Bloodsuckers ghouls. Are ghouls vampires or werewolves? Hereditary disease - porphyria

Good time of the day! Alexey with you! And today I have prepared a very interesting article for you. I think you are also interested in the question - do vampires exist in our time? Just like or. Let's figure it out together.

From the history of the existence of vampires

How many films have been made in our time about vampires, how bloodsuckers hunt people, catch them and drink blood. Where do they come from? From many films, they appear due to the casting of a mysterious spell or in some other way. Yes, vampires have become so popular that they make legends about them, compose and sing songs. We also all know the society of people - goths who dress and behave like vampires. But as they say, there is some truth in every legend.

So is there any proof of the existence of vampires? This is the question that we have to answer.

The history of vampirism began in Poland. Legends and myths tell us that it was in Poland that the bulk of the bloodsuckers were located, who hunted people, attacked and drank their blood. Even in those distant times, they tried to convey information that vampires exist.

Vampirism was also manifested in Eastern Europe, where the alleged person who committed suicide became a vampire. The bloodsuckers dismembered their victims and drank their blood. People who renounced God and went against the ministers of the church also became vampires.

The deceased could also become a vampire if a black cat jumped over his coffin. A deceased was also considered a vampire, during whose burial, squeaks and voices were heard from his coffin, or he opened his eyes while lying in the coffin. As a rule, hawthorn branches were placed at the feet of such deceased, and garlic at the head.

A book about vampires - an hour before dawn

In Portugal, they still believe in the existence of a woman who at night turns into a bird and opens the hunt for babies, killing and sucking all the blood. Such a woman is called Brooks and outwardly she is indistinguishable from an ordinary girl.

Do vampires exist in our time - proof to scientists

In 1972, the famous world renowned scientist Stefan Kaplan opened a special center in New York for the study of vampirism and evidence that vampires are among us. And as it turned out, all his efforts were not in vain. He managed to find several dozen vampires. Outwardly, they were no different from ordinary people. From his research, he drew certain conclusions:

  • Vampires actually exist in real life
  • Vampires cannot stand the sun, for this they wear dark glasses and are smeared with sunscreen
  • Ordinary nails and fangs
  • Don't turn into anyone else
  • Drink human blood to quench thirst, three shots a week
  • Not violent, but rather calm. Very good parents and loyal friends
  • If they can't find human blood, then they drink animal blood.

Many people argue that human vampires are just mentally ill, but scientist Stefan Kaplan assures the opposite, since the need to consume blood is a physical need, not a psychological one. Also, the secret of the youth of bloodsuckers is precisely in the fact that they drink human blood.

In 1971, a man named Peter Blagojevich, after his death, visited his son and neighbors several times, who were later found dead. All facts were recorded in the documents.

In Serbia, a man named Arnold Paole was attacked by a vampire while he was making hay. The bloodsucker bit Arnold, after the bite he himself became a vampire and killed a number of people in the village. The Serbian authorities then seriously took up this case, interrogating witnesses of these events, they opened the graves of victims of the vampire.

From the series "Twilight" book - eclipse

At the end of the 20th century, an American from the Brown-Mersey family. According to one of the family members, she came to him after her death and thereby infected him with tuberculosis. Then after that, her grave was opened, the body was taken out and the heart was pulled out of her chest and burned at the stake.

How do they look

Vampires are thin with dry and pale skin, with long and sharp fangs and claws. As I wrote above, they are afraid sunlight Therefore, in their houses, the windows are always closed with curtains. Vampires are hunters for blood and therefore it is easy to calculate them, if suddenly someone shed blood, then the bloodsuckers, seeing it, begin to behave inappropriately, trying not to betray themselves in the crowd of people, and hide. They attack only when the victim is alone.

Where live

Vampires dwell in different countries the world. They have different names and look different. Below I will provide a list of the country of residence of the vampire and its description.

American Vampires (Tlahuelpuchi) - ordinary people feed on human blood. At night they turn into bats in search of another victim.

Australian vampires (Yora-mo-yaha-hu) are creatures of small size, but have very long arms and legs, suckers are located on the limbs, with the help of them they suck the victim's blood. The bite turns into a vampire. These bloodsuckers have a very strong fear of salt.

Romanian vampires (Varcolac) are ordinary people with a pale skin tone during the day, at night they turn into vicious dogs and hunt people in search of human blood.

From the twilight series, the book dawn - more details

Chinese vampires (Werewolf - fox) - female vampires who suffered a violent death. It easily changes its appearance, it is protected with the help of a special figurine with the image of a fox. It hunts in the homes of its victims. It feeds on human blood.

Japanese vampires (Kappa) - drowned children, live in water bodies, hunt people swimming, grab their victims by the legs and drag them to the bottom, then bite the veins and suck blood.

Germanic vampires (Wiedergengers) are night hunters who kill their victims in the cemetery, completely dismember the body and suck blood.

Greek vampires (Empuses) - creatures with donkey legs, suck blood from a deceased person.

Italian vampires (Strixes) - deceased witches and sorcerers, hunt children at night, take the form of an owl and fly in flocks. You cannot kill such a species. Protection from them with special rituals.

Indian vampires (Rakshasas) - the spirits of the dead, very evil, turn into anything, have immortality, the more I drink blood, the stronger and more powerful they become.

Filipino vampires (Aswangi) are deceased girls who have suffered a violent death. They feed exclusively on male blood.

This list once again proves the existence of vampires in our time with you.

How to protect yourself from vampires

Our distant ancestors used garlic as protection against bloodsuckers. Garlic contains sulfonic acid, which breaks down hemoglobin. There is such a disease as Porfiria, we will talk about it further. So such patients cannot stand garlic.

They also defended themselves from vampires with the help of rosehip and hawthorn stalks. Church implements were also used as protection. And in South America residents are hung on front door aloe leaves. In the east, they used amulets in the form of a seal, which were invented by priests and gave the name Shinto.

In the Middle Ages, people protected themselves from bloodsuckers using aspen stakes. They drove an aspen stake into the vampire's heart, then cut off the head, and burned the body at the stake. If people assumed that the deceased could become a bloodsucker, then he was put in a coffin with his face down. There were times when the tendons in the knee were cut off the deceased.

The inhabitants of the country of China, the dead, left small bags of rice near their graves, so that the vampire could count the number of rice in the bag at night. As in the description above, the deceased in the coffin was turned face down, but in addition they also put a stone in his mouth.

Who are energy vampires

In fact, such people - vampires exist. This is a certain category of people who absorb energy, sucking it out of others. Thus, the energy vampire charges himself with positive and spoils the mood of his victim. They achieve scandal and quarrel and thus energize themselves. As a result, the energy vampire is doing well, he is full of energy and strength, and the victim remains in a bad mood, his appetite disappears and insomnia is tormented.

Moving on to diseases associated with vampirism

Disease - Porphyria

At the end of the 20th century, scientists identified a disease such as Porphyria. This is a very rare hereditary disease. Out of hundreds of thousands of people, only one could get sick. In a patient with such a diagnosis, red blood cells are not excreted, as a result of which there is a very large deficiency of oxygen and iron.

A patient with porphyria cannot be exposed to sunlight, since hemoglobin breaks down. They also do not eat garlic, as it only aggravates the disease.

The patient's appearance is similar to that of a vampire. Due to exposure to sunlight, the patient's skin is thin and has a brown tint. The body dries up, as a result of this, fangs are visible. Such changes put a lot of pressure on the human psyche.

Another terrible disease is Renfield syndrome.

Renfield's syndrome

It is very scary and dangerous for the people around. mental illness... Patients have a very strong craving for blood, and it does not matter to them whether it is human or animal. Such people are capable of the most terrible murders, if only to drink blood.

There is not a single adult on Earth who does not know who vampires are. We usually think of them as a super-race, if I may say so, who drink the blood of ordinary people, which helps them to live forever. And their only weak spots- this is an aspen stake in the heart, garlic water and sunlight. Not that much, right? But do vampires exist in real life?

Facts about the existence of vampires

There is even official evidence of the existence of vampires. For example, in 1721 another 62-year-old resident of East Prussia named Peter Blagoevich left for the world. So official documents show that after his death he visited his son several times, who was later found dead. In addition, the alleged vampire attacked several neighbors, drinking their blood, from which they also died.

One of the residents of Serbia, Arnold Paole, claimed that he was bitten by a vampire during haymaking. After the death of this victim of the vampire, several of his fellow villagers died. People began to believe that he turned into a vampire and began to hunt people.

In the cases described above, the authorities conducted investigations that did not give realistic results, since the witnesses interviewed unconditionally believed in the existence of vampires, based on this their testimony. Investigations only caused panic among the local residents, people began to dig up the graves of those who were suspected of vampirism.

Similar sentiments spread in the West as well. Mercy Brown died in Rhode Island (USA) in 1982 at the age of 19. After that, someone from her family fell ill with tuberculosis. The unfortunate girl was accused of the incident, after which her father, together with the family doctor, two months after the funeral, took the corpse out of the tomb, cut out the heart from the chest and set it on fire.

The topic of vampirism has reached our days

Needless to say, vampire tales were believed in the past. In 2002-2003, an entire state in Africa - Malawi, was seized by a real "vampire epidemic". Local residents threw stones at a group of people suspected of vampirism. One of them was beaten to death. At the same time, the authorities were accused of neither more nor less of a criminal conspiracy with vampires!

In 2004, there was a story associated with the name of Tom Petre. His relatives were afraid that he had become a vampire, pulled the body out of the grave, and burned the torn out heart. The collected ash was mixed with water and drunk.

The first scientific publication on the topic of vampirism was made by Michael Ranft in 1975. In his book "De masticatione mortuorum in tumulis" he wrote that death after contact with a vampire could occur due to the fact that a living person was infected with cadaveric poison or the disease that he had during life. And night visits to loved ones could be nothing more than a hallucination of especially impressionable people who believed in all these stories.

Porphyria disease - legacy of a vampire

Only in the second half of the twentieth century, scientists discovered a disease called porphyria. This disease is so rare that it occurs in only one person in a hundred thousand, but it is inherited. The disease is due to the body's inability to produce red blood cells. As a result, oxygen and iron are in deficit, pigment metabolism is disturbed.

The myth that vampires are afraid of sunlight is due to the fact that in patients with porphyria, under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the breakdown of hemoglobin begins. And they do not eat garlic, because it contains sulfonic acid, which aggravates the disease.

The patient's skin takes on a brown tint, becomes thinner, exposure to the sun leaves scars and ulcers on it. The incisors are exposed as the skin around the mouth, lips and gums dries and becomes tough. This is how the legends of vampire fangs appeared. The teeth become reddish or reddish brown. Mental disorders are not excluded.

Around a thousand years ago, the disease was very common among the villages of Transylvania. Most likely this was due to the fact that the villages were small and there were many closely related marriages.

Renfield's syndrome

At the end of the conversation about vampires, one cannot but recall a mental disorder named after another Stoker's hero - the "Renfield syndrome". Patients suffering from this disease drink the blood of animals or people. Serial maniacs, including Peter Kürten from Germany and Richard Trenton Chase from the USA, who drank the blood of the people they killed, had this disease. These are the real vampires.

The beautiful legend about immortal and deadly attractive creatures, drawing life energy from the blood of their victims, is just a terrible story.

There is not a single adult on Earth who does not know who vampires are. We usually think of them as a super-race, if I may say so, who drink the blood of ordinary people, which helps them to live forever. And their only weak points are an aspen stake in the heart, garlic water and sunlight. Not that much, right? But do vampires exist in real life?

Facts about the existence of vampires

There is even official evidence of the existence of vampires. For example, in 1721 another 62-year-old resident of East Prussia named Peter Blagoevich left for the world. So official documents show that after his death he visited his son several times, who was later found dead. In addition, the alleged vampire attacked several neighbors, drinking their blood, from which they also died.

One of the residents of Serbia, Arnold Paole, claimed that he was bitten by a vampire during haymaking. After the death of this victim of the vampire, several of his fellow villagers died. People began to believe that he turned into a vampire and began to hunt people.

In the cases described above, the authorities conducted investigations that did not give realistic results, since the witnesses interviewed unconditionally believed in the existence of vampires, based on this their testimony. Investigations only caused panic among the local residents, people began to dig up the graves of those who were suspected of vampirism.

Similar sentiments spread in the West as well. Mercy Brown died in Rhode Island (USA) in 1982 at the age of 19. After that, someone from her family fell ill with tuberculosis. The unfortunate girl was accused of the incident, after which her father, together with the family doctor, two months after the funeral, took the corpse out of the tomb, cut out the heart from the chest and set it on fire.

The topic of vampirism has reached our days

Needless to say, vampire tales were believed in the past. In 2002-2003, an entire state in Africa - Malawi, was seized by a real "vampire epidemic". Local residents threw stones at a group of people suspected of vampirism. One of them was beaten to death. At the same time, the authorities were accused of neither more nor less of a criminal conspiracy with vampires!

In 2004, there was a story associated with the name of Tom Petre. His relatives were afraid that he had become a vampire, pulled the body out of the grave, and burned the torn out heart. The collected ash was mixed with water and drunk.

The first scientific publication on the topic of vampirism was made by Michael Ranft in 1975. In his book "De masticatione mortuorum in tumulis" he wrote that death after contact with a vampire could occur due to the fact that a living person was infected with cadaveric poison or the disease that he had during life. And night visits to loved ones could be nothing more than a hallucination of especially impressionable people who believed in all these stories.

Porphyria disease - legacy of a vampire

Only in the second half of the twentieth century, scientists discovered a disease called porphyria. This disease is so rare that it occurs in only one person in a hundred thousand, but it is inherited. The disease is due to the body's inability to produce red blood cells. As a result, oxygen and iron are in deficit, pigment metabolism is disturbed.

The myth that vampires are afraid of sunlight is due to the fact that in patients with porphyria, under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the breakdown of hemoglobin begins. And they do not eat garlic, because it contains sulfonic acid, which aggravates the disease.

The patient's skin takes on a brown tint, becomes thinner, exposure to the sun leaves scars and ulcers on it. The incisors are exposed as the skin around the mouth, lips and gums dries and becomes tough. This is how the legends of vampire fangs appeared. The teeth become reddish or reddish brown. Mental disorders are not excluded.

Around a thousand years ago, the disease was very common among the villages of Transylvania. Most likely this was due to the fact that the villages were small and there were many closely related marriages.

Renfield's syndrome

At the end of the conversation about vampires, one cannot but recall a mental disorder named after another Stoker's hero - the "Renfield syndrome". Patients suffering from this disease drink the blood of animals or people. Serial maniacs, including Peter Kürten from Germany and Richard Trenton Chase from the USA, who drank the blood of the people they killed, had this disease. These are the real vampires.

The beautiful legend about immortal and deadly attractive creatures, drawing life energy from the blood of their victims, is just a terrible story.

Today, the vampire is one of the most trending characters. The popularization of these beautifully dangerous entities is greatly facilitated by serials and gothic subcultures. Admit it, have you ever wanted to meet a vampire in real life? Nothing is impossible.

Do vampires exist in real life?

American researcher John Edgar Browning claims that thousands of people regularly consume human blood. He devoted a lot of time and effort to the study of this topic and even agreed to become a donor to one of his "experimental subjects" - which cannot be done for the sake of science.

As it turned out, in our time, the use of someone else's blood is not a tribute to fashionable trends and not a satanic rite. People with this unusual food addiction call themselves "medical vampires"... They have to take a couple of tablespoons of blood about every few weeks.

This is the only remedy that helps them avoid extremely unpleasant and sometimes life-threatening symptoms: acute attacks of headache, weakness, stomach cramps. During an attack, blood pressure approaches the lower critical mark, at the slightest motor activity, for example, trying to get up or at least to rise, the pulse quickens up to 160 beats per minute. Only a timely portion of blood can save you from another attack.

Where do they get it? No, they do not roam the night streets in search of victims, donation is carried out entirely on a voluntary basis. Agree, with a request to donate a little blood you will not turn to the first comer, you need to find a person whom the vampire could trust.

The procedure for obtaining blood resembles a medical one: the skin is wiped with alcohol, a small incision is made with a scalpel, then the wound is processed and bandaged - no fangs and bites in the neck. Browning was even a little disappointed when he found out that the vampire found it "tasteless": he preferred a pronounced metallic taste, apparently in such blood there is more iron.

Medical vampires do not suffer from mental disorders and do not find anything romantic about their peculiarity. They would be happy to get rid of their need, the search for donors, the need to hide their disease and especially the prescription from the public, but it seems they have no choice. Official medicine is not aware of such a disease, and, therefore, no cure methods are provided.

Are they in Russia?

The fact that today only American scientists give the problem of vampirism its due does not mean that the habitat of vampires is limited to territory. North America... Most likely, a certain percentage of such people are present in every country, including Russia. Let's try to distract ourselves from the US everyday life, make an amendment to close and familiar realities and imagine how a Russian vampire lives.

We'll have to face the cruel truth: many of them are forced to kill. Almost everyone sooner or later ends up out of society due to their nocturnal lifestyle.: it is problematic for a vampire to have a permanent job and to reissue lost or expired documents in time. Thus, vampires are to be found in asocial circles.

The criminal environment with its rigid hierarchy and strict norms of behavior is alien to the vampire. However, he can act like a loner outrageous. There is a version that a vampire could be behind serial killers such as Chikatilo. Knowledge of psychology helped to identify a performer with the necessary inclinations, such as low self-esteem, a thirst for greatness, an unstable psyche, suggestibility.

It is easy to convince such a person that it is a sacred matter to cleanse the city of prostitutes, and when caught, he will be happy to try on the laurels of Jack the Ripper and take upon himself all unsolved murders committed in the area. The series of murders in the same region did not stop after the arrest of the maniacs. It is quite possible that the reason for this is not the aggravation of the followers, but the systematic work of the vampire on the new performer.

Youth parties are no less attractive environment for a vampire... He will not attract unnecessary attention among colorful roleplayers, and deviations in behavior will easily be forgiven for him. There are also drugs and fights, and as a result, accidents. Not necessarily fatal, just damage is enough skin... Who then will believe the informal, who has not been seen sober for a long time, that one of his comrades drank his blood?

A vampire likes the profession or image of a freelance artist, because this is a reason to invite pretty girls to the studio as models. Then it's a matter of technique: to charm, hypnotize, intimidate, in order to make them donate their blood to complete exhaustion. A similar case occurred in St. Petersburg: another victim was saved by a guy in love with her, killing a vampire.

The vampire can find refuge among the gypsies, where they do not ask for documents, do not delve into the details of the biography, and in some families the ancient cult of the bloody Indian goddess Kali is still alive.

Evidence of existence

Modern vampires form closed groups. Unlike medieval secret societies, they solve much more mundane and pressing issues: from exchanging donor coordinates to conducting independent research work.

In everyday life, members of the group try not to differ from ordinary people: among them there are lawyers, waiters, teachers and doctors, many of them are very successful. Almost none of them are interested in vampire films, as they do not identify with fictional characters.

They have to keep their identity a secret: no one wants to be branded as a pervert or a monster.... Many fear more serious consequences if it becomes known that they drink blood, for example, losing their jobs or parental rights.

Nevertheless, they prefer to act rather than sit idly by: collecting and, if possible, analyzing as much data about their disease as possible, in order to then provide information to scientific and medical centers. In this case, there will be a chance that an alternative remedy will be developed for their illness. At the very least, the problem will receive an official name, and it will not have to be hidden from others.

The vampire community has already managed to achieve some results in America: some of them are interested in scientific institutions of different states, the first studies of an unusual disease are being carried out. One of the first patients was a 37-year-old resident of Atlanta, who, having become a "bloodsucker", conquered asthma and generally began to feel much better.

Over the past few years, there have been several publications about vampires in authoritative publications and major media outlets such as Critical Social Work and BBC Future.

The publications are devoted to the existence of quite adequate people suffering from this feature of the body. The articles present the results of so far few studies and expert comments - researchers public universities states of Texas and Idaho, not indifferent to the problem of vampirism.

For example, it was possible to establish that this disease has a slightly different nature than that of the well-known to doctors porphyria - a rare pathology that leads to a deficiency of red blood cells and the breakdown of hemoglobin... External manifestations have much in common with the description of mythical vampires, perhaps it was they who served as the prototype for numerous legends.

The most common myths that vampires are afraid of ultraviolet radiation and do not tolerate garlic are well-founded: direct sunlight burns thinned skin, and garlic aggravates symptoms. In an advanced form, porphyria leads to joint deformation - characteristic crooked fingers, darkening of the skin and hair, redness of the eyes from conjunctivitis, atrophy of the lips and gums, visual lengthening of the incisors - vampire canines, which also sometimes change color, acquiring a reddish tint.

Among the symptoms recorded are mental abnormalities, which are not observed in medical vampires. Fatal cases make up 20% of the total number of patients. Fortunately, this is a fairly rare disease: one such diagnosis per 100-200 thousand people (data vary)... There is an opinion that Count Dracula himself, or rather, his prototype Vlad Tepes, was one of the carriers of the disease.

WITH light hand Bram Stoker's Dracula became the most famous vampire of all time... His prototype Vlad III Tepes is still highly revered in Romania today as a voivode and ruler. However, this name evokes twofold feelings: he was also famous for incredible cruelty.

Tepes in translation means "impaling" - an eloquent testimony that his enemies did not know mercy, they were awaited by a slow painful death. According to some reports, the overlord loved to eat near dying victims.

The name Dracul - "the son of the dragon" came to him along with the title and the throne by inheritance from his father Vlad II Dracula's pronunciation became widespread during his reign in the 15th century.

There were other frightening facts in his biography: Dracula kept countless treasures in the ground and under water, none of those who delivered the treasures to the burial site survived. So did the sorcerers-warlocks, who made an alliance with the devil.

Due to circumstances, Dracula converted from Orthodoxy to Catholicism, in those days it was believed that an apostate turns into a ghoul... Even after his death, the governor retained a sinister reputation: there were rumors that the body had disappeared without a trace from the grave.

Today it is difficult to say for sure where the truth is and where the fiction is. It is known that incest - one of the causes of genetic pathology - was common among noble people... Dracula had almost unlimited and uncontrolled access to blood, it is possible that he also used it for magical rituals.

It should be noted that porphyria also remained unrecognized for a long time, only in the middle of the last century scientists began to take it seriously.

The scientific world calls on society to be tolerant towards modern vampires, draws attention to the conscious and ethical behavior of representatives of groups. Mutual trust will help research aimed at finding a cure for this little-known disease.

Legends, stories about vampires are spread all over the world. They are represented not only as deadly creatures, but also as bearers of folklore. Recently, these creatures again attacked the consciousness of people. Many writers and filmmakers resort to the topic of vampirism. This is confirmed by the film "Twilight" and the TV series "The Vampire Notes". Many experts try to provide evidence of the existence of vampires. Unfortunately, the popularity of this topic has led to the attribution of terrible deeds to such people. Let's figure out who vampires are, whether they exist in our time, whether it is worth fearing them.

There is a mystery around vampirism that kindles a special interest in it. Many people want to know if vampires actually existed. The facts indicate the presence of such bloodsuckers. Moreover, they do not necessarily walk through the graveyard and drink someone else's blood. These are all folklore stories about vampires. But in real life, many are faced with energy vampires, fueled by someone else's power.

Who are vampires?

The Europeans in their myths called the dead as vampires, who rise from the grave at night, turn into bats and suck blood from people. Such actions of theirs led to nightmarish visions of the victims. It was believed that suicides, criminals and other vicious corpses turned into vampires. Since then, vampires have been called creatures that suck energy, strength and life from victims. Synonyms for the word "vampire" are "ghoul", "ghoul". So this concept is associated with the emergence of the Gothic style in clothing and make-up, characterized by special severity and black and red shades.

So did vampires really exist? Are they present among us? Experts say that in real life there are vampires. They don't have to wear long hooded coats and display a villainous smile. These are ordinary people, feeding on blood or energy. They consider such actions to be vital. Often this behavior is caused by certain diseases, which will be discussed below in the article. Attraction to such an activity should be checked with a psychotherapist. So, we conclude that modern vampires are people who love blood or suffer from mental illness.

Evidence for the existence of vampires

In order to understand whether vampires really existed, one should travel to Poland. Legends say that there were a lot of them, they killed dozens of their victims and sucked blood. Local residents recorded what was happening, which proves the existence of bloodsuckers in those days.

There were also bloodsuckers in Eastern Europe. People believed that anyone who committed suicide could become a ghoul. It was rumored that people who were going against the church and its ministers were turning into bloodsuckers.

Even some official documents attest to the existence of vampires. So, from the distant 1721, Peter Blagojevich is known, who, after his death, visited the world of the living several times. He came to see his son, who was later found dead. Several of Blagojevich's neighbors were also found dead after his death. All these events are documented.

Another incident happened once in Serbia. A resident of one village, Arnold Paole, was attacked by a vampire in a hayfield. After being bitten, he himself became a bloodsucker and killed several of his fellow villagers. The local authorities carefully examined this case, the testimony of witnesses even forced to dig up the graves of the victims.

In America they also believe in bloodsuckers. So at the end of the 20th century, the Brown family accused their deceased 19-year-old daughter Mercy of vampirism. They believed that the girl came at night and infected one of the family members with tuberculosis. After that, the grave of Mercy was dug up, the heart was pulled out of the girl's chest and burned. Whether to believe in the truth of all these stories, whether vampires actually existed, each must individually.

The appearance of bloodsuckers

What are vampires in real life, how to recognize them? It should be noted that these are ordinary people, sometimes they avoid contact. Vampires are characterized by the following features:

  • dryness and pallor of the skin;
  • suspicious thinness;
  • regrown nails;
  • sharp and long canines;
  • rejection of sunlight;
  • sustainable preservation appearance and youth.

Vampires are afraid of daylight, so they curtain the windows, they like coolness. Some representatives are nocturnal.

Bloodsuckers have hunting habits. If they suddenly see someone else's blood in the presence of others, they will immediately betray themselves with their suspicious behavior. To hide their fear of light, vampires wear sunglasses and apply cream.

Of course, these people do not turn into birds and animals. These are people who, for some reason, decided that for their existence they need blood feeding. To satisfy this need, they drink a stack of blood three times a week.

Vampire people lead ordinary life without showing aggression. They have friends, most often from whom they ask for blood. If there is no way to get human blood, they try to take it from animals.

There are two reasons for this behavior: mental and physiological. In any case, feeding with blood gives a person a youthful appearance.

Hereditary disease - porphyria

Each person must decide for himself whether the existence of vampires is myth or reality. Doctors perceive the mystery with bloodsuckers as a physiological or mental illness. Only at the end of the 20th century, scientists made a discovery and identified a rare disease called porphyria. Only one person in a hundred thousand has the likelihood of such a disease, which is inherited. In the patient's body, red blood cells are not released, because of this, there is a lack of iron and oxygen.

Patients with porphyria are indeed wary of sunlight, because UV radiation promotes the breakdown of hemoglobin. These people cannot eat garlic because it contains substances that aggravate porphyria.

The appearance of the patients really resembles the above-described appearance of vampires. This is due to exposure to sunlight. The skin becomes thin, turns brown. Due to the drying of the skin, fangs begin to show through. Physiological changes also affect the psyche.

Real Maniacs with Renfield Syndrome

To understand if there are vampires, you need to know about another phenomenon. Vampire disease is also considered a terrible mental disorder called Renfield syndrome. That was the name of the hero of the work of Bram Stoker. This is a very serious mental disorder. Patients with this syndrome feel an animal thirst for blood. It doesn't matter to them whether it is human or of animal origin. In order to drink blood, such people are capable of murder.

Renfield Syndrome sufferers are vampires. They drink the blood of the victims they have killed. Known in the USA serial maniac Richard Trenton Chase, in Germany there was a sick bloodsucker Peter Kurten. They committed very brutal murders to drink blood. Vampires do exist, but they are not the undead, but the victims of a severe mental illness.

What countries do they live in?

Many people are interested in whether vampires really existed. More recently, the vampire clan has systematized and made public the presence of these individuals in different countries. Here is where the presence of vampires was recorded and what they are called there:

How to protect yourself from vampires?

For the extermination of vampires, the ancestors used garlic. He scared away monsters. In fact, garlic really cannot be consumed by people suffering from porphyria, due to the sulfonic acid it contains. This substance destroys hemoglobin, which is so lacking in patients.

As a fight against vampires, they used sunlight, stems of rose hips, hawthorns. All consecrated church implements in the form of crosses, rosary beads, the Star of David were also used to scare away.

In South American countries, aloe leaves are hung outside the door as protection from vampires. In the East, special sacred shinto amulets were invented.

Was Count Dracula a vampire?

Many people know the character of Bram Stoker's novel - Count Dracula. In order to be a vampire, it is not necessary to drink blood, it is important to shed it abundantly. This is exactly what the cruel count was doing. Dracula's prototype was the psychopath, tyrant and murderer Vlad III Tepes. In the Middle Ages, he was the governor of the Wallachian principality. The count's cruelty horrified the entire population.

Was Dracula a vampire? Now doctors are proving that Tepes suffered from porphyria. He was very aggressive, had an unusual frightening appearance, which terrified everyone.

Since then, Dracula has become a character in many film adaptations, productions, serials. There are about 100 films in which he acts as the main character. Mystery and horror attract many viewers.

How did you fight vampires in the Middle Ages?

The most famous way to destroy a vampire is to pierce the monster's heart with an aspen stake, then chop off the head, and burn the body. To prevent the alleged bloodsucker from rising from the grave, he was turned face down in a coffin. In some cases, tendons in the knees could be cut. Pagan legends assumed the laying of poppy seeds at the grave so that the bloodsucker would count them at night.

The Chinese in such cases left sacks of rice near the grave so that the vampires had something to do at night. In some cases, suspected bloodsuckers were pushed a large stone into their mouths and placed face down in the coffin.

Energy vampires

There is a category of people who do not like to waste energy for energy. They prefer to get it at the expense of others. This is how energy vampires improve their mood by ruining it for others. Often, open energetic aggression is found in authoritarian families, where a despotic personality is in charge. She drives her victim to the point of indignation, rocks her internal energy and pulls it over itself. The energy vampire's eyes begin to shine, he fills with vitality... Aggressors choose scandals and quarrels with their weapons.

The legend of the dwarf vampire

Vampire stories exist in different countries. Here is the legend of the fierce Irish king Abartach, who was a dwarf. All subjects were very afraid of this aggressive sorcerer. After his death, the dwarf began to come to the villages and demand fresh blood from the virgins. Then the body of Abartakh was reburied, piercing his heart with a yew stake, and thorns were thrown at the grave. The dwarf's grave was closed with a huge boulder. After that, the residents sighed calmly.

Vampirism in literature

The vampire theme was covered in his work by Lord Byron. The Vampire story was created by writer John Polidori. An author from the Netherlands, Belcampo, wrote the short story "Abyss of Blood". The original story about the monster was created by Mary Shelley in the novel "Frankenstein".

Good time of the day! Alexey with you! And today I have prepared a very interesting article for you. I think you are also interested in the question - do vampires exist in our time? Just like whether werewolves or mermaids exist. Let's figure it out together.

From the history of the existence of vampires

How many films have been made in our time about vampires, how bloodsuckers hunt people, catch them and drink blood. Where do they come from? From many films, they appear due to the casting of a mysterious spell or in some other way. Yes, vampires have become so popular that they make legends about them, compose and sing songs. We also all know the society of people - goths who dress and behave like vampires. But as they say, there is some truth in every legend.

So is there any proof of the existence of vampires? This is the question that we have to answer.

The history of vampirism began in Poland. Legends and myths tell us that it was in Poland that the bulk of the bloodsuckers were located, who hunted people, attacked and drank their blood. Even in those distant times, they tried to convey information that vampires exist.

Vampirism was also manifested in Eastern Europe, where the alleged person who committed suicide became a vampire. The bloodsuckers dismembered their victims and drank their blood. People who renounced God and went against the ministers of the church also became vampires.

The deceased could also become a vampire if a black cat jumped over his coffin. A deceased was also considered a vampire, during whose burial, squeaks and voices were heard from his coffin, or he opened his eyes while lying in the coffin. As a rule, hawthorn branches were placed at the feet of such deceased, and garlic at the head.

In Portugal, they still believe in the existence of a woman who at night turns into a bird and opens the hunt for babies, killing and sucking all the blood. Such a woman is called Brooks and outwardly she is indistinguishable from an ordinary girl.

Do vampires exist in our time - proof to scientists

In 1972, the famous world renowned scientist Stefan Kaplan opened a special center in New York for the study of vampirism and evidence that vampires are among us. And as it turned out, all his efforts were not in vain. He managed to find several dozen vampires. Outwardly, they were no different from ordinary people. From his research, he drew certain conclusions:

  • Vampires actually exist in real life
  • Vampires cannot stand the sun, for this they wear dark glasses and are smeared with sunscreen
  • Ordinary nails and fangs
  • Don't turn into anyone else
  • Drink human blood to quench thirst, three shots a week
  • Not violent, but rather calm. Very good parents and loyal friends
  • If they can't find human blood, then they drink animal blood.

Many people argue that human vampires are just mentally ill, but scientist Stefan Kaplan assures the opposite, since the need to consume blood is a physical need, not a psychological one. Also, the secret of the youth of bloodsuckers is precisely in the fact that they drink human blood.

In 1971, a man named Peter Blagojevich, after his death, visited his son and neighbors several times, who were later found dead. All facts were recorded in the documents.

In Serbia, a man named Arnold Paole was attacked by a vampire while he was making hay. The bloodsucker bit Arnold, after the bite he himself became a vampire and killed a number of people in the village. The Serbian authorities then seriously took up this case, interrogating witnesses of these events, they opened the graves of victims of the vampire.

At the end of the 20th century, an American from the Brown-Mersey family. According to one of the family members, she came to him after her death and thereby infected him with tuberculosis. Then after that, her grave was opened, the body was taken out and the heart was pulled out of her chest and burned at the stake.

How do they look

Vampires are thin with dry and pale skin, with long and sharp fangs and claws. As I wrote above, they are afraid of sunlight, therefore in their houses the windows are always closed with curtains. Vampires are hunters for blood and therefore it is easy to calculate them, if suddenly someone shed blood, then the bloodsuckers, seeing it, begin to behave inappropriately, trying not to betray themselves in the crowd of people, and hide. They attack only when the victim is alone.

Where live

Vampires live in different countries of the world. They have different names and look different. Below I will provide a list of the country of residence of the vampire and its description.

American vampires (Tlahuelpuchi) are ordinary people who feed on human blood. At night they turn into bats in search of another victim.

Australian vampires (Yora-mo-yaha-hu) are small creatures, but have very long arms and legs, suckers are located on the limbs, with the help of them they suck the victim's blood. The bite turns into a vampire. These bloodsuckers have a very strong fear of salt.

Romanian vampires (Varcolac) are ordinary people with a pale skin tone during the day, at night they turn into vicious dogs and hunt people in search of human blood.

Chinese vampires (Werewolf - fox) - female vampires who suffered a violent death. It easily changes its appearance, it is protected with the help of a special figurine with the image of a fox. It hunts in the homes of its victims. It feeds on human blood.

Japanese vampires (Kappa) - drowned children, live in water bodies, hunt people swimming, grab their victims by the legs and drag them to the bottom, then bite the veins and suck blood.

Germanic vampires (Wiedergengers) are night hunters who kill their victims in the cemetery, completely dismember the body and suck blood.

Greek vampires (Empuses) - creatures with donkey legs, suck blood from a deceased person.

Italian vampires (Strixes) - deceased witches and sorcerers, hunt children at night, take the form of an owl and fly in flocks. You cannot kill such a species. Protection from them with special rituals.

Indian vampires (Rakshasas) - the spirits of the dead, very evil, turn into anything, have immortality, the more I drink blood, the stronger and more powerful they become.

Filipino vampires (Aswangi) are deceased girls who have suffered a violent death. They feed exclusively on male blood.

This list once again proves the existence of vampires in our time with you.

How to protect yourself from vampires

Our distant ancestors used garlic as protection against bloodsuckers. Garlic contains sulfonic acid, which breaks down hemoglobin. There is such a disease as Porfiria, we will talk about it further. So such patients cannot stand garlic.

They also defended themselves from vampires with the help of rosehip and hawthorn stalks. Church implements were also used as protection. And in South America, residents hang aloe leaves from the front door. In the east, they used amulets in the form of a seal, which were invented by priests and gave the name Shinto.

In the Middle Ages, people protected themselves from bloodsuckers using aspen stakes. They drove an aspen stake into the vampire's heart, then cut off the head, and burned the body at the stake. If people assumed that the deceased could become a bloodsucker, then he was put in a coffin with his face down. There were times when the tendons in the knee were cut off the deceased.

The inhabitants of the country of China, the dead, left small bags of rice near their graves, so that the vampire could count the number of rice in the bag at night. As in the description above, the deceased in the coffin was turned face down, but in addition they also put a stone in his mouth.

Who are energy vampires

In fact, such people - vampires exist. This is a certain category of people who absorb energy, sucking it out of others. Thus, the energy vampire charges himself with positive and spoils the mood of his victim. They achieve scandal and quarrel and thus energize themselves.

Moving on to diseases associated with vampirism

Disease - Porphyria

At the end of the 20th century, scientists identified a disease such as Porphyria. This is a very rare hereditary disease. Out of hundreds of thousands of people, only one could get sick. In a patient with such a diagnosis, red blood cells are not excreted, as a result of which there is a very large deficiency of oxygen and iron.

A patient with porphyria cannot be exposed to sunlight, since hemoglobin breaks down. They also do not eat garlic, as it only aggravates the disease.

The patient's appearance is similar to that of a vampire. Due to exposure to sunlight, the patient's skin is thin and has a brown tint. The body dries up, as a result of this, fangs are visible. Such changes put a lot of pressure on the human psyche.

Another terrible disease is Renfield syndrome.

Renfield's syndrome

This is a very terrible and dangerous mental illness for the people around. Patients have a very strong craving for blood, and it does not matter to them whether it is human or animal. Such people are capable of the most terrible murders, if only to drink blood.

American Serial killer Richard Trenton Chase and the German man - a vampire, committed the most terrible and terrible murders in order to get another portion of blood.

Photos and videos of vampires

Video proof of the existence of vampires

These facts prove once again that vampires exist today, but they do not rise from the world of the dead. These are just sick people with a mental disorder.

And that's all for me! What do you think? Are there vampires in our time? Do you believe in them or not? I look forward to your comments! Thanks and bye!

Sincerely, Alex!

Ghouls are demons of the night. They leave their hiding places as soon as the last ray of sun disappears over the horizon. They are hunters looking for human prey. They are bloodsuckers who live for a sip of blood. Many myths and legends are associated with these creatures. They believed in them and were feared.

So who are they really: a figment of the imagination or a real evil?

So who are they?

According to ancient mythology, ghouls are "living" dead people who have risen from their graves. Their goal is to drink human blood. First, they attack relatives and friends, and then they exterminate bystanders in order to quench their thirst. The blood of young virgins who are still innocent is especially appreciated.

Ghouls awaken under cover of night. Sunlight is destructive for them. It is after sunset that these predators go hunting. According to ancient beliefs, these creatures spend the day in coffins or crypts.

Ghouls are the personification of evil and evil spirits. They do not make contact, they are reborn to kill.

Alternative names

Ghouls are also called vampires, ghouls. They all have common property- these are the risen dead. However, there is a certain difference between them.

Ghoul and ghoul

Ghouls are purely Slavic evil. This is the same "living" deceased, but, unlike European vampires, the ghouls also devoured the flesh of the victim. It was believed that if a ghoul drank only human blood, the unfortunate victim would turn into the same creature.

The concept of "ghoul" existed even before the baptism of Rus, but its designation was somewhat different: it was evil spirit, a meeting with whom promised certain death to a person from an unknown disease. In addition, the ghoul was a sign of pestilence, drought, and hunger.

After Russia was converted to Christianity, the resurrected dead were called ghouls, whose bodies were buried in the ground without a proper funeral service. These included:

  • suicides;
  • sinners;
  • drunkards and criminals;
  • people caught in witchcraft.

Ghouls are characterized by external differences from their European counterparts - vampires and ghouls. If the ghoul has the appearance of a human, then the ghoul is able to transform into any creature. But more often he was credited with the appearance of a dead man with metal teeth.

According to myths, when ghoul hunters dug up graves with their burials, they found an absolutely whole body in the ground, which did not rot, but had torn clothes, arms and legs gnawed to the bones.

External signs

Who are ghouls, and most importantly, how to recognize them? Ancient beliefs describe the ghoul as a humanoid creature, whose skin weighs in rags, his hands are stained with blood. The face is disfigured with deep wrinkles, the mouth is filled with fangs, the hair is disheveled, and the sinister eyes are bloodshot. The voice of the deceased remains the same as it was during his lifetime, but acquires a threatening timbre.

What are ghouls afraid of?

To meet a ghoul means to inevitably lose his life. But, no matter how weak a person is in comparison with this monster, it is still possible to overcome the terrible ghoul.

It is not in vain that this evil does not leave its grave in the daytime. After all, sunlight is an instant source of death for her. Once on the body of a ghoul, the light will incinerate it in place.

An aspen stake is another way to kill a ghoul. Vampire hunters used this tool in the fight against evil spirits. They searched for the graves of vampires, dug them up and drove a stake into the very heart of the bloodsucker. That is why, during modern excavations, archaeologists find graves with the dead, into whose chest aspen stakes are driven.

Since vampires are buried, but not inveted according to religious canons, the dead, everything that is connected with the church, its rules and paraphernalia, scares away evil spirits. It is not in vain that it has long been new house marked with crosses near doors and windows. The cross is a reliable barrier that prevents the entry of monsters.

Rescued unfortunate victims and prayers, charmed talismans, collected from special herbs.

Are ghouls vampires or werewolves?

According to one of the legends, ghoul is a distorted word "wolf", which was called a werewolf-wolf. This creature was originally born as a man, but after death it becomes a bloodsucker, who, during the full moon, turns into a predatory beast - a wolf.

Another legend says that ghouls are vampires who feed exclusively on human blood. They are described as forever young, incredible beautiful people with pale, smooth skin. With their beauty and temperament, vampires attract potential victims, seduce them and kill them. But in many legends it is said that the bite of a vampire transforms the victim into such a creature.

In the very first mentions of vampires, it is said that these monsters feed exclusively on the blood of virgins and do not accept any other.

Ghouls are able to go without blood for a long time, fly, turn into fog, and also move with incredible speed.

The origin of the ghouls

And yet, even if vampires, ghouls, ghouls are mythical creatures, why did myths and legends about them appear?

Some researchers suggest that vampires appeared in the days of paganism among ordinary, living people who were addicted to animal blood. They were expelled from the community, and they were forced to exist alone, getting out to hunt only at nightfall.

Researchers associate such sudden addiction to blood consumption with a mutation that occurred in vampires.

But these are just assumptions. However, the fact of the existence of vampires is known to almost everyone else in history. What historical figure comes to mind when you mention the word "vampire"? Vlad III Tepes (Dracula) is a Romanian prince, famous for his cruelty and monstrous deeds. It is said that the Romanian ruler drank the blood of babies in order to prolong his youth and replenish his lost strength.

Vampires were also mentioned in Ancient China. But, according to their beliefs, ghouls are creatures that do not feed on blood, but suck life energy, after which a person died in a matter of minutes.

Long-standing mentions of ghouls are noted in the historical archives of the United States. In the 1800s, large "vampire" graves were found during excavations. It was possible to identify the fact that it was the ghouls who rested in the graves by characteristic feature those years: bricks were clamped in the jaws of the deceased, symbolizing the protection of people from vampire fangs. But it was not possible to establish who the deceased were.


So who are the ghouls: the subject of a sick fantasy or an existing evil? Everyone will choose their own option. Although in modern world vampires also exist, they are only called energetic. These are ordinary people, communication with whom brings a breakdown, fatigue and a feeling that life is leaving the body.

As for the bloodsuckers, they will remain a beautiful, but terrifying legend, shrouded in a veil of secrecy.

The most plausible information about vampires! "," First, about the terminology. To pry under the word "vampire" is not "a dead person, revived by Chaos." Not quite human, in the sense, not human at all. Vampires are not human. This is another intelligent race that inhabits this planet. Therefore, one should not consider vampires to be the fiends of hell. So, let's start debriefing.

Vampires belong to the undead class. [...] Their hearts are not beating, but they are not dead ...

It depends on what is meant by the undead. The term undead comes from the words not alive. That is, a dead man. Nonsense? Undoubtedly! Vampires are as alive as humans. And their hearts beat. True, the beating occurs two to three times slower than that of the most calm person. This is due to the fact that the vampire's body needs less oxygen, and the fact that the structure of the heart is different from that of a human. In particular, the average vampire's heart muscle is "stronger" than the average human's.

Their lips are bright scarlet, but their faces are lifelessly pale ...

This is true. A kind of racial mark. Blacks have dark skin, and vampires have fair skin. There are exceptions, though.

They hate sunlight.

No. They do not hate, they do not love. And not sunlight, but ultraviolet light. This is also due to physiology - if your skin was sunburned after five minutes in the sun, you would not love it much either. In addition, vampires have a nocturnal pupil. This also does not contribute to the love of bright light. But this does not mean that the vampire will turn to ash at dawn. This is another crow. For example, in areas where the sky is covered with clouds for most of the year, vampires feel quite normal both day and night.

Holy water burns their flesh like acid; pets are horrified by their mere presence.

About holy water - complete nonsense. She does not harm people - why should vampires? Animals do sense the presence of a vampire, but not all. And not always. Only horses are horrified.

"They are unusually strong and fast."

Yes, the strength and speed of reaction in vampires is an order of magnitude higher than ordinary human ones. This is again related to physiology - vampires have a higher metabolic rate and "wider" neural channels, because of this, the speed of movement of impulses through nerve cells is higher, because of this, synaptic reactions are faster. But this is not unusual. Masters of various martial arts achieve similar results.

"The mirror does not reflect their faces."

Well, yes. Also, vampires do not cast shadows. Nonsense again! The point is this: vampires possess the Highest Knowledge, which people call magic. For assimilation in human society, you have to use camouflage, and when using magical illusory masks, the movement of photons near the body is deliberately bent to create a different appearance, as a result of which the shadow or reflection is vague, blurred. But this happens only at the moment of “putting on” the mask. So looking for vampires by the absence of a shadow is pretty stupid.

"They know how to turn around as bats."

Very rarely. Very few. And not small bats, but bats with a wingspan of about 7-10 meters. This is usually the case for vampires who are losing their minds. This is not the case with vampires as with humans. The vampire does not lose all mind, but only part of it, that to which the restraining centers belong. If a vampire owned magic before losing his mind, then after that magic owns him. The vampire becomes a lycanthrope vampire.

"Vampires hate garlic."

Yes. The strongest allergy to garlic is characteristic of the entire race. However, the immunization process is underway. Five hundred years ago, a vampire could have been killed with garlic. Now the vampire will fall into a coma at most.

"Blood is a source of strength for them."

One of the strongest misconceptions is that a vampire cannot exist without blood because he does not have his own blood. “Only I say directly - this is complete nonsense!”. Vampires drink blood not because it is the source of their strength, but because blood has an effect on the vampire's body, similar to the effect of good fortified wine on the human body. At the same time, not a single vampire could drink six liters of blood, so the death of a victim from loss of blood, and, moreover, complete exsanguination, is extremely rare. By the way, to the question of bloodsucking. The upper fangs of a vampire, contrary to popular belief, do not hide anywhere during the daytime. These are ordinary canines, perhaps somewhat longer and sharper than human canines. And there are no internal channels in them: vampires drink with their throats, not with their teeth. And they do not inject poison with their teeth: the only biochemical effect available to vampires is an anticoagulant in saliva. Naturally, the stronger a vampire's blood habit, the more often he drinks. This is the reason for the emergence of the stereotype of "bloodlust". As well as among people, among vampires there are absolute abstainers, drunken alcoholics, but the majority - “exemplary citizens”, drink only on holidays.

"Vampires are immortal."

Well ... compared to humans ... Vampires are durable. That is, they rarely die of old age. A thousand years is the end of youth for a vampire. But in the definition of "immortal" there is one more facet, they say, a vampire is very difficult to kill. That is how it is. Vampire regeneration is on over high level than human. By the way, the notorious silver bullets do not do much harm to the vampire. And from an aspen stake in his heart, he will most likely go into a coma. To completely destroy a vampire, the body must be burned. I mean, to incinerate. But some wonderful books advise to pierce a vampire with a stake, cut off his head, stuff his mouth with garlic, pour it all over with holy water and bury it on sacred ground. And plant a rose bush on top. The script is interesting. Of all the actions, the last will be the most effective - it is not so easy to wade through the roots of the bush. A severed head takes about fifty years to regenerate, a torn heart muscle takes about five years. And the garlic in the mouth of the severed head, along with the head, quietly rotted during this time.

And finally, the most important myth.
"About the infection with vampirism."

This is where people's imagination roamed! No, just imagine - you are bitten by a vampire, and - krible-crabble-booms! - you are a vampire too! Complete nonsense. And if you are bruiting the black, you will become a black? Of course, this myth arose not without reason. A person can become a vampire. Of course, this does not happen through a banal bite, but with the help of Higher Knowledge. It will not describe how to reproduce the exact technology - it is still not available now - but something needs to be said. By superimposing the given parameters on the physical body of the astral projection, the human genetic code is changed. This is a long (about a year) and painful process. Then the “new” body is fixed with energy stabilizers for a period of about fifty years, so that genetics does not spontaneously return to its previous state, and the stabilizers must be renewed about once every six months, which is painful in itself. Then new nerves sprout, the skin changes and the eyes mutate - you see nothing for about two months. So this is not a trivial "bite and forget" you.
It explains in a simple and accessible form to people that they are WRONG in their opinions about vampires. Down with idiotic stereotypes !!!
PS: This, of course, does not mean that vampires do not need to be feared. It is necessary, and how! But there is no need to rant with a clever air about "hellish geeks" and "fiends of evil." Vampires and humans are similar in many ways ...