Capricorn rabbit woman is harmful or not. Characteristics of men and women of Capricorn in the year of the Cat (Rabbit or Hare). Chinese calendar of animals by year

Compatibility horoscope: rabbit zodiac sign Capricorn - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

This person may appear insensitive and unceremonious. In fact, he is kind, considerate and caring towards his family and those he loves. Capricorn makes Rabbits physically attractive. But, surprisingly, they may lack the traditional practicality of Capricorn and Rabbit. Rabbit in Chinese astrology is considered a symbol of caution and gentleness. Men and women in the Capricorn-Rabbit combination are perfectly balanced people who are pleasant and not pushy. They will be very grateful for everything they get in life.

Rabbit-Capricorn are cheerful and promising people. They decide all matters themselves and only in very extreme cases seek help. They are calm and self-sufficient. They are not very sociable and when they talk they tend to exchange ideas and opinions with other people. These people tend to have only one or two very close friends with whom they can communicate openly.

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In personal relationships, these people are reliable and attentive, sincere and loving. Capricorn-Rabbit is looking for a partner who will be like him. They like to be spontaneous in their relationships and will often surprise their partner. They will use every free minute to spend it with their loved one. A weakness in these people's personality is that they tend to take on other people's concerns, which can cause their stress levels to rise. In this case, they become angry and irritable.

The most correct would be to compare the zodiac sign Capricorn in the guise of a rabbit with a Siamese cat. Bold and wild on the street, and at home - courtesy itself. Like many independent natures, he is not too sociable and has a mind of his own. Calm and active, oriented in society and politics, Capricorn-Rabbit respects the law and established hierarchies. Complementing the similar conservatism of the Rabbit is the decisive and unyielding nature of Capricorn. He can change his beliefs, but he does it reluctantly, although he knows how to be understanding and diplomatic.

Rabbit-Capricorn is able to manage finances, property, working hours and generally control life. He has a similar attitude towards partners, both at work and in the most serious business. IN family life Capricorn male and female rabbits are extremely stable, and at the same time, manifestations of feelings and romance are not at all alien to them.

Rabbit Combination

A horoscope of the Astrological sign is Capricorn, born in the year of the Cat Rabbit

Both the sign of the Zodiac and the eastern sign of the year of birth of a person have individual properties, qualities and conditions that are mainly manifested in the characteristics of a person and his relations in society.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that the Zodiac and the eastern years are formed from twelve parallel vertical levels, on the basis of which people show certain methods of behavior and react to individual conditions in circumstances in the form of the attitude of interacting people towards them.

The sign of the Zodiac forms tactical abilities in a person's character and represents one of the twelve levels of behavioral methodology.

The eastern sign of the year of birth forms the conditions and laws of the external environment for a person, his relations with people around him, in which he uses his own method of behavior assigned by the sign of the Zodiac. The year of birth forms for a person one of the twelve levels of his self-realization. The Eastern sign is called a strategy, since it forms a field of activity for a person, and in this field the Eastern sign manifests the laws and principles of the attitude of people around to a person.

Capricorn is the first sign of the Zodiac in the natural hierarchy of society. People of this zodiac sign, by the nature of their birth, are excellent performers of social tasks.

The specialty of the zodiac sign Capricorn is " work unit". A person of this sign is able to perfectly understand and feel the theory of the task assigned to him and practically implement it in circumstances. Capricorn lives by the principle: With what greetings with such an answer”, as a mirror reflects the positive or negative attitudes of interacting people.

Eastern sign of the Year of the Cat-Rabbit - 1903, 1915, 1927,1939, 1951, 1963, 1975,1987, 1999, 2011, 2023, 2035, 2047, 2059

The Year of the Cat and Rabbit forms a natural strategy, a field for relationships on the fifth level of circumstances. People born in the year of the Cat and Rabbit are surrounded by relationships with people who impulsively absorb a lot of statistical attention, thinking about future processes and events. Regardless of the sign of the Zodiac, a person born in the year of the Cat-Rabbit has to participate in work processes in which interacting people take the positions of specialists in the direction of " statistics, jurisprudence and refereeing". Interacting people show variability in words and deeds during a relationship with a person born in the year of the Cat and Rabbit. Surrounding people, regardless of their zodiac signs and Eastern years in a relationship with a person born in the year of the Cat-Rabbit, they show increased intuition in the direction of future events. People around tend to impulsively show an emotional mood. Interacting people with a person born in the year of the Cat-Rabbit lead relationships according to the principle of the zodiac sign Pisces: “ There are no barriers in life ».

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Capricorn yearly horoscope Rabbit cats.

Such signs in a person look like a combination of his diligent methodology with relationships with people who are slippery in words and changeable in agreements. This person easily falls under the influence of the society of his location. It reflects the mood of the people around him, while gradually becoming the same as his surroundings. Capricorn tends to be creative in current relationships, regardless of their line of work. The Year of the Rabbit Cat creates the conditions for analytical calculations, foresight of future processes in circumstances. Changes in circumstances can often exhaust Capricorn into a depressive state.

You can get much more detailed characteristics by the signs of the Zodiac and the year of birth in the programs " Individual Scanner" And " crown of education". In these programs, the terminology of horoscopes, the Zodiac or the Eastern years is excluded. The programs use the terminology of psychology, theology and physics. This combination forms a new scientific approach to the information structure of a person, which is called " psychonomy ».

Chinese animal calendar by year!

The character of the Rabbit woman "Cat" - Capricorn: These Pisces are intellectuals and analysts who consider it their goal to surprise others. If they can properly use their potential, their life will be full of all that is good and pleasant. They cannot always show firmness and decisiveness, which noticeably affects relationships with other people, so they should devote a lot of time to self-development and the ability to communicate with different representatives of society.

These women are fatalists, and often they follow their desires to predict the lives of other people, events. Their intellectual savvy allows them to easily understand the philosophical treatises that they often put at the head of their lives. At the same time, it is difficult for them to refuse other people, which immediately brings down their spiritual quest, since requests can be purely material in nature. These individuals need hardship to develop.

Woman Rabbit "Cat" - Capricorns in love and relationships: Relations with the opposite sex in these women are not built smoothly. On the one hand, they are very attractive for their softness and delicacy. On the other hand, many do not like their inability to express their desires. Also, indecision, dependence on a partner can only lead to a break in relations. They should be firmer, more decisive in all matters in order to become more attractive to a partner.

Woman Rabbit "Cat" - Capricorns in finance and career: They are not career oriented. For them, it matters more spiritual development. And often only a happy accident helps them achieve an excellent position in society. They can make a good career as scientists, as they are excellent at analyzing and summarizing information. Financial well-being plays for them last role, although they themselves are used to living in luxury and prosperity.

Woman Rabbit "Cat" - Capricorns in family and marriage: They are not recommended to enter into an early marriage, as at this stage of life they are not ready for responsibility. They also need to devote more time to self-development in their youth. A family relationships stop this development. In adulthood, they can become good family men, but they will immediately transfer the leadership right to a partner. This situation can suit everyone, and especially these women.

Advice to the woman Rabbit "Cat" - Capricorn: First of all, they need to lower the requirements for themselves, lower the bar. Then they can achieve better results. No need to become an ideal, it is worth remembering that this is not available to any person. The difficulties that these women encounter must be perceived as an opportunity for further development, so you should not transfer the difficulties that have arisen onto the shoulders of other people.

Horoscope Capricorn-Rabbit (Cat)

Capricorn-Rabbit (Cat) is a person who does not take many problems to heart. He has little fuss, and has a restrained character. Such people are good-natured and sensitive towards loved ones.

Such people make excellent diplomats, lawyers and lawyers. Even if he decides to change his mind, it takes a long time to do so.

Capricorn-Rabbit (Cat) easily navigates his life, therefore he successfully conducts financial and economic affairs. He handles commercial matters professionally. In the family, Capricorn-Cat appreciates and strives for constancy. Such people are sensitive, soft and romantic in relation to the second half.

Horoscope of combining Capricorns with others oriental signs:

Horoscope of combining other zodiac signs with eastern signs:

horoscope for January 2018

Capricorn - Rabbit (cat): Characteristic

Capricorn Man - Rabbit

Independent, determined, stubborn, ambitious. At some moments in life, he may show great indecision and inability to take a decisive step, although very often this trait can disappear with age.

He may have a good career, especially in the financial and analytical fields of activity, but in some important points he can unexpectedly be too lazy for everyone and miss his chance.

In family life can be devoted and faithful husband, caring and affectionate.

Capricorn Woman - Rabbit

She is highly motivated and has an analytical mindset. Organized and can achieve great heights in various areas of life, but at the same time it is distinguished by tenderness and strictness in family relationships. She can be not only an affectionate mistress, but also a strict disciplined teacher.

Capricorn Rabbit Man

The characteristic and compatibility of the Capricorn-Rabbit man is unique in its essence.

On the one hand, the representatives of this zodiac combination are pragmatic and organized, and on the other hand, they are sentimental romantics.


Far from everything, Capricorn-Rabbits are soft and gentle: they are rather diplomatic, so they rarely offend people. Problems are alien to them, since representatives of this type are able to show flexibility and simplicity in business. Capricorn men born in the year of the Rabbit always strive for beauty. They do their best to surround themselves with attractive and sophisticated things that become the main focus in their home interior. Due to their optimistic attitude, they imperceptibly attract people of both sexes. Such men have a rather tough character, so they set high goals for themselves. Capricorn-Rabbit is a loner who is used to coping with all problems and troubles on his own.

The love of flattery makes them attractive in the eyes of liars and hypocrites. Responsibility, discipline and independence are the key qualities in the characterization of the Capricorn-Rabbit man. He tries to bring harmony into his life and does not tolerate sharp turns. Representatives of this type are best able to make calculations, so they often choose the exact sciences as their field of activity. In this they are helped by such qualities as punctuality, diligence and attention. In communication with other people, they can behave in a strange way. Sometimes Capricorn-Rabbit is shy and indecisive, but this does not mean at all that he is not able to show hard character and hot temper.

The dynamic rhythm of life makes the representatives of this iconic combination feel uncomfortable. They are more attracted to a calm and measured lifestyle. Unlike other types of people, Capricorn-Rabbits are not able to do several things at once: they concentrate on one issue, carefully study it, and only then move on to solving the next one. Such men cannot be called resistant to stress, so they try to avoid conflicts by any means. Capricorn-Rabbit is very touchy, but tries not to show it to others. Meanwhile, when it comes to something important, he will not stand on ceremony with anyone.

Compatibility in love

Family values ​​\u200b\u200bare the most sacred for a Capricorn man born in the year of the Rabbit. Representatives of this type need stability and calmness. That is why they often pay attention to women who show care and kindness towards him and create a home. Like most other people, Capricorn-Rabbit is looking for an ideal life partner. At the same time, relationships can be instantly broken if the lack of compatibility of the Capricorn-Goat man with the fair sex becomes obvious.

It is extremely rare for representatives of this zodiac type to have a serious relationship in young age. Such men begin to appreciate a partner and relationships with her only in maturity. Their main skill is love, which they develop in themselves in order to become a complete person. However, the search for a life partner in Capricorn-Rabbit usually takes a long time. Once he finds a soul mate, he becomes so attached to his partner that he is ready to do anything for her.

Destiny Capricorn-Rabbit

A hardworking and attentive Capricorn-Rabbit man has every chance of becoming a successful economist, analyst or entrepreneur. He knows how to correctly set goals for himself, to achieve which he will have to put a lot of effort and perseverance. Only in this case he will be able to achieve significant results in the professional field. Finances occupy an important place in the life of Capricorn-Rabbit. And all because he seeks to surround himself with beautiful things that require a lot of money. To achieve financial independence, representatives of this type, as a rule, follow the beaten path - build a career. However, in this case, they will need incredible efforts and perseverance. And more often than not, they manage to achieve their goals and plans. Sometimes the purposefulness of the Capricorn-Rabbit man is hardly noticeable. He prefers to act slowly, considering each step, which allows them to achieve great success in their careers over time.

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Capricorn rabbit zodiac sign

Yearning Cat. Less sociable, more strict.

Zodiac horoscope: Capricorn sign

This person may appear insensitive and unceremonious. In fact, he is kind, considerate and caring towards his family and those he loves. Capricorn makes Rabbits physically attractive. But, surprisingly, they may lack the traditional practicality of Capricorn and Rabbit.

The cat in Chinese astrology is considered a symbol of caution and gentleness. Men and women in the Capricorn-Cat combination are perfectly balanced people who are pleasant and not pushy. They will be very grateful for everything they get in life.

Cat-Capricorn is a cheerful and promising people. They decide all matters themselves and only in very extreme cases seek help. They are calm and self-sufficient. They are not very sociable and when they talk they tend to exchange ideas and opinions with other people. These people tend to have only one or two very close friends with whom they can communicate openly.

They are most often happier in small groups of people, with the exception of the family circle. They love their family very much, treat it with understanding and respect, even to those they don’t particularly like. In the home interior, they prefer simple furniture, practical, and not so much for show. They dislike clutter and are always trying to keep an organization. They become happy even because of the little things.

In personal relationships, these people are reliable and attentive, sincere and loving. They are looking for a partner who will be like them. They like to be spontaneous in their relationships and will often surprise their partner. They will use every free minute to spend it with their loved one.

A weakness in these people's personality is that they tend to take on other people's concerns, which can cause their stress levels to rise. In this case, they become angry and irritable.

The most correct would be to compare the zodiac sign Capricorn in the guise of a rabbit with a Siamese cat. Bold and wild on the street, and at home - courtesy itself. Like many independent natures, he is not too sociable and has a mind of his own.

Calm and active, oriented in society and politics, the Capricorn Rabbit respects the law and established hierarchies. Complementing the similar conservatism of the cat is the decisive and unyielding character of Capricorn. He can change his beliefs, but he does it reluctantly, although he knows how to be understanding and diplomatic.

The Capricorn cat is able to manage finances, property, working hours and generally control life. He has a similar attitude towards partners, both at work and in the most serious business.

In family life, male and female Capricorn rabbits are extremely stable, and at the same time, manifestations of feelings and romance are not at all alien to them.

Rabbit - Cat - Capricorn

British hairdresser and public figure Vidal Sassoon Soviet and Russian actor Emmanuil Vitorgan. American actor Nicolas Cage.

The softness and suppleness of the Rabbit-Cat for periods are replaced by the stubbornness and rigidity of Capricorn, and the confidence and perseverance of Capricorn are replaced by rabbit excitement and indecision. In general, Capricorn, born in the year of the Rabbit-Cat, is an understanding, diplomatic and serious person. His goals are always realized, because. This person tends to plan, think over, calculate everything. In the life of the Rabbit-Cat-Capricorn there is no place for spontaneity and surprise, his whole life lends itself to the deepest analysis and forecast.


Rabbit-Cat-Capricorn-man is independent, self-confident, not used to asking for help. Sometimes in the actions of a Capricorn man born in the year of the Rabbit-Cat, some indecision inherent in the Rabbit-Cat may appear, but over time this feature may disappear. The career of this person will develop successfully in the field of financial management, real estate, and in analytical activities. In any case, he is a professional, strict with himself and others, not tired of numbers and calculations. In his personal life, the Rabbit-Cat - Capricorn-man loves the home environment and home comfort, for him the family is in the first place, only alone with his loved ones he can relax, show all his tenderness and care.

Rabbit Cat - Capricorn Woman

Rabbit-Cat - Capricorn-woman is disciplined, smart, very attentive to her appearance. Self-organization and a strict attitude towards herself allow this woman to quickly move up the career ladder. All of her appearance speaks of professionalism, there are no shortcomings in her work. In relations with the opposite sex, she is not very playful, strict with her gentlemen, as well as with herself. He must be self-sufficient, interesting in appearance, he should bring some relaxation into her life so that this woman can thaw in the hands of her partner and show all her feminine essence.

Rabbit-Cat-Capricorn is rationalism, numbers, an ongoing analysis of life. Such people are highly valued at work, it is good to do business with them, but in personal relationships you need to be able to find an approach and a common language with them.

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The character of the woman Rabbit "Cat" - Capricorn: These Pisces are intellectuals and analysts who consider it their goal to surprise others. If they can properly use their potential, their life will be full of all that is good and pleasant. They cannot always show firmness and decisiveness, which noticeably affects relationships with other people, so they should devote a lot of time to self-development and the ability to communicate with different representatives of society.

These women are fatalists, and often they follow their desires to predict the lives of other people, events. Their intellectual savvy allows them to easily understand the philosophical treatises that they often put at the head of their lives. At the same time, it is difficult for them to refuse other people, which immediately brings down their spiritual quest, since requests can be purely material in nature. These individuals need hardship to develop.

Woman Rabbit "Cat" - Capricorns in love and relationships: Relations with the opposite sex in these women are not built smoothly. On the one hand, they are very attractive for their softness and delicacy. On the other hand, many do not like their inability to express their desires. Also, indecision, dependence on a partner can only lead to a break in relations. They should be firmer, more decisive in all matters in order to become more attractive to a partner.

Woman Rabbit "Cat" - Capricorns in finance and career: They are not career oriented. For them, spiritual development is more important. And often only a happy accident helps them achieve an excellent position in society. They can make a good career as scientists, as they are excellent at analyzing and summarizing information. Financial well-being plays the last role for them, although they themselves are accustomed to living in luxury and prosperity.

Woman Rabbit "Cat" - Capricorns in family and marriage: They are not recommended to enter into an early marriage, as at this stage of life they are not ready for responsibility. They also need to devote more time to self-development in their youth. And family relationships will stop this development. In adulthood, they can become good family men, but they will immediately transfer the leadership right to a partner. This situation can suit everyone, and especially these women.

Advice to the woman Rabbit "Cat" - Capricorn: First of all, they need to lower the requirements for themselves, lower the bar. Then they can achieve better results. No need to become an ideal, it is worth remembering that this is not available to any person. The difficulties that these women encounter must be perceived as an opportunity for further development, so you should not transfer the difficulties that have arisen onto the shoulders of other people.

Yearning Cat. Less sociable, more strict.

Eastern horoscope- Cat / Rabbit

Zodiac horoscope- Capricorn

This person may appear insensitive and unceremonious. In fact, he is kind, considerate and caring towards his family and those he loves. Capricorn makes Rabbits physically attractive. But, surprisingly, they may lack the traditional practicality of Capricorn and Rabbit.

The cat in Chinese astrology is considered a symbol of caution and gentleness. Men and women in the Capricorn Rabbit combination are perfectly balanced people who are pleasant and not pushy. They will be very grateful for everything they get in life.

Cat-Capricorn is a cheerful and promising people. They decide all matters themselves and only in very extreme cases seek help. They are calm and self-sufficient. They are not very sociable and when they talk they tend to exchange ideas and opinions with other people. These people tend to have only one or two very close friends with whom they can communicate openly.

They are most often happier in small groups of people, with the exception of the family circle. They love their family very much, treat it with understanding and respect, even to those they don’t particularly like. In the home interior, they prefer simple furniture, practical, and not so much for show. They dislike clutter and are always trying to keep an organization. They become happy even because of the little things.

In personal relationships, these people are reliable and attentive, sincere and loving. They are looking for a partner who will be like them. They like to be spontaneous in their relationships and will often surprise their partner. They will use every free minute to spend it with their loved one.

A weakness in these people's personality is that they tend to take on other people's concerns, which can cause their stress levels to rise. In this case, they become angry and irritable.

The most correct would be to compare the zodiac sign Capricorn in the guise of a rabbit with a Siamese cat. Bold and wild on the street, and at home - courtesy itself. Like many independent natures, he is not too sociable and has a mind of his own.

Calm and active, oriented in society and politics, the Capricorn Rabbit respects the law and established hierarchies. Complementing the similar conservatism of the cat is the decisive and unyielding character of Capricorn. He can change his beliefs, but he does it reluctantly, although he knows how to be understanding and diplomatic.

The Capricorn cat is able to manage finances, property, working hours and generally control life. He has a similar attitude towards partners, both at work and in the most serious business.

In family life, male and female Capricorn rabbits are extremely stable, and at the same time, manifestations of feelings and romance are not at all alien to them.

The Capricorn-Cat (Rabbit) sign includes people born from December 22 to January 20 in 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011.

A person born under the sign of Capricorn in the year of the Cat (Rabbit) has a rather ambiguous character. It combines two completely opposite signs, which endow this person with contradictory character traits. The cat (Rabbit), in the Eastern horoscope, is considered a symbol of caution and gentleness, and Capricorn, according to the Western horoscope, is purposefulness and inflexibility.

In this person, the stubbornness and rigidity of Capricorn are replaced by the softness and suppleness of the Cat (Rabbit), and are complemented by the confidence and perseverance of Capricorn.

A person born with this combination tends to think through everything, calculate and plan. In his life there is no place for spontaneity and surprise, as he subjects everything to the deepest analysis and forecast.

Capricorn, born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit), can rightly be considered. This is especially evident in family life, at home next to loved ones.

He also has such a trait as diplomacy, and even in some matters - flexibility, although this person cannot be called soft and fluffy.

Capricorn - Cat (Rabbit) characteristic

A person born under the sign of Capricorn in the year of the Cat (Rabbit) has a cheerful disposition and self-sufficiency. This is a very promising person, accustomed to solving all matters on his own and only in extreme cases to seek help. He is not too sociable and very independent, calm enough and well oriented in public life.

Here, the decisiveness and assertiveness of Capricorn is somewhat softened by the calmness of the Cat (Rabbit). This person can be compared to a Siamese cat that fights on the street, but is very affectionate and gentle in the house. Capricorn-Cat (Rabbit) is interested in the events of cultural and political life, knows all the news and knows how to keep up the conversation on various topics.

He is hardworking and knows how to work without rest, especially if he sets a clear goal for himself. He is constantly striving for and achieving something. A career related to finance is especially successful. The same is the case with real estate.

Home distinctive feature a person born with this combination of signs is that he loves order very much, and in everything, and also knows how to properly organize and plan own forces and actions. Outside the home, this person is active, purposeful and clearly monitors that his interests are respected.

The strength of a person born under the sign of Capricorn in the year of the Cat (Rabbit) is instinctive intelligence and imagination. Flexibility and wisdom allow you to remain calm in situations where others are lost. And his weak side is naivety and remoteness from reality in his actions and feelings, especially when he is upset.

Also, this person tends to take on excessive responsibility and concern for other people. As a result of such an overload, stress levels naturally rise, and he becomes nervous, irritable and angry.

IN love relationships Capricorn-Cat (Rabbit) can show emotional coolness. It is quite difficult to get close to him, because, despite his self-confidence, when it comes to feelings, this person shows shyness.

However, behind the outside lies a passionate and loving nature. And he can fully reveal his feelings, real and true, only in intimate, close relationships with a partner.

Capricorn-Cat (Rabbit) treats his family very reverently and lovingly, trying to spend every free minute with his family. To relatives, he is attentive and reliable, sincere and caring. And he is looking for a partner like himself, who will also be intelligent, receptive, share his ambitions and views on the world, who will share and understand his priorities and aspirations.

It is very important for a person born with a Capricorn-Cat (Rabbit) combination to feel a kindred spirit in a partner and maintain a harmonious balance between home and work. In relationships, he loves spontaneity, which will constantly surprise his soul mate.

Capricorn - Cat (Rabbit) woman

A woman born under the sign of Capricorn in the year of the Cat (Rabbit) is charming, attractive and very attentive to her appearance.

Thanks to its organization, purposefulness and analytical warehouse mind, this woman can achieve significant heights in various areas of life. There are no flaws in her work, and only her appearance speaks of her professionalism.

Capricorn-Cat Woman (Rabbit) intellectual and analyst, rationalism, numbers and ongoing analysis life situations. Her intellectual savvy allows her to easily understand the philosophical treatises that she often puts at the head of her life.

She can do good career scientist, as he is able to perfectly analyze and generalize various information. However, born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit), and making money. Much more important for her is spiritual development.

Nevertheless, the Capricorn-Cat (Rabbit) woman is highly appreciated by her superiors, and she can run a business on her own quite successfully. The only drawback is that she cannot show firmness and determination, which is noticeably reflected in relations with other people.

Therefore, she should devote more time to self-development and develop the skill of communicating with different representatives of society. If a Capricorn-Cat (Rabbit) woman can realize her full potential, then her life will be full of happiness and joy.

In the personal life of a woman born with the Capricorn-Cat (Rabbit) combination, everything does not always go smoothly and harmoniously. With the opposite sex, she is not playful, but on the contrary, she is strict, as to herself.

At the same time, she can be not only a tender wife, an affectionate mistress, but also a strict teacher for her man. A Capricorn-Cat (Rabbit) woman chooses a life partner who is self-sufficient, interesting externally and internally.

She will be happy with a man who will bring relaxation into her life, in whose caring hands she will be able to thaw and show all her feminine essence.

Capricorn - Cat (Rabbit) male

A man born under the sign of Capricorn in the year of the Cat (Rabbit) is independent and self-confident, although sometimes (especially at a young age) the indecision inherent in the Cat (Rabbit) may appear.

He is stubborn and ambitious, able to achieve his goals and achieve high professionalism in any business that he chooses.

Born in the year of the Cat, he never gets tired of calculations and numbers. A man with this combination can successfully develop a career in financial management and related to analytical activities.

True, at some especially important moments, the laziness and apathy inherent in the Cat (Rabbit) can take over, and then the person will miss his chance to achieve more.

It is worth noting that the Capricorn-Cat (Rabbit) man, no less than a woman with this combination, strives for beauty and comfort, both in the workplace and at home, when exquisite objects become the main focus of the room.

In family life, a Capricorn-Cat (Rabbit) man can be a devoted and faithful, caring and affectionate spouse. He loves the home environment and the family always plays a paramount role for him, because only next to his loved ones, he can truly relax and show all his tenderness and care. True, the need for family life in him most often arises by a more mature age.

Difficulties in relationships with women can bring narcissism and the desire to play different roles. Therefore, so that the relationship does not lead to disappointment and depression, you should not get too carried away with these games. It is also worth listening to your soul mate more often and giving her the opportunity to realize her needs.

TO sign Capricorn-Cat (Rabbit) includes people born from December 22 to January 20 in 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011.

A person born under the sign of Capricorn in the year of the Cat (Rabbit) has a rather ambiguous character. It combines two completely opposite signs, which endow this person with contradictory character traits. The cat (Rabbit), in the Eastern horoscope, is considered a symbol of caution and gentleness, and Capricorn, according to the Western horoscope, is purposefulness and inflexibility. In this person, the stubbornness and rigidity of Capricorn are replaced by the softness and suppleness of the Cat (Rabbit), and the excitement and indecision of the Cat (Rabbit) are complemented by the confidence and perseverance of Capricorn. A person born with this combination tends to think through everything, calculate and plan. In his life there is no place for spontaneity and surprise, as he subjects everything to the deepest analysis and forecast.

Capricorn, born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit), can rightfully be considered one of the most romantic Capricorns. This is especially evident in family life, at home next to loved ones. He also has such a trait as diplomacy, and even in some matters - flexibility, although this person cannot be called soft and fluffy.

The strength of a person born under the sign of Capricorn in the year of the Cat (Rabbit) is instinctive intelligence and imagination. Flexibility and wisdom allow you to remain calm in situations where others are lost. And his weak side is naivety and remoteness from reality in his actions and feelings, especially when he is upset. Also, this person tends to take on excessive responsibility and concern for other people. As a result of such an overload, stress levels naturally rise, and he becomes nervous, irritable and angry.

In the personal life of a woman born with the Capricorn-Cat (Rabbit) combination, everything does not always go smoothly and harmoniously. With the opposite sex, she is not playful, but on the contrary, she is strict, as to herself. At the same time, she can be not only a tender wife, an affectionate mistress, but also a strict teacher for her man. A Capricorn-Cat (Rabbit) woman chooses a life partner who is self-sufficient, interesting externally and internally. She will be happy with a man who will bring relaxation into her life, in whose caring hands she will be able to thaw and show all her feminine essence.

A man born under the sign of Capricorn in the year of the Cat (Rabbit) is independent and self-confident, although sometimes (especially at a young age) the indecision inherent in the Cat (Rabbit) may appear. He is stubborn and ambitious, able to achieve his goals and achieve high professionalism in any business that he chooses.

Born in the year of the Cat, the Capricorn man is equally strict with himself and with those around him, he never gets tired of calculations and numbers. A man with this combination can successfully develop a career in financial management and related to analytical activities. True, at some especially important moments, the laziness and apathy inherent in the Cat (Rabbit) can take over, and then the person will miss his chance to achieve more. It is worth noting that the Capricorn-Cat (Rabbit) man, no less than a woman with this combination, strives for beauty and comfort, both in the workplace and at home, when exquisite objects become the main focus of the room.

In family life, a Capricorn-Cat (Rabbit) man can be a devoted and faithful, caring and affectionate spouse. He loves the home environment and the family always plays a paramount role for him, because only next to his loved ones, he can truly relax and show all his tenderness and care. True, the need for family life in him most often arises by a more mature age. Difficulties in relationships with women can bring narcissism and the desire to play different roles. Therefore, so that the relationship does not lead to disappointment and depression, you should not get too carried away with these games. It is also worth listening to your soul mate more often and giving her the opportunity to realize her needs.

Capricorn - Cat (Rabbit)
Characteristics of the Capricorn-Cat (Rabbit) horoscope of a woman and a man born under the sign of Capricorn in the year of the Cat (Rabbit).

Capricorn cat male

According to Chinese astrology, the Cat is a very cautious and gentle personality. Regardless of gender, people born under a combination of these signs are harmonious and balanced, they are pleasant and not too assertive. Such a person is very grateful for everything that is given to her in life.
Capricorn-Cat, as a rule, is a very cheerful and promising person. He makes all decisions independently, he is able to turn for help only in the most extreme cases.

He is calm and very self-sufficient. People of this combination are not very sociable and talkative, during a conversation they usually exchange ideas and share opinions, never waste time on empty chatter. They cannot boast of a large number of friends, as a rule, they have one or two best friends, with whom they will maintain relationships throughout their lives.

The Capricorn Cat feels more comfortable and happier in small companies, in a narrow circle of like-minded people. He greatly honors and loves his family, in whose circle he strives to spend as much time as possible. Their home is dominated by a fairly simple interior, all the furniture is highly functional. They do not like disorder, they are very organized, so they always strive for order. Cat-Capricorn is able to make even a mere trifle happy.

In his personal life, Capricorn, born in the year of the Cat, is very attentive and reliable, he is sincere and capable of real feelings. For himself, he is looking for a partner similar in temperament and temperament, who will often surprise him with his spontaneous surprises and unexpected gifts. Such a Capricorn will strive to spend every free minute next to his soulmate.

The negative side of this personality is that they often take on other people's problems, because of which the level of their nervous tension increases significantly. As a result, they become irritable and angry.
The cat born under the sign of Capricorn is most similar to the cat of the Siamese breed. He is bold and wild when he is outside, but gentle and affectionate at home. He is very independent, therefore not very sociable.

The cat, born under the sign of Capricorn, is calm, active, he is well versed in politics and public life, quite conservative, respects the law. However, the conservatism inherent in the Cat is noticeably complemented by the decisiveness and inflexibility of Capricorn. Such a person, unlike typical Capricorns, can change his point of view, however, he will do it reluctantly.

Capricorn-Cat knows how to manage everything: money, real estate, working time, he keeps life under strict control. He also tries to control the lives of the people around him.
Regardless of gender, Capricorn-Cat, having created his own family, becomes a stable, but at the same time romantic and sensual spouse.

Capricorn cat male
Often outwardly, Capricorn, born in the year of the Cat, seems insensitive, tactless and unceremonious. Although, in fact, the people of this combination are very kind, attentive and caring towards relatives and people close to him. Thanks to Capricorn, the Cat becomes more attractive physically. True, the practicality inherent in both the Cat and Capricorn separately is absent in such a tandem.

Capricorn Rabbit Man

The characteristic and compatibility of the Capricorn-Rabbit man is unique in its essence.

On the one hand, the representatives of this zodiac combination are pragmatic and organized, and on the other hand, they are sentimental romantics.

Far from everything, Capricorn-Rabbits are soft and gentle: they are rather diplomatic, so they rarely offend people. Problems are alien to them, since representatives of this type are able to show flexibility and simplicity in business. Capricorn men born in the year of the Rabbit always strive for beauty. They do their best to surround themselves with attractive and sophisticated things that become the main focus in their home interior. Due to their optimistic attitude, they imperceptibly attract people of both sexes. Such men have a rather tough character, so they set high goals for themselves. Capricorn-Rabbit is a loner who is used to coping with all problems and troubles on his own.

The love of flattery makes them attractive in the eyes of liars and hypocrites. Responsibility, discipline and independence are the key qualities in the characterization of the Capricorn-Rabbit man. He tries to bring harmony into his life and does not tolerate sharp turns. Representatives of this type are best able to make calculations, so they often choose the exact sciences as their field of activity. In this they are helped by such qualities as punctuality, diligence and attention. In communication with other people, they can behave in a strange way. Sometimes Capricorn-Rabbit is shy and indecisive, but this does not mean at all that he is not able to show a strong character and hot temper.

The dynamic rhythm of life makes the representatives of this iconic combination feel uncomfortable. They are more attracted to a calm and measured lifestyle. Unlike other types of people, Capricorn-Rabbits are not able to do several things at once: they concentrate on one issue, carefully study it, and only then move on to solving the next one. Such men cannot be called resistant to stress, so they try to avoid conflicts by any means. Capricorn-Rabbit is very touchy, but tries not to show it to others. Meanwhile, when it comes to something important, he will not stand on ceremony with anyone.

Family values ​​\u200b\u200bare the most sacred for a Capricorn man born in the year of the Rabbit. Representatives of this type need stability and calmness. That is why they often pay attention to women who show care and kindness towards him and create a home. Like most other people, Capricorn-Rabbit is looking for an ideal life partner. At the same time, relationships can be instantly broken if the lack of compatibility of the Capricorn-Goat man with the fair sex becomes obvious.

It is extremely rare for representatives of this zodiac type to have a serious relationship at a young age. Such men begin to appreciate a partner and relationships with her only in maturity. Their main skill is love, which they develop in themselves in order to become a complete person. However, the search for a life partner in Capricorn-Rabbit usually takes a long time. Once he finds a soul mate, he becomes so attached to his partner that he is ready to do anything for her.