What is the name of soybean cheese. Tofu cheese: properties, features of preparation and use. Where to buy soy cheese tofu and how much it costs

Tofu is a mysterious product. It is believed that he is curative. But the reality is that the harm of many of its varieties is often much greater than the good.

What it is?

Tofu is bean curd, or cheese, made from condensed soybean milk and pressed with nagari (the extract left after soybeans are extracted from seawater).

The composition of a soy product is somewhat similar to the composition of ordinary cottage cheese or cheese. It also has a lot of proteins, calcium, manganese. 100 grams contains:

  • 8 grams of protein;
  • 4 grams of fat;
  • 31% daily allowance manganese;
  • 20% calcium;
  • 14% selenium;
  • 12% phosphorus;
  • 11% copper;
  • 9% magnesium and iron;
  • 6% zinc.

Exists different varieties product - soft, hard and extra hard.

Tofu calorie content - 88 kcal (for durum varieties).

It is generally accepted that soy cheese is extremely healthy and is a complete replacement for animal protein for vegetarians and those who fast. But such an opinion is largely erroneous. Only certain varieties of tofu have health benefits. The rest are harmful.

Soy cheese, both soft and hard, can be fermented or unfermented.

Hard fermented varieties are made by drying compressed soy milk in the air under hay. Soft ones are kept in vegetable or fish brine.

Only fermented varieties have health benefits. Since the process of fermentation (natural fermentation) destroys many harmful substances in their composition.

Unfortunately, most of the varieties of tofu on the shelves of our stores are unfermented varieties, in which there is more harm than health benefits.

Why harmful?


Since the product is made not from milk, but from soybeans, tofu cheese contains all those components that are characteristic of legumes. And they are not always helpful.

  1. Salt. This compound has not only harmful, but also beneficial features. However, phytic acid is an antinutrient. That is, it impairs the absorption of certain trace elements of food. This is especially dangerous for vegetarians, who just like to lean on soy products.
  2. Lectins and saponins. These are the protein components of legumes that adversely affect the gastrointestinal tract, as they make it difficult to digest food and irritate the inner wall of the intestine, contributing to the occurrence of "leaky gut syndrome".
  3. Oligosaccharides are molecules that promote excess gas formation.
  4. Oxalates are substances associated with the formation of kidney stones.

To minimize the harm to tofu, it should be consumed in a fermented form. Since the process of natural fermentation significantly reduces the concentration of phytates and protease inhibitors (lectins and saponins) in soy cheese.


, from which tofu is made, is associated with the presence of a large amount of phytoestrogens in it. These substances mimic the work of female sex hormones. And it's dangerous for female body as well as for men.

Men under the influence of phytoestrogens become effeminate. Women may also experience hormonal imbalances, menstrual cycle. The risk of developing breast cancer increases.

To minimize the negative impact of tofu cheese on the body, it should be consumed fermented. The fermentation process not only destroys antinutrients, but also fights phytoestrogens.


Soy contains compounds that interfere with the normal production of thyroid hormones - goitrogens. The strongest of these is soy isoflavone genistein.

When used in small amounts, tofu can not negatively affect the thyroid gland. But if you eat this cheese constantly, replacing animal proteins with it, you can significantly increase the risk of developing hypothyroidism. Young children are particularly affected.

Obstacles to the work of vitamins

Soy contains substances whose spatial structure resembles vitamin B12. However, they cannot work like a real vitamin. But they can interfere with the performance of their biological functions.

Second important vitamin The one that soy products contribute to deficiency is vitamin D. Soy increases the body's need for this compound, and it is often lacking.

And again, to minimize the possible harm of tofu cheese, it is necessary to include only fermented varieties in the diet. Since they do not have such a negative effect on the body.

Abundance of omega-6 fatty acids

Many plant foods are unhealthy because they contain significantly more omega-6s. fatty acids than omega 3. Tofu is one of those foods. The amount of omega-6 fatty acids in it is almost 9 times higher than omega-3.

The prevalence of omega-6 acids over omega-3 in the diet leads to a violation of the ratio of omega-6: omega-3 in the body. This is a prerequisite for the development chronic inflammation, which underlies most serious diseases (cancer, atherosclerosis, autoimmune diseases, etc.).

How to include in the diet?

This soy product can be eaten just like that. However, there are many recipes for cooking that use tofu.


As in the case with, it is impossible to briefly describe salad recipes with tofu. Since this product is used in countless similar snacks.

It is combined with tomatoes and cucumbers, eggplants and zucchini, avocados and peaches, radishes and bell peppers, seafood and fish, beans, cabbage. With everything, anything.

As a rule, salads with tofu are seasoned olive oil, lemon juice, balsamic vinegar, soy sauce. Mayonnaise is practically not used.

Here is an example of making the simplest salad.

But the salad is more complicated in the Japanese style.


The most cooked with tofu different soups.

spicy cabbage soup. For cooking will require Chinese cabbage, green onion, hot chili pepper. How to cook... Chicken soup with ginger. This is a more nutritious option. In chicken breast broth. But we need hot pepper again. Recipe …

Making traditional miso soup with tofu is also not difficult at all.

Main dishes

Cutlets. In addition to the cheese itself, you will need ginger, garlic, flour. Cutlets will turn out ruddy and fragrant. How to make… Fried with sesame. In this recipe, cheese is fried in large chunks, sprinkled with sesame seeds. Can be served hot or cold as a snack. Recipe

This is how you can fry tofu with vegetables according to the Chinese method.

And this is how you can make a real omelette from this soy product.

And tofu cheese can be prepared deliciously if it is marinated. It's not at all difficult to do this. And the appetizer will turn out very unusual. How to marinate... Please note that only those varieties that have not been fermented are pickled at home.

Useful Alternative

An excellent substitute for soy cheese as a vegetarian and lean source of protein is natto, which is fermented soybeans. This product always undergoes a natural fermentation process, and therefore never contains those harmful components that may be present in tofu.

Tofu is the buzzword these days. Vegetarians talk about it, people who are fasting or dieting, as well as numerous fans of the now fashionable Asian cuisine, are happy to add it to their menu.

But is the value of tofu only in its religious adaptability and fashion trends?

Scientists say no - this product is one of the foundations of the diet healthy eating, and that it should be used by everyone who dreams of having good health and a beautiful figure.

History of Tofu Cheese

Tofu cheese - soy cheese - is a specific product and not all Europeans like its fresh taste, which cannot be said about the Chinese.

The inhabitants of the Celestial Empire enjoyed tofu back in the 2nd century BC, however, the cheese recipe turned out by accident.

But this is not as important as the fact that tofu is practically incapable of harming the body (unless, of course, it is heavily abused), but there are incredibly many benefits from it.

Tofu is an ingredient in many Asian dishes., and is also rapidly gaining a “place in the sun” among the ingredients of salads and snacks familiar to us. Soy cheese is said to be the result of an experiment or an accident.

One of the Chinese chefs prepared a tender soy puree, seasoned it with nigari - an extract of sea water and left it for a while (maybe something distracted him or urgently needed to go somewhere - the story is silent).

And when I returned, I saw that the puree had curdled and acquired a completely different texture and taste - it became dense and slightly salty.

After tasting, it turned out that in this form, soy is also incredibly good, as a result, the world received another culinary masterpiece.

At the same time, it turned out to be so successful that it retained its popularity for 27 centuries and continues to delight people and give them health to this day.

How is tofu cheese made today?

Tofu production technology is not much different from that used to prepare cheeses with cow or goat milk.

The only difference is the feedstock: for tofu, it is of vegetable origin - this is soy milk, into which a certain amount of live bacterial cultures is introduced to help it curdle.

Excess liquid is removed from the resulting soybean curd and sent under a press, after which beautiful layers of elastic, tender, pliable and pleasant-tasting cheese are obtained at the output, which has a number of distinctive features:

Does not contain animal fats, which is valuable for people who adhere to the principles of a healthy diet, those who are staunch vegetarians, fans of meat-free diets;

Suitable for people with lactose intolerance;

It does not have a characteristic milky smell and taste, but at the same time it has a delicate texture;

able to acquire the tastes of those products with which it is mixed, so you can cook amazingly tasty and varied dishes from it, but you need to keep it away from spices and other aromatic substances.

Tofu Cheese - Benefits

The benefits and harms of any product, and tofu cheese is no exception, are always determined by its chemical composition. Among the components that make up soy cheese, dominated by:

Natural vegetable protein that is easily digestible;
a large percentage of calcium, which strengthens bone tissue, but does not create conditions for kidney stone formation;
vitamin E;
folic acid;
vitamin A;
vitamins B group;
amino acids.

Based on the list of components of soy cheese, you can designate its spectrum useful action on the human body.

2. It is a valuable source of protein, but at the same time, unlike dairy products, it does not contribute to the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels, and does not harm the cardiovascular system.

3. Contains many vitamins and minerals that are able to stabilize the body's defenses in the fight against various viruses and infections. The regular presence of tofu in the diet guarantees the strengthening of immunity.

4. The product is indispensable for nervous system. The abundance of vitamin B allows you to maintain its normal operation, has an anti-stress effect.

Cheese components have a positive effect on brain activity, help to cope with overwork, improve sleep.

5. Tofu cheese does not overload the urinary system.

6. Soybeans are a rich source of iron, so tofu, as a derivative of soy, helps to normalize the level of hemoglobin in the blood and prevents anemia.

7. Soy cheese is one of the low-calorie foods, it can be safely eaten by anyone who controls weight gain and is trying to lose extra pounds.

8. Tofu contains a large number of antioxidants, which makes it an assistant in the fight against aging. It promotes the binding and natural elimination of toxins, rejuvenates the body, and prevents oncology.

9. Eating tofu is good for skin, nails and hair.

10. The product helps to normalize digestion.

It is extremely important to realize that all the listed health benefits are guaranteed only by natural, made from the right ingredients, according to proven Asian technology, tofu soy cheese.

Analogues, surrogates, artisanal cheeses from improvised raw materials will never replace real tofu, neither in taste nor in benefits.

Tofu cheese - harm

Any product can be harmful if it is of inadequate quality and if consumed in large quantities. Tofu is no exception and can be harmful if overused.

First of all, it can adversely affect the functioning of the thyroid gland, as it contains a certain amount of phytohormones.

You can’t eat a lot of tofu for teenagers and people of reproductive age, for the same reason for the content of phytohormones. Overeating tofu can lead to diarrhea.

Daily Value of Tofu for an adult of normal build and weight - up to 100 grams, for teenagers - up to 50 grams, for children from three years old - up to 15 grams.

vegetable cheese - this is a product appearance and tastes similar to various traditional cheeses made from cow's or other milk, but does not contain milk protein, fat and other animal ingredients. Until recently, the only option for such a vegan cheese was tofu - soy milk cheese, an analogue of whey unripened milk cheeses such as Adyghe, the assortment is very wide - depending on the additives and consistency, tofu is produced in sweet and unsweetened lines and is very widely used in a vegan diet. but food industry has not yet offered the market vegetable cheeses of the widest range that is presented in cheeses made from animal milk. Indeed, depending on the technology of milk coagulation, the starter cultures and technological methods used, a huge number of different cheeses are obtained from traditional milk - rennet hard long-term maturation, creamy with white and blue mold, soft sour-milk, processed, etc.

Of all types of vegetable milk, soy milk could become a raw material not only for tofu, but also for other cheeses, since it is closest in composition to animal milk - a common water extract from soybeans with a hydromodulus of 1: 8 makes it possible to obtain a stable emulsion similar to fat-free cow's milk(2.5% protein and 1.5% fat). It is on the basis of soy milk that technological experiments could be carried out to create various analogues of traditional cheeses. However, scientific institutes have not yet offered acceptable technologies to the industry, and recently manufacturers have independently gone the other way - they have created a multi-component product based on refined coconut oil, which is distinguished by a solid consistency (melts at temperatures only above 27 ° C) and is neutral in taste.

V Coconut oil technologists added a small amount of vegetable protein (mainly pea), natural thickening polysaccharides (starch, carrageenans, gums, inulin, extracts seaweed etc.), spices, dyes, flavors, and received a fairly extensive range of cheeses that mimic the taste, color and texture of traditional and well-known dairy cheeses - Gouda, Mozzarella, Cheddar, etc. These vegetable analogues of cheeses are produced in the form of pieces of various shapes, sausage blocks, traditional cuts, and have been enjoyed by many vegans and lovers of the new. They have a pleasant cheesy taste and a dense texture, are great for appetizers, salads, sandwiches, melt well and perfectly complement pizza, sauces, pasta, pastries. But you need to understand that these cheeses contain practically no protein (less than 1%), contain a lot of fat (20-35%) and the same amount of carbohydrates, and traditional cheeses usually contain more than 20% protein, the same amount of fat (20-30%) , but there are practically no carbohydrates in them - less than 3%. So the composition is very different, and this must be taken into account when including vegetable cheese in the diet. First of all, you need to understand that it is not a source of protein, but at the same time it will undoubtedly create a holiday on any vegan table.

And yet, I would like to hope that technologists will someday create natural cheeses from vegetable milk using classic dairy technologies, and we will enjoy vegetable brie, camembert, mozzarella, gouda and roquefort.

Place of production: Russia, Belgium, China.

Culinary properties: Vegetable cheeses are perfect for any sandwich and sandwich, they will be good in salad, pizza, you can cook soup, pastries and realize any culinary fantasy based on them.

Tofu cheese - the joy of vegetarians, fasting and losing weight - in truth, it is difficult to call it cheese. It is a plant-based soy milk product that has been replacing meat and milk for the populations of China and Japan for centuries. It is possible that it is in this product that the secret of longevity and the absence of problems with excess weight among the peoples of Asia lies. There are many varieties of tofu: silky, similar to yogurt; hard, like cheese; pressed, smoked and dried. Tofu has almost no taste of its own, so it is not eaten just like that, but is used in cooking to prepare a variety of dishes. "Culinary Eden" will tell you what delicious can be cooked with tofu cheese and why it is so useful that in Asia they cannot imagine life without it.

History of Tofu Cheese

The recipe for tofu cheese is over 2,000 years old and hasn't changed since. According to legend, this product was invented by Liu An, the ruler of Hainan Prefecture, who lived in the 2nd century BC. He was engaged in philosophy, spiritual practices and alchemy, and soy cheese allowed him to stay young. At the end of his life, Liu An ate more tofu than usual, grew wings, ascended to heaven, and became immortal.

A more down-to-earth legend says that tofu was made by accident when a farmer added seawater to soybean soup instead of salt, and the soybean puree quickly turned into soft cheese. Later, magnesium chloride, which is contained in sea water, learned how to produce industrial way. In modern Asian cuisine, it is called nigari and is used to make firm tofu. In the southern regions of China, calcium sulfate and even vinegar are used to curdle soy milk. Tofu produced in this way is soft and tender, like yogurt.

According to another version, the way of cooking tofu was borrowed by the Chinese in the south - in India, or in the north - from the Mongolian nomads. These peoples have been making yogurts and cheeses from cow, buffalo and sheep milk for centuries. Dairy farming has never been developed in China, and many Chinese adults do not have the ability to digest milk, and Buddhist prohibitions on animal food are strict here. Therefore, in China they began to make cheese from a familiar plant product: soy milk.

Tofu cheese had important advantages over soy milk: it was more satiating, stored for a long time, and was always ready to eat. Gradually, the recipe for tofu cheese spread from China to other Asian countries. In the X-XI century, tofu was recognized and loved in Japan and Korea. At first it was the food of monks and noble people, but gradually turned into a simple peasant food. Much later - in the XIX-XX centuries. - tofu appeared in Taiwan, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, India.

European travelers and merchants have been eating tofu on their travels to China and Japan since the 17th century, but no one has had the desire to bring it home for sale. In the 19th century, German scientists analyzed the composition of tofu and concluded that it is very healthy and nutritious. There were even attempts to produce tofu in Europe, but the taste of this product was not liked by the buyers. In the US and Europe, soy cheese appeared only at the beginning of the 20th century, in the wake of the fascination with Buddhism and vegetarianism, but only in the 1970s did it become truly popular. Unfortunately, tofu is still almost unknown in Russia. It can only be found in the health food sections of large supermarkets and only in big cities.

Useful properties of tofu

Soy cheese is one of the most important sources of protein and calcium in the Chinese diet. The importance of this product is evidenced by the fact that in the difficult times of the 20th century, the Chinese government took control of the production and sale of tofu, and low-income citizens were able to eat well for little money. In southern China, the typical diet of peasants for a long time consisted of rice, cabbage, and tofu. However, tofu is not considered the food of the poor, it is still loved and revered by both the elderly and the youth of all social strata.

Soft tofu has about 5% high-quality protein, while firm tofu has more than 10%. Soy protein contains all the essential amino acids and is quite capable of replacing animal products. Scientists have proven that just 25 g of soy protein per day lowers the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Tofu is very rich in calcium and iron. At the same time, the fat content of this useful product is only 2-5%. Tofu cheese is recommended for athletes and losing weight - it helps to get rid of excess weight without prejudice to muscle mass and general well-being. The only contraindication to the use of tofu cheese is an individual intolerance to legumes.

Types of tofu cheese

Until now, in China and Japan, tofu is one of the foundations of folk cuisine. There are many varieties and varieties of this product. In every Chinese village there is certainly a tofu shop offering dozens of items of this product for every taste and budget. Tofu can be liquid or solid, fresh or aged. Like dairy cheeses, tofu can be low-fat and full-fat. For long-term storage, tofu is tightly pressed, dried, deep-fried, marinated in soy sauce with spices or in alcohol. There are even tofu in the form of thin sheets: they wrap the stuffing for spring rolls, cut into noodles or into small pieces and add to soups. There is also the so-called stinky tofu, which is soaked in fish marinade and is considered a delicacy. Outside of Asia, there are far fewer types of tofu.

There are 3 types of fresh tofu cheese with a relatively short shelf life:

Silky or soft tofu contains a lot of water and can be creamy or pudding-like in texture. It is added to soups and drinks, mixed with vegetables and spices, used in desserts, or as a substitute for milk and eggs in baked goods.

Firm tofu is produced by pressing and pressing. By consistency, it resembles cheese or mozzarella and contains a fairly large amount of water. It is used in soups and salads.

Very firm tofu contains little liquid and has the consistency of fried meat. It is cut into small pieces and boiled or fried.

Dense tofu is used to make many products for long-term storage:

Marinated tofu is made by fermenting and soaking in vinegar, soy sauce, or wine. Pickled tofu cubes usually have a reddish moldy crust. This product is used as a spice, adding to soups and vegetable dishes.
Dried tofu is completely free of liquid and has an indefinite shelf life. Before use, it must be re-saturated with water.
Frozen tofu has a porous structure as ice crystals tear it apart, forming numerous cavities inside. It is eaten completely defrosted, accompanied by vegetables and sauces.
Fried and smoked tofu is seasoned with spices and herbs and eaten just like chips.

In Russia, only known small part of this variety - silky tofu, reminiscent of kefir or yogurt, and dense tofu, similar to cheese.

What to cook with tofu

Tofu has a neutral, fresh taste and can be used as a substitute for meat, fish, eggs and dairy products. The environment gives it a taste, so it is recommended to cook tofu without sparing spices, oils and vegetables with a bright taste. Depending on the consistency, tofu can be made into cocktails, smoothies and sauces, boiled, stewed, fried, steamed or deep-fried. You can mix tofu with minced meat to reduce its fat content without sacrificing taste. Tofu is made from delicious soups and stews, fillings for dumplings and pies, bases for desserts. In the US, firm tofu is grilled and marinated.

tofu recipes

Salad dressing with silken tofu


300 g soft tofu
5-6 garlic cloves,
2 tbsp capers,
0.5 cup lemon juice
0.5 cup olive oil
salt, pepper to taste.


Place all ingredients in a blender, blend until smooth, season with salt and pepper. Low-calorie tofu dressing goes well with Caesar salad and vegetable salads.

Tofu in beer batter


400 g hard tofu
100 g flour
0.25 cups of live beer,
1 tbsp vodka,
3 tbsp olive oil,
2 egg whites
Salt, spices to taste.


Cut the tofu into thin slices. Pour salt and spices into the sifted flour, pour in beer, vodka and 1 tbsp. oils, mix thoroughly until a smooth dough is obtained, add whipped proteins, stir. Dip tofu slices in batter and fry in a well-hot pan on both sides until golden brown.

Thai soup with tofu


1 liter vegetable broth
100 g hard tofu
3 tbsp soy sauce,
2 cm ginger root
1 hot pepper
1 garlic clove
50 g wheat noodles,
2 carrots
100 g fresh champignons,
2 tbsp lemon juice
fresh cilantro for garnish.


Cut the tofu into cubes and marinate in soy sauce for 30 minutes. In the broth, put the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bginger and garlic into plates, pepper cut lengthwise and cook for low fire covered for 30 minutes. Boil the noodles in this broth until tender and arrange on plates. Strain the broth to get rid of bits of pepper, ginger and garlic. Put tofu together with soy sauce, finely chopped carrots and mushrooms in the broth, bring to a boil and cook for 3-5 minutes until soft. Pour the soup into bowls with noodles, pour over lemon juice, garnish with cilantro sprigs.

Pasta with tofu sauce


150 g hard tofu
150 g pasta
1 onion
1 tbsp butter,
1 tbsp vegetable oil,
Salt, pepper to taste.


Put pasta to boil. Finely chop the tofu and onion and fry vegetable oil. When the pasta is cooked to al dente, drain the water, add it to the tofu, salt, pepper, add butter and simmer covered for 10 minutes.

Vitamin protein shake with tofu


1 glass of orange juice,
1 banana
0.5 cup soft tofu
1 cup berries (can be frozen)
ice, sugar - to taste.

Blend all ingredients in a blender and drink immediately.

It happens that at times, I do not eat dairy and sour-milk products.

And, sometimes, you want "something like that."

Here, instead of feta cheese or Adyghe cheese, I then buy tofu:

« Tofu natural. Soy product. I'M WITH"

Weight: 175 gr.


Organic Soy Product LLC

The product range includes such products as tofu (soy cheese), soy milk (soy drink), soy nuts (heat-treated and ready-to-eat soy beans), okara (soy food fortifier), etc.
The history of our production dates back to 1998. From 1998 to 2003 Tom-Soya LLC, the largest enterprise for the production of soy products in Siberia, from 1998 to 2003 produced soy products by weight tofu, soy milk, tofu-based desserts and pastes with a shelf life of no more than 3 days.
In 2012, the invention "Method for obtaining a protein product based on soy" was registered.

What is tofu? It is a cheese made from soybeans.

Tofu - vegetable food product, traditionally produced by curdling freshly made soy milk. It is characterized by a high content of protein and the absence of cholesterol.

Tofu tastes like a cross between cottage cheese and soft, pickled cheese.

soybeans, water, thickener (magnesium chloride, calcium chloride), sea salt.

Based on soybeans.

Shelf life: 180 days (without opening the package)

But, it can be stored in water for about a week, or frozen.

Food and the energy value per 100 g of product:

proteins 14g,
fats 9g,
carbohydrates 1g,
calcium 180 mg,
phosphorus 250 mg,
Energy kJ/kcal 590/140.

Tofu is a low-calorie, dietary product.

Does not contain GMOs. I think it's great. Although, many will argue with this opinion.

If you can talk a lot about how tasty tofu is, after all, this product is quite specific, for an amateur, then its beneficial properties have long been studied and are beyond doubt.

Tofu is rich in high-quality vegetable protein (10.7% in firm, 5.3% in soft tofu), which contains all the essential amino acids and is also a source of iron and calcium. At the same time, tofu is a low-calorie product that does not contain cholesterol.

Tofu is a favorite food for vegetarians and vegans.

But, like any product, tofu has not only useful properties:

Harm of tofu cheese

It is impossible to say that this cheese is harmful, but, like every product, it has its own contraindications. The harm of the cheese in question depends on its amount in your diet. If you consume soy cheese in very large quantities, it can lead to thyroid disease.
Among other things, excessive consumption of tofu can provoke early maturation of adolescents, reproductive problems in both women and men. We are not talking about two pieces of this cheese, excessive consumption is the regular consumption of the product in food in large quantities.

But, all this, I think, is more relevant for Asian countries, where soy products are, perhaps, the basis of the daily diet.

Now let's open the package:

Tofu consists of one, whole piece.

There is some brine in the package, which is where the tofu should be.

I don’t know, tofu seems unappetizing to many, but in my opinion it looks like ordinary soft cheese.

Same consistency as cheese.

Is that the color is light brown, beige.

Tofu can be used to make a lot of dishes.

It is boiled and fried. They make sauces and gravies. Add to salads.

Use both as a side dish and as a main dish.

Theoretically, tofu should taste neutral. That is, practically, it is tasteless. Therefore, it is so widely used in cooking.

But, usually, I have no problems, I make sandwiches with him, or I eat like that.

Nothing worse than bryndza.

Slightly salty, texture like soft cheeses.

True, the smell of tofu is peculiar. I wouldn't say pleasant.

Tofu Pros:

Useful, contains a lot of protein,

Does not contain animal products, suitable for vegans, can be eaten in fasting,

low calorie,

relatively inexpensive,

Does not contain GMOs, preservatives.

Can cook a wide range of dishes

An excellent substitute for cheese for people with milk intolerance.

Still, there is a specific smell.

The composition contains magnesium chloride and calcium, not everyone likes it.

Good appetite!