Pre-pregnancy check for a woman. Comprehensive examination when planning pregnancy. Pre-planning tests for men

Women who have not given birth tend to neglect visiting a doctor for early stages pregnancy.

Some people find it annoying a large number of examinations and “wasted” time. Others believe that nothing will change if they undergo examination in the later stages of fetal development.

Patients in gynecological departments who have given birth understand the importance of planning and are aware of the consequences of lost time.

Planning and early diagnosis of pregnancy creates favorable conditions for conception, pregnancy and the birth of a healthy child. Timely diagnosis alleviates the suffering of women with chronic diseases.

What should a couple do before planning conception and pregnancy?

The right approach to pregnancy begins long before conception. Expectant parents are changing their lifestyle and saving money. In order to determine the readiness of the body, women are examined in medical institutions. As the fetus develops, the condition of the mother and the unborn child is monitored. Take prompt action in dangerous situations.

There are two approaches to examination:

  1. For healthy partners, a standard scheme is used. It includes visits to specialists, tests and fluorography.
  2. Additional procedures are prescribed for patients with chronic diseases, based on the results of the conclusion of highly specialized doctors, in case of unsatisfactory tests.

The accuracy of the diagnosis depends on the completeness of the information provided by the spouses. People come to the gynecologist with information about the average length of a woman’s menstrual cycle and its last date.

What examinations should a man and a woman undergo?

The partners’ tasks are to stop, or better yet, to cure potential sources of danger and prevent infection in the future. The list of planned events includes visits to specialized specialists.

  1. First of all, the dentist. Based on the results of analysis of scrapings from the mouth, the number of streptococci and staphylococci is determined. Exceeding the norm indicates infection. Neglect of treatment leads to mutual infection of spouses through kisses.
  2. An examination by an ENT specialist is also important: checking for ARVI, tonsillitis and other viral diseases that weaken a woman’s immunity.
  3. A cardiologist examines partners to identify pathologies that are inherited. For example, insufficiency or heart valve disease. Closer attention to the woman. The health of the unborn child and mother depends on the readiness of a woman’s cardiovascular system for additional stress.
  4. Fluorography is required to pass. An image of the lungs without dark areas indicates the absence of tuberculosis. If less than one year has passed since the previous inspection, an x-ray photograph is not taken. Fluorography is contraindicated for pregnant women.

What are the risk factors?

  • endocrinologist - for excess weight or unhealthy thinness;
  • urologist - for urination problems and kidney diseases;
  • gastroenterologist - for diseases gastrointestinal tract;
  • immunologist - for problems with the immune system.

Before visiting a geneticist, a couple should ask relatives about hereditary diseases, right up to children's.

A bad legacy is not the final verdict. The doctor will advise the man and woman about the consequences of genetic predisposition to diseases. With a planned approach, it is important to do this before the start of pregnancy.

Based on the results of observations, doctors do not recommend having children for people whose family has been diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, muscular dystrophy (Duchenne myopathy), or chromosome pathology (Down syndrome). This list includes hereditary diseases associated with mental retardation for unknown reasons.

Risk factors when planning conception include the age of the spouses, especially women. According to statistics, after 35-40 years the risk of miscarriage or the occurrence of pathologies increases. The likelihood of miscarriage is high in patients who have two (or more) regressive (failed) pregnancies. It is risky for families who have boys and girls with hereditary diseases to have children.

What tests do men and women need to undergo?

The standard regimen includes blood, urine, hormonal levels.

The gynecologist prescribes the following tests blood:

  • general: shows the state of the body as a whole;
  • biochemical: reveals hidden inflammation of organs;
  • for infections: HIV, AIDS, gonorrhea, hepatitis B and C, RW (syphilis);
  • for the Rh factor, depends on the blood type of the mother, father and unborn child.

The last analysis determines the rejection of the fetus during intrauterine development.

Each partner checks hormonal levels. Hormone levels affect a man's ability to conceive and a woman's ability to become pregnant.

The reproduction of “their” hormones depends on the functioning of parts of the brain. The hypothalamus and pituitary gland are connected to the genitourinary organs: the testes and ovaries. If there are a lot of “foreign” (male) hormones in a woman’s body, this manifests itself in external signs and internal states.

The first category includes excessive obesity, acne, increased hair growth on the face, arms, and legs. Internal problems - difficulties with conception and pregnancy. Male gender have their own manifestations, including those that impede paternity.

Further clarification concerns the specifics of preparing for conception and childbirth of spouses separately.

What tests should a woman take when planning a pregnancy?

In order to determine the preparation of all organs for pregnancy and childbirth, the gynecologist prescribes general clinical examinations and tests. Full list depends on the patient’s condition, age, medical history (amnesis), heredity.

Warning factors include: irregular menstruation, excess weight, skin acne.

The main list of procedures includes: gynecological smears, ultrasound diagnostics of the pelvic organs: ovaries and uterus, blood and urine tests, and tests for infections.

Gynecological smears

The doctor examines the woman’s reproductive organs: the uterus and appendages. Takes a swab from the vagina. Best time to contact a gynecologist - 5-6 days after menstruation.

Based on the results of microflora analysis, it determines candidiasis, pathogenic microorganisms, and inflammation of the female genital organs. These factors harm the development of the child, even causing miscarriage.

Test for infections

The course of diseases is not always accompanied by tangible symptoms or external manifestations. The body of an adult can cope with the effects of some infections, but this environment is not suitable for the birth of a new life and growth of the fetus. Sometimes they cause harm selectively, depending on gender.

Sexually transmitted infections, herpes and the ToRCH group are among the most common diseases.

Burning and itching in a woman’s genitals, the presence of traces of vaginal discharge are manifestations of sexually transmitted infections.

The gynecologist prescribes tests for gardnerella, myco- and ureaplasma, and chlamydia. Depending on the activity of microorganisms, he prescribes medications and recommends periods of abstinence from sexual intercourse.

The source of potential danger is the herpes virus, especially its genital type. It is impossible to get rid of it, but it is possible to stop its spread in the human body. To identify it, a special analysis is taken.

There are microorganisms that cause persistent pathology (mutation), which is accompanied by the risk of transmitting altered genes to subsequent generations. This statement applies to the ToRCH group.

The concept of ToRCH includes the most dangerous diseases for a pregnant woman:

  • rubella;
  • toxoplasmosis: sources of infection - insufficient heat treatment of foods, dirty vegetables and fruits, close contact with pets;
  • cytomegaloviruses: transmitted by coughing, sneezing, vomiting and other airborne methods.

Previous diseases pose a danger: a woman’s body produces different types antibodies that must be neutralized before pregnancy begins.

Even worse is infection during pregnancy, which can lead to fetal rejection.

Depending on the type of ToRCH, healing time, concentration and type of antibodies, the doctor will refer you for additional examination and tests. As a rule, it is recommended to postpone pregnancy until the body recovers.

In some cases, for example, with rubella, he gives a referral for vaccination. Pregnancy planning cannot be carried out during ToRCH. As a rule, a referral for an abortion is issued; a referral for an abortion is issued for medical reasons.

The birth of a baby is a touching and long-awaited event in every family. Experts insist that this issue should be approached with full responsibility. In the article you can find out what tests are needed when planning a pregnancy, as well as get valuable advice for parents.

The period of gestation and childbirth is difficult period in the life of every woman, since during it the body is subject to enormous stress. If dad and mom are healthy, this significantly increases the chances of having a baby without any abnormalities.

First of all, when planning a pregnancy, the expectant mother should undergo an examination by a gynecologist. The doctor will be able to conduct an examination, identify hidden diseases, if any, and prescribe adequate treatment. You should plan to conceive only if both partners are completely healthy.

In addition, a specialist will help you calculate the length of your cycle and give advice on determining the day of ovulation. As you know, the probability of egg fertilization is highest on this day. It is very important to inform the gynecologist if a woman has previously suffered a miscarriage, missed abortion or premature birth. This will allow the doctor to get an accurate picture of the patient’s health. The list of necessary tests for a woman when planning a baby can be found in the table.

Study Purpose of the event
Detection of various diseases in women, management of pregnancy
Dentist consultation If the expectant mother has dental problems, they should be solved before conception
Otolaryngologist In case of chronic diseases in women with ENT organs, there is a risk of infection spreading to the fetus
Examination by a cardiologist During pregnancy, the load on cardiovascular system increases greatly, so it is important to maintain heart health
Allergist If a girl suffers from allergies, it is important to exclude allergens from her life, as this can negatively affect the baby’s health
Taking a smear from the vagina for pathogenic microflora Any sexually transmitted infections can cause various complications in a child
General biochemical analysis of urine and blood This type of examination will allow you to get a picture of the general health of the expectant mother.
PCR test (scraping from the cervix) This diagnostic method allows you to identify even hidden pathogens
Thyroid hormone assessment Hormonal levels are very important during pregnancy, so it is extremely necessary to diagnose it
Ultrasound examination of the mammary glands and pelvic organs Carried out to exclude various pathologies
A study to detect antibodies in a woman to rubella, toxoplasmosis, herpes, human papillomavirus, cytomegalovirus These infections are very dangerous for the child
Blood test for HIV, syphilis and other TORCH infections If a woman is a carrier of these diseases, pregnancy management is special.
Study of the level of individual thyroid hormones - pituitary thyroid-stimulating hormone, thyroxine and triiodothyronine These hormones play an important role in the normal course of pregnancy.

If necessary and if the patient has any complaints, the woman can be referred to other specialists. For example, consultation with a nephrologist, gastroenterologist and even a psychologist is often required. You can take a blood and urine test in any laboratory, for example, Invitro.

How is the examination carried out?

Let's consider the main stages of examination that the expectant mother will have to go through while planning a pregnancy. It is important to understand that each of these stages is very important for the successful conception and bearing of a baby.

When preparing partners for conception, the woman is first referred to a gynecologist. The expectant mother will have to undergo a colposcopy on the chair. This examination is carried out using special device colposcope.

To assess the condition of the cervix, a cytological smear is taken. The main task of such diagnostics is to identify various infections and inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs.

Tests taken during planning for a baby include a general blood and urine test. Assessing the composition of urine allows one to suspect and identify various diseases of the urinary system. A blood test allows you to assess the level of hemoglobin and the presence of an inflammatory process throughout the patient’s body.

Blood testing for sugar levels, thrombophilia and a coagulogram - an assessment of blood clotting - is also important. If there are problems in this area, the girl may be referred to a hematologist.

Mandatory tests also include PCR diagnostics for various infections, which are very dangerous for the life and development of the baby’s future. Under no circumstances should a girl refuse this type of diagnosis. The following infections are detected:

  • Toxoplasmosis.
  • Rubella.
  • Cytomegalovirus.
  • Genital herpes.
  • Mycoplasmosis.
  • Chlamydia.
  • Gardnerellosis and some others.

The abbreviation TORCH is based on diseases that are most dangerous to a child’s life. This includes the following pathologies: Toxoplasma (toxoplasmosis), Rubella (rubella), Cytomegalovirus (cytomegalovirus) and Herpes (genital herpes virus). If a woman is diagnosed with at least one of these infections during a planned pregnancy, she should first undergo a course of treatment.

If the expectant mother suffered from rubella in childhood, you can safely plan conception. If not, it is recommended to get vaccinated against this disease three months before conception to eliminate the risk of infection in the future.

Experts say that before fertilization, the expectant mother must undergo an ultrasound reproductive organs. This will identify various pathologies that may interfere with the normal conception and bearing of the baby. An ultrasound examination is especially indicated after a frozen pregnancy, miscarriage, and in the presence of other problems that a woman has encountered in the past. In addition, with the help of ultrasound it is possible to determine the day of ovulation, which is very important for conception.

During this type of diagnosis, pathologies are often identified that require surgical treatment, for example, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, polyps, oncology.

When planning a baby, a man and a woman, especially after 30-35 years, are recommended to undergo tests for genetics and compatibility. Such studies include chromosomal analysis, analysis of genetic incompatibility and DNA diagnostics for various abnormalities. The cost of such studies in private clinics is usually quite high, however, this allows you to plan a pregnancy without risks to the baby.

What is a compatibility analysis called? In addition to a general blood test, the husband and wife also need to donate blood for the Rh factor. If a woman has a positive indicator and a husband has a negative one, the risk of Rh conflict is reduced to zero. You should worry in a situation if a woman has a negative Rh factor and a man has a positive Rh factor. This will require special management of pregnancy, since Rh conflict is possible.

The diagnostic complex during planning for conceiving a baby also includes an assessment of the state of certain hormones in the expectant mother. At the same time, male hormones are not so important. This type of examination is mandatory for girls with irregular menstrual cycles, unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant, miscarriages or fetal death. In this case, the concentration of the following hormones is assessed:

  • Progesterone.
  • Prolactin.
  • Testosterone.
  • Homocysteine.
  • Estradiol.
  • Luteinizing hormone and others.

If there are any abnormalities in the expectant mother’s body, she is usually prescribed hormonal therapy. The necessary medications and the duration of their use are selected by the attending physician depending on the patient’s diagnosis.

If we talk about when it is better to carry out this type of diagnosis, then it is better to donate blood at the beginning of planning. Many women are interested in the question of how much this type of diagnosis costs? In public clinics, hormone analysis is carried out free of charge.

Planning a new pregnancy after a course of treatment with steroids should be carried out strictly under the supervision of a specialist. This will help eliminate various disorders, conceive and bear a healthy baby. This is especially true for women who have suffered a miscarriage, missed abortion or premature birth.

Male tests are slightly different from female ones, because it is the girl who bears the baby and is completely responsible for his life. Of course, this does not mean that the father should not go to the doctor. The future daddy also needs to undergo some research, namely:

  • General analysis of urine and blood to identify various health problems, including the diagnosis of inflammation and infections that may be asymptomatic.
  • Determination of Rh factor and blood group. This is necessary to prevent Rh incompatibility between mother and child.
  • An examination to diagnose sexually transmitted infections.
  • Spermogram and other additional studies, for example, assessment of hormone levels, analysis of prostate secretions and others.

A man should pay close attention to his health. The future daddy should eat right, give up bad habits, lead an active lifestyle, go for walks more often fresh air, because the father’s genetic material is no less important than female cells.

It would seem that what could be difficult in planning a pregnancy and further bearing a fetus? This question is asked by many women who decide to become mothers.

Pregnancy planning is the most important factor influencing the birth of a healthy child. Therefore, long before conceiving a baby, a woman will need to examine her body.

Identification of possible deviations in the health status of the expectant mother is accompanied by laboratory methods research. Let's figure out what basic (mandatory) and additional tests a woman needs to undergo when planning a pregnancy.

Initial examination

The basis of any comprehensive preparation for conception is diagnostic examination. That's why the first thing to start with is a visit to the gynecologist.

It’s good if the doctor is proven and is already familiar with the medical history, medical card women.

If you decide to go to this gynecologist for the first time, you should prepare for the appointment in advance. Where to begin? The doctor needs talk about chronic, hereditary diseases, name the duration of the menstrual cycle, remember any failures or delays.

It is worth taking your child's card with you: some childhood illnesses can negatively affect the course of pregnancy and the health of the fetus.

All information collected will enable the doctor get the most complete picture of your current health status women, identify failures, problems.

At the appointment, the gynecologist will conduct an examination, take smears, will write out directions to the main research. What necessary tests should be taken when planning a pregnancy (list for women):

  • general urine analysis;
  • blood test - general, for HIV, hepatitis, hidden infections, hormones;
  • Ultrasound diagnostics of the pelvic organs (ovaries, uterus).

Infections, infections - how to protect yourself and your child

The most dangerous thing during pregnancy is internal infections and inflammation. The most important thing is to eliminate them before conception.

Therefore, when studying the body of the expectant mother, special attention is paid in-depth study of organs.

The danger of most infections manifests itself during the initial infection, so the test results make it clear which diseases the body has already suffered and which it has not.

The less the body has endured, the less trained the immune system , the more careful you need to be after conception.

Toxoplasma - test for antibodies of toxoplasma infection. You can get infected from pets, especially cats. 15% of women of reproductive age have already suffered from the disease, 75% of pregnant women will be at risk.

If the analysis does not reveal IgG and IgM antibodies- there is a danger of infection. They give recommendations to refrain from contact with animals, to eat only very well-fried and cooked meat, to thoroughly process vegetables and fruits, and to wash your hands frequently.


If a woman does not know whether she has had rubella, she will need to be tested for IgG and IgM antibodies. Possible three results:

  • IgG(their detection means that the body has already suffered the disease and has immunity);
  • IgM(this means that you have become infected with the virus for the first time. You cannot plan to conceive within the next 3 months)
  • absence of IgM, IgG(it is necessary to get vaccinated to prevent infection after conception. 3 months after the rubella vaccination, you can plan to conceive).


Cytomegalovirus infection during pregnancy is dangerous developmental pathologies and infection of the fetus in the womb.

Cytomegalovirus is an infection presumably transmitted by airborne droplets, although it has not yet been established exactly how it is contracted.

During preparation for pregnancy, it may appear high level its development. With this result, the woman will be obliged undergo a course of antiviral therapy. Only after it has passed is it possible to plan conception.

But even a negative result for cytomegalovirus does not mean that the body is not in danger.

It is necessary to take precautions: maintain hygiene, be careful with small children (there is a high probability of infection in preschool institutions).


The herpes virus remains in the human body throughout life. The essence of treatment is to reduce its activity. Therefore, since it is impossible to completely get rid of the virus, an analysis is needed to assess the risk of primary infection during pregnancy.


What other tests should a woman undergo? A separate study is carried out for sexually transmitted infections.

But usually it is only necessary for those for patients who are worried about something(excessive discharge from the genitals, burning sensation) or if there have already been miscarriages, also in preparation for IVF.

Your partner also needs to undergo these tests.

Hormonal studies

Together with everything else, it is useful to take a blood test hormone concentrations.

After all, the level of hormones presupposes the successful or unsuccessful implementation of a woman’s reproductive function.

Hormones show state of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian system. Disruption of the hormonal cycle affects appearance patients: skin condition, hair condition, mood.

The doctor himself names the list of hormones, for which you need to get tested.

Blood compatibility

During the planning period before conception, partners need donate blood to determine group and rhesus.

After all, as we remember, a mismatch of partners’ Rhesus factors (only when the man’s Rh factor is positive and the woman’s is negative) can lead to development of Rh conflict. Blood type conflicts are less common, but it’s worth getting checked.

You should prepare during planning and study what they are so that after conception you can register with a gynecologist.

To prevent your health from deteriorating, it doesn’t hurt to strengthen its protective functions in advance. How to strengthen the immune system of an adult without pills.

It happens that hair falls out during pregnancy, but you can’t take medications. This article will help you figure out how to use safe castor oil for hair loss.

Other measures

The expectant mother needs to visit several doctors:

  • dentist(at the preparation stage, it is advised to treat the teeth, otherwise a lack of calcium during gestation will accelerate their destruction);
  • ENT doctor(if during pregnancy chronic diseases of the ears, throat, and nose are discovered, then the weakened body will receive a couple of inflammatory processes that are dangerous for the fetus. After all, even ARVI can cause developmental delay nervous system baby);
  • therapist(he will make a conclusion based on blood and urine tests, give general recommendations may prescribe additional diagnostics from a geneticist or endocrinologist, if necessary).

When to plan

The stage of passing tests for infections and taking tests lasts from two to four months. If a serious threat to the expectant mother or fetus is detected, pregnancy will have to be postponed for a period of one to several years.

If all indicators are in order, you can begin preparing for conception. Future parents should 2-3 months before starting to abstain from medications without consulting a gynecologist, stop smoking, drinking alcohol, start taking vitamins.

Not only the woman, but also the alleged father of the child will have to carefully monitor her lifestyle.

Research during pregnancy

Don't forget to visit your gynecologist regularly. In the fourth week you will have to take a couple of blood and urine tests again. At the twelfth week, you need to determine the level of PAPP-A. Level can show:

  • the presence of Down syndrome or Edwards syndrome in the fetus (reduced rate);
  • normal fetal development;
  • threat of miscarriage;
  • stopping development in the short term.

Important in the first trimester determine the concentration of “17-OP”, placental lactogen, prolactin. These tests will show in time:

  • placental disorder (PR and PL);
  • congenital hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex (increased 17-OP).

Until the twentieth week passes triple analysis assessing the risk of developing intrauterine pathologies. It consists of tests for:

  • alpha-fetoprotein;
  • free estriol.

Successful pregnancy

It is important that a woman understands and accepts the fact that she health is in her own hands. The age of women preparing for the birth of their first child has increased significantly and is rapidly approaching 30.

Having a second child is difficult for half of couples over the age of 30. Increasingly, doctors are forced to resort to emergency surgical intervention into the body of the expectant mother.

Very young women successfully pass all the diagnostic tests that need to be taken before planning a pregnancy for women and do not have any particular difficulties in childbearing. But even among expectant mothers under 26, about a third experience reproductive dysfunction.

Usually, abnormalities can be cured if you seek medical help in a timely manner. To identify diseases and prevent difficulties during conception and pregnancy, a couple needs to undergo at least a basic examination.

This video explains how to prepare for pregnancy and when to start getting tested:

The doctor, having prescribed the necessary procedures, will make life easier for future parents. It is better to spend a month to reinforce your confidence that the baby will be born healthy and happy.

We wish you an easy pregnancy!

Today there are often couples who are unable to have a child. In this regard, experts advise planning your pregnancy in advance in order to be prepared for such a step. For women over 35 and men over 40, medical consultation before conception is essential.

In addition, some psychologists claim that a planned child with trained parents develops better than an unplanned one. So even if the couple does not have reproductive problems, planning for such an important step will not be superfluous.

Why is it so important to plan your pregnancy?

Most people believe that a planned pregnancy is when a girl becomes pregnant not by accident, but on purpose. The couple discussed all the nuances among themselves and decided to become parents. Some even give up bad habits in advance.

All this is of course important, but planning is a broader concept that includes many more procedures. Future parents must completely change their lifestyle and undergo a medical examination, because the health of the mother and father’s body also determines the condition of the child.

Spouses should eat healthy and balanced. It is advisable to review your diet at least a month before conception. First of all, this is important for the expectant mother, since she will have to feed the baby, who from the first days of life needs sufficient quantity vitamins and minerals. Fatty and unhealthy foods, especially fast foods, should be left in the past at least for a while.

Another important factor that is influenced by nutrition is the health of hair, teeth and skin girls. When she is expecting a child, due to a lack of vitamins, her teeth become bad, her hair falls out, acne appears on her skin, etc. Therefore, in addition to reviewing your diet, you should start taking vitamin complex recommended by a doctor.

Bad habits should also be completely abandoned. Nicotine and alcohol affect the condition of sperm and eggs.

A man needs to give up cigarettes a month before conception, since this is how much time the body will need to get rid of harmful substances. For girls this period is much longer. It is advisable to quit smoking 6 months before planned fertilization.

Alcohol is eliminated faster, so you should stop drinking 14 days before conception.

And the most important step when planning a pregnancy is visiting a doctor. Usually a girl visits a gynecologist alone, and he prescribes the necessary procedures for her and her husband. But it is better if both future parents pay a visit.

Gynecologist on the importance of planning:

What tests should a woman undergo when planning - a list of examinations

In addition to the psychological state of the spouses, the physical also plays an important role.

Examinations prescribed by your doctor will help you check your health. There are several mandatory diagnostics that must be completed at the planning stage.

Vaginal smear

Usually, a girl’s vagina is inhabited by harmless microorganisms - Doderlein bacilli, candida. But sometimes, under the influence of various factors, pathogenic flora develops in the vagina. To determine its purity, a vaginal smear is taken.

Using a smear, they determine what bacteria and fungi live in a woman’s vagina. There are four degrees of vaginal cleanliness. The first degree means that the girl is healthy and there are no harmful bacteria. The other three mean that the flora is unhealthy and requires treatment.

Only a gynecologist can interpret the research results correctly and accurately. He will also prescribe the medications necessary to restore healthy microflora.

Ultrasound examination

An ultrasound examination is carried out to diagnose diseases of the female genital organs or their anomalies that interfere with fertilization. Usually two ultrasounds are prescribed in the first and second phases of a girl’s menstrual cycle.

The first study is done on days 5-6 of the cycle using a transvaginal sensor. It checks the patient’s genitals for the absence of various pathologies.

A second ultrasound is prescribed for the second phase of the cycle to determine the day of ovulation and to study the condition of the corpus luteum.

STI test

STIs are sexually transmitted infections (sometimes abbreviated as STDs). When visiting a gynecologist at the planning stage, he takes several types of tests for the presence of such diseases. First of all, the gynecologist will take a smear from the woman, which can be used to detect trichomoniasis and gonorrhea.

The second analysis is PCR. With its help, the genitals and urethra are examined for the presence of chlamydia, herpes and other sexually transmitted infections. Sometimes it becomes necessary to take material for sowing. With its help it is produced quantitative analysis and sensitivity to bactericidal drugs is studied.


There are many diseases that can lead to fetal death. These include rubella, toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus and genital herpes.

You should also take a blood test for the presence of all these diseases, called the TORCH complex. This study is carried out 3 months before conception.

Blood analysis

When planning a pregnancy, the gynecologist prescribes that the expectant mother and father have blood tests for sugar, a general blood test, and venous blood tests for the presence of hidden infections. First of all, the presence of syphilis, HIV infection, hepatitis B and C is detected.

A coagulogram is also taken. With its help, it is determined how well a girl’s blood clots.

Tests for infections, coagulation (thrombophilia), and homocysteine ​​are required.

If a couple has been trying to have a child for a long time without success, the doctor will direct the girl to donate blood for prolactin and follicle-stimulating hormone. Increased level prolactin indicates a low probability of ovulation, and with increased FSH, a rapid onset of menopause is possible.

Analysis of urine

Urine is given to identify various urinary tract diseases that adversely affect the condition of the mother and child during pregnancy.

Since pregnant women donate urine quite often, you should know the basic rules for collecting biomaterial:

  1. The container must be sterile, preferably purchased from a pharmacy.
  2. Urine should be collected in the morning and submitted no later than 2 hours later.
  3. Before collecting material, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the genitals.
  4. During the procedure, the vagina should be covered with a tampon.
  5. An average urine sample is best suited for analysis.

Blood type

It is important for future parents to know their blood type. When one partner has a positive Rh factor and the other has a negative Rh factor, a Rh conflict arises. If a child inherits the father's blood type, the mother's body may reject the fetus.

Fluorography or x-ray of the lungs

When planning a baby, the expectant mother and father must undergo a fluorographic examination. With its help, all possible pathologies of the respiratory tract are identified.

If a man needs to undergo an X-ray of his lungs, this is best done 2-3 months before conception. This is exactly how long sperm needs to be completely renewed. If you need to undergo an examination later, you should ask the doctor for a lead apron and cover your groin with it.

Hormonal background

Hormones produced by endocrine glands affect female and male sexual characteristics. Therefore, the hormonal background of the parents plays an important role in planning a child.

Hormone testing is not considered mandatory and is prescribed for several reasons:

  • irregular and weak periods;
  • unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant within a year;
  • benign tumors;
  • previous miscarriages or abortions;
  • significant weight gain;
  • skin rashes and excessive hair growth;
  • nervousness;
  • the age of the spouses is more than 35 years.

It is best to donate blood for hormones six months before planning a pregnancy, in order to have time to eliminate all problems, if any are discovered.


Genetic analysis is carried out to determine the predisposition of the future baby to various genetic diseases and the influence of external factors on its development in the womb.

Every person's genes are unique. Each person has a set of 46 chromosomes. Half of them came from mom, the other half from dad. If at least one chromosome is damaged, this may affect the condition of the child.

When and why are additional tests prescribed?

In addition to basic tests, a man is sometimes prescribed a spermogram. It makes it clear what condition the sperm is in and what its quality is. The study will reveal how many sperm are in it, what characteristics they have and how well the sex glands work.

Many bacteria live not only in the blood and genitals of the expectant mother and father, but also in other parts of the body. Therefore, you should undergo a full examination, visit an otolaryngologist, therapist, neurologist and other specialized specialists.

To avoid infection with rubella, you need to get the appropriate vaccination, if you have not had it previously. The vaccine is given no later than three months before the planned pregnancy.

What to do if you can’t get pregnant - the doctor advises

There are often situations when both future parents are healthy and completely compatible, but the desired pregnancy does not occur for a long time.

In this case, the following measures must be taken:

  1. Undergo a complete examination of the entire body.
  2. Determine ovulation using ultrasound or a pharmacy test.
  3. The lifestyle of the expectant mother should be healthy. Which means not only giving up alcohol and cigarettes, but also eating a balanced diet.

Not only women, but also men need to take care of themselves. A man should make sure that his groin is not hot or cold. The temperature in this area should always be comfortable so that sperm can be good quality and the ovaries worked correctly.

To form the highest concentration of sperm in the semen, you should abstain from sex for three to four days before ovulation. After sexual intercourse, a girl is advised not to bathe for a couple of hours, so as not to wash away active sperm. Immediately after completing the act, you can take a birch tree pose or place a pillow under your back.

The man’s further task is to protect his wife from stress and anxiety.


After completing all of the above procedures, you can safely begin to conceive.

Don't worry if fertilization doesn't happen the first few times. According to statistics, in healthy spouses who have sexual intercourse at least 2 times a week, successful fertilization occurs after several months, and sometimes even after a year.

If you follow all the rules indicated above, then the long-awaited pregnancy will certainly occur and proceed without complications, and the child will be born healthy and on time.

What tests should I take when planning pregnancy? More than one married couple has faced this question. Basically, two types of tests are prescribed - an infection test and, if necessary, additional tests.

Infection tests are prescribed to determine the presence of antibodies to the most common viruses and infections. These are some of the main tests prescribed for women. These are tests for:

  • The presence of antibodies to toxoplasmosis, herpes virus, rubella, cytomegalovirus, human papillomavirus;
  • Antibodies to HIV, syphilis, gonococcus, mycoplasma, gardnerella;
  • Antibodies to E. coli, staphylococcus;
  • Blood clotting test.

If suddenly, as a result of the study, any disease appears, then both the woman and the man need to undergo appropriate treatment, and only after taking the test again and having a negative result, begin planning. Sexually transmitted infections are very contagious and during pregnancy and childbirth can harm the child and even cause developmental abnormalities. Rubella, toxoplasmosis and cytomegalovirus are especially dangerous - these infections can cause fetal malformations and lead to death.

Additional tests are prescribed if there is a history of irregular menstrual cycle, problem with conception, there have been abortions or miscarriages. A series of tests and studies are carried out - on the patency of the fallopian tubes, sex hormones, on the state of the endocrine system.

Mandatory tests when planning pregnancy

What mandatory tests partners need to take when planning a pregnancy can be clarified at a family planning center or a gynecologist. Mandatory tests include a clinical blood test, a biochemical blood test, a general urine test, blood for a hormonal mirror, and pelvic ultrasound.

Based on the results of all the necessary tests, doctors will be able to make sure that both partners are healthy and the woman’s body is ready for pregnancy and gestation. The presence of any latent or overt infection is dangerous for the fetus, as it can cause malformations and intrauterine death, and treating a woman during pregnancy with antibiotics is very risky.

Mandatory tests when planning pregnancy, included in the general complex:

  • Test for hepatitis B and C.
  • HIV analysis.
  • Test for syphilis.
  • Microflora smear.
  • PCR for latent infections.
  • Colposcopy.

It is important for expectant mothers to be tested to detect antibodies to rubella, toxoplasmosis, and cytomegalovirus. If antibodies are not detected in the blood, then vaccination should be carried out at least three months before conception.

Additional tests are prescribed if it is necessary to determine genetic compatibility or to make a prognosis for possible genetic abnormalities that can be inherited.

Tests for women when planning pregnancy

Tests for women when planning pregnancy are carried out in several stages and affect all systems of the body.

The first step is to assess the general condition of the woman’s body, for this future mom should visit the following specialists:

  • Gynecologist – consultation with a gynecologist is very important; this is a specialist doctor who will manage the entire pregnancy.
  • Dentist - timely examination of the oral cavity and treatment of diseased teeth will eliminate the risk of dangerous infection.
  • Otolaryngologist. Diseases of the ENT organs are also dangerous and even in chronic form will be a constant source of infection.
  • Cardiologist. The additional load on a woman’s cardiovascular system during pregnancy and childbirth can be harmful if there are diseases or pathologies in this area.
  • Allergist.

All diseases that doctors identify must be cured strictly before conception.

Tests for women when planning pregnancy, which must be taken when planning to conceive:

  • blood test for hepatitis B and C, syphilis, HIV, antibodies to herpes and cytomegalovirus infection, rubella, toxoplasmosis;
  • vaginal smear to determine flora;
  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands, pelvic organs;
  • PCR examination of scrapings taken from the cervix - for the presence of pathogens of herpes, cytomegalovirus, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis;
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland;
  • general urine analysis;
  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • cytology of scrapings from the cervix;
  • blood clotting test;
  • study of the level of thyroid hormones TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone of the pituitary gland, which regulates the function of the thyroid gland), T3 (thyroxine), T4 (triiodothyronine).

Tests for a man when planning pregnancy

When planning a pregnancy, a man also needs to undergo tests, but not in all cases.

  1. Genetic consultation. Genetic consultation is not prescribed in all cases. Only if a woman or man has a history of diseases or pathologies that are inherited - Down syndrome, schizophrenia, etc. In addition, if the man is over 40 years old, then consultation with a geneticist is also necessary. Women who have a history of miscarriages or stillbirths are also referred for genetic counseling.
  2. Spermogram and compatibility analysis. If a couple is unable to have a child within a year, then first of all the man is prescribed a spermogram test - this will provide information about the activity of sperm and their percentage in the sperm. This way you can identify infertility in a man and prescribe a treatment plan.
  3. Also, after long attempts to conceive a child, a compatibility test is prescribed, but there are few such couples and it is prescribed extremely rarely.
  4. Fluorography. A man must undergo an X-ray examination of the chest organs to exclude the possibility of tuberculosis.
  5. Blood test for infections. A man, like a woman, must donate blood for HIV, syphilis, etc. Especially in cases where, as a result of a woman’s blood test, the presence of infectious agents and sexually transmitted viruses is noted.

When planning a pregnancy, a man must undergo tests, because the healthier a man is at the time of conception, the higher the likelihood of having a healthy baby. And you can take all the necessary tests at any clinic in your city.

Hormone analysis when planning pregnancy

Hormone analysis when planning pregnancy is not of secondary importance in preparing for conception. Based on a study of hormonal levels, one can judge about malfunctions endocrine functions the body and will help determine the cause of infertility. You need to take a hormone test if a woman has male-pattern hair growth, the weight of both men and women is higher than normal, oily and acne-prone skin, and age after 35 years.

There are factors that will be decisive in prescribing a hormone test:

  1. Dysfunction of the menstrual cycle.
  2. There was a history of miscarriages, frozen fetuses, and stillbirths.
  3. I haven't been able to get pregnant for over a year.

When planning a pregnancy, you should pay attention to the following hormones:

  • Progesterone. It is responsible for attaching the embryo to the walls of the uterus and ensuring its development.
  • Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). Responsible for the growth of eggs, responsible for the production of estrogen. In men, it is responsible for the maturation of sperm.
  • Luteinizing hormone (LH) – regulates the maturation of the egg in the follicle, participates in the formation of the corpus luteum. In men, it promotes the full maturation of sperm.
  • Prolactin stimulates ovulation, and after childbirth is responsible for lactation.
  • Estradiol. Plays an important role in the development of the uterine lining and its preparation for pregnancy.
  • Testosterone is a male hormone. If a woman’s percentage is too high, this can lead to a lack of ovulation or fetal death if pregnancy has already occurred.

High temperatures are prohibited before taking the test physical exercise, smoking, emotional stress. You need to take it in the morning, on an empty stomach.

Tests for infections when planning pregnancy

Tests for infections when planning pregnancy should be taken first - this is the only way to prevent the risk of infection of the fetus and harm to it during the treatment period. So, the necessary tests for infections when planning pregnancy:

  • RW (blood test for syphilis). May be false positive for tumors diabetes mellitus, after drinking alcohol, etc.
  • HbSAg - hepatitis B.
  • HCV - hepatitis C.
  • Separately, you should take a blood test for rubella. This is a particularly dangerous infection. If a woman has had this infection before, she develops a strong immunity. In a pregnant woman who has not been ill, rubella can pass easily, but in the fetus it causes severe deformities and malformations. If there is a high risk of infection, vaccination is indicated, but conception will have to be postponed for several months.
  • Blood for toxoplasmosis. A severe infection carried by animals. You can become infected by eating raw or poorly cooked meat, or through contact with stray animals.
  • Cytomegalovirus. May cause intrauterine fetal death or may cause death soon after birth. Transmitted by airborne droplets, blood transfusions, and sexual contact.
  • Herpes is genital. Infection during pregnancy is especially dangerous. If the percentage of antibodies is very high, then pregnancy cannot be planned. In this case, the doctor prescribes the correct treatment.

Genetic analysis when planning pregnancy

Genetic analysis when planning pregnancy is being performed by more and more couples who want to have a child. IN Lately There has been an increase in the number of couples who care not only about their financial readiness to become parents, but also want their unborn child to be healthy.

Every parent wants their child to be healthy, but you can hardly find absolutely healthy married couples nowadays - every second person has a history of one or another hereditary disease.

You should seek genetic advice at least three months before your expected pregnancy. During this period of time, all necessary tests and studies can be carried out and treatment can be prescribed.

There are 6 main groups that have a high risk of having a child with pathologies:

  1. One of the parents has severe hereditary diseases in the family.
  2. The woman had a history of miscarriages or stillbirths of children with anomalies.
  3. Young age of parents (up to 18 years) or vice versa, age exceeds 35-40 years.
  4. The couple are blood relatives.
  5. Living in an anomalous, polluted area, constant contact with harmful substances and chemicals.
  6. A woman takes vital medications that can affect the formation and development of the fetus.

During the main studies, additional tests are prescribed:

  1. Spermogram – to exclude sperm pathology;
  2. Cytogenetic examination - determination of the quality and quantity of chromosomes;
  3. HLA typing - to determine the degree of tissue compatibility for unclear causes of infertility.

Blood test when planning pregnancy

A blood test when planning a pregnancy includes several mandatory steps to exclude all possible pathologies and infections, and will provide information about the general condition of the woman’s body:

  • General blood analysis

A general blood test will tell you about possible inflammatory processes in the body. It will also give information about the number of formed elements in the blood.

  • Blood for HIV, hepatitis A, B, C, RV (3 times during pregnancy)

Blood for these diseases is donated from a vein and on an empty stomach. Timely diagnosis of these diseases will help to adjust the most effective and safe treatment, which will not harm the fetus and the pregnant woman herself. If a woman ignores taking these tests, she will have to give birth in the observation department.

  • Blood biochemistry (during initial treatment; at 18 and 30 weeks of pregnancy)

Biochemical analysis deciphers the data of protein, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. It is necessary to carry out an analysis of total protein and sugar levels, serum iron. Additional biochemical tests are prescribed for chronic pathologies (pyelonephritis, diabetes mellitus, biliary dyskinesia).

  • Study of the coagulation system:

A blood test from a vein for a coagulogram, that is, to determine the rate of blood clotting. Thus, the tendency to bleeding is determined, and this can cause a miscarriage.