Spells, amulets and rituals for work and career. Conspiracies - protection with amulets for work Amulet for good attitude at work

Yulia Alekseevna Caesar

Hereditary witch. Tarot reader. Runologist. Reiki Master.

Articles written

Negative energy, angry statements and negative thoughts have a bad effect on a person’s metal field. At work you have to deal with different people every day. You can get rid of a negative aura by using amulets against evil people. They help protect yourself by acting as a kind of shield, preventing the materialization of bad words, thoughts and views.

How can enemies ruin energy?

Many people believe that envy does not cause them any harm, because nothing happens, but this opinion is wrong. The problem lies much deeper. Negativity tends to accumulate. Ill-wishers are sure that you achieved success at work easily, and do not deserve this position at all. They work tirelessly, but luck passes them by. Every lucky person has a couple of malicious envious people who can ruin everything.

Surely you have encountered a situation where your colleagues try to put pressure on you, trying to make you lose your temper? Or is it outright flattery? Maybe someone is forcing you to do work against your will? IN in this case we may hear advice from our friends and family such as “don’t worry about it” or “don’t let yourself be manipulated.” Not everyone can independently resist the oppressive negativity, so it is recommended to use conspiracies to protect yourself from evil people at work.

Educational videos with rituals of protection from ill-wishers and envious people

Watch the video and apply.

A ritual against bad people at work, as well as a ritual against the threat of gossip and intrigue

Ritual from evil people and evil intent

Ritual against gossip and intrigue behind your back

The most powerful amulets to protect success at work

It is recommended to carry out conspiracies to create so-called amulets. Thus, your power charges a certain object with positive energy, which will become protection from enemies and ill-wishers. When buying amulets, you should not rely on their help, since they are ordinary trinkets. It is better to organize your own protection yourself, which will allow you to be confident in its presence.

Red woolen thread is currently a fairly popular amulet. It should be tied on the left wrist. Wool has the ability to protect a person from negative attacks. Red or scarlet color also gives a person powerful energy that reflects negativity. The conspiracy in this case represents the good words of a person who is close to you and really wants good. Such manipulations turn an ordinary thread into a reliable amulet that will reflect the negative emotions of people around you.

Ornament or embroidery

A protective amulet should only be created by a loved one who can endow it with positive energy. You can turn ordinary clothes made from cotton, linen or wool into a reliable amulet. To do this, it is necessary to apply embroidery to it, which allows you to increase its protective powers. natural material. It is important to first become familiar with the meaning of the selected pattern scheme. To protect yourself from negativity at work, you should choose the most suitable options.

While embroidering, it is imperative to recite a spell that imbues each stitch with positive energy. Embroidery can be done not only on clothes, but also on bed linen, which helps a person to recharge with positive energy overnight.


From bad thoughts Plants help protect against evil intentions. Healing herbs are considered the most effective amulet. The most commonly used herbs to protect your success at work are St. John's wort, mint, aspen and lavender. In order to make a talisman, you should collect all the herbs and place them in a small bag made of linen.

Such a talisman should be charged with your own energy by reading the bedtime spell and placing the bag under your pillow. It is best to do this on Wednesday during the waxing moon. You can wear such protection with you at all times or leave it at your workplace if possible. Strangers should not know anything about the amulet. Otherwise, it loses its significance.

Today many people use it as a talisman. essential oil lavender. This plant is able to drive away negativity. It is important to first read the plot above the bubble, which will direct the power of the aroma against the negative. The oil should be applied in a small amount to the energy point located between the eyebrows. This makes a person invulnerable against evil.

Many people have long used garlic or red pepper to get rid of evil spirits. You can put a few cloves of garlic in your car or purse, which will help ward off the negativity sent by attackers.

You are looking for a job, you are being fired from work, you cannot find a job, you want to climb the career ladder, you are going for an interview, you just can’t wait for the long-awaited salary increase, then perhaps you will find here exactly what you need for successful resolution of your situation.

Conspiracy on icons Holy Mother of God and Christ the Savior, to find a good job

In the church, buy an icon of the Most Holy Theotokos and Christ the Savior, two thick church candles and collect holy water in the church. Before going to bed, place an icon of the Most Holy Theotokos and Christ the Savior on the table, place candles in front of the icons, light them, and between the candles place a ceramic cup, maybe a clay cup with holy water from the church. Cross the water three times and say:

After this, drink three sips of holy water, and wash yourself with what remains. This job search ritual should be done for three days in a row.

Spell for a piece of incense and a candle

In church, take a small piece of incense and a candle. Closer to midnight, take a sheet of white paper, turn off the light, light a candle, put incense on the paper and read the plot:

After reading the plot, wrap the incense in paper and carry it with you for nine days in a row. After nine days, burn the paper with incense so that the smoke from the paper goes out the window.

Ritual for finding the right job

This ritual is performed on the first night of the waxing moon.

Take a ceramic or clay bowl, put a couple of bay leaves in it (you can add sulfur from matches). Take a green candle, on the top of the candle, use a knife to cut out the name of the job you would like to get a job for, and under this name, cut an arrow with the point down. Below the arrow, cut out a dollar or euro sign. Under the dollar or euro sign, cut out another arrow pointing down and write your name underneath it. Anoint this candle well with pine oil or bergamot oil. Concentrate your thoughts on exactly the job you would like to have. Take a small piece of white paper and write down the amount you would like to earn (within reason). Then place a piece of paper under your candle (you should place it under the candle). Light your candle, look continuously at the flame for a couple of minutes, concentrate on your job, which you would like to have, get it. Then say:

Let the candle burn out completely, burn a piece of paper in a clay plate where you burned the bay leaves. Wrap the remainder of the candle, the wick from the candle, the ashes from the plate in a small bill and always carry it with you as a talisman. The best day to look for a job will be Wednesday.

Spells for a successful interview

Before you go for an interview, and you want this interview to end in your favor, use these conspiracies.

Plot before going for an interview

Take a pinch of salt, pour it into your left palm, cross yourself three times with your right hand, and say three times:

Repeat the spell during baptism with your right hand. Then pour salt into your shoes and go to the interview. Read before going to the interview.

A conspiracy to accept a positive result when applying for a job

Before you get ready to go get a job, tie a knot in a thread with the words:

Tie three knots, and as you tie each knot, recite the spell. Place the thread on the threshold of your house, close the door, cross the threshold (just don’t step on it), and go get a job.

Before leaving home, when you go to get a job, you need to kiss a loaf of bread and say:

To avoid being rejected at work

Lying in bed, before going to bed, take off your pectoral cross and cross yourself with your cross 3 times and read the spell three times:

Charms and spells for a new job

These conspiracies will help you settle down in your new job.

After you have been hired, go to church and light a candle in front of the icon of Jesus Christ.

Amulet for work

Pinch off a piece of birch bark from the birch trunk with your left hand so that there is more white, and at sunrise, speak into the birch bark seven times:

Wrap the birch bark in cloth and let it always be at your place of work.

Conspiracy at a new job

Before the first day of work, at sunrise, bow to the east, then to the west, then to the south and north and say:

Amulet for work

Write it on a piece of paper and carry it with you always.

Conspiracies that will help with ill-wishers at work, so that you don’t get fired from work and if you survive from work

If you are trying to survive from work, you are treated with prejudice, if you are threatened with dismissal, these conspiracies will help you stay in your job and find mutual language with your colleagues.

Conspiracy if they survive from work

You need to come to work earlier than other employees, go to the toilet and say:

Conspiracy to avoid getting fired from your job

Go to the threshold of your boss’s office, raise your right hand and say:

Conspiracy against ill-wishers at your work

On Wednesday, buy a glass of honey; you should not bargain with the seller. On the first day of the new moon, stir honey in a glass of warm water and say:

Wash your face with this water for 12 days.

Conspiracy against envy at work (envious people)

Before going to work, sit down at the table, put your hand on the table (up to the hand) and say:

A conspiracy to find a common language with your colleagues

Prepare the pie; when you cook, read the plot three times:

Treat all employees.

Conspiracy for honor and respect in your team

On Easter, in the morning, dry yourself with a towel and say:

After reading, place this towel on the table, eat a piece of Easter cake and a colored egg on the towel. The next day, you need to bring this towel to your work and wipe your work area.

A conspiracy to prevent your boss from picking on you

Say to your boss’s back:

Conspiracy if you are afraid of your boss

Before entering the boss's office, say:

Conspiracy for promotion at work

These conspiracies will help you climb the career ladder.

A conspiracy to get promoted at work

Before talking about promotion, read:

Every person wants to make their life prosperous and filled with harmony. To do this, it is necessary that luck be present in all matters. But sometimes she does not spoil a person with her presence, then she should be attracted. Various will help with this magical rituals and prayers. But first you need to carefully prepare for them. It is recommended to put things in order, perform wet cleaning

. You should also wear loose clothing that makes you feel comfortable.

  • There are several types of good luck spells:
  • on a fountain pen that is often used;
  • Orthodox prayers;
  • to success in your activities and not to be fired;
  • to find a good job;
  • for success in business;
  • Easter plot;

for cream and others.

Fountain pen ritual

It is necessary to take a pen that is regularly used and say the following words of prayer:

“The pen has served me for a long time; I can make friends with it, solve problems and write with it. May I have as much strength as there is ink in my pen. So that I find a worthwhile job. Amen!".

After casting the spell, you need to tie a white thread around the handle. It should then be placed in your pocket so that no one knows about it. It is recommended to use the pen throughout the month after completing the ritual. After some time, you can notice significant changes in your life. Work will be a joy, good luck will come.

Orthodox prayer

For a person to always be accompanied by success and to be respected, he must read the words of the prayer:

“In Adam’s garden there grows a tree, under it there is grass. It blooms once every millennium. Help me, grass, get rid of the evil eye, may good luck accompany me. Amen!".

Ritual for successful work

Sometimes all activities depend on one thing. If it does not go well, it threatens failure in the entire work process. To prevent this from happening and you not getting fired, you need to read a conspiracy for success at work. The following words of prayer are required:

“Mikhailo the Archangel works in the field with knives and pitchforks. May he seal my wish with them and bless him. Let things work out and there will be harmony in everything. Amen!".

Ritual for finding a good job Modern society suffers from a lack of jobs. Most people who received higher education , and some even more than one, cannot find a job in their specialty. In order for a good vacancy to find a person on its own, you will need to resort to the use of magic. A spell for good luck at work will also be useful for those who have a job, but with low. They will help you get higher earnings and promote career growth.

To climb the career ladder, you need to buy something new and wear it for three days. Then you should read the following conspiracy for a promotion at work:

"Having put on new outfit, even if I try to break a new path in my career. Let success and prosperity accompany you in business.”

After this, you need to rinse the new thing in cold water, then spray your work area with it.

If you can’t find a worthwhile vacancy, you should wait until the new moon and visit the forest. It is advisable to choose Friday for this.

An important condition is that along the way it is forbidden to enter into dialogue with anyone. In the forest you need to find a place to place two stumps together. You need to sit down on one of them and whisper:

“I’m sitting, sitting, a good place looking for".

Then you need to move to another stump and say:

“As soon as I sit on another stump, I’ll find a job in a day.”

Then you need to return home without looking back and without communicating with anyone along the way.

A ritual for a successful business

In order for your business to prosper well and bring in a solid income, you need to make spells for success in your work. To do this, you need to light the stove in the bathhouse and enter the steam room. It is important to rid your body of all clothing. In addition, one more condition must be taken into account. It is necessary to choose a bathhouse in which a person has never washed. You should wet your head with your left hand and sit in front of the stove. Looking at the fire, you need to say the following spell:

“There is a fire in the furnace, let my work also scorch with heat. Amen!".

The spell is repeated twelve times. Then you should leave the bathhouse; you should not use it that day. Further, it is recommended to wear the outfit inside out and not take it off for three days.

Easter ritual

You can achieve success in your job, avoid trouble and not worry about getting fired by taking advantage of a special ritual that is performed on Easter. You need to dry yourself with a towel in the morning and say the words of prayer: "Christ is risen! May I have success in business!” Then you need to spread this towel, put it on it Easter cake and colored eggs, eat them. After this, you should wipe your workplace with it.

Ritual for cream

What is the point of using cream? The fact is that they are the best, fattest part of milk. It is believed that this is why a person finds the optimal option. Store-bought cream is not suitable for performing the ritual. Homemade milk must be used. It would be better if it were thicker. This allows you to find the best option work, with high earnings, get rid of troubles. Cream is poured into a white cup. Then you need to say a spell over it three times:

“I’ll leave home, I’ll go look for a better life. So that I don’t know troubles and get rich. Amen!".

Then you should drink the cream in three large sips. In this case, you can use tea and offer them to your relatives. In the evening, before getting ready for bed, you need to fluff your pillow and say:

“Mother Cow, you gave me some cream to drink, and give me a reliable and profitable job.”

Then you should cross yourself three times and read the words of the “Our Father” prayer. The result should be expected within a month. This kind of conspiracy for promotion at work is very effective.

Work for the soul

Not every person minds his own business. To make your specialty enjoyable and enjoyable, you can use magic and cast a spell for success in your work. To do this you will need to collect thirty small coins. They must be placed in a bag, sewn independently from red material. This must be done on Tuesday night. The bag is placed in the right palm and covered with the other hand. Then the conspiracy is spoken:

“I have gathered thirty talismans together, let them find me a decent job and show me the right path.”

The spell is read seven times. Then ten coins are left in the bag to be carried with you as a talisman, and the remaining twenty are buried in the ground in different places. It is advisable that they be kept away from each other.

To get a better paid job and not worry about being fired, you need to buy two handkerchiefs on Sunday morning. You should select a period when the month will decrease. It is also important to pay for the purchase on account. Upon returning home, the scarves are washed, dried and sprinkled with holy water. Seven coins of equal value and pinches of millet, taken in the same quantity, are wrapped in one. You need to bury the scarf under a tree after reading a spell in which you should ask for a rise up the career ladder. The second handkerchief is taken to the intersection with the words “Paid!” On the way home, you shouldn't talk to anyone or look around.

Despite the fact that each person sees success in his own way, everyone dreams of it. We try to attract her in many areas of our lives: in love, in business, in health, etc. Attraction can be different: someone asks for their heavenly patrons, and someone buys amulets. Conspiracies for success - universal solution many problems. They are harmless and simple, at the same time effective and beautiful.

How do rituals work to attract success?

The effect of rituals on success largely depends on faith. To attract good luck, you need to change the deep structures of the subconscious. A person programmed to fail will not become successful overnight. Changing your inner state through magic and self-confidence will allow you to bring luck and positive thinking into your life in relation to any matter. In addition to faith, correctly chosen days, whose energy has been accumulated for centuries, help: , Red Hill Holiday, . Paraphernalia, time and place of rituals play an important role.

Magic for the success of your plan

In order for your plans to come true, you can use light magic. A spell for good luck is carried out on the waxing moon, for this you will need:

  • Red rope.
  • Candle.

Tie 33 knots on a rope, saying with each one: “A knot from the evil eye,” “a knot from lies,” “... from bad people", "... from poverty", "from lack of money", etc. Your wishes will help you achieve complete protection; you can make wishes about what you want to protect yourself from. Tie a rope around your waist and leave it on for three days. Then put it away in your personal belongings and wear it on difficult days.

Strong prayer for success and good luck in work

For those who work in an organization, a company, or whose career is connected with service in the public sector, it is sometimes difficult to please their boss and improve their career growth. Special prayers will help you attract success. They will also help those who are looking for work and those who are experiencing an unlucky streak. To regain success or gain success, you should turn to Saint Tryphon. A Christian martyr helps employees and workers cope with problems.

Prayer from the evil boss of St. Tryphon

“Holy Tryphon! You suffered for our faith, helped and healed people, casting out demons from them, and saved people from starvation. Help me, a servant of God, an honest servant (name), not to remain hungry in our difficult times. Cast out the devil from my boss (name), who worships the wrong one, who rejoices at the wrong one. Help your boss believe in goodness and love his subordinates as himself! May he no longer torment us and cause us harm. May we find happiness in our place. It's a good deed, a good deed! Amen!".

Prayer for finding a good job to Saint Xenia of Petersburg.

Conspiracy for success in business, business and trade

Conspiracies for success in trading are important in our difficult days of unstable financial situations.

For the hex you will need:

  • Wooden box.
  • The lock and its key are all gold in color.
  • Money (coin).
  • Candles, green.

Buy a key and a lock, then on the night of the waxing moon, place it at the bottom of a wooden box and cast a spell for good luck in all trading matters:

“Money goes to money, and my money goes into my pocket. So be it (put it down). I lock the lock with the key, I increase my wealth, I increase my money, I don’t trust anyone (we put it in the box, closing the lock).”

Place the box in a circle of burning candles and say:

“I take care of this and hide it, may good luck accompany me in business! Just as amulets will always be with me, so my wealth will always be with me, so success in trading will be with me, so the trust and respect of people will only be with me. My words are strong.”

The box should be hidden in the farthest corner, which is located on the left side of front door. This place is responsible for money: wealth and financial stability of the family.

Other ways to help you trade and make money:

  • A good money talisman is goldfish, which should be in all rooms of your home and office. These can be living and non-living (figurines) fish. Trade, like any other business, will definitely go well with such amulets.
  • You can also use prayers. Saint Nicholas is considered the patron saint of trade, to whom you can read them, light candles and order services.

Ritual for money and wealth

Runes are considered no less effective; they are drawn or embroidered for daily use at home and office to attract success.

This sign is a symbol of wealth; you can wear it around your neck or have it on your clothes as a talisman in the office.

This sign brings good luck because it symbolizes a happy accident. It is good to take the amulet for various types of transactions related to money.

You will need:

  • A stone from the bottom of a pond.
  • Natural dye (for example, henna).

At the bottom of a stream, sea or river, find a small bare stone that will fit into a wallet with money, rinse it and prepare it for the conspiracy. Before you start drawing runes, you should pray, drink a few sips of holy water, and ask for forgiveness for what you did wrong. IN good mood and, fully concentrating on yourself, begin to apply the sign. There can only be one design per stone. At this moment, you only need to think about success in your business. About how everything will turn out well for you, about how you were born under a lucky star.

Money luck spell:

“Stone, smooth, hard, washed with running water, bleached by the sun’s rays, illuminated by the stars, you will give strength and firmness to my words! I entrust you with this symbol of my wealth, keep it so that it increases in my life, so that there is never a need for it, money flows to me like the river in which you were washed. Amen!". Always carry this stone with you. Especially when working with money.

Ritual for good luck in sports and studies

A spell for luck, good luck in sports or studies can be read by both the person himself and the mother to her child. Perhaps many will say that these are all superstitions, the main thing is work and serious attitude to what you do. But sometimes, both in sports and in studies, a little bit of luck and luck is missing. A coincidence of circumstances serves as an obstacle or the stars in the sky are positioned somehow incorrectly, but everything does not go according to the intended path. You can ensure that prosperity in your favorite field is the norm with the help of light magic. But first of all, you need to believe, then success in sports is guaranteed!

Rite for athletes

Buy a “Living Aid” belt at the church shop. Light a candle to the patron saint of athletes, George, and ask for protection. Light a candle to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker about the creation of a miracle if you are going to a competition.

On the night when the moon has gained full strength, lay out the belt so that it falls completely under its light and read:

“Lord Almighty, the daylight has endowed my amulet with power, let the night light do the same to the fullest extent. Help me and give me the power of Altyr the Bogatyr, St. George the Victorious and Ilya Muromets, so that I can be invincible and I have immeasurable strength. I am waiting for your blessing and your permission to be a winner for me! Amen! Amen! Amen!".

For pupils and students

Thomas Aquinas is considered the patron saint of students, and Saint Tatiana of students, it is they who should be addressed. Before performing the ceremony, it makes sense to order a prayer service in the church in honor of the saints who stand in defense of studies.

You will need:

  • Lock and key.
  • Red ribbon.
  • Handkerchief.
  • Candles 5 pieces.

Then purchase a key and lock and light it in the church. There, in the shop, buy a church scarf and 4 candles, take one in your hands. On the night of the waxing moon, lay out a scarf, light candles in the corners, put a lock, key and ribbon in the middle. Read the plot:

“I, the servant of God, will go to an open field where an oak tree grows, its branches reaching into the sky. In that oak tree, a storehouse of knowledge is hidden under seven gates. I will hang my shutter nearby so that my knowledge will always be with me and will be easily given to me. I will tie the shutter with a red ribbon, which will take away the bad from me, and bring what is necessary for understanding.” I will seal the ribbon with a wax seal so that no one can break it. My words are strong, true and gaining power like the moon in the sky. Amen!".

Remove the candles; they can be used when reading your daily prayer. You need to wipe yourself with a handkerchief in the morning before school, saying the following words: “God bless and give you understanding.” The lock should be hooked inside the bag (briefcase), and the key should be hidden in your personal space. Wash the lock once every six months running water and read the slander. If lost, thank you for everything and buy a new one.

A simple spell with salt for good studies

On a full moon, you should heat a very small amount of salt in a frying pan and read over it:

“Just as salty food is delicious, so knowledge is delicious to me! Just as I can’t taste food without salt, I can’t live without knowledge! Salt is for food, and knowledge is for studying. Salt is calcined by fire, but knowledge is attached to me.”

The next morning, pour the salt into a bag and put it in your purse. Always carry it with you. Change once every quarter. Additionally, stronger ones can be used.

Often in our lives we find ourselves in situations where, in our opinion, only a miracle can help us. Not all people can and want to cope with the adversity and troubles that visit them. In search of a way out, people often turn to faith and pray to the Lord to guide them on the path out of a difficult situation. Believers say a talisman prayer to prevent the onset of trouble. When turning to God in difficult times, people often do it subconsciously.

If a person doesn't know very well sacred texts, then a prayer book will always come to the rescue. It also contains advice on how to pray correctly. Many people use material amulets, which are designed to protect their owner. As they say knowledgeable people, the main thing is to believe, and then they will definitely help.

History of Prayer

Since ancient times, people have firmly believed in the power of the word, and the amulet-prayer has accompanied a person in his life for several millennia. With the help of various conspiracies, as well as appeals to the deities in which people believed, man tried to create protection for himself and his loved ones from dark forces. And this is not an empty phrase: words have power because they have a material essence, and this has been proven by scientists. If you pronounce certain phrases with faith in them, then they will certainly come true in reality.

Rules for reading prayer

All prayers are read following the same principles, and when pronouncing them, certain actions should be performed. When pronouncing the Holy Names of the Lord and the Mother of God, it is necessary to be baptized in the same way as when pronouncing the following words: “Father”, “Son”, “Holy Spirit”, “Amen”. At the same time, you need to read the prayer words and be baptized as many times as possible. After prayer, it is recommended to kiss the cross five times. This figure was chosen for a reason: it is due to the five wounds of Jesus (four from the crucifixion, one from a spear under the ribs).

Main protective prayers

A protective prayer is read on any object, including water that is drunk and used for washing, thus achieving a healing miraculous result. You will always have your prayer with you if you write it on a piece of paper and carry it with you. Any of them must be permeated with your feelings, ardent and sincere faith - that’s when it will be effective. The words of the protective prayer: “Do not allow me, O Lord, temptation or sorrow or illness beyond my strength, but deliver me from them or grant me the strength to endure them with gratitude.”

The most common prayers for protection from troubles of any nature contain appeals to Jesus Christ and to the Mother of God (with an appeal to her Protection). The prayer uses words about salvation and help. In the same way, in all difficult situations they turn to their Guardian Angel.

To receive protection from violence in prison, there is a special prayer addressed to Anastasia the Pattern Maker. There is another prayer that fills with strength - to the righteous Job the Long-Suffering.

If you have a long journey ahead, especially by rail or plane, then turn to it. It is believed that this prayer is a talisman for the journey, and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker protects those who are on the road. An akathist to Saint Nicholas will help you on your journey. It will help you overcome all the difficulties on the road, such as traffic jams or turbulence on the plane.

Prayer can save you from despondency; with its help, a person can improve his mood and attitude towards life, get rid of melancholy, anger or sadness. Reading such prayers in the morning from 9:00 to 10:00 is especially effective.

Prayer from the evil eye

Prayer helps protect a person from the influence of bad energy - a talisman against the evil eye. The evil eye is a stream of targeted negative information that is created by the emotions of envy or anger. Often the evil eye is accidental, when harm to a person’s health (malaise, feeling that they wish harm to the person) is caused involuntarily. Prayer against the evil eye can protect against evil influences at the energetic level. The best effect from reading it occurs on Wednesdays and Fridays. One of the options for reading a prayer against the evil eye is to say it silently, looking straight into the eyes of the potential offender. The ill-wisher reacts instantly, and the evil directed at you will not cause harm.

It helps a lot against the evil eye if done in the following way: you need to fill a container with water, throw a pinch of salt into it, light a match, cross the water with a burning match, saying three times: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.” Break off the burnt part of the match three times, throw the broken part into the water, and above the water read the words written below nine times.

"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Pure blood and heavenly! Save, save (name) from every eye, from bad times, from women's, from men's, from children's, from joyful, from hateful, from slander, from negotiation."

Conspiracy against damage

A prayer talisman can also help against damage caused. If you have begun to pay attention to excessive irritability, a depressed state, then perhaps the reason for this is not a physical illness, but someone’s bad influence towards you at the energetic level. Hexing is a ritual of black magic, known since ancient times and used by witches in order to weaken the victim and bring harm to her. Victims have difficulty sleeping and often have nightmares. Against the background of damage, diseases can develop; a person is constantly in an anxious state, unbalanced, preoccupied with premonitions of trouble, and losing luck. A good indicator induced damage is the strange behavior of animals towards the injured person: the animals are afraid or show aggression. The attitude of a loved one can change quite dramatically. This may indicate that he was “pushed away” from you. Finally, if you find foreign objects (needles, soil, sand, hair) around you (at home, at work, on clothes), these may be objects through which damage has been caused, which means you should be vigilant and get rid of them.

It is difficult to treat damage, but prayer - a talisman against damage - can help restore health. One example of getting rid of an illness is a water spell. First, the prayer “Our Father” is read over the water, then a request and appeal to the saints should follow for their prayer to the Lord, for the forgiveness of the sins of the servant of God (name of the patient), then it is necessary to read the prayer to the Cross, and only after these actions, pronounce a spell over the water.

Forty strong amulet

The “forty strong amulet” prayer is a spell that is built on an appeal to the forty holy martyrs and provides protection from enemies. At the same time, troubles and illnesses (including illness and damage) can be warded off from the whole family with the help of this prayer. For this amulet to work, no special conditions are needed. It is enough to purchase the icon “Forty Martyrs of the Saints of Sebaste” and read the amulet over this image near the lit church candle. The protection should be renewed once every six months; this amulet prayer can be recited on amulets and keychains, which you can give to your loved ones and relatives so that they carry them with them.

Don't let evil enter your life...

Evil surrounds a person, probably from the beginning of his adult independent life. It is then that ill-wishers appear, envious work colleagues, public transport with a crowd of sometimes dissatisfied and irritated people, not to mention rivals in love... Many sincerely wish us harm, and we must be able to protect ourselves and our loved ones from envy, anger, bad wishes, and there are many reasons for human hatred: from your youth to your prosperity.

Your personal qualities - modesty, restraint and dispassion - sometimes help better than prayers, amulets, and conspiracies. It is by behaving with restraint, without boasting of anything, that you can avoid the envy of others. Wish yourself, all your loved ones, and just strangers on the street happiness - and you will do good, and by doing this regularly and with all your heart, you will notice that life around you miraculously changes, and relationships are strengthened. After all, if you want to change something in your life, you need to start with yourself; by changing your character, you change the world around you and its attitude towards you. People subconsciously feel the mood and thoughts of others - you cannot deceive them. Say spell words every day to improve relationships with people, for example: “My environment is caring and friendly people,” “I love everyone around me, and they love me,” etc.


If you are a believer, then a cross and a prayer to protect you from evil will help you. Prosphora, which is taken on an empty stomach in the morning, can also serve as an excellent protection against bad influences. Among the prayers, priests consider the Ninetieth Psalm to be especially effective, which should be read by you before each time you leave the house. It is also recommended to read “Prayer for protection from enemies visible and invisible”, “On the increase of love”, “On those who hate and offend us”. If possible, order the magpie “On Health” for yourself or your loved ones in church, so that the Lord will protect and help in good endeavors. Very in a good way to put up protection is to order an indestructible psalter about health. This amulet-prayer provides round-the-clock protection without interruption. It is pronounced in monasteries, and it is very strong, softens hearts and appeases God.

Some effective techniques against evil influences

If frequent contacts with people scare you and you are afraid of negativity, then protective prayer is an excellent way to protect yourself, but you should not forget about behavior. For example, about crossing arms and legs when communicating with strangers. You can also mentally build a ball-shaped shell around yourself that will protect you, and it is best to imagine that it is purple or silver (it is believed that these colors are optimal in this case). Every time you communicate, imagine that the ball repels the negative energy of the interlocutor from you, if any is directed at you.