Basic amount of compulsory insurance. The size of the base rate for compulsory motor insurance. Basic rates for compulsory motor insurance

Strictly mandatory for all vehicle owners without exception. Failure to have this policy will result in a fine.

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At the same time, the base rate, according to which the cost of this policy changes, changes annually - and it is different for individuals and legal entities.

What it is

First of all, it is important to become familiar with what exactly a compulsory motor liability insurance policy is.

Since 2003, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, it was established that all citizens of the country, without exception, are required to purchase a policy compulsory insurance motor vehicle liability. The insurance process is carried out directly in special companies.

The main difference between OSAGO and other types of insurance that are practiced in the territory Russian Federation, is its obligation. At the same time, the cost is regulated quite strictly by federal legislation.

The base rate is used to set the minimum cost of the policy. It is also referred to as the base tariff.

The base rate means a certain amount of money that is set to determine the price of compulsory motor liability insurance.

The type of cost value of this indicator is primarily influenced by:

  • the type itself vehicle;
  • legal status of the policy buyer.

At the same time, there are a number various features related to the base rate.

If the driver wants to independently calculate the cost of his own MTPL policy for control, he should definitely deal with all of them.

This will allow you to independently monitor compliance with legal regulations by the insurance company.

What does it depend on

The size of the base rate for compulsory motor liability insurance depends on a large number of different factors.

First of all, these include the following:

  • type of vehicle;
  • inflation rate;
  • cost of spare parts for specific types of cars;
  • foreign policy situation;
  • insurance company policies;
  • federal legislation.

The main purpose of the base rate for compulsory motor liability insurance is to regulate the amount of the insurance premium charged directly to the insurance company.

It is at the expense of insurance premiums that payments under compulsory motor liability insurance will be made in the future in the event of an accident. insured event.

Since the amount of insurance payment implies the repayment of expenses for compensation of damage, the size of the rate is associated with the type of vehicle, as well as the cost of services.

An important factor is inflation. Since it is slightly different every year, the increase in the base rate will also be different in different years.

Insurance payments include paying for car repairs. The cost of parts, as well as work to restore the vehicle, is determined by inflation.

Accordingly, the size of the base rate is directly affected by the increase in the cost of certain works and parts.

The inflation rate is also affected a large number of a variety of factors. This is the state policy regarding the supply of car parts from abroad, as well as the position of the insurance companies themselves.

Since certain amendments are also adopted taking into account the interests of these companies. There are many different nuances related directly to the increase in the base rate on this species insurance.

There is a certain tariff corridor within which the cost of an MTPL policy can be set. It must be remembered that the insurance company does not have the right to violate the boundaries of this corridor.

And not only more, but also less. Monitoring and control over compliance with legislation in this area is carried out by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, as well as the RSA.

If any difficulties or controversial situations arise, it is best to resolve them through the courts. Since this body has the maximum number of tools to resolve such situations.

When was it last changed?

The minimum base rate of compulsory motor liability insurance for companies and individuals differs quite significantly. From year to year, the value of this indicator changes quite significantly.

You will be able to get acquainted with the latest information on this matter directly from official sources. Publications take place on resources where amendments to current federal laws are posted.

For individuals

Changes in terms of the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance are especially relevant for individuals. Not all drivers track changes in the base rate.

Otherwise, the cost of the policy in the new year would not cause such a strong surprise.

Amendments to the base rates for the MTPL policy have been made as many as two times during the entire existence of this program. The first time was in 2014, the second time in 2020.

Until 2014, the base rate for individuals was 1,980 rubles.

But it is important to remember that due to the use of various types (regional and others), the final cost of the policy becomes significantly higher.

The most significant factor is the accident rate of driving in a particular region. It is the highest in the country in Moscow. The smallest is in Volgograd.

That is why it will be cheaper to buy a policy in regions with a low regional coefficient. In October 2014, the base tariff corridor increased significantly. It began to range from 2,440 to 2,574 rubles.

At the same time, most insurance companies chose the maximum threshold. Which led to a significant increase in the cost of the policy - on average, the price for this service increased across the country by as much as 30%.

The most significant increase in the rate for individuals occurred in 2020. The basic tariff for was from 3,432 to 4,118 rubles. But such increases have quite serious reasons.

First of all, you need to remember that the maximum limit on payment as a result of an insured event has increased from 120 thousand rubles to 400 thousand rubles.

It was in accordance with these amendments that changes to the legislation on compulsory motor liability insurance were adopted.

For legal entities

The main difference between the base rate for legal entities and the same indicator for individuals is precisely the lower cost. For 2020, it is a price range from 2,573 to 3,087 rubles.

Within this indicator, the cost of the MTPL policy for each car is calculated.

You can again familiarize yourself with all the changes relating to base rates for legal entities on official resources - where all texts related to amendments to federal laws are published.

Basic rates for compulsory motor liability insurance

One of the most important points is the change in the base rate for compulsory motor liability insurance depending on the region. Since a special regional coefficient is established by which the cost indicator of the base rate for compulsory motor liability insurance is multiplied.

Moreover, it differs in different cities quite significant. Before applying for a policy, the driver should definitely familiarize himself with the latest information on this matter. This will allow you to independently predict the cost of compulsory motor insurance.

Basic rates differ for legal entities and individuals. At the same time, the differences are quite significant.

On this moment for legal entities the following values ​​are established:

Transport category Rate for 2015, thousand rubles. Rate for 2020, thousand rubles
B, BE 2.9-3 2.5-3
B, BE 3.6-3.8 5.1-6.1
C, CE up to 16 t. 2.4-2.6 3.5-4.2
C, CE less than 16 t. 3.9-4.2 5.2-6.3
D, DE number of passenger seats no more than 16 1.9-2.1 2.8-3.3
D, DE number of passenger seats more than 16 2.4-2.6 3.5-4.2
D, DE if used for regular flights 3.6-3.8 5.1-6.1
For trolleybuses 1.9-2.1 2.8-3.3
For trams 1.2-1.3 1.7-2.1
For tractors, self-propelled machines various types 1.4-1.5 1.1-1.5

It must be remembered that in different regions and in different insurance companies, the cost of the policy may differ quite significantly.

Moreover greatest influence The cost of compulsory motor liability insurance is influenced by the chosen insurance company. That is why it is worth paying attention to the choice of the institution where the appropriate insurance policy will be purchased.

There are often various special promotions, within which you can get a fairly significant discount on your policy.

At the same time, you should not chase low prices and contact little-known insurance companies. Since subsequently difficulties may arise in obtaining payment in the event of an insured event.

It is also important to avoid purchasing policies from unofficial representative offices of the company. There are quite a lot of scammers operating in this area. Because optimal solution will use the services of verified institutions.

By region of the Russian Federation

Special coefficients have been established for the regions of the Russian Federation, by multiplying the base tariff by which it will be possible to obtain the cost of the MTPL policy.

At the moment, such coefficients have been established for all subjects of the federation. Information on this matter is open and presented on official websites.

The following coefficients were established for 2020:

Region name The value of the coefficient for all vehicles (except for tractors, self-propelled vehicles)
Adygea 1.3
Nalchik 1
Elista 1.3
Crimea 0.6
Saha Republic 0.6
Kazan 2
Naberezhnye Chelny 1.7
Chechnya 0.6
Permian 2
Vladivostok 1.4
Khabarovsk 1.7
Volgograd 1.3

Each region has its own personal coefficient. Its value is selected based on the statistics of road accidents that occur within 1 year.

The more significant this indicator is, the higher the coefficient is set. Accordingly, the smaller it is, the lower this coefficient will be.

There are also other factors that in one way or another affect the size of the base rate, as well as the coefficient.

By insurance companies

OSAGO insurance companies with a low base rate will allow you to save quite a significant amount. At the same time, the most favorable insurance conditions are usually offered by large, well-established institutions.

The main reason for this is the very fact that it is possible to provide certain discounts without compromising your own income.

At the moment, the following indicators apply for base rates and the cost of the MTPL policy:

Company name Base rate, thousand rubles. Payment level at the end of 2014, %
"VSK" 4.1 61
"Ingosstrakh" 3.4 59
"Agreement" 4.1 66
"AlfaStrakhovanie" 4.1 74
"UralSIB" 4.1 60
"Sogaz" 4.1 30
"MSK" 4.1 38
"Renaissance" 3.4 68
"Reso" 3.6 47
"Rosgosstrakh" 4.1 51

The optimal solution would be to choose the most large companies. This will minimize the likelihood of any problems arising in the event of an insured event and the need to receive appropriate payments.

There are quite a lot of different nuances. It is also worth reviewing reviews from real company clients in advance before purchasing an MTPL policy.

For trucks

The base rate for various types transport. Including for cargo. Moreover, the value of the base rate of compulsory motor liability insurance for various types trucks is also different. And quite significantly.

The main parameter on the basis of which the calculation process is carried out is the carrying capacity of a particular vehicle.

At the moment, the following tariff rates have been established for vehicles of this type, depending on the maximum transported cargo:

That is why, before purchasing a truck with a certain carrying capacity, it will be necessary to take into account the cost of the MTPL policy. Since the difference from the base cost is slightly less than 2 times.

The registration process implies the presence of a certain list of documents. At the moment, there are a number of different features associated with calculating the cost of an MTPL policy.

A specialized formula for making calculations has been established at the legislative level.

On a motorcycle

The base rate for a motorcycle, similar to equipment, differs significantly from the base rate for cars/trucks. And to a significantly lesser extent.

In this case, the tariff for motorcycles is set regardless of the carrying capacity or the number of seats. It is the same for all vehicles belonging to category “A”.

These are not only motorcycles, but also mopeds, some types of ATVs and more.

For 2020, the following corridor of base rates for compulsory motor liability insurance was established:

It would be best to figure out all the nuances in advance. The process of calculating the cost of compulsory motor insurance for a motorcycle and other equipment of category “A” is standard.

However, the main difference of this procedure is that the base rate is set as standard for legal entities and individuals. During 2020, certain difficulties arose with purchasing compulsory motor insurance for a motorcycle.

In 2016, Ingosstrakh, in accordance with the new tariffs for compulsory motor liability insurance established by the Central Bank, as well as within the framework of the “tariff corridor” - the minimum and maximum values, established its base rates for calculating the cost of the compulsory motor liability insurance policy.

How to calculate compulsory motor liability insurance in Ingosstrakh Insurance Company

The owners of:

  • quadricycles, mopeds and motorcycles;
  • legal entities with a vehicle of categories “B” and “BE”;
  • vehicles of categories “C” and “CE”, “D” and “DE”, except for minibuses used for regular transportation;
  • tractors and other road construction machines.

Individuals with a vehicle's primary use area in Moscow and the Moscow region will also be able to obtain insurance from Ingosstrakh at the minimum base rate.

Before purchasing an OSAGO policy, compare prices from several companies, for example, using the OSAGO Alfastrakhovanie calculator or the OSAGO Zetta Insurance calculator, you will find out the base rates of the relevant insurers, which are the basis for calculating the policy. You can find out the price of a policy at the Ingosstrakh insurance company using online calculator ohm

What affects the cost of compulsory motor insurance?

  • To calculate the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance insurance companies take into account the coefficients for each specific driver, where all taken into account are multiplied by the base tariff rate.
  • Main coefficients affecting the cost
    • TB – basic tariff rate.
    • CT – territorial.
    • Km – vehicle power.
    • Kvs – age.
    • KBM is a bonus-malus, which can both provide a discount and increase the cost of the policy.
      Your KBM will be calculated based on the number of years of accident-free driving.
    • Kn – increasing coefficient in the presence of gross violations of the rules of compulsory motor liability insurance.

How is OSAGO online calculation performed?

  • The cost of an MTPL policy is not a static value. Legislative changes are regularly made to existing tariff algorithms. All of them are already taken into account on our website. in the 2019 OSAGO calculator and settlements are carried out at new tariffs.
  • The software function allows calculate the cost of an MTPL policy by entering the required information.

When filling out the online form ( OSAGO calculation 2019), you can always go back to adjust the data to recalculate the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance, taking into account the KBM. You can also continue OSAGO calculation at any time, because The data you enter is saved.

What is better than an online calculator compared to a standard one?

  • Mobility
    Possibility to execute calculation using the OSAGO calculator according to the most profitable option - at home or in the office, without leaving your computer.
  • Quick search
    The OSAGO online calculator allows you to compare policy cost calculations for a variety of reliable insurance companies with a solid reputation and select best option policy.
  • Taking into account all factors influencing the price of compulsory motor liability insurance
    The OSAGO calculator takes into account all cost formation factors - technical, economic, geographical, human and provides the most accurate information.
  • Profitable terms
    Calculator provides information about the price of OSAGO, taking into account all promotions and bonuses.

Now almost all insurance companies offer to issue electronic policy OSAGO online, without leaving your home. The procedure consists of filling out a form on the insurer’s website, which indicates all the necessary data for issuing a policy, such as information about the car, information about drivers, etc. The cost of the policy is calculated automatically after you enter the data, taking into account the KBM. You can also pay online with a bank card. After payment to your address Email An electronic E-MTPL policy will be sent, as well as accompanying materials: insurance rules, a memo, a notification of an accident with an example of filling.

When purchasing an E-OSAGO policy, its validity will begin no earlier than 3 days after registration.

How to calculate the cost of an MTPL policy

The cost of an MTPL policy is calculated based on basic rates and insurance coefficients using the following formula:

OSAGO price = Basic tariff * CT * KM * KVS * KO * KS * KN * KPR * KBM

Basic tariffs and coefficients are approved by the government of the Russian Federation. The coefficients are constant for all insurance companies, and the base tariff has a corridor within which insurance companies can set the price (since 2014). Thus, the cost of the policy may vary among different insurance companies.

Changes to OSAGO

  • You must now contact your insurance company regardless of the number of participants in the accident. This is called "direct damages." Previously, this option was possible only when there were two participants in the accident.
  • Have an opportunity purchase electronic MTPL policy via the Internet. Only novice drivers, information about whom is not yet in the database of the Russian Union of Motor Insurers, will not be able to use this service.
    Check the possibility of providing this service with a specific insurance company.
  • Car owners have the opportunity extend MTPL policies from your insurance company in in electronic format through the Internet. To purchase a new policy, you must still contact the office of the insurance company.
  • The limit of payments for the life and health of victims increases from 160,000 to 500,000 rubles.
  • The procedure for confirming the fact of injury to health in an accident and the procedure for receiving payment under compulsory motor liability insurance are being simplified.
  • An increase in the base tariff by 40% and an expansion of the tariff corridor to 20 percentage points, so the increase was 40-60%.
  • Changes in territorial coefficients both up and down.

    The coefficients have been increased: Adygea, Murmansk region, Amur region, Republic of Mari El, Voronezh region, Ulyanovsk region, Kamchatka Krai, Chelyabinsk region, Kurgan region, Chuvashia, Mordovia

    The coefficients have been reduced: Leningrad region, Baikonur, Magadan region, Dagestan, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Jewish Autonomous Region, Republic of Tyva, Transbaikal region, Chechen Republic, Ingushetia, Chukotka autonomous region

On October 11, 2014, a decree of the Russian government was adopted regulating new order calculating the MTPL policy.
Here are the main innovations:

  • The emergence of a tariff corridor, which allows insurers to deviate from the base tariff within certain limits. Thus, the cost of the policy in different insurance companies can now vary within small limits.
  • Increase in base rates for all types of vehicles by 25-30%.
  • Increase in payments under the MTPL policy from 120,000 to 400,000 rubles
  • There is now an opportunity to send your car for repairs under the MTPL policy
  • Expansion of the Europrotocol to 50,000 rubles

Insurance coefficients

CT- territory coefficient. Determined by the region of registration of the vehicle.

To view the odds of the region you are interested in, select it from the list:

Select region --- 1 - Republic of Adygea 2 - Republic of Bashkortostan 3 - Republic of Buryatia 4 - Republic of Altai 5 - Republic of Dagestan 6 - Republic of Ingushetia 7 - Kabardino-Balkarian Republic 8 - Republic of Kalmykia 9 - Karachay-Cherkess Republic 10 - Republic of Karelia 11 - Komi Republic 12 - Mari El Republic 13 - Mordovia Republic 14 - Sakha (Yakutia) Republic 15 - North Ossetia-Alania Republic 16 - Tatarstan Republic 17 - Tyva Republic 18 - Udmurt republic 19 - Republic of Khakassia 20 - Chechen Republic 21 - Chuvash Republic 22 - Altai region 23 - Krasnodar region 24 - Krasnoyarsk region 25 - Primorsky Krai 26 - Stavropol region 27 - Khabarovsk region 28 - Amur region 29 - Arkhangelsk region 30 - Astrakhan region 31 - Belgorod region 32 - Bryansk region 33 - Vladimir region 34 - Volgograd region 35 - Vologda region 36 - Voronezh region 37 - Ivanovo region 38 - Irkutsk region 39 - Kaliningrad region 40 - Kaluga region 41 - Kamchatka region 42 - Kemerovo region 43 - Kirov region 44 - Kostroma region 45 - Kurgan region 46 - Kursk region 47 - Leningrad region 48 - Lipetsk region 49 - Magadan region 50 - Moscow region 51 - Murmansk region 52 - Nizhny Novgorod region 53 - Novgorod region 54 - Novosibirsk region 55 - Omsk region 56 - Orenburg region 57 - Oryol region 58 - Penza region 59 - Perm region 60 - Pskov region 61 - Rostov region 62 - Ryazan region 63 - Samara region 64 - Saratov region 65 - Sakhalin region 66 - Sverdlovsk region 67 - Smolensk region 68 - Tambov region 69 - Tver region 70 - Tomsk region 71 - Tula region 72 - Tyumen region 73 - Ulyanovsk region 74 - Chelyabinsk region 75 - Transbaikal region 76 - Yaroslavl region 77 - Moscow 78 - St. Petersburg 79 - Jewish Autonomous Region 83 - Nenets Autonomous District 86 - Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District - Yugra 87 - Chukotka Autonomous District 89 - Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District 91 - Republic of Crimea 92 - Sevastopol 100 - Baikonur

KM- vehicle power factor.

Applies to passenger cars only. For other types of vehicles it is equal to one.

The power according to the vehicle passport or registration certificate is taken into account. If the power is indicated in kilowatts in the document, it must be converted into horsepower using the formula 1 KW = 1.35962 HP.

PIC- coefficient of age and experience. Applies only to policies with a limited number of drivers. For several drivers, KVS is defined as the maximum of all.

This coefficient does not apply to an unlimited number of drivers. Instead, the coefficient of unlimited use of QoS is applied.

Experience →
Age, years ↓
less than 1 year 1 year 2 years 3-4 years 5-6 years 7-9 years 10-14 years more than 14 years
16-21 1.87 1.87 1.87 1.66 1.66
22-24 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.04 1.04 1.04
25-29 1.77 1.69 1.63 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.01
30-34 1.63 1.63 1.63 1.04 1.04 1.01 0.96 0.96
35-39 1.63 1.63 1.63 0.99 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96
40-49 1.63 1.63 1.63 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96
50-59 1.63 1.63 1.63 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96
60 years and older 1.6 1.6 1.6 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93

KO- limited use coefficient.

If the policy specifies specific drivers who will drive the vehicle, then KO = 1. If you do not include drivers, then the insurance will cover the liability of any person driving the vehicle. In this case, you will have to pay almost twice as much for insurance, KO = 1.87

KS- seasonality coefficient of use. If insurance is not issued for full year, a reduction factor is applied.

KPR- trailer coefficient.

Insure the trailer for a car not required (except for situations where the policyholder - entity). But you will have to pay extra for a trailer for a motorcycle.

KN- coefficient of violations. Applies if there are violations under the previous MTPL agreement as provided for in paragraph 3 of Article No. 9 of the Federal Law on MTPL.

KBM- bonus-malus coefficient. This is a coefficient that reduces or increases the cost of the policy depending on the accident rate in the previous insurance period. Insurance companies use AIS RSA information to apply this coefficient when concluding a compulsory motor liability insurance agreement with the policyholder. AIS is single base data, to which all insurance companies transmit information, thus, the bonus-malus coefficient will be valid for the policyholder when contacting any insurance company. The KBM calculation table is presented below.

The procedure for applying the bonus-malus coefficient

There are 13 classes, each of which corresponds to a certain coefficient (CBM). They are shown in the table below.

Those who are insured for the first time are assigned class 3. It corresponds to the coefficient KBM=1. For others, the class is assigned at the end of the insurance period.

The new class depends on the previous class (at the beginning of the insurance period) and on the number of insured events. You need to find a row in the table with your class at the beginning of the last period and a column corresponding to the number of accidents due to your fault for the last period. At their intersection your new class will be indicated.

If you drive without a fault, your class will increase by 1 every year, which gives an annual increase in the discount of 5%. The maximum class offers a 50% discount.

Let's look at an example. Let's say you were insured for the first time and received class 3. During the year you had 2 insured events. We find a line with class 3 and a column corresponding to two insurance payments. At the intersection there is class M. Find the line with class M and the column “Coefficient”. For class M, the coefficient is 2.45 (shown in the table).

Class at the beginning of the annual insurance period


Class at the end of the annual insurance period, taking into account the presence of insured events that occurred during the period of validity of previous compulsory insurance contracts
insurance payments
insurance payment
insurance payments
insurance payments
4 or more
insurance payments
M 2,45 0 M M M M
0 2,3 1 M M M M
1 1,55 2 M M M M
2 1,4 3 1 M M M
3 1 4 1 M M M
4 0,95 5 2 1 M M
5 0,9 6 3 1 M M
6 0,85 7 4 2 M M
7 0,8 8 4 2 M M
8 0,75 9 5 2 M M
9 0,7 10 5 2 1 M
10 0,65 11 6 3 1 M
11 0,6 12 6 3 1 M
12 0,55 13 6 3 1 M
13 0,5 13 7 3 1 M

How is the OSAGO calculator useful?

Calculating compulsory motor liability insurance on a calculator allows you to find out the cost of the policy before contacting the insurance company. Knowing the exact cost of the policy in advance, you will protect yourself from the imposition of hidden additional insurance.

Insurance company Ingosstrakh is one of the leading companies in its field. It has been operating since 1948, and during this time it has acquired many regular and grateful clients. Leading rating agencies assigned it a stable high reliability rating of “A++”. Its authorized capital at the beginning of 2017 amounted to 17.7 billion rubles. It offers its clients a wide range of insurance services, however, OSAGO policies are the most popular. If you are interested in finding out under what conditions you can buy a car insurance policy this year, read this article.

The rules of the OSAGO auto insurance program from Ingosstrakh Insurance Company state that in the event of an accident, the car owner will be compensated for the following types of losses:

  • Causing damage to the property of other participants in an accident;
  • Causing harm to the life or health of third parties in an accident.

In case of damage to property, compensation is due, which has a maximum limit of 400 thousand rubles. If harm is caused to the life or health of people, then the maximum amount is set at 500 thousand rubles for each victim.

How much does a compulsory motor liability insurance policy cost at Ingosstrakh?

The final cost of the policy is influenced by many factors, such as:

  • Base rate;
  • Number of drivers, their age and driving experience;
  • The region in which the owner of the car lives;
  • The year in which the car was produced, its engine size;
  • How many accidents did you have in the previous period?

Below is a table showing estimated cost OSAGO policy, relevant for residents of Moscow in 2017.

Car make

Year of issue

Engine capacity, hp

Driver age

Driving experience

Price of the MTPL policy in rubles. for 12 months

Ford Focus

Registration of an electronic policy online

Modern technologies do not stand still and today a compulsory motor liability insurance policy can be purchased online. This can be done on the official website of the insurer. This method is convenient because it will take you very little time, and you will not need to leave your home. By applying for compulsory motor liability insurance online on the official website of the insurance company, you will be sure that you will not receive a fake. Print out the finished policy in several copies and save it on several electronic media. This will give you a guarantee that you will not lose it. When applying for a policy online, be careful and attentive to avoid mistakes.

An incorrectly specified last name with a difference of one letter will make the policy invalid. Enter information about yourself and the car from the documents at hand. To purchase an MTPL policy, you must have a diagnostic card. After payment, the policy will be sent to your email and will have the same legal force, as in the paper version.

Step-by-step instruction

Give this procedure 30 minutes of your free time and go online.

  1. Visit the official website of the insurer Ingosstrakh;
  2. Fill in the required fields in the calculator;
  3. Specify the type of contract;
  4. Select your region and locality, in which the owner of the car permanently resides;
  5. Indicate the make, model, year of manufacture of the car, as well as the exact number of people who are allowed to drive;
  6. Go to the “Calculation Type” section and check the “exact calculation” box;
  7. Do not forget to indicate the start date of use of the car and the service life;
  8. Click on the "Calculate" button.

Almost immediately the system will issue a calculation. Select the “Get a policy” function and go to your Personal Area. Fill out all the necessary information in your personal account and check the box next to “consent to the processing of personal data.” By these actions you will issue a compulsory motor liability insurance policy, which you only have to pay by bank card. After payment has been made, you will receive the completed policy to your email inbox.

Who is included in the car insurance policy?

The OSAGO policy must include the owner of the vehicle, as well as other persons who have the right to drive a particular car. There is also the option to select the “No restrictions” option. In this case, all people who have a valid driver's license will be able to drive the car. In the Ingosstrakh company you can arrange both options described above.

Who can get a discount on OSAGO in 2017

Some categories of citizens who can purchase a policy this year at a discount have been identified.

  • Drivers who have a long driving experience;
  • Drivers who have no traffic violations. Owners of vehicles that have been involved in an accident will purchase the next insurance at a price that is 2 times more expensive than the previous one. On the contrary, careful drivers receive a 5% discount for every year of driving without an accident. The discount cannot be more than 50% for ten years of driving experience.

OSAGO calculator "Ingosstrakh"

  • Type of car owner – individual or legal entity;
  • Type of vehicle and presence (absence) of a trailer;
  • Machine engine power;
  • Period of validity of the insurance contract;
  • Region and city of residence of the car owner;
  • If the car can be operated by an unlimited number of people, then mark “without restrictions” in the calculator;
  • If there is only one driver, please provide detailed information about him.

After the required fields are filled in, the system will display the exact cost of the car insurance policy. Fill out an application for purchasing a policy only on the official website of the insurer, this way you will protect yourself from “fake” policies. A fake policy will deprive you of the opportunity to receive money from the insurance company in the event of an accident.