Vitamin B3 formula. A nicotinic acid. Niacin and mental illness

Greetings, my dear readers. I propose to continue the fascinating “journey” to the land of vitamins. Today I want to introduce you closer to another valuable element. This is nicotinic acid. This is one of the names of vitamin B3. But it also has other names - niacin and vitamin PP. And all this is one vitamin!

By the way, PP is an abbreviation. It comes from “Pellagra Preventive” and literally translates as “preventing pellagra” (PP). I’ll tell you what it is later :)

Nicotinic acid is part of the B vitamin complex. It is an important water-soluble element. It is found in many foods, including some types of meat and offal, fish, seeds, and mushrooms.

The use of vitamin B3 has shown positive results in treating a wide range of common health problems. Role in the body of this element difficult to overestimate. It is involved in the following biochemical processes:

  • reduces bad cholesterol;
  • reduces pain and normalizes joint mobility (this “drug” is prescribed for osteoarthritis);
  • promotes the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • reduces alcohol dependence;
  • performs an anticoagulant function;
  • has a slight sedative effect;
  • improves blood microcirculation;
  • needed for hair growth, beauty and health;
  • invaluable for the face - smoothes wrinkles and moisturizes the skin;
  • participates in respiration at the cellular level;
  • is an oncoprotective agent.

Nicotinic acid is an essential substance for maintaining of cardio-vascular system and metabolism. It also normalizes brain function and is responsible for skin health. And even serves as a preventive measure for diabetes ( 1 ).

Deficiency Symptoms

A deficiency of this element in people with a nutritious diet is rare. Clinical symptoms Vitamin deficiency is classified according to the “3D” criterion. This is dermatitis skin rashes), diarrhea, dementia. Prescribing high-dose niacin supplements is usually successful in relieving these symptoms.

With vitamin B3 deficiency, the following symptoms appear:

  • Pellagra - characterized by skin inflammation, hallucinations, and stomach upset. It usually occurs in exhausted people, as well as those who suffer from alcoholism.
  • Swelling of the mucous membrane is a problem that affects the oral area and genitals. May cause mouth pain, increased salivation, swelling and ulcers.
  • Rashes and cracks on the skin.
  • Gastrointestinal disorders and loss of appetite. Symptoms include a burning sensation in the throat and esophagus, abdominal discomfort, constipation, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
  • Disorders in brain function and psychosis with disturbances of consciousness, insomnia and headaches. In addition, cognitive impairment, disorientation, confusion, depression, mania, or paranoia may occur.
  • Poor body resistance to viruses and infections.

Research shows that vitamin B3 deficiency is more common in countries where the main food product is corn. This condition is also observed if there are no complete proteins in the daily diet. In both the first and second cases, the body does not receive enough tryptophan. Namely, it is from this that nicotinic acid is produced. For reference: from 60 mg of tryptophan, the body receives 1 mg of vitamin B3.

What products contain

Vitamin B3 can be obtained in fairly high quantities through diet. Remember, it is always preferable to eat plenty of whole foods. They contain all the vitamins and minerals in natural form. Eat meat, fish, beans, nuts, seeds, and you will get daily norm nicotinic acid.

The table below shows you the top products that contain niacin. Please love and favor :)

*Percentage of the minimum daily intake of 20 mg for adults.

Nicotinic acid, unlike other vitamins, is resistant to heat and ultraviolet exposure. Also, this element is only partially destroyed under the influence of alkaline and acidic environments. Less than 20% of niacin is lost during cooking.

Instructions for use

Niacin is a water-soluble vitamin. This means that his body takes as much as it needs. All excess is excreted in the urine. Therefore, like other B vitamins, it must be replenished daily. Such an element cannot accumulate in the body. It comes with food. Additional supplements may be prescribed if necessary.

It is quite difficult to sort through this element. Side effects may occur when taking 300 – 1000 mg.

At balanced diet the body receives sufficient quantity niacin in foods. However, in some cases, additional supplements may be required. Vitamin PP has the following indications for use:

  • migraine;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • fever;
  • hepatitis;
  • chronic infections;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • mental disorders;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • pellagra;
  • neurodegenerative diseases (including Alzheimer's disease);
  • eye diseases (such as cataracts);
  • to reduce acne;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • migraine, dizziness.

Vitamin B3 is available in 3 forms: niacin, niacinamide and inositol hexaniacinate. They are produced in tablets and ampoules. You can buy these drugs at the pharmacy. The price depends on the form of release and dosage.

Nicotinic acid can cause stomach upset, so it must be taken with food. The fact is that food slows down the absorption of the drug and prevents the development of side effects.

Benefits of Vitamin B3

This item is incredibly useful. There are many benefits of taking niacin and consuming foods rich in it.

Common Side Effects

If you eat foods rich in niacin, the chances of you overeating are very low. However, there may be side effects niacin when taking supplements, especially at high dosages.

Here are the most common side effects when taking large doses:

  • nausea or vomiting;
  • skin reactions, rash;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • allergic reactions;
  • heart problems (high doses may increase the risk of developing irregular heartbeats);
  • diabetes mellitus: niacin and niacinamide may increase blood sugar levels;
  • deterioration of the gallbladder and symptoms of liver disease;
  • exacerbation of gout symptoms;
  • low arterial pressure;
  • stomach or intestinal ulcer.

If you take any medications or supplements daily, be sure to tell your doctor. Otherwise, negative side effects of niacin may occur.

Interaction with other drugs and products

Nicotinic acid has many “enemies” and “friends”. So, with special caution you need to take vitamin B3 with certain groups of drugs. These include hypertensive drugs and anticoagulants.

As for lipid-lowering drugs and antispasmodics, their simultaneous use with nicotinic acid is dangerous. The toxic effect of the former increases and this can lead to serious problems. Including coma.

The absorption of niacin is inhibited by rifampin and isoniazid, as well as penicillamine. And alcoholic drinks are not the best “friends” of nicotinic acid. Consuming large amounts of sugars, sweeteners and sugary drinks leads to the destruction of vitamin B3.

But perfect compatibility niacin with copper. By the way, a deficiency of this element leads to a lack of nicotinic acid in the body. A similar relationship exists between niacin and riboflabin (B2).

I am sure that after reading today’s article, you will become real experts in the field of B vitamins. Don’t forget to continue to improve your knowledge. Also send a link to the article to your friends on social media. net. They will then tell you for this: “Thank you!” 🙂 I’m telling you: see you next time.

Vitamin B3/PP, which is called niacin due to its large number of forms, nicotinamide is used in the medical and cosmetology industries. The beneficial properties of the vitamin are so unique that it is equated to a medicine. The international name of the substance is nicotinic acid (in Latin “Acidum nicotinicum”).

History of the discovery of niacin. Humanity needed to survive in the face of the development of new diseases. The vitamin formula was discovered in the nineteenth century to combat the severe disease pellagra. This terrible disease developed in people due to an insufficient standard of living, accompanied by hallucinations, depression, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Soon, pellagra was discovered in people who abused alcohol. The literal translation of vitamins B3/PP is to prevent pellagra.

Why does the body need niacin? The main function of vitamin PP is participation in redox processes. Thanks to the effect of the substance, the growth of body tissues is normalized, the metabolism of fat cells is improved, the amount of fat is reduced, sugar and fats are processed into positive energy.

Why is niacin prescribed? Vitamin PP protects the body from complex diseases: platelets, diabetes, hypertension, etc. Nicotinic acid is used to treat functional disorders nervous system, to combat migraines.

With a sufficient amount of vitamin PP in the human body, the gastrointestinal tract works without failures and pathological abnormalities. When inflammation occurs, the body fights the process, digests incoming food more easily, and produces gastric juice better. B3/PP has a positive effect on the functioning of the pancreas and liver. The vitamin occupies a leading place in the synthesis of hemoglobin, the production of red blood cells, in the ratio of hormones. There is no better substance for regulating blood cholesterol levels.

Vitamin PP helps the body produce the required amount of energy, increases blood sugar during a catastrophic drop in its level, which helps fight diabetes and hypertension. The substance is prescribed to increase metabolism and reduce the amount of triglycerides. In addition, niacin affects the protective properties of the pancreas, so problems with insulin do not threaten everyone who consumes nicotinic acid.

Vitamin PP should be consumed in case of problems with the nervous system, in cases of loss of concentration, or manifestations of depression. Thanks to the preventive use of the drug, it is possible to avoid the development of schizophrenia and other mental disorders.

Signs of excess and deficiency of niacin in the body

To maintain normal levels of vitamin B3, it is recommended for an adult to consume 20 mg of the substance per day. For children, the norm is set at 6 mg, depending on age. Doctors say that, unlike girls, boys of adolescence need an increased amount of nicotinic acid.

Women during pregnancy and lactation, performing athletes, consume vitamin PP in the amount of 25 mg per day.

Depending on nutrition and the use of food additives, the body experiences both a deficiency and an overdose of the substance. The reaction to the drug vaguely resembles an allergy, so the benefits and harms of “nicotine” are regularly discussed on forums and chats.

Symptoms of excess vitamin B3/PP:

  • disorders of the digestive tract;
  • lack of appetite;
  • nausea;
  • weakness;
  • diarrhea;
  • muscle pain;
  • sleep disorders;
  • hallucinations.

A lack of vitamin B3/PP in the body is manifested by a deterioration in the body’s condition:

  • skin problems (redness, rashes, peeling, dermatitis, etc.);
  • tachycardia;
  • low blood sugar levels;
  • painful sensations in the upper and lower extremities;
  • weakness.

To replenish your supply of nicotinic acid, add foods with a high content of the substance to your usual diet. Despite culinary processing (frying, drying, canning), 90% of the vitamin remains intact. More information about the product group with increased level We’ll talk about niacin a little lower.

An overdose of vitamin PP does not pose a danger to human health. Testing has shown that negative symptoms in the form of dizziness, redness of the skin in the scalp, and numbness appear only after taking the vitamin on an empty stomach.

IN medicinal purposes nicotinic acid is administered intravenously, in which case blood pressure sharply decreases. You should not be afraid of this symptom, because after some time the processes will normalize and the side effects will disappear.

You should not use nicotinic acid on your own, as it medicinal product, the appointment of which is controlled by a specialized physician.

With long-term use of the drug, the following symptoms are possible:

  • loss of appetite;
  • constant headache;
  • change in urine color;
  • the skin becomes yellowish;
  • liver dystrophy develops.

To avoid such negative consequences You should use the drug responsibly. Doctors recommend taking methionine and lipotropic drugs in parallel with nicotinamide. Increased amounts of methionine are found in the following foods:

  • cottage cheese;
  • meat;
  • fish;
  • eggs;

Nicotinic acid is a harmless vitamin, but not everyone can use it. Contraindications for taking vitamin PP are clearly stated in the instructions for use: liver disease, stomach and duodenal ulcers, gout, chronic forms of hypertension and atherosclerosis.

This is not all that vitamin B3 is useful for.

Most people don't even know what foods contain niacin. Advantage in the amount of vitamin PP in products of animal origin:

  • lean pork;
  • liver;
  • chicken breast;
  • low-fat fish;
  • kidneys;
  • chicken eggs;
  • dairy products.

The vitamin can be obtained from plant foods:

  • tomatoes;
  • potato;
  • carrot;
  • peanut;
  • yeast, etc.

Rich in vitamin PP medicinal plants, most:

  • alfalfa;
  • sage;
  • sorrel;
  • rose hip;
  • burdock root;
  • eyebright;
  • dandelion, etc.

Niacin is present in all food groups, but its level of absorption varies. What is the difference? Vitamins from legumes are easily absorbed by the body, but vitamins from grains are difficult to absorb. The synthesis of nicotinic acid occurs exclusively in the presence of the amino acid tryptophan, which is replenished in the body when consuming proteins of animal origin.

Research has proven that the quantitative determination of vitamin PP in food products is determined by chemical, spectrophotometric and microbiological methods.

Nicotinic acid in medicines

The properties of vitamin B3 have led to its popularity in the pharmaceutical industry. The release form of nicotinic acid has three variations:

  1. Ampoules. The solution is being developed for administering the drug intramuscularly. Injections are prescribed for patients with gastrointestinal diseases. The advantage of this form is the immediate supply of the substance through the bloodstream into the cells where biochemical reactions occur.
  2. Capsules. Prescribed for hypovitaminosis, since it is not always possible to replenish the required supply of vitamin with food. The medicine corrects this deficiency a week after starting treatment.
  3. Pills. They have the same purpose as the capsule; they are prescribed to eliminate niacin deficiency.

Storing vitamin PP: the sealed preparation is stored in a dry place out of direct sunlight. The shelf life of ampoules is four years, and tablets are three years. Before using the substance, check the date of its manufacture and the integrity of the packaging. The authenticity of the drug is confirmed by multi-stage laboratory tests.

Due to the features chemical structure niacin ( chemical formula C6H5NO2) is actively used in traditional medicine. Vitamin PP penetrates deeply into the cells of the body, so the range of applications of the vitamin is extremely wide.

Indications for the use of nicotinic acid:

  • in case of violations of gastrointestinal tract renewal;
  • with a hernia of the spine;
  • in cases of brain dysfunction (memory impairment, inattention, absent-mindedness);
  • in a depressed state;
  • with sore throat;
  • at diabetes mellitus acquired type;
  • with alopecia;
  • for osteoarthritis;
  • for cardiovascular diseases;
  • during menstruation;
  • with multiple sclerosis;
  • with vitamin deficiency (lack of vitamin B3/PP leads to decreased immunity);
  • with osteochondrosis, in particular with cervical osteochondrosis;
  • with pellagra. This disease occurs due to a deficiency of vitamin PP in the human body due to poor nutrition. Pellagra occurs in people suffering from alcoholism and chronic gastrointestinal diseases, but it is often found in pregnant women;
  • in cases of dysfunction of the small intestine;
  • with pathological abnormalities in the functioning of the liver, gallbladder, thyroid gland;
  • with gastritis;
  • with dysbacteriosis;
  • with anorexia;
  • for hereditary pathologies;
  • for hypertension;
  • for malignant tumors;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • for headaches.

Nicotinic acid will not be superfluous for people who drink alcohol or oral contraceptives; for smokers it is completely irreplaceable. For children, vitamin B3/PP is prescribed exclusively by a pediatrician if there is an urgent need.

Niacin helps fight secondary symptoms of diseases. The drug is used for numbness in the fingers. To do this, you need to turn to intramuscular injections, they will also save you from chondrosis when used together with vitamin B and proserin.

For prevention, vitamin PP should be taken in tablets; in the treatment of diseases, it is better to use the liquid form of the drug. The treatment regimen and dosage of the drug are prescribed after clinical studies and the patient’s medical history.

Vitamin b3/PP is regularly used in cosmetology. With the help of drugs you can improve your health, improve your facial skin and hair condition. We suggest considering the popular uses of niacin.

For face

Nicotinic acid is the main element in the nutritional and regenerative process of cells. In addition to its beneficial effect on the functionality of organs, niacin becomes a reliable assistant in the fight for the beauty and health of the skin, which is why it is often used for rejuvenation.

If there is insufficient amount of the substance in the body, the first signs appear on the skin: red spots, itching, decreased elasticity. If you notice such problems, eat as many products containing nicotinic acid as possible and apply the vitamin externally. With an integrated approach, there will be no trace of acne left.

Rated world companies use 4% nicotinic acid in facial skin care cosmetics. The vitamin is freely available in every pharmacy, so you can add it to your favorite creams yourself.

The effect of nicotinic acid on facial skin beauty:

  • dilates blood vessels;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • removes excess fluid from tissues;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • retains moisture necessary for tissues;
  • promotes regeneration;
  • cleanses the skin and improves its color.

In clinical settings, scientists have discovered another useful property - nicotinic acid minimizes the formation of skin cancer.

Skin cancer is less common in people who take advantage of the benefits of niacin. Reviews on how to use vitamin B3 to improve the condition of your face can be read on women's forums.

Face mask recipe

An ampoule of nicotinic acid is added to the usual lotion and cream (1 ampoule per 50 g of facial product). The vitamin product is applied as a standard cream and, if necessary, washed off with warm water. It is advisable to mix the drug in a separate small container, since long-term use of the vitamin leads to an overdose.

For hair growth

Nicotinic acid is considered a reliable remedy for accelerating hair growth. We warn you that even minimal contact of the substance with the skin provokes an allergic reaction. Allergies in the form of redness and slight clouding will disappear within 20 minutes, leaving no traces of themselves. Use the drug on your own with caution.

Sometimes people are skeptical about the properties of nicotinic acid because of the repulsive name. The substance is not associated with smokers, forget about prejudice. Nicotine and nicotinic acid are not the same thing.

Niacin, due to its availability, has become widespread for home use. Women prepare healing masks, shampoos and scrubs based on it. A couple of drops of nicotinic acid are added to your favorite shampoo and your hair is nourished with vitamins during each wash.

The drug affects the scalp as it strengthens blood vessels. Nicotinamide hits the scalp and instantly penetrates the inner layer of the epidermis. With improved blood flow, vitamin PP reaches the bulb of each hair. Changes in hair condition can be observed after just five procedures. Folk remedies, despite the effect, at first they dry out the hair or enrich it unpleasant smell. When a person’s hair falls out, they are ready to endure all the consequences; with nicotine, they don’t have to worry about such negative accompanying factors.

Vitamin PP is involved in the oxidative processes of the body, so hair has a complex effect. Hair follicles are nourished with vitamins and saturated with oxygen. The main advantage of hair care with nicotinic acid is considered to be hydration along the length. Dandruff disappears under the influence of a nourishing vitamin.

If you are wary of supplements not provided by the manufacturer, take niacin tablets. Thus, you influence hair growth and strengthen the condition of the body.

Nicotinic acid is considered a popular drug for hair loss and baldness. Rapid hair loss - main signal about malfunctions in the body, so first of all, get examined by a doctor, and under no circumstances start treatment without a prescription.

To stop hair loss, nicotinic acid is rubbed into the scalp onto dry hair. Additional ingredients that the vitamin formula is combined with can improve the effect of the drug:

  • decoction of medicinal herbs;
  • propolis tincture;
  • ginger;
  • vitamin E.

Compatibility of drugs helps to achieve quick results in short term. The course of treatment lasts for one month, only after consultation with a trichologist. The composition of the product for one rubbing uses only one ampoule of nicotinic acid. The vitamin is applied from the side of the temporal region, using massage movements towards the crown. Before the procedure, draw the liquid into a syringe or pipette, this makes it more convenient to apply the vitamin in even portions to the scalp.

Acid in ampoules must be used immediately after opening, otherwise, when exposed to air, it loses beneficial features and becomes unsuitable for further use.

Carefully monitor the body’s reaction to vitamin PP in its pure form; if after the procedure the skin turns red or itches, drink an anti-allergenic drug and then dilute the acid with purified water.

Recipes for hair masks based on nicotinic acid (analogues of expensive cosmetic products):

Egg mask.

To make it you will need:

  • 1 ampoule of niacin;
  • 1 capsule of vitamin E;
  • linseed oil – 40 g;
  • Eleutherococcus tincture – 20 g.

Directions for use: mix the ingredients and apply to washed, dried hair. After an hour, rinse off the mask and wash your hair under running water.

Nicotinic acid displaces vitamin C from the body, so you should additionally take ascorbic acid in the form of pharmacological vitamins. How much to take vitamin complex depends on the state of the body and obvious symptoms.

Niacin is an excellent remedy against cellulite. There is a lot of information on the Internet about how to take the vitamin. To some extent, the recommendations have a basis for existence, since the substance improves blood circulation. Due to contraindications in the instructions for vitamin B3, it is better to avoid using it unnecessarily. Other methods will help you get rid of cellulite at home: cupping massage, body wraps, contrast showers.

Carefully monitor the dosage of vitamin PP to avoid overdose. Before drinking nicotinic acid, consult your doctor and carefully read the instructions for use, pay attention to contraindications.

In gynecology, nicotinic acid is used to eliminate premenstrual syndrome, to combat spasms and severe hemorrhages. Vitamin B3/PP has a positive effect on the body, but it is still unclear whether women can take nicotinic acid during pregnancy.

The instructions for use for the drug clearly state that the vitamin is not consumed during pregnancy and lactation. Pregnancy does not always go smoothly, so you cannot do without additional niacin intake.

Nicotinic acid is prescribed to pregnant women and nursing mothers in the following cases: multiple pregnancy;

  • pathological processes in the liver provoked by pregnancy;
  • maternal dependence on nicotine and certain medications;
  • abnormal functioning of the placenta.

Taking vitamin PP on your own during pregnancy without a doctor’s prescription is strictly prohibited. An overdose can adversely affect the development of the fetus. At breastfeeding You can take the vitamin only if it is not contraindicated for infants.

With controlled use of nicotinic acid in expectant mother spasms are reduced and blood circulation is improved. When the fetus is oxygen starved, niacin improves the metabolic process and eliminates fetoplacental insufficiency. In severe cases, vitamin PP for pregnant women will help maintain pregnancy and give birth to a healthy baby. The antihypoxic agent in small doses will ensure that the fetus receives the required amount of oxygen.

During pregnancy, nicotinic acid is prescribed to thin the blood to prevent blood clots. IN in this case vitamin B3 acts as a prevention of premature birth and possible complications.

Nicotinic acid deficiency in the body of the expectant mother is manifested not only by hair loss and dry skin, but also negatively affects the psycho-emotional state of the woman. Scientific data on the change in mood of pregnant women from a cheerful laugher to a depressed virgin has confirmed that a lack of vitamin PP is to blame.

Niacin in professional sports

In small doses, nicotinic acid acts as a supporting additive, and in excessive quantities it has a serious pharmacological effect. Why do athletes need nicotine? Intravenously administered 10 mg of niacin doubles the amount of growth hormone in the blood. Growth hormone stimulates growth muscle mass and activates fat burning processes. In bodybuilding, professional athletes increase the dose of vitamin PP to 250 mg. The final dosage depends on the height, weight and age of the athlete. The table with numbers is freely available.

Among professional athletes Unspoken rules have been developed on how to take vitamin B3/PP:

  • before intense cardio or strength training;
  • before intense fat burning training.

In other cases, there is no point in taking nicotinic acid. During the drying period, niacin is simply irreplaceable, but do not overdo it. How to use niacin in sports should be discussed with your doctor and coach. Allergic reactions from overdose lead to undesirable consequences before the day of the performance. For athletes, not only a regimen, proper nutrition, and training are important, but also a properly selected vitamin complex.

A nicotinic acid - accessible remedy which will help prevent the development of serious diseases. Positive reviews confirm the positive effect of the vitamin on the condition of the skin, hair and the body as a whole.

Vitamin B3 has many names. Among the B vitamins, it is listed as AT 3 chemists call it niacin. And until recently it was called vitamin PP.

And for smokers, under the name of nicotinic acid, it has become the hero of one of the most persistent myths about the benefits of tobacco.

Nicotine and its derivatives

Nicotine is a chemical compound found in the leaves of plants in the nightshade family.

Most of it is found in tobacco leaves, but can be found in the tops of tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants and even green peppers.

This potent neurotoxin can easily oxidize and become useful vitamin B3. But there is one problem - in the human body no enzyme allowing such a transformation to occur. This means that nicotine remains a toxin, and its “vitamin content” remains a myth.

As it turns out?

A person has only two ways to obtain nicotinic acid. The first is with food. In animal products it is found mainly in the form of easily digestible nicotinamide. In plant foods - in the form of nicotinic acid, which is converted into nicotinamide.

But this vitamin can be synthesized and human body. Or rather, its symbionts - beneficial bacteria that live in the large intestine.

True, they require amino acids for this tryptophan in sufficient quantities: from 60 mg of tryptophan, only 1 mg of nicotinic acid is formed. And the presence of other B vitamins is mandatory - pyridoxine (B6) and riboflavin (B2).

Why is it needed?

The main function of niacin is to help in energy production in cells. Together with riboflavin, it helps in the synthesis of ATP - the energy stations of the human body.

Niacin is involved in the production sex hormones– estrogens, progesterone and testosterone. And also in the production of adrenal and thyroid hormones.

Vitamin PP stimulates production gastric juice and helps the production of digestive enzymes in the liver and pancreas. He himself is involved in the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates.

Moreover, he dilates small vessels, helping to improve peripheral blood flow, clears blood vessels of “bad cholesterol” and helps reduce blood pressure.

How many do you need?

Children under 6 months – 2 mg
Children from 6 to 12 months – 4 mg
Children from 1 to 3 years - 6 mg
Children from 4 to 8 years old - 8 mg
Children from 9 to 13 years old - 12 mg
Boys and men after 14 years - 16 mg
Girls and women after 14 years 14 - 14 mg

Pregnant and lactating women require more vitamin B3, but its dosage must be strictly coordinate with your attending physician.

What if it's not enough?

Severe deficiency of vitamin B3 leads to the development of a disease called pellagra. Sometimes it is called a disease three D: diarrhea, dermatitis, dementia.

People with niacin deficiency develop mental and physical disorders - ulcers appear on the skin, weakness of the limbs, indigestion, insomnia, and intellectual impairment develop.

Less severe deficiency Vitamin B3 deficiency is characterized by increased fatigue, headaches, sleep and appetite disturbances, the appearance of mouth ulcers and the development of skin diseases.

A person develops depression due to a lack of tryptophan. After all, the body uses it not for the needs of the brain - the production of the “good mood hormone” serotonin - but to replenish the deficiency of niacin, which is vital for the functioning of cells.

What prevents it from being absorbed?

Like other water-soluble vitamins, niacin is not deposited in the body and must be constantly enter with food.

Vitamin B3 absorption occurs in the lower stomach and duodenum. Therefore, in diseases of these organs, its deficiency is observed.

Also, a lack of niacin is observed when the natural intestinal microflora is disrupted - after taking antibiotics and during strict diets.

Niacin-destroying products containing sugar, such as desserts and sodas.

A deficiency of niacin can also be caused by frequent consumption of plant foods, which contain vitamin PP in an indigestible form. For example, refined cereals and corn.

What to eat?

Diverse and balanced diet allows you to fully meet the body's need for vitamin PP. Rich in Niacin regular yeast and whole grain products that contain bran.

There is a lot of vitamin B3 in lean beef, liver, heart and kidneys. Slightly less - in dairy products, eggs, chicken and sea fish.

It is also found in mushrooms, nuts, leafy vegetables, tomatoes and legumes.

The most important

Vitamin B3 cannot be obtained from smoking a cigarette, but meat products and whole grains are rich in it. This vitamin can be produced from tryptophan by beneficial bacteria in the intestines. It is necessary for the nutrition of all cells of the body and proper absorption useful substances. Don't forget: vitamin B3 is the vitamin PP from the old books.

A smoker can make a phone call 8-800-200-0-200 (the call is free for residents of Russia), say that he needs help quitting smoking, and he will be switched to the specialists of the Advisory Call Center for Help in Quitting Tobacco Consumption (CTC). If all KTC specialists are busy at this moment, his phone number will be sent to KTC by e-mail, and they will call him back within 1-3 days.

Psychologists and doctors provide counseling to those who contact the CTC. Psychologists help prepare for the day of quitting smoking, help find a replacement for smoking rituals, together with the client they will determine the optimal ways to overcome addiction, and support in difficult moments in the fight against nicotine addiction. Doctors will advise on the most effective therapeutic methods smoking cessation, will give advice to patients with various diseases on how best to prepare for quitting smoking, taking into account existing health problems.

Vitamin B3 (vitamin PP, niacin, nicotinic acid) is a very necessary vitamin for humans, taking part in many vital functions. important processes occurring in the body.

Description of vitamin B3 (vitamin PP):
Vitamin B3 (also has names: niacin, nicotinic acid, vitamin PP) is water-soluble, one of the most essential and important for humans. In its pure form it is a white, odorless powder. Vitamin B3 enters the human body with food, but in case of deficiency, it is prescribed in the form of medications.
IN Food Industry many countries use food supplement E-375 (nicotinic acid). In Russia, this additive is prohibited for use in food products, since vitamin B3 (PP) is the only one of all vitamins that is a medicine and has clear indications for use, as well as contraindications.
The drug "Nicotinic acid" is sold in almost all pharmacies in the form of tablets, powders or injection solutions. But you should take such drugs only as prescribed by a doctor. These medicines can be prescribed not only to compensate for vitamin B3 deficiency, but also to treat many diseases.
Vitamin B3 (PP) can be produced independently in the human body in small quantities. But for this, the diet must contain large quantities of foods rich in the amino acid tryptophan. Despite this, the main supplier of vitamin B3 (PP) is still food products rich in this vitamin.

Why does the body need vitamin B3 (vitamin PP):

  • Vitamin B3 is involved in tissue respiration and promotes proper growth fabrics.
  • Plays an important role in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol, protects against the formation of blood clots, and dilates blood vessels.
  • Takes part in the synthesis of hemoglobin and the production of red blood cells.
  • Vitamin B3 takes part in protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism.
  • Controls the level of glucose in the blood and its conversion into energy, normalizes the functioning of the pancreas, thereby helping to protect the body from diabetes.
  • Participates in the production of many hormones, including testosterone, progesterone, insulin and others.
  • Vitamin B3 stimulates the digestive system and enhances intestinal motility.
  • Participates in the neutralization of certain toxins.
  • A sufficient intake of vitamin B3 in the body contributes to the proper functioning of the nervous system and protects against mental illness.
  • The condition of the skin, hair, nails and joints depends on this vitamin.

Interaction of vitamin B3 (vitamin PP) with other substances:

  • B vitamins are poorly absorbed without vitamin B3 (PP).
  • Vitamin B3 (PP) itself is better absorbed in the presence of copper and vitamin B6.

The body's daily requirement for vitamin B3 (vitamin PP):
The body's daily requirement for vitamin B3 (PP) for adults is about 20 mg, for children it varies from 6 to 21 mg depending on the period of development. The need for this vitamin increases with increased physical and mental stress, as well as during pregnancy.

Products containing vitamin B3 (vitamin PP):
Vitamin B3 (PP) is found in many foods of both plant and animal origin. It is worth noting that when foods are cooked, no more than 20% of this vitamin is lost, so even heat-treated foods may contain a large number of nicotinic acid. The leaders in vitamin B3 (PP) content are the following products:

  • Meat products: , white meat and , .
  • Fish: , and others.
  • Dairy products: cheese, .
  • Products of plant origin: cereals (,), legumes (, soybeans), nuts, and many others.

Lack of vitamin B3 (vitamin PP) in the body:
Lack of vitamin B3 (PP) is not very common. Typically, a deficiency of this vitamin occurs when proper nutrition(predominantly eating starch-containing foods), chronic or in case of impaired absorption in the intestine. Also, vitamin B3 deficiency (PP) can occur in severe physical activity, frequent stress and some diseases.
A long-term lack of vitamin B3 (PP) disrupts the functioning of all body systems and can manifest itself as follows: nausea, diarrhea, dizziness, headaches, weakness, insomnia, decreased appetite, various mental disorders, dry skin, dermatitis, decreased mental abilities and other manifestations. Chronic deficiency of vitamin B3 (RR) leads to the development of pellagra, which is manifested by the above symptoms.

Excess of vitamin B3 (vitamin PP) in the body:
It is quite difficult to obtain an excess of vitamin B3 (PP) by getting it only from food, because small excesses are excreted from the body naturally. An overdose is rare and can occur with an overdose of drugs containing nicotinic acid. This may be manifested by the following symptoms: dizziness, decreased blood pressure, redness of the skin, numbness and tingling in the muscles and skin.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Vitamin B3(vitamin PP, nicotinic acid, niacin) - participates in metabolism, being integral part some oxidative enzymes, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and skin condition.

Initially, this vitamin was called PP - preventing pellagra.

Pellagra is a common disease in places where corn is the staple food, just as beriberi is common in rice-eating nations.

Where there is a lack of fruits and vegetables, meat and milk, where the diet mainly consists of foods rich in starch, people begin to suffer from pellagra. In some cases, these same reasons can cause chronic alcoholism. Pellagra is especially rampant in rainy years, when corn does not have time to fully ripen.

Pellagra is a serious disease that manifests itself as damage to the skin and mucous membranes, severe diarrhea, and neuropsychic disorders. Now this serious disease is rare, but its initial symptoms - vitamin B3 deficiency - are quite common. This disease was especially widespread among prisoners in camps during the Second World War.

Acute symptoms of pellagra: “strawberry tongue”, inflammation of the tongue and the entire oral cavity, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, constipation and diarrhea; often low acidity of gastric juice. Symmetrical redness, swelling and peeling of the epidermis appear on the arms, face, neck and inner thighs. A person begins to get tired easily, he is tormented by headaches, insomnia, weakened memory, and he is irritated by bright light, bright colors, and music. Sometimes he falls into melancholy, hallucinations, agitation, and trembling in his hands are possible. All this looks like the beginning of a serious mental illness.

"Pellagra is not only a vitamin deficiency AT 3 . This is also a lack of multivitamins, primarily group B, as well as vitamins C, A, E, D, etc. Often the symptoms of pellagra are so masked that doctors diagnose “neurasthenia”. And only when the disease develops can they usually determine the correct diagnosis,” writes Yu. Aleksandrovich.

What can save us from pellagra?

An effective treatment for pellagra in humans is niacin (vitamin AT 3 ). Vitamin AT 3 participates in many oxidative processes and reactions of the body. B3 deficiency is often associated with a monotonous diet, lack of herbs, greens, vegetables and “live” foods in the diet. The group of all B vitamins has almost the same antipellagritic effect.

Microorganisms living in the intestines of humans and most animals can synthesize nicotinic acid from tryptophan (an essential amino acid not synthesized in the human body and most animals; a component of many proteins found only in plants). However, during the rotting of products, during the breakdown of proteins in the intestines, tryptophan obtained from animal products is formed toxic substances-skatole and indole. This suggests that we must constantly take care, firstly, about consuming green vegetables in their natural form; secondly, about ensuring daily cleansing of the intestines (about bowel movements) and thirdly, about limiting animal protein products in your diet, since the essential amino acid tryptophan is found only in plants.

What are the initial symptoms of niacin deficiency?

If you have insomnia, fears, anxiety, anger, irritability, inability to concentrate on anything, etc., if you have begun to gain excessive weight, and your mental state is such that you are advised to consult a psychiatrist if you are full of aggression - change your diet first of all to include foods rich in B vitamins, in particular AT 3 , B1, B2, B6, as well as vitamins A, C, etc.

Vitamin B3 is for the brain what calcium is for bones. Without it, the brain cannot function normally, since a person loses memory, the ability to associate, and cannot sleep.

Often these symptoms are mistaken by others for senile insanity. Signs of vitamin deficiency AT 3 appear in 13% of people over 60 years of age. According to various clinics, signs of vitamin deficiency AT 3 (niacin) are observed in more than 9% of women and 8% of men aged 18 to 44 years.

It is believed that a lack of vitamin B3 in the body leads to obesity and that this vitamin helps remove even very dense deposits of cholesterol and other fats on the walls of blood vessels. Vz removes unnecessary metabolic products from the body, easing the pain of arthritis.

With proper nutrition, our food will provide us with a sufficient amount of vitamin B3, as well as other vitamins, group B and essential microelements.

Who needs vitamin B3 and how much?

Experts say: if the diet is high in fiber and low in sugar and sweets, then it does not need to be supplemented with vitamin B3; most likely it will be enough. But those who love sweets and drink alcohol require 2-3 times more of this vitamin than normal.

Sources of vitamin B3 . Vitamin AT 3 found in all products that contain other B vitamins, but in different quantities (meat, kidneys, liver, dairy products). For example, in 100 g of liver there is about 14 mg, in 100 g of tuna - about 19 mg. IN meat products It also contains a lot of niacin. Turkey meat is especially rich in it.

There is a lot of niacin in sunflower seeds and ground nuts - peanuts (in 1 glass of roasted nuts - about 24 mg). You just need to remember that peanuts are easily infected with a fungus that produces aflatoxins, a strong carcinogenic poison. Therefore, you need to take grains that are clean from spoilage, wash them thoroughly, disinfect them in a weak solution of manganese or iodinol and then rinse them in running water; after this they are dried in a frying pan without overcooking.

Good source of vitamin AT 3 can be considered unrefined grains - sprouted wheat, buckwheat, porridge from whole grains - oats, corn, rye, barley and so on. In addition, beans and peas, soybeans and mushrooms are rich in it. But especially rich in vitamin AT 3 , like all B vitamins, brewer's yeast. Eat AT 3 and in products such as baked potatoes, chicken, salmon, almonds, bran, liver, dried plums, apricots, peaches, tongue, lentils, wholemeal bread, heart, kidneys, liver, corn, peanuts.

Signs of a lack of nicotinic acid, or vitamin B3:

1. defeat gastrointestinal tract, constipation and diarrhea;

2. damage to the skin and mucous membranes, often leading to dermatitis; cracks in the oral cavity;

3. disorder of the nervous system, up to dementia.

It has been found that if a person receives a sufficient amount of nicotinic acid (15 mg - 1 g), the signs of this disease disappear very soon. But there were cases when patients recovered only when they were simultaneously administered Bi (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin) and nicotinic acid (vitamin AT 3 ).

The hostess must remember that heat treatment does not reduce the content of nicotinic acid in products. But if the diet contains a lot of starch substances, then the body’s needs for nicotinic acid increase.

In diabetes, the dose of vitamin B3 should also be higher than normal.

When treating pellagra and any skin diseases, adults need from 500 mg to 1 g of nicotinic acid per day; children 15-20 mg. This amount is contained, for example, in one glass of sour milk.

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