Maintenance of the fire alarm system and alert. Automatic fire alarm: maintenance. Scheduled and unscheduled fire alarm

Automatic low-current systems fail for various reasons by creating a dangerous situation for protected objects. The company performs technical inspection and planned repairs of APS and SOUE in civil and industrial buildings, taking into account the adjacent infrastructure, to prevent emergency and emergency situations.

What includes the service of APS and Sowe

Periodic inspection of the fire alarm and an integrated alert system is necessary on each object where these low-current networks are installed. Equipment and components are gradually wearing or morally obsolete, reducing the target efficiency.

Preventive maintenance is directed to:

  1. Preventing malfunctions of the system of alert and assistance in evacuation.
  2. Planned restoration work.

Regular one is necessarily carried out both in a warranty and post-warranty period. Technical measures support long and stable functional state automated fire-fighting systems.

The need for specialized service is due to the appointment of AUPC and SOUE. If the installation of fire extinguishing and management of evacuation, people do not have time to respond correctly on the emergence of emergencies. In the absence of timely alert, the fire can acquire a tragic nature, spread to property and cause irreparable material damage.

Basics for maintenance

A set of events is regulated by PP of the Russian Federation No. 390 dated 25.04.2012 (as amended from 03/07/2019).

According to paragraph 61, the head or other official acting by the head, must provide:

  • Regular inspection and inspection of APS and SOUE performance.
  • Maintenance and planning and preventive repair (PPR).

Preventive inspection takes 1 time in the reporting quarter, with registration regulatory Actconfirming the test results. The frequency of events within the framework of the CPR is established by the annual schedule, which is constituted in the development of the project of low-current systems.

Conscious avoidance of responsibilities or the fictitious conclusion of the contract is prosecuted and are subject to penalties.

The RD 009.01-96 registed the requirements for service organizations and customers. In accordance with regulatory documentation, the right to carry out service works only licensed organizations that have passed accreditation in the Ministry of Emergency Situations are entitled. Only highly specialized engineers of low-current systems and certified electrical systems are performed.

Cost then APS and Sowe

Amount of elementsService cost (rub)
Then the APS and SOUE, which is up to 25 elements3 490
Then the APS and Sowe, which consists of 26-50 elements4 490
Then the APS and Sowe, which consists of 51-100 elements6 490
Then the APS and Sowe, which consists of 101-200 elements8 490
Then the APS and SOUE, in which more than 25 elements, for every 50 elements over995
Then security alarmfrom 3 490.
Then automatic fire extinguishing systemsfrom 6 900.
Raising coefficients
Work in cramped conditions1.2
Works in the ridden or dusty premises1.4
Outdoor work at temperatures above + 30 ° С1.4
Outdoor work at a temperature of -10 ... 0 ° С1.4
Outdoor work at temperatures below -10 ° C, from2.0

The total cost of a set of events for state organizations (municipal and other objects) is determined by the tender.

The price of maintenance services for maintenance and planned repair of low-current systems for commercial enterprises is consisted of a number of factors:

  • The cost of each specific type of work.
  • Estimated costs of purchasing materials.
  • The complexity of the work (hard-to-reach location of the elements, work at night).

For each customer, we offer an accurate and objective calculation of the cost, taking into account the design features and installation.

Maintenance and audit of fire alarm and alert systems are one of the most sought-after directions of our work. Making the focus on a comprehensive format of turnkey cooperation, we check and serve the system of the OPS of any complexity and equipment for offices, enterprises, residential buildings, warehouses, public premises, shopping and entertainment complexes.

Aps: Basic Information

The automatic fire alarm system (APS) is a complex of electrical installations and special vehicles mounted on a residential or non-residential object and remotely managed from the fire post. The main purpose of such security systems is timely detection of fire, smoke and other signs of fire. In addition, the automated APS performs other functions.

Transfer of notice to detected issues and inclusion of warning alarm.

Sending the relevant commands on the inclusion of auto installs of extinguishing and commercial protection.

Managing the procedure for evacuation of people from an object on which signs of fire or smoke are detected.

Standard APS includes the following components.

  • Automatic detectors (thermal / smoke sensors).
  • Manual (forced) detectors, alarm buttons.
  • Firefighter receiving-control device To obtain and process signals of detectors and subsequent submission of information on the observation consoles.
  • Alert systems: light (signal light bulbs) or sound sirens.
  • Light indicators for evacuation, the power supply of which is carried out from the backup source of power supply.
  • Additional and optional components (perimeter sensors, relay blocks, GSM modules, redundant power supplies, speech alarms, etc.)

Our services and prices




Regulatory Maintenance OPS

Plan maintenance of fire alarms (warranty or post-warranty)

Weekly, monthly, 1 time per quarter, every 6 months, 1 time per year (depending on the type of work)

In the framework of the concluded agreement

Installing or replacing individual fire alarm elements

Installation of an internal IR sensor

Installation of a street IR sensor (followed by setting)

Installation of light scoreboard

Installation of the thermal / smoke detector

Installing the perimeter sensor (price for 2 pcs.)

From 2 700 rubles.

Installing a manual alarm button / manual detector

Installation of a bloc of relay

From 600 rubles.

Installing and connecting the power supply

Installation or Replacement GSM Module

From 2 000 rubles.

Installation and connection of the PCP (receiving and control device)

From 1 500 rubles.

Installation or replacement of fire sirens

Audit APS

Independent comprehensive diagnostics of the system with issuing recommendations

As needed

Specify from the manager

Please note: when concluding an integrated contract with our company for the supply, installation and commissioning of security systems, as well as an independent purchase of equipment in the online store "Saving", all advice to support services are provided free of charge.

Diagnostics and maintenance of APS and Alert and Evacuation Management Systems (SOUE)

Maintenance of PS and alert systems can be both regulatory and unscheduled urgent (in case of failures, breakdowns, failure of one or other fire equipment at the facility). The frequency of scheduled inspections depends on specific service work: a number of modules and systems need audit and repair / upgrades every 6 months, while other installations may require checking once a month or every week.

According to the order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations No. 292, the regulatory check of fire alarms at facilities is carried out at least than 1 time in 6 months. In most cases, the integrated system is checked 1 time per month.

According to the results of the inspection, the specialist is the corresponding act in which the physical address of the object is indicated, the type of APS used, used during the audit methods, as well as the conclusion of the status of the readiness of the alarm to the fire. In the case of verification by government agencies, the act must be provided with the Maintenance Maintenance Journal.

The planned service maintenance includes the following works.

  • Visual inspection of sensors and other system modules for the absence of mechanical damage. Check the integrity of factory seals.
  • Cleaning system elements from any contamination.
  • Check the integrity and health of electrical equipment and accessories (switches, terminals, wires, fuses, etc.)
  • Testing the performance of light and sound indicators and bisteners.
  • Ground check.
  • Replacing elements damaged under the influence of corrosion products and other adverse external factors.
  • Test software, configuration it.
  • Record of voltage data and current at the facility.
  • Elimination of all identified faults.
  • Assessment of the resource and performance of batteries.
  • Conducting complex or selective tests.

Our company has all the necessary permits (including the MES license, as well as evidence of construction workers and design organizations). This allows you to serve automatic fire alarm systems and alerts in accordance with all technical standards.

Additional installation and replacement of individual components of the APS

If necessary, in the process of maintenance, our engineers will promptly establish additional modules or replace the failed equipment included in the complex of your fire alarm.

  • Automatic smoke, thermal, linear, combined, etc. detectors.
  • Herkes.
  • Light boards.
  • Exchangers, sirens, buttons.
  • Auxiliary equipment.
  • Power supplies and relays.
  • GSM modules, etc.

Under-service engineers "Union Sat" have everything required details and components, which allows in most cases to install additional equipment or replace the failed modules within 1-2 days (for Moscow and Moscow region). We use in work exclusively original installations For PS systems, which guarantees their effectiveness and the necessary fire safety at the facility of any destination.

Audit APS

If you needed an independent assessment of the state of fire alarm in the enterprise, our specialists are always ready to offer services for the audit of the security system. During the inspection, engineers test all modules for their performance will appreciate the general current state of the system and prepare a package of individual recommendations.

After the audit of the fire alarm, you will receive the following documentation.

  • Technical conclusion about the current state of the system and all its elements.
  • Practical recommendations on the modernization and optimization of OPS, as well as a recommended plan of measures to improve the efficiency of fire equipment and alert systems.

Individual approach to each project: Terms of cooperation

Considering the specifics of diagnosis and maintenance of systems fire safetyThe composition of the work and the cost of each project is determined by our experts individually. Our cooperation with you looks like as follows.

  • You connect with our manager by any way convenient for you and leave an application for the departure of the Union SB service engineer.
  • Our specialist travels to your object at agreed time for scheduled inspection or emergency repair of fire equipment.
  • If necessary, the engineer replaces the failed or the equipment that has exhausted its working resource.
  • After the diagnosis, repair and testing of fire alarm, as well as alert systems, an act of acceptance of the completed work is drawn up, and you get a 2-year warranty for the services provided.

What affects the cost of the maintenance of the APS

When maintaining an APS, we are guided by the following regulatory documents:

  • article 63 of the PPR 2012.

It is important to understand that a properly designed and qualitatively served fire safety system is a defender of the life of your enterprise. Therefore, the maintenance of automatic fire alarm can not be trusted to dubious persons.

With us calm and comfortable!

  • To guarantee your safety, we will carry out for you that (maintenance of fire automation facilities) and the PPR (plan-warning repair of fire automation facilities).
  • All work is performed by an annual schedule plan, which is compiled on the basis of technical documentation of manufacturers of manufacturers used on your equipment object and in accordance with the terms of repair work.

Is it possible to mention whether only specially trained personnel licensed is allowed to mention? Probably, not. Firework Technologies LLC is competent and correct in this regard.

All fire automation should round year be completely good. She should always be ready to protect people from fire, notify everyone and perform their functions by full program. It is for this purpose that we carry out the maintenance of automatic fire alarm and always speak our customers - do not neglect this important necessity. Her life depend on people.

What is the purpose of maintenance and technical inspection of APS?

  • Control, in what condition are the installation of fire automation (it needs to be done regularly!).
  • Check the compliance of the automation installations of the existing project and the requirements of technical requirements (in case of inconsistency - to produce debugging).
  • Eliminate the consequences of any impact (climatic, industrial or other) for fire installations.
  • To identify and eliminate the causes of false alarms.
  • To determine such a state of fire plants, in which they cannot be operated (made by the method of examination).
  • Analyze the technical information, to summarize, and develop measures to improve if necessary.

What do we do, conducting an automatic fire alarm service regularly?

  • We carry out planned preventive work. They are mandatory!
  • Eliminate malfunctions, carry out the current repairs.
  • We help you to properly exploit your equipment, consult, answer the questions that arise. We are always there!

We have low price - Maintenance APS costs from 3000 rubles and is calculated individually!

The fire alarm system (ATP) requires strict compliance with the rules of operation, including compulsory maintenance (COM). In case of non-fire alarm, people may suffer, and with false response and subsequent activation of fire extinguishing systems, the property of the object of the protected object can be damaged. Statistics show that the main causes of failures or false positives in ATP and SOUE are untimely maintenance or violation of operating conditions.

Regulatory requirements

Not all managers of organizations can correctly answer questions, why and how to maintain an automatic fire alarm (APS). Therefore, it is important to know and understand some aspects of this problem topic. Regular maintenance (COM) is necessary for the requirements of regulatory documents. In accordance with Article 61 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 390 dated 25.04.2012. "On fire protection" The owner of the facility or the head of the Organization provides a good condition of the APS and organizes a quarterly inspection of its performance. To solve these tasks, Article 63 is charged to carry out regulatory work on maintenance (COM) in accordance with the annual schedule plan, taking into account the technical documentation of manufacturers.

For those who ignore these requirements, it is liable for non-fulfillment of fire safety requirements, in accordance with Article 38 of the Federal Law of December 21, 1994 No. 69-FZ "On Fire Safety". This responsibility is carried by:

  • property owners;
  • persons authorized to own, enjoy or dispose of property, including managers of enterprises;
  • persons, in the prescribed manner, appointed responsible for providing fire safety;
  • officials within their competence.

Depending on the nature of violations and its consequences (material damage, damage to the health or death of people), these persons can be involved in the following types of responsibility: disciplinary (comment, reprimand, dismissal); administrative (prevention, penalty, disqualification, suspension); Criminal (fine, deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities, correctional work, restriction of freedom, imprisonment). This is confirmed by the practice of litigation of a number of fires that caused a wide public resonance.

Often on facilities where installed and commissioned new system Fire alarm, managers are trying to save and not carry out maintenance APS, relying on the availability of contractual guarantees for the equipment and quality of installation and commissioning provided by the design and installation organization. However, this approach contradicts not only the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 390, but also the actual need for regulatory work. As a technical fire-fighting system, the APS must constantly be in good condition. Obviously, the maintenance-free APS at some point in time will come into a non-working condition. Thus, all means spent on the design, installation and commissioning of this system will be spent in vain. But the main thing on the facilities with the presence of people, an increase in the threat of their lives in case of fire is unequivocal. In ensuring the continuous efficiency of the APS and is the main task that.

The obligation to carry out should be fixed in the operating instructions for the APS, which the installer is developing and in the contractual conditions transfers the Customer as part of operational documentation. This document is mandatory, besides it at the facility must be:

  • project documentation
  • passport APS,
  • act of acceptance of operation; passports and copies of certificates for technical tools subject to mandatory certification or declaration,
  • the list of regulations on
  • schedule then
  • journal of accounting for work
  • faultbook accounting log
  • protocol for comprehensive tests,
  • contract with a service organization on work
  • official instructions Persons responsible for the operation of fire-fighting systems.

In addition, in the presence of duty personnel, there must be job descriptions, instructions on the procedure for actions in the fire, schedule of duty.

During the execution of maintenance work related to the disabling elements of the APS, the head of the Organization is obliged to adopt the necessary compensation measures to protect facilities from fires (instructing employees, continuous presence of duty, etc.).

Conducting that the APS can only be entrusted with organizations that have an appropriate license. This is determined by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1225 of December 30, 2011 "On licensing of installation activities, maintenance and repair of funds for the fire safety of buildings and structures."

Plan-schedule and regulatory work

Conducting an APS - an event issued in the form of an annual schedule plan attached to the contract between an organization operating an APS and the serving organization. Annual schedule for regulatory work on the maintenance of fire alarm includes:

1. List of regulations for each month.
2. The composition of each type of regulatory work (technological maps).

The frequency of regulatory work on the APS is described in Methodical recommendationsReleased in 1999 by VNIIPO MIA of Russia "Automatic fire extinguishing systems and fire alarms. Rules of acceptance and control". However, in these recommendations, for obvious reasons, technological maps are not described for each type of regulatory work, since They depend on the specifics of the equipment manufacturers. You can find information for the compilation of technological maps in the operational documentation of manufacturers (passports, manuals for operation). However, it is necessary to understand the difference between the maintenance of individual devices and their maintenance as part of the fire alarm system. You can not neglect the interconnection of devices in the APS, or its connections with others fire systems. Otherwise, test check of flue fire detectors can, for example, to end automatic launching alert system or fire extinguishing. Thus, technological maps for the regulatory work of the fire alarm maintenance must be developed individually for each object. A project or service organization based on project (or executive) documentation on the APS, and the documentation of manufacturers of EPS elements of the APS can be performed qualified.


An unscheduled is carried out in cases:

  • false automation response, or after eliminating the fault of the element (for a zone with a false response or replacement of the element),
  • receiving a message about the dusting of the address smoke fire detector.
    • As a rule, the work of unscheduled, then represent part of the regulations of the maintenance work carried out according to the schedule plan.

      Checking performance

      Regulatory work should ensure sufficient operations for quarterly inspection of the APS performance, stipulated in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 390. It includes:

      1. Check the main and backup power sources.
      2. Control technical means Automation in duty mode and diagnostic mode.
      3. Check the performance of fire detectors.

      The performance of performance tests is drawn up in free form on the basis of the work carried out, and is signed by representatives of the object and the service organization.

      Maintenance of address systems

      Depending on the type of APS, the order of its service may have fundamental differences. There are two main types of automatic fire alarms: inadequate and address. In the non-educational Aps, as a rule, threshold flue detectors are applied. it simple devicesForming a fire signal in case of exceeding the specified level of smoke in the smoke chamber. Smoke camera - constructive elementexposed to ambientAnd therefore it over time is dying, especially fast in the production premises. The greater the level of dusty of the chamber, the greater the likelihood of a false response of the device. Therefore, this type of detectors requires mandatory periodic cleaning from dust and other deposits on the walls of the smoke chamber. Unfortunately, for this type of detectors it is impossible to measure neither the level of dustiness or the result of prophylactic cleansing. Therefore, traditionally, the purge frequency is 1 month, or is determined by the experimental way, by the presence of false positives. Thus, there is a high probability of false positives due to the contamination of the detector, especially at the beginning of operation.

      In the address Aps, smoke detectors are applied, capable of forming a warning about their dusting. This allows for this type of APS to move from service according to a planning warning scheme to maintain "on request". The recipient of the preliminary signal about the need for maintenance is advisable to immediately select the service organization, in parallel logging information in the APS Event Journal.

      When organizing the maintenance of the fire alarm system, you should not neglect the documentation. The main document that requires regular filling is the "Journal of Registration of Maintenance of the APS". It is filled with the service organization, it is visited by a representative of the object and is stored at the facility. Modern fire alarm systems support the e-log of events in which maintenance procedures can be recorded. This option is useful for monitoring from the responsible representatives of the facility.

      Estimation of the cost of work

      The estimated calculation of the cost of maintenance work is an important attachment to the contract between the organization, where the APS and the serving organization are operated. If the work is funded from budgetary funds, the estimated calculation is mandatory.

      In the estimated calculations of the cost of work, the APS uses two methods: basic-index and resource. With a basic-index calculation, basic rates are applied in rubles, which are recalculated at current prices using the coefficients of recalculation. With a resource approach, labor costs of specialists are estimated, which are then recalculated in the cost of work, taking into account their tariff rates. As a rule, the choice of the calculation method and the regulatory framework for the calculation is made by the organization-customer of maintenance services.

      In budget organizations in Moscow, territorial estimated standards of TSN 2001.14 are widely applied to the estimated cash settlement of maintenance, in which the assessment is made in basic prices as of 01.01.2000 g. The Committee of the city of Moscow on the pricing policy in construction and state examination of projects approves the monthly "Collection The coefficients of recalculation in the current level of the estimated cost of construction and installation works defined in the norms and prices of TSN-2001 ".

      When choosing standards in the regions, the content of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation of April 6, 2009 No. 9737 - cm / 08 should be taken into account. It says: "The maintenance of equipment does not belong to the work performed during construction, reconstruction and overhaul existing enterprises, as well as buildings and structures. Estimated standards for these works are not included in the available estimated regulatory framework for pricing in construction. The estimated cost of work on the current, overhaul, commissioning and maintenance of equipment at existing enterprises is determined by departmental or regional regulatory documents (price lists) on these types of work. In the absence of in departmental or regional regulatory documents separate species work is allowed to use technologically close estimated standards on commissioning worksActivated to the construction of new, reconstruction and major repairs of existing enterprises, as well as buildings and structures used in the construction of new, reconstruction and major repairs.

      One of the departmental standards is the price list No. 2661 001-92. "System of maintenance and repair of technical means and systems of fire extinguishing, smoke farming, security, fire, and fire alarm"Developed by the MGO Protection and Using Basic Rates 1992. To recalculate the cost of work in current prices, consumer coefficients of recalculation are used, which provide regional centers for pricing in construction on request.

      Departmental regulatory documentBased on the resource method of calculation is RTM 25.488-82. "Fire extinguishing installations automatic and installation of fire, security and fire alarms, the number of personnel in terms of maintenance and current repairs." It produced maintenance and current repairs Aps and Sowe for staff. To calculate labor costs in man-hours, the calculated number of electrical atomers is multiplied by the average monthly fot and an hourly rate. Then, taking into account the overhead costs of the serving organization, its profit standards and VAT is the final calculation of the cost of work on that. The resource method can also be applied if the manufacturer led to the documentation the calculation of the rules of time for operations in technological maps. Relying on this information, you can get the most accurate calculation of the estimated cost.

      Methodical manuals

      To help the managers of organizations where the APS is operated, and organizations providing maintenance services, in 2015 a methodological manual "Maintenance of a fire alarm system and SOCE 1 and 2 types in ISO" Orion "was developed. In it in relation to the company's products" Bolid "Found a detailed lighting issues marked in this article, as well as additional questions:

      1. How to compile an annual schedule then?
      2. What is included in the inspection of APS?
      3. What qualification should be at the service personnel?
      4. How to draw up work on?
      5. How to use the current estimated standards for the APS ISO "Orion".

      Earlier, a similar methodological manual was issued for the installations of gas, powder and aerosol fire extinguishing: "Maintenance automatic installations Fire extinguishing with the device receiving and control and management "C2000-ASPT".

      Materials of two benefits are considered and agreed by FSUE VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia. Currently, this is still the only documents of this kind, initiatively developed by the manufacturer of fire-fighting systems.

Today, according to the law, the installation of fire alarm is a prerequisite for the functioning of almost all enterprises, as well as the functioning of buildings and premises in which people are on an ongoing basis. But, as you know, the complex PS system requires regular maintenance, checks, adjustment.

Fire alarm service is one of the areas of services LLC "Gefest Alarm". Knowing all applicable rules, deadlines and regulatory work of fire alarm service We can offer our customers the fulfillment of this service at the highest level of quality. The company works with enterprises and organizations of Moscow, all forms of ownership, invites state budgetary institutions to cooperate.

We specialize in installing modern Systems Safety many years have accumulated big and skills. We work on the basis of a legally correctly compiled contract for the provision of services.

Aspects of the activities of the PS

Maintenance of fire alarm systems is to maintain in the working condition of this complex network from various sensors, cables, control panels. This concept includes:

  • Emergency (emergency) and current technical repairs;
  • Planned replacement, setup and repair of some components;
  • Different procedures provided for by the rules, regulations, aimed at maintaining equipment in working condition.

Fire alarm service is warranty and periodic. Warranty and post-warranty technical measures are usually carried out by the same experts who have been installed, commissioning and installation.

We offer our customers service PS, the installation of which was ordered in our company, also serve equipment and projects developed and implemented by other firms.

Current rules and regulations

In practical terms, the event, on that fire alarm, is concluded in the implementation of the next list of regulations. It includes:

  • Cleaning (purging) system components;
  • Visual inspection of sensors, as well as check cables, contacts, switches, fuses;
  • Replacement of detected faulty components that often suffer from corrosion;
  • Check indication and alerts, both sound and visual;
  • Testing the health of grounding cables;
  • Testing (transversion) of cables, subsequent reconciliation with valid values \u200b\u200bof the revealed current and resistance testimony in components and in cable sites;
  • Setup, check, software restore.

How to produce then asps

The main components of any fire alarm system - PKU (receiving control panel), loops and sensors (detectors). The lion's time of service is led to their check. In the PKU, the Master checks the reliability of the connections, tests the functions of the device. This is a complex set of equipment responsible for performing a certain action algorithm that ASPS produces after detecting fire foci by remote detectors.

The staff of our company checks the infrastructure of the console, can also perform upgrades and reboot (software flashing). These operations are performed by the help of special instruments - programmers. The internal state of the console cabinet is checked, it is thoroughly cleaned from dust, vacuizes if necessary.

Sensor surveys are technically not the most difficult, but extremely laborious, requiring a specialist, including compliance with safety regulations. Because detectors most often hang in the most hard to reach places, on the ceiling. To carry out activities for verification, it requires special adaptations, stepladers and stairs.

For the service of the state of communications (cable transversals), special testers are used. Workers "Gefest Alarm" are armed with the most modern and accurate test equipment. Cable cable and cable checking - a very painstaking operation, requiring much attention. Trends recent years Definitely indicate the gradual replacement of wired lines of modern "air" wireless solutions. Relo-speakingrs recently fell significantly in price and became much more accessible to consumers, so the replacement of wired systems wireless today is a very relevant task.

When conducting professional actions for the service of fire alarm, the service company's specialist is inspection acts and work carried out. The company's specialists also conduct briefing for employees responsible for the customer, regarding the rules of operation of fire alarm.

The current rules of the Regulations implies the logging of the magazine which is called "Journal of Registration of Works on the R". It should be kept in the enterprise and to be presented at the request of inspectors of the controlling bodies. The magazine pages are mandatory numbered and stitched.

How much is the maintenance of automatic fire alarm

The cost of maintenance of the automatic fire safety system is determined by such factors as the size of the object, the complexity of the topology, the price and type of components (imported, domestic, wired sensors, wireless). But remembering that a good service will always be rotated to the clients, Ghefest Alarm LLC tries to keep the cost of service in minimal values, compared with the average market. At the same time, we keep a high level of quality of work, strictly fulfilling the requirements of standards and standards.

Clients of the company are often faced with a difficult choice. After all, frequent carrying out is unfavorable financially. And if it is too rare, it grows the risk of ASPS output and incorrect operation at the time of fire. That is why the correct compilation of the graph plays a big role. Periodicity is indicated in the regulations, it is usually a period of from month to six months.

You can find prices on our website in the appropriate section or use the calculator located below.

When concluding a contract, Gefest Alarm LLC will help your organization to develop an adequate schedule, thanks to which you can be confident in its trouble-free response. Before the planned visit to your facility by the employee of our company, the time of visits and the format of actions are specified. After all, all operations are made when the system is disconnected, require the suspension of the entire system.

Is it possible to serve the fire alarm not once a month, and once a quarter?

In order to check the whole, it is necessary to call a specialized organization, for example, GEFest Alarm LLC. Our employees not only examine the external state of the sensors, but also carry out full maintenance of fire alarm. During the inspection and maintenance of this system, the alert systems are inspected, as well as the APS systems. This is done special tools and devices that are not available to the audited enterprise. Such an inspection gives a more accurate picture about the state of the entire fire safety system.

It is worth noting that such an inspection is carried out periodically, namely 1 time per month. This is not always notified by the owner of the enterprise some specialized organizations. Such frequency of fire alarm service in all enterprises is different. For example, if it comes to a small enterprise with a small number of visitors, the chance of a small signaling breakdown. Therefore, the system performance test can be carried out once every 3 months. If we talk about a big factory or factory, checking the fire alarm is required monthly.

The test date ranges from one day to the week. It is carried out by employees of a specialized organization, because they have the entire supply of technical means for this. They are tested by special tools in the pressure of fire water supply. It must be high and sufficient to extinguish fire in many rooms at once.

It also tests the performance of all sensors in the building and the alarm itself in each room. The good condition of the entire system makes it possible to complete the service at this stage. But in the case of any breakdown, repair is required. This is also the same organization. All work performed are recorded in a special journal.

In addition, 1 time in a quarter or more often inspection of the external state of the sensors by the employee of this enterprise. It is also fixed in the regulations. When fire System The timing is undergoing, an unscheduled inspection of the fire safety system and replacing its details, which eventually failed. It is not too expensive in terms of fire safety. But this is very important for each employee who works in this building.

Who has the right to serve the fire alarm?

But not all the leaders of enterprises follow these rules. Therefore, when the fire situation occurs in the room, the fire alarm system does not work. And the fire causes huge financial losses, and also threatens the lives of people.

So that this does not happen, you need to know why and how to maintain a fire alarm system. First of all, you need to ask yourself a question about why the fire alarm is needed. Such a system is necessary to ensure that in the case of a fire in the building, the fire quickly wasted. Many entrepreneurs do not consider it a prerequisite, so they often ask the question, for which it is necessary to establish and maintain a fire-safety system. To correctly answer questions like this, you need to know how this system is arranged.

The essence of the fire safety system is that special sensors installed on the ceiling in the premises of the enterprise react to smoke or too hot air. When these sensors are triggered, the system notifies all the characteristic signal on the occurrence of fire. In addition, special fire extinguishers located above the sensors are triggered, and splash water to put out the focus of ignition. This is responsible for the main question, for which the security system is needed in the enterprise.

Why do you need fire alarm service?

If you do not follow the health of the system, it is possible that the fire will destroy all the enterprise in one moment. Including there may be human sacrifices. Therefore, simply - the APS is not enough. It is necessary to continue to serve it.

Namely, it is necessary to monitor the health of the sensors, and connecting the system to the water supply. It is advisable to connect the system as well as an additional container with water. This will ensure the extinguishing of the fire in the case of a sudden turning off the water supply.

The specialist in the enterprise, which is assigned to the serving organization. It is fully responsible in the event of a fire and its distribution in case the alarm has not worked. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully and regularly check its performance. But from the very beginning, the organization that has established a fire safety system is obliged to carry out the primary survey of the entire system, and register data into a special magazine.

We are always ready to answer your questions. Together we can save your property from fire! For information on the possibility of carrying out work on the already operated object, call the phone + 7 495 142-24-03 or + 7 901 763-62-73 Write to mail, or ask a question through the feedback form.