Regulations on the Expert Council



On approval of the Regulations on the Expert Council on Russian Software under the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications Russian Federation

Document with changes made:
(Official Internet portal legal information, 01/22/2019, N 0001201901220024).

In accordance with paragraph four of subparagraph “a” of paragraph 7 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 16, 2015 N 1236 “On establishing a ban on the admission of software originating from foreign countries for the purposes of procurement to meet state and municipal needs” (Collected Legislation Russian Federation, 2015, N 47, art. 6600)

I order:

1. Approve the attached Regulations on the Expert Council on Russian Software under the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation.

2. Send this order for state registration to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

N.A. Nikiforov

at the Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation
August 2, 2016,
registration N 43067

Regulations on the Expert Council on Russian Software under the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation

by order
Ministry of Communications
and mass communications
Russian Federation
dated June 20, 2016 N 269

I. General provisions

1. The Expert Council on Russian Software under the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Expert Council) is an advisory body formed for the purpose of conducting an examination when including information about software in a unified register Russian programs for electronic computers and databases (hereinafter referred to as the register).

2. In its activities, the Expert Council is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry), by these Regulations.

3. The Expert Council interacts with the structural divisions of the Ministry.

4. The Expert Council carries out its activities in accordance with its functions based on the principles of legality, objectivity, independence and transparency of the results of the examination.

III. Main functions

5. The Expert Council carries out an examination of the application sent by the Ministry for the inclusion of information about the software in (hereinafter referred to as the application) and the documents and materials attached to it, submitted by the applicant by filling out electronic forms on the official website of the registry operator, and also makes a decision on compliance or non-compliance software additional requirements for programs for electronic computers and databases, information about which is included in the register of Russian software, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 23, 2017 N 325 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2017, N 14, Art. 2062; 2018, N 12, 1683) (hereinafter referred to as additional requirements).
by order of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation dated December 19, 2018 N 722.

6. The Expert Council generates and updates an information table of compliance of software originating from foreign countries with the classes of software provided for by the Classifier of Programs for Electronic Computers and Databases, approved by Order of the Ministry dated April 1, 2016 N 134 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on 24 May 2016, registration N 42246).

7. Based on the results of the examination, the Expert Council prepares an expert report containing conclusions about the compliance or non-compliance of the software with the requirements established by paragraph 5 of the rules for the formation and maintenance of a unified register of Russian programs for electronic computers and databases, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 16, 2015 year N 1236 (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2015, N 47, Art. 6600) (hereinafter referred to as the rules) and (or) additional requirements.
(Clause as amended, put into effect on February 2, 2019 by order of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation dated December 19, 2018 N 722.

8. The Expert Council includes the Chairman of the Expert Council (hereinafter - the Chairman), the Deputy Chairman of the Expert Council (hereinafter - the Deputy Chairman), the executive secretary of the Expert Council (hereinafter - the Secretary) and members of the Expert Council. The composition of the Expert Council is approved by order of the Ministry.

9. The total number of members of the Expert Council is no less than 16 and no more than 20 people with voting rights.

10. The members of the Expert Council include representatives of:

federal bodies executive power;

associations (unions), whose members are Russian organizations that carry out the development and implementation of software developed by them and have a share of income from the sale of software developed by them, its maintenance, technical support, adaptation, modification of at least 50 percent of the amount of all income for the calendar year (hereinafter referred to as associations Russian developers software);

scientific and educational organizations;

Russian organizations carrying out innovative activities and (or) supporting such activities.

11. The number of representatives of federal executive bodies cannot exceed 40 percent of the total number of members of the Expert Council with voting rights.

12. At least 50 percent of the total number of members of the Expert Council with voting rights are included in the Expert Council on proposals from associations of Russian software developers. Proposals from associations of Russian software developers must be sent to the Ministry on the official letterhead of the organization signed by the head with a list of candidates attached.

The decision to include candidates proposed by associations of Russian software developers into the Expert Council is made by the Minister of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation on the basis of all proposals officially received by the Ministry.

13. The Chairman of the Expert Council is the Minister of Telecom and Mass Media of the Russian Federation or another official authorized by him.

14. The Deputy Chairman is appointed by the Minister of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation from among his deputies or heads of structural divisions of the Ministry.

15. Chairman:

carries out general management of the activities of the Expert Council;

conducts meetings of the Expert Council;

distributes responsibilities among members of the Expert Council and appoints a responsible member of the Expert Council for conducting an examination of the application for inclusion of information about the software in the register and the documents and materials attached to it;

gives instructions to the secretary and members of the Expert Council;

sets the date, time and place of the meeting of the Expert Council, approves the agenda of the meetings of the Expert Council;

interacts with the registry operator on the implementation of the decisions of the Expert Council;

carries out general control for the execution of decisions made by the Expert Council;

takes measures to prevent and (or) resolve conflicts of interest among members of the Expert Council;

based on proposals received by the Ministry, forms the composition of the Expert Council, taking into account, among other things, professional activity candidate, his academic title, academic degree.

16. Deputy Chairman:

acts as chairman in his absence;

on behalf of the chairman or in his absence, chairs meetings of the Expert Council;

performs other duties as assigned by the chairman;

interacts with members of the Expert Council, as well as with the registry operator on the implementation of the decisions of the Expert Council.

17. Secretary of the Expert Council:

is a member of the Expert Council without voting rights;

appointed by the chairman from among the employees of the Ministry;

organizes the work to prepare meetings of the Expert Council, prepares the draft agenda for the meeting of the Expert Council;

collects materials on issues to be considered at the meeting of the Expert Council;

collects and structures the materials necessary for preparing the meeting of the Expert Council, presented by members of the Expert Council;

coordinates with the chairman the agenda of the meeting and the list of materials for distribution to all members of the Expert Council;

distributes the agenda of the meeting along with materials 3 working days before the scheduled date of the meeting of the Expert Council;

keeps minutes of the meeting of the Expert Council;

reports to the chairman on the work of the Expert Council in a regular manner and (or) at the request of the chairman;

Performs other duties on behalf of the chairman or his deputy.

18. Members of the Expert Council are obliged to:

conduct an examination of the application and the documents and materials attached to it in accordance with the distribution of applications by the chairman in order to prepare an expert assessment of the compliance or non-compliance of the software with the requirements of the rules;

on behalf of the chairman, conduct an examination of other applications and documents and materials attached to them that were not previously distributed by the chairman for the purpose of preparing an expert assessment of the compliance or non-compliance of the software with the requirements of the rules;

comply with the deadlines for preparing an expert assessment on the documents of the applicant (applicants);

express in writing a special opinion on the issue considered at the meeting of the Expert Council, which must be attached to the minutes of the meeting of the Expert Council;

make, if necessary, proposals for the formation of the agenda for meetings of the Expert Council;

lead commissions and working groups formed, if necessary, within the Expert Council;

participate in the preparation of materials on the issues under consideration;

inform in writing the chairman/deputy chairman/secretary of the impossibility of attending a meeting of the Expert Council due to insurmountable circumstances.

19. The composition of the members of the Expert Council must be updated by at least 1/3 annually.

20. The expert council has the right to involve consultants in its work on a voluntary basis.

21. Organizational, technical and analytical support for the Expert Council is provided by a structural unit of the Ministry, determined by the Minister of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation.

22. Within 4 working days from the date of registration of the application by the Ministry, the chairman appoints a responsible expert for the preparation of an expert assessment, which must contain conclusions about the compliance or non-compliance of the software with the requirements established by paragraph 5 of the rules. The peer review form is approved by the chairman.

23. Within 1 working day from the moment the chairman appoints the responsible experts, the secretary sends to all members of the Expert Council the distribution of registered statements among the members of the Expert Council and provides access to the responsible members of the Expert Council to the distributed statements by posting them in personal accounts created on the official website of the registry operator. If there are documents and information obtained as a result of requests from authorities state power, the secretary sends them along with the distribution of applications.

24. Within 20 working days from the date of receipt of the distribution of applications, a member of the Expert Council prepares an expert assessment and publishes it in his personal account, created on the official website of the registry operator.

25. Within 5 working days from the date of sending the distribution of registered applications to the members of the Expert Council, the expert (experts) not appointed by the chairman responsible for the examination may (may) contact the secretary with a request for the opportunity to act as an additional ) expert(s) to conduct an examination of the application specified in the distribution. In this case, the draft expert opinion will be formed taking into account the expert assessments of two or more experts.

26. As expert assessments are received, but no later than the tenth working day from the moment of their receipt, the secretary prepares a draft ballot for voting at a meeting of the Expert Council with the attachment of the received expert assessments and transfers them to the chairman.

27. Based on the received draft ballots and the attached expert assessments, the chairman sets the date, place, time and form of the meeting of the Expert Council.

28. The secretary, no later than 3 working days before the date of the meeting approved by the chairman, informs the members of the Expert Council about the agenda of the meeting approved by the chairman, the date, place and time and form of its holding. In the event of an absentee meeting of the Expert Council using information and telecommunication technologies, information containing the start and end date of the absentee voting procedure is sent along with the agenda; email address, according to which completed ballots are accepted; explanation of the rules for filling out ballots.

29. Within 10 working days after the date of the meeting of the Expert Council, the secretary prepares a draft protocol of the meeting of the Expert Council, which indicates the date, place and form of the meeting and (or) voting; list of members present at the meeting, consultants involved; list of members of the Expert Council who expressed their opinions in writing; decisions made on each issue in the form of an expert opinion containing conclusions about the compliance or non-compliance of the software with the requirements established by paragraph 5 of the rules, as well as its compliance with the class (classes) of software specified in the application. If there are ballots on which voting was carried out at the meeting of the Expert Council, they are attached to the minutes. The protocol cannot contain information related to information, access to which is limited in accordance with federal laws.

30. The draft protocol with attached voting ballots signed by members of the Expert Council is approved by the chairman.

31. The Secretary, no later than 3 working days from the date of the meeting of the Expert Council, at which unreliability and (or) absence of information or documents were revealed, sends to the applicant (applicants) at Email specified in the application, a request to provide relevant explanations and (or) documents within 30 working days. The calculation of the period provided for in paragraph one of paragraph 21 of the rules is suspended from the day the secretary sends the specified request until the day the secretary receives the requested explanations and (or) documents from the applicant (applicants) or until the day of expiration of the period provided for the submission of such explanations and (or) documents.

32. Meetings of the Expert Council can be held both in person through personal participation, and in absentia through the use of information and communication technologies.

The decision on the form of holding the meeting of the Expert Council is made by the chairman.

33. In-person meetings of the Expert Council are held as necessary, but at least once every three months.

34. An in-person meeting of the Expert Council is competent to make decisions if more than half of the members of the Expert Council participate in the meeting.

35. Decisions of the Expert Council are made by a simple majority of votes of the members of the Expert Council participating in the meeting. The Expert Council makes a decision by open voting. Members of the Expert Council have equal rights when discussing issues and voting. In case of equality of votes, the vote of the chairman is decisive.

36. Absentee meetings of the Expert Council are held as necessary.

38. The Ministry, through the secretary, transfers the signed protocol to the registry operator engaged by the Ministry in accordance with paragraph 6 of the rules, within one working day from the date of its signing for posting on the official website of the registry operator.

39. The ballot for absentee voting must contain the following information: questions put to vote, with boxes for marking voting by a member of the Expert Council; last name, first name, patronymic of the member of the Expert Council participating in the voting; signature of a voting member of the Expert Council.

40. The decision of the Expert Council can be made by absentee voting (by poll) if more than 2/3 of the members of the Expert Council took part in the voting.

41. Within two days after the end of absentee voting, the secretary draws up a corresponding protocol.

VI. Conflict of interest

43. If the performance of duties as a member of the Expert Council may entail a conflict of interest that could affect the completeness and objectivity of the decisions made, the member of the Expert Council is obliged to inform the chairman in writing about the conflict of interest, as well as to recuse himself before the meeting of the Expert Council.

44. If there are sufficient grounds indicating a conflict of interest of a member of the Expert Council, the chairman considers the issue of removing the member of the Expert Council from voting. Based on the results of consideration of the issue, the chairman makes a reasoned decision.

Revision of the document taking into account
changes and additions prepared
JSC "Kodeks"

Commissioner for the Protection of Entrepreneurs' Rights
in the Moscow region
V.A. Golovnev
"10" March 2016

on the expert council under the Commissioner
for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs in the Moscow region

This Regulation has been developed in accordance with paragraph 16 of part 2 of Article 6 of the Law of the Moscow Region No. 1/2014-OZ “On the Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs in the Moscow Region and on Amendments to the Law of the Moscow Region “On the Salary of Persons Holding Public Positions in the Moscow Region” and positions of the state civil service of the Moscow region" and determines the goals, objectives, and work procedure of the expert council under the Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs in the Moscow Region (hereinafter referred to as the Expert Council).

1. General Provisions.

1.1 The Expert Council is a collegial advisory body operating on a voluntary basis, created to provide advisory, analytical, organizational and other assistance to the Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs in the Moscow Region (hereinafter referred to as the Commissioner).

1.2. The Expert Council in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Moscow Region and these Regulations.

1.3. The Council has its own section on the Commissioner's website.

2. Goals and objectives of the Expert Council.

2.1. The main goals and objectives of the Expert Council are:

1) providing advisory, analytical, organizational and other assistance to the Commissioner in the exercise of his powers in the field of protecting the rights and legitimate interests of business entities registered with the body carrying out state registration in the Moscow region, or business entities whose rights and legitimate interests were violated in the Moscow region (hereinafter referred to as entrepreneurs);

2) informing the Commissioner about the state of affairs in the field of observance of the rights and legitimate interests of entrepreneurs;

3) preparation of proposals to the Commissioner on issues of interaction with territorial bodies of federal executive authorities in the Moscow region, state bodies of the Moscow region, local government bodies municipalities Moscow region, public associations and other organizations in the field of protecting the rights and legitimate interests of entrepreneurs;

4) preparation of recommendations to territorial bodies of federal executive authorities in the Moscow region, state bodies of the Moscow region, local government bodies of municipalities of the Moscow region and other organizations and officials on the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of entrepreneurs;

5) analysis of information on massive and (or) gross violations of the rights of entrepreneurs and development of proposals for their solution;

6) preparation of proposals for improving the current legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of protecting the rights and legitimate interests of entrepreneurs;

7) generalization of the results of the analysis of law enforcement practice.

2.2. Also, as part of its activities, the Council can carry out:

1) development of information and analytical materials on the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of entrepreneurs;

2) preparation of special reports and other analytical materials on compliance with the rights of entrepreneurs in the Moscow region.

3. The procedure for the formation and composition of the Expert Council.

3.1. The Expert Council is formed by the Authorized Person from among representatives:

1) territorial bodies of federal executive authorities in the Moscow region;

2) government bodies of the Moscow region;

3) public organizations carrying out activities in the field of protecting the rights and legitimate interests of entrepreneurs;

4) higher educational institutions, the media, and other organizations, one of the activities that is the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of entrepreneurs;

5) other persons who have the necessary knowledge in the field of protecting the rights of entrepreneurs, experience in human rights activities or practical experience in this area.

3.2. The composition of the Expert Council is formed on the basis of:

1) invitation of the Commissioner;

2) on the proposal of the heads of territorial bodies of federal executive authorities in the Moscow region, state bodies of the Moscow region, and other organizations.

3.3. The composition of the Expert Council is approved annually by the Commissioner.

4. Structure and forms of work of the Expert Council.

4.1. The Expert Council carries out its work through:

1) holding plenary meetings;

2) holding meetings of working groups of the Expert Council.

4.2. The Chairman of the Expert Council is the Authorized Person, who:

1) manages the work of the Expert Council;

2) convenes plenary meetings of the Expert Council and presides over them;

3) signs the minutes of the plenary meeting of the Expert Council;

4) establishes working groups of the Expert Council, approves their composition, direction of activity, determines the procedure for their work;

4.3. From among the members of the Expert Council, the Commissioner may appoint co-chairs of the Expert Council who:

1) head one or more areas of work of the Expert Council;

2) coordinate the activities of working groups;

3) in the absence of the Authorized Person, perform the functions of the Chairman of the Expert Council at a plenary meeting or meeting working group.

4.4.1. The secretary performs the following functions:

1) organizes plenary meetings and meetings of working groups of the Expert Council (hereinafter referred to as meetings);

2) organizes the preparation of materials for meetings;

3) organizes the keeping of minutes of meetings;

4) signs minutes and extracts from minutes of meetings;

5) performs other functions in accordance with these Regulations.

4.5. In the Expert Council, at the initiative of the Authorized Person and (or) members of the Expert Council, working groups may be created.

4.5.1. Working groups are created:

1) to consider issues of massive and (or) gross violations of the rights and legitimate interests of entrepreneurs;

2) to prepare a single draft decision (opinion) on the following issues:

a) systematic protection of the rights and legitimate interests of entrepreneurs;

b) the need to make changes to current legislation;

c) law enforcement practice.

3) to take measures to resolve disputes between entrepreneurs, on the one hand, and state bodies, local governments, organizations and officials, on the other side.

4) to organize activities on other issues within the competence of the Commissioner.

4.5.2. The procedure for the activities of the working groups is determined by the Authorized Person or the Expert Council itself.

4.5.3. Persons who are not members of the Expert Council may take part in the activities of working groups, at the invitation of the Commissioner.

5. Plenary meeting of the Expert Council.

5.1. Plenary meetings of the Expert Council are held at the initiative of the Commissioner at least twice a year.

5.2. The decision of the Commissioner to hold a plenary meeting is sent to the members of the Expert Council no later than 10 (ten) days before the date of its holding.

5.3. The materials of the plenary meeting are sent to all members of the Expert Council no later than 5 (five) working days before it is held.

5.4. Members of the Expert Council confirm their participation in the meeting, send comments on the draft agenda and make other proposals for holding the plenary meeting no later than 2 (two) working days before it is held.

Such proposals are included in the additional materials of the plenary meeting.

5.5. In the absence of confirmation of participation in the plenary meeting of more than half of the members of the Expert Council, the Commissioner has the right to:

1) cancel the decision to hold a plenary meeting;

2) cancel the decision to hold a plenary meeting, setting a different date for its holding;

3) make decisions on holding a plenary meeting in a reduced format.

5.6. List of issues that can only be considered at a plenary meeting of the Expert Council:

1) amendments to the Regulations on the Expert Council;

2) approval of the Work Plan of the Expert Council;

3) approval of the Plan for the annual report of the Commissioner;

4) summing up the work of the Expert Council.

5.7. The plenary meeting is opened, directed and closed by the Commissioner, and in his absence: the co-chairman of the Expert Council or a member of the Expert Council on his behalf.

5.8. Persons who are not members of the Expert Council may be invited to the plenary meeting.

The decision and procedure for their participation in the plenary meeting is determined by the Commissioner.

5.9. The media may be invited to the plenary meeting of the Expert Council to cover the work of the Expert Council.

5.10. All decisions made at the plenary meeting are reflected in the minutes.

6. Minutes of meetings of the Expert Council.

6.1. The minutes of the plenary meeting of the Expert Council (hereinafter referred to as the minutes of the plenary meeting) are prepared within 3 (three) working days by the secretary.

6.2. The minutes of the meeting of the working group are prepared by the secretary in the terms and manner determined at the meeting of the working group or by the Commissioner.

6.3. The minutes of the plenary meeting indicate:

1) name of the meeting, date, time and place of its holding;

2) list of members of the Expert Council present at the meeting;

3) list of persons invited to the meeting who are not members of the Expert Council;

4) agenda;

5) decisions on agenda items;

6) special opinion of the participants of the plenary meeting on the issues on the agenda, not included in the list of decisions of the plenary meeting.

6.4. The protocol is signed by the Authorized Person, and in his absence: by the co-chairman of the Expert Council or a member of the Expert Council on his behalf, and by the secretary.

6.5. A copy of the minutes of the plenary meeting is sent to:

1) Governor of the Moscow region;

2) members of the Expert Council;

3) participants of the plenary meeting.

6.6. An extract from the minutes of the plenary meeting containing information about decisions made on one or more issues on the agenda may be sent to interested parties upon their request.

An extract from the minutes of the plenary meeting is prepared and signed by the secretary.

6.7. The original minutes of the plenary meeting are kept in the Office of the Commissioner.

6.8. The minutes of the plenary meeting are published on the official website of the Commissioner no later than 10 (ten) days after its signing.

About the Expert Council
Federal agency water resources

1. General Provisions

1.1. The Expert Council of the Federal Water Resources Agency (hereinafter referred to as the Expert Council) is a permanent advisory body of the Federal Water Resources Agency and was formed to ensure effective use federal budget funds allocated by the Agency for the implementation of water protection and water management measures.

1.2. The Expert Council in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, orders and orders of the Ministry natural resources and ecology of the Russian Federation, orders of the Federal Agency for Water Resources, Regulations on the Federal Agency for Water Resources and these Regulations.

2. Main tasks and functions of the Expert Council

2.1. The main task of the Expert Council is to form an expert assessment of construction projects, reconstruction of hydraulic structures, water protection and water management measures proposed for implementation at the expense of the federal budget and develop on its basis optimal solutions on the possibility of budget financing, issues of water management, use and protection of water bodies.

2.2. The function of the Expert Council is expert assessment:

construction projects, reconstruction of objects of the federal targeted investment program;
projects overhaul GTS;

feasibility studies and projects for carrying out water management and water protection works and ongoing activities.

3. Composition and structure of the Expert Council

3.1. The Expert Council consists of a chairman, deputy chairmen in areas, a secretary and members of the Expert Council.

The Expert Council includes ex officio members: Deputy Heads of the Federal Water Resources Agency.

3.2. The Expert Council is formed from representatives of federal government bodies, scientific and public organizations, scientists and specialists in the established field of activity of the Agency, and federal civil servants of the Agency, attracted by agreement. The total number of the Expert Council is 9 people. The personal composition of the expert council is approved by order of the Head of the Federal Water Resources Agency.

3.3. To consider individual, most technically complex or capital-intensive projects, temporary (permanent) working groups can be created from among members of the Expert Council and representatives of other expert communities.

3.4. Chairman of the Expert Council:

appointed head of the Federal Water Resources Agency;

carries out general management of the work of the Expert Council;

approves the personal composition of working groups and their work plans;

makes decisions on holding extraordinary, closed, on-site and joint meetings of the Expert Council and other advisory and expert bodies;

coordinates the recording, shorthand, video and photography of meetings of the Expert Council;

exercises other powers in accordance with this provision.

4. Organization of the work of the Expert Council

4.1 The Expert Council works according to plans approved by its chairman.

4.2. The main form of activity of the Expert Council is meetings. If necessary, by decision of the chairman of the Expert Council, extraordinary, closed, on-site and joint meetings of the Expert Council and other advisory and expert bodies may be held in agreement with them.

4.3. The procedure for holding closed meetings of the Expert Council is established by its chairman.

4.4. A meeting of the Expert Council is considered valid if at least 2/3 of the number established in clause 3.2 is present. present provision of the number of members.

5. Planning meetings of the Expert Council

5.1. Meetings of the Expert Council are held on a scheduled basis, as a rule, at least once a month. The work plans of the Expert Council are drawn up for six months and approved by the chairman.

5.2. The preparation and approval of the draft work plan of the Expert Council for six months is the responsibility of the Department of Economics, Finance and Budget Accounting.

5.3. The right to make proposals for the draft work plan of the expert council for the next six months, as well as proposals for making changes and additions to the approved plan, belongs to the chairman of the Expert Council, his deputies in areas, the Head of the Federal Water Resources Agency and his deputies.

5.4.. The work plan indicates the issues submitted for consideration by the Expert Council, the member of the Expert Council reporting the expert assessment (opinion), and the date of the meeting.

6. Procedure for preparing and holding meetings of the Expert Council

6.1. Notification of persons invited to the meeting of the Expert Council is carried out by the Department of Affairs, Civil Service and Personnel of the Agency, according to the list approved by the chairman of the Expert Council.

6.2. The preparation of reports, draft decisions, conclusions and recommendations of the Expert Council is carried out by rapporteurs - members of the Expert Council with the material and technical assistance of the Administration, civil service and personnel of the Agency.

6.3. Opening and closing meetings, informing members of the Expert Council about the composition and number of persons invited to the meeting, organizing discussion of issues (providing the floor for speech, submitting draft prepared documents, proposals on issues under consideration to a vote and announcing voting results), announcing requests, certificates, statements and proposals are made by the Chairman of the Expert Council or a person authorized by him (Deputy Chairman of the Expert Council).

6.4. Meetings of the Expert Council begin with the approval of the agenda and clarification of the procedure for its conduct. The time for reports is set at up to 15 minutes, for speeches in debates - up to 10 minutes, for messages and information - up to 5 minutes. If necessary, the Chairman of the Expert Council may change the time for speaking.

6.5. Persons invited to meetings of the Expert Council can speak in debates, make comments, and provide information on the substance of the issues discussed and draft decisions prepared.

6.6. Sound recording and shorthand recording, video and photography of meetings of the Expert Council is carried out in agreement with the chairman.

6.7. The minutes of the meeting are kept by the secretary of the Expert Council.

6.8. The minutes indicate: serial number of the minutes, date, time and place of the meeting, last name, first name, patronymic of the chairman, present members of the Expert Council, invitees and their positions, issues considered, decisions made on them, names of speakers and speakers.

6.9. The minutes are signed by the chairman of the Expert Council and the secretary.

6.10. The management of the Expert Council's records is entrusted to the Administration, Civil Service and Personnel of the Agency. Files with materials of the Expert Council are subject to formation and storage in accordance with the approved nomenclature and established procedure. Familiarization with these files is allowed only with the permission of the chairman of the Expert Council.

7. The procedure for making decisions by the Expert Council

7.1. A decision made on each issue discussed, as a rule, by open voting, is considered adopted if a majority of votes are cast for it from the number of members of the Expert Council present at the meeting. In case of equality of votes, the casting vote is the vote of the Chairman of the Expert Council.

7.2. The decision of the Expert Council is signed by the chairman.

7.3. Decisions made by the Expert Council are documented in protocols and are advisory in nature. Decisions of the expert council can be implemented by issuing appropriate orders from the Head of the Agency or by communicating them to the relevant executors.

8. Procedure for preparing and holding meetings of working groups

8.1. Meetings of working groups are planned by the deputy chairmen of the Expert Council in areas (heads of working groups).

8.2. Conducting meetings of working groups, preparing materials for them, and maintaining minutes of meetings are provided by the head of the working group.

8.3. The results of working group meetings are reported at a meeting of the Expert Council. Decisions based on the results of meetings are made in the manner prescribed by these Regulations.

8.4. Materials of meetings of working groups and minutes of meetings signed by the head of the working group are submitted to the Department of Affairs, Civil Service and Personnel of the Agency.

1.1.The Expert Council is a body of the Russian Psychological Society, created to develop rules and standards for entrepreneurial and professional activities in the field of psychology, as well as to develop a system for monitoring their compliance by members of the Russian Psychological Society.

1.2. The activities of the expert council are aimed at improving the quality of psychologists’ activities, the social significance of psychological services and protecting the professional status of psychologists.

1.3. In its activities, the Expert Council is guided by the provisions established in the Federal Law of December 27, 2002 N 184-FZ “On Technical Regulation” (adopted by the State Duma on December 15, 2002, approved by the Federation Council on December 18, 2002), in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 10, 2003 N 677 “On all-Russian classifiers of technical, economic and social information in the socio-economic field.”

1.4. The Expert Council acts on the basis of these Regulations, the Charter of the Russian Psychological Society, the Code of Ethics of the Russian Psychological Society, and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. Main functions, rights and responsibilities of the Expert Council

2.1. The Expert Council is developing a Unified All-Russian Classifier of Activities, Products and Services in the Field of Psychology.

When performing this work, the requirements for the composition, content of work and activities carried out in the development of all-Russian classifiers, the rationale for the need for their creation and harmonization with international and regional classifications and classification standards, the choice of methods for classifying and encoding information in all-Russian classifiers, which are established:

  • State Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization and Metrology, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation - in relation to the All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities, Products and Services, the All-Russian Classifier of Economic Regions;
  • Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation - in relation to the All-Russian Classifier of Specialties in Education, the All-Russian Classifier of Specialties of Higher Scientific Qualification and the All-Russian Classifier of Primary vocational education;
  • The Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation - in relation to the All-Russian Classifier of Occupations and the All-Russian Classifier of Worker Professions, Employee Positions and Tariff Classes.

The developed Unified All-Russian Classifier of Types of Activities, Products and Services in the Field of Psychology is approved by the Presidium of the Russian Psychological Society.

2.2. The expert council also prepares proposals for certification individual species activities, products and services in the field of psychology. The nomenclature of services subject to certification must establish: the name of the object of certification according to the All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities and the Unified All-Russian Classifier of Types of Activities, Products and Services in the Field of Psychology, a set of requirements (indicators) confirmed during certification; regulatory documents for compliance with the requirements of which certification is carried out; regulations

, establishing requirements for test methods to confirm the corresponding indicator. 2.3. For types of psychological services for which the Presidium of the Russian Psychological Society has recognized the need for certification, the Expert Council is developing systems voluntary certification

activities, products and services in the field of psychology (including the structure of the system, proposals for the Governing Body of the system, rules and procedures for managing the System), and prepares them for state registration (in Gosstandart of Russia).

2.4. The basis of the voluntary certification system is the standards and requirements of the Russian Psychological Society for activities, products and services in the field of psychology developed under the guidance of the Expert Council. Standardization is understood as “the activity of establishing rules and characteristics for the purpose of their voluntary repeated use, aimed at achieving orderliness in the areas of production and circulation of products and increasing the competitiveness of products, works or services.”

  • 2.5. Standardization principles:
  • voluntary application of standards;
  • application of an international standard as the basis for the development of a national standard, except in cases where such application is considered impossible due to inconsistency of the requirements of international standards with the climatic and geographical features of the Russian Federation, technical and (or) technological features or on other grounds, or the Russian Federation, in accordance with established procedures, opposed the adoption of an international standard or a separate provision thereof;
  • inadmissibility of creating obstacles to the production and circulation of products, performance of work and provision of services;

ensuring conditions for uniform application of standards. 2.6. When developing voluntary certification systems, the Expert Council is guided by general principles

  • established in the Federal Law of December 27, 2002 N 184-FZ “On Technical Regulation” (adopted by the State Duma on December 15, 2002, approved by the Federation Council on December 18, 2002):
  • compliance of regulatory regulation with the level of development of the national economy, development of the material and technical base, as well as the level of scientific and technical development;
  • independence of accreditation bodies, certification bodies from manufacturers, sellers, performers and purchasers; unified system
  • and accreditation rules;
  • unity of rules and methods of research (testing) and measurements when carrying out mandatory conformity assessment procedures;
  • inadmissibility of restricting competition in the implementation of accreditation and certification;

inadmissibility of combining the powers of the control (supervision) body and the certification body;

the inadmissibility of combining accreditation and certification powers by one body.

2.7. The Expert Council prepares and substantiates proposals to the Presidium of the Russian Psychological Society on the personnel composition of the governing bodies of Voluntary Certification Systems, proposals for the accreditation of independent organizations that carry out certification of certain types of psychological services.

2.8. Members of the expert council are members of the Governing Councils of voluntary certification systems created by the Russian Psychological Society.

3.3. The Deputy Chairman of the Expert Council, upon the recommendation of the Chairman of the Expert Council, is approved by the Coordination Council of the Russian Psychological Society.

3.4. Members of the Expert Council are elected by the Coordination Council of the Russian Psychological Society (at least 50% of its members are required to attend the meeting of the Coordination Council) by secret ballot from among candidates presented by members of the Presidium and regional branches of the Russian Psychological Society. 10 candidates who have received greatest number

votes, provided that each regional branch of the Russian Psychological Society is represented on the Expert Council by no more than one member of the Council.

3.5. Members of the RPO who have at least 10 years of professional experience in the field of psychology and who are nominated for election by members of the Presidium or one of the regional branches of the RPO can be elected to the Expert Council. Members of the expert council cannot be elected for more than two consecutive terms.

3.6. In the event of termination of the powers of the Chairman of the Expert Council (by personal application or for other reasons), his powers and duties are transferred in full to the Deputy Chairman of the Expert Council until the next congress of the Russian Psychological Society.

3.7. Retirement (exclusion) of members of the Expert Council from its composition is possible upon personal written application, as well as by decision of the Coordinating Council of the Russian Psychological Society (upon the proposal of the chairman of the Expert Council) in the event of a long (more than a year) absence from meetings of the Expert Council. 3.8. Replacement of retired members of the Expert Council: members of the Expert Council for vacancies

are elected by the Coordination Council of the Russian Psychological Society by secret ballot from among candidates presented by members of the Presidium and regional branches of the Russian Psychological Society (with the exception of branches whose representatives are already members of the Expert Council). The candidates who receive the most votes are considered elected.

3.10. The Expert Council meets no more than once a quarter. The first meeting of the Expert Council is scheduled within a month from the date of its approval. Subsequent meetings are scheduled at each previous meeting of the Expert Council. All members of the Expert Council must be notified in writing of the meeting of the Expert Council, its agenda and location at least 10 days before it is held. The location of each gathering is determined general decision at the previous meeting of the Expert Council. The quorum for holding meetings of the Expert Council is two-thirds of its roster. Decision-making by the Expert Council is carried out by open voting - a simple majority of votes from the list of the Expert Council. At the request of any member of the expert council, a closed (secret) vote must be held without explanation.

During breaks between meetings, it is possible to hold absentee meetings in the form of Internet conferences. All decisions of the Expert Council are documented in protocols available for review by members of the Russian Psychological Society.

3.11. To conduct current organizational work, the chairman and deputy chairman of the Expert Council use employees who can work both on a hired and voluntary basis in accordance with job descriptions.

3.12. To develop certification systems, the Expert Council forms expert commissions from attracted specialists, discusses and approves the commissions’ decisions. 3.13. To review customer complaints about violations of the Ethical Code of the Russian Psychological Society, mutual claims of members of the Russian Psychological Society, cases of non-compliance with requirements related to existing systems

voluntary certification, the Expert Council creates expert commissions, discusses and approves the commissions’ decisions and informs the public about them (through the website of the expert commission and the media).

  • 3.14. The Expert Council maintains consolidated registers:
  • organizations that are accredited by the Russian Psychological Society in the field of certification, provision of educational services and certification in areas of activity subject to certification; legal and individuals

3.15. The Expert Council provides the professional community, consumers of psychological services and other persons with all the information the need for publication of which is determined by Federal legislation and the provisions adopted by the Presidium of the Russian Psychological Society on voluntary certification of specific types of activities and services.

4.1. Members of the Expert Council have the right:

  • 4.1.1. Attend meetings of the Presidium of the Russian Psychological Society and the working commissions created by it with the right of an advisory vote when discussing issues within the competence of the Expert Council.
  • 4.1.2. Receive all the information necessary for the activities of the Expert Council, as well as operational information available in the governing bodies of the Russian Psychological Society and the voluntary certification systems created by it.
  • 4.1.3. Participate in the formation of the work plan and agenda for meetings of the Expert Council.

4.2. Members of the Expert Council are obliged to:

  • 4.2.1. Participate in the activities and meetings of the Expert Council.
  • 4.2.2. Carry out the instructions of the Expert Council and its Chairman.
  • 4.2.3. Promote the implementation of the decisions of the Expert Council.
  • 4.2.4. Maintain, within the limits of their competence, the confidentiality of the issues discussed and, if necessary, ensure commercial secrets in relation to information about the professional and entrepreneurial activities of members of the Russian Psychological Society who have become
    well-known members of the Council.

decision of the Committee State Duma
on the development of civil society, issues
public and religious associations
dated December 21, 2016 No. 8

about the Expert Council
State Duma Committee on the development of civil society, issues of public and religious associations

1. General Provisions

1.1. The Expert Council of the State Duma Committee on the Development of Civil Society, Issues of Public and Religious Associations (hereinafter referred to as the Council) is formed by a decision of the State Duma Committee on the Development of Civil Society, Issues of Public and Religious Associations (hereinafter referred to as the Committee) for the term of office of the State Duma of the seventh convocation for the purposes of:

  • providing analytical, expert, information and consulting support for the legislative activities of the Committee on issues within its jurisdiction;
  • promoting constructive cooperation and interaction between civil society institutions and government bodies in the legislative process;
  • taking into account the opinions of non-governmental organizations and attracting specialists in the field of legal regulation of the activities of NPOs to participate in the process of preparing and making legislative decisions on issues related to the jurisdiction of the Committee;
  • preparing expert opinions for meetings of the Council and Committee, taking into account the interests of public associations and religious organizations.

The activities of the Council are based on voluntary participation in the work of its members, free access to information, and independence of positions in decision-making.

2.1. Carrying out independent examination and preparation of draft opinions on individual bills submitted to the State Duma by subjects of the right of legislative initiative.

2.2. Providing information and consulting deputies of the State Duma - members of the Committee and employees of the Committee's apparatus on issues within the jurisdiction of the Committee.

2.3. Participation in the preparation of proposals to amend federal laws on issues within the jurisdiction of the Committee, taking into account proposals from State Duma deputies - members of the Committee

2.4. Participation, if necessary, in the preparation and conduct of Committee meetings, parliamentary hearings, round tables, conferences and other events held by the Committee.

2.6. Preparation of publications in the media on current issues of the Committee’s legislative activities.

2.7. Analysis and assessment of the practice of applying current legislation in the Russian Federation.

2.8. Assisting the Committee in studying world practice and international standards for the development and application of legislation regulating the activities of non-governmental non-profit organizations.

2.9. In order to carry out its tasks, the Council develops and submits proposals and recommendations for consideration by the Committee in the form of analytical and information materials and other documents, and also has the right to:

Invite representatives of the executive authorities of the Russian Federation, public and religious organizations, the media, academic specialists, etc. to meetings of the Council;

Involve specialists to work on improving legislation in a particular area. The involved specialists have the status of Council experts.

3.1. The Council consists of expert groups corresponding to the main directions and profile of the Committee’s work, which are created as necessary by decision of the Chairman of the Committee.

3.2 Expert groups of the Council, in order to implement the tasks facing the Council, guided by the plans approved by the Committee and these regulations, form and implement work plans, agendas of meetings, determine directions and carry out activities on issues related to their profile.

3.3 The activities of expert groups are carried out under the leadership of one of the deputies - members of the Committee on behalf of the Chairman of the Committee or by decision of the Committee.

4.1. The Council may include representatives of research and training centers, religious organizations, public associations, executive, legislative and judicial bodies, other organizations and structures, as well as independent experts who have proven themselves to be highly qualified specialists in the field of legal regulation of the sphere of activity of non-governmental organizations .

The Council includes deputies of the State Duma, members of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, well-known public and religious figures and experts.

4.2 Members of the Council carry out their activities in the Council on a voluntary basis.

4.3. The personal composition of the Council members is approved by the Chairman of the Committee.

Changes in the composition of the members of the Council may be made in connection with the tasks of the legislative work of the Committee and the recommendations of the members of the Council.

4.4. The Chairman of the Council is the Chairman of the Committee.

4.5. Chairman of the Council: carries out general management of the work of the Council, determines specific tasks of the Council based on the decisions of the Committee, conducts meetings of the Council if necessary, represents the Council in relations with government and other organizations, ensures that the decisions of the Council are taken into account in the work of the Committee.

4.6. The co-chairman of the Council is the First Deputy Chairman of the Committee.

4.7. The Co-Chairman of the Council carries out ongoing management of the work of the Council, coordinates the activities of expert groups, hears reports on their activities, and also exercises, on behalf of the Chairman of the Council, other powers related to the activities of the Council, including conducting its meetings.

4.8. Members of the Council have the right:

Take part in the preparation, discussion and decision-making on issues considered at meetings of the Council’s expert groups;

Participate in the preparation and discussion of work plans of the Council;

Submit proposals to the Council for consideration of certain issues within the competence of the Council on an unscheduled basis.

4.9. Members of the Council are obliged to:

Participate in meetings of the Council and its expert groups.

Review materials proposed for discussion, prepare proposals and conclusions on them;

Show objectivity and impartiality when considering issues at meetings;

Carry out instructions from the Council.

4.10. Any member of the Council has the right to resign from its membership by declaring his decision to the Chairman of the Council. A member of the Council is considered to have left from the date of approval of the application by the Chairman of the Council.

4.11. The Chairman of the Council has the right to make a sole decision to remove any of its members from the Council on the following grounds:

Violation of the requirements of these Regulations;

Systematic (more than three times in a row) absence from expert group meetings;

Committing actions that discredit the activities of the Council.

5.1. The work of the Council is carried out based on the plans of the legislative work of the Committee.

5.2. Meetings of expert groups are held as needed. Notifications of the date, time, place and agenda of the upcoming meeting are sent by the Committee staff personally to each member of the Council at least 3 business days before the future meeting.

5.3. Meetings of the Council and its expert groups are held as necessary by decision of the Chairman of the Council, Co-Chairman of the Council or in accordance with the activity plan approved by him. The plan indicates the organizations and persons responsible for preparing working materials for the activities being carried out.

5.4. At meetings of the Council's expert groups, with the consent of the Chairman of the Council or Co-Chairman of the Council, deputies of the State Duma and members of the Federation Council, managers, specialists, assistants to deputies who are not members of the Council and other persons invited on individual items of the meeting agenda may be present.

5.5. Organizational and logistical support for the activities of the Council is carried out by the Committee’s apparatus.

5.6. To perform their functions, each member of the Council is issued a temporary pass to enter the State Duma building.

5.7. If necessary, specialists from organizations not represented in the Council may be invited to Council meetings with the right to an advisory vote.

6.2. Council decisions are made by a simple majority of votes from the total number of Council members present at the meeting.

6.3. Minutes are kept at the meeting of the Council, and at the end of the meeting the decision of the Council is formalized. The decision is signed by the Chairman of the Council.

6.4. The minutes of the meeting may include a special opinion of the members of the Council.

6.5. Minutes may be kept at a meeting of the Council's expert groups, and a written decision may be issued at the end.