Does the moon affect the recitation of mantras? The mantra of the moon goddess is for money, wealth and prosperity. Correct reading of sacred texts

The mantra of the moon is traditionally considered feminine. In Vedic astrology, the moon is called differently Chandra(translated from Sanskrit as “ pleasure giver"). She personifies three female incarnations in Hinduism: goddesses Parvati, Lakshmi and Saraswati.

In the article:

Moon in Vedic culture

Indian astrologers believe that the Moon is in charge of such subtle spheres as metal and emotional. She symbolizes maternal love, femininity, gentleness, creativity, sensuality. As in the western tradition, the waxing moon is considered auspicious as well.

Chandra controls the element of water, which can saturate. The moon is the feminine principle. As mentioned above, the three hypostases Chandra- this is Parvati, Lakshmi and Saraswati.

Parvati or Cali symbolizes destruction, abandonment of illusions. , a Saraswati- creativity, poetry and music.

When is it advised to practice the moon mantra? Vedic astrologers talk about the need for words of power, addressed to the earthly satellite, when it is unsuccessfully located in the horoscope. Even if you are not in front of your eyes, you can use sacred texts to develop those qualities that the moon symbolizes.

Among the list of means by which the lunar qualities in a person are corrected are:

  • daily practice of addressing Chandra,
  • rituals for each hypostasis,
  • wearing pearl jewelry.

Mantras of the Moon

All planetary words of power are recommended to be recited one hundred and eight or one thousand and eighty times. It is believed that in order to obtain the necessary effect, it is necessary to repeat the appeal to the Moon at least one hundred thousand times in three months.

Bija (seed) mantra of the moon read eleven thousand times:

Aum Sram Srim Sraum Sah Chandraya Namaha.

Dadhi Samkham Tusha Rabham Kshiro Darnava Sambhavam
Namami Shashinam Somam Sambhor Mukuta Bhushanam.

Translated, it reads as follows:

I respectfully bow before you, O God of the Moon, whiteness similar to cottage cheese, sea shells and snow, the Supreme Deity of the sacred drink of soma, a product of the ocean of milk, the adornment of the head of God Shambhu.

Tantric mantras:

Aum Shrim Krim Kam Chandraye Namaha Aum.

Aum Som Somaye Aum.

Another lunar mantra is very powerful:


The texts of the ancient sacred appeal:


Mantra for Balance:


It is believed that the mantra of the moon works wonders and changes the life of the practitioner for the better.

These mantras can completely change your life, fulfilling your most cherished desires. It is important to listen to the lunar mantra before independent practice. For this, you can find special recordings of professionals. Correct pronunciation of the text guarantees the effect.

How to practice lunar mantras

It is advised to start singing on a full moon. To do this, you need to go outside to a deserted place, reach out to the lunar disk and pronounce any of the texts. It will take you five to ten minutes to feel the first vibrations. In just one time, you must repeat the text at least one hundred and eight times.

A similar ritual is performed weekly for three months. During this period, the day of the week and the lunar phase are irrelevant. If the month is not visible in the sky, just imagine its image.

If you missed a week, then you need to start all over again. It is believed that starting from the thirteenth week of regular practice, the first changes will appear in your life.

After that, the mantras are recited once a month and only on the full moon.

There is also a different opinion about the beginning of the practice. Some Vedic astrologers recommend starting the chanting of the lunar words of power on Monday, which is considered the day of the moon.

Like any other, lunar mantras reveal various aspects of femininity. If you think that you lack softness, spontaneity, plasticity and other qualities inherent in the fair sex, regular chanting of the moon mantras will help you find and reveal all these traits in yourself.

Do you know the power of the Moon mantra? If we turn to Vedic astrology, then we learn that the Moon is called Chandra, which in translation sounds like "the giver of pleasure." It is she who unites such three female deities: Parvati, Lakshmi and Saraswati.

A very powerful mantra of the moon

With the help of mantras, according to experienced practitioners, you can achieve a lot. Using special prayers, people are able to fulfill their cherished desire, overcome insomnia, and so on.

If you understand that your feminine principle is not pronounced enough, you lack tenderness, restraint, sensitivity, then such prayers will definitely help you. It is believed that during the entire time when you chant such mantras (it usually takes 3 months) the text is repeated an average of 11,000 times.

This mantra of the Moon begins with the divine syllable AUM. Practitioners believe that it was with him that life began, he gave rise to the whole world, which means that prayers starting with this syllable open consciousness.

Aum Sram Srim Sraum Sah Chandraya Namaha

Dadhi Samkham Tusha Rabham Kshiro Darnava Sambhavam
Namami Shashinam Somam Sambhor Mukuta Bhushanam

Its translation into Russian sounds like this:

I respectfully bow before you, O God of the Moon, whiteness similar to cottage cheese, sea shells and snow, the Supreme Deity of the sacred drink of soma, a product of the ocean of milk, the adornment of the head of God Shambhu.

Such a spell is very powerful, with its help you will definitely reach your patroness:


This spell will make it possible, with divine help, to get rid of any negative programs:

This prayer will help you regain harmony, relax and tune in the right way:


If you are a beginner, be sure to use audio recording. First you need to listen to the mantra of the Moon in order to understand how the sounds are pronounced correctly and in the future to avoid mistakes. If you find it difficult to sing on your own, you can do it along with audio and video recording.

The phases of the moon have always influenced human life ...

For a long time, Indian practitioners were convinced that the Moon controls the mental, emotional subtle spheres. It was she who was a symbol of the mother's anxious care, sensitivity, trepidation, lightness and creative energy. In the Eastern tradition, just as in the Western one, the waxing moon means something good, and the waning one means something bad.

Chandra leads the water element, is able to saturate a person, fill him with the necessary, missing qualities, powers, feelings. It is the feminine principle that the Moon symbolizes. Chandra has 3 guises:

  • Kali or Parvati is a symbol of separation, getting rid of illusion;
  • , welfare;
  • Saraswati is a symbol of creative energy, inspiration, creativity.

When is it necessary to resort to the practice of the mantra of the moon? Astrologers believe that such prayers are especially necessary, an appeal to the moon when it is unsuccessfully located in the horoscope. In order to find out her position, it is worth using a personal natal chart.

In the event that it is not there, you can use mantras that will help develop the qualities with which the Moon is associated. If you decide to practice such a prayer, then you need to regularly contact Chandra, be sure to have beads made of pearls with you, and perform rituals for each hypostasis of the Moon.

Practice is believed to bring desired result in the event that the recitation of mantras was started on the full moon. Of course, like many other prayers, you can practice the data in your room. The main thing is that no one bothers you at this moment (neither pets, nor family members).

If initially, in order to relax and clear your mind of extraneous thoughts, you need to meditate, listen to relaxing music, light incense - do it. It is important to maintain this relaxed state and clear mind throughout the entire time you chant the mantra.

There is another way to carry out the ritual, you can do it on the street. Choose a deserted, calm place where you feel good, raise your hands to the moon, and then recite any chosen mantra. It is believed that this text should not be pronounced less than 108 times. In order not to get lost, be sure to use a rosary with 108 balls.

The manipulations are repeated for three months. In the event that the Moon is not visible in the sky, just imagine her image and continue to appeal to her in prayers. Remember, in no case should you interrupt the ritual. Otherwise, it will be necessary to start all over again. Be sure that after three months you will feel that your life has changed.

When 3 months have passed, it will be possible to repeat the lunar mantras only once a month - on the full moon. Opinions differ as to when to start chanting such prayers. Many people are sure that it is worth starting the ritual on Monday. After all, this day of the week is considered the day of the moon. Moreover, its phase on this day does not matter.

The Moon Mantra can really turn your life around. She makes it possible to become more feminine, to cultivate the qualities that are inherent in the fair sex. If you feel that you lack these qualities, then it is the regular chanting of these prayers that will give you the opportunity to reveal them in yourself.

Higher powers are able to solve any human problems, including money. But one should not think that the omnipotent essences of the subtle world are only doing what they are waiting for, as if to serve man. In order to attract the attention of higher powers and get their location, you need to know how to do this. Someone uses prayers, someone - magic and witchcraft, and someone - mantras.

What is a mantra

An uninitiated person who first heard a mantra might think that this is a collection of insignificant sounds. Of course, this idea is wrong. Mantra is man-made sound energy, which aims to attract the attention of the divine essence. If you learn how to pronounce sounds correctly and enter into resonance with them, you can achieve significant improvements in material and spiritual life.

Mantra differs significantly from Christian prayer. We can say that prayer is a conversation with God. But not every Christian prayer is pleasing to God. If a person prays without humility and repentance, tormented by pride, the Lord is likely to ignore the request.

For reciting mantras or meditation, neither repentance nor humility is needed. The main thing is to pronounce sounds correctly, without even understanding their meaning. It is important to know the required number of repetitions, the name of the deity and the purpose of the meditation.


For every area of ​​human life, there are certain types mantras:

Reading rules

For beginners, before reading it is worth choosing one specific mantra and work with her. You cannot read several at once. Having formulated the goal and thinking only about it, you can start reading.

It is impossible to be distracted by extraneous sounds and stop reading ahead of time. Therefore, it is worth choosing a time and place in advance where you can stay alone and no one will bother. Find a comfortable position, relax and start reading.

At first, you can read aloud, eventually switching to a whisper. You need to strive to read mantras to yourself, without uttering a sound aloud. It is much more efficient and easier to sing, so the sounds are more correct.

Very important observance of the rhythm and correctness of the pronounced sounds... This is not a prayer, you cannot add or change anything on your own. Therefore, for a start, you can listen to recordings of famous mantra performers and repeat after them. Correct pronunciation of sounds plays a key role; incorrect pronunciation can significantly complicate life.

Each mantra is recited at least 108 times over 21 days. For beginners, fewer reps can be done, but their number should always be a multiple of 3. It is recommended to use a rosary for counting reps. Moreover, for each mantra, separate beads are needed. During reading, they are charged with the powerful energy of specific sounds, and it is undesirable for different energies to mix.

The materials from which the rosary is made can be any. The main thing is to make sure that no stranger took them in hand... Even family members.

You can meditate at any time, but it is better at sunrise or sunset. The effect will increase. While singing, it is important to breathe correctly, relax and fully concentrate on the sounds being pronounced.

Potential harm

We can definitely say that the wrong pronunciation of sounds can harm a person. And it is almost impossible to check whether the correct sounds are pronounced or not. The fact is that the Vedas are several thousand years old, and many yogis say that the purity of the Vedas has been completely lost. What is available now is not clear by whom and when it was written. It is impossible to say where these ancient spells lead - to a spiritual drug or spiritual death.

Do not forget that any word spoken by a person is valid... If not in the physical world, then in the spiritual one. Few people know Sanskrit. By uttering sounds incomprehensible to oneself, one can unconsciously conclude a deal with the dark forces with conditions that are completely unfavorable for oneself.

For example, the beloved Hare Krishna, hare Rama, which they are ready to repeat until they lose consciousness, draws out the vital energy from them. "Krishna" and "Rama" are the names of the entities that rule people. And hare is the name of the center of vitality. It turns out that everyone who utters these sounds voluntarily gives their life energy to some otherworldly creatures.

There is a version that the mantric sound "om" is the name of a demonic entity that lived in prehistoric times. And by uttering this sound, a person summons a demon, gives him his soul. Yogis claim that "Om" is only the first sound born in the universe, and there is nothing demonic about it.

Despite criticism, many people use mantras successfully and do not observe negative results. On the contrary, significant changes for the better are taking place in their lives. Although there is an opinion that they will have to pay for all this well-being in their next life. In the end, how to use the knowledge gained, a person always decides on his own.

Wealth mantras

The most popular mantras of wealth... The goddess Lakshmi and the gods Kubera and Ganesh are usually responsible for financial well-being. To increase your well-being, you should always meditate on the waxing moon. It is important to properly prepare for the ritual. Tune in to the positive, not think about anything other than the ritual.

The use of candles or additional attributes is optional, but desirable. This will allow you to better tune in to meditation. Several candles, incense sticks, or oils can be lit. It is important that the chosen scent symbolizes wealth and prosperity. These include:

  • Vanilla.
  • Patchouli.
  • Cinnamon.
  • Sandal.
  • Ginger.
  • Orange.
  • Nutmeg.


One of the most revered goddesses in India - it is the goddess of money and wealth, as well as the moon Lakshmi... She is described as a woman of extraordinary beauty with 4 or 8 arms. The goddess holds in her hands:

No Indian businessman will start a new business without a prayer to Lakshmi. The most effective way to refer to it is the Lakshmi-Sadhana technique. Effectiveness depends on how accurately it is performed.

Before you start your first reading of the mantra to the moon goddess, you need to purify. A few days before the ritual, completely exclude all food of animal origin, with the exception of dairy. Before going to bed, drink a glass of warm milk with cinnamon.

The first day of the ritual should fall on the new moon.... In the room where the meditation will take place, light 4 candles, each of which will symbolize the main symbols of prosperity:

  • Profit.
  • Spiritual strength.
  • Wealth.
  • Success.

After preparation, you can start reading the mantra, which must be repeated at least 108 times. You need to select only 1 text from the following:

There is another very powerful mantra for the moon goddess Lakshmi. It is necessary to read it not indoors, but outdoors on a full moon. Go out at night to a deserted place, stretch your palms to the moonlight and read until (but not less than 108 times) until you feel that the moonlight enters the body.

Mantra words: Kung Rono Ama Nilo Ta Wong. Reviews about this ritual are sharply opposite. Some people talk about receiving a huge inheritance:

I did everything as our yoga teacher advised me. After 3 weeks I learned that my grandfather's sister had died. We are in last years practically did not communicate. And then it turned out that she had drawn up the will on me, and now I am the owner of a two-room Moscow apartment. I myself am shocked and do not know: coincidence or Lakshmi's work.

Some reviews make you think about whether it is worth practicing meditation at all and turning to foreign gods. The Christian Church condemns such rituals, considering them flirting with Satan. Many people who went into a trance while reciting mantras talked about what they saw real demons:

Everyone who used Kung-rono-ama ... and so on. Stop reading it immediately. You will receive money, but you will have to give your soul. All of this is from the devil kingdom of Mara. I used this meditation and went into a trance. I saw myself as if from the back. Some horned scary entity tried to enter me. I immediately left the meditation and read the "Our Father" 7 times. I don't do this Satanism anymore.



Another especially revered god is Ganesha... He, like Lakshmi, is also responsible for wealth and well-being. And also science is in the sphere of his control. This deity is easy to recognize thanks to his appearance: Ganesh has an elephant head and a human body.

They turn to Ganesh for prosperity in business, the acquisition of wealth and power. Select 1 favorite meditation from the list and read 108 times daily:

  1. Om Maha Koch Mula
  2. Om Tatpurishuaya Jimahi Dzayatat
  3. Wakrantundaya Om Sarva Janam
  4. Ekanduitaya Om Prachodayat Dante
  5. Om Dzayat Mi Matchmaker Hrim Grim
  6. Om Namah Nano Ganesha Shri Om Ganesha Ganapatpya
  7. Mangalam Mi Maya Om Maheswaraya


Another deity that helps you get rich is Kubera. For the fact that for many years Kubera was a strict ascetic, the supreme deity Brahma made him the keeper of countless underground treasures. Indians believe that if you ask God correctly, he will share his wealth.

Kubera has only one eye, but it boasts three legs. In his hands he always holds welfare symbols:

  • Mace.
  • Bag with money.
  • Pomegranate fruit.
  • Jewelry.
  • A mongoose that regurgitates precious stones.

The Deity not only endows its worshipers with untold riches. Kubera tells them new ways of making a profit and shows them how to keep this profit. Very often, Hindus practice the simultaneous appeal of Lakshmi and Kubera for help, which enhances the power of meditation.

The most powerful mantras:

After meditating for 21 days, my husband finally found a job. I don't know how anyone has it, but I will continue. I am happy with the result.

Attention, only TODAY!

To improve and direct all spheres of human activity in the right direction, the ancient mysterious way is used - the mantra of the moon, which works wonders!

When reading ancient texts, powerful vibrations and a charge of energy are created inside a person, which have a positive effect on the body. Negative thoughts are eliminated, sins are forgiven, you get rid of bad habits, including the habit of thinking negatively. A person is cleansed of the blackness present in his soul and head. Instead of bad, both the soul and the mind are filled with light, a positive charge.

Basically, unfavorable energy prevails in a person, hence anger, envy, failure and material distress. Having begun to meditate and recite the mantra of the Moon, black energy is gradually eliminated in a person, he is filled only with light and positive.

Highly powerful mantra moon works wonders in reality!

The mantra of the moon is written in ancient language, which was not very long ago deciphered by Buddhist gurus. She will give you health and well-being, prosperity and success, love and happiness.

"Kung rono ama nilo ta wong."

Still very popular among the inhabitants of Tibet is the mantra of the Moon from evil forces, giving strength:

"Aum sri gaya adi chandra ayya namah."

To achieve the result

How to make the Moon Mantra work correctly

  • Go outside at midnight on a full moon day;
  • Stretch out two hands towards the full moon and recite the mantra;
  • Recite the mantra until the moment you feel a buzzing like the buzzing of bees. You should feel the buzz of a swarm of bees within you;
  • Say the mantra for about 15 minutes;
  • Your rites must last at least 12 weeks. Do not give up reading, and do not miss a single day, even if there is a desire to give up everything - then the miraculous power of the mantra will not work and the black energy will return to your soul and mind.
  • After the performed rituals, once a month, recite the mantra of the moon.

The ritual itself is difficult, because demonic forces will send fears, nightmares, laziness and weakness to you. But those who manage and do not give up will see miracles at 13 weeks:

  • getting rid of diseases, emotional experiences;
  • success, luck will come into life;
  • harmony and understanding will reign in the family;
  • a single person will find a partner, and a family person will strengthen family relationships.

What is the secret of the magic mantra of the Moon, which works wonders? Due to the impact of vibrations on a person, the evil forces that have lodged inside him are expelled. Instead of them come good forces that will attract good luck into your life, and everything positive that you so lack.

The mantra of the moon is considered to be the most powerful, which should be chanted while standing with bare feet on the Earth, hands up, palms up, serving as conductors of subtle cosmic energies.

General information

Mantra is a connection of a person with higher, divine vibrations to achieve purification, harmony of all his bodies, as well as the opportunity to touch the eternal source of grace. This is the only, undistorted way to directly connect to the all-united creator and cosmic energy flows.

After all, it is no secret that most of earthly knowledge and beliefs are distorted beyond recognition and do not carry anything useful, constructive, but rather are aimed at even greater disorganization, destruction of human beings in order to ensure total control and manipulation over them.

A bit of history

Since the time of Vedic Russia, the moon (Month) has been considered a very important factor that directly affects earthlings. She is responsible for the karmic or subtle body of a person., expressed in various images of the rulers in the form of a "Power" lying in the left hand, symbolizing the "Kingdom of Heaven", clearly hinting at a night luminary, the feelings and emotions of people also depend on it.

The teaching of "Agni Yoga and Living Ethics" says that the Moon is the mother of the Earth and its influence on us and our planet is difficult to overestimate! It regulates the ebb and flow, supports the axis of rotation of the Earth and affects the fate of residents and entire states.

DIY moon magic

The human body is a kind of receiver and transformer of all kinds of energies, with which it continuously interacts throughout its life. Energies surround us everywhere, both in free form and in the frozen form of various objects. However, not all energies are positively reflected on a person, but through chanting mantras, he is able to transform a negative impact into a beneficial one, thereby purifying not only himself, but also the surrounding space.

  • Mantra to the Goddess of the Moon


    Read or listen online 12 min. on a full moon in the open air, facing the mother of the worlds, she has a beneficial effect on health, luck, success is the expulsion of dark negative energy from the body and the space surrounding a person, maternal, caring and protective energies are attracted.
    At the end of the action, the body should hum and vibrate like a bee hive. This is repeated every full moon up to 12 times, and on the 13th you should expect an influx of cash, luck in business and better health. During the entire ritual, nightmarish and unusual dreams, the manifestation of incomprehensible phenomena and a great desire to stop the practice are possible. Patience and faith in own strength help to achieve the desired result.

  • Moon Propitiation Mantra


    During this period, the development of intuition, memory, imagination, extrasensory perception increases and talents are discovered, peace of mind is gained. Apathy, phobias and depression disappear.

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    What pace do you like doing?

    [("title": "\ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043f \ u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u043a \ u043b \ u0430 \ u0441 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u044 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u044 \ u044 u0438 \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0430 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u0430 \ u0432 \ u043b \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u044f \ u0439 \ u043e \ u0433 \ u0438 "," points ":" 0 ":", ("title \ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043f \ u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u0442 \ u0435 \ u0445 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u043a \ u0438 \ u0434 \ u044 \ u0438 \ u0434 \ u44 \ u043d \ u044b \ u0445 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u0430 \ u043a \ u0442 \ u0438 \ u043a \ u043e \ u0432 "," points ":" 2 "), (" title ":" \ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043 u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u043e \ u0433 \ u0440 \ u0435 \ u0441 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u0432 \ u043d \ u044b \ u04304 \ u043d \ u044b \ u304 u0432 \ u043b \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u044f "," points ":" 1 ")]

    [("title": "\ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043f \ u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u043a \ u043b \ u0430 \ u0441 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u044 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u044 \ u044 u0438 \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0430 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u0430 \ u0432 \ u043b \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u044f \ u0439 \ u043e \ u0433 \ u0438 "," points ":" 1 ":"), ("title \ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043f \ u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u0442 \ u0435 \ u0445 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u043a \ u0438 \ u0434 \ u044a \ u0438 \ u0434 \ u44 \ u44 \ u043d \ u044b \ u0445 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u0430 \ u043a \ u0442 \ u0438 \ u043a \ u043e \ u0432 "," points ":" 2 "), (" title ":" \ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043 u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u043e \ u0433 \ u0440 \ u0435 \ u0441 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u0432 \ u043d \ u0434 \ u043 \ u043d \ u044b \ u304 u0432 \ u043b \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u044f "," points ":" 0 ")]

    Continue >>

    Do you have diseases of the musculoskeletal system?

    [("title": "\ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043f \ u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u043a \ u043b \ u0430 \ u0441 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u044 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u044 \ u044 u0438 \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0430 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u0430 \ u0432 \ u043b \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u044f \ u0439 \ u043e \ u0433 \ u0438 "," points ":" 0 ":", ("title \ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043f \ u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u0442 \ u0435 \ u0445 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u043a \ u0438 \ u0434 \ u044a \ u0438 \ u0434 \ u44 \ u44 \ u043d \ u044b \ u0445 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u0430 \ u043a \ u0442 \ u0438 \ u043a \ u043e \ u0432 "," points ":" 1 "), (" title ":" \ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043 u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u043e \ u0433 \ u0440 \ u0435 \ u0441 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u0432 \ u043d \ u0434 \ u043 \ u043d \ u044b \ u304 u0432 \ u043b \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u044f "," points ":" 2 ")]

    [("title": "\ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043f \ u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u043a \ u043b \ u0430 \ u0441 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u044 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u044 \ u044 u0438 \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0430 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u0430 \ u0432 \ u043b \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u044f \ u0439 \ u043e \ u0433 \ u0438 "," points ":" 2 "), (" title \ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043f \ u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u0442 \ u0435 \ u0445 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u043a \ u0438 \ u0434 \ u044 \ u0438 \ u0434 \ u44 \ u043d \ u044b \ u0445 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u0430 \ u043a \ u0442 \ u0438 \ u043a \ u043e \ u0432 "," points ":" 1 "), (" title ":" \ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043 u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u043e \ u0433 \ u0440 \ u0435 \ u0441 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u0432 \ u043d \ u044b \ u04304 \ u043d \ u044b \ u304 u0432 \ u043b \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u044f "," points ":" 0 ")]

    Continue >>

    Where do you like to study more?

    [("title": "\ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043f \ u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u043a \ u043b \ u0430 \ u0441 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u044 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u044 \ u044 u0438 \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0430 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u0430 \ u0432 \ u043b \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u044f \ u0439 \ u043e \ u0433 \ u0438 "," points ":" 2 "), (" title \ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043f \ u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u0442 \ u0435 \ u0445 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u043a \ u0438 \ u0434 \ u044 \ u0438 \ u0434 \ u44 \ u043d \ u044b \ u0445 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u0430 \ u043a \ u0442 \ u0438 \ u043a \ u043e \ u0432 "," points ":" 1 "), (" title ":" \ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043 u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u043e \ u0433 \ u0440 \ u0435 \ u0441 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u0432 \ u043d \ u044b \ u04304 \ u043d \ u044b \ u304 u0432 \ u043b \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u044f "," points ":" 0 ")]

    [("title": "\ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043f \ u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u043a \ u043b \ u0430 \ u0441 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u044 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u044 \ u044 u0438 \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0430 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u0430 \ u0432 \ u043b \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u044f \ u0439 \ u043e \ u0433 \ u0438 "," points ":" 0 ":", ("title \ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043f \ u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u0442 \ u0435 \ u0445 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u043a \ u0438 \ u0434 \ u044a \ u0438 \ u0434 \ u44 \ u44 \ u043d \ u044b \ u0445 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u0430 \ u043a \ u0442 \ u0438 \ u043a \ u043e \ u0432 "," points ":" 1 "), (" title ":" \ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043 u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u043e \ u0433 \ u0440 \ u0435 \ u0441 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u0432 \ u043d \ u0434 \ u043 \ u043d \ u044b \ u304 u0432 \ u043b \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u044f "," points ":" 2 ")]

    Continue >>

    Do you like to meditate?

    [("title": "\ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043f \ u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u043a \ u043b \ u0430 \ u0441 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u044 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u044 \ u044 u0438 \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0430 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u0430 \ u0432 \ u043b \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u044f \ u0439 \ u043e \ u0433 \ u0438 "," points ":" 1 ":"), ("title \ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043f \ u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u0442 \ u0435 \ u0445 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u043a \ u0438 \ u0434 \ u044a \ u0438 \ u0434 \ u44 \ u44 \ u043d \ u044b \ u0445 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u0430 \ u043a \ u0442 \ u0438 \ u043a \ u043e \ u0432 "," points ":" 2 "), (" title ":" \ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043 u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u043e \ u0433 \ u0440 \ u0435 \ u0441 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u0432 \ u043d \ u0434 \ u043 \ u043d \ u044b \ u304 u0432 \ u043b \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u044f "," points ":" 0 ")]

    [("title": "\ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043f \ u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u043a \ u043b \ u0430 \ u0441 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u044 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u044 \ u044 u0438 \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0430 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u0430 \ u0432 \ u043b \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u044f \ u0439 \ u043e \ u0433 \ u0438 "," points ":" 1 ":"), ("title \ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043f \ u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u0442 \ u0435 \ u0445 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u043a \ u0438 \ u0434 \ u044 \ u0438 \ u0434 \ u44 \ u043d \ u044b \ u0445 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u0430 \ u043a \ u0442 \ u0438 \ u043a \ u043e \ u0432 "," points ":" 0 "), (" title ":" \ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043 u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u043e \ u0433 \ u0440 \ u0435 \ u0441 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u0432 \ u043d \ u044b \ u04304 \ u043d \ u044b \ u304 u0432 \ u043b \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u044f "," points ":" 2 ")]

    Continue >>

    Do you have any yoga experience?

    [("title": "\ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043f \ u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u043a \ u043b \ u0430 \ u0441 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u044 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u044 \ u044 u0438 \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0430 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u0430 \ u0432 \ u043b \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u044f \ u0439 \ u043e \ u0433 \ u0438 "," points ":" 0 ":", ("title \ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043f \ u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u0442 \ u0435 \ u0445 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u043a \ u0438 \ u0434 \ u044a \ u0438 \ u0434 \ u44 \ u44 \ u043d \ u044b \ u0445 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u0430 \ u043a \ u0442 \ u0438 \ u043a \ u043e \ u0432 "," points ":" 1 "), (" title ":" \ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043 u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u043e \ u0433 \ u0440 \ u0435 \ u0441 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u0432 \ u043d \ u0434 \ u043 \ u043d \ u044b \ u304 u0432 \ u043b \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u044f "," points ":" 2 ")]

    [("title": "\ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043f \ u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u043a \ u043b \ u0430 \ u0441 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u044 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u044 \ u044 u0438 \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0430 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u0430 \ u0432 \ u043b \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u044f \ u0439 \ u043e \ u0433 \ u0438 "," points ":" 2 "), (" title \ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043f \ u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u0442 \ u0435 \ u0445 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u043a \ u0438 \ u0434 \ u044 \ u0438 \ u0434 \ u44 \ u043d \ u044b \ u0445 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u0430 \ u043a \ u0442 \ u0438 \ u043a \ u043e \ u0432 "," points ":" 1 "), (" title ":" \ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043 u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u043e \ u0433 \ u0440 \ u0435 \ u0441 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u0432 \ u043d \ u044b \ u04304 \ u043d \ u044b \ u304 u0432 \ u043b \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u044f "," points ":" 0 ")]

    Continue >>

    Do you have any health problems?

    [("title": "\ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043f \ u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u043a \ u043b \ u0430 \ u0441 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u044 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u044 \ u044 u0438 \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0430 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u0430 \ u0432 \ u043b \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u044f \ u0439 \ u043e \ u0433 \ u0438 "," points ":" 2 "), (" title \ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043f \ u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u0442 \ u0435 \ u0445 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u043a \ u0438 \ u0434 \ u044 \ u0438 \ u0434 \ u44 \ u043d \ u044b \ u0445 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u0430 \ u043a \ u0442 \ u0438 \ u043a \ u043e \ u0432 "," points ":" 1 "), (" title ":" \ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043 u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u043e \ u0433 \ u0440 \ u0435 \ u0441 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u0432 \ u043d \ u044b \ u04304 \ u043d \ u044b \ u304 u0432 \ u043b \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u044f "," points ":" 0 ")]

    [("title": "\ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043f \ u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u043a \ u043b \ u0430 \ u0441 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u044 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u044 \ u044 u0438 \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0430 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u0430 \ u0432 \ u043b \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u044f \ u0439 \ u043e \ u0433 \ u0438 "," points ":" 2 "), (" title \ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043f \ u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u0442 \ u0435 \ u0445 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u043a \ u0438 \ u0434 \ u044 \ u0438 \ u0434 \ u44 \ u043d \ u044b \ u0445 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u0430 \ u043a \ u0442 \ u0438 \ u043a \ u043e \ u0432 "," points ":" 1 "), (" title ":" \ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043 u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u043e \ u0433 \ u0440 \ u0435 \ u0441 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u0432 \ u043d \ u044b \ u04304 \ u043d \ u044b \ u304 u0432 \ u043b \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u044f "," points ":" 0 ")]

    [("title": "\ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043f \ u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u043a \ u043b \ u0430 \ u0441 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u044 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u044 \ u044 u0438 \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0430 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u0430 \ u0432 \ u043b \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u044f \ u0439 \ u043e \ u0433 \ u0438 "," points ":" 0 ":", ("title \ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043f \ u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u0442 \ u0435 \ u0445 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u043a \ u0438 \ u0434 \ u044a \ u0438 \ u0434 \ u44 \ u44 \ u043d \ u044b \ u0445 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u0430 \ u043a \ u0442 \ u0438 \ u043a \ u043e \ u0432 "," points ":" 1 "), (" title ":" \ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043 u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u043e \ u0433 \ u0440 \ u0435 \ u0441 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u0432 \ u043d \ u0434 \ u043 \ u043d \ u044b \ u304 u0432 \ u043b \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u044f "," points ":" 2 ")]

    [("title": "\ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043f \ u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u043a \ u043b \ u0430 \ u0441 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u044 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u044 \ u044 u0438 \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0430 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u0430 \ u0432 \ u043b \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u044f \ u0439 \ u043e \ u0433 \ u0438 "," points ":" 2 "), (" title \ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043f \ u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u0442 \ u0435 \ u0445 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u043a \ u0438 \ u0434 \ u044 \ u0438 \ u0434 \ u44 \ u043d \ u044b \ u0445 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u0430 \ u043a \ u0442 \ u0438 \ u043a \ u043e \ u0432 "," points ":" 1 "), (" title ":" \ u0412 \ u0430 \ u043c \ u043 u043e \ u0434 \ u043e \ u0439 \ u0434 \ u0443 \ u0442 \ u043f \ u0440 \ u043e \ u0433 \ u0440 \ u0435 \ u0441 \ u0441 \ u0438 \ u0432 \ u043d \ u044b \ u04304 \ u043d \ u044b \ u304 u0432 \ u043b \ u0435 \ u043d \ u0438 \ u044f "," points ":" 0 ")]

    Continue >>

    Classic yoga directions will suit you

    Hatha yoga

    Will help you:

    Suitable for you:

    Ashtanga yoga

    Iyengar yoga

    Try also:

    Kundalini yoga
    Will help you:
    Suitable for you:

    Yoga nidra
    Will help you:

    Bikram yoga


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    Determine Which Yoga Is Right For You?

    Techniques for advanced practitioners are right for you

    Kundalini yoga- the direction of yoga with an emphasis on breathing exercises and meditation. Lessons involve both static and dynamic body work, medium intensity physical activity and many meditation practices. Prepare for hard work and regular practice: most kriyas and meditations need to be done for 40 days on a daily basis. Such classes will be of interest to those who have already taken their first steps in yoga and love to meditate.

    Will help you: strengthen the muscles of the body, relax, invigorate, relieve stress, lose weight.

    Suitable for you: video lessons of kundalini yoga with Alexei Merkulov, kundalini yoga classes with Alexei Vladovsky.

    Yoga nidra- deep relaxation practice, yogic sleep. It is a continuous meditation in the corpse pose under the guidance of an instructor. It has no medical contraindications and is suitable even for beginners.
    Will help you: relax, relieve stress, get acquainted with yoga.

    Bikram yoga is a set of 28 exercises that are performed by students in a room heated to 38 degrees. Due to the constant maintenance of a high temperature, sweating increases, toxins are removed from the body faster, and the muscles become more flexible. This style of yoga focuses only on the fitness component and leaves aside spiritual practices.

    Try also:

    Aeroyoga- Air yoga, or, as it is also called, "yoga on hammocks", is one of the most modern yoga trends, which allows you to perform asanas in the air. Aero yoga is held in a specially equipped room, in which small hammocks are suspended from the ceiling. It is in them that asanas are performed. Such yoga makes it possible to quickly master some complex asanas, and also promises good physical activity, develops flexibility and strength.

    Hatha yoga- one of the most common types of practice, many of the author's directions of yoga are based on it. Suitable for both beginners and experienced practitioners. Hatha yoga lessons help you master basic asanas and simple meditations. Classes are usually held at a leisurely pace and involve predominantly static load.

    Will help you: get acquainted with yoga, lose weight, strengthen muscles, relieve stress, cheer up.

    Suitable for you: video lessons of hatha yoga, pair yoga classes.

    Ashtanga yoga- Ashtanga, which means "eight-step path to the final goal", is one of the most difficult styles of yoga. This direction combines different practices and represents an endless stream in which one exercise smoothly turns into another. Each asana should be held for several breathing cycles. Ashtanga Yoga will require strength and endurance from its adepts.

    Iyengar yoga- This direction of yoga is named after its founder, who created a whole health complex, designed for students of any age and level of training. It was Iyengar Yoga that for the first time allowed the use of assistive devices (rollers, belts) in the classroom, which facilitated the performance of many asanas for beginners. The goal of this yoga style is health promotion. Much attention is paid to and correct execution asanas, which are considered the basis for mental and physical healing.

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    Determine Which Yoga Is Right For You?

    Progressive directions suit you

    Bikram yoga is a set of 28 exercises that are performed by students in a room heated to 38 degrees. Due to the constant maintenance of a high temperature, sweating increases, toxins are removed from the body faster, and the muscles become more flexible. This style of yoga focuses only on the fitness component and leaves aside spiritual practices.

    Aeroyoga- Air yoga, or, as it is also called, "yoga on hammocks", is one of the most modern yoga trends, which allows you to perform asanas in the air. Aero yoga is held in a specially equipped room, in which small hammocks are suspended from the ceiling. It is in them that asanas are performed. Such yoga makes it possible to quickly master some complex asanas, and also promises good physical activity, develops flexibility and strength.

    Yoga nidra- deep relaxation practice, yogic sleep. It is a continuous meditation in the corpse pose under the guidance of an instructor. It has no medical contraindications and is suitable even for beginners.

    Will help you: relax, relieve stress, get acquainted with yoga.

    Try also:

    Kundalini yoga- the direction of yoga with an emphasis on breathing exercises and meditation. The lessons involve both static and dynamic work with the body, an average intensity of physical activity and a lot of meditation practices. Prepare for hard work and regular practice: most kriyas and meditations need to be done for 40 days on a daily basis. Such classes will be of interest to those who have already taken their first steps in yoga and love to meditate.

    Will help you: strengthen the muscles of the body, relax, invigorate, relieve stress, lose weight.

    Suitable for you: video lessons of kundalini yoga with Alexei Merkulov, kundalini yoga classes with Alexei Vladovsky.

    Hatha yoga- one of the most common types of practice, many of the author's directions of yoga are based on it. Suitable for both beginners and experienced practitioners. Hatha yoga lessons help you master basic asanas and simple meditations. Classes are usually held at a leisurely pace and involve predominantly static load.

    Will help you: get acquainted with yoga, lose weight, strengthen muscles, relieve stress, cheer up.

    Suitable for you: video lessons of hatha yoga, pair yoga classes.

    Ashtanga yoga- Ashtanga, which means "eight-step path to the final goal", is one of the most difficult styles of yoga. This direction combines different practices and represents an endless stream in which one exercise smoothly turns into another. Each asana should be held for several breathing cycles. Ashtanga Yoga will require strength and endurance from its adepts.

    Iyengar yoga- This direction of yoga is named after its founder, who created a whole health complex, designed for students of any age and level of training. It was Iyengar Yoga that for the first time allowed the use of assistive devices (rollers, belts) in the classroom, which facilitated the performance of many asanas for beginners. The goal of this yoga style is health promotion. Much attention is paid to the correct performance of asanas, which are considered the basis for mental and physical recovery.

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  • Mantra for the moon for wealth

    Kung Rono Ama Nilo Ta Wong

    It is practiced on a full moon outside on the street, raise your hands with your palms up, addressing the Month, recite a mantra until you feel that rays pass through the palms and fill the whole body with silvery light, the body should vibrate noticeably and hum slightly. The exercise is done for at least 5 minutes, and the maximum is unlimited. For three months, the procedure is repeated every week on Mondays, regardless of the phases.

    This mantra of the moon works wonders, because in the process of filling with lunar energies, a person gains stability in the physical world, becomes cheerful and full of health, any profitable undertakings and projects are successfully carried out. By the end of the classes, complex karmic knots can be untied, the consequences of the negative impact of others in the form of damage and the evil eye can decrease or completely disappear.

    It is important to remember that in the process of practice, more than once you will want to give up everything halfway through, this means that everything is being done correctly, and the dark energy resists and does not want to leave the body.

  • Mantra of the moon for balance


    It is sung every day 108 or 1080 times, preferably clearly and melodiously, but in order to achieve the desired result in 90 days, 100 thousand calls must be heard, she is rightfully considered the most powerful appeal to the goddess, who immediately and invariably responds to the cry of everyone striving for the liberation of the heart ...

    The sound of singing penetrates into every cell of the body, filling it with love, affects nervous system and dissolves into divine vibrations, freeing the mind from bad thoughts and negativity. The consciousness is purified, the highest spiritual values ​​become comprehensible and close, memory improves, intuition, imagination and intellect develop. A person falls under the influence of favorable circumstances that have a positive effect on self-realization, success in business and material well-being.

  • Moon mantra for cleansing


    It must be performed for the growing Month in a standard way at a convenient time of the day. Any negative effect heals, be it damage, evil eye or libel, the body cleans over time and becomes under the protection of the Mother of Worlds.

  • Mantra of the moon works wonders

    Om-Hrim-Sri Lakshmi-Byo-Namaha

    It should be performed quietly, but clearly in the process of contemplating the image or figurine of the moon goddess on the days of the full moon until vibrations in the body are reached, it is perfectly combined with meditation, which enhances the effect.

    The life of the practice will gradually be filled with abundance, pleasure and love, the energy of the satellite of the Earth, opens the heart and cleanses the soul from self-interest, pettiness and selfishness, relationships with people around them will be improved, positive changes will occur in the field of finance, love and at work.

  • conclusions

    It is difficult to enumerate all the influence exerted by our eternal companion on people and nature in general - be it a waning phase or a new moon. Meditation and mantras serve as excellent tools for independent exploration of one's capabilities in personality development and the ability to consciously regulate health, wealth, love and good luck.

    Listen online to the mantra of the moon