Forbidden mods latest version. Prohibited modifications (WoT). Manual fire extinguisher became automatic

Client modifications that provide the player with an advantage that the project administration considers excessive are prohibited. Those found using mods from the categories listed below will be punished.

What mods are banned?

  • Mods that display enemy positions otherwise than it is implemented in the game client:
    • marking destroyed objects on the playing field or mini-map;
    • by changing the method of displaying SPG shell tracers or by calculating and displaying the position of the enemy SPG based on its tracers;
    • showing illuminated enemy vehicles, even if the player does not aim at them and does not direct the sight.
  • Mods that show the point at which the enemy is aiming and thus make it easier to evade his shots. Or those who project the likely trajectory of the projectile on the playing field, for example, using a beam emanating from the area of ​​​​its model.
  • The modifications that report about reloading cars enemy or show their cooldown timers.
  • "Smart" sights, which offer more options than the standard crosshair implemented in the client. Especially those that automatically aim at weakly armored or weak spots of the enemy vehicle, either fix the sight on the target behind the obstacle, or calculate the lead instead of the player.
  • Mods that allow automatically use the standard(non-premium) equipment.
  • The modifications that change the transparency of objects on the map.
  • Mods that display any marks or indicators on the playing field in the place where the enemy was seen by any of the player's team.
  • Any possible modifications that change the parameters of equipment or game objects, affecting gameplay and violating the Rules of the Game, which may appear in the future.
  • The modifications that display the direction of the guns in some way (for example, in the form of a line or a sector) on the minimap.
  • The modifications that indicate any way direction on nearby enemies, out of sight player.
  • The modifications that indicate in some way (for example, labels, objects or indicators) the location of the enemy on the playing field outside the rendering boundary.

We believe that this functionality provides players with a significant advantage. Given that previously such modifications were not considered prohibited, we do not add them to the list yet. At the same time, work continues on its own version of the tool, which will allow you to receive the necessary information in battle.

After the creation of this tool, similar modifications with additional functions (for example, those that display vulnerabilities in battle) will be included in the list of prohibited.

Please note: this only applies to mods that work in combat. We are absolutely not against mods that only work in the Garage (not during the battle). Moreover, they help new players gain the necessary knowledge and learn how to effectively fight various machines. Therefore, only those modifications that provide Additional information in battle.

What will be the use of prohibited modifications?

A single system of punishments for all regions has already been introduced:

  • The first use case is warning and account ban for 7 days.
  • Repeated - permanent blocking account without the right to appeal.

It should be understood that before the final verdict is passed to the stumbled player, experts will check and take into account absolutely all factors, which will exclude making wrong decisions.

We want to create a comfortable environment for everyone, so we will continue to support the principles of fair play. We rely on your support in this matter and will be glad to receive your feedback.

Be responsible and play fair!

Mods have tightly entered the life of World of Tanks players, but not all players know that some of them are prohibited. Such mods are called cheats or prohibited modifications for World of Tanks. In the article you will find an up-to-date list of prohibited mods and types of punishments for their use - bans.

List of banned mods

  1. 3D-skins with the location of modules and tankers;
  2. Changed appearance of tracers;
  3. Removing the foliage of trees and changing the transparency of objects;
  4. "Laser sight" (red line coming out of the gun barrel);
  5. Modification "Sight with a lens";
  6. Modification "Script of automatic fire extinguishing/repair";
  7. Modification that marks destroyed objects on the minimap;
  8. Modification showing the reloading of enemy tanks;
  9. Modification showing the position of non-illuminated vehicles;
  10. A modification that displays the contours of enemy vehicles behind obstacles;
  11. Modification showing if the player hit an unlit enemy;
  12. A modification that changes the algorithm of the auto-aim;
  13. Calculation and display of lead when shooting.
The information is taken from the topic of the official forum of the game.

Colored tracer

After installing the mod, the player sees projectiles and a tracer flying by different color(depending on the choice of the player). Also, the mod increases the delay in the disappearance of the tracer. This mod is great for calculating artillery and anti-tank units.

Transparency of foliage of trees and some objects

The mod removes the foliage of trees and bushes. Also, fences and some stones become transparent. Shooting through an obstacle is possible.

Laser sight (pointer)

A laser pointer appears on the player's tank gun, with which it is easier to target weak enemy zones, and a black pointer appears at the enemy's barrel - at any time you can check which part of the tank the enemy is targeting.

Manual fire extinguisher became automatic

The manual fire extinguisher becomes automatic. With the help of the mod, when a tank ignites, a hand-held fire extinguisher is activated in a fraction of a second, saving HP. Benefit - there is no need to buy an auto extinguisher for gold.

Reloading an enemy tank

A very useful mod for beginner tankers. It shows information about how much the enemy spends on reloading his gun, you can see this information both on the minimap and in the combat chat.

The place of the unlit tank shot

It displays on the minimap the place where unlit enemy vehicles are shooting from. Useful if tank destroyers are annoying.

Simplified skins with module and tanker locations

A very useful mod, it displays everything weak spots the enemy, subsequently, if they hit them, seriously damage the modules or the crew. Do not confuse this cheat with, because. it displays the location of the internal modules.

What is the price of reckoning for the use of prohibited mods

Types of punishments for using cheats in WOT:
  • First violation. Warning and ban for 7 days;
  • Second violation. Perpetual blocking. For the player, this means the loss of the account.
Using any prohibited mods from the list is not recommended by the game developers.

Cheats for World of Tanks- this is special kind mods, the installation of which gives a radical advantage in combat over the average player. Cheats and mods are developed, often by the same modders. The thing is that the game developers decide what is considered a cheat and what is an allowed mod based on server statistics. It will take some time for enough information to be analyzed and the mod should become popular enough to affect the stats. The most famous such case is the "laser pointer" in the barrels of opponents, which once upon a time, before it was banned, was part of the Jove modpack.

From recent examples, we can recall the X-ray mod for highlighting the contours of enemy tanks. Almost immediately after development, this cheat also got into the Jove modpack, quickly gained popularity and was banned for being too effective. Because of this, you need to use new mods with caution and keep an eye on the constantly updated list of cheats on the official Wargaming forum.

Bots- a special kind of cheats based on the use of special programs that instead of a person control a tank in battle. Unlike cheats, bots do not increase efficiency in battle, and on the contrary, they play worse than ordinary players, literally destroying account statistics. They give another advantage - they save a person from the routine work of earning silver and experience, which are necessary for researching and buying top tanks. Over time, the advances of programmers in the field of artificial intelligence allow machines to play better people, but for now, the bots are posing as goofy combat behavior and bad stats.

Cheat mods for World of Tanks or just cheats can be divided into "tactical" and "operational". The first category includes those cheats that provide extended information about the actions of the entire enemy team or a significant part of it (for example, a breakthrough group on one flank). These are reload timers above the tank and on the minimap, destroyed objects on the minimap, cheats like Redball, color tracers, etc. They help to notice the movement of the enemy team in time, to find the place of the shot of unlit vehicles, to plan a breakthrough while the enemies are reloading, etc.

Operational cheats include those that help directly in the fight. These are the already mentioned "laser pointer", a cheat auto-aim, 3d penetration skins and various mods for the transparency of game objects. With their help, it is easier to dodge enemy shots, make accurate shots at the vulnerabilities of tanks, inflict more damage due to targeted damage to internal modules, and much more.

Standing apart from the rest is a cheat on an automatic fire extinguisher for silver. The cheat works as follows: in the event of a fire, a hand-held fire extinguisher is activated immediately without any action from the player. It does not interfere with opponents and allies in any way. It only saves the player silver and gold, which reduces the income of Wargaming, for which it is prohibited.

Using cheats and bots is against the rules World games of Tanks and is punished by the imposition of various restrictions on the player's account, up to a permanent ban and the complete inability to play on it. By virtue of a large number players who are online at the same time, tracking cheaters and bots is quite difficult. The automatic system for tracking Wargaming violations is based on statistics, which gives some opportunities to avoid detection. It is enough not to use bots in continuous mode, limiting yourself to a couple of hours a day. The use of cheats is even more difficult to determine. Even with cheats you need to be able to play, so if you do not destroy everything alive in a fight with a win rate close to 100%, it will be quite difficult to detect you.

Much more dangerous are screenshots, videos and confessions of players in social networks and forums about the use of cheats and bots. Tracking down such recognition is in many cases easier than foul play. For example, there are repeated cases of banning accounts from which videos with cheat reviews were recorded.

Download cheats and bots from our site, be careful, play and win!

In this article, we will consider assembling mods for World of Tanks. What is it? Are there forbidden mods for World of Tanks? These are all changes or additions to the game that make it more convenient and easier. True to anyone, it cannot be said that everyone uses them, but most of the project at least once, but played with modifications. Mods can be anything from voice acting, penetration skins, etc., ending with prohibited mods (cheats).

Prohibited mods for World of Tanks are those that developers do not approve of, they give a significant advantage in battle to those who use them.

Main banned mods World of Tanks

  1. Remove foliage from trees and bushes, that is, in fact, you have a bare field on which you can see everything perfectly, and the enemy has no chance to hide behind natural shelters.
  2. Reloading weapons from the enemy, it was not illegal before, but it simplified the game too much, and now this mod has been banned, because knowing how long your opponent can answer you loses interest in the game.
  3. A free camera is, of course, good to look at, but you can also see where the enemy is, which is already illegal in the game.
  4. Auto-aim with a lead, that is, when an enemy appears, we automatically reduce to it and break through, again, the meaning of games is lost, because roughly speaking, you just need to sit and click with the left mouse button to just deal damage. The laser sight is a beam that stretches from the enemy’s gun and shows where he is aiming at us, which gives us the advantage of exposing him to an impenetrable zone of the tank.

You can get banned for using them, so before downloading cheat mods, it’s better to think about whether it’s worth losing your account in order to increase your rating and efficiency using forbidden tricks.

Allowed mods World of Tanks

Now let's move on to the allowed mods, which will greatly help beginners, and even skilled players will simplify the game a bit.

Tank penetration skins

One of the main ones are. There are a lot of tanks in the game, and skins can help to know where to pierce this or that tank. They will show where the weak points are and where to aim better. The skins also show where there is a fuel tank or ammo rack, which can help to destroy the enemy much faster.

Tank Damage Panel

This is a good mod that shows damage to modules and crew, and it can simply change a boring interface for a more interesting one.

Lightbulb of the sixth sense

In fact, this is not a mod, because. this is a perk that the commander is pumped out, here you can simply select any other picture that will pop up when we get into the light, it will also be possible to change the standard sound of the light.

Damage indicators

There are already indicators in the game, but they are quite simple. There is also a more detailed report, you can see who and how much damage you inflicted, just like you can watch the plate, which shows who and how much you pierced. It also shows which side the shot was fired from.


This includes many modifications that change the map, because for experienced players it is an integral part, without which it is difficult to win. You can set the signature of enemy tanks so that it is known who and where is located, you can also see the last place of illumination of living enemies. The sight radius, pointers where the enemy tanks are looking, all this makes the game a little easier.


This mod shows the skills of your allies and enemies. Although, again, the statistics of the players do not always affect the outcome of the battle. After all, maybe a person’s general statistics are not very good, but he owns a tank perfectly, and now it’s a hoax. Although statistics mods per game session are a good thing. You can see what is the percentage for a certain time, what is the "VN" and the effectiveness of our game.


There are many small nuances that make our game easier. For example: the development tree can be changed from horizontal to vertical or compact, as it suits you. Modifications that change the hangar. Carousel tanks two or three rows for selection. Efficiency and percentage of victories of each tank. The total hp of the teams, in order to know how much we are behind, or vice versa, overtake the enemy. Choice different types sights, as you like, etc.

voice acting

This mod does not belong to those that simplify the game. It is installed if you are tired of the standard phrases of the crew, you can choose any voice acting you like, whether it is a child's voice or a professional voice acting studio. You can also use voice acting by nation, if of course we know these languages. And of course, you can change the voice acting of the environment to create variety.


As well as voice acting, they do not have a special effect on the gameplay. A simple change in the background on which our tanks stand. They can also be changed by the developers themselves during any events.

Small mods for World of Tanks


The maximum approximation, in order to aim more accurately, or vice versa, a good distance to look around and think about what to do next.


Automatic short messages in the game chat, no swearing, or just turning it off so as not to distract.


This is an important part of the game, because they are not in the game itself, and you can simply get lost in the gameplay for a long period of time. And so we can keep track of how much time we spent in the game.

Tank icons

The standard assembly is just the contours of tanks without signatures. And here you can also sign which tanks you have in your team and which ones you will have to fight against, its image, the level and the flag of the nation and stuff like that.

True, not everyone will be able to play normally with mods, because not all players have powerful computers, and mods slightly slow down the gameplay and squander FPS. So if it starts to "lag", then it's better to play without them.

In terms of cheating, our game is far from perfect. There are many modifications that give an advantage in battle, and for the use of which, you can get a permanent account ban.

In this article, we will look at 11 the most popular prohibited modifications. Let's say a few words about each, so that you understand which mods are forbidden to use and why they are called cheats.

general information

Prohibited modifications, they are also "cheats", created to facilitate the gameplay. They give a great advantage in battle, and it becomes much easier for the player to play. For the use of cheats, a measure of punishment is provided in the form of account blocking.

The first time is a warning and a 7-day ban. At repeated case, the player says goodbye to his account forever, receiving permanent ban.

On the part of the developers, work is constantly underway to study and develop measures to prevent dishonest players. If in battle it seems to you that this or that player uses cheats, be sure to file a complaint against him, indicating the appropriate reason.

The more complaints a tanker receives, the more actively and thoroughly he is checked for violations of the rules of the game.

1. Destruction on the minimap

This mod appeared relatively long ago, but is not used by all cheaters. It's all his fault greed for resources PC. Also, on some configurations, it contributes to friezes and loss of data packets.

What does he give in battle? Any breakage, whether it be a tree, a fence, a house and other things, becomes known to the player. A marker appears on the map in the area where the object destruction. Thus, you can easily determine the location of the enemy without illumination.

2. Bright tracer self-propelled guns and building a trajectory

Everything is simple here - the brighter the tracer of the enemy art, the easier track down her location. This mod is used, first of all, by those who like to trasser. In addition to this cheat, you can often find another submodification "building a trajectory after the artillery shot".

It works properly every other time, but sometimes, after all, the mod shows exact location enemy. In this case, it becomes even easier to find and kill enemy artillery.

3. Laser pointer

The pointer was one of the most first banned mods. Related to her is the mod on display of barrels on the minimap, which we will talk about a little later. By the outgoing beam from the enemy’s barrel, you can see where in this moment he aims and thereby avoids or blocks his shot.

4. Reloading the enemy

Recharge display over the enemy is a relatively new cheat. It gives a huge advantage in combat. With it, the player easier to navigate in a duel with the enemy, knowing about his recharging at the moment and of course about ready to fire.

5. Improved auto-aim "Vangi Sight"

Once the most popular cheat. After several waves of bans, they began to gradually forget about him, and the reason for this high "sickness".

Having it in the arsenal, the player practically does not delve into the essence of shooting and aiming. Improved auto-aim does everything by itself, from anticipation to search for vulnerabilities, which makes it one of the most ferocious cheats.

6. Auto use of regular equipment

Let's lower the degree of prohibition and talk about such an inconspicuous fashion as auto use of normal equipment. Thanks to him, during a crit of a module, a concussion of a crew member, or a fire, the player does not bother with pressing the keys necessary to eliminate the malfunction, everything is done automatically.

After setting up the modification in the hangar, there are fewer problems with healing, repairing and extinguishing a fire in battle. The mod is harmless, but it still gives an advantage.

7. Removal of vegetation "Tundra"

There was a lot of controversy about her. Some used it as a cheat, others as how to increase fps. Like it or not, but the tundra can be safely placed next to the auto-aim and laser pointer. With her at times easier to target the enemy, which stands in the bushes or forest thickets. This mod, simply removes all vegetation and the red team becomes visible at a glance.

8. Display collage model "Chameleon"

Epoch skins with penetration zones passed, but the “chameleon” mod can still be found in many cheaters. With it, instead of the usual tank model, the player will see a collision model, where weak armor zones. This cheat also has a minus. With frequent switching of modes, the game freezes and freezes. You can't ride "calculators" with a chameleon.

9. The direction of the guns on the minimap

The developers thought for a long time, and, nevertheless, came to the conclusion that this mod gives an advantage over other players. He has no problems find out where the enemy is looking. In other words, you don’t need to move the camera away, turn it in different directions and, in general, waste your time. Just looked at the minimap and everything becomes clear.

10. Nearest Enemy Marker

By analogy with the previous mod, this one also saves the player from troubles with the camera spinning. The marker will always be point to nearby enemies. Red marker - the enemy is out of sight, purple - the enemy is visible and you can shoot.

11. Displaying the enemy outside the rendering circle

This cheat is used by those who do not have enough drawing circle. Being behind him, the enemy tank, which is currently in the light, is displayed in the form of a ball, or in vertical colored pole. The modification has one drawback. The frequency of updating the position of the enemy is 1.5-3 seconds, and very often the advantage of the mod turns into empty and meaningless blind shots along with wasting time.

Now you know more about prohibited mods in WoT, and you will be able to better, in which case, identify cheaters, and also know which mods you should put a bold cross on. Use only allowed mods and resist the temptation to test yourself as a cheater.

Do not use these modifications if you do not want to part with your acc. Agree, it will come out unpleasant and insulting if an account with a long history, a bunch of equipment, gold and other things, turns out to be blocked. Consider the fact that when permanent bath account there is no right to an amnesty.