Ilya Ponomarev daughter Anastasia. Ponomarev Ilya Vladimirovich, former State Duma deputy: biography, family, political activity. A big investigation about Troika Dialog by an international group of journalists

Ilya Ponomarev

Ponomarev, Ilya Vladimirovich - Russian left-wing politician, entrepreneur in the field high technology.

Born on August 6, 1975 in a family of scientists. Father - Ponomarev Vladimir Nikolaevich, professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, currently - Vice-President, Association of Builders of Russia. Prior to that, he held the position of Secretary of State - Deputy Chairman, Gosstroy of the Russian Federation, creator Russian system mortgage lending. Mother - Ponomareva Larisa Nikolaevna, member of the Federation Council from the government of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, first deputy chairman of the committee for social policy.

He began his career in 1989 at the Institute for the Problems of the Safe Development of Nuclear Energy (IBRAE) of the USSR Academy of Sciences. On behalf of the Institute's management, he organized a group for training employees in computer technology, and also supported the PC fleet.

In 1991, he created his own company - CJSC Russprofi Ltd., where he took the position of General Director. In 1992, he was engaged in trade transactions at the RTSB, then the company's activities focused on services in the field of programming, supply and maintenance of personal computers. The Z-Test™ system of psychological professional diagnostics developed by Russprofi has become a standard in the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and civil aviation.

In 1995, the Russprofi business and the Russian-American joint venture International Networks Connections (INC) merged, in which Ponomarev I.V. took the position of commercial, and then executive director. INC was engaged in the implementation of distributed computer networks in large companies, mainly in the oil industry and among representative offices of Western companies. The network built for Yukos remained the largest in Russia until 2004.

Before the 1996 presidential election, the American partners decided to withdraw from the INC business. Since November 1996 Ponomarev I.V. took the position of business development director in the CIS countries of LUKOIL, Yukos, Surgutneftegaz, etc.), but also in other countries (Sonatrach - Algeria, YNAO territorial data bank set a new management standard natural resources region. With the participation of Ponomarev, Schlumberger introduced the practice of strategic alliances with oil companies, the first of which was Yukos.

As part of the alliance concluded in 1998, Ponomarev I.V. was invited to work for Yukos. The main task was to support the company's restructuring, optimize the corporate governance system, work out a new development strategy for Yukos, and change the public perception of NK. In 1998 Ponomarev I.V. combined management of information technology in Yukos EP (oil producing part of the company), and also worked as deputy director of the Project Management Directorate, overseeing the development of the Priobskoye field and restructuring non-core assets in the city of Nefteyugansk. During 1998-2000, Yukos switched to paperless document management, deployed a production control and field modeling center, introduced advanced project management technologies, and reengineered business processes. The developed Strategy 2000-2012 made Yukos the industry leader.

In 1999, Ponomarev I.V. instructed to create the Siberian Internet Company (Sibintek), a subsidiary of Yukos Oil Company. By 2000, Sibintek was one of the leaders in the Russian IT industry. With the participation of Ponomarev I.V. such well-known projects of the Russian Internet as, etc. were created. As part of the YUKOS restructuring program, Sibintek created more than two thousand jobs in the regions of NK's presence, solving the employment problem in them.

In 2000, in the wake of the first results from the activities of Sibintek, the management of Yukos Oil Company decided to create a venture fund and a management company for investments in the high-tech sector - ARRAVA IMC, headed by Ponomarev. Among the areas of ARRAVA's investments are the development of an interactive television system (AIM-TV), the technology for creating Situational Centers (decision support systems) (AIMission), and the provision of consulting services (AIM Consulting). Among the projects of the latter structure are the strategy for the transformation of the IBG NIKOIL and the construction of a financial supermarket, the concept of information support for the reform of RAO UES, the conduct of regional economic and socio-political studies, a series of marketing and PR strategies for representatives of medium-sized businesses. AIM Consulting took part in the development of the FTP "Electronic Russia".

After the sale of the ARRAVA business, Ponomarev I.V. in 2001 he became vice-president of the company of the Government of the Russian Federation, public procurement system, support for tax reform, automation of customs accounting, housing and communal services monitoring, etc.), as well as the development of the regional IBS network, building relationships with the administrations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The creation of the Situation Center of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), the electronic government of the Republic of Chuvashia had a great resonance in the industry. In 2002, with the support of IBS, the Governor's Club was created.

Since 2002 Ponomarev I.V. focused on the implementation of consulting and research projects in the field of public administration and macroeconomics within the framework of the Institute for Globalization Problems (IPROG - think tank, founded by a well-known economist, former adviser to the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation on economics Mikhail Delyagin), as well as political and political work with the Communist Party as the head of the Information Technology Center of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation . In 2003, he created the Internet portal, an alternative system to the GAS Elections. IPROG, commissioned by public and large private structures, has developed a number of projects, incl. concept of development of Siberia and Far East, fuel and energy complex development strategy Krasnoyarsk Territory, analysis of labor law reforms, the Housing Code and housing and communal services reforms, education reforms, development concept local government and federal relations. A number of projects have been completed for government agencies in the US, EU, and Venezuela.

Founder, Left Front of Russia. Informal leader of the leftist youth of the Communist Party. Permanent member of the organizing committee, the Russian Social Forum, uniting protest and social movements country. Coordinates the participation of Russian representatives in the European and World Social Forums. In July 2006, he became one of the organizers of the G8 counter-summit in St. Petersburg. Member of the Working Committee, the Union of Coordinating Councils - an association of protest forces that arose in the wake of the monetization of benefits in 2005.

During 2006, he was the main ideologist of the project of the Government of Moscow "Civil Change", aimed at creating a system to support innovation in Moscow universities.

From November 2006 to December 2007, as an adviser to the Deputy Minister for Information Technologies and Communications Milovantsev D.A. coordinated the work on the program for the development of technology parks in the field of high technologies, implemented in the Russian regions under the auspices of the Ministry of Information and Communications of the Russian Federation, at the head of the Center for Territorial Development under the Ministry of Information and Communications of the Russian Federation.

In December 2007 he was elected to State Duma RF according to the lists of the Just Russia party, Novosibirsk region. In the Duma, he joined the Committee on Information Policy, Technology and Communications, heads the subcommittee on technological development, coordinating the development of legislation in the field of innovation and high technology support.

Member of the Council for National Strategy, Council for Foreign and Defense Policy. Head of Legislative Initiatives at the Institute of Contemporary Development (INSOR, Chairman of the Board of Trustees - D.A. Medvedev). Member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (IT section). Member of the Central Council of the Just Russia party.

Ponomarev I.V. married, has two children. He enjoys traveling and skiing.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what "Ilya Ponomarev" is in other dictionaries:

    Ilya Ponomarev- Biography of Ilya Ponomarev Ilya Vladimirovich Ponomarev was born on August 6, 1975 in a family of scientists. In 1996 he graduated from the Faculty of Physics of the Moscow state university named after M.V. Lomonosov. In 2011 he graduated from the Russian ... Encyclopedia of newsmakers

    Ponomarev, Ilya- Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation from the Just Russia party Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the sixth convocation (since 2011) and the fifth convocation (2007 2011), both times was elected on the list of the Just Russia party. One of the leaders of the Left Front movement ... Encyclopedia of newsmakers

    Russian left-wing politician, entrepreneur in the field of high technologies. Born on August 6, 1975 in a family of scientists. Father - Ponomarev Vladimir Nikolaevich, Professor, Doctor of Philosophy and Mathematics, currently Vice President, Association ... ... Wikipedia

    Famous artist; was born in 1765. P. began his artistic activity in the 1780s, in the provinces, playing the roles of scoundrels and servants, and was a great success; then he came to Moscow, where he joined the Medox troupe; when the last one stopped his ... ... Big biographical encyclopedia

    Passed 20 October 22, 2012. The Coordinating Council was elected for one year, after which new elections will be held. Registration of candidates and voters was carried out on the website Elections to the Constitutional Court were organized after repeated mass ... ... Wikipedia

    Razvozzhaev, Leonid- Assistant to State Duma deputy Ilya Ponomarev Assistant to State Duma deputy Ilya Ponomarev, board member of the organization Left Front, member of the Coordinating Council of the Russian Opposition. Since October 2012, the defendant in the criminal case on the preparation of mass ... ... Encyclopedia of newsmakers

    This article describes the chronology of protests against election fraud in Russia (2011 2012) of numerous political speeches by Russian citizens that began after the elections to the State Duma of the VI convocation on December 4, 2011 and ... ... Wikipedia

    Chronicle of opposition activity in Russia from 10 to 24 December 2011- 10 December In Moscow, a civil action was held on Bolotnaya Square, which became the largest rally of the opposition, which disagreed with the results of the December 4 parliamentary elections. The main demands of the speakers were either the abolition of the elections and ... ... Encyclopedia of newsmakers

    Gudkov, Dmitry- Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation from the Just Russia party Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the sixth convocation from the Just Russia party since December 2011. Leader of the Young Socialists of Russia movement since 2009. Previously worked as press secretary for... Encyclopedia of newsmakers

State Duma deputy, "bog opposition" and the closest associate of the father and son Gudkov. The son of a senator of the Federation Council, a former assistant to Roman Abramovich, Larisa Ponomareva. One of the leaders of the Left Front movement.


Ilya Ponomarev is married, his wife's name is Ekaterina, they are raising two children: Nikolai (1995) and Anastasia (2000).

According to Ponomarev, his ancestors were such people as Mikhail Speransky, or creator of the Bolshoi Theater Marius Petipa, as well as Soviet party workers, diplomats, people's commissars and scientists.

Ponomarev's father - Vladimir Nikolaevich Ponomarev- Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Vice-President of the Association of Builders of Russia. Prior to that, he served as Secretary of State - Deputy Chairman Gosstroy Russia.

Mother - Larisa Nikolaevna Ponomareva, until September 2013 - a former assistant Roman Abramovich, Member of the Federation Council from the government of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Social Policy.


"My paternal grandfather was a diplomat, thanks to which I lived in Poland for two years before school, in 1980-81. It was the time of the peak of the activity of the trade union of workers, Solidarity, which was in opposition to the authorities. In the USSR, they feared a repetition of the Hungarian and Czech events, and the grandfather served as an intermediary between the Jaruzelski government, the opposition and the Soviet Union".

According to Ilya Ponomarev himself, at school he was a pioneer activist and along this line he rose to the vice-chairman of the Moscow City Pioneer Headquarters for ideology.

At the same time, Ponomarev began his career, at the age of 14, in 1989. An influential father helped with the work - he worked in the leadership of the Institute for the Problems of the Safe Development of Nuclear Energy (IBRAE) of the USSR Academy of Sciences, and Ilya Ponomarev organized a group for training the institute's employees in computer technology.

The USSR collapsed when Ponomarev was 16 years old. In 1991, the young enterprising Ilya Ponomarev created his own company - CJSC Russprofi Ltd., where he took the position of general director.

In 1992, Ponomarev was engaged in trade transactions for Russian Commodity Exchange(RTSB), then the company's activities focused on services in the field of programming, supply and maintenance of personal computers.

In 1992, Ilya Ponomarev entered the Faculty of Physics Moscow State University, however, he did not finish his studies - in 1996 he left from the middle of the fourth year.

It was reported that Ponomarev also studied at the Institute of Applied Psychology, where he received a diploma in psychodiagnostics in 1995.

In 1995, Russprofi and the Russian-American joint venture (JV) International Networks Connections (INC) merged, in which Ponomarev became the executive director. The combined company was engaged in the implementation of computer networks in large companies, one of Ponomarev's clients was an oil company "Yukos".

Subsequently, Ilya Ponomarev recalled in his autobiography: " At that time, we received a number of multimillion-dollar contracts for the informatization of a number of Russian companies, where managers who had time to taste all the delights of their newfound "freedom" realized that they needed a new mechanism to save what their subordinates had not yet managed to pull apart. The largest of them was the Yukos oil company, where we built the largest distributed power plant in Russia at that time. computer network in all regional divisions of the holding".

Since November 1996, Ponomarev worked as Business Development Director in the CIS countries of Schlumberger/GeoQuest, an oil service company. Soon the company introduced the practice of strategic alliances with oil companies, the first of which was Yukos.

Ponomarev recalled: " During my time at Schlumberger, I was lucky enough to travel half the globe, visit the world's leading oil companies operating in the Americas, Europe, Asia and Africa, spend some time in England and the USA, get acquainted with the most valuable experience in managing both transnational corporations and state oil enterprises".

In 1998, Ilya Ponomarev was invited to work at Yukos. Ponomarev was involved in development strategies, company restructuring and improvement of the corporate governance system. In addition, Ponomarev was in charge of information technology at Yukos EP in the rank of vice president.

In 1999, Ponomarev worked on the creation of the Siberian Internet Company "Sibintek", which is a subsidiary of NK Yukos. By 2000, the leadership of Yukos Oil Company decided to create a venture fund and a management company for investments in the high-tech sector ARRAVA IMC, headed by Ponomarev.

In 2001, Ponomarev became vice president of the company IBS, and worked on government orders within the framework of FTP "Electronic Russia"(portal of the Government of the Russian Federation, public procurement system, support for tax reform, automation of customs accounting, monitoring of housing and communal services, etc.).

Since 2002, Ilya Ponomarev has focused on the implementation of consulting and research projects commissioned by the Institute of Globalization Problems ( IPROG), founded by a well-known economist Mikhail Delyagin.

In 2003, Ponomarev created an Internet portal and alternative system GAS Elections.

From November 2006 to December 2007, Ponomarev served as Advisor to the Deputy Minister for Information Technologies and Communications Dmitry Milovantsev, and coordinated the work on the program for the development of technology parks under the auspices of Ministry of Information and Communications of the Russian Federation.

In parallel with his work at the Ministry of Information and Communications of the Russian Federation, in 2007 Ilya Ponomarev entered and in 2011 graduated from the Russian State Social University ( RSSU) majoring in state and municipal management. In June 2010, Ilya Ponomarev was appointed Presidential Advisor Skolkovo Foundation Viktor Vekselberg for International Development and Technology Commercialization.

In addition to his deputy activities, Ilya Ponomarev was a member of the Council for National Strategy, the Council for Foreign and Defense Policy, led the directions of legislative initiatives in INSOR, was a member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers.


In 2002, Ilya Ponomarev joined CPRF, and focused on political and political technology work as the head of the information technology center of the Central Committee of the Communist Party.

Being a member of the Communist Party, Ponomarev was simultaneously engaged in the creation left front. In 2004, Ponomarev acted as one of the organizers and leaders of the Youth Left Front, and in the summer of 2005 he joined the initiative group that proclaimed the creation of a new radical left movement, the Left Front.

During 2006, Ilya Ponomarev was the main ideologist of the Moscow Government project "Civil Change", aimed at creating a system to support innovation in Moscow universities.

In 2006, against the backdrop of a bad attitude of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation towards the Left Front, Ilya Ponomarev left Communist Party.

In December 2007, Ponomarev was elected to State Duma Russia of the fifth convocation according to the party lists "Fair Russia" from the Novosibirsk region. In the fifth convocation, Ponomarev joined the Committee on Information Policy, Technologies and Communications, headed the subcommittee on technological development, coordinating the development of legislation in the field of innovation and high technology support.

Since 2009, Ponomarev has been a member of the leadership of the expert committee of the Council for the Development of the Information Society under the President of the Russian Federation.

In December 2011, Ilya Ponomarev was re-elected to the sixth convocation of the State Duma, where he joined the Committee on economic policy, innovative development and entrepreneurship.

In 2012, together with Alena Popova founded the Foundation Open projects, which is dedicated to supporting civic engagement and social innovation.

In January 2012, Ponomarev initiated the creation of a civil movement - the coordinating center of the protest forces.

In March 2013, protesting against being expelled from the party Gennady and Dmitry Gudkov, Ilya Ponomarev suspended membership in the Just Russia party until the next congress.

After the congress of the Just Russia party in October 2013, Ponomarev announced that he was leaving the party: “The party failed to decide on its future. It cut off all extremes, excluding both me and, on the other hand, from the leadership, Elena Mizulina, as well as Oksana Dmitrieva. It's a road to nowhere."

In September 2013, Ponomarev unexpectedly took part in the work of the established Vladimir Putin Valdai Club, where he was the main speaker on the topic of dialogue between the authorities and civil society.

During the meeting with the President, together with Vladimir Ryzhkov put forward an initiative to reconcile the opposition and the authorities through the amnesty procedure for political activists, and the subsequent participation of the opposition in municipal elections. An amnesty was announced in December 2013 and a number of other political prisoners, including Mikhail Khodorkovsky, was pardoned.

In December 2013, Ilya Ponomarev joined the political council of the party "Social Democrats of Russia", chaired by Gennady Gudkov.

Ponomarev announced his intention to take part in the elections of the mayor of Novosibirsk in 2014 and was the first of all registered candidates to submit documents to the election commission.

In Novosibirsk, Ponomarev initiated the creation of an opposition coalition in the mayoral elections, which was joined by 6 candidates for the post of head of the city. In March 2014, the parties to the agreement, including Ponomarev, withdrew their candidacies in favor of a single candidate, who became the first secretary of the Novosibirsk Regional Committee of the Communist Party Anatoly Elbow. Thanks to the unification that took place, the opposition won the elections, ahead of the candidate from "United Russia" by 4% of the vote.

March 20, 2014 Ilya Ponomarev was the only deputy who voted against joining Crimea to Russia. April 30 leader of "Just Russia" Sergei Mironov demanded that Ilya Ponomarev surrender the mandate. Mironov called Ponomarev's behavior "immoral and vile" in relation to the party, because, in his opinion, "in the eyes of many inexperienced people" Ponomarev is still associated with A Just Russia, which causes her "serious reputational damage."

On April 7, 2015, Ponomarev lost his parliamentary immunity protecting him from criminal prosecution. The State Duma almost unanimously decided to lift Ponomarev's immunity - of the deputies present in the State Duma building, only his "marsh ally" Dmitry Gudkov voted against.


According to the official declaration for 2012, Ilya Ponomarev earned 9,852,593 rubles. Ilya Ponomarev owns a land plot of 2850.0 sq. m., an apartment with an area of ​​80.2 sq.m., an apartment with an area of ​​49.9 sq.m. m., an apartment in Latvia with an area of ​​107.8 sq. m and three passenger car.


Journalist Oleg Kashin describing political portrait Ponomarev, called him one of the leaders of the "negotiable" Russian left movements, which, according to the plan of the authorities, pretended to oppose the G-8 summit in St. Petersburg in 2006, and the most effective Kremlin spoiler of the protest movement.

Former press secretary and assistant to Ponomarev Maria Baronova in February 2013, she accused Ponomarev of having testified against her during the trial on "cause of May 6".

Ponomarev, on the other hand, stated that he went to the Investigative Committee to prove the innocence of the activist at her own request, and demanded that Baronova publish full text their testimony for the public to see. Ultimately, the prosecution refused the offer to summon Ponomarev to court, the deputy was named one of the main organizers of the riots on May 6, 2012 during the court hearings, and Baronova was released under an amnesty.

Alexey Navalny criticized Ilya Ponomarev for participating in the work Valdai Forum in September 2013. Navalny called Ponomarev a "roguish guy" who "needs to be kicked out of the opposition."

In May 2013, the film crew of Channel 1 noticed Ilya Ponomaerva on a Lithuanian street not far from the house where the "architect of the orange revolutions" was located. Givi Targamadze. As a result, party members did not wait for Ponomarev to attend the faction meeting on Monday, May 13, at which they expected explanations from him in connection with claims against him in the Skolkovo Foundation case.

In mid-May 2013, Ilya Ponomarev visited Investigative Committee in the case of embezzlement of the Skolkovo Foundation. According to the investigation, the vice-president of the fund Alexey Beltyukov paid Ponomarev 750 thousand dollars for some lectures and scientific analytics. After the scandal broke out in Skolkovo, demand the money back. This, in particular, was stated by Viktor Vekselberg. Ponomarev said that he spent the money received at Skolkovo on trips to foreign countries and the preparation of lectures.

"He received money from the state budget. If he had received it from Vekselberg, from his pocket, for God's sake. A schoolboy, pupil, student - he cannot graduate from a university, and then suddenly he gives lectures for which they pay the highest fee in the world" , - the leader said about this scandal from the Duma rostrum LDPR Vladimir Zhirinovsky.

In June 2013, Ponomarev spoke out against the law on propaganda of homosexuality in the Duma: " It is very difficult to draw a clear line on who the propaganda is aimed at. I have always said that gay parades harm the LGBT community more than not having them. The minority should not impose its will on the majority, but neither should the majority impose its will on the minority...".

On April 30, 2015, it became known that a criminal case was initiated against Ilya Ponomarev on the grounds of a crime under part 5 of article 33 and part 4 of article 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Embezzlement or embezzlement."


Career of Ilya Ponomarev

  • In 1989, at the Institute for the Problems of the Safe Development of Nuclear Energy (IBRAE) of the USSR Academy of Sciences, he organized a group for training employees in computer technology.
  • In 1991, he founded and became the General Director of CJSC Russprofi Ltd.
  • In 1995, the business of Russprofi and the Russian-American joint venture International Networks Connections (INC) merged, in which Ponomarev became a commercial and then an executive director.
  • In 1996, Ilya Ponomarev became director of business development in the CIS countries at Schlumberger/GeoQuest. Under the leadership of Ponomarev, the ProMIS oil production management system was developed. Soon, Schlumberger introduced the practice of strategic alliances with oil companies, the first of which was Oil Company "".
  • In 1998, as part of the alliance concluded by the companies, Ilya Ponomarev came to work at Yukos. He combined the leadership of information technology at Yukos EP with work as a deputy director of the Project Management Directorate.
  • In 1999, Ilya Ponomarev created the Siberian Internet Company (Sibintek), a subsidiary of Yukos Oil Company.
  • In 2000, he headed the management company for high-tech investments ARRAVA IMC.
  • In 2001, Ilya Ponomarev became vice president of IBS and heads the direction of strategic projects and relations with government agencies. Under his leadership, projects are being implemented within the framework of the federal target program "Electronic Russia", as well as the development of the regional IBS network.
  • Since 2002, Ilya Ponomarev has been leading consulting and research projects in the field of government controlled and macroeconomics at the Institute for Globalization Problems (IPROG).
  • In 2007, he became a deputy of the State Duma of the fifth convocation, went through the lists of the Just Russia party and became a representative of the Novosibirsk Region. He became a member of the Committee on Information Policy, Technology and Communications, headed the subcommittee on technological development.
  • In 2011, he was re-elected to the State Duma of the sixth convocation. Entered the Committee on Economic Policy, Innovative Development and Entrepreneurship.

Ponomarev, Ilya Vladimirovich

Ponomarev, Ilya Vladimirovich - Russian left-wing politician, entrepreneur in the field of high technologies.

Born on August 6, 1975 in a family of scientists. Father - Ponomarev Vladimir Nikolaevich, professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, currently - Vice-President, Association of Builders of Russia. Prior to that, he served as Secretary of State - Deputy Chairman, Gosstroy of the Russian Federation, creator of the Russian mortgage lending system. Mother - Ponomareva Larisa Nikolaevna, member of the Federation Council from the government of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, first deputy chairman of the committee on social policy.

He began his career in 1989 at the Institute for the Problems of the Safe Development of Nuclear Energy (IBRAE) of the USSR Academy of Sciences. On behalf of the Institute's management, he organized a group for training employees in computer technology, and also supported the PC fleet.

In 1991, he created his own company - CJSC Russprofi Ltd., where he took the position of General Director. In 1992, he was engaged in trade transactions at the RTSB, then the company's activities focused on services in the field of programming, supply and maintenance of personal computers. The Z-Test™ system of psychological professional diagnostics developed at Russprofi has become a standard in the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and civil aviation.

In 1995, the Russprofi business and the Russian-American joint venture International Networks Connections (INC) merged, in which Ponomarev I.V. took the position of commercial, and then executive director. INC was engaged in the implementation of distributed computer networks in large companies, mainly in the oil industry and among representative offices of Western companies. The network built for Yukos remained the largest in Russia until 2004.

Before the 1996 presidential election, the American partners decided to withdraw from the INC business. Since November 1996 Ponomarev I.V. took the position of business development director in the CIS countries of LUKOIL, Yukos, Surgutneftegaz, etc.), but also in other countries (Sonatrach - Algeria, YNAO territorial data bank set a new standard for managing the region's natural resources. With the participation of Ponomarev, Schlumberger introduced the practice of strategic alliances with oil companies, the first of which was Yukos.

As part of the alliance concluded in 1998, Ponomarev I.V. was invited to work for Yukos. The main task was to support the company's restructuring, optimize the corporate governance system, work out a new development strategy for Yukos, and change the public perception of NK. In 1998 Ponomarev I.V. He combined the management of information technology in YUKOS EP (the oil producing part of the company), and also worked as Deputy Director of the Project Management Directorate, overseeing the development of the Priobskoye field and restructuring non-core assets in Nefteyugansk. During 1998-2000, Yukos switched to paperless document management, deployed a production control and field modeling center, introduced advanced project management technologies, and reengineered business processes. The developed Strategy 2000-2012 made Yukos the industry leader.

In 1999, Ponomarev I.V. instructed to create the Siberian Internet Company (Sibintek), a subsidiary of Yukos Oil Company. By 2000, Sibintek was one of the leaders in the Russian IT industry. With the participation of Ponomarev I.V. such well-known projects of the Russian Internet as, etc. were created. As part of the YUKOS restructuring program, Sibintek created more than two thousand jobs in the regions of NK's presence, solving the employment problem in them.

In 2000, in the wake of the first results from the activities of Sibintek, the management of Yukos Oil Company decided to create a venture fund and a management company for investments in the high-tech sector - ARRAVA IMC, headed by Ponomarev. Among the areas of ARRAVA's investments are the development of an interactive television system (AIM-TV), the technology for creating Situational Centers (decision support systems) (AIMission), and the provision of consulting services (AIM Consulting). Among the projects of the latter structure are the strategy for the transformation of the IBG NIKOIL and the construction of a financial supermarket, the concept of information support for the reform of RAO UES, the conduct of regional economic and socio-political studies, a series of marketing and PR strategies for representatives of medium-sized businesses. AIM Consulting took part in the development of the FTP "Electronic Russia".

After the sale of the ARRAVA business, Ponomarev I.V. in 2001 he became vice-president of the company of the Government of the Russian Federation, public procurement system, support for tax reform, automation of customs accounting, housing and communal services monitoring, etc.), as well as the development of the regional IBS network, building relationships with the administrations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The creation of the Situation Center of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), the electronic government of the Republic of Chuvashia had a great resonance in the industry. In 2002, with the support of IBS, the Governor's Club was created.

Since 2002 Ponomarev I.V. focused on the implementation of consulting and research projects in the field of public administration and macroeconomics within the framework of the Institute for Globalization Problems (IPROG - think tank, founded by a well-known economist, former adviser to the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation on economics Mikhail Delyagin), as well as on political and political technology work with the Communist Party of the Russian Federation as head of the Information Technology Center of the Central Committee of the Communist Party. In 2003, he created the Internet portal, an alternative system to the GAS Elections. IPROG, commissioned by public and large private structures, has developed a number of projects, incl. the concept of the development of Siberia and the Far East, the strategy for the development of the fuel and energy complex of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the analysis of the reforms of labor legislation, the Housing Code and the reform of housing and communal services, the reform of education, the concept of the development of local self-government and federative relations. A number of projects have been completed for government agencies in the US, EU, and Venezuela.

Founder, Left Front of Russia. Informal leader of the leftist youth of the Communist Party. Permanent member of the organizing committee, the Russian Social Forum, which unites the protest and social movements of the country. Coordinates the participation of Russian representatives in the European and World Social Forums. In July 2006, he became one of the organizers of the G8 counter-summit in St. Petersburg. Member of the Working Committee, the Union of Coordinating Councils - an association of protest forces that arose in the wake of the monetization of benefits in 2005.

During 2006, he was the main ideologist of the project of the Government of Moscow "Civil Change", aimed at creating a system to support innovation in Moscow universities.

From November 2006 to December 2007, as an adviser to the Deputy Minister for Information Technologies and Communications Milovantsev D.A. coordinated the work on the program for the development of technology parks in the field of high technologies, implemented in the Russian regions under the auspices of the Ministry of Information and Communications of the Russian Federation, at the head of the Center for Territorial Development under the Ministry of Information and Communications of the Russian Federation.

In December 2007, he was elected to the State Duma of the Russian Federation on the list of the Just Russia party, Novosibirsk Region. In the Duma, he joined the Committee on Information Policy, Technology and Communications, heads the subcommittee on technological development, coordinating the development of legislation in the field of innovation and high technology support.

Member of the Council for National Strategy, Council for Foreign and Defense Policy. Head of Legislative Initiatives at the Institute of Contemporary Development (INSOR, Chairman of the Board of Trustees - D.A. Medvedev). Member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (IT section). Member of the Central Council of the Just Russia party.

Ponomarev I.V. married, has two children. He enjoys traveling and skiing.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

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    Ponomarev, Ilya- Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation from the Just Russia party Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the sixth convocation (since 2011) and the fifth convocation (2007 2011), both times was elected on the list of the Just Russia party. One of the leaders of the Left Front movement ... Encyclopedia of newsmakers

    Ponomarev, Ilya Vladimirovich Russian left-wing politician, entrepreneur in the field of high technologies. Born on August 6, 1975 in a family of scientists. Father - Ponomarev Vladimir Nikolaevich, Professor, Doctor of Philosophy and Mathematics, currently ... ... Wikipedia

    Ilya Ponomarev- Biography of Ilya Ponomarev Ilya Vladimirovich Ponomarev was born on August 6, 1975 in a family of scientists. In 1996 he graduated from the Faculty of Physics of the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. In 2011 he graduated from the Russian ... Encyclopedia of newsmakers

    Wikipedia has articles about other people with that surname, see Knyshov. Alexey Vladimirovich Knyshov (born July 30, 1968, Rostov-on-Don) Russian politician, deputy of the State Duma Federal Assembly Russian Federation sixth ... ... Wikipedia

    Passed 20 October 22, 2012. The Coordinating Council was elected for one year, after which new elections will be held. Registration of candidates and voters was carried out on the website Elections to the Constitutional Court were organized after repeated mass ... ... Wikipedia - The State Duma of the Russian Federation of the fifth convocation is the Russian highest legislative and representative body, the chamber of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. Full official name: State Duma of the Federal Assembly ... ... Wikipedia

    Deputies of the State Duma of the fifth convocation. Full list- The Central Election Commission of Russia approved the composition of the State Duma of the fifth convocation. As a result of the elections, United Russia received 315 deputy mandates, KPRF 57, LDPR 40, A Just Russia 38. Due to the fact that some elected ... ... Encyclopedia of newsmakers

And all this is him Ilya Ponomarev and its characteristics...

Members of the editorial board of the political portal http: // site before writing the next version biographies of Ilya Ponomaryov(time flies - and we need to update information about our heroes - political figures - and Ilya Ponomarev- this is no exception) exchanged views about this character. And you know, the most amazing thing is our subjective view Ilya Ponomarev- gives the impression of a cunning person on all of us. In what sense is "quirky"? Yes, in all - both good and bad. One side Ilya Ponomarev- a stormy combination of a cocktail of radical opposition activities and the declaration of leftist views, and a different view of the personality Ponomarev a - the grin of the predatory shark of capitalism (markers: innovation, Yukos, Internet business, Skolkovo, royalties from otherworldly generosity) - and all this is him, Ilya Ponomarev and its characteristic features.

Recall that the case is about financing either personally Ponomarev or whether the opposition (from Surkov, who is playing in retirement in his political games against the grouping of Putin's security forces to aggravate the political situation) through suspicious (in terms of volume) cash flows) and the reliability of the lectures Ilya Ponomareva- of course, cause an ambiguous reaction. And also relatives Ilya Ponomareva. In general, without detailed consideration biographies of Ilya Ponomaryov- we can't do it. And there, you stroke, and we will go out on the trail of the Gudkov dynasty - Ilya Ponomarev too often it is with them that one turns out to be in company to lose this fact from attention when analyzing the real arrangement of pieces on a chessboard Russian politicians .

Ilya Vladimirovich Ponomarev
Date of birth: August 6, 1975
Place of birth: Moscow
Party: Left Front, Just Russia
Main ideas: Socialism, alterglobalism
Occupation: Deputy of the State Duma

Ilya Vladimirovich Ponomarev(born August 6, 1975) is a Russian left-wing politician and high-tech entrepreneur. Deputy of the State Duma of Russia of the 5th and 6th convocations, member of the Just Russia faction, member of the Council of the Left Front, chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Institute for Innovative Development.

Parents and family of Ilya Ponomarev

Father of Ilya Ponomarev- Vladimir Nikolayevich Ponomarev, Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, is currently Vice President of the Association of Builders of Russia. Prior to that, he held the position of Secretary of State - Deputy Chairman of the Gosstroy of Russia, took an active part in the development of the Russian system of mortgage lending.
Mother of Ilya Ponomarev- Larisa Nikolaevna Ponomarev, Member of the Federation Council from the government of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Social Policy.
Ilya Ponomarev as if married (but they say that he has not lived with his wife for several years - perhaps a divorce has been filed, but we have no official confirmation of this fact), brings up two children.
There are rumors that the most warm feelings associate him with a businessman-innovator Alena Popova.

The beginning of the labor activity of Ilya Ponomarev and participation in business

Labor activity Ilya Ponomarev began in 1989 - at the Institute for the Problems of the Safe Development of Nuclear Power Engineering (IBRAE) of the USSR Academy of Sciences. On behalf of the Institute's management, he organized a group for training employees in computer technology, and also supported the PC fleet.

In 1991 Ilya Ponomarev created his own company - CJSC Russprofi Ltd., where he took the position of General Director. In 1992, he was engaged in trading transactions at the Russian Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange (RTSB), then the company's activities focused on services in the field of programming, supply and maintenance of personal computers.
Developed Ilya Ponomarev in "Russprofi" the system of psychological professional diagnostics "Z-Test ™" has become a standard in the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and civil aviation. In 1992 he entered the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University.

In 1995, the business of Russprofi and the Russian-American joint venture (JV) International Networks Connections (INC) merged, in which Ilya Ponomarev took the position of commercial, and then executive director. INC was engaged in the implementation of distributed computer networks in large companies, mainly in the oil industry and among representative offices of Western companies. The network built for the oil company (NK) Yukos remained the largest in Russia until 2004.

Before the 1996 presidential election, the American partners decided to withdraw from the INC business. Since November 1996 Ilya Ponomarev took the position of Business Development Director in the CIS countries of Schlumberger/GeoQuest (a world leader in oil services).
Among the tasks set by the management of the corporation was the search for promising technologies in Russia that could be turned into permanent products, as well as support for key customers and non-standard projects. Developed under the guidance Ponomarev The ProMIS oil production management system has been implemented not only in the CIS (LUKOIL, Yukos, Surgutneftegaz, etc.), but also in other countries - the State Oil and Gas Company in Venezuela, Sonatrach in Algeria, BP in the UK, etc. Created in Yamalo -Nenets autonomous region the territorial data bank set a new standard for the management of natural resources in the region. With the participation Ponomarev Schlumberger introduced the practice of strategic alliances with oil companies, the first of which was Yukos.

The work of Ilya Ponomarev in Yukos

As part of the alliance concluded in 1998 Ilya Ponomarev was invited to work in Yukos. The main task was to support the restructuring of the company, optimize the corporate governance system, develop a new development strategy for Yukos, and change the public perception of the oil company. In 1998 Ilya Ponomarev combined the management of information technology in Yukos EP (the oil producing part of the company), as well as Ilya Ponomarev worked as Deputy Director of the Project Management Directorate, supervising the development of the Priobskoye field and restructuring non-core assets in the city of Nefteyugansk.
During 1998-2000, Yukos switched to paperless document management, deployed a Center for Production Control and Field Modeling, introduced advanced project management technologies, and reengineered business processes. According to some sources, the developed Strategy 2000-2012 brought Yukos to the industry leaders.

In 1999 Ilya Ponomarev instructed to create the Siberian Internet Company (Sibintek), a subsidiary of Yukos Oil Company. By 2000, Sibintek was one of the leaders in the Russian industry information technologies. With the participation of Ponomarev, such well-known Russian Internet projects as and others were created. As part of the YUKOS restructuring program, Sibintek created more than two thousand jobs in the regions where the oil company operates, solving the problem of employment there.

In 2000, in the wake of the first results from the activities of Sibintek, the management of NK Yukos decided to create a venture fund and a management company for investments in the high-tech sector - ARRAVA IMC, which was headed by Ilya Ponomarev. Among the areas of ARRAVA's investments are the development of an interactive television system (AIM-TV), the technology for creating Situational Centers (decision support systems) (AIMission), and the provision of consulting services (AIM Consulting). Among the projects of the latter structure are the strategy for the transformation of the IBG NIKOIL and the construction of a financial supermarket, the concept of information support for the RAO UES reform, the conduct of regional economic and socio-political studies, a series of marketing and PR strategies for medium-sized businesses. AIM Consulting took part in the development of the FTP "Electronic Russia".

After the sale of the ARRAVA business Ilya Ponomarev in 2001 he became vice president of IBS and headed the direction of strategic projects and government relations. The main task was the implementation of projects within the framework of the Federal Target Program "Electronic Russia" (portal of the Government of the Russian Federation, public procurement system, support for tax reform, automation of customs accounting, monitoring of housing and communal services, etc.), as well as the development of a regional IBS network, building relationships with the administrations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation . The creation of the Situation Center of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), the electronic government of the Republic of Chuvashia had a great resonance in the industry. In 2002, with the support of IBS, the Governor's Club was created.

Innovative activity of Ilya Ponomarev

During 2006 Ilya Ponomarev was the main ideologist of the project of the Government of Moscow "Civil Change", aimed at creating a system to support innovation in Moscow universities, headed the business direction of the "Civil Change". November 2006 to December 2007 Ilya Ponomarev as Advisor to the Deputy Minister for Information Technology and Communications Dmitry Milovantsev coordinated the work on the program for the development of technology parks in the field of high technologies, implemented in the Russian regions under the auspices of the Ministry of Information and Communications of the Russian Federation, at the head of the Center for Territorial Development under the Ministry of Information and Communications of the Russian Federation.

Since 2009 Ilya Ponomarev is the first deputy head of the expert committee of the Council for the Development of the Information Society under the President of the Russian Federation. June 2010 Ilya Ponomarev, was appointed Advisor to the President of the Skolkovo Foundation for International Development and Technology Commercialization.

Public and political activities of Ilya Ponomarev

Since 2002 Ilya Ponomarev focused on the implementation of consulting and research projects in the field of public administration and macroeconomics within the framework of the Institute for Globalization Problems (IPROG), founded by a well-known economist, former adviser to the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation on economics. Also during this period Ponomarev focused on political and political technology work with the Communist Party as the head of the Information Technology Center of the Central Committee of the Communist Party.

In 2003 Ilya Ponomarev created the Internet portal, an alternative system of the GAS Elections. IPROG, commissioned by public and large private structures, has developed a number of projects, including the concept of development of Siberia and the Far East, the strategy for the development of the fuel and energy complex of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the analysis of labor law reforms, the Housing Code and the housing and communal services reform, education reform, the concept of development of local self-government and federal relations. A number of projects have been completed for government agencies in the US, EU, and Venezuela.
Long time Ilya Ponomarev was the informal leader of the leftist youth in the Communist Party. Ilya Ponomarev- Founder of the Russian Left Front. Permanent member of the organizing committee of the Russian Social Forum, which unites the protest and social movements of the country. One of the coordinators of the participation of Russian representatives in the European and World Social Forums. In July 2006, he became one of the organizers of the G8 counter-summit in St. Petersburg. Member of the Working Committee of the Union of Coordinating Councils - an association of protest forces that arose in the wake of the monetization of benefits in 2005.

In 2009 Ilya Ponomarev became the first Russian politician who created the twitter account.
In December 2007 Ilya Ponomarev elected to the State Duma of Russia on the list of the Just Russia party from the Novosibirsk Region. in the Duma Ilya Ponomarev joined the Committee on Information Policy, Technology and Communications, heads the subcommittee on technological development, coordinating the development of legislation in the field of innovation and high technology support.

Member of the Council for National Strategy, Council for Foreign and Defense Policy. Head of the direction of legislative initiatives of the Institute modern development INSOR).
Ilya Ponomarev- a member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (section of information technologies), also - a member of the Central Council of the party "Fair Russia".