Traditions of the peoples of Khakassia of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Khakass people. Folk games and competitions

Khakases are the Turkic people of Russia living in Khakassia. Self-name - Tadarlar. The number is only 75 thousand people. But last years the censuses were disappointing as this number is getting smaller. Most of the Khakass live in their native lands, Khakassia - 63 thousand people. There are also relatively large diasporas in Tuva - 2 thousand and in the Krasnoyarsk Territory - 5.5 thousand people.

Khakas people

Distribution by groups

Although this is a small people, it has an ethnographic division and each group of representatives will differ in their skills or traditions. Division into groups:

  • kachintsy (khaas or khaash);
  • Kyzyl (khyzyl);
  • coibals (hoibals);
  • sagays (sa ah).

Everyone speaks the Khakask language, which belongs to the Turkic group of the Altai family. Only 20% of the total population supports the Russian language. There is a local dialectic:

  • sagai;
  • Shor;
  • Kachinskaya;
  • Kyzyl.

The Khakass did not know writing for a long time, so it was created on the basis of the Russian language. Among the Khakass there are mixed components with the Yenisei Kirghiz, cats and Arins, Kamamians and Mators.

The origin of the people

Khakases are Minusinsk, Abokan or Achinsk Tatars, as they were called earlier in Russia. The people themselves call themselves Kadars. And officially, these are the descendants of the ancient settlement of the Minusinsk Basin. The name of the people came from the word that the Chinese called the settlement - khyagasy. The origin story is as follows:

    1. 1st millennium A.D. Kyrgyz lived in the territory of Southern Siberia.
    2. IX century. Creation of a new state - the Kyrgyz Kaganate on the Yenisei River (middle part).
    3. XIII century. The raid of the Tatar-Mongols and the fall of the Kaganate.
    4. IX century. After the collapse of the Mongol Empire, the tribes created - Hongoray. The neoplasm served the emergence of the Khakass people.
    5. XVII century. The appearance on the territory of representatives of the Russian people turned into a war. After heavy losses, the territory was given away by agreement (Burinsky Treaty).

Characteristics of the people

In historical documents, the ancestors and the Khakass themselves were described as a fierce people and conquerors. They always achieve their goals, no matter how difficult it may be. They are very hardy, know when to stop and can endure a lot. Over time, they learned to respect other peoples and their dignity, and even build some kind of relationship. But besides this, it is very difficult to come to an agreement with the Khakass, they can act sharply or make decisions and rarely give in. Despite these traits, the people are very friendly and compassionate.

Religious confession

This people is engaged in shamanism. They consider themselves descendants of mountain spirits, therefore they firmly believe that they communicate with spirits and can prevent something bad, cure serious illnesses. Only a small part of the population under the kerosene stove converted to Christianity and was baptized. Islam has also taken root, but its part is also insignificant. Although the religion has changed, this did not in any way affect the traditions and customs of the Khakas. To this day, they can turn to the sky and ask for rain or, conversely, good weather. Sacrifice to the gods is observed, mainly small lambs. And if someone was ill from relatives, then they turned to the birch tree with requests and prayers in order to quickly put the patient on his feet. The selected young birch tree served as a talisman and colored ribbons were imposed on it so that it could be found. Now the main shaman of the people is the White Wolf.

Culture, life and traditions

For many years, the Khakases were engaged in cattle breeding, and also collected nuts, berries and mushrooms. Only Kyzyl people were engaged in hunting. The Khakases lived in winter time in dugouts or sool, the rest of the time in yurts. Traditional sour drink cow's milk- airam. Also historically, eel and khan-sol, that is, bloodwort and meat soup, have become traditional dishes. But in clothes, the preference for a long shirt or a plain dress is mainly orange... Married women could wear an embroidered vest and jewelry.

In each family, an Izykh was chosen, this is a sacrificial horse to the gods. Shamans participate in this ritual and braid colored ribbons in their mane, after which the animal was released into the steppe. Only the head of the family could touch the horse or ride it, and twice a year, in spring and autumn, the horse needs to be washed (with milk), combed the mane, tail and braided new ribbons.

An unusual tradition in the Khakass, when a young man who catches a flamingo can boldly woo any girl. After the bird was caught, a red shirt with a scarf was put on it. Then the groom made an exchange with the girl's parents, gave the bird and took the bride.

A very interesting game was carried out with children, when for a reward the children had to name the names of their ancestors up to the 7th or even 12th tribe.

The Khakases are a unique people, but the modern people combine the traditions of the Turkic, Russian, Chinese and Tibetan people. All this has developed historically and in different periods. But the Khakases get along well with nature, appreciate the gifts of nature (and call the gods for this). They sacredly believe in themselves and this helps them in everyday life. And children from a small age are taught to respect their neighbors and how to deal with their elders on their own.

Khakases (self-name Tadar, Khoorai), the outdated name Minusinsk, Abakan (Yenisei), Achinsk Tatars (Turks) are the Turkic people of Russia living in Southern Siberia on the left bank of the Khakass-Minusinsk depression.

The Khakases are divided into four ethnographic groups: Kachin (Khaash, Khaas), Sagay (Sa ai), Kyzyl (Khizil) and Koibals (Khoibal). The latter were almost completely assimilated by the Kachin people. Anthropologically, the Khakass are divided into two types of mixed origin, but generally related to the large Mongoloid race: the Ural (Biryusins, Kyzyls, Beltyrs, part of the Sagays) and South Siberian (Kachins, the steppe part of the Sagays, koibals). Both anthropological types contain significant Caucasoid characters and occupy an intermediate position between the Caucasian and Mongoloid races.

The Khakass language belongs to the Uyghur group of the Eastern Hunnic branch of the Turkic languages. According to another classification, it belongs to the independent Khakass (Kyrgyz-Yenisei) group of Eastern Turkic languages. The Kumandins, Chelkans, Tubalars (belong to the Western Turkic North Altai group), as well as the Kirghiz, Altaians, Teleuts, Telengits (belong to the Western Turkic Kyrgyz-Kypchak group) are close to Khakass in language. The Khakass language includes four dialects: Kachin, Sagai, Kyzyl and Shor. Modern writing is based on the Cyrillic alphabet.


According to ancient Chinese annals, the semi-legendary Xia empire entered into a struggle with other tribes that inhabited the territory of China in the III millennium BC. These tribes were called Zhong and Di (perhaps, they should be considered one Rong-di people, since they are always mentioned together). There are records that in 2600 BC. The "Yellow Emperor" undertook a campaign against them. In Chinese folklore, echoes of the struggle of the "black-headed" ancestors of the Chinese with the "red-haired devils" have been preserved. The Chinese won the Millennium War. Some of the defeated Di (Dinlins) were pushed westward to Dzungaria, East Kazakhstan, Altai, Minusinsk Basin, where, mixing with the local population, they became the founders and carriers of the Afanasyev culture, which, I must say, had much in common with the culture of northern China.

Dinlins inhabited the Sayano Altai Highlands, the Minusinsk Basin and Tuva. Their type "is characterized by the following features: medium height, often tall, dense and strong build, elongated face, white skin color with a blush on the cheeks, blond hair, nose protruding forward, straight, often aquiline, light eyes." Anthropologically, the Dinlins are a special race. They had "a sharply protruding nose, a relatively low face, low eye sockets, a wide forehead - all these signs indicate their belonging to the European trunk. The South Siberian type of Dinlins should be considered proto-Europoid, close to the Cro-Magnon. However, the Dinlins did not have a direct connection with the Europeans, being a branch that deviated in the Paleolithic.

The direct heirs of the Afanasyevites were the tribes of the Tagar culture, which survived until the 3rd century. BC. The Tagar people were first mentioned in the "Historical Notes" of Sima Qian in connection with their submission by the Huns in 201 BC. NS. At the same time, Sima Qian describes the Tagar people as Caucasians: "they generally grew up, with red hair, with a ruddy face and blue eyes, black hair is considered a bad sign."

It should also be mentioned that there are gaps in the documented history of the Xiongnu from about 1760 to 820, then to 304 BC. It is only known that at this time the ancestors of the Xiongnu, defeated by the Zhuns and the Chinese, retreated to the north of the Gobi, where their distribution area also covered the Minusinsk Basin. Thus, the Huns' "visit" to Sayano-Altai under Mode was far from the first.

In the V-VIII centuries, the Kyrgyz were subordinated to the Jujans, the Türkic Kaganate, and the Uygur Kaganate. Under the Uighurs, the Kyrgyz were quite a lot: more than 100 thousand families and 80 thousand soldiers. In 840, they defeated the Uyghur Kaganate and formed the Kyrgyz Kaganate, which for more than 80 years was the hegemon in Central Asia. Subsequently, the kaganate split into several principalities, which retained relative independence until 1207, when the Jochi were included in the Mongol Empire, where they were located from the 13th to the 15th centuries. It is noteworthy that Chinese historiographers in more ancient times designated the Kyrgyz as ethnonyms "Gegun", "Gyangun", "Gegu", and in the 9th-10th centuries (the time of the existence of the Kyrgyz Kaganate) they began to transfer the name of the ethnos in the form of "khyagyas", which, in general -this corresponds to the Orkhon-Yenisei "Kyrgyz". Russian scientists, investigating this issue, called the ethnonym "khyagyas" in a pronunciation form convenient for the Russian language "khakass".

In the late Middle Ages, the tribal groups of the Khakass-Minusinsk depression formed the ethnopolitical association Khongorai (Khoorai), which included four principalities-ulus: Altysarsky, Isarsky, Altyrsky and Tubinsky. Since 1667, the state of Khoorai was in vassal dependence on the Dzungar Khanate, where in 1703 most of its population was resettled.

The Russian exploration of Siberia began in the 16th century, and in 1675 the first Russian prison in Khakassia was built on Pine Island (on the site of today's Abakan city). However, Russia managed to gain a foothold here only in 1707. The annexation was carried out under strong pressure from Peter 1. From July 1706 to February 1707, he issued three personal decrees demanding to establish a prison on Abakan and thereby end the century-long war to annex Khakassia. After the annexation, the territory of Khakassia was administratively divided between four counties - Tomsk, Kuznetsk, Achinsk and Krasnoyarsk, and from 1822 it became part of the Yenisei province.

With the arrival of the Russians, the Khakases were converted to the Christian faith, but for a long time they believed in the power of shamans, separate rituals of worshiping spirits have remained to this day. V late XIX For centuries, the Khakases were subdivided into five ethnic groups: Sagays, Kachins, Kyzyls, Koibals and Beltyrs.

Life and traditions

The traditional occupation of the Khakass was semi-nomadic cattle breeding. Horses, cattle and sheep were bred, which is why the Khakass called themselves "a three-flocked people". Hunting (male occupation) occupied a significant place in the economy of the Khakass (except for the Kachin people). By the time of the annexation of Khakassia to Russia, manual farming was widespread only in the subtaiga regions. In the 18th century, the abyl, a type of ketmen, served as the main agricultural tool; from the end of the 18th century, early XIX century sokha - salda. The main sowing crop was barley, from which talkan was made. In autumn in September, the subtaiga population of Khakassia went to the collection pine nuts(huzuk). In spring and early summer, women and children went out to hunt for edible kandyk and sarana roots. Dried roots were ground in hand mills, milk porridge was made from flour, cakes were baked, etc. They were engaged in leather dressing, rolling felt, weaving, weaving lasso, etc. In the 17th-18th centuries, the Khakases of the subtaiga regions mined ore and were considered skillful smelters gland. Small smelting furnaces (khura) were constructed of clay.

The steppe dumas were headed by the begy (pigler), who were called the ancestors in official documents. Their appointment was approved by the Governor-General of Eastern Siberia. The chaizans, who were at the head of the administrative clans, obeyed the run. The clans (seok) are patrilineal, exogamous; in the 19th century they settled dispersedly, but clan cults persisted. Generic exogamy began to be violated from the middle of the 19th century. The customs of levirate, sororat, avoidance were observed.

The main type of settlements were aals - semi-nomadic associations of several households (10-15 yurts), as a rule, related to each other. The settlements were divided into winter (khystag), spring (chastag), autumn (kosteg). In the 19th century, most of the Khakass households began to roam only twice a year - from the winter road to the summer road and back.

In ancient times, there were known "stone towns" - fortifications located in mountainous areas. Legends associate their construction with the era of the struggle against Mongol rule and the Russian conquest.

A yurt (ib) served as a dwelling. Until the middle of the 19th century, there was a portable round frame yurt (tirmelg ib), covered with birch bark in summer and felt in winter. To prevent the felt from getting wet from rain and snow, it was still covered with birch bark on top. From the middle of the 19th century on winter roads, they began to build stationary log yurts "agas ib", six-, eight-, decagonal, and among the bais twelve- and even fourteen-cornered. At the end of the 19th century, felt and birch bark yurts were gone.

In the center of the yurt there was a hearth, above which a smoke hole (tunuk) was made in the roof. The hearth was built of stone on a clay base. An iron tripod (ochikh) was also placed here, on which the cauldron was located. The door of the yurt was oriented to the east.

The main type of clothing was a shirt for men, and a dress for women. For everyday wear, they were sewn from cotton fabrics, festive ones - from silk. The men's shirt was cut with polikas (een) on the shoulders, with a slit on the chest and a turn-down collar fastened with one button. In front and behind the collar, folds were made, due to which the shirt was very wide at the hem. Wide sleeves with gathers at poliks ended with narrow cuffs (mor-kam). Square gussets were inserted under the armpits. The women's dress had the same cut, but was much longer. The back hem was made longer than the front and formed a small train. Red, blue, green, brown, burgundy and black fabrics were preferred for the dress. Poliki, gussets, cuffs, hem (kobee) along the hem, and the corners of a turn-down collar were made of fabric of a different color and decorated with embroidery. Women's dress was never belted (except for widows).

The waistcoat of men consisted of lower (ystan) and upper (chanmar) pants. Women's pants (subur) were usually sewn of blue fabric (so that) and did not differ from men's in their cut. The legs were tucked into the tops of the boots, for the ends of them were not supposed to be seen by men, especially the father-in-law.

Men's chimche robes were usually sewn of cloth, and festive robes were made of plis or silk. A long shawl collar, cuffs of sleeves and sides were trimmed with black velvet. The robe, like any other men's outerwear, was necessarily girded with a sash (khur). On its left side was attached a knife in a wooden, ornamented with tin scabbard, behind the back was hung by a chain a flint-box with inlaid coral.

Married women over robes and fur coats on holidays always wore a sleeveless jacket-sigedek. Girls and widows were not allowed to wear it. Sigedek was sewn with a swing, with a straight cut, from four glued layers of fabric, thanks to which it retained its shape well; on top it was covered with silk or velvet. Wide armholes, collars and floors were decorated with a rainbow border (checks) - cords sewn close to each other in several rows, manually woven from colored silk threads.

In spring and autumn, young women wore a swing caftan (sikpen, or haptal) made of two types of thin cloth: detachable and straight. The shawl collar was covered with red silk or brocade, mother-of-pearl buttons or cowrie shells were sewn on the lapels, the edges were edged with pearl buttons. The ends of sikpen cuffs (like other women's outerwear) in the Abakan valley were made with a beveled projection in the shape of a horse's hoof (omah) - to cover the face of shy girls from intrusive glances. The back of the straight sikpen was decorated with floral ornaments, the lines of the armhole were sheathed with a decorative stitch of an orbet - "goat". The cut-off sikpen was decorated with applications (pyraat) in the form of a three-horned crown. Each pyraat was sheathed with a decorative seam. A five-petal drawing (pis azir) resembling a lotus was embroidered over it.

Sheepskin coats (tone) were worn in winter. Loops were made under the sleeves of women's weekend fur coats and dressing gowns, where large silk scarves were tied. Well-to-do women instead of them hung long handbags (iltik) made of plisse, silk or brocade, embroidered with silk and beads.

The pogo bib was a typical female adornment. The base, carved in the form of a crescent with rounded horns, was covered with pleats or velvet, trimmed with mother-of-pearl buttons, coral or beads in the form of circles, hearts, trefoils and other patterns. Along the lower edge was a fringe of beaded lowers (silby rge) with small silver coins at the ends. Pogo was prepared by women for their daughters before the wedding. Married women wore coral earrings. Corals were bought from the Tatars, who brought them from Central Asia.

Before marriage, girls wore many plaits with adornments (tana poos) made of tanned leather covered with pleats. In the middle, from three to nine mother-of-pearl plaques (tana) were sewn, sometimes connected with embroidered patterns. The edges were ornamented with a rainbow border of the checks. Married women wore two braids (tulun). The old maidens wore three pigtails (surmes). Women with an illegitimate child were required to wear one braid (kichege). Men wore a pigtail kichege, and from the end of the 18th century they began to cut their hair "under a pot".

The main food of the Khakas was meat in winter and dairy dishes in summer. Soups (eel) and broths (mun) with boiled meat are widespread. The most popular were cereal soup (charba eel) and barley soup (koche eel). Blood sausage (khan-sol) is considered a festive dish. The main drink was ayran made from sour cow's milk. Ayran was distilled into milk vodka (ayran aragazy).


Shamanism has been developed among the Khakass since ancient times. Shamans (kamas) were engaged in treatment and led public prayers - tayikh. On the territory of Khakassia, there are about 200 ancestral cult places where sacrifices (a white lamb with a black head) were made to the supreme spirit of the sky, the spirits of mountains, rivers, etc. They were designated by a stone stele, an altar or a piled stone (oba), next to which birches were installed and tied red-white-blue turban ribbons. Borus, the five-headed peak in the Western Sayan Mountains, is revered as a national shrine by the Khakass. They also worshiped the hearth and family fetishes (tesy).

After joining Russia, the Khakases were converted to Orthodoxy, often by force. However, despite this, the ancient traditions are still strong among the Khakass. So since 1991 it began to be celebrated new holiday- Ada-Hoorai, based on ancient rituals and dedicated to the memory of ancestors. It is usually held in old places of worship. During prayer, after each ritual walk around the altar, everyone kneels down (men - on the right, women - on the left) and kneel down three times with their face to the ground in the direction of sunrise.

In 1604-1703, the Kyrgyz state, located on the Yenisei, was divided into 4 possessions (Isarskoye, Altyrskoye, Altysarskoye and Tubinskoye), in which ethnic groups of the modern Khakass were formed: Kachins, Sagays, Kyzyls and Koibals.

Before the revolution, the Khakass were called "Tatars" (Minusinsk, Abakan, Kachin). At the same time, in the documents of the 17th - 18th centuries, Khakassia was called "Kyrgyz land" or "Khongoray". As a self-name, the Khakass people use "khoorai" or "khyrgys-khoorai".

In the 17th-18th centuries, the Khakases lived in scattered groups and were dependent on the feudal elite of the Yenisei Kyrgyz and Altyn-khans. In the first half of the 18th century, they were incorporated into the Russian state. The territory of their residence was divided into "land" and volosts, at the head of which were the bashlyks or princes.

The term “Khakas” appeared only in 1917. In July, an alliance of foreigners of Minusinsk and Achinsk districts was formed under the name “Khakas”, which was formed from the word “Khakas”, which was mentioned in ancient Chinese annals.

On October 20, 1930, the Khakass Autonomous Region was formed in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, and in 1991 the Republic of Khakassia was formed, which became part of Russia.

The traditional occupation of the Khakass is semi-nomadic cattle breeding. They raised cattle, sheep and horses, which is why they were sometimes called the "three-herd people." Pigs and poultry were raised in some places.

Not the last place in the economy of the Khakass was occupied by hunting, which was considered an exclusively male occupation. But agriculture was widespread only in some areas where the main sown crop was barley.

Women and children in former times were engaged in gathering (edible kandyk and sarana roots, nuts). The roots were ground in hand mills. To collect pine cones used nokhy, which was a large chock, planted on a thick pole. This pole was rested against the ground, and hitting the trunk of a tree.

The main type of Khakass villages were aals - associations of 10-15 households (usually related). The settlements were subdivided into winter (khystag), spring (chastag), summer (chailag), and autumn (kosteg). Khistag was usually located on the banks of the river, and the chailag in cool places by the groves.

The dwelling of the Khakas was the yurt (ib). Until the middle of the 19th century, there was a portable round frame yurt, which was covered with birch bark in summer and with felt in winter. In the century before last, stationary log polygonal yurts spread. In the center of the dwelling there was a stone hearth, over which a smoke hole was made in the roof. The entrance was located on the east side.

The traditional male type of Khakass clothing was a shirt, and a dress for women. The shirt was with polikas (een) on the shoulders, a slit on the chest and a turndown collar that was fastened with one button. The hem and sleeves of the shirt were wide. The dress did not differ too much from the shirt, except for the length. The back hem was longer than the front.
The lower part of the men's clothing consisted of lower (ystan) and upper (chanmar) pants. Women also wore trousers (subur), which were usually made of blue fabric and practically did not differ in appearance from men. The ends of a woman's pants were necessarily tucked into the tops of her boots, since they were not supposed to be seen by men. Men and women also wore robes. On holidays, married women wore a sleeveless jacket (sigedek) over robes and fur coats.

The decoration of the Khakass women was a pogo bib, which was trimmed with mother-of-pearl buttons and patterns made with coral or beads. A fringe was made along the lower edge with small silver coins at the ends. The traditional food of the Khakas was meat and dairy dishes. The most common dishes were meat soups (eel) and broths (mun). Festive dish - blood sausage (khan-sol) Traditional drink - ayran, prepared from sour cow's milk.

The main Khakass holidays were associated with cattle breeding. In the spring, the Khakass celebrated Uren Khurty - the holiday of killing the grain worm, the traditions of which were designed to protect the future harvest. At the beginning of summer, Tun Payram was celebrated - the holiday of the first ayran - at this time the first milk appeared. The holidays were usually accompanied by sports events that included horse racing, archery, wrestling, and more.

The most revered genre of Khakass folklore is the heroic epic (alyptyg nymakh), performed to the accompaniment of musical instruments... The heroes of the songs are heroes (alyps), deities, spirits. Storytellers were respected in Khakassia and in some places were even exempted from taxes.

In the old days, shamanism was developed among the Khakass. Shamans (kams) also served as healers. On the territory of Khakassia, many places of worship have been preserved, where sacrifices (usually rams) were made to the spirits of the sky, mountains, rivers. The national shrine of the Khakas is Borus - the peak in the Western Sayan Mountains.

- (outdated name Abakan or Minusinsk Tatars) people in Khakassia (62.9 thousand people), in total Russian Federation 79 thousand people (1991). The language is Khakass. Khakass believers are Orthodox, traditional beliefs are preserved ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Khakas- (self-names Tadar, Khoorai) a nation with a total population of 80 thousand people, living mainly in the territory of the Russian Federation (79 thousand people), incl. Khakassia 62 thousand people The language is Khakass. Religious affiliation of believers: traditional ... ... Modern encyclopedia

Khakas- KHAKAS, Khakass, ed. Khakas, Khakas, husband. The ethnicity of the Turkic language group, which constitutes the main population of the Khakass Autonomous Region; former name Abakan Turks. Explanatory dictionary Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Khakas- HAKAS, s, units. ace, ah, husband. The people that make up the main indigenous population of Khakassia. | wives hackasca, and. | adj. Khakassian, oh, oh. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

Khakas- (self-name Khakas, the outdated name Abakan or Minusinsk Tatars), people in the Russian Federation (79 thousand people), in Khakassia (62.9 thousand people). The Khakass language of the Uighur group of the Turkic languages. Orthodox believers are preserved ... ... Russian history

Khakass- s; pl. The people that make up the main population of Khakassia, partly Tuva and the Krasnoyarsk Territory; representatives of this people. ◁ Khakas, a; m. Hakaska, and; pl. genus. juice, dates scam; f. Khakassky, oh, oh. H. language. * * * Khakass (self-name Khakass, ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Khakass Ethnopsychological Dictionary

Khakas- the people of our country, from ancient times inhabiting the taiga territories of Southern Siberia in the valley of the Middle Yenisei near the cities of Abakan, Achinsk and Minusinsk. In tsarist Russia, Khakases, like a number of other Turkic peoples, were called Minusinsk, Achinsk and ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

Khakass- KHAKAS, ov, mn (ed khakas, a, m). The people that make up the main indigenous population of the Republic of Khakassia as part of Russia, located in the southeast of Siberia, partly Tuva and Krasnodar Territory (the old name is Abakan or Minusinsk Tatars); ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Russian nouns

Khakass- people living in the Khakass Autonomous Okrug and partly in the Tuva Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic and the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Population 67 thousand people (1970, census). The Khakass language belongs to the Turkic languages. Before October revolution 1917 were known under the general name ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia


  • Siberia. Ethnicities and cultures. The peoples of Siberia in the XIX century. Issue 1, L. R. Pavlinskaya, V. Ya. Butanaev, E. P. Batyanova, Authors of the collective monograph "Peoples of Siberia in the XIX century." continue the research, begun in 1988, devoted to the analysis of the number and settlement of the peoples of Siberia in the 19th century. Teamwork ... Category:

Even after Christianization, the Khakass retained the cult of the shaman, based on faith in the omnipotence of good and evil spirits. Shaman (Khakas. Ham) is able to communicate with them. Shaman's obligatory tools: tambourine (round) and mallet. A tambourine is a symbolic image of a horse, bow, boat, depending on what obstacles the shaman has to fight when meeting with evil spirits... Beater - whip, arrow, paddle.

Khakass people worshiped various deities and spirits. In honor of them, collective prayers were performed, most often at the foot of a mountain, on the banks of a river or lake, where communication with the owners of mountains, water, etc. was facilitated. The prayers were accompanied by sacrifices of domestic animals.

Fortunately, shamanism in Khakassia did not disappear without a trace. There are about 50 potential shamanists in the republic now.

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From the book Social Science: Cheat Sheet the author author unknown

Religion Shamanism Tuvan shamans are now very popular, a significant part of tourists go to Tuva just to look at them. They are "hunted" by photographers from the world's largest photo agencies. Shamanic hymns, algysh (good wishes) are translated into German,

From the book A Quick Reference of Required Knowledge the author Andrey Chernyavsky

Religion How long ago does the Bible say that God created the universe? Attempts were repeatedly made to determine the date of the creation of the world on the basis of the Old Testament data (times of the patriarchs born before and after the Flood, the period from the exodus of the Jews from

From the book The Newest Philosophical Dictionary the author Gritsanov Alexander Alekseevich

21. RELIGION Religion is a set of views and opinions, a system of beliefs and rituals. Signs of religion: belief in the supernatural, religious canons (rules and dogmas) and cult (ceremonies, rituals, sacraments). Religion plays an important role in the life of society: it unites the nation,

From the book Encyclopedia of Shocking Truths the author Gitin Valery Grigorievich

From the book Encyclopedia serial killers author Shechter Harold

RELIGION (Latin religio - piety, piety, shrine) - worldview, worldview, worldview, as well as the associated behavior of people, determined by belief in the existence of a supernatural sphere, articulated in mature forms of R. as God, deity. R.

From the book The Universal Encyclopedic Reference the author Isaeva E.L.

Religion Religion is a set of ideas about the universe that go beyond the boundaries of knowledge. Religion is the sum of guesses about the internal mechanics of Nature, Accepted and rigidly fixed by one or another human community. Based on these guesses, and most often

From the book of Modicin. Encyclopedia Pathologica author Zhukov Nikita

Religion See the Fanatics article.

From the author's book

From the author's book

As a religion, the Church of Euthanasia is an American political organization, almost unknown in this country, whose members' brains are so struck by the urge to improve the environment that it sets itself the task of