Beta alanine method of application. Preparations with beta-alanine for menopause: pros and contraindications. pH issues during exercise

Beta-alanine is a type of natural amino acid that is widely distributed in nature. This compound neutralizes the harmful effects of lactic acid on muscle tissue and prevents it from acidifying. This increases the intramuscular level of carnosine, which, in turn, eliminates muscle wasting, helps to gain energy reserves, increase the body's endurance and reach new heights in sports.

Beta-alanine is often used in bodybuilding by experienced athletes in conjunction with creatine. Let us consider in more detail how to take it correctly, and what properties it has.

Where is beta-alanine found

The substance is not doping and in moderation is harmless to humans. But it cannot be synthesized by organisms on its own, so it is included in medicines and sports nutrition.

Also, this amino acid is found in the following products:

  • Sea and fish and squid;
  • Meat;
  • Nuts;
  • chicken eggs;
  • Gelatin;
  • beans;
  • Corn;
  • Bran.

In order for the compound to remain in food, it should not be subjected to prolonged heat treatment in a large volume of water.

What is the amino acid β-Alanine for?

β-Alanine is great for those who are active physical activity. That is why it is especially common among athletes, in particular bodybuilders. The use of the substance helps to increase efficiency, endurance, accelerates muscle growth and their recovery after injuries.

Also, many women use beta-alanine for menopause. This helps to get rid of many unwanted symptoms that create discomfort during menopause.

Useful qualities and side effects when taking an amino acid

β-Alanine is a direct participant in the life processes of the body, so it is necessary for both the athlete and the average person.

What does the substance contribute to:

  • Improving memory;
  • Increase immunity and resistance to diseases;
  • Restoration of the body after systematic loads and increased endurance;
  • Relieve stress and anxiety;
  • Accelerated withdrawal of metabolic products;
  • Increase muscle contraction and improve athletic performance.

But there are some “side effects”: the instructions for use say that if you use the drug for more than 12 weeks continuously, protein poisoning can occur, which leads to a malfunction in the kidneys and liver. But for this you need to use the drug in hyper doses ...

Also during the reception, the following symptoms may be observed:

  • Nausea;
  • Depression;
  • Sleep disturbance;
  • memory impairment;
  • Pain in the joints and muscles.

To avoid these negative manifestations, you should not exceed the dosage and use beta-alanine with food or include it in cocktails.

Instructions for the use of beta-alanine

Before taking beta-alanine, it is advisable to consult a specialist. Based individual features body, a specialist will help you choose the right dosage and duration of the course.

The daily norm of beta-alanine for athletes is 4-6 grams. It is necessary to take 600-800 mg at a time for men and 500-700 mg for women at regular intervals 4-6 times a day. The duration of the course is adjusted individually and averages 10-12 weeks. The action of the substance completely ends three weeks after the end of the intake, respectively, and the performance gradually decreases.

Often there can be such "side effects" as redness and burning of the skin or tingling. This usually happens in areas skin in the head, limbs or abdomen. These phenomena are not dangerous and disappear within a couple of hours after the onset. But, if they still cause severe discomfort, it is better to stop taking the drug.

Also, during the course, it is better to include drugs based on it in your diet.

Ideally combined with the amino acid and. Such a "tandem" enhances the set of muscle mass, increases the level of strength and endurance, and effectively promotes fat burning.

Caution should be used in people with diabetes This can negatively affect blood glucose levels. It is also better to cancel the use of women during pregnancy and lactation.

Where to buy and how much is β-Alanine

The range of supplements with this amino acid is quite extensive:

  • Solution;
  • Capsules;
  • Tablets;
  • Powder.

You can buy them at a pharmacy or at specialized sports nutrition outlets. The price varies depending on the country and the manufacturer, the form of release and the amount of the drug. The minimum cost starts from about 200 rubles, and the maximum reaches almost 6,000 rubles. Before buying, you should decide exactly what effect you want to get from taking the selected drug. It is worth noting that prices in sports shops are lower than in pharmaceutical pharmacies.

The most popular beta-alanine manufacturers that are found on the Russian market:

  • Ultimate Nutrition (USA);
  • Kingprotein (Russia);
  • Myprotein (England);
  • Vitajoy (China);
  • Olimplabs (Poland).


This amino acid is widely used in medicine and sports. Preparations made on its basis improve the condition of the circulatory system, promote the production of hormones. The supplement does not apply to medicines, but is an addition to the main diet.




International non-proprietary name

Beta alanine.

Latin name

chemical name

3-aminopropanoic acid.

Structural formula

Pharmacological group

Forms of release and composition

There are the following forms of drug release:

  • tablets and capsules;
  • powder is a dietary supplement often used in sports nutrition.


One of the drugs produced in tablets is Klimalanin. 1 package contains 30 flat-cylindrical tablets white color. Each tablet contains 400 mg of the active ingredient - beta-alanine. Additional Ingredients:

  • glycerol palmityl stearate;
  • hydrated silicon;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • wheat starch.


Mense is a dietary supplement available in the form of capsules. In addition to beta-alanine, it includes the following biologically active substances:

  • vitamins B5, B6, B9, B12, C, E;
  • griffonia extract;
  • soybean concentrate.

The amount of beta-alanine in 1 capsule is 200 mg. Auxiliary components:

  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • silica;
  • magnesium stearate.

Mense is a dietary supplement available in the form of capsules.

The capsules are covered with a gelatin shell, in the manufacture of which a titanium dioxide dye is used.

Properties of beta-alanine

The substance performs the following functions:

  1. Helps increase the amount of carnosine in muscle fibers, improves muscle endurance, accelerates muscle growth.
  2. Stops the manifestation of negative symptoms in women during menopause.

Effect on the body

Amino acid has a direct effect on the state of the vascular centers of the peripheral circulatory system. With its help, it is possible to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms that occur when the female reproductive system is disrupted and the production of hormones decreases during menopause.

As a result of taking the drug:

  • headaches disappear;
  • fever disappears;
  • vitality returns.

Alanine slightly stops the production of histamine and its penetration into the circulatory system.

Benefit and harm

People taking the amino acid note an improvement in muscle contractions, an increase in energy caused by the normalization of blood glucose levels. Regular intake of the supplement allows you to strengthen the immune system, increase the production of protective antibodies.

If the correct dosage is observed, the amino acid does not pose a health hazard. If the prescribed dose is violated, paresthesia may occur - a violation of the work of the peripheral nervous system.

What is beta-alanine for?

Amino acid improves protein digestion. During supplementation, carnosine accumulates in the muscles. Carnosine stops the oxidative processes that occur in the body during intense sports. It slows down muscle wasting. All this makes the amino acid an indispensable sports supplement. Carnosine, which is also formed in muscle tissue, improves motor activity in people with Parkinson's disease.

Alanine normalizes blood counts, improving the condition of a person suffering from hypoglycemia, low blood pressure. The substance improves well-being in menopause, relieving frequent hot flashes, normalizing thermoregulation, reducing nervousness and irritability. The tool serves as an excellent antidepressant, supporting the ability of inhibitors to reuptake serotonin and improving brain activity. The substance allows you to increase life expectancy, its quality.


Among the main contraindications to taking the drug are the following:

  • bearing a child;
  • lactation period;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the supplement, individual intolerance.

How to take beta-alanine?

Before or after a meal?

With menopause

You can take 1-2 tablets per day. The duration of the course for menopause is 5-10 days. A second course is carried out with the resumption of negative symptoms.

Application in sports

Regular intake of alanine by men who have just started playing sports helps to improve their athletic performance. Fatigue is reduced, muscle pain is eliminated. The recommended daily dosage for athletes involved in bodybuilding is 4-6 g. This also applies to people involved in athletics.

For weight loss

Regularly taking the drug, you can not only improve the growth of muscle tissue, but also get rid of excess fat by controlling blood sugar levels. sports supplement must be taken as directed.

Side effects

Adverse symptoms after taking the amino acid are rare. They appear as:

  • allergic reaction;
  • paresthesia - short-term tingling in the muscles;
  • increased concentration of ammonia in the urine;
  • intoxication.


Due to excessive intake of the drug containing the amino acid, there is a deficiency of taurine. This contributes to the deposition of fat in the liver, which can be life threatening. Seizures may also occur.

special instructions

During pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy and lactation, it is forbidden to take drugs with alanine.

In childhood

Pediatricians do not prescribe such drugs to children.

For impaired renal function

On condition correct application The drug helps prevent the formation of kidney stones. However, long-term use of the amino acid leads to a decrease in the normal functioning of the kidneys.

Influence on concentration

An amino acid-based drug helps to improve concentration, allows you to quickly switch between different activities, reduces fatigue and increases efficiency.

drug interaction

With other drugs

To improve performance in strength sports, it is allowed to take alanine along with creatine. It pairs well with whey protein, BCAA, caffeine, l-carnitine, citrulline, baking soda. The drug, taken simultaneously with creatine, increases aerobic endurance. It is forbidden to combine the remedy with preparations containing taurine, as they inhibit the action of each other.

Alcohol compatibility

With the simultaneous intake of the supplement and alcoholic beverages, lipid peroxidation occurs, the absorption of proteins worsens, and work is disrupted. of cardio-vascular system. During treatment, alcohol should be avoided.

beta alanine

The drug Klimalanin is in wide demand. Manufacturer medicinal product- French company BOUCHARA-RECORDATI Laboratoires.

The effectiveness of beta-alanine is based on research by many experts. We will tell you how beta-alanine works. You will also learn how you can get the most out of it and how safe it is.

Among the hundreds of different supplements, many of which are surrounded by false claims and ridiculous hype, it is very difficult to find even one that will actually help to achieve a positive result. If you've ever tried to find something worthwhile among a huge pile of jars of additives, you know how difficult it is to find anything that has a solid scientific basis or practical results.

Despite the fact that information about beta-alanine has received wide distribution only recently, it was first discovered more than 100 years ago. Also known as "3-aminopropionic acid", it is not an essential amino acid, but is the only naturally occurring beta-amino acid. It should not be confused with alanine. Beta-alanine is classified as a non-proteinogenic amino acid, meaning it is not involved in protein synthesis.

It is believed that beta-alanine is best absorbed from the dipeptides in which it is included: carnosine, anserine and balenine, and not from its direct use. These dipeptides are commonly found in protein-rich foods such as chicken, beef, pork, and fish. However, obtaining beta-alanine through these dipeptides is not the only way, since our body can synthesize it in the liver. Of course, it can also be supplied to the body through nutritional supplements, which we will consider in this article.

Recently, scientists have begun to investigate the effect of beta-alanine on the effectiveness of training.

One of the leading pioneering scientists who is advancing research on beta-alanine is Dr. Roger Harris. His last name may or may not sound familiar to you, but you should remember him, because it was thanks to his innovative research in 1992 that the bodybuilding world learned about creatine.

How can beta-alanine help you?

Before we move on to explaining how it works, you need to understand what is going on in our body during exercise that is holding back our training gains.

Benefits of beta-alanine backed by scientific research:
1. Increase explosive muscle strength
2. Increase in muscle mass
3. Increase muscular anaerobic endurance
4. Increased aerobic endurance

pH issues during exercise

When we exercise, especially if we do high-intensity exercises, our body accumulates a large number of hydrogen ions (H+), causing the pH of our muscles to drop (become more acidic).

The breakdown of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) and the subsequent increase in H+ occurs during all our energy processes, but the accumulation of H+ is most observed in the process of glycolysis - an energy process during which lactic acid is also produced. It is she who is the main source of H +, causing a drop in pH.

The H+ released by lactic acid, and not lactate ion residues, is what many mistakenly believe causes muscle performance problems. But lactic acid is not the only source of H+ production. H+ ions are also rapidly produced during exercise when they are destroyed ATP compounds with a lot of energy. Given the presence of several sources of energy production that are capable of releasing H+, the pH drops rapidly.

The pH in our muscles drops, and so does their ability to contract vigorously and maintain high performance throughout the entire workout.

How does beta-alanine help stop the drop in pH?

To understand how beta-alanine works in the fight to maintain pH levels in our muscles, you must first understand how it works. carnosine. The fact is that the effect of beta-alanine is not direct, it occurs due to its ability to increase the synthesis of carnosine.

Brief information about carnosine

The Russian scientist Gulevich was the first to isolate carnosine in 1900. Eleven years later, he discovered and identified its constituent amino acids, beta-alanine and histidine. Seven years later, Barger, Tutin, Bauman and Ingvaldsen confirmed Gulevich's results. However, the first studies on carnosine and its effect on muscle building were not published until 1938.
Carnosine is a naturally occurring di-peptide found in both type 1 and 2 muscle fibers (slow and fast). But at much higher concentrations, it is found in type 2 fibers. It is this type that is primarily involved in high-intensity training and is the most sensitive to muscle growth.

How does carnosine work?

There are several ways carnosine is thought to affect muscle performance, but its most studied function is as an intracellular buffer. Carnosine helps stabilize muscle pH by absorbing hydrogen ions (H+) that are released at an accelerated rate during exercise.

Our body works to balance pH using various systems buffering. In most cases, buffers function by absorbing H+ to maintain the optimal pH balance that we need to function efficiently. As mentioned above, our muscles work best in a certain pH range. When pH falls below this range, muscle performance decreases accordingly. By maintaining the most optimal pH level, our muscles can be subjected to greater stress and for a longer time.
There are several different buffer systems in our body. Some maintain pH outside the cell, in the extracellular fluid, while others perform their functions inside the cell, in the intracellular fluid, and some perform it both there and there.

Try to guess where this decay and release of H + occurs? If you think that in our muscles or inside cells, then you are absolutely right! As a result, the first line of defense against H+ uptake is an intracellular buffer (carnosine) rather than an extracellular one. Besides being where it is needed to keep H+ inside our cells, carnosine has additional properties that make it truly unique. Carnosine is unique in that all the other natural buffer systems in our body, in addition to buffering, are involved in many other cellular reactions, which, in turn, weakens most of their buffering abilities.

Studies have shown that with supplemental use of beta-alanine for as little as 4 weeks, we can increase carnosine concentration by 42-65% . And with a longer use of beta-alanine (10-12 weeks), the concentration of carnosine increases to 80%. This is a huge increase in intracellular buffers, which are already quite large!

Frequently Asked Questions About Beta-Alanine and Carnosine

Is beta alanine safe?
This is the first question you should ask when you hear about a new supplement, even before you know how effective it is.
The answer to the security question is a resounding yes. During the studies, during which beta-alanine was taken for 12 weeks, blood tests were taken, and there was not a single deterioration in the biochemical, hematological or hormonal levels and there were no negative changes. Until the results of its longer use appear, it is impossible to say that beta-alanine is one hundred percent safe, but we know for sure that its use as a supplement for 12 weeks is really safe.

Why not just take carnosine instead of beta-alanine?
When you consume carnosine directly, most of it breaks down into gastrointestinal tract(GIT) for the constituent amino acids, beta-alanine and histidine. Some carnosine passes through the gastrointestinal tract, but it is quickly broken down in the blood by the enzyme carnosinase.

Within a very short time, all the carnosine you have consumed is either eliminated from the body or broken down into beta-alanine and histidine. These two amino acids are then transported to the muscles, where they are converted back to carnosine by the enzyme carnosine synthetase.

Unfortunately, only about 40% of the carnosine you consume contains beta-alanine, making it an inefficient source at best. Therefore, from a financial point of view and in terms of effectiveness, it is best to consume beta-alanine directly.
You will have to take significantly more carnosine just to get close to the level of carnosine in the body that you can easily achieve with a scientifically recommended dose of beta-alanine. Obviously, taking beta-alanine is an excellent solution for increasing carnosine levels.

How do we know that beta-alanine actually increases carnosine levels?
The fact that this is actually happening, the researchers proved thanks to a biopsy of the muscle tissue (a small sample of muscle tissue was taken using a hollow needle). A biopsy was done on various stages throughout the study. Indeed, beta-alanine was found to effectively and significantly increase carnosine levels by 42-80%, depending on the dosage and duration of the study.

Do I need to additionally take histidine along with beta-alanine, because histidine is integral part carnosine?
Better not worth it. Histidine is already present in high concentrations in the muscles, while beta-alanine is only present in small amounts. Researchers have found that it is beta-alanine, and not histidine, that leads to the synthesis of carnosine. Since this has been repeatedly proven in studies, there is no need to additionally use histidine to increase carnosine levels.

There are some groups of people, such as vegans, vegetarians, or the elderly, who may be deficient in their dietary histidine and thus potentially deficient in carnosine. But we still do not recommend taking histidine along with beta-alanine.

Instead, we would advise these people to simply increase their total protein intake, which in turn will rid them of possible deficit histidine. For most healthy people, only beta-alanine is needed additionally, since histidine deficiency is extremely rare, and it is not necessary to supplement it to increase the concentration of carnosine.

At what point during a workout would a high concentration of carnosine have the best effect?
Increasing carnosine levels with beta-alanine is effective at all stages of training, whether it's lifting weights or performing endurance exercises. Our body uses three energy systems to carry out its functions: the ATP-FC system is used mainly during weight lifting and 5-6 repetitions; glycolytic system, which is mainly used at 7-15 repetitions and above; an oxidative/fatty system that is used primarily in moderate sustained endurance exercise.

Our energy systems are used simultaneously. However, depending on the level of intensity, duration of exercise, and physical fitness of the individual, certain energy systems dominate the production of the energy needed for a particular exercise. Any weightlifter's body will primarily use the first two systems, and in both cases, increasing the amount of hydrogen ions will contribute to the accumulation of fatigue.

This is when creatine levels drop. It is primarily effective in the ATP-CP system, which functions through ATP stores and resynthesis using creatine phosphate (CP). Taking creatine will help explosive muscle strength, but it won't help you much at 7-15 reps.

Anyone who is trying to build muscle knows that you need to train with a strong and medium intensity (7-15 repetitions) in order to achieve maximum results. Beta-alanine, by increasing the concentration of carnosine, can combat the increase in H +. This allows you to maintain intense muscle contractions for a longer period of time.

Reducing fatigue in cells is another plus of beta-alanine. A recent study shows that beta-alanine is superior to creatine in reducing cellular fatigue, giving it another advantage over creatine, which has been considered the most effective sports supplement for the past decade.

Does beta-alanine replace creatine?
Beta-alanine does not replace creatine. As discussed above, they work differently and creatine is still effective in achieving maximum strength and development of physical abilities. If anything, it's best to take them together as a "double" whammy.

How much beta-alanine does it take to cause a performance increase?
Research has shown that you can take 3.2 g to 6.4 g per day to significantly increase carnosine levels and improve performance. The most recent studies using 4-5 grams per day get similar carnosine concentrations and performance improvements as using 6.4 grams per day.

Who will benefit from beta-alanine?
For those who choose power training and wants to increase muscle mass and strength.
For any person participating in sports activities where muscular endurance is required.
For active people who have reached a certain stage, but there is no further development. But they are looking for a way to get them to the next level.

How long will it take to notice improvements?
Performance improvements typically do not appear until two weeks later, although some may notice results as early as a week. Results will improve as carnosine levels increase. The most impressive results are usually achieved in 3-4 weeks but they don't stop there.

One study shows that carnosine levels continue to rise for at least 12 weeks, so we we recommend taking beta-alanine for at least three months to optimize your carnosine levels.
Surprisingly, many users experience a “pump” (fullness) of the muscles from the first intake of beta-alanine. This is because beta-alanine increases the amount of carnosine, which, in turn, is an important factor in the synthesis of nitric oxide.

Are there ways that can boost beta-alanine's ability to increase carnosine levels?
Yes. A recent study showed that a group that consumed additional carbohydrates along with beta-alanine increased performance twice as fast compared to a group that received the same amount of beta-alanine but no additional carbohydrates. Carbohydrates cause an insulin surge, and one of the functions of insulin is to increase the supply of amino acids (such as beta-alanine) to the cell.

By taking beta-alanine before and after training, we increase the filling of beta-alanine in our muscles. Studies show that taking amino acids before and after training speeds up their delivery to the muscles. Basically, this happens mainly due to the improvement of blood circulation during exercise.

What kind of tingle do I feel when I take beta-alanine for the first time?
This tingling sensation, scientifically called "parathesia," is due to beta-alanine binding to nerve receptors, activating them and causing them to "discharge." Many of these nerves are under the skin, which is what causes the tingling sensation. This sensation begins about 15-20 minutes after taking beta-alanine and usually lasts for 1-1.5 hours.

The intensity varies depending on the dosage, individual sensitivity and, possibly, the causative agent of the Ca2+ channels, such as caffeine. This sensation, while usually pleasant, often subsides within a few weeks of continuous use. Carbohydrates/certain foods can also cause a tingling effect when taking beta-alanine.

If I don't feel a tingle, does that mean beta-alanine isn't working for me?
Some people don't experience tingling at all, even with a 4-6g dose of beta-alanine. Don't worry if you're in this group. The tingling is NOT a sign that beta-alanine is working or being taken up by the muscles and converted to carnosine. If you do not feel anything, there is no need to worry, as carnosine stores still increase, which has been repeatedly confirmed by studies.

Another example is studies that compared carnosine concentrations with multiple low doses of 800mg beta-alanine versus multiple doses of 1.6g. 800mg is small enough to cause tingling except in a few cases, while 1.6g can cause tingling. The results of both studies showed that carnosine concentrations were very similar.

Can taking taurine along with beta-alanine interfere with carnosine and performance?
There are potential problems with taking these two substances at the same time (they are delivered by the same carrier to the tissues), and no significant impairments have been found during studies. On the contrary, recent studies have shown that the increase in muscle carnosine due to beta-alanine is not reduced when taurine is taken concomitantly.

There is practically no difference in the concentration of carnosine. In other words, taurine does not interfere with beta-alanine uptake at any meaningful level, otherwise carnosine levels would have been lower in studies where beta-alanine was given concomitantly with taurine.

Have you taken beta-alanine? Write your review!

Beta-alanine is a popular supplement among athletes and fitness enthusiasts. This is due to its ability to increase physical indicators and beneficial effects on overall health. This article contains everything you need to know about beta-alanine.

beta alanine is a non-essential amino acid. Unlike most other amino acids, it is not used by the body to synthesize proteins.

Instead, it works with histidine to produce carnosine, which is then stored in our skeletal muscles. ()

Carnosine reduces the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles during physical activity leading to improved athletic performance. ( , )

How it works?

Normally, our body is characterized high level histidine and low - beta-alanine, which limits the production of carnosine. ( , )

Beta-alanine supplementation has been reported to increase muscle carnosine levels by 80%. ( , , , , )

The mechanism of action of carnosine during exercise is as follows:

  1. Glucose is broken down: Glycolysis is the breakdown of glucose, which is the main source of fuel during high-intensity exercise.
  2. Lactate is produced: During exercise, muscles break down glucose into lactic acid. This, in turn, is converted to lactate, which produces hydrogen ions (H+).
  3. Increased muscle acidity: Hydrogen ions reduce the pH level in the muscles, increasing their acidity.
  4. Weakness appears: Muscle acidity blocks the breakdown of glucose and reduces the muscle's ability to contract. The result is fatigue and weakness. ( , , )

Carnosine acts as an acid buffer, reducing muscle acidity during high-intensity exercise. ( , )

Because beta-alanine supplements increase muscle carnosine levels, they help muscles reduce acid levels during intense exercise. This leads to a reduction in weakness and fatigue.


Beta-alanine supplements increase carnosine levels, which reduce muscle acidity during high-intensity exercise.

How does beta-alanine affect athletic performance and strength?

Beta-alanine improves athletic performance. It is able to reduce fatigue, increase endurance and performance during high-intensity exercise.

Increases time to exhaustion

Studies have shown that beta-alanine helps increase time to exhaustion (TTE).

In other words, it helps you exercise for a longer period without interruption. ( , , ) A study conducted among cyclists showed that taking this supplement for 4 weeks increased the overall productivity of the subjects by 13%. After 10 weeks, this figure increased by another 3.2%. ()

A similar study in 20 male cyclists found a 13-14% increase in time to exhaustion after 4 weeks of beta-alanine supplementation. ()

Benefits of shorter exercise

In general, muscle acidosis limits the duration of intense exercise.

For this reason, beta-alanine is especially helpful for high-intensity, short-duration exercise lasting from one to a few minutes.

One study found that 6 weeks of beta-alanine supplementation resulted in an increase in time to exhaustion during high-intensity interval training from 1,168 seconds to 1,387 seconds. ()

Another study found that 18 rowers who took the supplement for 7 weeks were 4.3 seconds faster than the placebo group in a 2,000-meter race lasting over 6 minutes.()

Other benefits

Also, beta-alanine can delay the onset of weakness due to an increase in the intensity of air exchange by 13.9%. ( , )

For older people, it helps to increase muscle endurance. ()

During resistance training, this supplement allows you to increase training volume and reduce weakness. However, there is no clear evidence that beta-alanine increases strength. ( , , , )


Beta-alanine is most effective with exercise lasting from one to several minutes. It helps reduce weakness while increasing exercise capacity and muscle endurance.

How does beta-alanine affect body composition?

Some scientists suggest that beta-alanine has a positive effect on body composition.

One study showed that taking this supplement for 3 weeks led to an increase in lean muscle mass. ()

Similarly, supplementation for 4 weeks helped 32 women lose weight and reduce body fat and increase lean muscle mass. ()

It is possible that beta-alanine improves body composition by increasing training volume and promoting muscle growth.

However, some studies have shown no significant differences in body composition and weight after a course of supplementation. ( , )


Beta-alanine helps increase training volume. This allows you to increase lean muscle mass and reduce the percentage of fat mass. However, the evidence for this fact is mixed.

Health Benefits of Beta-Alanine

Beta-alanine increases the level of carnosine, which has a beneficial effect on health.

Interestingly, laboratory and animal studies have shown that carnosine has antioxidant and anti-aging properties, as well as boosting immunity. However, clinical studies are still required.

Carnosine also prevents changes in the structure and function of protein in the body. This may explain its anti-aging effect. ()

What's more, carnosine appears to increase nitric oxide production, which helps fight aging and improves function. immune system. ( , )

Finally, carnosine improves muscle quality and function in the elderly. ( , )


Carnosine has antioxidant and anti-aging properties, and also helps to strengthen the immune system. In addition, it contributes to the improvement of muscle function in old age.

Dosage and method of application

A 40-60% increase in muscle carnosine concentration is typically seen after 4 weeks of supplementation. ()

Taking beta-alanine with meals can further increase carnosine levels. ()


Safety and Side Effects

The most common side effect of taking beta-alanine is paresthesia.

This is an unusual sensation that is usually described as "tingling and itching". As a rule, it appears on the face, neck and hands.

With increasing dosage, the intensity of itching increases. As a rule, such a sensation occurs when taking 800 mg of the supplement or more, and disappears 60-90 minutes after taking the supplement. ()

There is no evidence that paresthesia is a health hazard. ()

Another possible side effect is a decrease in taurine levels. This is because beta-alanine can compete with taurine for absorption into the muscles.

Animal studies have shown that taking beta-alanine leads to a 50% decrease in taurine levels.


To side effects beta-alanine refers to itching and decreased levels. The data is rather limited. However, based on the available research, it can be said that beta-alanine is safe.

Combination with sports supplements

Beta-alanine is often combined with other supplements.

These include sodium bicarbonate, creatine, and various pre-workout supplements.

Bicarbonate of soda

Bicarbonate of soda ( baking soda) increases physical performance by reducing acidity in muscles and blood. (

Among the huge number of amino acids that human body alanine, a biologically active substance that is involved in many processes, occupies a special place. There are two types of alanine, alpha and beta. In the first case, we are talking about an amino acid, which is part of most proteins and contributes to a more complete digestibility. Beta-alanine in free form is found only in brain cells, but it can be part of peptides and is most often found in carnosine.

Why does the body need beta-alanine?

This substance helps to restore and increase muscle mass due to the fact that it buffers oxygen ions in the tissues, which are a kind of protection. That is, when a person puts himself under physical stress, the natural criterion that regulates the work of muscles is fatigue. Beta-alanine helps to overcome it, eliminating such a barrier. It is for this reason that this nutritional supplement is very widely used by athletes who spend 4-6 hours a day training and are interested in gaining muscle mass as soon as possible without experiencing discomfort, pain and fatigue. It should also be borne in mind that this substance contributes to the removal of ammonia from the body, which accumulates after physical exertion and can cause intoxication.

It should be noted that beta-alanine not only promotes muscle building and is an integral part of bodybuilding, but also has a very positive effect on the functioning of the brain, improving memory and speeding up the reaction. The advantages of this substance include a positive effect on hormonal background which is very important for people over the age of 40 years. Beta-alanine stimulates the production of hormones, which allows female body prepare for menopause, and gives men the opportunity to prolong youth and strengthen physical health.

How can you replenish beta-alanine in the body?

Beta-alanine is not present in foods, although some types of fruits and vegetables, as well as seafood, stimulate its production by the body. However, for people who are seriously involved in sports, the amount of this biologically active substance, which is present in the body, is clearly not enough. it is for this reason that today there is a huge amount of vitamins and so-called pre-workout complexes, which include beta-alanine.

As a rule, such supplements are of interest to athletes who want not only to build muscle mass, but also to get rid of pain after training. However, beta-alanine can be used by those who are not fond of sports, but want to increase the endurance of their own body, increase its tone, speed up the process of burning fat and reduce appetite.

How safe is beta-alanine?

It is believed that food additives such as peptides cannot cause significant harm to human health. On the contrary, they act as a stimulant that activates the vital functions of the body, gives a feeling of cheerfulness and helps to restore strength. All this is true for beta-alanine, which really has regenerating, stimulating and analgesic properties. However, scientific studies show that this substance is not at all as harmless as it seems at first glance. To begin with, it should be clear that daily rate consumption of beta-alanine in the form of various nutritional supplements for an adult should not exceed 6 g. The dose is calculated based on body weight and is not more than 20 mg per 1 kg of weight. If you break this rule and increase the dosage yourself, then nothing bad will happen, but over time, paresthesia may develop - irritation of the peripheral nervous system, which is accompanied by uncomfortable sensations in the muscles and limbs. In addition, doctors came to the conclusion that for more than 12 consecutive weeks this food supplement in no case should be taken, since excess beta-alanine in the body leads to inhibition of the functions of the liver and kidneys, which is a direct consequence of protein poisoning of the body.