Which ceiling is better to choose for the hall or living room. How to choose the design of the ceiling in the hall What kind of false ceilings can be made in the hall

Modern repair possibilities give a huge field of activity - you can decorate the living room so that it cannot be distinguished from a luxurious assembly hall. Or you can go on about sports ideas - and interior sporty chic will decorate the rooms in your apartment. The ceiling is that detail, without the proper design of which the perfect repair will fade.

This is one of the most standard sizes living room (hall), therefore, they often focus on examples of the design of just such a ceiling. Here the height of the ceiling matters. If it is high enough, you can safely make a multi-level ceiling. And if plasterboard multi-tiered structures already seem to you not modern, then you can make a combined version.

Combined ceilings are a stretch fabric and plasterboard boxes along the edges. Increasingly, they order a stretch fabric with photo printing, thanks to which the most interesting ideas can be implemented. For example, if the theme of your living room is east, then pictures with oriental symbols can be transferred to the ceiling.

beautiful ceilings in modern house- it is also interesting option when the ceiling and walls are finished in the same color. For example, you can paint the ceiling and walls in soft brick, and all this will comfortably frame light-colored furniture. pastel colors and small green accents in the form of accessories.

How to decorate a room with a high ceiling

You won’t experiment much with a low ceiling, and a high one gives you the opportunity to install any.

So, in a hall with a high ceiling, you can:

  • Make a multi-tiered plasterboard ceiling. Construction on metal frame sheathed with sheets of plasterboard and usually painted white. But colors can vary. Or pair white with bright colors like white and blue, and play around with levels to boot.
  • Simple PVC stretch ceiling. You are not afraid of pouring from above (unless it is poured with boiling water). Such glossy ceiling will create a perfectly flat surface, and the glossy version can visually expand the space of the hall.
  • Stretch fabric ceiling. A matte ceiling can look even more interesting, although fabric suggests different variants invoices. PVC and polyester, from which fabric ceilings are made, do not differ much in terms of environmental friendliness. So the myth that these materials are different (one is more natural, the second is less) is nothing more than a myth.
  • Ceiling decoration with caissons. This ceiling will consist of recesses, cells and beams. You can use classic motifs, you can modernize them due to color. For small room not the most the best option, but in a spacious room it will look great.

And yet there is also slatted ceilings(panels can be made of wood, metal, plastic), and cassette, and Armstrong. You can sheathe the ceiling with clapboard, etc.

Ceiling finishes (video)

How to decorate a concrete ceiling in the hall

Filling the ceiling with concrete is a fairly popular technique in Europe. AT this case we are talking about the arrangement of the ceiling in a private house. Filling will cost more than construction wooden ceiling, and more troublesome. True, and the rigidity of the house will be better.

To do this, you will need to first build the formwork, then reinforce the structure of the building for concrete ceiling, and then directly pour concrete into the ceiling. After pouring concrete into the formwork, you will have to level it from one end to the other. And a couple of months will have to wait for the final drying of the concrete. And only then the formwork is removed, the construction of the walls of the house continues, etc.

Do-it-yourself ceiling in the hall in the Scandinavian style

It is impossible not to say about the stylistic design. Today, apartment owners are increasingly trying to decorate in one or another interior style. For example, provence, loft, country or popular scandinavian style.

What is Scandinavian style? No, it cannot be created just by moving half an Ikea store into an apartment. This is an abundance of light, this is the absence of unnecessary things, these are beautiful lines, comfort, space and cute decor.

The ceiling in the Scandinavian style is:

  • Or White color, or its variations;
  • The ceiling is a neutral background, the task of which is to emphasize interior accents;
  • Usually the ceiling, as well as the walls, are simply finished with paint, the option of pasting with wallpaper or plaster with a minimum texture is allowed;
  • Fanciful chandeliers are also not an option for this interior.

Scandinavian coolness and freshness should be felt along with the coziness and comfort of Scandinavian life.

Material about the features of the Scandinavian-style living room interior will also be useful:

Ceiling in trendy chalet style

On a square or rectangular section of the ceiling, you can make amazing stylistic designs. If you are a fan of the chalet style, then only environmentally friendly materials are allowed for repairs. This, for example, wood, stone, rough plaster.

Ceilings with beams - this is the simplest and most intended design option. Of course, a chalet is the prerogative of rooms in spacious private houses, but if you have the opportunity to decorate the house in this way, combining natural motifs, space, comfort and grandeur of style.

Ceiling decoration and design (video)

It is best to view more than one option, scroll through more than one photo gallery, ask the price and find the image of the ceiling that will delight you for a long time.

Happy repair!

Ceiling design in the hall (interior photo)

The living room is the heart of any home, be it an apartment or a luxury cottage. It is here that all relatives and friends gather for a noisy festive feast. This is where you can enjoy family watching a movie or just sit with a book and a cup of coffee. But comfort and harmony in the hall cannot be created without careful study of every detail of the interior. The ceiling in the hall is an important part of the design, which will help make the room “finished” and beautiful.


The fashion for certain styles in the interior changes almost the same way as the fashion for nice clothes. Perhaps not with such lightning speed, but still fast enough. And to create your dream room, you should know the most popular design solutions that are used during the repair. It is good if you are familiar with the basic interior styles that are most often found in modern apartments and residential buildings.

Modern styles

classic styles

Not suitable for either modern or classical styles, there is a so-called ethnic style. This use is in the interior of decorative elements and design techniques characteristic of various peoples, nationalities, and nationalities. For example, there are Egyptian style, African and others.

African style is characterized by environmental friendliness, minimalism, exoticism. In the living room of this format there will be a lot natural materials and colors: for example, the “skin” of a zebra or cheetah can settle on the floor. Ceilings, as a rule, are harmoniously combined with the decor, they can be matte, fabric, wooden, sometimes they have complex geometry. The color scheme is usually represented by warm tones.

On a note! There is a huge number of various interior styles. Many of them are very similar to each other, others have their own unique image. And the ceiling covering should definitely be chosen in accordance with the style that you plan to bring to life in your living room.

What can be done ceiling in the living room?

Modern technical developments allow you to create a variety of finishing materials for ceilings. However, the old methods are still being used. Someone even manages to combine something familiar with completely new materials and ideas.

What can be done ceiling in the living room? From almost any material, but the living room is still the center of the house, the place where guests are received, and therefore it is worth considering very carefully how this or that material will look in a room for this purpose.

Table. Types of ceiling coverings and their characteristics.

Coating typeMaterialDescription, characteristic

The ceiling is covered with chalk or lime.The oldest and most affordable way to decorate the ceiling. It is easy to do on your own, and if the base ceiling is perfectly aligned, it looks very impressive. In addition, such a ceiling is environmentally friendly. Disadvantages: requires careful preparation of the ceiling surface, quickly loses appearance, gets dirty easily, will not save property during flooding.

The ceiling is covered with water-based paint.Also one of the simplest, cheapest, available ways finishes. However, it looks cheap, makes the room cold. All the imperfections of the ceiling surface will be very noticeable even under a thick layer of paint. We do not recommend using this option in the living room.

A frame is mounted on the base ceiling, and a plasterboard structure is mounted on it, which requires spring finishing (plastering, painting).Much more expensive than simple whitewashing and painting, but it allows you to create interesting multi-level structures, conduct communications under them, invent various options lighting, not limited to the chandelier. Disadvantages: it is difficult to mount without knowing the installation technology of such a design, as well as the need exterior finish. Will not save things in case of flooding.

Metal cassettes are laid on the mounted frame.Such a ceiling looks great only in a high-tech interior, in others it will look cold and uncomfortable. More suitable for the kitchen. Mounting, like a plasterboard ceiling, is quite difficult, but still easier. Also, PVC panels should not be used for the living room - they will rather look in the corridor, bathroom, kitchen, but not in the living room. But wooden cassettes will be in harmony with certain types of interior.

It is mounted from wooden panels or boards on a prepared timber frame.An ideal, but expensive option for an eco-style living room. Durable, environmentally friendly, beautiful. The installation of such a ceiling is quite simple to do on your own.

Styrofoam tiles

Expanded polystyrene tiles are attached to the ceiling base with glue.Such a coating is easily and quickly mounted, and it pleases with its price - anyone can purchase it. However, now this type of finish is already outdated and looks quite simple. But on the other hand, thanks to all sorts of patterns, tiles can be matched to almost every style.

Ordinary wallpaper is glued to the ceiling.How such a ceiling will look depends on the pattern and structure of the wallpaper. Sometimes you can achieve a very interesting effect. Especially if you use wallpaper for painting. This finish option is available to everyone and easy to install.

A thin PVC or fabric web is stretched between the walls on a special profile.Such ceilings can be made in almost any color. They have a lot of advantages, among which is the protection of property from water in case of flooding. True, fabric ones cope with this task worse. Depending on the texture and color, they can be used in the design of any style of interior.

Since gypsum plasterboard suspended and stretch ceilings are now very popular and quite often used to decorate the ceiling surface, it is worth stopping at these types.

Video - Ceiling design options in the hall

Suspended plasterboard ceilings

Drywall, as one of the easiest materials to process, has long entered our apartments. With its help, walls are leveled, door slopes are equipped and, of course, ceiling structures are created. Drywall is enough large sheets 9.5 mm thick, 1500 to 2500 mm long and 600 to 1200 mm wide, which include a special gypsum dough, which is located between the layers of cardboard. Hence the decoding of the name, which is not difficult to guess.

Drywall is of several types, which differ from each other by the presence different properties, for example, fire resistance or moisture resistance. And depending on this, and the price. For the installation of ceilings, the simplest drywall is usually used - standard or plasterboard. Why is this material so popular?

It has a lot of positive qualities:

  • well hides all the flaws of the ceiling surface and does not require its careful preparation;
  • allows you to carry out various communications inside yourself, including wiring for lighting installation;
  • can be painted and painted for every taste and color;
  • has good sound insulation;
  • allows you to create interesting designs.

The plasterboard ceiling also has disadvantages - this is a difficult installation (it is practically impossible to cope without an assistant), the possibility of cracks at the joints, the need for external finishing after completion of work, a loss of about 10 cm in height of the room.

Attention! Also, drywall is a fairly heavy material. Please note that when installing the ceiling 1 square meter structures will have a weight of at least 13 kg.

In a spacious living room, a two-level one will look very good. One level, lower, can be equipped with additional lighting. And put a chandelier in the center. Also, a single-level plasterboard ceiling can be very interesting to beat, including decorating suitable for the style of the interior. ceiling plinth, lighting system or paint pictures.

Stretch ceiling

A stretch ceiling is a structure that is created from a thin fabric stretched between special profiles fixed to the walls. Now this type of finish is the most popular and widespread, because, thanks to the variety of applications, it can be used everywhere, including in the hall.

Stretch ceiling is fabric and PVC film. The first is created from a thin polyester thread impregnated with special polymers. And the second option is a thin PVC film.

On a note! Since the fabric for stretch ceilings is produced in rolls up to 5 m wide, such coatings are usually mounted without seams, which is why they are called "seamless". But PVC ceilings in spacious rooms, they are more likely to have welded seams, since the usual width of rolls of film is from 1.5 to 3 m.

Also stretch ceilings are glossy and matte. PVC film can have absolutely any color - from pure to saturated. The fabric canvas is not so diverse in texture and color, but it “breathes” due to micropores and makes it very interesting to beat the lighting.

The advantages of stretch ceilings are obvious:

  • they are very beautiful and allow you to choose the most suitable option or look for a particular interior style;
  • the fabric ceiling can be painted by hand, and, like on a PVC canvas, any pattern can be applied using photo printing;
  • they will keep the property in case of flooding of the apartment from above;
  • allow you to hide communications, including wires when installing lighting;
  • lighting on such ceilings can be anything: you can install a chandelier or spotlights, as well as make or;
  • installation of a stretch ceiling structure is simpler, faster, easier than a plasterboard ceiling;
  • they are durable.

Stretch ceilings "Starry sky" - the fall of a comet against the backdrop of a flickering galaxy

Stretch ceilings can also be made in the form of multi-level structures. But it is precisely due to the ease of installation that they are far ahead of plasterboard ceilings.


An important aspect of creating a beautiful ceiling in the living room is taking care of the right lighting. Not only does it need to be bright enough and adjustable, but it also needs to be installed nicely and in line with the overall style of the interior of the living room.

Lighting in a modern hall must necessarily meet several requirements:

  • the presence of central lighting (chandeliers);
  • the presence of lamps or lighting;
  • clear zoning of the living room with lighting fixtures.

For lighting equipment, chandeliers, sconces, spotlights, LEDs are used. The last two types are often used to organize lighting.

On a note! LED Strip Light can become the main lighting "device". The fact is that using it, you can create a luminous ceiling. The tape is laid along the draft ceiling in rows, and then covered with a translucent film or cloth. And it turns out a stretch luminous ceiling.

When correct location spotlights, in some cases they allow you to completely get rid of the central lighting device. The amount of light in this case will be regulated by the number of lights on.

In the living room, spotlights can be placed in a circle in the center of the room and along the perimeter, in two circles in the center, in semicircles at the corners of the room, and so on. The most important thing is not to overdo it with their number and follow the basic rules of symmetry. Chaotically located lamps are unlikely to look harmonious in the hall.

How to install spotlights on the ceiling

Note that their installation is possible only on suspended or suspended ceiling structures. Since now the leaders among finishing materials are stretch ceilings, we will find out how to install such lamps on them.

Step 1. Before starting work on installing the ceiling, draw an exact diagram of the entire structure and mark the places where the fixtures will be installed.

Step 2 Transfer the diagram to the ceiling and get ready to install the required number of fixtures.

You will need to attach fixtures for lighting fixtures to the ceiling. To do this, attaching these fasteners in the marked places (where the lamps will be), mark with a pencil the points where you need to make holes for the dowels. Drill holes and use dowels to fasten the fasteners to the ceiling. Make sure that all the bases for the lamps are on the same level.

Step 3 Now mount all the electrical wiring by connecting it to the network and checking for operability.

Step 4 Stretch the ceiling covering and proceed with the further installation of fixtures. The installation process is described in more detail in the article about.

Step 5 Locate (carefully feel for) the exact location of the fasteners. Take reinforcing thermal rings (they protect the web from tearing) and glue with special glue just under the fasteners.

Step 6 Cut out a hole for the lamp exactly according to the inner diameter of the glued ring with a clerical knife.

Step 7 Pull out the connected wire and install the decorative edging of the lamp.

Step 8 Plug in the light. Everything, you can turn on the light and admire the beautiful backlight.

Video - Installation of spotlights in a stretch ceiling

As we can see, the materials that exist today make it possible to implement almost any design solutions and decorate the ceiling in the hall in accordance with your wishes and possibilities. The main thing is to clearly define the style in which the room will be made and, based on this, select the color, texture and material for the ceiling.

Renovation is a time-consuming process of transforming a space that affects all surfaces of a living space. An important part is the ceiling, without which the interior will not look complete. Today we will talk about how you can decorate the ceiling in the hall.

A bit of history

Ceiling decoration has become of particular importance for the overall style of the room relatively recently. AT Soviet time when leveling reigned everywhere, no one thought about what kind of ceiling to make in the hall. Usually it was simply whitewashed or painted, and a traditional chandelier was hung in the center. Stucco molding was often used in old houses, including a border around the perimeter and a relief rope for hanging a lamp. Today, views on the design of the ceiling in the hall have changed a lot. Now the ceiling is a full-fledged interior object, which should be original and stylish on a par with walls, floors and furniture.

Varieties of ceilings

Decorators recommend considering the design of the ceiling in the hall individually. The main thing is that the design and lighting scenario stylistically match the style of the room. Consider the main options modern finishes ceilings:

  1. Stretch ceiling in the hall, which are perhaps the most sought after Russian market. Their popularity is due to the huge variety of structural, color and texture solutions and the speed of installation. Glossy or matte ceilings will look good. Cloths can be chosen in plain color or with any image. For large areas, a two- or three-level ceiling finish in the hall is better suited. With the help of stretch ceilings, unique structures of a wave-like or other bizarre shape are often created, complementing them with original lighting. Almost every stretch ceiling is accompanied by spotlights, thanks to which the room is filled with light even in the corners. The material for such a ceiling finish is used both seamless and with inconspicuous seams. The advantage of stretch fabrics is their moisture resistance, durability, practicality and beautiful appearance. If earlier they were available only to rich people, now due to the rapid development of the market building materials There are a huge number of economical and budget options.
  2. Dropped ceilings in the hall - these are complex structures made of drywall. Using this inexpensive material, you can create any shape on the ceiling, from simple geometric shapes to the most complex multi-level elements, curved steps and smooth lines. Such ceilings look luxurious and elegant, while surprisingly reliable. Plasterboard ceilings in the hall are a surface fixed on a metal base, inside which you can hide the wiring, ventilation pipes and other communications. Finishing consists in pasting with special ceiling wallpaper, which is painted in the desired color. Holes can be made in drywall for any type of lamps, having previously discussed the lighting design of the room with the workers. You can combine diffused and directional light, highlight paintings or other elements on the walls. Suspended ceilings are made when it is necessary to create complex shapes.
  3. double ceilings for the hall - this is a combination of suspended and stretch ceilings. If you decide to apply such a finish, you will have to start with fixing the plasterboard structure. Most often these are rectangular zones along the walls or a relief line along the perimeter.

The living room belongs to the multifunctional premises of an apartment or a private house. In it, households can spend their time in the family circle, receive their guests. Therefore, the correct design of the ceiling in the hall plays leading role in creating comfort and coziness.

Ceiling options

For an error-free choice of ceiling, you should analyze design features finishing area, the style of the future design of the room. When creating the interior of the ceiling, there are two main options:

  1. Single-level. All structural elements located in the same plane.
  2. Multilevel. The design consists of two, three or more levels.

In turn, the second type can be divided into several types, depending on the material used:

  • tension;
  • suspended (from drywall);
  • combined.

The main criterion for choosing a ceiling option is the height of the walls of the room. Based on this, the design of the ceiling system is selected simple or complex.

Advice. When creating a unique ceiling, designers recommend using multi-level combined ceiling systems. With their help, it is easy to perform zoning and visually expand the space of the room.

single level

Single-level ceilings are designed for low rooms, due to the scarcity and space savings. Usually they are simply pasted over with wallpaper and, as a rule, painted, or puttyed and further painted. As an additional decoration, you can use various decorative elements made of plaster, polystyrene, etc.


This design is ideal for rooms with high walls, where lowering the ceiling to a certain level will not have a negative effect on the interior as a whole. They provide great potential and ample opportunities to create a unique design, both from a practical and aesthetic point of view. This task is exactly handled by multi-tiered suspended drywall constructions, tension (mounted) or their combinations and combinations. For greater expressiveness and exclusivity, it can be supplemented with well-mounted and organized lighting.

The design of ceiling multi-level systems is created individually for each room. When creating it, the future design of the living room, the wishes of the owners, the layout of the room and the materials for the construction of the ceiling system are taken into account.

Stretch ceiling for the hall

In the course of development two-level ceilings Stretch and combined ceiling structures are the most popular. They look more chic and elegant in comparison with suspended ceilings. In addition, they have a number of advantages:

Ceiling coverings for this design are presented in a wide color range with different type surface, which does not limit the imagination of designers. For the price, they win in comparison with the chic multi-level designs made of.

Color and surface finish

Depending on the texture of the cloth, the living room can be decorated in different styles. Matte surfaces are ideal for creating a strictly and concise interior, moreover, it is the most economical option. Satin with a slight mirror reflection and gloss will visually expand the room. This option is perfect for rooms with low ceilings to create two-level ceilings. For maximum effect, it is recommended to use pastel colors. A glossy PVC canvas will visually expand the living room in volume.

When choosing a color scheme, designers advise using simple rules:

  1. Give preference to your favorite shades. First of all, the color should have a beneficial effect on the tenants of the apartment.
  2. It should be in harmony with other colors present in the design and interior.
  3. Dark colors visually reduce the space, while light colors expand it.

Attention! According to the rules of color dark colors, and shades create an oppressive perception of the room, while light ones, on the contrary, help to improve comfort and create coziness in the room. This important nuance must be taken into account when choosing a color scheme.

Modern technologies allow you to apply any pattern, collage and painting to the ceiling canvas. This advantage is often used by the creators of the interior to give it a twist. Therefore, you can purchase custom-made ceiling film with your favorite landscape, painting or photo print.

In addition to films, PVC and vinyl, fabric fabrics for ceilings are also produced. They are great for a living room made in classical style. To decorate the hall in Art Nouveau style, a combination of a glossy surface of bright colors is used in a contrasting frame, or in combination with pastel colors on the different levels. Hi-tech involves the use of mirror and reflective planes.

Dropped ceilings

Drywall systems can also be used to create two-level ceilings. They, as well as hide all the irregularities and any defects in the ceiling. The construction of such systems begins with the assembly of a frame from a metal profile, which is subsequently sheathed with sheets of drywall. But when compared with installation, this process is more time consuming and leaves a lot of debris and dirt. With a further analogy with suspended ceiling structures, we see that their service life is a maximum of 7 - 8 years. Saving money is achieved by using cheap material and low labor costs. Among these disadvantages, the advantages should be noted:

  • the ability to perform a surface configuration of any complexity - arched, curvilinear, broken at any angle;
  • the construction technology does not require specialized equipment, everything can be done by hand;
  • has good refractory characteristics;
  • a wide range of suitable lighting fixtures;
  • at finishing any surface texture can be recreated.

Surface plasterboard ceiling can be painted acrylic paints on your own or invite professional artists to make it unique or maintain the design style.

ceiling lighting

Spotlights (spotlights) are used as lighting fixtures for stretch ceilings. They do not require additional fasteners. For mounting more massive lamps and chandeliers, it is necessary to provide additional mounting systems that will take the entire load. The plasterboard version is less whimsical to the installation of lighting. You can also use spotlights and massive versions of devices without the use of additional structures. In addition to the main lighting, additional ceiling lighting is often used to further emphasize the style of the living room interior or design intent. For this, fluorescent lamps are used.

Properly selected colors, high-quality and environmentally friendly material will help to recreate the unique cosiness and comfort in the hall. If you still could not decide on the choice of ceiling finishes, then it is better to seek help from designers. After all, the interior of the entire room depends on this element of the room.

Video review of two-level ceilings

A place where the whole family gathers, guests are welcomed, friendly gatherings are held and holidays should be ideal. Everything should be harmonious in it: the design of the walls, furniture, the general style of the room. We must not forget about the design ceiling in living room . This detail plays a big role in the overall mood of the room. Therefore, today we will select the appropriate design by all rules.

Modern trends in the world of interior and design of residential premises, take as a basis for creating a composition of all planes of a furnished room.

First, think about what mood you would like to create in the hall. This determines the criteria for choosing a color, material and style . Which one would you like to see room ? What emotions should it evoke in visitors? Think about this question before choosing.

In order to determine how the ceiling should look in a modern living room, it is necessary to highlight the main fashion trends that prevail today.

Decide on a common style hall. Naturally, this factor also affects the external view other integral parts of the overall picture. Its design should correspond to the direction of the entire room.

What accessories do you like? Maybe it's a fireplace or a panel with hieroglyphs, African motifs or a lot of living colors . Be sure to take these requests into account. After all, in the end, all elements should harmoniously coexist and complement each other. Agree, a classic wood-burning fireplace will look ridiculous with a glossy stretch ceiling . Think over everything to the smallest detail.

In general, find the main idea and the main idea that carries design . And it, in turn, will influence the external view all other parts.

Design selection rules

Deciding on the general mood living room and moving on to design ceiling Please note some rules:

  • All details must be in harmony with the chosen design;
  • Construction form does not interfere with communications hidden in ceiling
  • For some materials must endure temperature regime humidity, consider these factors when choosing a base (if these indicators do not allow, for example, to use drywall it is better to refuse it);
  • The dimensions of the room affect the choice of color and designs , do not forget about this indicator.

Basic rule: harmony in everything. It concerns colors , textures, base finishes and other options.

Types of options

We propose to consider this issue comprehensively, and pay attention to possible combinations of directions, material and color.

Style Color spectrum material
Classic Warm colors: brown, beige and others Wallpaper, drywall
Modern Contrasting combinations Film, wallpaper
Minimalism White, gray, milky Paint, film
Loft Red, brown brick, paint
Eco style Green, blue, yellow Wood, fabric
Scandinavian White, blue, gray Paint, wood
Antique Cream, beige, milky gypsum, wallpaper

Such an integrated approach allows you to take a broad look at the issue and simultaneously satisfy all the main criteria for choosing a design. Of course, the table shows the basic colors and implementation of each direction. Next, we will consider them in more detail and draw your attention to a few more interesting ones. modern currents.

The main criterion is style

Yet the color scheme and configuration of the future ceiling determined mainly by the general room style . They have weight and some technical characteristics, but they, in turn, affect the choice of style. Therefore, we will take this criterion as a basis. Let's analyze which image is best suited for certain types of people, and various configurations. living room what is best for him to apply and how to implement.

Classics - the basis of the foundations

This flow is characterized by the absence of brilliance, calm and even tones. The introduction of simple patterns and a silhouette image is allowed. Therefore, here we meet such methods of decor ceiling like painting and wallpapering. You can also see suspended single-level structures.

Each period of time has its own style, which may appear after several decades, having undergone some changes.

As for the color scheme: this style suitable for people who are calm, neat, preferring order in everything, perhaps somewhat conservative. Therefore, one-color classic decor is mainly selected, expressed in light colors or calm dark ones (brown, mustard).

Execution can be both component and integral.

Modern: keeping up with the times

Unlike the previous one, this direction is characterized by contrasting combinations. But he has not gone so far from the base, and he is also characterized by smooth elongated lines - sharpness concerns only the color gamut. Great combination for modern it will be black and turquoise, white, or yellow.

Art Nouveau is the main trump card of interior design within the framework of modernity.

Here we already meet a bit of gloss, so they will fit well stretch ceiling white, blue, black colors. The use of wallpaper remains relevant.

Of particular importance is the creation of a well-thought-out space and a concise combination of decorative style with minimalist design trends.

Minimalism: everything is clear and concise

Recently, people want to get away from the hustle and bustle, free up more space in the environment. In this regard, such a trend as minimalism is gaining popularity. It is great for people who do not want to force their home with various furniture and accessories, do on the walls and other parts rooms sophisticated decorations. Slogan style - Simplicity in everything.

Cold shades prevail here, only a monophonic coating is welcome.

As the basis for decor, paint is most often used, you can find overlapping wallpaper and stretch ceiling.

Particularly relevant is the combination of minimalism with hi-tech.


Quite a new trend. It can be called a youth one, it is suitable for clubbers, those who feel more comfortable in unfinished buildings and garages than in a beautifully furnished hall. This specific direction is not suitable for everyone, but has gained popularity in certain circles.

The main emphasis of the flow is on lighting, and non-standard lighting.

Unusual lamps are welcome here, mainly in the form of professional equipment. Ceiling decorated as a technical part of the room. On it can be made suspended structures , imitating communications, which in other cases they prefer to hide.

Predominant colors: blue, blue, white, metallic.

If you want a dramatic change, this option is great for experimentation.


We offer the following from contemporary directions. It has features similar to techno or minimalism. However, this style more comfortable.

The loft has its own distinctive features.

In the design of the premises, he also accepts the postulate of minimalism. Here we find a monochromatic coloring of surfaces, a minimum of details and decorations. Ceiling it can be either monophonically covered with paint or decorated with artificial bricks.

Colors are mostly welcome dark, both warm and cold.

Eco-style: only naturalness

A great option for people who want to equip a corner of naturalness in the concrete jungle. AT design eco-style dominated by natural materials . The same goes for finishing. ceiling . The best options are to decorate it with wood or plaster.

A new round of popularity in eco-stylistics, which is no longer independent view interior, but interacting.

The color scheme is determined by natural colorings. In other details, natural stone (for example, countertops), brick (walls), etc. are often used. Therefore, wood in dark brown tones is the best option. It will fit perfectly into the overall picture.

Antiquity: going back in time

Recently, you can often find the design of houses in the image of antiquity. Basically, this is permissible for large apartments with high walls.This style is characterized by design premises of the 16th-19th centuries. The color scheme is dominated by light warm shades: beige, milky, cream, light yellow; inclusions of white, brown, pink details are possible.

The general construction of the interior plot is entirely borrowed from English style- restraint, authority, consistency.

Ceiling in the modern world for this direction, you can decorate with wallpaper for painting and plaster. The latter can be replaced drywall , with its help you can make an excellent imitation of stucco, characteristic of antiquity.

Pros and cons of finishing materials for the ceiling

In addition to targeting style direction, it is necessary to choose the appropriate type of finish.

Let's talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the most popular materials.


It allows you to make multi-level designs , level the surface and create a unique design . It can be used to embed drywall system of diode lamps, to conduct zoning of the hall using lighting , to create an unusual lighting design.

This material is well suited for rooms where it is necessary to hide communications: ventilation, electrical wiring.

It is better to use in rooms with high walls, average humidity, and a constant temperature regime. Modern views allow it to be used in rooms highly prone to fire or high humidity. However, such kinds will be more expensive than usual.


This material used for making stretch ceilings . Often used in conjunction with drywall . However, you can find its use without a pair. The option is unique. It is suitable for many styles, has an extensive color scheme, and will help to visually increase the space due to the glossy surface.

AT technical specifications this material also performed well.

The film allows you to hide some imperfections and surface irregularities. It is easy to install, so what to do tension surface it will turn out even with your own hands, without resorting to the help of a specialist.


The most common option. Pleased with low cost, availability, and a variety of options. Here you will find simple colors for classics, plain canvases for minimalism and Scandinavian, sheets of various colors for exotic styles.

Wallpapering is a simple process familiar to many since childhood.

This is the simplest and affordable option. So you can rely on him in any case.

Don't be afraid to embody any of your design ideas. Good luck!

VIDEO: Modern ceiling design in the living room.