Girl under the sign of Capricorn. Capricorn Woman: characteristics, compatibility - What is she like? The sex life of a Capricorn woman

Capricorn is the last sign of the Earth element, therefore, like other earthly representatives, he is endowed with practicality, stands firmly on the ground and always achieves his goals. The Capricorn woman received from nature an incredible charm, thanks to which she easily wins the hearts of men, but she always keeps herself within the bounds of decency and does not allow herself to completely surrender to the surging feelings.

Characteristics of a woman

A woman born in the Capricorn constellation is attractive, fresh and sophisticated. And over the years, her external beauty becomes more expressive. She is thorough, practical, tries to be independent and independent in everything. Her main goals are always associated with success in her work, because, in her opinion, achievements in her professional activities will allow her to create a solid foundation for her future life.

A Capricorn woman always gets what she wants. the truth is coming she does this most often by those ways that no one has used before her. She is diligent and hardworking, but sometimes her desire to surpass herself and show a better result slows down the entire work process. She is constantly learning, improving her professional level at courses and trainings, looking for new and non-standard ways to solve everyday issues. Despite the fact that she does not like criticism, she gives her the opportunity not to give up and always go only forward, not retreating in the face of difficulties. Her desire for success will allow her to easily .

Psychological picture The Capricorn woman speaks of the presence of a mass of complexes that she has formed in her childhood, and with which she will wage an endless war throughout her life. She draws her imperfections from her parents at an early age, but when she overcomes them, she becomes an overly attractive person.

In the outside world, she is most concerned about her own accomplishments. The most important thing for her is to become someone significant and achieve a certain position in society, earn honor and respect. At the same time, the Capricorn girl is used to relying only on herself and on her own strength, realizing that nothing in this world is given just like that. If something is given to her too easily, then she perceives it with caution, realizing that she will have to pay for everything. Because of these beliefs, she is not inclined to envy those who have a better life than hers, although sometimes deep down she blames fate.

The Capricorn woman values ​​her surroundings too much. She has few friends, but each of them is loyal and devoted, unable to do meanness towards her. Surrounded by people, she is cheerful and lively, but such qualities are too superficial. She does not like jokes addressed to her, so many people consider her to be too arrogant and proud.

In conversation, she is sick of resorting to omissions or hints. She always speaks openly and directly. And if she feels that behind her back is double game, then she will stop communicating with this person without hesitation and will never again allow him to enter her inner circle.

Remembering how resistant she is to external manifestations, one should not be surprised that periods of deep melancholy and sadness are characteristic of her. She is worried about unrealized projects, the transience of time and the possibility of sudden death. In order to avoid such a depressed state, it is better for her to try to surround herself with cheerful and cheerful people, and devote her free time to active pastime.

What do Capricorn women like?

Women born in the constellation Capricorn are very fond of compliments and get upset if their merits are not properly appreciated. This attitude also includes professional activity. They strive to achieve a secure high position so that others respect them and recognize their superiority.

Women, whose zodiac sign is Capricorn, like to plan everything in advance, keep under control all the events that take place in their lives, so they are cool about all kinds of entertainment events, because the state of idleness and carelessness dampens them, threatening their life painted by the minute.

Capricorn women, despite their practicality and strict adherence to the schedule, are very romantic persons, they love good music, but do not like art too much. They love order, so their house is always cozy and clean. They keep and honor family traditions, know how to save money and take good care of what they have.


In relationships with partners, a Capricorn woman is guided more by reason and sober calculation than by feelings and emotions. Many men consider her cold and unapproachable, but in fact she just carefully hides her inner world from others.

The representative of this sign wants to see a smart, strong and honest partner next to her, ready to fulfill all her countless requirements. She is proud and restrained, always carefully hides any emotions, but in fact she is very vulnerable and tender inside.

Having failed on the personal front, she will go headlong into work, just to distract herself from gloomy thoughts and without big losses.

The horoscope of the Capricorn woman claims that she likes strong, stubborn men who are able to achieve what they want, and she will avoid those who are too inexpressive and silent. True, if the latter turns out to be a promising genius, on the horizon of which fame and recognition looms, then she will accept the courtship of such a man. She is more interested in the position of a man in society and his ability to provide a certain financial standard of living. A man who is used to living at the expense of a woman will be rejected by her as unsuitable for married life in principle.

A Capricorn woman marries for love. But she is only capable of falling in love with the man who will provide her with material stability. She believes that in need any, even the strongest feelings can fade away. A partner who, even having a certain state, will move forward and acquire more and more material goods, will be able to make the representative of this sign the happiest.

Having met a man who will meet all her requirements, she is able to create a strong and loving family with him. Order and comfort will always reign in her house. Moreover, she will do any household chores with great enthusiasm. This is not surprising, because she finally met her perfect man, therefore, is ready to create a comfortable atmosphere for him.

After the birth of children, all her attention will be given to them, which does not always suit her husband. He will miss her attention. But the children will receive it in full. A Capricorn woman from an early age will teach them to order, will instill in them the life principles on which she herself grew up. Sometimes she will be strict, but despite this, her love for children will be boundless. It is in motherhood that she will find her meaning in life. Her children will receive the best upbringing and education.

The sex life of a Capricorn woman

For a woman of this sign, sometimes a slight caress is enough to flare up, which is why she does not like a long foreplay. She tries to be a leader during intimacy, she likes to take a bath with a partner, where she begins to seduce him, and then, having moved into the room, she will move on to more active actions. A man should not hide his intentions from her, she is interested in everything that he will do with her in the next moment.

A woman born in the constellation Capricorn is capable of a lot in bed and therefore expects patience and endurance from her partner. She does not like to try something unusual, her main goal is the process itself, besides, she is able to give a man great pleasure in quite standard ways. If you can have fun anyway, then why invent something?

Her favorite position in sex is riding a partner, thus, her desire to dominate a man is realized, moreover, she is able to perfectly control the situation. It is she who chooses the necessary pace, thanks to which both partners reach the peak at the same time. She perceives having sex as a competition, therefore she tends to show passion, she can scratch and bite her partner.

The Capricorn woman is able not only to indulge in physical love for a long time, but, unlike representatives of other signs, she is able to do this very often. Therefore, a man who was able to reveal her inner essence and tear off the mask of a cold and unapproachable woman from her was incredibly lucky.

Stories from our readers

There is no typical portrait of a Capricorn woman: she can equally well turn out to be a talented dancer and a strict librarian. True, in both cases she will be full of femininity and charm.

Women of this sign like to be aware of their power over men and they are happy to flirt and flirt. Men to whom this coquetry is directed feel truly omnipotent and are ready to shield this fragile creature from all life's adversities.

However, not everything is so simple with Capricorn girls: of all their boyfriends, they will try to choose the most worthy. That is, one who has prospects and real opportunities to move up the financial and career ladder. Representatives of this sign often achieve success in life. They are so passionate about it that some people think that love and marriage do not matter to them. Love, perhaps, does not. But the marriage of Capricorns is given increased attention.

Capricorn is a woman who is in a hurry to fall in love.

Very often, Capricorn women become victims of their own illusions: being unable to share sex and love, they fall head over heels in love with all their partners.

And since not every man can please her, there are not too many partners for representatives of this sign.

Capricorns are women created for love and passion. Emotional nature pushes them to erotic experiments already in early adolescence.

Possessing a pronounced sexuality, they are looking for an appropriate partner for themselves, and if they do not find it, they are acutely dissatisfied.

The jealousy of a woman of this sign can be aggressive. But in her address, she will not tolerate any possessive manifestations.

Family horoscope: Capricorn is a woman who values ​​family.

For all her passion for her career, a Capricorn woman will be able to refuse work in the name of her family.

To achieve this, you will need to convince your Capricorn that the house rests only on her, and that in the family she is both an administrator and a chief accountant. Building a strong family empire will captivate this woman more than a career.

Try to make fun of her as little as possible.

Such is her character: she cannot stand ridicule in her address and can be very offended. And there is nothing worse than a melancholy grumbling Capricorn in the house.

Remember that by marrying a Capricorn, you have married her entire family: her bond with her family is strong and lasts for many years.

How to conquer a Capricorn woman.

For everyone who wants to know how to seduce a Capricorn woman, the main advice is: do not force things. The first stage of your relationship should be smooth and calm.

Show your interest in Capricorn, but do not rush to take the next step: they themselves will show when they are ready.

Remember, this is a very stubborn sign, putting pressure on him, controlling him and trying to tell him what is right and what is wrong is the way to stop communication.

The path to the heart of a Capricorn woman is not easy. Conquering her, focus on discreet and confident courtship. You must know exactly what you want and be able to get it. Having met a man who is the real master of his word, the Capricorn woman melts.

Looking for a gift for a Capricorn? Pay attention to antiques: women of this sign are attracted by ancient values. It could be an antique mirror, intricate Notebook or a ring made by a famous master.

General characteristics of a Capricorn woman.

Typical representatives of this sign are very reserved and even cold. They are revealed only in the circle of the closest people who accept them completely - with all the shortcomings.

However, it is wrong to think that a Capricorn woman is shy or suffers from an inferiority complex, quite the opposite! This woman is well aware of her high value, so to speak. Simply, she is a woman who stands firmly on the ground with both feet and her values ​​​​are very material.

Capricorn women, however, like the men of this sign, have a pronounced clarity of thinking, logic and the desire to realize their career aspirations. If for a man this is more or less natural, then for a woman the subordination of her feelings to reason does not always bring happiness.

It is possible that the main difficulty that can be overcome is the desire to control oneself and one's feelings. It is difficult for such a woman to give up the fear of being vulnerable. But, this, perhaps, is the key that opens the door to a happy life!

The Capricorn woman skillfully solves any everyday problems, she skillfully leads the family ship in the right direction.

To open up, she needs an atmosphere of friendliness and trust. If in the personal life of a Capricorn woman not everything goes well, then she seeks solace in her work.

The best partner for a Capricorn woman will be a Cancer man, as well as Taurus or Virgo.

Relations with a man Aries or Libra will be more difficult. The partners of these signs will create some tension for the Capricorn woman, which is not easy to remove. Probably, this discomfort is connected with the uncertainty in a stable future next to them.

A Capricorn woman outwardly attracts with her modesty combined with natural charm. He chooses clothes that are simple and comfortable, but he dresses with taste, almost does not use cosmetics. Surprisingly, she manages to maintain a young and blooming appearance until her advanced years.

What is a Capricorn woman like?

Being under the influence of Saturn, this woman has inner strength and. She is ambitious and persistently achieves her goals, selflessly devoting herself to work. However, she is often prone to melancholy and nostalgia, sometimes she is unsure of herself. Emotionally restrained, so she will never throw a tantrum with breaking dishes.

The answer to this question you can find only in close communication with her. She does not openly express her feelings, is closed and does not trust her secrets to many. Once having slightly opened the door of her soul for you, this woman will not let you go soon. Capricorn values ​​​​close people very much and will do everything to maintain relationships.

What kind of man does a Capricorn woman need?

What kind of man suits her, the Capricorn woman herself decides. Definitely, she will choose a man who strives to achieve high goals in life, who has a sharp mind and a desire for financial well-being. This woman is able to make her man not only happy, but also successful. Capricorn women marry for love and are very devoted to their chosen one. A man born under the sign of Aries, Taurus, Gemini or Cancer is perfect for her.

Capricorn women - what are they like in love?

In their youth, Capricorn women often experience a period of unrequited love. The subject of their sighing may never know about the feelings of the Capricorn girl, because she hides them behind seven seals, and sometimes even from herself. For sex without a relationship, a Capricorn woman is very conservative, for her this option is not possible. This woman takes love very seriously. Under no circumstances will he change his partner. The family will become an excellent hostess, will wisely manage the finances in the family. A strict but caring mother will come out of her. partner will not be able to forgive, it is easy to decide to break with him.

Capricorn woman - what is she like in bed?

Despite external stiffness, a Capricorn woman can be a passionate lover. In bed with her man, she throws off her sternness and stiffness. Sometimes quickly excited even from simple touches. In relation to a partner, he can take a dominant position. Some Capricorns are attracted to tied-handed, gagged games. This woman needs a partner who can give hours of bliss, because in sex she is attracted to the process itself.

This constellation is ruled by Saturn. This explains the stubbornness, stamina and endurance of Capricorns. Step by step, those born under this sign go to the intended goal and ultimately achieve their goal. We will talk more about the nature of Capricorns in our article.

General characteristics of the sign

Capricorns are quite reserved and self-confident. Such people will never impress appearance. They rarely discuss their own, considering it above their own dignity. Thanks to this, they make a special impression on others.

The nature of Capricorns pushes all representatives of this sign to strive to rise to the very top. This applies to both spiritual and life components. Most Capricorns are a rock that stands up to difficult situations.

As a rule, it is Capricorns who know how to be cold-blooded and heartless. Therefore, those born under this sign are future businessmen, officials and politicians who have the ability to conclude any profitable deals.

The main features of most Capricorns are modesty, moderation, lack of imagination, poise, frugality. Such people do not follow fashion and prefer to dress in a way that suits them. Those born under this sign like to look correct rather than interesting.

Capricorn man. Character

Stubborn. The mind is quite developed. Representatives of the strong half of humanity, born under the most hardy and stable people - both morally and physically.

Secretive and ambitious inside, they live only in reality. Capricorn (character description in our article) is very hardworking. Success attracts him with terrible force. Step by step, very slowly but swiftly, he conquers his goal, overcoming every obstacle with diligence, perseverance and unimaginable patience. Nothing and no one can stop Capricorn from following the intended path.

Even in childhood, he sets a goal and independently tries to strive for its implementation. The same goes for work. The nature of Capricorns makes you analyze every detail, make plans, put things in order in your thoughts, so as not to return to trifles later. This worker is valued in every field. He is an excellent industrialist and a talented statesman.

Capricorn is a man. character in communication

Those born under this sign are surrounded by love and respect, but it is very difficult to get close to them. Capricorns are quite closed and not ready to be frank. Such people are respectable and stable. A decision will never be made without first considering every little thing. He is not characterized by risk and impulsiveness.

Often, those born under this sign are shy and sensitive, but they try to hide it carefully. Their pride sometimes becomes an obstacle to communication and a cause of suffering.

We should also talk about the nature of the Capricorn Snake. Such a nature is rather contradictory, so most of the features inherent in Capricorn disappear abruptly under the influence of this creeping animal. Such people analyze information well, have good intuition, often think first and then act. Snakes-Capricorns are eloquent and creatively developed. They are very sexy and charming, although they rarely use these qualities.

Horoscope: Capricorn. The nature of the Capricorn woman

The sense of smell and beauty of these women will never run dry. At the age of 35, men like them more than at 20. But caring for such a girl is not easy enough. She always builds a high wall between herself and her fans.

Women born under the sign of Capricorn value their independence. They are amazing directors, managers, administrators and teachers.

The main character traits of Capricorn women

Their main qualities are practicality, rigor and independence. Such women, however, like Capricorn men, slowly but surely follow their goal. They build the foundation for a long time, and then assemble everything brick by brick.

Capricorn women do not pay attention to prices, they buy whatever they like. In the eyes of others, representatives of this sign seem to be weak rivals who do not show initiative and submit to various unfavorable circumstances. But this is not so - these women prefer to silently strive for their goal, not showing anyone their true aspirations and ideas.

The nature of the Capricorn child

The negative qualities of children born under the sign of Capricorn are narrow-mindedness, tediousness, inflexibility, suspicion, jealousy, melancholy and a tendency to loneliness.

The child is very timid and shy, especially when adult strangers are present. These babies are very interesting to watch. They slowly and with all seriousness independently master external world. Capricorn children are very similar to small adults, because, despite their age, they take life seriously. They are hard enough to make fun of. Such children are always tense and rarely relax, so the main task of parents is the ability to create a warm and comfortable environment for them.

With a Capricorn child, you should laugh more often, tell him fairy tales and fantastic stories so that he learns to fantasize at least a little.

These children love being alone. Loud and crowded environments are alien to them. Therefore, you should not force the child to visit if he does not want to.

You should also not be afraid that the baby, because of his love for loneliness, does not develop in such a way. Such children move through life very slowly, in small steps, gradually peering and studying the world around them.

Parents will never have problems with discipline, because Capricorn children are very responsible. They love to be talked to like adults. Parents should take their child to various exhibitions and museums more often. This will bring unearthly pleasure to the Capricorn baby. Get close to him so that in adolescence there are no serious problems with education.

with other characters

Capricorn, the character whose compatibility is discussed in our article, gets along rather badly with Aries, Libra and Cancer. A favorable union will be with Virgo, Scorpio, Taurus and Pisces.

With Taurus, Capricorns will have mutual understanding and great love. Relations with Gemini are better not to build at all. Friendly relations are possible only with Leo. This tandem is not suitable for love and marriage.

There will be no happy and strong marriage with Aquarius. The same goes for Sagittarius.

The Sun enters the tenth constellation of the Zodiac in winter. Depending on whether it is a leap year or a regular year, it stays in it from December 20-21 to January 19-20. In the harsh winter, life in nature freezes.

The sun appears briefly and does not warm. Only the strong in spirit and healthy in body can survive in such conditions. Capricorn women are endowed with these qualities with a vengeance.

The element of Capricorn is Earth. In women born under the sign of this mythical creature The ground never leaves from under your feet. They are reasonable, thorough and reliable. At first glance, such qualities are good for men, but only at first. Capricorn women are the foundation of the family, its heart and brain. They are so wise that a man will never guess that he is a “slave” and not a “leader”.

Saturn is the planet that rules Capricorn women. She dictates to them the unwritten rules of life under the motto "Need". Hence the iron discipline, and willpower.

Their sympathy and affection correspond to the character of the Capricorn ladies. They prefer shades of brown, from beige to dark chocolate and a palette of purple tones. Of the Capricorn stones, they intuitively choose warm amber and onyx, which feeds them with energy. Lucky numbers are 3, 5, 7, 8 and 14, and the auspicious day of the week is Saturday. Fortune is favorable to them on the numbers 7, 12, 17. On these days of the month, they are especially lucky.

Capricorn is an earth sign


Capricorn women refute conventional stereotypes. Their weapons are not weakness and tears, but inner strength and common sense. They are not inclined to reflection, do not hover in the clouds, do not make fantastic plans. They spend almost no time on women's tricks to look better than they really are.

Young Capricorns, unlike their peers, realize early on that the natural blush and radiance of young skin is more attractive than even the most skillful makeup. The natural, though not flashy, beauty of Capricorns stands out against the background of the war paint of their girlfriends. Over the years, Capricorn women flourish, the contrast with their peers becomes striking. In a 40-year-old fresh fit lady, it is difficult to recognize that simple girl as she was at 18 years old. Yes, and she looks so youthful that you will never give 40 until you look at your passport.

A Capricorn woman is characterized by laconicism and good breeding. She is tactful and always aristocratically restrained, regardless of status and upbringing. Whether she grew up in a large, working-class family or was the only adored child of intelligent parents, she always behaves like a “blood princess”.


Warehouse character dictates the eternal desire for success. On the way to him, a woman is capable of showing incredible perseverance, bordering on stubbornness. At school, she will be an excellent student, she will pass the sessions at the university on time with maximum scores, and at work she will become the “right hand” of the leader and will mark in his place.

She needs career growth not so much for vanity, but for satisfying inexhaustible ideas and implementing plans. They are clearly thought out, calculated and felt. Heightened intuition allows you to subconsciously weigh all the risks and profits that promises new project. Sometimes her decisions seem reckless, but the future shows how far-sighted they were.


The steel character is able to overcome the blows of fate, but still they can, if not break the Capricorn woman, then undermine her strength. Then she will begin to feel sad, fall into black melancholy. There will be pessimistic notes in assessing the prospects and their own capabilities.

Close people definitely need to support her in such moments. To convince of one's own exclusivity, but this must be done very carefully, because Capricorn will immediately feel the false participation. He perceives criticism in his address painfully, as a reproach to the imperfection of nature.

Present comments, if they are really on the merits, you need to be reasoned and in a recommendatory form. Then the Capricorn woman will calmly analyze them and draw the right conclusions. They will benefit the common cause, strengthen her confidence in own forces. She perceives raised, derogatory tones as a personal insult. It will not descend to a scandal, argue and shout at the opponent, too, but it will cool off towards him, up to a complete break in relations.

What needs to be worked on

The Capricorn woman lacks one quality - the ability to let go of the situation. She is too stubborn, not sparing herself, goes to the intended goal. She has a lot of strength, but still you should take care of yourself so as not to burn out over solving the problem today. The obstinacy of Capricorn girls is worthy of respect, but is detrimental to health. She needs to learn to spare herself, to evenly distribute the load on subordinates and family members.

How to conquer a Capricorn woman

This is easy and hard to do at the same time. Sometimes she herself is favorable to the applicant, who does not differ in appearance or material wealth. Her innate perspicacity helps to look into the future and see there, instead of an awkward youngster, an adult man who has achieved incredible heights. If she paid attention to young man, then he can be envied - his prospects are bright.

An attempt to win the heart of Capricorn with beautiful courtship (gifts, compliments, grand gestures) will fail. She will favorably accept signs of attention and be around for some time. Only the confidence that behind all the candy-bouquet tinsel is the true feeling of a worthy person will keep her for a long time.

If, in some incredible way, a man manages to convince her of his own value, it’s too early to rest on his laurels. All promises must be backed up with deeds. The Capricorn woman will not tolerate an infantile man lying on the couch in "search for himself." She will very soon understand the futility of the relationship and break them instantly, without a chance for rehabilitation.

Her ability to separate the main from the secondary will play into the hands of a man. If a Capricorn woman appreciates his merits, she will close her eyes to minor flaws. Who doesn't have them? But do not confuse with bad habits. Here she will show strength of character and deliver an ultimatum. Make no mistake with the choice. Losing it is easy, but getting it back is almost impossible.

Love and marriage

A Capricorn woman will make the wife that men dream of: calm, reasonable, practical, able to make love beautifully and tastefully. Sex and love are inseparable concepts for her, so she will never become easy prey for womanizers. Faithful wife will help with wise advice in business, endure the hardships of an unsettled life, show herself to be an excellent hostess and an intricate lover.

She does not perceive household chores as a thankless job, but does it with pleasure and pedantry. Home holidays in the Capricorn family are always cheerful, and the table is replete with pickles and delicacies. She knows how to love strongly and selflessly, without complaining about a difficult lot. It brings her joy that the house is a full bowl and a reliable marina for loved ones.

You can always ask her for advice. The answer will not be on duty, but constructive and thoughtful. She is not afraid to admit her mistakes. “How could you do this?” - do not wait for this question. Most likely she will say: “We need to think about how to solve this problem.”

However, with all the patience and wisdom of Capricorn, they should not be tested for too long. She will not throw tantrums and break dishes, pouring out the accumulated negativity. A Capricorn woman will express her dissatisfaction delicately, but it is imperative to listen to her words, otherwise she will move from words to deeds. Then happy life her chosen one can suddenly turn into loneliness.

Suitable profession

Under the sign of Capricorn, women are born who can make a dizzying career. They are consistent in achieving the goal, striving for excellence, hardworking, full of healthy ambition. An experienced leader can safely throw them into the most difficult areas.

They will not let you down, but they will wait for a fair assessment of the efforts made - career advancement, salary increases. Not to demand, but with an inherent sense of justice to expect that they will be rewarded according to their deserts. This is usually what happens.

Capricorn women become excellent bank workers, government officials, doctors, scientists, investigators.

Where there is not enough natural talent, they will take a thorough study of the topic - it is never too late for them to learn. Actresses and musicians born under the sign of Capricorn achieve popularity because they initially soberly assess their talent. Among them, "unrecognized geniuses" are rarely found.


Capricorn girls are no different from their peers. They get sick, like everyone else, with standard childhood diseases. However, they are prone to food allergies and, as a result, to dermatitis, skin rashes, easily pick up rotavirus infection. gastrointestinal tract in general weakness Therefore, parents need to carefully choose foods for their daily diet.

Despite the natural balance, in childhood, girls often get injured. Immunity grows stronger in them quickly. Already at school, it may happen that out of the entire class that has fallen down from the flu, only Capricorns remain healthy. As adults, they surprise with excellent health.

The only thing that can undermine them immune system- this is hard work without sleep and rest, or a losing streak. Then Capricorns begin to look for a way out of the situation with their inherent persistence. They are overwhelmed by heavy thoughts, causing insomnia and overwork. They will cope, but do not abuse their responsibility and diligence.

How to raise a Capricorn child girl

In infancy, the girl will surprise her relatives with an unusually calm disposition. As she gets older, there will be few problems with her. She explores the world very carefully, with adult thoughtfulness. Childish, noisy games likes to contemplate more than to take part in them. She likes quiet, creative activities, so that the parents of the baby Capricorn have great opportunities for early development.

She does not need to be persuaded or forced to sit down to draw, sculpt, learn to read. She will gladly do everything that her mother offers. If she has lost interest in learning, then it is useless to insist on continuing. It may not come to tears, but remorse cannot be avoided when a child with unchildish seriousness expresses his protest against violence against a person. Parents should establish communication with her on an equal footing.

You really need to respect the little personality, and not play the role of democratic dad and mom, otherwise the insightful Capricorn will intuitively feel insincerity.

Then the child, so laconic, can completely withdraw into himself. Soft trust and tender care - that's what the girl needs all the time. Everything will return a hundredfold in a few years. Capricorn daughters know how to be grateful.