Why do women drink quail eggs? Quail eggs: features of the product and its application. For eye health

Quail eggs are a highly nutritious product. They are low-allergenic and recommended for consumption by adults and children. Quail eggs: The benefits and harms for women vary at different periods of life.

It is beneficial for children to eat quail eggs due to the high percentage of cobalt, copper and calcium they contain. The first promotes hematopoiesis, the second is necessary for the normal development of a growing child's body. The latter's need for calcium is well known: its deficiency can cause brittle bones and rickets.

During puberty, against the background of hormonal surges, yesterday's girls often experience nervousness, sometimes flowing into a depressive state. ethnoscience recommends regularly eating quail eggs for neuroses and sleep disorders.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, quail eggs have a general strengthening effect on the female body. This is due to the significant content of minerals in quail eggs: potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc and iron, and B vitamins. If you eat 2 eggs daily for breakfast, you can alleviate toxicosis and normalize rapidly changing hormonal levels. An improvement in the quality of milk during lactation is also noted.

It is believed that if the expectant mother includes quail eggs in her diet, this contributes to the good physical and mental development of the embryo. This statement, however, is controversial. Eating quail eggs helps restore strength after surgery and therapy associated with various radiation treatments.

After 50 years, many women face problems with the elasticity of blood vessels, changes in blood pressure, digestive disorders and slowing down the metabolic process. By including quail eggs in your daily diet, these troubles can be avoided - of course, in the absence of chronic diseases. In folk medicine they are considered effective means in the fight against aging.

At any age, quail eggs are a valuable source of protein and other microelements that can compensate for the lack of nutrients if a woman is on a diet. Limiting the consumption of any food may make it worse appearance. Eating eggs will help improve your complexion, prevent hair loss and brittle nails.

In what form is it better to eat quail eggs is a controversial issue. Some followers alternative medicine claim that when eggs are cooked, their nutritional and medicinal value is significantly reduced. They reassure those who are afraid of contracting salmonellosis with the high body temperature of quails: they say, thanks to it, the infection does not develop. Therefore, eggs to achieve preventive and therapeutic effect should be drunk raw and on an empty stomach. To add a piquant taste, you can add a few drops of lemon juice to them.

Others argue that the eggs of all birds are susceptible to salmonellosis. Therefore, they can only be eaten boiled or fried.

Not only the contents of quail eggs are useful, but also the shell. It can be crushed and added to ready meals as a replacement pharmaceutical drugs with calcium, or you can eat a boiled egg with the shell.


In any case, quail eggs are a food product, and not a panacea for all diseases. The main requirement is its freshness. They remain fresh for only 7 days, even if stored in the refrigerator. Eating eggs that have expired can lead to poisoning and indigestion.

Despite assurances of low allergenicity, they are contraindicated for people suffering from protein allergies. Children under 3 years old should not be given eggs, including quail eggs. This may contribute to allergies.

And of course, like any food product, you should not abuse them.

Miniature quail eggs are an excellent dietary product. One egg contains a considerable amount of useful organic matter, necessary for a person for the coordinated operation of all his life systems.

The benefits of quail eggs lie in their extraordinary nutritional value and unique medicinal properties. This product can be found in the diet of the Dutch and French, and the Japanese, true adherents of healthy food, even include them in some types of sushi.

Composition and calorie content

The composition of quail eggs is unique; it is a complete protein product, and it contains much more protein than a chicken egg. In addition to protein, quail eggs contain fats and carbohydrates, as well as vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, vitamins E, A, D, and nicotinic acid, which are most valuable for the human body.

The calorie content of quail eggs is slightly higher than that of chicken eggs per 100 grams of product, amounting to 168 kcal per 100 grams. But you don’t need to be afraid of this, you need to take into account their low weight, fewer grams - fewer calories, and much more benefits. The weight of one quail egg is approximately 10 grams.

How to eat eggs - raw or boiled?

There are debates on this issue and opinions are sometimes expressed that are completely opposite. Let's start with the fact that prolonged heat treatment negates almost all the benefits of eating eggs, as it destroys both vitamins and amino acids. 15 minutes of boiling - and only the taste remains.

  1. Eating them raw is fraught with infection with salmonellosis and other intestinal infections. There is also no complete agreement on this point when it comes to quail eggs. The statement that they cannot carry this infection within themselves due to the quail’s high body temperature (42°) is not entirely true. Salmonella dies at 56°. Another thing is that on quail farms the conditions for keeping poultry are better than on chicken farms.
  2. Due to their small size, quail eggs cook much faster than chicken eggs. To cook them soft-boiled, one or two minutes is enough, hard-boiled - five. Therefore, there is hope that the beneficial substances will not be completely destroyed during cooking.
  3. Adults are recommended to eat raw eggs. If it’s difficult - it doesn’t taste good or it just doesn’t go down your throat, you can mix them with juice and make eggnog. The risk remains, but it is minimal, especially if you buy them from trusted suppliers. In addition, salmonella, if present, is not inside, but on the surface. Before eating raw eggs, they must be washed thoroughly.

Maximum rates of possible use of the product (per day):

  • children from 1 year to 3 years – no more than 1 piece;
  • from 3 to 10 years – no more than 3 pieces;
  • from 10 to 18 years old – it is permissible to eat 4 pieces per day;
  • adults (up to 50 years old) – 5-6 pcs.;
  • people over 50 years old - no more than 5 pcs.

Beneficial features

We constantly hear from various sources about the amazing healing properties of spotted eggs. Let's look into them.

So, healing properties spotted testicles:

  • improve memory and perception;
  • do not cause allergies;
  • contain only “good” cholesterol;
  • prevent cancer;
  • nourish the body with useful components during pregnancy;
  • increase male strength.

Their use brings many benefits to the body:

  • has a positive effect on the functioning of the prostate gland;
  • improves the functioning of the heart muscle;
  • helps strengthen bones;
  • normalizes the functioning of the stomach, liver and kidneys;
  • helps against high (low) blood pressure;
  • relieves rashes and acne of an allergic nature;
  • increases appetite;
  • reduces severe headaches;
  • softens toxicosis.

In addition, quail eggs have other beneficial properties:

  1. Selenium is perfectly preserved in boiled quail eggs, which is beneficial in protecting the body from adverse effects. environment, including from radiation. The substance also takes part in the production of red blood cells, promotes the production of antibodies that help resist infections and colds, which is especially important for weakened children.
  2. They are an important source of vitamin D for the pregnant woman and for the baby, they saturate milk essential vitamins and amino acids at breastfeeding. “Spotted healers” are prescribed by doctors for allergic reactions.
  3. The high content of potassium and phosphorus, iron is good for skin health, during breastfeeding, and helps strengthen teeth during pregnancy. It is important for older people to consume this valuable dietary product: joint pain decreases and visual acuity increases.
  4. Eggs are successfully used to treat internal organs, including diseases of the thyroid, thymus and pancreas, and pathological reactions of the intestines and stomach. They are effective for psoriasis, shingles, and eczema. Pediatricians recommend using them for a child with poor appetite.

Quail eggs can be washed down with juice, but the best option is not to use a large number of cool boiled water.

Benefits for men

Quail eggs are often called a storehouse of health and the elixir of youth. This is a dietary product, despite the fact that it contains cholesterol. Experts in the field of chemistry and biology claim that they effectively influence the potency of men.

Their benefits are obvious and are due to the presence of microelements iron, protein, phosphorus and many essential minerals. To experience their effects, sexopathologists advise drinking a special cocktail that is used in medicinal purposes for erectile dysfunction. It's quite simple to prepare:

  • cola – 120 gr.;
  • cognac – 20 gr.;
  • sugar – 1 tsp;
  • lemon – 1 slice;
  • quail eggs – 2 pcs.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly with a mixer and add a small amount of sparkling water. This cocktail is drunk instead of Viagra. Moreover, in terms of effectiveness, it is in no way inferior to its pharmacy counterpart. However, if you are allergic to one of the listed products, you should avoid drinking this drink.

Benefits for women

Peculiarities female body are such that for normal functioning it requires certain biological active substances. Quail eggs contain vitamins A and E, which are rightly called female vitamins and are antioxidants that play an important role in the prevention of cancer. female organs and mammary glands. The composition of quail eggs has a positive effect on the nervous system, preventing stress, nervous breakdowns and depression.

The benefits of quail eggs for pregnant women are due to: high content protein, calcium and vitamins. Pregnancy with their regular use is easier, and the manifestations of toxicosis are mitigated. We all know how quickly teeth deteriorate during pregnancy, how hair, nails suffer, quail eggs are one of the products necessary to keep bones, teeth and hair in a healthy state.

Breastfeeding women also need to introduce quail eggs into their diet to maintain lactation and increase milk supply. Folic acid contained in quail eggs helps maintain normal hormonal levels in women.

Due to their rich composition, quail eggs are recommended for consumption by doctors for the following diseases:

  • bronchial asthma - 1 piece per day;
  • problems and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, namely high cholesterol;
  • allergies - 1 raw egg per day for 1 week.

Quail eggs also help with intoxication of the body. IN in this case you need to eat 1 egg every 6-7 hours.

This product is also very useful for other more serious diseases, for example, diabetes mellitus. This disease requires adherence to a strict diet and compliance with all doctor's orders. Although chicken eggs are not prohibited for diabetics (1 - 1.5 pieces per day), quail eggs are still more preferable. They help normalize blood sugar levels. The rate of use of this product should be prescribed by your attending physician; this is an individual indicator that cannot be applied to everyone.

Benefits of eggshells

Eggshells are useful because of their composition, which is close to that of human bones and teeth. It should be taken for brittle nails, hair, insomnia, irritability and constipation.

Typically, the shells are crushed and mixed with lemon juice. Take a teaspoon every other day in the afternoon or shortly before bedtime, this is how calcium is best absorbed.

Quail eggs for hair

To saturate your hair with strength, revitalize color, get rid of dullness, and give it a healthy shine, the following mask is recommended at home:

  • 5 quail eggs;
  • 150 ml warm oil (preferably olive);
  • 50 ml melted honey.

Mix all ingredients, beat and apply with massaging movements over the entire surface of the head, evenly distributing throughout the hair. Insulate the mask with plastic wrap and wrap it in a terry towel. Leave for three hours, then rinse under cool water using normal care products.

Harm and contraindications

In some cases, including quail eggs in the diet can be dangerous and harm the body:

  1. Caution must be exercised in case of liver and kidney diseases, especially if a diet excluding proteins is prescribed.
  2. In case of allergic reactions, you should discard it. Egg whites contain the protein ovomucoid, which can cause quite strong reactions, especially in childhood.
  3. The benefits and harms of raw quail eggs are also determined by their processing. Pathogenic organisms, not surviving inside the egg, feel great on its shell. The surface should be thoroughly washed before use.
  4. The benefits and harms of quail egg shells depend on the quality of its processing. If it is used for medical purposes and is ground into powder, it must be boiled before use.
  5. Do not exceed the recommended amount of the product. For diabetes and atherosclerosis daily norm should not exceed 5 pieces.

Excessive consumption of heat-treated quail eggs leads to the accumulation of cholesterol, while raw ones increase the risk of salmonellosis and can cause stomach upset.

You should cook quail eggs for no longer than 3-4 minutes, after which you should immediately remove them from boiling water, otherwise there will be almost no useful substances left. The less time a product is heated, the more benefits the body can get from eating it, which is why soft-boiled and poached eggs are healthier than fried or hard-boiled eggs.

How to choose?

Considering the conflicting opinions of experts that quail eggs are not contaminated with salmonella, avoid purchasing this product from unfamiliar manufacturers and from private hands in order to exclude infection.

When purchasing in supermarkets, you also need to be careful. At least taking into account the shelf life of the product. Usually the shelf life of eggs is set at two months, but given that the product was stored in cool place, at a temperature not higher than 10 degrees. It is impossible to check this, so buy a product that is no more than 20 days old to be sure of its freshness.

So, if you familiarize yourself with the “bare” facts, the conclusion will be clear: to maintain your health at the proper level, you need to consume both. Let's take a closer look at the benefits of quail eggs, which are rightfully considered the most valuable food product.

The richest vitamin and mineral complex, containing essential amino acids, simply cannot be ignored if you want to improve your health, raise your health and wellness. Quail eggs: their benefits and harms, how to take them for children, very important information, which should be studied carefully.

What beneficial substances are contained in quail eggs.

It should be noted right away that there is simply a huge variety of substances beneficial to health, and all are simply vital for the proper functioning of the body’s systems. The most impressive thing is the large number of amino acids, even for this protein product, like eggs. And the role of amino acids in the formation of all organs of the body (in childhood), as well as maintaining their normal functioning in adulthood, is invaluable. As we know, amino acids are the “building blocks” of all protein compounds; complete protein is also necessary to maintain normal hormonal levels.

Quail eggs contain the most important amino acids such as cysteine, tryptophan, glutamic and aspartic acids, methionine, as well as lysine, which is not produced in the body at all, but is extremely necessary for health. The immune system, cardiovascular system, tissue repair ability, and the body’s ability to maintain the required level of collagen are in dire need of lysine, which affects the impeccable condition of the skin. In fairness, it should be noted that despite the fact that big set amino acids are also found in chicken eggs; such an important amino acid as methionine is found in double quantities in quail eggs.

Quail eggs are rich in micro- and macroelements, the most important of which is iron; in terms of quantitative composition, quail eggs can well be considered a reliable supplier of it to the body. As is known, with insufficient consumption of meat, which is found in the diet of most people, especially women, and also taking into account the peculiarities of their physiology, such unpleasant pathologies as anemia, instability of pressure, weakened immunity, diabetes mellitus, etc. develop.

Including quail eggs (after studying the benefits and harms, as well as how to take them) in your diet, such problems can be completely avoided without resorting to tablets of iron-containing drugs, which are poorly absorbed by the body. By the way, quail eggs contain slightly more iron than chicken eggs, just like potassium and phosphorus.

Quail eggs can be said to contain most of the elements of the periodic table, and this conclusion would not be too much of an exaggeration. Calcium, fluorine, manganese, iron, phosphorus, zinc, as well as molybdenum and silicon, which are very rarely found in products but necessary for the body. In addition, quail eggs contain copper and cobalt, which means that when taken regularly, anabolic processes are enhanced, the synthesis of skin and hair pigment is improved, hematopoiesis is enhanced, and enzyme processes are activated.

Of course, you can easily find dry information in numbers about the substances contained and their quantitative composition, and evaluate these eggs yourself, however, they are unlikely to say anything to people far from medicine and nutrition. Therefore, it is more important to dwell on some aspects of the beneficial effects on our body of such a unique gift of nature for our health as quail eggs.

Quail eggs are especially valued for their favorable ratio of fats, albeit polyunsaturated ones. fatty acids, omega-3 and omega-6 are slightly less than in chicken, but there is more cholesterol. However, according to many scientists and traditional medicine doctors, this cholesterol is “good” necessary organism. That is why it is necessary to know exactly the whole truth about quail eggs, the benefits and harms, how to take them if you have cholesterol, so as not to be mistaken about its presence there.

Quail eggs also contain vitamins; nature has reliably ensured that the chick developing from the egg does not need anything from the outside for proper, healthy development. Thus, vitamin PP contained in quail eggs, if consumed regularly, will definitely have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver, bile ducts and pancreas. Vitamin A and carotenoids will improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails, and in combination with B vitamins: B1 and B2 will give strength during physical activity.

If you have an allergic reaction to chicken protein, quail eggs can be an excellent alternative; the substance they contain, ovomucoid, suppresses the body’s unwanted reaction.

How to choose quail eggs?

Many people have heard about the benefits of quail eggs, but do not consume them for several reasons, one of which is ignorance of the most basic signs of determining the quality of this product. Others are put off by a certain aura of exoticism, as well as long shelf life, for example, quail eggs are stored for a month at room temperature and refrigerate for up to three months.

The unfounded assumption that there were probably some preservatives here is erroneous; the very composition of the substances of quail eggs determines such long shelf life. Lysocine contained in a set of amino acids suppresses the development of pathogenic microflora. Fresh quail eggs are even recommended to be consumed raw, but the opinions of nutritionists are divided on this matter.

Doctors say that raw protein is difficult to digest by the body and even prevents the entry of certain vitamins into the blood. It is important to know everything about quail eggs (benefits and harms, how to take them, in what form).

How to determine quality products, of course, everyone knows about the method of checking for freshness in water, when an egg is at the bottom when immersed in water, then this is an egg of dietary freshness. However, over time, the air cushion in the egg increases, and it begins to rise; if the egg floats in the middle, with the sharp end down, then it can also be consumed, but if on the surface, then not. This is the most famous way to check the freshness of eggs, including quail ones, but there are others:

Having broken the egg, we carefully examine what happened; if the yolk does not lose its shape and is surrounded by dense white, then this picture indicates the freshness of the egg. Otherwise, when both the white and the yolk have a more liquid consistency, then the egg is stale and dangerous to eat, but don’t despair, you can also find uses for a not quite fresh egg, for example, use it as one of the ingredients;
- when peeling a hard-boiled egg, there is difficulty in removing the shell, this fact indicates that the egg is fresh; if it is easy to peel, then the product is not the first fresh and you should pay attention to the color and smell of the egg;
- bring the egg to a light source; if it is transparent, then its freshness is beyond doubt; if it is darkened, it should not be consumed under any circumstances.

However, when you are in a store and decide the dilemma of “taking or not taking” quail eggs, knowing the benefits and harms of their use, as well as how to take them (for children), then the most accessible way, in this case, is to determine freshness by type of shell. Fresh eggs will definitely have a shiny and attractive shell, while stale eggs will have a dull shell.

And of course, after reading this information about quail eggs, you will begin to trust more the stamp about their freshness, which you simply need to pay attention to from the very beginning.

How to eat quail eggs?

You should immediately pay special attention to the fact that quail egg shells are also a very valuable product, excellent natural food additive. You can take quail egg shells in any form, add the powder to absolutely any dish, and its aqueous solution to drinks, either as a stand-alone cocktail with a high calcium content, or to some other healthy drink.

Quail eggs themselves are consumed in the same way as chicken eggs, boiled, fried, and prepared from raw eggs into a healing cocktail, beaten with a mixer with any drink. Hard-boiled eggs are added to salads, or consumed with various fillings, for example, herring, fish caviar, cod liver, etc.

In fact, it is not so important how exactly to use them, the main thing is regularly, after two weeks of daily use you will feel the beneficial effects of such enhanced strengthening of the body useful substances.

Quail eggs (knowing the benefits and harms, how to take them) are also incredibly useful for men; cocktails made from raw eggs are comparable in effect to the drug Viagra. A successful set of microelements, as well as amino acids, makes it possible to strengthen male power; in this sense, phosphorus plays an especially important role, which, compared to chicken eggs, is contained in two to three times more in quail eggs.

Quail eggs are an excellent source of complete proteins, fats, fatty acids, vitamins and minerals; they are richer in biologically valuable proteins than meat or milk.

Protein digestibility is almost 100%! People who lead a healthy lifestyle include them in their diet.

Beneficial features undoubted due to the content of important minerals: iron, phosphorus, potassium and zinc. Vitamins include: group B and vitamins A, E and D. This product has a relatively large yolk, so its energy level is higher than that of chicken.
The benefits and harms of quail eggs have been known to people since time immemorial; we are talking about universal food, but how, in what form and how much to take them? We will talk about all this in this article.

The nutritional value

Below is information about how many calories are contained in 1 quail egg, what important substances (and in what quantities) are present in it.

The nutritional value(in 1 piece):

  1. Energy – 15.5 kcal.
  2. Proteins – 13 g.
  3. Fats – 11.20 g.
  4. Water – 75.30 g.
  5. Hydrates – 0.41 g.
  6. Fiber – 0.00 g;
  7. Potassium - 132 mg.
  8. Phosphorus – 226 mg.
  9. Calcium – 64 mg.
  10. Cholesterol – 844 mg.
  11. Iron – 3.65 mg.
  12. Iodine – 13 mcg.
  13. Magnesium – 13 mg.
  14. Zinc – 1.47 mg.
  15. Selenium – 32 mcg.
  16. Sodium – 141 mg.

Vitamins (1 piece):

  • A – 90 mcg;
  • B1 – 0.43 mg;
  • B2 – 0.79 mg;
  • B3 – 3.53 mg;
  • B6 – 0.15 mg;
  • B9 – 66 mcg;
  • B12 – 1.58 mcg;
  • C – 0.00 mg;
  • D – 5.07 µg;
  • E – 0.74 mcg.

Medicinal use

The benefits of quail eggs for the human body are invaluable! Traditional medicine recommends their use for the treatment and prevention of various diseases and disorders.

They find their application in the following cases:

  1. Headache, .
  2. Weakening of the body in the postoperative period, after a long illness, with weakened immune system.
  3. Gastrointestinal diseases.
  4. Chronic respiratory diseases, bronchitis.
  5. Severe anemia due to blood loss.
  6. Pancreatic diseases, diabetes.
  7. Bronchial asthma and tuberculosis.
  8. Dystrophy.
  9. Sexual dysfunction.

Which eggs are healthier - chicken or quail? Let's get a look.


First you should say how many quail eggs are contained in 1 chicken egg. No more, no less – 5 pieces. But despite this, the little “nutritional miracle” contains 2-3 times more vitamin A, B1 and B2. It consists of 33% yolk, 59% protein and 8% shell (shell), the average thickness of which is 0.2 mm. It is valued mainly for its proven effects on human health and vitality: it counteracts allergies, circulatory problems and other diseases of civilization.


Compared to chicken eggs, quail eggs contain more iron, phosphorus and potassium. Phosphorus is a substance that promotes intellectual development. This nutritious food is also rich in copper, cobalt, niacin and amino acids. In particular, tyrosine, due to its provision of healthy skin color, is widely used in the cosmetics industry. Because of high level lecithin in the testicles, the benefits of raw eggs are known (raw quail eggs on an empty stomach also reduce cholesterol). In addition, phosphorus has been found to have a beneficial effect on potency, which is a great benefit for men. According to the results of a study recently conducted by Bulgarian scientists, they have a better effect than Viagra!

Nowadays, these small spotted eggs can be found in almost any store or market. But they don’t have many admirers, unlike chicken eggs. This, of course, depends primarily on the higher price, but also on ignorance of how they can be useful to our body. Therefore, it makes sense to talk in detail about how to take quail eggs, the benefits and harms of these products, and about what diseases it is advisable to include them in the diet.

Before you start talking about the benefits of quail eggs, it would be useful to consider their composition:

  1. Protein per 100 g is 12.8 g, fat (cholesterol) is 11.4 g, and carbohydrates are only about 1 gram.
  2. Amino acids and vitamins – PP, B, A, C, D and E.
  3. Micro and macroelements - iron with manganese, zinc with selenium, copper with potassium, phosphorus with calcium and sodium with magnesium.

Despite their modest size, such eggs contain more cholesterol than chicken eggs (600 and 540 mg, respectively). But otherwise, this product may turn out to be much more useful than its larger “colleagues”.

This small spotty product can help the body that has suffered radiation exposure. It helps eliminate the consequences of operational failures nervous system and protects a person from the effects of stress. Quail eggs strengthen bone tissue, participating in the process of skeletal formation, which is a good prevention of scoliosis.

With regular use of the product, metabolic processes are accelerated, cholesterol levels are normalized, which has a comprehensive positive effect on the body. The particular benefits of quail eggs are felt by older people, as they help reduce joint pain and improve hearing and vision. And thanks to the presence of tyrosine in the composition, eggs protect against the appearance of dark spots on the skin, making it healthy and beautiful.

For men

The invaluable benefits of quail eggs lie in the positive effect of phosphorus on the prostate gland. Weak potency will become normal if you take them regularly, since they contain a lot of protein, which has a stimulating effect on the male genital area. To achieve the desired effect, you just need to drink 1 egg every morning on an empty stomach.

For women

Quail eggs can effectively improve complexion and strengthen hair, solving even the problem of baldness. The product is indicated for pregnant women and nursing mothers - the beneficial effect applies to both mother and baby. And during pregnancy, it helps to cope with toxicosis more easily and prevent miscarriage.

Important! Quail eggs can cause allergies, so before you start eating them, do not forget to consult a specialist.

If you had to undergo radiotherapy or surgery, it is also recommended to include quail eggs in your daily diet. Just remember to wash them thoroughly with warm water before use.

For children

The beneficial effect of this product on a child's growing body extends to mental development, immunity and memory. If they are regularly included in your baby’s diet, his physical abilities will increase and his vision will improve.

Quail eggs are also useful for children as a preventive measure against the development of various diseases. And the pure protein in the composition helps the small organism to fully develop.

Quail shells - benefits

Not only the internal contents of a quail egg are good for our health, but the outer shell is too. It contains a lot of calcium, which is easily absorbed by the body. This element is important for the strength of bones, nails and hair, and therefore eggs can be recommended for consumption to maintain the health of the skeletal system, a speedy recovery after an injury, or to prolong the beauty and youth of hair and skin.

In addition to calcium, the shell contains several other important elements that take an active part in metabolic processes:

  • maintaining the integrity and elasticity of blood vessels is the “care” of molybdenum;
  • normalization of hemodynamic processes in our body is a matter of nickel;
  • zinc quickly heals wounds and minor damage to the skin;
  • Magnesium normalizes water-salt balance.

Quail egg shells in powder form with all their beneficial ingredients are quickly absorbed by the body without causing negative effects, which is important for people prone to allergic reactions.

Egg consumption rate

There are a lot of opinions about the norm of consumption, cooking methods and dishes. For example, it is recommended that children start giving quail testicles from half a yolk per day, gradually increasing the amount by the age of 3 to 2 pieces. Older children under 10 years old can already have 3 eggs, and up to 18 years old their number can be safely increased to 4. But do not forget about the possibility of an allergic reaction, even despite the dietary nature of this product.

Adults can eat up to 6 spotted eggs per day. Pregnant women and the elderly should be advised by their attending physician to consume the permissible amount of this product.

How to take it correctly

The opinion of most doctors agrees that it is advisable to eat at least 1 egg a day raw and on an empty stomach. If you don’t like to use it in this form, you can heat treat it. The cooking time should not exceed 5 minutes, which will preserve all its beneficial qualities.

Before putting the egg into the pan, remove it from the refrigerator in advance and let it sit at room temperature for a couple of minutes, then wash it hot water. If this is not done, then due to temperature changes the delicate shell may burst.

Raw eggs

There are different opinions about whether quail eggs carry viruses. Some experts say no, since the bird’s body temperature is 42 degrees, while others believe that salmonella may be present on the eggshell and therefore they are not recommended to be eaten raw.

There is also information about better absorption of iron in this product after heat treatment. So it's up to you to decide how to use them.

Recipes for cooking quail eggs

The simplest and most accessible recipe for preparing quail eggs is to fry croutons with them:

  1. Cut the bread into pieces up to 6 mm thick and use any convenient shape to cut out figures from them.
  2. In the middle of the figure you need to make a notch and place a raw egg there.
  3. The prepared forms should be placed in a frying pan, pre-greased with oil, salted and placed in the oven.

Here's an interesting cocktail for men - combine 3 quail eggs in fresh with 30 g of high-quality cognac and the same amount of mineral water. This blend promotes faster absorption important elements from the product. For children, a similar drink is prepared with juice instead of cognac.

The benefits of quail eggs for the human body also extend to certain diseases, which they help get rid of faster:

  • increased blood cholesterol levels;
  • pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • bronchial asthma.

They also cope well with intoxication. In case of poisoning, you should eat 1 egg every 6-7 hours.

The product is indicated even for diabetes, as it normalizes blood sugar. But the permissible amount should be determined by your attending physician.

Contraindications and possible harm

Why are quail eggs harmful? Almost nothing. Danger is possible if they are consumed excessively, which can cause heaviness in the stomach, discomfort and bloating. If children overeat this product, they may have an allergic reaction. Don't forget the possible risk of salmonella infection.

Contraindications to eating quail eggs include liver disease and obesity - the product is very high in calories, so if you are on a strict diet, you should eat them with caution so as not to aggravate the situation.

If you store and include this product in your diet correctly, it will only benefit your health and figure without any harm.