The mystery of the mysterious explosions in the Fatezh region. Refutation of the official version of the death of the Kursk Kursk explosion 1991

In Nikolaev, in various design bureaus of which the best designers of Soviet submarines worked, the candidate worked and is working on the problem of rescuing sunken missile submarines and their crews for many years technical sciences, Head of the Department of Life Safety and Civil Protection of the Ukrainian Maritime technical university Valery Mikhailyuk. In the past, he was the commander of the survivability division on nuclear-powered submarines of the Northern Fleet, a captain of the 1st rank in reserve. “FACTS” asked him to comment on what is happening around the Kursk nuclear submarine, which sank in the Barents Sea.

Two torpedoes - two explosions

During my 11 years of service in the Northern Fleet, I went to combat firing training at Cape Svyatoy Nos more than once,” says Valery Mikhailyuk. -- Most probable cause The accident seems to me like this: the Kursk was blown up by its own torpedo. Western news agencies, which I trust more than the Russian ones, reported: the US Navy reconnaissance vessel Loyall, cruising in the Barents Sea, recorded two explosions on Saturday morning, August 12. The second came a few seconds after the first and was more powerful. The commander of the Russian Navy Kuroyedov and the former commander of the Black Sea Fleet Baltin talk about a collision, but in this case there would not be two explosions.

After the collision, the submarine could have exploded rechargeable batteries. Was this the explosion recorded by the reconnaissance ship?

The battery explosion was probably the second, more powerful one. But it is unlikely that the other participant in the collision would have gone far. Eduard Baltin believes that the Kursk, during its ascent, crashed into a Russian ice-class dry cargo ship that fled the scene of the accident. Professionals call such bulk carriers “carrots.” But the hull of the submarine - be healthy, after a collision with it, any “carrot” will feel ill! Now the admiral insists on an immediate search for this ship in Arkhangelsk or Dikson, until the team covers its tracks.

What confirms the version of a torpedo explosion?

In 1991, in the White Sea, an intercontinental ballistic missile exploded in a silo on one of the nuclear boats of this series. Why can't a combat torpedo explode in a torpedo tube? This cannot be ruled out. In addition, the fact that the Kursk crew did not use any of the means of evacuation indicates the landslide nature of the accident. The video camera recorded: a powerful explosion depressurized the hull, the bow of the boat was severely damaged, and the wheelhouse was bent. Debris is visible on the ground in front of the left bow side. The boat was rapidly rushing to the bottom with its nose. If the depths there were not one hundred, but six hundred meters, they would have found a complete mess at the accident site…

Let me remind you: the last time the boat made contact was when the commander requested permission to fire torpedoes. They were started. After the emergency, rescuers saw an open torpedo hatch on the Kursk. The explosion of a torpedo in a torpedo tube was probably the first to be recorded by the Americans. Then the second torpedo detonates; the torn hull is no longer able to absorb the explosion, so the second explosion seemed more powerful.

But why did this suddenly happen?

Perhaps there was a torpedo on the submarine, which once again had its service life extended. The fault of the crew cannot be ruled out: something could have been violated in the pre-salvo preparations. Of course, now the Russians will shake up the mine and torpedo systems from where the sailors get their weapons, but you and I are unlikely to know the truth. And not at all because our neighbors are so secretive. The military of any country is in no hurry to disclose the causes of such accidents. In the navy, you can only learn anything from participants in the events.

Was it not considerations of secrecy that forced the military department to refuse the help of its NATO colleagues for so long?

This is true. Some commentators these days said that in peacetime, military secrets are not worth people’s lives. K-141 (this is the combat number of the Kursk) is far from the latest development, 25 years have passed since the creation of the drawings, technically this is yesterday. The designers have probably already come up with something new.

Doesn't a wartime mine that was hit by a submarine fit into your diagram?

Fits in. This could happen, but with less probability.

Why doesn't the team do anything?

Perhaps the submariners in distress do nothing to save themselves because the command post was completely destroyed and the senior commanders were killed?

Despite the fact that the Kursk left the stocks in 1994, the crew made its first combat mission on it only last fall. Staff training is poor. After all, swimming is one thing, but you also need experience gained in critical situations.

There are more explosives in a torpedo than in the charges that terrorists use to destroy high-rise buildings. It is logical to assume that the Kursk command was killed. In this case, someone must take responsibility and transfer control to the aft combat posts. The rescue cabin most likely jammed when it hit the ground. It is not able to float up on its own, but you can certainly pass through it: batten down the entrance and exit hatches and lock the submariners out. People are probably alive in the stern. Why didn’t the team do anything in 7 days? People lack air and are weakened. But any surviving senior officer must report to the top what happened. He could choose a trained sailor, dress him in a waterproof suit and help him to the surface. There must be individual submariner equipment on board for each crew member.

Maybe they are afraid of decompression sickness?

The depth is not so great, and there is help above, the crew knows about it.

Many are wondering why the personnel at the stern did not release the emergency signal buoy and did not get out through the stern hatch…

This means that this hatch is also jammed. In addition, submariners, in order not to lose the buoy during a trip, often grab its upper part by welding. Because of this, it is impossible to feed the cable to the rescue bell on the surface. Divers could try to get the buoy; this is a doable task.

Will the crew have enough oxygen? Some say this is the biggest problem, others argue that the temperature in the compartments is low. Who is right?

There are special air cylinders located inside and outside the boat hull high pressure. It can be fed into the compartment manually, but then the pressure will begin to increase, and this is fraught. Therefore, in such a case, there are emergency reserves of chemical regeneration agents. They last for 5-7 days.

The exercises were planned to be short-term, so they say that batteries, which have long become a problem in the navy, were not loaded onto the boat. Could this be?

Going to sea without the most necessary things is still an old Soviet habit: maybe it will blow over. But I don't believe it. As for hypothermia of people, the Kursk should have a special warm clothes. At least the sailors won't die from hypothermia.

The Northern Fleet had the weakest rescue service in the Union

Valery Alexandrovich, you have been teaching students emergency rescue skills for many years. In your opinion, how effective are the measures taken by rescuers in the Barents Sea?

It cannot be said that the military is acting unprofessionally - special underwater vehicles cannot attach to the hull of the boat due to storms, strong currents and wind. All attempts to land on the platform of the stern rescue hatch with rescue shells are unlikely to be successful due to the list of the boat. For such an operation you need absolute calm.

What would you do?

I would try to rip off the welded buoy. After all, if there are survivors on the boat, they have probably already unlocked it from the inside.

How do you feel about the idea of ​​raising a boat with pontoons?

- “Kursk” is such a huge thing that a huge number of pontoons will be required. Where can I get them, how can I deliver them? The operation will take 3-6 months. You can lift the boat using special towels, but I doubt that strong slings are available in Russia.

Didn't the naval authorities waste time by refusing the help of the British and Americans?

Lost. Such assistance is very necessary, because the Northern Fleet and Soviet times poorly equipped with special rescue equipment. Now some things have been transferred there from other fleets (in particular, the ship “M. Rudnitsky” from the Black Sea Fleet), but I doubt that this has radically changed the situation. It’s clear: when the world’s largest missile carrier suffers a disaster off its native shore, it’s a shame to ask the Americans for help. But one of the NATO generals correctly noted that here Mr. Putin should weigh his ambitions with the oxygen reserves at Kursk. To save people, you have to do anything. Moreover, it is better to carry out rescue operations different ways simultaneously. Any help here is welcome.

Our rescue equipment, by and large, is old stuff. New developments stopped more than 10 years ago. Today, neither Ukraine nor Russia can do it, since they require huge amounts of money. Having inherited about 2/3 of the total potential of the USSR combat fleet, Russia is not able to use it effectively, much less modernize it. It, undermined by the war, can hardly keep its nuclear fleet on alert even without an emergency. And what if something happens…

What about the nuclear reactor at Kursk?

Emergency protection both reactors have triggered and are shut down. But the circuit needs to be cooled, because there is a nuclear process going on there. There is no electricity, the pumps are stopped, the temperature may rise. The ocean has taken on the role of a cooler, but Russia will have a headache for a long time about the reactors at the bottom of the sea, even if the rescue efforts are successful and people are rescued.

In all corners of Russia and Ukraine, people live from one news release to another. They sincerely worry about the North Sea residents and sincerely wish them to get out of underwater captivity as soon as possible.

Closer to midnight on August 20, the defenders of the White House saw that a column of armored personnel carriers was heading towards the White House: in order to prevent the advance of the infantry fighting vehicles, they blocked passage along the Garden Ring with the help of displaced trolleybuses.

The first six vehicles broke through the barricade, the seventh vehicle (BMP No. 536) was blocked by the crowd again, young people jumped onto the armor and threw a tarpaulin over the surveillance devices.

Dmitry Komar, throwing a tarpaulin over the inspection slots of the BMP, got caught on it, and when the vehicle made a sharp maneuver, he fell under the tracks.

Vladimir Usov was killed by one of the warning shots, a ricochet from the hatch of an infantry fighting vehicle. Ilya Krichevsky was shot in the head under unclear circumstances.

August 21st was always a special day for Soviet dissidents: August 21st, 1968 Soviet troops, suppressing the Prague Spring, occupied Czechoslovakia. In its “best” traditions, the regime celebrated this day with blood and corpses.

The funeral of the victims took place on August 24, 1991. The funeral procession of many thousands from Manezhnaya Square to the Vagankovskoye Cemetery along the streets of Moscow was led by then Vice-President of the RSFSR Alexander Rutskoy (two years later he became one of the leaders of the red-brown putsch, which ended with the shooting of the Russian Parliament building).

RSFSR President Boris Yeltsin asked for forgiveness from the parents and relatives of the victims: “I’m sorry that I couldn’t protect, save your sons,” Yeltsin said words that Soviet citizens had never heard from their leaders before.

Then USSR President Mikhail Gorbachev thanked the parents of the victims: “Looking into these young faces and the eyes of their parents, it is difficult to speak. But allow me not only on my own behalf, on your behalf, but also on behalf of the entire country, all Russians, to bow low to them, who gave their lives, who stood in the way of those who wanted to return the country to the dark times of totalitarianism, push it into the abyss, lead to a bloody massacre. Thanks to their parents!”

By decree of Gorbachev, the families of the victims received a lump sum of 250 rubles and a Zhiguli car (in the fall of 1991, a Zhiguli cost three annual salaries of the youngest research fellow Research Institute).

Komar, Krichevsky and Usov were also the first to be awarded (in 1992) the medal “Defender of Free Russia” - the first state award of the Russian Federation.

Every year, on the day of their death, mourning events were held, including the laying of wreaths from the President of Russia at the graves of the Heroes at the Vagankovskoye cemetery and at the memorial stone on Novy Arbat.

In 2004, the tradition was broken, and for the first time there was no wreath-laying by high officials. “I’m outraged,” Alexander Usov, Vladimir Usov’s father, told the Kommersant newspaper at the time. “The authorities have stopped observing even minimal standards of decency.” And Dmitry Komar’s mother, Lyubov Komar, told the journalist that she “doesn’t care whether the wreath was from Putin or not.” “Sometimes it seems to me that, except for me, everyone has already forgotten about Dima’s death,” she said. In July 2012, Russian President Vladimir Putin established an additional monthly payment for relatives of those killed in the August 1991 coup.

The execution on Station Square has remained for half a century one of the most mysterious and bloody tragedies not only in the history of Kursk, but also of the entire Soviet Union. On September 26, 1968, two soldiers of the internal troops - Private Viktor Korshunov and Corporal Yuri Surovtsev- killed an entire family with two children, and then opened fire on people hurrying about their business past the city railway station. As a result, one of the terrorists was shot dead, and the second was taken out of the cordoned off building in police uniform.

Armed rebellion?

“You are listening to Voice of America from Washington. We interrupt the program for an urgent message. In the Soviet Union, an armed rebellion broke out in Kursk. Several soldiers protesting the policy communist party seized a building in the city center. The area is cordoned off by the police. Details are being confirmed. According to our information, Soviet military personnel are protesting against the entry of USSR troops into Czechoslovakia,” this message was heard on September 26 on an American radio station.

The scandalous news about the armed rebellion in the USSR was picked up by foreign media; in the Union itself, no one knew about the tragedy unfolding at these moments in Kursk.

On the morning of September 26th at an ordinary apartment, located on the fourth floor of a building near the railway station, two soldiers came in with suitcases. A day later, from the windows of this apartment they opened fire on people who happened to be on Station Square. Coincidentally or not, at that time a paddy wagon carrying prisoners was approaching the station. Several convicts were sent in stages. The driver of the car, hearing the sounds of shots, managed to move the paddy wagon away from the fire and drive into the nearest yard. One of those being transported, a 19-year-old guy, was fatally wounded.

Meanwhile, on the square, war veterans, of whom there were many in Kursk in those years, tried to quell panic and lead people out of the fire into the station building. From the windows on the fourth floor, machine gun bursts, short and targeted, did not cease. People wondered if war had suddenly come to their peaceful city?

Station Square in Kursk. Photo:

Bad apartment

And in the very apartment from which the terrorists fired, the tragedy unfolded a day earlier. On the morning of September 26, they were still sleeping there when the doorbell rang. Two guys in soldier's uniform stood on the threshold. The old woman who opened the door to the early guests was killed immediately. Another fourth adult residents of the apartment were shot through a pillow. Just a minute - and out of eight family members, only three remained alive - Tamara Sataplina and her two small children. As if not noticing the bloody bodies, the killers began to drink while listening to the music. When the vodka ran out, Tamara was sent for more, threatening to kill the children if she told the police about everything. According to legend, when a woman was walking down the street to a grocery store, she even met a local police officer, but did not tell him anything, relying on the honesty of the soldiers. But when Tamara returned home, she saw that her children were no longer alive. Some sources claim that they were not even shot, but beaten to death with a cast iron iron. The woman was tied up and locked in the toilet.

All this time, residents of neighboring apartments heard strange sounds coming from the rooms where the massacre took place. But none of them could have imagined what was actually unfolding literally behind their wall. The police were called when early in the morning of September 27 they started shooting at people in the square from the windows of this apartment.

Law enforcement officers cordoned off the house. When trying to approach the door behind which the terrorists were hiding, the criminals opened fire. A headquarters was set up in one of the apartments, where the highest police officials gathered. They even say that the Kremlin was in direct contact with law enforcement officers during the special operation. Brezhnev ordered that the terrorists be captured alive in order to bring them before a military tribunal.

Finally, after many hours of negotiations, one of the soldiers could not stand it. He opened fire on his partner and surrendered to the police. To prevent the crowd from tearing the terrorist to pieces, he was dressed in a police uniform and taken out of the building.

An infantile scribe and a hot-tempered shooter

Who were the brutal killers who killed 11 adults and two children?

Corporal Yuri Surovtsev served in internal troops clerk at headquarters. From his description, found by journalists, it follows that he had obvious mental disorders, for which he even underwent treatment in a regional mental hospital. Surovtsev was infantile, easily excitable and impressionable. Despite the fact that after a year of service in the army he was already in the rank of corporal, Surovtsev depended on his partner and was completely under his influence. It was Yuri who eventually surrendered to the police and was sentenced to death by a military tribunal.

Private Viktor Korshunov is considered the main villain in this story. He was expelled from the institute for an “undignified” lifestyle and enlisted in the army, where within two years he became the unit’s best shooter. Shortly before the tragedy, Korshunov even received an excellent student badge of the Soviet Army. But his character was described as hot-tempered, and his behavior was aloof. Korshunov’s profile also says that he often talked about suicide and massacres.

Presumably, Korshunov decided to commit suicide after breaking up with a girl who did not wait for him to leave the army. But he didn’t want to die just like that, so he pushed the weak-willed Surovtsev to carry out a terrorist attack. The case file states that Korshunov’s father Nikolai was convicted of treason after the war. Perhaps Viktor Korshunov himself had a lot of hatred for his country.

Surovtsev and Korshunov stole weapons from the army reserve and hitchhiked to the center of Kursk. According to local media, their target was initially the Kursk city hall, but the Lenin police department was located there. Therefore, the decision was made to hide in an apartment nearby and from there open fire on the busy square. Why did the house of Tamara Sataplina and her family become a haven for terrorists? There is a version that Tamara was an acquaintance of one of the deserters, and he even visited her.

In 2016, in the program “The Investigation Conducted” with Leonid Kanevsky, they spoke in detail about the Kursk terrorist attack. The release says that Tamara Sataplina, who lost her entire family on September 26, 1968, asked the killers why they did it. The answer was: “We are the avengers.” It’s just that why and to whom the Kursk terrorists took revenge is still unknown.

“Hello everyone, there is no need to despair” - the suicide note of Lieutenant Commander Kolesnikov.

On August 12, 2000, at 11:28 a.m., a strong flash was recorded on the cruiser "Peter the Great" in the water area where the Russian Northern Fleet was conducting exercises, and then a hydraulic shock. At that moment they did not attach much importance to this. Five hours later, a communication session with the K-141 Kursk submarine followed as planned. But at the appointed time there was silence on the air. The admirals in charge of the exercises became worried, but no one yet thought that one of the largest tragedies of our time was unfolding.

Submarine cruiser in troubled times

Even in the Brezhnev era, the command of the USSR fleet was thinking about how to counter US aircraft carrier groups. The USSR could not afford a similar program for the construction of heavy aircraft-carrying ships. Therefore, we decided to look for an asymmetrical answer to this challenge. This is how Project 949A submarines, also known as “Antey”, submarine missile cruisers, were born. These monsters, the size of a nine-story building, were equipped with Granit anti-ship missiles.

True, the original design of the "Anteev" already contained many controversial decisions.

IN During the 80s, "Anthea" was gradually put into operation in the Pacific and Northern fleets. They became a kind of last gift of the Soviet shipbuilding program to the naval forces modern Russia: The last of the 11 completed submarines was laid down in August 1991, when the USSR was already disintegrating. The tenth Antey, laid down in 1990 and launched in 1994, received the number K-141 and the name Kursk.

In the 90s, the Kursk served in the Northern Fleet. This period was incredibly difficult for the country and the fleet, which affected, of course, the condition of the submarine, as well as the qualifications of the crew and command.The capabilities of the Kursk were affected by all the problems of the then Armed Forces Russia. Lack of funds did not allow constant training. In 1998 and 1999, the Kursk never conducted torpedo firing at sea.

In the summer of 2000, planned repairs of the ship began, carried out with many violations of regulations. By July, the crew had not gone to sea for almost nine months. Now he had to participate in major exercises of the Northern Fleet together with other warships.

At the same time, the task assigned to the Kursk sailors did not seem at all elementary. The fact is that before the voyage, the Kursk received “Kit” torpedoes, which the crew had never fired before. There were not even relevant operational documents on board. The Kursk crew was simply not prepared to use a specific type of torpedo; the sailors had never dealt with it.

On August 10, the Kursk left for its last voyage and began its exercise program. On the 12th at 08:45 in the morning, the commander of the submarine Gennady Lyachin got in touch and reported that everything was going according to plan. At ten o'clock the boat takes up positions for target practice.

Fading hopes

Later, the death of the Kursk gave rise to many versions of what happened on board. However, some points can be judged accurately. At 11:28 a torpedo explodes in the first compartment. Everyone in the first and second compartments is killed outright, and a high-temperature fire breaks out inside. The sailors who were in the third compartment begin to go aft, but only manage to get to the fourth. The boat nods and after a short time hits the bottom at a depth of 108 meters. At this moment, due to the fire, the remaining torpedoes on board detonate. The blast wave travels through the compartments. She was stopped only by the heavy-duty bulkheads around the nuclear reactor.

23 sailors survived in the aft compartments. The signal buoy, which could indicate the exact location for the search, was blocked. The surviving submariners gathered in the ninth compartment after the nuclear reactor shut down.

Meanwhile, the surface of the water was already beginning to feel uneasy. Oddly enough, no one responded to the report of the acousticians from Peter the Great, who recorded a bang and a hydraulic shock from the explosion. However, the hours passed, no firing was observed from the submarine, and then it did not make contact.

The cruiser "Peter the Great" began to send signals, calling the "Kursk" to the surface. No answer. Only half an hour before midnight the navy sounded the alarm. The exercises stop, rescuers go to sea.

At 04:51 am the boat was found lying on the bottom. "Rudnitsky" departs there and arrives around nine in the morning the next day. The trouble is that in the Northern Fleet there is simply no necessary equipment to get to the boat, and the level of training of the sailors is insufficient.

At this time, the last sailors were dying painfully in the aft compartment of the Kursk.

The records of Lieutenant Commander Dmitry Kolesnikov shed some light on their fate. He made a list of those gathered at the stern, briefly described the state of affairs and, finally, jotted down a couple of lines for his wife Olga. The officer understood that he would most likely die: “The chances seem to be small, 10–20 percent.”

Nevertheless, there was no panic among those remaining on board. To avoid flooding, the submariners slightly increased the pressure and put on insulated suits. There was no lighting, but the lanterns were still functioning.

Theoretically, the sailors could escape through the escape hatch. However, there was not enough life-saving equipment for everyone, and most importantly, there was no reason to use it yet. Self-evacuation through the emergency hatch is generally more a gesture of desperation than a real opportunity to leave the boat.

Kolesnikov’s group still had the opportunity to hold out for quite a long time due to the air regeneration system. Nevertheless, the situation inevitably worsened in any case. Water flowed into the ninth compartment slowly, but still.

Lieutenant Commander Sadilenko also jotted down a short text about the state of affairs on the boat, and from it it becomes clear what a nightmare the last hours were:

“There are 23 people in the ninth compartment. They feel bad, weakened by the effects of carbon monoxide. We are running out of regeneration cartridges. When we reach the surface, we will not be able to withstand the compression. We will last no more than a day.”

Soon an event occurred that further shortened the lifespan of the remaining crew. Emergency air regeneration on the boat was provided by devices based on potassium and sodium peroxide that released oxygen. The problem is that under certain conditions this mixture can easily ignite. While recharging the regeneration device, machine oil got onto the plates.

Followed immediately chemical reaction, which caused a short but very intense fire. It quickly went out, and it was not the burns that killed the sailors. The fire quickly burned out the oxygen remaining in the ninth compartment and filled the premises with carbon monoxide, which killed everyone who was still alive.

In fact, this meant that by the time the rescue operation began, there was no one left to save.

Powerless Saviors

In fact, by the time “Rudnitsky” appeared at the scene, it was already a question of extracting the bodies. However, on the very first day of work, the Northern Fleet command gave false hope to the whole country. It was announced that contact had been established with the crew, and knocking signals were given from inside. The deadly reality was that the anchor-chain was knocking against the anchor fairlead and the submarine's automatic emergency station. However, before the nature of the sounds was figured out on the spot, the fleet command had already managed to report the alleged contact to the country’s top leadership and the public.

The irresponsible behavior of both the command and the media only added fuel to the fire. As hopes for saving at least part of the team faded, emotions spilled out. Not only the relatives of the sailors, but the whole country was outraged.

On August 19, Norwegian rescuers arrived at the scene of the tragedy. Divers, having examined the boat, based on indirect evidence, decided that, apparently, the ninth compartment was flooded. They soon open the hatch and find an air bubble, but not a single living person. On the afternoon of the 21st, the commander of the Northern Fleet reported the death of the crew.

An investigation began, but it could not provide any answers before the boat could be brought to the surface. The rise of the Kursk has become a separate complex international project. During 2001, the boat was transported to the dock. 115 bodies of the dead were discovered and buried. However, after the funeral events many questions remained.


The investigation examined a wide range of versions.

The version of a mine explosion from World War II does not stand up to criticism. The mine cannot float freely in the water column for decades, and the damage from it is characteristic enough not to be confused with anything else.

The version about the death of the nuclear submarine from a collision with an American submarine, or even torpedoing by a “probable enemy,” has become much more widespread and much more popular. This version was presented in great secrecy by some senior officers of the Northern Fleet, since the treacherous attack writes off everything and allows one not to answer questions about one’s own professional level.

However, during the investigation this version also disappeared. NATO submarines, of course, were in the Barents Sea. Meanwhile, both American submarines, theoretically capable of participating in a collision, are much smaller than the Kursk, and a collision - especially one that causes a torpedo explosion in the apparatus - would simply destroy them.

The version about the torpedoing of the Kursk is much more interesting. However, failure awaits supporters of the conspiracy theory here too. This version was supported by a photograph of the Kursk, which shows a round hole in the side. However, it looks like a hole from a torpedo only at first glance. Torpedoes do not leave round holes with smooth edges.

H In order to substantiate the version of the torpedoing of the Kursk by the Americans, one has to allow too many accidents: an alien submarine must enter the training area, not be detected by anyone, for some reason release a torpedo and hit the Kursk, without leaving a trace, in the area where the torpedo, In theory, it shouldn't hit.

No fragments of an alien torpedo were found inside the submarine. But traces of deformation from the internal explosion of torpedo tube No. 4 were discovered.

What happened in reality? Judging by the known information, an explosion occurred from a “practical” (training) torpedo. The 65-76 torpedo used on the Kursk that day uses hydrogen peroxide and kerosene. Upon contact with kerosene, hydrogen peroxide decomposes into water and oxygen with a monstrous release of heat (up to three thousand degrees), that is, simply put, it explodes. Traces of this particular explosion were found on the surviving torpedo fragments raised from the bottom. The question is whether the explosion occurred as a result of a defect in the torpedo or as a result of the actions of the crew. The investigation settled on the first option.

From the very beginning I followed the coverage of this topic, which became number one in the world media. Any opinions, statements, conjectures of former submariners and those related to this were in great demand, and various versions of the disaster, like mushrooms after a rainstorm, climbed onto the pages of the press and television programs. They talked about a hydrogen explosion in a battery pit, terrorists, etc. When the first results of underwater filming were shown and everyone saw footage of external damage to the nuclear-powered ship, they immediately started talking about a wartime mine, a collision with an icebreaker. These two versions quickly disappeared, since the wartime mine for the Kursk was “like pellets to an elephant,” and in the area of ​​the exercises at that moment there was not only an icebreaker, but not a single civilian vessel. The dominant version was a collision with one of the two American boats located in the area (“Memphis” and “Toledo”), which resulted in damage to the right torpedo tube, an explosion of the torpedo located in it and the penetration of flame into the compartment with the torpedoes located there, which eventually exploded. Moreover, Defense Minister Sergeev said on television that an underwater object “commensurate with the Kursk” was recorded near the Kursk. This version was especially attractive to the military because it removed the heavy burden of responsibility for what happened from the admiral's shoulder straps. I remember how one admiral, commenting on television on footage of damage to the right torpedo tube, running his finger along a cut in the boat’s hull, claimed that this was done by the rudder feather of an American submarine. But this version also had serious opponents with convincing arguments, so they decided to raise the Kursk in order to finally put an end to it.

The Kursk was raised a year later, in 2001, at the Roslyakovo dock. Moreover, they lifted it, having previously cut off the bow section, which contained the damaged right torpedo tube. In addition to the terrible picture of the destruction of the bow of the Kursk, the world saw two holes on the left and right sides.

Immediately after the rise of the Kursk in Roslyakovo, the commander of the Northern Fleet, Admiral Popov, held a press conference at which he showed a photograph taken by the echo sounder of the cruiser Peter the Great, which showed an underwater object near the Kursk. It was the collision with the American boat and the ensuing consequences, according to Popov, that became the main cause of the death of the Kursk. Unfortunately, I have not seen this program, which my friend, a former submariner, told me about, so I cannot talk about its details.

The newspaper “Soviet Russia” became interested in the hole with a dent on the starboard side and presented a version of the collision and torpedoing of the American Kursk boat. At the same time, this article did not say anything about the meter-long hole on the left side, as if it did not exist at all. At the same time, the newspaper “Life” became interested in the hole on the left side. On its pages, a version was expressed about a hit by a Granit missile fired from the cruiser Pyotr Velikiy at a time when the submarine was on the surface. At the same time, the author of this article ignored the hole on the starboard side, and the crumpled starboard torpedo tube was completely out of use.

During a meeting in Roslyakovo to determine the cause of the disaster, journalists asked Putin a question on this topic. Getting up from the table and turning around, Putin, almost irritably, replied: “We are considering all versions. Including: collision with an unidentified underwater object. But we have no objective evidence." Having seen and heard this on TV, it seemed to me then that it was this version that dominated that meeting, which forced Putin to highlight it in the interview.

A year later, in 2002, part of the first compartment was raised along with the right torpedo tube, and the remains of the compartment were blown up. Contrary to expectations, the damaged torpedo tube was not shown to the general public. Soon the main cause of the disaster was announced, which was outlined by Prosecutor General Ustinov. It was that “due to the explosion of a training torpedo and the further development of the explosive process in the combat charging compartments of the torpedoes located in the first compartment of the Kursk APRK and so on...”. No comments were given regarding this version. Thus, this reason became version No. 1, after which this topic in the media ceased to exist.

Three years passed after the official conclusion, and version No. 2 of the death of the Kursk APRK appeared, which was proposed in the documentary film: “Kursk: a submarine in troubled waters” by the French journalist Jean-Michel Carré. This film was first shown on French television in 2005, but was banned in our country.

I only recently learned about this film. Watching it didn't live up to my expectations. I expected to see research work, a scrupulous search for the truth, and the tape most of all looked like a political order, the purpose of which was to undermine Putin’s rating and the policy of our state in general.

And it is no coincidence that the film began not with the seascapes that the Kursk plows, but with fragments of the inauguration ceremony of Putin as president of the country. That is, from the very beginning it is made clear: who this film is really about. And then we see how the author is most concerned about incriminating evidence (savoring the hysteria of the mother of the deceased submariner at a meeting with Klebanov, the indignation of relatives against Putin, Kovalev’s shameless rantings, Politkovskaya’s statements about Nord-Ost, etc.), and the version itself is constructed in a “squall” against Putin. This version was not new, but represents a development of the one proposed by “Soviet Russia” in 2001. Thus, Jean-Michel Carré took the side of the Russian communists, spinning the plot of his version in a Hollywood-style adventure, with disregard for logic and reality, in favor of his goals.

So, exercises are being held in the Barents Sea, in which three dozen ships and submarines are participating, including the Kursk. A Chinese delegation is present at the exercises, which is interested in acquiring the latest Shkval missile-torpedo, which America is trying to prevent, since the combat capabilities of this torpedo allowed China to bring its Navy to the level of the West. Therefore, in the exercise area there are the American submarines Memphis and Toledo, as well as a British submarine, a Norwegian reconnaissance vessel and spy satellites. When the Kursk prepared to launch the Shkval, the Toledo maneuvered in the immediate vicinity to force it not to carry out a torpedo demonstration, and the Memphis was on duty nearby. During the maneuvers, the Toledo collided with the Kursk and damaged its right torpedo tube with its rudder. Hearing the sound of the loading torpedo tube (?!) of the Kursk, Memphis decided to save Toledo and fired a torpedo that hit the torpedo compartment. The damage to the Kursk was not dangerous, so its commander decided that the hole could be repaired, but the design of the American torpedo, causing a fire, ultimately led to the death of our nuclear submarine.

And then the process of saving the American side from blame for the tragedy began. This process was allegedly organized by Putin for the sake of the political and economic dividends that followed. There were lies and collusion between the Russian and American sides, who hid the truth from the world community. But it was Putin who took the worst hit in the film, portraying him as a liar and political intriguer. Therefore, the ban on showing this film in our country was natural. Judging by an Internet poll, the author of the film skillfully took advantage of the gullibility and superficial thinking of a considerable number of citizens of our country, and it’s not worth mentioning about the Western viewer: they simply don’t show anything else.

“A year ago it was clear to everyone. There were three versions of the submarine's death: a collision with an enemy submarine, the explosion of a World War II mine, and the explosion of an emergency torpedo.

Deputy Prime Minister Ilya Klebanov, head of the government commission to investigate the causes of the disaster, summing up the “underwater part” of the investigation, said a year ago that the cause was “80 percent” clear and lifting the boat was needed only to get the bodies of the submariners and some additional evidence for main version.

But a year has passed, the boat was raised. Klebanov arrived to choose one from three versions and close the issue once and for all. I arrived and inspected the nuclear-powered icebreaker raised from the bottom.

And... he left. Without adding anything, without saying anything, without explaining anything. He left, as the people who saw him during his visit to Murmansk told us, in bewilderment and confusion. What is the reason? As the specialists who worked at the dock in Roslyakov told us in confidence, the indelible impression on the Deputy Prime Minister was made not even by the terrible picture of the destruction inside the submarine, but by the left side of the Kursk, crushed by some monstrous external influence. Or rather, a hole in the left side.


There was a lot of talk about it a year ago, especially in the first days after the accident.

The hole in the left side in the area of ​​the 24th frame is about a meter in diameter, close to an ellipse in shape, with edges bent inward.

These inwardly curved edges were what gave everyone no rest. It was they who first forced people to say that the boat was rammed by an icebreaker (however, the leadership of the Ministry of the Navy instantly refuted this version and presented evidence that in the area where the Kursk sank there was not only a single icebreaker, but also no civilian vessel at all) , then - about a wartime mine (but this version was immediately refuted by the creators of the boat, the Rubin Central Design Bureau; according to them, the strength of the Kursk’s hull is such that a wartime mine is like pellets to an elephant).

Then they forgot about the hole in the left side. Switched to starboard. They found either a scratch or a dent there. And they began to claim that this was irrefutable evidence of a collision with an enemy submarine. First they sinned against Memphis, then against Toledo.

They demanded that the Americans and British give the opportunity to inspect their boats. They were indignant that they didn’t give it. Experienced experts, sea wolves, naval commanders, “overgrown with shells,” presented beautiful pictures depicting the collision and its terrible consequences: they say, the enemy boat caught the side of our boat with its rudder feather, crushed the torpedo tube and the torpedo in it, which caused it to explode, knocking out the rear cover of the torpedo tube, a fire started in the compartment, and after 135 seconds...

At the same time, torpedo weapons experts were at best modestly silent about these exotic versions, and more often declared that this was nonsense. That no rudder feather, under any impact, is capable of denting the torpedo tube (a thick-walled steel pipe with additional stiffening ribs) so much that the torpedo in it collapses - it is more likely that the rudder feather itself will fall off than this will happen. An even more fantastic option is the torpedo igniting inside the torpedo tube and knocking out the back cover. You just need to know the structure of the torpedo tube. The back cover is held in place by a ratchet lock - a reliable design of special strength. And the front cover opens roughly like a door. So, if an explosion occurs inside the torpedo tube, all its energy, along with pieces of the torpedo, will splash out, and not inside the compartment.”

As you can see, version No. 1 is “An even more fantastic option” than version No. 2. In addition, this article contains a photograph of this same torpedo tube (underwater photography), under which there is a caption: “A torpedo tube with a torn off back cover. The bracket on the tail section of the surviving torpedo is clearly visible.”

But 15 years later, this photograph, after the newspaper one, finally (apparently declassified) appeared on the Internet.

By the way, about the hole on the starboard side, which is attributed to the American MK-48 torpedo

The first thing that catches your eye is that the hole in the body is neatly cut and does not look very much like the hole was made by some kind of striking object, which would probably leave traces of sliding along the edges, but here, as if a circle was cut out on paper with scissors . And here are the statements about the torpedo: “Firstly, the MK-48 is not an anti-tank blank, the principle of combat use of this torpedo is completely different - it is a powerful explosion in the immediate vicinity of the hull of the attacked ship, the force of the explosion is enhanced by hydraulic shock.” That is, a torpedo is only a means of delivering explosives to the hull of a ship and its design is not designed to pierce the hull of a ship, because this function lies with the explosives. Especially in in this case the Kursk has a strong hull thickness equal to 100mm of armor and can probably be overcome by a shell from a large-caliber gun from a surface ship, but not a torpedo. And it is worth noting the bent hull around the hole, as if it was actually a shell from the main caliber gun of the battleship that caused the hole, but shells do not fly under water. Fantastic fake, fantastic technology! If it really was a torpedo, then having crashed into the hull of the Kursk, it would have exploded and as a result there would not have been such a neatly round hole. And here's another saying: “So not a single piece from a foreign boat, no torpedoes or explosives were found” (“Drowned Secrets of Kursk” by I. Egorov). But it was this hole that became the main clue for Jean Michel Carré when he created the documentary film “Submarine in Troubled Waters.”

But most of all the version of the American torpedo is baffled by this photo:

These holes were not caused by the explosion of torpedoes, but by a “monstrous external influence from outside,” which no boat, icebreaker or other ships could cause, and such holes could not be caused by hitting the bottom... Raised to the surface

The fragments of the hole in the right torpedo tube were not shown to the general public in 2002. Therefore, for now only this picture remains, since the remains of the nose section, cut off along the red line, were blown up.

But I will not interfere with the text written 7 years ago, the original version of which was torn from me: “›journal/122059″, and I will continue with the current one that has been added several times.

Version No. 2, put forward by Jean-Michel Carré, also has many questions.

As a rule, upcoming military exercises are announced in advance, and the area where they will take place is designated, in which there should be no strangers. How could two American boats end up in a training area crammed with three dozen warships and submarines conducting maneuvers with live firing, missile and torpedo launches?.. After all, this was a mortal risk! These boats could be “confused” with training targets... and there would be no one to blame! In addition, these boats had the audacity to approach the Kursk, and even at such a shallow depth, at which they could even be detected from the surface, visually? roof"!? After all, we are not in a state of war to do such a thing!

And torpedoing under these conditions, and even because of the supposed sound of a loading torpedo, is generally “Hollywood”... the only thing missing was Steven Seagal in the role of the Memphis commander. If this had actually happened, I think the Kursk commander would have given the command for an urgent ascent to inform his people about what happened to him. And then the fate of the American boats would have been decided, since they illegally found themselves in the forbidden zone of the exercises and themselves “asked for” the role of “targets.” And there is no need to exaggerate: this incident would not have led to the launch of Poplars and Minutemen... It’s too frivolous to arrange an apocalypse for this reason. Rather, this conflict would be resolved by money.

In my opinion, there would be no point in our leadership sheltering America if this actually happened. In this case, it seems to me, America would have to pay for the Kursk and more... These are the times of a market economy, not an “Iron Curtain”.

I believe that foreign diplomatic missions were telling the truth when they reported that there were no foreign submarines in the exercise area. Why doesn’t Jean-Michel Carré and others believe them?.. Obviously, only desire and a set goal are guiding here.

As for the damage to the right torpedo tube, this is the opinion of experts, which is expressed in the newspaper Zhizn, so journalistic fantasies are simply inappropriate.

So who then dented the right torpedo tube, covered with 100mm armor (frontal armor of the “Tiger”), “that no rudder blade, under any blow, is capable of denting it like that...”?.. And here, perhaps, it’s time to talk about the version No. 3.

When the main cause of the Kursk disaster was announced in 2002, the NTV channel showed a protest rally organized by relatives of the dead sailors, since this version actually blamed the crew for what happened. One of the protesters told the correspondent that the admiral (I don’t remember who) told them that there were two blows to the hull. In response, the General Prosecutor's Office agreed to acquaint the relatives with materials on the Kursk disaster, "including secret documents, but in the manner prescribed by law." This means that they had to sign for non-disclosure of state secrets. This signature provides for criminal liability for disclosure. It is these secret documents, apparently, that hide version No. 3, forcing the official authorities to get off with a “fantastic option”, since “there is no objective evidence.”

In one of the television programs (about 10 years ago) dedicated to the death of the nuclear submarine "Komsomolets", one of the commanders of the nuclear submarine, a captain of the 1st rank (I don’t remember his last name) told how once the instruments showed that an object was moving towards his boat, and when it should there was a collision, the object disappeared! And this was also observed among the Americans.

Until recently, the UFO topic was secret throughout the world, but Lately The veil of secrecy began to be lifted little by little.

Recently there was a program on the Rossiya TV channel on the topic of UFOs. It presented declassified materials, including video footage of unidentified objects above the surface of the Moon made by American astronauts! There were also stories about unidentified objects observed by many sailors. These objects moved underwater at tremendous speed, and even, after flying out of the water, turned into flying objects! There was a case when unidentified underwater objects in a Norwegian fjord were mistaken for enemy boats, which began to bomb with depth charges, but they failed to sink anyone - the objects disappeared. But most importantly, in this film the idea was expressed about the real existence of the 3rd Force, to which the Americans at one time attributed the disappearance of their Scorpion boat and the death of other nuclear submarines.

But what is this 3rd Force?

Of course, no one will provide us with “objective evidence,” but we can try to look for indirect evidence.

Ufologists, of course, will begin to attribute this phenomenon to representatives of other worlds, but I disagree with this. If they really are, then why don’t they come into direct contact with us? What makes them play hide and seek with us? Possessing higher intelligence, why do they behave so stupidly: endlessly collecting stones and sticks? They seem to be afraid to reveal themselves to us, but why? I think that this is not the way to search for the 3rd Force.

I believe that it is necessary to look for Her in the Holy Scriptures.

“Thus the heavens and the earth and all their hosts are complete” (Bible. Genesis: 2 ch. Art. 1).

What kind of “army” is this? We see everything created by God, but the “army” does not. What is it? What are the goals and objectives of the “army” invisible to us? And why is it invisible: what's the point if it actually exists? After all, if the “army” exists in the text of the Bible, then it must exist in reality.

“I created the earth and created man on it; I have stretched out the heavens with my hands, and I have given the law to all their hosts” (Isaiah: 45, 12).

This topic is extremely controversial (however, like the theory “ big bang", for which they received Nobel Prizes), and apart from versions and hypotheses, nothing can be at hand. Therefore, I will try to express only my personal version.

The “Heavenly Host” is God’s instrument on earth, which is located in a parallel world so as not to interfere with our free will. It exercises complete control over each of us throughout our lives, helps or punishes, serves our transition to another world, controls the weather and political processes, arranges earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, and also organizes mysterious disasters.

“And if Allah had willed, He would have taken away their hearing and sight” (Quran, Sura: 2, 20).

Let's say a disaster is about to happen to some plane. At the energy level, they connect to the pilot’s brain cells and block the visual and auditory channels, and instead connect their own. The pilot does not feel or feel anything, and at first sees the same picture as it really is. As we approach the airfield, the picture begins to change. Unsuspecting pilots perform maneuvers according to what they see and hear. As a result, the pilot reports that he sees a runway and lands the plane on it, but the real runway is located in a different place!..

In the same way, you can install a truck driver with a car rushing towards him, which in fact is not there, which forces him to turn the steering wheel to the left and drive into the oncoming lane, where he crashes into an oncoming bus, which he does not see. A similar scenario, in my opinion, happened with the river passenger ship “Alexander Suvorov” in 1983, when the ship, in the wheelhouse of which there were two people (the first mate and the helmsman), instead of the fourth, went into the sixth span of the Ulyanovsk bridge, which led to the death of over two hundred people!

But there are cases of direct impact of the “military” on the object, as, for example, TU-154 in 1995, near Khabarovsk, unexpectedly went down vertically, and the crew could not do anything with it. Or a MIG-31 fighter in the Vologda region fell from a height of 13 km, but both pilots never ejected! In short, there are many options for mysterious disasters.

The incident with the Kursk, in my deep conviction, is precisely the result of the direct influence of NGOs of unearthly origin, as objectively evidenced by external damage to the hull, which no watercraft of earthly origin could inflict. It is extremely difficult to imagine how it was. It is necessary to have at least a recording of the team’s conversations at these moments, but they are classified. Although it was officially announced that the recording was turned off, it is simply impossible to believe it. I myself saw a program where they showed a laboratory in which the restoration of tapes with recordings was carried out. A recording device was shown, and at the same time they said, pointing to the charged reels, that it was at this point that the recording was interrupted. During an exercise, should you turn off the recording when a combat torpedo launch was planned?..

So the Kursk collides with the NPO, which crushes its right torpedo tube, steams through both sides (apparently it was some kind of fantastic octopus), and the boat goes to the bottom! The commander of the nuclear-powered vessel, Lyachev, who is in a state of shock, gives a broadcast command for the team to leave their posts and arrive at the pop-up chamber for evacuation. Maybe it was for this reason that the team members were not in their places prescribed by the combat schedule. But after 135 seconds, the NGO gave a signal and an explosion occurred! At the same time, not all torpedoes were exploded, but the maximum permissible part of them, as evidenced by the collected a large number of TNT from torpedoes destroyed by the explosion that did not explode. Apparently, if all the torpedoes had exploded, then not only the Granit missiles would have been destroyed, but also the reactor, which would have resulted in an environmental disaster in the Barents Sea! And such results, apparently, did not suit the 3rd Force. Enough for now, our planet and Chernobyl!

From the "Peter the Great" they saw an object near the "Kursk" and, apparently, decided that it was a foreign submarine (of course, no one suggested any NGO), and decided to punish it for what it had done. Therefore, the bombing mentioned in the documentary was most likely addressed to the supposed enemy boat, and was not a call for the Kursk to surface. But it’s impossible to destroy the NGO, since it can easily hide in another dimension and throw out a buoy for fun, and the enthusiastic military had to look for a boat all the way to the Norwegian border.

The first underwater examination of the Kursk hull immediately led to the suspicion that something had happened that went beyond the limits of earthly ideas, which means that it was not subject to wide publicity, since it was a secret of an international scale. For this reason, the director of the CIA came to settle this issue through joint efforts. For this reason, “Memphis” and “Toledo” were not shown, so that there would be suspicion of them. For this reason, the Kursk was raised, cutting off the bow. For this reason, the damaged right torpedo tube was not shown to the public when it was raised in 2002. For this reason, a “fantastic option” was declared. For this reason, the UFO option was immediately and categorically rejected. Because the governments of the world are afraid of panic and unpredictable consequences that could arise in large sections of society if everyone finds out the truth about this. But this cannot continue indefinitely, because in these catastrophes, as I believe, there is a certain purpose.

But what is this goal?

Of course, there cannot be a definite answer to this question, but your humble servant will try to go in this direction.

“He said about this: the fourth beast - the fourth kingdom will be on earth, different from all kingdoms, which will devour the whole earth, trample and crush it.” (Daniel: 7, 23).

But this is a mirror reflection of our time! Environmentalists are already sounding the alarm, but “Vaska listens and eats.” There are countries that don't even want Kyoto protocol sign on greenhouse gas emissions! Moreover, the most “devouring”, “trampling and crushing” ones.

But what then makes humanity behave so suicidally?

“Following America, the demon of consumption has engulfed all of humanity. For the most part, it worships not so much Christ, Allah or Buddha, but the golden calf” (AiF, No. 33 (1502), 08/12/09. Cardboard politics. Alexey Pushkov, TV presenter, political scientist, professor).

It was the golden calf that became the true god for the majority of humanity. “Faith in it” requires from “parishioners”: bottomless consumption and an endless accumulation of zeros in bank accounts. And to produce money, as we know, it is necessary to process raw materials, that is, to “devour,” “trample and crush” our planet, which was not created by our hands. For such a “religion,” a suitable morality is also necessary: ​​“No ethical revolution, to which Patriarch Kirill, in particular, called for us, has yet to be observed in the world” (ibid.). After all, watch the film: “One Million Years BC” and we recognize ourselves in our ancestors!.. Time has only changed the scenery, but our morality has never escaped from the cave. The same egoism, the desire to grab a fatter piece, the fierce struggle for the right to become a leader who, as they say in the film: “gets everything,” only all this has acquired a new appearance. This scheme was especially revealed by the “fourth kingdom” in which we now live - the kingdom of the market economy.

The philosopher of the market economy, Thomas Hobbes, in the 17th century defined its ethical side in such a way that it is a struggle of “all against all.” And, naturally, what kind of love for one’s neighbor, to which Jesus Christ called, can we talk about in this situation? We are now more deaf to this call than ever! But “God is love.” Therefore, “love your neighbor as yourself” is not just a call, but a part, if not the goal, of the Divine Plan. But as reality shows, humanity is moving in the opposite direction of this goal. What to do?

Our Creator cannot allow direct intervention, since this would be violence against our freedom of choice. Violence is the lot of the primitive and manifests itself where reason fails. For the Supreme Mind, which the Almighty possesses, it is simply humiliating. Therefore, God can only allow Himself hint.

UFOs and everything connected with it are not representatives of other worlds, as is commonly believed. In the Bible, as stated earlier, it is called: “the army of heaven.” It is my firm belief that this phenomenon (as it is also called) represents executive INSTRUMENT OF POWER God on earth. This is why the UFO behaves so strangely: it suddenly appears and suddenly disappears, as if it wants to say that it exists, but at the same time does not provide objective information about its real existence. That is, in fact, it is only about itself hints. It is unlikely that aliens would be concerned about our freedom of choice and fear of objective information about ourselves.

It is with the help of UFOs that God hints to us about His real existence. Only all these contact attacks (flying saucers, kidnapping of earthlings, crop circles, etc.) are perceived by us as the tricks of representatives of other worlds. But mysterious disasters make us think: that there is still a real Power. This is what our Creator has to do So hint about yourself, because to this push him We by their disbelief in His real existence. The proof of this is our obedient service to the golden calf, embodied in our way of life - the opposite of that to which the Son of God called us: “Be ye therefore perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect” (Matthew: 5, 48), that is, to universal love, which is perfection.

After each mysterious catastrophe, the official bodies, for the reason stated above, prefer to get rid of the general public opinion with another “fantastic option”. But it is obvious that this method is akin to painkillers for toothache. I think it's time to stop burying our heads in the sand. It is necessary to officially recognize the real existence of the 3rd Force. And human society needs to remain calm and perceive this phenomenon as part of our existence. The time has come when we all need to sort ourselves out and think: what needs to be done to hints

1) having arrived at the command post to take over duty on 08.13.00 at 08.35, I immediately joined the build-up of forces and communications equipment, due to the absence of the next communication session of the nuclear submarine "Kursk" (at 23:00 from the 12th to the 13th ). We built up, accepted reports... until 11.14. After which the replaced OD PUS of the Navy left for home.

in the message - “On August 12, at about 11:30, Norwegian seismologists recorded two tremors with a force of 1.5 on the Richter scale…………. Meanwhile, “K-141” did not get in touch, and by 11 pm the fleet was on alert.

2) Peter the Great discovered a submarine on the ground for the first time on 08/13/00 and I wrote a report about this in the journal at 16.31. After which, almost immediately a report was received that the discovered submarine had begun to move and that in size it was significantly inferior to the Kursk. "PV" began pursuit. He pursued until he received the order “Stop the pursuit of the submarine... return to the search for Kursk.” The destroyers that continued the pursuit of the submarine after the “PV” safely lost this submarine in less than an hour... And the “PV” continued the search because of the beginning storm, discovered Kursk already at 20:00, (I don’t remember exactly...) returning to almost the same place where Kursk was discovered.

But let's say it was an American submarine.

The late Admiral Baltin argued in this regard that there could be no major damage in a submarine collision. Out of more than a dozen collisions between our and American boats, they resulted in dents, damage to the conning tower fence, etc. did not lead to emergency consequences. And as stated above by torpedo armament experts: “That no rudder feather, under any impact, is capable of denting the torpedo tube (a thick-walled steel pipe with additional stiffening ribs) so much that the torpedo in it collapses - rather, the very rudder feather will fall off, than this will happen." But we’ll play giveaway and assume that the American boat has an incredibly strong rudder or lateral stabilizer, was able to crush the right torpedo tube and, like a knife through butter, make a longitudinal cut in the 100mm armor of the Kursk hull!

But who then made the round hole on the starboard side?

But the question arises again: who made the hole on the left side in the area of ​​the 24th frame, about a meter in diameter, and close in shape to an ellipse?

But this is the Granit rocket fired by Peter the Great, the Zhizn newspaper tells us. Let's play giveaway again and believe.

And so the American boat, after it was discovered, decided to start moving at a speed of 8 knots (14.5 km/h). At first she was accompanied by the Peter the Great, then this was continued by two destroyers, which “safely lost this submarine in less than an hour...”. OK. Let’s play giveaway again, since we are not specific specialists in this area (maybe the sonar equipment was “disabled” on both destroyers?..).

But now the moment has come when there is no longer anything to play with, since the question arises: why did this “boat” spend the whole day near the “Kursk”, merging with it into one object?! After the collision, the commander could have only one solution - to scramble as quickly and as far as possible. At this speed, you can cover more than 300 km in a day. But for some reason the “boat” chose to wait a whole day, until the very moment of discovery!!! Moreover, she began to move, as if she had been informed that she had been discovered!.. Why did the crew of the supposed American boat commit actions absolutely incompatible with elementary logic? That is, he did everything in order to find himself, and even at the scene of a crime, for which they could be severely punished?!

And I have an answer to this question.

Having given the opportunity to make an entry in the log (apparently, this was under their control), the NPO began to move almost at oar speed, with which it managed to escape from modern destroyers, the equipment of which allows you to even see fish! As I suspected two years ago when I wrote this article, the NGO went into another dimension and forced our ships and aircraft to frantically search for themselves right up to the Norwegian border, which was a pointless fuss.

Of course, not everyone will like this. Some, having rejected all arguments and reasons, will call it nonsense, the more hysterical will “drag” you to a psychiatric hospital, others... I sympathize, but I can’t help. As the well-known admirer of materialism, V.I. Lenin, instructed journalists: “facts are a stubborn thing.” It was precisely this “testament” of Lenin that the author followed when working on this material.

PS 2. Here is some more information: “Here are additional facts about the Kursk tragedy, so that citizens of the Russian Federation have no doubts. RIA Novosti dated December 6, 2000, headline: “ Russian warplanes pursued a foreign submarine17 August in the Barents Sea" Text: " Russian warplanes pursued a foreign submarine in the Barents Sea in the area of ​​Northern Fleet exercises. This, as reported by RIA correspondentNews, confirmed by Russian Defense Minister Igor Sergeev. The day before, this fact was announced the other day by the retired Norwegian Admiral Einar Skorgen.. At the same time, he did not rule out the possibility of a collision between the Russian submarine Kursk and an American submarine.. The admiral also confirmed the fact that the US Navy submarine Memphis visited one of the Norwegian ports at the end of August..