How to get the most juice from oranges

Natural orange juice is a wonderful drink. It has a rich citrus taste, is rich in vitamins, and is perfectly refreshing in the heat. There are many varieties of this drink on sale, but their quality is often questionable. Happy owners of juicers can pamper themselves with fresh juice every day, but what should those who have not acquired modern equipment do? Is it possible to do without it? So, let's talk about how to squeeze juice from an orange without a juicer. By the way, this is not such a difficult matter.

Making your own orange juice

Ripe oranges are so juicy that sometimes you can extract the juice by cutting the fruit in half and pressing hard. From two halves you will get almost a whole glass of fragrant orangeade. To make the process go faster, keep the fruit in boiling water (3 minutes) or in the microwave (1 minute) in advance.


Many people also know how to squeeze juice out of an orange without a juicer, using a special device - a citrus press. It is a cone-shaped plastic funnel that simply screws into half of the fruit and makes it easier to squeeze out the juice. This thing is sold in hardware stores and costs very little. And the result obtained is in no way inferior to that produced by expensive electronics.

Straining through cheesecloth

Continuing the topic of how to squeeze juice from an orange without a juicer, we cannot fail to mention the most effective, but rather labor-intensive method. We peel the fruit and place the slices in a colander lined with several layers of gauze. Using a pestle, squeeze the juice into a container. Wrap the remaining pulp in cheesecloth and squeeze thoroughly.

Brute force

Don’t know how to squeeze juice out of an orange without a juicer, and don’t have any devices like a citrus press at hand? No problem! Arm yourself with a cutting board and a knife. Roll a whole orange on the board, pressing it firmly against the surface. When it becomes soft, make a hole with a knife and simply squeeze the juice into a glass. One of the options for this method suggests simply kneading the orange thoroughly with your hands so that the juice comes out of the slices.

Variety of flavors

Well, we figured out how to squeeze juice out of an orange without a juicer. You can start practicing. And all these methods are also good for other citrus fruits: grapefruits, lemons, tangerines, limes, sweeties, pomelo. Experiment with different flavors, alternating and combining them.

Rinse the fruit thoroughly and, without removing the peel, divide it into halves along a transverse line. Remove seeds if necessary. Place each orange part on the rotating mechanism electrical device flesh side down, skin side up. Pressing on top of the fruit, squeeze out the juice. Proceed according to the described model if the farm has a simple manual citrus juicer - but you will have to put in more effort.

Before preparing orange juice in a universal juicer, rinse the citrus, remove the peel with a sharp knife and cut the fruit into slices. Remove the seeds and place the orange slices in the device. Turn on the mechanism. If the functionality of the juicer includes regulation of the amount of pulp, take care of the necessary settings in advance. Don't forget a container to catch the liquid.

You should not drink orange juice with medications: it can reduce their healing effect and even cause serious harm to the body. Citrus juice is prohibited for people with gastrointestinal diseases, allergies and diabetics.

How to make juice without a juicer

The washed, peeled and chopped raw materials can also be processed in a food processor () until a puree-like mass is obtained. Add to pulp required amount cold filtered water, sweeten the resulting mass to your taste and swirl again until liquid. After the drink has infused (for three to five minutes), it can be served.

Finally, in the absence special devices You can try orange juice by hand. To do this, blanch the fruit in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, then cut it in half. Extract the juice by squeezing the orange on both sides. Usually you can get 90-100 g of fresh juice from one ripe fruit. If desired, filter the finished orange juice or add the pulp from the fruit to it, collecting it with a spoon. Cool the drink before drinking.

High content ascorbic acid and saccharides in orange juice helps recovery from illness or severe fatigue, and also supports weak blood vessels, vision, kidneys and liver.

Original orange drink

You can make a wonderful soft drink from fresh ones. For two large fruits you will need 2 teaspoons citric acid, 0.5 kg of granulated sugar and bottled water (4 l). Blanch the washed raw materials in boiling water for a minute, then dry completely and keep overnight. freezer.

Keep frozen fruits at room temperature for 15 minutes, then quickly defrost in a microwave oven. Peel the oranges, chop and pass through a meat grinder (scroll). Pour in the fruit slurry cold water and infuse the drink for half an hour. After this, strain the juice, add sugar and citric acid. In 2 hours orange drink he'll be ready.

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Which juicer is better?


  • make juice from oranges

Freshly squeezed orange juice is a very tasty and healthy drink, especially if it is prepared at home. Moreover, this will not require you much time and effort.

You will need

    • Oranges;
  • Water;
  • Granulated sugar;
  • Juicer.


Wash the oranges thoroughly and cut them into two parts.

Bon appetit!


  • how to make orange juice

Orange juice is one of the most popular vitamin drinks. Not only will it help quench your thirst on a hot day, but it will also be an excellent aperitif before lunch.

When we talk about orange juice, we mean one of two varieties – juice or freshly squeezed. It is not difficult to guess that natural juice has undeniable advantages: it does not contain dyes or preservatives, and also contains a huge amount of vitamin C and other useful substances.

Orange Juice Recipe

To make orange juice at home, you only need one main ingredient - fresh oranges. Wash them thoroughly and peel them. To calculate the required amount of fruit, adhere to the following proportions: you can squeeze up to 100 ml from 1 orange. liquids. Prepare the required number of oranges, divide them into slices and squeeze out the juice using a juicer. Pour natural freshly prepared juice into tall glasses and serve.

If you have a special juicer for citrus juice It's even easier to prepare. Wash the orange and cut into two halves. Press half of the fruit onto the special rotating element of the juicer. Pour the juice into glasses. The healthy drink is ready.

If there are no special machines for extracting juice, squeeze oranges by cutting them in half.

In order to get more juice, just before cutting the fruit, keep it in the microwave for 1-1.5 minutes.

Orange drink recipe

Try making a drink for your household. To do this, prepare:
- 2 oranges;
- 500 g granulated sugar;
- 4 liters of water;
- citric acid.

Wash the oranges thoroughly and scald with boiling water. Place in the freezer for several hours. This will help the drink taste more rich. Boil or filter the water.

Cool the oranges slightly and place in the microwave. Then divide into slices and grind through a meat grinder. You can use a blender for these purposes. Add 1 liter of chilled water and leave for 30-40 minutes. Strain the drink through a fine sieve or cheesecloth. Add the remaining water, sugar and citric acid to taste. Mix everything well and serve after 2 hours.

Serve the orange drink in tall glasses with a straw.
Bon appetit!

Orange cocktail with beets

It has a very unusual taste when prepared according to the proposed recipe. You will need:
- 3 oranges;
- 1 small;
- yogurt.

Boil the beets until tender and remove the skins. Wash the oranges, peel and squeeze out the juice and pulp. In a blender, mix the juice, beet pieces and 2-3 tablespoons of natural yogurt. The drink is ready to drink.

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Vitamins, microelements, organic acids and many others necessary for the body You will find useful and nutritious substances in freshly squeezed orange juice. This healthy and incredibly tasty fresh juice is low in calories, therefore it is highly valued by those who are losing weight and are adherents healthy eating.

You will need

  • Oranges, knife, electric or manual juicer, blender or food processor.


Preparing orange juice in a regular juicer
Fresh orange juice is easy to prepare in. To prepare it, you only need one ingredient - fresh oranges. First of all, you need to thoroughly rinse each fruit. Take a well-sharpened knife and peel the citrus, then cut the fruit and remove the seeds. Place the orange slices in a regular juicer and, after selecting the necessary settings, turn it on.

Many of us have given preference to natural and healthy drinks. These include freshly squeezed juice. A juicer will be an assistant in its preparation. But, it is not enough just to acquire a device. You should also figure out how to squeeze juice in a juicer. Let's look at examples.

How to squeeze juice from an orange in a juicer?

You can do it in two ways:

1. Classic orange juice. It is obtained using devices that operate on the principle of a crusher or press. The second option is interesting because the device does not require electricity to operate and the process is easy. Plus, this juicer cleans quickly. The first option looks like a cone, which is used to squeeze out juice. To get it you need to cut the orange into two parts. Then place one of them with the pulp on the cone and turn it several times. The result is a thick fresh juice with pulp.

2. Juice with bitterness. It is known that everything useful material citrus fruits are contained in the subcutaneous layer. This is a white skin that we try to clean. If you want to get a large dose of vitamins, then take a universal juicer. An orange, previously peeled, is placed in it. The juice is squeezed out very quickly because the technique works automatically. True, it takes much longer to wash than a mechanical assistant.

Decide which method suits you best. The first option is ideal for lovers of juice with pulp. The second one is suitable for those who do not like sweet juices. At the same time, they like the drink to be bitter.

How to squeeze juice from apples in a juicer?

Fresh apple juice is one of my favorites. It is the basis of many combination drinks. How much does carrot and apple juice cost? How to do it correctly? First of all, you should decide for what purpose you are preparing it.

If you need juice for the day, then use a centrifugal juicer. It copes well with hard fruits. First you need to wash the apples and remove the core from them. It is better to pour the resulting drink into a glass container; you can take an enamel container. To prevent it from darkening, add a little lemon juice to it. You can make a delicious puree from the cake or add it to pancakes.

If you plan to process apples from the orchard, then get a Soviet juicer. She will help prepare delicious drink for the winter. Typically, 10 kg of fruit produces 4 liters of juice. Apples can be placed whole in this juicer. All waste will come out in the form of cake. By the way, don't throw it away. This is an excellent compost for your garden.

How to squeeze juice from a pomegranate in a juicer?

This is not to say that this drink is particularly popular. But, this is the first remedy for those who want to increase hemoglobin. You can squeeze it out in the following ways:

1. Using a citrus juicer. The process is carried out in the same way as when making fresh orange juice. You need to take half a pomegranate and apply it to the cone. Then turn it until the skin remains in your hands. The disadvantage of this method is that the juice turns out bitter. It is given by partitions that are located between the pomegranate grains. If you add honey or sugar to the juice, the bitter taste will go away.

2. Using a universal juicer. You need a model that processes berries. To squeeze the juice, you need to wash the pomegranate and peel it. To do this, make shallow cuts in the peel. Then you need to open the pomegranate and clear it of partitions. Place the resulting grains in the fruit compartment and turn on the device. Pomegranate juice does not last long, so it is enough to use one fruit per serving of drink.

Juices squeezed yourself are much healthier than store-bought drinks. The only thing is that you shouldn’t abuse them. We also do not recommend drinking juice on an empty stomach. This is especially harmful for people with gastrointestinal problems. If you want to get the maximum benefit, then a glass of fresh juice a day is enough.

For the normal functioning of the body, a person needs to receive more than 650 components from food every day. An important proportion of these valuable vitamins and minerals, various micro- and macroelements are contained in the gifts of nature - berries, vegetables and fruits. With the invention of household appliances - juicers, presses and other technical assistants, people no longer needed to consume fruits in large quantities, because it became possible to drink delicious juices. But the treasured device is not always at hand. How to squeeze juice from citrus fruits without a juicer?

Wash the fruit thoroughly. Peel the orange or grapefruit. Take it apart into pieces. Then you need to place them in gauze, crush them with a pestle and squeeze them out, twisting the material. The miracle drink is ready! If you don’t have a pestle at hand, you can carefully cut each slice with a knife and fold it into gauze. When twisted, the vitamin aromatic liquid will merge into the prepared vessel.

The current device for obtaining juice from citrus fruits is the citrus press. First you need to prepare the fruits: wash them, then cut them in half and bottom hemispheres lightly press on the device, working like a screw. You don't need to be virile to get the tropical taste of citrus juice.

Before making apple juice, the fruits need to be sorted and washed, peeled from the core, seeds and, if desired, peel (although it contains the maximum amount of iron and vitamin C!). Then grate the apples on a fine plastic grater to prevent oxidation, or beat the chopped pieces in a blender. Squeeze the juice out of the resulting mass through cheesecloth, mix it with orange or grapefruit (lime, lemon) juice. Vitamin assortment is ready!

A healthy natural drink from citrus fruits can be made using a knife and cutting board. Before making lemon juice, you need to roll the fruit on this board, pressing it so that the liquid is released inside. Then cut the lemon in half and lightly squeeze some of it. Voila! The magic elixir has been obtained! You need to roll the orange or grapefruit on the board in the same way, but then just pierce the peel and pour out the contents. This is also a popular way to extract citrus juice without a juicer.

Freshly squeezed citrus juice must be consumed within two hours and stored in the refrigerator. What to do with it next? How to preserve juice for the winter? Experienced housewives It is advised to choose for this purpose only ripe fruits, without any defects. Next, squeeze the juice out of them using a citrus press, and then preserve it in natural or sweetened form in a sterilized, hermetically sealed glass container.

If citrus fruits give off their juice well, then how to prepare burdock juice without a juicer? Nothing could be easier! Pass thoroughly washed leaves through a meat grinder. Squeeze the resulting mass through a double layer of gauze. Extracting juice from citrus fruits without a juicer is not difficult. A little ingenuity and care for loved ones, once shown, will help you get such a tasty and healthy drink as juice. And most importantly, it will be natural and very tasty!

Prepare another 3 liters of boiled water room temperature, dissolve 0.5 kg of sugar and 10 g in it. citric acid.
We filter the orange infusion through a sieve, thoroughly squeeze out the remaining “fruit mince” and pour 50/50 into 2 three-liter jars. Dilute the resulting concentrated juice with sweetened water. Mix. The juice is ready! Try it, it differs neither in taste nor color from the store bought one. BUT it is natural, does not contain preservatives and is 3-4 times cheaper!!!

By the way, from orange pomace you can get great jam for sandwiches or filling for cheesecakes. Add 1.5 tbsp to it. sugar and a pinch of citric acid. Mix and place the container in the microwave. Let's boil our jam in cycles of 5 minutes - 3 times. And the jam is ready too! Bon appetit!

By doubling the amount of sugar and water and straining the infusion with orange pulp several times through cheesecloth, you will get up to 10 liters great lemonade. But we usually cook it in the summer!

How to easily make 10 liters of juice from 1 kg of oranges when you don’t have a juicer

Once upon a time, a lot of juice was made from a small amount of oranges, although it would be more correct to call it an orange drink.
However, this drink is in no way inferior in taste to store-bought drinks. And due to its natural taste and lack of chemicals, such homemade juice will rightfully occupy the top step of the pedestal!
Another important advantage is the price! 10 liters natural drink will cost you from 100 to 150 rubles! You can buy it in a store for that price maximum 2 liters strange drink...
So, write it down!
To prepare it we need oranges – 1 kg; lemon - 1 pc., and a kilogram of sugar. Well, water of course, that’s all!!!
We start with the fact that oranges need to be frozen in the freezer. While the oranges are freezing, prepare the syrup. To do this, boil one and a half to two liters of water in a saucepan and dissolve sugar in it.
In general, if you use tap water, you need to boil it all. It is better to use filtered water, and ideally spring water or from a well!
So, the syrup is ready, take the oranges out of the freezer, cut them into small pieces and chop them. You can grind it in a meat grinder or blender. We do the same with lemon, only without freezing.

We send the resulting pulp to three-liter jar and pour in syrup at room temperature. After this, close the lid and put the jar with the contents in the refrigerator or cool, dark place at least 10 hours.

After the specified time, take out the infused juice and strain it through cheesecloth or a strainer. This way you get orange concentrate!

Now all that remains is to dilute it with water to a 10 liter volume. If you make 9 liters instead of 10, the taste will be richer. Although 10 liters turns out to be a very tasty drink!
However, it is better to strain through cheesecloth. In it you can completely squeeze out all the juice from the orange pulp.

And if desired, from the remaining pulp, if you add a mug of water and half a kilo of sugar to it, and then boil over low heat for an hour, you will get an excellent and delicious jam!

If you wish, you can experiment and add some other fruits, such as pineapple or grapefruit! Although I haven’t tried it myself yet, so I can’t say what will happen...

Try, do and share the results. And, share this recipe with your friends on social networks, I think that such a natural and budget drink will appeal to many people!
And the most important thing is that such juice is much safer for children than store-bought drinks!