How to mount pvc slabs on the ceiling. The subtleties of finishing the ceiling of plastic panels. Installation of panels without U-shaped plastic profiles

To decorate the ceiling surface use different materials, but one of the best options is to mount to the ceiling plastic panels. High quality and a variety of textures make it possible to use them in rooms of different purposes, including those with high humidity.

This finishing material is distinguished by its low cost, stylish design, beautiful appearance, but before carrying out repairs on your own, it is important to figure out how to mount plastic panels on the ceiling.

Pros and cons of plastic ceiling panels

Finishes such as PVC fixing panels on the ceiling, has many advantages and positive characteristics. Sheathing with this material allows you to level the base of the ceiling without plastering, as a result of which, for repair work require much less financial and time costs.

Another important advantage of plastic finishing products is moisture resistance. Thanks to this quality of polyvinyl chloride, the panels have proven themselves well in rooms with constantly high level humidity, such as the bathroom and lavatory.

An important quality of plastic sheathing is the possibility of its partial disassembly. For example, if it is necessary to repair the electrical wiring, it will be enough to remove several panels in a certain place. After completion of the work, the plates are returned to their original place without any effort.

After attaching plastic panels to the ceiling, housewives do not need to take care of them in a special way, since it is enough to wipe them with a soft cloth or sponge dipped in soapy water.

This method of designing the ceiling surface has not only advantages, but also disadvantages. In case of fire plastic products, which occurs at temperatures above 350 degrees, the material releases toxins that are extremely harmful to human health.

Before attaching plastic panels to the ceiling, it is advisable to take into account that they do not respond well to sunlight and therefore, over time, they begin to turn yellow and in some places lose their original color. And the main drawback is the sensitivity to mechanical damage. Even a lightly applied point impact can damage the entire plate.

Materials and tools

Before you fix the plastic panels on the ceiling, you need to perform a series preparatory activities. First of all, from the huge range of building materials available in specialized shopping malls, you need to choose the right quality plates that differ in parameter, colors and texture.

On sale are single-color and multi-ton products, the surface of which is:

  • glossy;
  • matte;
  • structured.

According to the shape of the plank, they are divided into:

  • rectangular;
  • square.

Mirror plates, as well as panels, are becoming more and more in demand now. appearance which imitates a stone or natural wood. Huge selection material allows you to design a coating that fits perfectly into the interior of the room. Getting started with such work as attaching panels to the ceiling, you need to have dowels, self-tapping screws, and to assemble the frame - suspensions and profiles.

The sheathing process cannot be done without such tools:

  • paint cord - required for marking;
  • metal square;
  • building level;
  • drill plus impact nozzle or puncher;
  • screwdriver

Before attaching PVC panels to the ceiling, you should decide on the type of frame, the distance between the rough base and the structure under construction, the location lighting fixtures and the direction of installation of the slats.

So that during the installation process you do not have to urgently go to the store for building materials, experts advise pre-calculating the required number of profiles. To do this, you need to determine the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ceiling surface in the room and the parameters of one plate. You should buy panels with a small margin.

Assembling the frame on the ceiling

Before fixing PVC panels to the ceiling, it is necessary to build a special structure. When choosing a frame, they take into account their own financial capabilities, installation conditions and personal preferences of property owners. The quality of the assembly depends on the horizontalness of the plastic surface and general form ceiling structure.

When assembling the frame, you need to pay attention to a number of points:

  1. Metal profiles or wooden bars, thanks to which the PVC panels will be fixed to the ceiling, should be mounted perpendicular to the direction of installation of the plates.
  2. When it is planned to lay communications, for example, electrical wiring, then the frame should be placed at a distance of 10 - 12 centimeters from the ceiling base.
  3. First determine the lowest corner in the room. To do this, measure their height from ceiling to floor. Having learned the minimum of them, this value is taken as the mark according to which the structure will be mounted. Then, along the perimeter of the room, a horizontal line is drawn for the location of the lower part of the frame.
  4. To enhance the resistance of plastic to high humidity, silicone sealant can be used. It is squeezed out between profiles or bars when assembling the frame, but before attaching the PVC panels to the ceiling. The arrangement of the frame must be given special attention, since the quality of the finish and the future appearance of the structure after the installation is completed depend on it.

How to fix plastic panels on a wooden crate

According to the technology, before fixing the plastic to the ceiling, a metal or wooden frame must be completely prepared, the type of which depends on several factors. In dry rooms with a minimum level of humidity, where there are practically no drafts, wooden blocks or slats are usually used, since they are cheaper, and it is easier to assemble such a structure.

Collecting wooden crate, before you mount the panels on the ceiling, you need to follow certain rules:

  1. A dry tree must be treated with antiseptic compounds.
  2. The distance between adjacent slats or bars cannot exceed 40 centimeters.
  3. During the installation of the crate, it is necessary to constantly make adjustments, using small pieces of wood or chips, placing them under the bars. You can also stretch twine or paint thread and thereby simplify the process.
  4. Before attaching the plastic to the ceiling, a special profile is mounted, which is a structure resembling a plinth with a recess along the entire length. The panel is attached to the crate with the “groove” side using nails, screws or staples. As for the “thorn” side, it is inserted into the plinth recess.
  5. Next, the plates are installed in exactly the same way to the end of the ceiling surface. There is a nuance in how to fix the last panel to the ceiling.
    Plastic should only be inserted into the frame and not fixed.
  6. At the final stage, they attach to the wooden crate ceiling plinth, which will close the gaps between the walls and panels. As a result, the ceiling takes on a finished look.

Fastening PVC strips to a metal frame

The metal structure, before attaching the plastic panels to the ceiling, is built in rooms where a wooden crate cannot be installed, since there is high humidity and constant drafts.

The work on the installation of a metal profile consists of several main stages:

  1. The profile is attached with screws to the ceiling.
  2. Dowels fix the mounting profile along the perimeter of the entire room, focusing on a horizontally drawn line.
  3. A transverse profile is attached to the draft ceiling surface, which serves as the basis for plastic panels.
  4. An L-shaped profile is installed along the perimeter of the room, fixing the screws on the mounting profile.
  5. Before attaching PVC panels to the ceiling, you need to measure their length relative to the dimensions of the ceiling surface, cutting off excess material with a hacksaw.
  6. The remaining plates are attached to each other alternately using the tongue and groove method.
  7. There is a feature in how to insert the last PVC panel on the ceiling. The sheathing located in the last row is fixed by installing the finishing corner.
  8. As in the case of using the crate, the ceiling plinth is mounted in order to eliminate the gaps that appear at the junction of the plastic strips and walls.

Regardless of the type of frame, the installation of the strips should be done as carefully and accurately as possible so as not to damage the sheathing material. Before inserting the last panel on the ceiling, you should make sure that all elements of the ceiling structure are located evenly, without displacements and distortions, otherwise they will need to be dismantled.

If you follow the advice of professionals when performing installation work, then there will be no problems with decorating the ceiling surface using plastic plates:

  1. Cut the panels and drill them up front side, for which they use a hacksaw for metal, a hand saw or a construction knife.
  2. It is advisable to immediately apply glue to the wall, for which liquid nails are ideal.
  3. When working with a hammer, hammering nails, you should avoid hitting the plastic, as the panel will immediately become unusable.
Subject to the installation technology, you will get a beautiful and even ceiling, which pleases property owners with its appearance for a long time.

Ceiling decoration can be done in almost any building material, however, each owner tries to choose the most practical and easy-to-use option. One such material is PVC panels. Among its advantages, special attention is drawn to the possibility self-assembly, so you should study in more detail the rules for choosing this material and how it is attached to the ceiling.

Polyvinyl chloride, from which the ceiling panels are made, is a plastic with a low degree of ignition and resistance to chemical compounds. The design of PVC panels consists of two thin sheets of plastic, which are interconnected by a large number of stiffening ribs. The edge along the length on one side of the panel is made in the form of a large mounting shelf, on the other side - in the form of a small mounting shelf. The purpose of the large shelf is to fasten the PVC panel to the crate on the ceiling, the second shelf is used to join the panels to each other.

The popularity of PVC panels is due to the presence of the following advantages:

  • The resistance of the material to moisture. If in a humid environment the plaster from the ceiling begins to peel off, then in the case of plastic panels, this can not be afraid. In addition, you don’t have to worry about damage to the material when flooded from neighbors from the apartment on the top floor. The PVC panel in such a situation can be dismantled, dried well and re-installed.
  • Long operating period. The panels themselves, under proper operating conditions, can last for many years. In addition, a worn or damaged panel can be easily replaced with a new element.
  • Easy care of the finished structure. To maintain the cleanliness and attractiveness of the PVC panel ceiling, regular wiping of the surface with a sponge soaked in warm water with the addition of a soft detergent. It should be remembered that cleaning compounds containing abrasive particles, strong alkalis and acids can spoil the appearance of the PVC panel itself and the entire ceiling structure.
  • Creating a frame or crate for attaching panels. The installation of the frame, on which the main structural elements are fixed, involves the formation of a free space between the base surface and the PVC panel structure. Here you can lay elements of various communication systems, install soundproof and thermal insulation material. Additional insulation is especially important if PVC panels are sheathed on the ceiling, above which there is an uninsulated attic or roof.
  • The possibility of leveling the surface. With the help of the PVC panel structure, the ceiling surface can be easily and quickly leveled. At the same time, you do not need to spend time and effort on complex plaster work, and you can also save on the materials that are required to complete this process.
  • The versatility of PVC panels. With the help of plastic panels, you can finish the ceiling in the living room, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom and in any non-residential type premises. Thanks to a large selection of colors and textures of PVC elements, you can choose the material for decorating the surface in almost any style.
  • Ability to create various systems lighting. Suspended ceiling structure made of PVC panels allows installation a large number of lighting devices, placing them around the entire perimeter of the room or highlighting a specific area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

Rules for choosing PVC panels for the ceiling

To create a reliable and attractive design on the ceiling, you need to choose the right PVC panels. First of all, determine the dimensions of the PVC panels for the ceiling, they can be made in the form of a plastic lining or in the form of a rectangular slab.

In addition, each type is characterized by the presence of certain standard sizes:

  • The lining has a width of 10 cm and a length of 3 meters.
  • The reinforced type lining has a width of 12.5 cm, its length is also 3 meters.
  • Panels in the form of a rectangle can have a width of 15 to 50 cm, their length varies from 2.6 to 3 meters.
  • Plastic sheets have a standard width of 0.8 to 2 meters and a length of 1.5 to 4 meters.
  • The thickness of all types of PVC panels is most often 1 cm.

When choosing, it is very important to learn to distinguish good stuff from low-quality panels, which can quickly become unusable or lose their attractiveness.

Therefore, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • Lining should be purchased for finishing the ceiling in a small room. The same option can be used when decorating a surface under a tree. In large areas, it is better to use rectangular panels or plastic sheets.
  • The strength and durability of the panel is determined by the number of stiffeners, the more jumpers, the more reliable the design will be. At quality products stiffening ribs are not translucent from the front side.
  • High-quality PVC panels have a perfectly flat surface, on which there are no defects, chips or damage.
  • The mounting and mounting shelf must be flexible enough to be easily bent during installation.
  • If, with a slight mechanical impact, a dent or crack remains on the PVC panels, then this option is of very low quality. It is not recommended to purchase such products.
  • When connecting individual elements to each other, a flat plane should form, without gaps.
  • When choosing PVC panels, it is very important to pay attention to the appearance of the elements in the package, they must have the same color and texture. In extreme cases, suspended ceiling panels of the same type may have subtle color differences.

In addition to PVC panels, which are the main elements of the ceiling structure, an installation profile is required. Such products have two shelves, with the help of one profile they are fixed to the ceiling, the other shelf is connected to PVC panels. When choosing a profile, you should pay attention to the thickness of the shelves and the absence of defects.

You should also purchase items for decorative design suspended ceiling made of plastic panels. Most often, in this case, a ceiling plinth is used, with which you can close the gap between the ceiling and the wall. The ceiling plinth is also made of polyvinyl chloride; a special glue is used to fix it.

Concerning color solution PVC panels, here the design of the room and the taste preferences of the owner are taken as the basis. In building stores, products of the most different colors, which allows you to create not only plain surfaces, but also combine several colors.

Mounting tool kit

To properly and securely fix plastic panels on the ceiling, you need to prepare a set of certain tools. It is worth noting that in order to complete the task, it is not necessary to purchase expensive or very complex equipment and mechanisms; the tools from the list can be purchased at any hardware store.

In particular, the installation of a suspended ceiling made of PVC panels is carried out using the following tools:

  • A puncher will be required to assemble and fix the frame.
  • A screwdriver is needed for fastening PVC panels to the elements of the crate or frame. You can also use a puncher for this purpose, but this tool is quite heavy, which makes it inconvenient to use. With the help of a screwdriver, you can easily and quickly cope with the task.
  • A construction stapler should be purchased when it is planned to use staples rather than self-tapping screws as fasteners.
  • A square, cord and building level will be needed to perform the correct markup.
  • Using a pencil or marker, lines and designations of plastic panels are drawn for proper installation.
  • A tape measure is needed for measurements.
  • Electric jigsaw or a circular saw, you can cut bars or a metal frame profile, as well as PVC panels.
  • The ladder allows you to work at height, making them safer and more convenient.
  • With a rubber mallet, the panels are adjusted during installation.

To create a frame, you will also need material. Most often, in this case, wooden bars or a metal profile are used. Do not forget about fasteners, perforator drills, screwdriver bits, dowels and profile hangers.

Preparatory work

Preparation for the installation of a false ceiling with your own hands from the panels begins with the creation of a plan or diagram of the future frame, and this must be done before sending it to the store for tools and accessories. In the plan, it is necessary to note the length and width of the room, as well as draw the location of the elements of the frame or crate. The drawn lines will help to correctly cut the elements of the frame and PVC panels.

Also, the dimensions of the room will help in calculating the number of panels to create a PVC false ceiling. Planning will allow you to do quality work and prevent unpleasant moments in the process of attaching plastic panels.

Another important step in the preparation is the removal of the old finishing material. This is especially true in the presence of a thick layer of plaster or coloring composition. Failure to clean the surface in this case may cause damage to the frame and panels.

At the end preparatory work determine the level of location of the future frame. For this purpose, it is necessary to use a tape measure, with which the height of each corner of the room is measured. Then choose the smallest height, measure down another 5 cm and beat off the line around the entire perimeter of the room. Best Option in this case will use the laser level.

Installation work

Holes are drilled along the drawn line with a step of 5-10 cm with a perforator, a dowel is inserted into each of them. Then they take a U-shaped profile and fasten it to the wall with self-tapping screws, screwing them into the prepared holes. In the process of fixing the profile, the horizontality of the frame elements is controlled using the building level for this purpose.

Further, using suspensions and guide profiles, a suspended frame for the ceiling is created from PVC panels, on which they will be directly attached. The distance between the guides should be approximately 50 cm, install it with a cover to the floor.

The finished frame is additionally checked for horizontality and the absence of height differences. Only under the condition of a high-quality installation of the frame can you get a perfectly flat ceiling made of plastic panels.

Further actions involve the installation of electrical wiring for spotlights. All wires should be laid in a plastic corrugated pipe, which will protect communications from moisture.

In order to save money, the frame for the ceiling of plastic panels can be made from wooden bars. However, in this case, it is imperative to protect the structure from moisture.

Mounting wooden frame for a ceiling made of PVC panels is performed according to the following scheme:

  • First, the level at which the future frame will be located is determined, and horizontal lines are drawn along the perimeter of the room.
  • At a distance of 5-15 cm from each other, holes are drilled along the drawn line.
  • Dowels are inserted into the holes.
  • Using self-tapping screws, wooden bars are fixed on the walls.
  • With the help of suspensions, guides are installed and attached to the main frame by means of corners.
  • Check the horizontality of the finished structure.

When using a wooden frame for fastening PVC panels as fasteners, it is best to purchase not self-tapping screws and a screwdriver, but staples and a construction stapler. In addition, the option of using "liquid nails" is not excluded. This construction adhesive is able to firmly bond the plastic panels to the frame. Such a design can withstand fairly large loads.

It should be remembered that when installing large lighting fixtures or when installing a multi-level ceiling, the frame must be strengthened. For this purpose, it is enough to arrange the guide rails with a smaller pitch. This rule is also important for metal frame.

Fixing plastic panels to the ceiling

The first step in this process is to install the start profile, which is fixed with a large shelf to the rails. The start profile can only be installed at the attachment points of the first and last panels or directly around the entire perimeter of the room.

Next, the panels are measured and cut, while taking into account the ability of the plastic to expand when heated. For this reason, the length of the panels may be slightly less than the size of the room. Neglect of this rule may cause deformation of the panels during the operation of the finished ceiling structure. Also, we must not forget that at low temperatures plastic becomes brittle. Therefore, it is not recommended to installation work during the cold season.

For the spot lighting used in PVC panels, it is necessary to make holes of the appropriate size.

After full training material proceed directly to the installation of PVC panels. The first panel is inserted into the starting profile and fixed with fasteners on the rails. When screwing in the self-tapping screws, do not use great force so as not to damage the PVC panel shelf.

Docking of the next panel is carried out by means of a mounting shelf, which is inserted into the groove of the first bar. Fastening is also performed by the selected fastener. When fitting the panels, it is not recommended to leave gaps and crevices; the elements should be adjusted using a rubber mallet.

The installation of the last plank may vary slightly, as the remaining space rarely matches the width of the panel. Most often, cutting of the panel along the entire length is required, while making sure that the cut edge is as even as possible.

The completion of all work is the gluing of the ceiling plinth and the installation of lighting devices. Question how to do false ceiling from plastic panels, can be considered resolved.

PVC panels - perfect solution for finishing the ceiling of a private house: they are easy to install, they do not require special operating conditions, they are easy to clean and look great. In addition, do-it-yourself installation of pvc panels on the ceiling can be done without buying an expensive tool, and even a novice home master can handle it.

Ceiling panels

PVC panels are panels made from polyvinyl chloride by extrusion.

Their design can be varied:

  • matte and glossy surface;
  • varnish surface;
  • imitation of wood, marble, plaster.

PVC panels are made with grooves and spikes along the edge, which facilitates their assembly and improves mutual adhesion.

The main difference between ceiling panels and wall panels is their weight - ceiling panels are light and less durable, which makes the process of how to attach plastic panels to the ceiling easier.

Advantages of panels over other finishing materials

Fixing pvc panels to the ceiling is preferable to finishing it with other materials due to the following advantages of the panels:

  • strength and long service life;
  • plastic;
  • resistance to water, humidity, ultraviolet radiation, bacteria and fungi;
  • color fastness;
  • additional isolation from noise;
  • ease of cleaning;
  • environmental safety for health and the environment;
  • resistance to burning, high temperature, chemically active substances;
  • lack of smell;
  • safety during the installation of various fixtures;
  • low cost and wide availability;
  • variety of colors and textures;
  • panels do not oxidize and do not crack;
  • hiding irregularities in the ceiling and communications.

The disadvantages of mounting the ceiling from pvc panels can be attributed:

  • release of substances harmful to health in case of fire;
  • instability to mechanical damage;
  • white panels may turn yellow with prolonged and constant exposure to ultraviolet light;
  • pvc panels for many people are associated with the office, not the house;
  • such a ceiling will reduce the height of the room by a couple of centimeters.

Calculation of the required amount of material

Before attaching pvc panels, you need to calculate the required number of them for purchase. The average thickness of the panel is from 0.5 cm to 1 cm, the width is 25-50 cm. The minimum standard length is 2.7 m, the average maximum length is 3 m. The length of additional mounting elements is 3 m.

To calculate the volume of material purchases, the ceiling area is divided by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bone panel (it can be measured in a store or found on the packaging). To the resulting number, you need to add about 10-15% of it for cuts, possible marriage, installation errors, and then round up.

Whole necessary material with a margin it is better to buy in one place to avoid differences in colors and textures

The number of metal profiles for mounting pvc wall panels with your own hands is as follows:

  • having measured the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ceiling, draw it on a piece of paper proportionally reduced;
  • taking into account the average distance between profiles of 60 cm in natural size, this number is proportionally reduced;
  • the resulting number will become the distance between the profile in the figure - parallel lines are drawn from one of the walls, the width of which is also proportional to the width of the real profile;
  • the resulting number of straight lines is the number of profile strips to which you need to add one or two in case of marriage or installation errors.

For mounting the frame around the perimeter, a more rigid profile will be needed. The number of fasteners must be calculated based on the number of profiles. To calculate the amount of ceiling plinth, the ceiling perimeter is divided into three parts.

Fixing the panels to the ceiling

To fix PVC panels on the ceiling, you need to purchase them in the amount calculated earlier, pick up a tool, prepare the surface and get down to business.

We select a tool

To install pvc panels with your own hands you will need:

  • drill or perforator;
  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • knife, hacksaw and metal scissors;
  • miter box;
  • clean cloth;
  • glue or liquid nails;
  • level and tape measure.

Preparing for installation

Before fixing the plastic panels, the surface of the ceiling must be thoroughly cleaned of everything that could damage the planned finish crumbling, breaking off, catching fire. The ceiling must be covered with a primer, after which it dries, markings for the frame are drawn on it.

The resulting space between the ceilings is used to accommodate communications, and, if necessary, insulation

Using a level and a tape measure, a perimeter line is drawn on the walls, at the level of which the future pvc ceiling will be located. The height of this line depends on the unevenness of the ceiling (the measurement must be taken from the lowest point of the ceiling), the size of the selected fixtures, communications and wiring.

For wiring separately, you need to leave an empty space with a height of at least a couple of centimeters. After affixing several marks on the walls, they are extended into a continuous line. A chalk rope will help with this, but you can also mark the line with a pencil.

Next, a grid is drawn on the ceiling itself, indicating the location of the frame so that the profile is located at right angles to the direction of the panels, and the distance between its planks is 60 cm.

Panel frame installation

A metal profile is attached to parts similar to the letter "P", installed in increments of 0.6-0.8 meters with anchor bolts. They are attached to the profiles with screws or self-tapping screws. Jumpers are not placed between the supporting bars of the frame, installing them only in those places where it is planned to mount the fixtures.

After mounting the frame, wires for lighting fixtures are laid, hidden in a corrugated pipe. For spotlights, you can leave a loop no more than 20 cm long.

Another option for mounting the frame is to use a plastic crate: the U-profile is fixed so that its lower side is at the level of the perimeter line outlined on the walls, joining the corners with a saw and a miter box. The plastic profile is mounted in increments of 30 cm.

An even cheaper option is to install a wooden frame on the ceiling with dowels or screws in increments of 0.6 meters.

Installation of pvc panels

Installation is carried out according to the instructions on how to fix pvc panels to the ceiling:

  • the length of each plank must be reduced so as to obtain a value 10 cm less than the length of the ceiling - a gap is left between the end side and the wall;
  • the first bar of the panel is inserted into the U-profile and fixed with screws to each support profile on the frame. To facilitate further finishing, you can cut off its extreme latch;
  • if the size of the panel needs to be adjusted, it is cut with a knife or a hacksaw;
  • the second bar is inserted into the gap of the first panel at an angle and fixed with screws on its other side;
  • when almost the entire ceiling is covered with panels, the last of them can be cut from the side where the groove is.

Plastic panels are easy to cut with a clerical knife by making an incision and then breaking the panel along it

Alternative - glue the panels

If the ceiling is even and does not have significant defects, panels can be glued to it. To do this, draw a medium-sized grid on the surface with liquid nails and install the first panel. Next, a second one is inserted into its groove and advanced to the end of the ceiling.


Next comes the problem of how to fix the ceiling plinth for pvc panels. To do this, one side of the plinth panel is covered with glue or liquid nails and applied so that the glued side touches either the ceiling or the panels.

Installation secrets

Installing pvc panels has its own secrets:

  • it is desirable to cut and drill individual elements from the front side;
  • if some panels cannot be fixed with screws, liquid nails can be used to install them;
  • when screwing panels or driving nails into them, you need to be careful with the fragile front surface of the plates;
  • after installation, the panels must be washed using only a soapy solution and not using abrasive cleaners, hard brushes or solvents.

How to work with pvc panels during do-it-yourself installation is shown in the video:

It is difficult to do without updating the ceiling surface when it comes to a full-fledged repair. And although there are a dime a dozen worthy alternatives in the niche market, installing PVC panels on the ceiling is still one of the most popular options. In many ways, due to the ease and accessibility of the work itself, as well as the absence of serious requirements for the selection of improvised tools. How to install pvc panels on the ceiling with your own hands will be discussed in our detailed article-instruction. All required photos and video materials - to help you.

Material selection

Before the direct installation of pvc panels on the ceiling surface, it’s still like before the moon, until you decide on the color, texture and size of the material. Each hardware store will immediately offer you a wide range of plastic panels, so not choosing the right option for yourself is a must. However, here are a few tips to help you make the right purchase:

  • for small rooms, select panels with a width of no more than 25 centimeters, for large rooms - more than 25 centimeters, respectively;
  • pay attention to the product specification: ceiling panels, despite the visual similarity, differ from wall panels in their lighter weight;
  • ordinary white panels are most often used for finishing public and home bathrooms, for other options it is best to choose colored or textured options - visually they can support even the most interesting and non-trivial interior;
  • if the task is to visually enlarge the room, which cannot boast of a decent area, the ideal choice would be panels with a glossy surface, which significantly work to create volume and depth;
  • choose panels with a hidden seam - this way your ceiling will look more monolithic, but if you are going to use a whole cascade of built-in lamps, then it is quite possible to allow the purchase of a material with a dedicated seam, the main thing is to correctly fit it into the interior composition.

What is needed for installation?

Everything you need for installation is listed below in an easy-to-view list:

  1. self-tapping screws;
  2. anchor bolts;
  3. dowel;
  4. bars (for a wooden frame);
  5. ceiling plinth;
  6. CD and UD profiles;
  7. crab hangers.

Tool preparation

Check if everything necessary tools at your fingertips. So, you will need:

  • roulette;
  • pencil, marker;
  • level;
  • paint cord;
  • corner;
  • metal scissors;
  • jigsaw;
  • perforator (drill);
  • screwdriver

Foundation preparation

  1. remove all fixtures and chandeliers mounted earlier;
  2. mark the wiring points with a marker;
  3. remove all dirt and dust from the concrete base of the ceiling surface.


  • determine with the help of the level the lowest point of the base of the ceiling;
  • step back 5 cm and mark a point that will serve as the level of your future ceiling;
  • draw a line around the entire perimeter of the premises using a paint cord or a hydraulic level;
  • your markup for making a frame for pvc panels is ready.

Frame preparation

The frame for the subsequent installation of PVC panels can be made of wooden blocks, plastic or metal profiles. Solution for this issue only you accept, but it is impossible not to cancel the generally accepted fact: in rooms with high humidity it is best to use metal profiles(read more about the technology of installing PVC panel ceilings in the bathroom), which are not as afraid of moisture as ordinary bars.

Frame made of wooden beams it will cost you about two times cheaper than metal, and it will assemble a little faster. True, you need to pick up bars with a cross section of at least 3 by 3 cm.

The nuance that you need to pay attention to: the price of perfectly even bars is equal to the price of finished metal profiles.

How much do you value your time spent on finishing the curved bars?

However, if you still successfully coped with uneven bars, then your next step is to fix them to the ceiling with self-tapping screws. Observe step 60 cm, and if you want to bring the plane perfectly into level, then prudently drive in the extreme strips and pull the nylon cords from them into the center and along the edges. Already in accordance with the stretched cords, drive in the rest of the bars in the same way, observing the minimum required step 50 cm.

Lathing of plastic U-shaped profiles it will cost you about the same amount as a metal one, but it is far from universal: if you later want to change the pvc panels to some other material, you will have to prepare the frame again.

Here's how it looks in the picture.

And here's how it is in reality.

The principle of fastening to the base is the same as that of the frame on wooden bars with the only difference that fixing should be done with the help of fixing screws through pre-mounted wedges. The advantage of this option is the amazing convenience of direct installation of PVC panels, which are easily driven into the groove. Well, we have already mentioned the disadvantages above.

The most common frame design is from metal profiles.

Here we will not reveal anything new to you:

  1. the longitudinal CD profile is inserted into the opposite grooves of the guide UD profile;
  2. with the help of crab hangers, the longitudinal CD profile is additionally fixed to the ceiling with anchor bolts;
  3. step for installing suspensions - from 60 to 80 centimeters;
  4. step for fixing profiles - 50-60 centimeters.

Installation of plastic panels

  1. we fasten to the frame around the entire perimeter a ceiling plinth with a mounting groove using self-tapping screws;
  2. we insert the first panel with a spike inside the starting profile and fix it on the guide bar with a self-tapping screw, bracket or kleimer - depending on which type of construction you have chosen;
  3. the installation of the next panel does not bring anything new: it is inserted into the groove of the previous one with a spike, pressed against the guides and fixed at the back;
  4. the last panel is the most difficult, and in order to accurately install it, you need to cut it in length and then cut it in width in accordance with your measurements, and then carry out direct installation;
  5. in the case where the last panel is not included, it is always easy to get rid of excess material using a clerical knife.

A good owner who decides to make repairs in his home, first of all, will make a detailed list of his actions, calculate all financial costs, draw a plan for repairs. Only professionals in the field finishing works it is known that one minor flaw can spoil the whole picture of a new repair and require numerous corrections.

In rooms with a high degree of humidity, very often the ceiling and walls are exposed to the negative effects of frequent temperature changes, because of this, the constantly generated steam creates ideal conditions for the formation of fungus and mold.

Repair in the premises of such a plan must be started from above, from the "king" of the room - the ceiling. The best option would be a PVC ceiling.

To make the installation of pvc panels on the ceiling, we need:

  • pvc panels,
  • moldings,
  • mounting level,
  • square for marking accuracy,
  • sharpened pencil,
  • roulette,
  • electric drill,
  • cord to control the accuracy of lines,
  • screwdriver,
  • a few dowels
  • perforator,
  • kleimers,
  • hacksaw,
  • metal scissors,
  • ladder,

Buy building materials with a little more calculation than necessary. Buy tools that often break down also in several pieces so as not to waste time on additional trips to the store.

PVC panels differ in size (from 25 centimeters to 3 meters). If the room being renovated is small, then it is better to take narrow panels (up to 50 centimeters), larger rooms will need wider panels.

It should be noted that PVC panels are the most popular material for interior decoration. Both a professional in the field of decoration and an ordinary amateur can work with him. But, mounting these panels alone is quite difficult, it is better to work with two or three people.

Choosing PVC panels

When choosing PVC panels, there are several subtleties with which you can calculate instances of poor quality. Let's list them:

  • First of all, you need to pay attention to the surface of the panel, to evaluate the correct geometry of the lines. The surface itself should be perfectly smooth and even, the pattern should be natural and uniform;
  • carefully consider the stiffeners, they are located inside the plastic panel. They should not shine through from the front side, and even more so look out from the outside;
  • plastic panel density - important indicator. It is easy to determine it - just press hard on the PVC. A poor-quality copy is deformed or cracked;
  • the durability of the panel also depends on the flexibility of the form. Bend the docking corner 2-3 times - it should not bend or crack;
  • When choosing a panel, consider several types. Each manufacturer has its own manufacturing technique. Take several models of the same width and count the number of internal edges for each of them. Only experienced professionals know about this important detail. The most reliable and strong panel is the one with the largest number of ribs;
  • choose a panel with the thickest walls and stiffeners. Only they hold the shape of the plastic and the ceiling well, respectively;
  • Finally, after choosing the right model of PVC panels, try to put them together and check if there are any gaps at the joints. Qualitatively made specimens are very light, perfectly even, exclude the presence of traces of assembly;
  • the presence of chips on the plastic panel means that the composition contains more chalk than it should be. PVC can crack or break at any moment.

Fastening the crate for PVC panels

Installation of a ceiling made of plastic panels is carried out in 2 stages:

  1. fixing the main frame (crate),
  2. then fixing the panels.

The crate can be purchased at hardware stores or made independently from metal or wooden slats. The slats are fixed about 50 centimeters apart, enough to mask the unevenness of the ceiling.

To properly fix the frame requires maximum attention and precision. To do this, we are looking for the smallest height, draw two even, horizontal lines from the lowest point, using a cord and chalk. Using the level, we double-check the horizontal lines, if necessary, correct. Depends on the accuracy of the drawn markup correct installation the entire frame. When installing the crate, follow the formation of strictly right angles.

After fixing the frame, check that it should be perpendicular to the PVC panels. For this you need:

  • to make the plane perfect, mark the profile attachment lines around the entire perimeter;
  • install the profile as close as possible to the wall, double-check for voids and depressions;
  • fix transverse profiles;
  • to them we attach the basis for fastening the panels;
  • we attach a plastic profile to the transverse profiles and fix the entire structure with self-tapping screws.

Before you start installing plastic panels, remember or draw up a written layout of wiring and communications wires, chandeliers and fixtures so that in the event of a short circuit or breakage, you do not have to break the entire ceiling in search of a cause.

Installation of pvc panels on the ceiling

Measure the length of the ceiling, carefully cut the panel according to this length. Experienced experts recommend cutting off 1 centimeter less than the length of the profiles. Fasten the plastic panels tightly to each other, carefully checking the absence of gaps. We place the PVC panel inside the profile and fix it with self-tapping screws.

It is better to start mounting panels from the extreme side. The first fixed panel plays an important role in further work, the entire surface of the future ceiling will be oriented to it. In the event of an error or uneven installation, the following PVC panels will not fit into each other's grooves. The best guideline for the correct operation are perpendicular walls.

Further repair work will go a little faster. If the batten is fixed well and the first control panels are laid correctly, subsequent PVCs will be easily and evenly installed. Attach them one by one mounting profile. Remember, the panels should be fixed as tightly as possible to each other. The edges of the plastic are neatly wound into the slats. The last panel, as a rule, does not fit completely, it will need to be cut. To do this, use a tape measure to measure the distance from the last installed panel to the wall. Draw a straight line with a pencil, cut it with an electronic grinder. A piece of the last panel should also fit into the cladding as evenly as possible, there should be no gaps or voids between it and the wall.

If it is necessary to minimize the financial costs of repairing the ceiling, then you can put a wooden frame instead of a metal frame, and replace iron screws with brackets. These materials are much cheaper and much easier to mount. But, there are also significant disadvantages: in rooms with a high percentage of humidity, wood is very short-lived. Under the influence of water and steam vapor, the wooden cladding begins to deteriorate and soak, deforming the structure of the plastic panels.

Before starting repair work and installing plastic panels, determine exactly where the lighting fixtures will be installed. If these are small spotlights, then it will not be necessary to additionally strengthen the frame. And if it is a heavy massive chandelier or additional ones will be installed dropped ceilings, then additional rails can be installed in the frame by reducing the distance between them. That is why it is recommended that before starting the installation of PVC panels, draw a diagram of the future location of all devices, that is, you no longer have to remove parts of the panels for mounting lamps or chandeliers. It is possible already in the process of installing the panels to drill small holes for installing appliances.

Once the installation of a new plastic ceiling completed, you can withdraw electric wires outside or, conversely, hide numerous communications and wiring from prying eyes. For creative people with a well-developed imagination, there is an opportunity to experiment with colors PVC panels.