Projects of combined houses made of brick and timber and other options for combining materials. Features of combined country houses for a comfortable life Knots of a combined brick and log house

Combined houses made of stone and wood, the projects of which usually include a brick (stone, concrete) first (ground) floor and wooden second (mansard ) is an attempt to offset the shortcomings of some materials at the expense of the advantages of others. Stone (brick) - very strong, durable and reliable material, but at the same time it warms up for a very long time and requires both internal and often external finishing work.

Wood is an environmentally friendly and healthy material with excellent thermal insulation, but at the same time it is very fire hazardous and relatively short-lived. Combining these materials allows you to minimize costs, ensuring maximum energy savings and high speed of construction.

Design features of combined houses

Projects of houses using stone and wood have a fairly long architectural history. These can be attributed half-timbered houses, which wooden frame filled with stones, or alpine chalets, which was originally the dwelling of shepherds.

However, the construction of a combined house made of wood and stone was quite common in Russian architecture - in the 19th century, enterprising middle-class merchants, minimizing costs, built two-storey houses, in which the first floor of stone was "business" - it housed a store (shop) or office. But the second floor was reserved for living space.

The combined stone-wood house will allow you to make the most efficient use of strengths each material:

  • the use of brick (stone, concrete blocks) - non-combustible material - on the ground floor is quite justified, because there is a living room with fireplace, kitchen, possibly a garage and other areas with an increased risk of fire. In addition, in this case it will be easier to obtain permission and install the boiler on the ground floor.
  • durability - the lowest rims of a wooden house, close to the ground, are exposed to the greatest negative impact (moisture, fungus, mold, insects). The first floor, built of brick, will last for decades without reducing reliability, because the brick is practically not affected by negative natural factors, and the tree will be protected from moisture and the influence of groundwater.

Advice! When designing combined houses you can abandon the high foundation characteristic of wooden houses- the brick withstands moisture well.

  • economy - in financial terms combined house "brick + wood" will cost less than completely brick house, and this is only if we take into account the cost of the material. It is worth considering additional costs: insulation brick walls, Finishing work, heating of a residential floor - the financial benefit will be especially noticeable
  • energy efficiency - wood retains heat much better than brick, which will save on heating the residential area, but at the same time, you should not neglect the insulation of the basement
  • combination of materials will significantly reduce total weight buildings, so you can further save on laying the foundation

Advice! To further reduce weight, the second floor can be built not from timber or rounded log, and use wireframe technology

  • speed of construction - both the brick and wooden parts of the house are being built quite quickly, but while the wooden part shrinks (this can take up to a year for rounded logs, for glued beams this is not very important), you can finish the first floor and even move into it
  • aesthetics - the combination of materials allows you to get a very unusual and attractive exterior, such designs make it possible to realize interesting and non-standard design solutions and approaches.

The ground floor, built of brick, is distinguished by its excellent practical advantages - it is stable, strong, perfect for equipment bathrooms, laundry, boiler room, mini-pool, warm garage, as well as a kitchen, dining-living room. The second floor, built of wood, is distinguished by an atmosphere of comfort and warmth, due to its natural qualities, wood provides natural air exchange and moisture regulation, so it is optimal to equip rooms with a minimum of engineering communications and installations here - bedrooms, children's rooms, an office.

V modern construction there is a gradual abandonment of bricks in favor of aerated concrete or other types of cellular concrete. First of all, they are lighter, which allows you to further save on laying the foundation. Important point- with the same strength, aerated concrete has significantly better thermal insulation performance than brick. But the second floor can be built from round logs, profiled or glued beams or wireframe.

There are two approaches to the design of the facade of combined houses:

  • uniform style - in this case, the whole house is decorated in the same style, the difference between the floors is completely removed, for which it can be used as decorative plaster as well as siding. Brick floor can be finished timber imitation, block house, clapboard, etc., so that visually the house is completely wooden
  • different design - the second floor in this case remains untouched (the tree can only be additionally painted or varnished), the first floor is finished decorative brick or plaster, tile, stone (natural or artificial).

During the construction of combined houses, special attention will be required to the transition from the brick part to the wooden one. Between floors, as a connecting element, reinforcing metal pins are used - laying them in the upper rows of brick (stone) masonry, they are used to fix the first crowns of the second floor. A prerequisite is the creation of a waterproofing layer, for which you can use roofing material, polyurethane foam and other materials that will protect wooden structures from moisture.

What is a good project for a house made of bricks and timber? Main question at the start of construction country house or a cottage: what material to build a house from? Manufacturers offer a wide range: brick, foam concrete and aerated concrete blocks, wood, cinder blocks and other materials that offer a variety of solutions for building a combined house.

The first floor of the combined houses is intended for the location of stoves and other fire hazardous elements, the second floor is for recreation.

As a rule, the developer decides in favor of a particular material, depending on its price, environmental friendliness and durability. Brick is fireproof, and wood is environmentally friendly. What if we combine these materials together? This will be discussed further.

Combined houses made of brick and wood have been in demand by many developers for decades, almost on a par with brick houses. The thing is that such construction is considered the most practical and profitable. The first and massive basement floors are built of brick, which ensures the fire safety of the premises. Therefore, it would be rational to place all fire hazardous objects on these floors.

The second wooden floor does not require additional finishing, has low thermal conductivity and provides comfort and warmth in the house all year round. In addition, as you know, the tree breathes, and this is a guarantee of environmental friendliness and a favorable climate. Cottages, the first floor of which is made of brick, and the second floor is made of timber, look very attractive and aesthetically pleasing. Despite the obvious difference between these two materials, they are perfectly combined under one roof, complementing each other.

Another positive feature of building houses made of bricks and timber is the fast construction of load-bearing structures, since the walls of large elements (timber) develop quite rapidly. The remoteness of the log part of the house from the ground is an indisputable plus, since during the contact of wood and soil, the properties of the material are destroyed, which leads to the fragility of the residential building.

Advantages and disadvantages

And now a little about the merits of each material separately. The advantages of brick are as follows:

  1. Exceptional masonry strength. In a brick house, you can not be afraid of any mechanical influences. natural phenomena, such as hurricanes, tornadoes and floods will not be able to render the state of the building unusable. It is only necessary to perform a major drying of the walls.
  2. A brick wall is a solid foundation for building massive upper floors.

A lot of pluses and at a construction bar. Builders note the following advantages of such material:

  1. High quality thermal insulation.
  2. High speed of construction of a residential facility due to the overall dimensions of the structural elements.
  3. Air permeability of walls. V wooden house no room for excess moisture.
  4. aesthetics of the material. High-quality timber processing (for example, glued laminated timber) makes the appearance of the house more beautiful and aesthetic.

By the way, glued laminated timber is considered one of the most expensive wood materials. The high price is associated with the complex production technology of the material, although it is made from the most affordable species: spruce and pine. The most common timber for the construction of walls and individual structures.

Disadvantages of combined houses

The above advantages are quite obvious for the developer: the profitability of construction, the strength and durability of the building. But even here there are drawbacks, which the future owner of a low-rise mansion should also be familiar with.

First of all, it is the incompatibility of materials. A tree is "friends" only with a tree.

Based on this, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for the wooden floor by enclosing it with waterproofing barriers.

There is a risk of damage to logs from stone and from the effects of the harsh climate in winter time of the year. To a greater extent, this can be seen on the first floor. In any case, it is worth additionally insulating each of the floors. Additional costs will be required for a concrete base (slab) for both the first and second floors. Note that other materials (blocks, bricks) do not require this: it is enough to use a tape or a pile grillage.

Combined building project

As already noted, the combined house has a very aesthetic appearance. This can be said as a small two-story country house, and about a chic mansion with an attic. It is ideal for summer holidays in the countryside or permanent residence.

After reviewing the project of a brick-and-beam house, we can conclude that such a building has not only a delightful exterior, but also exceptional functionality.

The basement, or basement, floor of the house may have several utility rooms, which will later be used for various purposes.

Here is the place for arranging a garage, pantry or workshop. Repair of the machine, storage of various blanks and working tools will take place here.

The total area of ​​​​the basement can be used not only as a utility floor, but also used for other purposes, depending on the requests and imagination of the owners two-story house. For example, you can make a small corner for a comfortable stay or a mini-gym for sports. Ideas can be huge.

For any hostess, the presence of a spacious kitchen, dining room and living room is vital. It is also worth taking care of a separate laundry and dressing room.


All this can be located on the first floor of the building. If the first floor is designed for receiving guests and spending time together with the family, then the attic is a place to relax from everyday affairs and, at the same time, to work.

On the second floor there is usually an office, several bathrooms with a Jacuzzi and, of course, a bedroom where you can completely relax and take a break from everyday affairs.

Many families have children, and you should not forget about the spacious children's room. It is advisable to place it on the sunny side of the house.

Concluding the conversation about a house made of bricks and timber, I would like to note once again that the combination of materials during construction is very popular and allows you to realize all the dreams regarding appearance and quality characteristics of the home.


Having weighed all the pros and cons, and having studied various projects, you can start building your own country cottage. We wish you success!

As the name implies, in the article we will not only touch on the projects of combined brick and timber houses. Its subject is broader - combining different materials in private housing. So, on the way...

Combined materials

Let's start with those cases when two different materials are combined in one structural element.

I-beam from OSB

The shape of the I-beam is designed to provide maximum rigidity with respect to a bending load directed in a certain direction. With a much lower consumption of material, it practically does not differ in strength from a solid bar of the corresponding section.

However, if any shape can be cast from metal, then the economic feasibility of producing an I-beam from a solid beam is doubtful: yes, we will facilitate the construction, but most of the quality wood will go to waste.

One solution is a glued construction of a strip of oriented strand board and two small-section bars. OSB provides bending rigidity, and the bar provides ease of installation.

Please note: in addition, the bars do not allow the OSB strip to twist under load.

The basis of the overlap is a combined I-beam.

SIP panels

Another example of an extremely successful combination of dissimilar materials is sip panels. If in frame house Since the skin is devoid of load-bearing functions and rigidity is ensured, two layers of OSB glued together and a layer of extruded polystyrene foam are a rigid structure. Note - a design with excellent load-bearing capacity.

The advantages of building material are quite numerous:

  • Low price. The panel is somewhat more expensive than a set of two OSB boards and insulation; but we significantly save on the frame.
  • Easy do-it-yourself installation. The instructions for assembling the wall are ridiculously simple: just insert a beam into the grooves of the ends of adjacent panels and pull the OSB to it with self-tapping screws. Additional reliability and tightness of the connection are provided by preliminary foaming.
  • Structural strength. The practice of using houses in regions with frequent hurricane winds has shown that they endure the violence of the elements without fatal damage.
  • Unlike frame structures.
  • Excellent thermal insulation properties. Of course, the assertion that a house made of sip panels can be heated with a couple of candles is fiction. However, the consumption of thermal energy to maintain a constant temperature in the building actually decreases from the considered standard 100 to 35-40 watts per square meter area.

Combined timber

This material is in some way a development of the idea of ​​sip panels, adapted to the aesthetics of wooden architecture. Combined glued laminated timber consists of two lamellas made of high-quality low-moisture wood with a layer of extruded polystyrene glued between them.

Ordinary glued beams and combined beams differ markedly in properties in favor of the latter:

  • Combined much cheaper. The difference in price reaches a third: after all, the foamed polymer is much cheaper than high-grade wood, especially taking into account the costs of its drying and processing.
  • He's lighter. The density of expanded polystyrene is much lower than the density of any wood, not excluding light spruce, pine and cedar. On the practical side, the lower weight of each crown means not only easier installation, but also less stress on the foundation. So, you can also save money on it.
  • Finally, the main thing: here we get much better thermal insulation, which allows us to do without additional wall insulation and significantly save on heating.

Combined buildings

Brick or wood? This question haunts far from the first generation of independent builders. There are many compelling arguments in favor of both decisions.

Advantages of a brick

  • The lining is exceptionally durable. In a brick house, you can not be afraid of unauthorized entry from the outside (at least through the walls); he is not afraid of hurricanes, tornadoes and other natural disasters. Even a flood in a brick house will only make the walls dry, but a beam or a log will most likely lead.
  • The brick wall is a solid foundation for the massive upper floors. In this case, the builder does not need to worry about whether the mass of floors will become exorbitant for bearing walls load.

Advantages of a bar

In favor of the construction beam, no less arguments can be given:

  • It has much better thermal insulation qualities. With the same thermal resistance of the wall, you can make it 2.5 - 3 times thicker.

  • Construction will be much faster: after all structural element has much larger linear dimensions.

It is worth clarifying: we are talking about the construction of dry timber. The material of the so-called natural moisture requires at least six months of conservation for shrinkage.

  • The walls have excellent vapor and air permeability. It is never stuffy or damp in a wooden house.
  • Finally, wood is simply a very beautiful material. Glued or profiled timber due to high-quality surface treatment may well become an independent design element.


The solution to the problem of choice can be quite simple: combined houses made of brick and timber are buildings in which the walls from the foundation to the interfloor ceiling are built of brick, and above the ceiling - wooden or reinforced concrete - rises completed.

In the photo - a combined house in the process of construction.

As a rule, there is a functional division of floors:

  • In the brick part of the building there are a garage, a dining room, a kitchen, a boiler room, a sauna and other premises of a purely functional and technical purpose.
  • Bedrooms and recreation area - living room, children's room, etc. - migrate inside the wooden part of the house.

What is the result?

  • A combined house made of timber and brick is not afraid of floods. In any case, the damage from them will be incomparable with the scale of damage in a solid wood house.
  • Brick walls can become a reliable foundation for a monolithic or slab reinforced concrete floor, which in a number of ways is more convenient than any flooring on wooden beams.
  • At the same time, the inhabitants of the house are provided with maximum comfort: they have all the advantages of a wooden structure.


As usual, the video in this article will demonstrate at least useful information. Successes in construction!

In the modern variety of building materials, it is difficult to dwell on something specific for the construction of an individual house. Brick and timber are in great demand. These are materials in which a person can be sure. The production technology is known, there is less danger of buying a "pig in a poke". How, then, to make a choice which house of timber or brick house is better to build? It's hard to choose a favorite because both materials have earned the right to be the best. The choice is made by the buyer, but we will compare the qualitative characteristics of materials and houses built of brick or timber. Perhaps this information will help you make a decision.

Consider the pros and cons of the beam. It is a derivative of a tree, has the same features as wood:

  • the porous structure of the surface easily absorbs and gives off moisture, heat;
  • environmentally friendly material that does not cause allergies (the only exception can be glued laminated timber due to the specifics of production);
  • beautiful drawing, woody aroma (usually coniferous);
  • light in weight, easy to process;
  • the overall dimensions of the beam allow for short term raise a residential building, because at one time the length of one wall is covered;
  • affordable - buy timber at affordable price will not be difficult at any time of the year.

The disadvantages include the following properties that can be prevented with the help of modern means:

  • unstable to fire - any tree quickly ignites, but the beam can be processed or dangerous situations can be avoided;
  • susceptible to rotting, exposure to the environment or pests - by providing high-quality waterproofing or antiseptic treatment of timber, you can extend its durability;
  • timber drying out, loss of up to 10% of the total volume - you can buy an already dried timber, but it costs no less than a piece of natural moisture.

Brick is in demand no less than timber, maybe even more. This is due to the positive properties of the stone:

  • strength - only a person trained in techniques can break a brick with his hands, and if you lay out a wall of several bricks, even a tractor needs to make an effort;
  • reliability - people are confident in stability brick structures, in confronting the threat from outside;
  • resistance to fire - the brick does not burn, therefore it is safe in terms of fire indicators;
  • environmentally friendly material - based on sand, clay, water - natural substances;

The advantages of the material are significant, but one cannot but say about the disadvantages of brick:

  • the price is very high, not everyone can afford to build even a one-story house;
  • a high coefficient of thermal conductivity does not make it possible to retain heat for a long time;
  • heavy brick - a brick wall turns out to be massive, requiring a solid foundation, mortar and a connecting reinforcing mesh.
  • appearance is not always attractive, recently a decorative facade brick has appeared, but its price is not cheaper than usual, it cannot be used to build the entire box, it is used as decorative element facade.

Having considered the characteristics of two building materials, it is difficult to say which brick or timber is better. This can only be found out by a comparative analysis of houses built of timber and brick.

Which is better: a brick house or a timber house?

To understand which of the materials is better, it is necessary to evaluate houses built of brick and timber. Let us carry out a comparative analysis of such structures.

Wooden house from modern timber

Wood has been used for building houses and other buildings since ancient times. Today, interest in wooden housing has not disappeared, maybe it has become a little less with the advent of other building materials. Connoisseurs of warmth, beauty, proximity to nature, favorable climate choose a tree, but in modern form timber or round logs. Let us dwell on timber structures, because it is affordable, easy to assemble, and is constantly available from manufacturers. The beam is one of the materials represented by a wide range of varieties:

  • edged natural moisture;
  • profiled natural humidity / chamber drying;
  • glued.

You can build a wooden frame from any timber, taking into account your wishes. For permanent residence, a frame is built from profiled or glued beams. They better maintain a comfortable climate in the room, do not need additional finishing. A wooden house made of such blanks can allow you to celebrate housewarming faster than other analogues.

What are the advantages of log houses?

  1. Environmental friendliness is the main plus. Modern world filled with objects, substances that worsen our lives. I would like to return to nature. But living in the forest is not entirely comfortable. Therefore, a wooden frame provides an opportunity for unity with nature. The air in the room will be light, clean, filled with the aroma of pine, spruce, larch. Depends on the raw materials used for timber harvesting.
  2. Beauty. Wood has a unique pattern, color, which cannot leave a person indifferent. It's nice to look at the beam, reminiscent of the outline of a log. Each wall of the log house after shrinkage has original decor from the resulting cracks. The walls do not require finishing, which means they save the budget on wallpaper, putty, paint, plasterboard and the like. It is enough to apply varnish after careful polishing of the wood so that the room is filled with comfort.
  3. Rapidity installation work. Elements wooden frame from a bar are assembled as a constructor. Profiled and glued laminated timber has special locking joints that allow you to speed up the assembly of the frame. Only in the case of self-cutting of corner joints, the assembly of the log house can be delayed, but not as much as the laying of a brick box. The beam covers the entire length of the row at a time, step by step.
  4. Keep warm and comfortable. Wood has a low level of thermal conductivity. For timber parts, it is even less, because the locking of the links does not allow heat to pass through. Letting heat out and cold in, wooden wall is able to accumulate and then give off heat to the room for a long time. It will never be cold in a wooden house made of timber with a cross section of 150 mm. The tree not only saves energy, but also allows moisture to pass through. Indoors, even without an air conditioner or humidifier, a comfortable climate will remain.
  5. Price. A box made of timber is cheaper than a brick building. It makes sense for new developers who do not have large funds for construction to pay attention to the timber project of the house. Given the opportunity to live in a house without additional finishing, the final cost of a wooden housing project will be cheaper than a brick one.
  6. The ease of construction does not require a serious foundation. Dried wood has a low weight, which has a positive effect on the choice of foundation for the future building. The foundation is made lightweight, more often columnar or tape. They are poured to a great depth in order to provide the house with a large cellar.

There are, of course, disadvantages of wooden housing made of timber:

There are still more advantages to a wooden house. Showing care, vigilance, you can not think about building new housing for a long time.

brick house

Brick buildings appeared later than wooden ones, but with their strength and reliability they earned demand for many years. Today, there are a lot of people who want to build a brick house.

This is due to the positive properties of the material:

Brick houses have a number of disadvantages:

Comparing the two types of construction for housing, it is difficult to say which one is better to choose. Weigh the pros and cons: someone needs a house cheaper, someone appreciates the strength and reliability of the structure. A common plus is a house made of timber or a brick house - environmental friendliness. Both materials are created from raw materials donated by nature. Any shortcomings are easily eliminated. Choose what is closer to you.

Today, people who plan to build a residential building may notice that there are a lot of building options. A house made of brick and timber is popular among owners of private plots. Not surprising, because such buildings have a number of significant advantages that indicate that such buildings have the right to life.

A variant of the project of a combined house made of bricks and timber
Construction of a house with a large attic

Popular as projects of combined houses made of brick and timber, as well as lining wooden houses with bricks. Both options are quite worthy to find their place in the territories of private sectors. Before you finally bet on such a structure, you need to familiarize yourself with the advantages of such structures.
First of all, the choice of such buildings is chosen by people who are tired of banality, and they want something fundamentally new. In fact, combined houses have recently begun to appear on the territories of private sectors.

An example of finishing the first floor with decorative bricks

That is why not everyone has heard of such structures, but only a few have seen them in reality. Everything new is attractive and interesting. Therefore, it is worth paying tribute to the architects, as well as thoroughly studying all the features of such buildings.

A combined house is most often chosen by people who:

These are just some of the factors that become key when choosing such designs.
People who have chosen the option in one building are satisfied with the result of their work or the work of a construction company.

What are the advantages of combined brick and timber houses

What materials are chosen for such buildings

It is worth understanding what kind of raw materials are used to build combined houses.
Like any construction material, the beam has several varieties.

Design and construction of a combined building

Depending on the requirements and wishes of the owner of a private plot, you can choose the following types of timber:


These bars are very close to each other. Therefore, this material does not require additional processing and polishing.

Scheme with the size and connection of the profiled timber
Existing options for locks for profiled timber

That is, this option is ideal if you want not to make much effort for the completed type of building.

not profiled

The advantage of this material is a relatively low pricing policy. However, for the construction of combined houses, such raw materials are used extremely rarely due to the fact that its quality parameters are quite low.


Such material is widely used for the construction of combined houses. has high heat resistance, and also provides sound insulation.

Glued laminated timber for assembling a cottage

Such material is considered the most reliable and durable for building combined houses. To build a house of brick and timber for decades, just such material will help.
Some prefer to build a house of timber lined with bricks.

This helps to provide an aesthetically pleasing design, as well as significantly save on repair work indoors.

Projects of houses made of bricks and timber

Of course, the owners of the land plot can independently decide how the finished structure of the house will look like. However, it is much wiser and more economical to purchase ready-made. This will help:

All these factors indicate that the project is profitable and reasonable. Despite the fact that he finished project it costs some money, if we analyze the benefits, it is cheaper to initially build a building that is ideal in its design than to correct errors later, which also costs money.

What projects are worth paying attention to?

All three projects are worthy and are often chosen by private sector owners. Such houses look noble and harmonious. Inside the space is also very cozy and pleasant to be.