Sports nutrition for boxers. Why sports nutrition in boxing. Harmful to Boxers

Plays an important role proper nutrition. The absence of one can nullify all the boxer’s efforts. However, adherence to the basic principles will greatly improve the result. Boxing requires significant physical activity, which means energy is wasted, which needs to be replenished. Replenishment occurs through meals.

If a common person with average physical activity should consume 30-40 kcal per 1 kg of weight per day, then a boxer during the period intensive training you will need 60-70 kcal per 1 kg of weight. With the right approach, weight should not change significantly.

Nutrition should always be balanced, and even more so when working hard in the boxing gym. Food should be nourishing and varied.

The recommended ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is 1:0.9:4 respectively.

This is explained quite simply - a boxer does not need weight gain as such, and even more so, accumulation of excess fat is inappropriate here, and it is more expedient to restore the energy balance through the consumption of carbon and protein foods. That is why it is necessary to give up heavy fatty foods and fast foods (you will have to completely forget about alcohol and smoking). It is better to replace cane sugar with honey, because honey is an excellent product containing easily digestible carbohydrates. It is recommended to give preference to such products as meat, cottage cheese, fish, eggs, milk, cheese, kefir, porridge (buckwheat, rice, millet, etc.).

It is preferable to choose a flour product from durum wheat (pasta, bread). Food before training should be high in calories, but easily digestible and not in large volumes. Particular attention should be paid to the consumption of fruits and vegetables, especially in hot weather.

Best used as drinks various varieties herbal teas that have a tonic effect on the body. However, excessive drinking has a negative impact on general performance and is not a guarantee of quenching thirst due to the development of an abnormal need for more fluid.

The consumption of vitamins and minerals is also important.

If there is a shortage and natural products are not able to restore it, it is recommended to resort to taking multivitamin complexes, which can be purchased at pharmacies (on the recommendation of a doctor).

Table of contents:

  • Protein
  • Amino acids
  • Adaptogens
  • Stimulants
  • Vitamin and mineral complexes
  • Creatine
  • Gainers
  • Conclusion

Like any other mechanism, the human body is not a perpetual motion machine and if there is no gasoline, the car does not move. Any athlete, in addition to meals, simply needs additional refueling with vitamins, amino acids, proteins and other useful elements. Of course, you can train without using it, but modern supplements can provide significant advantages over others.

If for yourself you have long answered the question is it necessary? Then we will analyze the main supplements used by athletes, their effect on the body and the advisability of use.


And of course, the first in the analysis will be the legendary protein, the most popular supplement among all athletes. The basis of this supplement is concentrated protein. It is protein that forms the basis of muscle tissue. The growth of muscle mass is possible only when a positive nitrogen balance is formed in the body, that is, the process of anabolism occurs. Since the main source of nitrogen in the body is protein, its presence can be used to judge the growth of muscle mass or its absence.

The main sources of protein in food are: meat, cottage cheese, eggs, fish, poultry. When it comes to supplements, protein comes in three types: complex, casein and whey. The purpose of all three varieties, in a rough estimate, is approximately the same: stimulating muscle growth, maintaining healthy weight, and in rare cases, used to reduce body fat levels.

The main difference between them is the speed of absorption from gastrointestinal tract Therefore, their methods of application to achieve maximum effect are different.

For example, casein is absorbed more slowly (6-8 hours) and has the property of suppressing appetite. It is best taken at night and before long periods without eating. Suitable as an aid for.

Whey protein has the fastest absorption rate (2 hours) and is best suited only for bulking and increasing anabolic processes during training. It is best to use in the morning, 2 hours before training and immediately after training.

Complete protein is a mixture of casein and whey protein and includes the properties of both. It is also consumed before bedtime and before long periods without food.

Taking into account their effects on the body, the best option for a boxer it will be Whey Protein. Unless, of course, you want to move up to a higher weight category. Considering the specificity of boxing, you need to drink it before and after training in order to minimize catabolic processes.

Amino acids

The second popular sports supplements. Amino acids are the material from which all proteins in the body are built. A reasonable question arises: what is the difference between protein and amino acids? The answer lies in the fact that not only the growth of muscle mass and strength, but also the lipolysis of subcutaneous fat, the restoration of physical and mental tone after training, and even the intellectual activity of the brain depend on amino acids. There are many amino acids, of which the most valuable for a boxer are:

  • BCAAs are the main “fuel” for muscle tissue and have an anti-catabolic effect;
  • Glutamine – gives additional energy in battles, restores muscles;
  • Taurine – stimulates the central nervous system;

The main disadvantage of amino acids will probably be their high cost. If you are not experiencing financial difficulties, you should take a portion before and after training. If you have problems, you can get by with protein.


A very popular biologically active group in boxing, and in sports in general. They are plant extracts that have a tonic effect, stimulate the central nervous system, increase performance and strength endurance, increase mental performance, improve mental concentration and much more. Take individually according to instructions.


Also found widespread use in . These are substances that improve memory, speed up reaction and thinking, eliminate drowsiness, speed up metabolism and stimulate fat burning. With their help, perhaps, with minimal losses in strength indicators, you can move to a lighter weight category. Examples of stimulants are caffeine, synephrine, yohimbine, which are found in various sports supplements.

Vitamin and mineral complexes

High-intensity boxing training dictates the need for additional vitamins and minerals. Increased metabolism during exercise increases the consumption of vitamins, and increased sweating removes minerals from the body in large quantities. The first evidence of a lack of vitamins and minerals is deterioration sports uniform. Their deficiency can cause many different diseases. Multivitamins do not contain harmful substances, are safe for health and are mainly aimed at activating metabolic processes.


Creatine is mainly popular in strength sports, running short distances, long jump. This is due to the peculiarities of its effect; it has the ability to short-term enhance athletic performance. In boxing, its benefits are offset by the peculiarities of the work. Creatine stimulates the growth of muscle mass, increases endurance and strength, but during the course it has the ability to accumulate excess water in the muscles. This slows down the impact speed, which is bad.


Protein-carbohydrate mixtures containing some fat. Aimed at increasing mass (muscle and fat at the same time) and replenishing energy reserves, they are of little value for a boxer. In our case, protein would be more appropriate for replenishing energy reserves.


Knowledge of the properties and actions of sports supplements is an integral part of any.

All of the above sports nutrition should not be confused with anabolic steroids, which undoubtedly cause harm to the body. Sports, if you follow the instructions and have no contraindications, do not harm the body, but only improve individual indicators.

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We wish you success!

A specific nutrition system intended for boxers was developed back in the 19th century, when this sport was just beginning to develop.
The boxing diet was invented by James Figg. He developed it specifically for his athletes.

Today, such a diet is used not only among athletes, but also among those who want to get rid of excess weight. Moreover, this nutritional system is suitable for both women and men.

As part of this diet, the body will receive the optimal amount of fats and proteins, in which there will be no deficiency of any nutrients, but at the same time there will be no weight gain.

Also, with such a nutritional system, the body will be enriched with the necessary fatty acids.

Features of the boxing diet

Thanks to the right combination of proteins and fats in the diet menu, throughout the course you will not feel hungry, and the subcutaneous tissue will become incredibly elastic.

This diet is especially relevant for women, as it helps to tighten the breasts and prevent them from sagging.

On the pages of many “yellow” publications it is stated that the boxing diet consists of a person having to eat only raw eggs and kefir. This is completely untrue. If boxers really ate only these foods, even the weakest opponent could defeat them!

In addition, if you regularly drink raw eggs, there is a serious risk of ending up in the hospital after just a week with a diagnosis of liver intoxication. Therefore, treat such advice with extreme caution and choose only truthful variations of sports diets.

The main advantage of the boxing diet is that you can eat whenever you want. But this is not without its drawbacks. With such liberties in nutrition, you are obliged to perform especially intense physical exercise. For people who generally do not lead a particularly active lifestyle, this will be quite difficult. However, for athletes such loads will not seem like something super difficult.

Another important point: The boxing diet is not designed for maximum fast weight loss and to eliminate fatty tissue, since athletes, in principle, cannot have fat.

Menu for the boxing diet for a week

So, the essence of the entire diet course is to drink one and a half liters of kefir daily, and also eat about 200-300 grams of cooked foods.


  • 1.5 liters of kefir;


  • 1.5 liters of kefir;
  • a fresh vegetable salad.


  • 1.5 liters of kefir;
  • buckwheat.


  • 1.5 liters of kefir;


  • 1.5 liters of kefir;
  • meat.


  • 1.5 liters of kefir;
  • fish.


  • only mineral water without gas.

It is recommended to divide this amount of food into 4-5 equal portions and consume throughout the day. The diet does not provide any instructions regarding the preparation of fish and meat, but if you really want to lose weight, it is better to avoid fried foods.

However, if you perform intense physical activity, then you can easily afford fried foods, but it is advisable to grease the frying pan with a small amount of vegetable oil.

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A boxer's balanced nutrition is one of the most important factors in maintaining health, increasing performance and achieving high athletic results. A boxer's diet must fully cover the body's energy costs. During the period of intense training, a boxer should receive 65-70 kcal per 1 kg of weight per day from food. So, if a boxer weighs 75 kg, then he should get 4825-5250 kcal from food.

When monitoring the quantitative nutritional value of a boxer, two values ​​are compared: daily energy consumption data (determined using the time-tabular method) and calorie content of food (calculated using a menu layout). The energy value of food can also be judged by the dynamics of the boxer’s weight. With sufficient caloric intake, the athlete's weight fluctuates within small limits. If weight increases due to excessive fat deposition, and muscles do not develop, this indicates excessive nutrition. Weight loss indicates malnutrition. The qualitative completeness of a boxer's diet is ensured by the necessary and balanced content of various nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals) and water. By weight, proteins, fats and carbohydrates should have a ratio of 1: 0.8: 4.

Daily norm Protein for boxers is 2.4-2.5 g per 1 kg of weight. More than half of all proteins consumed should be proteins of animal origin, which are found in meat, fish, eggs, milk, cottage cheese, and cheese. Of plant products, the most proteins contain soybeans, beans, oatmeal and buckwheat, potatoes, rice, and rye bread. Excessive protein consumption (more than 3 g per 1 kg of weight) irrationally can be harmful to the body. Products containing proteins are recommended to be distributed as follows: meat and meat products, cheeses - for breakfast and lunch; fish, cottage cheese, porridge with milk - for dinner.

The daily fat intake for boxers is 2.0-2.1 g per 1 kg of weight. Animal fats in the diet should be 80-85%. Along with this, athletes should receive IS—20% fats of plant origin in the form of vegetable oils and so on.

The daily carbohydrate intake is 9.0-10.0 g per 1 kg of weight. In a boxer's diet complex carbohydrates should be 64%, and simple ones - 36%. Eating a lot of sugar is not recommended.

Honey is a valuable product containing easily digestible carbons. The fructose it contains is an excellent way to nourish the heart muscle. Therefore, boxers are especially recommended to consume honey after intense training and competition. Honey should be drunk at night. The sugar content in the diet decreases accordingly.

If it is impossible to ensure the required vitamin content from natural products and concentrates, synthetic vitamin preparations are used (always under the supervision of a doctor). Particular attention should be paid to vitamin supplementation during training camps and long tournaments, when athletes, as a rule, develop a vitamin deficiency.

It is advisable to carry out additional fortification with the help of vitamin complexes that contain various vitamins in the most optimal ratios - multivitamin preparations. Along with them, you need to take up to 100 mg of vitamin C daily, since these preparations do not contain enough vitamin C for boxers. Uncontrolled and arbitrary use of synthetic vitamin preparations does not improve athletic performance and can cause various disorders in the body.

Minerals play an important role in Boxer nutrition. Sufficient quantity calcium salts in the diet helps nervous system and the neuromuscular system is normally excited, and also warns often. The daily norm of calcium salts is 1 - 1.75 g. The richest foods in calcium are cheese, cottage cheese, milk, caviar, canned fish, and beans.

Phosphorus salts are also important for maintaining athletic performance. The daily norm of phosphorus is 1.5-2.5 g. The richest foods in phosphorus are cheese, liver, meat, fish, beans, peas, oatmeal and buckwheat. Typically the diet should contain about 20-15 g table salt. Very often, when the diet is disrupted, a lot of salt is added to food to increase appetite. This is how it develops bad habit eat food that is saltier than necessary. As a result, the body receives an excess amount of salt, which retains water, making it difficult for the heart and kidneys to function.

Food ballast substances are important. This is the so-called polysaccharide fiber, which is part of the membranes plant cells and is not broken down in the body. However, fiber, irritating the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, increases intestinal motility and secretion of the digestive glands. If the food content of ballast substances is insufficient, Boxers may experience digestive disorders and constipation. , legumes, beets, turnips, carrots, radishes, prunes and other vegetables and fruits.

Boxers' food should be mixed and varied: milk and dairy products, meat, fish, eggs, etc. Particular preference should be given to foods rich in proteins, phosphorus, and vitamin B6. The Boxer needs a lot of vegetables and fruits. They supply the body with carbohydrates, vitamins and mineral salts, and also contribute to the rapid normalization of the alkaline-acid balance, which is disturbed after intense training loads.

In terms of volume, the daily diet should be small and not burden the digestive organs. Total weight diet - 3-3.5 kg. On competition days, as well as when eating immediately before training, the diet includes highly nutritious and high-calorie foods and small meals (meat and fish dishes, broths, eggs, butter, oatmeal and buckwheat porridge, cheese, cottage cheese, etc.).

The meal schedule should be coordinated with the athlete’s general regimen. You need to eat food at the same time, as this allows it to be better absorbed and digested. You can't train on an empty stomach. You need to eat within 2-2.5 hours. before training and 30-40 minutes later. after its completion. You need to eat 3-4 times a day.

For breakfast, it is recommended to have chopped or stewed meat, chicken, cheese, eggs, sour cream, oatmeal, potatoes, vegetables, fruits, coffee, cocoa, tea. For lunch - snack ( salty fish, salad, vinaigrette, etc.), various soups, main and sweet dishes. Lunch includes the bulk of hard-to-digest foods: fried meat, pork, cabbage, legumes. For dinner - fish dishes, cottage cheese, various cereals, vegetables, fruits, kefir, yogurt.

With two workouts a day, the total caloric content of the diet increases slightly, which is associated with increased energy consumption.

During competitions, you should not suddenly change your usual diet. You should choose dishes that, despite their small volume and weight, are high in calories, easy to digest and assimilate. After competitions, it is recommended to reduce the amount of fat and include milk, cottage cheese, cheese, and vegetables in the diet.

Correct drinking regime- the key to a boxer’s high performance. Excessive and disorderly drinking not only poorly quenches thirst, but also develops the habit of drinking a lot and has an adverse effect on the body. Therefore, you need to strictly adhere to “water discipline”.

At high temperatures, especially in hot climates, it is advisable to use green as the main drink. It not only perfectly quenches thirst, but also has a tonic effect on the nervous system. You can also use drinks such as bread kvass, carbonated and mineral water, tomato juice, rosehip infusion, cherry and other fruit and vegetable infusions.

In hot weather, you need to eat as many vegetables and fruits as possible. The water they contain is slowly absorbed, which improves the functioning of the sweat glands. In addition, with vegetables and fruits the body receives a large number of vitamins and mineral salts. It is also recommended to drink milk and lactic acid products (kefir, yogurt, kumiss, etc.). They quench thirst well and contain large amounts of mineral salts and vitamins.

Together with sweat, the body loses not only water, but also mineral salts, mainly table salts, which negatively affects the general condition of the body and its performance. (Therefore, in hot weather it is necessary to compensate not only for the loss of water, but also for table salt, for which it is necessary to include various salty dishes in the diet.)

It plays an important role, because with its help nutrients penetrate the body and it is charged with energy. Vitamins are very important in sports nutrition for a boxer. Their quantity and types are included in the athlete’s diet depending on his general condition of the body, volume and type of load. You should try to get the necessary vitamins from natural products. In winter it may be sauerkraut, rosehip decoction, juices from fruits and vegetables. There are also special infusions and syrups. To be effective, boxer can be consumed vitamin complexes , and if there is a lack of them in the body, you can include synthetic vitamins, but only as prescribed by a doctor.

The vitamins and minerals the body needs take part in many metabolic processes, so their deficiency can cause problems in the body.

Boxer's sports nutrition contains mainly concentrated additives that help to quickly increase muscle mass or burn fat. Sports nutrition is quickly absorbed in the body, and a minimum of effort is spent on digesting it. A boxer's sports nutrition requires supplements that help the rapid growth of muscle mass, increase endurance, speed and punching power. We offer a list of supplements that are suitable for both boxers and other athletes:

  1. Amino acids
  2. Adaptogens
  3. Antioxidants

A boxer's proper diet is the key to a successful career.

A boxer's diet must contain the required amount of mineral elements; this is necessary for the normal functioning of the body in order for it to cope with high loads. Here are some examples: a boxer should consume 2000-2400 mg of calcium per day, which is found in dairy products, cereals and eggs and the same amount of phosphorus. Magnesium, which is rich in peas, bread, cereals, cheese and mackerel, it is necessary 500-700 mg. Also, the athlete’s body needs a large amount of potassium, about 5000-6000 mg, it can be obtained by consuming legumes, as well as dried fruits and potatoes.

If we talk about microelements, the athlete needs iron, which is found in liver, prunes and legumes, as well as fluoride. A Boxer needs to drink plenty of water, about 2-6 liters of water per day. In addition to water, you can drink green tea, mineral water, bread kvass, juices, rosehip infusion.

Pledge successful career- well-composed nutrition, which must be varied and healthy. Before training, an athlete can eat foods that contain proteins, vitamin C phosphorus and carbohydrates. After training, you can include difficult-to-digest foods. Regardless of the training cycle, a boxer must eat in such a way as to always help his body and restore lost strength.

Vitamins for boxing

If you decide to go in for sports or are already doing it and are looking for vitamins for boxing,
will help you sports nutrition Leveton Forte , which was developed by the company. It is most effective for athletes who are fond of strength sports, including boxers. Usually Leveton Forte used as sports nutrition. The superiority of the drug is that it guarantees an anabolic effect, which allows build muscle mass, increase strength and endurance. Leveton Forte contains a full complex of vitamins, as well as microelements and amino acids, which any athlete needs during the entire period of competition. You can still take P , which increases energy and strength. Both of these drugs are not doping agents.

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