Colgan plant. Galangal root medicinal properties and uses - tincture of galangal root. Tincture for thyroid diseases

Galangal root is a plant that has a large root. The rhizome is used in medicine as a medicine and in cooking as a useful seasoning. Raw materials for medicinal purposes begin to be harvested in the spring or autumn. The dug up roots of the plant are washed well and dried in the sun. The roots can be stored in a dry place for up to five years. healing properties During this period of time the plant will not lose. It tastes similar to ginger and is therefore widely used in cooking. meat dishes.

Contraindications for use

Galangal root causes significant vasoconstriction, so this is something to consider when choosing its use for treatment. In addition, it is not recommended to use it if the body temperature is elevated, with hypertension and if the acidity of the stomach is reduced.

Galangal root is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women, as it can harm not only the woman, but also the unborn child. It is also contraindicated for children under 16 years of age and people prone to alcoholism.

When using medicines based on galangal root, the following may occur: side effects: stomach pain, vomiting and severe nausea. This is explained by the fact that the root contains a lot of tannins.

In any case, it is best to consult a doctor before using the root.

Medicinal properties of galangal root

The root by its nature is an excellent antiseptic, can relieve almost any pain, has a choleretic effect, and has wound-healing and bactericidal properties.

Rinse your mouth with a decoction of galangal for problems with gums or sore throat. If you mix galangal root powder with toothpaste and brush your teeth with this substance, you can get rid of bad breath.

For bronchitis, galangal root will help in the form of inhalations

When treating hemorrhoids, the root is prescribed in the form of enemas and douching.

Many diseases cannot resist the properties of this wonderful plant. Thyroid gland, gout, stomach ulcers, this and much more are treated by galangal root.

The root is most useful for men. This excellent remedy stimulates potency and treats it at different stages. Since ancient times, the root has been used precisely for such problems.

Kalgan root contains healing energy, improves appetite, and relieves constipation.

Use of galangal root in folk medicine

For acute abdominal pain, this infusion of galangal will help:

Take finely chopped galangal root and add one glass of water, place it over boiling water in a saucepan. After removing from the heat, the root is poured hot water and insist a little. A spoonful twice a day is enough to get excellent results.

A standard tincture of galangal roots is prepared as follows:

30 gr. The ground roots of the plant are poured with alcohol or vodka. Keep this mixture for three weeks in a dark place. The infusion must be shaken every day to avoid sediment. Take the infusion before meals, 30 drops. This medicine is applied to burns and rashes. For diseases of the oral cavity, moisten a cotton swab with the tincture and apply it to the sore spots for a while.

Galangal ointment heals wounds on the nipples, feet and lips. Mix one spoon of root powder with previously melted butter. Keep in a saucepan over boiling water for 40 minutes, stirring gently, filter and cool in the refrigerator. The prepared ointment is carefully rubbed onto the cracks every day until complete healing occurs. To treat heels, you can instead butter use goose fat.

We continue the story about medicinal plants that literally grow under our feet. One such plant with numerous medicinal properties is Potentilla erecta. Popularly, this plant is often called galangal. Many of you may have noticed this pretty plant with bright yellow flowers. The presence of four petals on a flower is a characteristic feature of galangal.

Potentilla erecta is a perennial herbaceous plant up to half a meter high. IN folk medicine Kalgan root is most often used, it is where it is concentrated greatest number useful substances. It grows wild throughout Eurasia, in Russia - from the Kaliningrad region to Altai. It prefers to settle in open spaces on the edges of forests, bright meadows, in floodplains of rivers, and in former fields. Loves slightly acidified soils poor in nutrients. The plant belongs to the Rosaceae family, which includes apple trees, cherries, and roses.

Other popular names for the plant are uzik, oak forest, moguchnik. Although it should be more accurately called galangal grass. The plant begins to bloom in May and continues until August.

Cinquefoil erecta is called galangal, but this is not entirely true. In fact, galangal is a plant in the ginger family and is a relative of ginger. And this plant grows only in South-East Asia and in China. In the 19th century, galgan was supplied to Europe through Russia.
The rhizome of the plant is almost horizontal, woody, cylindrical, reddish-brown in color, up to 2-7 cm long and up to 1-3 cm in diameter, and has numerous small shoots - roots. Externally, galangal root is similar to ginger root, but much more aromatic than its relative. The taste of galangal is sharply spicy, burning, and bitter. When cut, the root is red-pink in color; when oxidized, it turns red-brown. It is on this basis that galangal root differs from ginger root.

Galangal oil is produced from the root of galangal, which is included in the composition of the world, which is boiled Orthodox Church Once every 4 years. IN Western Europe Galangal oil is used in the distillery industry. Galangal root is widely used in cooking; in Chinese cuisine, galangal root is used as a ginger substitute. In Russian cuisine, the spice is included in recipes for custard gingerbread, mash, sbitney and kvass. Tinctures with the root have a pleasant aroma, sour taste and a beautiful tea color of the drink.

Chemical composition

  • Essential oils, which provide the characteristic, rather strong odor of the plant;
  • Flavonoids are pigments that give color to plant tissues;
  • Tannins, their amount reaches up to 35%, which is quite a lot for a plant;
  • Organic acids - quinic, malic, ascorbic, they give drinks a sour taste;
  • Glycosides have a wide range of effects on the body;
  • Macro- and microelements (copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, selenium, etc.), without which the normal functioning of the body is impossible;
  • Wax and resins.

Medicinal properties

Kalgan - pretty famous plant and has been used as a tonic for quite a long time. In addition, it has other useful properties:

  • astringent,
  • hemostatic,
  • bactericidal,
  • antiseptic,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • wound healing,
  • painkiller,
  • expectorant
  • choleretic,
  • diuretic,
  • regenerating,
  • antioxidant,
  • soothing,
  • moderately anticonvulsant,
  • restorative.

When consuming infusions and tinctures, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, their elasticity is improved, the deposition of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels is slowed down, cartilage tissue is strengthened, the functioning of the pancreas and thyroid gland is normalized, and is effective for painful periods and toothaches.


Preparations from galangal root are used internally and externally.

Externally in the form of an infusion for rinsing the mouth for diseases of the gums, teeth, and inflammatory processes in the throat and tonsils. In addition, an infusion of Potentilla erecta is used in the form of lotions and baths for skin diseases, including weeping eczema, burns, frostbite, and even quite severe, poorly healing wounds.

Internal use in the form of teas and infusions has an analgesic effect for diseases of the intestines and stomach, ulcers, diarrhea, and colitis. This is an excellent remedy for flatulence, as an astringent for diarrhea. Alcohol tinctures used for jaundice and other liver diseases.

Alcohol tincture is a pleasant and delicious drink, has such beneficial properties and such amazing taste that many prefer it to others alcoholic drink. But remember that drinking alcohol large quantities dangerous for health!

Benefits for women

In addition to the general effect of cinquefoil on the body, for women this plant will be useful for painful and heavy menstruation, uterine bleeding, and calms the nerves during PMS and during menopause. During breastfeeding, the ointment will help cope with cracked nipples.

Benefits for men

Kalgan will be especially useful for men experiencing certain difficulties with potency. Men attribute sexual impotence to fatigue, overwork, and nervous tension. But the reason lies completely different. The cardiovascular system is not able to fill some organs with blood, which directly affects the appearance of an erection and further actions.

Tincture of galangal root will help men cope with such a problem, because it contains those active substances, which have a positive effect on potency. To do this, it is enough to consume 1-2 tbsp daily. l. tinctures.


  • Individual intolerance;
  • tendency to constipation;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • childhood;
  • exacerbation infectious diseases and fever;
  • high blood pressure;
  • impaired blood clotting.

Side effects occur with an overdose and are expressed by abdominal pain, nausea, and even vomiting. Similar symptoms occur with increased concentrations of tannins. When the drugs are discontinued, such symptoms disappear.

How to prepare tincture, infusion, decoction and ointment


To prepare the tincture, take a half-liter bottle of vodka and pour 150 ml of vodka from it into a glass. Then add the same volume of dried roots into the bottle through the neck. If after you have added all the pieces to the bottle and you still have space left in the bottle, add the vodka back to the full capacity of the container. Of course, instead of a bottle, you can use a glass jar of the same volume, and instead of vodka, you can use homemade moonshine.

Leave the container to infuse for 1 week. dark place. In a week the tincture will be ready. The roots in the tincture will swell and fill O higher volume than a week ago. The color of the tincture will become the color of strong tea leaves or like good cognac.


1 tablespoon of crushed root is poured into 50 ml of boiling water, the container is covered with a towel and left to infuse for 3 hours. The strained infusion is drunk 1 tbsp. l. three times a day before meals. Used when intestinal infections accompanied by diarrhea.

To prepare an infusion for mouth rinsing, lotions and baths, 1 tsp. dry raw material is poured with a glass of boiling water, infused for half an hour, filtered.


For external use, take 1 tbsp. l. crushed raw materials are poured with a glass of boiling water and heated in a water bath for 10-15 minutes, let cool. The volume of the resulting decoction is brought to the original volume with boiled water. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times before meals.

For rinsing the mouth, a decoction is prepared at the rate of 1 tsp. per liter of water.

For diarrhea, a decoction is prepared from roots and/or herbs at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. for 0.5 liters of water. When the decoction is ready, drink 100 ml no more than 4 times a day on an empty stomach.


Used for skin diseases, non-healing wounds, hemorrhoids, chapped lips. Take 5 g (1 tsp) crushed dry raw material and 1 cup cow butter. If it is not available, you can use unrefined vegetable oil. Bring to a boil over low heat and cook for another 5 minutes. Pour warm into a dry jar. Cool and store in the refrigerator.

Collection and procurement of raw materials

The above-ground part is harvested during the flowering of the plant. Harvesting of galangal roots can be carried out in September-October. Once you find a plant, it can be difficult to dig it up, since it has a rather large rhizome. Therefore, you will hardly dig it out of the ground without a shovel.

Having dug up the rhizome, clean it of soil and small side roots and wash it cold water immediately, then scrape off the top layer. It is advisable to immediately cut the rhizome into small pieces, since the root quickly becomes woody and then it will be difficult to finely chop it.

It is better to dry on fresh air, avoiding exposure to sunlight. Some experts recommend drying the root quickly, for example, in a dryer or oven, but at a temperature of no more than 60º. With rapid drying, they believe, more nutrients are retained.

Is it possible to grow galangal on your own plot?

Can. To do this, it is enough to dig up the plant along with a lump of earth so as not to damage the small roots. There are no special requirements, only the place where you plant the plant should be sufficiently lit, and the soil should not be too fertile.

Dear readers, today you got acquainted with another medicinal plant - cinquefoil erecta or galangal. If you notice this plant in meadows or forest edges, do not be lazy, dig up the root, collect the herbs of the plant, and they will help you invaluable benefits. Be healthy!

Some men hide the problems they have with potency, but sooner or later they have to look for remedies that will help cope with their ailments. It is not necessary to purchase expensive drugs; you can use proven ones folk recipes. For example, prepare a tincture or decoction with galangal root, which has medicinal properties.

Composition and beneficial properties

It is difficult to guess that such an inconspicuous plant has a mass useful properties

Cinquefoil erecta (kalgan) is an inconspicuous plant from the Rosaceae family, the height of which does not exceed 25–30 cm. During its flowering, yellow single flowers with four petals appear. The root is red-brown in color with a woody structure, unevenly thickened along the length, and contains many amazing properties that can relieve a man from the painful symptoms of prostatitis and impotence.

According to one legend, the ancient Greek fertility demon Satyr loved to have fun, accompanied by seductive forest nymphs, indulging in depraved pleasures. The offended nymphs complained to the gods of Olympus about his harassment. They punished the Satyr for pampering: they deprived him of his reproductive organ, which they crushed and scattered everywhere. And in those places where the remains fell, over time, galangal grew, the root of which contains the power that restores lost male abilities.

Many people associate male impotence with overwork, stress and other factors. However, the reason lies in the inability of cardio-vascular system fill parts of organs with blood and oxygen, which directly determines the appearance of an erection and the possibility of further actions.

In this case, a tincture of galangal root will help, containing components that have astringent, bactericidal, diuretic properties, eliminate inflammatory processes in the body and are necessary to maintain tone, strengthen and stimulate the hematopoietic system:

  • tannins;
  • flavonoids;
  • ellagic and quinic acid;
  • tormentol;
  • tormentillin glycoside;
  • gum;
  • cobalt, calcium, potassium, magnesium, selenium, zinc, chromium and other micro- and macroelements.

In addition, when taken orally regularly, galangal root products have a beneficial effect on nervous system, calm, help get rid of restless dreams and cope with insomnia.

You can purchase high-quality galangal root using this link

Methods for preparing medicinal tinctures with galangal root

For achievement therapeutic effect For male impotence, including that resulting from prostatitis, galangal root is taken in the form of decoctions and tinctures:

To improve the taste, add a spoonful of honey, viburnum or rowan syrup and lemon zest to the galangal tincture.

The Arabs called galangal wild ginger, and in Rus' it was called the mighty one for its ability to influence male abilities and restore lost strength.

Contraindications for use

You should refrain from taking products with galangal root for the following diseases:

  • hypertension;
  • atonic constipation;
  • exacerbation of infectious diseases.

In rare cases, side effects may occur when taking decoctions and tinctures of galangal root due to the increased content of tannins, which cause difficulty defecating, nausea and dizziness.

To exclude a possible allergic reaction, when first used, you should reduce the dosage of any product containing galangal root, diluting it with water, and observe the body’s reaction.

If there are no skin rashes and shortness of breath, then you can start taking natural medicines in the specified concentration. Belonging to the Rosaceae (formerly Rosaceae) family, herbaceous plant wild galangal

Wild galangal is also called cinquefoil erecta or galangal grass and is not related to the galangal of the Zingiberaceae family, native to China and the neighboring countries of Thailand and Indonesia. The habitat of wild galangal is Russia, the Caucasus, as well as Europe and Western Asia.

IN chemical composition galangal contains flavonoids, acids, resins, sugars, as well as substances such as:

  • Kakhetin
  • cineole
  • phlobafen
  • tormentillin
  • tormenthol
  • gum
  • starch

Kalgan is the name given to wild ginger in Arabic. The name most likely refers to galangal from the Ginger family, but this play on words is interesting, because the roots of ginger and wild galangal are also similar in appearance and have a healing effect.

You can find Potentilla erecta in places with good humidity - wet meadows and pastures, on the forest edge, in clearings. In the autumn and spring, when the concentration of useful substances in it is extremely high, galangal root collected, washed and dried in the form of peeled rectangular pieces of 0.5 cm each. The drying process can be carried out in air, the main thing is to protect the product from water.

It is quite convenient to store it - tannins provide resistance to rotting, the shelf life is quite long - up to 5 years. It is most practical to put the dried product in a paper or fabric bag. The root of the plant can also be purchased as a pharmaceutical product.

Valuable properties of Potentilla erecta include:

  • anti-inflammatory
  • hemostatic
  • soothing
  • expectorant
  • anthelmintic
  • painkiller
  • bactericidal
  • astringent

It is difficult to imagine that the wild galangal plant would be called “powerful” without justification. By the way, this name was assigned to cinquefoil during the period of absence of antibiotics, when it was used as a replacement for penicillin. Thanks to her, it was possible to save patients with dysentery, which claimed the lives of many.

In folk medicine, cinquefoil has always been considered effective means treatment of frostbite, burns, internal bleeding, wounds, jaundice, ulcers, gastritis and rheumatism.

The use of herbal tinctures has numerous health benefits. One of these miraculous tinctures is made from the root of galangal.

To prepare galangal tincture the following can be used:

  • vodka
  • alcohol
  • moonshine

The finished tincture has a cognac-tea color and a pleasant taste, reminiscent of flowers and berries.

It is important! By increasing the dosage of the tincture indicated in the instructions for use below, you expose yourself to vomiting and painful cramps in the stomach. This is due to the tannins contained in the product.

Prepare a vodka tincture you can do it in any quantity - the main thing is to adhere to the rule that for every 100 grams of dry galangal roots, half a liter of vodka will go. Choose a dark, dry place for storage in which the galangal tincture will be kept for three weeks. During these weeks, the bottle will have to be removed and shaken as the ingredients must be mixed.

If the roots of the galangal herb are crushed (for example, ground with a coffee grinder), the tincture will only take a couple of days to be ready. Please note that when using pieces of root, they do not need to be removed from the finished tincture, and when adding crushed root, it should be strained.

  • Use in the treatment of kidneys, lungs, liver, stomach involves taking 30 drops of tincture three times a day before meals. Adding honey is allowed.
  • For skin diseases the product is used as a component of lotions or compresses.
  • Wiping the face a small amount of diluted tincture is aimed at combating skin imperfections in the form of rashes and inflammations.

It is important! For dry skin or mixed skin with peeling, wiping with a decoction is more advisable than with an alcohol-containing tincture.

Kalganovka on moonshine

Cinquefoil erecta can be infused with moonshine. For half a liter of moonshine, take 100 grams of dried galangal root. The bottle is placed in a cool, light-proof place for three weeks. The storage location should be convenient, since you will need to take out the bottle and shake its contents to better mix the ingredients.

Tincture of galangal root in alcohol

When making galangal tincture with alcohol a scheme of action similar to the previous ones is used: 100 grams of dry galangal root are infused into 500 ml of 70-proof alcohol. The tincture is stored in a cool and dark place for three weeks; the bottle is taken out and shaken. After standing for the required period, the liquid is filtered before use.

  • Kalgan tincture is effective and natural remedy for the treatment of impotence, prostatitis and other sexual disorders.
  • By impact for sexual impotence Galangal can be compared to goldenseal or St. John's wort. Pharmacy drugs cope with the problem temporarily, without affecting the causes underlying it. Medicinal plants will help stop premature decline of the body and restore potency by influencing the causes of the disease.
  • Kalgan tincture also has a beneficial effect on the psyche and thus helps to cope with psychological problems causing impotence.

When treating impotence with galangal root, you need to take one teaspoon of the product three times a day, taking two-hour breaks. It is preferable to do this in the evening. A 30-day course is expected with a break of 10 days and a three-time repetition of the course after.

The medicinal properties of the tincture are invaluable for pain during menstrual periods and other gynecological diseases.

Who should not drink the tincture?

  • children
  • pregnant and lactating women
  • for hypertensive patients
  • persons prone to alcohol addiction
  • people prone to constipation
  • for allergy sufferers with reactions to the components of the tincture
  • ulcers

Galangal decoction as an alternative to alcohol-containing tinctures

For those who do not drink alcohol, but want to take advantage of the therapeutic effects of galangal, a suitable solution would be to prepare a decoction of it. Unlike tincture, a decoction can be consumed on the day it is prepared.


  1. Pour 2 teaspoons of galangal with cold water (300 ml) and boil.
  2. Reduce heat and cook for another 15 minutes.
  3. Pour into a thermos, adding more boiling water if necessary.

The decoction has a beneficial effect on the digestive organs. In winter it will be useful for strengthening the immune system, but if you already have a cold, you can treat sore throat rinsing. In addition, the decoction neutralizes bad smell from the mouth and treats gums.

Application of galangal decoction: tablespoon one hour before meals, repeat three times a day.

Cinquefoil erecta or galangal is a plant from the Rosaceae family. It looks completely inconspicuous: its height is no more than 20-30 cm. It grows in bushes with several stems at once. The leaves have a wedge-oblong shape, the flowers are single, small (1.7-2 cm), with four yellow petals.

But the galangal root is very remarkable - woody, thickened unevenly along its entire length, grows in a horizontal direction, and has a red-brown color. Compared to the small, thin bush of the plant itself, the root looks like a tree. It is the root of the plant that has healing properties. This explains the use of galangal in folk medicine. And its most important healing property is considered to be the ability to treat impotence in men.

Kalgan grows in damp meadows, forest edges, clearings, and pastures. It loves moisture, so it reaches its largest size where the soil is the most moist.

It is customary to collect galgan roots in early spring or autumn - this is when the content of useful substances in them is maximum. They are dug out of the ground, washed, cut into cubes about half a centimeter in size and dried. You can dry the roots in an oven, electric dryer, or in the fresh air (it is better to hide it from the rain under a canopy or in the attic). You can spread them indoors in a thin layer - the likelihood that the roots will rot is small, because... they contain a large amount of tannins. Dry roots can be stored in paper or cloth bags for 5 years.

Galangal root and its medicinal properties. Tincture of galangal and method of its use in treatment. How to infuse moonshine with galangal

In ancient times, every housewife stocked up on galangal root for the winter. Galangal has been given different names for its miraculous properties. One of them is mighty. He earned this nickname because he could stop severe diarrhea. It was believed that galangal could cure dysentery (a disease that claimed the lives of many people).

Kalgan in folk medicine is used to treat the following diseases:

  • Gastrointestinal tract(gastritis, stomach ulcers, diarrhea, intestinal colic, as a remedy for worms);
  • lungs and bronchi (bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, cough);
  • liver(jaundice, liver cirrhosis);
  • oral cavity(stomatitis, sore throat, periodontal disease, unpleasant odor);
  • skin(eczema, bleeding wounds, frostbite, burns, rashes);
  • gynecological(for gynecological bleeding, painful menstruation);
  • for impotence in men(as erection drugs);
  • for hemorrhoids.

For treatment, the roots are used as a decoction or tincture of galangal.

To prepare the decoction you need: pour 2 teaspoons of galangal root into a container, pour half a liter of water, boil and cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Drink the decoction 55-60 minutes before meals, a tablespoon, 3 times a day.

Kalgan brewed in this way is used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, diarrhea, and colitis. It is also used to make compresses for skin diseases, gum inflammation, and burns.

Galangal tincture is made like this:: 50 g of roots are poured into 1/2 liter of vodka (cognac or 70 percent alcohol), kept in a dark place for three weeks. In this case, you need to shake the container with the tincture every day to mix. After three weeks, the tincture can be drunk in medicinal purposes: in 25-30 minutes. before meals, 30 drops, 3 times a day. You can add water or honey to it. The tincture is drunk for diseases of the lungs, liver, and kidneys.

Galangal tincture is applied externally as compresses for skin diseases: acne, furunculosis, eczema, burns, and diseases of the oral cavity.

Moonshine infused with galangal, the so-called galangal, is also considered medicinal.

How to infuse moonshine with galangal?

To do this, you need to take 4-5 galangal roots, cut into pieces, and pour one liter of moonshine. Then keep in a dark place for 3 weeks. The container needs to be shaken every day. After 3 weeks you will get galangal - a not very concentrated tincture of red-brown color. You can drink up to 50 g per day before meals (preferably at lunch).

Moonshine infused with galangal is drunk for gastrointestinal diseases: ulcers, gastritis, colitis.

Avoid excessive use of galangal tincture or galangal. An overdose can lead to headache, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain.

Galangal root: use for impotence

Kalgan is of great benefit for men suffering from decreased potency. In this it can be compared to the golden root plant.

Some men who have problems with potency try to be treated with medications. But drugs that increase potency provide only short-term help, while the cause of the disease remains untreated. Therefore, if a man experiences sexual impotence, his body has withered prematurely and needs rejuvenation, then first of all you need to turn to medicinal plants.

Galangal root is used for impotence in men. Because of this, it is called ginseng or St. John's wort for men. The Zaporozhye Cossacks called galangal “male root” for its miraculous property of restoring potency.

To treat impotence, you need to prepare a tincture of galangal:

  • pour one hundred grams of galangal root with 1/2 liter of moonshine (70 percent alcohol or vodka);
  • keep in a dark place for 3 weeks; Shake the container once a day to mix;
  • At the end of the 3-week period, strain.

The tincture should be taken regularly, 1 teaspoon three times a day. It is better to drink it in the evening, for example, at 17, 19, 21 hours. The course of treatment is thirty days. After this, take a ten-day break and then repeat two or three more courses.

Kalgan tincture helps with impotence no worse than St. John's wort infusion, the healing properties of which have also been known since ancient times.

It is worth noting

Kalgan for men is also useful for prostatitis, which may result in a decrease in potency. This miraculous root also eliminates mental disorders leading to impotence.

Regular use of galangal is indicated for men and women to prevent sexual disorders.