Tibetan flower purple tea chang shu. Chang Shu purple tea - reviews. Negative, neutral and positive feedback. Chemical composition, nutritional value and calorie content

The popular purple chang shu tea is a healing drink widely used by women for weight loss. For the first time, the stars spoke about him, actively advertising the drink in social networks with the attachment of a visual photo of the result. However, the opinions of experts and real buyers are ambiguous, so it is worthwhile to study in more detail the properties and capabilities of Tibetan tea.


Unusual purple tea chang shu grows on the high mountain slopes of Tibet and less often in Nepal, therefore it is also called "Tibetan". This plant is enriched with useful substances and is considered to be healing. The peculiarity of the purple tea chang shu is that only the flowers of the plant are used for the production of the drink. They can be deep blue or pale blue. Flowers are collected exclusively by hand twice a year. The harvest is usually small, so this Chinese tea is considered rare and difficult to find in retail.

Plant composition

The drink has a high biological activity, because the composition of the plant is rich in nutrients. He contains:

  • Thianine is an amino acid responsible for energizing and toning the body.
  • Catechins are antioxidants that support vascular elasticity and normal blood glucose levels, as well as promote weight loss.
  • Bioflavonoids - participate in cellular metabolism, remove toxins and free radicals from the body.
  • Dopamine is a neurostimulant involved in activating thought processes. Increases concentration, improves memory, stimulates fat burning in the body.
  • Caffeine is a tonic component that is involved in metabolism and helps to remove toxins and toxins.
  • Vitamin and mineral complex.

Beneficial features

Such a multifaceted unique composition makes chang shu very useful for human health, but will it become indispensable for losing weight? Tibetan tea is often referred to as the elixir of youth. It can really be called that!

Numerous studies have shown that with regular use of the drink, the condition of the skin improves, fine wrinkles are smoothed, hair follicles are strengthened, which allows you to prolong the youth and beauty of hair.

In addition, chang shu has a complex effect on health:

  • Improves the elasticity of blood vessels and normalizes blood pressure.
  • Strengthens the heart muscle and prevents the development of heart attacks and strokes.
  • Effectively affects the reproductive function of women and postpones the onset of menopause.
  • Good for nervous system a person, providing a calming effect.
  • Improves vision.
  • Participates in the metabolic process and normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

Most are interested in the possibility of using blue tea for weight loss. In fact, the marketing promises of manufacturers are somewhat exaggerated. On the Internet, you can find colorful banners that promise weight loss without special efforts with the help of chang shu tea as much as 30 kg if you drink it for 3 months. In addition, the achieved result should be prolonged, that is, without further weight gain.

The real effect of the drink is due to the stimulation of metabolic processes, due to which the food entering the body is absorbed correctly.

With this tea, you can maintain a normal weight provided balanced nutrition

Chang Shu really helps to lose extra pounds by activating fat burning, but only in combination with physical activity. That is, it acts as an auxiliary tool, therefore, lying on the couch with a mug of this wonderful drink, you will not be able to lose weight.

But it is indispensable for maintaining the beauty of the body in the process of losing weight. It is known that with a rapid weight loss, the skin begins to sag, flabbiness and looseness of tissues appear. Purple tea helps to flush excess fluid from the body and improves skin elasticity while smoothing the skin surface.


This anti-aging drink is safe for your health and can be used on a permanent basis. But he still has contraindications:

  • Pregnancy and period breastfeeding..
  • Childhood up to 16 years old.
  • Individual intolerance to tea components.
  • Hypotension
  • Kidney disease.

With caution, the drink should be consumed for chronic disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as for anemia.

How to make tea

The flowers of the plant do not require welding in the usual sense, they should be insisted. Prepare the water in advance - it should be boiled, but cooled down. The ideal temperature is 80 degrees.

Cooking steps:

  • Place 4-6 dried flowers in a cup.
  • Pour a glass of warm water over them.
  • Leave the tea to steep for 10 minutes.
  • Consume the infusion right away.

The result is a beautiful tea brew. of blue color no pronounced smell and taste

You can add a few drops of lemon juice to the shade to become truly purple. Also, the taste of the drink can be varied with honey or ginger.

How to drink correctly

Chang shu purple tea should be taken in moderation. It is enough to drink one cup 1-2 times a week. It is not recommended to combine it with other teas, and even more so with drugs.

How long does it take to take purple tea to see results? The recommended course of admission is 3 months. It is best to take a short break afterwards if you plan to continue drinking.

Where to buy

You can buy purple tea on the supplier's official website. The price of one package is 1180 rubles. You can order the product by leaving a request on the website, after which the operator will contact you and confirm the order.

Beware of counterfeits and do not buy tea from unverified sellers!

Fast food, fatty and dry food, irregular diet, heavy loads and constant stress have a detrimental effect on our body, in particular on the stomach and intestines. All this leads to metabolic disorders and the development of excess weight, cellulite. We become depressed and inert, the charge of vivacity and energy is extinguished in us. Tibetan tea helps to get rid of all the above problems.

Chemical composition

The tea contains useful substances: theanine, catechin; naringin; tannins, L-carnitine, synephrine, dopamine, alkaloids, chromium compounds, bioflavonoids, lutein. It contains a large amount of vitamins of various groups, caffeine, which increases the body's endurance, giving tone.

Tibetan Chang Shu tea has a large amount of useful properties:

  • theanine, acts on the cerebral cortex, activating mental activity and contributing to the development physical strength... It has a positive effect on the human intestines and promotes the rapid burning of excess fats;
  • catechin helps lower cholesterol and glucose. This substance actively helps in getting rid of excess weight;
  • all other substances perform a similar mission and give the body a charge of vigor and energy. The complex of these substances also helps to reduce appetite, affects the growth of muscles and the nervous system;
  • by drinking Tibetan tea, you will be less prone to depression;
  • alkaloids in their properties are similar to caffeine and improve the elasticity of blood vessels, and also tone the muscles;
  • dopamine improves memory, nervous system and improves mood;
  • bioflavonoids stimulate cells to renew, help in rejuvenating the body, they will help you tone up, strengthen your hair and not see gray hair for a long time. Also bioflavonoids strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  • lutein has a beneficial effect on vision, in particular on the retina. This is especially important for people working near a computer, whose eyes are exposed to radiation from monitors.

The drink has a beautiful and rich blue hue. The tea is distinguished by its special aroma and unique taste.

Tea will not only help you lose weight and keep in shape, it also prevents the development of cancer and diabetes. Tea can help people with diseases such as gastritis, atherosclerosis, obesity, venous insufficiency.

Real Tibetan tea cannot be found in a regular store or pharmacy. It can be purchased in Thailand, Nepal, or Tibet. You can order a drink from the tea manufacturer itself, having previously checked all the necessary documents and certificates for the goods. Such tea cannot be cheap, therefore the high price is one of the signs of the authenticity of the tea. Tea grows in the mountainous regions of Tibet and Nepal at an altitude of 5 thousand meters above sea level. It absorbs all the trace elements necessary for our body. For more than a thousand years, tea flowers have been harvested by monks only twice a year. Hence its value and rarity.

The manufacturer promises quick weight loss when drinking this tea, elimination of toxins from the body, general health improvement, improvement of the condition of the skin, normalization of digestion, restoration of vision.

After analyzing the reviews of experts, it was concluded that the attitude of doctors to the Tibetan Chang-Shu tea has two sides.

Many experts, having familiarized themselves with the chemical composition, useful properties, recommend the use of this drink.

Nutritionists positively assess the effect of the drink on the body, but warn that the result may not be as quick as many expect. It is advisable to combine tea intake with workouts and sports activities, and also be sure to tidy up your diet.

Endocrinologists note that despite positive effect from taking tea, do not get carried away with this drink. It is enough to reduce the consumption of tea to one cup a day, or even be limited to 2 cups a week.

Ophthalmologists note positive dynamics in the restoration of vision and strengthening of the retina in the process of drinking this drink.

But there are also ardent opponents of Tibetan tea who argue that drinking it is useless. They do not recommend purchasing this drink, much less drinking it, citing the fact that there is no data on clinical studies of beneficial properties. This is true: not a single trustworthy organization has yet studied tea closely or delivered a scientifically grounded verdict.

When buying this drink, you should remember two rules:

  • avoid fakes by buying goods from trusted manufacturers;
  • does not treat tea as a panacea for all diseases.

The peculiarity of tea is that not leaves, but flowers are used for brewing it.

To make tea, you need to heat the water to 90 degrees. Pour the tea into a teapot and add water at a rate of 1 to 3. Then the water will need to be drained. This procedure is needed in order to rinse the flowers from dirt. After this procedure, the tea is again poured with water, infused for up to 10 minutes.

Tea should be drunk no more than 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening, brewing from 5 to 7 flowers in 350 milliliters of water. The dose should be moderate. Tea is not advised to take constantly, but periodically - a week after two. Do not brew an overly strong drink. You need to be careful when drinking tea with other medicinal drinks or medicines, because their effect can be completely different.

Tea has a calming effect and is therefore contraindicated for drivers. It can interfere with driving by reducing reaction and focus.

Before important business meetings and negotiations, you should also not consume this drink.

Allergic reactions and human intolerance to specific substances contained in tea are taken into account.

Gently drinking tea should be hypotensive, because the drink lowers blood pressure.

Tea is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.

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What is this tea?

The drink is not addictive. The peculiarity is that it is collected in conditions of low oxygen content at an astonishing altitude - 3 thousand meters above sea level. Tibetan monks, Chinese healers, Nepalese farmers pick flowers, and they do it only twice a year. All work is done by hand - there is no production for the production of products.


Beneficial features

How does he work?

Slimming Tea

Main secrets

Positive feedback from doctors

Another point of view

Where to buy Chang-Shu tea?


If you have made a firm decision to buy a product, be aware of the side effects. Among them are individual intolerance to the drink and various allergic reactions to its components. Therefore, people prone to various rashes should try Chang-Shu tea before making a full order. There are other contraindications: pregnancy and breastfeeding are not the best periods for experimentation. Also, minors and people of old age should refrain from using it.



  • Tannins
  • Naringin
  • L-carnitine
  • Catechins
  • Chromium picolinate
  • Lutein
  • Bioflavonoids
  • Dopamine
  • Synephrine
  • Muscle relaxants

Chang Shu for weight loss

A new weight loss remedy has appeared on the modern market. This is a fragrant tea "Chang-Shu", which is grown in distant Asia. Those who have tried it say that the drink helps to get rid of extra pounds, gives youth and beauty, gives health and strength. Is it so? What are the characteristics of Chang Shu purple tea? Reviews of doctors, patients, opponents and admirers of the drink are presented in this article. We will also study in detail the composition, healing properties and contraindications of this Chinese traditional medicine.

What is this tea?

Some argue that the drink is a panacea, a remedy for almost all diseases, others call its popularization a "divorce" and lure money from gullible customers. Despite the diverse opinions, people who have tried all sorts of weight loss methods that ultimately did not help them turn their attention to Chang Shu purple tea. Real-life reviews of the drink indicate that it "works."

Healing potion is made from the flowers of the tea tree, which belongs to the myrtle family. This genus is very close to eucalyptus, known for its medicinal properties. The tea tree is an evergreen plant with fluffy yellowish or completely white buds and dry leaves that, due to their delicate size, do not create virtually any shade. Of these, by the way, cosmetologists make essential oil useful for skin and hair. But flowers are widely used in folk medicine... Since the tree grows in the highlands of many Asian countries, the drink made from its flowers is called Chang-Shu Tibetan tea. In addition, it is called Chinese, Nepalese and Cambodian, as it is also produced in these states.

The drink is not addictive. The peculiarity is that it is collected in conditions of low oxygen content at an astonishing altitude - 3 thousand meters above sea level. Tibetan monks, Chinese healers, Nepalese farmers pick flowers, and they do it only twice a year. All work is done by hand - there is no production for the production of products.


The drink boasts an unusual sweet taste and rich spicy aroma. But this is far from the main advantage that Chang-Shu tea possesses: the composition of the healing agent is so rich that it seems that it is really capable of helping in the treatment of many diseases. The main components of the drink are:

  • Chromium. It not only reduces appetite and eliminates the lipid layer, but also helps to overcome depression, accelerate the growth of muscle mass.
  • Phenolic compounds (tannins). Plant-based substances stimulate fat burning, protect the digestive system and strengthen the body as a whole.
  • Antioxidants catechins. They help break down lipid deposits, reduce the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood.
  • Dopamines. Affects the part of the brain that is responsible for burning fat. This process is activated. In addition, they accelerate the appearance of a feeling of satiety and improve mood.
  • Theotanins. They contribute to the elimination of toxins from the body, have bactericidal properties, normalize the work of blood vessels, and increase their elasticity.
  • Tianins. Useful for emotional and physical stress. They tone up the body, activate its potential. They have a calming effect on the nervous system.
  • Luteins. Protect the organs of vision from the negative radiation of computer monitors and TV screens.
  • Bioflavonoids Prevent early graying, hair loss. They improve the condition of the skin. Besides, tea contains a lot of vitamins. All of the above elements contribute to the fact that beauty is preserved, youth is prolonged, and health becomes strong and invulnerable.

Beneficial features

Chang-Shu purple tea, due to its amazing composition, has become the basis for the manufacture of numerous traditional medicines. Various useful decoctions, tinctures are made from its leaves and flowers, essential oils, ointments and creams. As for tea itself, it not only speeds up the metabolism in the body and normalizes the digestion process, but also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair, nails, helps in the treatment of diseases of the organs of vision and the gastrointestinal tract.

Their useful qualities the drink acquired due to the influence of the same high-mountainous location of tea trees. Green spaces are positively influenced by a rarefied atmosphere, a low oxygen content in the surrounding air. These factors stimulate the production of a huge amount in the main components of the plant nutrients... Moreover, there are several times more of them than in grasses, flowers, bushes and trees grown on the plain.

How to drink Chang-Shu tea? The manufacturer recommends taking the drink twice a day: in the morning it invigorates, in the evening it soothes. For one serving, you need to brew 5 flowers in a standard cup. Adds zest to a lemon wedge drink. At the same time, it is important not to overdo it with the dosage: the main thing in the use of this tea is not the quantity, but the duration of the intake and the regularity.

How does he work?

In most cases, women are concerned about their excess weight. Not surprisingly, they are the main consumers of the product. Many people buy Chang-Shu tea, while doctors' reviews are ignored or even do not seek preliminary advice. Although this must be done: the doctor will sign correct mode day, diet, will recommend certain sports. After all, it would be strange, lying on the couch and drinking tea, losing weight before our eyes. To quickly and easily reach your goal, one drink is not enough. But, by combining in a complex its constant use, as well as exercise and diet, you can achieve amazing results.

Chinese tea "Chang-Shu", together with real health improvement, promotes external transformation:

  1. The aging process is slowed down, the skin becomes smooth and elastic.
  2. The nail plate is strengthened, its fragility is eliminated, the risk of delamination is reduced.
  3. Hair stops falling out, becomes elastic, shiny.
  4. Problem areas in the form of fatty deposits are neutralized.

Inside the body, tea acts as depressant... Taking it, a person feels calm, but at the same time continues to be active, active. He copes better with negative emotions. At the same time, if you believe the reviews, it is less likely to suffer from colds, as the drink improves immunity and activates the body's defenses.

Slimming Tea

This function of the drink is one of the main ones. Chang-Shu slimming tea stands out from its counterparts with a similar effect. The fact is that it practically does not cause side effects. The manufacturer assures: by drinking tea, you will not only feel great, but you will also be able to get rid of the hated centimeters in problem areas - on the hips and waist. At the same time, as it is written in the annotations, it is not necessary to do exhausting exercises and sit on strict diets. It is enough just to adhere to a balanced diet: more protein foods, fewer carbohydrates. Only healthy fats need to be eaten: those found in fish and seafood. Moreover, the drink contains a lot of vitamins. Therefore, it is better to drink natural tea than to eat artificial pills from a pharmacy.
The secret of purple tea is very simple: it has a tonic effect. The drink perfectly breaks down lipid deposits. It eliminates fats, and directs the released energy to the benefit of the body - to warm the body, increase energy and activity. By drinking just two cups a day, you can achieve a slim figure. At the same time, sweets are not prohibited: you can eat them, but only in moderation. The drink will quickly and reliably destroy excess calories. Plus, the tea is completely natural, so you can drink it without thinking about the various complications or side effects.

Main secrets

How does Chang-Shu purple tea contribute to weight loss? The fact is that it normalizes the functioning of the stomach and intestines. As a result, harmful toxins and carcinogens are not retained in the body, and the substances contained in the drink help break down lipid cells. Also, with the help of "Chang-Shu" it is possible to take out heavy carbohydrates and fats - they are absorbed by theotanine. Thanks to this, food that is harmful to the stomach - smoked, fried and canned - is easily digested and absorbed. As for weight loss, it is primarily due to the normalization of metabolism and the restoration of water-salt balance. This method makes your weight loss not only gentle, but also effective.

In addition, under the influence of the same theotanine and its "brother" theobromine, the main filters of the body - the kidneys and liver - work harmoniously and efficiently, removing many harmful substances to the outside. And this, in turn, contributes to the disappearance of the hated kilograms. At the same time, "Chang-Shu" makes the process of losing weight safe for health, as it does not interfere with the absorption of vitamins, minerals and other useful components in the intestines. Weight loss occurs gradually. Reviews say that in three months of regular consumption of tea, you can get rid of 20-30 kilograms without harm to the body. The most interesting thing is that the factors characteristic of losing weight - hair loss, the appearance of circles under the eyes, and peeling of the skin - will not appear. Since getting healing substances from the drink, the stomach, intestines and liver do not interfere with the development of a positive cosmetic effect in relation to your appearance.

Positive feedback from doctors

Some doctors highly appreciate Chang-Shu tea. Reviews of doctors that treat endocrine diseases indicate that the drink is an excellent source of amino acids and vitamins that are rarely found in familiar food. They induce longevity (not surprisingly, Tibetans and Chinese can boast very long life spans). In this case, we are talking about the youth not only of the face and skin, but also of the internal organs. And also, under its influence, menopause in women occurs later. At the same time, nutritionists say the following: tea provokes a quick onset of satiety, which can significantly reduce the amount of food consumed. It also tastes good and is an excellent thirst quencher.

Ophthalmologists also appreciated Chang-Shu tea: doctors' reviews about it are positive. Doctors pay attention to substances that are good for the eyes. The lutein and zeaxanthin contained in the drink filter light frequencies, thereby protecting the visual organ. With its help, you can also increase the level of carotenoids, the amount of which with age and under the influence malnutrition gradually decreases. And they help relieve eye fatigue in those people who spend a lot of time at the computer. Therapists note that purple tea strengthens the body, accelerates its recovery after prolonged illness and surgery. In addition, it increases your physical and mental performance. Helps get rid of stress, depression. It endows with masculine strength, since in its effect on the genitals it surpasses even the famous ginseng.

Another point of view

Not everyone sings laudatory odes to the drink. Many doctors call purple tea "Chang-Shu" a pacifier. Real reviews of people who have tried the "panacea" on themselves are similarly far from ideal. Someone says that they did not notice any special effect: there is an effect on the body, but it is similar to ordinary green tea. In addition, the latter is much cheaper. Some women claim to have only "earned" the negative effects of the drink. They say that it provokes a strong thirst, dries the body from the inside - as a result, a person drinks a lot, is disturbed water balance, excess fluid builds up in the body, causing swelling and bloating. In addition, colic and abdominal pain appear.

The most interesting thing is that some of the ladies who bought the miracle cure not only did not lose weight, but, on the contrary, gained a lot of weight. According to them, the tea is sugary and tasteless, so drinking it without sugar is simply impossible. Accordingly, the sweet product, entering the body, contributed to weight gain. Among the disadvantages is also the high cost. For the average citizen of Russia, tea "Chang-Shu" significantly hits the pocket: the price of a trial course is 1990 rubles, an initial one is 3980, a full one is 4970. In the first two cases, you still need to pay money for delivery - 380 rubles. If you buy the full course, you won't have to pay for transporting the product.

Where to buy Chang-Shu tea?

The fact that the drink is sold only on the official website of the supplier refers to the disadvantages of the product. Let's say you don't want to pay for shipping, or you want to start accepting Chang Shu tea immediately. You simply will not find it in pharmacies or stores; you will have to place an order on the Internet. Any article about the drink contains a link to the official site, so it is easy to find it. Remember that one package, the price of which is almost 2 thousand rubles, will only last for a month. And sellers recommend taking tea for three months to achieve the desired effect. The full course will cost 5 thousand without paying for delivery - thus, by ordering it, you save almost one and a half thousand rubles, which is also important. In the event that you live outside of Russia, you must pay for the transportation of the product under any circumstances.

Ordering is easy. The site has a special form that you need to fill out. In it, indicate your name, contact information and the number of packages of tea. After registration, the manager will call you within 24 hours and ask to confirm the address to which the parcel will be sent. You will receive the goods in a few days.


If you have made a firm decision to buy a product, be aware of the side effects. Among them are individual intolerance to the drink and various allergic reactions to its components. Therefore, people prone to various rashes should try Chang-Shu tea before making a full order. There are other contraindications: pregnancy and breastfeeding are not the best periods for experimentation. Also, minors and people of old age should refrain from using it.

Among the limitations is the number of flowers brewed. The manufacturer does not recommend exceeding the standard dose of 5 pieces. The maximum allowable number of flowers at one time is 7 units. You need to drink tea strictly twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. Only in this case, the use of the drink will be not only safe, but also effective. Consistency is also important. Forgetting at least one technique, you can negate all the results. Remember that sports and proper nutrition nobody canceled. Therefore, take tea as an additional means for losing weight, while not ignoring the main methods of fighting for youth, beauty and health - balanced diet and exercise.

Chang-Shu purple tea has long been used in Chinese traditional medicine. Today we have the opportunity to use truly unique properties of this drink.

For its manufacture, only the flowers of the plant are used, the collection of which takes place in the Asian mountains. This drink has long been used by Tibetan monks to promote health, to prolong life. Today these plants are most actively used for the purpose of losing weight.


The petals of this tea contain a large amount of amino acids and vitamin components that the human body needs for normal functioning.

Nature saturates each flower with the maximum amount of useful components. It should be said that Chang Shu purple tea grows in high mountains, where there is insufficient oxygen.

Plants that are there are saturated with much more useful components than those that grow on flat surfaces. Alpine air really has a very good effect on human body, and this fact has been scientifically proven.

Tea is especially popular among the fair sex. This fact is explained by the fact that, together with internal recovery, Chang-Shu provides an improvement in appearance:

  • prevents the appearance of gray hair;
  • provides fat burning in problem areas of the body;
  • the drink reduces the development of new wrinkles, provides easy smoothing of old ones;
  • the elasticity of the skin increases;
  • appearance nails and hair are improved;
  • the drink helps to slow down skin aging;
  • vision is significantly improved.

It should also be noted that the tea in question very well cleanses the body of toxins, from accumulated toxins. It lowers bad cholesterol as well as glucose levels. This is very good remedy under stress.

Drink with regular drinking returns the heart muscle and blood vessels youth. It improves the elasticity of the vascular walls, improves their functioning. Due to the fact that the drink is able to reduce blood pressure, it is recommended to drink it for hypertensive persons, both as a treatment and for prevention.

As the drink is enriched with bioflavonoids and amino acids, it strengthens the reproductive function. It prolongs active longevity and postpones menopause.


Let's talk in more detail about the useful components that are in this drink.

  • Tannins... These components are of plant origin, they perfectly protect the gastrointestinal mucosa. In addition, these phenolic components provide fat burning, stimulating high physical activity... They affect the body in such a way that it becomes much more stable in various kinds of physical activity.
  • Naringin... It is a plant-based flavonoid that is included in weight loss products. This substance ensures that the intestinal microflora receives energy without using fat.
  • L-carnitine... It is a component of natural origin, which is similar in structure to the B vitamins. It is a powerful fat burner.
  • Catechins... These are powerful antioxidant substances that provide the process of fat burning, lower cholesterol and glucose levels in the bloodstream.
  • Chromium picolinate... This component helps to reduce appetite, it allows you not to eat carbohydrate and fatty foods in favor of weight loss. Also, the specified component provides muscle growth. It is an excellent component of depression prevention.
  • Lutein... This component helps to improve the condition of vision. In addition, it protects the retina from the bad effects of light radiation. And this is important for people who have to be at the computer for a long time.
  • Bioflavonoids... These ingredients prevent hair loss, as well as reduce the risk of gray hair, improve the condition of the skin and make the walls of blood vessels much stronger.
  • Dopamine... This component, found in tea, helps brain cells transmit signals. Dopamine improves attention, makes memory stronger, improves mood, and also provides a quick manifestation of a sense of fullness, which is important in the process of losing weight.
  • Synephrine- in its effect, this substance is similar to adrenaline. This component is used in sports supplements, it is part of numerous fat burning products.
  • Muscle relaxants... Substances that have a similar effect to caffeine. To some extent, they provide the process of fat burning.

Chang Shu for weight loss

In particular, the effect of chang shu is expressed in the normalization of the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. It is due to this property that this drink is recommended as an effective means for losing weight.

The substance theotanine, present in the composition of this drink, ensures the absorption and excretion of fats and heavy carbohydrates from their body, thereby ensuring highly efficient digestion of even fatty and heavy foods.

At the same time, weight loss is provoked by the normalization of metabolic processes and water-salt balance, which makes the process of losing weight not only effective, but also soft. Under the influence of components such as theobromine and theotanine, the work of the body's main filters - the kidneys and liver - improves.

These organs ensure the elimination of harmful components from the body, thereby ensuring the normalization of weight. This drink, unlike other weight loss products, does not interfere with the absorption of beneficial components in the intestines and stomach. As a result, weight loss occurs gradually, without causing absolutely no harm to the body. If you drink this drink on a regular basis twice a day, then in 3 months of use you can lose from 20 to 30 kg! Agree, this is a lot!

Contraindications for use

  1. If you are not allergic to plain black tea, then drinking this drink is completely safe for you. The components present in Chang Shu tea are not capable of harming the human body, even in large quantities.
  2. However, some experts say that you should not greatly increase the recommended intake of this drink, as this will not bring any additional benefit.
  3. The effectiveness of this product will depend on the length and frequency of use.
  4. If you use this drink correctly and systematically, it will lower the risk of many diseases, such as gastritis, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, venous insufficiency, cancer.

How to drink Chang Shu tea properly?

Manufacturers advise drinking this drink twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. 6-7 flowers should be added per cup. Flowers need to be filled hot water in the amount of 250 ml. Let it brew for 10 minutes. It is forbidden to use boiling water, since when poured with boiling water, the drink will lose all its beneficial properties.

This amount of tea is quite capable of providing the body with the required amount of useful components. As mentioned earlier, it is necessary to ensure the duration and regularity of the drink.

If you want, you can add a lemon wedge to the prepared tea. Also, to improve the taste, you can add sugar, honey to the cup. But if you expect the effect of weight loss from drinking the drink, then it is better to refuse honey and sugar altogether.

For several years now, TV screens and the Internet have been talking a lot about the amazing properties of the Tibetan purple tea "Chang Shu". Reviews of doctors note its health benefits, and ordinary consumers mainly talk about its ability to reduce body weight. This drink from a plant growing on the slopes of Tibet has long been popular in Asian countries. But they use it there to improve digestion and overall health. And having become popular in European countries, this tea is considered the best remedy to improve metabolic processes. Distributors advertise it as a weight loss product. But the homogeneous composition of the drink does not inspire confidence in him. Therefore, many doubt whether to buy Chang Shu tea. Is it a divorce or is it really possible to lose weight just by using this drink?

Why is it called so

In Asian countries, the Chinese tea "Chang Shu" has long been popular. Due to the fact that the plant from which it is made - the trifoliate clitorium - is found in abundance on the slopes of Tibet, monks have long used it to maintain health. The clitoria is also found in Nepal and Thailand. Locals use this drink to quench their thirst or to improve their health. And now this tea is often served in any cafe and in hotels in China or Thailand. It is popular there as a refreshing drink, and they love to drink it over ice.

In European countries, this drink has become known recently. It is known there as "Chang Shu" purple tea. Although, if brewed correctly, it takes on a rich, beautiful blue color. In Asian countries it is called “blue tea”. Due to its unusual color, this drink is so popular. Blue tea gives a special atmosphere to tea drinking. And it began to be called purple because Europeans prefer to drink it with lemon juice. After all, tea from the clitoris has almost no taste. And when you add just 2 drops of lemon juice to the drink, it takes on an amazing purple, even purple color.

General characteristics of tea

In Asia, the drink from the trifoliate clitoria is known under the names "blue tea", "blue clitoria" or "anchan". After all, they make it from the flowers of the Anchan plant, or the trifoliate clitorium. Sometimes it is also called moth pea or moth orchid. In the wild, this plant is found in the mountains of Tibet, Nepal and Thailand at an altitude of about 3 thousand meters. But recently, local residents have begun to plant a triple clitoris near houses. After all, this plant can form a beautiful hedge with attractive blue flowers.

The trifoliate clitoris is considered a medicinal plant, therefore it is not only used in the form of a decoction, but also added to cosmetics. Only the flowers of the plant are used for making tea, so the drink has a delicate, pleasant aroma and almost imperceptible taste. Flowers are picked and processed by hand. And despite the fact that the harvest of the clitoria can be harvested 2 times a year, raw materials are supplied to Europe in small quantities. That is why the price of Chang Shu tea seems to be high to many. But this cost is paid off by its many useful properties.

What is included in it

Flower purple tea "Chang Shu" is a non-crushed dried flowers of the trifoliate clitoris. When brewed, all its nutrients pass into the drink. And the healing properties of this plant are explained by the fact that the flowers have a rich composition. A large number of vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and amino acids makes it so beneficial. The composition of Chang Shu tea contains trace elements contained in the flowers of the clitorium. In the study, the drink was found to contain:

  • one of the derivatives of glutamic acid - theanine, thanks to which the drink is able to lower blood pressure and strengthen the immune system;
  • caffeine gives tonic and psychostimulating properties to tea;
  • catechins improve heart function, strengthen vascular walls and immunity;
  • tannins tannins protect against infections and inflammation, improve bowel function;
  • bioflavonoids strengthen the walls of the capillaries, purify the blood;
  • L-carnitine is able to burn fat cells, as it actively participates in lipid metabolism;
  • chrome normalizes appetite, reduces cravings for sweets;
  • methylxanthines are involved in fat metabolism and improve blood circulation;
  • dopamine normalizes the psycho-emotional state of a person, helps to resist stress;
  • lutein has a beneficial effect on the organ of vision, protecting against cataracts, glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy.

Beneficial features

Thanks to such a rich composition, the trifoliate clitoris is one of the most common medicinal plants. Because of this, Chang Shu tea is very popular in Asian countries. The doctors' comments show that this drink has many beneficial properties. Although they do not appear immediately, but with its regular use. Useful "Chang Shu" in that it:

  • strengthens the walls of the capillaries;
  • cleans blood vessels, prevents blood clots;
  • accelerates metabolic processes;
  • improves the breakdown of fats;
  • promotes the proper assimilation of proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • has a slight laxative effect, improving bowel function;
  • removes excess fluid from the body, reducing swelling;
  • strengthens hair, accelerates its growth, stops hair loss;
  • strengthens nails;
  • makes the skin smoother and more elastic;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • calms the nervous system;
  • tones up the body;
  • relieves fatigue;
  • improves visual acuity.

In addition, the drink from the trifoliate clitoris has a rejuvenating effect. Daily use of this tea prevents the appearance of gray hair, reduces the number of wrinkles, and improves skin elasticity. A positive effect on the female reproductive system helps to postpone the onset of menopause and improves the condition of the woman during this period. There is even evidence that this drink helps with infertility.

Who needs this tea

In Thailand and China, the drink from anchan, or trifoliate clitoria, is drunk quite often. It is served to tourists in hotels with ice to quench their thirst. And locals use it for viral infections, as well as for poisoning. This drink speeds up recovery and gives you strength. Clitoria trifoliate tea is well tolerated even with prolonged use and very rarely causes side effects in the form of an allergic reaction or abdominal pain.

The trifoliate clitoris is added to many cosmetics, because it stops hair loss, strengthens nails, and improves condition skin... The use of a decoction of this plant internally and externally is comparable in effectiveness to hair transplantation, since the dormant bulbs awaken, the hair becomes strong, shiny and thick. With regular use of the drink from the clitoris, the skin becomes smooth and elastic, many dermatological problems disappear.

The use of Chang Shu tea is useful for gastritis, atherosclerosis, venous insufficiency. The drink lowers blood pressure well when hypertension and normalizes blood glucose levels when diabetes mellitus... The broth is also used for insect bites, it quickly relieves pain and swelling. Daily use of a decoction of clitoria prevents the development of coronary thrombosis, Alzheimer's disease, heart attack and stroke, as well as the appearance of cancerous tumors.

In Asian countries, it is believed that tea from the trifoliate clitoris can improve brain function. Studies have shown that this drink improves memory, enhances learning ability, relieves insomnia and helps manage stress. Due to the fact that the clitoris contains many essential trace elements, it strengthens the immune system and helps prevent the development of vitamin deficiency. The presence of lutein makes tea from the clitoris effective remedy to improve visual acuity, improve the condition in various ophthalmic diseases and to prevent the development of cataracts and glaucoma.

Is it possible to lose weight with this drink

Tea from the trifoliate clitoris came to Europe as an effective fat burning agent. It is so actively advertised that many people got the impression that Chang Shu tea is a divorce and is completely useless. But in fact, its healing properties help to reduce weight, but only with a complex effect. You can't lose weight just by drinking tea. If someone expects to eat cakes, lie on the couch and drink this drink, and the excess fat will go away, then he will be disappointed. That is why, along with positive reviews, there are often negative ones.

In fact, Chang Shu tea is quite effective for weight loss. It is best used in a holistic weight loss approach. It will enhance the effectiveness of diet and exercise. After all, this drink has the following properties:

  • speeds up metabolism;
  • improves lipid metabolism;
  • cleanses the body of toxins and toxins;
  • promotes the rapid conversion of carbohydrates into energy;
  • tones up the body.

But losing weight with Chang Shu tea cannot be quick. It is recommended to use it regularly, morning and evening, for 3 months, if it does not cause any side effects. Only then it will be noticeable that the appetite has returned to normal, and I no longer want to eat sweets. All nutrients will be absorbed better, the intestines will work actively. Therefore, there will be a decrease in body fat and weight loss. This weight loss works especially well in combination with physical exercise or dietary restrictions. But you can use a drink from the clitoris on your own, without changing your lifestyle. Moreover, after the end of the course of using tea, the weight does not return, since metabolic processes are getting better.

How to brew this tea

To really turn out healthy drink from the trifoliate clitorium, you need to get acquainted with some of the rules for its preparation. Not everyone who decided to use it knows how to brew Chang Shu tea correctly. Therefore, negative reviews appear, since the drink loses all its healing properties and does not turn blue. To make it really useful and amazing in color, the water for brewing should not be very hot. No more than 80-90 degrees, as when making green tea. Sometimes even less hot water is recommended.

It is enough to put 4-7 flowers on a glass - they are usually sold in a package as a whole. After infusion for 10 minutes, the drink acquires a deep blue color. This tea has a faint floral aroma and almost no taste. Therefore, many people prefer to drink it with honey and lemon. Moreover, after adding a few drops of lemon juice, the tea becomes a beautiful purple color. It is for this quality that he received such a name. Many people like purple tea due to its unusual color - drinking tea with it becomes amazing.

How to drink tea properly

Drinking a decoction of clitoria trifoliate is recommended almost immediately after brewing in a warm form. Do not use it too strong and in large quantities, leave the broth for later. It is impossible to achieve an improvement in the state of health and acceleration of weight loss. An overdose can only cause an allergic reaction or abdominal pain. Therefore, you need to know how to drink Chang Shu tea correctly.

Sometimes for weight loss it is recommended to consume the drink for 3 months, 2 cups a day. But doctors do not advise drinking this tea for so long. It is best to use it in courses. You can drink it 3 times a day for a week, then take a break for a week and repeat the course. Or use it for a month in 2 cups - in the morning and in the evening. It all depends on the individual.

Contraindications for use

But not everyone can drink Chang Shu tea. There are contraindications to its use, although there are few of them. Therefore, it is worth consulting a doctor before starting to drink the drink. First of all, this should be done by those who have an allergic reaction to certain foods. It is undesirable to drink this tea for pregnant and lactating women, with anemia and kidney disease. In addition, some people with gastrointestinal problems may experience abdominal pain with prolonged use of tea.

The ability of the clitoris to thin the blood makes it impossible to use it together with Aspirin, Warfarin and other drugs that reduce blood clotting. For the same reason, it is not recommended to consume a lot of liquid while using the tea. Especially you need to pay attention to herbal decoctions, which can cause side effects in combination with the trifoliate clitoria.

It is undesirable to drink Chang Shu purple tea before an important business meeting or before driving a car. This drink has a strong sedative effect and is able to lower blood pressure. Therefore, it is possible to slow down the reaction and reduce the concentration of attention. And because of this, people with hypotension are advised to consume this tea with caution, preferably in the evening.

Chang Shu tea: reviews of doctors

This drink is recommended to be consumed by specialists in oriental medicine who are familiar with healing properties clitoris trifoliate. Many doctors themselves love this amazing blue tea. And they advise patients to reduce pressure, normalize digestion, improve vascular function.

Some cosmetologists also use clitoris decoctions in their work. It is added to masks and creams, especially for hair. The clitoris is able not only to improve their condition, but also to stop hair loss. Inside, it is recommended to take blue tea to slow down the aging process, reduce the number of wrinkles and prevent the appearance of gray hair.

But most of the doctors' comments on Chang Shu tea for weight loss. Now many nutritionists have paid attention to such funds. They note the safety of tea, its mild action. And their observations show that people who use the clitoris decoction correctly do lose weight, albeit slowly. Many nutritionists oppose rapid weight loss through dieting, noting that it has a negative impact on health. And the use of blue tea has only a positive effect.

Chang-Shu tea: reviews

The real opinions of people who have consumed this drink note that it really has healing properties. Many write that it relieves blood pressure well, and without unpleasant consequences. Regular consumption of the drink helps to get rid of gray hair, make hair thicker and stronger. Positive reviews about tea note that losing weight with it occurs, albeit slowly, but the effect remains for a long time. After all, the drink improves all the processes in the body.

Many people like this unusual drink because of its unearthly, amazing color. It makes tea drinking amazing and boosts your mood. And some people like the faint smell and taste of tea, some do not. But in this case, you just need to add honey or sugar, as well as lemon.

You can also find real reviews about Chang Shu tea in a negative way. Mostly, people who hoped to lose weight quickly with its help describe their experience of drinking this drink. So they write that this tea is a scam, a divorce and does not work at all. But in fact, "Chang Shu" is not intended for weight loss. Reducing body fat is the result of cleansing the body, accelerating metabolic processes and removing excess fluid. Digestion is improved and the absorption of nutrients is normalized, this leads to weight loss.

And negative reviews are written by those who wanted to drink tea and lose weight without any effort. Although it is written everywhere that this is just an adjuvant, effective while adhering to a diet and increasing physical activity. Blue tea can help you cope with dietary restrictions more easily as it reduces appetite and improves nutrient absorption. The increase in physical activity is also easier with this drink, as it tones the body and improves mood.

Negative reviews may be due to the fact that it is impossible to buy Chang Shu tea in a pharmacy, it is distributed only via the Internet. And many people do not like its price. But such a high cost is associated with the peculiarities of growing and collecting raw materials for tea. In addition, some people use this drink without considering the contraindications to its use. This can lead to unpleasant consequences. Incorrect brewing of the clitoris can destroy all of its healing properties.

The use of Chang Shu tea will help not only to lose weight, as its manufacturers advertise. This drink will improve your health, slow down aging and prevent overburning of many diseases. Clitoria blue tea, often referred to as purple tea, is good for people of all ages.

Chang Shu purple tea is interesting not only for its amazing bluish-purple hue. It is considered to be one of the healthiest. This variety grows in the highlands of Tibet and Nepal. It is believed to have been cultivated for about 6,000 years by local monks. Its rarity is due to the fact that the collection of flowers occurs only twice a year and it is done exclusively by hand.

Unlike other types of tea, in the case of chang shu, flowers are not used to prepare the drink. In addition to the price and rarity, this tea has a number of unique properties.


Scientists have discovered in the flowers of the alpine tea tree a whole complex of amino acids and biologically active substances... These include:

  • Tianine;
  • Catechin;
  • Naringin;
  • Tannins;
  • L-carnitine;
  • Synephrine;
  • Dopamine;
  • Alkaloids;
  • Chromium compounds;
  • Bioflavonoids;
  • Lutein.

Theanine and tannins are known to improve tone, increase mental alertness and stimulate physical performance... Thanks to these substances contained in tea, it is considered an invigorating drink that returns vitality... In addition, tannins have a beneficial effect on the intestinal mucosa and are involved in fat burning processes.

Catechin is considered an antioxidant. This substance reduces the level of bad cholesterol and glucose in the blood and also promotes the breakdown of fats... L-carnitine, naringin and a number of other flavonoids have the same qualities, which help the body generate energy without resorting to the formation of fat stores.

Chromium compounds such as chromium picolinate affect appetite by reducing it and have a positive effect on the muscular and nervous systems. They are actively used to improve muscle growth and prevent depression. Alkaloids such as methylxanthine are analogous to caffeine. Its role is diverse - it affects the elasticity of blood vessels, activates the tone of muscle fibers, including the same vessels, the activity of the brain.

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that regulates the activity of nerve cells. It is involved in the transmission of nerve impulses and the most important biochemical processes in the brain. Dopamine, like serotonin, promotes mood and pleasure. At the same time, it has a beneficial effect on memory and the ability to concentrate.

The contained bioflavonoids stimulate the activity of cells, promoting their renewal. As a result rejuvenation processes are launched at the cellular level... Lutein improves vision and protects the retina from harmful influence light rays. Accordingly, this substance is extremely useful for people working under bright radiation and forced to stay in front of monitors for a long time.

You've probably heard that ginger helps keep your figure slim. In the next article, you will find all sorts of recipes for weight loss ginger tea, as well as reviews of people with the results of its use.

Striving to eat right? Then you probably keep track of the number of calories consumed. Our article on the calorie content of various teas with sugar and other additives will come in handy.

Benefits of Chang Shu Purple Tea

Growing in harsh conditions with low oxygen content forced the plant to adapt to the environment and extract nutrients to the maximum from the soil. This explains such a rich composition of the drink and its unique properties.

Thanks to this composition of biologically active substances, purple tea has a powerful effect on the human body. It can be considered a real elixir of youth. According to the studies conducted with regular consumption of tea, the condition of the skin and hair improves, wrinkles become less noticeable, the skin regains its lost tone and freshness. Some reviews say that the amount of gray hair is reduced. In any case, with the help of tea, the external signs of aging, such as gray hair and wrinkles, can be delayed in time.

Chang Shu restores youthfulness to blood vessels and heart with regular consumption. It improves the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, contributes to their normal functioning. Due to the fact that it lowers blood pressure, it can be recommended for the prevention and treatment of hypertension... Drinking tea helps to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.

A large amount of amino acids and bioflavonoids contained in the drink helps to improve reproductive function. According to some customer reviews, he able to delay the onset of menopause in women and prolongs active longevity.

Chang Shu proved to be especially effective in the fight against excess weight. Recently, it has been actively promoted for weight loss. And these are not just words: the substances included in its composition contribute to the burning of fat. Also, regular consumption of tea allows you to normalize metabolic metabolism. As a result, proteins, fats and carbohydrates begin to be absorbed correctly and the lost pounds are no longer returned.

Normalization of body weight occurs naturally without exhausting diets.

In general, its effect on the body can be called complex. Additionally chang shu:

  • improves vision;
  • normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • facilitates bowel function.

How tea affects weight loss

With all the excellent properties of the drink, one should not assume that it is enough to drink it and the extra pounds will quickly go away. Of course, the result will be, but without establishing a balanced diet and an active lifestyle, one cannot count on a serious effect.

Losing weight is due to the fact that tea in the first place accelerates metabolism and normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract... The substances included in the drink improve food digestion and accelerate the breakdown of carbohydrates and fats, which explains the emerging feeling of lightness and weight loss.

The tightening effect is explained by the fact that tea helps to get rid of tissue swelling - it normalizes salt metabolism and promotes the removal of water from cells and intercellular space. From here disappearance of cellulite, smoothing of the skin and elimination of its looseness.

Unable to relax? Chinese Tiguanin tea with a slight trance effect will help you out. This tea is still used by monks for this purpose.

Do you know which tea contributes to weight loss? In our article you can find out the recipe for milk tea for weight loss.

Do you want to learn how to make delicious coffee at home? Here we will tell you how to properly brew coffee in a Turk at home:

How to brew Tibetan purple tea

So, chang shu is not an ordinary tea, but a medicinal one. Like any medicine, it must be used correctly. The recipe for brewing it is quite simple. It is prepared in portions. For one cup of tea, you need to take 4-7 flowers and fill them with a glass hot water... You cannot use boiling water, otherwise the tea will lose its properties. The drink is insisted for 10 minutes and drunk immediately.

It is believed that in order to get tangible results, the drink should be drunk regularly for 3 months. Just two cups a day is enough. Lemon, honey, sugar can be added to the tea to add extra flavor. But if a fat-burning effect is expected from the use, it is better to refuse sugar with honey.


This cleansing Tibetan tea is completely safe for your health. Its use should be discarded if there are allergic reactions or individual intolerance to its components.
You should also drink tea with caution. people with low blood pressure - hypotension... If its manifestations are too strong, tea should not be drunk, as it significantly reduces blood pressure, which can lead to poor health.

Chang Shu purple tea is another plant-based Chinese drink that is credited with having miraculous properties. Sellers assure that it helps to lose weight, noticeably improve the appearance, and increase the overall tone. However, no real grounds for such statements are given.

Description of Chang Shu purple tea

The sellers of the drink mysteriously indicate only the origin of the raw materials for it from Tibet and Nepal. Some speak even more vaguely: tea is grown in Asia, at an altitude of 3,000 meters.

In fact, there is no mystery. The drink is made from the flowers of Clitoria ternatea - moth peas. This plant is indeed common in Asia. It is used, for example, to color dishes in an intense blue. also in different parts"Peas" (not only and not so much in flowers!) Biologically active substances have been found.

Tea from dried inflorescences is used in Thailand, India, China as a sedative. Local residents treat him without illusions and fanaticism. It is known that this drink lowers blood pressure, improves visual acuity, and helps to endure heat more easily. It tastes completely neutral. If you add lemon to blue tea, it turns purple.

Now let's go back to the descriptions on the sellers' sites. You should not be fooled by "scientific" terms! Chang Shu purple tea contains:

  1. Bioflavonoids- this is the general name for a huge group of substances - plant pigments. They are found in all plants! In relation to the human body, these are vitamin-like compounds. The list also includes individual bioflavonoids - catechins (tannins are one of the variants of catechins) - these are antioxidants. We see how "impressive" the composition of tea looks, if we simply indicate in it different names of the same, in fact, substances, attributing special properties to them.
  2. Vitamins of different groups- this is generally wonderful! Do you like vitamins? - They are. And what, in principle, is not so important ...
  3. Methylxanthine- has the ability to relieve spasms (used in the treatment of spasmodic cough with whooping cough). But sellers point out that it burns fat. Tea also contains, which increases the tone. Thus, these substances, most likely, can weaken the action of each other.
  4. - neurotransmitter. According to the description of the plant, such substances are concentrated in its roots.
  5. Synephrine is perhaps the only substance that is directly related to fat burning. Used in many products sports nutrition and dietary supplements. The effect on the body is similar to adrenaline.

After a semi-fantastic description of the composition of purple tea, sellers move on to listing its magical properties. Here, weight loss takes the first place. Although it is indicated that sugar or honey should not be added to the drink for best results. They add that you need to play sports and follow a diet. Although with such a "powerful" effect on fat, the effect of Chang Shu should have been noticeable without additional effort.

  • improvement of skin tone and color;
  • strengthening hair and nails;
  • increased vitality;
  • reducing stress;
  • normalization of processes in the genital area;

This list can be larger or smaller and depends not on the qualities of the tea, but on the seller's imagination.

How to take Chang Shu?

It is necessary to brew 7-10 dry flowers with a glass of non-boiling water (90-95 C) and leave for 10 minutes. You can drink it hot or cool it down. It is recommended to drink the entire serving at once. It is advised to take 2 glasses of tea a day - in the morning and in the evening. Someone is convinced that Chang Shu needs to be drunk continuously for 3 months to get noticeable results. And other "experts" say that it is worth taking a drink for a week, and then taking a two-week break.


  • pregnant and lactating;
  • minors;
  • hypotension;
  • allergy sufferers.

Customer reviews

Positive reviews

The Internet is full of essays on the topic "How I Amazingly Lost Weight with Chang Shu Purple Tea". This is an indispensable part of the unstoppable advertising of the product. TO real stories real people they have nothing to do with it. Therefore, it makes no sense to consider them in detail.

Negative reviews

But such texts are hard to find on the Web. Chang Shu began to actively sell in our market in 2016, so sellers are still closely monitoring the product's reputation. They don't allow stories of disappointment to appear on their own websites and forums.

There is little discussion of purple tea on independent sites, since such enrichment schemes based on "Chinese recipes" have tired everyone. You can find general statements that Chang Shu, like other miraculous drinks, does not live up to the expectations of those who are losing weight at all. But people are in no hurry to discuss the obvious.

Reviews of doctors

Interestingly, many sites selling purple tea are promoted precisely by publishing, allegedly, the opinions of experts. This is as much a lie as the extended positive customer reviews with "before" and "after" photos.

Firstly, the product has not been studied in Russia - doctors simply do not have adequate information either about its composition or about possible actions. And not a single self-respecting specialist will give any expert assessments of such a product. Moreover, sign your name. All these "reviews" are the product of the imagination of marketers.

You can understand how far the reality of Chang Shu purple tea is from the impressive picture painted by its sellers from our analysis of its composition.

The only benefit of the drink is in its visual beauty! It is really worth a lot: bright blue or purple (with lemon) tea.

Rate Chang Shu Purple Tea!

It helped me 32

It didn't help me 49

Overall impression: (5)

Tibetan tea Chang Shu or purple tea became known not so long ago, although it is popular in Nepal and Tibet, as it has a lot of beneficial properties. Local monks have been making this tea for over 6,000 years. Flowers for this tea are harvested only by hand; they are picked only twice a year. Therefore, tea is considered rare and expensive.

Chang purple tea contains biologically active substances and amino acids:

  • Vitamin complex. Vitamins of various groups help the body fight harmful factors the environment, strengthen the immune system.
  • Bioflavonoids. They make the walls of blood vessels more elastic, promote the removal of cholesterol. Lutein protects the retina, improves vision. These substances at the cellular level trigger the processes of rejuvenation.
  • Caffeine. Increases the body's endurance, tone, is a fat burner.
  • Methylxanthine. Similar in properties to caffeine, being a compound of alkaloids, it helps burn fat.
  • Catechins. These substances are antioxidants, they improve the condition of blood vessels, promote weight loss, and control blood glucose.
  • Tannins. The substances improve the condition of the gastrointestinal tract, prevent the occurrence of gastritis and ulcers.
  • Chromium compounds. They have a positive effect on the muscular and nervous systems. They take part in weight loss, as they can have a suppressive effect on appetite. Effective for the treatment of depression.
  • Tianin. The amino acid theanine has tonic properties. Tianin is useful for those who wish to relieve stress, fatigue after physical exertion.
  • Dopamine. It is a neurotransmitter, it activates the centers of fat burning and pleasure at the same time. The feeling of satiety from it appears faster. The substance strengthens memory, increases attention, improves mood.
  • Synephrine. This substance is better known in sports pharmacology, since it is actively recommended for burning body fat, getting rid of internal and subcutaneous fat.

Chang Shu tea: will it help you lose weight

Despite the fact that this Tibetan purple tea has a lot of useful properties, you should not think that when you take it, fat deposits will immediately melt, and extra pounds will evaporate without a trace. The result will be noticeable only after changing the lifestyle and establishing a balanced diet. Physical activity is encouraged.

The tea drink normalizes the state of the gastrointestinal tract, speeds up metabolism. Tea contains substances that accelerate the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates, improve food digestion. After taking it, there is a decrease in weight, a feeling of lightness.

Tea helps to lose weight, get rid of puffiness, it helps to remove water from the intercellular space and cells, and normalizes salt metabolism. The skin gains elasticity, the looseness of the skin is eliminated, it becomes smooth.

Chang Shu slimming tea not only participates in the process of losing weight, but also makes sure that extra pounds are not returned. Under the influence of the beneficial components of the drink, fats, carbohydrates, proteins, coming from food, begin to be properly absorbed. It is enough to drink purple tea to lose weight without starvation and exhausting diets.

Who shouldn't drink Chang Shu tea

This purple tea is completely harmless to health. Its use cannot cause discomfort and side effects... The only contraindication is individual intolerance to the components of this drink.

With caution, you should drink tea only under reduced pressure. Do not neglect the doses indicated in the instructions. There will be no additional benefit from exceeding the intake of the drink, although there will be no harm either.

How to prepare and consume Chang Shu tea

It should be remembered that Chang Shu tea is not just herbal tea, it is a medicinal drink related to tonic. And all remedies should be taken according to the instructions, tea cannot be prepared in reserve.


Hot, but not boiling, water should be used for making tea so that the plant used does not lose its properties. The maximum water temperature should be 90 ° C.

For one glass of hot water, it is worth taking from four to seven flowers from a pack of tea. Flowers are poured with water and left to infuse for ten minutes. The resulting drink should be consumed immediately.

The drink turns out to be a beautiful blue color. But it can change its color, like a chameleon, if you add a little lemon juice. The tea thus takes on a shade of purple or violet. Tea does not have a pronounced taste, some add sugar or honey to it, but for those who want to lose weight, this option is not suitable.

How to take purple tea for maximum benefit? It is recommended to use tea in courses. The first course should last seven days, you need to drink three cups of tea daily. Next, you need to take a week or two-week break, then repeat the course.

It is not recommended to interrupt the course, drink too strong a drink, increase the number of cups. The maximum dosage for one day should be seven flowers of the plant. It is advisable to take Chang Shu purple tea after consulting a doctor in the presence of chronic and acute diseases.

Chang Shu tea is primarily marketed as a slimming tea. Opinions on its effectiveness differ, some leave positive reviews, but most of them are negative for Chang Shu purple tea. One of the reasons for this is that many expect instant results from tea intake without making any effort to lose weight. But miracles do not happen, it is worth remembering that Chang Shu is useful medicinal plant, not a magic drink.

Purple tea has enough useful substances to promote weight loss, creating the necessary prerequisites for it: reduce appetite, normalize metabolism, remove excess fluid from the body. And regular exercise, proper nutrition will help make the process of losing weight effective.

While in search of miraculous means for losing weight, you can come across an amazing product - Chinese purple tea "Chang-Shu". Literally a few years after the appearance on Russian market the drink came to the taste of the stars of show business and ordinary people inclined to be overweight.

What is good about purple tea and whether it is worth using it for the sake of weight loss, we will tell you further and give real reviews of doctors and consumers about Chang Shu.

Properties of tea

Chang Shu purple tea is made from the flowers of a plant that is found in the highlands of Tibet, Thailand and Nepal. A tree of the myrtle family (Clitoria trifoliate) grows in ecologically clean conditions, which allows the raw material to preserve all useful substances and trace elements. The collection of flowers for the production of purple tea is done by hand 2 times a year. The lack of technical intervention and the favorable ecology are strong arguments in favor of buying a Chiang Shu drink. Its color after brewing is always deep blue, and the tea becomes purple if you drop a little lemon juice into the liquid. Then the product takes on a fantastic purple color.

Get a free consultation about the product

Ask the manager all your questions about the product by phone.
If the answers bother you, then you can place an order by informing the manager of the delivery details.

You can get advice from a real seller through the form above. Experts on oriental phytoproducts talk about the multifaceted effects of the Chang Shu drink on the human body:

  • Strengthens nails and hair.
  • Heals the nervous and visual system.
  • Slows down the aging process of the skin and prevents the early formation of wrinkles.
  • Restores the natural pigment of the hair and prevents the appearance of new gray hair.

The company's specialists responsible for packaging Chang Shu purple tea for weight loss talk about the phenomenal ability of the product to reduce weight: in just 3 months, fat women and obese men lose up to 30 extra pounds. As the course is completed, body weight is not recruited. The result is fixed at the achieved level. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with an interesting and informative video on the topic:

Operating principle

Rapid weight loss from drinking purple tea is due to two main factors - the acceleration of metabolic processes and the stabilization of the digestive activity of the body. The ingredients in Chang Shu Purple Tea accelerate the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates. As a result, the digestive processes are easier, a losing weight person has a feeling of lightness in the body, the weight is rapidly decreasing.

Tightening the skin after significant weight loss is explained by the fact that tea drives excess water from cells and intercellular space, eliminates puffiness and normalizes water-salt exchange... Women who have drunk Chang Shu purple tea with a course note the smoothing of the skin relief and the disappearance of cellulite.

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Chang Shu tea composition

For the beneficial effect on the body and the effect fast weight loss corresponds to the composition of the purple tea Chang-Shu.

  1. Catechins. Antioxidants increase the body's defenses and encourage it to fight body fat. They break down cholesterol and lipid buildup in blood vessels and regulate blood sugar levels.
  2. Tannins. Substances improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract, establish bowel movements, prevent the development of gastritis and peptic ulcer of the digestive organs. They remove heavy metals, strengthen mucous membranes and stop inflammatory processes at the initial stage of development.
  3. Bioflavonoids. Increase the elasticity of the vascular walls and resistance to the effects of cholesterol deposits in the composition of Chang Shu tea.
  4. Tianin. The role of the amino acid is to activate the immune system. The substance is a natural tonic, but it does not excite the psyche. Tianine is essential for people who are prone to frequent stress and physical overload.
  5. Methylxanthine. The substance is an alkaloid link. Its role in weight loss is to burn fat in moderation.
  6. Caffeine. Stimulates neurogenic activity and increases physical activity in the composition of Chang Shu. Has reasonable fat burning properties.
  7. Vitamins. By strengthening the immune system, nutrients increase the body's resistance to harmful factors.
  8. Chromium picolinate... The compound reduces appetite and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and muscles. One of the indications for taking chromium picolinates is the prevention of depression, which provoke a person to "seize" the problem.
  9. Dopamine. As an adjuster of the work of nerve cells, he improves the conductivity of impulses and the course of biochemical processes in the brain. For tea consumers, dopamine supplementation is beneficial in improving mood and memory, as well as improving concentration.

The combination of the components of Chang Shu flower purple tea for weight loss accelerates the metabolism. Fats, proteins and carbohydrates are absorbed better, excess lipids are absorbed, the lost kilograms are not returned. To enhance the effect, its intake can be combined with diets and exercise.

Instructions - how to brew and drink?

  1. To prepare purple Chang Shu tea, you need to pour 5 - 7 dry flowers with hot water.
  2. It is not recommended to pour boiling water over the raw materials, otherwise many useful substances will be destroyed by the high temperature.
  3. It is optimal to use water that has cooled down to 80 - 90 ° C after boiling.
  4. In the cup you will see blue or purple tea, tasteless and with an unobtrusive aroma.

To improve the taste, honey or lemon juice is added to the slimming drink - whoever likes what. Drink Chang-Shu purple tea after 10 minutes of infusion. The first course is seven days, with the use of 3 cups of tea a day. Further courses are held at intervals of 1 - 2 weeks. Too strong tea leaves should not be cooked, and the number of cups should not be exceeded. Three servings with seven flowers is the maximum dosage for one day. Another interesting video on how to make tea:


There are no serious contraindications to the use of Chang-Shu Tibetan purple tea for weight loss, but there are warnings that need to be heeded. Here are several groups of people who can be dangerous using the drink:

  • People suffering from hypotension, hypertension, diabetes - take only after consulting a doctor;
  • Persons under the age of 16;
  • An allergy to one of the herbs in the composition is possible, but this does not pose a danger.

With low blood pressure, tea can make you feel uncomfortable, so be careful. If, after taking Chang Shu, problems with stool begin, then you should stop taking it - this is a sign of an allergic reaction.

According to consumer protection law, the buyer has the right to return the purchased product within 14 days from the date of purchase. Excerpt from the law

Excerpts from Law 2. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Exercitationem, iste? Cumque architecto dicta eligendi alias eius nam earum neque voluptate, quis maiores voluptatum soluta ab officiis doloribus animi error perspiciatis, ipsum saepe eos. Illo expedita aliquid aperiam obcaecati, minus ipsam.

Additional guarantees

Customer Reviews

Svetlana, 33 years old, Barnaul:

A sedentary lifestyle due to sedentary office work "caught up" with me extra fats, as much as 18 kg. Due to being busy, I could not lose weight in active ways, and I no longer hoped for a miracle. Recently, a friend gave me a packet of Chang-Shu purple tea, but I started drinking it after consulting an endocrinologist (obesity is his specialty). For 1 month of tea drinking, I lost 9 kg. I already wrote out the second pack myself. I took a break and continued to take the remedy. For 2 courses she lost 20 kg.

Inna, 27 years old, Verkhoyansk:

All my life I was well-fed, but I never adhered to diets. I decided to drink Tibetan purple tea "Chang-Shu" for weight loss by chance, after reading an article on the forum about the benefits of an oriental plant. As it turned out, there are no contraindications. I ordered 3 packs at once and drank 3 cups of tea a day. Five flowers for tea leaves were enough for me, although sometimes I put 6. As a result, over 3 months of treatment with interruptions, I lost 25 kg. Additionally, I noticed that the nails became stronger. I'm happy with the effect of the drink. I am not gaining weight, although the last course was completed 4 months ago.

Anastasia, 40 years old, Domodedovo:

First, my friend drank purple tea for weight loss "Chang-Shu". Her results were amazing - from a 90-kilogram woman, she turned into a moderately well-fed lady weighing 60 kg. And this is just 3 months! I also decided to take tea, because extra 14 kg did not please me much. I got rid of them by drinking only one packet of tea. Brewed 5 flowers, drank 1 cup of tea in the morning and in the evening. I did not observe negative reviews at all, both from doctors and from patients.

Alina, 24 years old, Zabaikalsk:

The birth of my first child brought me joy and extra pounds. Before pregnancy, I weighed 60 kg, but hormonal changes did the trick. When the postpartum period passed, and I adapted to the new lifestyle, I began to pay attention to my appearance. I didn't need the extra 20 kg, because the wardrobe urgently needed an update. And there were many favorite things in the closet. And I began to work on myself, but to no avail. Because a hearty meal had to be prepared for the husband and the baby. And, of course, I had to try it. I learned about Chang-Shu purple tea for weight loss from the Internet, where I did not find negative reviews. I ordered 3 packs at once to complete the entire course. After 2 weeks, I noticed a surge of energy and a 6 kg weight loss. When the last pack of tea was used, my result was minus 23 kg.

Larisa, 27 years old, Magnitogorsk:

I never believed in the effectiveness of drinks for weight loss, but I risked ordering and drinking Chang-Shu tea with a full course. I was surprised how I lost 3 kg in 10 days, and continued to drink tea. For 2 months I lost 17 kg, which is insanely happy. Initially weighed 73 kg. Summer is just around the corner, it will not be a shame to walk around the city in shorts.

How many people have lost weight with Chang Shu?

269 ​​people

Helped me

Opinion of doctors

For more information on purple tea, we asked for the opinion of qualified professionals.

Julia Ivantsova, endocrinologist:

In purple tea "Chang-Shu", on which other doctors leave negative reviews, I do not see anything dangerous to human health. In fact, this is an herb with many biologically active substances in its composition, which serve as a good aid to drug therapy. Tea strengthens the immune system and promotes weight loss. I am not aware of any complications after taking it. I do not advise only to overuse purple tea, because even the amount of nutrients in the body must be balanced, so an overdose can cause digestive problems.

Tatiana Chelnokova, nutritionist:

Chang Shu purple tea for weight loss can be drunk without fears for health. The product has passed certification confirming its compliance with hygienic and sanitary-epidemiological requirements. The drink helped my patients not only to reduce, but also to stabilize their weight, i.e. keep it at its optimum level. Women did not complain of side effects in the process of taking the drug.

Elizaveta Balun, nutritionist-gastroenterologist:

Chang Shu Purple Tea is a powerful fat burner created by
by nature itself. As a source of nutrients, it carries to the body all the compounds necessary for its full activity. Every sane person understands that excess weight is not typed just like that. If the arrow of the balance reaches inexorably towards high rates, which means that the body does not perform any function as it should. Metabolism is often the weak link. Correction of metabolic processes by drinking purple tea - what could be easier? The drink sweetened with honey brings pleasure and benefits to the figure. 2 - 3 cups throughout the day - and your body will be perfect, even with a high percentage of adipose tissue.

Natalia Novikova, gynecologist:

My frequent patients are women with dysfunction
ovaries. Naturally, reproductive disorder brings overweight, insomnia, bad mood. In addition to drug treatment I advise everyone to take Chang Shu Purple Tea, which many people drink for weight loss. The drink is suitable for both women and men. However, for my specialization, I find amino acids useful, which normalize the functioning of the ovaries and slow down the aging process. Additionally, patients note weight loss if it was excessive.

Price and where to buy purple tea?

To date, the cost of Chang Shu purple tea for weight loss - for one package - is 1990 rubles, which is the lowest price at the time of writing the review. To ensure the authenticity of the product and the seller, be sure to clarify the terms of delivery and payment, since this product is paid strictly after receiving the order in your hands and checking for authenticity. Now there is a promotion for the product and a 50% discount, which can be obtained through the form below or by sending an application on the official website using the link in the review.

It is risky to place an order on third-party online stores, although there is a chance to get the original. Please share your experience and leave feedback on Chang Shu tea for weight loss under this review and on the forums on the network.