Fast carbohydrates. Carbohydrates for weight loss: exclude fast ones, lean on slow ones Why are porridges good?

All people want to be healthy and beautiful. But not every person knows how to achieve this. Our first action is to analyze our diet. It’s not for nothing that they say: “We are what we eat.” Carbohydrates are the direct fuel for the human body. But how to choose the right and useful ones? What are they? What products do they contain?

Biological role of carbohydrates

The human body is a kind of perpetual motion machine that requires a constant supply of fuel. The last thing is food, or more precisely, the carbohydrates (sugars or saccharides) contained in it. As a result of the oxidation of one gram of it, a little more than 4 kcal of energy and 0.4 g of water are released. This is enough for 1 second of running at maximum speed. In general, it is believed that the life activity of an average person requires from 1500 to 1700 kcal per day. But the energy function of carbohydrates, although the most important, is not the only one.

Saccharides provide regulation of blood osmotic pressure. This is manifested in the fact that it contains more than 100 mg/% glucose (the simplest form of carbohydrates).

These organic substances are part of complex molecules involved in building DNA. And they perform a plastic function.

Carbohydrates form cellular receptors responsible for the perception of external stimuli.

As for the support function, in the human body their share ranges from 2-3% of body weight. For comparison: the dry mass of plants consists of 80% carbohydrates. That is why the main source of these organic matter For humans it is plant food.

Classification of carbohydrates

Indivisible structural units Each carbohydrate contains saccharides. Depending on their quantity, they are distinguished:

  • monosaccharides, or monomers (contain one structural unit);
  • disaccharides (contain two monosaccharides);
  • oligosaccharides (contain from two to ten structural units - monosaccharides);
  • polysaccharides (contain more than ten monosaccharides).

In addition, according to the ability to break down into the smallest components, all types of saccharides are divided into slow and fast carbohydrates or simple and complex. Slow ones include oligo- and polysaccharides, and fast ones include mono- and disaccharides.

The most famous monosaccharides are glucose and fructose, disaccharides are sucrose (ordinary sugar), polysaccharides are starch and cellulose (a component of the cell walls of higher plants).

Glycemic index: the rate at which carbohydrate foods are converted into glucose

Chemical processes in the body convert any type of carbohydrate into the final product of absorption - glucose. In order to characterize the rate of its production from foods containing sugar, the concept of glycemic index (GI) was introduced.

For glucose, it is equal to the maximum, that is, 100. As for other foods, the higher the GI, the faster the blood sugar level rises after eating them. And vice versa. It is customary to distinguish three gradations of the glycemic index:

  • low (10-40);
  • medium (40-60);
  • high (60-100).

It is preferable for people to consume foods with slow carbohydrates, that is, with a low GI. Unfortunately, domestic manufacturers do not care about what GI their products have, but this index can be found quite often on the packaging of European food products.

Slow carbohydrates - the basis of the food pyramid

The food pyramid (or food pyramid) developed by nutritionists suggests that the food that forms its base should make up the majority (about 65%) of a person’s daily diet.

At the very bottom of this pyramid are three food groups, namely fruits, vegetables and grains. As we already know, the mentioned plant food sources give a person the desired slow carbohydrates that smoothly saturate the blood with glucose. This ensures a measured flow of energy between the next steps food. In this case, the processing of proteins and fats occurs without failure, and the pancreas does not overdo it, since there is no need to produce excess insulin to “process” glucose.

Carbohydrate foods are best absorbed by the body in the first half of the day - for breakfast and lunch. It is recommended to have a protein meal for dinner.

To facilitate the formation of a rational menu, you can make a list of food products containing slow carbohydrates. The list of such products is a kind of cheat sheet, having it in front of your eyes every day, preparing a varied and nutritious menu will not be at all difficult. Over time, choosing the right foods will become a habit.

Slow carbohydrates: food list

Vegetables, fruits, legumes and grains are considered sources of complex sugars.

For smooth functioning of the body, products from each of the above groups are recommended to be consumed for breakfast and lunch. The ratio of vegetables and fruits is taken to be 3:2. One serving is 150 g, so you need to eat about 450 g of vegetables and 300 g of fruit per day.

Let's take a closer look at the list of food products containing slow carbohydrates. Food List - A table that includes not only relevant food sources, but also their glycemic index. We will classify as healthy foods those food products that have a low and medium GI, because they do not lead to sudden surges in blood sugar.

Healthy vegetables and fruits

Having a low GI level, vegetables and fruits supply the body with vitamins, minerals, microelements and fiber, which contributes to the efficient functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Such products suppress appetite, provide little energy and thereby stimulate the body's resources to break down existing fats. By consuming vegetables and fruits together, you can reduce the calorie content of dishes with a high glycemic index.

Slow carbohydrates: table of vegetables (legumes) and fruits


Glycemic index

Parsley, basil

Mushrooms, garlic, lettuce, lettuce, tomatoes, green peppers, raw onions, fresh cabbage, broccoli, greens

Brussels sprouts, poached zucchini, stewed and pickled white cabbage, boiled cauliflower, green onions, leeks, red peppers, radishes, turnips, black currants, soybeans, asparagus, cauliflower stewed, spinach

Fresh apricots, cherry plums, lingonberries, cherries, sweet cherries, crushed yellow peas, grapefruit, blackberries, seaweed, fresh cucumbers, plums, soybeans, blueberries, prunes, lentils

Dried apricots, oranges, green bananas, black beans, white currants, dry green peas, pomegranate, pear, sprouted rye grains, figs, cauliflower, strawberries, red currants, raspberries, young peas, raw carrots, nectarine, sea buckthorn, green beans , apples

Grapes, blueberries, canned green peas, green beans, green pea, strawberries, strawberries, coconut, gooseberries, tangerines, white beans,

Bananas, sweet potatoes, canned sweet corn, mango, papaya, persimmon

Healthy grains

Cereal products can be called the “golden mean” among food products, since they provide a lot of energy, but at the same time saturate the body with it quite slowly.

But it should be remembered that cereal porridges instant cooking and porridges with flavoring additives lose their “healthy” properties due to the presence of simple sugars and excessive grain polishing.

Slow Carbs: List of Grain Products


Glycemic index

Pearl barley porridge on water, rice bran

Quinoa, maize

Buckwheat porridge crumbly, oatmeal sticky on water cereals raw, wheat cereals, barley cereals

Buckwheat porridge in water, brown rice, oatmeal cookies, bran, crumbly pearl barley porridge, viscous and crumbly millet porridge in water, wild rice, barley porridge

Fast carbohydrates - potential fat

The tip of the iceberg called the “food pyramid” consists of food ingredients that should be consumed extremely rarely, as they say, on holidays. And these foods are rich in fast carbohydrates, which contribute to excess weight gain. Yes, it turns out that 90% of body fat is formed by saccharides, and not fats from food, as we all used to think.

The harm of fast carbohydrates is that they very sharply increase blood sugar levels, provoking the release of excessive amounts of insulin, the main task of which is to reduce the concentration of glucose in the blood. At the same time, the pancreas begins to suffer, since excess insulin production exhausts it.

Insulin is also called the “weight hormone.” And for good reason. Having started working with glucose, it catalyzes its conversion into glycogen - a storage carbohydrate that is deposited in the liver and muscles. If a new portion of fuel does not enter the body for some time, glycogen will again break down into glucose and provide the person with the necessary energy. But constant overeating will eventually cause it to turn into fat, and weight gain is guaranteed.

To control your intake of “bad” carbohydrates, have a list of fast and slow carbohydrates within easy reach.

Foods that contain fast carbohydrates

Products with a high (above 60) GI include mainly products made from white flour (bakery and pasta), refined rice, confectionery, carbonated drinks, alcohol and... potatoes, due to the high concentration of starch.

List of foods containing fast carbohydrates


Glycemic index

Couscous, instant oatmeal, croissants, instant noodles, pasta, wheat flour, dried fruit compote, boiled potatoes

Semolina porridge, millet, millet, steamed white rice, pancakes, wheat bagel, sponge cake, custard, shortbread, donuts, carbonated drinks, fried zucchini, beets

Popcorn, loaf, rolls, muesli, tapioca, rice bread, corn flakes, boiled carrots

Instant rice porridge, white bread, hot dog bun, fried white croutons, rice flour, beer, fried potatoes, baked potatoes

Benefits of fast carbohydrates

Despite their high GI, simple sugars still have some positive qualities. The most important thing is their ability to quickly fill the body with energy and provide a surge of strength. Athletes often use this property.

After grueling workouts, muscle glycogen stores are depleted, which can lead to trembling arms and legs, a general loss of strength and cold sweats. Insulin release will help quickly replenish glycogen reserves. As mentioned earlier, this can be triggered by a sharp increase in blood sugar concentration. Along with insulin, amino acids and other substances enter the muscles. useful material, promoting protein formation - building material. It is these features of carbohydrate metabolism that bodybuilders use to build muscle mass.

Carbohydrate diet for weight loss

The principle of the carbohydrate diet is quite simple: it is necessary to control the amount of sugar consumed in food so as not to cause excess unspent energy, which will subsequently settle in the form of fat deposits.

In no case should you skip main meals, since a prolonged lack of fuel will give the body a signal to store it for future use. And this, again, excess weight.

Choose foods with low and medium GI more often, limit the consumption of ordinary sugar and other sweets, and increase physical activity.

At first, a special table of fast and slow carbohydrates will help, and over time, taking care of your health will become an invariable part of your new life.

The table of fast carbohydrates (simple) will be useful to anyone who wants to lose weight or maintain their ideal weight.

Thanks to the table of fast carbohydrates (which is needed in order to effectively burn extra calories and lose weight), You will be able to create the right diet and not completely give up your usual, delicious products nutrition. It is very important to approach the process of losing weight wisely, plan your menu correctly, then you will look slim and fit, feel cheerful and light, and you won’t have to starve for this. And in order not to get fat and be energetic, you need to give up “bad” fast carbohydrates or at least minimize their amount in your diet.

If you still consume fast carbohydrates, then you need to do this exclusively in the first half of the day before 12:00, because. It is at this time that the body absorbs them best and gives you strength, energy and vigor for the whole day. If you eat fast (simple) carbohydrates, then you need to eat them for breakfast, slow carbohydrates (complex) for lunch, and for dinner it is better to eat protein foods.

Below in the text you will find a table of fast carbohydrates, which contains a list of the main fast carbohydrates, indicating the glycemic index in descending order and their carbohydrate content in grams per 100 g of product.

Carbohydrates- these are substances whose molecules consist of oxygen, carbon and hydrogen. In the process of metabolism, they turn into a source of energy, the most important “fuel” for the body - glucose. Once glucose enters the body, it is used for energy, and unused glucose is stored as glycogen in muscle tissue and liver in reserve or in the form of subcutaneous and intra-abdominal fat. Glycogen is a polysaccharide formed by glucose residues, a reserve carbohydrate for the body.

Carbohydrates are divided into fast (simple) and slow (complex):

Fast carbohydrates- These are carbohydrates with a high glycemic index.

Fast carbohydrates have a glycemic index above 50 and cause a sharp increase in blood glucose, leading to hyperglycemia and, if abused, obesity.

What basic foods are rich in fast carbohydrates, which are extremely harmful for slim figure and general condition of the body (see full table below):

  • sugar and products with its addition;
  • ice cream;
  • preserves, jams;
  • white bread, white flour products (cakes, pastries, cookies, buns);
  • sweet carbonated drinks;
  • alcohol (especially spirits and beer);
  • fast food;
  • fried or fried potatoes;
  • soft wheat pasta.

Nutritionists call all of the above products a poison for the body, of course, not fatal, but gradually doing its job. Daily consumption of products from the above list puts a very large load on the pancreas that produces insulin and puts it at risk. endocrine system. From the systematic consumption of these products, blood sugar rises and falls spasmodically, putting a strain on the body and nervous system, provoking sudden changes in mood and energy of the body.

Regarding fast carbohydrates in the form of some fruits and honey, of course they have a high glycemic index, but they also contain many useful microelements and fiber, so they must be present in the diet, but they must be consumed correctly.

It is quite simple to identify high-carbohydrate foods without knowing their chemical composition; foods with a high carbohydrate content and a high glycemic index are sweet foods and flour products.

It is important to remember that “bad” carbohydrates lead to obesity!

Slow carbohydrates- These are carbohydrates with a low glycemic index.

Slow carbohydrates have a glycemic index below 50 and unlike fast ones, they are absorbed slowly, hence the name, thereby glucose evenly enters the blood without sudden surges in sugar.

These carbohydrates primarily include cereals, whole grains and some starchy foods - beans, lentils, as well as vegetables and most fruits, which, as already mentioned, are rich in fiber, which is very beneficial for the body.

In order to simplify the use of knowledge about fast and slow carbohydrates, scientists introduced the term “glycemic index”.

Glycemic index

The ability of carbohydrates to increase blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia), determined by the glycemic index. This term was first coined in 1976 as a result of a unique scientific study, the purpose of which was to create a list of foods that are ideal for patients with diabetes.

Glycemic index or abbreviated as (GI) is an indicator of the influence of the food eaten on changes in glucose levels (Sahara) in blood. The glycemic index of glucose is taken as 100, and all food products rich in glucose have their own individual GI, which is compared with the GI of glucose and shows the rate of breakdown and absorption of carbohydrates by the body.

Fast carbohydrates and training, sports

As we have already learned, there are fast and slow carbohydrates, they differ in the rate of absorption, which is why they got their names. There are recommendations for the use of fast and slow carbohydrates in combination with training. It is recommended to consume slow carbohydrates a couple of hours before training so that they provide energy evenly throughout the entire workout, and fast ones after training during the so-called “carbohydrate window”, which lasts approximately 30 minutes from the end of the workout.

Why is it recommended to consume fast carbohydrates after training? - The fact is that after intense physical activity, a period of recovery of the body begins, fast carbohydrates contribute to rapid recovery muscle glycogen.

Of course, if you don’t train, then slow carbohydrates are much healthier than fast ones, because. Fast carbohydrates are most often transformed into fat. But not when you train, after an intense workout, a small portion of the “correct” fast carbohydrates (about 100 grams) will not only allow you to restore the energy expended by the muscles, but also awakens a feeling of hunger in the body, and 100 g of fast carbohydrates is small enough to satisfy the feeling of hunger, so the body begins to use its personal reserves in the form of fat and begins to burn fat. Thus, a small portion of fast carbohydrates after training will only be beneficial. Fast carbohydrates are indispensable when you need to restore strength after an intense workout.

With what faster body and the muscles will recover, the more intense the next workout will be. Therefore, it is sometimes recommended to eat 100 g of fast carbohydrates not even during the “carbohydrate window”, but within 4 hours after training, and within 24 hours you can eat about 600 g of carbohydrates to restore strength.

The best fast carbohydrates after training are honey, jam, dried fruits, sweet fruits (bananas are very good), White rice, soft pasta. Regarding the quantity, everything is individual and depends on your goals in sports. For example, if you want to gain weight, then you need to eat more than to simply satisfy your hunger. And if you are afraid that beneficial effect training can lead to muscle catabolism (muscle catabolism is the breakdown of muscle tissue), i.e. in negative, then eat as much as required, the body itself will tell you.

But still, during training, the “carbohydrate window” is best time for eating fast carbohydrates!

Table of fast carbohydrates (simple)

Table of fast carbohydrates with high GI (GI 70 and above)

The product's name Glycemic index
Dates 146 72,1
Loaf (white bread) 136 53,4
Alcohol 115 from 0 to 53
Beer 3.0% 115 3,5
Corn syrup 115 76,8
Ripe watermelon 103 7,5
Baked goods, cakes, pastries and fast food 103 69,6
Coca-Cola and carbonated drinks 102 11,7
Sugar 100 99,8
Toast from white bread 100 46,7
Long loaf croutons 100 63,5
Parsnip 97 9,2
Rice noodles 95 83,2
French fries, fried or baked 95 26,6
Starch 95 83,5
Canned apricots 91 67,1
Canned peaches 91 68,6
Rice noodles 91 83,2
Polished rice 90 76,0
Honey 90 80,3
Pasta made from soft wheat varieties 90 74,2
Swede 89 7,7
Hamburger bun 88 50,1
Premium wheat flour 88 73,2
Boiled carrots 85 5,2
White bread 85 from 50 to 54
Cornflakes 85 71,2
Celery 85 3,1
Turnip 84 5,9
Salty crackers 80 67,1
Muesli with nuts and raisins 80 64,6
Condensed milk 80 56,3
White rice, polished 80 78,6
Beans 80 8,7
Candy caramel 80 97
Boiled corn 77 22,5
Zucchini 75 5,4
Patissons 75 4,8
Pumpkin 75 4,9
Dietary wheat bread 75 46,3
Semolina 75 73,3
Cream cake 75 75,2
Squash caviar 75 8,1
Rice flour 75 80,2
Crackers 74 71,3
Citrus juices 74 8,1
Millet and millet groats 71 75,3
Compotes 70 14,3
Brown sugar (cane) 70 96,2
Corn flour and grits 70 73,5
Semolina 70 73,3
Milk chocolate, marmalade, marshmallows 70 from 67.1 to 82.6
Chocolates and bars 70 73
Canned fruits 70 from 68.2 to 74.9
Ice cream 70 23,2
Glazed curd cheese 70 9,5
Millet 70 70,1

Table of fast carbohydrates with average GI (GI from 50 to 70)

The product's name Glycemic index Carbohydrate content in g per 100 g.
Fresh pineapple 66 13,1
Oat flakes 66 67,5
Black bread 65 49,8
Melon 65 8,2
Raisin 65 71,3
Figs 65 13,9
Canned corn 65 22,7
Canned peas 65 6,5
Juices packaged with sugar 65 15,2
Dried apricots 65 65,8
Unpolished rice 64 72,1
Grape 64 17,1
Boiled beets 64 8,8
Boiled potatoes 63 16,3
Sprouted wheat 63 41,4
Fresh carrots 63 7,2
Pork tenderloin 61 5,7
Bananas 60 22,6
Coffee or tea with sugar 60 7,3
Dried fruits compote 60 14,5
Mayonnaise 60 2,6
Processed cheese 58 2,9
Papaya 58 13,1
Sweet, fruity yogurt 57 8,5
Sour cream, 20% 56 3,4
Persimmon 50 33,5
Mango 50 14,4

In their quest to lose weight, those losing weight sometimes quickly and sharply reduce the consumption of all carbohydrates, citing the fact that they are high in calories, and reducing the sugars in food will only encourage the body to burn its own fat reserves. But this is fundamentally wrong - for normal functioning a person needs fats and. Another question is that there are different types of carbohydrates.

Nutritionists divide this group of nutrients into several types, the most harmful of which are simple or so-called fast ones. And although the latter contain much more calories, a deficiency of easily broken down elements is unacceptable, since they regulate many physiological processes occurring in the body.

Energy in a few minutes, or what are fast carbohydrates?

Depending on the structure and structure, saccharides have varying degrees of nutritional value and satiation, which is characterized by the time of splitting of the carbohydrate chain in the intestine and the ability to provide the body with energy in as soon as possible due to rapid decomposition to the main component - glucose. Simple carbohydrates consist of one or two molecules of structural monomers various groups, determining the properties of the nutrient and its physiological significance for the body. To the most famous monosaccharides include:

To the most common bimolecular sugars The diet includes:

  • raffinose;
  • maltose;
  • lactose;
  • sucrose.
In fact, carbohydrates are represented by a wider range of chemical compounds, including food acids, alcohols, aldoses, ketoses and amino sugars. All of them have good water-soluble characteristics and often have a sweetish taste. Simple energy sources come from highly nutritious food, which is quickly absorbed, gives the body most of the glucose and fructose it needs. In case of carbohydrate starvation or in too long intervals between meals, the body begins to use up glycogen reserves, which are depleted after 14-18 hours, and the consumption of simple carbohydrates - The best way replenish them. In addition, fast carbohydrates have a mutually converting ability, which gives the body the opportunity to obtain one or another form of saccharide. You can find out more about it in a separate issue.

The benefits of using them

Being the main energy “fuel”, carbohydrates provide vital forces all human body, helping in processing and absorption of proteins and fats. The ideal balance between the amount consumed and the amount needed can guarantee good health and excellent mood.

Fast carbohydrates are irreplaceable when it is necessary to provide the body with energy for exercise. heavy physical work, as well as after an active workout to restore strength. A sharp increase in blood glucose is characterized by insulin surges, which explains increased blood circulation and increased muscle tone, it helps to overcome nausea, dizziness, and faintness.

Medical studies have shown that fast carbohydrates participate in a number of vital processes:

  • help cope with stressful situations and reduce the likelihood of depression;
  • replenish the glycogen supply in liver cells, which on average is about 400-450 g;
  • participate in the formation and construction of the cellular framework;
  • control the course of all metabolic processes and the production of necessary hormones and enzymes;
  • help neutralize toxic substances and eliminate symptoms of intoxication;
  • maintain optimal blood sugar levels;
  • normalize brain activity and help a person concentrate during active mental work.

During regular intense physical activity, simple carbohydrates consumed during large quantities, accelerate the burning of subcutaneous fat and breakdown fatty acids, which leads to a decrease in body weight.

This mechanism catalyzes recovery processes and is similar in its effect to the effect of taking anabolic hormones. Mono- and disaccharides They are also an integral part of some diets at the stage of gaining muscle mass and prevent atrophy and destruction of muscle fiber. But you shouldn’t overuse them - sugar spikes will definitely provoke a deterioration in mood and loss of strength.

The place of simple carbohydrates in weight loss and healthy eating

Making a diet and adhering to the principles proper nutrition, as a source of simple carbohydrates, you need to choose the most beneficial foods for the body, giving preference to, and, since in addition to carbohydrates they also contain dietary fats and acids. To products that can provide the body with “quick” energy, relate:

It's important to remember that grain and cereal products, which have high energy and nutritional value, it is recommended to eat before lunch, because at this time of day the body completely processes the substances it receives, without storing anything “in reserve”, and fruits - until 6 o’clock in the evening. Otherwise, they will become the worst enemy for the figure and the cause of formation extra pounds and pleats at the waist.

Don't neglect interchangeability of products– natural honey can be an excellent alternative to sugar, and fried potatoes baked on a grill, both a plate and a couple of oatmeal cookies with a spoonful of honey would be a good addition.

If we are talking about recovery after, then to satisfy hunger it is more advisable to choose special mixtures and sports cocktails with an optimally selected ratio proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Particular attention should be paid to the final goal - to increase the mass of carbohydrates, you will need several times more.

When choosing foods for a snack, you should give preference not to sweets and high-calorie flour products, but try to replace them with dried fruits or. You should approach the choice of cocoa-containing products and chocolate products wisely. If you can’t give up these sweets, you need to make a choice in favor of black bitter, which contains at least 70% cocoa. But it’s better to forget about chocolate bars, carbonated drinks and cookies forever - other than calories, they will not bring any benefit, however, these products are indispensable as an “ambulance” when the body needs urgent nourishment.

It is interesting that the so-called "fuel" products They give an instant feeling of satiety, inhibit the production of gastric juice, but, quickly digesting, leave behind a feeling of hunger. Therefore, within healthy eating their consumption should be minimal, which, in turn, does not mean complete refusal.

The maximum content of fast carbohydrates in confectionery and flour products, but their the nutritional value very deceptive - within 40-45 minutes after consumption, the body will deal with the incoming substances and require supplements. That is why those with a sweet tooth always have little and want more. Fast food also affects the body in the same way.

Cereals and porridges

More suitable for quickly replenishing glucose reserves grains, cereals and cereal products, which include porridges, the undisputed leaders among which are steamed rice, millet and corn grits . Don't forget about flour and bakery products, as well as starchy goods. This group of products includes dietary products and ready-made breakfasts, including muesli.

A good source of simple carbohydrates are fruits, sweet or citrus fruits, as well as berries and other horticultural crops. In addition to sugars, fruits contain vitamins and minerals, which undoubtedly increases their nutritional value.

Included dried fruits More sugars were found than in fresh fruits. The most nutritious are dates, figs and raisins. It is not recommended to eat dried fruits treated with syrups, as a result of which their calorie content increases several times.

A significant amount of carbohydrate nutrients is also found in . It is important to understand that freshly squeezed juice differs significantly from its industrial counterpart both in the content of useful elements and in the presence of dyes, preservatives and stabilizers. But ready-made packaged fruit and vegetable juices, due to the presence of granulated sugar in them, still satisfy hunger better and give an excellent surge of energy.

Keep up with juices and vegetables. Interestingly, the content of fast carbohydrates in yellow, red and orange varieties and types is several times higher than in green ones. For this reason, excessive consumption of sweet carrots or pumpkin can lead to excess weight gain.


The amount of carbohydrates in is determined by the presence in them milk sugar– lactose or granulated sugar artificially added during the manufacturing process. From this point of view, the most nutritious is yogurt with fruit fillings.

Beans, nuts and oils

Meat and fish

, (beef, pork, and) and its components do not contain carbohydrates at all. Their nutritional value is characterized only by proteins and fats.

Table of foods with fast carbohydrates

The list of products displayed in the table will help you determine the content of simple (fast) carbohydrates in them and plan your diet for weight loss.

Product name Carbohydrate content, g/100 g Glycemic index
72,1 146
53,4 136
Alcohol8,1 115
Beer, malt3,5 115
Corn syrup76,8 115
ripe7,5 103
Baked goods, cakes, pastries and fast food69,6 103
Coca-Cola and carbonated drinks11,7 102
Sugar99,8 100
White bread toast46,7 100
Long loaf croutons63,5 100
Parsnip9,2 97
Rice noodles83,2 95
French fries, fried or baked26,6 95
Starch83,5 95
Canned apricots67,1 91
canned68,6 91
Rice noodles83,2 91
polished76,0 90
80,3 90
Pasta made from soft wheat varieties74,2 90
Swede7,7 89
Hamburger bun50,1 88
Premium wheat flour73,2 88
boiled5,2 85
Cornflakes71,2 85
3,1 85
Turnip5,9 84
Salty crackers67,1 80
64,6 80
Condensed milk56,3 80
White rice, polished78,6 80
8,7 80
Candy caramel97 80
boiled22,5 77
5,4 75
Patissons4,8 75
4,9 75
Dietary wheat bread46,3 75
Semolina73,3 75
Cream cake75,2 75
Squash caviar8,1 75
Rice flour80,2 75
Crackers71,3 74
Citrus juices8,1 74
Compotes14,3 70
75,3 71
Brown sugar (cane)96,2 70
Flour and73,5 70
73,3 70
Milk chocolate, marmalade, marshmallows67,1-82,6 70
Chocolates and bars73 70
Canned fruits68,2-74,9 70
Ice cream23,2 70
Glazed curd cheese9,5 70
Millet70,1 70
67,5 66
Fresh pineapple13,1 65
Black bread49,8 65
Melon8,2 65
71,3 65
13,9 65
Canned corn22,7 65
Canned peas6,5 65
Juices packaged with sugar15,2 65
Unpolished rice72,1 64
65,8 65
17,1 64
boiled8,8 64
boiled16,3 63
41,4 63
Fresh carrots7,2 63
Pork tenderloin5,7 61
22,6 60
Coffee or with sugar7,3 60
Dried fruits compote14,5 60
Mayonnaise2,6 60
2,9 58
Papaya13,1 58
sweet, fruity8,5 57
Sour cream, 20%3,4 56
33,5 55
Mango14,4 55

If we consider food products from the point of view of content glucose, as the main source of energy, then in a fast way To compensate for the lack of saccharides, eat something from the list below.

Fructose, the second most essential monosaccharide, is found in large quantities mainly in berries and fruits. It is twice as sweet as sucrose, does not provoke increased production of insulin and is quickly eliminated from the body, which determines its use as a source of carbohydrates in dietary nutrition.

Product name Fructose content, g/100 g
Black currant4,2

Interestingly, a complete sugar replacement fructose sweeteners does not guarantee protection from gaining extra pounds, but, on the contrary, can provoke the development diabetes mellitus and even obesity.

Daily norm and excess carbohydrates

It is calculated that, in percentage terms, the total share of all carbohydrates consumed by a person should be about 55-60 % from the total amount of basic nutrients (proteins, fats and carbohydrates) or 100-120 g.

To ensure stable functioning, the body requires approximately 35-40 g fast carbohydrates. When nutrients are consumed excessively, they remain in the blood, causing an increase in sugar and cholesterol levels, which can adversely affect the condition of the heart and blood vessels, reducing their function and increasing the risk of the formation of plaques and blood clots, leading to various diseases. In addition, an excess or deficiency of mono- and disaccharides can lead to negative consequences, among which:

  • the development of diseases of the digestive system (in particular, abuse of fructose can cause liver dystrophy);
  • Frequent consumption of fructose in large quantities can significantly slow down or stop altogether the production of insulin, which will lead to the processing of excess blood sugar into subcutaneous fat;
  • changes in the acid-base balance of the stomach and intestines;
  • the occurrence of diseases of the oral cavity and teeth;
  • spontaneous increase/decrease in blood pressure;
  • disruption of all metabolic processes - protein, fat, etc.;
  • the occurrence of depressive states, frequent mood swings, weakness, drowsiness, apathy, headaches, dizziness and fainting;
  • excessive swelling, cellulite and diseases skin, which include dermatitis, diathesis and neurodermatitis;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

As a rule, all of the above dysfunctions are observed when trying to replace one source of carbohydrate with another in pursuit of lower calorie content. Revisiting the menu and reducing the consumption of easily digestible sources of simple saccharides will help restore the balance of carbohydrate forms in the body.

Interoperability and Compatibility

Fast carbohydrates are not always useless. Of course, the vast majority foods that increase blood glucose levels, consist of sweets, flour products, carbonated drinks and fast food products. But there are also those whose abandonment is undesirable, for example, rice, cereals, pumpkin, zucchini and carrots.

Nutritionists advise consuming such products along with protein foods, since proteins promote slower digestion of carbohydrates and prevent sudden surges in blood sugar. It is important to remember that in no case should you mix carbohydrates with fatty foods if such a diet is not prescribed by training or special diet. It is better to eat fruits and dried fruits separately. Interestingly, with different consumption, simple substances can help dry out the body or, conversely, gain muscle mass, but if eaten immediately before bed, they definitely will not help lose weight, since they block the production somatotropin– a hormone involved in the regulation of metabolic processes, the absorption of proteins and partly fats.

The love of simple carbohydrates can become a bad habit - they give an imaginary short-term feeling of fullness, after which even stronger hunger sets in, a surge of strength gives way to lethargy, and a smile gives way to anger, and you want to eat more and more. Proper organization and diet will help you avoid this vicious circle and keep your figure slim. After all, food should be not only tasty, but also healthy. When choosing a particular product, it is worth considering whether it is necessary for the body to function. Perhaps it would be better to replace a piece of chocolate with a handful of raisins?

The topic of “right” and “wrong” carbohydrates affects, for the most part, two types of people: those who care about their own bodies and diabetics. But this is not always correct - knowledge about carbohydrates, their beneficial and useless properties is also important for restoring health and immune system generally.

First of all, it is customary to discuss the harm of fast carbohydrates (or as they are also called simple carbohydrates). But we will start with the general.

Any carbohydrates are a source of glucose, a nutrient for our brain. And the division into fast and slow carbohydrates is determined by the rate of breakdown of carbohydrates into glucose.

Simple (fast) carbohydrates are broken down too quickly and cause an “insulin explosion” in our blood. They reach the brain as quickly as they reach fat stores. And most importantly, the energy from simple carbohydrates is not enough for a long time.

Complex (slow) carbohydrates are broken down very slowly. Insulin does not jump, all nutrients penetrate directly to the brain. Health and mood are normal. The silhouette is slender and fit, and there is more than enough strength!

Well, now let's move on to the specifics.

Foods that contain a lot of sugar (fast carbohydrates)

What are simple carbohydrates?

Fructose– found in sweet fruits. Sweeter fruit means more fructose. It is useful for diabetics. Thanks to it, the body's cells receive the necessary nutrition without the participation of insulin. Some fructose is processed by the liver into glucose.

Lactose– a carbohydrate that comes from dairy products. It can be absorbed only under one condition - if you do not suffer from lactase deficiency (such an enzyme). When fully digested, lactose is split into two components - glucose and galactose.

If absorption is inadequate, irritating phenomena appear in the stomach and intestines - heartburn, increased gas formation and other unpleasant moments.

40% of adults suffer from lactase deficiency - fermented milk products are excellent against this disease. Why? Because the lactase in them has long been converted into lactic acid.

Sucrose– the main component of refined sugar (95%) consists of sucrose. So frequent consumption of sugar causes an excess of quickly digestible carbohydrates, which instantly replenish our fat reserves.

Maltose- sugar obtained from malt. Have you already guessed? Yes, yes, this is primarily beer (so that’s where the beer belly comes from!?) Also, maltose is found in molasses and honey (oh yes, honey also makes you fat, so don’t overuse it). Although honey, in addition to everything else, contains a lot of vitamins and microelements that are beneficial for the body.

Where are simple carbohydrates?

  • Sugar;
  • Sweets;
  • Bakery;
  • Cakes;
  • Ice cream;
  • Milk;
  • Glazed cheese curds;
  • Alcohol (dry red wine does not count).

List of foods containing simple carbohydrates

Corn syrup115 Beer*110
Modified starch100 Glucose100
Wheat syrup, rice syrup100 Glucose syrup100
Rice flour95 Potato starch95
Maltodextrin95 Baked potatoes95
French fries, fried95 Gluten free white bread90
Potato flakes (instant)90 Sticky rice90
Arrowroot (arrow root)85 Carrots (cooked)*85
Celery root (cooked)*85 Cornflakes85
Wheat flour, refined85 Rice pudding85
Rice milk85 Corn starch85
Turnips, turnips (cooked)*85 Hamburger buns85
White breakfast bread (such as Harry's)85 Parsnip*85
Unsweetened popcorn85 Instant rice85
Puffed rice (similar to popcorn), rice biscuits85 Tapioca (cassava sago, a type of cereal)85
Pumpkin (various types)*75 Mashed potatoes80
Sweet corrugations (type of waffles)75 Donuts75
Watermelon*75 Lasagne (soft wheat)75
Rice with milk (with sugar)75 Round pumpkin*75
Bagels, bagels70 Puffed amaranth (similar to popcorn)70
Plantain bananas (used only when cooked)70 Baguette, white bread70
Biscotti (dry biscuits)70 Chocolate bars70
Porridge from corn flour(hominy)70 Biscuit70
Refined cereal mixture with sugar70 Brioche (bun)70
Cola, carbonated drinks, soda70 Chips70
Dates70 Croissant70
Gnocchi70 Corn flour70
Millet, millet, sorghum70 Syrup70
Matzo (white flour)70 Noodles (soft wheat)70
Polenta, corn grits70 Rice bread70
Ravioli (soft wheat)70 Boiled potatoes, without skin70
Standard white rice70 Risotto70
Breakfast Cereal Blend (Kellogg)70 Rutabaga, fodder beet70
Brown sugar70 White sugar (sucrose)70
Canned pineapple65 Tacos (corn tortillas)70
Standard jam with sugar65 Beets (cooked)65
Spelled (from refined flour)65 Couscous65
Peeled flour65 Chestnut flour65
Quince jelly (with sugar)65 Breadfruit65
Sugarcane juice (dry)65 Yam65
Marmalade with sugar65 Corn grains65
Muesli (with sugar, honey)65 Mars, Snickers, Nuts bars65
Chocolate bun65 Rice noodles65
Pecked bread (with leavened yeast)65 Rye bread (30% rye flour)65
Jacket potatoes (boiled)65 Wholemeal bread65
Raisin65 Jacket potatoes (steamed)65
Sorbet (with sugar)65 Maple syrup65
Apricots (canned, in syrup)60 Tamarind (sweet)65
Chestnut60 Dessert banana (ripe)60
Wholemeal flour60 Creamy ice cream (with sugar)60
Mayonnaise (industrial, with sugar)60 Lasagna (from durum wheat)60
Honey60 Melon*60
Milk-chocolate dry drinks60 Pearl barley60
Pizza60 Bread with milk60
Chocolate powder with sugar60 Oatmeal porridge60
Camargue rice (whole grain, from the Camargue region of France)60 Ravioli (durum wheat)60
Jasmine rice60 Long grain rice60
Shortbread cookies (flour, butter, sugar)55 Cereals from durum wheat60
Mango juice (no sugar)55 Bulgur (grain, cooked)55
Ketchup55 Grape juice (no sugar)55
Cassava (sweet)55 Cassava (bitter)55
Medlar55 Mustard (with added sugar)55
Papaya (fresh fruit)55 Nutella® paste55
Red rice55 Peaches canned in syrup55
Spaghetti (well cooked)55 Chicory syrup55
Tagliatelli (well cooked)55 Sushi55

So what is possible and healthy to eat?

  • Sweets with fructose;
  • Fruits;
  • Berries;
  • Nuts;
  • Birch juice;
  • Dry red wine.

Don't forget that everything is good in moderation. Even healthy foods from the list of fast carbohydrates will have a detrimental effect if you do not have time to stop eating them in time.

Are they even useful to anyone?

The answer is yes. Sometimes, athletes cannot do without quickly digestible carbohydrates - they spend too much energy on growing sculpted muscles. Therefore, before and after training, it is recommended to eat fruits, juices, nuts and carbohydrate supplements.

When sugar is consumed, the taste buds, gut, and brain activate the reward system. This activation is no different from how the body will react to other stimulants.

For one high-quality workout, you need about 150 grams of carbohydrates in the muscles. Without glycogen, which is obtained from glucose, you will not have enough energy for a long time. You will feel constant weakness and mood swings. Fast carbohydrates are an emergency way to accumulate carbohydrates before training and restore carbohydrate reserves after it.

Just don’t be fooled - this, in fact, only works for athletes who experience REGULAR physical activity. “Muscle builders” need about 400 grams of carbohydrates per day. 150 grams pre-workout and 150 grams post-workout + 100 grams for total daily body metabolism.


Lack of carbohydrates in the body has a detrimental effect on our mood, intelligence and physique. But the problem of man is modern world, as a rule, is that he does not know how to consume them rationally and in the right quantity. This is what leads to all sorts of imbalances.

What to do? Reconsider everything you put in your mouth. You can make a list so you don't miss anything. And if you are not an athlete whose goal is to increase muscle mass If you have huge carbohydrate expenses, then stop at slow carbohydrates.

Do not forget - simple carbohydrates raise blood sugar levels to excess. As a result, excess sugar goes straight to where we don’t need it at all - in body fat.

Stable, safe and truly necessary for a harmonious life in body and spirit. Simple carbohydrates are a controversial source of fuel. Excess sugar that is not burned in the furnace of our body causes not only obesity, but also diabetes, problems with the heart, blood vessels, and even some forms of cancer.

Be careful! Appreciate your body, don’t deceive yourself and be healthy in every possible sense!

Greetings to blog readers. Alexander Bely is with you. Today you will find out what is the main cause of excess weight gain. How often do you think about what you eat every day? After all, a properly constructed diet plays an important role, both in weight loss and in the overall health of each of us. Such a detail as a food consumption schedule will help avoid discomfort and accidental calories. The most common problem that I think many people encounter is feeling hungry throughout the day. Moreover, you should not consume large quantities of fast carbohydrates, a list of food products that we will consider in the table below.

After all, it is these products that contribute to the body. At the same time, it is highly advisable to start playing sports, or simply spend time actively. Any method of losing weight that does not involve at least minimal physical activity cannot guarantee long-term results.

Many people themselves realize that sweets have a detrimental effect on our figures. The fact is that simple carbohydrates are absorbed in our body very quickly (that’s why they are also called fast carbohydrates) and therefore go directly into fat deposits. The body, say, stores energy for an emergency. But, if you consume fast carbohydrates before training, they will be used as energy and will not replenish your fat reserves.

The bulk of carbohydrates are immediately sent to the liver and muscles. In muscles, carbohydrates are stored in the form of glycogen, but this area is limited, so the rest of the energy is transported to fat stores. When a person consumes fast carbohydrates, his blood sugar level increases significantly, and accordingly, insulin is produced, which controls energy reserves in fat deposits.

This is the main reason why people gain excess weight. After all, most people believe that they gain weight from fatty foods, but in fact, it’s all about fast carbohydrates. It would seem surprising, but many people do not even suspect that a large number of fast carbohydrates are found in foods that are familiar to us and, especially, drinks.

Of course, you shouldn’t give up sweets right away. We need fast carbohydrates for normal functioning, however, we need to keep a line so as not to gain too much.

Availability in drinks

In most drinks, simple carbohydrates are most often in the form of sugar. And sugar in drinks is much more dangerous than in other products, because it is absorbed much faster. Unfortunately, few people attach importance to drinks that are quickly digested, such as juices, lemonades, cocktails, and yoghurts. We drink these drinks almost every day and few of us thought that they contain quite a large amount of simple carbohydrates.

The carbohydrates that we receive in liquid form are almost instantly absorbed into gastrointestinal tract, this leads to a rapid increase in blood sugar. The body, in turn, tries to cope with them by storing them in the liver, muscles and fat.

It is worth paying special attention to the consumption of sugary drinks. After all, they are concentrated great amount simple carbohydrates. Therefore, it is in your interests to limit their consumption. This change in your diet will only benefit you. It is permissible to consume sweet liquids, for example, tea or coffee, only in the first half of the day. You can include some fast carbohydrates in your breakfast, thanks to which the body will begin to function faster. Increase your intake of minerals and... Over a short period of time, you will get used to consuming unsweetened water and when going to the store, you will look less at sugary drinks.

Many of us have a fairly easy time limiting sugary drinks, but not everyone can limit themselves from their favorite foods. Basically, products such as pastries, cakes, chocolate, and various flour products are targeted. Many people simply cannot live without these products. If you find yourself among them and cannot imagine your life without these products, there is nothing to worry about. But it is worth remembering that after eating one of your favorite dishes, it is highly advisable to burn these calories, in other words, engage in physical activity.

So, let’s look at what everyday foods we can find fast carbohydrates in:

  • potato;
  • white flour products;
  • sugar;
  • starch;
  • sweets;
  • pasta;
  • honey and jam;
  • flavored carbonated drinks.

Below is a more extensive table with a list of products that are often consumed in large quantities. The higher the so-called glycemic index, the less beneficial these foods are for our health.

In order for your weight loss process to be successful, you can have several good habits. Instead of lying on the soft sofa, it's worth going for a walk to breathe fresh air and thus burn several hundred calories. Of course, starting is never easy, but once you start, everything will be much easier. It is ideal if you get yourself a dog that needs to be taken for a walk at least a couple of times a day.

If you allow yourself to have a sweet snack, so be it, walk to your workplace, climb the stairs without an elevator, increase general level activity. In general, the idea with an elevator is quite justified. If you work or live, say, on the 10th floor, then giving up an elevator will only benefit you.

Daily physical activity will greatly simplify your task. You need to train yourself to do anything physical activity that will please you. If you are very overweight, then you could go to the pool. Here you will get the necessary load without risk to your health.

Separately, it is worth noting that after training, do not consume fast carbohydrates; it is better to eat food that contains protein and slow carbohydrates. The following products will suit you: chicken fillet, buckwheat and oatmeal.

I have a small gift for you: an awesome free book. “7 secrets of nutrition according to Ayurveda”. This knowledge is for people who want to put their body in order and get rid of excess weight.

By following these simple guidelines, you will avoid the most common mistakes when maintaining or achieving optimal shape. I will conclude here; for clarity of the topic discussed today, I suggest watching the video. See you later.