrup, antioxidants ( ascorbic acid), lemon acid, aspartame (as a sweetener), a nicotinic acid(vitamin PP), vitamins B5, B6, B12, beta-carotene. For an athlete, the cost of such an isotonic drink will cost an average of 1 euro per 0.5 liter.

Watch the video about the role and importance of isotonics.

Isotonic drink recipe

A simplified recipe for an isotonic drink prepared at home:

  • 350 ml water;
  • 200 ml natural juice;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 3 teaspoons sugar.

All ingredients must be mixed in a blender or shaker and the isotonic drink is ready.

Energy sports drinks

All known energy drinks are a solution of carbohydrates in water. As simple carbohydrates These include fructose, sucrose, glucose, maltodextrin, etc. Naturally, energy drinks have a higher concentration than isotonic drinks (approximately 10-20 g per 100 ml). Depending on the purpose of the energy drink, they may contain different proportions of active nutrients that have a certain daily dosage. Here are some of them:

  • caffeine;
  • taurine;
  • guarana;
  • ginger;
  • green tea extract;
  • beta-alanine;
  • B vitamins: B6, B12.

The Main Purpose of Energy Sports Drinks– supply the body with carbohydrates, which help delay fatigue, increase endurance and intensity of training that lasts more than 1 hour. The benefits also include replenishing fluid losses and receiving lost electrolytes from the outside.

Substances such as caffeine, guarana, ginseng can contribute to an additional surge of strength, since the presence in them fatty acids saves glycogen reserves in muscles and reduces fatigue. Due to the higher concentration of carbohydrates than in isotonic drinks, energy drinks are used as restorative drinks and are absorbed very slowly. Such energy drinks are developed with the addition of the necessary proteins (casein or whey). The optimal ratio of simple carbohydrates to easily digestible proteins is 3:1.

Watch the video about making energy drinks at home.

Which energy drink to choose

The choice of a specific energy drink is determined by the focus of your training. If the goal is weight loss, then you should choose a drink containing caffeine, guarana, synephrine, and green tea extract. Less often - with the addition of yohimbine and tyrosine, which turn the energy drink into a thermogenic fat burner. If your physical activity continues after a hard day, then in this case a drink containing B vitamins and niacin is suitable, which will increase muscle tone and increase mental concentration.

During the training process, depending on the severity, you need to drink about 400 ml of the drink (with a sugar intensity of 10%) per hour, that is, approximately 100 ml every 15 minutes of training. However, be careful with excessive use of hypertonic formulations, as they may have the opposite effect of rehydrating the body.

Prepared by "Person"

The feeling of fatigue and apathy towards everything is familiar to many. However, if in standard life situation You can try to arrange an unscheduled day off for yourself, but athletes, especially during preparation for competitions, do not have such a luxury. IN short time Strength will be given by sports energy products, which, in addition to directly increasing energy, have other beneficial effects.

What are sports energy drinks?

We have already briefly answered the question of what sports energy drinks are for. It remains to figure out what it is this type sports nutrition. So, these are carbohydrates or carbohydrate-protein mixtures, which are based on carbohydrates with different chain lengths. As a rule, these include glucose, fructose, maltodextrin and others.
Manufacturers add plant components to sports energy drinks that have a stimulating and tonic effect. It can be caffeine, guarana, ginseng or yohimbe extracts and so on. In addition, the composition includes vitamins, minerals, amino acids. Some energy drinks also add L-carnitine. Sports energy drinks are available in the form of capsules, soluble powders, drinks (isotonic drinks) or gel.

How do sports energy drinks work?

The advantage of sports energy drinks is the rapid release of carbohydrates into the blood. People resort to this type of sports nutrition when they want to increase their endurance and extend their workout.
Reasons for taking energy drinks include:

  • The desire to dramatically increase strength and energy.
  • Normalization of water-salt balance in the body, preventing dehydration.
  • Preservation of protein in the muscles, and with it the whole muscle mass athlete
  • Fat burning effect (including due to the addition of L-carnitine).

During physical activity Sweat is released, and the body loses moisture and becomes weaker. The heart begins to pump the clotted blood with great effort, the athlete may feel dizzy and lose strength. Taking sports energy drinks helps restore water-salt balance. By the way, this is why the drink has a salty taste.

Popular Sports energy drinks

Effects of taking sports energy drinks

Some believe that due to high content carbohydrate energy drinks are almost identical to gainers. However, they are classified as a separate group in sports nutrition.

  • Such sports nutrition as an energy drink translates nervous system into a state of increased activity.
  • The athlete becomes more concentrated and attentive.
  • Reaction improves, brain function activates.
  • Caffeine, guarana. L-carnitine is important for the fat burning process, so sports energy drinks are used by those who want to lose weight.

How to take sports energy drinks?

Any sports nutrition, including energy drinks, must be taken according to the instructions, in the indicated dosage. The soluble powder is drunk in small sips, usually during training, between approaches, to ensure a regular supply of necessary substances to the body. As a rule, it can be diluted with still water or milk. Standard proportions: 50 g per 0.5 liter of liquid, but it is better to check the instructions. There is a temptation to drink everything at once, but this should not be done.
In the composition, it is important to pay attention to glycemic index. If it is high, you should take an energy drink half an hour before the start of your workout. And on a day of no physical activity, it is better not to consume sports energy drinks at all, so that excess carbohydrates do not turn into fat and insulin does not begin to be actively released. In addition, do not take energy drinks at night so that the ingredients do not interfere with the production of growth hormone somatotropin.
When it comes to dosage, it is important to take into account the height, weight of the athlete and the type of physical activity. It is generally accepted that a regularly exercising person requires a minimum of 60 kcal per 1 kg of weight per day.

The benefits and harms of sports energy drinks

Speaking about the benefits and harm that sports energy drinks can bring, it is worth noting that not only the composition is important here, but also individual characteristics the athlete's body. Help you achieve an ideal body and achieve high results complex effect of training and diet, in combination with properly selected high-quality sports nutrition.
Both the powder, drinks and gel have pleasant taste characteristics. As we have already noted, often the components of energy drinks are guarana and caffeine. If you take this type of sports nutrition too often, with the sole intention of increasing your training load, it can lead to cardiovascular exhaustion. Cardiac arrhythmia and increased blood pressure may develop.
Energy drinks are also dangerous for people who have a slow metabolism. In this case, caffeine will take longer to be eliminated from the body. Possible insomnia, general increase anxiety, rash on the face.
Do physical exercise Necessarily. Otherwise, despite the fact that the energy drink is sports, you risk gaining excess weight. There are studies that show that taking sports energy drinks can lead to digestive problems and cramps. In other words, be sure to follow the instructions, study the possible side effects and don't overdo it.