Which side of the chestnut tree sprouts from? How to grow a chestnut tree from a chestnut fruit. Horse chestnut: secrets of successful cultivation

Chestnut is a heat-loving deciduous plant that has decorative qualities and is a real decoration of the site from spring to late autumn. Wide mosaic leaves about 25 cm long, flowers - pyramids white shade and green prickly boxes with brown round seed fruits are the main signs of chestnut.

The wooded areas of the Balkan Peninsula are considered the birthplace of this beautiful tree. And today chestnut can be found not only in its native territory, but also in Greece, countries North America and in the southern regions of Russia. Among the small family of this crop (there are about 25 species), the most popular are the “Meat Red” and “Common Horse” chestnuts. These two species have long been decorative decoration among many plants. Chestnuts are planted on streets and boulevards, in central city alleys and squares; they can be found in every recreation park and other public places.

Nature lovers plant chestnuts and garden plots. However, it is necessary to take into account that in the future the adult plant will take up a large space in the garden. Not only can it grow to a height of 10 to 20 meters, but with age it will create dense shade in the garden thanks to its lush crown. In addition, the tree is considered an individualist; it prefers to grow in a space free from other representatives of the flora. He needs space. Neighborhood with other plants will not cause much harm to the chestnut, but harmonious development will not work.

Favorable time for planting chestnut seeds is September or October, as well as early spring. The planting site must be chosen permanently, implying that not only a seedling, but also an adult chestnut tree will grow on it in the future.

The landing site should be open and sunny, in exceptional cases – semi-shaded. The soil is fertile.

Seed selection and preparation

Seeds should be stored in high humidity conditions at a temperature of 2 to 6 degrees Celsius. The rough and dense shell of the seeds almost does not allow water to pass through and is difficult to germinate, so they need to be prepared for sowing. To do this, the seed material is placed in a moist substrate in a room with a temperature of about 5 degrees Celsius and left to germinate for about 3-4 months.

Planting seeds

Planting is carried out after stratification, the seeds are planted in the soil to a depth of 6 to 10 cm. After approximately 30-40 days, the first shoots should appear. If desired, a young tree at the age of 2-3 years can be transplanted to another (more open and spacious) place.

Growing a chestnut from a seedling is much easier and more reliable. It is recommended to purchase seedlings in specialized stores. Open sunny area with fertile soil- This perfect place for his landing. In an area with partial shade lighting, the chestnut will not bloom at full strength, and it will decorative possibilities will be limited.

Caring for a young tree consists of:

  • in regular and timely watering;
  • in timely feeding.

Watering is carried out abundantly, but only during dry summer days with a long absence of precipitation. During the rest of the year, chestnut will be sufficient as a soil moisturizer in the trunk circle. natural moisture(rain or snow). Fertilizers are applied along with irrigation water. The tree must be fed once every 2-3 years with fertilizers recommended for deciduous trees.

Simple care and a minimum of time and effort will help you grow a tree that will become a real decoration of the garden.

How to grow chestnuts from seeds yourself (video)

Beech trees are considered one of the most beautiful and majestic trees; the well-known chestnut tree also belongs to their family. How to grow chestnuts from walnuts at home? This question is the most frequently asked by experienced gardeners. Experts warn that beech trees have certain characteristics in cultivation; they are strong and robust plants with a powerful root system. Sometimes even young seedlings may experience difficulties in rooting due to inappropriate conditions or violations of the rules during planting. Before planting a walnut chestnut, you should know in advance all the subtleties and requirements regarding this process and further care behind the tree.

A little about chestnut

So, how to plant walnut chestnuts? To begin with, it is worth saying that this plant can grow in the form of shrubs or trees. It has a large and straight trunk, a lush and neat crown. The leaves of extraordinary beauty are located on long stalks; they include 5 elongated elements with a common connection point in the center. The leaves are large and have a rich color green tint.

During the flowering period, a pyramid-shaped combination of small white or pink buds emerges from the leaves; they are popularly called candles. Subsequently, in their place, the ovaries of young fruits are formed, which are located inside a green box covered with thorns. As soon as the fruit is ripe, the box opens and the fruit falls out, but quite often it falls off with it. Chestnut fruits are most often called nuts, they have a dark brown color, at the junction with the box their color is lighter, almost gray tone.

In many cities, these representatives of Beech trees decorate parks and gardens; there are entire alleys of beautiful trees. They are often planted in private gardens and courtyards.

Everyone has heard about the benefits of this plant; its fruits have a number of useful properties and qualities. They are used in areas such as medicine, cosmetology and even cooking. Chestnut-based ointments and creams are made that help with joint pain, and it is also believed that the extract from young nuts can accelerate hair growth and significantly strengthen hair follicles.

There is a lot of variety folk recipes for preparing this or that remedy based on chestnut fruit. But it is always worth remembering that before using any medicinal drug, you must consult a doctor.

So, experts give certain recommendations and advice on how to germinate chestnuts yourself and what you need for this. It’s worth warning right away that growing chestnuts from walnuts is not suitable for every variety of this tree, and there are more than 30 species.

The most famous varieties of chestnut are:

  • sowing;
  • Japanese;
  • horse;
  • soft.

The fruits of these varieties are suitable for human consumption, with the exception of horse chestnut. If the housewife sprouted a fruit taken from a tree decorating a park or square, rather. In all, we are talking about the latter.

Sprouting chestnuts from nuts

Before planting a tree, it is worth thinking carefully about its future location and which variety is best to grow.

Regarding the choice of location, it is necessary to understand that in 4 years some species of this plant can grow significantly and produce their first fruits. Beech plants have a lush crown, and the root system is located almost on the surface of the earth. Such a tree will provide good shade, so it will be impossible to grow anything nearby. If the goal is to grow a certain variety of chestnut for further consumption of its seeds as food, then it is necessary to choose a planting location away from highways and industrial enterprises. Experts note that these trees have one peculiarity: they actively absorb toxic emissions and heavy metals, which is why they are planted in large quantities in major cities to purify the air from harmful substances.

Grow this type growing a tree from a fruit is not so simple; it is necessary to perform a number of specific actions to prepare the planting material itself and its further cultivation.

First you need to choose a fresh and strong chestnut. As a rule, they use the material that has fallen off the tree on its own and is easily detached from its protective shell: this indicates its full maturity. Such fruits are collected and prepared for future planting, which is best done in the fall. Gardeners often store nuts all winter in order to plant them in the spring, but during this period planting material loses its qualities and appearance, which significantly reduces the rooting percentage.

Stratification of planting material

First you need to prepare a container for storing nuts. A wooden container is best. You can also use plastic, but you should make sure that it has holes for the soil to “breathe” and remove excess moisture. The container is filled with wet sand and chestnuts are placed in it.

Next, the container is placed in cool place- this is either a basement or a refrigerator. If it is decided to plant in the fall, then storage of chestnuts should last at least 10 days. For spring planting, the container with seeds is stored all winter. Some gardeners recommend burying such a container along with the fruits under the tree into the ground, covering it well with foliage. Thus, the planting material overwinters until spring.

Planting a sprout

Chestnut can be planted from the end of February to the beginning of April. Before planting chestnuts in the ground, they must be soaked in warm water for at least 5 days. This procedure will soften the hard shell of the fruit and facilitate germination of the young shoot. As soon as the sprout appears, you can plant the nut in a separate container. Almost any soil is suitable for planting, so cups or pots are filled with well-moistened soil and a seed is placed in it.

The first shoots should appear in two weeks, but there is one important note: you must remember that when planting the nut should be deepened by 3-5 cm, no less and no more than that. If planted deeply, the young sprout may not break through to the surface, and if it is located superficially, it will most likely dry out. A nut planted in the soil needs constant care; you should make sure that the soil does not dry out and is not too wet. The room where the seedlings are located must be ventilated, and you should also ensure that there are no heaters nearby.

So, as soon as the young seedlings get stronger and the threat of frost has passed, we plant the chestnuts in open ground to a pre-prepared place. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. The hole for planting should correspond to the size of the root system of the young seedling.
  2. The distance between holes should be about 3 m.
  3. Black soil is best suited for planting. Slaked lime, sand and humus are added to the hole before planting. This substrate will help young shoots take root faster.
  4. It is mandatory to lay a drainage layer of small pebbles and sand 7-10 cm high at the bottom of the hole.

Carefully and carefully handle young shoots during planting; they are very fragile and can be easily damaged. As soon as they are planted, the top layer of soil should be mulched and then lightly loosened.

In general, this is the whole process showing how to germinate chestnuts at home. Thus, most gardeners received beech trees for their private estates and gardens.

Now that the young seedlings have taken root, they should be provided with regular and competent care.

Seedling care

Since the young plant has a very fragile trunk, it should be protected from possible mechanical damage from the outside. To do this, you need to create a small fence around the hole and provide shelter in case of strong changes in the weather.

This type of tree grows quite slowly, with the exception of some varieties, but, as a rule, it is worth gaining patience and strength for the first 3-4 years until the young tree gets stronger.

Care mainly consists of regular watering and periodic fertilization of the young shoot. To moisturize, do not take it cold water. It is best if at first it is settled. Watering is carried out as needed, the indicator is the top layer of soil - it should not dry out or crack. Subsequently, the tree is watered 1-2 times a week. Mulching the soil remains a prerequisite in the first years of a seedling’s life, since during this period its root system, located close to the surface of the earth, is actively forming.

Experienced specialists apply fertilizer no more than twice a year, usually in the spring and autumn periods:

  • For spring feeding It is good to use mullein and urea solution;
  • for the autumn period it is better to add nitroammophoska;
  • During the period of active growth, organic fertilizers can be applied.

Over time, the crop can be fertilized exclusively in the spring. In order to grow beautiful tree, you need to periodically trim the branches. This procedure is done no earlier than 3 years after planting. The central trunk of a young shoot is cut off and the side branches are trimmed to about 1/4 of their length.

With the onset of cold weather, young seedlings should be well covered with dry foliage and a layer of humus, this will help protect root system from freezing.

Like all plants, this type of beech can be susceptible to various diseases. A common problem for young shoots is pest invasion. This could be wood mite, leafminer moth and powdery mildew. Experienced gardeners give good recommendations about how to grow a chestnut from a fruit and how to properly care for it. Experts advise carrying out preventive spraying once every 2 months; for this they use certain preparations that can be purchased in special stores for gardeners.

In general, growing a young chestnut from seeds is not so difficult: this plant is unpretentious in the choice of soil and requires only regular watering and protection from pests. An adult tree does not need such careful care. Edible varieties They grow slowly, and they require longer and more careful care, since the fruits must be environmentally friendly and not overloaded with chemicals. Therefore, it is better to choose organic and harmless fertilizers for these crops. But, once it gets stronger, this luxurious tree will become a real decoration of your garden and will bring great health benefits.

Video - how to grow chestnuts in the country

Growing chestnuts from walnuts is quite an exciting activity, which, depending on the chosen variety, will allow you to get a tree that performs decorative functions or bears edible fruits. However, to do this, you will need to take into account the criteria for choosing a nut, understand the planting technology and the rules for subsequent care of seedlings. All these issues will be discussed in detail in this article.

Criteria for choosing a nut for planting

Initially, it will be necessary to obtain the nuts themselves; the features of this process and the choice of planting material are discussed below:

  1. It is allowed to collect nuts only from the ground, since fruits that have not fallen from the tree and are still growing are unripe and unsuitable for germination.
  2. The most suitable time for collection is September or October, depending on the climatic conditions in the region and the weather in a particular season. The nuts must be carefully examined; their surface must be even and smooth.
  3. , without noticeable bumps or any visible damage. The surface of the walnut should be glossy and dark brown in color.
  4. , which indicates maturation and the absence of damage by any diseases. There must be enough collected a large number of nuts

, since not all of them will be able to ascend.

Preparation of planting material

Harvested nuts must undergo some preparation before planting, this process is discussed in more detail below:

Necessary conditions for growing chestnuts One of the main advantages of this tree is that it does not require the creation of any special or additional conditions

for growth. Naturally, when receiving sufficient heat and sunlight

  1. The chestnut will develop much faster and look stronger and more attractive, but in general it is undemanding to these factors, as well as to soil fertility. Initially, soak the nuts for one or several weeks
  2. in the refrigerator or other fairly cold place., since hardening occurs only under a combined combination of high humidity and cool conditions.

Planting a nut

After choosing a location and completing all preparatory procedures, you can proceed to planting a chestnut; this process is distinguished by its simplicity and is discussed in detail below:

  1. To plant one tree, it is recommended to take about 5-7 nuts, for which planting holes no more than 5 cm deep are prepared in the ground. The distance between seedlings should be approximately 15-20 cm.
  2. The top of the holes is sprinkled with ordinary garden soil., into which a small amount of river sand is added.
  3. No further action is required; for the winter, the planting material will be covered with snow and put into a dormant state.

All that remains is to provide it with proper care with the onset of spring, and nature will do the rest on its own.

Care and feeding of the sprout

  1. Regardless of whether home cultivation is practiced or initial planting in open ground, the young tree will need to be provided with appropriate care, all stages of which are described below:
  2. When planting a chestnut in the garden, you should immediately arrange pegs around it with wire and bright ribbon stretched between them, since in the early stages of life the sprout is very fragile and invisible, which increases the risk of accidental damage. Additional tying of the sprout may be required
  3. , especially when grown in areas that do not have protection from strong winds. Chestnut loves highly moist soils, so it will need regular and abundant watering.
  4. , the frequency of which should be increased during persistent hot weather with minimal precipitation. You can pour several buckets of water under each seedling. At first, the chestnut will grow quite slowly, so pruning will not be necessary.

It is necessary to form the crown and reduce the size of the tree only after 10-15 years, when its development becomes more rapid. Until this point, it will be enough to simply cut off weak shoots and dried branches as necessary. This is usually done in the spring, since not all shoots survive the cold winter period.

Chestnut grows best on loose and moist loamy soils, so when grown in other places, care will also consist of adding additional components to the soil, as well as seasonal fertilizing.

  1. When grown in soil with a clay structure, a significant amount of sand must be added to it. Otherwise, stagnant water may form, which leads to rotting of the root system.
  2. If the soil is very loose, then an entry is required required quantity clay to change its structure.
  3. When grown on depleted soil, which lacks the required amount of nutrients and the proper level of fertility, a mixture of compost or rotted manure, which is mixed with garden soil, is required.
  4. When growing chestnuts at home, you will need complementary feeding in the spring with a mixture, which can be obtained by mixing 15 g. urea and 1 kg of mullein, followed by dilution in 10 liters of water.
  5. In autumn, the mixture is added to the soil, obtained by diluting no more than 15 g in 10 liters of water. nitroammofoski.

How to grow a decorative chestnut tree on a windowsill

An alternative cultivation option is to plant nuts at home and then transplant them into open ground. The features of this process are discussed below:

  1. To optimize storage space, all nuts can be laid out in layers in one container with moist soil, then sprinkled with wet sand on top and placed in the refrigerator for several months.
  2. Such conditions are necessary to simulate the dormant mode that occurs in chestnut trees in winter in natural conditions. Planting material must be checked at the end of February
  3. , by this period all the nuts should already swell and begin to produce the first sprouts, thanks to which the shell begins to burst. Even if there are no first shoots, it will be necessary to replant.
  4. For this, another container with soil is selected, which is garden soil mixed in equal proportions with sand. Planting material is buried into it by 4-5 cm. For 1-2 months you need to constantly moisten the soil
  5. , not letting it dry out, and wait for the first shoots to appear. It is necessary to wait until the thickness of the seedling is equal to approximately half the little finger.
  6. Soon after this, at least two well-formed leaves should appear on it, usually this happens within a week. The ascended chestnut can be grown at home over the next year, but most experienced gardeners recommends transplanting into open ground in May. moisture and solar heat, and will also have enough time to prepare for the first winter.

Basic mistakes

Below are the most common mistakes made when growing chestnuts from nuts, as well as ways to correct them:

  1. There are a large number of varieties of chestnut, all of them are differently sensitive to soil quality, climatic conditions, terrain and other factors.
  2. For this reason, if nuts are collected far from the intended planting site or planting material is purchased, then it is necessary to find out about its individual characteristics.
  3. An edible variety of chestnut is suitable for consumption; you can try to grow it, then the tree will perform not only decorative functions, but also bring certain benefits. The fruits go well with many dishes, but require preliminary preparation and cannot be eaten raw. Regardless of the variety of chestnut grown, it can be used for medicinal purposes. Virtually all parts of the tree are suitable for this: fruits, seeds, foliage, bark, branches, juice. All of them are included in many products traditional medicine, which in most cases are used to remove

pain or normalization of the functioning of the digestive system. Chestnut is a very beautiful tree, with a lush crown. It is beautiful during flowering, when white fragrant inflorescences bloom. The leaves are green, large and have

beautiful shape . After the color falls, fruits are formed, dark brown nuts, which are closed in a green box with prickly pinches. When ripe, the boxes open and the nuts fall to the ground. In autumn, under every chestnut tree you can see a lot of nuts. Previously, this heat-loving plant grew only in Ukraine. Today this beautiful tree has been grown in many parks, not only in

middle lane

Russia, but also a little further north. It is not necessary to have seedlings to grow it. Chestnuts can be grown directly from the nuts.

Method of growing chestnut from its fruit.

If you plan to plant chestnuts in the spring, then the nuts should be stored not in a cold environment, but in a warm environment. To do this, it is necessary to soften the shell of the fruit. The fruits must be kept in warm water for five days. As it cools down, replace it with warm water. This time is enough for the embryo to swell.

Now the nuts can be planted in the ground. The planting depth is three times the diameter of the fruit itself. Usually up to 3 centimeters.

Autumn sowing produces seedlings faster, two weeks earlier than spring sowing.

But spring sowing is more effective, since the young tree has time and opportunity to get stronger and prepare for the winter period.

The best way is to collect chestnut fruits in late autumn. Natural stratification will occur. In January, plant nuts in flower pots and water regularly, like all indoor flowers.

In spring, plant a young shoot in the ground permanent place, not forgetting about regular watering. To protect the young plant from being broken, you need to make a fence around it.

During transplantation, you can cut off the main root stem, then a stronger and more stable root system will be formed.

More possible in a simple way make a landing. Directly under the chestnut tree, bury all the fruits that you want to plant and cover it with well-fallen leaves. In the spring, when the snow melts, get the fruits. Select those that have sprouted.

They are already ready to land. Just remember that you can’t bury them deeply.

Helpful advice

It will be better for a chestnut tree to take root if, when planting, soil is poured into the hole from the place where the chestnut grew. You can use the soil by taking it under other chestnut trees. You only need to take the first layer - up to 1 cm in depth. Such a substrate will enable the young tree to develop well.

Many city residents like to walk along the alleys where chestnuts are planted; others like to feast on the sweet fruits of noble varieties of nuts. This gives me an idea of ​​how to plant a walnut chestnut at home.

Step-by-step instructions for growing

Growing a chestnut from a nut at home is a rather painstaking task and requires special rules:

  1. The fruits need to be collected in the autumn, when they reach the peak of ripeness and fall from the trees.
  2. In order for the nut to begin to germinate and the tree to be hardy, stratification will be required. If you need to sow nuts in the fall, you will need to place each fruit in a container with a damp, cool environment. To do this, you need to sprinkle the nuts with damp sand and place them on the lowest shelf of the refrigerator or in the basement for 9-12 days. Stratification will help the fetus break through and begin to grow.
  3. If the planting period is planned for spring, then you need to know how to grow chestnuts from walnuts. To do this, they need to be left stratified in a warm environment for the winter. The fruits must be filled with warm water and left for 5 days; if the water cools down, it will need to be replaced with a new one. In such an environment, the nut shell will soften and the embryo will swell.
  4. To germinate an edible chestnut, the fruit must be grown at a depth of 3 cm, and the diameter of the hole should not exceed three nuts. If the chestnut is planted in the fall, then the ascent process will occur two weeks faster than with spring planting. It should be remembered that it is spring planting that provides the tree with resistance to cold and good strengthening in the soil.

Planting chestnuts in winter

If you know how to grow chestnuts at home, you can get a strong tree in the first days of spring. If you collect nuts in recent months autumn, then they will already undergo natural stratification. Thanks to this, they can be planted in pots and cared for like ordinary indoor flowers. With the arrival of January, you can begin planting a tree. Be sure to add a little sand to the planting hole, trim the taproot, and provide regular watering to help the chestnut develop a strong, hardy root system. It is better to fence the planting site with a small fence so that the young seedling is not damaged by animals and wind.

An easy way to grow

There are rules on how to germinate chestnuts at home, if followed you can achieve good results in growing a tree.

In order to weed out weak fruits, you can use simple method. In autumn, near the chestnut tree there are many fruits. You need to collect them in a heap, cover them with a thick layer of foliage and leave them to winter. Thanks to this method, the nuts will undergo natural stratification and begin to germinate on their own. At the moment when all the snow has melted, it is necessary to remove the foliage and collect all the sprouted nuts and replant them in the right place.

It should be noted that the method of growing edible chestnut and horse chestnut is almost the same. Therefore, if it is necessary to grow a noble variety of nut, the rules of stratification and planting must be followed the same as with wild chestnut.

Chestnut is an amazing tree, considered the most ancient type of nut, tasty, very healthy for human body. This is the only variety of nuts containing vitamins C. To plant such a tree on your home plot, you need to know how to germinate a chestnut from a nut and follow all the growing rules. Compliance with them will ensure the germination of a strong, hardy tree, which will delight you with its tasty and nutritious fruits.

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