Apitherapy: Indications for use and contraindications. Alcohol after surgery: After how much you can drink after surgery. Anesthesia and alcohol compatibility when you can drink alcohol after apitherapy

It happens that the person's alcohol give up forces such, it would seem an unpleasant reason, like a disease and subsequent treatment. Patients are quite often interested in a doctor, after how much after surgery can drink hot drinks. Experts recommend to forget about alcohol at least for a while, because after surgery and anesthesia, the body's response to alcohol has more bright severity than in normal state.

After conducting surgical treatment, alcohol drinks cannot be categorically and there are many reasons for this:

  • the operation is carried out using anesthesia, which is absolutely incompatible with ethanol. A similar combination is fraught with unpredictable consequences, up to death. If an alcoholic dependence is diagnosed in a patient, its liver is seriously damaged, it means that the dosage of anesthesia such people need to be reduced. But the anesthesia is very important with serious manipulations like the operation on the heart, the brain, etc.;
  • often, postoperative prophylactic antibiotic therapy, which eliminates the use of alcohol, is prescribed to the prevention of inflammation and infections in operated tissues. Doctors believe that after the cessation of antibiotics, it is necessary to refrain from alcohol at least a week. Moreover, such a rule applies to all patients, and not only on the operated on;
  • beer is also included in the list of prohibited alcohol, because it is produced by fermentation, and such beverages (and products) slow down the processes of tissue healing;
  • immune status after operational events decreases, even after a plastic surgery, so the use of alcohol is capable of a weakened immunity to provoke exacerbation of existing chronic pathologies or cause the manifestation of hidden diseases;
  • when using alcohol, blood clotting is disturbed, which is fraught with the appearance of internal bleeding, life-threatening and patient health;
  • after many interventions, for example, after surgery to remove appendicitis, the patient shows the observance of the strictest dietary regime, which implies, in addition to certain foods, the exclusion of alcohol from the diet.

Even separately, these reasons are considered weighty to refuse alcohol in the period after surgery. Minimum time limiting the consumption of alcohol - a month after surgical treatment.

Abstinence from alcoholic beverages before surgery

Do not recommend taking alcohol to surgical manipulations. Such a prohibition of doctors explain in many factors. Usually the preoperative period is characterized by the passage of the necessary laboratory diagnostics, in the process of which urine, ECG, patient's blood is investigated. If the patient drank alcohol, the results of laboratory studies may be unreliable or distorted.

In addition, with serious interventions, for example, the operations on veins, myocardium and other structures, anesthesia is carried out. If a couple of days before that, the patient seriously abused alcohol, the effect of anesthesia could become unpredictable. Some patients introduced anesthetic is not enough, as a result, the patient may well get out of the anesthesia ahead of time when the operation is not yet completed. And other patients, on the contrary, the standard dose of anesthetic turns out to be more than enough, as a result of which the anesthesia overdose, oppressing the activity of the cardiovascular or respiratory system.

Normally, the alcohol must be excluded per day before the alleged surgical measures, but in order to avoid the above complications it is better to refrain from alcohol to about a week before surpassing.

Alcohol and anesthesia

Alcohol with anesthesia absolutely incompatibleAlcohol with anesthesia is absolutely incompatible. Anesthesia is a short-term loss of tissue sensitivity under the influence of medicinal anesthetic substances. These drugs block the transmission of nerve pulses, as a result, the signals do not reach the brain, and, it means that there is no response to irritation in the form of pain.

If anesthesia wears a local character, then it usually lasts about 2-3 hours after surgery. If the patient drinks alcohol, the anesthetic action passes almost instantly. Sometimes such an effect is observed already during the operation, and the additional anesthesia does not give the desired effect, so it will not be possible to muffle the painful sensations. Similar consequences are even smaller of evil. Much more difficult is the situation with general anesthesia.

General anesthesia is usually applied with extensive operations, since in such a situation the body is in dire need of protection against shock state and pain. Moreover, there are often specific complications after anesthesia like:

  1. Pain symptoms in the throat area, which remains for several days;
  2. Malgia, weakness or excessive tension of muscle tissues due to the long immobility of the patient during the operation;
  3. Headache, clouding in consciousness, dizziness, nausea urges that arise as a result of dehydration or drop blood pressure. In addition, in many patients, such symptoms occur due to an organic reaction to the introduction of anesthetic.

Such complications are a consequence of the use of anesthesia. If the patient also drinks alcohol after anesthesia, then such a combination can provoke the occurrence of critical states like nerve disorders, anaphylactic shock, disturbances of consciousness, etc. Anesthetic preparations are derived from organic structures after a certain time, which depends on the type of drug, its dose and Patient states.

The main part of the drugs leaves the body in the first day after the operation, and over the next few days, the residual concentration of drugs are gradually derived. Therefore, it is categorically impossible to drink after the operation. The question of the preparation for the operation is to approach with the maximum responsibility and be sure to exclude alcohol before and after surgical manipulations.

Diet and rehabilitation after surgical intervention

As mentioned above, contraindications for drinking alcohol after the operation a lot. Of course, the requirements for rehabilitation and the alcohol prohibition are conditional in nature and depend on the surgical intervention, or rather the organ on which it was conducted. We give the most general recommendationsconcerning the diet and use of alcohol after operating interventions:

  • alcohol after a long-term operation is allowed to use it limited and only after the month. In addition, the body needs a lot of time to restore. Experts recommend starting to get up after a day after such interference, and after a couple of days you need to start walking more so that the body quickly returned to the usual environment. The first few days due to anesthesia is not recommended. It is necessary to gradually introduce water, fruit, chicken broths into the diet. If the doctor allows, then you can use citrus.
  • if the patient conducted an endoscopy to remove the gallbladder, then drink alcohol-containing drinks can not be driving throughout the remaining life, because a man without a gallbladder to drink alcohol is dangerous! If endoscopy was carried out against appendicitis, the recovery period usually takes about 3 weeks, during which the alcohol is in the list of prohibited products. It is also recommended to adhere to the principles. proper nutritionTo help the organism quickly normalize its activities.
  • alcohol after eye operations is strictly contraindicated, and for a longer period. So, the alcohol after the operation to remove the cataract is under the prohibition for at least three months. Usually after such surgical measures, when anesthetic effect stops, patients are concerned with painful feelings in the eyes. During the rehabilitation period, patients prescribe NSAIDs in tableted form, and then in the form of eye drops. With a favorable picture, they take about a month. Such drugs are incompatible with alcohol, so at the time of their reception alcohol is prohibited.
  • plastic surgery and a variety of cosmetic correctional measures are full operations, and therefore also exclude the use of alcohol before and after intervention.

How long will the ban on the use of hot drinks, only a specialist determines, because such a restriction depends on a plurality of factors. The universal recommendation is the exclusion of alcohol for a month after any operational interventions, and in the case of eye operations, the restriction lasts 3 months. It is better to abandon the dubious pleasure like alcohol, than to feel all the "charms" of postoperative complications, which are often provoked by the use of alcoholic beverages.

Antibiotics and alcohol are incompatible - it is known to everyone. But how true is this statement? Is it possible to drink alcohol after antibiotics, and if not, then what does such a cocktail threaten? When can you drink alcohol after taking antibiotics? Some doctors insist on the exception of alcohol during the course of treatment, others speak of a period of 4 hours. This time is enough for antibiotics to end the active phase of action.

Compatible or not

In prescription form, as well as in the instructions for antibiotics drugs, they usually indicate that alcoholic beverages should be excluded. But not explained why. Many believe that it is impossible to drink alcohol during the course of treatment, because ethanol neutralizes the effects of drugs and increases the load on the liver. This is true not in each case.

But just in case, to avoid unwanted consequences, doctors recommend to completely eliminate the use of ethanol containing drinks during antibiotic taking. Studies on the group of volunteers, as well as on laboratory rats, showed that antibiotics of the penicillin groups absolutely do not react to ethanol. In this case, the admission of alcohol is quite admissible.

Alcoholic beverages not only do not reduce the absorption of the drug and its attending effect, but in some cases even accelerate the process of cure. These facts have not yet been studied to the end, therefore it is difficult to say about the true causes of such chemical reactions. Is it possible to drink beer if there is simultaneous treatment of so popular drugs like erythromycin or freoxin? This is quite acceptable.

When a man drinks beer, as a rule, it is not limited to one portion. And any alcoholic product acts as a diuretic, so the presence period of the antibiotic in the body decreases. The drug is simply excreted with urine, did not have time to properly have the attending effect. For this reason, if you drink alcohol simultaneously with antibiotics, then do it in moderate doses and not abuse.

Antibiotics that admit joint reception with alcohol:

  • Penicillin group. Amoxicillin, erythromycin, Flexin.
  • Cephalosporins. Cefadroxyl, cefpiron.
  • Macrolids. Azithromycin, clarithromycin, spiramycin, roxitromycin.

In the case of treatment with the above preparations, it is necessary to remember that it is impossible to drink antibiotics with alcoholic beverages. If treatment with penicilline drugs is undergoing, it should be remembered that alcohol can be consumed no earlier than 4 hours after a tablet has been prepared. This term is enough for the drug to be addressed to the blood, the period of decomposition in the liver passed, fulfilled its function and began adsorption by the kidneys.

The drug used allows for joint reception with alcohol, but cannot be abused by drinking. It is necessary to limit yourself and control.

Moderate volumes of alcoholic beverages are quite acceptable with simultaneous intake of antibiotics of the penicillin spectrum

What will happen if drinking too much? Alcohol, sucking into the blood through the walls of the stomach, reaches the liver, where the enzymes are cleaved into the components, which, ultimately, the body can withdraw the body. If the ethanol does too much, then the development of liver enzymes are enhanced, which split not only ethanol, but also antibiotics. As a result, drugs are output faster than they should, so do not have time to perform their function. They should be integrated into the processes of vital activity of bacteria and viruses, which cause symptoms of the disease.

Antibiotics disturb the synthesis of proteins inside the cells of viruses, destroy their shells, blocking the possibility of breeding. The process of drinking alcohol implies a diuretic effect. Thus, antibiotics leave the body much faster than we manage to destroy bacteria and viruses. It turns out that the use of alcohol with these types of antibiotics, although permissible, but reduces the attending effect.

Preparations that exclude joint welcome with alcohol

There is a group of antibiotics that are absolutely incompatible with alcohol. This is due to their property to block the production of enzymes that elbow ethanol. They have an effect on the body, similar in their properties with disulfiram, with which they carry out medication coding from alcoholism. If a person uses antibiotics similar properties, you should avoid making alcohol in any form.

Otherwise, consequences may be irreversible, up to death. Preparations with the effect of disulfiram: Esparl, Tetrauras, Radoter, Lipevin, Antabus, Vivitrol, Camimide, Tamposyl, Selinkro, Sodium Thiosulfate, Metoldoxil, Lithonite, Collee, Zerax. If you are prescribed treatment to the above preparations, it is necessary to absolutely exclude alcohol for the entire period of treatment. Drinking alcohol with similar pills, the response of incompatibility will follow.

Alcohol incompatibility symptoms with antibiotics:

  • Headache and dizziness. Migraine. Wandering pain from the temporal lobe to the back of the head or in any other direction.
  • Nausea and vomiting that cannot be stopped. Vomit urge continues even on an empty stomach.
  • Arrhythmia, cardiac rhythm, increase blood pressure, pressure jumps. Dyspnea.
  • Loss of consciousness and fainting that can grow into someone.
  • Renal and liver failure. The yellowness of the skin and eye proteins.

All these unpleasant symptoms appear if a person drank alcohol along with drugs that have an effect similar to disulfiram. Tablets contain chemicals that block the production of enzymes that split ethanol. Acetaldehyde is delayed in the liver. The nitromidazole poisoning and cephalosporin affects the strongest intoxication with all concomitant features.

What time can you drink alcohol in treating antibiotics

To avoid damage to the liver and kidney, as well as intoxication due to the impossibility of developing the liver of enzymes that split ethanol, you should know how long antibiotics are in the body. Disulfiram and chemical compounds in preparations that have similar properties are accumulated in fatty tissue. The period of removal is 12-18 hours.

Period of complete removal up to 2 weeks. This is when you can drink alcohol after antibiotics. How much time should it be refracted from alcohol before taking antibiotics? Doctors recommend starting the course of drugs after 4 days without alcohol. Of course, such a term is considered safe. In cases where it comes to urgent treatment of the disease, enough 1-2 days.

After how much after antibiotics you can drink alcoholic drinks? Doctors talk about a period of 4 hours. In reality, it is better to withstand at least 12 hours when the liver and kidneys will derive most of the drugs, otherwise the body can consider joint reception as intoxication and will try to bring decay products. It will arise nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache.

After the course of treatment, how many days should pass before you can use alcoholic beverages safely? So, the minimum term after taking tetracycline antibiotics should pass 3-4 days before you can return to a fun lifestyle. Ethanol lowers the absorption of tetracycline into blood, so with this antibiotics it is better to refrain from the use of alcoholic beverages.

Drinking beer after antibiotics are not recommended at all, as it has a diuretic property. In the case of tetracycline, unwanted alignment with ethanol. Decreases the patient effect of the drug. By how much you can drink antibiotics, if a person got sick and on the eve of drinking a lot of alcohol? If the symptoms of the hangover syndrome are felt in the morning, then this day it is not worth starting the course of therapy.

It is advisable to wait 2-3 days before the body restores its strength and leads all the spree products of ethanol. Tetracycline and drugs with disulfirama effect are absolutely incompatible with alcohol. It should be waiting 3-4 days before receiving tablets, as well as at least 1 week after the end of the course before it is possible to eat alcohol.

But with the antibiotics of the penicillin row, the joint taking of alcoholic beverages is admissible. In some cases, even acceleration of the cure process is observed. However, it is not necessary to abuse. Since alcohol has a diuretic property and reduces the stay of the drug in the body, which, in turn, leads to the fact that antibiotics do not have time to have the attending effect.

Thank you

The site provides reference information solely to familiarize yourself. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation of a specialist is obligatory!

Bee poison, pollen, propolis, honey, wax, uterine milk - all this products of beekeeping, which is considered excellent medicinal and preventive means of natural origin. On the healing properties of these funds were known in antiquity. This is not surprising, since all these products discovered the optimal combination of both trace elements and vitamins. To date, there is a whole direction in medicine, which involves the use of exclusively products of beekeeping. This direction was called apitherapy.
What is hiding under this concept?

Definition of concept

Term apitherapy happened from two words " apis."And" terapia."That translated from the Latin language means" bee"And" treatment" Under this concept, the general name of the treatment methods of various pathological conditions of a person using both living bees and their livelihoods is implied.

The list of products used is as follows:

  • bee poison;
  • wax ( complex organic compound, which is a product of bees);
  • propolis ( bee glue);
  • pollen;
  • bee submorsh ( trucks of dead honey bees);
  • perga ( flower pollen, collected by bees and lobby in cells of sots, as well as honey);
  • wax mole ( a variety of gray night butterflies);
  • royal Milk ( the secret of the pharyngeal and maxillary gland allocated by working bees);
  • apizan ( biologically active substance that is distinguished from the chitin cover bees);
  • drone Homogenate ( trutne Milk).
These products underlie numerous medicinal preparations Type of ointments, tablets, info, etc. Often they are used in therapy simultaneously with beezing.

Historical facts

The first mentions of the healing properties of the bee poison were subtracted from the papyrus of ancient Egypt, which were created several thousand years ago. The ancient Greeks and Romans were the first to begin to include a variety of beekeeping products into a variety of drugs. In ancient Greece, even told: " Yes horrid you bee" It was these words that were a kind of greeting. Speaking of them, people sincerely wanted each other health. Honey and propolis was used to treat people and in Russia. There is information that it was the bee-julity to treat gout king Ivan groznyj. But the Swedish king Karl Great With the help of this method carried out therapy of rheumatism. During the USSR, this treatment method was officially approved by the Ministry of Health in 1959. Before the revolution, the doctors have appointed him to their patients for the treatment of various pathological conditions. It could be like a runny nose and headache, sore throat or back pain. It was during this period that specialists of this field began to prepare. To date, apitherapy took firmly in medicine. Moreover, all beekeeping products have found their widespread use in both cosmetic and food, as well as in the dietary industry. Hundreds of medicines and dosage forms are known to be manufactured using these products.

Bee - what is it useful?

Both with medical and biological point of view, the bee can easily be compared with a one-time syringe, which is filled with a unique medicine, which still does not exist. The horror of a person, this insect introduces a small amount of a substance enough in its chemical composition in its chemical composition bee poison.
The composition of this substance includes about 50 components. These are a variety of acids, and carbohydrates, and histamine, and minerals, and sterols, proteins, and acetylcholine, and amino acids. Many in the bee poison and peptides. It is for these compounds that the main task is assigned, since they are inherent in numerous therapeutic properties. So, for example, the peptide of adolapine is endowed with an anesthetic effect. But the peptide Melittin helps to relieve inflammation, and is also fighting with various pathogenic microorganisms. As for the peptide of Apina, it is intended to have a tonic effect on the entire central nervous system. Cardiopeptide in turn contributes to the stabilization of the work of the cardiovascular system. The bee poison is difficult to name the drug, since this product of beekeeping is natural toolwhich plus does not cause any development any side Effects. Let's say more, this product is able to affect even the cause of chronic ailments, while activating all the physiological processes in the human body. It was at the expense of this that apitherapy refer to the number of those methods that allow patients to cure from one or another illegality completely.

Pieznivia - the most common method of apitherapy

The beezhalization is made by pressing the bee by tweezers to the skin area. Coming with the skin, the bee is staring his sting both in the skin and in the subcutaneous tissue. With spontaneous mealing, the bee, as a rule, is stuck closer to vital organs, since electromagnetic waves are departed from them. When conducting this procedure, experts find special acupuncture points and apply bees to them. This approach is really appropriate, since it is at such points that numerous nerve receptors and the so-called "fat cells" are located, i.e. Highly-specialized immune cells. Affecting them, it is possible to provoke the allocation of both heparin and histamine, as well as serotonin. All these components are biologically active substances that tend to enhance the effects of bee poison. Since bees react poorly to the smell of spirits and alcohol, before the procedure should not handle the skin with an alcohol solution. If there is a tendency to allergic reactions after 1 - 2 seconds after the introduction into the skin, it was removed.

Other components of such treatment

1. Bee poison: Used quite wide. It is especially often included in the course of therapy of neurites, neuralgia and rheumatism. They treat them and diseases of the skin, as well as some eye diseases. In the people, for help, it is most often treated to reduce blood pressure.

This product of beekeeping is inherent in numerous healing properties, namely:

  • eliminates the eats and spasms of the muscles;
  • reduces blood pressure;
  • returns freedom of movements;
  • reduces the power of manifestation to a minimum pain sensations;
  • prevents the development of convulsive states;
  • improves the process of blood circulation in the brain area;
  • it has antiarrhythmic, antiviral, antihypoxic, antibiotic and radio protector;
  • restores the work of the heart;
  • displays out of the shock;
  • expands vessels;
  • improves motor and secretory functions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • strengthens the protective forces of the body;
  • lowers the amount of cholesterol in the blood;
  • improves blood composition;
  • improves performance;
  • returns vital energy, vigor, strength, good sleep;
  • eliminates headaches;
  • improves appetite;
  • reduces the release of thyroid hormones;
  • actively affects the trophic processes;
  • improves adaptation capabilities;
  • warning the formation of thromboms.
2. Honey: It is a natural product, which includes numerous enzymes, trace elements, vitamins and other healing substances. There are in it and a variety of organic, as well as inorganic acids such as phosphoric, malic, wine, hydrochloric acid. It is enriched with microelements, such as nickel, iron, calcium, magnesium, silver, etc. Note that this product is fully absorbed by the human body. Inherent in honey and numerous medical biological properties caused by the presence of a large number of healing substances in it. The list of properties data can be asked both desensitizing and antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, as well as an immunostimulating effect. Honey is treated with liver and heart disease, pulmonary tuberculosis, as well as various pathologies of the central nervous system. The same product is often used and externally. Its use should be rational. Per day you can eat from 60 to 100 grams. Honey in 2 - 3 receptions. It should be used in small portions, delaying for some time in the mouth.

3. Royal Milk: It is a powerful antioxidant. In addition, this product is characteristic of improving the metabolism, to have an anti-radiation effect, normalize microcirculation, increase the endurance of the body in emotional and physical exertion, and accelerate the elimination of poisons. It consists of mineral salts, protein substances, vitamins, fat and sugars. Since this product is favorably affects skin cover, it can be found in numerous cosmetics. Uterine milk and for regulating blood pressure.

4. Beeswax: It is the product of the wax glands of bees, which are located on the 4th last abdominal semirings. Especially much in this product vitamin BUT . To date, it includes a variety of ointments, creams and candles. Often, he is also the main component of bleaching, nutrient, cleansing, as well as binding masks and creams intended for skin care. In dermatology, beeswax uses for the treatment of various skin inflammations, wounds and burns, and all because it is peculiar to strengthen the regeneration of the skin. Chewing this product helps to increase the selection of saliva and gastric juice, and also helps to get rid of such a bad habit as smoking.

5. Bee submor: Medicines made of dead bees help restore metabolic processes, normalize immune responses, strengthen immunity, purify the body, suppress inflammation processes, stabilize blood pressure, and also strengthen the walls of blood vessels. With the help of the same drugs, you can carry out the prevention of atherosclerosis and accelerate the healing of the wound, ulcerative or burn surface.

6. Trunnene gomogenate: It is called a drone breakdown. Promotes increase physical activity At the time of excessive physical exertion. The same beeworking product enhances metabolism and suppresses the growth of some malignant neoplasms. It has a high nutritional value. Vitamin alone alone D. In this product, 10 times more than in fish oil.

7. pollen: Even in one small floral dust contains a very large number of healing components. Pollen is recommended to be used to improve the appetite, reduced blood pressure, improving performance, increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood, normalizing the intestinal operation. The same product will help prevent the development of myocardial infarction, improve the composition of the blood, will protect the retina and the brain from hemorrhage. Flower pollen should be used in the disorders of the endocrine system, nerve pathologies, as well as chronic colitis. It also improves the supply of organism cells with oxygen, cleanses the body from slags and toxins, and also neutralizes side effects Some medicines.

8. Perg.: It is called more bee bread. This product can be obtained due to the enzymatic process of interaction of floral pollen with honey. The product includes numerous biologically active substancesthat make it possible to use it in the fight against a huge number of various diseases.

9. Wax mole: It is a kind of gray night butterflies whose caterpillars eat beekeeping products that have waxes in their composition. The extract of such larvae is used in respiratory ailments therapy, as well as diseases of the cardiovascular system. This extract is inherent hypotensive, cardiotropic, as well as adaptogenic effect. With it, it is possible to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood and restore growth, as well as cell division. Children under the age of 14 years, this extract can be given at the rate of 1 drop by 12 kg of weight. The required number of drops dissolve in 30 ml of water and take 2 times a day before meals. Children after 14 years and adult extract is prescribed 15 to 20 drops on 30 ml of water. The course of therapy is 1.5 months.

10. Propolis: chemical composition this product of beekeeping is quite complicated, since this substance of animal plant origin is collected by bees with different parts A variety of plants. According to the available data, the wax, flower pollen, resins, and fragrant essential oils are included in its composition. In medicine, propolis is used mainly to destroy pathogenic microorganisms like viruses, bacteria and fungi. The same product is treated with prostate diseases, ailments of the cervix, dermatitis, dermatoses, dental and endocrine pathologies, wounds. It is used in the form of ointments, inhalations, alcohol and aqueous tinctures, as well as creams. Propolis is inherent immunomodulating, antioxidant, anesthetic and anti-inflammatory property.

11. Apizan: This substance is also called whites. It helps to reduce the amount of fats in the blood, restores the intestinal microflora, reduces the load on the liver, stimulates the immune system, improves the regeneration of tissues, adjusts the acidity of the stomach, destroys the microorganisms, removes toxins and ionization products. Also is a powerful antioxidant.

Methods of treatment by the bee poison

The main method is considered to be natural sullen in pain points and zones. This is how the radiculites and neuralgia, osteochondrosis, as well as arthritis.
To the list of others existing methods You can apply:
  • inhalation ( inhalation of bee poison);
  • intradermal administration of ready-made ampongs of bee poison;
  • ionophoresis ( introduction of poison through skin with electricity);
  • phonophoresis ( introduction of poison using ultrasound);
  • rubbing ointments and creams, which include bee poison;
  • the resorption of tablets containing poison under the tongue.
Note that all these methods are inherent in their advantages and their drawbacks. So, for example, the intradermal administration of the poison makes it possible to accurately dispen its amount, but the procedure itself is painful. As for electrophoresis, then in this case The patient does not feel pain, but it is impossible to measure the total number of poison in this case. It is impossible to accurately calculate the dose and during the foundation, but this procedure summarizes the effect of the effect of poison and ultrasound. The duration of electrophoresis ranges from 5 to 15 minutes, the procedures are carried out daily either every other day. The course of therapy is 15 - 20 procedures. Also undergo treatment and using phophoresis. Every day the number of bees increase. It is clear that in all cases it is not necessary without consulting a specialist. Only the apithetpet can choose the necessary course of therapy and professionally hold it. It is worth noting that all these methods are allowed to combine each other. Moreover, the subterapepia's submitted course should be combined with medication treatment.

Before starting procedures

Before starting the procedures, the doctor must figure out the existing contraindications. After that, biological samples are conducted, which help to identify the tolerability of the bee poison. For this, the bee is applied to the bottom third of the forearm. After the introduction of it, the sting already after 10 seconds it is retrieved. Then the specialist is following the overall health of his patient for 30 minutes. The next day, it will be necessary to pass tests, namely, a general blood test and urine analysis and blood test on glucose. After receiving the results of these analyzes, another introduction of the sting is made. In this case, it is retrieved after 1 minute and repeated analyzes are again carried out. The normal reaction should be as follows: the patient after sturgeery feels a burning short pain, after 5-15 minutes, a pale plot is formed at the injection site, the sizes of which reaches up to 2 cm. In the center of the site, the blood droplet can be seen pointing to the capillary damage. The edges of Papula in all cases must have smooth outlines. A little later, redness, itching, itching and swelling may occur in this place. It happens, as a rule, after 5 to 8 hours. These features may be observed 2 more - 3 days. In the case of more pronounced reactions, as well as the occurrence of other signs such as dizziness, shortness, headaches, nausea, breakdown, the doctor comes to the conclusion that his patient very badly tolerates the bee poison. It is clear that in such cases, it is best to refuse such treatment. In the case, if the results of the analyzes are normal and the person moves well the poison of bees, then you can begin treatment, but only after 5-7 days of such therapy, the patient will again need to pass all the necessary analyzes. This is very important, and in the first of all for your health. In some cases, the reactions are developing only after the introduction of very large doses and then even a fatal outcome is quite possible.

During and after the procedure

The procedure of apitherapy must be carried out by an apithette in a specially equipped office. The patient is accommodated as convenient as possible, after which the specialist applies the required number of bees to his body. The sting of the bees takes out immediately after the whole poison falls into the skin. On the whole process leaves 5 to 20 minutes. After the sting is taken out of the wound lubricate with a boric vaseline or another ointment of the same action. Even after this, the patient should lie down for another 25 - 30 minutes. Making sure that the procedure was moved well, the doctor will be able to let go of the patient.
  • Observe graduality in increasing the dose;
  • During such treatment, adhere to a milky-vegetable diet enriched with mineral salts and vitamins;
  • Strictly follow all the rules of a healthy lifestyle;
  • We exclude fatty food, spices and alcoholic beverages from diet;
  • Do not accept the medicines of the bee poison immediately after eating;
  • Avoid excessive physical and mental loads for 1 hour after a session;
  • After apitherapy, you should not take solar, water and air baths, for a long time to walk and perform exercise;
  • If the skin and swelling remained on the skin after the previous session, then the next session is best postponed at the time;
  • During the period of menstruation, such sessions should not be carried out;
  • To strengthen the therapeutic effect of such treatment, you can take inward other products of beekeeping like royal milk or pollen;
  • Sessions are best carried at the same time day;
  • Complete the course of therapy must be immediately, without reducing the number of satisfied bees;
  • With a re-course of therapy, you should again pass all the necessary analyzes.

The reaction of the body on the bee poison

The fact that every person reacts in different ways to poison bees was known to experts for a long time. In some people, even after the bite, one bee develops a very stormy overall reaction, against the background of which there are also numerous heavy complications. Other citizens transfer numerous population without any particular consequences.
The same phenomena are observed when using the bee poison with a therapeutic goal. These phenomena are explained as follows: the nature of the reaction by the body directly depends on the composition of the poison of the bee, which is represented by various substances. Each of these substances acts in its own way to a particular organism, provoking the development of the so-called response. An important role is assigned to such factors as age, gender, the general and reactive state of the body, as well as the human constitution. Note that the body's reactivity throughout their lives should be changed. So, for example, small children are much harder to carry bees bites, rather than adults. Of all this, you can make the following conclusion - the body's reaction to the bee poison is impossible to predict, as it is determined by numerous factors.

What is dangerous such poison?

The bee poison is inherent neurotoxic, hemorrhagic and hemolytic property. His small doses in most cases become the cause of local skin reactions. In large quantities, the development of a severe toxic reaction is quite possible, which in some cases may even endure the patient's death. Initially, the patient feels a burning pain, and after 1 - 3 minutes, hyperemia is about yourself ( increase the blood supply of fabric) and acute inflammatory swelling. Maximum severity is marked only after 15 - 20 minutes. Quite often, regional lymphadenitis arises on the affected surface ( inflammation of lymph nodes). If the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye is exposed to the defeat, then there is a rapid impairment of vision, the expansion of the pupil, turbidity of the cornea and hyperemia Scler. Most often, blepharitis ( inflammation of the edges of the Century). Vision is restored only in a few weeks. Along with the local reaction, the development of both general signs of intoxication of the body is possible. The list of such signs can be swapped, twitching the muscles of the face and limbs, the general weakness, the feeling of constraints in the chest, itching the body with the elements of urticaria and dizziness. With severe intoxication, patients complain about improving body temperature, headache, excessive sweating and nausea. In some cases, the loss of consciousness is noted. The deadly dose of poison bees for a person is 1.4 mg per 1 kg of weight. Death occurs, as a rule, due to the paralysis of the respiratory organs.

Indications for apitherapy

1. Diseases of the nervous system:
  • neuritis, neurosis and neuropathy ( anomalies for the development of the nervous system);
  • nervous anorexia ( food disorders characterized by a deliberate reduction in total weight);
  • depressive states;
  • hysteria and phobia;
  • painful syndrome of various localization;
  • migraine;
  • poliomyelitis ( acute infectious disease affecting the CNS);
  • paralysis;
  • hypercines ( physiologically inexpedient violent movements);
  • parkinson's disease ( slowly progressive disease, characterized by a slowdest of movements and tremor in calm condition);
  • hyperhydrosis ( increased sweating);
  • reino disease ( the state manifested by the attacks of excessive pallor, and then the cyanosis of the fingers, provoked by negative emotions or cold);
  • status after stroke and heart attack;
  • arachnoidits ( serous inflammation of the cinema shell of the head or spinal cord).
2. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract:
  • chronic gastroduodenitis ( inflammatory pathology of the mucous membrane of the duodenum and the pyloric zone of the stomach);
  • chronic hemorrhoids;
  • ulcerative ulcer of the stomach or duodenum;
3. Systemic pathologies:
  • sclerodermia ( disease accompanied by damage to the connective tissue and skin seal);
  • system red lupus ( diffuse disease of the connective tissue, characterized by the systemic lesion of the tissue itself and its derivatives);
  • dermatomyosis ( the disease of the organism at which the defeat is subject to both skin and muscles, as well as nerves).
4. Pathology of the cardiovascular system:
  • acute myocardial infarction and its consequences;
  • angina region ( deals accompanied by a painful feeling of discomfort for the sternum);
  • heart arrhythmias;
  • thrombophlebitis ( thrombosis with inflammation of the walls of Vienna and the formation of a thrombus that closes its clearance) vessels of the lower extremities;
  • atherosclerotic or post-infarction cardiosclerosis ( cardiac disease characterized by the growth of connecting scar tissue in myocardium);
  • hypertonic disease ( resistant increase in blood pressure);
  • myocardits ( beaming heart muscle);
  • obliterating endarterite ( chronic pathology of peripheral blood vessels with predominant lesions of the arteries of stop and legs).
5. Skin defaults:
  • neurodermit ( disease of neurogenic and allergic origin);
  • dermatitis;
  • skin itching of various localization.
6. Diseases of respiratory authorities:
  • pneumosclerosis ( arrangement in light connective tissue);
  • chronic bronchitis;
  • the consequences of pleurisites ( inflammation of pleural leaves);
7. Endocrine pathology and metabolic diseases:
  • gout ( disease characterized by impaired uric acid exchanging);
  • thyrotoxicosis ( the pathology of the thyroid gland, accompanied by a significant increase in the level of its hormones);
  • (A seizures that are particularly worried about them in the evenings. The use of apitherapy in the fight against this disease gives you the opportunity to expand regional capillaries and evenly redistribute blood from the loaded veins. The girudine existing in the poison of bees, its therapeutic effect is superior to the leech. It contributes to the dissolution Thrombov and blood liquefaction, this way ensuring the strengthening of blood flow in the affected areas. After such a course of therapy, patients notice that their legs become much brighter, and veins disappear either become practically invisible. It is important to note that this method can be treated as early and late. Stages of this ailment.

    With radiculite

    Modern apithetics offer several methods for the treatment of apitapia for the treatment of such a common disease as a radiculitis - the pathology of the peripheral nervous system, in which the so-called spinal cord roots are exposed. First of all, it is a sturgest in the most painful points or zones.
    For this, the doctor initially proves such points, after which the bees put on them. Such a course of radiculitis therapy lasts from 10 to 20 sessions, which should be carried out every other day. Another method of treatment of radiculitis is a beezhalization technique N. Z. Hismatullina. This technique provides for the introduction of sting to biologically active points, which significantly increases the effectiveness of therapy. The bee poison in such cases can be administered with phonophoresis or electrophoresis. In some cases, specialists also use special creams with a bee poise type of apizartron. Massage with such creams can significantly reduce the power of the manifestation of pain. All methods of apitherapy in this case are good, as they contribute, above all, the normalization of the blood circulation process.

    With polyarthritis

    Polyarthritis is simultaneous or consistent inflammation of several joints. The treatment of bee poison in this case is prescribed along with a course of corticosteroid therapy. Swelling is carried out at first in the lumbar, and then in the cervical zone. After that, the exposure to the poison is also exposed to the local points of each joint. The first session provides from 15 to 20 peresias. The entire course of treatment reaches 120 - 150-12 of the polenium. After 3 months, the course of therapy is most often re-conducted. If the possibility of conducting procedures is absent, then take advantage of ointments based on bee poison. Such ointments should be signed directly into the area of \u200b\u200bthe affected joint. In some cases, propolis, uterine milk, and honey, are included in the course of therapy.

    With congenital heart defects

    If there are congenital heart defects, beekeeping products are used as uterine milk, honey and propolis. With their help, it is possible to significantly improve the functioning of all 3rd heart shells. The uterine milk is prescribed 100 mg per day. Propolis should be taken in minimum quantities. Honey can be used without any restrictions.

    With arterial hypotension

    Arterial hypotension is a symptom indicating a decrease in blood pressure in the arterial system. This state is treated with low doses of the bee poison, namely 0.2 - 0.3 mg. As for the royal milk, it is prescribed on the contrary in large quantities - 100-250 mg per day. Honey is used in hypotension in the form warm baths. The same product is often introduced by electrophoresis. In some cases, hypotensive drugs are prescribed patients.

    In arrhythmia

    The bee poison effectively copes with all the forms of arrhythmias ( violation of the normal rhythm of the heart). Specialists introduce it in both the cervical and lumbar zone, as well as in the inter-opacculent space in the amount of 0.5 - 0.6 mg per session. The course of therapy provides for 100-150 polenia. Along with sessions, patients should consume a large number of honey.

    Selection bee for apitherapy

    All apithethetics use very different varied breeds of honey bees. It is not surprising, since some bees are less aggressive, others are the opposite more aggressive. It is from the breed bees depend on the number of poison, which is also important. The amount of poison in the tank of the glands is determined in the very first place of the bees of the family. The biochemical composition of the poison directly depends on the nutrition of young bees. Scientists have proven that bees that were signed without pollen are not synthesized by poison at all. In the tanks of autumn bees, the poison is much less than at the bees of spring-summer generation. The apithetpet takes into account all these facts and picks up for his patients exactly those bees, which, in his opinion, are the most suitable.
    Before use, you must consult with a specialist.

When a person, not abandoned drinking, drawn with a serious problem that requires operational intervention, in medical institution, then he has a reasonable question about the effect of alcohol for operation. It is permissible to use alcohol before and after the operation, whether it affects the restoration of the body. Particularly interested in the possible consequences of strong drinks.

Before the operation

Alcohol undoubtedly affects many processes in the human body. The body weakened by its presence responds quite differently, which must be taken into account when preparing for surgical intervention:

  1. Before the operation, the patient always assign analyzes to adjust its move and predict complications. Alcohol is able to influence their results.
  2. Alcohol intervenes in the process of blood turning, significantly enhancing it. Vessel thrombosis, myocardial infarction - here is an incomplete list of consequences from alcoholic beverages.
  3. In the case when the patient falls on the operating table in a drunken form, the terrible congestion from it in a closed room is tritely preventing doctors to focus on operations.

If a few days before the operation still had to drink, please let me know about it! It can at least save from negative effects, and then from death!

Alcoholic interaction with anesthesia

The purpose of general anesthesia is the cessation of the production of a nervous impulse that signals the pain arising from surgical impact. Alcohol often enters into interaction with substances used for this, significantly changing the final result:

  1. In the body, which is under drink, is slower than tissue from anesthesia. A situation is possible when consciousness already goes out, and the sensitivity remains.
  2. The duration of local anesthesia does not exceed three hours. Under the crumpled potion, the anesthetic time can significantly reduce what can lead to sudden pain.
  3. The introduction of additional portion of anesthesia does not most often have a significant effect.
  4. The combination of anesthesia with alcohol significantly increases the load on cardiovascular system, Causeing heart failure capable of leading to death.
  5. The use of carbonated alcoholic beverages brings with them a threat to the occurrence of uncontrolled hypoxia caused by a significant carbon dioxide emission.
  6. The combination of carbon dioxide, alcohol, anesthesia and traumatic stress often leads to gastric bleeding.

After operation

After surgery, the patient's body needs long-term quality recovery. For this purpose, a significant list of drugs that contribute to the process is usually appointed. Crumpled rudely interferes with the progress of recovery, providing as a direct negative impact on the body, the immune system, and interacting with drugs.

Due to the fact that alcohol causes blood thickening, its reception and after surgical procedures is dangerous - affects the veins, leads to the formidable consequences in the form of thrombosis not yet recovered after the intervention of the surgeon of vessels. Depending on the concentration of alcohol, both the smallest capillaries and larger vessels can be overlapped, significantly slowing down blood circulation and rehabilitation processes.

The liver and kidney of a person abusing alcohol, with their work, experience serious difficulties, often complicated by cirrhosis and other chronic diseases. In the postoperative period, the body and so subjected to a significant burden on the removal of the disintegration of powerful drugs. Alcohol significantly increases additional risks.

Combining alcohol and medicines in postoperative time leads to a delay in the elimination of toxins from the body. Negative symptoms of such combination manifests itself as follows:

  • heart rhythm disorders;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • reinforced sweating;
  • dizziness;
  • decrease in blood pressure;
  • blood tides to the head.

Most often, powerful antibiotics are prescribed for protection against postoperative complications, which are absolutely incompatible with any alcohol products. Alcohol S. general anesthesia In oppressively operate on the central nervous system, often leading to cravesties, hallucinations, other manifestations of harm.

When you can drink

To determine the deadlines, when after the operation it is permissible to use, it is necessary to take into account the severity of the intervention, the organ that was operated on, the general condition and age. In any case, it is worth considering a doctor who will determine the reference framework.

The minimum period for which it is better to refrain from alcohol is about three weeks. Such a limitation is used when removing appendicitis. More serious operations suggest and significantly large dates for the refusal of strong - at least 30 days. This can be attributed to the removal of cysts, misa of the uterus, ectopic pregnancy. The removal of the gallbladder provides for a lifelong refusal to eat containing alcohol drinks.

If someone suggests alcohol after the surgeon, motivating it by the fact that it will help better recover - do not believe it! This can not be done! Any number of alcohol is dangerous after the operation and easily leads to the worst!

Summing up all the information about the effect of alcohol-containing beverages to prepare for the operation, its current, passing the processes of the correction processes after the intervention, it is safe to assert that its use during this period is extremely dangerous. Dubious pleasure from intoxication is not worth your lives. Take care of yourself!

When you bite the bee - this process is very unpleasant. Many people belong to these insects with caution.

Nevertheless, there are those and a lot of them who, with pleasure, practices treatment with bee poison.
This type of treatment of apitherapy is called - when the bites of bees help a person to recover from any disease.

Why do Bell bites have a healing effect?
What diseases can be cured with striped insects? To whom apitherapy can not be shown and why?

Natural Syringe

The term "apitherapy" is translated as treatment with bees. Also sulling bees.

In fact, apitherapy treats diseases not only by the bites of bees, but also the royal milk, honey, wax, pollen.

Bites are only one of the types of this therapy.
The Ministry of Health in 1959 recognized the method of treating bees official. Began to produce brochures on how to use poison bees for treatment. Specialization gradually appeared - the apiitepet doctor.
The beezhalization method is different in the other way - apireflexotherapy. This is due to the fact that when apitherapy, as in the procedure conducted using the needle, the action is directed to some points on the body.

The apitepet doctor sends a bee into some point on your body to injected poison there.
That is, the bee is the real one-time natural syringe, which stores a miraculous medicine.
The bee bites a person's one. After the bite, she dies.
What it differs from the wasp, which bites it is more painful and can bite many times.

Naturally, the bee jalutes man is not to cure. Her sting serves as a weapon that she protects himself and with which she attacks, if she faces the danger.
Curious, but the person is biting only those bees that are honeycomb.
Drops do not have poison and sting. Despite the fact that many think that the bee attacks any people, it is not. The bee bites a person only when it is provoked to the manifestation of aggression or protected. For example, bees are not delighted with sharp odors, fast moving people.
When a person is calm, the bee does not pay attention to him. The procurement of the bee is usually a strong smell of perfumes, cologne, sweat.

Bee weapon

Bee sting - as a dagger, which is joined. Due to this, when the bee bites, her sting remains in the lean skin, it is stuck. It comes out of the bee tummy, and the bee dies.
Osa - owner of smooth sting. Therefore, she can want how much.

The bee sting highlights the poison for about ten - fifteen minutes, as it comes out of the body of the bee with a reservoir in which the poison is stored.

Bees bite also various natural aggressors, among them insects and birds.

Few is aware that when the insect bite, the bee remains alive.
Insects - owners of more subtle cover, so it cannot be stuck in them.
If the poison bees falls into the human body in a small dose, it is not dangerous only if you are not allergic.

With a favorable outcome of the events, the poison should simply scare. The place of bite is burning, a tumor appears.
In the case of allergies to the bees, which possesses 2% of people on the planet, the poison can kill - a serious inflammatory response will arise, after which the swelling comes.

If the bee bites a mouse or a small bird, most likely, the victim will die.
Bees injected approximately 0.3 - 0.8 mg poison in the body of the victim. In summer, the concentration is usually increasing.
Toxic for a person is the amount of - 50 bites.

In order for a person to die from the bee bite, 0.2 g poison is necessary. It is about 250 to 500 bee bites.
When the bee bites, the body gradually gets used to them, the risk of allergies decreases. Due to this property of homeopathy, the method of apitherapy was invented.

But the reaction of the human body on bee bites is unpredictable.
Sometimes beams, long worked and many times branched with bees, die from the bite one.
This means that in the absence of you are allergies to bees, you are not insured about what it can develop at any time.

There is a dependence of the body's reaction on the bite from age, lifestyle, weight, the place of bee bite.
Extremely dangerous bees for children who are still vulnerable to the imune system.
But you should not consider them to be worst enemies.

The appearance of the bee belongs to the time for 60,000 years before the appearance of a person is reasonable, and with his appearance, the bee began to treat him.

Medicine consisting of poison

Apitherapy is carried out by two types of exposure:
The first effect is reflex. Doctor -Apiterperature with the help of a tweezers turns the sting on the points for which it is necessary to influence.

At certain times, the bee sting is left at the point of exposure, after which the doctor removes it.
The second type of exposure is biological.

Appotoxin, he is the poison of the bee, affects the human body.
In the absorption of only 240 items of substances. This is copper, magnesium, ant, hydrochloric acid, phosphorus and calcium, aminoxylotes, stearins, carbohydrates, peptides.

    The most important peptides are:
  • cardiopeptide - has a stabilizing effect on the cardiovascular system.
  • adolapine. He is anesthesia. According to some data, its painkillers are 80 times stronger than that of opium.
  • melitine. His action is anti-inflammatory. It kills unnecessary bacteria organism. The bactericidal effect of the poison has on an intestinal wand, staphylococcus, streptockok and many others.
  • apamine, action is a tonic nervous system. Impact occurs on the nerve endings, which are located in a person in the skin. Apamine is engaged in stimulating blood circulation and metabolism, helps reduce cholesterol levels, contributes to a decrease in blood coagulation.

Acids in bee poison and histamine contribute to the expansion of blood vessels. The vessels are permeable, the pressure decreases.
With the help of acetylcholine contained in the bee poison, paralysis is treated.

Who help bees?

    The treatment of apitherapy of such diseases is very effective as:
  • Diseases of the nervous system and musculoskeletal system:
    These include gout, arthrosis, neuritis, neuralgia, malgia, polyarthritis, arthritis, radiculitis, osteochondrosis, vertebral hernia, osteoarthritis deforming.

    The poison bees can remove sharp pain after the first session, return the joy of walking.
    Appatioquin is used as part of the ointment from the radiculitis.

    There are data from scientists who speakers that the poison bees helps to form a new chart of cartilage. As a result, patients suffering from a disk hernia located between the vertebrae are favorably cured by apitherapy.

    The results will also be favorable in the treatment of multiple sclerosis and cerebral palsy. Poison bees can delay their development.

    It reduces the effect of autoimumin inflammation, favorably affects the coordination of movements. Therapy of the bee poison helps to restore the ability of a person to move.

  • Cardiovascular disease
    Therapy of the bee poison contributes to achieving good results during the treatment of patients after stroke, paralysis.
    Apitherapy is suitable for patients with angina and arrhythmia, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins.
    Also, the polescence of bees applies to bronchial asthma, bronchitis chronic.
    The aptooxin is expanding the bronchi and dilutes the sputum, helps to pull it out.

Also, apitherapy is treated for women's infertility and prostatitis.

It hurts?

In order to treat a person with poison bees, it is necessary to observe precautions. Therefore, the treatment sessions of bee poison and bee-produce products doctor with a diploma: an iggoreflexotherapist or apitherapist.

It is not necessary to contact lovers, just engaged in bees and trying to heal the man by the bee poison in their free time, without a medical diploma.

In the case of allergies, this person may not be medical tools for resuscitation. Contact clinics specializing in apitherapy. It is advisable to carry out a session of treatment by the bee poison in a comfortable and secured by all necessary offices.

The most important thing! Treatment of bee poison and bee products always begins with testing on the tolerability of the poison of the bee man.

How is the process of testing. Doctor sits the bee to the sick lower back.
The bee bites the patient, the doctor cleans her. Bag with sting you need to withstand 10 seconds. After six to eight hours, the action of the aptooxin will manifest.

The doctor should look at the effect of the poison six hours and the other day.
Suppose the result is normal. Now you need to take the following biological.
Leave the sting under the skin is needed for a longer period of time.

If the second testing gave a good result, the doctor conducts treatment.
How much to use bees for one session, the duration of the course of treatment will determine the doctor.
Everything will depend on how serious is the diagnosis and what was the body's reaction to the bee poison.
In case of osteochondrosis, the bee is sidewged along the spine. If you have arthritis - the scene will be sick joints.

With varicose veins of veins. If you have high blood pressure - the bee will be put on cervical spine.

The minimum total of bees that need to be put on the body - 56.
Maximum - 200 in summer, 250 in winter. In winter, the bee is not so active.
If the patient's body responded to the first bite positively, this does not mean that he can put more than 2 bees at a time. And some patients put 30 bees at once.
That is, the first patient will be treated longer, and the other for 10 sessions will go through the course.
Does it happen to this procedure?

Yes. But some people simply have to tolerate this pain, because they are forced. Against the background of pain in arthritis, osteochondrosis, bee bite - the smallest evil.

After the sessions of apitherapy, a person becomes legs and feels better.
The body gradually gets used to the bites of bees and he is not so painful.

Paints last about 20 seconds, after that the bite's place becomes numb. Before bite, the doctor can put ice cubes on the skin to reduce pain.
After a session of apitherapy, the patient may be weak, sluggish, with an elevated temperature.

Do not go to the session at the beginning of the day.
After treatment, the patients are squeezed, swell. They are resolved homeopathic medicines so that the skin is not irritated.

Treatment by bee poison - cumulative. The effect lasts half a year.
Doctors recommend passing a course 2 times a year.


Preparing for treatment

During the passage of apitherapy, do not drink alcoholic beverages, strong tea, do not eat citrus, chocolate, strawberries. Do not go to the sauna and bath, do not take physical exertion.
Bees do not eat a lot before bite.