Bright tropical flowers. Name, description and photo of exotic flowers grown at home. Pineapple - an exotic fruit from a flower pot

Tropical plants have long been popular with gardeners and houseplant enthusiasts. They captivated us with their unusual appearance and ease of care. If you want to liven up your home and add original indoor plants, then tropical flowers are what you need.

tropical plants

Not all species are suitable for living at home, but there are many options that can be easily grown on your windowsill. They will delight you with their lush color and unique appearance. Below you will find a list of flowers that you can grow at home.

elephant ear


Elephant's ear, or alocasia, got its name because it has large leaves veined, reminiscent of a large ear. The flower loves warmth and high humidity. In winter, the temperature should not fall below +18ºС, it requires moderate watering and scattered sunlight.

The plant is also called “shamrock” because there are never more than three leaves on one flower. If a fourth one begins to appear, then one has already dried out and needs to be removed.



This plant has many varieties of different colors and shapes. Distinctive feature are dense, glossy flowers that can be red, white, yellow or even purple. The plant loves sun, moderate watering and can bloom all year round, the flowering period for each flower lasts from 1 to 1.5 months.



This is one of the most unpretentious species indoor plants that you can find. Bromeliads grow well in pots, are not demanding in care and easily adapt to conditions environment. If you are new to growing plants at home, then you should start with bromeliads.


The plant is also called Strelitzia. It has very bright and colorful flowers, reminiscent of birds in flight, which is why it got its name. Flower requires room temperature, fertilizing twice a month in spring and autumn and moderate watering.

Which grow in our yard, as well as along the sides of the roads. The most popular flower in the land of smiles is rightfully considered frangipani or whatever they call it plumeria. We have a lot of greenery and plants in our garden, including bushes with plumeria - soft pink ones near the house, white flowers with a yellow center near the pool. The subtle and delicate aroma of these flowers captivated me from the first second! I would really like a perfume or aromatic oil with such a smell. Now Thailand is forever associated for me with the unique aroma of frangipani flowers that grow everywhere here!

The plumeria plant belongs to the Kurtaceae family and is distributed mainly in tropical countries. In Indonesia, on the island of Bali, these delicate flowers are obligatory companions of wedding ceremonies and religious ceremonies. Plumeria is a tree with dense oval leaves of a dark green color, with visible veins. And on this wonderful tree, flowers with an incredibly pleasant aroma nestle comfortably! There is already a perfume with such a divine floral aroma, created by an Italian named Frangipani (the flower was named after him). Plumeria flowers can be not only white or pink, but also more saturated shades of pink, yellow and even red. Frangipani is sometimes called red jasmine, and in India this plant is called the Tree of Life.

Besides frangipani in Thailand on Koh Samui I saw many beautiful tropical flowers, including Bougainvillea. This photo shows how brightly lilac bougainvillea flowers cling to the neighbor's fence! All the rest, unfortunately, remained nameless to me. I couldn't find any names on the Internet based on the picture. Perhaps someone knows what these wonderful flowers are? I would be glad if you share the names in the comments

With the help of Oleg’s comment, I found out that this beautiful tropical flower is called hibiscus. That's why I look familiar to me, but my mother once grew one like this. A hibiscus tea drink is also brewed from its petals; another name for the flower is Sudanese rose, Chinese rose.

Sudanese rose (hibiscus) flowers on Koh Samui island in Thailand

Rating of popular flowers in the tropical garden

Tropical flowers that surprise tourists in southern countries are included in the following list:

  1. Nicholas is a rare planting in Russia and European gardens. The flower has taken root in Malaysia and Indonesia. The stem is tall - reaches a length of 5 m. The leg is thick, at the end there is a red bud the size of a child's head. The name of the flower was given in honor of Tsar Nicholas I.
  2. Amaranth caudate. The Indians planted the crop in garden beds to make flour from the seeds for future cakes. The seeds were also used to make honey and as an edible mixture for sculpting divine figures. When the celebration was over, the figures were broken and everyone got a piece of the delicious delicacy. A beautiful tropical plant has inflorescences in the form of earrings reminiscent of fox tails.
  3. Yucca. The long peduncle is dotted with snow-white bells. At night, the plant is pollinated by yucca moth. At the same time, the insect leaves larvae in the bud, which, upon hatching, will feed on the juices of the plant. It is impossible to continue the yucca species in any other way.
  4. Protea. Represents bowls different shapes, resembling long arrows, pipe cleaners, pompons, balls with scales. The plant emits a sweet smell. Pollination occurs due to mice, fruit bats, and rats.
  5. In the mountains of the Canary Islands, an unusual inhabitant lurks, looking like a giant cactus - the Canary bruise.
  6. The living embodiment of a flower made of stone is gigantic amorphophallus.
  7. Anthuriums are relatives of callas, which in their homeland grow on the trunks of foreign trees. The roots of the plantings are aerial and rise a couple of meters above the ground (pictured).
  8. Rafflesia. The smell of rotten meat is impossible not to feel. As you get closer, you will see a huge red flower on the ground, resembling a decaying carcass.

Tropical flowers loved by summer residents

Not all tropical plants grow only in their homeland. Many of them were brought to Russia and are now grown in summer cottages. Their names:

  1. Cannas are relatives of ginger. White flowers with long petals in South America were previously valued not because of their marvelous beauty. The fact is that the nutritious rhizomes, when baked, are very similar to potatoes. But flower growers were interested in the unique decorative characteristics of the plant. In Russia, in regions with a temperate climate, cannas begin to bloom in the spring and this period continues until autumn. Moreover, the buds bloom one by one. To propagate cannas, you should dig up the rhizome and store it in a warm room until spring.
  2. Garden orchid. Despite the fact that Russian summer residents plant plants in flower beds, in Asia, Africa and America the wild crop still grows on trees. Orchid shoots stretch up to 1 m. Luxurious flowers like garlands, they shower foliage and stems, hanging downwards. There are a huge number of types of garden orchids. There are 8,000 varieties found in the Amazon forests. Flowers come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, but always consist of 3 sepals and 3 petals. The lower petal looks like a lip, which differs from the remaining petals in shape and shade. To germinate, tropical flower seeds require mold grown from the mother plant. Even 100 years ago about the orchid on summer cottage in Russia one could only dream. Transporting the plantings was too expensive. Along the way, the fungal spores died, which means the flower itself did not survive. Fortunately, scientists have solved this problem and now every summer resident can grow an orchid in a flowerbed.
  3. Tropical orchid. Another amazing plant with a striking color. The Avon varnish variety is distinguished by the white color of its petals, which at night are fragrant with pleasant vanilla. According to scientists, the bud tries to emit fragrant aroma not just like that. It invites night moths for pollination. Orchids, which come in vibrant shades of red and orange, encourage hummingbirds to pollinate the flowers during the day. Interestingly, tropical orchids are not always attractive. For example, there are flowers painted in the shade of rotten meat. Only blow flies pollinate such plants. Other orchids never tire of showing their cunning. Their petals and bowls resemble the wings and antennae of insects. Insects are in a hurry to fight with their relatives and defend the tasty morsel. They enter into a fight with an imaginary enemy and thus sprinkle themselves with pollen, and then transfer it to another flower.
  4. Oddly enough, the well-known petunias are also included in the category of tropical flowers of unprecedented beauty.
  5. Calla lilies. Discreet but charming buds have already gathered fans with refined taste. In South Africa, the flower restores its strength during periods of drought. The arrows appear as soon as the rains begin to fall. The foliage grows and soon the peduncle produces an inflorescence-cob. Callas do not tolerate cold weather, so in a summer cottage they can only be grown in greenhouse conditions or even greenhouses.

Have you ever encountered flowers that look like something else? For example, on a small alien, a bird or a stone. Well, the time has come to get acquainted with the amazing creations of nature, which have forgotten that they are ordinary plants.

We present to you photos of the most unusual flowers in the world with scientific names and nicknames.

30. Dancing girls (Impatiens Bequaertii)

These little beauties are named after their appearance. They resemble tiny ladies in white or light pink dresses. These orchids belong to the genus Impatiens, and have the interesting property of taking root wherever they touch the soil. This makes "dancing girls" great indoor plants if you can find them.

29. Swaddled baby, Anguloa uniflora

A cute little orchid during a certain period of flowering resembles a miniature baby wrapped in swaddling clothes. Or a tulip, hence another name - “tulip orchid”.

28. Dragon shell, snapdragon achene (Antirrhinum)

Many gardeners love Snapdragon for a spectacular look. However, the already faded snapdragon looks like a scattering of miniature skulls.

In ancient times, people believed that the "dragon shell" had mystical powers and that if you planted snapdragons in your garden, it would protect your home from curses and evil.

27. Monkey orchid, Dracula saulii

There are at least two species of orchids that look like monkeys. One is Dracula saulii, a tiny fluffy white monkey-faced orchid discovered just recently in Peru (2006), the other is Dracula simia, an orchid found in the mountainous regions of Ecuador, Colombia and Peru.

Both of them belong to the genus Dracula, which has 123 species. Not a single plant of this species sucks blood, and was named for its shape, reminiscent of the face of a small dragon and its predominantly dark color.

26. Passion flower, passionflower (Passiflora incarnata)

Spanish missionaries who first saw this beautiful flower, called it passion flower because of the similarity of its appearance with elements of the story about the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

  • The triple stigma symbolizes the three nails with which Jesus was nailed to the cross.
  • The thread-like fringes of the receptacle resemble a bloody crown of thorns.
  • Five anthers of an unusual flower - five wounds of Christ.
  • Sharp leaves - Longinus' spear.
  • Mustache - whip, etc.

25. Leucospermum catherinae

This funny flower looks more like a carnival toy than a creation of nature. Few plants can match the brightness of color with this African miracle.

The most favorable time for leucospermum to bloom is after a drought or fire, when rodents and insects that would hinder its growth have been destroyed.

24. Star flower, Stapelia grandiflora

The graceful, crimson or dark purple petals of this plant look very unusual and even cute. However, the disgusting smell of the Star Flower makes it unsuitable as a gift to the girl you love.

This is because the pollinators of Stapelia grandiflora are flies, and what could be a better bait for flies than the sweetish smell of rotting meat?

23. Ginger hive (Zingiber spectabile)

One of the strangest flowers in the world looks like a big pine cone. Its small "cups" or "honeycombs" (actually bracts) collect water and release the aroma of ginger. And when the flowers bloom on the ginger hive, they resemble small white bees.

22. Pleurothallis truncata

A unique orchid from the tropics of Ecuador has a bright orange inflorescence in the form of a two-row chain. This funny flower is so rare and strange that it doesn't even have a nickname.

21. Devil's hand, Chiranthodendron pentadactylon

This is not just a flower, but a whole tree, on which red petals form in the form of long clawed fingers, reminiscent of the hand of a non-human creature.

20. Crab claw, Heliconia rostrata

The charming plant gets its name from its red and yellow bracts that look like a crab's claw.

19. Desert pea, Swainsona formosa

Here is the product of harsh evolutionary selection - a bright and fragile-looking flower that survives and thrives in a dry, arid climate.

The desert pea is one of Australia's most famous wildflowers. But it cannot be torn down without the special written consent of the Australian government.

18. Drumsticks, globular craspedia (Craspedia globosa)

Funny little balls, as if woven from sunlight, look great in live and dry bouquets. They can be grown not only in a greenhouse, but also on a balcony.

17. Bumblebee orchid, Ophrys apifera

We don’t know why this “bumblebee” is so happy, because this flower has no reason to be happy. It is considered one of the endangered species.

16. Fire lily, Gloriosa superba

If you are going to grow this plant to decorate your home or garden, make sure it is kept out of the reach of your pets and children because it is poisonous. Ironically, this rare flower is considered an invasive weed in many regions of the Earth.

15. Snake head, Hydnora Africana

This monstrous looking flower is native to South Africa. Its smell matches its appearance.

However, despite its shortcomings, African Hydnora has extremely tasty berries. They are not only tasty, but also healthy; local residents use them to treat diseases of the cardiovascular system.

14. Welwitschia mirabilis

The main thing is to survive! Such a motto could have been inscribed on the coat of arms of Welwitschia if she had turned into a medieval knight. The plant is found only in Angola and Namibia - some of the hottest and driest places on Earth.

13. Amorphophallus titanum

This giant flower can grow up to three meters in height. It also boasts one of the most disgusting odors in the plant kingdom, making it a poor choice for your home.

12. Nepenthes attenboroughii

Some call this species "pitcher plant" and others call it "monkey pitcher plant". The reason for this comparison is the resemblance to the pitcher created by Mother Nature.

However, the sweet syrup found inside the plant is extremely dangerous to small birds, insects and rodents, as it traps and dissolves creatures that get too close.

11. Angel's Trumpet, Brugmansia

A native of South American forests, it is beautiful, fragrant and extremely poisonous. It is the source of three deadly toxins: atropine, hyoscyamine and scopolamine, which are essentially psychotropic drugs.

There are many stories of how this great looking plant has been used by criminals and drug addicts who use it to make a narcotic drink.

10. Parrot's beak, also known as spotted lotus (Lotus berthelotii)

Once you see this plant, you will understand why its informal name is Parrot's Beak. It seems that many of these bright birds are hiding in the grass, or for some reason they took off their beaks and forgot to put them on.

One of (in wildlife) was once a true decoration of the Canary Islands. Its bright red or yellowish-red flowers contrast nicely with the silver-green, needle-like foliage.

It used to be pollinated by sunbirds, but they are almost extinct (except in Africa), and all efforts by scientists to return the Parrot's Beak to its natural habitat were in vain. In the wild, it is found in single specimens and is listed in the Red Book.

However, this flower is quite successfully grown in flower beds, flower beds, and even at home.

9. Tacca bat, tacca chantrieri (Tacca chantrieri)

If Batman wanted to decorate his costume with some fancy flower, then the Taka Chantrier would be the perfect option.

This unusual flowering plant is found in Thailand, India, Malaysia and East Asia. It has unique burgundy-black bracts shaped like bat or butterfly wings, and long, thread-like antennae.

8. Happy Alien Flower, Calceolaria uniflora

« Hello, earthlings! I arrived in peace“, one of the most unusual flowers on the planet could say if he had such an opportunity.

Calceolaria uniflora looks like an alien with a happy face and an empty white tray in his hands. This unusual shape attracts not only people, but also small birds such as hummingbirds. They love to eat the white part of the flower, and at the same time help it in pollination.

7. Moth Orchid (Habenaria Radiata)

The shape of this graceful flower, native to Asia, resembles a delicate white butterfly or small bird. The flowers of the moth orchid are only 4 cm wide.

6. Hot sponges, sublime psychotria (Psychotria Elata)

These gorgeous red, luscious lips belong to a flower found in the tropical forests of Central and South America such as Colombia, Costa Rica, Panama and Ecuador.

The plant apparently “chosen” such an interesting shape of bracts to attract pollinators, including hummingbirds and butterflies.

5. Flying duck, sea otter orchid (Caleana major)

This amazing Australian flower really resembles a miniature duck in flight. The shape of this orchid helps it attract pollinators.

And the pollination process occurs in a cunning way. It is performed by sawfly insects similar to wasps. Inside the “duck’s head” a special substance is produced - an attractant, the composition of which is similar to the pheromones of female sawflies.

The males, attracted by this smell, sit on the kalanya and find themselves in a trap. While the insect desperately flounders, it becomes covered with pollen, after which the flower releases its victim into the wild. However, sawflies are not very smart, and the process of “sit, grab, twitch, let go” is repeated on the next plant. And again. And again. AND…

4. Elephant yam, Amorphophallus paeoniifolius

This unpleasant-looking plant is also distinguished by an extremely vile odor, reminiscent of the stench of rotting meat. Just like one of the . However, pollinating insects like this amber, and for elephant yam this is the main thing.

Amorphophallus pionolifolia is edible (if you pinch your nose well). In some countries of Southeast Asia, its tubers, growing up to 16 kg, are grown as a delicacy; in China, elephant yam is medicinal plant, and in the Philippines they are fed to pigs.

3. Italian orchis (Orchis Italica)

A real macho among the most unusual flowers in the world immediately stands out for its bottom. In appearance, he resembles a naked man.

Interestingly, Orchis italica flowers are hermaphrodites, meaning they have both male and female organs.

2. Living stone, lithops (Lithops species)

Some plants use toxins to avoid being eaten. Some people use spikes. Lithops survives by pretending to be a stone.

If you're planning to collect rocks in southern Africa, you'll likely pick up a couple of these bivalves. There are dozens of species of Lithops, each preferring a specific type of rock to hide among.

These fun plants can be grown indoors and will reward you with a yellow or white daisy-like flower.

1. Darth Vader Flower, Salvadoran Aristolochia Salvadorensis

Even before the world saw the first Star Wars trilogy, this flower knew something. Imagine how the Dark Lord decorates his helmet with it and sighs for lost youth and love. Or he decorates his son’s room with slightly sinister-looking kirkazons, which he carefully prepared on the Death Star.

But enough fantasy, let's get back to the facts. Appearance Kirkazona Salvadorensis is due to adaptations that ensure its survival. The helmet-like shape and purple color of the flowers, combined with the powerful aroma of rotting flesh, attract pollinating insects.

Seduced by the smell and sight of the flower, insects fly through Darth Vader’s glowing “eyes.” The inside of the kirkazon is covered in sticky hairs that trap hapless guests long enough to coat them in pollen. The plant then releases its victims to fly and pollinate more flowers.

Winter is coming in Russia, snow is falling, so a story about tropical flowers will remind you of bright colors, sunny days and wonderful smells. And hopefully it lifts your spirits!

Tree frangipani (Plumeria) grows throughout Southeast Asia, although Mexico is considered its homeland and Central America. Apparently, it arrived along with the missionaries, and has taken root so much that it is always planted near Hindu and Buddhist temples. On English language it is called the “temple tree”.

Frangipani enchants with its delicate flowers that smell wonderful. The sense of smell plays a big role in religious cults. Sticks, aromatic oils and essences are used during ceremonies. Therefore, frangipani had to go to the temple courtyard.

For the island of Bali (), the frangipani flower is a symbol. A garland around the neck or one flower behind the ear is offered to guests as a greeting.

Local women wear it behind their ears and place it as offerings to gods and spirits.

There is a home temple in every Balinese courtyard, a frangipani tree is planted nearby, its flowers are used daily. In tropical climates, flowering does not stop; the tree is always in bloom. Caring housewives who have a lot of trees dry flowers in the sun in the yard so that they can be used in religious ceremonies.

Most often they are white with a yellow center, but there are varieties with flowers of pink, apricot, raspberry and yellow-red.

The frangipani tree (Plumeria) is unpretentious and lives for hundreds of years. Frangipani trees with crimson flowers are usually planted in pots and used to decorate the yard.

Spas in Bali place freshly picked flowers in a bowl of water for beauty and aroma. Traditional Balinese massage is done using oil, which can also smell like frangipani.

If you bring a cutting from the tropics, you can try to grow it at home in Russia indoor tree. And the smell of flowers will be the same, maybe a little weaker. In tropical climates, flowers smell so strongly because of competition, there are many of them, and you need to attract attention. And in the Russian climate, a faint unusual aroma will be very noticeable.

Many perfumes contain the scent of frangipani flowers. Their aroma makes you feel like you are somewhere in the tropics, in a sun lounger on white sand under palm trees, on the shores of the azure ocean.

They also bloom all year round in the tropics acacia . Different types- so many. The common thing is that every tree has a sea of ​​flowers. And there are all kinds of colors: pink, red, white, yellow, lilac.

There are no seasons, the same tree contains both mature pods and flowers.

Cactus euphorbia (Euphorbia) widespread among flower growers in Russia. It is a highly branching succulent with erect branches and has from 3 to 8 ribs. Along the edge of the ribs there are tubercles from which new light green leaves grow. On a windowsill in a small pot it grows more than a meter tall, producing numerous branches on the sides.

In the foyer of our cultural center, in a huge container, there was a euphorbia cactus up to the ceiling, several meters high. And on New Year he was dressed up like a Christmas tree.

Euphorbia, in fact, - spurge . If you break off a twig, a white, milky juice will come out. This milkweed juice is used in perfumes and added to whitening creams and anti-freckle lotions. Whitening creams, by the way, are very popular among dark-skinned local residents of sunny countries. And, for us, the peoples of the north, a tan seems to be a symbol of health and a well-spent vacation.

So, in the tropics, euphorbias look like trees. Planted in a row, they produce a prickly hedge.

Some of the species are edible; their branches with the thorns removed are sold in markets and supermarkets.

Another type of milkweed in the tropics exists as a shrub, which is planted in front of the gate because of its continuous flowering, for decoration.

Bougainvillea – a vine with bright flowers of different shades grows not only in the tropics, but also in any warm climate. For example, in southern Europe. But, closer to the equator, it becomes so lush that it looks like independent tree with colored foliage.

Does the character of people depend on their environment?

If you are always around, regardless of the time of year, blooming trees and the fruits and their sweet subtle aroma, can you just enjoy and live today without worrying about the future?

People from tropical countries, it seems to me, can.