How artificial red caviar is made. How to distinguish artificial caviar from natural one, its benefits and harms, and how to prepare it yourself. Recipes for royal caviar from seaweed

Only people living in coastal cities and specialists involved in fish processing know how to salt red caviar at home correctly and not spoil anything. This product costs good money, and not everyone can afford to buy a jar of the delicacy in a store. Very often, when buying a fish, there are oysters in it, such inconspicuous bags that contain caviar. If this product comes into the house unprepared, you need to prepare it correctly and not spoil it. Such delicacies require special attention. Which one exactly? Described in this article, it describes the processes and features of salting red caviar at home.

Selection of red fish with caviar for salting

It is best to choose fresh fish. The rules for choosing fish with caviar are the same as for regular fish - the eyes should not be cloudy, the fish should not be wrinkled, and so on. If you buy frozen, you should pay even more attention to quality.

How to clean red caviar from film

A lot depends on whether the film has been removed from the eggs. This film, if it gets on sandwiches, snacks or salads, will greatly spoil the appearance ready-made dish. In addition, it can get stuck in the teeth. Moreover, if the film remains with the caviar, then the eggs do not become crumbly. The product becomes much more difficult to work with.

Ultimately, you should get a product that is completely free of films, but at the same time with intact eggs. It is very important that during the process of removing the films, the eggs remain intact.

Step-by-step instructions for removing films:

  • The product must be washed under cold water, for this it is better to use running water.
  • The film should be cut in several places; this should be done so as not to damage the eggs.
  • Next, you need to take a colander with large holes. Their diameter should be larger than the diameter of the eggs. It is necessary that they pass easily through these holes.
  • Next, use your hands to rub the product through a sieve. However, these should be very soft and non-pressing movements. The eggs should not burst, but at the same time they should all fall into the holes. In the end, only a film will remain on the colander.

Ask the chef!

Didn't manage to cook the dish? Don't be shy, ask me personally.

This is the main method of film removal. There are several more, for example, the method of jamming the film, removing the yak on a grater, cleaning with gauze and boiling water, the method of removing the film with salt water, and so on. However, the simplest, fastest and safest method is the one described above.

Of course, each option has its pros and cons, however, for processing caviar in small quantities at home, the method of removing the film through a sieve or colander is quite suitable. To use other methods, additional skill, speed, experience, or the hands of an assistant are often needed. Dream big amount caviar is best worked using proven and safe methods.

Below are 6 pickling recipes. Each of them has its own characteristics.

How to salt red caviar at home, recipe for long-term storage:

To salt caviar for long-term storage, you will need a very concentrated salt solution. The amount of solution depends on the amount of caviar that needs to be salted. The eggs should be completely covered with the saline solution.

What ingredients are needed to prepare this snack:

  • caviar - as much as you can eat;
  • water for saline solution;
  • salt for saline solution (extra or iodized salt is not suitable, you need to take regular salt);
  • sunflower oil (necessarily refined).

What else will you need to prepare the snack:

  • one peeled potato tuber;
  • jars or jars (their volume depends on the number of products);
  • lids for jars;
  • utensils for sterilizing jars.

How to cook:

  1. First you need to clean the product from films. To do this, you can use the method described above, or use any other convenient one.
  2. The required volume of water must be boiled and cooled. Boiled water must be used. After this, you need to take one potato tuber, peel it and put it in this water.
  3. Dissolve salt in this water. The saturation of this salt solution is needed so that the potatoes float. Exactly how much salt goes into the solution depends on its saturation and the amount of water.
  4. When the potatoes float to the surface, you should take them out and pour this solution over the eggs so that they are completely covered with liquid. They need to be left for about three hours.
  5. Then you should prepare another portion of the same strong saline solution. When the caviar has been infused for 3 hours, it should be placed on cheesecloth and washed with a second portion of the prepared solution.
  6. While the product is being salted, the jars can be sterilized. Caviar must be placed in already cooled jars, so it is advisable to sterilize them a little in advance.
  7. 7. In addition, refined sunflower oil should be boiled. Its quantity depends on the volume of the jars in which the product will be laid out;
  8. 8. The washed caviar should be placed in sterilized jars and filled to the top with hot sunflower oil;
  9. 9. The jars need to be screwed on with lids and placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

The best way to seal these jars is to use screw-on, reusable lids. They provide tightness, but at the same time are suitable for long-term storage of the product.

How to pickle trout caviar

First you should separate it from the joints and all films. When this is done, you can start salting.

What products are needed:

  • caviar - as much as you can eat;
  • water;
  • sea ​​salt (at the rate of 70 g per 1 liter of water);
  • sugar (at the rate of 30 grams per 1 liter of water).

It is also necessary to prepare jars for storage in advance.

How to cook:

  1. Cleaned and washed caviar must be filled with brine.
  2. To prepare the brine, you need to dissolve sea salt and sugar in boiled water. And their application rates per liter of water are indicated in the recipe.
  3. The number of liters of water depends on the volume of product that needs to be salted. Place the product in the prepared brine and keep it there for 10 to 20 minutes. The longer the caviar is in the brine, the saltier it will taste. Salting time depends on personal preference.
  4. Next, strain the product through cheesecloth or a fine sieve, place it in jars and put it in the refrigerator to cool.

In this case, be sure to close the jars with a lid.

Red caviar from frozen fish

If caviar has been removed from frozen fish and it has been decided to salt it, the most important thing is to defrost it correctly. Under no circumstances should you leave it to defrost in the microwave or even on fresh air. Rapid defrosting can cause the eggs to go rancid and the taste to deteriorate.

How to defrost a product correctly:

  1. First you need to put it in a bowl or deep plate and place it in the refrigerator, it should lie in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours.
  2. After this time, you can place the product in the same bowl in the air, and then defrost at room temperature. Defrosting time in air usually does not exceed 12-14 hours.
  3. After the caviar is thawed, you can begin the process of cleaning the eggs from the films; when this is done, you can begin salting.

What products are needed for salting (based on 2 kg of caviar):

  • 1 liter of water;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • one egg (an egg is needed to check the salt level in the water).

How to cook:

  1. The water needs to be boiled and cooled slightly (it should be warm, and its temperature is about 45 degrees).
  2. Then you need to dissolve sea salt in it. In this case, you can place a washed egg in the water, and this way it will be easier to determine when there is already enough salt in the solution.
  3. When the egg begins to float, this will be a signal that the solution is sufficiently concentrated.
  4. After this, the brine should be poured into the bowl with the eggs and left for 10 minutes.
  5. Next, strain the eggs through cheesecloth or a fine sieve until all the liquid is glass.
  6. After this, the product can be distributed into pre-sterilized jars.

It should be stored with the lids closed in the refrigerator. Before use, it is advisable to keep it in the refrigerator for at least 5-6 hours.

How to salt pink salmon caviar

When salting, it is necessary to properly prepare the brine. It can be prepared according to the recipe described above for preparing frozen fish caviar. This recipe is ideal for salting pink salmon eggs. You can slightly reduce the laying rate sea ​​salt, but you need to put it at least 50 g per 1 liter of water. The maximum amount of salt per 1 liter of water is 70 g.

In the absence of accurate scales, you can use the method of determining the amount of salt using an egg.

How to quickly pickle red caviar for five minutes in eggs

To quickly salt 2 pieces of caviar from one fish, take a glass of water, a stack of salt, and cook saline solution(until the grains of salt are completely dissolved - this is a must!), salt the product with brine for 5 minutes, and then leave on gauze to drain excess liquid.

Caviar prepared in this way can be stored for 10 days in the refrigerator, but always in a closed container.

Is it possible to freeze salted red caviar in the freezer?

If there are no other ways to preserve the product until the required time, then it is possible, but generally not advisable. You should choose the right containers for freezing so that they are airtight and convenient, and rinse them with a very concentrated saline solution before placing the product in them. The product can only be thawed immediately before use, only in the required quantity. That is why you should choose the right container for freezing, taking into account the amount of caviar needed at one time.

As can be seen from the information described in this article, red caviar, as a delicious product, requires very delicate handling. In order not to spoil this delicacy, it should be handled correctly - properly frozen, defrosted and salted. How to do this is described in this article.

Look, how to salt red caviar at home recipe, video:

Natural caviar is a very beneficial product for the human body. Are there any vitamins and nutrients in artificial caviar? Of course, artificial caviar differs significantly from real caviar in composition, taste and even appearance. And its usefulness depends on the way it was made. As you know, in the middle of the last century, black caviar was sold in almost every domestic grocery store. True, it was not particularly popular among buyers. And so, when Soviet citizens had just had time to try the new product, it suddenly turned into a real delicacy and began to be supplied to huge quantities to Europe, where local gourmets purchased caviar at incredible prices.

As a result, in order not to disappoint customers, manufacturers quickly thought about creating a new product that would be as similar as possible to black caviar, but at the same time offered to consumers at the lowest price. This is how the first artificial black caviar called “Iskra” was created. The development of the recipe was led by the famous chemist A. Nesmeyanov. He decided to take the future copy of the delicacy as a basis. chicken eggs. After all, this particular product was one of the most accessible and widespread at all times (and remains so to this day). The technology for producing the new treat involved the formation of eggs from a protein mixture. This turned out to be possible thanks to thoroughly heated vegetable oil. Externally, the new product turned out to be very similar to real black caviar. But the taste was much inferior to her. The “eggs” turned out to be too dense and hard, as if they were made of rubber.

Today, the technology for creating artificial black caviar has been significantly improved. The balls became softer and more pleasant to taste. But to this day they have not been able to “reach” this delicacy. There are still rumors that such caviar is made from fish eyes or even oil. Today, artificial red caviar is created using a similar principle, which is even more popular among buyers. Outwardly, it is an almost exact copy of the original, but in taste it is also inferior to it. In the production of such caviar, in addition to a special protein mass, gelatin is also used. But the “eggs” are still formed using heated vegetable oil.

By the way. improving its taste was not possible thanks to more expensive ingredients. It’s just that now many flavor enhancers and other “chemicals” have appeared in artificial caviar. As a result, a modern artificial product is, rather, even harmful to the health of gourmets. That is why it is worth avoiding its use if possible. If you don’t have the means to purchase real natural caviar, then such a chemical fake will definitely not replace it. If the desire to enjoy artificial “eggs” turns out to be too strong, then you should at least try to choose the safest possible product in the store. In addition to gelatin, it will contain fish broth (for example, from pollock or other inexpensive varieties available), bay leaf, various spices and seasonings, minimal amount dyes, preservatives, flavor enhancers and other chemicals.

It's interesting that even artificial products Today they are divided into several categories of quality. Some of them are completely “chemical” with a distinct margarine taste and many harmful ingredients in the composition. Others (more expensive) are prepared from fish meat, as well as from seaweed and other similar natural ingredients.

If you wish, you can make artificial black caviar yourself at home. This will require only the simplest and most affordable products. The main thing is to find a safe food coloring that is deep black. For this purpose, you should not use products that are intended for coloring eggs for Easter. It is better to use cream coloring for confectionery and other similar treats. At the first stage, you will need to take 190 grams of edible gelatin and fill it with 700 milliliters of water. After approximately 40-50 minutes, the mixture will swell to the required consistency. At this time, you can put an enamel pan on the fire and pour 1.5 liters of milk into it. It is important that it is boiled in advance, but already cooled at the time of use. Next, all the gelatin is added to the pan. As soon as it starts to heat up, it is important not to forget to constantly stir the mass.

The finished mixture is carefully filtered. It is from this that artificial caviar will be formed in the future. To do this, you will need a special design consisting of a glass wind tube, a syringe with a needle with a diameter of 0.4 millimeters, and a 3-liter jar or bottle. The tube is inserted vertically into the jar, the end is tightly connected to the neck of the selected container. Oil is poured into the tube, the temperature of which does not exceed 10 degrees. The still liquid “caviar” is drawn into the syringe and sent into the tube in portions. The result is “eggs”, which then need to be washed with water and placed in a strong solution of black tea. All that remains is to color them with food coloring and then soak them in a solution of 5 tablespoons of coarse salt and 0.5 liters of water for 10 minutes.

Salmon or sturgeon caviar is a delicacy that costs a lot. Often found on shelves natural product, but a surrogate.

It differs in taste and has a lower degree of usefulness for human body.

Composition of artificial caviar

Today it is not difficult to purchase natural red or black caviar, but it is quite expensive. They began to counterfeit it during the existence of the Soviet Union.

At that time, it was available only to high-ranking officials, so technologists were tasked with creating a product that looked like red or black caviar.

During the Soviet era, the fake had little resemblance to the real thing, so it was not in demand.

Today, manufacturers counterfeit the product in such a way that it is difficult to distinguish natural caviar from artificial one.

It is worth noting that artificial red caviar does not have those useful substances like natural.

It cannot be called destructive and harmful to health, but it does not differ in useful components either.

Nutritional value of surrogate (per 100 g):

  • Proteins – 1.0 g.
  • Fats – 5.0 g.
  • Carbohydrates – 2.6 g.

To compare the number of useful components, we offer you nutritional value natural product per 100 g:

  • Proteins – 31.5 g.
  • Fats – 13.2 g.
  • Carbohydrates – 1 g.

Important! The calorie content of the simulated product per 100 g is 64 kcal.

Today manufacturers use various technologies manufacturing, so the composition of the product often differs.

Manufacturers who pass off fakes as real salmon caviar rarely indicate the following components in the composition.

Components on the basis of which the artificial product is made:

  1. Gelatin (replaced with sodium alginate or agar).
  2. Chicken eggs.
  3. Milk.
  4. Soy protein supplement.
  5. Dyes (paprika, vegetable charcoal).
  6. Fish meat.
  7. Fish broth.
  8. Fish fat.
  9. Vegetable oil.
  10. Salt.
  11. Acids.

Today, stores have a large selection of artificial red and black caviar.

According to customer reviews, the best surrogate product is “Baltic Coast”, which in appearance and taste is very similar to the natural one.

Composition of the surrogate “Baltic Coast”:

  1. Drinking water.
  2. Fish fat.
  3. Thickener E-401.
  4. Dyes E-120, E-160 A, E – 160 C.
  5. Granulated sugar.
  6. Salt.

Today, artificially grown caviar of other fish is used for production.

Differences from natural caviar

Red caviar is obtained from pink salmon, trout, sockeye salmon, chum salmon and salmon. Black is obtained from stellate sturgeon, sturgeon or beluga. These types are expensive, so few people can afford to buy them.

It is extremely difficult to distinguish real caviar from a fake by appearance alone. Natural dyes are used in production.

So black is made by dyeing pike caviar with vegetable charcoal, so the product acquires a natural shade and looks like sturgeon or beluga eggs.

Signs of distinction:

  1. Real eggs have a round, symmetrical shape.
  2. When the eggs are crushed, a slight pop should be heard.
  3. Real caviar does not dissolve in boiling water, unlike imitation caviar.
  4. When the eggs are placed in boiling water, the natural product hardens.

When choosing, pay attention to the packaging. Quality product always packaged in glass jars.

Caviar in metal containers can also be natural, but it quickly oxidizes in them. Pay attention to packaging times.

The real one is mined in July–August and packaged at the factory a maximum of 30 days after extraction.

Benefits and harms

A surrogate product cannot be called harmful to the human body and health.

Note! It contains much less useful components.

Table: benefits and harms

Homemade recipes

You can prepare imitation red caviar at home. There are several technologies and methods for preparing this dish.

A similar product prepared by yourself can be used on sandwiches and added to salads. The main advantage of a surrogate is its low cost.

Recipes for royal caviar from seaweed:

  1. For cooking you will need dry kelp (5 g), 1 carrot, half a beet, drinking water(130 ml). You will also need vegetable oil, 0.5 tsp. agar-agar and 1 tsp. salt.
  2. Vegetable The oil is placed in the freezer for 4 hours.
  3. Vegetables cleaned, rubbed on a fine grater. Then the mass is laid out on a piece of gauze, folded 2-3 times. Using gauze, squeeze out the juice, which will serve as a dye.
  4. Agar Fill with cold water (40 ml) for 15 minutes.
  5. Then Place the seaweed in a saucepan, add water and boil for 5 minutes. The liquid is passed through a sieve.
  6. Added agar and juice. After this, the mixture is put on fire and boiled for another 2-3 minutes.
  7. Vegetable Remove the butter from the freezer. Use a syringe to take the boiled liquid and drop it drop by drop onto the frozen oil.

The surrogate product is often made from palia.

Palia is one of the few fish that are bred and undergo artificial insemination.

Palia caviar is similar in structure to salmon caviar, but it orange color, not red.

At home, you can use special equipment to prepare caviar. This machine produces up to 1.5 kilograms of product per hour.

Useful video

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How to make red caviar tot_tod wrote in December 23rd, 2013

Perhaps for many people a jar of red caviar is associated with the holiday.

But in fact, before reaching your table, there is no holiday around caviar... on the contrary, it is not easy work.

I'll try to briefly show you a few photos along with the attachment.

The bulk of all red caviar is obtained in Kamchatka and Sakhalin (Pacific Ocean, Okhotsk and Bering Seas). When the fishing season begins, the fleet rushes to the fishing grounds. In my particular case, the process is shown on the receiving and processing vessel BATM (large autonomous refrigerated trawler), which received fish from fixed seines on the western coast of Kamchatka.

From fixed seines, catch fishermen deliver their catch to the receiving and processing vessel.

Cutting line. Here the fish are fished - the caviar is placed in blue traps on top, the intestines in one hole, the fish in another. Gutted fish flow through trays into the plant onto the deck below, the guts overboard. At the factory, gutted fish are washed, sorted by size, frozen and packed into containers. Ready for freezer hold.

Sorting eggs with caviar by type. Mixing caviar from different fish is an unacceptable crime.

This is where the pits are washed with sea water.

At this stage, the caviar is separated from the eggs by rattling. The machine is called a butara. To make it cleaner, use two screens.

The separated caviar falls down an inclined gauze. Here, too, there are pieces of film and all sorts of rubbish left.

Screened caviar is salted in brine (saturated saline solution). Simultaneously with salting, the caviar is washed here. The caviar/brine ratio is 1/3. Salt until the caviar is saturated at about 4%. In time - about 10-20 minutes, depending on the “strength” of the brine.

By the way, the brine itself is cooked right here on deck in these “small saucepans.”

After salting, the caviar is packaged in small baskets, which are placed in a centrifuge, where 10-15 minutes of “squeezing” makes the caviar almost dry and it goes to the master’s table to add vegetable oil and preservatives. Here is the final control of cleanliness and quality on the table illuminated from below.

Packing table with bottom lighting so that the thickness of the caviar can be seen through and be clearly visible" foreign bodies"(pieces of blood, film, etc.). On this table, the master adds and mixes vegetable oil and antiseptics to the already salted and centrifuged caviar. Previously (until 2010) they used hexamine and sorbic acid, now some more "useful" rubbish. Before packing into containers, the master spreads the "product" thinly with a white spatula and makes sure that everything is clean. In the photo, he just noticed something and selects it.

Each container has a label indicating the manufacturer, type of caviar, date of manufacture, etc.

Installation of lead seals on each container.

Well, this is exactly what happens...


And those salmon that are not caught carry their eggs into the rivers - spawn to continue their offspring... and die, covering the bergs and spits with their bodies...

I. Shatilo

Every true fisherman must be able not only to catch fish, dry it and dry it, but and salt the caviar yourself. After all, properly salted fish roe is a real delicacy. In addition, homemade caviar is very healthy due to its naturalness and high content nutrients.

In this article we will talk about the technology of salting fish eggs at home and give several detailed recipes, which will help you prepare an amazingly tasty snack.

How to properly remove caviar from fish

You can use caviar for salting only if the fish is sufficiently fresh. To remove the caviar, you need to act very carefully and accurately. First we cut the belly of the fish. Then, with our fingers, we pick up the elongated shell bags with caviar and slowly separate them from the cavity of the fish.

It is very important to remove the caviar in one piece, since if handled carelessly, the caviar may get bitter bile. Yastyki are separate egg parts covered with a thin film, internal filling which plays a connecting role for eggs.

Preparing caviar for salting

Caviar, rudd, etc. are ideal for salting. To prepare the appetizer we need at least 150 grams of caviar.

Main preparatory stage is the release of eggs from film. This procedure is called "punching". Since we are working with a small amount of caviar, for these purposes you can use a colander, a sieve or a vegetable grater with non-sharp edges of the holes.

The larger the eggs, the larger the holes in the dish should be so that the eggs can pass through them freely. But the process of caviar cleansing is much faster if we use a colander.

Having selected the necessary utensils, we begin slowly and carefully wipe the caviar, having previously cut the film with a knife. If total weight caviar is more than 2 kg, then it is better to peel it on a kitchen board using a knife (the back of it).

Recipes for salting caviar - preface

Recipe No. 1

First we need to prepare the brine. Rapa is a special salt solution for washing fish eggs.

  • The proportions of standard brine are 100 g of salt per 1 liter of water. Bring the solution to a boil and pour the caviar into it while hot.
  • Stir the caviar with a fork for about 3 minutes so that the hot solution covers all the eggs. Then we drain the brine and prepare a new one to repeat the procedure.
  • A total of 3 fills are required. The first two times the water turns out cloudy, but the third time it should be more transparent and clean.

Then you need to free the eggs from excess moisture. To do this, throw it onto a sieve and wait 10-15 minutes until all the water has drained.

If there is no sieve, the caviar can be spread on a flat surface in an even layer of 3-4 cm and placed for a while at a slight slope. This method will help the water drain no worse than through a sieve.

After this, take a glass jar with a volume of approximately 1 liter and pour 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil into its bottom. Pour caviar on top, but not to the top, but approximately 75% banks.

Add a full teaspoon of salt and mix well with a fork. Then fill the rest of the jar with caviar and pour sunflower oil on top - about 5 mm layer. Let's close it all plastic cover and let it sit in the refrigerator for several hours, but it’s better to leave all night.

In the morning you can already enjoy sandwiches with delicious crumbly caviar of light amber color. The appetizer tastes lightly salted and does not smell of fish at all.

Total cooking time is only about 30 minutes. If, when preparing caviar in this way, you sterilize all utensils (jars, sieve, lid, fork, spoon), then unopened caviar can be stored in the refrigerator for a very long time - more than 1 month.

Recipe No. 2

To salt caviar according to this recipe we will need enamel pan. Pour water into it - the volume is approximately three times greater than the volume of existing caviar. Add salt to the water (as for boiling eggs) and bring the saline solution to a boil. Add various spices and herbs to boiling water to taste: bay leaf, ground black pepper, black peppercorns.

Then remove the water from the heat and pour the prepared caviar into it. Cover the pan tightly with a lid and leave to steep for 15 minutes, no more. Strain the caviar through cheesecloth, allowing the water to drain completely. After the caviar has cooled, it is ready to eat. Storage in the refrigerator at a temperature of 0 -5 C is possible within a month.

Recipe No. 3

This method of salting caviar is significantly different from others. This kind of caviar is usually called “ pressed caviar». For salting, caviar is stored in presses, that is, in the bags in which it was originally located. Even torn and damaged bags will do. You can also salt a mixture of caviar from different river fish in one bowl.

Salting is done by placing the caviar in a bowl in layers and covering them with a large amount of salt. Each layer must be separated by a spacer made of hard material. After salting, the caviar is washed and dried. The result should be oblong rectangles of a dark color. Even if we see a recipe for making pressed caviar for the first time, we are already familiar with it and tried it more than once. After all, such caviar can be in any dried fish.

Recipe No. 4

This recipe is different in a special way cleaning and washing caviar. For 2 kg. you will need caviar:

  • water;
  • salt;
  • colander;
  • several deep cups;
  • gauze;
  • large saucepan.

Bring 5-8 liters of water to a boil and pour it over the caviar, previously placed in a deep cup. Try to get boiling water onto all the bags of caviar. Influenced hot water the film moves away from the calf and curls up. In this way, we will be able to quickly and efficiently release the eggs from the shell.

It is important to pour the caviar quickly so that the water does not cool down. You can also clean the caviar from the film using a meat grinder– when scrolling, the entire film remains on the knife.

Next, we get rid of small film residues. Fill the caviar with a large amount cold water and mix it thoroughly so that each egg is washed well. We carry out the washing procedure 10-15 times, changing the water all the time until it becomes transparent.

Particular attention should be paid to the color of the caviar - it should be brick or bright orange. If it is dirty yellowish, it means that steaming was not enough and additional heat treatment is necessary. In this case, pour boiling water over the caviar again.

After thorough washing, making sure that the caviar is clean enough, transfer it to dry gauze and tie it in a knot. To ensure complete drainage of water and easy drying, the unit can be hung.

Next, your actions depend on how long you want to store the caviar. If you eat it for 1-2 weeks, then in 400-500 g of caviar it is enough to add a large pinch of salt and mix well. After it has stood in the refrigerator for 1 day, it can be eaten.

For longer storage, the caviar bundle is soaked in brine. The brine is prepared from cold boiled water to which salt is added (5-6 liters of water are enough for 1.5 kg of caviar and 7-8 tbsp. spoons of salt).

A gauze knot with caviar is dipped into this brine and kept there within 15 minutes. Then, to prevent the formation of salt, the caviar is washed once in a colander with cold water. After all the water has drained, the caviar is transferred to glass jars, closed with a lid and put in a cold place for storage. Caviar salted in this way can be stored for 1-2 months.

In preparation for this issue, I made a video recipe with caviar and at home, received by inheritance. It is interesting to note that this recipe combines the features of several of the above-mentioned recipes and has its own individual secrets. I highly recommend watching it.

  • The fattier the fish, the tastier and healthier its caviar.
  • It is better to use fine salt for pickling " Extra».
  • Mostly for pickling spring caviar is coming. It is larger, tastier and can be stored for a very long time.
  • Do not use metal utensils. The utensils for preparing caviar should be glass, porcelain, wood or clay.
  • It is possible to salt even frozen caviar. For example, trout caviar, which is sold frozen.
  • To determine the readiness of the salt brine, you can use raw peeled potatoes. Place the potatoes in the water and gradually add salt, stirring. As soon as the potatoes float to the surface, the brine is ready.


So, now you can pickle any caviar yourself river fish, making it the main dish of your table. All that remains is to stock up on 2-3 loaves of fresh bread and butter, since such delicious snack gets eaten very quickly. Both adults and children love her. Especially if the caviar is seasoned with finely chopped onions, spices and vegetable oil.