Basement ventilation 50 pipe. Calculation of the cellar ventilation scheme - duct cross section. Basement natural ventilation

The rules for storing food in the autumn-winter period differ from the peculiarities of their preservation in summer. Shelf life extension fresh vegetables and conservation is possible due to special premises of the basement and semi-basement type with a controlled microclimate. The main condition for their storage is full air circulation and control over the level of humidity. Cellar ventilation with one and two pipes makes it possible to achieve optimal parameters environment and ensure the safety of all products until the next season.

Consequences of poor ventilation

Principle of operation and purpose of the system

Microclimate organization - difficult task, to achieve which a whole range of means, materials and methods is used. One of the stages in the design of the cellar is the selection and installation of the ventilation system. The lack of air circulation is considered a serious problem that can negate all efforts to collect and harvest crops for the winter. In a room with incompletely functioning or completely absent ventilation, the following phenomena develop:

  • air stagnation;
  • increase in humidity;
  • an increase in the temperature inside the room;
  • acceleration of decay processes;
  • the appearance of condensate;
  • development of fungi;
  • activation of corrosion processes.

As a result of such factors, food and all other attributes in the room suffer. Shelves rust rapidly, shelves rot and collapse, lids oxidize, fruits and vegetables rot, and the air becomes unbreathable. Effective ventilation guarantees the storage of products, increasing the service life of racks and all related equipment.

There are several ways to achieve complete circulation of air masses inside the cellar. However, the most effective among them is the design of a natural supply and exhaust system with two pipes. The principle of its operation is due to the temperature difference between environment and a cellar. From the school physics course it follows that the heated air escapes, rising to the ceiling. At the same time, cooled masses take its place, providing the necessary circulation of flows. To achieve a similar effect indoors is possible through the use of a simple system consisting of two pipes.

Supply and exhaust ventilation scheme

Scheme of the ventilation system and its features

The arrangement of natural aeration is possible only in small areas without partitions and large-sized racks. The presence of obstructions reduces the rate of circulation, making ventilation less effective. The same rule applies to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, since the larger it is, the more difficult it is for the air flow to move through it. Therefore, to organize full-fledged ventilation in such buildings, forced-type systems are used, based on the action electrical energy.

Air flow pattern
  • The creation of a working model of ventilation of a natural type room is carried out according to clearly established rules regulated by SNiP. The influx of fresh air and the removal of exhaust air is carried out using 2 channels. The supply air duct is brought out 10-15 cm above the floor level, and the second one is under the very ceiling, retreating from it by 5-10 cm. Such an arrangement of pipes ensures the outflow of waste masses, and allows fresh air to freely enter the room.
  • From the outside, the supply air duct is mounted above the ground 30-40 cm above its level. The exhaust pipe is installed above the inlet pipe by 25 cm or more. A similar arrangement makes it possible to achieve the necessary pressure difference and ensure full aeration inside the cellar.
  • Important! The higher the outlet pipe is installed, the greater will be the difference in pressure inside the room. Consequently, air masses will replace each other more often, removing excess moisture and preventing the spread of mold.

Natural ventilation in the cellar

Equipment and materials

The natural supply and exhaust system is simple in design compared to forced-type structures. The main part is the air duct, and the remaining parts are classified as auxiliary means. In addition to pipes, to create full-fledged natural aeration, you need:

  • pipe connectors;
  • fasteners;
  • protective nets;
  • deflectors or umbrellas.


No other devices, fixtures or parts are included in the design of supply and exhaust aeration models. Due to this, the cost of their construction is reduced, and the effectiveness (subject to requirements) is increased.

The only criterion that directly affects the cost of the project is the material of the pipes. The following types are used as air ducts:

  • plastic;
  • asbestos-cement;
  • galvanized.

Each of these materials has features, characteristics and positive qualities. At the same time, the choice of a specific type of product is not carried out on the basis of economic indicators, but solely on the basis of technical features and conditions for the functioning of the future model.

Galvanized pipes

Pros and cons of ventilation pipes

Plastic pipes are considered the most popular material used for the construction of natural aeration structures. Their main advantage is their relatively low cost, which reduces the overall cost of the project. In addition, to positive aspects plastic refers to light weight, high ductility, flexibility and resistance to temperature extremes. However, with obvious advantages, they also have obvious disadvantages associated with low strength and instability to mechanical stress.

Asbestos-cement pipes are considered no less popular among builders. Their strength is superior plastic products, which expands the scope of the material. In addition, its cost is also quite economical, which makes it possible to obtain an effective model for relatively little money. However, this is where the advantages of asbestos cement end. Its negative sides include weight and bulkiness, lack of adapters, the need for additional reinforcement of fasteners and sealing of joints.

Galvanization is the most popular material for the construction of ventilation systems from two pipes. The material is not subject to corrosion, durable, affordable, does not deform, is resistant to thermal effects and has an extensive product range. Lines of various shapes, lengths and directions are created from galvanized metal, without worrying about their tightness and functionality. The relative disadvantage of the material is the cost, which exceeds other products, affecting the economy of the project.

Calculation of duct diameter

Calculating the diameter of the pipe for cellar ventilation is a difficult task, on which the ventilation functionality depends. Too small cross-section of pipes does not allow air to fully circulate, and exceeding the size leads to the absence of the necessary pressure drop. To determine the size of the inlet and outlet channels, you need to know the following parameters:

  • room area;
  • wind load in a particular climatic zone;
  • location on the ground;
  • temperature features of the region.

Based on these criteria, making ventilation is not difficult. According to the technical documentation for utility rooms (cellars and basements), the circulation of air masses in the amount of 120 cubic meters per hour is the norm. As a rule, to obtain full-fledged air exchange in a room with an area of ​​​​up to 25 sq.m., it is enough to install pipes with a diameter of 100 mm.

To improve natural circulation, special deflectors are used, which are installed at the outlet of the exhaust ducts. Thanks to the design details, these devices increase the speed of air movement, promoting indoor renewal.

Installation steps

Installation of the ventilation system from the design stage of the future structure. This part plays an important role, since it makes it possible to assess the scope and direction of work, as well as to determine the number required material. Suitable for assessing the complexity of the project the simplest circuit drawn with an ordinary pencil on a sheet of paper. Having estimated and purchased all the details, we proceed to the direct installation of ventilation from 2 pipes with our own hands, which consists of the following steps:

  • collection and preparation of inventory;
  • formation of holes for laying air ducts;
  • wiring and fixing pipes;
  • sealing connections;
  • installation of protective umbrellas.

When erecting a structure, it is better to do without joints and turns, bending or a fragile joint affects the pressure inside the channels. As a result, there is a decrease in the level of circulation of air masses, which leads to a decrease in the performance of the model. Another condition for the effective operation of the system is the tightness of the room. In addition to the supply and exhaust pipes, there should not be any other sources of air in the cellar. Additional holes, slots and holes also affect the movement of masses within the room, reducing the circulation rate.

supply channel

Cellar ventilation with one pipe: differences and features

The principle of cellar ventilation with one pipe is built on the same principle as the previous design. The role of the output channel is played by Entrance door and natural crevices of the room. In this case, the supply pipe is installed on general principle, i.e. 10-15 cm above the floor level. Thanks to this, the cellar enters Fresh air ensuring proper circulation. The only drawback of this design is considered to be installation only in a small area up to 12-15 sq.m. Exceeding such values ​​does not allow to achieve effective aeration.

Important! The design features of the premises also play a significant role. The presence of high racks, turns, uneven walls, ceiling and floor inevitably affects the movement of air. As a result, the natural ventilation system becomes less efficient even when the area is within acceptable limits. For full-fledged air exchange in such cellars, it is necessary to build a project with 2 pipes.

Cellar ventilation with one pipe

Adjusting the system in winter

The penetration of frosty air into the cellar leads to a decrease in temperature below 0 degrees. Similar values ​​have a negative impact on the safety of fresh products and preservation. Maintaining the optimum temperature of +2 + 6 degrees and preventing its decrease is an important task, which can be solved with the help of ventilation. However, if the cellar freezes due to insufficient thermal insulation, it will not be possible to solve the problem by restricting the incoming air. It is possible to increase the temperature inside the cellar by reducing the intensity of circulation. To do this, special plugs are installed at the inlet, which allow you to regulate the flow of incoming air or completely limit them.

Proper ventilation the cellar, like other rooms, is based on the immutable laws of physics. The air exchange scheme is simple, and you can do it yourself without the help of specialists.

For high-quality air circulation in the cellar, two ventilation holes are required. One of them is supply air, that is, through it clean air penetrates inside. The second is exhaust. Through it, all exhaust gases and vapors are removed to the outside. In order for the exhaust system to work fully, channels must be connected to the holes. Pipes are more commonly used. It is important that their diameter meets the standards.

The ventilation system in the cellar will work efficiently only if correct location exhaust hole level. Depending on the location of the cellar itself, the exhaust pipes can be mounted in different ways. Sometimes they are brought out through the ceiling of the house, and can be built into the basement wall. These points are important to consider when drawing up a cellar ventilation scheme.

The temperature in the basement, especially in winter time of the year. Both the height of their placement and the diameter of the holes should be optimal.

The principle of operation of the system is based on the basic laws of physics. Having carefully looked at the ventilation scheme in the cellar, one can state the fact that it is extremely simple, but at the same time reliable.

To organize a complete system, it is enough to provide 2 ventilation holes for the basement. One of them is necessary to remove excess fumes and air from the room, and the second is to ensure the flow of pure and fresh oxygen. To ensure optimal efficiency, such a system requires two pipes, supply and exhaust.

Ventilation in the cellar under the house

An equally important stage is the installation of pipes on optimal height from the floor and their subsequent withdrawal into the outer space. Incorrectly placed air ducts can bring in too much air, which is extremely undesirable for fresh food and vegetables stored on the shelves. Too small a diameter of the pipes will not allow you to quickly remove musty air masses from the room.

Before you make ventilation in the cellar, you need to decide on the type of system that will be equipped in the room. It can be either forced or natural. The choice in favor of one or another option is determined by the features of the layout of the basement, its total area.

Often situations arise when a natural system for cellar ventilation is not enough. In cases where the area of ​​​​product storage facilities is significant, and the height exceeds 2 m, experts recommend equipping a forced air vent and air exchange system. Such a system is difficult engineering task, to cope with which without the involvement of experienced pros is quite difficult. The design specificity lies in the fact that the supply and exhaust pipes are supplemented by the following elements:

  • duct heaters;
  • filter cassette;
  • duct fan for cooling;
  • check valve;
  • sound silencer.

Forced ventilation device

In the role of a functional and decorative element, a crate and installation of blinds are used. A powerful duct fan is the main element of the forced ventilation system for cellars. The performance and service life are directly proportional to the selected power, technical features and air direction.

Ventilation duct

When choosing the best option for a forced ventilation system, you need to know that this type of equipment is offered to the consumer in three different versions:

  • design according to the exhaust principle - specializes in the elimination of air from various rooms;
  • supply system - provides an influx of purified, heated or fresh air;
  • supply and exhaust ventilation system for the cellar - combining the functions of ventilation of the first and second types.

supply system ventilation

According to the principle of control, forced systems are divided into two types:

  1. Automatic.
  2. Mechanical.

Forced ventilation automatic type

This effect of convenient automation is correct placement sensors. They react to changes in key indicators, turning on and off duct fans or heaters, thereby creating an optimal microclimate.

Exhaust forced ventilation with humidity sensor

As for mechanical forced cellar ventilation systems, there is control temperature regime and the degree of humidity is carried out by a person. All the most important system control functions are performed by mechanical regulation. General recommendations arrangements are as follows:

  1. To give preference only to high-quality and proven equipment, so that the functioning of the system is durable and trouble-free.
  2. In the process of arranging a simple forced ventilation scheme, you should carefully consider the location of each element.
  3. Weigh all the pros and cons when choosing automatic or mechanical type of control.

Supply- exhaust ventilation with heat recovery

The question arises: how to choose the right forced ventilation system? First of all, you should carefully study architectural features building, assess the dimensions of the room, determine the degree of optimal functionality of the system. If self-confidence is not fully felt, you can resort to the help of specialists at any stage.

The cellar is an indispensable building in the economy. The cellar ventilation project is best implemented directly at the construction stage. But to create an effective ventilation system after completion of construction is also quite realistic. In the future, it is important to monitor the state of the air in such a room so that the conditions for food storage and conservation are comfortable all year round.

How to make cellar ventilation yourself

The ventilation device in the cellar is quite simply carried out independently; this can be done not only at the planning stage of the room, but also already in the prepared cellar. The cellar ventilation scheme is quite simple; its operation is based on the simplest physical laws.

A cellar without ventilation cannot function normally. In order for the warehouse to become full-fledged, it is necessary to fulfill a number of requirements:

  • the basement should be dark;
  • compliance with the optimal temperature regime;
  • the degree of air humidity must be maintained at a certain level;
  • ventilation system.

Without airflow circulation, food will spoil and rot quickly. Proper ventilation of the cellar allows you to maintain optimal conditions for maintaining maximum useful qualities in vegetables.

Due to violations in construction technology, it is impossible to store crops and conservation in the cellars. If the basement is part of a private house, ventilation devices are mounted in the basement of the foundation, leaving vents above the basement, important point are waterproofing works.

For ventilation of cellars, the supply and exhaust version of the natural air exchange regulation system is the most reliable and budget option. The disadvantage of this method is the direct connection between the operation of the system and the temperature difference in the street and the strength of the wind.

For large rooms, a forced system is used. The use of such a scheme is especially relevant if in the future the cellar will be used as a living room, or it is planned to convert it into gym or billiard room. natural system ventilation in the cellar cannot provide sufficient air exchange in hot calm weather.

If you plan to convert the basement into a gym, you should equip a forced ventilation system

When using this method, it should be remembered that the basement rooms are quite damp, therefore, to store food in the cellar in the country, you need to connect appliances with a minimum power, otherwise you may encounter the problem of current leakage through the appliance case.

There are two methods for forced ventilation of a wine cellar. The second involves the use of deflectors, instead of electric fans. The deflector is mounted on the inlet of the hood, which is located above the roof level.

This device redirects the force of the wind and rarefies the air inside the pipeline. Instead of a deflector, mini turbines are used. When installing a forced system, a natural one must also be provided.

Today, two of the most common systems can be distinguished: natural and forced ventilation. Both systems are popular, but before you make a ventilation system, you need to make some calculations.

In this example, a ventilation duct made of ordinary pipe made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC).

  • In the case when the total cellar area is 10 sq.m., then we need an air duct area equal to the product of 10 by 25 sq.m. cm. It turns out 250 cm.
  • Next, we take the circle area formula (our duct is round) S = πR², according to which we calculate the required radius of the ventilation pipe, which in our case will be 8.9 cm. Accordingly, the pipe diameter should be 17.8 cm.

How does the ventilation system work?

The above calculation is very simplified, since it does not take into account the intensity of air exchange in the room.

Experts often recommend calculating the cross section of the ventilation duct in the basement, taking into account the air flow. Interestingly, there is also a formula for calculating the air flow: L \u003d V * K, where L is, in fact, the value of air flow we need, V is the total volume of the basement, and K is a value indicating how many times per hour the air in the room is changing.

How to make ventilation in the cellar? The easiest way is natural ventilation, which involves airing the room through vents. The disadvantage of this method is that it is suitable only for a cellar with small dimensions, a maximum of 5 squares.

Basements in a private house can be used for a wide variety of needs. As a rule, workshops, gyms, saunas are arranged in them. And in some cases, the basement is used as a cellar. Regardless of what purpose it has, good air circulation should be ensured in it. Ventilation of the basement of a private house can be done independently or by the hands of professionals.

Everything will depend on the complexity of the design and the size of the room, as well as the results that the owner of the house wants to achieve.

Without constant air circulation and elimination of excess moisture, fungus and mold will form on the walls of the basement. To avoid this, it is necessary to organize effective ventilation in a private house.

Types of air exchange systems

Basement ventilation can be forced or natural. If the ventilation in the basement or cellar is natural, then the air will independently enter the basement through pipes, and then be removed in accordance with the laws of physics. In other words, natural circulation will be carried out without the use of any special devices. In a wooden private house of small size, such ventilation seems to be the most acceptable. Extraction in this case will be sufficient.

Exhaust air ducts under the ceiling.

Forced ventilation speaks for itself - the air will circulate in the room with the help of special fans. They will force fresh air into the basement, as well as remove stagnant air after a while. Such ventilation will ideal solution for the organization of air exchange in any cellar.

Of course, one can also consider here modern systems ventilation, which will not only be responsible for the inflow and outflow of air, but also for its heating and cooling if necessary, as well as for the level of humidity and temperature. Such ventilation systems are very complex, because they must use filters, split systems and other devices that are rarely found in a wooden private house.

Simple natural or forced ventilation can be mounted by hand. The hood in this case will be quite sufficient and inexpensive.

Do-it-yourself ventilation

The simplest approach to organizing air exchange in a room is to punch special holes in the basement through which the basement will be saturated with oxygen. In the cellar of a private house, completely buried in the ground, it is difficult to make such holes, so this solution is relevant only for semi-buried basements. Holes should be located at opposite ends of the room. Their size must be sufficient to ensure effective ventilation. Openings are recommended to be protected with nets from insects and rodents.

Ventilation windows (closed with bars).

Without a doubt, such simple ventilation is much better than none at all. But its effectiveness is low. A more efficient solution is to install a two-pipe ventilation system.

What is required to create such ventilation in a private house?

  • 2 pipes, the diameter of which can vary from 8 to 15 cm.
  • Metal protective grilles and visors.
  • Thermal insulation material.

Natural ventilation device

The supply pipe in our system will be responsible for supplying clean air to the basement. The lower end of the supply pipe must be installed at a height of 20-40 cm from the basement floor, and upper part lead out through the basement to the street and place it at a level of 40-60 cm from the ground. In most cases, the street end of the pipe is closed with a grate. If desired, the protruding pipe can be made inconspicuous.

The principle of natural air exchange in the room.

The lower part of the exhaust pipe should be located under the very ceiling of the basement. If food is stored in the basement or cellar of a private house, then it is best to install the pipe directly above their location. The upper part of the exhaust pipe must be brought out through all the constructed floors to the street. Its end must be placed at a distance of 30-60 cm from the roof, which will not allow water or snow to get inside the pipe.

It must be borne in mind that condensate will necessarily form in the pipes, and so that moisture cannot get on the basement floor, a special container can be installed in the cellar that will collect all the water.

Pipes for the ventilation device can be made of any material. In most cases, PVC pipes or asbestos cement pipes are used, which are the most effective and durable.

Natural supply and exhaust ventilation does not imply any additional devices. Air will enter the basement of a private house through the supply pipe, and then exit through the exhaust pipe. It is important to install pipes at opposite ends of the basement so that there is no such thing when fresh air, after entering, will immediately go outside.

A system of this type will be relevant for basements, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich does not exceed 30-40 sq.m. If the basement has a large area, then the efficiency of natural supply and exhaust ventilation is significantly reduced. For areas such as the basement apartment building or a large private cottage, it is best to consider the option with a forced ventilation device.

Forced ventilation device

The design of the forced air exchange system is similar to that described in the section on natural ventilation. The only difference is that duct fans are installed inside the supply and exhaust pipes.

The fan, located in the supply pipe, will supply air to the basement. A fan located in the exhaust pipe, on the contrary, stagnant air will be brought out. It is important that the fans run simultaneously and not alternately.

Regarding the power of the fans, it is best to consult with specialists. Before buying, it is recommended to calculate the area of ​​​​your basement, as well as its approximate volume, so that the sales assistant can choose the most suitable device for creating effective forced ventilation.

The fan is installed inside the pipe and securely fixed there. That is why you also need to know the diameter ventilation pipes to easily select fan sizes.

Installing a fan is not difficult. Modern manufacturers have simplified the installation of their devices as much as possible: fans are produced in special casings, have reliable fasteners, and brackets and all necessary parts are included in the kit.

There are a wide variety of fans on the market. And all options vary in price. Some fans are equipped with a timer, so the user can set a specific time when they will turn on and off, which is very convenient if you do not live in a private house permanently.

The comfort of being in the room located above largely depends on how well the ventilation system of the cellar under the house is made.

Complex ventilation systems

If you have a big private house in which you have made a modern insulated basement, it is recommended not to rely on own forces and enlist the help of professionals. The issue becomes especially relevant if residential premises are located on the basement floor. The ventilation system in this case should have air conditioners that will heat or cool the supply air. In addition, it is recommended to install special filters that purify the incoming air. Humidification systems are also very popular.

Installation complex systems air conditioning and ventilation is best left to professionals.

Such a ventilation system has many advantages, and there are only two drawbacks: high cost and complexity of installation. Before installing the ventilation system, you need to carefully calculate everything and decide whether it is really needed, or you can completely get by with more simple solutions. It is worth noting that the installation of a ventilation system for a large basement should be provided for even at the stage of building a house, because it will be much more difficult to do this in an already erected building.

Particular attention is also recommended to be given to the waterproofing of the basement. No, even an extremely efficient and powerful ventilation system, will cope with its tasks if the basement of a private or apartment building is constantly damp.

At the word "basement" many people probably have associations with a dark, damp and cold room in which food or something not very necessary is stored. It is this microclimate that is often maintained in cellars. And it is he who greatly harms both the building itself and what will be stored there.

To ensure a favorable microclimate in the basement, it is necessary to organize a properly functioning ventilation system in it. How to do this - consider below.

We will consider the arrangement of ventilation in the basement of small buildings: in a private house, a barn, a garage.

Do you need ventilation in the cellar, and why? (+video)

Yes, it is necessary, and it is necessary. Any room (not only residential, but also basement) needs air exchange.

In the basement, the ventilation system maintains normal humidity. In the basement, it rises very quickly, especially if:

    there are no or poorly executed external waterproofing and basement insulation;

    there are heavy rains;

    there are cracks in the walls of the cellar (through which moisture can penetrate inside);

    due to a strong temperature difference, condensation forms on the walls inside.

What happens if there is no ventilation system in the cellar, or does it work poorly?

If the ventilation system in the cellar does not work at all, or does not work well enough, the cottage owner will face such problems:

    the air in the basement will be humid, stale - it will be both unpleasant and harmful for a person to be in such conditions;

    due to moisture will deteriorate quickly interior decoration basement (if any) and flooring on the floor of the first floor;

    the walls of the basement, the ceiling between the basement and the first floor will collapse faster;

    the floor on the first floor may be wet (if the ceiling is thin and there is no insulation and waterproofing);

    if food is stored in the cellar (for example, potatoes, apples, carrots, and other crops), or products made of wood, fabric, metal, they will deteriorate faster due to moisture;

    in rooms on the first floor may appear bad smell due to rotting food in the cellar).

Basement ventilation standards

SNiP regulates only the installation of ventilation systems for apartment buildings. In SNiP 31-01-2003 "Residential multi-apartment buildings" there is such information:

    In the outer walls of basements that do not have exhaust ventilation, ventilation should be provided with a total area of ​​at least 1/400 of the basement area. Air vents should be evenly spaced around the perimeter of the outer walls. The area of ​​1 vent must be at least 0.05 m².

    The air exchange rate should be 1.5. That is, if the basement area is 100 m², then in 1 hour the ventilation system must drive at least 150 m².

The same norms can be relied upon in the construction of basements in low-rise buildings.

How to make cellar ventilation with your own hands: types of schemes

Any ventilation system consists of 2 components: the inflow of fresh air from the street and the removal of moist air from the room.

The very process of air passage from the street to the basement and then its removal from there can be induced in 2 ways:

    Natural. Air exchange occurs due to the difference in pressure. The difference is created due to the different heights of the pipes. The exhaust pipe must be carried out above the roof ridge. The method is not very successful - such ventilation will work unstably, and largely depend on the weather.

    Forced. Best Schema any ventilation system is precisely a mechanical design: when air exchange is created by a fan. For the basement, 1 fan standing on the hood is enough.

Below we consider in more detail how to build a ventilation system of both types.


For natural ventilation, 2 pipes are supplied to the room (one for supply, the second for exhaust). Their openings should be located at different heights: supply - low, exhaust - as high as possible (but always above the roof peak).

Its huge drawback is that performance (the amount of air passing through the basement) is highly dependent on weather conditions. If it is cold and windy outside, the air exchange will be good. If there is no heat and wind - bad.

How to organize natural ventilation yourself:

    For inflow, vents are drilled around the perimeter of the basement. If the room is completely buried in the ground, and does not protrude above the surface, you will have to make a pipe leading from the surface.

    For the hood, a second pipe is installed on the opposite side of the room. It is displayed above the ridge of the roof so that nothing obscures it from the wind.

    It is advisable to install a deflector on top of the exhaust pipe - to improve traction. The supply pipe - is covered with an umbrella (and if it is air - with a ventilation grill).

P forced (+ video with an example)

A more stable and efficient option for ventilating a damp room.

The organization looks like this:

    An inflow is made: through the vents (if the basement "protrudes" above the surface) or through the pipe (if the cellar ceiling is below the surface level).

    For exhaust - a pipe is removed on the side opposite to the inflow. One end of it should be under the ceiling of the basement, the other - to go outside. It is not necessary to bring it above the roof, but it is possible.

    A fan is installed in the exhaust pipe, which will drive air from the room to the street.

If you remove the pipe as in the first case (above the level of the visor), then the ventilation will work according to the natural principle, even if the fan is turned off. If the hood is not brought out above the roof, it will only work when the fan is on.

Where should the intake and exhaust openings be located?

The location rules are:

    The inlet must be located opposite the hood.

    If the inflow is organized through a pipe, ideally it should go up to a level of about 0.3 m above the basement floor. If air enters the upper part of the room (as happens during the installation of air ducts) - in the lower part, air exchange may be weak, or even absent.

    If the inflow is organized through the vents, they should be located along the perimeter of the room so that there are as few “deaf” areas as possible (near which there are no inflow points).

    The exhaust duct opening should be located immediately under the ceiling - so that air does not stagnate in the upper part. Ideally it should be a corner. If it is not possible to make a ventilation duct in the corner, then it is desirable to place inflow points in the corners (so that there is also air movement there).

The nuances of arranging a ventilation system depending on the size of the basement

Usually in private houses (both in cottages and in dachas) basements are not very large in area and volume, and consist of 1 room (that is, they do not have rooms). In this case, you can use all the data and rules that are provided in this article.

But if you have a large basement, or if it is divided into several rooms, or if it consists of several "floors", then the ventilation system should be more thought out.

Key points in a nutshell:

    If your cellar is divided into rooms (even if there are 2 of them), each of them should have its own inflow point and a “way” for air removal (at least 1 each). Both the inflow and the exhaust can be organized either through the ventilation duct (lead 1 pipe across the street to the inflow and exhaust, and inside - to spread them through the basement), or make air vents in each room.

    If your cellar has more than 1 floor, the ventilation system must be installed in each of them. In this case, it is recommended to use only mechanical ventilation (and it is desirable to put the fan on the inflow).

    If the basement consists of 1 room, and is large in area (conditionally - from 20-25 "squares"), then it is advisable to use at least 2 inflow points. If you don’t want to make several holes in an existing building, you can make 1 hole, lead a pipe through it from the street inside, and run it along the wall. In the pipe - make several holes at a distance from each other (so that air is supplied through them to different parts of the basement).

An example of a ventilation system for a basement at a depth of 3.5 meters (video)

Service Questions

Listed below are a few of the main issues related to improving and maintaining the system.

How to automate the system?

The microclimate (humidity level and temperature) in the basement can vary over a wide range - since no one constantly controls it, heaters and other climatic equipment are usually not installed in the basement.

Therefore, for more efficient and economical operation of the ventilation system, it should be automated.

Automatic ventilation is organized using sensors:

    Temperature sensor. Useful in winter, so as not to manually plug the ventilation in cold weather. The temperature sensor can control the motorized damper to close it, or the exhaust fan speed to reduce or turn off the appliance completely.

    Humidity sensor. It is useful at any time of the year (in winter, moisture can penetrate the soil, in the warm season - due to rain). The humidity sensor can control the exhaust fan by increasing or decreasing its speed. If the humidity rises, the fan will spin harder, removing more air. And vice versa: if the humidity is normal, the fan slows down or stops altogether so as not to consume electricity.

Is it worth it to close the ventilation of the cellar for the winter? (+video)

In winter, basement owners are faced with the question: should the ventilation ducts be closed during frosts, or should they be left open?

The bottom line is this: at low temperatures, the air pressure difference in the street and in the room rises. Because of this, air exchange is accelerated (more air passes through the ventilation system). And since the air is frosty, and there are usually no heaters in the basement, the room quickly gets cold. This happens at temperatures from -5-10º and below, especially if the house is in an open area.

It turns out that with open ventilation ducts in severe frost, the owners face the following problems:

    products that are stored in the basement can freeze;

    with the onset of cold weather, rodents and insects seek a warmer shelter, and through vents they can enter the cellar;

    it's hard to be in the basement without warm clothes(due to low temperature);

    the exhaust pipe can become clogged with frost (since the air in the basement is warmer and more humid, when rising through the pipe, moisture from it can condense on the walls, and the walls from the inside will gradually grow frost);

    cold can be transmitted through the ceiling to the rooms on the first floor.

To prevent this, you must either install a heat source (heater) in the basement or cover the ventilation ducts. There is no specific temperature at which it is necessary to close the ventilation of the cellar (but if the temperature is consistently below zero during the day and drops below -5º at night, then you should already pay attention to the ventilation holes). But there is a serious nuance: you need to look not at the thermometer, but at the microclimate in the basement.

Depending on the microclimate, the following measures should be taken:

    If the weather is rainy and it is damp or there is condensation inside(a common problem in autumn especially in November)- then ventilation should be left open. If you close it, the humidity in the basement will rise even more, and this will lead to mold.

    If there is no condensation, and the humidity is normal, but frost has appeared around the ventilation holes, they need to be covered.Since fine adjustment cannot be achieved, you can first cover the holes by 50%, and after 1-2 days see again if there is frost on them. If there is, then it is necessary to cover the ventilation even more, leaving a small gap.

What exactly needs to be blocked - air flow in the first place(ventilators or supply ventilation ducts). Ideally, the air inlets should be adjustable: damper or adjustable shutters. If this is not the case, the owner will have to close the holes with improvised means. The easiest option is to use a sheet of metal that is attached to the ventilation grill with wire.

How to check cellar ventilation?

If you bought a house and do not know the condition of the ventilation system, or have not been in it for a long time, or simply have not been interested in the operation of ventilation before, it is recommended to check it.

How to improve air exchange?

If the basement ventilation system is not working well enough, you can fix the situation in the following ways:

    Clean the exhaust duct and vents (or supply pipes). Over time, the ventilation ducts can become clogged with: leaves, poplar fluff and other small debris. This can either worsen or even stop air exchange. Therefore, if there are problems with ventilation, it must first be examined.

    Install the fan in the exhaust duct. Most effective way: Forced exhaust is always more effective than natural.

    Extend the chimney if possible. The higher the exhaust pipe, the greater the pressure drop, and the better the air exchange will be. The method is not very convenient and simple. It can help if there is some kind of “obstacle” next to your building: taller buildings, or tall trees, or the house itself is in a lowland.

    Install a deflector on the exhaust pipe. This is easier to do than building a pipe.

Most The best way increase the draft - first check the condition of the ventilation pipes, clean them if necessary, and then install a fan in the exhaust pipe.

Which pipes to choose for the ventilation system of the cellar?

Selection rules:

    Material. D For ventilation ducts, you can use either plastic pipes or galvanized. Galvanized at a cost slightly more expensive than plastic.Since there is not much difference for small rooms, you can take what you like.

    Section shape (round or rectangular). Rectangular ones can be mounted back to back along the walls - which is convenient if the cellar is very small.

How to calculate the ventilation system for the cellar?

The calculation must be carried out to determine 2 indicators:

    The total air flow in cubic meters that must pass through the basement in 1 hour. Based on this value, it is necessary to choose the fan power if the exhaust ventilation is mechanical.

    Cross-sectional area of ​​air ducts. Based on this value, it will be possible to determine the diameter of the exhaust pipe.

Calculation of air flow (+ determination of fan power)

No doubt, having a basement at all times was practical, profitable and even prestigious. They were built under residential buildings, garages, sheds, and even allocated space as a separate building. However, any room is of little use if there is no air circulation in it.

This can be especially attributed to those that are underground, have no windows and often only one door. Meanwhile, do-it-yourself cellar ventilation is not such a difficult task even for an ordinary layman who is far from professional knowledge in construction.

What is the lack of air circulation

Continuous or periodic air renewal in the underground room is necessary for:

  • Normalization of humidity;
  • Enrichment of air with oxygen;
  • Maintaining the optimum temperature.

Of course, the main purpose of cellars and cellars is the storage of edible stocks. Moisture is an invariable companion of any underground room, and for most vegetables and fruits it is an undesirable factor for long-term storage.

In the air space of even a spacious basement, harmful substances accumulate over time. Alas, when storing vegetables and fruits, unpleasant odors may also appear. To ensure healthy breathing for a person and open access to fresh air from the outside is one of the main tasks of ventilation in the cellar.

Another value of the basement is the presence of an optimal temperature at any time of the year. Efficient ventilation of the cellar is almost a paramount component here. Coolness in hot summers and comfortable warmth in winter will be a guarantee of food safety in your basement, and fresh air and optimal humidity will help him in that.

Cellar ventilation with two pipes

How does cellar ventilation work? The principle of operation of ventilation is extremely simple - through one pipe, air from the outside enters the room, and through the other it leaves it.

If everything was so simple - probably it would not be worth starting to write this article, and therefore - we will consider the subtleties and nuances of how ventilation of the cellar is done with our own hands.

The most correct is the planning of the hood in the cellar at the design stage of the structure. This will significantly save free space and eliminate additional hassle already during the operation of the basement.

Theoretically, the diameters or, more precisely, the cross-sectional area of ​​the supply and exhaust pipes should be equal. We will consider this the first rule of effective ventilation in the cellar. This condition will ensure a uniform exchange of air inside, prevent hypothermia in winter and exclude air stagnation in summer.

The second rule, how to make ventilation in the cellar, is to remove the exhaust and supply pipes from each other as much as possible. Ideally, they should be located in opposite corners. This will ensure maximum coverage of the room and eliminate the formation of zones with stale air.

Third - place the pipes at different heights. As you know, air movement occurs due to vacuum, which is created by placing the outlet of the supply pipe much lower than the exhaust pipe.

The fourth rule by which ventilation works in the cellar is that the height of the pipe above the ground must be at least one and a half meters. In the case of placing another room above the basement (for example, a garage), the exhaust pipe must necessarily be higher than the roof ridge. With this option, the supply pipe can even be located in the basement of the building. Do not forget to take care of restricting access to the duct. The grid or lattice will not let small rodents or curious birds into the basement. An umbrella on the exhaust pipe or a deflector will not only prevent rain and snow from getting inside, but will also create additional traction in the system.

Fifth, cellar ventilation does not like obstacles. This means that you should strive to minimum quantity turns, bends and changes in the diameter of the exhaust and discharge pipes.

The sixth rule on which ventilation in the cellar works is the care of its thermal insulation. This will prevent the formation of condensate inside the pipe and, as a result, its entry into the basement.

There are options when hatches (manholes) into the basements play the role of an exhaust pipe. With a certain frequency, they are left open and the air is renewed, and the cellar is ventilated already at the expense of the room located above or directly at the expense of the street.

Exhaust fan for exhaust

What is the ventilation in the cellar

After becoming familiar with design features ventilation, consider their division according to the principle of operation.

There are two of those:

  • natural;
  • Forced.

Of course, the choice of a particular system, first of all, is determined by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room that needs ventilation. The cellar can be miniature at 4-6 square meters, or maybe the size of a well-appointed apartment. It is logical that with the second option it will be quite difficult to cope with the purification of natural ventilation air.

Here, forced activation of air flows is required, or in a simple way - installation on the exhaust and supply pipes. AT this case ventilation in the cellar will require additional piping components for installing electrical appliances, power supply and maintenance costs. Here they usually resort to the help of professionals and acquire finished project ventilation systems for a certain volume and area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe cellar.

Installation of the hood in the cellar

How to make ventilation in the cellar?

Ventilation in the cellar, both in the natural and forced versions, the main thing is the calculation of a sufficient diameter of the pipelines.

The formula here is simple:

cellar area (unit - square meter) multiply by 26. The result will be equal to the desired cross-sectional area in centimeters.


the basement has a length of 4 m and a width of 2 m or 4x2=8 sq.m


As you know, the area of ​​a circle is S=πR².

From here we get:

R \u003d √S / π or √208 / 3.14 \u003d 8.14 cm, and this is half of the desired value.

Thus, the desired pipe diameter will be 162.8 mm. The nearest size according to GOST is 168 mm - this will be the best option for the supply and exhaust ventilation pipes of your cellar.

On a note

As a worthy alternativean asset to make ventilation in the cellar frommetallicallyXpipes cannameasbestos-cementeor polymerice.

The pipes are fastened to the walls with the help of clamps, and when passing through the ceilings - with a cement-sand mortar. Don't forget to use insulating materials. For airtight penetration of roofs, a set of standard roofing parts should be called upon to help.

After the installation of pipelines, it is time to carry out technological tests. The easiest way is with a torch, match or lighter fire. At the outlet of the supply pipe, the flame must experience the incoming air flow. On the exhaust - draft towards the street. A safer way is with a sheet of thin paper.

How to make ventilation in the cellar efficient

After testing, it will be quite natural to want to speed up the process of putting your basement into operation. However, proper air circulation is only half of the construction. Care should be taken to limit the access of moisture to the basement. Walls and floors are excellent conductors. To combat this phenomenon, we advise you to treat concrete surfaces with sealant several times. deep penetration, and lay a layer of moisture insulator on the floor. They may be proven , other. Do not forget about the need for a layer of sealed insulator (after all, these substances are not 100% environmentally friendly).

On a note

The capital equipment of the basement floor will require quite serious financial investments. An easier and more environmentally friendly solution is to make a clay floor.

Clay is an excellent natural insulator. The technology for making a floor from it is quite simple. A layer of wet clay 10-12 cm is laid on a compacted layer of sand (5-8 cm), followed by compaction. The effectiveness of the base can give medium-sized stones. They will increase the adhesion of clay and the hardness of the floor itself. In the name of aesthetics, it will not be superfluous to grout the roughness. Perhaps the only drawback of the clay floor can be called the time of its complete drying -30-40 days.

A basement in the household is a necessary thing, and efficient cellar ventilation is one of the main components of success. How to equip it with your own hands is not a difficult process, but an important and necessary one. Why? We hope this article has already answered these questions, although we suggest continuing the conversation to discuss the nuances on this topic.