Ordinary wax candles. How to distinguish stearic candles from paraffin candles? How to make do-it-yourself stearin candles. If you hold glass over the flame of a candle

Good day, friends. Here is the following request: “Good day! Please tell me the recipe for making wax church candle... On the market, wax and ready-made wax candles cost the same. Accordingly, it is not difficult to guess that additives are added to the wax. Do not tell me what and in what proportions to add to beeswax in order to reduce the cost of candles, but at the same time so that the candles smell like wax, do not flow or break when you bend them in your hands?“We answer: Victor, hello. When launching a mini plant for the production of candles, you should be prepared for the fact that you will have to work hard on the final recipe of the candle composition in order to get high-quality products at the output. By experimenting with the ratio of the ingredients used, you can find your own, ideal, recipe. But the acquisition of a ready-made and "tested" raw material composition will cost the entrepreneur a tidy sum.

Today a church candle made of paraffin c adding wax became commonplace. Candles made from whole beeswax are also sold, but they are much more expensive than paraffin candles. To comply with church canons, at least 15% of wax is added to paraffin during production; dyes are also added so that the candle has a waxy color familiar to the eye, and ceresin - for stability. The paraffin itself should be High Quality: white, odorless and oil-free, otherwise the candle will smoke. Making church candles - raw materials

There are no special recipes for a mixture for making church candles.

Natural beeswax, ceresin, food and technical paraffin are compatible with each other in any percentage ratio.

The composition of the material for making church candles determines the capabilities of the parishioners. Someone can afford expensive candles made of pure beeswax, someone will buy semi-wax.

But the most popular are church candles made from relatively inexpensive YAV-1 paraffin. Paraffin of this brand does not have an oil smell, therefore it can be subjected to aromatization, and is very close in color to the color of natural wax.

Therefore, for a church shop, it is advisable to make on a universal manual machine not only all numbers of church candles, but candles from materials that differ in cost.

Paraffin candles wrapped in beeswax

The hand-held drum-type church loom with the shuttle movement of the wick provides a unique opportunity to make church paraffin candles wrapped in natural beeswax.

On any other church machines, including injection molds, this operation is impossible.

The exception is church candles. self made manufactured, also according to old technology, by dipping method.

Semi-wax candles are church candles made from a mixture of molten beeswax and paraffin wax.

The sheathed candle is also actually a semi wax candle. But in it, paraffin and beeswax are not mixed with each other.

Inside the candle is inexpensive technical paraffin or any other candle raw material, and on the outside there is a layer of natural beeswax.

Moreover, the manual church machine allows the thickness of the outer layer to be easily changed.

The thickness of the wax coating can be several tenths of a millimeter, i.e. like a film, and be equal to almost half the diameter of the candle.

By changing the thickness of the shell of beeswax, you can adjust the cost of the church candle.

The shell, made from a mixture of paraffin and beeswax, will further reduce the cost of raw materials for making church candles.

By appearance and the aroma of cheap candles, even in a very thin natural shell, are absolutely identical to wax church candles.

Technical paraffin, including the YaV-1 brand, has a low melting point and the beginning of softening.

To prevent the candles from bending in the hot season, not sticking to hands and not sticking to each other during transportation, refractory ceresin is added to technical paraffin in the manufacture of church candles.

The higher the percentage of ceresin in the candle mass, the more heat-resistant the church candle is.

To reduce the consumption of ceresin, which is expensive, compared to paraffin, and at the same time to increase the resistance of candles to heat, a refractory shell will help.

Even a thin protective layer of ceresin will prevent church candles from sticking together during long-term storage and will provide unbending firmness during the procession on a sunny summer day.

Food paraffin grade P-2 refers to environmentally friendly varieties of petroleum paraffins. They cover hard cheeses and impregnate packaging material for other food products. It is also widely used in cosmetics and medicine.

Cleaner burning and the ability to easily be painted in any color have made white food paraffin the main raw material for making decorative candles.

Paraffin of the YAV-1 brand and beeswax have a pronounced color of their own, therefore it is impossible to repaint them in a juicy red, yellow and especially snow-white color.

A decorative shell made of colored food paraffin will effectively solve all color problems.

It will not only camouflage the dirty gray color of a church candle made of technical paraffin, but also increase its resistance to heat, since food grade P-2 paraffin has enough high rate refractoriness.

It is known that in the period preceding the widespread use of petroleum products, beeswax was used as a raw material for the manufacture of church candles. Beeswax is a complex mixture of many substances. It contains esters (70-74%), free fatty acid(13-25%) and saturated hydrocarbons (12-15%). This composition of beeswax provides an even, non-smoking candle flame. However, the low melting point of beeswax does not provide good dimensional stability for small-diameter candles, especially at elevated temperatures. In addition, the scarcity and high cost of beeswax limits the expansion of church candle production in line with the country's increasing demand and export organization.

Since the opening of the fire, mankind has been looking for ways to maintain it. At first, this function was performed by a torch in which the resin burned. It was poured into the recess of the wood handle. However, the torch was short-lived due to the burning of the handle. The resin was poured into earthen and glass vessels. Along with the resin, animals were burned, and a piece of moss, a bunch of plant fibers, and then a piece of twine or a strip of fabric was dropped into the burning material. This prototype of the wick laid the foundation for wick lamps.

Lamp history

The first lamps were not perfect. They smoked terribly, and the light from them was weak and often extinguished.

Later, the earthenware bowl turned into a closed teapot, into the spout of which a wick was threaded. This is how it became the best source of illumination for several hundred years. Its flame was brighter, but when it burned, the lamp smoked. Smoke helped to overcome the invention of lamp glass.

Candle history

Another descendant of the torch is the candle. At first, candles were made from wax or tallow. They appeared in the X century AD. Grease candles were the easiest to make. The wick dipped into the molten bacon, was taken out, the bacon solidified on it. And this procedure was repeated several times to create a candle of the required thickness. Much later, special forms for candles appeared, into which molten wax or lard was poured.

There was little light from the tallow candle, but a lot of soot. Because of this, several of these candles were usually lit in a room at the same time. Then the candelabrum was invented - a candlestick with branches for fixing several products.

Material for replacing fat has been required for a long time, but was found at the dawn of the 19th century. For candles, stearin began to be used, which was part of lard. This is how the stearicum candle was born. When it appeared, it instantly gained popularity, replacing the greasy one. It burned brighter, while not giving carbon deposits and not getting your hands dirty. Stearin candles have surpassed their predecessor in all respects. And they began to be applied everywhere.

Many argue about what came first - kerosene lamp or a stearin candle. from which they began to make candles almost immediately, was invented in 1816. Kerosene replaced oil in lamps only in the middle of the 19th century.

Candle properties

At first, wax and paraffin were used as materials for candle making. In the future, they began to use stearin. Paraffin and stearin have different physical and chemical characteristics, which leaves an imprint on the difference in candles made from these materials.

Paraffin is a product of oil refining, which is a mixture of various hydrocarbons. And the composition of stearin contains glycerin and stearic acid. It belongs to complex esters. This led to their different melting points: for paraffin - from 36 to 55 ° C, while for stearin from 55 to 72 ° C. This makes stearin products harder, making it possible to better maintain their shape. At the same time, the stearic candle reaches 1500 ° C, and the paraffin candle - 1400 ° C.

In candle production, paraffin and pure stearin are almost never used. Most often they are mixed in different proportions. Usually use stearic candles, the composition of which is 96% palm oil and 4% paraffin.


How to distinguish a stearic candle from a paraffin candle? In life, paraffin is distinguished from stearin by the use of alkali. When alkali reacts with stearin, the result is soap, which is precipitated by the acid. Paraffin, on the other hand, is neutral with respect to the alkali solution, so nothing will change.

Stearin is most often used as a raw material for the manufacture of various decorative products.

DIY making

If in the old days candles were used to provide normal lighting of premises, nowadays stearin candles are increasingly taking on the role of an interesting decorative element that can create a romantic or solemn atmosphere.

Now in specialized stores, many items of candle production are sold, both the simplest and amazing with their quirkiness and originality. At the same time, such decorations lend themselves well self-production using simple materials that are freely available. Making this decor element with your own hands does not need too much financial expense and does not take much time. At the same time, giving free rein to your indomitable imagination and putting your soul into your work, you will create an unprecedented thing that can give joy to you and those around you.


We will work miracles from stearin, paraffin or wax. For people new to candle making, it is best to start their experiments with paraffin, as it is the easiest to work with. Paraffin is either bought in a store, or is obtained from ordinary household colors or their cinders.

Also, stearin is not difficult to obtain from ordinary stearin. To do this, you need to grate the soap on a coarse grater or cut it with a knife. Next, the resulting shavings are placed in a metal container, completely filled with water and sent to a water bath for melting. After dissolving the soap, it is removed from the heat, after which vinegar is added to the resulting composition. A thick mass will appear on the surface, which, after final cooling, can be removed with a spoon. This substance is stearin. It must be washed running water and wrapped in a clean cloth to remove excess moisture.


The best wick can be a thick cotton thread. You can use twisted or woven floss. Artificial materials for creating a wick are absolutely unsuitable, as they quickly burn out, while emitting a disgusting smell. The easiest way to get a wick is from ordinary candles.

Form, dyes, dishes

A variety of containers can serve as a form. These can be sand molds or coffee cans. If you want to make a piece of jewelry narrowed at the top or round, you need to take a container that is used as a shape, for example, a plastic ball. It is necessary to make a longitudinal cut and make a hole in the upper part of the mold, having a diameter of at least ten millimeters, so that the composition can be freely poured there.

As dyes, you can use wax crayons or natural substances, for example, cocoa. Dyes based on water or alcohol are not suitable.

You will also need utensils: a small saucepan or bowl is fine. It is important that it fits comfortably in a water bath.

For a long time, people looked at fire and felt safe. Many centuries have passed, but even now, when looking at the hearth, the same feeling arises. But today we are not sitting by fires, wax candles are substituted for them. They give any room an atmosphere of intimacy, and the smooth oscillation of the flame fascinates people, just like hundreds of thousands of years ago.

These days when there are many different materials, you can craft wax houses, creating your own masterpieces. They can be of various shapes, sizes and colors.

Materials needed to create paraffin candles

You will need:

  • cotton threads;
  • wax crayons;
  • ordinary candles.

These materials are inexpensive and readily available.

Auxiliary materials for the production of candles

You will also need:

  • old saucepan;
  • container where wax will melt;
  • two plastic or wooden sticks to stir the wax and attach the wick;
  • molds for creating candles, it can be children's toys or plastic cups;
  • decorative ornaments for future creations.

V this case you can select materials at your discretion.

Nuances in choosing a wick

Any candles: church, wax, gel, paraffin - have a wick. It needs to be made from 100% cotton. It can be a ribbon of fabric or string. The main thing is that there are no synthetics in the composition. Multicolored wicks made of floss threads look especially good on transparent candles.

For each candle, the wick is selected individually. Its hardness and thickness depend on the part of the candle that will have to burn out. Also from her material. For wax candles, thick wicks should be made, the threads of which are not very tightly woven. For paraffin or gel, on the contrary, you need to tightly intertwine thin threads. Such a wick will not smoke when burning. It must be remembered that if used for dyeing, the shavings may not dissolve in the candle material and clog the wick.

In short, there are many nuances here that can only be understood in practice. If the wick is thick, the wax candles will smoke and burn out too quickly. And very thin ones will often go out. In general, you need to try and experiment.

The wick can be twisted (like a string), braided or crocheted. Immediately before pouring, it is better to soak the threads with wax, but many believe that this is useless and simply fill them with wax, paraffin or gel.

The principle of creating a candle

To make your own wax candles, you need to find a suitable shape. You can use any plastic cups, children's toys, that is, anything where you can pour paraffin. However, this container must be able to withstand a temperature of 100 °. For the first time, it is better to take a simple shape to understand the principle of creating a candle.

A knot is tied at the end of the cotton string. After that, a hole is made at the bottom of the mold in the center. This cotton wick is inserted into it so that its knot is outside. He will subsequently be the top of the candle, and also will not allow wax or paraffin to flow out of the mold when it is created. Next, you need to fix the second end of the wick, which will be at the bottom of the finished product. It should be in the middle of the form. To do this, take any stick, you can take a toothpick or a match. It is placed across the mold, and the other end of the wick is tied to its center. You need it to be centered and vnatyag. After everything is fixed, you can start creating a candle.

We need material to fill out the form. Therefore, they take church candles, wax, paraffin, in general, everything that is available. It is better to chop them finely to make shavings. It is folded into a tin can and placed in a water bath. That is, a pot of water is taken, put on the fire, and after it boils, a container with material for a candle is immersed in it. It becomes liquid under the influence of temperature, and then you can pour it into a candle mold. In the process, you can use any container, the main thing is not glass.

Candle painting materials

In order for the product to be the desired color, for example, you want to get wax green candles, red, blue, or even multi-colored, then you need to add a dye to the composition. The most widely used material for this is children's wax crayons. In general, you can use any fat-soluble dye. If you take gouache or watercolor, then they will not work, because they will not be able to dissolve in the material, and will simply float in pieces, and subsequently settle at the bottom.

Some masters use lipstick and eye shadow to color their masterpieces. However, in the process of burning a candle, lipstick gives off an odor. If it is pleasant, then it is a great option not only in terms of color, but also aromatic effect.

There are also special candle dyes sold in a variety of colors and shades. Using them, you can make both snow-white and black candles (wax or paraffin). By adding them in different proportions, you will achieve both gentle pastel colors and bright saturated colors.

Pouring material into a mold

If everything is ready, we proceed to the main stage. The shape is lubricated from the inside vegetable oil or a liquid used when washing dishes. This is to make it easier to remove the frozen candle. First, a little material is poured into the bottom to close the hole with the wick. After all, if you immediately fill the entire space, then wax or paraffin will flow out strongly. And this is inconvenient, and it will take much longer.

After the bottom has solidified, pour the rest of the wax or paraffin until the entire container is filled. When it is ready, wait for the wax to cool down. room temperature... This will cool the wax candles gradually and evenly. If you try to speed up the process and immerse the product in the freezer, then the surface of the candle may crack, which will ruin its appearance.

Removing the candle from the mold

You need to untie the knot on the wick, where the top of the product will be, then pull on it from the other side. The candle should come off. If the product cannot be removed, there are two solutions: the first is to cut the mold, the second is to put everything in the freezer for two minutes. After that, the candle is immediately poured hot water... Due to the sharp temperature drop, it can be easily removed.

After that, the wick is shortened to the required size, and the seams that remain from the mold must be doused with hot water - then they will disappear. However, in this case, the product loses its original shine. Therefore, when you create wax candles, the molds should be selected without seams, so that later there will be no problems with their elimination.

Aroma candles

They are made in the same way as wax, but with the addition of essential oils. When burning, they will fill the room with a pleasant aroma. You can use any essential oil, just not pink. It emits a suffocating odor when burned. You need to add the necessary flavoring to the liquid wax, and then mix everything thoroughly. After everything is homogeneous, the wax is poured into the mold. Further steps are identical to the above.

DIY wax candles burn and look very beautiful. However, you can make such accessories completely transparent, as if it were water. They are made from gel, which is specially prepared for this.

Gel candles

To create such a lovely miracle, you can buy gel wax at the store. But if desired, it is easy to make it at home. For this you will need:

  • water;
  • tannin;
  • glycerol;
  • gelatin.

Take 5 parts of gelatin (necessarily colorless) and dissolve it in 20 parts of water. After that, you need to add 25 parts of glycerin and stir everything thoroughly, after which a transparent essence will begin to appear. To it add 2 parts of tannin, which are previously dissolved in 10 parts of glycerin. Immediately after connection, a dirty precipitate is formed, which disappears upon boiling. After creating a transparent mixture, it is poured into a mold, like ordinary wax candles, the manufacture of which we discussed above.

The look of such candles can be made even more spectacular by adding dyes to them. Thus, they can be given delicate tones of any color. And you can pour different colors into the uncured mixture to get bizarre abstractions.

Whatever one may say, but after a romantic evening or an evening of relaxation, there are still pieces of candles of different sizes and frozen paraffin on the candlesticks. Usually all this property is thrown away by the hostess.
But there is an easy way to transform candle leftovers into amazing candlesticks.
What do you need:
Candles (we took 3 whole ones, but you can safely use the rest of the candles, but you need to remove the wicks from them);
2 saucepans different sizes(one must fit into the other);
A thread;
Parchment paper;
How to do:

1. Wax preparation: melt the wax in a water bath. To make it melt faster, you can grate it or chop it into small pieces.
2. Preparing the work area: It is best to use a baking sheet covered with baking paper.

3. Preparation of the mold: take a ball and fill it with water. The main thing is that the filled ball goes into the container with wax. Important: the height of the candlestick will be the same as the water level in the ball.

4. Very carefully dip the ball into the wax 3 times, while the ball must not touch the walls of the container, and the filled ball must be dipped into the wax no lower than the water level in it. If you make one of these mistakes, the ball will burst, and the water will get into the wax. Therefore, you will have to stop the process, wait for the wax to harden, drain the water and start over.

5. When you have dipped the ball into the wax three times, place it on a flat surface (our baking sheet), covered with baking parchment.

6. If the walls of the future candlestick seem too thin to you, you can once again “bath” the ball. But it should be borne in mind that too thick walls will poorly transmit light.

7. When the wax has frozen, carefully cut the thread (if this is not possible, cut the ball near the threads), drain the water from the ball, remove the shell.

8. To make the edges of our candlestick even and neat, do the following: heat the baking sheet and "bake" the edges of the product.

9. We fill our wax candlestick with water, lower a tablet candle into it.
10. The unique candlestick is ready.
1. Such a candlestick can be decorated with rhinestones, sparkles, sequins in the process - when the wax is still warm, absolutely any decor is "put" on it with tweezers.

2. You can also decorate such a candlestick with colored wax - add a few pieces of paraffin to the melted wax different colors and stir until patterns are formed, then lower the ball. In this case, you will end up with an unusual striped candlestick or with fancy stains.

What is beeswax? 4 commercial varieties are considered, including wax for foundation, and it is indicated by what technology candles are made - 3 standard and 7 artistic technologies.

Beeswax is the base of additives E901 and E902, i.e. food and candle wax. The Russian GOST indicates the properties of another product - raw materials for foundation. The foundation leaf must be of the highest quality, otherwise the bees will not accept it. There are other natural varieties such as E903 carnauba wax. You can start making any wax candle by studying the properties of this material.

Compliance with safety regulations in the manufacture of candles

The wax will melt already at 65 ° C. Whitish foam will appear when heated to 100 ° C.

Protective apron when working with wax

The critical temperature is 120 ° C, when vapors are released that can flare up. Therefore, at home, wax is melted in a water or steam bath.

You cannot extinguish the flame with water - there will be an explosion. Use soda. And to block the access of oxygen, any available means will do. Before work, put on a canvas apron, gloves, and clothes should hide the maximum surface of the body.

Preparing to make beeswax candles

Equip the workplace:

  • Install a container with soda powder;
  • You also need a pot or a bucket of water, into which you can put both hands;
  • Remove grease and wax from equipment parts;
  • The room must be ventilated.

Cookware is prepared - iron, enamel, copper. The aluminum will smell.

Steam and water

A sponge is placed at the bottom of the container with water, and a melting pot is placed on the sponge. The water level should be above the wax. The steam bath is not designed like this: there is a bowl on a dish filled with water, which covers the entire steam container.

With a steam bath, the main thing is not to be mistaken with the volume of the evaporated liquid. And the raw materials are washed, cooled and crushed before smelting.

Tools and materials for making beeswax candles

You need to think about what to make a wick for a candle. Usually three cotton threads are twisted or braided. You will also need:

  • Pencil;
  • Weight (can be taken in a tea candle);
  • A wick needle, but only when making short candles.

Molds can be made of any material, but first they are lubricated with detergent. Wood molds can be oiled with vegetable oil.

Product E901

It is better to buy the main material in granules, and the E901 wax is white and yellow. Candles made of foundation are of high quality, but they are sold only to beekeepers.

Candle painting materials

The dye is added to the melted wax and mixed. Materials:

  • Wax crayons. Edible crayon cannot be made from paraffin wax.
  • Fat-soluble food colors - powder, gel, paste;
  • Acting make-up, but not much, 2-3 gr. per liter;
  • Kandurin (gold), glitter (aluminum sequins). Glitter will smell.

Gel dyes are suitable for both gel and wax candles.

Food paint

Makeup emits harmful substances, but it is needed for pastel shades.

Do not use water-soluble dyes.

Stages of making beeswax candles

The wax is brought to T = 80 ° C. The wick must be waxed by tying a weight to it and fixing it on a pencil. Then the wick is fixed on the mold:

  • The weight remains on the thread;
  • The knotted thread is passed through the hole at the bottom of the mold.

If you can make a tunnel in the candle, skip this step.

Candle without thread

In "step 2", the dye is added, and before pouring, the flavor is added.

Pouring material into a mold

Even before melting, the mold is immersed in a solution. detergent, then wipe, but not dry. Warming up with a hairdryer will also be required.

Form set

The wick must be vertical. Then the wax is poured into the center of the mold.

The wax almost does not shrink, and solidification goes from the edge to the center.

Removing the candle from the mold

If a weight was used, the candle is pulled out by the wick. This method is not suitable for the variant with a knot. The knot is cut, and needles, hooks, etc. are used to remove. With a form without a bottom, this method is also used.

If the mold is flexible, the candle can be squeezed out.

Types of wax candles

A compound candlestick always consists of an upper and lower halves. And candles with a short wick are sculptures in which a regular wick is not installed. Curly candles are obtained only in split or disposable forms. An example is geometric shapes. How to make such candles with your own hands, for beginners, is described in the video.

Figured wax candles at home

The form is made of paper, glued and painted over from the outside. Staining is carried out in order to seal the joints.


A wick with a weight is installed, casting is carried out. The form is removed after cooling.

The valves at the joints will only be "external" (see photo).

DIY beeswax candle with floral motif

When using silicone, you can create a three-dimensional ornament. The detachable form is pulled together with clamps, and the wick is tied into a knot. On the other hand, with a one-piece form, a wick with a weight is used.

You can try making a mold with 5-7 layers of sealant.

The sealant is applied to the oil-coated sample.

DIY openwork wax candle

If you add pieces of ice to the mold, the finished product will be delicate. An example is in the photo.

Ice is lighter than water, and wax is even more so. When it cools, the melted ice flows down through the holes.

Precautions: the wick with a weight is glued to the bottom of the mold.

Colored wax candles

It's even amazing what you can do with your own wax without using silicone or paper.

Alternating layers

A candle of constant cross-section is immersed in colored wax, alternating several layers. There is no need to wait for drying. You will get a smooth transition or more complex effects.

White wax is the base material.

How to make a beautiful large wax candle

Take a multilayer workpiece. And they make "leaves" on the edges.

Carved ornament

All tiers are processed with a cutter in turn. They start from the top tier.

The previous chapter covered how to make a striped layer.

How to make a wax rose with your own hands

The base of the rose is a waxed wick. It is wrapped in petals.

Wax roses

Small master class:

  • The wax is poured onto a saucer;
  • At T = 37-40 ° C, the plate is removed with a thin knife;
  • Form a layer of petals.

The more layers, the more solid the result.

The plate, without removing it from the saucer, is sometimes cut into 2 or 3.

Loose Palm Wax Candle

E903 is supplied in granules which are poured into glassware. The surface needs to be leveled, and a waxed wick is installed in the center.

Candles from wax granules

The design looks simple. But a wick with a length of 10 cm will not burn out even in a day.

Other names for E903 wax are carnauba, Brazilian, palm.

Nuances in choosing a wick

The journal Beekeeping has determined what the optimal diameter of the wick is if the raw material is foundation.

This data is also valid for E90X materials. The color of the E901 granules is irrelevant. And for product E902, the numbers in the first line must be reduced.

Making candles from beeswax, they also make a wick with their own hands. The impregnation can be copper sulfate, salt or zinc filings. And the flame will turn into aqua, light blue or cornflower blue. And the material is cotton thread.

Video - Master Class

Useful properties and uses of beeswax ear candles

A tube of gauze and wax will help remove the sulfur plug. The method is not approved by medicine, but it is used in Asia.

Waxed gauze

Mode of application:

  1. Cut off part of the cone;
  2. Cover the patient's head with a cloth made of natural material (flax), make a slit;
  3. Install the pipe and set it on fire;
  4. Put out the flame when it reaches the mark.

Then, a cotton wool turunda is installed for 15 minutes.

Benefits of beeswax candles

A tubular candle helps to get rid of diseases:

  • Tonsillitis (inflammation of the tonsils), rhinitis, otitis media;
  • Sinusitis;
  • Decreased hearing;
  • Tinnitus, dizziness;
  • Sleep disturbance.

Antibiotics are needed to cure the infection. Without them, the benefits of the considered method will be zero. And if the wax gets into the ear canal, difficult treatment awaits, however, without surgery.

Another "minus" is the fire hazard. Contraindications: purulent otitis media, ear infections, allergy to pollen or propolis.

DIY candles. Why and who needs them?

There is no point in asking what is the use of art for a person. It is still impossible to find the answer.

Technology "3 layers + thread"

Everything considered above will benefit the master himself, that is, the author of the work. And if it turns out to be successful, it can be used in any of three qualities:

  • As a bright and memorable gift;
  • As a visiting card of the products offered by the beekeeper;
  • As proof of the naturalness and high quality of wax raw materials.

The number of candlestick painters in Russia is now small. And success does not come to those who try to copy one of the well-known technologies. The possibility of inventing a new technology is another reason to master the candle business, and it is better if it is mastered by the beekeeper himself.

Using wax in everyday life

Glaze and chocolate are prepared with edible wax, it is included in chewing gum. Medicine uses the bee product in a different way - it serves as the basis of ointments and is an important material for dentistry. And the product corresponding to GOST 21179-2000 is intended not only for foundation. It is used in the same way as E901 pellets.

Application in folk medicine not covered here.


The white granules of E901 resemble paraffin wax. It is impossible to distinguish one from another by color.

A new kind of art

However, a paraffin candle leaves grime on the mirror. Other disadvantages are listed below.

How to expose paraffin wax

The natural product should sink in 44 percent alcohol. The density of the wax is lower and it floats up. Also, paraffin melts at a lower temperature than wax. But this problem is solved in its own way - natural ceresin is added. It has a melting point of 65-88 ° C.

Regardless of what is added, the density only goes down.

Cleaning the candlestick

It is easy to clean the candlestick from wax - you need hot water, not necessarily boiled. And soot leaves paraffin or ceresin. You need chemistry to clean it off. And let it be neutral with respect to the enamel or finish.

The second way to remove the wax is to freeze it to T = -1 ° C - -2 ° C.

Candle composition

The products of some candle factories leave no doubt about their high quality.

Candles in retail

What counts goes to the casting of candles food product! But more often a mixture of wax and ceresin is used. The first of the two components is E902 wax.

E901 vs E902 cost comparison: "2.5 to 1" or "3 to 1".

Disadvantages of paraffin candles

A thin synthetic wick is a sign of a paraffin wax candle. The speed of burning depends on the diameter of the wick. And the soot left by the candles consists of the products of the combustion of paraffin. Among them, a significant part of the entire periodic table is represented.

The wax, which is composed of 50 organic substances, does not leave any soot.