Methods allowing to quickly reduce the level of stress. Reduced stress using self-hypnosis. Effect of stress on various organism systems

They, accumulating, lead either to neurosis, or to an inexplicable disease, or to an unexpected death. One who knows how to reduce the level of stress has good health And lives long.

Diagnosis: Exhaustion Stage

Not everything in life develops, as we want. Emotional memory of each such failure remains in the form of depressed emotions. They keep the body in a state of stress even when there is no real danger. The nervous system is depleted - mental deviations arise; Energy resources are depleted - infinite head, dental pain, stomach disorders, intestines, pressure rises. Doctors are bred by their hands: no causes for diseases!

Determining the level of stress

Dock up to the cause will help measure the level of stress. If he is above the norm, you need to take yourself in hand and pull out of the marsh of negative experiences. There are many techniques that measure the permissible level of stress, get acquainted with some of them.

The method of Holmes also distinguishes about 50 negative situations, the experience of which gives long-term, constant stress. Each of them by gravity has a definite number of points. Here are some of these situations and the strength of their action on the psyche (in points):

  • the death of a close man (spouse, child, parent) - 100;
  • divorce, death of a relative, serious illness, prison - 73 - 53;
  • wedding, loss of work, retirement, relatives of relatives - 50 - 40;
  • problems at work and in intimate life, large loan - 39 - 29;
  • problems of children, change of housing, changing household habits - 28 - 15.

Analyzing your life over the past year, a person notes similar situations and summarizes their points.

  • A low level of stress (how are you? - ok!) - 150 points. Personality copes with life problems, keeping mental health.
  • Middle level (how are you? - so-so ...) - 150 - 300 points. The capacity of the body on the verge of exhaustion, on the horizon - the disease or nervous breakdown.
  • High level (how are you? - There is no place worse) - 300 - 400 points. It is necessary for serious anti-stress treatment and restoration of already destructive health.

PSM LEMURA METHOD LOVE RESPONSIBLE WAKING RESASE THE STATE OF HIS POSSIBLE. It contains a description of over 20 stressful experiences, the frequency of which must be evaluated on the 8-point system (1 - never; 2 - quite rarely; 3 is quite rare; 4 - rarely; 5 - from time to time; 6 - often; 7 - very often ; 8 - daily).

Kak determine the level of stress

It is proposed to analyze how often such conditions are:

  • The amount of points 155 is a sign of the psyche disease; need medical help.
  • Up to 100 balls - the average level - you need to do something;
  • If you scored less than 100 points - everything is in order, adaptation to life is successful.

Methods "Stress Pie" A.E. Ivanova consists of 35 similar issues to determine the physical, intellectual, emotional state. On the five-point system, the frequency of the enumerated events is estimated: 1 - never; 2 - rarely; 3 - sometimes; 4 - often; 5 - constantly.

Diagnostics of the level of anxiety and stress

All three techniques are designed for the fact that the person himself diagnoses its state. With the indicators of "medium" or "high" level, it is necessary to look for a way out of a dangerous situation in which the stress pounds.

I take the blame on myself

And one outlet: to recognize your guilt for inability to cope with negative emotions. Reducing the level of stress should be started with work on emotional intelligence. The brain perceives the information already processed by our feelings, i.e. Thinking is always emotionally painted. The habit of negative emotions (insult, condemnation, contempt, irritation) generates negative thinking and behavior. Emotional intelligence consists in skill:

  • Regulate emotions; Block negative and replace them with neutral or positive. This is an informed volitional action, which first occurs with the effort, and over time turns into a habit. If from childhood it is not brought up, it will have to re-educate yourself.
  • Understand your and other people's emotions - it means to understand the reasons for our feelings and foresee what you can experience the same person as you, with a certain situation. High emotional intelligence is always a breakthrough from a narrow circle of its egoism to empathy and sympathy.

So, just two skills must be seized to increase your EQ - emotional intelligence. First - control and management of emotions. Here it is necessary to carve half a hour of quiet time to analyze what situations most often lead to inadequate behavior. Let it be first 1 -2 annoying factor.

  • Having written them on paper, we must try to determine the bodily and emotional reaction to conflict situations (when the wishes of my wife, for example, blood sticks to the head, the anger is cutting and itching hands to hit it);
  • We then write down what we think at this time: "When she silenced (again about his wife), now slamming the door, I will leave and drink";
  • The third step is a description of your actions in this conflict: I smack a pack of cigarettes, I turn on the full volume of the TV and fall asleep under it, lonely and no one needed.
  • Finally, we write, as we wish to resolve this conflict: For example, remembering something good, to say calmly: "Well, why are you so? Do you remember how each other do we bother? "

Now, when the goal is defined, and you know how you want to behave, we must try to act in this situation in accordance with this purpose. At first it will be difficult and unusual; The first success will be added for future work on themselves.

Stress at body level exercise

The second sign of high EQ is the habit of taking people as they are, to recognize their right to actions that we don't like, forgive and forget the resentment, come to the aid to everyone who asks for her. You need to start listening from the ability to listen and hear.

Listen - this means not to be distracted by your own thoughts and do not interrupt your comments while the interlocutor shares something with us. To hear is to try to understand what feelings and motifs are behind the words, so that it is not clearly tacking the painful strings of the soul of another person.

All these qualities do not come by themselves, but are purchased by targeted actions. And again: with each victory over themselves, the forces are added and painful reactions are leaving.

What is an anti-stress formula

We want this or do not want it, but our body reacts to negative emotions and memories as if these are real stressful situations. Hormones are distinguished, fats are burned, the amount of sugar increases, the pressure is increasing - the state of constant combat readiness. With proper nutrition, the cost of the body on emergency situation Replenish, and man for many years is able to withstand stresslessness without prejudice to health. Antistress formula is vitamins from stress and products that reduce the excitement. They allow you to resist afloat in difficult times.

Vitamins. They must be taken often (after 3 - 4 hours) to ensure permanent presence in the body, preferably with milk, thereby replenishing the protein stocks. In the hardest time you need to use:

  • Ascorbic acid - 300mg per reception. It speeds up the production of cortisone stress hormone, which launches protective reactions in a hazard situation. More vitamin C leads from the body all decay products. The need for it during stress increases in several tens of times!
  • Vitamins B2 and B6 - 2 mg of each at a time. They guard the adrenal glands producing cortisone, from exhaustion.
  • Pantothenic acid - 100 mg for taking. This acid participates in the work of the adrenal glands, pituitary Its deficiency is a real catastrophe for the body during stress.
  • Vitamins A, D, E - according to the instructions for use.

Antistractor food helps to restore forces during exhaustion. These include:

  • pork liver
  • wheat bran,
  • yeast,
  • kidney
  • sheet greens.

Device Level Stress

So, to live freely and joyfully, have a low level of stress and be healthy, it is necessary to change the attitude towards people, and their own body.

Stress stress: How do you manifest?

Absolutely all people, regardless of age, gender and professional activity, are subject to stress. He proceeds from everyone equally. So consider in general featuresYou can select 3 stress stages. It:

The main cause of psychological stress is the frequent impact of negative factors on the body that is perceived by a person as dangerous and he cannot respond to them adequately. Under the "negative factors" in this case, any actions of the surrounding people, unforeseen circumstances (illness, DPT, etc.), mental and physical overwork, etc. are meant.

The struggle with stress should begin at the first stage. Since frequent emotional stress can affect all processes in the body, which leads to the development of various diseases.

When a person is stressful, he begins to increase hell, heartbeat is rapidly, problems with digestion and sexual life arise. Therefore, it is very important to know from which stage stress begins and how she manifests itself.

I Stage - Alarm

The first stage of development of stress - anxiety. For it, it is characterized by the production of adrenal glands of specific hormones (adrenaline and norepinenaline), which prepare the body for the upcoming protection or escape. They strongly affect the work of the digestive and immune system, as a result of which a person in this period becomes more vulnerable to diseases of various kinds.

Most often, during the development of the first stage of emotional stress, the digestive system suffers, since a person who experiences anxiety or begins constantly, or refuses to eat food at all. In the first case, there is a stretching of the walls of the stomach, the pancreas and the duodenum are experiencing a strong load. As a result, failures occur in their work, which leads to increased development of the digestive enzymes that "corrupt" them from the inside.

In the second case (when a person refuses food) heavily suffers from the stomach itself, since it does not fall into it for processing, and the production of gastric juice continues. It also leads to damage to the mucous membranes of the organ, which contributes to the development of peptic diseases.

The main symptoms of the development of this stress stage are as follows:

  • depression;
  • aggressiveness;
  • irritability;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • constant presence feeling alarm;
  • reducing or set of body weight.

If during this period quickly resolved situations leading to stress, then the first stage passes on its own. But if she was delayed for a long time, the body "includes mode" resistance, after which its exhaustion comes.

Stage II - Resistance

After the first phase of stress, the II stage of the emotional state occurs - resistance or resistance. In other words, the body begins to adapt to the surrounding conditions. A person appears for strength, depression disappears and he is again ready for feats. And if we talk in general, then at this stage of development of stress it may seem that a person is absolutely healthy, its body continues to function normally, and its behavior is no different from normal.

During the resistance period, almost all signs of psychological stress disappear.

However, it is worth noting that the possibilities of the body are not infinite. Sooner or later, the prolonged impact of the stressor will give itself felt.

III Stage - Exhaustion

In the event that the stressful impact on the body lasts for a very long time, after the second stage of development of stress, the III phase occurs - exhaustion.

By its clinical picture, it is similar to the first stage. However, in this case, the further mobilization of the reserves of the body is impossible. Therefore, it can be said that the main manifestation of the "exhaustion" phase is actually a cry of help.

Somatic diseases begin to develop in the body, all signs of psychological disorder are manifested. With the further impact of the stressor, decompensation arises and severe diseases are developing, which may even cause fatal outcome.

Decompensation in this case is manifested in the form of deep depression or nervous breakdown. Unfortunately, the dynamics of stress at the "exhaustion" stage is already irreversible. A person will be able to get out of it only with assistance (medical). The patient requires the reception of sedatives, as well as the assistance of a psychologist who will help him overcome the difficulties and find a way out of the current situation.

Stress is a dangerous thing that can lead to the development of severe psychological diseases. Therefore, it is very important for initial stages His manifestations, learn how to fight him on their own.

1. The death of loved ones.

3. Dismissal from work.

4. Failures of loved ones.

5. marriage.

7. Retirement and others.

4. Causes of stress and reduction of its level

4. Causes of stress and reduction of its level

In addition to unmanaged conflicts, excessive stresses affect the organization. The head must learn to neutralize them. Stress (from English Stress - "Voltage") - the state of the voltage arising from strong influences. This is a non-specific reaction of the body to the requirements for it. Stress is an adaptive reaction mediated by individual differences and (or) psychological processes, which occurs as a result of environmental impact, circumstances or events imposing excess psychological and (or) physical requirements for a person.

People are very different in stress resistance. The most vulnerable are the strongest and weakest. Anger prevails in the reaction, in the reaction of the latter - fear, and both of these emotions are devastable for health. People of so-called intermediate types are better armed for confronting stress. Their reactions are more common, they are able to dose stress, taking inevitable and evading excessive.

The physiological signs of stress are ulcers, hypertension, migraine, heart pain, heart attack. Psychological signs: depression, irritability, loss of appetite.

Stress reduces the quality of life of workers and the effectiveness of their labor, so the organization is expensive. Different factors can cause stress, they can be combined into two groups: organizational factors that are associated with work in the organization, and personal factors related to person's personal life, its features.

1. Overload or underloading an employee who lead to the accumulation of physical and mental fatigue, an increase in dissatisfaction, the feeling of material losses.

2. Dynamic of events, the need for quick decision making.

3. Critical circumstances or risk when making decisions.

4. Permanent hurry. There is no time to stop, deep into the problem, take a reasonable solution not to return to the same question. From here - discontent with himself, irritation.

5. Conflective or indefinite requirements from the head or different managers.

6. Non-standardity of the norms and values \u200b\u200bof the individual standards and values \u200b\u200bof the group, awareness of their insolvency.

7. Uninteresting, routine work, no perspectives. Hence the sense of unnecessaryness, the inability to realize its production and creative potential.

8. Large changes at work, in the organization.

9. Bad working conditions: noise, low lighting, stuffing, deviations in temperature mode.

1. The death of loved ones.

3. Dismissal from work.

4. Failures of loved ones.

5. marriage.

6. The emergence of a new family member.

7. Retirement and others.

So, the level of excessive stress must be reduced. To manage this process should be both managers and workers themselves.

Avoiding or lowering the level of stress helps self-standard, rational use of its time. For example, the formulation of personal and professional goals, allocation of priorities in the work, delegation of tasks. In addition, the ability to prove his opinion on your load, contradictory requirements, maintenance of work. And, of course, you need to be able to rest, restore the forces, lead a healthy lifestyle, maintain a good physical form. The stress resistance to stress increases regular and full nutrition, vitamins, phytopreparations, nutritional supplements, sports, respiratory gym, meditation.

Stress in organizations: its nature and causes, methods to reduce stress levels in modern organizations

Characteristic, essence of stress, its occurrence and types. Causes of stress, the effect of stress on staff performance. Prevention of stress at work. Short-term (acute) and long-term (chronic) stress, their prevention.

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On the topic: "Stress in organizations: His nature and reasons, methods for reducing stress levels in modern organizations"

Chapter 1. Characteristics of stress, its appearance and types

1.1 Essence and types of stress

Chapter 2. Work and stress and methods to reduce it

On the threshold of the XXI century. Humanity actively masters the world ocean, the polar regions of the planet, the mountains, often facing the effects of extreme conditions of life, i.e. with stress. It is known that at the same time sharply increase both the psychological loads and the requirements and physiological stability of a person. In his life, almost every person experienced stress, and in our days often talk about stress.

The prerequisite for the emergence and widespread extension of the student in stress can be considered the increased (especially in the second half of the twentieth century) the relevance of the problem of human protection about the actions of adverse environmental factors.

Stress multipath in its manifestations. He plays an important role in the emergence of not only violations of human mental activities or a number of internal organs. It is known that stress can provoke almost any disease. In this regard, the need to learn as much as possible to learn about the stress and methods of preventing and overcoming.

However, this does not mean that stress is only evil, misfortune, but also the most important tool for training and hardening for stress helps to increase the resistance of the body, trains its forbidden mechanisms. Stress is our loyal ally in the incessant adaptation of the body to any changes in the environment.

In this regard, paramount importance acquires the study of the biological foundations of stress and finding out the mechanisms of its occurrence and development. -Stress causes changes in the physiological reactions of the organism, which may not go beyond normal states, but in some cases they become quite strong and serving damaging. Therefore, the correct understanding of the positive and negative aspects of stress, their adequate use or prevention play an important role in preserving human health, creating conditions, for the manifestation of its creative opportunities, fruitful and efficient distribution in everyday life and human labor activities makes it necessary to familiarize the wide range of people with various people Aspects of the problem of stress

1. Characteristics of stress, its occurrence and types

1.1 Essence and types of stress

Stress is the psychological state of a person in which he feels strong tension and suffering. Stress significantly reduces human performance, so the head is important to create such conditions for work in which his staff will feel calm and confident. Stress directly or indirectly increases the cost of achieving the goals of the enterprise.

Such a phenomenon as "stress" in recent years is so firmly arrested in the lives of people, which, unfortunately, for many, has become hardly in habit. Stress at home, at work, in everyday life, in communicating with others, etc. As stressful factors, any changes in life (vacation, marriage, divorce, dismissal, work change), emotional conflict, fear, fatigue, physical injury, disease and transferred operations. Such events in life (even positive) cause us to adapt to new circumstances and, accordingly, they can threaten stress. The effect of these phenomena (stressors) is gradually summed up and accumulated, the more their number will be at a certain point in time, the higher the level of stress.

Whatever the stressors, almost all of them lead to the same answer - the overall adaptation syndrome, which, in turn, includes 3 stages: mobilization, resistance and exhaustion. What represents each of them?

In response to the action of the stressor, anxiety occurs. This reaction prepares the body to urgent actions. As a result, the frequency of heart abbreviations increases, blood pressure rises, digestion slows down. When the immediate danger passes, the stage of resistance occurs.

At the stage of resistance, stress is reduced to a lower, but more stable level. During this period, we have an increased and long-lasting ability to endure the action of stressors. However, if the stress level remains quite high, the exposure stage comes.

Strong stress Determines a significant loss of energy and creates such physiological conditions in which the ability to resist stressors decreases. At the stage of exhaustion, the immune system is weakening, and during this period the occurrence of various diseases is possible.

As you know, not always stress brings only harm. With moderate stress, the mind and body of a person function most effectively. In science, there is even a term "eustone" (translated from Greek - "good" or "real"). He makes the body ready for the optimal mode of operation. Meanwhile, the high level of stress can remain a positive factor in a very short time. The most striking example of Eustrassa can serve as the state of the athlete before the competition or artist before going to the scene.

But the very phenomenon that has a harmful effect on our body is called Distress. Its essence is as follows: when the stress of the same athletes or artists reaches such a high level that, as a result, their performance suffers - it means that it is. At least once in life, each of us had to be his hostage. For example, a school or student exam or condition in front of him when it seems that you don't remember anything, you don't know and is forgotten absolutely everything that has been known before. After the stress situation turns out to be behind, thoughts are returned to their places again, and they involuntarily have to be surprised, it turns out that we all know, we can and can.

Each of us is inherent in its optimal level of stress, which is determined by hereditary and other factors. Different people react to stress in their own way: someone absorbs an inconceivable amount of food, others lose their appetite, others suffer from insomnia, and some, on the contrary, fall asleep on the go. Strong stress necessarily signs us with some sensations. The problem is only that sometimes we do not want or not notice these same signals and, alas, do not take anything that could help us overcome the crisis situation and prevent another blow to our health.

Stress can be divided into:

· Emotionally positive and emotionally negative;

· Short and long-term or, in other words, sharp and chronic;

· Physiological and psychological. The latter, in turn, are divided into informational and emotional.

Stresses are emotionally negative and emotionally positive. For example, such joyful events like a wedding or winning a favorite team, too, in essence, stress factors causing a storm of emotions and emissions of adrenaline. In the case of an emotionally positive stress, the stress situation is short and you can control it, usually nothing to fear: your body will be able to quickly relax and recover after an explosion of activity of all systems. True, the facts are known when strong positive emotions in people with weak health led to serious consequences, right up to strokes and heart attacks, but it is still unique and we will not discuss them. Speaking the "struggle with stress", "consequences of stress", we will keep in mind the emotionally negative type of stress.

There are short-term (acute) and long-term (chronic) stress. They differ differently on health. Long-term carries more severe consequences.

For acute stress, the speed and the surprise with which it happens is characteristic. The extreme degree of acute stress is shock. In the life of each person there were shocking situations.

Shock, acute stress almost always go into chronic stress, long-term. The shock situation passed, but the memories of the experience returned again and again.

Long-term stress is not necessarily a consequence of acute, it often arises due to insignificant, it would seem factors, but permanent and numerous (for example, dissatisfaction with work, tense relations with colleagues and relatives, etc.).

Physiological stress arises as a result of direct impact on the body of various negative factors (pain, cold, heat, hunger, thirst, physical overload, etc.)

Psychological stress causes factors acting by their signaling: deception, insult, threat, danger, information overload, etc.

Emotional stress takes place in situations that threaten human security (crimes, accidents, war, severe diseases, etc.), its social status, economic well-being, interpersonal relationship (loss of work, family problems, etc.).

Information stress arises with information overloads when a person who is greatest responsibility for the consequences of his actions does not have time to make faithful solutions. Very frequent information stresses in the work of dispatchers, operators technical Systems Control.

1.2 Causes of stress

There are various theories regarding the causes of stress. The main reason for stress is change. Any change, even positive, violates the balance; Which we support in your surroundings. In this regard, individual employees are so in the stressful situation, which is forced to even leave work.

Sources of stress are both external and internal.

External sources of stress and concern include: moving to a new place of residence, change work, the death of a loved one, divorce, everyday troubles related to monetary problems, fulfillment of obligations to a certain period, disputes, family relationship, unshaven.

Internal sources of stress and concern include: vital values \u200b\u200band beliefs, loyalty to this word, self-esteem.

Symptoms can gradually increase or appear suddenly, within a few minutes. Panic attacks usually last long, proceed in the form of emotional explosions, accompanied by a feeling of horror and such reactions of the body as reinforced heartbeat and sweating. The generalized alarmed state is usually developing gradually and is usually not a direct consequence of any particular undefined fear (phobias). The two main features of stress and alarming state are uncontrolled anxiety and anxiety. Symptoms can also include muscle tension, fatigue, irritability, impatience, insomnia or sleep disorder, difficulties with concentration of attention. Stress and anxiety can lead to panic attacks, for which pain or discomfort in the chest, rapid heartbeat, difficult, surface breathing, a sense of lack of air, suffocation, chills, or a sharp rise in temperature, trembling, nausea, abdominal pain, numbness or Feeling tingling in the limbs.

Here are the main symptoms:

· Loss of sense of humor

· A sharp increase in the number of cigarettes smoked

with simultaneously appearing addiction to alcoholic beverages,

· - Lost sleep and appetite,

· - Sometimes it is possible, so-called "psychosomatic" pain in the head, back, stomach,

· - Full lack of sources of joy.

If the personality is in a state of extreme stress, it will respond to the situation on the basis of the "battle or flight". The "escape" syndrome is manifested when a person is trying to escape from a threatening situation. The "battle" response allows you to adapt to the new environment.

It is not possible to avoid stresses to any person, so the danger they acquire only if they are too long.

Some management professionals believe that stress can have positive valueSince it can be caused by a complex new situation that will give impetus to the mobilization of all forces to solve it or will open a new stage in the development of man.

In a stressful state, a person shows signs of anxiety and confusion, but then his behavior takes either a protective nature in relation to the reasons for stress, or an attacker.

Several signs of stress characteristic of most people:

· Inability to focus on work;

· Unnaturally fast or slow speech;

· Frequent headaches, cutting in the stomach that have no organic cause;

· Increased excitability and syradiability;

· Abuse of harmful habits;

· Loss of sense of humor;

· Permanent feeling of hunger or its absence.

These symptoms can manifest themselves separately, but their appearance may entail serious problems (nervous breakdown) that are able to bring employee from a working-time state for a long time. The supervisor should be carefully referring to his immediate subordinate to prevent unwanted consequences.

Recently, stress in the workplace is increasingly associated with performance and performance. The American National Institute of Professional Security and Health (NIOSH) defines the work-related stress as "harmful emotional and physical reactions that are the result of work that does not comply with the abilities, resources or needs of workers." According to Niosh estimates, 75% of workers perceive their work as stressful and 25% - as the most powerful stress factor in their lives.

Recent studies have shown that stress-related stress leads to a sharp increase in diseases such as coronary insufficiency and many mental and physical disorders. In the course of many years of studying the impact of stress on civil servants in the UK, data indicating the connection between employees perfected inability to manage the workflow And the probability of occurrence of cardiovascular diseases. After studying 7,000 civil servants, both men and women, scientists came to the conclusion that among employees in the middle and lower levels of the hierarchy, the appearance of a sense of self-helplessness in combination with heart diseases is more likely. They concluded that "more attention to the design of the working environment can be one of the important ways to reduce health violations." Other studies have discovered stress in the workplace with the weakening of the immune system, high arterial pressure, violation of hormonal balance, mood fluctuations, acute depression, insomnia, disruption of digestion, excessive, frustration and anger, as well as violence and accidents in the workplace, Drug abuse or alcohol and "burnout". It is clear that any of these disorders or their combination can lead to poor quality of work and, as a result, to a decrease in labor productivity.

The factors contributing to the occurrence of stress-related researchers group the reasons for the work of stress as follows:

· Excluding from the decision-making process and from here - a sense of lack of control over work;

· Bad communications with insufficient feedback or its complete absence of work results;

· Widespread ambiguity regarding the distribution of roles;

· Feeling of injustice of the system of remuneration;

· No guarantee of the preservation of the workplace;

· The complexity of adaptation to the new technology;

· Chronic flaw or recycling;

· Unpleasant or hostile work environment;

· Negative social environment and

· Responsibility for making decisions regarding life and death.

Although each of these factors paid significant attention in the literature on stress management, it is necessary to emphasize the fact that the same incentives or stressful factors react differently to the same incentives. The duty of management is to keep abreast of these factors, whether they exist within their own organizations and what the influence they have on employees.

2. Work and stress and methods to reduce it

2.1 Effect of stress on performance

stress performance is chronic prophylaxis

A modern man stress takes most of all due to overloads at work, when he tries to do everything better as possible, but then the forces are dried and he works in terms of efforts and worse and worse.

Causes of stress at work:

There are many reasons for professional stress. These include both organizational factors and personality features of each person.

Mostly stress in organizations are associated directly with activities at work. About 60% of people are afraid of their leaders, especially if their bosses are too authoritarial and does not give any support. Stress at work occurs with great overload. For example, when two workers are running for four. Or when there is too much information onto a person.

The lack of promotions, vague boundaries of duties and powers are not very good imprints on the nervous system.

Another stress factor is the level of enthusiasm. If a person does not like his work, if it does not cause interest, it leads to constant discontent and accumulation of negative experiences.

Routine work can also lead to stress, so it is necessary to somehow diversify it.

Stresses at work can be associated with communication. If someone has no relationship with other employees, it leads to discomfort and tension.

Also can lead to stress in the organization following factors:

Poor room lighting, noises, bad ventilation, uncomfortable workplace.

From personal factors, the lowest level of stress resistance, perfectionism, choleric temperament, bad adaptation are the most significant. As well as problems in other spheres of life that a person suffers to work.

Of course, work is stress. Especially when you work on a serious project, and suddenly the computer turns off when you stay after the working day, to finish work for colleagues who went on vacation, when employees and the boss do not live quietly and so on.

Although not all stress is bad. Positive stress improves labor productivity. The set deadlines for the design of the project stimulate and organize. Adrenaline, standing out before the oral presentation, allows you to perform more emotionally, and the report sounds more likely. Positive stress ensures a sense of satisfaction, making work fascinating.

The duration of stress should pay attention. Too long stress leads to increased fatigue, depression and reduces productivity. Stress short action, for example, such as an interview, an interview, report or negotiation, improves presentation.

Thus, you need to find a comfortable individual level of stress, and not exclude stress at all. If stress is not at all, interest in work will be lost, the concentration will decrease and motivation will disappear. When stress is very strong, you do not have to talk about a result. And so the optimal level of stress is individual for everyone.

A study conducted by the insurance campaign of St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Co., shows that, precisely, problems at work are the main cause of health complaints. Even more than material problems or trouble in the family. Despite the fact that stress is a normal component of any employment, some people begin to associate stress and work.

Based on the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (Niosh) the first toastful symptoms of overloads at work are: headaches, sleep disorders, difficulty concentration, hot tempering, disorder of digestion, dissatisfaction from the work done, falnial mood.

On the root cause of the occurrence of stress there are several views.

One of the points of view allocates personal characteristics. Individuality of characters and, therefore, methods to cope with stress determines human exposure to stress. What causes a huge stress from one person will not seem even a problem for another.

On the other hand, scientific studies prove that certain working conditions cause stress to almost all types of personalities. Among them: increased load, long hours of operation, infrequent and irregular breaks, routine work, which does not contribute to the manifestation of individual qualities of the employee; A certain style of personnel management, lack of friendly communication and hostile atmosphere, lack of emotional support, conflicts, unjustified hopes, too much responsibility, uncertainty in tomorrow, insufficient opportunities to increase; Uncomfortable and even dangerous surroundings, uncomfortable temperature and humidity indoors, air pollution, noise, cluster of people and ergonomic problems.

Thus, stress at work occurs both due to the personal characteristics of the employee and the conditions provided.

Stress at work leads to a deterioration of state and well-being. In addition to breaking sleep, the moods, stomach disorders and headaches, problems in communicating with their homework and friends, constant stress worsens the course of chronic diseases, such as peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, disease of the cardiovascular system, various hormonal disorders, psychological states.

Health deterioration leads to more disability sheets, therefore, the organization of working conditions with minimizing the effects of stress at work is the employer task. And each of the employees, in turn, assessing their capabilities, determines whether such work is suitable for him or not. Favorable conditions for work and good results This is necessary: \u200b\u200bthe recognition of the merit of each employee separately, the possibility for career growth, the promotion of the initiative and the decent material remuneration of the employee.

Most campaigns in the United States have stress management programs designed specifically for their employees. Improving working conditions along with individual stress management programs are the basis for preventing the consequences of stress overloads at work.

2.2 Prevention of stress at work

No matter how much man loved his work, no matter how stunning hardworking has possessed, he will still have to face chronic fatigue syndrome caused by stress. Most stresses man gets in service. And even if externally, everything indicates a different cause of the uncomfortable state, should not be accused of relatives and loved ones, as well as the weather and other circumstances. First you need to figure out what stress is what is his manifestation and how to deal with them.

Each person at his workplace may experience professional stress. In some cases, it is even useful. Stress at work mobilizes the employee, increases its effectiveness. But with strong or chronic stress, the consequences are not very favorable. Such an employee begins to experience constant tension, excitement, anxiety. And this is reflected not only at the level of its productivity, but also on physical and emotional health. Therefore, it is important to learn how to manage stress at work.

Prevention of stress at work is necessary. It is much easier to prevent stress than to work with the consequences of the impact of stressful situations.

In order to withstand the psychological burden and not to become a victim of professional stress (namely, the specialists are called the state related to situations arising from work), it is necessary first of all to "know the enemy in person." After all, the effects of stress can be very serious. The emerging tension spoils life and harms health, affects professional successes and interpersonal relationships. Of course, to completely avoid stressful influences, you can hardly succeed, but you can minimize them, learn how to react to them correctly and do not allow them to significantly affect your life.

The stressful state is close, you can learn in advance. The following life situations can be attributed to signals that warn about stress:

More often than usual, pursue trouble, forgetfulness (in which pocket put the keys), in transport it seems that people are more than ever, and the crush is especially unbearable. Getting to the place of work on the car, before the resourceful and dexterous driver, starts to be lost in the stream of machines, and the plugs seem just endless. At work, it does not cope with the tasks in the deadlines established by the authorities, because of this, it is late for pre-designated meetings, and it does not come to them at all. It becomes difficult to make a decision, and all colleagues become enemies. Plus, native marks fatigue and doomed look.

Approaching stress can be stopped.

The first steps to combat stress are obvious. We must distract, change the situation. First of all, stop laying out at work longer than usual. Try to organize your working day so that everything has enough time. Today it is necessary to deal with only those cases that must be completed on time. The rest of the case can or do not start at all, or limit the fact that developing a concept, schedule a follow-up plan. Stay in the service after the working day, it is not only seriously tiring, but, as a rule, and sharply reduces performance. As a result, this not only does not change for the better, but on the contrary worsen. After work, it is better not to go home right away, but to meet with a long-time friend, talk somewhere around a cup of coffee. At the weekend it is uttering everything to go somewhere outside the city to switch and breathe fresh air. If there is a need to help a specialist, you can go to a psychologist-consultant. Together with him, try to find out the cause of stress. The reasons for these, as a rule, are somewhat, and all of them are associated with work. Very nervous fear of losing her. Most often, such sensations appear due to age or due to discontent of the bosses. Often the reason for stress becomes the monotony of work and the inability to change anything. Many cannot properly combine work and personal life, completely giving out something one, more often. Experts sometimes advise you to change jobs. But in modern circumstances it is not a way out. So, it is necessary to try to correct the situation within the framework of the circumstances that life itself offers us.

You can consider several options for how to work at work with a deteriorating mental state. As mentioned above, much depends on poor well-being and on how it is explained. For example, the employee seems that the official duties are boring that there is no official growth in the prospects, and he with difficulty every morning make himself move toward the office. In short, "overwhelmed." And in this main reason All unpleasant sensations. What should I do in this case? And what if you try to find some kind of new, interesting approach to your work. Maybe go to the authorities with some non-standard proposal that will culvet the whole organization? There is another aspect. And not to look at yourself with other eyes? It goes into the sport hall, go shopping. It will return good health and self-removal confidence, and there may also seem not so boring and tedious. Stop feeding in lunch break Some dubious products from street trays. It is better to hold dried fruits, bananas, apples, crispy loaves in the desktop drawer. Do not abuse coffee. It sucks all the energy and undermines the immune system. It would be nice to change the places of the working day. What he had before began to "hide" somewhere in the middle of the day, and on the first half of the day prepare with some creative occupation.

Now let's turn to another dangerous situation stress. The employee is really overloaded with work. A little to him begins to pursue panic, fear that sooner or later he will not cope with her. What to do in this case? You can try to organize a working day differently. It is well known that 20% of effort gives 80% of the result. And the remaining 80% is only 20%. From this flows the first rule of the organization of the day. To begin, analyze the actions, and understand why there is not enough time. And the time gripping because it was much spent on insignificant things. Therefore, the first thing is necessary to distribute the tasks according to the degree of importance. To do this, would be good to know what time the human body is most active.

If the man of "Lark" is not located to long sleep, then it would be necessary to use the time from 6 am. This period is very suitable for active activities. The following productive periods in the days are from 10 to 11 hours, from 14 to 16 and at 18 o'clock. At 9 am in the body there comes a peak of blood circulation, and at 11 o'clock the heart is faster. All this has a fruitful work. But at 12 o'clock it is best to arrange a second breakfast. From 14 to 16 hours, the blood circulation again reaches his peak, and and you can again set the most difficult tasks. But at 17 o'clock, it is better to eat again, otherwise the well-being will begin to deteriorate sharply.

Undoubtedly, all these parameters are conditional, and each organism also has the individual characteristics that need to be noticed throughout life. But almost all people it is useful to follow the two rules: not after 21 hours and not work after one night. This will not bring anything to the body except harm.

Having arranged the working day in agreement with the energy differences of the body, contributes to the light fulfillment of the amount of work that seemed to be difficult. And the soil for the stressful situation will disappear by itself. Work will be instead of fatigue to bring satisfaction and promote a good mood.

Here are ways to prevent stress:

Attitude at work:

1. Seminars, trainings, role-playing games that are aimed at increasing stress resistance, to cope with unforeseen circumstances.

2. The actual relationship of employees with each other, a friendly team, the opportunity to talk to colleagues about what worries.

3. Production gymnastics, musical pause or tea drinking, as well as coordinating trips to nature.

4. Ability to tell the manager about what worries.

Personal attitude to work:

1. Issue to plan activities.

It is very important for not to spend your time to be wasted, it is properly planted, to arrange priorities, to do only what is really important now.

2. Work only during working hours

The work is designed to work, and the house is to relax and communicate with the family. Following this important rule.

3. I mean not

If there are new orders, but it is hard to cope, it is better to refuse. Just follow your work.

4.Ad of your beloved business

If you do not like work, you can find a new one. It is worth understanding "what really likes."

5. Stop chasing money. Money is not a goal, but a tool. Better Understand the true cause of lack of finance. Take a personal growth.

The condition of stress in humans is also old as the person himself. Stress is subject to everything - from a newborn to a weak old old man.

Stress is not only evil, not only the trouble, on and great benefit, for without stressing a different character, our life would be similar to some colorless and silent stagnation.

Activity is the only way to end with stress: you will not cross it and do not climb.

Constant focusing on light sides Life and actions that can improve the situation, not only keeps health, but also contributes to success. Nothing discourages more than failure, nothing encourages more than success.

With stress you can cope, only a desire and some free time for yourself is a loved one. Another thing is that there is no desire - just a person is nice to realize that he is experiencing stress, telling and "complaining" everything, in which he is deep stress, looking for this is probably sympathy, understanding. If there is a desire and some free time, then the methods described above are very effective. Starting with relaxation (2-3 times a day will be thrilled), it will gradually master autotraining, meditation, which eventually enters your life as something inherent. Take care of sports, hobbies, etc.

If there is a desire, but no time, among other things, your self-sustain will help - just think about the beautiful thing that you are doing well ...

1. "Protection against stress. Work with the subconscious" Sandomir Mark Evgenievich, 2009.

2. Ababkov, V.A. Adaptation to Stress / V.A. Ababkov, M. Perre.- SPb.: Peter, 2009. - 210c.

Methods and methods of optimization of stress level

General approaches to neutralization of stress.

Methods of self-regulation of the psychological state during stress. Autogenous training.

Biological feedback method.

Respiratory techniques. Muscular relaxation.

Neurolynguistic programming.

Religion as a way to deal with stress.

Tactics of struggle with stress depending on the time of his offensive.

Elimination of the causes of stress by improving behavioral skills.

Today there are already a great many methods for the correction of psycho-emotional stress, getting rid of stress (including charctatanian, anti-academic), and the main task is to choose those of them that would meet the individual characteristics of a particular person and a specific social, domestic and Pr. Terms, realities in which these stress developed. Among the methods, techniques, methods are known (and we already part of them mentioned):

The choice of method should be determined by the physical data of the person. In addition, for the correction of stress, it is necessary to use and constructing methods, for example, to immutable / delivering from hypodynamics,

optimization of the day mode, voltage alternation nervous system With rest, on a systematic stay in the fresh air and proper nutrition. There are also traditional folk remedies, tested by time:

In addition to these, "everydays", there are also those that can be attributed to psychological:

Actually, many know how to get rid of stress, but, nevertheless, it is constantly experiencing ... Apparently, these methods are not always applied justified and systematically as a result - with low efficiency. And, naturally addressing a specialist, we need to understand that any of them, the most authoritative or little-known, will give preference to some kind of favorite method, the method, receiving: mentioned above the American psychologist J. Wolpe, for example, believes that there are only Three, classes of incompatible with tension: it's sex, food and exercises for relaxation ... Not bad! But all the foregoing means only the fact that in front of practical psychologists the problem of the problem and differentiation of anti-stress methods, and optimal selection They are in accordance with the nature of stress and individual characteristics of a person. Attempts to somehow streamline, classify the methods for removing / neutralizing stress lead only to the separation of them on psychological, physiological, biochemical, physical or on the methods of self-organization of stress, technical, instrumental methods and others, communicatively directed, personally oriented, requiring associates, ally , partner (sex, team games, friendly communication, etc.). You can consider some of them a little more:

physical methods for reducing stress -the effects of high or low temperatures, the light of various spectral composition and intensity, etc. Hardening, sauna and the Russian bath are excellent anti-stressing methods (which are used in traditional medicine and have not lost their meaning now). Solar baths (tan) in moderate doses have a beneficial effect on mental and physical health;

biochemical methods for removing stress -various pharmacological preparations, medicinal plants, narcotic substances, alcohol and ARO-Matherapy (managing the mental state of a person with smells - the most famous and proven sedative properties possess the smells of Valerians, Lavender, Melissa, Ilang Ilaning - but using aromatherapy should consider individual tolerance odors and formed earlier associations);

psychological methods of regulation of stress It is directly affected by physiological processes in the body: on cardiovascular, respiratory and muscular systems - massage, acupuncture, acupuncture, muscular relaxation, respiratory techniques;

methods of psychological self-help -autogenous training, meditation, respiratory techniques, special exercise, etc. The classic example of the method of this group is Indian yoga, which includes breathing exercises (parania), exercise (asians) and physical methods (samadhi);

methods for using technical means: The tape recorder on which the formulas of autogenous workout is recorded; VCR / computer / tablet, with which pictures of nature are reproduced; Training computer programs for relaxation; A variety of biological feedback devices.

If you speak directly about production stresses, then there is its own specificity:

I. Methods aimed at reducing the degree of extremality of the factors of the production environment and their compliance with the psychophysiological characteristics of the employee.

Rationalization of labor processes by compiling optimal work algorithms, providing convenient time limits, etc.;

Improvement of instruments and equipment in accordance with the psychophysiological characteristics of a person;

Development of optimal labor and recreation regimens that would not lead to premature exhaustion of employee resources;

Rational organization of jobs and the formation of optimal working postures;

Creating a favorable social and psychological climate in the team;

Increased moral and material interest as a result of labor.

II. Methods aimed at the psyche of the employee and its functional state: the effect of color and functional music;

Impact on biologically active points;

Wellness exercises;

Conviction and suggestion;

Self-compliance and autotraining;

Breathing exercises;


Work on overcoming stress can be considered preventive And How therapeutic:

- strengthening the protective forces of the body, changing attitudes towards psychotrambulating situations, the development of positive thinking;

- Neutralization of the already occurred stress is a targeted impact on all its manifestations.

Borders here, practically no - autotraining can be applied both as prophylactic, and as a therapeutic agent. But with the bright, obvious development of stress, it is necessary to influence not only on the body (with the help of muscle relaxation and respiratory exercises), but also on thoughts, feelings, emotions (reframing methods and rational therapy). When choosing an optimal strategy for stress response, it is necessary to place priorities: complete removal of stress activation reduces human capabilities to maximize itself in life and professional activities, excessive stress causes serious violations in the body. The optimal level of stress is a balance between two extremes. Probably, each individual person has its own optimum activation, in which its activities are quite effective and, at the same time, the level of stress does not reach a distress.

And now specifically about the individual, already mentioned receptions and methods of permission / removing the stressful situation.

1. Autogenous training

Autogenous training is one of the self-removal options. With its help, a person can have a serious impact on mental and vegetative processes in the body, including at the unnecessary arbitrary conscious regulation. The mechanisms of occurring occurrences are not yet fully understood, and the "peripheral theory of emotions" created at the beginning of the 20th century, James-Langa still retains its meaning to understand the processes that bind our thoughts and our body.

According to this hypothesis, each physiological state of the body is more or less deterministic corresponds to a certain state of consciousness, and, the influence of these states is mirror in mutually. From paradoxical U. James - we cry, not because we are bad, but we are bad, because we are crying -it follows the practice confirmed empirical conclusion: if the will force is to change the skeletal muscles excitation pattern, making it appropriate to other emotions, and thoughts, making the assumption that the necessary emotion is already in the body, the probability of the occurrence of the desired emotion will increase dramatically.

Today, this method as a symptomatic means is recommended for disturbing states, the neurosis of anxiety expectation, the neurosis of fear and various phobias. It should be noted that the main difficulty that occurs during the development of this method is an arbitrary relaxation of skeletal muscles. Indeed, neuromuscular relationships are organized so that the muscles understand only one order well - cut down, and the order to relax is actually not perceived. To relax muscle, you need to stop strain it. Animals relax automatically as soon as the danger disappears or a certain activity is stopped, a civilized person is not like this: he wears His problems, anxiety and dangers of consciousness, which manages muscles, so the latter almost all the time are in a state of chronic voltage. The effect of "positive feedback" - an excited and concerned brain makes the musculature thoroughly strain, and the tense muscles excite even more consciousness, sending nervous impulses into it. To stop this process, Jacobson offered to use the paradoxical path - first strain the muscles as much as possible, and then try to reset the tension. It turned out that using this the principle of contrast, It is possible to more clearly perceive the degree of muscle relaxation, and then learn to consciously manage this condition.

The most important feature of these exercises is the alternation of strong tension and quickly following him relaxation of the appropriate muscular group. At the same time, subjectively, the relaxation process is represented by the sensations of softening, the spread of the heat and pleasant severity in the well-studied portion, a feeling of peace and rest. Our brain constantly receives information on the state of all internal organs and skeletal muscles. At the same time, there are certain relationships between consciousness and body, which will differ significantly in a person who reads a book sleeping or playing in hockey. Negative emotions correspond to a completely defined state of blood vessels and skeletal muscles, and our brain remembers enough big set such psycho-physiological states. When a person is stressful, his muscles are strained, and the heart beats stronger that only enhances the overall voltage of the body. If a person succeeds in relaxing his muscles and calm the breath, then the brain calm downAnd then drop out of emotions.

5. Rational psychotherapy

Rational therapy is used to reduce emotional stress (in sports practice), but its effectiveness is not always high - this is often associated with the impossibility of [at the conscious level] to regulate the processes associated with the activation of the sympathetic nervous system and the internal secretion glands. Yes, and everything is known that attempts to influence an agitated person with only persuasion are unsuccessful. Emotionally significant information for a person who is in the state of emotional arousal will not be so much - it chooses from the entire information flow, perceives, remembers and takes into account only what corresponds to its [dominant] emotional heritage. However, rational therapy can be used in a complex with other methods at the final stage of emotional stress correction, when general level Excitation is already reduced to an acceptable level. People with high anxiety, rational psychotherapy helps to reduce the subjective importance of the situation, to transfer accents to understand the activities and the formation of confidence in success, and persons with a low level of anxiety, on the contrary, helps to increase attention to the motives, strengthening the sense of responsibility.

6. Dis Sociation

Today it is important that there are a number of methods and methods of dissociation, removal from stress:

change the scale of the event. You can find a bunch of examples, as you should consider a specific disturbing, an exciting, annoying event, a phenomenon, for example, removed from it by removing in space. Everything will seem so small, minor, inconspicuous ...;

changing a temporary scale. It is worth thinking about how we will think about your emotional impulse in a month? In a year? Probably, everything will seem small, forgotten, insignificant ...;

change "submodalities" - characteristics Our perception of the surrounding world. Change the proportions of "pictures", features of people, participants in the event, give them something caricature, grotesque, funny ...;

stress modeling in game form - Do not try to portray everything that happened in the form of games with the help of clips and buttons, buttons and matches? And look at this from the side, from above, as the Creator of this action (remember Chapaev from the old film, which simulated the picture of the battle with the help of an old cast iron, smoking tube and several potatoes)?

7. Use of positive images (visualization)

Maybe nevertheless, in order to get rid of stress, it is worth learn to be fixed not on negative emotions, but on positive experiences and not think about problems, but about the ways to exit them? And the first step towards this is the creation of a certain "magical" verbal formula, which would symbolize the future goal - it can be expressed in one word ("health", "courage"), and can be formulated as a whole sentence ("I will pass the exam on excellent"). However, applying a similar way to reduce goal, It is possible to face difficulties on the implementation of the implementation - the subconscious mind reacts to the verbal formulas and much more receptive to sensory images. Of course, one better suitable visual images, other hearing, third - bodily, but best stimulate and inspire combined, images in which all modalities participate. Positive effect This method is based on the fact that each bright image that is created inside is striving for its exit, implementation, embodiment. The larger the internal image of the desired end state, the more often it appears before inner eyes, the greater the likelihood of its implementation in reality.

8. Neyrolynguistic programming

Neyrolynguistic programming (NLP) as a method of psychotherapy is based on samples and studies of optimal ways to achieve success in various fields of life - interpersonal communication, education, business, personal growth - and is a synthesis of Pearl Methods (Gestalt therapy), Satir (family therapy) and Erikson (hypnotherapy), to which the founders of NLP J. Greender and R. Bendler added their own idea of \u200b\u200bthe structure of the human language, noting the importance of it as a basic means of communication and structuring of individual life experience, and also assumed the possibility of "programming" of the individual behavior by selecting the optimal Strategies for organizing internal experience. True, we should note that our science does not approve of NLP, but in the environment of practical psychologists this direction is very popular. Its methods are successfully used to relocate various fears, and, in particular, "school phobias", the fear of examinations, etc. At the same time, one of the leading terms is anchor, under which the incentive is understood by a certain psychological state and His trigger. "Anchor" can have a different modality and be tactile, visual or audio. In order for a person to subsequently gain access to positive resources (for example, courage, tranquility, confidence), NLP specialist must pre-activate his patient's memory, cause the desired state, after which it is "to connect" it with a certain "anchor". After such a "binding", only the presentation of the relevant "anchors" will cause the necessary positive emotions ("resources", according to NLP terminology), which will allow a person to further minimize fear, anxiety and other negative emotions and successfully overcome psychotrauming events. Of course, it is impossible not to note that a part concerning the "anchors" is, in essence, is simply a modified methodology for the development of classical conventional reflexes, although the creators and NLP specialists do not take into account the works of the founder of conditionally reflex teachings I.P. Pavlova ( From here, their methodical errors - for example, they recommend to put an "anchor" - apply a conditional stimulus at the peak of emotional experiences, while specialists in the highest nervous activity is well known that the conditional stimulus actively acts on the effects of some time to unconditional reinforcement). The experience of using NLP technician to reduce the [examination] stress shows its high efficiency both in terms of reducing psycho-emotional stress, and in terms of optimizing the vegetative balance [Schoolchildren and Students].

9. Exercise

An exercise of physical education and sports is a significant factor in the prevention and correction of psychological stress. First of all, this is due to the fact that physical activity is a completely natural, genetically determined response of the body for stressor. In addition, physical education and sports are simply distracted by the consciousness of a person from a problem situation, switch attention to new stimuli, reducing the significance of the actual problem. Additionally, sport activates the work of the cardiovascular and nervous system, burns excess adrenaline, increases the activity of the immune system.

The activity of the body, connected to positive emotions, leads to an increase in the activity of the psyche, a good mood.

Using different species Special motor and breathing exercises - a long time and well-known way to normalize a functional state. The fact of the influence of the level of general physical training on resistance to the emergence of adverse conditions and does not require special evidence - for this purpose, sports, various hardware systems, morning gymnastics, etc. have long been used.

10. Religion as a way to deal with stress

Affective reactions are often a consequence mismatch between expectations and reality. At the same time, the magnitude of the emotion is proportional to the strength of the need that prevails at the moment - from here: the greater the mismatch between the expected and obtained, the higher the heat of feelings. Thus, the less the person expects from life and the lower its needs, the smaller the sorrows, disappointment and stress he is experiencing ... Actually, this is one of the provisions of Buddhism: the elimination of desires and expectations leads to the destruction of the cause for suffering [and stress].

Buddha argued that the world's life is full of suffering, these suffering have a reason to be neutralized - for this there is a certain way - the cultivation of such a warehouse of thoughts and appropriate behavior, which is aimed at lowering the needs to reduce the need to reject the attachment to the world. , to conduct a virtuous lifestyle and focus on achieving Nirvana - the state devoid of any stress.

And Christianity? People are looking for and find in religion those principles and values \u200b\u200bthat meet the peculiarities of their personality and correspond to life installations, therefore, almost always for people with external locus, religion is submitted to one of the possibilities of shifting responsibility with themselves to the highest forces who manage their fate.

Turning to God, many want to protect themselves before a responsible event in life (for example, students before the exam, soldiers before the fight ...). Conformal people tend to search in religion to support and protection; Organized and able to control their emotions are emphasized in religion factor of God as the strength regulating and controlling the world. Calculating and insightful individuals are often seen in religion good way regulation of relationships between humans; People prone to the exacerbate feeling of guilt, find in Christianity the perfect way to repent. For people with a high degree of religiosity it is characterized by a lower level frustrationThan for the rest, which indicates the sedative character of the traditional Christian religion. Therefore, for personalities with a weak type of higher nervous activity and a high level of conformity, religious faith is one of the ways of removing life stresses.

11. Meditation

As a method of removal, correction, reducing the effect of stress, meditation entered the arsenal of psychotherapy not so long ago, although in the east it is as a means, the way, the way of restoring mental equilibrium is used for several millennia. Meditation is a classic way to develop a calm concentration that is a means of restoring and coordinating mental and physical functions, creating clarity of thinking, relieving mentally emotional tension. Having, without a doubt, general roots with autogenous training, meditation differs from it, because AT requires greater volitional efforts and conscious control over the self-regulation process - during autotraining, there is a constant effort of will to combat unstable modulation of thoughts and sensations, and in meditation volitional There is practically no control.

Meditation has several varieties, and a person can meditate not only about his internal processes, but also about the objects of the outside world (some oriental martial arts). Being initially by the method of self-regulation, meditation, of course, can be [separate elements] to be included in various forms of traditional psychotherapy.

Very serious question about the struggle with stress depending on the time of its offensive. If a man expect The occurrence of an unpleasant event, and this expectation itself is already launching a neuro-humoral reaction of stress development, then to begin with, it is necessary to reduce the level of excitement with autotraining or concentration on the respiratory process. Then - the formation of self-confidence with the help of meals of rational psychotherapy or

Fig. 3 Sequential scheme of working with stress depending on the time of its offensive

True, options for working with stress will change if a person was in the epicenter of the event that caused stress:


If the event that caused stress has already happened and now it is in the past, but a person is periodically returning to him in mentally, while experiencing negative emotions, it is necessary to be deployed from the situation, then choose the necessary subjective resources (indifference, calm or wisdom) and actualize them:

Curious the issue of eliminating the causes of stress by improving behavioral skills.

Communication skills.Communication, oddly enough, quite often causes psychological stress: overestimated expectations, negative prejudices, misunderstanding of the interlocutor's motivation, etc., and a particularly strong emotional reaction, sometimes developing in a long stress criticism.

Behavior.Often, the source of human stress is its own uncertainty: a small or too big growth, noticeable emphasis, overweight, lack of financial resources, low social status - all this kind of obvious, objective factors. However, the true and deep source of uncertainty and associated stress is, most likely, the subjective feeling of own inferiority and low self-esteem, which, by the way, is amenable to correction. In general, probably, a large number of people have a unimportant opinion about himself. And the ability to love and respect yourself, to live in harmony with himself and with their actions - the right, and often the only way to reduce the number of stresses. Internal self-confidence. The person is already like this at the moment. Learn to love and appreciate yourself - the most difficult, but also the most effective step in the fight against stress.

You can try to consciously change the pose, gestures, respiratory parameters and voice characteristics - as a result of which feel more confident.

It is possible to act more competently - a change in behavioral manifestations in activities, which will affect both self-esteem, and on the assessment by others, which will eventually allow to act more confidently.

You can try to apply rational psychotherapy (discussed above).

The source of stress, as we talked above, may be frustration related to the failure of the goals set (both in personal life and in the professional field). Quite often, the collapse of the plans is connected not so much with an insurmountable objective difficulties, how much to choose the necessary resources with incorrect setting or inability. In this case, the use of an effective procedure algorithm will allow in the future to avoid "stress of collapsed hopes", which causes serious psychological and somatic consequences. Here is approximate algorithm of living goals:

Positive formulation. This rule means that in the formulation of the goal should be no particle "not". In accordance with this rule, goals "I will not drink anymore," "I'm never a snack", "I i will not be afraid more"And pr. They are difficult to achieve due to the features of our subconscious, which poorly perceives the operation of the logical denial.

Principal achievability. The goals that are set should be fundamentally achievable, do not contradict the physical, biological and economic laws.

Maximum specificity. The wording that should clearly keep in mind the expected specific result. In this regard purpose "Become a bolder", "Become happier" etc. Abstract, fundamentally unattainable. To get rid of stresses, it is necessary to specify: the goal should most depend on us; The goal should be acceptable, understandable, achievable; The goal should be provided necessary resources.

If, when drawing up plans and setting goals, use this algorithm, then the likelihood of stresses, as experience shows, will decrease sharply. At the same time, the movement itself becomes more rational and conscious, and the intensity and frequency of negative emotions decrease.

Nowadays, more and more people suffer from stress. It affects the quality of life and health, helps to increase blood pressure, the development of obesity and heart disease, the emergence of anxiety and depression. There are many ways to alleviate stress without resorting to medication. Here are some of them most effective.

1. Passiflora

Passiflora, or passionwood - folk remedy From anxiety and insomnia. Studies have shown that this plant helps to get rid of stress no less efficient than benzodiazepine preparations. Although it has not yet been proven, it is believed that the passiflora increases the level of gamma-amine oil (gamc) in the brain. This reduces the activity of some brain cells, as a result of which a person feels more relaxed. Passiflora is taken in the form of infusions, teas, liquid extracts and tinctures. It is not recommended for children, pregnant women and nursing mothers. Before turning it on it in your diet, consult your attending physician, especially if you take other medicines.

2. Massage

Massage is used to remove stress for thousands of years. The Chinese used it to open blocked energy channels to improve health. Used massage as one of physical methods Healing and Hippocrat, "Father of Western Medicine". Today we use a massage to relax intense muscles, reduce pain, improve blood circulation.

3. Meditation

Meditation takes only 15-30 minutes a day, so it can be afforded even with a very tight chart. This is perhaps the most affordable method, given that the only tool that is needed for meditation is your own mind. Just give yourself the opportunity to deal for some time so that your thoughts calm down, or just focus on your breath. It will help you reduce or even completely remove stress.

4. Exercise

Tai chi, run, exercise is largely similar to meditation. They allow for some time to be alone with their thoughts or let them go at all. In addition, the exercises give an additional advantage - they contribute to the release of endorphins in the brain, thereby improving the mood, and also prevent the development of obesity and the emergence of other health problems.

5. Organize your life

Organized life gives a feeling of control and tranquility. There are several ways to help it achieve. If you are the person who does everything on the run, make a list of what you need to do is help you not forget about anything. If you have become uncomfortable in your own house - make cleaning. Studies have shown, only a look at the surrounding disorder can cause stress.

6. Fit right

It has long been proven that unhealthy food leads to depression (not to mention obesity), so pay attention to your diet. Healthy foods such as whole grains and proteins are capable of improving the mood and charge the energy for a long time that it will give the opportunity to solve the pressing questions and have time to do everything you need. According to scientists, the most effective products for the removal of stress are blueberries, salmon, almonds. In addition, limit coffee consumption. Although studies have shown that a cup of coffee, drunk during the day, may in some cases "support afloat", use too large number Caffeine makes a person nervous and disturbing, which in the end can lead to a breakdown.

7. Limit the use of the Internet and mobile phone

Reducing stress in the modern world is also problematic because we are almost all the time in the reach zone due to the permanent use of electronic communications. Disconnecting the Internet and mobile phone for some time, you will block the channels by which stress can get to you. It will also allow you to live "here and now", which is very valuable in our time when a person almost does not belong to himself. It is especially important to disconnect the electronic communication to sleep - this will help solve the problem of insomnia.

8. Vitamins

As you know, vitamins contribute to the normal functioning of the brain and the nervous system, help to relax and reset fatigue, and their deficit leads to many health associated health problems. For example, the lack of vitamin B causes irritability, depression, apathy. To prevent these symptoms, it is necessary to increase consumption of rich in vitamin products - embryos and bran of grain crops, beans, peas, nuts, liver, eggs, dairy products.

9. Aromatherapy

In some cases, inhalation of certain aromas contributes to the removal of stress, the mood raises, reduces anxiety, improves attention and concentration. Experts argue that the smells stimulate the work of the limbic system, as a result of which they are released on the brain, chemicals contributing to relatives and helping to become calm and benevolent. Reduce stress and mental fatigue are best helping lavender flavors, cypress and rosemary.

10. Son.

Sleep is the most important natural factor directly affecting stress. The lack of sleep makes a man with a capricious, irritable, leads to frequent breakdowns. If a person sleeps too much, he becomes sluggish and depressed. Try to find the right balance between sleep and wakefulness - it will give you the opportunity to feel well rested and active throughout the day. Associate the improvement of sleep is also certain rituals and rules - for example, a refusal of exercise three hours before sleeping or a warm bath before bedtime. Contribute to improving sleep quality and some food products - for example, bananas, peanuts, figs, dairy products. They contain tryptophan, which stimulates the production of melatonin. In no case, do not overeat before bedtime - it can lead to a stomach disorder, reflux or heartburn.

Dr. Manny Alvarez,

1. Lower and get up early

Early lick and getting up, you will start a day at a more productive mood. On the contrary, if the morning has passed chaotically, it is very likely that all day will work out in the same vein. To avoid this, in the morning let yourself relax and enter into a more measured rhythm. You can make some things in advance, previous evening, and the released time in the morning spend on what you like, read, meditation, records in the diary, etc.

2. Do not worry about the fact that you are unable to control

Anxiety takes a lot of energy and time. Do not waste time, worrying that it does not depend on you. No matter how much you have experienced, it still will not change anything. If we are talking about situations that you can influence, focus not on the problem, but on its possible solutions. The more you spend the energy to think about the problem, the more difficult it will seem. On the contrary, if you send the energy to find a solution, then you will understand that the problem is not as terrible, as it seemed.

3. Make lists of upcoming cases

Every day in the morning, make a list of what is to be done. This organizes and disciplines. Crouch what has already been done. If at first it is too difficult for you to make an exhaustive list, limit the most necessary affairs. So you can avoid the feeling of overload and determine for yourself what needs to be done today, and what can be postponed on the day or other.

4. Take care of nutrition

Poor food prevents the body to adapt to stress. Your menu should consist of fresh vegetables and fruits, proteins, useful fats and whole cereals. Drink a lot of water during the day. It is worth avoiding fast food, recycled products and products containing preservatives, dyes and sweeteners.

5. Learn to say no

One of the most effective ways Reduce the number of stress in life - learn to refuse. If you notice that agreeing to something from a sense of guilt or pity or because "so necessary", it is worth thinking. Such pressure on itself leads to an unnecessary stress and deprives you of time that you can spend on what you really like. Having learned to say "no", you will return power over your own life.

6. Be thanks to life

Learn to experience gratitude for the possibility and impressions that give life. Try every evening to find several reasons for gratitude. Ask ourselves: "What was the best event of today?" You can discuss this issue with close to dinner.

7. Get rid of what distracts

Remember what was spent time last week. What distracted and how could it be avoided? Maybe the consequences of the weekend parties continued to affect a few more days? Or did you spend several hours a day on social networks?

Make a list of everything that distracts and prevents moving forward to the goals set. Think how you can fight this problem. For example, if you considered that spend about five hours a week on social networks, try to reduce this time half and the released clock sweep on some new hobby or something useful.

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