Its scientific name worldwide is stevia. Stevia - what is it? Stevia: beneficial properties, cultivation, care. What does stevia look like - photo

Surely many have heard about such a plant as stevia and everyone would like to know more about this medicinal herb. In fact, it is not just a plant, but also an excellent medicinal product.

It often happens that there is a natural healing remedy next to us, but out of ignorance we pass by and do not even realize all its advantages. This is what happens with stevia, honey herb, a miracle plant, and many don’t even know how to use it correctly? How to use it? For what diseases? You will receive answers to all these questions right now.

You will learn about the dangers and benefits of stevia, as well as how decoctions are prepared from it, where you can buy this safe sweetener and extracts that do not contain impurities and harmful additives.

Stevia, what is it?

Stevia is perennial herbaceous plant, or to put it simply, a small bush with erect stems and leaves.

This type of plant was known in South America 1500 years ago. But in our modern world We learned about medicinal herbs quite recently. As for the height of stevia stems, it varies from 60 to 80 cm.

The stems tend to die off every year, and then new ones grow. They have small leaves on them. One bush can produce from 600 to 12,200 leaves, which have a sweet value.

What’s especially surprising is that this sweet herb has the ability to stop the development of cancer cells. Stevia has a naturally sweet taste and rare healing properties. There are also practically no calories in it, so when consuming stevia in food, a person does not gain weight.

Stevia also has a unique composition that lowers blood sugar levels, eliminates caries and inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. Due to the fact that the grass has a sweet taste, it is called honey grass.

Stevia is a honey herb; the uses, benefits and harms of this plant are determined individually for each person. This healing natural remedy can be purchased in dried form, powder, extract, herbal tea, or as a concentrated liquid.

Thanks to this natural medicine, bacterial growth and pathogenic microflora are prevented, stevia is also an effective antiseptic, helps improve digestion and strengthens the cardiovascular system.

Where does stevia grow?

This plant can mainly be found in the North-East of Paraguay and the adjacent part of Brazil, as well as on a high-mountain tributary of the Parana River. Of course, after it became known throughout the world that this natural healing remedy has remarkable properties, not only in Paraguay, but also in other countries in which the climate was suitable, they began to grow this herb.

Due to the fact that the plant grows in the highlands, it has adapted to temperature changes, so it is now grown in almost every corner of the South - East Asia. If you create good conditions, this herb can grow anywhere, the most important thing is not to forget that stevia loves high humidity.

Why is the honey herb stevia recognized as the best sweetener?

Stevia leaves contain 15 times more sweetness than sucrose. This can be explained by the fact that they contain valuable substances, we are talking about diterpene glycosides. The sweet taste comes on slowly but lasts a long time.

Why is this natural magical remedy valued?

Honey grass contains glycosides and therefore has the following beneficial effects:

Sweetener stevia - the benefits and harms of this wonderful plant concern many people today. But the most interesting thing is that we can talk about this endlessly. The main thing is to find out whether this medicinal herb is harmful to our body?

The opinion about the dangers of this plant appeared due to such factors. The human body does not break down the substances that make up stevioside; it simply does not have the enzymes necessary for this. Due to which it is excreted in larger quantities unchanged from human body(through the intestines).

Some glycosides that enter the intestine begin to process intestinal bacteria, due to which steviosides are broken down into steviols. Doctors blamed steviol for everything; its structure is similar to a molecule of steroid hormones.

That is, doctors concluded that this substance contributes to the disorder hormonal levels and decreased sexual activity. Subsequently, studies were conducted that proved that stevia does not affect fertility at all.

They also say that stevia can cause allergies. In fact, when compared to many other sweeteners on the market, this plant is hypoallergenic, so it can be consumed by people who have allergic reactions to other types of sugar substitutes.

In addition, judging by studies that were conducted in 2002, it was found that stevia helps lower blood sugar levels, which prevents the development of a disease such as diabetes. Today, type 2 diabetes is the most common disease. And in 2005, scientists found that stevioside lowers blood glucose levels and also reduces insulin resistance in diabetics.

It was also claimed that stevia helps to increase blood pressure. It turned out that everything was completely wrong; Chinese scientists were able to establish that this natural remedy, on the contrary, should be taken by people who suffer from high blood pressure. If the extract of this plant is taken for two years, the blood pressure is normalized and has a lasting effect.

It is not uncommon to hear the opinion that stevia preparations are toxic. This myth was born due to the fact that people use low-quality, cheap analogues of sugar substitutes. When was scientific research conducted? this issue, none of them confirmed that the plant and natural preparations made from it are toxic.

Stevia: benefits for the body

What are the benefits of honey grass?

Stevia, beneficial features and the contraindications of this plant deserve special attention. When the 11th world symposium on the problem of diabetes mellitus was held in 1990, the conclusion was made: a plant such as stevia is a rather valuable find, it helps to increase the bioenergy of the body, and if you regularly take medications containing this herb, you can count on active longevity.

As soon as the sweet grass arrived in Russia, they studied its seeds with special care and decided to grow the plant in a Moscow laboratory. After thorough and quite lengthy scientific studies were carried out, scientists made a report, it said: research results showed that if you regularly use stevia extract, the level of glucose and cholesterol in the blood decreases, the liver and pancreas begin to work well.

This natural substance is also an anti-inflammatory agent, which perfectly helps with joint diseases. In addition, if you consume honey herb extract, you can prevent the development of hypo and hyperglycemic conditions and diseases such as diabetes.

It is recommended to use honey grass if obesity is diagnosed, if problems arise with the digestive system, and if there is coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis, with diseases of the skin, teeth, and gums. Stevia also has a slight stimulating effect on the adrenal medulla.

The following facts also confirm the usefulness of the sweet plant. The University of Paraguay conducted research and found that Paraguayans do not have diseases such as obesity and diabetes, since all residents consume up to 10 kg. annually of this healing honey plant.

The list of beneficial properties of this wonderful sweetness can be continued; this healing herb has the following advantages:

This plant also allows us to enjoy the sweet taste, but the most important thing is that this sweetness has no consequences.

Stevia - application

Honey grass is widely used in industries such as food. It contains stevioside, which is much sweeter than sugar. Therefore, manufacturers use this herbal remedy and produce lollipops, chewing gum and confectionery products.

But the most important thing is that for the production of all sweets, a minimum dosage of honey herb is used, but at the same time, excellent sweets that are harmless to the body are obtained. If you take two stevia leaves, any drink poured into a cup will become very sweet.

Sweet grass extract is also used to make various carbonated drinks, and yoghurts, baked goods, ice cream and desserts are also made with it. Stevia is added to toothpastes and mouthwashes.

Honey grass is successfully used to treat childhood diathesis. Just add a couple of leaves to your tea drink and the allergy will immediately subside.

Stevia is used to prevent cancer. The components that make up it have the ability to prevent the degeneration of a healthy cell into a malignant one, due to which the body becomes more resistant to this dangerous disease.

Stevia - a means for weight loss

It is now known that sweet grass contains a small amount of calories, so it is very popular among people who are constantly struggling with excess pounds. The fact is that stevia dulls the feeling of hunger, it helps reduce appetite and prevents a person from eating food in large quantities. In order to achieve a quick and good effect in losing weight, you need to prepare salads from fresh fruits and add leaves of honey herb to them.

Stevia drink for weight loss

If you regularly use a simple tincture of stevia, then you can remove toxins from the body, improve your metabolism, which will naturally allow you, in general, to feel great and help you quickly lose weight. In order to prepare this wonderful drink you need to do the following:

Take a thermos with boiling water and send it to hot water fresh grass leaves and infuse the drink for 12 hours. The infusion that you receive should be used 3 to 5 times a day, half a glass, before eating.

Stevia: a natural sugar substitute

Today, everyone can purchase the miracle - stevia. It can be herbal tea, concentrated syrup, powder or tablets. Honey grass is also grown at home, as it has adapted to the climate of Europe. Therefore, now this plant is successfully cultivated all over the world, Russia is no exception.

Stevia is a natural gift, a natural sweetener that has no contraindications or strict restrictions. As for the taste and medicinal properties, they are not lost if the herb undergoes heat treatment, so it can be used for making baked goods and hot drinks. Nutritionists say that stevia is very beneficial for the body and believe that this herb has a great future. This assistant is indispensable for various diseases, and it is also an excellent solution for everyone who wants to get a slim figure.

This plant is also welcome in folk medicine and now, you will learn how you can prepare several drinks with this magical and healing herb.

Tea with stevia

In order to brew tea, you should take dry leaves of the herb - 1 teaspoon, pour boiling water over them and leave for 30 minutes. After the specified time, the drink can be drunk.

Stevia extract at home

Given natural remedy will help you from many ailments. To prepare it, buy dry stevia leaves and good vodka.

  1. Pour the leaves into a glass container and pour in the vodka. The remedy is infused for a day. Then the mixture is filtered and the leaves are discarded.
  2. Pour the infusion that you filtered back into the glass container and place it in a water bath for 20 minutes to remove the alcoholic taste.
  3. Attention: do not allow the infusion to boil violently.
  4. As soon as the broth has cooled, place it in the refrigerator. The extract is stored for three months.

It is used instead of sugar in drinks, and can also be taken regularly if you suffer from high blood pressure. 1 tablespoon per glass of water is enough. This remedy is taken three times a day.

Do not be afraid that stevia will lose its benefits during the boiling process. Each beneficial compound of the plant does not have the property of being destroyed even at high temperatures, due to which the extract, freeze-dried powder and extract have the same beneficial properties as the plant itself.

Before you begin your culinary creativity and start preparing dishes with the addition of stevia, you should know that the honey herb - stevia - gives dishes a sweetened and slightly unusual taste for the average person. Therefore, remember - you cannot put stevia in culinary dishes in large quantities, you risk spoiling the Pushcha.

How to process and use stevia at home?

This information will allow you to better understand exactly how to use stevia in cooking, where and how much it should be added to recipes.

To preserve fruits and vegetables at home, it is best to use dry leaves. Stevia leaves should be added to compotes before sealing the jars.

Dry stevia leaves are perfectly stored for two years; infusions are also prepared from them, which are added to various dishes.

Let's make it with honey grass delicious drink, which can be used as a natural sweetener for coffee, tea, and various confectionery products.


Place 100 grams of dry stevia leaves in a gauze bag and add 1 liter of boiled water, leave for 24 hours, or boil for 50 minutes. Drain the resulting infusion.

Add 0.5 liters of water to the leaves in the vessel and set to boil again for 50 minutes. We have obtained a secondary extract.

We combine the first and secondary stevia extracts and filter.

We add the resulting infusion to your favorite dishes or tea instead of sugar.

Stevia syrup

To prepare the syrup, take an infusion of stevia and evaporate it in a water bath or low heat. The infusion should be evaporated to a density of 1.15-1.25 whm - this is until a drop of syrup, if placed on a hard surface, solidifies.

The syrup obtained from stevia has antibacterial and antiseptic properties and can easily be stored for several years under normal conditions.

Syrup is used instead of sugar when you want to make confectionery, hot and cold drinks and various sweets.

To prepare compotes, instead of sugar, you can use infusion, syrup or dry stevia leaves.

The antiseptic properties of stevia play an important role in food preservation and preparation.

Raspberry compote

  • To prepare the compote, take 1 raspberry liter jar.
  • Add stevioside infusion - 50 grams and 250 milliliters of water.
  • Pour the berries into jars, fill them with hot stevioside solution and pasteurize for 10 minutes.

Strawberry compote


  • Take strawberries - 1 liter jar will take 250 milliliters of water and 50 grams of stevia infusion.
  • Add stevia infusion to the water, boil it, then pour the hot solution over the strawberries and pasteurize for 10 minutes.

Rhubarb compote


  • Rhubarb cuttings cut into pieces - 1 liter jar.
  • Take 5-6 g of stevioside infusion and 2 glasses of water.
  • Pour the rhubarb with a hot solution of stevia infusion with water and pasteurize for 25 minutes.

Compote of apples, apricots or pears

Instead of sugar, add dry leaves or stevia infusion: 1 gram of infusion per 250 milliliters of water.

Cherry compote

To prepare compote from cherries or cherries, you need to take 1.5-2 g of infusion per 250 milliliters of water.

You can add 6-12 herb leaves and a quarter of the sugar required in the recipe to the compotes. Or you can not add sugar at all.

Tea with stevia leaves

Place one teaspoon of dry leaves of honey herb in a glass of boiling water and brew it like regular tea. Or one teaspoon of herbs and half a spoon of black or green tea - brew with boiling water and leave for 10 minutes.

Knead the dough: 2 cups of flour, 1 cup of water, one egg, salt, 250 grams of butter and 4 tablespoons of stevioside infusion.


  • For 2 cups of flour, take 1 teaspoon of stevia infusion, 50 g of butter, 1/2 cup of milk, soda, salt and 1 egg.
  • I am a big fan of Ayurveda, Eastern and Tibetan medicine, I apply many of its principles in my life and describe them in my articles.

    I love and study herbal medicine, and also use medicinal plants in my life. I cook tasty, healthy, beautiful and fast food, which I write about on my website.

    All my life I've been learning something. Completed courses: Alternative medicine. Modern cosmetology. Secrets modern kitchen. Fitness and health.

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    Stevia, the benefits and harms of which are controversial among experts and lively reviews among people, has long been used as a natural sweetener. This plant is unique in its composition and properties, and centuries-old history its use indicates a positive result. However, like any medicine, stevia should be used wisely, and better - after consultation with a doctor.

    What kind of plant is this?

    The stevia plant is a perennial herb that grows in the form of a bush 55–110 cm high, with a straight stem and small, numerous leaves. The stems die off every year, but then new ones grow. There are a lot of leaves on the plant - from 500 to 1300 leaves are collected from one bush, which are of the main value. In total, more than 150 species of stevia have been discovered, but Stevia rebaudiana is of greatest interest.

    In its natural form, the grass grows in a small area of ​​Paraguay and Brazil (South America). After the miraculous properties of the plant became known, it began to be cultivated in many countries around the world. Many countries in southeast Asia (Taiwan, Korea, Malaysia) grow stevia without problems, and China has become its main supplier for pharmacology and household use. In nature, the grass prefers a warm mountain climate, but in principle it grows well when the following conditions are provided: constantly moist soil, high air humidity and temperatures above 16–18ºC.

    The main feature of the plant is the very sweet taste of its leaves. At its core, stevia is a honey herb, the sweetness of which is ten times greater than that of regular sugar. Because of this property, stevia is recognized as an effective sweetener, and the role of a sweetener is played by stevioside powder from the leaves.

    Useful ingredients

    In addition to stevioside, the leaves of the plant contain many other important components that provide medicinal properties. The most valuable are diterpene glycosides, in particular rebaudioside A (up to 30% of all glycosides), rebaudiosides B and E (up to 4%), rebaudiosides C and D (about 0.5%), steviol bioside and ducloside (0.5% each). ). It is these components that provide the plant with its unique sweetness.

    The general composition of stevia leaves includes the following substances: diterpene glycosides (17–19%), flavonoids (28–44%), water-soluble chlorophylls (9–16%), hydroxycinnamic acids (2.4–3.3%), oligosaccharides (1 .4–2.2%), free sugars (3.2–5.2%), amino acids - 17 items (1.4–3.1%), trace minerals (0.16–1.2%), complex of vitamins A, C, D, E, K, P (0.15–0.2%), essential oils. Among the mineral microelements, the following stand out: zinc, chromium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, selenium, sodium, iodine.

    Flavonoids combine substances in many ways similar to vitamin P. The main representatives: rutin, quercetin, quercitrin, avicularin, apigenen. These ingredients are considered quite effective antioxidants, have the ability to increase human immunity, have a strengthening effect on stenotic tissues of blood vessels, reduce cholesterol levels, and promote the resorption of blood clots. In terms of flavonoid levels, this herb is comparable to cranberries and blueberries.

    Chlorophyll gives stevia antibacterial properties, and hydroxycinnamic acid helps increase immune defense. Essential oils are represented in the plant by more than 50 substances. They impart important properties:

    The vitamin and mineral complex contained in stevia leaves is unique. The zinc and chromium content ensures the activation of the so-called glucose tolerance factor. Zinc helps normalize the function of the pancreas in the production of insulin. In general, the entire complex plays an important role in improving the metabolic processes occurring in the body.

    Diterpene glycosides contain saponins in their structure, which, in turn, have surface activity. This property provides an expectorant effect, enhances the secretion of many glands, and has certain diuretic abilities.

    What are the benefits of the plant

    The most typical assessment of the benefits of the plant in question sounds like this: stevia is a sugar substitute that can be used for type 2 diabetes, while it stimulates the production of its own insulin.

    However, when stevia is considered, medicinal properties are not limited to this circumstance.

    The herb exhibits the following medicinal effect:

    When stevia is considered, its use is recommended for many ailments. Stevia is a sweetener that is very useful for diabetics of the second type of pathology. The herb extract is considered a very good preventative against the development of hyperglycemic conditions. Stevia for diabetes helps reduce the dose of insulin taken by stimulating its production in the body itself.

    The herb is recommended for the development of obesity, digestive pathologies, cardiac ischemia, atherosclerosis, problems with teeth and gums, and arthritis. Experts note a beneficial effect on the functioning of the adrenal glands, which helps to increase life expectancy.

    One of the uses of stevia is weight loss. People who stubbornly struggle with excess weight have long appreciated the benefits of this plant. Eating it with salads dulls the feeling of hunger and reduces appetite, i.e. allows a person to give up excess food without any problems. In addition, herbal infusions improve metabolic processes, remove toxins and cholesterol from the body, which significantly affects weight loss.

    Problems with using herbs

    When stevia is used, virtually no harm is detected. Exceptions can be made only in rare cases of individual intolerance. Before carrying out a course of treatment, you should make sure that there is no allergic reaction due to hypertrophied sensitivity. To completely eliminate the risk of allergies, stevia is introduced into the diet gradually, with minimal doses.

    This fact should be especially noted: when stevia is taken, the contraindications are rather of a precautionary, reinsurance nature, excluding the slightest risk of side effects. The following recommendations can be highlighted:

    1. It is not advisable to consume stevia and preparations made from it with milk (diarrhea is possible).
    2. Caution should be exercised by people suffering from hypotension, because... The plant helps lower blood pressure.
    3. Certain side effects are possible with hormonal imbalance, digestive problems, hematogenous pathologies, nervous disorders - in such circumstances, a doctor’s consultation is necessary.

    How is stevia used?

    Stevia, whose medicinal properties are highly regarded throughout the world, is used in various forms. The pharmaceutical industry isolates concentrated substances and then offers them in the form of extracts, tablets, and powder. At home, herbal tea, infusion, decoction, and syrup are widely used. Stevia is actively added to food, for example, in salads. The herbal extract is used in the production of various drinks (carbonated and non-carbonated), yoghurts, desserts, ice cream, and flour products. IN Lately Stevia components have begun to be included in toothpaste and mouthwashes.

    Stevia tablets are a fairly common pharmaceutical form. Their basis is rebaudioside or stevioside, isolated from the plant. Two ingredients are often used as fillers - erythrol and maltodextrin, which are also natural. The culinary industry offers a wide selection of ready-made products: cakes, candies, chocolate, cookies, gingerbreads, jams, herbal tea, pancake mixes with stevia extract. Seeds or dry mixtures of the plant can be purchased separately.

    1. Decoction: 4 tbsp. l. for 0.5 liters of water. Cook for 30 minutes low heat.
    2. Herbal tea: 1 tbsp. l. dried leaf per 200 ml of boiling water. Leave for 25–35 minutes. The cooled drink can be used as a rub for skin problems. The main use is internally for diabetes, the need to lose weight, and hypertension.
    3. Extract: 20 g per 200 ml of alcohol. Leave for 20–25 hours.
    4. Infusion: 40 g per 0.5 liter of boiling water. Infuse in a thermos for 20–25 hours.
    5. Syrup: the prepared infusion is evaporated to a syrup state.

    Some reviews

    The positive properties of stevia are confirmed by numerous reviews. Just a few of them can be cited:

    Sergey from Penza:

    “It turns out that stevia is much sweeter than sugar. Diabetes has put a ban on eating sweets, but sometimes you crave it. I tried stevia tablets and all my problems disappeared. And now we need less insulin.”

    Lyudmila from Novosibirsk:

    “It’s probably right when they say that excess weight from gluttony, but how to limit yourself? Stevia helped. I started eating salads with this herb, and now there is no “brutal” appetite, and the weight is gradually decreasing. Tasty and effective."

    The benefits of stevia have been proven by centuries of use for various diseases. Harm to the plant is detected extremely rarely and only when the body’s sensitivity is hypertrophied. However, you should not take risks: it is better to discuss the course use of stevia in any form with your doctor.

    Thank you for your feedback


      Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

      Has anyone managed to completely cure diabetes? They say it is impossible to completely cure...

      Daria () 2 weeks ago

      I also thought it was impossible, but after reading this article, I had long since forgotten about this “incurable” disease.

      Megan92 () 13 days ago

      Daria () 12 days ago

      Megan92, that’s what I wrote in my first comment) I’ll duplicate it just in case - link to article.

      Sonya 10 days ago

      Isn't this a scam? Why do they sell on the Internet?

      Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

      Sonya, what country do you live in? They sell it on the Internet because stores and pharmacies charge outrageous markups. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now they sell everything on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

      Editor's response 10 days ago

      Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of diabetes mellitus is indeed not sold through the pharmacy chain in order to avoid inflated prices. Currently you can only order from official website. Be healthy!

    Stevia herb: history of discovery, composition, medicinal properties. The benefits of stevia for people who are sick diabetes mellitus.

    Stevia or “Stevia” (honey grass, sweet bifoil) is a perennial low shrub of the Asteraceae family with paired leaves and miniature white flowers. It is the leaves of the plant that are valued for their unique properties– they are 15 times sweeter than sugar, have a pleasant spicy aroma with a bitter aftertaste. The sweetest and most delicious are leaves up to six months old.

    Stevia is not as well known as other medicinal plants - chamomile, mint, St. John's wort, oregano. But in terms of its healing properties, this sweet herb can compete with many representatives of the plant world.

    History and distribution

    Stevia is translated from the Mayan language as “honey”. According to legend, that was the name of the girl who was ready to sacrifice her life to save her people. For her devotion and love for her fellow tribesmen, the gods gave her emerald grass, which gives eternal youth and limitless power.

    Stevia is considered to be native to South America (Brazil, Paraguay). From there, the plant was brought to Europe in the 20th century. True, the Spanish conquistadors learned about the unusual herb much earlier, back in the 18th century. While in America, they noticed that the natives add stevia to their tea for any ailments, fatigue, or just for taste. Today, the herb, nicknamed honey precisely because of its sweetness, is part of Paraguayan mate tea.

    Stevia was first described by the South American naturalist Antonio Bertoni in 1887. After extensive study, the plant gradually conquered the world. In the Soviet Union, a new product appeared in the late 70s of the 20th century. According to some sources, it was supposed to become food for submariners, astronauts, and secret service workers. It is not known for certain whether this program was implemented or not, but after five years of scientific research that was carried out in Ukraine in the 80s, the beneficial effect of stevia on fat and carbohydrate metabolism was proven. In 1990, honey herb was recognized as one of the most valuable plants used to treat diabetes. Today, stevia is cultivated in Japan, Korea, China, Brazil, the USA and Crimea. Modern varieties are grown not only in the open air in summer, but also indoors in winter.

    Composition of stevia

    Stevia leaves have the highest medicinal value. They contain vitamins, flavonoids, pectins, fiber, essential oils, mineral salts, plant lipids, polysaccharides and 17 amino acids. The honey herb contains vitamins A, D, B, F, tocopherol, rutin, niacin, ascorbic acid, and from microelements - potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, selenium, silicon, zinc, iron.

    The sweetness and medicinal value of stevia is provided by steviosides or diterpene glycosides - substances that are building material for the production of hormones. Steviosides were discovered in 1931 by French chemists: they managed to isolate an extract from the leaves of honey grass, which they called stevioside. It turned out that this substance is 300 times sweeter than regular sugar.

    Japanese scientists have discovered a lot of beneficial properties of stevia. In the Land of the Rising Sun, the plant has been grown in greenhouses since 1954. Today it is impossible to imagine Japanese food without stevioside. food industry: It has captured more than 40% of the domestic sweetener market. Stevia extract is widely used to sweeten juices, desserts, marinades, soy sauce, dried seafood, pickled vegetables, chewing gum, toothpaste, etc.

    The benefits and medicinal properties of stevia

    Stevia is indispensable for low immunity, obesity, diabetes, allergies, atherosclerosis, hypertension, kidney, blood and gastrointestinal diseases. Its use will help not only in the treatment, but also in the prevention of these ailments. Honey grass prevents the development of oncology, caries, treats thrush, eczema and dermatitis. This humble plant is deservedly called the medicine of the 21st century. By replacing regular sugar with stevia, you get all the benefits of this sweet herb instead of the disadvantages of white refined sugar.

    What else is stevia useful for: it is recommended to drink stevia tea for prevention colds; Stevia has a powerful antimicrobial effect. The bactericidal properties of the plant are used to inhibit the growth of bacteria in the oral cavity and heal shallow wounds, and stevia can prevent the appearance of scars. This medicinal herb also normalizes the functioning of all body systems: helps get rid of toxins, reduces sugar and bad cholesterol in the blood, stabilizes blood pressure, strengthens the immune system, restores lipid, protein and carbohydrate metabolism, improves digestion, slows down the aging process, strengthens blood vessels .

    Beneficial properties: aqueous infusion of stevia helps in the treatment of acne, eliminates irritation, makes the skin elastic and soft, and prevents the appearance of wrinkles. Very valuable for people suffering from diabetes is that stevia does not affect the metabolism of blood sugar and is a safe natural sugar substitute. The plant is perfect for making compotes, jams and other desserts that can be eaten by people with diabetes.

    Contraindications to the use of stevia

    Stevia is one of the few medicinal plants, which have no contraindications other than individual intolerance. It is compatible with all foods and medications. It goes without saying that people who want to lose weight should limit their consumption of stevia, and for weight loss it is better to eat it with protein foods, for example, low-fat cottage cheese. It is not recommended to abuse this natural sweetener for people with diabetes. It is advisable not to consume stevia with milk, as this can cause diarrhea.

    Numerous advantages and multifaceted healing properties honey herb have made it one of the most beneficial plants for humans. This sweet gift of nature is truly priceless.

    Stevia or honey grass is used as a sweetener in low-calorie diets, beverages and sports nutrition. In the material you will find out whether this herb really has as many beneficial properties as they say, what are the contraindications for stevia and the extract from this plant, pros, cons, as well as reviews.

    Man's passion for sugar has led to global addiction. Most of us cannot imagine our day without sugar. It is added to almost all types of bread, even to the simplest loaves, check the composition just for fun.

    The problem is that earlier, just a couple of hundred years ago, people had not yet learned how to produce sugar on an industrial scale and the body received a small amount of sucrose and fructose from fruits and honey. But with progress came an abundance of sugar, which resulted in diseases that had never been heard of before, because it is one of the most harmful ingredients in food.

    Today the trends are exactly the opposite. We are trying to eat more healthily and naturally, and for this many people give up sugar altogether, especially adherents of the Paleo diet. Honey grass and its extract are the result of many years of searching for a natural and safe substance to replace harmful sugar.

    What is stevia. Application and properties

    Stevia perennial which includes more than a hundred different types herbs and shrubs. This herb grows in South America. It got its name from the name of Professor Stevus, who first began to study it in the sixteenth century.

    The peculiarity of the stevia herb is that it synthesizes sweet glycosides, and in particular stevioside, a substance due to which stevia leaves and stems have a sweet taste. So for many centuries, Indian tribes South America used stevia leaves to add a sweet taste to their favorite tea, mate. There is evidence that these tribes also used stevia as a medicine, to treat heartburn, for example.

    Stevia is 20 times sweeter than regular sugar, however, it does not increase insulin levels in the blood, which is why the extract of this herb has become so popular. Stevioside is safe for diabetics, at least that is what many studies have shown.

    Important! The grass itself is sweet and not harmful, it may even contain some useful material, but if we talk about stevioside, about stevia extract, then opinions are very divided. To obtain an extract, for example, at Coca-Cola, honey grass undergoes over 40 processing steps, during which acetone, ethanol, methanol, acetonitrile and isopropanol are used. Some of these substances are known carcinogens.

    It turns out that you need to choose stevia extract very carefully, otherwise you will not get any benefits.

    • Application

    Basically, stevia is used as a sweetener; syrups and crystallized extracts are made from the honey herb; stevia leaves are dried and ground into a fine green powder, which is also used as a sugar substitute. You can also find tea made from stevia leaves in pharmacies.

    Video: Stevia - sweetener number 1

    Indian tribes added fresh leaves of the honey herb to their drinks, so even now, this is perhaps the best and most natural way to use stevia.

    Stevioside is a very popular additive in Japan. This country is the largest consumer of honey grass. Stevia extracts are added to most different dishes and canned food. Also, stevioside is approved in a number of countries as a food additive and is popular in South Korea, China and Taiwan.

    In the homeland of the sweet herb, it is known as a cure for diabetes, despite the fact that studies have only shown the safety of using stevia for diabetes, but not a cure.

    Stevia benefits:

    • Sweetness
    • Naturalness
    • Doesn't increase blood pressure
    • Useful for diabetics
    • Has zero calories
    • Less toxic than synthetic sweeteners
    • Doesn't call side effects
    • Has almost no contraindications
    • Affordable price


    • Herbal flavor
    • You can't make caramel like you can with sugar.

    In mid-2004, WHO experts temporarily approved stevia as a food additive with a permissible daily intake of glucosides of up to 2 mg/kg.

    Contraindications and harm

    Scientists who have conducted research on stevioside caution that the substance can be toxic if consumed in large quantities. As with sugar and salt, it is important to keep it in moderation and not add more than one spoon of stevia per day to your food.

    Many people experience allergic reactions after eating stevia and stevioside. Stevioside is also not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, since the issue of the effect of honey herb and its derivatives on fetal development has so far been very little studied.

    When choosing a stevia-based sweetener, it is important to pay attention to the content. Very often there are much more additional ingredients and flavorings than the product itself.

    Everything you need to know about stevia. Question answer

    • Is stevia safe?

    Overall this is natural product which was used for food by South American tribes for many centuries. Stevia extract and stevioside have been tested more than once and so far we can say with confidence that no evidence of toxicity or carcinogenicity has been found when taken daily. permissible norm. However, you should always check the composition of stevia sugar substitutes for any ingredients that are not very healthy. Choose the most natural product possible, without flavors or dyes.

    • How much stevia can you consume per day?

    When asked how much stevia you can consume per day, any nutritionist will answer that you should not lean too much on honey herb. If you decide to go on a diet, then you should try to eliminate sugar altogether, and use stevia only sometimes, when you really want something sweet, but you don’t have honey or a few dried dates on hand.

    The maximum dose of stevioside per day is 2 grams, which corresponds to approximately 40 grams of sugar (1 level tablespoon).

    • Is it possible to replace sugar with stevioside?

    Of course you can, it’s just important to maintain proportions. Thus, fresh and dried honey herb is 10-15 times sweeter than regular sugar, and pure stevioside is considered 200 times sweeter, this must be taken into account.

    • Calorie content

    There are no calories with stevioside at all. There may be little in fresh grass, since all plants contain nutrients. But given that, due to its sweetness, stevia is used in very small quantities, the number of calories approaches zero.

    • Can stevia be used in cooking and baking?

    Necessarily. Only, as we already know, you can’t make caramel from stevia, but otherwise, it’s a good sugar substitute that can be added to any dish. Athletes like to sweeten their protein shakes with a small amount of stevioside. Honey grass will be an excellent flavoring additive in smoothie recipes for weight loss .

    • Does Stevia contain vitamins and minerals?

    Fresh honey grass contains many nutrients, but listing and studying them is not so important and here's why. To sweeten a cup of tea you only need 1 leaf of stevia. In such an amount of product, the presence of vitamins and minerals is simply negligible, and in stevia extract and stevioside no vitamins remain after processing. It's just a good sugar substitute, and we look for vitamins and minerals in vegetables and fruits.

    • How to make stevia syrup?

    Making syrup couldn't be easier. To do this, pour a bunch of stevia leaves or a cup of dry leaves into two glasses. cold water and leave in a dark, cool place for 48 hours. After this, filter, add another 1 glass of water and cook over low heat for 20 minutes. This syrup can be stored in the refrigerator for 2 weeks.

    Video: How to grow stevia

    • Where to buy stevia?

    Fortunately, stevia product is available and sold in many online stores, but there is one problem. I have not yet found a single extract or powder from honey grass that does not contain flavorings and other questionable additives like silicon dioxide. Therefore, my personal opinion and recommendation is to buy dry stevia leaves, or powder from stevia leaves, and for the most courageous, of course, you can start growing honey herb yourself.

    Today, stevia is the best existing sugar substitute; it is non-toxic when taken daily, does not cause side effects, and is useful for patients with diabetes and those wishing to lose weight.

    Stevia is a natural and healthiest sugar substitute that is 25 times sweeter than it. This sweetener is recognized as the most popular and in demand today. The obvious advantage of such a product is its complete naturalness and naturalness.

    This plant has become the undoubted market leader in Japan, where stevia has been used for more than half a century. Our country is also beginning to pay attention to it, which is good news, because there is a possibility that it is thanks to this sugar substitute that the average life expectancy of the Japanese is 79 years.

    It should be noted that stevia is quite low in calories and has the ability to lower blood sugar levels. That is why it is recommended for use by those who suffer from diabetes. In addition, this sweet herb can improve the normal functioning of the gallbladder, liver, gastrointestinal tract and effectively relieve inflammation. Stevia prevents the development of pathogenic microorganisms and helps the body cope with the manifestations of dysbiosis.

    Composition of grass

    The plant is unusually rich in various minerals, for example, it includes:

    • magnesium;
    • calcium;
    • selenium;
    • zinc;
    • phosphorus;
    • silicon;
    • potassium;
    • copper.

    The herb stevia can increase bioenergetic abilities and does not cause side effects on the body. It does not lose its qualities when heated and is absolutely safe.

    This sugar substitute perfectly normalizes blood pressure, lowers cholesterol, qualitatively strengthens the walls of blood vessels, improves the functioning of the thyroid gland and removes toxins; in a sense, the herb can compete with such a product as.

    If you regularly replace granulated sugar with stevia, the growth and development of tumors is blocked, the body becomes toned, and the aging process is inhibited. A sweetener based on this herb reliably protects teeth from caries, the development of periodontal disease, reduces the manifestations of an allergic reaction and has an effect on weight loss.

    From all of the above, we can conclude that stevia is perfect for those who:

    1. suffers from diabetes;
    2. has metabolic disorders;
    3. suffers from atherosclerosis;
    4. is overweight;
    5. monitors his health.

    The herb stevia can be an ideal preventative against diabetes, diseases of teeth, gums, heart disease, and will also help improve the quality of night sleep.

    Numerous studies have proven that, in some respects, the use of stevia is more effective than the use of natural bee honey as a sweetener.

    Firstly, unlike honey, a fairly strong allergen, stevia is not capable of causing irritation of the mucous membranes, and it is also important that it is also less caloric, on the other hand, so this product still remains real gold.

    Secondly, stevia can be not only food additive but also beautiful ornamental plant growing in a room on the windowsill. Some people prefer to prepare tea based on this herb by brewing a couple of fresh leaves.

    Modern pharmacology offers a fairly large selection of stevia-based products, for example, syrups. If you add this product to regular tea, you will get a wonderful sweet drink without calories. Sweetener prices fluctuate quite widely depending on the form of release and the manufacturer. The average price range is between 100-200 rubles per package of 100-150 tablets.

    In addition, there are absolutely no contraindications to the use of this substitute and food with its use, which, of course, does not eliminate the need to read the instructions. The taste of the plant and its extract is not entirely similar to ordinary sugar, but such an unusual taste of its own can quickly become familiar.

    Where is stevia sold?

    It is not so difficult to find this sugar substitute in supermarkets or pharmacy chains in the city. It is sold in special departments of healthy food and products for people with diabetes.

    In addition, stevia can be widely represented in the product range of those network companies that offer ready-made medicinal herbal mixtures.

    How to use the plant and preparations based on it?

    Stevia can be purchased in the form of filter bags, then all methods for preparing the product will be indicated on the packaging. If the plant is presented in the form of a herb, then you can prepare infusions based on it at home, and then add them to drinks or culinary dishes.

    To do this, you need to take 20 grams of stevia and pour a glass of boiling water over it. After this, bring the mixture to a boil and continue cooking for another 5 minutes over low heat. You can leave the broth for 10 minutes and then pour it into a thermos, previously doused with hot water.

    It is recommended to keep the tincture in such conditions for 10 hours, and then strain. The remaining leaves can be poured with boiling water again, but reduce the amount to 100 grams and leave for 6 hours. After this, both tinctures are combined and shaken. You can store the finished product in the refrigerator or other cool place, but no more than 3-5 days.