What are the health benefits of fitball? Fitball aerobics at the university; methodological recommendations for conducting training sessions on health-improving fitball aerobics with university students. Which ball is right for you

Greetings, dear readers! A healthy lifestyle and sports prolong life. There are many exercises to support health, flexibility, endurance and strength. Fitball is a fairly popular topic among those who want to lose weight, develop flexibility, and improve the general condition of the body.

What is fitball? On the Internet you can find many exercises with this miracle equipment. But before you start training, it’s worth understanding its features.

What is a fitball and types of miracle exercise equipment?

Fitball, or fitness ball, came to us from Switzerland. It was first used by physical therapist Susan Klein Vogelbach. Positive treatment results, which were achieved much faster than training without a ball, made this equipment very popular.

Later they began to use it in gymnastics, in exercises for body shaping. Nowadays, it is difficult to imagine a fitness club without this equipment. The peculiarity of exercises on a fitball is that there is no load on the legs. During classes, your figure and posture are corrected, and your mood is also lifted: it’s great to jump on a ball and remember your childhood.

To ensure that your workouts go smoothly and successfully, you should pay attention to the quality and basic parameters of the fitball when purchasing.

Carefully inspecting the ball at the time of purchase will help you avoid problems during its further use. ABS or BRQ marking means that the ball will not burst when punctured, but will slowly deflate. There should be no rubber smell coming from the equipment.

It should be elastic, the palm should spring easily when pressed. The absence of folds and noticeable seams is another parameter that is worth paying attention to. A carefully soldered nipple indicates a quality product.

It is best to choose a fitball in sports stores and from well-known brands, so that there are no problems later. A quality ball will last a long time.

A huge selection of fitballs on the market will allow you to choose what is right for you. Most balls vary in size and surface. When purchasing, pay attention to the height of the person who will be using the ball.

The greater the height, the larger the ball. A diameter of 45-65 cm is suitable for people with a height below 152 cm to 180 cm. For those over 180 cm in height, choose a ball with a diameter of 75-85 cm.

There are fitballs with a smooth surface and with pimples. This parameter does not affect the effectiveness of training in any way. It all depends on individual preferences.

Indications and contraindications for use

Research by New Zealand scientists has shown that fitball is the only equipment that uses all muscle groups when training.

If you follow and, as well as regular exercise on a fitball, they help you lose excess weight. Surprisingly, in one hour of training a person loses up to 400 kcal. To adjust your diet correctly, use the guide “Weight down! The effect of negative calories" .

Besides excess weight training with a ball helps improve the general condition of internal organs and get rid of arthritis. When exercising on a fitball, the work of the cerebral cortex is enhanced, the functioning of the intestines, stomach, and liver improves.

Oscillations on the ball are similar to hippotherapy, as you must constantly maintain balance. Coordination of movements develops, posture improves.

IN Lately Fitballs are very popular among pregnant women. Training on a Swiss ball is one of the safest things you can do in such a delicate position. They help prevent a large number of stretch marks and weight gain, stretch the muscles of the pelvis and the whole body.

The body becomes flexible, which makes the birth process easier. Many childbirth preparation centers actively use this method. Fitballs are increasingly used during childbirth. Exercises during labor make it easier to endure contractions.

They reduce the load on the spine and help the fetus move faster through the birth canal. But it is worth remembering that the entire process must take place under the supervision of a doctor so as not to harm the child and mother.

As you know, massage and physical exercise are useful at any age, especially at younger and older ages. Special value They have fitball classes for infants.

They help the baby quickly adapt to the world around him, get rid of hypertonicity, develop the vestibular apparatus and coordination of movements. The ball will come in very handy during colic, as exercise improves bowel function. In order for classes to bring joy, you must follow certain rules:

  • perform exercises no earlier than an hour after eating;
  • the child and mother must be in a good mood so that the activity does not cause negativity;
  • Observe safety precautions while moving.

It is important to keep the body in good shape at any age, especially in the elderly. Recently, older people have begun to include fitball exercises in their workouts, which serve as the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Despite all the usefulness of the classes, there are some contraindications. You cannot exercise on the ball if you have a herniated disc, severe cardiovascular disease, or in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Have you tried exercising with a fitball? Tell us about your achievements.

Sports should be useful and enjoyable. Proof of this is training on a fitball. If you want to get a toned body and strengthen your body, be sure to use this miracle ball. See you soon!

What can you do with this bulky inflatable ball that takes up so much space at home?

In fact, a fitball (that’s what this ball is called) is an excellent tool for keeping your body toned. You perform the exercises in a shaky position, which also forces you to maintain your balance. And this is an additional load on the muscles.

By the way, exercises using balls are often performed by athletes during the rehabilitation period after injuries. This is due to the fact that the ball helps reduce the stress on the muscles and spine compared to conventional exercises.

Before we get to the training, let's decide on the size of the ball that you will be comfortable working with.

Most balls come in three sizes:

  • 55 cm - for those who are 150–160 cm tall;
  • 65 cm - for those who are 160–170 cm tall;
  • 75 cm - for those who are 170–200 cm tall.

Based on this list, you can choose the appropriate one. Or there is another screening test that will help determine the ideal ball size for you. All you have to do is sit astride the ball. If your thighs and shins form a right angle, then this ball is the right size for you.

When performing the exercises that we will discuss below, determine the number of repetitions and approaches depending on your level of training. We recommend performing 3-5 sets of 10-20 repetitions of each exercise. Start with a small amount and then build up the load.

Ready? Go.

Lower body exercises

This group of exercises is designed to work the core muscles of the legs.

1. Squats with a ball over your head

This exercise is based on regular squats, the only difference is that you hold the ball above your head with outstretched arms.

2. Wall Squats

This exercise uses a ball to support your back. During the exercise, it should move from the lower back to shoulder level.

3. Squeezing the ball with your thighs

It may look funny, but the exercise works great for the muscles of the hips and lumbar region. Squeeze the ball to maintain balance. Hold this position for 30–45 seconds.

For this exercise, it is better to use a smaller ball than a regular one.

Lie on the floor, extend your arms perpendicular to your body. Bottom part Place your shins and heels on the ball. Using your abs and buttocks, lift your hips off the floor. You will find yourself in a precarious position, so use your outstretched arms to maintain balance.

Exhale and slowly bring your knees toward your hips so that your feet are on the surface of the ball. Hold this position for a second, then inhale and stretch your legs back out. Always keep your hips weighted to give maximum load to the muscles of the buttocks.

5. Squats while holding the ball in front of you

This exercise simultaneously works the muscles of the arms, abs and legs.

6. Lunges with a ball

When performing this exercise, make sure that the knee of the leg standing on the floor does not go beyond the level of the toe. To maintain balance, you can hold on to a support (for example, a chair).

7. Reverse hyperextension

Upper body exercises

This set of exercises works the muscles of the arms and shoulders.

These aren't just the push-ups you might be used to. This is a more complicated version of them because you have to keep your balance.

9. Plank

Unlike the usual plank, which is performed on the floor, this variation puts even more stress on the shoulders and arms. Hold the position for at least 30 seconds if you can.

10. Reverse ball crunches

Yes, and this effective exercise can be performed on the ball.

12. Triceps curl

13. Spire

Exercises for the torso

This set of exercises with a ball is aimed at loading the muscles of the torso.

14. Ab exercise

In the top position, hold until you count to five, and then slowly lower. The number of repetitions is 6–10 depending on your preparation. Pulling your knees towards your stomach

Starting position as for push-ups. Just instead of bending your elbows, tuck your knees under you and straighten your legs back.

18. Raising your knees while lying on the ball

While performing this exercise, you need to press your knees firmly against each other so that your legs do not move apart. To avoid pain hold the towel between your knees.

19. Exercise for the oblique muscles of the torso

Sit directly on the ball. Hands behind your head. Bring your legs together and lower your feet to the floor. Then simultaneously move your legs to the right and turn your body to the left. Do 12-15 reps on each side.

20. Bend to the side with the ball

It is useful to finish your abdominal exercises with stretching. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, hold the ball above your head, and keep your back straight. Bend over and bring the ball to the outside of your left leg. Keep your back straight as you bend over. Raise the ball again and lower it to the right side.

A fitball is a large elastic ball with a diameter of up to 1 meter. It is used for training at home and in the gym. Fitness instructors include exercises with a fitball in aerobics, Pilates, strength training, stretching and gymnastics for pregnant women.

Initially, fitball was used in the rehabilitation of newborns with cerebral palsy. The first fitball was developed by Swiss physiotherapist Susan Kleinvogelbach in the 50s of the 20th century. Exercises with a gymnastic ball had a strong effect that it began to be used in the practice of recovery from injuries to the musculoskeletal system in adults. Since the 80s, fitball has been used not only in therapy, but also in sports.

Types of fitball

Fitballs differ in 4 parameters:

  • rigidity;
  • diameter;
  • color;
  • texture.

Stiffness or strength depends on the quality of the material from which the ball is made and the degree of “inflation”.

The diameter varies between 45-95 cm and is selected based on individual characteristics and preferences.

The texture of the fitball is:

  • smooth;
  • with small spikes - for a massage effect;
  • with “horns” - for children.

How to choose a fitball

  1. When purchasing, pay attention to the inscription BRQ - Burst Resistant Quality, ABS - Anti-Burst System, "Anti-Burst System". This means that the ball will not burst or tear during use.
  2. Find the mark with the maximum weight that the fitball is designed for. This applies to overweight people and those who use weights to exercise on the ball.
  3. Not all manufacturers include a pump with the fitball. You don’t have to buy one: a bicycle pump will do for inflation.
  4. In the store, do a test to determine the appropriate size. Sit on the ball and make sure that the angle at the knee becomes 90-100º, and the feet are completely on the floor. If the diameter is incorrectly selected, it is impossible to achieve correct posture while sitting on the ball, as the load on the joints and spine will increase.
  5. Do not confuse a fitball with a medicine ball - a medicine ball that acts as a weighting agent.

Exercises with a fitball help diversify your regular workouts and strengthen your body. The fitball will help you improve your stretching and become flexible.


During exercises with the ball, a lot of concentration is required. More muscles are used for balance, which helps strengthen them.

For coordination

When performing exercises with a fitball, coordination improves, which allows you to learn to balance on unstable surfaces and develop the vestibular apparatus.

For the mood

Exercises with a fitball have a beneficial effect on nervous system, lift your spirits, relieve stress and tension.

For heart

During training with a fitball, the functioning of the heart and lungs improves.

For pregnant

With a fitball, you can perform exercises to keep fit without fear of harming your unborn child.

Fitball training for pregnant women is carried out to prepare muscles for childbirth. Positive effects of training for expectant mothers:

  • relieving tension from the lumbar region;
  • relaxation of the muscles surrounding the spinal column;
  • normalization of the circulatory system;
  • strengthening the muscles of the pelvis and back.

Exercises with a fitball are allowed after the 12th week of pregnancy in consultation with your doctor.

For babies

Fitball exercises with newborns can be carried out in the 2nd week of life.

Benefits from classes:

  • development of the vestibular apparatus;
  • relieving muscle hypertonicity;
  • stimulation of internal organs;
  • strengthening the abdominal muscles and limbs.

During classes, observe the child’s reaction: if he begins to act up, stop the exercises and postpone until next time. The first classes should not last more than 5 minutes.

Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation

State educational institution higher vocational education

"Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering"

Department of Physical Education

Fitball aerobics at the university

Nizhny Novgord-2010

UDC 796.37.037

BBK 75.0

Fitball aerobics at the university. Methodological recommendations for carrying out training sessions on recreational fitball aerobics with university students: guidelines. /Nizhny Novgorod. state architecture-builds univ. -N.Novgorod: NNGASU, 2010. – 18 p.

Compiled by:

E.A. Gurova, D.G. Sidorov, N.V. Shvetsova, T.N. Panova, L.V. Berezina

The methodological recommendations present a program for health-improving fitball aerobics, which includes a complex physical exercise exercises, performed on a special ball, promoting the strengthening and development of all the main muscle groups of the body, taking into account the individual abilities of those involved.

© Gurova E.A., 2010

© Sidorov D.G., 2010

© Shvetsova N.V., 2010

© Panova T.N., 2010

© Berezina L.V., 2010

© NNGASU, 2010


1. Features of fitball aerobics classes…… …….........6

2. Picking up a fitball……………………………………………………………………...8

3. Classification of exercises (fitball aerobics)…………………..9

4. Approximate complex health exercises carried out

using a fitball……………………………………………………13

List of references……………………………………………………….17


The problem of preserving and strengthening the health of student youth is complex and multifaceted, and today it is one of the most troubling problems of modern society.

Health as an integral socio-psychological phenomenon is an integrative criterion and quality indicator modern education. Physical fitness and the level of psychophysical culture of young people decreases during their studies at a university, which is due to a sharp increase in information and emotional stress, leading to a significant deterioration in the mental well-being of students, increased anxiety, and alienation.

Physical and mental state, as well as the level of physical fitness of students in higher school largely depends on the forms and methods educational process, from the organization of a specialized education system focused on creating a culture of health for teachers.

The task of searching and forecasting new technologies, organizing the effectiveness of the educational process in physical education at a university is of great practical importance for the training of highly qualified specialists in various industries. In solving these diverse problems, the department physical culture we have to plan rationally, make adjustments and amendments, and also improve the methodology for conducting sports health activities.

So, in particular, based on methodological basis And modern approaches to the formation of a culture of health and a healthy lifestyle in NNGASU was introduced (within the framework of additional classes) health-improving gymnastics system – fitball.

Fitball is one of the types of aerobics, characteristic features which is a large ball with a diameter of 45-75 cm, when used, physical exercises are performed, both in motion and in place, with musical accompaniment.

The program for this type of aerobics includes the most common exercises, which are performed sitting or lying on a fitball, taking into account the individual load for each student in accordance with his physical capabilities. Fitball exercises provide a unique opportunity to work on the muscles of the back and abdomen.

During fitball classes, when performing physical exercises involving all major muscle groups in movement, the body's resistance to a wide variety of diseases significantly increases, which ultimately has a positive effect on overall performance.

1. Features of fitball aerobics classes

Health-improving classes in fitball aerobics are one of the forms of a specialized system of physical education, which are an integral part of the educational process. By doing fitball, a person enters a world of new sensations, positive emotions, and gains good mood, cheerfulness, cheerfulness, feels a surge of strength and energy.

The health-improving effect of fitball is associated with increased physical activity, strengthening the functions of the musculoskeletal system, activating metabolism, confirmed by the experience of specialized, correctional and rehabilitation medical centers Europe. When performing exercises, due to the vibration and shock-absorbing function of the ball, blood circulation and microdynamics in the intervertebral discs improve.

Fitball exercises provide a unique opportunity to influence the back muscles and joints, and also create optimal conditions for the occurrence of physiological processes in the body, the coordinated activity of various physiological systems and autonomic systems. Fitball exercises involve expressiveness and precision of movements. Stability (the ability to control your body) of the body is one of the necessary criteria for the confident performance of motor actions.

Fitball training has significant health-improving functions, creating the most comfortable working conditions various groups muscles, optimal level of stability and coordination of individual elements of the motor act.

Properly selected exercises with a fitball help correct defective posture, improve coordination of movements and increase flexibility. The spherical shape of the ball helps to perform movements with greater amplitude, and its instability, in order to maintain balance, forces you to keep your muscles in constant tension. Regular exercise with a fitness ball improves the functioning of the vestibular apparatus, creates ideal conditions for unloading joints and effectively working out various muscle groups, which, in turn, has a general strengthening effect on the entire body.

The list of health-improving exercises performed on a fitball is much wider and more multifaceted than other types of aerobics. Practically, this is the only type of aerobics where the following physical exercises are jointly included: motor, vestibular, visual and tactile analyzers, which exponentially enhances positive effect classes.

2. Fitball selection

One of the most important conditions ensuring an even load on the exerciser’s body is the correct selection of fitballs

The ball is multifunctional in its properties and therefore can be used in fitball aerobics exercises as an object, projectile or support. Sets of exercises on balls, depending on the specific tasks set and the selection of funds, can have different directions.

The balls are made of high-strength and elastic material - ice-plastic. The fitball can withstand weight up to 300 kg.

The fitball is selected according to size depending on the height and length of the arm. The length of the arm is measured from the trochanter of the shoulder joint to the end of the phalanx of the middle finger. A 55-centimeter ball is suitable for experienced fitnessists; a 65-centimeter ball is suitable for beginners: it is larger and therefore more stable.

When picking up the ball, the following points must be observed: while sitting on the ball, the feet are on the floor, the legs are bent, and the thighs should be parallel to the floor or 2-5 cm below the horizontal line drawn through the highest point of the thighs.

If the ball is chosen correctly, you can get the most out of your training, otherwise there is a risk of knee injuries and overload of the thigh muscles. The dependence of the diameter of the fitball on the length of the arm is as follows:

arm length - 46-55 cm, fitball diameter - 45 cm;

arm length - 56-65 cm, fitball diameter - 55 cm;

arm length - 66-80 cm, fitball diameter - 65 cm;

arm length - 81-90 cm, fitball diameter - 75 cm.

It is recommended to use a fitball not only for training, but also simply use it instead of a chair or armchair, work on it at the computer, watch TV while sitting on it, or read, while the muscles of the back, abdomen and thighs are involved in the work.

3. Classification of exercises (fitball aerobics)

A large number of and the variety of exercises on fitballs requires their ordering and, therefore, classification, which, in turn, will allow us to develop the most appropriate sequence for their development and application in programs.

First of all, all fitball aerobics programs can be classified according to the goals of the classes (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Classification of fitball aerobics programs by target.

Gymnastic exercises (with and on the ball)

    Gymnastic exercises (varieties of walking, running, jumping, general development exercises)

    Basic (basic) aerobics movements, combined into blocks and combinations

    Dance exercises and elements of rhythm, choreography and modern dance

    Therapeutic physical training exercises aimed at the prevention and correction of various diseases

    Outdoor and musical games and relay races

    Exercises from other health and sports types physical culture

The classification of gymnastic exercises provides for some ordered set with division into groups and subgroups according to certain characteristics, since in any classification it is assumed that each of the physical exercises has a certain effect on a person, depending on the characteristics of its content, form and conditions of implementation (Fig. 2 ).

Rice. 2. Classification of gymnastic exercises in fitball aerobics

The presented classification of fitball aerobics means makes it possible to select and compose certain sets of exercises performed with musical accompaniment depending on the tasks: to develop muscle strength, flexibility, speed of movement, endurance, coordination abilities. In this case, conditions are created for anatomical effects on certain muscle groups, joints, ligaments, internal organs and sensory organs (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Classification of outdoor switchgear without objects, sitting on a ball, according to anatomical criteria

When recording and conducting health programs, specialists use specific names (terms) for each specific movement. Since the terms are borrowed from foreign sources, the names in English are used.

To make training easier for specialists, a small group of basic steps was identified, on the basis of which blocks and combinations of aerobics exercises are built

In fitball aerobics, you can use the following basic steps, which are well adapted to the specifics of performing exercises on the ball:

March - march (steps in place)

Step-touch - additional step

Knee-up - knee up

Lunge - lunge

Kick - throwing the leg forward

Jack (jumping jack) - jumping legs apart and together


The basic steps can be modified to create complex coordinated movements that are combined into interesting combinations.

4. An approximate set of health-improving exercises performed with the help of a fitball

You can start your warm-up with a football in your hands.

1. I.p. – standing, feet together, ball in hands in front of chest

1 – side step (step - touch) to the right, hands to the left;

2 – I.p.

3 – step – touch to the left, hands to the right;

4 – I.p.

Repeat 8 – 16 times

2. I.p. – standing, feet together, ball in hands at the bottom

1 – lift the ball with straight arms above your head, at the same time move your right leg back onto your toe

2 – I.p.

3 – the same with the left leg moving back onto the toe

4 – I.p.

Repeat 8 – 16 times

3. I.p. – standing, legs apart, ball in hands below

1 – squat (press your body on the ball)

2 – shift the center of gravity to the right leg, left on the toe, stretch the ball to the right

3 – squat

4 – shift the center of gravity to the left leg, the right one on the toe, stretch the ball to the left

Repeat 8 – 16 times

4. I.p. – standing, ball in hands below

1 – 4 - Two side steps to the right with circular movements of the arms with the ball in front of you to the right

5 – 8 – the same to the left

Repeat 8 – 16 times.

5. I.p. – standing, ball in hands above head

1 – tilt to the right

2 – i.p.

3 – tilt to the left

4 – i.p.

Repeat 8 – 16 times.

6. I.p. – sitting on a fitball, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the ball, controlling it

1 – 16 - press hard on the fitball, bouncing slightly

7. I.p. - Same

1 – jump legs together

2 – jump legs apart

8. I.p. sitting on a fitball, legs wide, hands on waist

Press firmly on the ball and shift the center of gravity from the right foot to the left

9. I.p. – sitting on a fitball, legs wide, hands behind your head, elbows back

1 – body tilt to the right

2 – i.p.

3 – body tilt to the left

4 – i.p.

10. I.p. Same

1 – raise your left leg and touch its knee with the elbow of your right hand

2 – i.p.

3 – raise your right leg and touch its knee with the elbow of your left hand

4 – i.p.

11. I.p. – Sitting on a fitball, hands on the ball, controlling it

1 – 4 – step forward, gradually roll the ball under your back to a lying position on the fitball with support on your feet, hands behind your head

5 – 8 – return to ip.

Repeat 8 – 10 times

12. I.p. – Lying on the floor, legs bent at the knees, ball in hands near chest

1 – 2 – stretch the ball upward, raising your head, shoulders and shoulder blades with the lower back pressed to the floor

3 - 4 – i.p.

Repeat 8 – 16 times

13. I.p. - Same

1 – 2 – stretch the ball outward by the right knee

3 – 4 – i.p.

5 – 6 – pull yourself up in the other direction

7 – 8 – i.p.

Repeat 8 times in each direction.

14. I.p. – Lying on the floor, hands behind your head, ball grasped with your feet, legs bent in knee joint

1 – 2 – raise your legs up to a right angle hip joint

3 – 4 – lower your legs, while pressing your lower back to the floor

Repeat 8 – 10 times.

15. I. p. - The same

1 – 2 – raise your legs to a right angle at the hip joint and shoulders, grab the ball with your hands

3 – 4 – lower your legs and shoulders into an i.p. hold the ball with straight arms above your head

5 – 6 - raise your legs to a right angle at the hip joint, raise your shoulders and stretch your arms forward with the ball, grasp the ball with your feet

7 – 8 – i.p.

Repeat 4 – 8 times.

16. I.p. – Lie on the fitball on your back, bend your legs at a right angle at the knee joint, arms to the sides, palms down

1 – 2 - lift the pelvis up, simultaneously squeezing the hips and buttocks

3 – 3 – i.p.

Repeat 8 – 16 times

17. And p. - lying on your back, legs bent at the knee joint at a right angle, the ball is grasped with your feet, arms to the sides with palms down

1 – 2 – lower your legs to the right, squeezing the ball with your feet

3 – 4 – i.p.

5 – 6 – lower your legs to the left

7 – 8 – i.p.

Repeat 8 times in each direction.

18. I.p. – lying on the ball, face down, ball under hips, support – straight arms

1 – 16 – bend and straighten your arms while lying on the ball

19. I.p. - Same

Walking forward and backward on your hands, torso and legs straight

20. I.p. – lying on the ball face down, the ball at the level of the pelvis, the foot resting on the floor, hands behind the head

3 – 4 – i.p.

21. I.p. – lying on the ball, face down, ball under hips, resting on straight arms

1 – raise your right arm to the side with the shoulder abducted and look at the hand

2 – i.p.

3 – the same with the left hand

4 – i.p.

At the end, you need to lie down on the fitball in a relaxed position with your face up and down.

The presented material provides information about the variety of new means modern look fitball aerobics, mastering the exercises of which will improve health and physical fitness involved, improve their professionalism to health activities physical culture.

List of used literature

1. Kryuchek E.S. Aerobics. Contents and methods of conducting health-improving classes: Educational method. village - M.: Terra-Sport, Olympia Press, 2001.

2. Kudra T.A. Aerobics and a healthy lifestyle: Textbook. village-Vladivostok: Moscow State University named after. Admiral G.I. Nevelskoy, 2001.- 120 p.

3. Lisitskaya T.S., Sidneva L.V. Aerobics. In 2 volumes. T.1 Theory and methodology. - M.: Federation of Aerobics of Russia. 2002. - 232 p.

4. Ovchinnikova T.S., Potapchuk A.A. Motor game training for preschoolers. - St. Petersburg: Rech, 2002. - 176 p.

5. Popova E.G. General developmental exercises in gymnastics. - M.: Terra-Sport, 2000. - 72 p.

6. Theory and methodology physical education/Under general ed. L.P. Matveeva and A.D. Novikova. - M.: FiS, 1976.T. 1, p. 85.

7.Saikina E.G. Fitball aerobics and classification of its exercises[Electronic resource]: article. - Electron. Dan. - Access mode: - Title from the screen.

Elena Aleksandrovna Gurova

Dmitry Glebovich Sidorov

Natalia Viktorovna Shvetsova

Tatyana Nikolaevna Panova

Larisa Vladimirovna Berezina

Fitball aerobics at the university

on recreational fitball aerobics with university students

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Good day to everyone who wants to get themselves and their body in order, as well as those looking for something new in physical culture. Today we will look (very closely) at this sports equipment like a fitball. Like with many years of experience I will say that for some this is still a curiosity, although fitballs have been used in aerobics since 1950.

Men should not turn away from this article, this is not only “girl jumping”. This thing will help any guy gain masculine contours and generally improve his appearance. With us you will learn everything and a little more. But we digress...

So, the functionality and usefulness of this unstable ball has been proven by many studies. Fitball training is an endurance marathon for girls and women, men, children and adults of retirement age, giving amazing results. You are ready?

Swiss\fit ball is a foreign name for fitball. You can use any of the two proposed words, and it will not be a mistake. Exactly the same as the phrase “gymnastic ball”. A synthetic ball with a diameter of 55 to 75 cm (there is a standard of 40 cm, and even 90), allows you to pump up muscles, develop dexterity, coordination and correct posture.

The Italians invented an elastic ball for gaming events. But its benefits in the health of newborns and children with musculoskeletal problems were proven in Switzerland in the 80s, hence the name “Swiss”. Further, non-strength equipment was promoted among track and field athletes, and in 1996, seminars on popularization for family sports activities were already actively held in Italy.

What muscles will the fitball pump?

Speaking about the purpose of the fitball, let’s list the muscle groups that it tones: everything. No, this is not the coach's fault. Balancing and lifting the exercise ball with your limbs leads to simultaneous work of the deep muscles of the core. Even lifting a barbell will not make the deep muscles of the lumbar region and abdomen shake like a regular gymnastic ball. Plus, this is a marathon for concentration and focus.

Advantages and disadvantages

From positive aspects it is worth noting:

  1. very effective and have a positive effect on all muscle groups.
  2. When exercising on a non-power ball, the load on the joints is minimal; you can even select especially gentle exercise regimens for age categories.
  3. The effectiveness of exercising on a fitball is achieved even with passive exercises (balancing, stretching on a ball, etc.).
  4. The sport equipment is mobile and easy to use.
  5. Light weight of the gymnastic ball and the ability to choose the diameter according to body parameters (see below).
  6. Availability and relatively low cost.
  7. The opportunity to practice on the ball in a group or individually, without a coach.
  8. There are no age restrictions.
  9. Safety when used by children (If you follow the rules of use and personal safety).
  10. Durability.

Well, I have nothing to say about the cons, there are none. Even if you fall off the swishball, you will have already done physical work. Although, let people in the body forgive me, when I trained a very plump lady of Balzac’s age, the result for a long period was at zero. She cursed both me and the Swiss ball, accusing me of charlatanism, because my waist was not even outlined yet. The reason is simple: madam did not follow the diet and my recommendations regarding independent training.

Exercises with fitball are paired with at least limited consumption of foods containing many calories. If you are not prepared to achieve perfection through hard work, an exercise ball is not the equipment for you. Its benefits and harm are incommensurable, because the latter is absolutely non-existent.


Attention! Although the training system can be selected in a gentle manner, people with heart and vascular diseases should not undertake it. There are also restrictions for intervertebral discs and pathologies of internal organs. Newborn children, without surgeons' testimony, are allowed to train with specialists after 2 months!!! For pregnant women, a ban on classes will be the threat of interruption or disruption of blood flow to the placenta, VSD.

Which ball is right for you?

A great variety of balls often confuses beginners. First, let’s decide which fitball you need.

To practice elementary gymnastics in the first couples, I recommend taking a small (45 cm) ball. The limbs and vestibular apparatus will get used to the functional load, and the muscles will also adapt to the exercise. After gradually getting used to it (a week of training), take a larger ball.

For classes with children, pregnant or elderly people, it is advisable to take a relief massage fitball, which significantly improves the condition skin and blood flow in the “working” areas.

You can also select a ball using the height grid

  • Height over 185 cm ball with a diameter of 75 cm.
  • Height 165\185 cm ball with a diameter of 65 cm.
  • Height 155\165 cm ball with a diameter of 55 cm.
  • Height up to 155 cm ball with a diameter of 45 cm.

Remember, dear future fitness girls, the projectile must be elastic and not cause skin allergies and should not cause fear that it will burst under you! To do this, make sure that the ball is not inflated all the way; it should bend by 2 cm!!!

Scheme of classes and types of exercises

First, let's talk about techniques and types of execution. What goal are you pursuing exactly? For those who want to tighten their muscles, the exercise “plank”, “twisting”, lifting a fitball with limbs and lunges with a ball in various positions is suitable.

  • For those who desire a waist like young Gurchenko’s, doing the figure eight and jumping on a fitball is suitable.
  • You can put your hands in order by grouping sports on a fitball and weights (or dumbbells).
  • Your back and posture can be corrected by “stretching” and lifting a fitball with your back without using your hands.

There are a huge number of workouts that can be performed using gymnastic equipment. All of them are divided depending on the muscle involvement, position (standing, sitting, lying) and purpose (for stretching or strengthening muscles).

Back exercises

  1. We lie down on the fitball with our stomach, rest our feet on the floor, align our body, trying to maintain balance. Slowly raise the upper abdomen and chest, doing hyperextension on the ball.
  2. Position – lying face down on the ball. We rest our hands on the floor. The task is to raise your legs up one at a time. For advanced exercisers, you can train with an expander, making the workout heavier and adding stress to your legs. We start with 10-15 lifts on each leg, gradually increasing the number.

Exercises for the abs

  1. Pose – face down, legs below the knees lying on the ball, standing on outstretched arms. Raise your pelvis up, while slightly pulling the projectile towards you. Attention: the task is not suitable for beginners, as its implementation requires certain skills.

  1. Rolls: lie with your back on the floor, legs bent at the knees, lying on the apparatus. Hands spread out on the floor. Roll your feet over the ball until they are a couple of centimeters off the floor in one direction or the other. Perform the workout until you feel tension in your oblique muscles.

Exercises for legs and buttocks

  1. We stand up straight, the fitball is behind us. One leg is bent at the knee, lying on the ball. Let's roll it back. Squatting on the supporting leg, that is, doing reverse lunges.
  2. We stand against the wall and place the ball between it and our back. We squat, rolling the projectile down. You can do this exercise on one leg.

Add to your complex exercises that are familiar to us, weighted with the help of a fitball. For example: plank, crunches, push-ups.

Examples of workouts

Home workout

At home, you can easily start individual classes, even by looking at pictures and videos of the complexes offered on our website. Don't forget before strength training you must do a warm-up. I offer a description of it in the “Advice from Experienced Gurus” section.

  • We sit on the ball with a straight back. Legs are straight. We bend over to our feet, trying to grab them with either our left or our right hand. Important! We do not arch our back, we leave it straight. We perform 4 sets of 10 repetitions. Upon completion, take deep breaths and exhale 3 times. This activity is indispensable for the legs, their level of stretching and for correcting back problems.

  • Next, stand with your back to the wall, pressing the fitball against it. Feet shoulder width apart. We squat smoothly, at the lowest point when squatting, we tense our muscles, freezing for 5 seconds. We also rise smoothly. Great for pumping up your thighs and buttocks. Perform 5 times for 12 repetitions, then repeat deep inhalation/exhalation.

  • Sit on the ball, back straight, hands behind your head. We “draw” a figure eight with our hips (clockwise and counterclockwise). Perfect for bellies that want to become more defined. The number of approaches reaches 5 approaches 15 times.

  • Starting position: sitting on the ball, resting your hands on the back of the ball. We begin to slowly walk forward with our feet. We move until the pelvis “hangs” above the floor. And now we return in the same way. We repeat the procedure 10 times. 4 approaches.

Workout in the gym

In the gym, experienced athletes will offer more complex variations. For example, a description of the TOP species:

  • Lie on the ball with your back, namely the lumbar region. Place your feet on a wall or floor and bend at the waist (5 sets of 15 times, then the breathing exercises described above).
  • Lie on the ball with your stomach, while standing on your knees, with the fitball resting on them. We cross our arms behind our head and lower it, our back arched. Gradually, while maintaining your breath, raise your face (your back should straighten, do 10 to 15 times, 3 approaches).
  • Lie with your back on a gymnastic ball, take dumbbells in your hands. Gradually lift the dumbbells up. Fixing them in the raised position for 5 seconds. Repeat 10 times per set. We do 5 of them in total. Be careful! Don't hit the dumbbells, do your sets slowly! (great for breast lift).
  • We put 2 fitballs next to each other. Place your forearms and elbows on each. The elbow joints should visually be like a right angle. Feet shoulder width apart. As you inhale, lower your torso, leaning only on your hands. As you exhale, raise your body, fixing the position for 5 seconds. Do 5 sets of 10.

After completing all the loads, consolidate the result with several stretching exercises (“mill”, bending over or clasping your legs with your hands).

Before strength training, you should warm yourself up properly. Swing your arms 5 times each, tilt your body in all directions 10 times, 15 squats and head swings will not be superfluous. I also recommend moving up and down with your shoulders (up to 30 movements in total). Having taken a comfortable place, stretch your legs slightly apart and, lying on them with your body, touch your toes with your hands (up to 10 times). Walk around the hall or room, raising your knees high, for about 7 minutes and feel free to begin more energy-intensive activities. Important! Do not stop training abruptly, and after it is finished, calm your heart rate and breathing with light walking and deep inhalations/exhalations.

Normalization of approaches

On average, it is worth performing 5 sets of 10-20 repetitions, preferably in order of starting positions: first sitting in a row, then lying down, etc. Set aside about an hour and a half a day for sports. The number of times performed should increase by 1 per day.

Music for classes

Pick up collections of dynamic, motivating music. Or fiery Latin tracks, they will give inspiration and assertiveness. In general, classics and lyrics don’t count.

Common Mistakes

Frequent mistakes made by beginners are full-fledged sports activities on a completely “unheated” body, which results in pain and rejection of gymnastics on a fitball. Start small, actively prepare yourself, and everything will fall into place. Also, many simply do not adhere to the training regime, missing several hours a week. Get up in the morning and do at least a minimum of approaches - this will invigorate you, and you will be younger with a beautiful body!